Outer and inside cover
2-AR Agonist and 1-AR Blocker in Treatment of DCM
Survivors at 12 mo
β +*** - p<0.001 vs nT; ††† - p<0.001 vs 1
Fig. 2. Average MI size in untreated and treated rats estimated by monthly Echo (left) or on the basis of histological measurements (right) and
presented as percentage of LV. Top, all animals; bottom, animals that survived 12 months after the MI induction. ⴱⴱⴱ, p ⬍ 0.001 versus nT; †††, p ⬍
0.001 versus 1-ACEi (pairwise comparison, group ⫻ time interaction with Bonferroni's correction).
riod. The top panels represent average measurements from
group, however, was significantly less and did not differ
all animals at each time point, whereas lower panels repre-
statistically from nT.
sent only animals that survived to the end of the study. Both
The Echo-calculated LVM (Fig. 4A) increased in all MI
the top and bottom panels reflect similar patterns. In nT
groups compared with SH, and that increase in LVM was
animals, the LV volume monotonically increased by 90 and
reduced by all treatment modalities; however, the differences
120% for EDV and ESV, respectively, whereas EF declined
with nT were statistically significant in 1-ACEi group only
by 50%. At the end of the observation period, EDV in nT
(p ⬍ 0.05; see Supplemental Table 1). Posterior wall thick-
animals averaged 1170 ⫾ 75 l, ESV was 1028 ⫾ 83 l, and
ness (Fig. 4B) became significantly reduced in all MI groups
EF was 12.5 ⫾ 1.8%. For comparison (data are not shown),
compared with SH. Compared with the nT group, the thin-
the LV EDV in SH animals at the end of observation was only
ning of posterior wall was attenuated in all treatment
506 ⫾ 13 l, ESV was 242 ⫾ 10 l, and EF was 52 ⫾ 1.9%.
groups, but only in the 1-2⫹ group was this attenuation
The expansion of LV volumes was significantly attenuated in
statistically significant (p ⬍ 0.02).
all treatment groups compared with nT (p ⬍ 0.002; see Sup-
Hemodynamics. Figure 5 presents representative pres-
plemental Table 1). However, during the first 6 months of
sure-volume loops recorded from SH, nT, and different treat-
treatment LV expansion in the 1-ACEi group was similar to
ment groups at the end of the study. Compared with SH, a
that in the nT group. Statistical analyses with post hoc
substantial rightward shift accompanied by reduction of
comparisons conducted for the first 6 months revealed that
stroke volume and end-systolic pressure, characteristic for
both EDV and ESV in 1-ACEi group did not differ from nT,
CHF, was observed in the nT group. All treatment groups
whereas in 1-2⫹ and 1-2⫹ACEi groups, the beneficial
showed significant improvement in cardiac indices, and pres-
difference from nT was significant for ESV (p ⬍ 0.05) and
sure-volume loop recorded from the rat from  - ⫹ACEi
approached significance for EDV (p ⬍ 0.07). During the 12
group most closely approached the parameters of SH.
months of the study, the decline in EF was significantly
Table 2 lists the results of the pressure-volume loop anal-
attenuated, compared with the nT, in group with 2-AR
yses in randomly selected subsets of rats that survived 12-
agonist (p ⬍ 0.005); the preservation of EF in the 1-ACEi
months observation, i.e., 12.5 months after induction of MI. A
Ahmet et al.
End- Diastolic Volume
End- Systolic Volume
Survivors at 12 mo 500
Time (month)
* - p<0.002 vs nT; † - p<0.05 vs β1- ACEi
Fig. 3. LV end-diastolic volume (left), end-systolic volume (middle), and ejection fraction (right) in untreated and treated rats estimated by bimonthly
Echo during 12 months after induction of MI. Top, all animals; bottom, only animals that survived 12 months after induction of MI. ⴱⴱ, p ⬍ 0.002
versus nT; †, p ⬍ 0.05 versus 1-ACEi (pairwise comparison, group ⫻ time interaction with Bonferroni's correction).
comparison of hemodynamic indices of SH and nT rats
mass; thinning of posterior MI-free wall; progressive func-
clearly indicates an advanced stage of CHF in nT rats: the LV
tional decline; and, of course, substantial mortality. All of
is greatly dilated, cardiac output and stroke volume are re-
these characteristics have been described and well docu-
duced by 50%, and EF is reduced 4-fold. Furthermore, a
mented previously (Preffer and Braunwald, 1990; Goldman
greater than 5-fold reduction in PRSW indicates a pro-
and Raya, 1995; Krzemin
´ ski et al., 2008).
nounced systolic pump dysfunction; and a 3.5-fold elevation
We have been committed to testing different therapeutic
in Eed reflects the increased diastolic stiffness of myocar-
regimens in the DCM models (Ahmet et al., 2004, 2005,
dium. All three treatment groups showed a significant im-
2008). Initially, we had tested the effects of selective phar-
provement of hemodynamic indices compared with the nT
macological stimulation of 2-AR alone, or in combination
group. However, the 1-2⫹ and 1-2⫹ACEi were more
with 1-AR blocker in this in vivo rat model of postmyo-
effective than 1-ACEi in attenuation of LV volume expan-
cardial infarction DCM. The effects of 6 weeks of treatment
sion and improvement of EF.
with a 2-AR agonist, fenoterol, alone (Ahmet et al., 2004)or in combination with a 1-AR blocker, metoprolol (Ahmet
et al., 2005), were compared with metoprolol monotherapy.
Treatments were started 2 weeks after coronary ligation.
The rat model of permanent coronary ligation is the oldest
and one of the most established models of chronic heart
The progression of LV remodeling and MI expansion was
failure (Selye et al., 1960). Although the ischemic-reperfusion
monitored by serial echocardiography. At the endpoint of
(temporary coronary occlusion) model more relevantly re-
the study, cardiac function was analyzed by pressure-vol-
flects the modern clinical situation of restoration of coronary
ume loop measurements, and hearts were evaluated his-
flow, the permanent occlusion model is better suited to study
tologically. In these short-term, 6-week studies the effec-
the time course of infarct expansion, remodeling, perfor-
tiveness of a 2-AR agonist and the combination of a 2-AR
mance decline, and morphological changes. It also produces a
agonist plus a 1-AR blocker was similar, and both signif-
more uniform pathology; therefore, it is a more suitable for
icantly exceeded the effectiveness of the 1-AR blocker as
assessment of interventional strategies for DCM. In our ex-
a monotherapy in attenuation of LV dilatation and func-
periment, we observed in untreated rats all aspects charac-
tional decline. Both treatments that included 2-AR stim-
teristic of post-MI development of DCM: uniform MI size;
ulation also reduced myocardial apoptosis and arrested
progressive MI expansion; LV dilatation; increase of LV
the MI expansion. Moreover, we did not observe any
2-AR Agonist and 1-AR Blocker in Treatment of DCM
Left Ventricular Mass
Posterior Wall Thickness
Fig. 5. Representative pressure-volume loops of SH, nT, and three
treated groups recorded at the end of the study.
significantly attenuated in animals treated with the combi-
nation of both drugs during the first 6 months of treatment.
MI expansion was completely prevented only in animalstreated with the drug combination; the LV functional decline
was significantly attenuated during the entire year. Theepisodes of arrhythmic events were also lowest in combined
treatment group. Furthermore, a reduction of cardiac 1-ARdensity and a reduction in chronotropic and contractile re-
sponses to 2-AR-specific stimulation in the absence of areduction of 2-AR density that occurred in untreated ani-
mals were precluded in rats receiving combined therapy.
This explained the additional observation of the study inwhich the beneficial effect of 2-AR agonist as monotherapy
lasted only for the first 2 months after initiation of treat-ment, whereas the combination with a 1-AR blocker ex-
* - p<0.05 vs SH; † - p<0.05 vs nT
tended the therapeutic effectiveness throughout all 12
Fig. 4. LV mass (A) and posterior wall thickness (B) in SH, nT, and three
months of observation.
treated groups estimated by bimonthly Echo during 12 months after
Thus, the effects of 2 AR agonist treatment in the post-MI
induction of MI in all animals. ⴱ, p ⬍ 0.05 versus SH; †, p ⬍ 0.05 versus
model of DCM for only 6 weeks of treatment (8 weeks post-
nT (pairwise comparison, group ⫻ time interaction with Bonferroni'scorrection).
MI) showed its high therapeutic effectiveness. When we ex-tended the treatment period to 12 months, it became appar-
increase in the number of arrhythmic events during 2-AR
ent that the effect of 2 AR agonist monotherapy waned after
2 months. The long-term effectiveness of 2-AR agonist ther-
These studies, however, were of a relatively short duration
apy was possible only in combination with 1-AR blocker to
(6 weeks). In the next experiment in the same model, we
prevent 2-AR tachyphylaxis and reduce apoptosis. The use
compared the effects of long-term, combined therapy with a
of 2-AR agonist in combination with 1-AR blocker also
1-AR blocker, metoprolol, plus a 2-AR agonist, fenoterol,
resulted in preservation of 1-AR density and responsiveness
and either therapy alone for 12 months with survival as a
of 2-AR to stimulation, in which reduction was observed in
primary outcome (Ahmet et al., 2008). As in the short-term
DCM rats (Ahmet et al., 2008). The fact that the treatment
studies, therapy was started 2 weeks after permanent liga-
duration in the present study lasted for 12 months is a very
tion of the left descending coronary artery. Cardiac remodel-
important feature of the present study.
ing, MI expansion, and LV function were assessed by serial
The present study extended the series of our previous
echocardiography and compared with untreated animals. A
reports (Ahmet et al., 2004, 2005, 2008) demonstrating ther-
mortality of 67% observed at the end of 1-year observation in
apeutic effectiveness of combined therapy of a 1-AR blocker
untreated animals was reduced to 33% in the animals
and a 1-AR agonist in the rat model of post-MI DCM. In this
treated with the combination of 1-AR blocker and 2-AR
study, our goal was to specifically compare the beneficial
agonist. Progressive cardiac remodeling observed in un-
effects of combined -AR therapy with a combination treat-
treated rats or in rats treated with 1-AR blocker alone was
ment of a 1-AR blocker and an ACE inhibitor, a standard
Ahmet et al.
TABLE 2Hemodynamic indices in SH rats and treated and untreated rats 12.5 months after MI
SH (n ⫽ 5)
nT (n ⫽ 3)
1-ACEi (n ⫽ 6)
1-2⫹ (n ⫽ 11)
1-2⫹ACEi (n ⫽ 8)
197 ⫾ 13*a
201 ⫾ 11*a
963 ⫾ 35*a
828 ⫾ 47*a
195 ⫾ 12*a
20 ⫾ 1*a
102 ⫾ 6a
3.2 ⫾ 0.4a
2.4 ⫾ 0.3a
(⫹)dP/dt (mm Hg/s)
4649 ⫾ 448*a
4943 ⫾ 337*a
(⫺)dP/dt (mm Hg/s)
4046 ⫾ 307*a
49.4 ⫾ 5.1*a
48.9 ⫾ 3.3*a
36.6 ⫾ 3.0*a,b
Ees (mm Hg/ l)
Eed (103 mm Hg/ l)
dP/dt-EDV (mm Hg/s/ l)
17.4 ⫾ 1.4a
CO, cardiac output; EDP, end-diastolic pressure; ESP, end-systolic pressure; HR, heart rate; SV, stroke volume.
* p ⬍ 0.05 vs. SH.
a p ⬍ 0.05 vs. nT.
b p ⬍ 0.05 vs. 1-2⫹.
and widely used regimen in clinical practice. Beneficial ef-
activity (Ma et al., 2001; Watanabe et al., 2004; Brower et al.,
fects of 1-AR blocker-ACE inhibitor combination in experi-
2007). The mechanisms of cardioprotection by 2-AR agonist
mental model of post-MI CHF had been reported previously
have been investigated in many studies on isolated cardio-
¨ gel et al., 1999; Fedorov et al., 2006). In this 1-year-long
myocytes that discovered its marked antiapoptotic effects
study, we demonstrated that DCM rats treated with com-
related to activation of G signaling (Communal et al., 1999;
bined 1-AR blocker-2-AR agonist therapy showed 37% in-
Chesley et al., 2000; Zhu et al., 2001; Shizukuda and But-
crease in survival compared with untreated rats (triple com-
trick, 2002; Xiao et al., 2004). We believe that this antiapop-
bination of 1-AR blockade-ACEi-2-AR agonist showed 25%
totic effect of 2-AR stimulation was responsible for preven-
improvement)—a survival benefit that did not exceed a stan-
tion of cell loss and thus for attenuation of posterior wall
dard therapy (an improvement of 22%) but was at least equal
thinning in double and triple therapy groups of the present
to it. However, with respect to cardiac remodeling and MI
experiment. Because triple therapy (1-AR blocker ⫹ 2-AR
expansion, the addition of 2-AR agonist to a therapy (1-
agonist ⫹ ACE inhibitor) was not more effective in our ex-
2⫹ or 1-2⫹ACEi) clearly exceeded the effectiveness of
periment than double therapy with 1-AR blocker ⫹ 2-AR
1-AR blocker-ACE inhibitor combination. Specifically, al-
agonist, it is necessary to conclude that the primary mecha-
though the 1-AR blocker-ACE inhibitor combination did
nism responsible for the superior attenuation of LV remod-
attenuate the infarct expansion observed in untreated ani-
eling in the present experiment is a mechanism of double
mals, combined -AR therapy actually arrested the MI ex-
action of 1-AR blocker and 2-AR agonist. This mechanism
pansion, revealing a statistically significant improvement
was elucidated in our previous study (Ahmet et al., 2008),
over the 1-AR blocker-ACE inhibitor combination. Although
i.e., preservation of 1-AR density and responsiveness to
standard 1-AR blocker-ACE inhibitor combination attenu-
2-AR stimulation. Although coupling of -AR subtypes to
ated LV expansion, the addition of a 2-AR agonist made the
specific signaling pathways can be species specific and vary
treatment significantly more effective during the first 6
from mouse to rat to humans (Port and Bristow, 2001), the
months of treatment. Furthermore, the combinations includ-
effectiveness of therapies that are now clinically accepted for
ing a 2-AR agonist were twice as effective as 1-AR blocker-
humans has been demonstrated in animal experimental
ACE inhibitor combination in attenuating the functional de-cline. In addition, although a standard therapy was effective
models. Moreover, successful use of 2-AR agonist clen-
in attenuating the LV mass increase, the -AR combined
buterol in conjunction with left ventricular assist device to
treatment was effective in attenuating the thinning of pos-
help to attenuate myocardial atrophy before heart transplan-
terior wall, which has been interpreted to reflect myocyte cell
tation (Hon and Yacoub, 2003) suggests that the translation
death (Anversa et al., 1998). It is important to note that the
of current finding to clinical practice seems rational.
addition of 2-AR agonist to the standard therapy of 1-AR
In summary, the therapeutic utility of combined treatment
blocker and ACE inhibitor significantly increased the effec-
with 1-AR blocker and 2-AR agonist has been demon-
tiveness of a standard therapy, with respect to LV remodel-
strated in our previous studies in the rat model of post-MI
ing and MI expansion; the triple therapy was not more effec-
DCM. In the present preclinical study, in the same experi-
tive than the 1-AR blocker-2-AR agonist combination.
mental model, we showed that inclusion of 2-AR agonist in
The mechanisms of therapeutic effectiveness of ACE inhib-
treatment regimen as double (1-AR blocker-2-AR agonist)
itors in the CHF have been well characterized previously
or triple (1-AR blocker-2-AR agonist-ACEi) therapy ex-
(Wollert and Drexler, 1999; Anand and Florea, 2008; Werner
ceeds therapeutic effectiveness of combination of 1-AR
et al., 2008) and encompass numerous signaling pathways
blocker and ACE inhibitor. Thus, the 1-AR blocker-2-AR
from blocking the angiotensin II to suppression of transform-
agonist combination alone or in combination with ACEi war-
ing growth factor- to inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase
rants detailed clinical investigation as a treatment for CHF.
2-AR Agonist and 1-AR Blocker in Treatment of DCM
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Source: http://evergreen.loyola.edu/chm/www/Publications/otherpub/JPET2009.pdf
SÍNTESIS INFORMATIVA DÍA 15-10-15 LA PRESENTE SÍNTESIS CONTIENE INFORMACIÓN RELEVADA Y EXTRAÍDA DE LOS DISTINTOS MEDIOS, TAL COMO LA REFLEJAN LOS MISMOS. STJ ordena cubrir tratamiento a una paciente La medida alcanza a una obra social y a una prepaga. Jueces revocaron un fallo de primera instancia. Una obra social y una prepaga deberán cubrir parcialmente el tratamiento con medicamentos de una paciente que presentó un recurso de amparo a la Justicia, el cual inicialmente había sido rechazado por un magistrado cuyo fallo fue recientemente revocado por el Superior Tribunal de Justicia. El máximo cuerpo judicial en pleno ordenó a la Obra Social de los Serenos de Buques y a la firma Swiss Medical SA que brinden a la accionante la cobertura del 70 por ciento de los medicamentos Deltisona B 40 mg y Entocort 3 mg, prescriptos por su médico, en razón de tratarse de fármacos de uso habitual destinados al tratamiento de una patología crónica prevalente, conocida como enfermedad de Crohn.