Pii: s0735-1097(01)01248-7
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Vol. 37, No. 7, 2001
2001 by the American College of Cardiology
ISSN 0735-1097/01/$20.00
Published by Elsevier Science Inc.
The Effect of Correction of Mild Anemiain Severe, Resistant Congestive Heart FailureUsing Subcutaneous Erythropoietin andIntravenous Iron: A Randomized Controlled StudyDonald S. Silverberg, MD, Dov Wexler, MD, David Sheps, MD, Miriam Blum, MD, Gad Keren, MD,Ron Baruch, MD, Doron Schwartz, MD, Tatyana Yachnin, MD, Shoshana Steinbruch, RN,Itzhak Shapira, MD, Shlomo Laniado, MD, Adrian Iaina, MD
Tel Aviv, Israel
This is a randomized controlled study of anemic patients with severe congestive heart failure(CHF) to assess the effect of correction of the anemia on cardiac and renal function andhospitalization.
Although mild anemia occurs frequently in patients with CHF, there is very little informationabout the effect of correcting it with erythropoietin (EPO) and intravenous iron.
Thirty-two patients with moderate to severe CHF (New York Heart Association [NYHA]class III to IV) who had a left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of ⱕ40% despitemaximally tolerated doses of CHF medications and whose hemoglobin (Hb) levels werepersistently between 10.0 and 11.5 g% were randomized into two groups. Group A (16patients) received subcutaneous EPO and IV iron to increase the level of Hb to at least 12.5g%. In Group B (16 patients) the anemia was not treated. The doses of all the CHFmedications were maintained at the maximally tolerated levels except for oral and intravenous(IV) furosemide, whose doses were increased or decreased according to the clinical need.
Over a mean of 8.2 ⫾ 2.6 months, four patients in Group B and none in Group A died ofCHF-related illnesses. The mean NYHA class improved by 42.1% in A and worsened by11.4% in B. The LVEF increased by 5.5% in A and decreased by 5.4% in B. The serumcreatinine did not change in A and increased by 28.6% in B. The need for oral and IVfurosemide decreased by 51.3% and 91.3% respectively in A and increased by 28.5% and28.0% respectively in B. The number of days spent in hospital compared with the same periodof time before entering the study decreased by 79.0% in A and increased by 57.6% in B.
CONCLUSIONS When anemia in CHF is treated with EPO and IV iron, a marked improvement in cardiac
and patient function is seen, associated with less hospitalization and renal impairment and lessneed for diuretics. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2001;37:1775– 80) 2001 by the American Collegeof Cardiology
Anemia of any cause is known to be capable of causing
consider anemia to be only a rare contributing cause of
congestive heart failure (CHF) (1). In patients hospitalized
hospitalization for CHF (8,9).
with CHF the mean hemoglobin (Hb) is about 12 g% (2,3),
Recently, we performed a study in which the anemia of
which is considered the lower limit of normal in adults (4).
severe CHF that was resistant to maximally tolerated doses of
Thus, anemia appears to be common in CHF. Recently, in
standard medications was corrected with a combination of
142 patients in our special CHF outpatient clinic, we found
subcutaneous (sc) erythropoietin (EPO) and intravenous iron
that as the CHF worsened, the mean Hb concentration
(IV Fe) (5). We have found this combination to be safe,
decreased, from 13.7 g% in mild CHF (New York Heart
effective and additive in the correction of the anemia of chronic
Association [NYHA] class I) to 10.9 g% in severe CHF
renal failure (CRF) in both the predialysis period (10) and the
(NYHA 4), and the prevalence of a Hb ⬍12 g% increased
dialysis period (11). The IV Fe appears to be more effective
from 9.1% in patients with NYHA 1 to 79.1% in those with
than oral iron (12,13). In our previous study of CHF patients
NYHA 4 (5). The Framingham Study has shown that
(5), the treatment resulted in improved cardiac function,
anemia is an independent risk factor for the production of
improved NYHA functional class, increased glomerular filtra-
CHF (6). Despite this association of CHF with anemia, its
tion rate, a marked reduction in the need for diuretics and a
role is not mentioned in the 1999 U.S. guidelines for the
92% reduction in the hospitalization rate compared with a
diagnosis and treatment of CHF (7), and many studies
similar time period before the intervention.
In the light of these positive results, a prospective
From the Department of Nephrology and Cardiology and Congestive Heart
randomized study was undertaken to determine the effects
Failure Program, Tel Aviv Medical Center, Weizman 6, Tel Aviv, Israel.
of the correction of anemia in severe symptomatic CHF
Manuscript received October 13, 2000; revised manuscript received February 12,
2001, accepted February 19, 2001.
resistant to maximally tolerated CHF medication.
Silverberg et al.
JACC Vol. 37, No. 7, 2001
Correction of Anemia in Heart Failure
June 1, 2001:1775– 80
intervention study. A complete blood count, serum creati-
Abbreviations and Acronyms
nine, potassium and ferritin and %Fe Sat were performed on
CABG ⫽ coronary artery bypass graft
every visit. The blood pressure was measured by an elec-
⫽ congestive heart failure
tronic device on every visit. The LVEF was measured
⫽ chronic renal failure
initially and at four- to six-month intervals by MUGA
⫽ erythropoietin
radioisotope ventriculography. This technique measures the
%Fe Sat ⫽ percent iron saturationGFR
⫽ glomerular filtration rate
amount of blood in the ventricle at the end of systole and at
the end of diastole, thus giving a very accurate assessment of
the ejection fraction. It has been shown to be an accurate
⫽ international units
and reproducible method of measuring the ejection fraction
⫽ left ventricular ejection fraction
NYHA ⫽ New York Heart Association
Hospital records were reviewed at the end of the inter-
⫽ pulmonary artery
vention period to compare the number of days hospitalized
during the study with the number of days hospitalized
SOLVD ⫽ Studies Of Left Ventricular Dysfunction
during a similar period when the patients were treated in theCHF clinic before the initial randomization and entry into
the study. Clinic records were reviewed to evaluate the typesand doses of CHF medications used before and during the
Patients. Thirty-two patients with CHF were studied.
Before the study, the patients were treated for least six
The mean follow-up for patients was 8.2 ⫾ 2.7 months
months in the CHF clinic with maximally tolerated doses of
(range 5 to 12 months). The study was done with the
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, the beta-
approval of the local ethics committee.
blockers bisoprolol or carvedilol, aldospirone, long-acting
Statistical analysis. An analysis of variance with repeated
nitrates, digoxin and oral and intravenous (IV) furosemide.
measures (over time) was performed to compare the two
In some patients these agents could not be given because of
study groups (control vs. treatment) and to assess time trend
contraindications and in others they had to be stopped
and the interactions between the two factors. A separate
because of side effects. Despite this maximal treatment the
analysis was carried out for each of the outcome parameters.
patients still had severe CHF (NYHA class ⱖIII), with
The Mann-Whitney test was used to compare the change in
fatigue and/or shortness of breath on even mild exertion or
NYHA class between two groups. All the statistical analysis
at rest. All had levels of Hb in the range of 10 to 11.5 g%
was performed by SPSS (version 10).
on at least three consecutive visits over a three-week period.
All had a LVEF of ⬍40%. Secondary causes of anemia
including hypothyroidism, and folic acid and vitamin B12deficiency were ruled out and there was no clinical evidence
The mean age in Group A (EPO and Fe) was 75.3 ⫾ 14.6
of gastrointestinal bleeding.
years and in group B was 72.2 ⫾ 9.9 years. There were 11
The patients were randomized consecutively into two
and 12 men in Groups A and B, respectively. Before the
groups: Group A, 16 patients, was treated with sc EPO and
study the two groups were similar in cardiac function,
IV Fe to achieve a target Hb of at least 12.5 g%. Group B,
comorbidities, laboratory investigations and medications
16 patients, did not receive the EPO and IV Fe.
(Tables 1, 2 and 3), except for IV furosemide (Table 3),
Treatment protocol for correction of anemia. All patients
which was higher in the treatment group. The mean NYHA
in Group A received the combination of sc EPO and IV Fe.
class of Group A before the study was 3.8 ⫾ 0.4 and was
The EPO was given once a week at a starting dose of 4,000
3.5 ⫾ 0.5 in Group B. The contributing factors to CHF in
international units (IU) per week sc and the dose was
Groups A and B, respectively, are seen in Table 1 and were
increased to two or three times a week or decreased to once
similar. The main contributing factors to CHF were con-
every few weeks as necessary to achieve and maintain a
sidered to be ischemic heart disease (IHD) in 11 and 10
target Hb of 12.5 g%. The IV Fe (Venofer-Vifor Interna-
patients respectively, hypertension in two and two patients,
tional, Switzerland), a ferric sucrose product, was given in a
valvular heart disease in two and two patients, and idio-
dose of 200 mg IV in 150 ml saline over 60 min every two
pathic cardiomyopathy in one and two patients, respectively.
weeks until the serum ferritin reached 400 g/l or the %Fe
A significant change after treatment was observed in the
saturation (%Fe Sat is serum iron/total iron binding capac-
two groups in the following parameters: IV furosemide, days
ity ⫻ 100) reached 40% or the Hb reached 12.5g%. The IV
in hospital, Hb, ejection fraction, serum creatinine and
Fe was then given at longer intervals as needed to maintain
serum ferritin. In addition, the interaction between the
these levels.
study group and time trend was significant in all measure-
Investigations. Visits to the clinic were at two- to three-
ments except for blood pressure and %Fe Sat. This inter-
week intervals depending on the patient's status. This was
action indicates that the change over time was significantly
the same frequency of visits to the CHF clinic as before the
different in the two groups. For example, before treatment
JACC Vol. 37, No. 7, 2001
Silverberg et al.
June 1, 2001:1775– 80
Correction of Anemia in Heart Failure
Table 1. Medical Conditions and Contributing Factors to
after onset of the study. She was hospitalized for 21 days in
Congestive Heart Failure in the 16 Patients Treated for the
the seven months before randomization and for 28 days
Anemia and in the 16 Controls
during the seven months after randomization.
Case 2: A 62-year-old man with a longstanding history of
hypertension complicated by IHD, coronary artery bypass
graft (CABG) and atrial fibrillation had persistent NYHA 4
Ischemic heart disease
CHF and a PA pressure of 35 mm Hg, and died from
pneumonia and septic shock eight months after onset of the
study. He was hospitalized for seven days in the eight
months before randomization and for 21 days during the
Chronic renal failure
eight months after randomization.
Mitral regurgitation
Case 3: A 74-year-old man with IHD, CABG, chronic
Atrial fibrillation
Rheumatic heart disease
obstructive pulmonary disease, a history of heavy smoking
and diabetes had persistent NYHA 4 CHF and a PA
pressure of 28 mm Hg, and died of pulmonary edema and
Peripheral vascular disease
cardiogenic shock nine months after onset of the study. He
CABG ⫽ coronary artery bypass graft.
was hospitalized for 14 days in the nine months beforerandomization and for 41 days during the nine months after
the level of oral furosemide was higher in the control group
(136.2 mg/day) compared with the treatment group
Case 4: A 74-year-old man with a history of IHD,
(132.2 mg/day). After treatment, while the dose of oral
CABG, diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension and atrial
furosemide of the treated patients was reduced to
fibrillation, had persistent NYHA 4 CHF and a PA
64.4 mg/day the dose of the nontreated patients was
pressure of 30 mm Hg, and died of pneumonia and septic
increased to 175 mg/day.
shock six months after onset of the study. He was hospi-
The same results of improvement in the treated group
talized for five days in the six months before randomization
and deterioration in the control group are expressed in the
and for 16 days during the nine months after randomiza-
following parameters: IV furosemide, days in hospital, Hb,
ejection fraction and serum creatinine.
The NYHA class was 3.8 ⫾ 0.4 before treatment and
2.2 ⫾ 0.7 after treatment in Group A and 3.5 ⫾ 0.7 beforetreatment and 3.9 ⫾ 0.3 after treatment in Group B. The
Main findings. The main finding of the present study is
improvement in NYHA class was significantly higher (p ⬍
that the correction of even mild anemia in patients with
0.0001) in the treatment group compared with the control
symptoms of very severe CHF despite being on maximally
group (Table 4).
tolerated drug therapy resulted in a significant improvement
There were no deaths in Group A and four deaths in
in their cardiac function and NYHA functional class. There
was also a large reduction in the number of days of
Case 1: A 71-year-old woman with severe mitral insuf-
hospitalization compared with a similar period before the
ficiency and severe pulmonary hypertension (a pulmonary
intervention. Furthermore, all this was achieved despite a
artery [PA] pressure of 75 mm Hg) had persistent NYHA
marked reduction in the dose of oral and IV furosemide.
4 CHF and died during mitral valve surgery seven months
In the group in whom the anemia was not treated, four
Table 2. Number and Percentage of Cases Taking Each Medication and the Doses used in mg/day in the Treatment and Control Groups During the Study
Dose, mg/d
Dose, mg/d
Angiotensin II receptor blockers
The dose of these medications was not changed during the study.
ACE ⫽ angiotensin-converting enzyme.
Silverberg et al.
JACC Vol. 37, No. 7, 2001
Correction of Anemia in Heart Failure
June 1, 2001:1775– 80
Table 3. The Effect of Correction of Anemia by Intravenous Iron and Erythropoietin Therapy on Various Parameters in 16 Patientsin the Treatment (A) and 16 in the Control (B) Group
Time ⴛ
IV furosemide mg/wk
Oral furosemide mg/d
Ejection fraction
Serum creatine mg%
Serum ferritin, g/l
Diastolic BP, mm Hg
Systolic BP, mm Hg
p values are given for analysis of variance with repeated measures and for independent
t tests for comparison of baseline levels between the two groups.
BP ⫽ blood pressure; Fe Sat ⫽ iron saturation; Hb ⫽ hemoglobin; IV ⫽ intravenous; NS ⫽ not stated; Std Dev. ⫽ standard deviation.
patients died during the study. In all four cases the CHF
rehospitalization than was hypertension, IHD or the pres-
was unremitting and contributed to the deaths. In addition,
ence of a previous CABG. A recent analysis of the Studies
for the group as a whole, the LVEF, the NYHA class and
Of Left Ventricular Dysfunction (SOLVD) (16) showed
the renal function worsened. There was also need for
that the level of hematocrit (Hct) was an independent risk
increased oral and IV furosemide as well as increased
factor for mortality. During a mean follow-up of 33 months
the mortality was 22%, 27% and 34% for those with a Hct
Study limitations. The major limitations of this study are
of ⬎40, 35 to 40 and ⬍35 respectively. The striking
the smallness of the sample size and the fact that random-
response of our patients to correction of mild anemia
ization and treatment were not done in a blinded fashion.
suggests that the failing heart may be very susceptible to
Nevertheless, the two groups were almost identical in
anemia. It has, in fact, been found in both animal (17) and
cardiac, renal and anemia status; in the types and doses of
human studies (17–19) that the damaged heart is more
medication they were taking before and during the inter-
vulnerable to anemia and/or ischemia than is the normal
vention and in the number of hospitalization days before the
heart. These stimuli may result in a more marked reduction
intervention. Although the results of this study, like those of
in cardiac function than occurs in the normal heart and may
our previous uncontrolled study (5), suggest that anemia
explain why, in our study, the patients were so resistant to
may play an important role in the mortality and morbidity of
high doses of CHF medications and responded so well
CHF, a far larger double-blinded controlled study should be
when the anemia was treated.
carried out to verify our findings.
Our findings about the importance of anemia in CHF are
Anemia as a risk factor for hospitalization and death in
not surprising when one considers that, in dialysis patients,
CHF. Our results are consistent with a recent analysis of
anemia has been shown to be associated with an increased
91,316 patients hospitalized with CHF (15). Anemia wasfound to be a stronger predictor of the need for early
prevalence and incidence of CHF (20) and that correctionof anemia in these patients is associated with improvedcardiac function (21,22), less mortality (23,24) and fewer
Table 4. Changes from Baseline to Final New York HeartAssociation (NYHA) Class
hospitalizations (23,25).
Effect of improvement of CHF on CRF. Congestive
Initial minus final
NYHA class
heart failure can cause progressive renal failure (26,27).
Renal ischemia is found very early on in patients with
cardiac dysfunction (28,29), and chronic ischemia may causeprogression of renal failure (30). Indeed, the development of
The improvement in NYHA class was statistically higher (p ⬍ 0.0001) in thetreatment group compared with control.
CHF in patients with essential hypertension has been found
JACC Vol. 37, No. 7, 2001
Silverberg et al.
June 1, 2001:1775– 80
Correction of Anemia in Heart Failure
to be one of the most powerful predictors of the eventual
The combination of IV Fe and EPO. The use of IV Fe
development of end-stage renal disease (31). Patients who
along with EPO has been found to have an additive effect,
develop CHF after a myocardial infarction experience a fall
increasing the Hb even more than would occur with EPO
in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of about 1 ml/min/
alone while at the same time allowing the dose of EPO to
month if the CHF is not treated (32).
be reduced (10 –13). The lower dose of EPO will be
In another recent analysis of the SOLVD study, treating
cost-saving and also reduce the chances of hypertension
the CHF with both angiotensin-converting enzyme inhib-
developing (43). We used iron sucrose (Venofer) as our IV
itors and beta-blockers resulted in better preservation of the
Fe medication because, in our experience, it is extremely
renal function than did angiotensin-converting enzyme
well tolerated (10,11) and has not been associated with any
inhibitors alone (26), suggesting that the more aggressive
serious side effects in more than 1,200 patients over six
the treatment of the CHF, the better the renal function is
preserved. In the present study, as in our previous one (5),
Implications of treatment of anemia in CHF. The cor-
we found that the deterioration of GFR was prevented with
rection of anemia is not a substitute for the well-
successful treatment of the CHF, including correction of
documented effective therapy of CHF but seems to be an
the anemia, whereas the renal function worsened when the
important, if not vital, addition to the therapy. It is
CHF remained severe. All these findings suggest that early
surprising, therefore, that judging from the literature on
detection and treatment of CHF and systolic and/or dia-
CHF, such an obvious treatment for improving CHF is so
stolic dysfunction from whatever cause could prevent the
rarely considered. We believe that correction of the anemia
deterioration not only of the cardiac function but of the
will have an important role to play in the amelioration of
renal function as well. This finding has very broad implica-
cardiorenal insufficiency, and that this improvement will
tions in the prevention of CRF, because most patients with
have significant economic implications as well.
advanced CRF have either clinical evidence of CHF or atleast some degree of systolic dysfunction (33). Systolic
and/or diastolic dysfunction can occur early on in many
The authors thank Rina Issaky, Miriam Epstein, Hava
conditions, such as essential hypertension (34), renal disease
Ehrenfeld and Hava Rapaport for their secretarial assis-
of any cause (35,36) or IHD, especially after a myocardial
infarction (37). The early detection and adequate treatmentof this cardiac dysfunction, including correction of the
Reprint requests and correspondence: Dr. D. S. Silverberg,
anemia, could prevent this cardiorenal insufficiency. To
Department of Nephrology, Tel Aviv Medical Center, Weizman
detect cardiac dysfunction early on, one would need at least
6, Tel Aviv, 64239, Israel.
an echocardiogram and MUGA radionucleotide ventricu-lography. These tests should probably be done not only inpatients with signs and symptoms of CHF but in all patients
where CHF or systolic and/or diastolic dysfunction are
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Zimbabwean diabetics' beliefs about health and illness: an interview study Katarina Hjelm and Esther Mufunda Linköping University Post Print N.B.: When citing this work, cite the original article. Original Publication: Katarina Hjelm and Esther Mufunda, Zimbabwean diabetics' beliefs about health and illness: an interview study, 2010, BMC International Health and Human Rights, (10), 7. Copyright: BioMed Central