Am J Cardiovasc Dis 2016;6(2):55-65
Original Article
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy - 4
Swedish families with an associated
PKP2 c.2146-1G>C variant
Anneli Svensson1, Meriam Åström-Aneq2, Kjerstin Ferm Widlund3, Christina Fluur1, Anna Green3, Malin
Rehnberg3, Cecilia Gunnarsson3
1Department of Cardiology and Department of Medical and Health Sciences, Linköping University, Linköping, Swe-
den; 2Department of Clinical Physiology and Department of Medical and Health Sciences, Linköping University,
Linköping, Sweden; 3Department of Clinical Pathology and Clinical Genetics, and Department of Clinical Experi-
mental Medicine, Linköping University, Linköping, SwedenReceived April 22, 2015; Accepted April 30, 2016; Epub May 18, 2016; Published May 30, 2016
Abstract: In this study, the genotype-phenotype correlations in four unrelated families with a
PKP2 c.2146-1G>C
gene variant were studied. Our primary aim was to determine the carriers that fulfilled the arrhythmogenic right
ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) diagnostic criteria of 2010. Our secondary aim was to investigate whether any
specific clinical characteristics can be attributed to this particular gene variant. Index patients were assessed using
next generation ARVC panel sequencing technique and their family members were assessed by Sanger sequencing
targeted at the
PKP2 c.2146-1G>C variant. The gene variant carriers were offered a clinical follow-up, with evalua-
tion based on the patient's history and a standard set of non-invasive testing. The
PKP2 c.2146-1G>C gene variant
was found in 23 of 41 patients who underwent the examination. Twelve of the 19 family members showed "possible
ARVC". One with "borderline ARVC" and the rest with "definite ARVC" demonstrated re-polarization disturbances, but
arrhythmia was uncommon. A lethal event occurred in a 14-year-old boy. In the present study, no definitive genotype-
phenotype correlations were found, where the majority of the family members carrying the
PKP2 c.2146-1G>C gene
variant were diagnosed with "possible ARVC". These individuals should be offered a long-term follow-up since they
are frequently symptomless but still at risk for insidious sudden cardiac death due to ventricular arrhythmia.
Keywords: ARVC, heredity, PKP2, sudden cardiac death
es of the disease. Therefore, the progression of
the disease is still not completely understood.
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopa-
Although the manifestations of the disease are
thy (ARVC) was first clinical y described in adults
present mainly in the right ventricle (RV), there
in 1982. It is characterized by progressive fibro-
is also a left ventricular (LV) involvement, which
fatty replacement of the right ventricular myo-
has been shown earlier [4, 5].
cardium, creating a substrate for ventricular
arrhythmia [1]. Ventricular fibril ation and sud-
The heterogeneity of the clinical course in ARVC
den cardiac death (SCD) may occur, and the
may be related to the involvement of several
increased risk is potentiated by physical activi-
genes, mechanisms, and variable pathogenicity
ty. The prevalence of ARVC is estimated to be
of mutations [6]. The causative role of desmo-
1:5000, which probably is an underestimate
somal gene mutations is speculative to a cer-
[2]. Its diagnosis is based on the presence of
tain extent. Impaired desmosomes function
major and minor criteria as developed in the
under the conditions of mechanical stress,
modified Task Force Criteria of 2010 [3].
which is believed to induce detachment of myo-
However, the application of these diagnostic
cytes from one another, leading to cell death.
criteria may be difficult due to the sparsely
This injury may be accompanied by an inflam-
observed symptoms and signs in the early stag-
matory response leading to limited regenera-
Unrelated ARVC families with an identical PKP2 variant
Figure 1. Pedigree analysis of family B. Circles in the pedigree
denote females, squares males. A crossed-over symbol indi-
cates that this particular individual has died. The arrow points
out the index patient for genetic screening. The ages given in
the pedigree are from first contact and/or screening.
Am J Cardiovasc Dis 2016;6(2):55-65
Unrelated ARVC families with an identical PKP2 variant
tion of cardiac myocytes, fol owed by its repair
was treated with a combination of sotalol and
through fibro-fatty replacement mechanism,
disopyramide, which could not provoke any
resulting in ventricular remodeling. The most
arrhythmia, and underwent an invasive electro-
commonly mutated ARVC-related gene is
physiological examination in 1984. In 2000,
(10-45%), followed by
DSP (10-15%),
she was presented to the emergency room (ER)
(7-10%), and
DSC2 (2%). The use of genetic
with dizzy spel s. The electrocardiograph (ECG)
testing in individuals with clinical manifestation
showed ventricular tachycardia originating from
of ARVC helps in identifying the causative gene
the RV. The ARVC diagnosis was based on the
mutation in up to 50% of ARVC families [7-9].
classical criteria that included a positive endo-
myocardial biopsy. Shortly after that, the
Presymptomatic testing for the identification of
patient was implanted with an implantable car-
pathogenic mutations known to cause ARVC is
dioverter defibril ator (ICD) sented with palpita-
important when estimating the risk of the dis-
tions due to ventricular premature beats.
ease in asymptomatic family members. How-
ever, it may be difficult to manage such asymp-
During repeated visits to the outpatient clinic,
tomatic carrier individuals. Many mutation car-
the ICD registered several episodes of non-sus-
riers have a normal life span and continue to be
tained ventricular arrhythmias, but no shock
asymptomatic throughout their lifetime due to
therapy was given by the internal defibril ator.
the highly variable penetrance of the genetic
There was no history of SCD or arrhythmia in
abnormality. Therefore, the assessment of the
risk for lethal arrhythmia, e.g., during exercise,
has been prioritized [3].
Family B: Here, the index patient is a physical y
active male from the South of Sweden. The
Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate
pedigree analysis is presented in Figure 1. In
four Swedish ARVC families where a
2008, some months before his first medical
c.2146-1G>C mutation was previously detect-
contact, he noticed chest discomfort while
ed so as to determine 1) the extent to which the
exercising. The patient was presented to the ER
mutation carriers fulfil ed the revised Task
on the day after syncope when he had been
Force Criteria of 2010, and 2) whether specific
playing floorbal . After an extensive workup (see
clinical characteristics can be attributed to car-
Table 1), he received an ICD the same week.
riers of this particular gene variant.
The syncope was believed to be due to ventricu-
lar tachycardia. Later on, he was presented
Materials and methods
with recurrent ventricular tachycardia, which
was related to physical activities. The ICD deliv-
ered both ATP (Anti-Tachycardia Pacing) and
shocks. He has now been forced to limit his ath-
In the South-East region of Sweden, we have
letic activities and is being treated with a com-
performed a systematic clinical fol ow-up of
bination of metoprolol and flecainide.
patients and their relatives with ARVC since the
late 1980s. The present genetic investigation
In this family, we found one case of SCD in a
revealed that four unrelated families (Families
physical y active 14-year old boy (I I:17 in Figure
A, B, C, and D) carried the pathogenic
1). The death occurred in the same year of diag-
c.2146-1G>C gene variant. The family mem-
nosis of the index patient. The autopsy showed
bers, defined by 1st to 4th-degree relatives of
histological signs of ARVC. DNA testing could
the index patients, were included in the study.
not be performed on this boy, who was a cousin
The details of each family are presented below:
of the index patient.
Family A: In the early 1980s, the physical y-
The father (I :9) of the deceased boy showed a
active index patient (a female from the South of
right bundle branch block (RBBB) in the ECG
Sweden presented with palpitations due to ven-
report, and a dilated RV on the echocardio-
tricular premature beats. In 1982, she had a
gram. However, he did not show any clinical cri-
cardiac arrest associated with physical exer-
terion for ARVC.
cise. The mechanism was believed to be ven-
tricular tachycardia or primary ventricular fibril-
A physical y active brother of the deceased boy
lation. Resuscitation started immediately, and
(I I:18) had an ICD implanted because of the
she showed no physical sequelae. The patient
family history. Only one month after the implan-
Am J Cardiovasc Dis 2016;6(2):55-65
Unrelated ARVC families with an identical PKP2 variant
Table 1. Task Force Criteria, revised of 2010 [3] includes the following parts: Group I: Global or
regional dysfunction and structural alterations; Group II: Tissue characterization of wall (biopsies);
Group III: Repolarization abnormalities; Group IV: Depolarization/conduction abnormalities; Group
V: Arrhytmias; Group VI: Family history (including mutations). The diagnosis of ARVC relies on the
demonstration of structural, functional, and electrophysiological abnormalities. Depending on the
severity, the changes can fulfill minor or major criteria. Carriership of a known pathogenic mutation
fulfills a major criterion in group IV. Definite diagnosis: 2 major
or 1 major plus 2 minor
or 4 minor cri-
teria from different groups. Borderline: 1 major plus 1 minor
or 3 minor criteria from different catego-
ries. Possible: 1 major o
r 2 minor criterion from different groups
Revised Task Force Criteria, 2010
Patient no/ Age at genetic
symptom and Group Group Group Group Group Group
Abbreviations: M = Male; F = Female; RV = right ventricular; - = normal results; X = major criteria; I = minor criteria; G = muta-
tion positive; NA = not applicable/not performed; * = proband; ? = performed elsewhere and result not known.
tation, the ICD delivered an adequate shock
the patient was abnormal with negative T-waves
discharge due to fast ventricular tachycardia
in V1-V3 present since at least 1981. An echo-
associated with pre-syncope. It should also be
cardiogram performed in 1998 showed normal
noted that the pedigree of this family shows
LV function. However, the RV showed minor
three cases of leukemia (not marked here) that
changes, and a fol ow-up with echo was sug-
were of at least two different kinds.
gested but was never performed. The present-
ing syncopal episode was not considered to be
Family C: The index patient, a woman of British
caused by arrhythmia, but a comprehensive
origin, was shifted to the cardiology ward from
evaluation for ARVC was thought to be appropri-
the ER in 2012 because of syncope. The ECG of
ate, which resulted in the diagnosis of ARVC.
Am J Cardiovasc Dis 2016;6(2):55-65
Unrelated ARVC families with an identical PKP2 variant
Since the patient showed no further symptoms,
exceeding 110 ms in V1-V3, and the presence
she did not receive an ICD but was monitored
of epsilon wave, defined as a distinct low-ampli-
via the outpatient clinic.
tude deflection after the QRS complex.
Genetic testing has not been performed on her
A signal-averaged ECG (SAECG) was recorded,
children or her brother for various reasons.
and band pass was filtered at 40-250 Hz. The
There was no history of SCD or arrhythmia in
SAECG was considered positive for late poten-
this family.
tials when at least one of the three fol owing
criteria was fulfil ed: (a) QRS-filtered duration
Family D: The index patient was the daughter of
>114 ms, (b) low amplitude signal duration >38
a man from Southern Sweden, who died in
ms, and (c) the root mean square amplitude of
1992 due to ARVC that caused ventricular
the last 40 ms of the QRS <20 uV. The frequen-
arrhythmia. Her first clinical screening in 1994
cy and morphology of the ventricular premature
showed subtle morphological abnormalities,
complexes were assessed both from the rest-
but she was not diagnosed with ARVC until
ing 12-lead ECG and 24-hour LTER. Ventricular
1996. She had palpitations due to non-sus-
tachycardia was defined by three or more con-
tained ventricular tachycardia but did not expe-
secutive premature ventricular complexes, and
rience syncope or pre-syncope. When the echo-
if it lasted longer than 30 s, it was defined as
cardiography and magnetic resonance imaging
sustained ventricular tachycardia.
(MRI) of the patient showed the progression of
the abnormalities, an ICD was implanted in the
Cardiac imaging
index patient in 2010. Telemetry of stored
The two-dimensional echocardiographic exami-
rhythm strips revealed both non-sustained and
nation was performed using a 3.5 MHz or 4
sustained ventricular tachycardia, of which the
MHz transducer (Vivid 7 and E9, GE Healthcare,
latter was treated with ATP but without shocks.
Milwaukee, USA). Images from different stan-
In 1994, her brother was also screened for the
dard views were recorded. Dimensional and
disease, and he has been regularly fol owed-up
functional parameters of the RV and LV were
since then. After discussions with the patient,
analyzed. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging
(CMR) was requested at the discretion of the
the subtle progress of echocardiographic
attending physician and performed using the
abnormalities led to the implantation of a pri-
Philips 1.5-T Achieva Nova Dual scanner
mary preventive ICD in 2009. Interrogations
(Philips Healthcare, Best, the Netherlands).
with the patient later revealed non-sustained
Left and right ventricular volumes and ejection
as well as sustained ventricular tachycardia on
fraction were calculated. In most cases, the
several occasions that were treated with ATP
CMR was performed immediately after echo-
but without shocks. He is presently completely
cardiography. We have applied the modified
free of symptoms.
ARVC criteria of 2010, presented by Marcus et
al [3], to all studies.
Genetic analyses
The evaluation of patients and relatives
involved their detailed medical history and their
Genetic sequencing analyses were performed
thorough physical examination. A local algo-
rithm was used for the clinical fol ow-up of
TGFB3, and
patients suspected of ARVC. The study was
approved by the regional ethical review board
DNA extraction, quantification, and quality
in Linköping (Decision number M68-09), and
informed consent was obtained from each
DNA extraction from whole blood samples was
performed using either EZ1 (Qiagen) or Prepito
(Techtum). DNA concentration and quality were
determined using NanoDrop spectrophotome-
A standard 12-lead ECG was recorded and ana-
ter. Samples with A260/A280 ratios between
lyzed with regard to T-wave inversion beyond
1.8 and 2.0, and A260/A230 ratios above 1.5
V1, in the absence of RBBB, QRS-duration
were accepted for further sequencing.
Am J Cardiovasc Dis 2016;6(2):55-65
Unrelated ARVC families with an identical PKP2 variant
Next generation sequencing
In family D, 12 relatives were examined; of
which 7 showed positive results.
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) was per-
formed using HaloPlex PCR target enrichment
Thus, in total, 41 family members were exam-
system (Agilent) and MiSeq (Il umina) as
ined, and 19 ( 46%) were detected to be muta-
described by Greén et al [10]. The ARVC panel
probes were generated to cover the exons of
the genes
DES (CCDS33383.1),
The 23 subjects with a
PKP2 c.2146-1G>C
11892.1, CCDS11893.1),
DSG2 (CCDS424-
mutation in the heterozygous form underwent
DSP (CCDS47368.1, CCDS4501.1),
clinical examinations as outlined in Table 1.
PKP2 (CCDS31771.1, CCDS8-
Two children were excluded from the fol ow-up
TGFB3 (CCDS9846.1), and
program due to their young age, as presented
(CCDS2618.1). Library preparation, sequenc-
ing, and bioinformatic analyses were carried
out as described by Greén et al [10].
Seven of 23 mutation carriers established a
definite ARVC diagnosis. This included the index
Sanger sequencing
patients from the four families. However, since
the father of the index patient in family D had
Sanger sequencing was performed for all exons
died, his genetic analysis could not be per-
PKP2 in the probands according to earlier
formed. Four of the mutation carriers are cate-
studies performed in our lab [10]. Testing for
gorized as "borderline ARVC", and the remain-
the c.2146-1G>C gene variant in family mem-
ing 12 as "possible ARVC" - in several cases
bers was performed using the Sanger sequenc-
due to detected genetic abnormality. None of
the probands had additional mutations in the
remaining ARVC-related genes.
One of the family members with borderline
The families A, B, C, and D were selected for
ARVC, and others with definite ARVC exhibited
this study because the probands had pre-
repolarization disturbances on 12-lead ECG,
viously been diagnosed with a heterozygous
but clinical arrhythmia was uncommon.
PKP2 c.2146-1 C>T mutation. No other patho-
genic mutation in other ARVC-related genes,
Involvement of the LV in ARVC is well document-
DES (CCDS33383.1),
DSC2 (CCDS11892.1,
ed but is not a part of the diagnostic criteria. In
DSG2 (CCDS42423.1),
our study, three index patients and one family
(CCDS47368.1, CCDS4501.1),
member in family D had LV-dysfunction.
PKP2 (CCDS31771.1, CCDS8731.1),
TGFB3 (CCDS9846.1),
TMEM43 (CCDS2618.1),
TTN (NM_133432, NM_133437, NM_003319,
NM_133378, NM_133379), was found in any
PKP2 c.2146-1G>C mutation detected in
of the index patients. The
PKP2 c.2146-1G>C
the four Swedish families selected for this study
result was confirmed by Sanger sequencing.
has been described earlier in individuals with a
This variant was predicted to be pathogenic by
clinical diagnosis of ARVC [8, 11, 12]. However,
several bioinformatic tools (Polyphen, Mutation
to the best of our knowledge, the present study
taster), and the mutation has been reported
is the first to report extensive clinical fol ow-up
earlier as pathogenic (ARVC/D database).
and genetic testing of 1st to 4th degree relatives
with an identical
PKP2 c.2146-1G>C mutation
In family A, two first-degree relatives were
(ascertained through cascade screening of
examined, but none of them tested positive for
PKP2 c.2146-1G>C mutation.
The diagnostic criteria for ARVC include genetic
In family B, 27 relatives were examined; of
diagnosis. The progress in molecular genetics
which, only 12 relatives showed positive results
has facilitated the genetic diagnosis of this
potential y lethal disease in asymptomatic fam-
ily members. New categories of patients or
In family C, no relatives were examined.
more accurately, potential patients, are defined
Am J Cardiovasc Dis 2016;6(2):55-65
Unrelated ARVC families with an identical PKP2 variant
in accordance with the subtle findings in ECG
In the present study, the patients have been
and ventricular premature beats rather than
screened for mutations in eight genes that
full blown arrhythmia or sudden death that
have relevance in the prediction of such dis-
characterizes those who qualify for a definitive
ease, but undoubtedly future studies may
ARVC diagnosis. An even larger group consists
determine new genes pertaining to ARVC that
of those diagnosed with "possible" or "proba-
will add to our understanding of the disease.
ble" disease through cascade screening, where
Marcus et al [18] reported that as many as 48%
the mere presence of a mutation means "pos-
of people with ARVC showed at least two differ-
sible ARVC". This presents a chal enge to the
ent mutations. In contrary to these reports, the
dissemination of information. The fol ow-up
patient population from the South-east region
unveils low predictive value since we do not
of Sweden exhibited 43 probands that fulfil ed
possess the tools that are required for the
the ARVC-related Task Force Criteria, and none
accurate prediction of the disease develop-
of the probands had a known pathogenic muta-
ment and arrhythmia predisposition in the indi-
tion in more than one of the eight genes investi-
vidual mutation carrier. As per the study, the
gated (data not shown).
It has been described
clinical phenotype varied due to the variable
earlier that gender is of importance for the
penetrance and expressivity. This means that a
development of ARVC and arrhythmic symp-
clearly pathogenic mutation can have a high
toms as well as SCD [19]. The only death due to
diagnostic value but may have a low prognostic
arrhythmia was observed in the 14-year-old
utility. An advanced chal enge lies in distin-
boy belonging to family B, who was also the
guishing the pathogenicity of a mutation from
cousin of the athletic proband. The non-inva-
normal genetic variation.
sive evaluation did not reveal additional severe
PKP2 c.2146-1G>C variant found in our
pathological findings in male mutation carriers
study patients is a splice site mutation predict-
than in female mutation carriers and thus did
ed to activate a cryptic splice acceptor site in
not lead to more positive diagnoses in any of
intron 12 or, alternatively, another cryptic splice
the two sexes.
acceptor site in
PKP2 exon 13. Gerull et al [8]
could not detect this variant among 500 healthy
Earlier studies have indicated that the patients
controls, and it was earlier described as patho-
with one or more family members with a history
genic [11, 12]. Both the bioinformatic tools,
of SCD were at an elevated risk [11]. However,
Polyphen and Mutation taster, suggested this
markers predicting SCD in patients with ARVC
variant to be non-tolerable [13, 14].
have not been ful y defined in large prospective
studies [20, 21] as such studies are hard to
Three families in this study come from different
perform in case of rare diseases. Several sub-
regions of Sweden, and one family is of British
groups of patients with ARVC have an increased
origin. This suggests that the mutation is not of
risk for SCD or, in those with an ICD, appropri-
pure Swedish origin, even though our material
ate device intervention. Such patients are of a
is too small to be certain. Recent publications
lower age and with previous syncope [21].
have claimed that mutations in ARVC-related
Patients with two or more disease-causing
genes are rather common among healthy popu-
mutations as well as patients with LV involve-
lations [15]. Kapplinger et al [15] showed that a
ment [20, 22-25] are also considered to be at a
supposedly pathogenic variant can be found in
higher risk. In this study, three index cases and
16% of a normal population. However, they
one family member with definite diagnosis had
described missense mutations that are less
serious than splice site mutations. This empha-
sizes the importance of cautiousness when giv-
In our study, all the mutation carriers were con-
ing missense mutations clinical value, espe-
sidered as "possible ARVC" based on the carri-
cial y during the screening of first-degree
ership alone. In most cases, "borderline ARVC"
relatives. It has also been suggested that com-
was based on ECG changes with repolarization
pound and digenic heterozygosity may be of
or depolarization disturbances. Three of the
great importance with regard to the severity of
first-degree relatives were diagnosed with "defi-
the disease in individuals from the same family
nite ARVC" with significant arrhythmias, which
was confirmed from their ICD report.
Am J Cardiovasc Dis 2016;6(2):55-65
Unrelated ARVC families with an identical PKP2 variant
The amount and intensity of physical activity in
In conclusion, this is the first study based on
each individual in our group are unfortunately
genetic cascade screening that demonstrates
not known. This is a difficult area to investigate,
the variability in the clinical presentation among
and we could not determine the exact number
individuals with the
PKP2 c.2146-1G>C genetic
of hours per week or the intensity of activities.
variant. We have shown that the vast majority
In patient interviews, we found that two of our
of healthy family members carrying the muta-
probands were regularly engaged in athletic
tion were classified as "possible ARVC" using
activities before the diagnosis of ARVC. It has
the present revised Task Force Criteria of 2010,
been shown earlier that athletes have a more
and it was based mainly on the mutation carri-
structural y severe form of the disease, and this
ership alone. No definite genotype-phenotype
was also seen in an animal study where athletic
correlations were found. However, age and
heterozygous plakoglobin-deficient mice devel-
physical activity may be of importance for those
oped RV dysfunction and arrhythmia [25, 26].
carrying this particular gene variant. Family
Human data also revealed that exercise is
members with borderline or definite diagnoses
associated with a higher degree of disease
frequently had ECG disturbances but rarely
expression and risk of arrhythmia [27-29]. It is
showed any significant signs of arrhythmia. The
possible that other genetic factors could also
clinical presentation was variable and included
be relevant for ARVC. Future studies should
one case of potential y lethal arrhythmia, il us-
quantify the amount of exercise in every poten-
trating the unpredictable course of the disease.
tial ARVC patient and also consider providing
Our investigation supports the idea that family
strong advice against intense exercises in
members carrying the
PKP2 c.2146-1G>C
patients belonging to families with ARVC
mutation should be offered long-term fol ow-up
since the clinical presentation is variable and
frequently symptomless with an apparent risk
Of the 41 tested family members, 19 (46%)
for insidious SCD from arrhythmia.
were found to be mutation carriers. In a review
of 37 families, 9.6% of initial clinical y unaffect-
ed subjects developed echocardiographic
abnormalities, and almost 50% had symptom-
We are thankful to the patients as the study
atic ventricular arrhythmias during a mean fol-
would not have been possible without their
low-up of 8.5 years [30]. The prognosis of ARVC
invaluable assistance. We also thank Annelie
patients who experience ventricular tachycar-
Raschperger for genetic counseling and mak-
dia is uncertain. Patients with mild disease and
ing contact with the families and Lennart
non-sustained ventricular tachycardia appe-
Malmqvist and PärHedberg for their help with
ared to have a relatively low risk of arrhythmic
data col ection. We are also grateful to Jan
death. The long-term outcome was worse in
Engvall and Eva Nylander for their valuable dis-
patients with LV involvement due to arrhythmia
cussions and Jon Jonasson for the excel ent
and clinical heart failure. In patients with
reviewing of the manuscript's content as well
advanced disease, ARVC may be difficult to dis-
as its language. This work was supported by the
tinguish from dilated cardiomyopathy [28].
Medical Research Council of Southeast Sweden
Nava et al [30] classified 151 of 365 family
and Åke Wiberg Foundation. The funders had
members as being affected with ARVC.
no role in the study design, data col ection,
analysis, and decision to publish or in the prep-
In our study, three family members fulfil ed the
aration of the manuscript.
diagnostic criteria for ARVC during the clinical
screening. One of them was a middle-aged
Disclosure of conflict of interest
woman with no clinical symptoms, il ustrating
the fact that signs of disease may develop slow-
ly, if at al . Another was a physical y-active boy,
who based on ECG changes and family history
Address correspondence to: Dr. Cecilia Gunnarsson,
(brother with SCD) received an ICD. One month
Department of Clinical Pathology and Clinical
later, he had an appropriate shock therapy for
Genetics, Linköping University Hospital, S-581 85
fast ventricular tachycardia. This could suggest
Linköping, Sweden. Tel: +46 10 103 6551; Fax:
that age and physical activity may be of impor-
+46 10 1032145; E-mail:
tance in this particular genetic mutation study.
Am J Cardiovasc Dis 2016;6(2):55-65
Unrelated ARVC families with an identical PKP2 variant
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Relationship Between Selective Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibitors and Acute Myocardial Infarction in Older Adults Daniel H. Solomon, MD, MPH; Sebastian Schneeweiss, MD, ScD; Robert J. Glynn, PhD, ScD; Yuka Kiyota, MD, MPH; Raisa Levin, MSc; Helen Mogun, MSc; Jerry Avorn, MD Background—Although cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors (coxibs) were developed to cause less gastrointestinal hemorrhage