Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, 2009, 78
Case report 183
Disseminated Penicillium radicum infection in a dog, clinically resembling
multicentric malignant lymphoma
Gedissemineerde Penicillium radicum
infectie bij een hond klinisch gelijkend op
een multicentrisch maligne lymfoom
1J.P. de Vos, 2E. van Garderen, 3H. Hensen, 4I. Tange, 5I. Curfs-Breuker, 1B. Vandevelde, 5J. F.
1De Ottenhorst, Clinic for Companion Animal Medicine and Veterinary Oncology Referral Centre,
van Diemenstraat 83, 4535 AR Terneuzen, The Netherlands
2Laboratory for Pathology and Histology, Animal Health Service, Postbus 9, 7400 AA Deventer,
3Veterinary Clinic IJzendijke, Minnepoortstraat 14, 4515 BC, IJzendijke, The Netherlands
4Zorgsaam Foundation Zeeuws-Vlaanderen, Laboratory of Medical Microbiology,
Wielingenlaan 2, 4535 PA Terneuzen, The Netherlands
5Department of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases C70, Mycologie, Canisius-Wilhelmina
Hospital, Weg door Jonkerbos 100, 6532 SZ Nijmegen, The Netherlands
After detecting fungal organisms in smears of enlarged peripheral lymph nodes in a dog, determination was
performed through culturing and genetic typing. The fungus was identified as Penicillium radicum by amplifi-
cation of fungal DNA encoding of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region and comparison with DNA
databases. In vitro susceptibility testing revealed multiresistance. In the literature, P. radicum is mentioned as a
phosphate solubilizing agent used in agriculture for promoting plant growth. This is the first publication of a dis-
seminated P. radicum infection in a dog. The generalized lymphadenopathy and hypercalcemia strongly resem-
bled a multicentric lymphoma.
Hypercalcemia in granulomatous diseases, including disseminated fungal infections, is caused by activated
macrophages possessing 1α-hydroxylase, which is able to convert 25-hydroxyvitamin-D into calcitriol. Although
disseminated fungal infections are extremely rare in The Netherlands and Belgium, they should be included in
the differential diagnosis of dogs with multicentric lymphadenopathy and hypercalcemia.
In uitstrijkjes van vergrote perifere lymfeknopen van een hond werden schimmelstructuren aangetoond. De deter-
minatie vond plaats via kweekmedia en een genetische typering. Het DNA dat codeert voor de "ribosomal internaltranscribed spacer region" werd vermenigvuldigd, vergeleken met openbare DNA-databases en geïdentificeerd alsovereenstemmend met dat van
Penicillium radicum.
In vitro gevoeligheidstesten toonden een multiresistente schim-mel aan. Het gebruik van
P. radicum in de landbouw wordt beschreven om plantengroei te stimuleren.
Door de gegeneraliseerde lymfeknoopzwelling en hypercalcemie vertoonde het ziektebeeld een sterke gelijkenis
met een multicentrisch lymfoom. Hypercalcemie in granulomateuze ziektebeelden, inclusief gedissemineerde schim-melinfecties, wordt veroorzaakt door de omzetting van 25-hydroxyvitamine-D in calcitriol door geactiveerde macro-fagen die 1α-hydroxylase bevatten. In Nederland en België komen systemische schimmelinfecties sporadisch voormaar ze dienen toch te worden opgenomen in de differentiaaldiagnose van honden met gegeneraliseerde lymfeknoop-zwelling en hypercalcemie. Dit is de eerste publicatie van een gedissemineerde
P. radicum infectie bij een hond.
bined microbiological and histopathological/cytologi-cal examination, if the infection is to be correctly tre-
The diagnosis in animals of disseminated fungal in-
ated and resolved. The principal route of infection for
fections, which are extremely rare in The Netherlands
fungal diseases in dogs is inhalation, from which dis-
and Belgium, can be complicated. Most mycoses are
semination can occur. Occasionally, direct wound con-
easily confused with other disease entities, since the
tamination and ingestion also play an important role
clinical picture of an animal with systemic mycosis is
in the pathogenesis of the disease, especially in histo -
very unspecific. The causative agent needs to be
plasmosis (Krohne, 2000).
promptly diagnosed and identified, usually by a com-
The purpose of this report is to describe a case of
Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, 2009, 78
disseminated canine fungal infection. To the best of
genic nodules with a diameter of 5 – 10 mm. To in-
our knowledge, this is the first report of a dissemina-
vestigate the presence of lymphoma, ultrasound gui-
P. radicum infection in a dog. Furthermore, infec-
ded, fine needle aspiration biopsies were performed of
tion in humans with this species is not mentioned in
peripheral lymph nodes, the spleen, and the mediasti-
an extensive review of invasive disease due to Peni-
nal and medial iliac lymph nodes, and submitted for
cillium species other than
P. marneffii (Lyratzopoulos
cytological examination.
et al., 2002). In this series,
P. purpurogenum,
P. brevi-
At the pathology laboratory, the air-dried smears
compactum and
P. piceum were among the most iden-
were stained according to May-Grünwald Giemsa.
tified species. In humans, systemic infections with
Some smears from each location were not stained, but
Penicillium species other than
P. marneffei are rare,
were rather stored temporarily to allow immunocyto-
due to the inability of most non-marneffei species to
logical analysis of the presumed lymphoma, thus esta-
grow at 37oC (Santos
et al., 2006; Horré
et al., 2001).
blishing its T-cell or B-cell origin. However, cyto-logically the smears of the lymph nodes and the spleen
were not consistent with lymphoma, since the lym-phoid cells demonstrated a heterogeneous morpho-
A 4-year-old male Dutch Braque with a body
logy, which is indicative of lymphoid cells in various
weight of 13.8 kg was presented in November 2007
stages of differentiation. This finding is consistent with
with a mass, 3.5 cm in diameter, located in the left-
reactive hyperplasia of the lymphoid cells and not with
ventral subcutaneous tissues of the neck. A complete
neoplastic proliferation. In addition, moderate num-
physical examination showed no other abnormalities.
bers of neutrophils and macrophages were present in
A fine needle aspiration biopsy of the mass was per-
the smears. The macrophages had frequently fused into
formed and cytological examination revealed small
multinucleated giant cells. Remarkably, the presence
lymphocytes, a moderate number of neutrophils, some
of ill-defined cytoplasmic structures was noted in a
plasma cells, and intracellular fungal hyphae in ma-
significant number of macrophages and giant cells.
crophages. A blood examination consisting of a com-
Although these structures were not very well stained in
plete blood count (CBC) and routine serum bio-
the May-Grünwald Giemsa stain, their branching mor-
chemistry profile showed no abnormalities, although
phology was highly suggestive of phagocytized fungi
no blood calcium concentration was determined at that
(Figure 1). As a consequence, a presumptive diagnosis
time. The dog was treated with a total dose of 100 mg
of a systemic mycosis was made on the basis of the
ketoconazolea once daily per os for 3 weeks.
cytological findings. In order to study the microscopic
One week after end of therapy, the dog was sub-
aspects of these fungi in more detail, the smears of the
mitted again with fever, anorexia and a stiff gait. The
lymph nodes and spleen that were temporarily stored
mass in the neck had doubled in size. Treatment was
were fixed overnight in 10% buffered formalin (pH
started with 5 mg/kg enrofloxacinb once daily per os
7.2) and stained with periodic acid Schiff reagent
and 10 mg/kg amoxicillinc twice daily per os. The
(PAS). The fungal hyphae that were ill-defined in the
mass was surgically removed, and post-operative in-
May-Grünwald Giemsa stain demonstrated affinity for
cision showed the aspect of an abscess. Histopatholo-
the PAS stain, and their presence in macrophages and
gical examination was not performed at that time.
multinucleated giant cells was clearly outlined (Figure
Wound healing was uneventful and antibiotic therapy
was stopped 10 days after surgery.
Several fine needle aspirates were performed again
Two months after surgery the dog developed signs
aseptically from the prescapular lymph nodes and sub-
of general fatigue, polydipsia and polyuria. On physi-
mitted for fungal culture. The aspirated material re-
cal examination there was generalized lymphadeno-
mained in the syringes and was inoculated in a laminar
pathy and splenomegaly. Abnormalities noted on the
flow safety cabinet in Sabouraud agar and Malt extract
serum biochemistry profile were a moderate hypercal-
agar within 30 minutes and incubated at 24°C and 37
cemia (3.32 mmol/l; reference range 1.98–3.00
°C. After 5 days of incubation, fungal cultures were
mmol/l), slightly elevated creatinin (98 μmol/l; refe-
clearly visible (Figures 3 and 4).
rence 70 μmol/l), and an increased ALAT (257 U/l; re-
Microscopic characteristics of
Penicillium spp.
ference range 0–113 U/l). No abnormalities were
were seen after 14 days of incubation, which
observed on a CBC. A cranial mediastinal mass was
prompted a molecular approach, because classical
detected on thoracic X-rays. In addition, enlarged
morphological identification is inherently difficult.
lymph nodes were visible in the hilus of the lungs.
DNA was isolated from a 15-day-old pure colony
The findings were considered not to be related to
using a standard protocol (Boom
et al., 1990). The
the initial fungal abscess, and as a result the dog was
genomic DNA encoding the ribosomal internal
referred to De Ottenhorst Clinic in Terneuzen, the Ne-
transcribed spacer (ITS) region was amplified by
therlands, with strong suspicion of multicentric T-cell
using 5'-TCCGTAGGTGAACCTGCGG-3' and 5'-
lymphoma. On physical examination, all peripheral
lymph nodes were moderately enlarged. Body tempe-
plicons were purified by using High Pure chemistry,e
rature was normal. Abdominal palpation revealed sple-
and sequenced by using a MegaBACE DYEnamic ET
nomegaly and severely enlarged medial iliac lymph
Dye terminator kit,f as suggested by the manufacturer.
nodes. On ultrasound, the spleen showed hypo-echo-
Reaction products were purified by ethanol pre-
Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, 2009, 78
Figure 1. Smear of a fine needle aspirate of a prescapu-
Figure 2. An air-dried smear of a prescapular lymph node
lar lymph node, stained according to May Grünwald-
was fixed overnight in 10% buffered formalin and stained
Giemsa. In the center a giant cell is present that
with PAS showing fungi, macrophages and multi-
demonstrates cytoplasmic impressions of ill-defined fun-
nucleated giant cells. The bar represents 10 µm.
gal structures (arrow). The bar represents 10 µm.
Figure 3. A colony of 14-day-old P. radicum on Sabou-
Figure 4. Reverse side of colony of P. radicum, with
raud agar.
cipitation, dissolved in distilled water, and analyzed
One hundred microliters of the suspension were added
on a MegaBACE 500 capillary DNA analysis
to each well of a 96-well flat-bottom microtitration
platformg under standard electrophoretic conditions.
plate and incubated at 35oC for 48 hours. MIC was de-
The ITS sequence obtained for the isolate was
termined visually and spectrophotometrically as a ≥
compared to the public DNA databases by using the
50% reduction of growth compared to that of the drug-
BLAST interface at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
free growth control for fluconazole. Also the lowest
BLAST/ (Altschul et al., 1997), and proved to be
concentration of drug showing absence of growth was
100% identical to previously reported P. radicum
compared to that of the growth control for amphoteri-
sequences. Molecular determination was confirmed by
cin B and the azoles. For caspofungin and anidulafun-
the CBS Fungal Biodiversity Center - KNAW, Utrecht,
gin, the MEC (minimum effective concentration) was
The Netherlands (http://www.cbs.knaw.nl), and the P.
determined microscopically as the lowest concentra-
radicum isolate was deposited in the culture collection
tion in which abnormal, short and branched hyphal
as CBS 122887.
clusters were observed compared with the long, un-
The broth microdilution method was performed in
branched hyphal clusters that were seen in the growth
duplo according to CLSI M38-A2 (Clinical and Labo-
control (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Insitute,
ratory Standards Insitute, 2008). Briefly, a spore sus -
2008). The MIC or MEC for amphotericin Bi, itraco-
pension of the isolate was made in 0.9% sterile saline
nazolej, fluconazolek, voriconazolek, anidulafungink,
with 0.05% Tween 40. The optical density was adjus-
posaconazolel, isavuconazolem, and caspofunginn were
ted to 80 to 82% T with a spectrophotometer at 530
8, >16, >64, >16, 0.016, >16, 2, and >16 mg/L, res-
nm, and then the isolate was diluted 1000 times in
pectively. The P. radicum isolate displayed resistance
RPMI medium (final concentration 1-5 x 103 CFU/ml).
to the majority of the antifungals tested. Isavuconazole
Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, 2009, 78
had the lowest MIC (2 mg/L) compared with the other
abscess. Moreover, the time between the locally
azoles and the MEC (0.016 mg/L) of anidulafungin
curative surgery and the development of the
suggested the isolate to be susceptible.
generalized lymphadenopathy justified putting
Meanwhile, the dog had difficulties in eating and
lymphoma high on the list of differential diagnoses.
was manually fed by the owner, but vomited almost
The genus Penicillium is among the most common
after each meal. In expectation of the results of the an-
fungi in the environment. Approximately 15 species
tifungal susceptibility testing, therapy was started with
are known to cause opportunistic human mycoses in
1 mg/kg maropitantg once daily as a subcutaneous in-
immunocompromised patients (Lyratzopoulos et al.,
jection and 5 mg/kg itraconazoleh once daily per os.
2002). In dogs, several cases of disseminated Penicil-
Vomiting stopped and three days after the beginning
lium infection have been described in recent years.
of therapy a moderate hypercalcemia (3.39 mmol/l; re-
Among them are P. purpurogenum (Zanatta et al.,
ference range 1.98–3.00 mmol/l) still remained.
2006), P. commune (Kano et al., 2006) and P. brevi-
Fourteen days after the beginning of itraconazole
compactum (Caro-Vadillo et al., 2007). A review of
therapy, the condition of the dog still had not improved
opportunistic fungal infections in 10 dogs noted one
and the size of the lymph nodes had not decreased. The
case of non-specified penicilliosis (Watt et al., 1995).
dog also developed uncontrolled muscular spasms in
P. radicum is mentioned in the literature as a phos-
the head, an uncoordinated gait and an uncoordinated
phate solubilizing fungus used in agriculture for plant
motoric activity when reaching out for food. Serum
growth promotion (Wakelin et al., 2007). The dog des-
biochemistry profile abnormalities noted at that time
cribed in this article was living in an agrarian area, but
included an increase in ureum concentration (14.8
no attempt was made to isolate the fungus from the
mmol/l; reference range 2.3–9.1 mmol/l), a creatinin
dog's environment, or to investigate the use of P. ra-
concentration of 133 μmol/l, a total serum calcium
dicum in locally applied fertilizers.
concentration of 3.71 mmol/l, alkaline phosphatase
A common theme in the clinical outcome of a fun-
(151 E/l; reference range 0–130 U/L), alanine
gal infection is the response of the immune system. If
aminotransferase (214 U/l: reference range 0–133
the inoculum is small and the animal is immunocom-
U/L), and a normal albumin concentration (27g/l;
petent, the infection is usually limited to the port of
reference range 22-35 g/l). CBC showed a normal
entrance and resolves with few or no clinical signs. As
leukocyte count (6.7 x 109/l; reference range 6.0-17.0
in human patients, we can hypothesize that canine pa-
x 109/l), a normal lymphocyte count (2.6 x 109/l;
tients with systemic mycotic infections lack a proper
reference range 0.7-5.0 x 109/l), neutropenia (2.5 x
immune response to the fungus. Although not convin-
109/l; reference range 3.6-13.0 x 109/l), and a normal
cingly proved, there are indications that immunosup-
number of monocytes (1.6 x 109/l; reference range 0.1-
pression – for example, through the neutropenia – in
1.7 x 109/l). Considerable polydipsia and polyuria were
the dog described in this case report was the main
still present, and forced diuresis through fluid therapy
cause of the fungus becoming invasive. Clinical signs
and furosemide treatment to attempt to normalize the
in canine patients with disseminated fungal infections
hypercalcaemia was not yet started. Corticosteroid
are primarily determined by the loss of function of the
therapy was considered to be contra-indicated because
infected and inflamed organ systems, which causes
it could possibly promote further deterioration through
non-specific clinical symptoms. However, draining
the suspected immunosuppression in this dog.
skin tracts and lymphadenopathy have regularly been
The day the results of the antifungal susceptibility
reported in several systemic fungal infections (Krohe,
testing became available, the creatinin level had in-
creased to 171 μmol/l, with a total serum calcium con-
Hypercalcemia has been well described in a variety
centration of 4.17 mmol/l. The peripheral and medial
of neoplastic and granulomatous diseases. Serum cal-
iliac lymph nodes, as well as the spleen, were severely
cium concentration is tightly regulated by a complex
enlarged and the total condition of the dog rapidly de-
system of calcitropic hormones. Parathyroid hormone
clined. Euthanasia was performed on the owner's re-
(PTH) and the biologically active form of vitamin D,
quest and no permission was obtained for necropsy.
calcitriol or 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25-(OH)2D3),are the most physiologically relevant calcitropic sub-
stances, with actions at the levels of bone, kidney andgut. Neoplasms such as lymphoma can alter the cal-
Disseminated fungal infections in companion
cium homeostasis indirectly through the production of
animals are extremely rare in The Netherlands and
endocrine factors that result in hypercalcemia of ma-
Belgium. In patients where such an infection clinically
lignancy. This paraneoplastic condition is most often
leads to generalized lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly
due to the synthesis and release of parathyroid hor-
and hypercalcemia, lymphoma should be included in
mone-related peptide by neoplastic cells and the en-
the differential diagnostic work-up. This was
suing increase of osteoclastic bone resorption. Another
especially true for the dog described in this case report,
mechanism for this hypercalcemia operates through
where there was no positive proof that the fungal
the excess production of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D
organism detected on cytology specimens obtained
from extra-renal sources (Clines et al., 2005; Sharma,
from the mass in the neck was either the primary cause
of or secondarily involved in the development of the
Human patients with hypercalcemia during a dis-
Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, 2009, 78
seminated fungal infection are known to have their vi-
j Janssen Research Foundation, Beerse, Belgium
tamin D metabolite levels increased (Spindel et al.,
k Pfizer Central Research, Sandwich, United Kingdom
1995). Calcitriol is a major biologically active meta-
l Schering-Plough, Kenilworth, USA
bolite of the vitamin D sterol family. Vitamin D pre-
m Basilea Pharmaceutica, Basel, Switserland
cursors are either ingested in the diet or synthesized in
n Merck Sharp & Dohme BV, Haarlem, The Nether-
the skin from 7-dehydrocholesterol through exposure
to sunlight. Hydroxylation occurs in the liver to form25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-(OH)D3). 25-(OH)D3 is hy-
droxylated in the kidney to form 1,25-(OH)2D3. Therenal 1α-hydroxylation of 25-(OH)D
Altschul S.F., Madden T.L., Schäffer A.A., Zhang J., Zhang
3 is the major re-
cognized control point of vitamin D metabolism, res-
Z., Miller W., Lipman D.J. (1997). Gapped BLAST and
ponding to phosphate, PTH and calcitriol
PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search
concentrations. Vitamin D receptors within renal proxi-
programs. Nucleic Acids Research 25, 3389-3402.
mal convoluted tubule cells are involved in an auto-
Boom R., Sol C.J., Salimans M.M., Jansen C.L., Wertheim-
van Dillen P.M., van der Noordaa J. (1990). Rapid and
crine negative feedback loop whereby increased levels
simple method for purification of nucleic acids. Journal of
of 1,25-(OH)2D3 will down-regulate 1,25-(OH)2D3
Clinical Microbiology 28, 495-503.
production (Clines et al., 2005). Other known impor-
Caro-Vadillo A., Payá-Vicens M.J., Martínez-Merlo E., Gar-
tant extra-renal sites of calcitriol production are the
cía-Real I., Martín-Espada C. (2007). Fungal pneumonia
placenta and granulomatous tissue (Clines et al.,
caused by Penicillium brevicompactum in a young Staf-
fordshire bull terrier. The Veterinary Record 160, 595-596.
However, hypercalcemia associated with granulo-
Clines G.A., Guise T.A. (2005). Hypercalcaemia of malig-
matous disease arises from an alteration of endogenous
nancy and basic research on mechanisms responsible for
vitamin D metabolism. Macrophages activated in res-
osteolytic and osteoblastic metastasis to bone. Endocrine-
ponse to granulomatous inflammation are able to con-
Related Cancer 12, 549-583.
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. (2008). Refe-
vert 25-hydroxyvitamin D, produced by the liver into
rence method for broth dilution antifungal susceptibility
calcitriol in an unregulated manner by possessing the
testing of filamentous fungi. Approved standard M38-A2.
1α-hydroxylase enzyme (Sharma, 2000; Dusso et al.,
In: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. 2nd ed.,
1991; Mellanby et al., 2006; Monkawa et al. 2007).
Wayne, PA, USA.
In companion animals, hypercalcemia related to
Dial S. (2007). Fungal diagnostics: current techniques and
granulomatous disease has been reported in dissemi-
future trends. Veterinary Clinics of North America Small
nated histoplasmosis, blastomycosis, coccidiomyco-
Animal Practice 37, 373-392.
sis, tuberculosis and schistosomiasis (Mellanby et al.,
Dow S.W., Legendre A.M., Stiff M., Greene C. (1986). Hy-
2006; Dial, 2007; Dow et al., 1986). Animals with hy-
percalcemia associated with blastomycosis in dogs. Jour-
percalcemia related to granulomatous disease are ex-
nal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 188,
pected to have high serum concentrations of calcitriol
Dusso A.S., Finch J., Brown A., Ritter C., Delmez J., Schrei-
and of total and ionized calcium. However, their PTH
ner G., Slatopolsky E. (1991). Extrarenal production of
values will be low. Serum calcium concentrations re-
calcitriol in normal and uremic humans. Journal of Clini-
turn to normal with successful treatment.
cal Endocrinology & Metabolism 72, 157-164.
This case report illustrates that in veterinary medi-
Horré R., Gilges S., Breig P., Kupfer B., de Hoog G.S.,
cine for the specific identification of generalized or
Hoekstra E., Poonman N., Schaal K.P. (2001). Fungaemia
unusual fungal disease, cytology, histopathology and
due to Penicillium piceum, a member of the Penicillium
culture of the suspected organism from fluids or tissue
marneffei complex. Mycoses 44, 502-504.
samples is to be supplemented by newer identification
Kano R., Ito K., Imagi M., Watari T., Tokuriki M., Hase-
techniques such as PCR, to obtain a proper determi-
gawa A. (2006). Isolation of Penicillium commune from
nation of the causative organism. In vitro susceptibility
a pulmonary infection in a dog. The Veterinary Record
testing is of value to make targeted treatment possible.
159, 779-80.
Krohne S.G. (2000). Canine systemic fungal infections. Ve-
The isolate of this patient had the lowest MIC for ani-
terinary Clinics of North America Small Animal Practice
dulafungin and isavuconazole, two human antifungals
30, 1063-1090.
not yet registered for this indication, and not a treat-
Lyratzopoulos G., Ellis M., Nerringer R., Denning D.W.
ment option in this case.
(2002). Invasive infection due to Penicillium species otherthan P. marneffei. Journal of Infection 45, 184-195.
Commercial products mentioned in the paper
Mellanby R.J., Mellor P., Villiers E.J., Herrtage M.E., Hals-
a Nizoral, Janssen-Cilag BV, Netherlands
all D., O'Rahilly S., McNeil P.E., Mee A.P., Berry J.L.
b Baytril, Bayer BV, Netherlands
(2006). Hypercalcaemia associated with granulomatous
c Amoxicilline, Eurovet, Netherlands
lymphadenitis and elevated 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D con-
d Eurogentec, Seraing, Belgium
centration in a dog. Journal of Small Animal Practice 47,
e Roche Diagnostics, Almere, The Netherlands
Monkawa T., Yoshida T., Hayashi M., Saruta T. (2007).
fAmersham Biosciences, Roosendaal, The Netherlands
Identification of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 1a-hydroxylase
g Cerenia, Pfizer BV, Netherlands
gene expression in macrophages. Kidney International 58,
h Trisporal, Janssen-Cilag BV, Belgium
i Bristol-Myers Squib, Woerden, The Netherlands
Santos P.E., Piontelli E., Shea Y.R., Galluzzo M.L., Holland
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S.M., Zelazko M.E., Rosenzweig S.D. (2006). Penicillium
Watt P.R., Robins G.M., Galloway A.M., O'Boyle D.A.
piceum infection: diagnosis and successful treatment in
(1995). Disseminated opportunistic fungal disease in
chronic granulomatous disease. Medical Mycology 44,
dogs: 10 cases (1982-1990). Journal of the American Ve-
terinary Medical Association 207, 67-70.
Sharma O.P. (2000). Hypercalcemia in granulomatous
Zanatta R., Miniscalco B., Guarro J., Gené J., Capucchio
disorders: a clinical review. Current Opinion in Pulmo-
M.T., Gallo M.G., Mikulicich B., Peano A. (2006). A case
nary Medicine 6, 442–447.
of disseminated mycosis in a German shepherd dog due to
Spindel S.J., Hamill R.J., Georghiou P.R., Lacke C.E.,
Penicillium purpurogenum. Medical Mycology 44, 93-97.
Green L.K., Mallette L.E. (1995). Vitamin D-mediatedhypercalcemia in fungal infections. American Journal ofthe Medical Sciences 310, 71-76.
Wakelin S.A., Gupta V.V., Harvey P.R., Ryder M.H. (2007).
The effect of Penicillium fungi on plant growth and phos-phorus mobilization in neutral to alkaline soils from sou-thern Australia. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 53,106-115.
Uit het verleden
Op het eten van een kalfskop
Maakt je klaar, maak je klaar,
De kallefskop is gaar,
Ei, hoor hem lekker koken!
Mijn maagje danst op dat geluid,
De kop die wil de ketel uit,
Ik heb hem al geroken.
Wie zou niet, wie zou niet,
Als hij 't verhemelt ziet,
Een stukje daarvan wensen?
Wat zijn de harsens hagelwit,
Zie of er ook een kei in zit,
Dit zijn drie van acht strofen die de lof van kalfskop
Als in de meeste mensen.
bezongen lang voordat er sprake was van BSE. De kopverscheen op zijn geheel op tafel: met tong, kaak-
spiertjes en hersenen! De kei in de hersenen is een al-lusie op het ‘keisnijden' dat toen nog toegepast werd
Gans en kip, gans en kip,
bij sommige geesteszieken. Het werkje werd neerge-
Kapoen en watersnip,
pend door Jan de Regt, een van die vrolijke poëten die
Wie zou er naar je talen?
Hollands' Gouden Eeuw afsloten. Hij stierf in 1715.
Geen pluimgedierte, wild of tam,
Geen verwarring mogelijk dus met zijn naamgenoot,
Geen ossetong, geen hanekam,
de eerste anatomieprof aan de Gentse veeartsenijs-
Mag bij de koppen halen
chool, geboren te Rotterdam in 1899.
Jan de Regt
Uit: "Geheime gedichten" gekozen door Wim Zaal, De Arbeiderspers, Amsterdam, 1974, p. 36-37 die bij de
Regt aantekende: door zijn gebrek aan keurigheid raakte hij al in de achttiende eeuw vergeten.
Source: http://www.dierenziekenhuiszeeuwsvlaanderen.nl/web/user/files/Disseminated_Penicillium_radicum_infection_in_a_dog.pdf
Clinical Case Series Adipose Derived Stem and Regenerative Cells for the Treatment of Equine Joint Injuries Vet-Stem, Inc., 12860 Danielson Court, Suite B, Poway, CA 92064 Developmental bone disease, osteochondritis dissecans (OCD), and subchondral bone cysts compromise surface cartilage and the underlying supporting bone. Traumatic injuries to joints and their supporting structures happen frequently to high performance athletes as these are the regions under the greatest stress during intense activity. Whether a horse inherits a tendency towards musculoskeletal disease or acquires an injury, if left unchecked, this may lead to degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis, eventual joint breakdown, and a reduction in functional career longevity.
The Science of Ethnobotany A division of HPHLPNew York into any pharmacy in the United States, Canada, or Western Europe and ask to examine any bottle of prescription medicine chosen at random. There is a one in four chance that the medicine you hold in your hand has an active ingredient derived from a plant. Most of these derived drugs were originally discovered through the study of traditional cures