November 2014
Dear Colleagues,
Cyber Security Center CERT-GOV-MD is glad to announce its newsletter, as part
of its proactive services. This newsletter compiles events of IT security for
November 2014, and has the scope to inform you about the latest information
security news, trends, tips and threads discovered. We hope this information will
help you in your day-to-day activities, either if you are part of technical staff, dealing
with sensitive information, or just a regular computer user.
downgrade attacks (Page 1)
Members of OSCE's Informal
Working Group met on 7 November 2014 to discuss the
implementation of Confidence Building Measures (CBMs)
Wirelurker: A New Era in iOS
Malware (Page 2)
Case of CryptoPHP. System
Beware of STARTTLS downgrade attacks
administrators are target of social engineering attack (Page
Two engineers from the Golden Frog, an international IT service provider,
discovered that some Internet service providers are stripping STARTTLS flag from
email traffic that forces sending server to transmit plaintext email over the public
Internet, where it is subject to eavesdropping and interception.
underground market in Brazil
STARTTLS is a wildly used extension for plain text communication protocols,
which allows to transmit email messages securely between sending and receiving
servers. Under normal circumstances, before message transmission, the client
New advanced thread called
inquires destination server whether it supports message encryption. If yes - a TLS
"Darkhotel" targets hotel visitors
session is initiated otherwise the message will be transferred in a plain text. A
STARTTLS downgrade attack occurs when an attacker alters server response so
that does not contain a STARTTLS option. The problem is that the user will not be
notified that the message was sent unencrypted that jeopardizes its confidentiality
Useful advices:
iOS User Security Guide. Part 1
While it is not always possible to prevent STARTTLS downgrade attacks, it is
recommended to use Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) or Secure/Multipurpose Internet
Mail Extensions (S/MIME) for email encryption and digital signing in order to stay
safe in the Internet.
Members of OSCE's Informal Working
Group met on 7 November 2014 to discuss
the implementation of Confidence Building
The meeting, organized by Swiss in 2013. The states also agreed to meet
OSCE Chairmanship, took place at once a year in order to summarize the
Vienna, Austria and brought together results and to discuss future steps of
cyber-security experts and repre-
CBMs' development.
sentatives from over 50 countries.
the meeting, participants
The CBMs are risk-reduction reviewed cyber-security efforts at the sub-
measures designed to enhance regional level and negotiated the
transparency, reduce misperception development of a second set of CBMs.
and escalation, and increase co-
operation and stability between Read more at:
states in the domain of cybersecurity. http://www.osce.org/cio/126475
The initial set of CBMs were adopted
"As the world is increasingly interconnected, everyone shares the responsibility of
securing cyberspace.
" - Newton Lee, a computer scientist.
Wirelurker: A New Era in iOS Malware
Case of CryptoPHP.
Palo Alto Networks' research team discovered a malware that targets iOS
devices from infected Mac computers. The malware was named "Wirelurker" as it
are target of social
spreads through a USB wire.
engineering attack
WireLurker was used to trojanize pirated Mac applications that were uploaded
A security research team from Fox-
to the Maiyadi App Store - is a site known to host pirated premium Mac, iPhone,
IT – an information security Dutch
and iPad applications. Victims downloaded these applications, installed them on
firm, discovered a thread, called
their OS X systems and ran them. On instantiation, WireLurker's entry code was
CryptoPHP, which tricked system
transparently executed, dropping malicious executable files, dynamic libraries and
administrators into installing a
configuration files prior to running the original pirated application. Upon installation
backdoor on their web server.
WireLurker monitored any iOS device connected via USB with an infected OS X
computer and installed downloaded third-party applications or automatically
Threat actors hosted several web
sites in order to provide "free" for
generated malicious applications onto the device, regardless of whether it is
anyone access to pirated themes
and plugins for Joomla, WordPress
The interesting is that the malware uses unseen before on iOS platform attack
and Drupal content management
systems. After malicious plugin or
It is capable to automate generation of malicious iOS applications, through
theme was installed, it established
binary file replacement;
an encrypted connection to the
command-and-control server in
Can infect installed iOS applications similar to a traditional virus;
order to receive further instructions.
Installs third-party applications on non-jailbroken iOS devices through
Currently the CryptoPHP is used for
enterprise provisioning.
injection of links and text into the
The following are our recommendations to enterprises and users regarding
webpages of the compromised
prevention or mitigation of WireLurker or similar OS X or iOS malware threats:
server. That allowed thread actors to
Employ an antivirus or security protection product for the Mac OS X system
increase rank rating of the injected
and keep its signatures up-to-date;
web links in the popular search
In the OS X System Preferences panel under "Security & Privacy", ensure
engines. It is estimated that
"Allow apps downloaded from Mac App Store (or Mac App Store and
CryptoPHP compromised more than
20 000 web sites.
identified developers)" is set;
Do not download and run Mac applications or games from any third-party
Systems administrators are advised
to use the following Python scripts in
app store, download site or other untrusted source.
order to verify the presence of the
Keep the iOS version on your device up-to-date;
CryptoPHP infection.
Do not accept any unknown enterprise provisioning profile unless an
authorized, trusted party (e.g. your IT corporate help desk) explicitly instructs
Avoid powering your iOS device through chargers from untrusted or
unknown sources.
Do not jailbreak your iOS device
Review of malware underground market in
New advanced thread
Trend Micro Inc., a Japanese security software company, has published a report
which describes current situation, prices and trends of Brazil's malware
called "Darkhotel" targets
underground market.
The report reviled that a malware underground market at Brazil usually
represents a post at Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Skype, or WhatsApp in which
Kaspersky global research team
are offered for trade illegal products or services. It was also discovered that
has published a threat intelligence
Brazilian underground today is mostly specialized in banking domain. Therefore
report, which revealed a new
there are many offers regarding different banking malware such banking trojans,
advanced persistent threat that
credit card number checkers, crypters and other. Some offers include tools that
targeted unsuspecting guests of
were specifically created for attacks against products and services only available
several high-end and luxury hotels.
in Brazil. The Brazilian underground is also the only known market that offers
Attackers abused hotels' Wi-Fi
training services for future cybercriminals.
networks to lure its victims into
A cybercriminal can buy the following products at Brazilian underground:
installation of fake GoogleToolbar,
Banking trojans. These are intended to intercept bank client credentials
Adobe Flash player or Windows
and/or to redirect client payments to the cybercriminal. In order to do so
banking trojans use techniques like Domain Name System poisoning,
computers with spyware. The
fake browser window or a specialized malware module called boware,
attack method involved hotel's Wi-
which is able to modify bar code of a payment slip of a Brazilian online
Fi access login screen with a hidden
store in the way the payment will be transferred to the attacker instead
iframe to identify guest's first and
of original seller. The prices are ranging from 155$ for Bolware kits to
last names and to redirect its
386$ for banking trojan builders and more for banking trojan source
browser to a malicious webpage. It
was also discovered that only
specific guests, like government
Crypters. Crypters are special software designed to modify a malware
servants and defence industry staff,
in the way it cannot be detected by an antivirus. Crypters that can prevent
were attacked, what means that the
all security products from detecting malware are considered "100% fully
attackers knew exact date and
undetectable (FUD)." If they can only evade several security solutions,
place of stay of its victim. Once
they are only sold as "partial" crypters. The prices for FUD cryptes are
attack succeeded all the traces of it
ranging from 19$ to 39$ for 1 month license.
were removed. It is estimated that
Credit card credentials and checkers. A credit card checker is a
the threat existed for more than five
special software that allows to debit small amounts of money from
years, before it was discovered.
specified accounts in order to check if the card number is valid and is
Use the following advices in order to
ready for illegal transactions. The average price for a valid credit card
stay safe while traveling:
number varies from 31$ to 135$ in dependence on the card credit limit.
Before you travel: decide
Phishing pages. Phishing page allows cybercriminal to steal personal
ahead of time what device(s)
data, redirect victims to the original page and send stolen information via
and data you will actually need,
email. The price for a phishing pages usually consist 39$.
and do your best to limit what
Social media followers/views/likes. As the number of
you take; do not take with you in
followers/views/likes is one of the factors, which influences on the
trip day-to-day devices; use
position of the tweet, video or a post in the search results Brazilian
underground market sellers offer social media followers to anyone
devices like an inexpensive
interested. The prices for Facebook likes vary from 8$ for 1000 likes to
laptop or a throw-away prepaid
62$ for 10 000 likes. Instagram followers cost at average 35$ for 5000
cell phone purchased just for
followers. 200 YouTube subscribers cost 8$ - the same price for 1000
YouTube views or 1000 Twitter followers.
During your journey: do not
use hotel or other public
Brazilian malware underground market is also offering different services. Among
computers for business needs;
Malware checking against security software services.
Cybercriminals need to ensure that their malicious creations will not be
information; assume the sites
detected by security solutions when used. Experienced fraudsters rarely
you visit (even hotel rooms)
use publicly available file scanners because these usually send scanned
may be subject to video, audio,
files to security companies for detection. Cybercriminals offer malware-
or other monitoring.
checking services for as little as 12$ for one month license.
After you return: erase all
SMS-spamming services. Some spammers outsource spam sending
at prices ranging from 155$ for 5,000 text messages to 1,159$ for
temporary used accounts and
100,000 messages.
devices; change passwords -
Training services. What distinguishes the Brazilian underground from
that will render the stolen ones
others is the fact that it also offers training services for anyone who wants
useless; reset the temporary
to become a cybercriminal. The most of the trainings courses are
devices to the factory-default
focused on fully undetectable crypter programming and fraud training.
state to remove any installed
The trainings are selling as how-to videos. The buyer can usually get
training support services via Skype.
iOS User Security Guide. Part 1
This guide is designed for end users who own an iOS 7.x or iOS 8.x device and
want to make beneficial security changes to their device to improve the overall
mobile experience in regards to security, safety and privacy.
Cyber Security Center CERT-GOV-
Security Improvement Instructions. Included are steps to follow to beneficially
MD is the governmental cyber
improve the security posture of your iOS device.
emergency response team, created
within S.E. Center of Special
Run the Latest Software Version. Bugs and security vulnerabilities are
inevitable, so it is important to utilize the latest software version available
Telecommunications on 18.08.2010
for your device. Many devices will inform you when an update is
Government decision nr. 746
available, but you can manually instigate an update check to see if your
"Regarding the updated action plan
device has a newer update available. In order to check if your device is
Moldova - NATO".
running the latest software version navigate to "Settings" -> "General" -
> "Software Update"; Note: preferably use a Wi-Fi network to download
Central point of contact
the system update, to reduce cellular data usage
Enable device passcode. This prevents someone from picking up your
CERT-GOV-MD is the central point
device and accessing your data. In order to setup a password navigate
of contact for all cyber security
to "Settings" -> "Passcode" (or "Touch ID & Passcode");
problems for public administration
Enable SIM card lock. Enabling SIM card lock prevents a thief from
authorities in the Republic of
abusing your cellular service and costing you money. In order to setup
a SIM card lock navigate to "Settings" -> "Phone" -> "SIM PIN" (you will
Alerting us about security incidents
have to introduce default password for SIM, which is usually "1111").
After the SIM lock feature is activated choose "Change PIN" to ensure
By e-mail to
[email protected]
that no one can bypass this security measure. Be sure to remember your
By telephone on (+373 22) 820-900
(ask for the CERT-GOV-MD) on
Enable device auto-lock. Auto-lock will automatically lock your device
business days from 8:00 to 17:00
after it goes unused for a certain period of time. This potentially prevents
someone from picking up your device and accessing your data. In order
Find us on the Web:
to activate auto-lock feature navigate to "Settings" -> "General" -> "Auto-
Enable restrictions. This feature allows you to prevent some of your
device capabilities, like in-app purchases, to be used without entering a
password. This can be useful for parental control or in case, you do not
want your relatives, who can access the device, to see or to do more
than they should. In order to enable restrictions navigate to "Settings" -
> "General" -> "Restrictions";
Safari fraudulent website warning. Safari has the ability to warn you if
a web site is suspected to be a phishing or fraudulent website designed
to trick you into divulging personal information. In order to ensure that
"Fraudulent Website Warning" setting is set to "on" navigate to "Settings"
While every precaution will be taken in the
preparation of information, notifications and
alerts, CERT-GOV-MD assumes no
responsibility for errors or omissions, or for
damages resulting from the use of the information contained within.
Source: http://cert.gov.md/fileadmin/user_upload/newsletter/2014/Newsletter_November_2014_EN.pdf
Takeaways Toolkit Tools, interventions and case studies to help local authorities develop a response to the health impacts of fast food takeaways A London Food Board and Chartered Institute of Environmental Health publication Based on a consultancy report by Food Matters Updated June 2014 In 2010 the issue of fast food takeaways hit the headlines when a number of London