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Newsletter 1 – September 2014
Welcome to the first CITyFiED Newsletter!
In this issue
Welcome to this first edition of the CITyFiED
project newsletter! Here you will find insight
into how we are developing a systemic vision
and strategy to adapt European cities and
urban ecosystems into smart, sustainable and
In the spotlight: CARTIF
inclusive cities for the future. CITyFiED is co-
financed through the FP7 programme, brings
News from our cities
together some 18 partners from Belgium,
Spain, Sweden and Turkey and draws on three
What's new on the social web? P. 12
demonstration districts.
Recommended events
Across society, greener ways of living are coming
about and we are already aware of the need to
shift to more sustainable ecosystems for our towns
The CITyFiED project aims to address some of major chal enges facing urban districts and to do so it focuses on three broad and overlapping key areas: energy savings, integrated urban mobility, and ICT. It is an exciting prospect to seek out integrated responses to these issues and to pioneer a set of
solutions that wil be adopted throughout Europe and beyond. Only a sound and skil ed consortium made up of leading organisations and business such as those represented within the CITyFiED consortium can deliver on this chal enging agenda. They include partners from RTD, industry and communication all working towards meeting the EU's objectives of creative and smart cities. To this we must add the municipalities and other public bodies involved in our endeavours. In fact, one of the key elements of our project is to set up a "cluster of cities" with close links to the consortium and designed to "get them cityfied" using the results and methodologies developed from our work. 11 cities are now part of the cluster, which is no mean feat as we are only six months into CITyFiED! You can find out more about who's who in this edition along with news from the our demonstration districts (Lund-Sweden, Soma-Turkey and Val adolid-Spain), and highlights from a very packed and eventful first progress meeting hosted by our partners in Lund. As with al demonstration projects, communication is paramount and so CITyFiED has a ful y functional website where you can find out al you need to know. Why not sign up and join our community using our social media? With best wishes, Ali Vasallo Belver CITyFiED coordinator
This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement N° 609129

Newsletter 1/2014 News
Exploitation workshop in Lund
workshop, the first of a series of three planned in the course of the project, Teresa and Valerie took their colleagues on the journey from
exploitable results - known as outcomes - to deployment plan, visiting
Delegates attending the CITyFiED project's first progress everything in-between – value propositions, revenues streams, key
resources, unique selling propositions. to name but a few.
meeting in Lund (Sweden) at the end of last month participated in the first of three exploitation workshops
scheduled under the project.
The focus of the first exploitation workshop was on identifying background (pre-existing knowledge brought by each participant to
the project), foreground (knowledge generated during the execution of
The workshop, woven into the progress meeting, took place on 25
the project) and exploitable results (project results which may be used
September. It was put together and delivered by CITyFiED partner
e.g. at an economic or academic level after the project). The main
Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum who is in charge of exploitation and market
take-away from this workshop was a more specific definition of
products and services from CITyFiED. In particular, the workshop has
provided a basis for putting together integrated building retrofitting
One of the major chal enges of demonstration projects like CITyFiED
strategies and tools for the various marketing targets such as building
is to ful y capitalise on the work undertaken and ensure outreach and
owners, engineers, energy suppliers, construction companies,
replication on a vast scale. In short, the project has to sell, it has to
municipalities and, as far as they are involved in the decision and
breed. Now this could be a bit of tal order without a sound exploitation
implementation process of building retrofitting, the building occupiers
and market deployment mechanism built into the project's framework.
meaning the general public.
And so it is here that Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum steps in, drawing on
its long track record in promoting RTD programmes and supporting
cross-border technology transfer. The workshop, conducted by Teresa Puerta and Valerie Bahr, was a savvy mix of briefings and exercises for delegates. It threw the latter into the deep end of what exploitation actually entails both for themselves and others, and it enabled each person to get to grips with intellectual property issues and to better cater for the diversity of partners and their strategic positions within the project. The audience were introduced to the Business Model Canvas, a strategic management and operational tool used as a template for marketing and deployment. Merging this into their hands-on

Newsletter 1/2014 News
First progress meeting held in Lund
CITyFiED consortium gathered in Lund, Sweden, for the
At the end of the first day, delegates were offered the
project's first progress meeting on 24-26 September. A
opportunity to find out more about the Lund demonstration site,
progress meeting maybe, but this was also the setting for a district built in the early 70s and made up of a demonstration site visit and an exploitation workshop.
some 28, 3-storey building with around 2000 tenants. The focus was on the Swedish district heating systems since 1948 and
how Linero should benefit from the retrofit interventions planned
The in southern Sweden played host to 55
delegates from the 18-strong multinational consortium who convened to take stock of the first six months of progress and
to check the bearing as the project steers through its first of five The meeting was also the setting for partneryears toward greener districts.
, who are in charge of the project's exploitation
and market deployment strand, to deliver their first exploitation workshop. This involved defining CITyFiED products and
Two and a half days were allocated to a packed agenda that
services and its Unique Selling Proposition. More information
included an official reception by the Mayor of Lund, Mats
about this will be available on the project website.
Helmfrid; a visit to Lund's Linero district, one of CITyFiED's three demonstration sites; and the first of several exploitation
workshops aimed at setting out exploitation strategies of the
project results.
It can be said that CITyFiED has now reached cruising speed after its first six months. Corporate identity along with a
functional website, a more-than-burgeoning city cluster with 11
cities signed up, and analysis/monitoring virtually completed at
each demo site are some of the project's achievements to date. Considering the general level achievements of the project so far, coordinator Ali Vasallo from underlined that CITyFiED was progressing well thanks to the great collaborative work and efforts of all partners.
Newsletter 1/2014 News
CITyFiED project consortium hosted by
many more homes and buildings beyond. The company's goal
MATS HELMFRID, Mayor and Chairman of is to replace all fossil fuels by 2020 and so it was apt that
business manager, Anders Möller said "The future may seem
the City Executive Board, City of Lund
distant, but it's just around the corner. CITyFiED provides us
with good opportunities to develop the next generation of
The CITyFiED project's first periodic meeting took place
efficient district heating, which can lead to even more
in this 24-26 September 2014. This
environmentally friendly and sustainable energy solutions." He
medium-sized university town with a research-intensive
added, "In addition to this, the development of smart power
industry is the location of one of grids, as well as a visualization tool which clearly illustrates the critical to the development of a replicable, systemic and
tenant's energy use, are important components in the smart city
integrated strategy to adapt European cities and urban
ecosystems into the smart city of the future.
Project Director for the City of Lund, Markus Paulsson
refocused the minds of those present on the human element of
During the meeting, Mayor Mats Helmfrid took time out of his
the project: "At the most fundamental level, the project is about
busy agenda to welcome more than 60 participants at the town
delivering an improved environment and better quality of life for
hall to warmly endorse the project and give a platform for the
the citizens of Lund." "The retrofitting of the Linero district will
City of Lund and its partners working closely with the
focus on reaching a higher energy standard with maintained
demonstration site to express their ambitions and reasoning
affordability for the tenants."
behind their drive for smarter, more energy efficient districts.
"CITyFiED is an important project for both Lund and for Europe. Finally, Anna Jarnehammer, Director at the Swedish If we are serious about sustainable housing, we must address
Environmental Research Institute, IVL and CiTYFiED
new houses as well as the housing of 15-20 years ago" said the consortium partner spoke of the importance of another type of Mayor. "with greater urbanization, the number of inhabitants
innovation critical to the project and Europe's challenges: "One
has grown greatly during the last century and a large stock of
of the most important elements of CITyFiED is bringing cost
the buildings from the 1960s and 1970s now needs retrofitting."
effective improvements for tenants and authorities through
"This project plays an important role for Lund and further afield
innovative business models". "Through the project, our work
in refining our approach and solutions to this challenge.
with the Lund demonstration site and focus on a CITyFiED
Measuring energy performance, increasing effectiveness of our
model for evaluating the replication potential across a further
renovation works and adopting new techniques and
we hope to help multiply the number of
technologies are central to making our housing stock desirable
near zero energy districts in Scania and beyond."
Bertil Lundström, Technical Manager of the municipally owned housing company (LKF)
underlined the local and European aspect of CITyFiED "This
project gives us the opportunity to learn even more about our
intentions to renovate a host of 60-70s buildings, develop a
range of cutting edge technologies – on a par with the very best projects in Europe." Almost 90% of the heat demand in the city is supplied by the district heating network, and consortium partner, energy compacentral to the demonstration site and
Newsletter 1/2014 News
Tackling the many challenges of smarter, Another expert sees a second chal enge in that the solutions
greener cities
developed under the project are expected to be replicable in other urban districts on the continent. Although he believes in the
importance of creating new examples such as the CITyFiED project
Zero-energy districts are the only possible future for
demo-sites, or the Johanneberg district in Göteborg, replicability may
European cities, as costs associated with palliating the
stil be an issue. "We know we can do it," says Greg Morrison, head
effects of climate change soar, but there are many
deputy of the department of civil and environmental engineering
challenges ahead
atin Göteborg, Sweden, "but the chal enge is
how to replicate these models in urban areas where there is both less money to be invested and also a lack of integration and social
The quest towards low energy consumption in city districts requires
many changes not only at building level, but also at district level. For instance, this may involve improving the thermal properties of the
buildings, introducing renewable energies—such as those sources
The third, more significant, chal enge is getting the right business
from biomass, photovoltaic or solar thermal technologies—creating a
model. To date, the project has succeeded in involving in its Spanish
district heating and cooling network and developing an intelligent
demo-site an energy service company (ESCO) together with a
electricity network, dubbed smart grid).
construction company who are making the necessary initial
investment in these technologies. They expect to recoup their investment, when the owners pay them back in the long term thanks
These are some of the solutions due to be tested in the EU-funded
to energy savings.
Project CITyFiED. The project aims to carry out an extensive demonstration of its low energy consumption concept, among other
things, through in selected districts in the cities of ,
However, "the upfront investment is one of the main bottlenecks,"
in Spain,in Sweden and in Turkey. "The current maturity
notes Vandevyvere, who previously served as scientific coordinator of
of technology al ows us to address the chal enge of renovating
the city project pleted in 2013. He
residential districts and creating nearly-zero energy areas," says Ali
adds: "we need to find investors that accomodate for longer pay back
Vasallo, the project coordinator and an expert in industrial
time, like 30 years, but we also need to make it understandable to al
engineering at the energy division of an applied research institute
the agents that this huge investment is economically viable, as you
called the, based in Boecil o near
invest in green economy, cleaner cities, a better quality of life, local
Val adolid, in Spain.
employment and energy independency."
Marta Espar
Such project does not come without chal enges, though. "One of the
first steps is to involve all the stakeholders—the neighbourhood, the
owners, the energy services and construction companies and the
municipalities—in order to make these kind of solutions and strategies
available and offer an attractive product for al of them," Vasallo says.
One expert believes that such approach is only feasible if
accompanied by an intensive citizen awareness campaign
demonstrating the benefits of such renovation plan. This is accounted
not only in terms of energy savings, but also in terms of economic
benefits in the long term. "It is technologically feasible and
economically profitable in the long run, but [we need] a transition
process that convinces political, economic and social actors," points
out Han Vandevyvere, a senior researcher and project
manager at, the Flemish Institute for Technological Research, in
Mol Belgium.
Newsletter 1/2014 News
Kick-off in Valladolid of CITyFiED, a
A Community of Interest involving 40 cities, which
project designed to support the shift
will benefit from networking activities and information
towards high performance energy
sharing on the CITyFiED retrofitting methodology
Dissemination of a clear message to professionals,
districts across Europe and beyond
academia and also to the general public who need to
be on-board with energy efficiency measures
A project to demonstrate optimised energy systems for high
including mobility, since user behaviour needs to
performance energy cities has just commenced. CITyFiED is
adopt a more sustainable approach.
a 5-year endeavour co-funded by the EU and led by Valladolid-based Fundación CARTIF. The consortium
comprises 18 partners from Spain, Sweden, Turkey,
The CITyFiED consortium drawing on partners from RTD,
Belgium and Germany.
industry, public authority, exploitation and communication,
expects to induce high replication potential thus accelerating
The underlying purpose of CITyFiED is to develop a
smart retrofit uptake for low energy efficient district stock by
replicable, systemic and integrated strategy to transform
2020. The replication plan should lead to 100 potential
European urban ecosystems into smart cities of the future. It projects in other cities with over 500,000 dwellings retrofitted will focus on reducing energy demand and GHG emissions
in 10 years. Business models for energy providers and
while increasing the use of renewable energy sources.
SMEs are set to benefit from CITyFiED solutions and there
CITyFiED aims to achieve this by developing and
will be wider benefits for citizens and society as a whole.
implementing innovative technology and methodologies for
Furthermore, the project outcomes will inform policy at
building renovation, smart grids, district heating networks,
European level and will result in raising standards in both the
energy and building sectors.
There are four main strands to CITyFiED's activities allowing Project coordinatorshosted the kick-off the project to fully embrace all the facets of the challenges to meeting at their Valladolid base on 28-30 April, including be addressed:
work sessions specific to each of the three demonstration
Large scale demonstrations: three holistic district
renovations at Laguna-Valladolid (Spain), Soma
(Turkey) and Lund (Sweden) deploying innovative
This new European project thus embarks on a five-year
and cost-effective technologies in order to boost
period to directly help move Europe towards more
overall energy efficiency and to slash environmental
sustainable, efficient and healthy urban spaces for European
footprint. This will include a thorough retrofit of
buildings, and the implementation of pioneering concepts to enhance heating and cooling solutions.
Clustering cities to maximise replication potential.
Over 15 cities from across Europe have expressed
an interest to cluster in order to benefit from and roll
out CITyFiED solutions.
Developing cost-effective pioneering
methodologies for planning, deploying and
replicating energy efficient retrofit solutions. This will
include HVAC facilities on district scale and
integrating distributed electricity generation.
Newsletter 1/2014 Interviews
Ali Vasallo - towards near-zero energy
consumption at district level
Citizens living in near-zero energy districts will make significant
savings and benefit from an increased comfort in their homes
Transforming districts into near-zero energy consumption urban areas
could be a reality in the next few decades. This is what the EU-funded
Project CITyFiED aims to demonstrate by testing new approaches and improved business model, designed to ensure this solution is
replicable around Europe. Project coordinator Ali Vasallo, who is an
expert in industrial engineering at the energy division of an applied
research institute, called thbased
in Boecil o near Val adolid in Spain, talks about the chal enges of
reducing the energy consumption at city district level.
to implement them in our demo sites. We also need to develop new
business models to make these kinds of interventions possible and
What is the aim of your research?
attractive for al the stakeholders. Indeed, it is the demonstration of
The project's main aim is to deliver a systematic and integrated
their economic value that is one of the main aspects of this project.
methodology combined with the development of better business
models to support the transformation of urban areas into districts with
How will you convince owners to accept and invest in such a
near-zero energy consumption. The ambition is then to replicate this
retrofitting project?
kind of intervention in cities around Europe. This involves combining
The idea is to show that if people go for energy efficient solutions, they
different technologies, such as retrofitting buildings, district heating
can make significant savings on their bil and better control their
and cooling systems and smart grids, and introducing renewable
energy consumption. What is more, as we are going to improve the
thermal behaviour of the building, these solutions wil improve users'
comfort. In some cases an ESCO—energy service company—
Which are the strategy's main pillars?
together with a construction company, wil make the initial investment
One of the main pil ars of the strategy is to get the involvement of the
to implement these technologies. And then the owners can pay this
citizens, which is real y important for the success of such projects.
back in the long term through energy savings.
Form a technical point of view, we are first going to redesign the
envelope of the buildings to improve their thermal properties. Then,
What is the expected impact of this smart city demonstration
we wil introduce a district heating system based on renewable
energies, like biomass. Next, we wil provide the district with a new
We hope to be able to replicate widely our strategy in other districts
smart grid, which is an electrical intelligent network, and then
around Europe in order to accelerate the retrofitting uptake of low
introduce a monitoring platform. That way, individual owners or
efficient district stock. The areas chosen for the demonstration sites
tenants—and the neighbourhood as a whole—wil be provided with
are similar to many others found around European cities. Apart from
the information, that, in turn, wil increase their awareness over their
the involvement of the citizens, one important condition for replicability
consumption habits. We are also focusing on meeting economic and
is to have a certain level of homogeneity in the district to make the
technological targets. We have to deal with innovative technologies to
instal ation of heating and cooling systems at district level easier. We
be implemented in our demonstration sites. Among others, we are
are going to involve a city cluster consiting up of 10 cities and use
going to study better systems for centralised thermal energy
virtual demonstrations to replicate the benefits and feasibility of our
generation, new strategies to control the temperature of the system,
how to integrate renewables and how to develop a monitoring platform for data gathering and storage, data analysis and data visualisation.
We need to study all of these technologies
Marta Espar
Newsletter 1/2014 In the Spotlight
Fundación CARTIF
CARTIF is a horizontal research centre located in Spain, which covers a wide range of
scientific disciplines such as such as Energy, Environment, Food and Chemicals,
Biomedical, Robotics.
Fundación CARTIF, co-ordinator of the CITyFiED project, is a leading Spanish applied research
Ali Vasallo Belver
centre set up in 1994. It possesses 9 technical divisions, in which some 200 research staff are
CITyFiED project coordinator
mobilised across energy, environment, food and chemicals, biomedical, and robotics.
Energy Division [email protected]
The focal point of CARTIF's research areas is ICT and energy. By combining these two fields, a
Sergio Sanz
multidisciplinary team is able to design and develop solutions in the specific fields of energy
Energy Division Deputy Manager
efficiency, energy savings, integration of renewable energy systems, electricity market, demand
[email protected]
response, Smart Grid, etc.
Rubén García Pajares,
CARTIF takes an active part in 10 international networks and platforms such
as ISES (International Solar Energy Society) and IEA (International Energy Agency), and it is also
[email protected]
the Spanish National Liaison Point for the European E2BA (Energy Efficient Buildings
The Energy Division at CARTIF has carried out many research and development projects in its fields of specialisation. Besides, the current participation in international projects in which it is involved include FP7-EeB projects such asand both coordinated by CARTIF), . CARTIF is leading the overall coordination of the project involving 18 partners from 5 different European countries and is also directly involved in the implementation of the CITyFiED methodology in the Laguna de Duero demo site.
" Ali Vasallo, CITyFiED coordinator: "The current maturity of technology
allows us to address the challenge of renovating residential districts and creating nearly-zero energy areas. One of the first steps is to involve all the stakeholders — the neighbourhood, the owners, the energy services
and construction companies and the municipalities—in order to make these kind of solutions and strategies available and offer an attractive product for all of them"
Newsletter 1/2014 News from our Cities
News from our cities
Laguna de Duero (Valladolid), Spain, Lund, Sweden, and Soma, Turkey, are a set of cities, strategically located around Europe,
which represent a variety of demonstrative scenarios of city level refurbishment in terms of district and building typologies,
ownership models, district heating and cooling schemes and technological solutions for low voltage electricity distributed
generation. These cities will address a holistic intervention of district renovation, in line with the pillars of the project objectives
(large scale demonstration, maximization of the replication potential, development of innovative and cost effective methodologies,
dissemination). All of the main technological aspects (retrofitting of buildings, district heating facility and distributed low voltage
generation) will be addressed by means of a systemic approach in each city, in order to achieve significant energy savings, very low
energy buildings and very low CO2 emissions. Each location has its own entity with respect to the demonstration capability,
because the foreseen interventions will be in depth, covering ambitious energy targets and providing very high replication potential.
Lund – Linero District
Energy Efficiency Measures
Expected Impacts
Façade renovation
Energy savings: 30,8%
District heating (RES)
Current energy demand: 149,5
Photovoltaic integration
Combined heat and power facility
Expected energy demand: 103,4
Monitoring Platform
RES contribution: 70,8%
Laguna de Duero – Torrelago District
Energy Efficiency Measures
Expected Impacts
Façade renovation
Energy savings: 38,72%
New district heating (biomass)
Current energy demand: 140,69
New Pumping System
Combined heat and power facility
Expected energy demand: 86,21
Monitoring Platform
RES contribution: 57,32%
Soma – Manisa District
Energy Efficiency Measures
Expected Impacts
Façade renovation
Energy savings: 56,16%
District heating (heat recovery –
Current energy demand: 219
Soma Thermal Plant)
Photovoltaic roof integration
Expected energy demand: 96
Monitoring Platform
RES contribution: 53,16%
Newsletter 1/2014 News from our cities
Cluster of cities first in line for new
renovation approach
As part of the CITyFiED project 11 cities have become what is known as the CITyFiED CityCluster; cities that will frequently partake in all the new methods and discoveries that will come out of the demo sites in Lund, Soma and Laguna. Through virtual modelling the cities will be first in line to see how the CITyFiED city district retrofitting approach could be applicable to their own cities and areas.
Cities in the Cluster
"We believe that this way of working, where cities which are facing the same renovation chal enges as our demo sites can have speedy
Botkyrka (Sweden)
access to new methods and best practices, wil benefit both the project
Värmdö (Sweden)
and the cluster cities", says Work package leader and IVL project manager Jeanette Green. "Since each cluster city also participates in
the projects Board of Representatives we wil have a natural flow of
Ludwigshafen (Germany)
feedback and insights from them going right back into the project, and vice versa", she continues.
Valladolid (Spain)
In order to widen the replication potential further the secretariat is now in the process of creating a Community of Interest. About 40 cities,
Rovereto (Italy)
facing the same renovation chal enges as the demo sites and the
cluster cities wil be offered to partake in several technical study tours, workshops and webinars and thus receive access to the projects ful
knowledge and expertise. Contacts are currently being taken in order
to identify the cities that fit the replication potential of the project and that would be interested to be a part of the Community of Interest.
Florence (Italy)
The new City Secretariat has been set up, with the sole purpose of keeping the city cluster coordinated and informed on the latest progresses and methods. Each city wil be able to fol ow the process of the demo sites during the coming years through webinars, newsletters, ‘members' city space online, LinkedIn, workshops, virtual models and study tours, and thus be able to use any new knowledge and apply it to their own cities and areas. "The city set up, with three demo sites, eleven cluster cities and forty cities in the community of interest wil require the secretariat to act as both organizer, communicator, central point of contact and match maker between cities. We are looking forward to this work and hope that we can contribute to the success of the program," says Maria
More information about the CityCluster and the Community of Interest can be
Kardborn, Secretariat Manager.
obtained ator by contacting
Newsletter 1/2014 News from our cities
A smarter, faster route to the future: the
CITyFiED Community of Interest
For those towns, cities and municipalities looking to navigate
the complex systems of Smart Cities and find the most
efficient route to achieving near zero energy districts,
CITyFiED has the answer.
A select group of 40 cities and leading associations will be
invited to have direct access to innovative, tested and cost
effective methodologies and procedures for planning, deploying
and replicating energy efficient district retrofitting actions,
heating solutions and integrated electricity generation.
This high-level group will also be exposed to a vast array of soft
skills – exchanges of experience on partnerships, finance
and legal frameworks to enable more confident, cost
effective and time sensitive decision-making. Either through
peer-2-peer exchange with the three demonstration sites and
11 replication cities; a multitude of online learning opportunities,
webinars and study tours. It is a low-investment, high-impact
formula designed to facilitate your energy goals.
Finally, members of the Community of Interest will become
recognised actors leading European drive for smart cities
and energy transition. Considerable opportunities for
partnership building, media visibility and promotion to local,
national and European stakeholder groups are assured.
Interested parties may conta to
find out more.
Newsletter 1/2014 What's new on the social web?
What's new on the social web?
narrative packaged in the and will have an echo on Twitter:
Social media to establish and sustain the CITyFiED
online reputation and to provide stakeholders
dedicated channels to communicate about the
CITyFiED started with an aim: empower the results produced by exploiting all available communication channels, with a
strong emphasis on the use of social media. Since the kick-off-
meeting of the project, we have launched the hashtag
" to begin the conversation about the project officially.
The launch of the Twitter accoucame with the
publication of the project website: you can find a quick link to the Twitter account at the top of the CITyFiED website
The visual identity of the account mirrors the one of the project
website, focusing on the demo-sites and on the smart city
You can receive the CITyFiED newsletter as well as other
concepts: the CITyFiED logo appears as profile picture while a
project information by simply registering to the CITyFiED
skyline of a smart city has been designed as cover picture.
website using your LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ or Twitter
account, after allowing CITyFiED to access them.
All articles published on the CITyFiED web site are equipped
with social web buttons, to facilitate sharing with your colleagues, friends and other contacts via social media or e-
mail through "mailto".
The next Newsletter will also cover the launch of the CITyFiED
Facebook and LinkedIn accounts. Keep on reading about
CITyFiED and engage with the project on social media.
Twitter is being used in view of positioning the project among EU-funded Smart Cities projects, with tweets in English language and an official tone of voice. Every meeting and official event CITyFiED will participate to will end with a
Newsletter 1/2014 Recommented Events
Recommended events –
Meet us at events
This extensive international conference will welcome nearly 2,000 experts in sustainable
World Sustainable building from all over the world and has set itself the ambitious goal of encouraging and
accelerating answers to the social and environmental challenges the building sector faces. CITyFiED coordina, Cartif Energy Division Director and
Dissemination & Communication Secretariat will be available in
28 – 30 October 2014
advance and onsite to speak about the project's programme for a replicable and systemic
Barcelona, Spain
strategy to create the smart cities of the future.
How to manage the demand for energy in growing cities without compromising economic
and social concerns is central to this year's event – and the programme mixes ideas on
mobility management, local renewable energy production and new technologies to explore how our cities can make a crucial contribution to reducing CO2 emissions in
Energising cities
future. CITyFiED partnebe onsite following proceedings
– energy
intelligent cities
Also onsite, the will recognise outstanding achievement by
of tomorrow
EUROCITIES members in the delivery of local activities or practices that improve the
5 - 8 November 2014
quality of life for citizens. Amongst the nominees
, for their already exceptional energy efficient refurbishment and citizen engagement actions in the ‘Los Limoneros' district.
Once more to Barcelona, and once more to a leading event in the smart city space. This
Smart City World
blend of congress and exhibition will welcome over 300 speakers articulated around a
Expo & Congress programme with six "tracks": smart society, technology, governance, energy, mobility and
18 - 20 November 2014
the sustainable city. In parallel, the exhibition space features a 2,000m2 mock up of smart
Barcelona, Spain
city technologies changing our cities amongst other activities.
Newsletter 1/2014 Contact
In this issue
More information on this Newsletter and related dissemination and
communication activities of the project available at:
CITyFiED D&C Secretariat
In the spotlight: CARTIF
News from our cities
Project Coordinator
What's new on the social web? P. 12
Centro Tecnológico CARTIF
Recommended events
Parque Tecnológico de Boecillo 205. C.P. 47151
Boecillo, Valladolid - España
Tel. 0034 983 54 65 04
Fax 0034 983 54 65 21
Ali Vasallo
Energy & ICT Divisions
Fundación CARTIF
City Secretariat
Community of Interest:
Register on or get access with your LinkedIn, Facebook,
Google or Twitter accounts to receive the CITyFiED newsletter via e-mail.
For the purposes of media law, editorial responsibility rests with the
CITyFiED Communication Secretariat.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement N° 609129
Zimbabwean diabetics' beliefs about health and illness: an interview study Katarina Hjelm and Esther Mufunda Linköping University Post Print N.B.: When citing this work, cite the original article. Original Publication: Katarina Hjelm and Esther Mufunda, Zimbabwean diabetics' beliefs about health and illness: an interview study, 2010, BMC International Health and Human Rights, (10), 7. Copyright: BioMed Central
Sleep Disorders 1. Primary hypersomnia 2. Primary insomnia 3. Narcolepsy 4. Breathing-related sleep disorder 5. Circadian rhythm sleep disorder 6. Nightmare disorder 7. Sleep terror disorder 8. Sleepwalking disorder 1. Primary hypersomnia The defining feature of primary hypersomnia (also cal ed idiopathic hypersomnia) is excessive sleepiness that has lasted for at least one month as manifested by prolonged sleep episodes at night or in the day. Excessive sleepiness during the day may result in long naps that fail to al eviate sleepiness, and other associated symptoms include prolonged sleep at night (which can last for 12 hours or more) as wel as sleep drunkenness. Sleep drunkenness describes a drawn out transition from sleep to waking, during which the person is apparently in a state of inebriation, exhibiting partial alertness, disorientation, drowsiness, poor coordination, and even agitated or violent behaviour. Because the person does not feel wel rested even after taking naps, they constantly struggle to stave off feelings of sleepiness. Hypnagogic hal ucinations and sleep paralysis are rare, but may be found among those with primary hypersomnia. The onset of this disorder typical y occurs before the age of 30 and continues on a chronic course unless treated.