Bad axe, michigan

Bad Axe, Michigan Wednesday, December 28, 2011 The regular meeting of the Huron County Board of Commissioners was held on Wednesday,
December 28, 2011, commencing at 10:15 a.m. in the Board of Commissioners room, Third
Floor, Huron County Building, Bad Axe, Michigan.
PRAYER AND PLEDGE: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Wruble with The Lord's
Prayer and Pledge to the Flag of the United States of America.
ROLL CALL: Commissioners present: Chairman Ron Wruble, Steve Vaughan, John Nugent,
Clark Elftman, John Horny, John Bodis and Dave Peruski.
AGENDA: Commissioner Elftman moves Consent Resolution #31 to the New Business agenda.
Motion by Vaughan, seconded by Bodis to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Elftman, seconded by Bodis to approve the Committee of
the Whole minutes of December 13, 2011 and the minutes of the regular meeting of December
13, 2011 and Committee of the Whole minutes of December 20, 2011. Motion carried.
COMMUNICATIONS: Chairman Wruble turns the following communications over to proper
 From the State of Michigan, Department of Human Services, your 2011-2012 annual plan and budget for Child Care Fund expenditures is approved for state reimbursement in the amount of $185,720.00. this amount is 50% of your county's gross annual plan and budget which is $371,440.00  A request from Larry Schnettler requesting to be reappointed to the Huron County Construction Code Board of Appeals.  From the US Army Corps of Engineers a proposed mechanical grooming and grading of the lakebed in Lake Huron at Caseville, Michigan.  From State of Michigan Department of Agriculture Kristin Esch to Roland Siemen, that there will be a follow up inspection on his dairy farm on December 28, 2011 at 11:30 a.m.  From the State of Michigan , Department of Agriculture Kristin Esch to Christopher and Dorothy Messing rescheduling their inspection until December 28, 2011 at 1:00 p.m.  From Phil Peyerk a letter requesting to be reappointed to the Huron County Construction Code Baord of Appeals.  From Bill Goretski a letter requesting to fill the vacancy for the Zoning Board of Appeals.  A letter from St. Peter and Paul Parish thanking the Baord for Doug Gentner and the Sheriff Work Crew and the wonderful job they did for the 2011 MaMa Ruth Picnic. ANNOUNCEMENTS: None

: (Limit of 3 minutes per person) No one appeared.
10:20 a.m.

Time scheduled for the Public Hearing to the FY 2012 Budget. No one appears. Motion by
Peruski, seconded by Vaughan to approve the FY 2012 Budget. Motion carried.
Time scheduled for the Public Hearing for the Recreational Master Plan. No one appears.
Motion by Vaughan, seconded by Bodis to approve the Recreational Master Plan. Discussion
followed. Motion carried.
Presentation of Resolution No. 11-211C to Eagle Scout Joseph Maes.
Presentation of Resolution No. 11-212C to Judy Reimann.
by Vaughan, seconded by Bodis to approve the Consent Agenda. Discussion followed.
Judge Clabuesch addressed the Board in regards to Resolution #30. State Representative
Damrow and State Court Administration understands what Huron County needs. It is now in the
Senate. County needs to understand and support our court system. How to go from three to two
Judges, we want 52nd Circuit Court preserved. Motion carried.
WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following estimated General Fund budget for the fiscal year of 2012: 2012 Estimated Revenue: Current Tax Collection $6,564,296.00 Delinquent Tax 497,944.00 Other Tax Revenue 342,061.00 Federal Participation 69,500.00 State Participation 1,080,453.00 Fees, Licenses, Permits, & Costs 2,108,584.00 Other Revenue 2,000,669.00 2012 Total Estimated County Revenue $12,663,507.00 2012 Estimated Expenditures: $12,541,654.00 Contingency Fund 121,853.00 2012 Total Estimated County Expenditures $12,663,507.00 CA RESOLUTION BY THE FINANCE COMMITTEE: #11-236C
WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following estimated budget for the fiscal year of 2012 for Primary Road-Major/Local Street Fund 214: 2012 Estimated Revenue: Current Tax $1,519,347.00 Delinquent Tax 112,859.00 Other Revenue 82,687.00 2012 Total Estimated Revenue $1,714,893.00 2012 Estimated Expenditures: $1,000.00 Primary Roads 1,369,405.00 Other Units 344,488.00 2012 Total Estimated Expenditures $1,714,893.00


WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following estimated budget for the fiscal year of 2012 for Friend of the Court 215: 2012 Estimated Revenue: $11,500.00 2012 Total Estimated Revenue $11,500.00 2012 Estimated Expenditures: Office Supplies $4,800.00 Office Equipment Contingency 2012 Total Estimated Expenditures $11,500.00
WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following estimated budget for the fiscal year of 2012 for General Public Improvement Fund 245.01 2012 Estimated Revenue: Contribution from General Fund $75,000.00 2012 Total Estimated Revenue $75,000.00 2012 Estimated Expenditures: Estimated Expenditures $75,000.00 2012 Total Estimated Expenditures $75,000.00
WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following estimated budget for the fiscal year of 2012 for Building Department Fund 249: 2012 Estimated Revenue: $370,000.00 2012 Total Estimated Revenue $370,050.00 2012 Estimated Expenditures: Estimated Expenditures $362,448.00 Contingency 2012 Total Estimated Expenditures $370,050.00
WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following estimated budget for the fiscal year of 2012 for Automation Fund 256: 2012 Estimated Revenue: $42,000.00 2012 Total Estimated Revenue $42,200.00 2012 Estimated Expenditures: Estimated Expenditures $42,200.00 2012 Total Estimated Expenditures $42,200.00
WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following estimated budget for the fiscal year of 2012 for Local Corrections Officer's Training Fund 263: 2012 Estimated Revenue: Booking Fees $6,500.00 2012 Total Estimated Revenue $6,500.00 2012 Expenditures: Estimated Expenditures $6,500.00 2012 Total Estimated Expenditures $6,500.00 CA RESOLUTION BY FINANCE COMMITTEE: #11-242C
WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following estimated budget for the fiscal year of 2012 for Certified Officer's Training Fund 263.01: 2012 Estimated Revenue: Criminal Justice Training $2,500.00 2012 Total Estimated Revenue 2,500.00 Available from Fund Balance 1,500.00 2012 Total Funds Available $4,000.00 2012 Estimated Expenditures: Estimated Expenditures $4,000.00 2012 Total Estimated Expenditures $4,000.00

WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following estimated budget for the fiscal year of 2012 for Emergency Phone Service Fund 264: 2012 Estimated Revenue: 911 Surcharge $725,000.00 Wireless E-911 150,000.00 Training Fund 9,000.00 Recording Reimb/Rebanding Radio Equip 20,000.00 15,000.00 2012 Total Estimated Revenue 919,100.00 Available from Fund Balance 44,608.00 2012 Total Funds Available $963,708.00 2012 Estimated Expenditures: Estimated Expenditures $963,708.00 2012 Total Estimated Expenditures $963,708.00
WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following estimated budget for the fiscal year of 2012 for Drug Law Enforcement Fund 265.01; 2012 Estimated Revenue: Forfeitures – Sheriff $1,000.00 Available from Fund Balance 1,200.00 2012 Total Funds Available $2,200.00 2012 Estimated Expenditures: Estimated Expenditures $2,200.00 2012 Total Estimated Expenditures $2,200.00
WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following estimated budget for the fiscal year of 2012 for County Law Library Fund 269: 2012 Estimated Revenue: County Appropriation $38,000.00 Penal Fines 3,500.00 2012 Total Estimated Revenue $41,500.00 2012 Estimated Expenditures: $41,500.00 2012 Total Estimated Expenditures $41,500.00
WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following estimated budget for the fiscal year of 2012 for Housing Rehabilitation Program Fund 275: 2012 Estimated Revenue: Federal Housing Grant $149,000.00 2012 Total Estimated Revenue $149,000.00 2012 Estimated Expenditures: Contractual Services $149,000.00 2012 Total Estimated Expenditures $149,000.00
WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following estimated budget for the fiscal year of 2012 for Revenue Reserve Fund 285: 2012 Estimated Revenue: 2012 Total Estimated Revenue Available from Fund Balance 713,290.00 2012 Total Funds Available $713,300.00 2012 Estimated Expenditures: Appropriation to General Fund $713,300.00 2012 Total Estimated Expenditures $713,300.00
WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following estimated budget for the fiscal year of 2012 for Child Care Fund 292: 2012 Estimated Revenue: State Basic Grant $15,000.00 State CAP 71,000.00 Reimbursements 86,000.00 County Appropriations 700,000.00 2012 Total Estimated Revenue $872,000.00 2012 Estimated Expenditures: 662.00 State Ward Chargeback $625,000.00 662.01 Family Foster Care 15,000.00 662.02 Family Foster Care-Private Agency 82,000.00 662.06 Other County Institutions 35,000.00 662.07 Private Institutions 45,000.00 662.08 In Home Services 662.18 Diversionary Services 50,000.00 665.00 Basic Grant 15,000.00 2012 Total Estimated Expenditures $872,000.00

WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following estimated budget for the fiscal year of 2012 for Soldier Relief Fund 293: 2012 Estimated Revenue: Contribution from Veterans Fund $3,000.00 2012 Total Estimated Revenue $3,000.00 2012 Estimated Expenditures: Gas & Oil 800.00 Utilities Vehicle Maintenance 500.00 2012 Total Estimated Expenditures $3,000.00
WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following estimated budget for the fiscal year of 2012 for Veterans Trust Fund 294: 2012 Estimated Revenue: $13,000.00 2012 Total Estimated Revenue $13,000.00 2012 Estimated Expenditures: Contractual Services Utilities 3,000.00 Vehicle Maintenance Installment Payment 2012 Total Estimated Expenditures $13,000.00
WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following estimated budget for the fiscal year of 2012 for Older Citizens Fund 296: 2012 Estimated Revenue: Current Tax $303,907.00 Delinquent Tax 22,624.00 Other Tax Revenue 15,815.00 Rent – Office Space Senior Center 11,180.00 Rent – Kitchen Space Senior Center 20,800.00 2012 Total Estimated Revenue 375,026.00 Available from Fund Balance 20,261.00 2012 Total Funds Available $395,287.00 2012 Estimated Expenditures: 296-673.01-707.00 Per Diem $3,000.00 296-673.01-749.00 Commodities 296-673.01-807.03 Dues 296-673.01-814.00 Other Contractual Services 296-673.01-864.00 Travel 296-673.01-921.00 Utilities 25,000.00 296-673.01-932.00 Building Maintenance 296-673.01-934.00 Grounds Care 296-673.01-956.01 Misc Reimbursements 296-673.01-964.00 Refunds 296-673.01-965.05 Human Development Commission 235,960.00 296-673.01-965.07 Mental Health 45,000.00 296-673.01-965.08 Health 54,000.00 296-673.01-980.04 Other Equipment 296-673.01-995.00 Interest 2012 Total Estimated Expenditures $395,287.00
WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following estimated budget for the fiscal year of 2012 for Veterans Affairs Fund 297: 2012 Estimated Revenue: $136,998.00 Interest on Taxes 2012 Total Estimated Revenue $137,006.00 2012 Estimated Expenditures: Estimated Expenditures $106,278.00 Contingency 30,728.00 2012 Total Estimated Expenditures $137,006.00
WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following estimated budget for the fiscal year of 2012 for Huron County Transit Fund 588: 2012 Estimated Revenue: Current Tax $303,907.00 Delinquent Tax 22,625.00 Other Tax Revenue 15,877.00 Federal Grant 300,360.00 State Grant 689,875.00 528,000.00 5,000.00 2012 Total Estimated Revenue $1,865,644.00 2012 Estimated Expenditures: Estimated Expenditures $1,865,144.00 Other Refunds 2012 Total Estimated Expenditures $1,865,644.00
WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following estimated budget for the fiscal year of 2012 for Commissary Fund 595: 2012 Estimated Revenue: Commissary Sales $55,000.00 2012 Total Estimated Revenue $55,000.00 2012 Estimated Expenditures: Estimated Expenditures $55,000.00 2012 Total Estimated Expenditures $55,000.00

WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following estimated budget for the fiscal year of 2012 for Retirees Health Insurance Fund 728: 2012 Estimated Revenue: $4,000.00 Interest – Loan Health Dept Site 44,831.00 Interest – Loan Kitchen Senior Center Contribution from General Fund 800,000.00 Contribution from Retirees/Building Contribution from Retirees/911 Contribution from Retirees/Health Dept. 19,000.00 2012 Total Estimated Revenue 879,395.00 Available from Fund Balance 150,605.00 2012 Total Funds Available $1,030,000.00 2012 Estimated Expenditures: Blue Cross/Employer's Share $800,000.00 Appro Health Dept Retirees 230,000.00 2012 Total Estimated Expenditures $1,030,000.00
WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following estimated budget for the fiscal year of 2012 for Retirees Health Insurance/Building Department Fund 728.01: 2012 Estimated Revenue: Contribution from Building Department 13,930.00 2012 Total Estimated Revenue $14,530.00 2012 Estimated Expenditures: Appro to Fringe Benefit Health Fund $6,198.00 Contingency 2012 Total Estimated Expenditures $14,530.00
WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following estimated budget for the fiscal year of 2012 for Retirees Health Insurance/Emergency Phone Fund 728.02: 2012 Estimated Revenue: $2,700.00 Contribution from Emergency Phone Service 60,000.00 2012 Total Estimated Revenue $62,700.00 2012 Estimated Expenditures: Appro to Fringe Benefit Health Fund $2,727.00 Contingency 59,973.00 2012 Total Estimated Expenditures $62,700.00
WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following estimated budget for the fiscal year of 2012 for Retirees Health Insurance/Veterans Fund 728.03: 2012 Estimated Revenue: Contribution from Veterans 2012 Total Estimated Revenue $6,300.00 2012 Estimated Expenditures: Contingency $6,300.00 2012 Total Estimated Expenditures $6,300.00
WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following estimated budget for the fiscal year of 2012 for Retirees Health Insurance/Sheriff's Dept. Fund 728.04: 2012 Estimated Revenue: Contribution from Sheriff Dept 2012 Total Estimated Revenue $6,373.00 2012 Estimated Expenditures: Contingency $6,373.00 2012 Total Estimated Expenditures $6,373.00
WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following resolution for your consideration: WHEREAS, the Huron County Health Department finds it necessary to update the Huron County Health Department Fee Schedule; and WHEREAS, the following changes are requested (detailed on the attached schedule): Section 2 – EPSDT Program Increase fee for Hearing (Audio/Objective) from $12 to $20 Remove: Denver and $15 fee EPSDT Urine and $2 fee Section 4 – Maternal Infant Support Program Remove MSS Risk Screening (T1023) and $20 fee Section 5 – Miscellaneous Fees Under "Lead", remove $16 for Medicaid eligible children if denied by QHP Section 7 – Sexually Transmitted Infections Fees Remove: Laboratory – Viral Culture and fee Laboratory – Wet Mount and fee Laboratory – Urinalysis and fee Remove reference to Probetec (device name) for: Laboratory – Chlamydia (no change in fee) Laboratory – GC (no change in fee) Medications – replace Suprax with Vantin (no change in fee); and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners must approve any and all suggested fee schedules and changes; now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the above noted changes to the attached fee schedule are adopted, with an effective date of January 1, 2012. CA RESOLUTION BY THE FINANCE COMMITTEE: #11-261C
WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following resolution for your consideration: WHEREAS, funds were received from a state grant to use for county courts technology in the amount of $2,163.43; and WHEREAS, Hi-Tech System Service has submitted a bid in the amount of $1,698 for two (2) iPads and other necessary equipment (see attached) for the Huron County Circuit and the Huron County Probate courts; and WHEREAS, the Huron County District Court is going to use the remaining balance of the grant, $465.43, for the costs incurred in updating their Microsoft Word programs in 2011; and WHEREAS, there is a need to amend the 2011 General Fund 101 budget for these additional expenditures; now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the CIS Department be authorized to purchase the aforementioned iPads and related equipment for the Circuit and Probate Courts in the amount of $1,698 from Hi-Tech System Service; to be taken from lines 101-131-980 and 101-148-980; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to amend the 2011 General Fund 101 budget as follows: 101-131-980 Office Equipment 101-148-980 Office Equipment 101-136-980 Office Equipment 101-000-384.05 Reserve for Court Technology $2,163.43
WE, the FINANCE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following resolution for your consideration: WHEREAS, additional revenues were received and unbudgeted expenditures were incurred in the Huron County Transit Fund 588 budget; and WHEREAS, there is a need to amend the 2011 Huron County Transit Fund 588 budget for the increased revenues and expenditures; now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED to amend the 2011 Huron County Transit Fund 588 budget by increasing the following revenue and expenditure budgets respectively: 588-537-529.01 Federal Capital Improv Reimb 588-537-530.01 Federal Transportation 588-537-569.01 State Capital Improv Reimb 588-537-571.01 State Transportation 588-537-626 Charges for Services Rendered 588-537-809 Contractual Services 1,147,000 588-537-964 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the unfunded expenditures be taken from the available Huron County Transit Fund 588 fund balance. CA RESOLTUION BY LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE: #11-263C
WE, the LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following resolution for your consideration: WHEREAS, Huron County has undertaken a five-year Recreation Plan which describes the physical features, existing recreation facilities, goals, objectives, and the desired actions to be taken to improve and maintain recreation facilities during the period between 2011 and 2016; and WHEREAS, an opportunity for public input was provided via on online survey during the summer of 2010; and WHEREAS, the draft Recreation Plan was made available for review and public comment from December 20, 2011 through December 27, 2011; and WHEREAS, a public meeting was held on December 28, 2011, at 10:15a.m. in the Board of Commissioners Office to provide an opportunity for citizens to express opinions, ask questions, and discuss all aspects of the Recreation Plan; and WHEREAS, Huron County has developed the Recreation Plan for the benefit of the entire community and wishes to use the plan as a document to assist in meeting the recreation needs of the community; now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Huron County Board of Commissioners hereby adopts the attached Recreation CA RESOLUTION BY LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE: #11-264C
WE, the LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following resolution for your consideration: WHEREAS, the State Court Administrators Office has recommended a reduction in the number of judgeships in the State of Michigan; and WHEREAS, it was recommended that one judge be eliminated in Huron County; and WHEREAS, it was also recommended that the 52nd Circuit Court be abolished; and WHEREAS, the judges of Huron County and this Board agree that such an elimination would be detrimental to Huron County; now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board supports legislation that would continue the existence of the 52nd Circuit Court in Huron County, separate from the 24th Circuit Court as proposed in substitute HB 5102.

WE, the SAFETY COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following resolution for your consideration: WHEREAS, State Law dictates that the County Board of Commissioners shall appoint a county medical examiner to hold office for a period of 4 years; and WHEREAS, this Board of Commissioners wishes to appoint Angela A. Joseph, M.D.; now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Huron County Board of Commissioners hereby appoints Angela A. Joseph, M.D. as Huron County Chief Medical Examiner for a term of 4 years expiring December 31, 2015.
Motion by Elftman, seconded by Bodis to approve this resolution. Discussion followed. Motion
defeated. Resolution fails.
WE, the SAFETY COMMITTEE, respectfully beg leave to submit the following resolution for your consideration: WHEREAS, State Law dictates that the County Board of Commissioners shall appoint a county medical examiner to hold office for a period of 4 years; and WHEREAS, this Board of Commissioners wishes to appoint Russell L. Bush, M.D., M.P.H.; now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Huron County Board of Commissioners hereby appoints Russell L. Bush, M.D., M.P.H. as Huron County Chief Medical Examiner for a term of 4 years expiring December 31, 2015; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this appointment is contingent upon both parties agreeing to a compensation agreement by February 29, 2012. Motion by Elftman, seconded by Horny to approve this resolution. Discussion followed. Motion
carried. Resolution adopted.

Chairman Wruble appoints the following individuals:
Construction Code Board of Appeals – 5 members, 2-year term
 Michael J. Peterson  David M. Rapson  Larry E. Schnettler  Phil Peyerk  Motion by Vaughan, seconded by Peruski to accept the appointments made.
Zoning Board of Appeals – 1 vacancy, 4-month term
 Bill Goretski Motion by Elftman, seconded by Peruski to accept this appointment. Discussion followed.
Motion carried
MOTIONS: Motion to authorize the Chairman to sign the Memorandum of Agreement for
Extension Services provided by Michigan State University was pulled from the agenda by Peruski
until January 10, 2012 meeting.

11:06 a.m.

Horny attended: Dec. 13 – regular board meeting. Dec. 14 – meeting with George Rierson, USA
Superintendent. Dec. 15 – Recycling meeting. Dec. 19 – Sebewaing Village meeting. Dec. 20 –
Board of Commissioner meeting of the whole.
Peruski attended: Dec.13 - regular board meeting; Personnel Committee meeting; Sherman
Township meeting. Dec.14 – Bingham Township meeting. Dec. 20 – Board of Commissioner
meeting of the whole; Finance Committee meeting; Personnel Committee meeting. Dec. 28 –
Finance Committee meeting.
Elftman attended: Dec. 14 – McKinley Township meeting. Dec. 15 – Bay Shore Camp; Pigeon
Food Pantry. Dec. 16 – Pigeon Food Pantry; CAN Council. Dec. 19 – EMAC; DPW meeting;
Village of Pigeon meeting. Dec. 20 – Committee of the Whole meeting. Dec. 28 – regular board
Bodis attended: Dec. 13 – Finance meeting; regular board meeting; met with constituent. Dec.
14 – Thumb Area Transit regular board meeting. Dec. 15 – GIS presentation at the 911 Center.
Dec. 19 – MAC Dist. #7 meeting in Lapeer; Sigel Township meeting; City of Bad Axe council
meeting. Dec. 20 – MOTW board meeting; Finance meeting; met with Judge Herrington/Elaine
Moore on the Courthouse/Jail video conferencing equipment; Personnel meeting with Judge
Herrington/Elaine Moore. Dec. 21 – Huron County Road Commission board meeting; Health
Department board meeting. Dec. 27 – Corporate Council reference Caseville/Caseville Township

by Peruski, seconded by Bodis to approve monthly Board bills
as submitted. Motion carried.

Health Department Board Bills Approved Paid Without Presentation FINAL PUBLIC COMMENT: (Limit of 3 minutes per person) Dave Vollmer– no millage for
recreation spending. Mark Green with the State Boundary Commission does not support the
division of property in Caseville. He has nothing to do with detachment.
FINAL BOARD COMMENT: Clark Elftman brought in late motion from the Safety Committee.
Motion by Elftman, seconded by Vaughan to extend the Stray Animal Service Contract between
the County of Huron and Thumb Animal Shelter for one month, January 1, 2012 through January
31, 2012. Discussion followed. Motion carried. Motion by Peruski, seconded by Horny to place
an ad in the paper. Motion carried. John Nugent questionable if should advertise for new
medical examiner. Reorganizational meeting scheduled for January 3, 2012 at 12:30 p.m. Ron
Wruble thanked everybody for their cooperation while Chairman.
11:30 a.m.
Meeting is adjourned. s/ Ron Wruble s/ Lori Neal-Wonsowicz Ron Wruble, Chairman Lori Neal-Wonsowicz Board of Commissioners Huron County Clerk


Acceptance testing: acceptance testing kit, part 2: how to do it!

DEPARTMENT of ENERGY and RESOURCES "Acceptance Testing – How to do it!" The Acceptance Testing Kit Projects with an IT Enhancement or Procurement Component Project and Acceptance Test Managers Information Management Branch Corporate Services The Acceptance Testing Kit – Part 2 Acknowledgments This Kit is the result of an initiative of the Information Management Branch of the Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources.

Microsoft word - hhrrg agm minutes 31 march 2013.doc

Harmer's Haven Residents and Ratepayers Group Minutes of meeting of AGM Sunday 31 March 31 2013 11.00 am, 86 Viminaria Road Present: Ros Eason, Rosemary Paterson, Tom Patterson, Amaryl Perlesz, Val Grant,Ron Thomas, Cristine Larner, Luciano Furfaro, John Old, Luisa Macmillan, RichardTanter, Corinn Lim. Apologies: Helen Collyer, Suzie Walker, Diane McLaughlin, Uly Michel, Dave Lane,Maria Zerella, Aneta Marovich, Sally Murray Whiting, Geoff Whiting, Judy and TerryPederson.Visitors Neil Rankine (councilor), David Hol yfield, Jessica (Shut the Gate campaign)(attended later).