
Follow manufacturer's instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE.
If no such instructions for washables exist, use detergent and hotwater. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry.
When handlers use closed systems, enclosed cabs, or aircraft ina manner that meets the requirements listed in the WorkerProtection Standard (WPS) for agricultural pesticides (40 CFR170.240(d)(4-6)), the handler PPE requirements may be reducedor modified as specified in the WPS. User Safety Recommendations
For control of certain grasses and broadleaf weeds.
• Wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using toilet. 3-(methylthio)-1,2,4-triazin-5(4H)-one . . . . . . . . 41% • Remove clothing immediately if pesticide gets inside. Then OTHER INGREDIENTS: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59%
wash thoroughly and put on clean clothing. • Remove PPE immediately after handling this product. Wash *Contains 4 lb. active ingredient per gallon.
the outside of gloves before removing. As soon as possible, KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN
washing thoroughly and change into clean clothing. Do not apply directly to water, or to areas where surface water is FIRST AID
present or to intertidal area below the mean high water mark. Do If Swallowed • Call a poison control center or doctor imme-
not contaminate water when disposing of equipment washwa- diately for treatment advice.
ters or rinsate. • Have person sip a glass of water if able to GROUND WATER ADVISORY
• Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so METRIBUZIN is a chemical which can travel (seep or leach) by a poison control center or doctor. through soil and can contaminate ground water which may be • Do not give anything by mouth to an uncon- used as drinking water. METRIBUZIN has been found in ground water as a result of agricultural use. Users are advised not toapply METRIBUZIN where the water table (ground water) is If on Skin or
• Take off contaminated clothing.
close to the surface, and where the soils are very permeable, i.e.
• Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water well drained soils such as loamy sands. Your local agricultural for 15 to 20 minutes. agencies can provide further information on the type of soil in • Call a poison control center or doctor for your area and the location of ground water. treatment advice.
Have the product container or label with you when calling a AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS
poison control center or doctor. In case of medical emergency, Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with contact the Rocky Mountain Poison Control Center at the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR part 170. This Standard contains requirements for the protection of agricul- Note To Physician: Treat the patient symptomatically.
tural workers on farms, forests, nurseries, and greenhouses, Symptoms of Poisoning: The compound does not cause any and handlers of agricultural pesticides. It contains require- definite symptoms that would be diagnostic. Poisoning is ments for training, decontamination, notification, and emer- accompanied by breathing difficulties and sedation.
gency assistance. It also contains specific instructions andexceptions pertaining to the statements on this label about FOR CHEMICAL EMERGENCY: Spill, leak, fire, exposure,
personal protective equipment (PPE) and restricted-entry or accident, call CHEMTREC at 1-800-424-9300
interval. The requirements in this box only apply to uses of this product that are covered by the Worker Protection Standard. HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS
Do not enter or allow worker entry into treated areas during the restricted entry interval (REI) of 12 hours.
Harmful if swallowed or absorbed through skin. Avoid contact Exception: If the product is soil-injected or soil-incorporated,
with eyes, skin or clothing.
the Worker Protection Standard, under certain circumstances,allows workers to enter the treated area if there will be no con- Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
tact with anything that has been treated. Applicators and other handlers must wear: • Long-sleeved shirt and long pants PPE required for early entry to treated areas that is permittedunder the Worker Protection Standard and that involves con- • Chemical-resistant gloves made of any waterproof material tact with anything that has been treated, such as plants, soil, • Socks plus footwear EPA Reg. No. 70506-68
EPA Est. No. 61842-CA-001
• Chemical resistant gloves made of any waterproof material Net Contents: 2.5 Gallons
• Shoes plus socks NOTICE: Read these entire Directions and Conditions of Sale
United Phosphorus, Inc.
before using TriCor 4F Herbicide.
630 Freedom Business Center, Suite 402 King of Prussia, PA 19406 1-800-438-6071 • DIRECTIONS FOR USE
a more dilute mixture of product and water per hour. Follow the It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner steps below to calibrate center pivot and lateral move systems: inconsistent with its labeling. Do not apply this product in a way 1. Determine number of minutes required to make one com- that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or plete revolution while applying 1/4 to 3/4 inch of water per through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, 2. With the system at operating pressure determine the exact consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.
number of minutes required to inject one gallon of water.
3. Divide the time required for one revolution (step 1) by the time required to inject one gallon (step 2). This gives total TriCor 4F cannot be applied with low-pressure or high-volume gallons of product-water mixture to be added to nurse tank.
4. Add required amount of water to nurse tank and start the agitation system. Then add sufficient TriCor 4F at the When using TriCor 4F, make sure the sprayer is completely recommended rate (See RECOMMENDED BROADCAST clean, free of rust or corrosion which occurs from winter storage.
APPLICATIONS) to the nurse tank.
Examine strainers and screens to be sure the sprayer is clean EXAMPLE: If 20 hours (1200 minutes) were required for one rev-
from previously used pesticides.
olution and if 2 minutes were required to inject one gallon, then Any tank mix containing TriCor 4F should be kept agitated and a total of 600 gallons of product-water mixture are required sprayed out immediately. Do not allow tank mixes to stand for (1200÷2=600); to treat 135 acres at 1 pint/acre, 135 pints (16 gal- prolonged periods of time.
lons and 7 pints) of TriCor 4F are required.
The proper mixing procedure for TriCor 4F alone or in tank mix If you have questions about calibration, you should contact combinations with other herbicides is: State Extension Service Specialists, equipment manufacturers 1. Fill the spray tank 1/4 to 1/3 full with clean water.
or other experts.
2. Add recommended rate of TriCor 4F while recirculating and Do not connect any irrigation system (including greenhouse sys- with agitator running.
tems) used for pesticide application to a public water system 3. Follow the triple rinse procedure described under "STORAGE unless the pesticide label-prescribed safety devices for public AND DISPOSAL" to insure that all product is removed from water systems are in place. the container.
A person knowledgeable of the chemigation system and respon- 4. Mix thoroughly and add clean water to fill spray tank to sible for its operation, or under the supervision of the responsi- desired level.
ble person, shall shut the system down and make necessary 5. Add the other herbicide to tank last and agitate thoroughly.
adjustments should the need arise.
6. Continue agitation during application and until sprayer tank The system must contain a functional check valve, vacuum relief valve, and low pressure drain appropriately located on theirrigation pipeline to prevent water source contamination from SOIL TEXTURE: As used on this label, "Coarse soils" are loamy
sand or sandy loam soils. "Medium soils" are loam, silt loam, silt,sandy clay, or sandy clay loam. "Fine soils" are silty clay, silty The pesticide injection pipeline must contain a functional, auto- clay loam, clay, or clay loam. Silty clay loam soils are transition- matic, quick-closing check valve to prevent the flow of fluid back al soils and may be classified as medium textured soils in some toward the injection pump.
regions of the U.S.
The pesticide injection pipeline must also contain a functional,normally closed, solenoid-operated valve located on the intake GENERAL PRECAUTIONS AND RESTRICTIONS
side of the injection pump and connected to the system inter- Do not use on other crops grown for food or forage. Apply this lock to prevent fluid from being withdrawn from the supply tank product only as specified on this label.
when the irrigation system is either automatically or manually Do not allow sprays to drift on to adjacent desirable plants.
Observe all cautions and limitations on labeling of all products The system must contain functional interlocking controls to used in mixtures.
automatically shut off the pesticide injection pump when the Do not rotate any crop not listed on this label for 18 months fol- water pump motor stops.
lowing application.
The irrigation line or water pump must include a functional pres- For all uses: Low-pressure and high volume hand-wand equip- sure switch which will stop the water pump motor when the ment is prohibited.
water pressure decreases to the point where pesticide distribu-tion is adversely affected. Systems must use a metering pump, such as a positive dis- TriCor 4F is recommended for application through sprinkler irri- placement injection pump (e.g. diaphragm pump) effectively gation equipment to potatoes, soybeans, tomatoes, and aspara- designed and constructed of materials that are compatible with gus as directed on this label. Refer to the crop sections of this pesticides and capable of being fitted with a system interlock.
label for recommended rates, weeds controlled or suppressed, Do not apply when wind speed favors drift beyond the area restrictions, and special precautions.
intended for treatment.
Apply this product only through sprinkler (including center pivot, Maintain continuous agitation in the injection nurse tanks lateral move, or solid set) irrigation systems. Do not apply this during the herbicide application, sufficient to keep herbicide in product through any other type of irrigation system.
Crop injury, lack of effectiveness, or illegal pesticide residues in Apply specified dosage in 1/4 to 3/4 inch of water (1/4 to 1/2 inch the crop can result from nonuniform distribution of treated water.
of water on sandy soils) per acre as a continuous injection in Calibration: (Center Pivot and Self-Propelled Lateral Move
center pivot and lateral move systems or in the last 15 to 30 min- Systems): Sprinkler irrigation systems must be accurately cali-
utes of set in permanent solid set sprinkler systems. Application brated for application of TriCor 4F. Greater accuracy in calibration of more than the quantity of irrigation water recommended on (and distribution) will be achieved by injecting a larger volume of this label may result in decreased product performance by removing the chemical from the zone effectiveness. Where APPLICATION HEIGHT: Applications should not be made at a
sprinkler distribution patterns do not overlap sufficiently, unac- height greater than 10 feet above the top of the largest plants ceptable weed control may result. Where sprinkler distribution unless a greater height is required for aircraft safety. Making patterns overlap excessively, crop injury may result. Allow suffi- applications at the lowest height that is safe reduces exposure cient time for pesticide to be flushed through all lines and all noz- of droplets to evaporation and wind.
zles before turning off irrigation water. To insure that lines are SWATH ADJUSTMENT: When applications are made with a
flushed and free of remaining pesticide, an indicator dye may be crosswind, the swath will be displaced downwind. Therefore, on injected into the lines to mark the end of the application period.
the up and downward edges of the field, the applicator must Use a minimum of 1 part water to 1 part herbicide for injection.
compensate for this displacement by adjusting the path of the The use of a larger volume of water will insure greater accuracy aircraft upwind. Swath adjustment distance should increase, and more uniform distribution.
with increasing drift potential (high wind, smaller drops, etc.) AERIAL DRIFT REDUCTION
WIND: Drift potential is lowest between wind speeds of 2 to
10 mph. However, many factors, including droplet size and
equipment type determine drift potential at any given speed.
Avoiding spray drift at the application site is the responsibility of Application should be avoided below 2 mph due to variable wind the applicator. The interactions of many equipment-and- direction and high inversion potential. NOTE: Local terrain can weather-related factors determine the potential for spray drift.
influence wind patterns. Every applicator should be familiar with The applicator and the grower are responsible for considering all local wind patterns and how they affect spray drift. these factors when making decisions.
TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY: When making applications in
The following drift management requirements must be followed low relative humidity, set up equipment to produce larger to avoid off-target drift movement from aerial applications to droplets to compensate for evaporation. Droplet evaporation is agricultural field crops. These requirements do not apply to most severe when conditions are both hot and dry.
forestry applications, public health uses or to applications using TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS: Applications should not occur
dry formulations.
during a temperature inversion because drift potential is high.
1. The distance of the outer most nozzles on the boom must Temperature inversions restrict vertical air mixing, which causes not exceed 3/4 the length of the wingspan or rotor.
small suspended droplets to remain in a concentrated cloud.
2. Nozzles must always point backward parallel with the air This cloud can move in unpredictable directions due to the light stream and never be pointed downwards more than variable winds common during inversions. Temperature inver- sions are characterized by increasing temperatures with altitude 3. Where states have more stringent regulations, they should and are common on nights with limited cloud cover and light to be observed.
no wind. They begin to form as the sun sets and often continue 4. The applicator should be familiar with and take into account into the morning. Their presence can be indicated by ground fog; the information covered in the Aerial Drift Reduction however, if fog is not present, inversions can also be identified by the movement of smoke from a ground source or an aircraftsmoke generator. Smoke that layers and moves laterally in a INFORMATION ON DROPLET SIZE: The most effective way to
concentrated cloud (under low wind conditions) indicates an reduce drift potential is to apply large droplets. The best drift inversion, while smoke that moves upward and rapidly dissi- management strategy is to apply the largest droplets that pro- pates indicates good vertical air mixing.
vide sufficient coverage and control. Applying larger dropletsreduces drift potential, but will not prevent drift if applications are SENSITIVE AREAS: TriCor 4F should only be applied when the
made improperly, or under unfavorable environmental condi- potential for drift to adjacent sensitive areas (e.g. residential tions (see Wind, Temperature, and Humidity, and Temperature areas, bodies of water, known habitat for threatened or endan- gered species, non-target crops) is minimal (e.g. when wind isblowing away from the sensitive areas).
• Volume – Use high flow rate nozzles to apply the highest APPLICATION OF TRICOR 4F WITH
practical spray volume. Nozzles with higher rates flows pro- HERBICIDE SPRAY EQUIPMENT
duce larger droplets.
Use a standard low pressure (20 to 40 psi) herbicide boom • Pressure – Do not exceed the nozzle manufacturer's recom- sprayer equipped with suitable nozzles and screens no finer than mended pressures. For many nozzle types lower pressure 50-mesh in nozzle and in-line strainers. Agitate thoroughly produces larger droplets. When higher flow rates are needed, before and during application with bypass agitation.
use higher flow rate nozzles instead of increasing pressure.
GROUND APPLICATION: Apply the proper rate of TriCor 4F in a
• Number of nozzles – Use the minimum number of nozzles minimum of 10 to 40 gallons of spray mixture per acre broadcast.
that provide uniform coverage.
Banded Application: Use proportionally less TriCor 4F per acre
• Nozzle Orientation – Orienting nozzles so that the spray is in a band versus a broadcast application. For band application released parallel to the airstream produces larger droplets use 1/4 to 1 gallon of spray mix per inch of band width regard- than other orientations and is the recommended practice.
less of row spacing.
Significant deflection from horizontal will reduce droplet size EXAMPLES: (1) To treat a 15-inch band on rows 30 inches apart,
and increase drift potential.
use one-half of the broadcast rate of TriCor 4F. (2) To treat a • Nozzle Type – Use a nozzle type that is designed for the 14-inch band on rows 42 inches apart, use one-third of the intended application. With most nozzle types, narrower spray broadcast rate of TriCor 4F.
angles produce larger droplets. Consider using low-drift noz- AERIAL APPLICATION: Where permitted, apply specified rate
zles. Solid stream nozzles oriented straight back produce the in a minimum of 2 to 10 gallons of spray mixture per acre. Do not largest droplets and the lowest drift.
apply aerially when wind speed is greater than 10 mph.
BOOM LENGTH: For some use patterns, reducing the effective
NOTE: Do not apply aerially when TriCor 4F is tank mixed with
boom length to less than 3/4 of the wingspan or rotor length may further reduce drift without reducing swath width.
For All Applications of TriCor 4F: Sprayer must be accurately
calibrated before applying TriCor 4F. Check sprayer during appli- APPLICATION OF TRICOR 4F ON
cation to be sure it is working properly and delivering a uniform DRY BULK FERTILIZER
spray pattern. As the volume of spray mixture decreases peracre, the importance of accurate calibration and uniform appli- Dry bulk fertilizer may be impregnated or coated with TriCor 4F cation increases. Avoid over application, mis-application, and for application to established alfalfa and to soybeans. All recom- boom and spray swath overlapping that will increase spray mendations, cautions, and special precautions on this label dosage. (Crop injury may occur as a result.) Avoid spray skips must be followed along with state regulations relating to dry bulk and gaps which allow weeds to grow in untreated soil. Do not fertilizer blending, impregnating and labeling.
apply when weather conditions favor spray drift and/or when Impregnation: To impregnate, use a system consisting of a belt,
sensitive or cool season crops, such as cole crops, onions, conveyor, or closed drum which is used for dry bulk fertilizer peas, or strawberries are present in adjacent fields or in areas blending. Any commonly used fertilizer can be impregnated with where wheat is growing in coarse textured soils.
TriCor 4F except ammonium nitrate, potassium nitrate, or sodi- SPRAYER CLEANUP: Spray equipment must be thoroughly
um nitrate. Do not use on powder limestone.
cleaned to remove remaining traces of herbicide that might Apply using a minimum of 200 lbs. dry bulk fertilizer per acre and injure other crops to be sprayed. Drain any remaining spray solu- up to a maximum of 450 lbs. per acre. To impregnate or coat dry tion of TriCor 4F from the spray tank and dispose of according bulk fertilizer, mix TriCor 4F with sufficient water to form a to label disposal instructions. Rinse the spray tank and refill with sprayable slurry. The delivery nozzles must be directed to deliv- water, adding a heavy-duty detergent at the rate of one cup per er a fine spray toward the fertilizer for thorough coverage while 20 gallons of water. Recycle this mixture through the equipment avoiding spray contact with mixing equipment. Uniform impreg- for 5 minutes and spray out. Repeat this procedure twice. Fill the nation of TriCor 4F to dry bulk fertilizer will vary and if the absorp- spray tank with clean water, recycle for 5 minutes, and spray out.
tivity is not adequate, an adsorptive powder may be added to Clean pump and nozzle screens thoroughly. Wash away any produce a dry, free-flowing mixture. Micro-Cel E (Johns-Manville spray mixture from the outside of spray tank, nozzles or spray Product Corporation) is the recommended absorbent powder.
rig. All rinse water must be disposed of in compliance with local, When another herbicide is used with TriCor 4F, mix and impreg- state, and Federal guidelines.
nate immediately.
Apply immediately after impregnation unless experience hasshown that impregnated fertilizer can be stored without becom- IN FLUID FERTILIZERS
ing lumpy and difficult to spread.
TriCor 4F may be applied in fluid fertilizer solutions to alfalfa and Rates: Select the recommended rate of TriCor 4F per acre from
soybeans by following the appropriate mixing procedures and the appropriate section of this label and refer to the formula compatibility check. When using tank mix combinations, be sure below to determine the amount of TriCor 4F which is to be all components are compatible.
impregnated on a ton of dry bulk fertilizer based on the amount Compatibility checks of TriCor 4F and tank mix combinations of fertilizer which will be distributed on one acre.
which include TriCor 4F should be made for each batch of fluid X 2000 lbs. Fertilizer = fertilizers because of the variability of these fertilizers.
Ton of Fertilizer APPLICATION: Uniform application is essential for satisfactory
1. Pre-mix 2 teaspoonfuls of TriCor 4F with 8 teaspoonfuls of weed control. Accurate calibration of fertilizer application equip- water (1:4 ratio) in a quart jar by adding the water first and ment is essential for uniform distribution to the soil surface. The followed with TriCor 4F. Mix thoroughly. If a second herbicide recommended method of application is to apply 1/2 the recom- is to be used, double the amount of water (1:8 ratio) and add mended rate and overlap 50 percent or to double apply by split- the second herbicide after mixing TriCor 4F first.
ting the middles to obtain the best distribution pattern.
2. Then pour 1 pint of fluid fertilizer into the quart jar and shake If fertilizer materials are excessively dusty, use diesel oil or other suitable additive to reduce dust prior to impregnation as dusty 3. Allow to stand for 5 minutes.
fertilizer will result in poor distribution during application. Crop THIS COMPATIBILITY CHECK SHOULD ONLY BE USED
injury and/or poor weed control may occur where the impregnat- WHEN MIXING WITH FLUID FERTILIZERS.
ed fertilizer is not uniformly applied.
Interpretation of Results: If the solution in the jar appears to be
uniform, without signs of agglomeration, or without a separation is to be used in combination with another herbicide, follow direc- of an oily film on top of the fertilizer, the mixture may be used. If tions on this label for combinations, rates, crops, incorporation, not, repeat the compatibility check using twice the amount of and special precautions.
water or add a compatibility agent to the water. If separation occurs, but the mixture can be re-suspended by shaking, then (Except in California)
application is possible with good agitation in the spray tank.
TriCor 4F herbicide tank mix combinations are recommended for Tank Mixing Guidelines:
preplant incorporated applications, pre-emergence surface 1. Add the required amount of water and compatibility agent (if applications, Split-Shot application and Extended Split-Shot required) to the tank. Start agitation system while adding application. TriCor 4F is also recommended as an overlay appli- TriCor 4F and follow by adding the fluid fertilizer and agitate.
cation following a preplant incorporated application of a recom- 2. If a second herbicide is to be used, follow as above in 1, but mended grass herbicide and alone as a pre-emergence surface use twice the amount of water. Start agitation and add application. All these applications can be applied with ground TriCor 4F and follow by adding the second herbicide, and equipment, and some can be applied with aerial spray equip- then continue filling the tank with fluid fertilizer.
ment. In addition, TriCor 4F can be applied as a post-emergencedirected spray to soybeans in certain states.
3. Maintain continuous agitation to assure uniform spray mix- ture until the tank is emptied.
Special Precautions (soybeans): Injury to soybeans may occur when TriCor 4F is used under the following conditions:
• When soils have a calcareous surface area or a pH of 7.5 or higher.
• Due to the sensitivity of certain soybean varieties, TriCor 4F is not recommended for use on Altona, AP 55, AP 71, Asgrow 6520, Burlison, Coker 102, Coker 156, Dassel, GL 3202, Govan, Maple Amber, NB 3665, NKS 1884, Paloma 350, Portage, Regal,Semmes, Terra-Vig 505, Terra-Vig 606, Tracy, Vansoy, and Vinton 81. Consult your UPI Representative or your seed supplier forinformation on the tolerance to TriCor 4F of newly released soybean varieties, prior to use of TriCor 4F. • When applied in conjunction with soil-applied organic phosphate pesticides.
• Over application or boom overlapping may result in stand loss and soil residues.
• Uneven application or improper incorporation can decrease the level of weed control and/or increase the level of injury.
• When applied to any soil with less than 1/2% organic matter.
• Soil incorporation deeper than recommended.
• When sprayers are not calibrated accurately.
• When heavy rains occur soon after application, especially in poorly drained areas where water may stand for several days.
• When soybeans are planted less than 1-1/2 inches deep, particularly in pre-emergence application.
Activation: A minimum amount of moisture is required to activate TriCor 4F. In areas of low rainfall, pre-emergence applications to
dry soil should be followed with light irrigation of 1/4 acre inch of water. Do not apply heavy irrigation immediately after application.
As with many surface-applied herbicides, weed control and crop tolerance may vary with rainfall and/or soil texture.
Grazing and Feeding Treated Vines: Treated vines may be grazed or fed to livestock 40 days after application when TriCor 4F is
applied alone or with Treflan®, Dual®, Prowl®, or Lasso®.
Do not use treated vines for feed or forage when TriCor 4F is applied with Sonalan®, linuron plus Lasso, or linuron plus Dual.
Rate Ranges: Where a rate change is shown, use a lower rate on soils that are coarse-textured or low in organic matter. Use a high-
er rate on soils that are relatively fine-textured in organic matter.
Replanting: If replanting is necessary in fields treated with TriCor 4F as directed on this label, the field may be replanted to soy-
beans. When replanting, a minimum of tillage is recommended. Do not apply a second treatment as injury to soybeans may occur.
S=Suspension or Erratic Control
P=Poor or No Control
O=No information (Control may range from poor to excellent)
1=TriCor 4F Alone
4=TriCor 4F Plus Dual
2=TriCor 4F Split-Shot
5=TriCor 4F Plus Prowl
8=TriCor 4F Plus Sonalan
3=TriCor 4F Plus Treflan
6=TriCor 4F Plus Lasso
9=TriCor 4F Plus Linuron plus (Lasso or Dual)
Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) Bristly Starbur (Acanthospermum hispidum) Buffalobur (Solanum rostratum) Carpetweed (Mollugo verticillata) Cocklebur (Xanthium pensylvanicum) Copperleaf, Hophornbeam (Acalypha ostryaefolia) Florida Beggarweed (Desmodium tortuosum) Florida Pusley (Richardia scabra) Galinsoga (Galinsoga spp.) Horseweed Marestail (Conyza canadensis) Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium) Knotweed (Polygonum spp.) Kochia (Kochia scoparia) Lambsquarters (Chenopodium spp.) Morningglory, Ivyleaf (Ipomoea hederacea) Morningglory, Pitted (Ipomoea lacunose) Morningglory, Smallflower (Jacquemontia tamnifolia) Morningglory, Tall (Ipomoea purpurea) Pigweeds (Amaranthus spp.) Prickly Sida/Teaweed (Sida spinosa) Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) Ragweed, Common (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) Redweed (Melochia corchorifolia) Russian Thistle (Salsola kali) Sesbania (Sesbania spp.) Shepherdspurse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) Sicklepod (Cassia obtusifolia) Smartweeds (Polygonum spp.) WEEDS CONTROLLED BY TRICOR 4F AND TRICOR 4F HERBICIDE TANK MIX COMBINATIONS (continued)
S=Suspension or Erratic Control
P=Poor or No Control
O=No information (Control may range from poor to excellent)
1=TriCor 4F Alone
4=TriCor 4F Plus Dual
2=TriCor 4F Split-Shot
5=TriCor 4F Plus Prowl
8=TriCor 4F Plus Sonalan
3=TriCor 4F Plus Treflan
6=TriCor 4F Plus Lasso
9=TriCor 4F Plus Linuron plus (Lasso or Dual)
Spotted Spurge (Euphorbia maculata) Spurred Anoda (Anoda cristata) Sunflower (Helianthus spp.) Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) Venice Mallow (Hibiscus trionum) Wild Mustards (Brassica spp.) Barnyard Grass (Echinochloa crus-galli) Bluegrass (Poa annua) Broadleaf Signalgrass (Brachiaria platyphylla) Browntop Millet (Panicum ramosum) Crabgrass (Digitaria spp.) Crowfootgrass (Dactyloctenium aegyptum) Cupgrass (Eriochloa gracillis) Foxtails (Setaria spp.) Goosegrass (Eleusine indica) Johnsongrass, Seedling (Sorghum halepense) Junglerice (Echinochloa colonum) Nutsedge, Yellow (Cyperus esculentus) Panicum, Fall (Panicum dichotomiflorum) Panicum, Texas (Panicum texanum) Red Rice (Oryza sativa) Sandbur (Cenchrus spp.) Shattercane (Sorghum bicolor) Sorghum, Volunteer (Sorghum spp.) Sprangletop (Leptochloa spp.) Stinkgrass (Eragrostis spp.) Wheat, Volunteer (Triticum spp.) Witchgrass (Panicum capillare) SOYBEANS: TRICOR 4F ALONE
Pre-emergence Application: The following rates of TriCor 4F may be applied pre-emergence to soybeans through center pivot or lat-
eral move sprinkler irrigation systems that apply water in a uniform manner. Refer to "Chemigation" section of this label for directions.
TriCor 4F can be applied broadcast or banded. This application may be made during planting or as a separate operation after plant-
ing but before crop emergence. See the "General Information" section in the front of this label.
Do not apply to sand soils, or to sandy loam or loamy sand soils containing less than 2% organic matter. Do not incorporate into
soil or apply more than once per season.
Pints of TriCor 4F Per Acre
Less than 2%
COARSE SOILS (Sandy loam, loamy sand)
MEDIUM SOILS1 (Loam, silt loam, silt, sandy clay, sandy clay loam)
FINE SOILS1 (Silty clay, silty clay loam2 clay, clay loam)
Mississippi Delta Only
1 For control of lambsquarters, redroot pigweed and wild mustard, and for suppression of green, yellow and giant foxtails on alkaline (calcareous) soils in Nebraska, Minnesota, South Dakota, and North Dakota only, apply TriCor 4F at rates of 1/2 pt./acre on medium soils and 1/2 to 3/4 pt./acre on fine soils regardless of soilorganic matter percentage (use 3/4 pt. only where soil pH is less than 7.5 and weed pressure is heavy). The 1/2 pt./acre rate of TriCor 4F alone can be appliedregardless of soil pH. For control of other weeds listed on this label use TriCor 4F at full rates recommended in the table above, but note that crop injury may occuron soils having a calcareous surface area or a pH of 7.5 or higher.
2 Silty clay loam soils are transitional soils and may be classified as medium textured soils in some regions of the U.S.
3 Refer to the appropriate section of this label for use of TriCor 4F on soybeans in coarse soils with 0.5% or more organic matter in certain states.
If needed, application of TriCor 4F alone or in a registered tank mix according to directions on this label, may be followed by anearly post-emergence application of Scepter herbicide (1.5 lbs./gal. liquid or 70 DG) for control of cocklebur. Apply 1/6 to 1/3 pintof Scepter (0.7 to 1.4 ounces of Scepter 70 DG) in a minimum of 20 gallons of water per acre. Use 1/6 pint of Scepter (0.7 ouncesof Scepter 70 DG) if cockleburs are less than 3 inches tall or have fewer than 3 leaves and are actively growing. For cocklebursless than 6 inches tall and actively growing use 1/3 pint of Scepter (1.4 ounces of Scepter 70 DG) per acre. Do not use Scepterwhen soybeans or cockleburs have been subjected to stress conditions such as temperature or moisture extremes. Do not exceeda total of 2/3 pint Scepter (2.8 ounces of Scepter 70 DG) per acre in one season. Wait at least 10 days after application of Scepterbefore cultivating.
When preparing the spray mixture with Scepter, add 2 pints of non-ionic surfactant approved for use on growing crops and contain-ing at least 80% active ingredient per 100 gallons of mixture. Apply crop oil concentrate (COC) at the rate specified on the COClabel.
Use Scepter only in the states where it is registered as listed on the product label.
Apply Scepter at least 90 days before harvest of soybeans. Do not graze or feed soybean forage, hay, or straw to livestock.
Refer to the Scepter label for additional cautions and precautions, directions, limitations, and information on environmental hazardsand planting of rotational crops.
A preplant incorporated application of TriCor 4F tank mixed with either Treflan, Lasso, Dual, Prowl or Sonalan and followed by a pre-emergence surface application of TriCor 4F alone after planting but prior to soybean emergence, will control more broadleaf andgrass weeds in soybeans than when either herbicide is used alone.
Refer to the Treflan, Lasso, Dual, Prowl or Sonalan labels, and to appropriate sections of this label for directions on soil preparation,herbicide application, incorporation techniques, herbicide rates, weed species controlled, and restrictions for using tank mix com-binations of TriCor 4F. Carefully observe the "Special Precautions" section concerning the use of TriCor 4F in tank mix combinationson soybeans.
When a Split-Shot application of TriCor 4F with Prowl, Treflan, or Sonalan is used, the preplant incorporated tank mix may be appliedup to 21 days prior to planting soybeans; with Dual or Lasso, the preplant incorporated tank mix may be applied up 14 days priorto planting.
On medium and fine textured soils with greater than 2% organic matter, a rate range is recommended for the TriCor 4F pre-emergence overlay application. The higher rate should be used (a) in fields with a history of severe broadleaf weed pressure, (b) whenthe time between preplant incorporated tank mix and pre-emergence overlay applications approaches the maximum stated above,and/or (c) when the organic matter content of the soil is at the upper end of the indicated range.
For black nightshade control, refer to the appropriate sections of the Lasso, Dual, or Sonalan labels for specific instructions.
Preplant Incorporated Tank mix Application – FOLLOWED BY – Pre-emergence Overlay Application
Rate of TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
Organic Matter
Rate of Combination
Rate of TriCor 4F
Less Than 2%
Treflan 1 pt.
sand, loamy sand, or Lasso 2 to 2-1/2 qts.
or Dual 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 pts.
1/2 – Followed by or Prowl 1-1/2 pts.
or Sonalan 1-1/4 to 2 pts.
Treflan 1-1/2 pts.
or Lasso 2-1/2 to 3 qts.
3/4 – Followed by sandy clay loam, silt, or Dual 1-1/2 pts.
or Prowl 1-1/2 pts.
1/22 – Followed by or Sonalan 1-3/4 to 2-1/2 pts.
FINE (Heavy)
Treflan 2 pts.
Silty clay loam*, or Lasso 2-1/2 to 3 qts.
1.0 – Followed by clay loam, silty clay, or Dual 2 to 2-1/2 pts.
or Prowl 1-1/2 to 2 pts.
3/42 – Followed by or Sonalan 2-1/4 to 3 pts.
* Silty clay loam soils are transitional soils and may be classified as medium textured soils in some regions of the U.S.
1 On coarse textured soils, do not use on sand soils with less than 1% organic matter, or on loamy sand or sandy loam soils with less than 0.5% organic matter.
However, on coarse textured soils with a calcareous surface area or a pH of 7.5 or higher do not use on sand soils with less than 2% organic matter, or on loamysand or sandy loam soils with less than 1% organic matter.
2 Use this lower rate of TriCor 4F in the preplant incorporated tank mix on soils having a calcareous surface area or a pH of 7.5 or higher, and in those situations where soils within a field vary extremely in texture or organic matter content.
3 Reduce this pre-emergence overlay rate TriCor 4F by 1/4 pt./acre when using SPLIT-SHOT application on soils with over 4% organic matter and which have a calcareous surface area or a pH of 7.5 or higher.
(Includes No-Till, Reduced-Till, Ridge-Till, Strip-Till, Mulch-Till)
An early preplant (surface-applied or shallow incorporated) application of TriCor 4F tank mixed with either Dual or Lasso, followedby a pre-emergence surface application of TriCor 4F tank mixed with Dual or Lasso after planting but prior to soybean emergence,will control more broadleaf and grass weeds in soybeans than either herbicide alone.
An Extended SPLIT-SHOT application will decrease the need for tillage and/or contact herbicides for the control of existing vegeta-tion prior to planting, while providing residual control of weeds after planting.
When an Extended SPLIT-SHOT application of TriCor 4F with Dual or Lasso is used, the preplant tank mix combination may beapplied 15 to 30 days prior to planting soybeans. Follow directions on the label accompanying the product for SPLIT-SHOT appli-cations from 0 to 14 days before planting.
Where a rate range is recommended, the higher rates should be used (a) in fields with a history of severe weed pressure, (b) whenthe time between early preplant tank mix and pre-emergence overlay applications approaches the maximum 30 days, (c) when theorganic matter content of the soil is at the upper end of the indicated range, (d) when heavy crop residues are present on the soilsurface, and/or (e) when the early preplant tank mix application is shallow incorporated (e.g. use 2 to 2-1/2 qts. Lasso in the earlypreplant tank mix when surface applied and use 2-1/2 to 3 qts. Lasso when the tank mix is to be lightly incorporated).
When weeds exceed 1 to 1-1/2 inches in height or diameter at application, use a contact herbicide, such as glyphosate or Gramoxone.
Refer to the Dual or Lasso label, and to appropriate sections of this label for additional information on soil preparation, herbicideapplication, weeds controlled, precautions, restrictions, limitations and sprayer clean-up.
Early Preplant Tank Mix Application
(Surface-Applied or Shallow Incorporated)
Pre-emergence Overlay Application
Rate of TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
Rate of TriCor 4F
Dual 1-1/3 pts.
Sand, loamy sand, Lasso 1-1/2 to 2 qts.
Dual 1-3/4 pts.
Lasso 2 to 3 qts.
FINE (Heavy)
Silty clay loam*, Lasso 2 to 3 qts.
* Silty clay loam soils are transitional soils and may be classified as medium textured soils in some regions of the U.S.
1 On coarse textured soils, do not use on sand soil with less than 1% organic matter. However, on coarse textured soils with a calcareous surface area or a pH of
7.5 or higher, do not use on sand soils with less than 2% organic matter, or on loamy sand or sandy loam soils with less than 1% organic matter.
2 Use the lower rate of TriCor 4F in the early preplant tank mix on soils having a calcareous surface area or a pH of 7.5 or higher, and in those rate situations where soils within a field vary extremely in texture or organic matter content.
SOYBEANS: TriCor 4F Plus Sonalan
TriCor 4F plus Sonalan Overlay Application: TriCor 4F may be applied as a pre-emergence overlay application following a pre-
plant incorporated application of Sonalan 3 EC. Consult the Sonalan label for specific directions on use, recommendations, restric-
tions and any additional weeds not specified on this label.
TriCor 4F plus Sonalan Tank mix Application: Incorporate the tank mixture into the top 1 to 2 inches of soil within 21 days before
planting according to label directions for Sonalan.
Apply TriCor 4F plus Sonalan preplant incorporated if furrow irrigation is used or when a period of dry weather after application is
expected. If soybeans are planted on beds, apply and incorporate the tank mixture after bed formation.
Mixing: Refer to the "General Information" section in the front of this label.
Application: Sonalan should be uniformly applied and thoroughly mixed into the soil within 2 days after application. For specific
application information, refer to the "General Information" section in the front of this label.
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
Sonalan 3EC (Pt./Acre)
COARSE1 (Sandy loam, loamy sand)
MEDIUM2 (Loam, silt loam, silt, sandy clay, sandy clay loam)
FINE3 (Silty clay, silty clay loam2, clay, clay loam)
1 Do not use on coarse soils with less than 1% organic matter.
2 Silty clay loam soils are transitional soils and may be classified as medium textured soils in some regions of the U.S.
3 For control of lambsquarters, redroot pigweed, wild mustard, and green and yellow foxtails on alkaline (calcareous) soils in Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota only, apply TriCor 4F at rates of 1/2 pt./acre on medium soils and 1/2 to 3/4 pt./acre on fine soils regardless of soil organic matter percentage (use
3/4 pt. only where soil pH is less than 7.5 and weed pressure is heavy). The 1/2 pt. rate of TriCor 4F in tank mix combination with Sonalan can be applied regardless
of soil pH. For control of other weeds not listed on the label, use TriCor 4F at full rates recommended in the table above, but note that crop injury may occur on
soils having a calcareous surface area or a pH of 7.5 or higher.

Special Precautions: For additional precautions, restrictions, limitations, incorporation, and sprayer clean-up information, refer to the appropriate sections of this
label and the Sonalan label.
For black nightshade control, refer to the Sonalan label for specific rates and application instructions.
TriCor 4F and Treflan Overlay Application: TriCor 4F may be applied as a pre-emergence broadcast or band overlay application
following a preplant incorporated treatment of Treflan. Consult the Treflan label for specific directions for use, recommendations,
restrictions and any additional weeds not specified on this label.
TriCor 4F plus Treflan Tank mix Application: A single application of a tank mix combination of TriCor 4F and Treflan EC will con-
trol more broadleaf and grass weeds in soybeans than when either herbicide is used alone.
Prepare the soil surface by deep plowing, offset disking or tandem disking prior to the application of the herbicide combination. The
soil surface should be well prepared and free of clods and trash.
This TriCor 4F plus Treflan tank mix combination may be applied and incorporated into the soil up to 10 days before planting.
Mixing: Refer to the "General Information" section in the front of this label.
Application: For specific application information refer to the "General Information" section in the front of this label.
Apply TriCor 4F plus Treflan to the soil surface and incorporate in the same operation, if possible. Variable weed control may result
from delayed incorporation if TriCor 4F plus Treflan are applied to a wet, warm soil surface or if the wind velocity is 10 miles per hour
or higher. Use machinery that mixes TriCor 4F plus Treflan thoroughly with the soil. Incorporation may be delayed up to 24 hours
after application. Shallow incorporation with implements set to cut less than 2 inches deep may result in erratic weed control. Do
not use spike or spring-tooth harrows alone for incorporation.
1. Set PTO-driven equipment (tillers, cultivators, hoes) to cut 2 to 3 inches deep and space rotors to provide a clean sweep of the soil. PTO equipment should not be operated at a speed greater than 4 miles per hours. 2. Set disk to cut 4 to 6 inches deep and operate twice in different directions at 4 to 6 miles per hours.
3. Set mulch treader and other similar disk-type implements to cut 3 to 4 inches deep and operate twice in different directions at 5 to 8 miles per hour.
4. For coarse and medium textured soils only: Set rolling cultivator to cut 2 to 4 inches deep and operate twice at 6 to 8 miles
per hour. Set bed conditioner (Do-All) to cut 2 to 4 inches deep and operate at 4 to 6 miles per hour.
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
Treflan EC (Pt./Acre)
COARSE1 (Sandy loam, loamy sand)
MEDIUM (Loam, silt loam, silt, sandy clay, sandy clay loam)
FINE (Silty clay, silty clay loam2, clay, clay loam)3
1 Do not use on coarse soils with less than 1% organic matter.
2 Silty clay loam soils are transitional soils and may be classified as medium textured soils in some regions of the U.S.
3 For control of lambsquarters, redroot pigweed, wild mustard, and green and yellow foxtails on alkaline (calcareous) soils in Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota only, apply TriCor 4F at rates of 1/2 pt./acre on medium soils and 1/2 to 3/4 pt./acre on fine soils regardless of soil organic matter percentage (use
3/4 pt. only where soil pH is less than 7.5 and weed pressure is heavy). The 1/2 pt. rate of TriCor 4F in tank mix combination with Treflan can be applied regardless
of soil pH. For control of other weeds not listed on the label, use TriCor 4F at full rates recommended in the table above, but note that crop injury may occur on
soils having a calcareous surface area or a pH of 7.5 or higher.

Seedling disease, cold weather, excessive moisture, high salt concentration or drought may weaken soybean seedlings and increase the possibility of damage fromthe tank mix. Do not plant soybeans deeper than 2 inches.
Do not rotate any crop not listed on this label for 18 months following application. For additional precautions, restrictions, limitations and sprayer clean-up informa-tion refer to the appropriate section of this label. Do not use this tank mix combination on soils containing charcoal in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi.
TriCor 4F plus Dual Overlay Application: Apply a preplant incorporated treatment of Dual 8E as directed on that product label for
use on soybeans. Follow with a pre-emergence treatment of TriCor 4F as directed on this label for use on soybeans.
Preplant Incorporated Application: Incorporate the tank mixture into the top 2 inches of soil within 14 days before planting using
a disk, harrow, rolling cultivator, or similar implement.
Apply TriCor 4F plus Dual preplant incorporated if furrow irrigation is used or when a period of dry weather after application is expect-
ed. If soybeans are planted on beds, apply and incorporate the tank mixture after bed formation.
Pre-emergence Application: Dry weather following pre-emergence application of TriCor 4F plus Dual tank mixture may reduce
effectiveness. If weeds develop, cultivate uniformly with shallow tillage equipment such as a rotary hoe that will not damage
Mixing Instructions: Refer to the "General Information" section in the front of this label.
For information on applying TriCor 4F in fluid or dry fertilizer, refer to the "Application of TriCor 4F in Fluid Fertilizers" or "Commercial
Impregnation and Application of TriCor 4F on Dry Bulk Fertilizer" sections in the front of this label.
Special Precautions (TriCor 4F and Dual):
For additional precautions, restrictions, limitations, and sprayer clean-up information refer to the appropriate sections of this labeland the Dual label.
TriCor 4F Plus Dual Tank Mix Pre-emergence Applications
1/2% to 3%
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
Dual 8E (Pt./Acre)
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
Dual 8E (Pt./Acre)
COARSE1 (Loamy sand, sandy loam)
MEDIUM (Loam, silt loam, silt)
FINE (Silty clay loam2, sandy clay loam, silty clay,
sandy clay, clay loam, clay) MISSISSIPPI DELTA ONLY: (Silty clay, clay)
1 Do not use on sand soils. Do not apply TriCor 4F and Dual overlay or tank mix pre-emergence on loamy sand with less than 2% organic matter.
2 Silty clay loam soils are transitional soils and may be classified as medium textured soils in some regions of the U.S.
TriCor 4F Plus Dual Tank Mix Preplant Incorporated Applications
1/2% to 3%
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
Dual 8E (Pt./Acre)
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
Dual 8E (Pt./Acre)
COARSE1 (Loamy sand, sandy loam)
MEDIUM (Loam, silt loam, silt)
FINE (Silty clay loam2, sandy clay loam, silty clay,
sandy clay, clay loam, clay) MISSISSIPPI DELTA ONLY: (Silty clay, clay)
1 Do not use on sand soils. Do not apply TriCor 4F plus Dual tank mix preplant incorporated on sand or loamy sand with less than 2% organic matter or crop injury 2 Silty clay loam soils are transitional soils and may be classified as medium textured soils in some regions of the U.S.
TriCor 4F plus Prowl Overlay Application: Apply a preplant incorporated treatment of Prowl as directed on that product label for
use on soybeans. Follow with a pre-emergence treatment of TriCor 4F as directed on this label for use on soybeans.
TriCor 4F plus Prowl Tank mix Application
Preplant Incorporated Application:
Prepare the soil by plowing or disking to mix previous crop residues into the soil to a depth of
4 to 6 inches. For specific application information refer to the "General Information" section in the front of this label.
Incorporate the tank mixture into the top 1 or 2 inches of soil within 7 days after application according to label directions for Prowl.
Mechanical incorporation is not required if a rain of one-quarter inch or more occurs within 7 days after application. Soybeans must
be planted no later than 7 days after application of the tank mixture.
Pre-emergence Application: Except for minimum and no-tillage systems, the seed bed should be firm and free of trash and clods.
For specific application information refer to the "General Information" section in the front of this label. Do not apply Prowl pre-
emergence north of Interstate 80.
This application must be made after planting and before crop emergence. Do not incorporate.
If cultivation is necessary because of soil crusting, soil compaction or weed germination before rain or irrigation, use shallow tilling
equipment such as a rotary hoe that does not damage soybeans.
Mixing instructions: Refer to the "General Information" section in the front of this label.
For information on applying TriCor 4F in fluid or dry fertilizer refer to the "Application of TriCor 4F in Fluid Fertilizers" or "Commercial
Impregnation and Application of TriCor 4F On Dry Bulk Fertilizer" sections in the front of this label.
Special Precautions (TriCor 4F plus Prowl): Soil incorporation deeper than the recommended will reduce weed control and can
result in crop injury.
For additional precautions restrictions, limitations, and sprayer clean-up information, refer to the appropriate sections of this label
and the Prowl label.
For use only in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Southeastern Missouri "Bootheel" Region and Coastal Plainsof Delaware*, Maryland*, New Jersey*, and Virginia*. * TriCor 4F plus Prowl is not recommended for use on soils with less than 2% organic matter in the coastal plain of New Jersey or the Delmarva Peninsula.
TriCor 4F Plus Prowl Tank Mix Applications
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
COARSE1 (Sandy loam, loamy sand)
MEDIUM (Loam, silt loam, silt, sandy clay, sandy clay loam)
FINE (silty clay, silty clay loam2, clay, clay loam)
1 Do not use on sand soils. Do not use on loamy sand or sandy loam containing less than 1% organic matter.
2 Silty clay loam soils are transitional soils and may be classified as medium textured soils in certain regions of the U.S.
Do not use on muck or peat soils.
For use only in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Wisconsin andMissouri (except in the "Bootheel" Region).
TriCor 4F Plus Prowl Tank Mix Applications
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
COARSE1 (Sandy loam, Loamy sand)
MEDIUM (Loam, silt loam, sandy clay, sandy clay loam)
FINE (Silty clay, silty clay loam2, clay, clay loam)
1 Do not use on sand soils. Do not use on loamy sand or sandy loam containing less than 1% organic matter. Where a range of rates is shown for medium and fine soils, use the higher rate if heavy weed infestations are anticipated.
2 Silty clay loam soils are transitional soils and may be classified as medium textured soils in some regions of the U.S.
Do not use on muck or peat soils.
TriCor 4F Plus Lasso Tank Mix Application
TriCor 4F may be used in a tank mix combination with Lasso as a pre-emergence band or broadcast application to soybeans in
accordance with the specified soil types and dosages recommended.
For specific information regarding spray equipment, dilution rates, mixing, directions for use, methods of application, limitations and
restrictions refer to the appropriate section of this label.
Special Precautions (TriCor 4F Plus Lasso): For additional precautions, restrictions, limitations and sprayer clean-up information,
refer to the appropriate sections of this label and the Lasso label. Refer to the Lasso label for pertinent recommendations, directions
for use, restrictions and any additional weeds not specified on this label.
TriCor 4F Plus Lasso Tank Mix Pre-emergence Applications
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
COARSE1 (Sandy loam)
MEDIUM (Loam, silt loam, silt, sandy clay, sandy clay loam)
FINE2 (Silty clay, silty clay loam3, clay, clay loam)
MISSISSIPPI DELTA ONLY (Silty clay to heavy clay)
TriCor 4F Pt./Acre + Lasso Qt./Acre 1 Do not use TriCor 4F plus Lasso on sand or loamy sand soils with less than 2% organic matter.
2 For control of lambsquarters, redroot pigweed, wild mustard, green and yellow foxtails on alkaline (calcareous) soils in Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota only, apply TriCor 4F at rates of 1/2 pt./acre on medium soils and 1/2 to 3/4 pt./acre on fine soils regardless of soil organic matter percentage (use3/4 pt. only where soil pH is less than 7.5 and weed pressure is heavy). The 1/2 pt./acre rate of TriCor 4F in tank mix combination with Lasso can be applied regard-less of soil pH. For control of other weeds use TriCor 4F at full rates recommended in the table above, but note that crop injury may occur on soils having a calcare-ous surface area or a pH of 7.5 or higher.
3 Silty clay loam soils are transitional soils and may be classified as medium textured soils in some regions of the U.S.
Do not use on muck soils.
Preplant Incorporated: For specific application information refer to the "General Information" section in the front of this label.
Apply TriCor 4F plus Lasso preplant incorporated if furrow irrigation is used or when a period of dry weather after application is
expected. If soybeans are planted on beds, apply and incorporate the tank mixture after bed formation. Apply within 7 days prior to
planting and shallowly incorporate into the upper 1 to 2 inches of soil.
TriCor 4F Plus Lasso Tank Mix Preplant Incorporated Applications
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
COARSE1 (Loamy sand, [over 2% organic matter], sandy loam)
MEDIUM (Loam, silt loam, silt)
FINE (Silty clay loam2, sandy clay loam, silty clay, sandy clay,
Mississippi Delta Only (Silty clay, clay)
1 Do not use TriCor 4F plus Lasso on sand or loamy sand soils with less than 2% organic matter.
2 Silty clay loam soils are transitional soils and may be classified as medium textured soils in some regions of the U.S.
SOYBEANS: TriCor 4F Plus Command®
TriCor 4F may be applied in combination with Command 4EC as a preplant or shallow incorporated application for the control of
certain weeds in soybeans. Consult the Command 4EC label for specific directions on use, recommendations, restrictions and any
additional weeds not specified on this label.
Mixing: Refer to the "General Information" section in the front of this label.
Application: TriCor 4F plus Command 4EC may only be applied with ground equipment as a preplant or shallow incorporated appli-
cation. TriCor 4F plus Command 4EC should be immediately incorporated into the top 1 to 3 inches after application unless surface
is dry. On dry soils, incorporate into the top 1 to 3 inches within 3 hours of tank mix application.
Do not apply this tank mix within 1000 feet of towns and subdivisions, commercial vegetable, fruit, nurseries or greenhouse operations.
A minimum of 15 gallons spray volume per acre is recommended with appropriate nozzle types and sizes to produce a coarse spray
droplet. The use of an approved agricultural drift reducing additive is recommended for application volumes of 15 to 40 gallons per
acre. The use of an approved agricultural drift reducing additive is required at spray volumes of 10 to 15 gallons per acre.
Note: Off-site movement of Command spray drift or vapors can cause foliar whitening or yellowing of some vegetation. Prior to
application of Command, read and strictly follow all precautions and application instructions as set forth in that label.
For additional information on application, refer to the "General Information" section in the front of this label and the Command label.
Broadleaf Signalgrass Florida Beggarweed Foxtail, Robust Purple Johnsongrass (seedling)* Prickly Sida/Teaweed * Use 2 pts./A Command 4EC on coarse and medium textured soils with high populations of these weeds.
TriCor 4F Plus Command 4EC Tank Mix Preplant Incorporated Application
1/2% to 3%
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
Command 4EC (Pt./Acre)
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
Command 4EC (Pt./Acre)
COARSE2 (Sandy loam, loamy sand))
MEDIUM (Loam, silt loam, silt, sandy clay,
FINE (Silty clay, silty clay loam3, clay, clay loam)
1 Crop injury may occur on soils having a calcareous surface area or a pH of 7.1 or higher. 2 Do not use on coarse soils with less than 1% organic matter. 3 Silty clay loam soils are transitional soils and may be classified as medium textured soils in some regions of the U.S. Special Precautions: Do not rotate to wheat, barley, alfalfa or seed corn in the fall of the year of application or in the spring of the following year as crop injury may
occur. Do not rotate any crop not listed on this label for 18 months following application.
Do not apply when weather conditions favor drift. Do not use treated vines for feed or forage.
Observe all cautions and limitations on labeling of all products used in mixtures.
Do not apply aerially or through irrigation equipment.
SOYBEANS: TriCor 4F Plus Commence®
TriCor 4F plus Commence Tank mix Early Preplant Incorporated Application: TriCor 4F in a tank mix with Commence 5.25 EC
may be applied broadcast preplant incorporated up to 30 days before planting soybeans for the control of certain broadleaf weeds
and grasses. Refer to the Commence herbicide label for additional directions for use, weeds controlled, recommendations, restric-
tions and limitations not specified on this label.
Mixing: Refer to the "General Information" section on this label.
Application: For information on applying TriCor 4F, refer to the "General Information" section on this label.
TriCor 4F Plus Commence 5.25 EC Tank Mix – Early Preplant Incorporated Application1
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
Commence 5.25 EC (Pt./Acre)
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
Commence 5.25 EC (Pt./Acre)
1 For use on soils with a pH of 7.5 or lower. 2 Do not use on coarse soils with less than 1% organic matter. Restrictions and Limitations: Do not apply aerially or through irrigation equipment.
Do not apply when weather conditions favor drift. Do not allow sprays to drift onto adjacent desirable plants. Do not use treated vines for feed or forage.
Do not rotate to wheat, barley, alfalfa or seed corn in the fall of the year of application or in the spring of the following year as crop injury may occur. Do not rotate
any crop not listed on this label for 18 months following application.
TriCor 4F plus Commence Tank mix Preplant Incorporated: TriCor 4F may be tank mixed with Commence 5.25 EC for preplant incor-
porated application to control certain weeds in soybeans. Refer to the "General Information" section of this label for information on mix-
ing, application, restrictions, special precautions and weeds controlled by TriCor 4F. See appropriate sections of the Commence 5.25 EC
herbicide label for additional precautionary statements, directions for use, recommendations and additional weeds controlled.
TriCor 4F Plus Commence 5.25 EC Tank Mix – Preplant Incorporated Application
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
Commence 5.25 EC (Pt./Acre)
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
Commence 5.25 EC (Pt./Acre)
COARSE2 (Sandy loam, loamy sand)
MEDIUM (Loam, silt loam, silt, sandy clay,
FINE (Silty clay, silty clay loam3, clay, clay loam)
1 Crop injury may occur on soils having a calcareous surface area or a pH of 7.1 or higher. 2 Do not use on coarse soils with less than 1% organic matter. 3 Silty clay loam soils are transitional soils and may be classified as medium textured soils in some regions of the U.S.
Special Precautions (TriCor 4F plus Commence): Do not rotate to wheat, barley, alfalfa or seed corn in the fall of the year of application or in the spring of the fol-
lowing year as a crop injury may occur. Do not rotate any crop not listed on this label for 18 months following application.
Do not apply when weather conditions favor drift. Do not use treated vines for feed or forage. Do not apply aerially or through irrigation equipment.
Do not allow sprays to drift onto adjacent desirable plants.
SOYBEANS: TriCor 4F Plus Freedom®
TriCor 4F may be tank mixed with Freedom 3EC for preplant incorporated application to control certain weeds in soybeans. Referto the "General Information" section of this label for information on mixing, application, restrictions, special precautions and weedscontrolled by TriCor 4F. See appropriate sections of the Freedom 3EC herbicide label for additional precautionary statements, direc-tions for use, recommendations and additional weeds controlled. TriCor 4F Plus Freedom Tank Mix Preplant Incorporated Application
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
Freedom 3EC (Qt./Acre)
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
Freedom 3EC (Qt./Acre)
COARSE1 (Sandy loam)
MEDIUM2 (Loam, silt loam, silt, sandy clay,
FINE2 (Silty clay, silty clay loam3, clay, clay loam)
MISSISSIPPI DELTA ONLY (Silty clay to heavy clay)
TriCor 4F Pt./Acre + Freedom 3EC Qt./Acre 2 + 3-1/2 to 4-1/2 1 Do not use TriCor 4F plus Freedom on sand or loamy sand soils with less than 2% organic matter.
2 For control of lambsquarters, redroot pigweed, wild mustard, green and yellow foxtails on alkaline (calcareous) soils in Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota only, apply TriCor 4F at rates of 1/2 pt./acre on medium soils and 1/2 to 3/4 pt./acre on fine soils regardless of soil organic matter percentage (use3/4 pt. only where soil pH is less than 7.5 and weed pressure is heavy). The 1/2 pt./acre rate of TriCor 4F in tank mix combination with Freedom can be appliedregardless of soil pH. For control of other weeds use TriCor 4F at full rates recommended in the table above, but note that crop injury may occur on soils having acalcareous surface area or a pH of 7.5 or higher. 3 Silty clay loam soils are transitional soils and may be classified as medium textured soils in some regions of the U.S. Do not use on muck soils. Do not allow sprays to drift onto adjacent desirable plants.
SOYBEANS: TriCor 4F Plus Canopy® Plus a Grass Herbicide
A tank mix combination of TriCor 4F plus Canopy 75 DF plus a registered and recommended grass herbicide (Dual, Lasso, Prowl,Sonalan or Treflan) is recommended for control of the following weeds in soybeans: Johnsongrass (seedling) Prickly Sida/Teaweed Broadleaf Signalgrass Copperleaf, Hophornbeam Florida Beggarweed Tank mix combinations which include Dual, Lasso or Prowl can be applied pre-emergence broadcast or preplant incorporated broad-cast. When Sonalan or Treflan are used in the tank mix, apply preplant incorporated broadcast. Refer to the table below for recom-mended rates of each product to be used in tank mix combinations. TriCor 4F Plus Canopy 75 DF Plus a Grass Herbicide
TriCor 4F
Canopy DF
1 Do not use on soils with a pH greater than 7.0. 2 Refer to "Soil Texture" paragraph on this label for specific soil classification.
3 Use the lower rate of TriCor 4F in preplant incorporated tank mix as in those situations where soils within a field vary extremely in texture or organic matter content. IMPORTANT: If weeds escape in fields treated with these tank mix combinations, post-emergence application of a registered and recommended herbicide will be
needed for control.
Refer to the "General Information" section of this label for mixing and application directions.
SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS: For additional precautions, restrictions, limitations and sprayer clean-up information, refer to the appropriate sections of the labels for
TriCor 4F and Canopy 75 DF.
Do not use treated vines for feed or forage.
SOYBEANS: TriCor 4F Plus Command Plus a Grass Herbicide
TriCor 4F may be applied with Command 4EC and a grass herbicide (Treflan, Lasso, Dual, Prowl or Sonalan) for the control of cer-
tain broadleaf weeds and grasses in soybeans. This combination will provide improved control of heavy infestations of velvetleaf,
jimsonweed and common ragweed. TriCor 4F and Command 4EC plus a grass herbicide may be applied preplant incorporated
broadcast. Consult the Command, Treflan, Lasso, Dual, Prowl or Sonalan labels for specific directions for use, recommendations,
restrictions and additional weeds controlled not specified on this label.
Mixing: Refer to the "General Information" section in the front of this label.
Application: For specific application information, refer to the "General Information" section in the front of this label.
Broadleaf Signalgrass Johnsongrass (seedling) Copperleaf, Hophornbeam Florida Beggarweed Prickly Sida/Teaweed TriCor 4F and Command plus Treflan, Lasso, Dual, Prowl or Sonalan will provide suppression (reduce the competition) of cocklebur and sunflower.
TriCor 4F Plus Command Plus a Grass Herbicide
TriCor 4F
Command 4EC
1 Refer to "Soil Texture" paragraph on this label for specific soil classification. On coarse textured soils with a calcareous surface area or a pH of 7.5 or higher, do not use on loamy sand or sandy loam soils with less than 1% organic matter.
2 The higher rate of TriCor 4F is recommended for the control of sicklepod and hemp sesbania. Use the lower rate of TriCor 4F in the preplant incorporated tank mix on soils having a calcareous surface area or a pH of 7.5 or higher, and in those situations where soils within a field vary extremely in texture or organic matter content.
3 Higher rate is recommended under moderate to heavy weed infestations. SOYBEANS: TriCor 4F Plus Scepter Plus a Grass Herbicide
TriCor 4F may be applied with Scepter herbicide and a grass herbicide (Treflan, Lasso, Dual, Prowl or Sonalan) for the control of cer-
tain broadleaf weeds and grasses in soybeans. TriCor 4F and Scepter plus Treflan or Sonalan may be applied preplant incorporat-
ed broadcast. TriCor 4F and Scepter plus Lasso, Dual or Prowl may be applied preplant incorporated, pre-emergence broadcast or
in a band application.
Consult the Scepter, Treflan, Lasso, Dual, Prowl or Sonalan labels for specific directions for use, recommendations, restrictions and
additional weeds controlled not specified on this label.
Mixing: Refer to the "General Information" section in the front of this label.
Application: For specific application information, refer to the "General Information" section in the front of this label.
Weeds Controlled: TriCor 4F plus Scepter plus Treflan, Lasso, Dual, Prowl or Sonalan will control the following broadleaf weeds
and grasses:
Prickly Sida/Teaweed Broadleaf Signalgrass Johnsongrass (seedling) Ragweed, Common Redweed Copperleaf, Hophornbeam Florida Beggarweed Morningglory, Pitted TriCor 4F and Scepter plus Treflan, Lasso, Dual, Prowl or Sonalan will suppress (reduce the competition of) ivyleaf and tall morningglory, and red rice.
Scepter (1.5 lbs./
TriCor 4F
Gal. liquid3
Scepter 70 DG3
(Pt./Acre) – or –
1 Refer to "Soil Texture" paragraph on this label for specific soil classification. On coarse textured soils with a calcareous surface area or a pH of 7.5 or higher, do not use on loamy sand or sandy loam soils with less than 1% organic matter. 2 The higher rate of TriCor 4F is recommended for pre-emergence tank mix application and for the control of sicklepod and hemp sesbania. Use the lower rate of TriCor 4F in the preplant incorporated tank mix on soils having a calcareous surface area or a pH of 7.5 or higher, and in those situations where soils within a fieldvary extremely in texture or organic matter content. 3 Higher rate is recommended under moderate to heavy weed infestations.
SOYBEANS: TriCor 4F Plus Pursuit® Plus a Grass Herbicide
TriCor 4F may be tank mixed with Pursuit herbicide and a registered and recommended grass herbicide (Dual, Lasso, Prowl, Sonalan
or Treflan) for control of certain broadleaf and grass weeds in soybeans. Refer to the product labels for Pursuit, Dual, Lasso, Prowl,
Sonalan or Treflan for additional directions for use, recommendations, restrictions and limitations not included on this label.
Tank mix combinations of TriCor 4F, Pursuit and Dual, Lasso or Prowl can be applied broadcast pre-emergence or preplant incor-
porated. When the grass herbicide used is Sonalan or Treflan, apply the tank mix broadcast preplant incorporated.
Mixing and Application: Refer to the "General Information" section of this label for directions on mixing and application of TriCor 4F.
TriCor 4F Plus Pursuit Plus a Grass Herbicide*
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
* For control of grass weeds, include Dual, Lasso, Prowl, Sonalan, or Treflan at label rates in the tank mix with TriCor 4F and Pursuit herbicides.
Restrictions and Limitations: Do not apply this tank mix with aerial or irrigation equipment. Do not apply when weather conditions favor drift, or allow sprays to drift
onto adjacent desirable plants. Do not use treated vines for feed or forage. Refer to appropriate sections of the Pursuit herbicide label for restrictions on use area and
rotational crops.
SOYBEANS: TriCor 4F Plus Pursuit Plus Herbicide
TriCor 4F may be tank mixed with Pursuit Plus herbicide for broadcast pre-emergence or preplant incorporated application to soy-
beans for control of certain broadleaf and grass weeds. Refer to the Pursuit Plus herbicide label for additional directions for use,
recommendations, restrictions and limitations not included on this label.
Mixing and Application: Refer to the "General Information" section of this label for directions on mixing and application of TriCor 4F.
TriCor 4F Plus Pursuit Plus Herbicide
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
Pursuit Plus (Pt./Acre)
Restrictions and Limitations: Do not apply this tank mix with aerial or irrigation equipment. Do not apply when weather conditions favor drift, or allow sprays to drift
onto desirable plants.
Do not use treated vines for feed or forage.
Refer to appropriate sections of the Pursuit Plus herbicide label for restrictions on use area and rotational crops.
SOYBEANS: TriCor 4F Plus Linuron Plus (Lasso or Dual)
TriCor 4F plus Linuron Plus (Lasso or Dual) Tank mix Application: TriCor 4F may be applied in combination with Linuron 50 DF or
4L and Lasso 4 or Dual 8EC as a pre-emergence application for the control of certain weeds in soybeans. Consult the Linuron, Lasso,
or Dual labels for specific directions for use, recommendations, restrictions and any additional weeds not specified on this label.
Mixing: Refer to the "General Information" section in the front of this label.
Application: Applications can be made only with ground spray equipment in accordance with specified soil types and dosage rates.
For specific application information, refer to the "General Information" section in the front of this label.
TriCor 4F Plus Linuron Plus (Lasso or Dual)
Broadcast Rates (0.5% to 3% Organic Matter Only)
TriCor 4F
Linuron 50 DF (lb./Acre)
or 4L (Pt./Acre)
COARSE2 (Sandy, loamy sand, sandy loam)
MEDIUM (Loam, silt loam, silt, sandy clay, sandy clay loam)
FINE (Silty clay, silty clay loam2, clay, clay loam)
1 Do not use TriCor 4F plus linuron (Lasso or Dual) on sand soils with less than 1% organic matter. 2 Silty clay loam soils are transitional soils and may be classified as medium textured soils in some regions of the U.S. Special Precautions: For additional precautions, restrictions, limitations, and sprayer clean-up information, refer to the appropriate sections of this label and the lin-
uron label and the Lasso or Dual labels.
For Use in Coarse (Light) Soils in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina,
Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia.
TriCor 4F herbicide is recommended alone or in combination with Treflan, Lasso or Dual for use in coarse-textured, low organic matter
soils in the states listed above for the control of certain weeds in soybeans. Refer to the appropriate sections of this label and the Treflan,
Lasso or Dual label for specific directions for use, recommendations, restrictions, and any additional weeds not specified on this label.
Mixing: Refer to the "General Information" section in the front of this label.
Application: For specific application information, refer to the "General Information" section in the front of this label.
TriCor 4F (Alone) Pre-emergence Application
Soil Texture
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
Coarse (Light) Soils (Sand1, Loamy Sand, Sandy Loam)
1 Not recommended for use on sand with less than 1% organic matter. 2 Use the higher rate under heavy weed pressures and/or on soils higher in organic matter. TriCor 4F in Combination with Other Herbicides: TriCor 4F is recommended in a tank mix combination with Treflan as a preplant
incorporated application or as a pre-emergence overlay application following a preplant incorporated application of Treflan. TriCor 4F
is also recommended for use as a pre-emergence application in combination with Lasso or Dual.
For Use in Coarse (Light) Soils
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
Preplant Incorporated Sand1, Loamy Sand, Treflan 4EC 1 pt.
Pre-emergence Plus Lasso 4EC 1-1/2 to 2 qts.
Dual 8EC 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 pts.
1 Not recommended for use on sand with less than 1% organic matter. 2 Use the higher rate under heavy weed pressures and/or on soils higher in organic matter.
Special Precautions: Do not use on sand soils with less than 1% organic matter, or on sandy loam or loamy sand soils with less than 0.5% organic matter.
For additional precautions, restrictions, limitations and sprayer clean-up information, refer to the appropriate sections of this label and the Treflan, Lasso, or Dual labels.
TriCor 4F can be used as part of a herbicide program for burndown of existing vegetation prior to crop emergence in conservation
tillage systems. TriCor 4F may be tank mixed with 2,4-D low volatile ester (LVE), Gramoxone Extra, or glyphosate/Touchdown for
control of emerged weeds prior to field corn or soybean emergence. TriCor 4F tank mixes with 2,4-DB, Fusion, Poast Plus or Select
may also be used in soybeans for control of emerged weeds prior to crop emergence. TriCor 4F burndown tank mixes can be applied
before planting or prior to crop emergence in the following areas:
Field Corn: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
Soybeans: All areas for all products except Fusion tank mixes – see Fusion section of this label for recommended states.
Application: TriCor 4F may be applied up to 30 days prior to planting or pre-emergence. Apply only by ground equipment when
TriCor 4F is used for burndown of existing vegetation in conservation tillage systems. TriCor 4F and tank mix partner burndown rates
are listed in the following three tables:
Field Corn
Preplant 0 to 30 days Field Corn
Preplant 10 to 30 days Preplant 0 to 9 days Preplant 0 to 30 days TRICOR 4F PLUS TANK MIX PARTNER BURNDOWN RATES – FIELD CORN OR SOYBEANS
3 to 8 fl. oz./A* In soybeans, apply at least 7 days preplant when using 2,4-D LVE at 1/4 to 1/2 lb. a.i./A and at least 30 days preplant with rates greater than 1/2 lb. a.i./A. Include crop oil concentrate (COC) at the rate of 1/4 to 1 lb. a.i./A 1 gal./100 gals. of spray solution (1% v/v).
In corn, apply at least 7 days preplant or at least 3 days after planting but before corn emergence.
3 to 8 fl. oz./A* Must be applied prior to crop emergence. Use 24 to 32 fluid ounces of Gramoxone Extra for weeds less than 4 inches in height and 32 to 48 fluid ounces when weeds are 4 to 6 inches in height. Apply in 24 to 48 fl. oz./A 20 to 60 gallons of water per acre. Include either non-ionic surfactant at 1 quart per 100 gallons(0.25% v/v) or crop oil concentrate at 1 gallon per 100 gallons (1% v/v) of spray solution.
3 to 8 fl. oz./A* For this tank mix follow the Directions and Remarks Sections above for TriCor 4F + 2,4-D LVE and TriCor 4F + Gramoxone Extra, paying special attention to crop planting restrictions with 2,4-D LVE.
24 to 48 fl. oz./A Include either non-ionic surfactant or crop oil concentrate in this tank mix.
Must be applied prior to crop emergence. Use the higher rates as weeds approach the maximum weed heights listed in the "Weeds Controlled" section below. Apply in 10 to 20 gallons of water per acre. With 12 to 24 fl. oz./A glyphosate and Touchdown, include non-ionic surfactant at 2 quarts per 100 gallons (0.5% v/v) andammonium sulfate (spray grade) at 17 pounds per 100 gallons of spray solution. With glyphosate Ultra, include ammonium sulfate (spray grade) at 17 pounds per 100 gallons of spray solution. Any 8 to 16 fl. oz./A glyphosate formulation registered and labeled for use in field corn or soybeans may be tank mixed withTriCor 4F.
3 to 8 fl. oz./A* For this tank mix follow the Directions and Remarks Sections above for TriCor 4F + 2,4-D LVE and TriCor 4F + glyphosate/Touchdown, paying special attention to planting restrictions with 2,4-D LVE.
12 to 24 fl. oz./A Use the adjuvant recommendations under the TriCor 4F + glyphosate/Touchdown tank mix. Do not usecrop oil concentrate.
8 to 16 fl. oz./A 1/4 to 1 lb. a.i./A * If applied to field corn in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin, refer to Table "TriCor 4F Burndown Rates – Field Corn and Soybeans" for correct TriCor 4F rate based on application timing.
Apply preplant on or before soybean emergence. Include non-ionic surfactant at 2 quarts per 100 gal- lons (0.5% v/v) of spray solution.
1/8 to 7/32 lb. ai./A For use only in Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota,
Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. For this tank mix follow the planting restrictions under the Directions and Remarks Sectionabove for TriCor 4F + 2,4-D LVE. Fusion rates of 4, 6 and 8 fl. oz. will control certain grasses up to 2, 4, and 6 inches in height respectively. Include either crop oil concentrate at 1 gallon per 100 gallons 1/4 to 1 lb. a.i./A (1.0% v/v) or non-ionic surfactant at 1 to 2 quarts per 100 gallons (0.25 to 0.5% v/v) of spray solution.
Refer to the Fusion label for additional information.
For this tank mix follow the planting restrictions under the Directions and Remarks Section above for TriCor 4F + 2,4-D LVE. The 8 and 12 fl. oz. rate of Poast Plus will control certain grasses up to 2 and 8 to 12 fl. oz./A 3 inches in height, respectively. Include either crop oil concentrate at the rate of 1 gallon per 100 gal-lons of spray solution (1% v/v) or Dash HC at 1 pint per acre. Refer to the Poast Plus label for addition- al information.
1/4 to 1 lb. a.i./A For this tank mix follow the planting restriction under the Directions and Remarks Section above for TriCor 4F + 2,4-D LVE. The 3 and 4 fluid ounce rates of Select will control certain grasses up to 3 and 4 inches in height, respectively. Include crop oil concentrate at the rate of 1 quart per acre and 28%UAN (urea ammonium nitrate) at a rate of 1 to 2 quarts per acre. Refer to the Select label for additional 1/4 to 1 lb. a.i./A Special Precautions. Do not apply these treatments after crop emergence. Observe all precautions and limitations on the labeling
of all products used in tank mixtures. Refer to the "General Information" section of this label for additional information, precautions,
and limitations.
Field Corn:
• Do not apply on coarse textured soils with less than 1.5% organic matter. • Do not apply more than 6 ounces of TriCor 4F per acre on soils with less than 2% organic matter. • Do not apply on soils having pH 7.0 or greater. • Do not apply more than 8 ounces TriCor 4F (0.25 pound active ingredient) per acre per growing season. • Corn seed should be planted a minimum of 1-1/2 inches deep. • TriCor 4F may only be used in hybrid seed corn production fields if both inbred parents are known to be tolerant to TriCor 4F. Soybeans:
• Apply only 2,4-D low volatile ester formulations which are registered and recommended for preplant or burndown use in soybeans. • Do not apply tank mixtures containing 2,4-D LVE if wind is blowing toward desired susceptible plants (i.e. cotton, tobacco, toma- to, etc.) or when wind speeds exceed 6 miles per hour. Feeding restrictions: Corn treated with TriCor 4F may be harvested for silage or grain 60 days after treatment. Soybean vines or
hay treated with TriCor 4F may be grazed or fed to livestock 40 days after application. Do not feed hay, forage, fodder or graze
2,4-D, Select, or Fusion treated vegetation. Follow the most restrictive preharvest interval of all products used in a tank mixture.
Weeds Controlled: TriCor 4F in tank mixtures with the above herbicides will provide burndown control of the weeds listed below.
Poast Plus +
Glyphosate/ Touchdown +
2,4-D LVE
2,4-D LVE
2,4-D LVE
2,4-D LVE
2,4-D LVE
2,4-D LVE
Crabgrass spp.
Foxtail, spp.
Johnsongrass, seedling Wheat, volunteer MAXIMUM BURNDOWN HEIGHT (INCHES)
Chickweed, common Cocklebur, common Dandelion, common Lambsquarters, common Morningglory, spp.
Mustard, spp.
Pennycress, field Pigweed, spp. (annual) Smartweed, Pennsylvania Sunflower, common Thistle, Russian Waterhemp, spp.
a Use 2,4-D LVE at 0.5 pound active ingredient per acre. b Use a minimum glyphosate rate of 16 fl. oz./A and a minimum Touchdown rate of 10.6 fl. oz./A. c Use TriCor 4F at 4 oz./A for optimum control. d Suppression only. * Does not control triazine resistant biotypes. RESIDUAL WEED CONTROL
TriCor 4F burndown programs can be used as part of a full season weed control program in both field corn and soybeans when,1) applied as a tank mixture with residual herbicides, or 2) followed with a post-emergence weed control program, which is regis-tered for use on that crop. For residual control, TriCor 4F burndown programs may include tank mixes with the following herbicides or combination of herbicides: Broadstrike + Dual Broadstrike Plus a Use only Pursuit resistant/tolerant corn hybrids.
Broadstrike + Dual Refer to the individual product labels for additional information, precautions, and limitations. SOYBEANS: SOUTHERN AND SOUTHEASTERN STATES ONLY
Post-emergence Directed Spray Applications
TriCor 4F can be applied in post-emergence directed sprays to soybeans for control of certain weeds which escape preplant or pre-
emergence herbicide applications and for control of additional flushes of weeds that may occur after soybeans have emerged. Post-
emergence directed sprays of TriCor 4F can be applied to soybeans in addition to a pre-emergence or preplant application of
TriCor 4F herbicide according to label directions.
Weeds Controlled: TriCor 4F, applied post-emergence to soybeans as a directed spray according to directions on this label, will
control the following at rates shown (broadcast basis) when grasses and common ragweed are less than 1 inch tall and other
broadleaves are less than 3 inches tall:
1/2 Pt./Acre
1/2 to 1 Pt./Acre
1 Pt./Acre
Florida beggarweed (Desmodium tortuosum) Sesbania (Sesbania spp.) Ragweed, common (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) Pigweeds (Amaranthus spp.) Prickly Sida/Teaweed (Sida sponosa) Carpetweed (Mollugo verticillata)Cocklebur (Xanthium pensylvanicum)Dayflower (Commelina spp.)Mexicanweed (Caperonia castaniifolia)Purslane (Portulaca oleracea)Sicklepod (Cassia obtusifolia)Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti)Crabgrass (Digitaria spp.) At the rate of 1/2 pt./acre morningglory species, (Ipomoea spp.) horsenettle, (Solanum spp.) Florida pusley, (Richardia scabra) spotted spurge, (Euphorbia maculata)and wild poinsettia, (Euphorbia heterophylla) are suppressed when TriCor 4F is applied before these weeds are 3 inches tall. The 1 pt./acre rate will suppressbroadleaf signalgrass (Brachiaria platyphylla) up to 1 inch tall.
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
Apply proper dosage using 10 to 40 gallons of water per acre as a directed spray in a 6- to 8-inch band of (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, (Broadcast Basis) each side of the row after soybeans are 8 inches tall and before broadleaf weeds are 3 inches tall and before Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, grasses and common ragweed are 1 inch tall. For best results the spray must cover weed foliage with mini- Mississippi, Missouri, mum or no contact with soybean foliage. Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Ortho X-77 to the spray mixture North Carolina, Oklahoma, to obtain better wetting of weed leaf surfaces. To determine the correct dosage of TriCor 4F for a band appli- South Carolina, Tennessee cation see "Banded Application" under the "General Information" section in the front of this label.
If necessary, a second post-emergence directed spray application can be made after 7 days.
Do not feed or graze green soybean vines. Do not harvest soybeans or use dry soybean vines or feed or for-age within 70 days of last application.
Special Precautions (Directed Post-emergence): Do not apply directly to soybeans or serious crop injury will occur. Do not allow spray to contact more than the
lower 1/4 to 1/3 of soybean plants. Soybean leaves contacted by the spray will be killed.
Do not apply TriCor 4F post-emergence to sensitive soybean varieties. See "Special Precautions" in the front of this label.
To avoid injury to other crops or desirable plants from spray drift, sprayer pressure must not exceed 30 psi and the sprayer must be fitted with nozzles no smaller
than 8002-T-Jet (or equivalent). Do not apply under weather conditions which favor drift.
TriCor 4F herbicide is recommended for use in ground, aircraft or specified chemigation equipment as a pre-emergence and/or post-
emergence application to potatoes. Early maturing smooth skinned white and all red skinned varieties may be injured with post-
emergence applications. The varieties Atlantic, Bellchip, Centennial, Chipbelle, and Shepody are sensitive to TriCor 4F. Avoid
post-emergence applications on these varieties. Pre-emergence applications on these varieties may cause crop injury under adverse
weather conditions, on coarse soils, under high soil pH, with higher rates per acre and with mechanical incorporation.
Ground Application: TriCor 4F is recommended for use with ground spray equipment applied as a pre-emergence and/or post-
emergence application for control of the listed grass and broadleaf weeds in potatoes. Apply as a uniform broadcast spray at 20 or
more gallons per acre.
Aerial Application: TriCor 4F may be applied in aerial spray equipment as a pre-emergence and/or post-emergence application at
5 or more gallons per acre.
Chemigation: TriCor 4F may be applied pre-emergence and/or early post-emergence to potatoes using center pivot, solid set and
lateral roll systems. Apply specified dosage in 1/4 to 3/4 inches of water per acre (1/4 to 1/2 inches on sandy soil) as a continuous
injection in self-propelled systems or apply in the last 15 to 30 minutes of the set in other systems. Be sure all the TriCor 4F has been
flushed from the lines before shutting down the system.
TriCor 4F applied to potatoes according to directions, will provide economic control of the following weeds. For optimum control, applications should be made
before weeds are 1 inch tall. (See NOTE)
Carpetweed, common1 Ragweed, common1,2 Johnsongrass, seedling1 Cocklebur, common1,2 Crabgrass, large1 Crabgrass, smooth1 Signalgrass, broadleaf1 Pennycress, field1,2 Lambsquarters, common1,2 Pigweed, redroot1,2 Sunflower, common3 Pigweed, smooth1,2 Thistle, Russian2 1 Weeds controlled with pre-emergence applications. 2 Weeds controlled with post-emergence applications. 3 Weeds requiring two applications for control. HARD TO CONTROL WEEDS
Although TriCor 4F may not provide commercially acceptable control in every instance, it will suppress growth of the following weeds and reduce their competitionwith potato plants.
Nightshade, hairy Sunflower, common NOTE: Where triazine-resistant weeds are present, TriCor 4F alone may not provide adequate control.
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
PRE-EMERGENCE: Apply specified dosage as a broadcast spray. Do not mechanically incorporate into soil.
Use the 1/2 to 1 pint/acre rate for control of wild mustard (Brassica spp.) only. On sand soils or sensitive vari-
eties, do not exceed 1 pint/acre.
POST-EMERGENCE: Apply specified dosage as a broadcast spray over the tops of potato plants. * Use
(except early maturing smooth, rates of 1/2 to 1 pint/acre for control of redroot pigweed and common lambsquarters only. Apply the 1 pint/ skinned, red skinned, and acre rate for control of other weeds listed on this label.
other specified varieties.) SPLIT APPLICATIONS: This product may be applied once pre-emergence and once post-emergence as
directed above. * Do not exceed 2 pints total per acre per season.
IDAHO, OREGON, AND WASHINGTON ONLY: Two post-emergence applications can be made as broadcast
sprays over the tops of potato plants if TriCor 4F is not applied pre-emergence. Use 1/2 to 1 pint/acre for
control of redroot pigweed and lambsquarters only. On coarse (sandy) soils with low organic matter do not
exceed 3/4 pint/acre per application. On medium and heavy soils only, use 1 pint/acre per application for
control of other weeds listed on this label and for suppression of hairy nightshade. Make the first application
early in the season while weeds are still small. Allow at least 14 days before the second application. Do not
apply after June 30 if treated land is to be planted to crops other than potatoes.
Do not use TriCor 4F on potatoes in Kern County, California.
Do not apply more than a total of 2 pints TriCor 4F per acre in a single crop season regardless of the method of application. Do not make post-emergence applica-
tions prior to rainfall or irrigation on recently cultivated potatoes, or within 3 days after periods of cool, wet cloudy weather or injury may occur.
Post-emergence applications may cause some chlorosis or minor necrosis. These symptoms may be more severe if seed-piece decay is occurring or if growing con-
ditions favor crop stress.
Post-emergence applications may be made only on russet or white skinned varieties that are not early maturing.
Potato varieties may vary in their response to herbicide application. When using TriCor 4F for the first time on a particular variety, always determine crop tolerance
before using on a field scale.
Do not apply TriCor 4F within 60 days of harvest.
Do not use air blast sprayers.
Do not apply to sweet potatoes or yams.
Do not rotate any crop not listed on this label for 18 months following application.
Certain cereal varieties are sensitive to TriCor 4F (see cereal section of this label for sensitive varieties) and should not be planted during the next growing season
unless the following cultural practices occur:
1. Potato vines left in rows as a result of harvest must be uniformly distributed over the soil surface prior to plowing and, 2. Plow with a moldboard plow to a depth sufficient to mix the upper 8 inches of soil. TANK MIXES: TriCor 4F may be tank mixed with the following herbicides: Dual/Dual II, Eptam, Prowl 3.3 EC and Matrix. In addition,
three-way tank mix combinations may be used for TriCor 4F plus Dual/Dual II, Eptam or Prowl 3.3 EC plus Matrix when applied pre-
emergence. Refer to each product's label for precautionary statements, restrictions, application information and weeds controlled.
Dual/Dual II: TriCor 4F may be applied in a tank mix combination with Dual/Dual II as a pre-emergence broadcast application. Apply
TriCor 4F at 3/4 to 2 pints per acre and Dual/Dual II at 1.5 to 3 pints per acre according to the respective labels for use of each prod-
uct alone on potatoes.
Eptam: TriCor 4F may be tank mixed with Eptam at rates and uses permitted on each product's label.
Prowl 3.3 EC: TriCor 4F may be applied in tank mix combination with Prowl as a pre-emergence or early post-emergence broad-
cast application. As a pre-emergence mix, apply TriCor 4F at 1 to 2 pints per acre and Prowl at 1.2 to 3.6 pints per acre. As an early
post-emergence spray, apply TriCor 4F at 1/2 to 1 pint per acre and Prowl at 1.2 to 3.6 pints per acre before the crop is in the 6-inch
growth stage.
Matrix (except the following counties in Colorado: Almosa, Conejos, Costilla, Rio Grande and Saguache): TriCor 4F may be applied
in tank mix combination with Matrix as a pre-emergence and/or early post-emergence application for improved control on weeds
such as Russian thistle, kochia and common lambsquarters. As a pre-emergence mix, apply TriCor 4F at 1/2 to 1.125 pints per acre
and Matrix at 1 to 1-1/2 oz. product per acre. As an early post-emergence spray, apply TriCor 4F at 1/2 to 1 pint per acre and Matrix
at 1 to 1-1/2 oz. product per acre. Use a non-ionic surfactant at a rate of 0.125% v/v (1 pint/100 gallons of water). Apply before the
crop exceeds 14 inches in height. Post-emergence applications of Matrix treatments should be made prior to June 30.
TriCor 4F herbicide is recommended for use in alfalfa and sainfoin in the following areas: • Alfalfa and sainfoin (including mixed stands with grasses) (all areas except California). • Alfalfa and sainfoin (including mixed stands with grasses) (California only). • Alfalfa – Tank mix combination with Gramoxone (Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and the following California counties: Del Norte, Lassen, Modoc, Nevada, Plumas, Shasta, Sierra, and Siskiyou). • Alfalfa – Post dormant application of TriCor 4F impregnated on dry fertilizer only (Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee,Texas, and Wisconsin).
TriCor 4F is recommended for use in aerial or ground spray equipment as a broadcast surface application to established crops of
alfalfa and sainfoin for the control of certain grass and broadleaf weeds.
APPLICATION: Refer to "General Information" in the front of this label for detailed information on the application of TriCor 4F. For
information on applying TriCor 4F in fluid or on dry fertilizer refer to the "Application of TriCor 4F in Fluid Fertilizers" or "Commercial
Impregnation and Application of TriCor 4F on Dry Bulk Fertilizer" under the "General Information" section of this label.
SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS: Use TriCor 4F only on established alfalfa and sainfoin. Do not apply TriCor 4F after growth begins in the
spring or before growth ceases in the fall, except as specified on this label.
Do not graze or harvest within 28 days after application.
For best weed control, apply TriCor 4F when weeds are less than 2 inches tall or before weed foliage is 2 inches in diameter.
Reduced weed control may occur when extended dry conditions follow application of TriCor 4F.
Crop injury may occur when:
• Crop is under stress conditions such as diseases, insect infestations, poorly drained soils, drought or winter injury at time of • Crop is treated within 12 months after seeding. • There is excessive irrigation or rainfall immediately after application. Do not apply more than 1/2 inch of water in the first irriga- tion after TriCor 4F is applied. ALFALFA and SAINFOIN (All Areas Except California)
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
Alfalfa and Sainfoin (Except California) Select the proper dosage according to weeds known to be and present in field to be treated. Onloamy sand soils in Oregon and Washington, do not apply more than 1 pt. of TriCor 4F per acre.
Rates of 1 to 1-1/2 pts. of TriCor 4F per acre will provide partial reduction of forage grass stands. These rates may be used to reduceforage grass stands to prevent crowding out of alfalfa. Higher rates will severely reduce forage grass stands. TriCor 4F should not be used on sand soils. In areas West of the Rocky Mountains, avoid using TriCor 4F on soils with calcareoussurface area, high levels of lime or sodium, or a pH greater than 8.2. WEEDS CONTROLLED - ALFALFA and SAINFOIN (Except California)
1/2 to 3/4 Pt. TriCor 4F/Acre 3/4 to 1 Pt. TriCor 4F/Acre
1 to 2 Pts. TriCor 4F/Acre
2 Pts. TriCor 4F/Acre
Chickweed, Common (Stellaria media) Chickweed, Mousear Deadnettle, Purple (Setaria viridis) (Poa annua) (Bromus tectorum) (Bromus inermis) (Hordeum jubatum) (Kochia scoparia) (Avena fatua) (Thlaspi arvense) Lambsquarters, Common Marestail (Horseweed) (Capsella bursa pastoris) Mustard, Jim Hill (tumble) Weeds Partially Controlled: At the rate of 2 pts./acre TriCor 4F may be used to reduce the competition from curly dock (Rumex crispus). At 1 to 2 pts./acre,
TriCor 4F may be used to reduce the competition of German Moss or knawel (Scleanthus annus).
(Including Mixed Stands with Grasses) TriCor 4F is recommended for use in aerial or ground spray equipment as a broadcast surface application to dormant established
crops of alfalfa and sainfoin.
APPLICATION: TriCor 4F is recommended for use in aerial or ground spray equipment as a broadcast surface application to dormant
established crops of alfalfa and sainfoin for control of certain grass and broadleaf weeds. Do not apply TriCor 4F after growth begins
in the spring or before growth ceases in the fall. Do not apply to either alfalfa or sainfoin during the first growing season after seeding.
For information on applying TriCor 4F in fluid fertilizer solutions to alfalfa, refer to the appropriate section of this label.
For information on commercial impregnation and application of TriCor 4F on dry bulk fertilizer, refer to the appropriate section of this label.
3/4 to 1 Pt. TriCor 4F/Acre
1 to 2 Pts. TriCor 4F/Acre
2 Pts. TriCor 4F/Acre
Cheatgrass (downy brome) Chickweed, Common (Stellaria media) (Bromus inermis) (Avena fatua) (Poa annua) (Hordeum jubatum) (Kochia scoparia) Pepperweed, Virginia RECOMMENDED BROADCAST APPLICATIONS
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
Alfalfa and Sainfoin (California Only) Select the proper dosage according to weeds known to be present in the field to be treated. Applyspecified dosage in 20 to 40 gallons of water per acre with ground spray equipment or 3 to 10 gal-lons of water per acre with aerial spray equipment fitted with nozzles suitable for broadcast appli-cations of herbicides. Treat only dormant established crops of alfalfa and sainfoin. Injury may occur to alfalfa if TriCor 4Fis applied earlier than 12 months after seeding. Do not apply after Spring growth begins or beforegrowth ceases in the Fall. Do not graze or harvest within 28 days after application. At the 2 pts./acre rate, TriCor 4F may be used for suppression of curly dock. FOR USE ON MIXED STANDS OF ALFALFA AND GRASSES: Rates of 1 to 1-1/2 pts. of TriCor 4F per acre will provide partial
reduction of forage grass stands. These rates may be used to reduce forage grass stands to prevent crowding out of alfalfa. Higher
rates will severely reduce forage grass stands.
Do not apply with aerial equipment when wind speed is greater than 10 mph. Do not apply when weather conditions favor spray
drift and/or when sensitive cool season crops, such as cole crops, onions, peas, or strawberries, are present in adjacent fields.
Applications should not be made when weather conditions favor spray drift, especially in areas where wheat is growing on coarse
textured soils in adjacent fields, or injury may occur.
ALFALFA: TriCor 4F Plus Gramoxone Extra Tank Mix
Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and the following California counties: Del Norte,
Lassen, Modoc, Nevada, Plumas, Shasta, Sierra, and Siskiyou.

Application: TriCor 4F plus Gramoxone Extra herbicide tank mix application is recommended for use, during the dormant season, in
aerial or ground spray equipment as a broadcast surface application to established alfalfa for the control of certain grass and broadleaf
weeds. Do not apply TriCor 4F/Gramoxone Extra tank mix to growth that is more than 2 inches tall. Apply once per season. Do not
apply following cuttings during growing season. Use a minimum of 10 gallons of water per acre with aerial spray equipment and a
minimum of 20 gallons of water per acre with ground spray equipment. Add a non-ionic spreader at label rates to the spray solution.
Weeds Controlled: TriCor 4F plus Gramoxone Extra (1-1/2 to 2-1/2 pints/acre) tank mix application will control established weeds.
Gramoxone controls weeds by contact activity.
1/2 to 3/4 Pt. TriCor 4F/Acre
3/4 to 1-1/2 Pts. TriCor 4F/Acre
1 to 1-1/2 Pts. TriCor 4F/Acre
Common lambsquarters Marestail (Horseweed) Apply specified dosages of TriCor 4F and Gramoxone Extra in at least 10 gallons of water per acre with aerial equipment or 1/2 to 1-1/2 Pts.
at least 20 gallons of water per acre with ground equipment. Do not apply this tank mix to alfalfa growth if more than 2 inches tall. For best weed control, apply when broadleaf weeds and grasses are 1 to 6 inches tall and are actively grow-ing. Care should be taken to avoid overlaps. Do not apply more than 1 pt. of TriCor 4F per acre on loamy sand soils.
Reduced weed control may occur when extended dry conditions follow application of TriCor 4F. Crop injury may occur if 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 Pts.
alfalfa is under stress conditions such as diseases, insect infestations, drought or winter injury or if TriCor 4F is applied toalfalfa earlier than 12 months after seeding. FOR USE ON MIXED STANDS OF ALFALFA AND GRASSES: Rates of 1 to 1-1/2 pts. of TriCor 4F per acre will provide partial
reduction of forage grass stands. These rates may be used to reduce forage grass stands to prevent crowding out of alfalfa.
Do not graze or harvest within 42 days after application.
In areas west of the Rockies, avoid the use of TriCor 4F on soils with calcareous surface, soils with high levels of lime or sodium,
and with pH greater than 8.2.
Do not apply when weather conditions favor spray drift. Aerial application should not be made when wind speed is greater than
10 mph. Do not use on sand soil.
Refer to the Gramoxone Extra label for additional directions, weed species controlled and precautions.
Post Dormant Application of TriCor 4F Impregnated on Dry Fertilizer Only
TriCor 4F may be applied after dormancy has broken, but prior to three inches of new alfalfa shoot growth, only when impregnatedon dry fertilizer in Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York,Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin. Apply at rates of 1-1/2 to 2 pts. per acre as directed on this label for application during dormancy. Apply only when alfalfa foliage isdry or crop injury may occur. When using this application method, do not harvest or graze treated alfalfa for 60 days after application. TriCor 4F is recommended for use in ground spray equipment or sprinkler irrigation (center pivot, lateral move, or solid set) systemsas a single pre-emergence broadcast application or as a split application consisting of a pre-emergence broadcast application fol-lowed by a post harvest broadcast application. Refer to the "General Information" section of this label for directions. TriCor 4F, applied to established asparagus according to directions, will effectively control the following weeds: Chickweed, Common (Stellaria media) Crabgrass (Digitaria spp.) Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium) Foxtails (Setaria spp.) Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) Sandbur, Field (Cenchrus pauciflorus) Pigweed, Redroot (Amaranthus retroflexus)Ragweed, Common (Ambrosia artemisiifolia)Smartweed, Pennsylvania (Polygonum pensylvanicum)Sorrel, Red (Rumex acetosella)Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) RECOMMENDED BROADCAST APPLICATIONS
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
PRE-EMERGENCE APPLICATION ONLY: Make a single surface application in early Spring before asparagus
spears or ferns emerge. If the field is to be disked, apply TriCor 4F after disking but before the crop emerges.
Use the lower rate for control of the broadleaf weeds listed above. Use the higher rate in fields with a history of
severe infestations of grasses and for maximum residual control. Do not apply with 14 days of harvest.
Pre-emergence Application: Apply before asparagus spears or ferns emerge. If the field is to be disked,
2 to 3 post harvest apply after disking but prior to crop emergence. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
Post Harvest Application: Apply after last harvest of the season but prior to emergence. The lower combina-
tion rates may be used for control of common ragweed, lambsquarters, redroot pigweed, and red sorrel. Use
the higher combination rates for other weeds listed or in fields with severe grass infestations or for maximum
post harvest control of emerged weeds.
IMPORTANT: The total amount of TriCor 4F applied in one crop season may not exceed 4 pts. per acre.
SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS (Asparagus): Do not use on newly seeded asparagus or on young plants during the first growing season after setting crowns.
Aerial application is prohibited.
Special Conditions of Sale Provision for Use on Carrots: The following directions for use were developed under the direction of
IR-4 (government minor crops use program). As such, the testing was done independently. Buyer is advised that UPI makes no
assurances regarding satisfaction with the product and all risks of crop injury or product performance are assumed by the Buyer.
Apply TriCor 4F herbicide with ground equipment as specified below under "Recommended Applications". For effective control of
broadleaf weeds with post-emergence applications, apply TriCor 4F before weeds are 1 inch in height or diameter. Thorough spray
coverage is essential for adequate weed control.
Do not use air blast or other high pressure spray equipment to make post-emergence applications of TriCor 4F. Refer to the appro-
priate section of this label for additional information regarding spray equipment, dilution rates, mixing, sprayer cleanup, restrictions,
container disposal and cautions.
Refer to "Mixing" under the "General Information" section on the front of this label.
For specific application information see "General Information" and "Application" sections at the front of this label.
TriCor 4F applied to carrots according to directions will effectively control the following weeds:
Carpetweed (Mollugo verticillata) Pigweed, Redroot (Amaranthus retroflexus) Galinsoga (Galinsoga parviflora) Pigweed, Smooth (Amaranthus hybridus) Horseweed (Conyza canadensis) Prickly Lettuce (Latuca serriola) Lambsquarters, Common (Chenopodium album) Shepherdspurse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) Mustard, Wild (Sinapis arvensis) Pineappleweed (Matricaria matricarioides) TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
Apply specified dosage per acre as a broadcast spray over the tops of carrot plants. Application should be madeafter carrots have formed 5-6 true leaves but before weeds are 1 inch in height or diameter. If needed, a secondapplication may be made after an interval of at least 3 weeks. Applications may be made up to 60 days of harvest.
IMPORTANT: The total amount of TriCor 4F applied in one crop season may not exceed 1 pt. per acre.
SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS: Do not apply to carrots grown for seed. Do not apply within 3 days after periods of cool, wet or cloudy weather or crop injury will occur.
Do not apply TriCor 4F within 3 days of any other chemical unless specified on this label. Do not apply on very hot days or excessive crop injury will result. Do not
apply until carrots have at least 5-6 true leaves. Earlier applications will result in excessive crop damage.
Crop injury or delayed maturity may result from applications of TriCor 4F if carrots are growing under stress conditions such as periods of drought or cool, wet and
cloudy weather preceding application.
Following an application of TriCor 4F, chlorosis (yellowing) and burning of the leaf tissue may occur.
For newly introduced varieties of carrots with unknown tolerance to TriCor 4F, treat only a small area to determine of TriCor 4F can be used without injury to the crop.
TriCor 4F is recommended for control of selected broadleaf weeds when applied as a tank mix combination with certain broadleafherbicides presently registered and recommended for post-emergence use in field corn. Herbicides which may be tank mixed withTriCor 4F include: Buctril + atrazine (Premix) Basagran MarksmanBuctril/Buctril Gel * Use only on Pursuit resistant/tolerant corn hybrids (IMI-corn). APPLICATION: TriCor 4F may be applied to field corn after crop emergence until just prior to tasseling. Broadcast applications may
be made with ground or aerial equipment. For optimum weed control, apply treatments when weeds are small and actively grow-
ing, but before reaching the maximum heights listed in the Weeds Controlled table.
Ground Application: Adjust nozzle height above crop and weed canopy to ensure uniform spray coverage. Gallonage should be
increased with increasing weed size and population density.
For tank mixes of TriCor 4F plus atrazine, Basagran, Laddok S-12, Buctril, Buctril + atrazine, Pursuit, Resource, Tough, or 2,4-D
amine formulations, use flat nozzles spaced a maximum of 20 inches apart. Best results are achieved using a minimum of spray vol-
ume of 10 gallons per acre and spray pressure from 20 to 24 psi.
For TriCor 4F tank mixes with Banvel, Clarity, Marksman, or 2,4-D low volatile ester formulations, use drift-reducing nozzles which
are specifically designed to produce coarse sprays and reduce the amount of driftable fines. Additional measures which will help
avoid potential drift to sensitive crops and plants include using a minimum spray volume of 20 gallons per acre and keeping spray
pressures at or below 20 psi unless otherwise specified by the nozzle manufacturer.
For further precautions and additional instructions and recommendations, consult the tank mix partner's label.
Aerial Application: Apply in a minimum spray volume of 3 gallons per acre. For optimum spray coverage and distribution, use a
minimum of 5 gallons per acre and a maximum pressure of 40 psi. Use a boom and nozzle configuration which will provide a uni-
form deposition pattern and coverage with low drift potential. Avoid overlaps to prevent potential crop injury. Do not apply near sen-
sitive crops or sensitive plants growing near the treated area. Do not apply when wind speed is greater than 10 mph or when winds
are moving toward sensitive crops or plants. To avoid drift hazards, applicator must follow the most restrictive labeling of the prod-
ucts used in a tank mix. Refer to the appropriate tank mix partner's label for further precautions and recommendations.
TriCor 4F in tank mix combinations with Banvel, 2,4-D, Buctril or Scorpion III may be applied post directed to field corn. Use dropnozzles and appropriate spacing to direct spray below the corn whorl and upper leaves. The top of the target weed canopy mustbe sufficiently below the whorl and upper leaves of the crop to permit this application and provide adequate spray coverage. Theheight differential required between the crop and weed canopy will depend on the specific equipment used. Apply before tasselemergence. For further precautions and additional recommendations, refer to the appropriate tank mix partner's label. ADJUVANTS
The adjuvant types listed below may be utilized with certain TriCor 4F tank mix combinations. Consult the tank mix recommenda-
tions section for the appropriate adjuvant and rate. Use of non-recommended adjuvant or rates may result in severe leaf burn, crop
stunting, and/or stand reduction. Use only adjuvants which are exempt from tolerance requirements under 40 CFR 180.1001.
UAN (urea ammonium nitrate) is commonly referred to as 28, 30, or 32% N.
Ammonium sulfate (spray grade) may be used as an alternative to UAN with certain tank mix combinations.
Non-ionic surfactants should contain at least 80% active ingredient.
DO NOT USE crop oil concentrate (COC) or any adjuvant containing vegetable or petroleum oils with any TriCor 4F tank mixtures
as severe leave burn, crop stunting, and/or stand reduction may occur.
TriCor 4F will not reduce rainfastness of the recommended tank mix partners. Refer to the individual product labels for rainfastnessrecommendations. SPRAYER CLEANUP
Refer to each tank mix partner's label and the Sprayer Cleanup section of the TriCor 4F label for specific instructions on cleaningspray equipment. Special attention should be given to the required cleanup procedures for 2,4-D, Banvel, Clarity, and Marksman. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS
• Do not use on corn grown for seed, sweet corn, popcorn, or white corn. • Do not apply more than 0.25 pound a.i. METRIBUZIN (5-1/3 ounces TriCor 4F) per acre per use season. • Do not apply when field corn is under stress (see Stress statement below). • Do not use aerial applications if sensitive crops or plants are growing in the vicinity of the area to be treated. • Do not allow spray drift onto sensitive crops or plants. • Do not use on sand, loamy sand or sandy loam soils that have less than 0.5% organic matter. • Do not use on sand or loamy sand soils in Washington, Oregon or Idaho or crop injury may occur. • Observe all precautions and limitations on labeling of all products used in the tank mixtures. Stress is any condition or combination of conditions which impairs normal crop growth. Weather, disease, insect damage, fertility
or other factors may cause stress. Applications made before or after the corn is under stress from these factors or from periods of
prolonged cool, wet and cloudy weather or widely fluctuating day and nighttime temperatures, may result in temporary leaf burn,
yellowing and/or stunting of the crop. Recovery from damage is generally rapid with no lasting effects on new growth. Under extreme
stress, stand reductions may occur.
Feeding Restrictions: Field corn treated with TriCor 4F may be grazed or harvested for silage or grain 60 days after treatment.
Follow the most restrictive preharvest interval on the labels of the products used in the tank mixtures.
The TriCor 4F tank mixtures listed below can be utilized for control of certain annual broadleaf weeds. TRICOR 4F POST-EMERGENCE BROADCAST RECOMMENDATIONS
Apply as a broadcast spray during the interval from corn emergence until corn is 8 inches tall. Apply only to varieties known to be tolerant to 2,4-D. DO NOT USE ADJUVANTS. 2,4-D may cause injury to
nearby sensitive crops. 2,4-D applications may result in brittle corn stalks, and winds or cultivation maycause stalk breakage. To reduce damage, delay cultivation 8 to 10 days after application.
1/3 to 1/2 pt./A1 Apply as a broadcast spray during the interval from corn emergence until corn is 12 inches tall. A non- ionic surfactant (1 qt./100 gals. of spray solution) may be added to improve weed control. Atrazine is a 1/2 to 1-1/2 lbs. a.i./A restricted use herbicide. Follow all state and federal label recommendations and restrictions pertainingto atrazine applications.
Apply as a broadcast spray during the interval from corn emergence through the 5-leaf stage or when corn is 8 inches tall, whichever occurs first. For Banvel applications to corn greater than 8 inches in height, consult the Banvel label for use rates and restrictions. If growing conditions are dry and plantsare stressed, addition of a non-ionic surfactant (1 qt./100 gals. of spray solution) may improve weed control. For corn growth on coarse textured soils, apply Banvel or Clarity at 0.5 pt./A, regardless of application method. Application may cause injury to nearby sensitive crops or plants. Application mayresult in temporary leaning of corn plants. Delay cultivation until plants return to normal growth patternsto avoid stalk breakage.
Apply as a broadcast spray after corn emergence but before corn exceeds 30 inches in height and the crop canopy closes the row. Adjuvants such as UAN (0.5 to 1 gal./A), ammonium sulfate (17 lbs./100 gals.
of spray solution), or non-ionic surfactant (1 qt./100 gals. of spray solution) may improve weed control.
2.4 to 3 fl. oz./A Apply as a broadcast spray when corn is in the fourth true leaf stage or later but before the crop canopy closes the row. DO NOT USE ADJUVANTS. Occasional temporary corn leaf burn may occur
and is similar to that observed from liquid fertilizers. Recovery is generally rapid with no lasting effect.
To reduce potential for crop damage, application should be made to dry corn foliage when weather conditions are not extreme.
2.4 to 3 fl. oz./A Apply as a broadcast spray during the interval from corn emergence until corn is 12 inches tall. DO NOT
USE ADJUVANTS. Occasional temporary corn leaf burn may occur and is similar to that observed
Buctril + Atrazine 1-1/2 to 2 pts./A from liquid fertilizers. Recovery is generally rapid with no lasting effect. To reduce potential for crop damage, application should be made to dry corn foliage when weather conditions are not extreme.
Apply as a broadcast spray after corn emergence until the corn is 12 inches tall. Adjuvants such as UAN (0.5 to 1 gal./A) may increase weed control. Laddok S-12 contains atrazine, and is a restricted use 1.33 to 1.66 pts./A product. Follow all state and federal label recommendations and restrictions pertaining to atrazine.
Apply as a broadcast spray during the interval from corn emergence through the 5-leaf stage or when crop is 8 inches tall, whichever occurs first. DO NOT USE ADJUVANTS. Application may cause injury
1-1/2 to 2 pts./A to nearby sensitive crops or plants. Application may result in temporary leaning of corn plants. Delaycultivation until plants return to normal growth patterns to avoid stalk breakage. Marksman containsatrazine, and is a restricted use product. Follow all state and federal label recommendations andrestrictions pertaining to atrazine.
Use only on designated IMI-Corn hybrids (hybrids which are resistant/tolerant to Pursuit). Apply the 4.0 ounce rate of Pursuit if grasses are present or broadleaf weeds are near the maximum heights shown. Apply in combination with a non-ionic surfactant (1 qt./100 gals. of spray solution) and UAN(1 to 2 qts./A).
Apply as a broadcast spray to field corn from 2-leaf through 10-leaf (visible leaf collars) stage. Adjuvants such as non-ionic surfactant (0.25% v/v) or aluminum sulfate (2.5 lbs./A) may increase weed control.
Apply as a broadcast spray after corn emergence but before corn height exceeds 30 inches and the crop canopy closes the row. A non-ionic surfactant (1 qt./100 gals. of spray solution) may be added to improve weed control. Use the higher rates of Tough as weeds approach to maximum height listed orare found in high density. Tough may improve control on triazine/ALS resistant weeds.
* Consult the appropriate tank mix partner's label for additional recommendations or restrictions. The most restrictive labeling applies to tank mixes with TriCor 4F. 1 Application rate is based on, but not restricted to, 4 pounds active ingredient per gallon of 2,4-D. TRICOR 4F POST DIRECTED RECOMMENDATIONS
3 to 4.5 fl. oz./A For corn greater than 8 inches tall, apply as a directed spray with drop nozzles before tassel emer-
gence. Apply only to varieties known to be tolerant to 2,4-D. DO NOT USE ADJUVANTS. 2,4-D may
3/4 to 1-1/2 pts./A1 cause injury to nearby sensitive crops. 2,4-D applications may result in brittle corn stalks, and winds orcultivation may cause stalk breakage. To reduce damage, delay cultivation 8 to 10 days after application.
1/2 to 3/4 pt./A1 3 to 4.5 fl. oz./A For corn 8 to 36 inches tall, apply as a directed spray with drop nozzles. Application may be made
up to 15 days prior to corn tasseling. If growing conditions are dry and plants are stressed, addition of a non-ionic surfactant (1 qt./100 gals. of spray solution) may improve weed control. For corn grown oncoarse textured soils, apply Banvel at 0.5 pt./acre, regardless of application method. Application maycause injury to nearby sensitive crops or plants. Application may result in temporary leaning of cornplants. Delay cultivation until plants return to normal growth patterns to avoid stalk breakage.
3 to 4.5 fl. oz./A Apply as a directed spray with drop nozzles before tassel emergence. DO NOT USE ADJUVANTS.
Occasional temporary corn leaf burn may occur and is similar to that observed from liquid fertilizers.
1 to 1-1/2 pts./A Recovery is generally rapid with no lasting effect. To reduce potential for crop damage, applicationshould be made to dry corn foliage when weather conditions are not extreme.
3 to 4.5 fl. oz./A For corn 8 to 24 inches tall, apply as a directed spray with drop nozzles. Include non-ionic surfactant
(1 qt./100 gals.) plus UAN (2.5 gals./100 gals.) for optimum weed control.
* Consult the appropriate tank mix partner's label for additional recommendations or restrictions. The most restrictive labeling applies to tank mixes with TriCor 4F. 1 Application rate is based on, but not restricted to, 4 pounds active ingredient per gallon of 2,4-D. WEEDS CONTROLLED – POST-EMERGENCE BROADCAST APPLICATION
These tank mixtures with TriCor 4F will control the following annual weeds up to the maximum heights listed: TriCor 4F +
Buctril +
Cocklebur, common Lambsquarters, common Morningglory, entire leaf Morningglory, ivyleaf Morningglory, pitted Morningglory, tall Nightshade, black Nightshade, eastern black WEEDS CONTROLLED – POST-EMERGENCE BROADCAST APPLICATION (continued)
These tank mixtures with TriCor 4F will control the following annual weeds up to the maximum heights listed: TriCor 4F +
Buctril +
Smartweed, Pennsylvania Sunflower, common Waterhemp, spp.
* When weeds are approaching the maximum height listed or found in high densities, use the higher rate of TriCor 4F and the selected tank mix partners. a These treatments will not control triazine resistant biotypes. b These treatments will not control ALS resistant biotypes. WEEDS CONTROLLED – POST DIRECTED APPLICATION
These tank mixtures with TriCor 4F will control the following annual weeds up to the maximum weed heights listed: TriCor 4F +
Scorpion III
Cocklebur, common Lambsquarters, common Morningglory, entire leaf Morningglory, ivyleaf Morningglory, pitted Morningglory, tall Nightshade, black Nightshade, eastern black Smartweed, Pennsylvania Sunflower, common * When weeds are approaching the maximum height listed or found in high densities, use the higher rate of TriCor 4F and the selected tank mix partners. PERENNIAL WEED SUPPRESSION
The following TriCor 4F tank mixtures will provide top growth burndown and in season suppression of the following perennial weeds;however, regrowth may occur. For the best performance on these weeds, use the maximum rates of TriCor 4F, Banvel, Buctril,Buctril + atrazine, Clarity, Marksman, 2,4-D LVE or Pursuit recommended for these tank mixtures. TriCor 4F +
Buctril/Buctril + atrazine
2,4-D LVE
(Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin)
TriCor 4F is recommended for additional residual control of certain broadleaf weed species in corn when applied as a tank mix com-bination with both grass and broadleaf herbicides registered and recommended for use in field corn. TriCor 4F can be tank mixedwith recommended rates of the following herbicides: Broadstrike + Dual * Use only on Pursuit resistant/tolerant corn hybrids (IMI corn).
Application: TriCor 4F may be applied to field corn preplant without incorporation up to 30 days prior to planting or pre-emergence.
Applications may be made by either ground or aerial equipment. For tank mixes, follow the most restrictive application methods of
all products used.
Special precautions:
• Do not apply more than 8 ounces TriCor 4F (0.25 pound active ingredient) per acre per growing season.
• Do not apply on soils having pH 7.0 or greater.
• Corn seed should be planted a minimum of 1-1/2 inches deep.
• TriCor 4F may only be used in hybrid seed corn production fields if both inbred parents are known to be tolerant to TriCor 4F.
• Not recommended for use on muck soils as reduced weed control may result.
• Observe all precautions and limitations on labeling of all products used in tank mixes.
Feeding restrictions: Corn treated with TriCor 4F may be harvested for silage or grain 60 days after treatment. For tank mixes, fol-
low the most restrictive preharvest interval of all products used.
WEEDS CONTROLLED*: TriCor 4F will aid in the residual pre-emergence control of the following weed species when tank mixed with other registered grass and/or
broadleaf corn herbicides:
Horseweed/marestail Pigweed, Lambsquarters, common Smartweed, Pennsylvania * For control of emerged weeds refer to the "Burndown Weed Control" section of the TriCor 4F label.
Preplant 0 to 30 days Apply as a broadcast spray prior to corn emergence from the soil.
Do not apply TriCor 4F on coarse textured soils withless than 1.5% organic matter.
Preplant 10 to 30 days Do not apply more than 6 fl. oz. TriCor 4F per acre on Preplant 0 to 9 days soils with less than 2.0% organic matter.
For heavy weed infestations and/or early preplant appli- cations use the higher rates of TriCor 4F.
Consult the label of herbicide tank mix partners to determine proper use rates for the other product(s). BURNDOWN WEED CONTROL – FIELD CORN
See Page 17
(California, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington) Special Conditions of Sale for Use on Garbanzo Beans (Chickpeas): The following directions for use were developed under the
direction of IR-4 (government minor crops use program). As such, the testing was done independently. Buyer is advised that UPI
makes no assurances regarding satisfaction with the product and that all risks of crop injury or product performance are assumed
by the Buyer.
TriCor 4F herbicide is recommended as a pre-emergence application for the suppression of certain broadleaf weeds in garbanzo
Common Chickweed Common Lambsquarters Dog Fennel (Mayweed) * Suppression is a reduction in weed size and growth compared to a non-treated area in the same field. TriCor 4F used alone will not control triazine-resistant weed TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
Applied specified dosage in a single pre-emergence application using 10 to 40 gallons of water per acre with ground spray equip-ment. Apply before or after planting but before crop emergence. Thorough incorporation, either by rainfall or by mechanical means, isessential for weed suppression. Under dry conditions, incorporate TriCor 4F into the top 1 to 2 inches of soil with spike harrows, orsimilar shallow incorporation equipment, then cross harrow to insure uniform soil incorporation. Where soil surface is moist at thetime of application and rain follows before weed emergence, a broadcast application should provide adequate weed suppression. Use on coarse-textured soils, sandy soils or any soil with less than 1.5% organic matter will likely cause crop injury. Use the higher rate on fine textured soils (high in clay or organic matter) and in field with a history of high weed populations.
SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS: Crop injury may result if crop is under stress conditions caused by cold weather, poor soil fertility, disease or insect damage.
Crop injury may result if application is followed by heavy rain. Avoid application of more than 1/2 inch of irrigation within one month after application of TriCor 4F, or
crop injury may occur.
Do not use on clay knobs or poorly covered subsoils.
Do not apply pre-emergence on shallow seedlings less than 2 inches deep.
Do not graze or feed treated vines to livestock within 40 days after application.
Maintain continuous spray tank agitation to keep material in suspension. Avoid overlapping of spray swaths and shut off spray booms while turning, slowing or stop-
ping, or crop injury will occur.
NOTE: This treatment may cause some chlorosis or minor necrosis. Because garbanzo bean varieties may vary in their susceptibility to TriCor 4F, determine crop tol-
erance prior to adoption as a field scale practice to prevent possible injury.
(Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Montana, and North Dakota) TriCor 4F herbicide is recommended as a pre-emergence and post-emergence application for the suppression of certain broadleafweeds in lentils and peas. Common Chickweed** Pennsylvania Smartweed Prostrate Knotweed * Suppression is a reduction in weed size and growth compared to a non-treated area in the same field. ** Pre-emergence application only.
PRE-EMERGENCE APPLICATION: Make a single pre-emergence application of TriCor 4F at 3/8 to 3/4 pint per acre per crop year.
Apply in 10 or more gallons of water per acre with ground spray equipment or 5 or more gallons of water per acre with aerial spray
equipment. Apply TriCor 4F before or after planting. Thorough incorporation, either by rainfall or by mechanical means, is essential
for weed suppression. Under dry conditions, incorporate TriCor 4F into the top 1 to 2 inches of soil with spike harrows, or similar
shallow incorporation equipment, then cross harrow to ensure uniform soil incorporation. Where soil surface is moist at the time of
application and rain follows before weed emergence, a broadcast application should provide adequate weed suppression.
Use the higher rate on fine-textured soils (high in clay or organic matter) and in fields with a history of high weed populations.
TriCor 4F may be applied pre- or post- plant incorporated as a tank mix combination with FARGO 4EC. Follow the "Directions for
Use" statements on both product labels.
POST-EMERGENCE APPLICATION: One post-emergence application may be made per season. Use 1/4 to 1/2 pint of TriCor 4F
per acre on lentils and spring peas. On winter peas, use 3/8 to 1/2 pint of TriCor 4F per acre. For suppression of dog fennel, use
1/2 pint TriCor 4F per acre. Apply specified dosage in 20 or more gallons of water per acre with ground spray equipment or 5 or
more gallons of water per acre with aerial spray equipment. Do not exceed 40 psi with ground spray equipment. Apply as broad-
cast spray when weeds are small (less than 2 inches in height or diameter) and before crop is 6 inches tall.
Temporary chlorosis of the crop may occur. There is an added risk of crop injury if a post-emergence application is made following
a previous post-emergence or post plant incorporated TriCor 4F application.
Do not apply over very moist soils or wet crop foliage. Do not apply post-emergence within 3 days after periods of cool, wet, or
cloudy weather or crop injury may occur.
Do not apply within 24 hours of treatment with other pesticides.
SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS (all applications): Do not apply more than 1 pint of TriCor 4F per acre per year. Crop injury may result if
crop is under stress conditions caused by cold weather, low fertility, disease or insect damage.
Crop injury may also result if application is followed by heavy rain.
Do not use on coarse-textured soils, sandy soils, or soils with less than 1.5% organic matter.
Do not apply to "Estin" lentils.
Do not use on clay knobs or poorly covered subsoils.
Do not apply on shallow seedlings less than 2 inches deep (pre-emergence only).
Do not apply within 50 days of harvest of peas, or within 75 days of harvest of lentils. Do not graze or feed treated vines to livestock
within 40 days after application.
Maintain continuous spray tank agitation to keep material in suspension. Avoid overlapping and shut off spray booms while turning,
slowing or stopping, or crop injury will occur.
NOTE: This treatment may cause some chlorosis or minor necrosis. Because lentil and pea varieties may vary in their susceptibili-
ty to TriCor 4F, determining crop tolerance prior to adoption as a field scale practice is suggested to prevent possible injury. For addi-
tional precautions, restrictions, limitations, and sprayer clean-up information refer to the appropriate sections of this label.
Special Precautions
For aerial and chemigation application methods on sugarcane the maximum application rate is 4 pts. TriCor 4F per acre. To assurethat spray will not adversely affect adjacent sensitive nontarget plants, apply this product by aircraft at a minimum upwind distanceof 400 ft. from sensitive plants. Do not rotate any crop not listed on this label for 18 months following application.
TriCor 4F, a selective herbicide, is effective as a pre-emergence and an early post-emergence broadcast application for control of
certain grass and broadleaf weeds. When applied as a spot treatment, it also provides excellent control of perennial grasses and
Ground Application: TriCor 4F should be mixed by filling the spray tank half full of clean water. Then add the recommended amount
of TriCor 4F to suit the total tank capacity and the rate of application per acre (preferably 25 to 35 gallons per acre). Complete filling
the tank and maintain sufficient agitation during mixing and spraying to ensure a uniform spray mixture.
Aerial Application: TriCor 4F is recommended for use in aerial spray equipment as a pre-emergence or post-emergence applica-
tion to irrigated sugarcane. Aerial spray equipment should be calibrated to apply the proper amount of TriCor 4F in 7 to 10 gallons
of spray mixture per acre.
TriCor 4F applied pre-emergence or post-emergence to the sugarcane as a broadcast spray or spot treatment will effectively con-
trol the following when weeds are less than 3 inches in height.
Amaranth, Spiny (Amaranthus spinosus) Crabgrass (Digitaria spp.) Euphorbia, Wild (Euphorbia spp.) Guineagrass (Panicum maximum) Fireweed (Erechtites hieracifolius) Plushgrass (Chloris radiata) Floras Paintbrush (Emilia sonochifolia) Ricegrass (Oryzopsis hymenoides) Spurge, Garden (Euphorbia hirta) Wiregrass (Eleusine indica) Spurge, Graceful (Euphorbia glomerifera) WEEDS CONTROLLED IN IRRIGATED SUGARCANE ONLY
Amaranth, Spleen (Amaranthus dubius) Alexandergrass (Brachiaria plantaginea) Haole Koa (Leucaena leucocephala) Bristly Foxtail (Setaria verticillata) Hialoa (Waltheria americana)Hilahila (Mimosa pudica)Purslane, Common (Portulaca oleracea)Rattlepod (Crotalaria spectabilis) WEEDS CONTROLLED IN NON-IRRIGATED SUGARCANE ONLY
Ageratum (Ageratum conyzoides)Richardia (Richardia brasiliensis)Tarweed (Cuphea carthagenesis) RECOMMENDED BROADCAST APPLICATIONS – SUGARCANE – HAWAII ONLY
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
4 to 8 (1/2 to 1 gal.) PRE-EMERGENCE (irrigated and non-irrigated sugarcane): Apply specified dosage per acre as a broadcast spray to the
soil surface. Applications should be made within two weeks after planting prior to cane emergence or shortly after emer-gence (spike stage).
8 to 12 (1 to 1-1/2 gals.) EARLY POST-EMERGENCE (Irrigated and non-irrigated sugarcane): Apply specified dosage per acre as a broadcast
spray over the cane. Application may be delayed as long as 4 to 6 weeks after planting provided weeds are less than
3 inches in height.
POST-EMERGENCE: Apply specified dosage per acre as a broadcast spray to control weeds prior to "close in" time when
cane shades out the weed growth.
SPOT TREATMENT: Apply specified dosage in 30 to 50 gallons of finished spray per acre. Spot treatments may be used to
(1-1/8 to 1-1/4 gals.) control weeds in missed areas, corners of fields, or areas of hard to control weeds.
NOTE: Do not apply more than 16 pts. (2 gals.) of TriCor 4F (8 lbs. active ingredient) per acre per crop cycle regardless of the method of application. The last applica-
tion may be made within up to 17 months of harvest.
SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS: Do not use treated foliage for feed or forage.
(Louisiana and Texas Only) Pre-emergence and post-emergence applications of TriCor 4F with aerial or ground spray equipment are recommended for controlof the following weeds in sugarcane in Louisiana and Texas.
Amaranth, Spiny (Amaranthus spinosus) Broadleaf Signalgrass (Brachiaria platyphylla) Bindweed, Field (Convolvulus arvensis) Crabgrass (Digitaria spp.) Chickweed (Cerastium vulgatum) Foxtails (Setaria spp.) Henbit (Lamium amplexicaule) Johnsongrass, Seedling (Sorghum halepense) Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) Oats, Winter (Avena spp.) London Rocket (Sisymbrium irio)Marestail (Conyza canadensis)Mustard, Wild (Brassica kaber)Pigweeds (Amaranthus spp.)Purslane (Portulaca oleracea)Sowthistle (Sonchus spp.) RECOMMENDED APPLICATIONS – SUGARCANE – LOUISIANA AND TEXAS ONLY
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
BROADCAST: Apply specified dosage per acre using 20 to 30 gallons of water with ground equipment or 5 gallons of
water with aircraft equipment. Apply as a broadcast spray during the Fall after planting or to the stubble after harvest. Make
a second application early in the Spring.
BAND: Apply specified dosage in 10 to 20 gallons of water per acre in a 30- to 36-inch band over the row during the Fall
after planting or to the stubble after harvest. Made a second application early in the Spring.
SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS (Louisiana and Texas Only):
Do not use treated foliage for feed or forage.
Use the higher rate on heavy clay soil and soil with a high percentage of organic matter. If necessary, a third application may be made in late Spring at layby. Do notapply within 60 days of harvest.
For aerial and chemigation application methods on sugarcane the maximum application rate is 4 pts. TriCor 4F per acre.
To assure that spray will not adversely affect adjacent sensitive nontarget plants, apply this product by aircraft at a minimum upwind distance of 400 ft. from sensitiveplants.
Post-emergence over-the-top or directed spray applications of TriCor 4F are recommended for the control of the following weedsin sugarcane in Florida.
Amaranth, Spiny (seedling) (Amaranthus spinosus) Crabgrass, large (Digitaris sanguinalis)* Butterweed (Cressleaf groundsel) (Senecio glabellus) Foxtail, bristlegrass (Setaria magna) Cudweed (Gnaphalium spp.) Goosegrass (Eleusine indica) Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) Panicum, broadleaf (Panicum adspersum)Signalgrass, Broadleaf (Brachiaria platyphylla) * Best control is achieved when applications are made when this weed is less than 4" in diameter.
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)
GROUND APPLICATION: TriCor 4F may be used in one or two applications with a minimum of 14 days between each
application. Apply when weeds are less than 6 inches tall in 10 to 40 gallons of spray mixture per acre.
POST-EMERGENCE BROADCAST OR BAND: Apply over the top of stubble or plant cane while sugarcane is less than
14 inches tall.
POST-EMERGENCE DIRECTED SPRAY: Apply to sugarcane that is a minimum of 14 inches tall and before row closing.
AERIAL APPLICATION: Apply when weeds are less than 4 inches tall in 5 to 10 gallons of spray mixture per acre. Apply to
stubble or plant cane while the sugarcane is less than 14 inches tall.
TriCor 4F PLUS Atrazine TANK MIX: TriCor 4F may be used with atrazine as a pre-emergence or post-emergence (before row clos-
ing) application to sugarcane. Rates for TriCor 4F are 1-1/2 to 4 pts./acre and atrazine 80% WP (4L) are 2-1/2 to 5 lbs./acre (2 to
4 qts./acre). For additional information on precautions, instructions, limitations, application, and weeds controlled, refer to this label
and the atrazine label.
SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS (Florida Only): Do not use more than 4 pts. per acre in a single growing season. Do not use on sand
soils. Spray contact with sugarcane foliage may result in minor leaf margin chlorosis and/or necrosis.
Do not apply within 60 days of harvest. Do not use treated crop for feed or forage. Avoid spray overlaps or variations in application
speed that may result in insufficient or excessive rates of application.
To assure that spray will not adversely affect adjacent sensitive nontarget plants, apply this product by aircraft at a minimum upwind
distance of 400 ft. from sensitive plants.
Apply TriCor 4F with ground equipment to seeded and transplanted tomatoes as specified below under "Recommended Applications".
For effective control of grasses and broadleaf weeds with post-emergence applications, apply TriCor 4F before weeds are 1 inchtall. Thorough spray coverage on weed foliage is essential for adequate control with post-emergence applications.
Do not use air blast or other high pressure spray equipment to make post-emergence applications of TriCor 4F. Refer to the appro-priate section of this label for additional information regarding spray equipment, dilution rates, mixing, sprayer cleanup, restrictions,storage and disposal and cautions.
For specific application information see the "General Information" section in the front of this label.
Broadcast Sprays – 1/2 to 1 Pt. TriCor 4F/Acre Broadleaves
Galinsoga (Galinsoga spp.) Goosegrass (Eleusine indica)* Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album)Pigweed, Redroot (Amaranthus retroflexus)*Purslane, Common (Portulaca oleracea)* Preplant incorporated applications applied as directed will suppress foxtails, panicums, and barnyardgrass.
TriCor 4F/Trifluralin Tank Mix: This tank mix combination applied preplant incorporated as directed on this label will control the weeds listed above plus those
weeds listed on the Trifluralin label.
For effective control of weeds with post-emergence applications, apply TriCor 4F before weeds are 1 inch tall.
Broadcast Sprays – 1/2 to 1 Pt. TriCor 4F/Acre Directed Sprays – 1 to 2 Pts. TriCor 4F/Acre Carpetweed (Mollugo verticillata) Foxtail, Yellow (Setaria glauca)* Fumitory (Fumaria officinalis) Goosegrass (Eleusine indica) Galinsoga (Galinsoga spp.) Plus Weeds Listed Under Broadcast Sprays
Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium)*Ladysthumb (Polygonum persicaria)*Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album)Mustard, Wild (Brassica kaber)Pigweeds (Amaranthus spp.)Purslane (Portulaca oleracea)Ragweed, Common (Ambrosia artemisiifolia)*Smartweed, Pennsylvania (Polygonum pensylvanicum)*Toadflax (Linaria spp.)Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti)* * For optimum control of these weeds, use the highest rate recommended on the label for the type of application to be made. Repeat post-emergence applications may be needed for best control. Post-emergence applications as directed on this label will suppress barnyardgrass and crabgrass when these weeds are less than 1 inch tall. RECOMMENDED BROADCAST APPLICATIONS
TriCor 4F (Pt./Acre)*
PREPLANT INCORPORATED – TRANSPLANT TOMATOES ONLY: Apply specified dosage in 10 or more gallons of water per acre as a
broadcast spray to the soil surface immediately before transplanting. Incorporate to a depth of 2 to 4 inches with equipment capable of uni-
formly mixing the chemical into the soil. This application may be made alone or in a tank mix combination with Trifluralin E.C. When trans-
planting tomatoes, place the root system of the plants below the herbicide incorporation zone or injury may occur. Refer to the Trifluralin
label for specific rate of application and for additional precautions and restrictions for tomatoes.
POST-EMERGENCE BROADCAST SPRAY – ESTABLISHED TOMATOES: Apply specified dosage in 20 or more gallons of water per acre
as a broadcast spray, or apply in 1/4 to 3/4 inch of water (use 1/4 to 1/2 inch of water on sandy soils) per acre as a continuous injection in
center pivot and lateral move systems or apply in the last 15 to 30 minutes of set in permanent soil set sprinkler systems. One or more appli-
cations may be applied per use season. Allow at least 14 days between applications or severe crop injury may occur. For transplanted toma-
toes, do not apply until transplants have recovered from transplant shock and new growth is evident. Do not apply to tomatoes within
24 hours of application of other pesticides. Do not tank mix with other pesticides. (See "Special Precautions" below).
POST-EMERGENCE DIRECTED SPRAY – ESTABLISHED TOMATOES: Apply specified dosage in 20 or more gallons of water per acre as a
directed spray. One or more applications may be applied per use season. Allow at least 14 days between applications or severe crop injury may
occur. Avoid contacting tomato foliage with spray. This method of treatment is recommended for use in fields with a history of severe weed pres-
sure or in fields infested with hard-to-control weeds. For transplanted tomatoes, do not apply until transplants have recovered from transplant
shock and new growth is evident. Do not apply to tomatoes within 24 hours of application of other pesticides. (See "Special Precautions" below).
When banding, see the appropriate section in the front of this label.
* Use the higher rate in fields with a history of severe weed pressure and for maximum residual weed control.
SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS (Tomatoes): Do not apply more than a total of 2 pints TriCor 4F per crop season.
Aerial application is prohibited.
Do not apply the total amount of 2 pts. TriCor 4F within a time span of less than 35 days, except in the case of directed sprays.
Allow at least 14 days between applications, regardless of dosage or method of application or severe crop injury may occur. Do not apply within 7 days of harvest.
Do not apply within 3 days after periods of cool, wet or cloudy weather, or crop injury will occur.
Do not use hot caps on tomatoes within 7 days before or at any time after application of TriCor 4F. Do not treat seeded tomatoes until plants have reached the 5 to
6 leaf stage or severe crop injury may occur.
Crop injury or delayed maturity may result from broadcast or directed spray applications if tomatoes are growing under stress conditions such as periods of drought
or cool, wet and cloudy weather preceding application.
For newly introduced tomato varieties with unknown tolerance to TriCor 4F, treat only a small area to determine if TriCor 4F can be used without injury to the crop.
(Spring and Winter Barley and Winter Wheat) TriCor 4F is recommended for control or suppression of certain grasses and broadleaf weeds when applied post-emergence to
spring and winter barley or winter wheat. TriCor 4F alone and several tank mixture treatments are recommended for use in the fol-
lowing states: AR, GA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MS, MO, MT, NV, OH, OK, OR, TN, TX, UT, WA.
Mixing: See the "General Information" section of this label for specific mixing procedures. When tank mixing, carefully follow the
instructions on this label. Refer to the other product labels registered for use in barley and winter wheat for additional use directions,
rates, weeds controlled, and restrictions.
Application: TriCor 4F may be applied by aerial or ground application equipment. Use a minimum spray volume of 2 gpa by air and
10 gpa by ground. Uniform spray coverage is necessary to obtain optimum weed control and to minimize potential for crop injury.
Do not exceed rates specified on this label. Do not apply TriCor 4F through any type of irrigation equipment. Apply TriCor 4F when
the crop is healthy and actively growing. TriCor 4F may be applied more than once per crop season. Allow a minimum of 21 days
between applications if wheat is actively growing or allow 45 days between applications if wheat is growing in adverse conditions,
has entered dormancy or is stressed due to frost damage, disease, drought or excessive moisture. Do not use on soils containing
less than 0.75% organic matter. Do not apply more than a total of 16 fluid ounces TriCor 4F (8 ounces active ingredient) per acre per
year. On irrigated cereals, do not apply more than 1/2 inch of water for the first irrigation; the maximum amount for each additional
irrigation should not exceed 1 inch. Allow a minimum of 14 days between the first irrigation and subsequent irrigations.
Performance Factors: Weed control may not be observed for 2 to 4 weeks under normal growth conditions and for 4 to 6 weeks
under very dry conditions. Moisture (at least 1/2 inch) is required within 2 to 3 weeks after application to move TriCor 4F into the
weed root zone. Lack of adequate moisture after application may result in poor or erratic weed control. Control or suppression of
listed weeds is dependent on weed size at time of application. Control or suppression may be reduced if broadleaf weeds are taller
than 1 inch or grasses have more than 2 leaves.
Tank Mixtures: TriCor 4F may be tank mixed with Ally, Amber, Finese, Glean FC, Harmony Extra, 2,4-D, MCPA, Igran, Banvel/
Banvel SGF, Bronate or Buctril herbicides. A non-ionic surfactant containing at least 80% active ingredient may be used in TriCor 4F
tank mixes with sulfonylurea herbicides (Ally, Amber, Finese, Glean FC and Harmony Extra). Do not use a crop oil concentrate or
any adjuvant containing vegetable or petroleum oils with any TriCor 4F mix as crop injury may result. Additional pesticides may also
be tank mixed with TriCor 4F unless specifically prohibited on the mix products' labels. In some instances, combinations with
organophosphate insecticides may cause temporary leaf yellowing and/or crop injury, especially when widely fluctuating day/night
temperatures occur near application. Always refer to the other product labels registered for use on cereals for additional directions,
rates and weed species controlled. Observe all precautions and limitations on labeling of all products used in mixtures.
Feeding Restrictions: Do not graze wheat within 14 days of TriCor 4F application or harvest grain within 21 days after last applica-
tion. Do not graze or harvest barley before crop maturity. For tank mix combinations, follow the most restrictive label.
Special Precautions: Cereal injury – Crop injury may occur if TriCor 4F is applied:
1. When the crop is under stress such as winter kill, frost damage, disease, drought or excessive moisture, severe grazing, or when these conditions follow the application. 2. In combination with fluid fertilizer especially with the addition of surfactant. 3. Prior to the growth stage specified on this label. 4. To soils high in lime or sodium, a pH greater than 7.7, calcareous, gravelly, thinly covered or exposed subsoil areas. 5. To fields where cereal seeds have been planted less than 1 inch deep. 6. To a non-winter hardy wheat or barley variety. 7. To a sensitive wheat or barley variety as listed below. 8. To frozen soil or crop still in winter dormancy. Cereal Rotations Following Potatoes Treated with TriCor 4F: If planting a sensitive cereal variety (listed under the wheat and bar-
ley variety tolerance portion of this label), following potatoes treated with TriCor 4F or METRIBUZIN containing products, refer to the
potato section of the TriCor 4F label for special cultural practices to follow.
TriCor 4F alone or in a tank mix with labeled broadleaf herbicides may be applied by aerial or ground spray equipment as a broad-cast post-emergence spray. RECOMMENDED POST-EMERGENCE BROADCAST APPLICATIONS OF TRICOR 4F
TriCor 4F Rate (fl. oz./Acre)
Crop Growth Stage
Soil Texture
0.75 to 2.0
Use these rates on crops with secondary roots smaller than 1 inch.
For dryland winter wheat (nonirrigated), apply the highest recommended rate to achieve maximum weed suppression/control.
Do not apply within 2 weeks after grazing or breaking of winter dormancy. Apply after the crop is at or beyond the 3 tiller growth stage but before jointing. Secondary roots should be developed and larger than 1 inch long. Do not apply before 75 days after planting.
For dryland winter wheat (nonirrigated), apply the highest recommended rate to achieve maximum weed suppression/control.
GEORGIA ONLY: Wheat must be planted before November 15 in the Piedmont area and Northern part of the state, and before December 1 in the Coastal Plain area.
Wheat and barley varieties vary in their tolerance to TriCor 4F. Varieties below are tolerant to and are recommended for use with
TriCor 4F:
Winter Wheat: Abe, AgriPro Mason, AgriPro Shiloh, Arthur, AS 7846, AS 7853, Baker Seed 32, Barbie VI, Basin, Batum, Bayles,
Becker, Bintee V, Buchshot DS 2368, Caldwell, Cardinal, Cashup, Centurk, Cherokee, Cheyenne, Clark, Coker 747, Coker 762,
Coker 797, Coker 68-15, Coker 9134, Coker 9543, Coker 9904, Coker 9907, Daws, DB 533W, DB 562W, DB 580W, Delta King 502,
Delta King 9027, Dixie 952, Doublecrop, Dusty, Dyna-gro 426, Dynasty, Excel, Faro, FFR 525W, Florida 302, FS 432, FS 433, FS 435,
Gains, Garst 64, Georgia 100, Genie V, Hatton, Hawk, Hill 81, Howell, Hunter, Hyak, Hyslop, Katie VI, KY 16-2, Larned, Lewis 833,
Lewjain, Lisa, Longhorn, Luke, Madison, Magnum, Malcom, McDermid, McNair 1003, McNair 1813, Molly, Moro, Neely, Nelson,
Newton, Norstar, Norwin, Nugaines, Oasis, Omega 78, Paha, Peck, Pike, Pioneer 2157, Pioneer 2180, Pioneer 2510, Pioneer 2545,
Pioneer 2548, Pioneer 2550, Pioneer 2552, Pioneer 2555, Pioneer, 2566, Pioneer 2571, Pioneer 2580, Pioneer 2684, Quantum 577,
Redwin, Rocky, Saluda, Sawyer, SC 104, Siouxland, Sprague, Southern Belle, Stacy, Stallion, Stephens, TAM W101, TAM 105,
TE 877, TE 2548, TE SR204, TR 8555, TR 8557, TR 8768, Tiber, Tomahawk, Traveler, Tres, Tyee, Tyler, Verne, Victory, Wakefield,
Wanser, Weston, Winalta, Wrangler.
Barley: Advance, Boyer, Clark, Compana, Hannchen, Hector, Hesk, Hudson, Lud, Luther, Kamiak, Klages, Olympic, Piroline,
Steptoe, and Triumph.
The following cereal varieties are sensitive to TriCor 4F and are not recommended for use:
Winter Wheat: AT 90W, AT 91W, AgriPro Clemens, Arapaho, Baker Seed 33, Century, Cimarron, Coker 833, Coker 916, Coker 983,
Coker 9024, Coker 9105, Coker 9323, Choker 9474, Choker 9835, Choker 9766, Choker 9877, EK 102, EK 114, FAR 555, Florida 304,
Freedom, FS 417, FS 423, FS 425, FS 430, Gore, Hazen, Hickory, Jackson, Julie III, KY-49-25, Linden, Madison, Mesa, Mustang,
Pacer, Pioneer 2551, Pioneer 2163, Pioneer 2643, Pioneer 2691, Princeton 733, PER W71, PER 226, PER 278, Rosen, Savannah,
Sierra, TAM 107, TR 101, TR 1011, TR 8822, Triumph 64, Vona, Wings, Winridge, Yamhill.
Spring/Durum Wheat: Avoid use on Spring wheat and Durum wheat varieties.
Barley: Glenn, Morex, Moravian 3, Larker, Summit, Bracken, Anheuser Busch B2601 and varieties with Morex parentage.
Varieties Not Listed: To avoid possible crop injury on any variety not mentioned in this label, contact a UPI representative or her-
bicide expert for a variety recommendation prior to treatment or treat a small strip of the unlisted variety with the recommended
TriCor 4F rate to ascertain crop tolerance before treating an entire field.
* Abbreviated names of vendors: AS (Agseco), AT (Agratech), DB (Diener Bros.), FS (Growmark FS), PI (Pioneer), PER (Hybritech),
SC (J.M. Schultz), TE (Terra), and TR (Terral). Used at recommended rates, TriCor 4F will control many annual broadleaf weeds. Control is best when applied to young, activelygrowing weeds. Weeds controlled by TriCor 4F include: Evening Primrose, Cutleaf Knotweed, Prostrate Pigweed, spp.
Catchfly, Conical (Sand) Falseflax, Smallseed Lambsquarter, Common Catchweed, (Madwort) Fiddleneck, Tarweed Polemonium, Annual (Jacob's Ladder) Chickweed, Common Chickweed, Mousear Geranium, Carolina Gromwell, spp.
Pennycress, Field Speedwell, Ivyleaf Dogfennel (Mayweed) Pepperweed, Virginia TriCor 4F control of the following weeds varies from poor to excellent depending on time of application, stage of growth at applica-tion, temperatures and soil moisture conditions following treatment. For maximum effect on these weeds, apply the highest recom-mended rate at the earliest growth stage timing for each particular soil type and organic matter. Suppression is a reduction in weedsize and growth as compared to a non-treated area in the same field.
Barley, Hare (Wild) Buttercup, spp.
Bluegrass, Annual Bluegrass, Bulbous Mustard, Tumble (Jim Hill)* Whitlowgrass, Spring (Vernal) * Use the highest recommended TriCor 4F rate for maximum weed suppression.
(Idaho, Oregon, Utah, and Washington Only) TriCor 4F may be applied to provide weed control during the fallow period after wheat harvest or in the Spring before winter wheatis planted. Winter wheat can be seeded 4 months (120 days) after Spring application. Mechanical tillage or the application of a con-tact herbicide may be required to control weeds germinating prior to seeding of winter wheat. Best results will be obtained wherestraw and chaff are evenly distributed across the field. For specific information see the "General Information" section in the front of this label. Where weed growth is present at application time, TriCor 4F should be applied with Gramoxone or other contact herbicide. Refer tothe other product label registered for additional directions, rates, and weed species controlled. Chickweed, Common (Stellaria media) Mustard, Treacle (Eyrsimum repandum) Cheatgrass (Bromus secalinus) Henbit (Lamium amplexicaule) Mustard, Wild (Brassica kaber) Downy Brome (Bromus tectorum) Kochia (Kochia scoparia)* Pennycress, Field (Fanweed) (Thlaspi arvense) Wheat, Volunteer (Triticum spp.)* Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) Pigweeds (Amaranthus spp.) Mustard, Blue or Purple (Chorispora tenella) Russian Thistle (Salsola iberica)* Mustard, Jim Hill (Sisymbrium altissimum) Wild Sunflower (Helianthus spp.)* Mustard, Tansy (Descurainia pinnata) * Note: Since control of these weeds may be variable depending on moisture following application, the higher labeled rate is recommended. After Harvest Application (Fall Fallow): TriCor 4F may be applied to wheat stubble after harvest in the Fall. Apply 1 to 1-1/4 pts.
per acre broadcast before weeds emerge. Use higher rate for longer weed control or for weeds designated as requiring the higher
rate for control. Rainfall (1/2 inch or more) is necessary for herbicide activation.
Do not plant crops in treated areas for at least 10 months following Fall applications. Do not rotate any crop not listed on this label
for 18 months following application.
TriCor 4F may be applied at 1 to 1-1/4 pts. per acre as directed above for a Fall application. If other vegetation is present at the time
of application use a contact herbicide.
Spring Application (Summer Fallow): TriCor 4F may be applied to wheat stubble in the Spring. Apply 3/4 to 1 pt. per acre broad-
cast before weeds emerge in the Spring. Use higher rate for longer weed control or weeds designated as requiring higher rate for
control. Rainfall (1/2 inch or more) is necessary for herbicide activation.
Precautions and Restrictions: Do not graze treated fields. Do not plant Spring seeded cereals following Fall fallow applications of
TriCor 4F. Where TriCor 4F was applied in the Fall, do not apply TriCor 4F in the Spring.
(Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, and Wyoming Only) TriCor 4F may be applied to provide weed control during the fallow period after wheat or barley harvest or in the Spring before plant-ing of Winter wheat or barley. Mechanical tillage or the application of a contact herbicide may be required to control weeds germi-nating prior to seeding of Winter wheat or barley. For specific application information see the "General Information" section in the front of this label. Where weed growth is present at application time, TriCor 4F should be applied with Gramoxone, glyphosate, or other contact her-bicide. Refer to the other product label registered for additional directions, rates, and weed species controlled. Do not plant cropsin treated areas earlier than 10 months following Fall applications. Chickweed, Common (Stellaria media) Mustard, Tansy (Descurainia pinnata) Cheatgrass (Bromus secalinus) Cowcockle (Vaccaria pyramidata) Mustard, Treacle (Eyrsimum repandum) Downy Brome (Bromus tectorum) Henbit (Lamium amplexicaule) Mustard, Wild (Brassica kaber) Foxtail, Green (Setaria viridis)* Kochia (Kochia scoparia)* Pennycress, Field (fanweed) (Thlaspi arvense) Wheat, Volunteer (Triticum spp.)* Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) Pigweeds (Amaranthus spp.) Wild Oats (Avena fatua)* Mustard, Blue or Purple (Chorispora tenella) Russian thistle (Salsola iberica) Mustard, Jim Hill (Sisymbrium altissimum) Sunflower (Herianthus spp.) * Note: Since control of these weeds may vary depending on moisture following application, use the higher rate recommended below.
AFTER HARVEST APPLICATION (Fall Fallow): TriCor 4F may be applied to the stubble after harvest in the Fall. Apply 1-1/4 to
1-1/2 pts. per acre broadcast before weeds emerge. Use the higher rate for longer weed control or for weeds designated as requir-
ing the higher rate for control. Rainfall (1/2 inch or more) is necessary for herbicide activation.
SPRING APPLICATION (Summer Fallow): TriCor 4F may be applied to the stubble in the Spring. Apply 3/4 to 1 pt. per acre broadcast
before weeds emerge in the Spring. Use the higher rate for longer weed control or weeds designated as requiring the higher rate for con-
trol. Rainfall (1/2 inch or more) is necessary for herbicide activation. Wheat or barley can be seeded 120 days after Spring application.
Precautions and Restrictions: Do not graze treated fields. Do not plant Spring seeded cereals following Fall applications for fal-
low. Where TriCor 4F was applied in the Fall, do not apply TriCor 4F in the Spring. Do not rotate any crop not listed on this label for
18 months following application.
Waiting Period After TriCor 4F Herbicide Application1
12 Months
18 Months
Other Root Crops Not Listed All other crops not listed on this label 1 Cover crops for soil building or erosion control may be planted any time, but do not graze or harvest for food or feed. Stand reductions may occur in some areas. 2 Following peas, lentils or soybeans.
3 Do not rotate rice after any application to a primary crop greater than 1 lb. a.i./A of TriCor 4F per season.
Do not rotate any crop not listed on this label after application of TriCor 4F to sugarcane.
Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage or disposal.
Pesticide Storage: Store in a cool, dry place and in such a manner as to prevent cross contamination with other pesticides, fer-
tilizers, food, or feed. Store in original container and out of the reach of children, preferably in a locked storage area.
Handle and open container in a manner as to prevent spillage. If the container is leaking or material spilled for any reason or cause,
carefully sweep material into a pile. Refer to Precautionary Statements on label for hazards associated with the handling of this
material. Do not walk through spilled material. Dispose of pesticide as directed below. In spill or leak incidents, keep unauthorized
people away. For large spills, contact CHEMTREC at 1-800-424-9300.
Pesticide Disposal: Wastes resulting from the use of this product may be disposed of on site or at an approved waste disposal
Container Disposal: Nonrefillable container. Do not reuse or refill this container. Clean container promptly after emptying.
[Containers less than 5 gallons] Triple rinse as follows: Empty the remaining contents into application equipment or a mix tank and
drain for 10 seconds after the flow begins to drip. Fill the container 1/4 full with water and recap. Shake for 10 seconds. Pour rin-
sate into application equipment or a mix tank or store rinsate for later use or disposal. Drain for 10 seconds after the flow begins
to drip. Repeat this procedure two more times. Then offer for recycling if available, or puncture and dispose of in a sanitary land-
fill, or by incineration, or if allowed by state and local authorities, by burning. If burned, stay out of smoke.
[For containers larger than 5 gallons] Triple rinse or pressure rinse as follows:
Triple rinse: Empty the remaining contents into application equipment or a mix tank. Fill the container 1/4 full with water. Replace
and tighten closures. Tip container on its side and roll it back and forth, ensuring at least one complete revolution, for 30 seconds.
Stand the container on its end and tip it back and forth several times. Turn the container over onto its other end and tip it back and
forth several times. Empty the rinsate into application equipment or a mix tank or store rinsate for later use or disposal. Repeat
this procedure two more times.
Pressure rinse: Empty the remaining contents into application equipment or a mix tank and continue to drain for 10 seconds after
the flow begins to drip. Hold container upside down over application equipment or mix tank or collect rinsate for later use or dis-
posal. Insert pressure rinsing nozzle in the side of the container, and rinse at about 40 psi for at least 30 seconds. Drain for 10 sec-
onds after flow begins to drip.
Then offer for recycling if available, or puncture and dispose of in a sanitary landfill, or by incineration, or by other procedures
allowed by state and local authorities.
NOTICE: Read the entire Directions for Use and Conditions of Sale and Limitation of Warranty and Liability before buying or using
this product. If the terms are not acceptable, return the product at once, unopened, and the purchase price will be refunded.
The Directions for Use of this product reflect the opinion of experts based on field use and tests, and must be followed carefully.
It is impossible to eliminate all risks associated with the use of this product. Crop injury, ineffectiveness or other unintended con-
sequences may result because of such factors as manner of use or application, weather or crop conditions, presence of other
materials or other influencing factors in the use of the product, which are beyond the control of United Phosphorus, Inc. or Seller.
Handling, storage, and use of the product by Buyer or User are beyond the control of United Phosphorus, Inc. and Seller. All such
risks shall be assumed by Buyer and User, and Buyer and User agree to hold United Phosphorus, Inc. and Seller harmless for any
claims relating to such factors.

To the extent consistent with applicable law, United Phosphorus, Inc. or Seller shall not be liable for any incidental, consequen-
tial or special damages resulting from the use or handling of this product and THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF THE USER OR

United Phosphorus, Inc. and Seller offer this product, and Buyer and User accept it, subject to the foregoing conditions of saleand limitations of warranty and of liability, which may not be modified except by written agreement signed by the duly authorizedrepresentative of United Phosphorus, Inc.
TriCor is a trademark of United Phosphorus, Inc.
Banvel is a registered trademark of Arysta LifeScience. Bronate and Buctril are registered trademarks of Bayer CropScience.
Command and Commence are registered trademarks of FMC Corp. Amber, Dual and Igran are registered trademarks of Syngenta Crop Protection. Ally, Bladex, Canopy, Finesse, Glean and Harmony are registered trademarks of E.I. duPont de Nemours and Co. Gramoxone is a registered trademark of a Syngenta Group Company.
Freedom, and Lasso are registered trademarks of Monsanto Co.
Pursuit, Prowl, and Scepter are registered trademarks of BASF.
Sonalan and Treflan are registered trademarks of Dow AgroSciences LLC.
X-77 is a registered trademark of Valent USA Corp. 2010 United Phosphorus, Inc. All rights reserved.
Rev. 9/17/0970506-68(041210-3687)



-26 (For Individual Attention Only) Table of contents 1 Introduction . 1 2 Tooth Discoloration . 2 2.1 Extrinsic Stain.3 2.2 Intrinsic Stain .4 2.3 Tooth Discoloration Due to Structural Abnormalities.5 2.4 Tooth Discoloration Due to Ageing .6 3 Techniques for Tooth Whitening. 7

Microsoft word - web supplement sans line numbers reformat citations.doc

Supplementary Appendix This appendix has been provided by the authors to give readers additional information about their work. Supplement to: Turner EH, Matthews AM, Linardatos E, et al. Selective publication of antidepressant trials and its influence on apparent efficacy. N Engl J Med 2008;358:252-60. SELECTIVE PUBLICATION OF ANTIDEPRESSANT TRIALS AND ITS INFLUENCE ON APPARENT EFFICACY