The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust
Having a Colonoscopy
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Having a Colonoscopy
What is a Colonoscopy
The benefits of having a Colonoscopy
Alternatives to having a Colonoscopy
The risks associated with having a Colonoscopy
On arrival at the Endoscopy unit
The Colonoscopy procedure
Having sedation for your procedure
Having entonox for your procedure
Having a polypectomy
After the procedure
Preparing for your procedure
Regular medicines
Bowel preparation
Kleen prep am & pm
Citrafleet am & pm
Moviprep am & pm
Having a Colonoscopy
The aim of this booklet.
The aim of this booklet is to provide you with important
information about having a Colonoscopy. This booklet
explains how a Colonoscopy is carried out, the benefit
and the risks of having the investigation, and the
preparation needed to complete the investigation This procedure requires your consent, therefore please
read carefully and understand the information given
before you attend for your procedure.
If you are unable to keep your appointment, please
notify the department as soon as possible. This will
enable staff to give your appointment to someone else.
Following your recent clinic appointment or visit to your
GP it has been requested that you have an investigation
called a Colonoscopy. A Colonoscopy is also used to
confirm the results of other tests, such as Barium Enema
or if you have had an abnormal faecal occult blood
(FOB) test as part of routine Bowel Cancer Screening.
Having a Colonoscopy
What is a Colonoscopy?
A Colonoscopyis a procedure which examines the lining
of the large bowel (colon). The instrument used is called
a colonoscope (scope). The scope is a flexible instrument
which enables light to be directed onto the lining of
the bowel wall and relays pictures back to a television
screen. It allows inflation of air or carbon dioxide to
help the passage of the scope and also aids clear views.
Due to the inflation of air/carbon dioxide you may
experience some bloating or discomfort throughout your
Colonoscopy and for a period afterwards.
Lower bowel
Large bowel
Rectum or
back passage
Having a Colonoscopy
The benefits of having a Colonoscopy
Colonoscopy may identify the cause of your symptoms
and help decide further management towards treatment
or other investigations.
Polyps (small growths) can be detected and can often be
removed through the colonoscope usually at the same
time of your procedure (please see more information on
polyps later in this booklet).
If you have had a Barium Enema, x-ray or ultrasound
scan which has shown a suspected abnormality in the
large bowel, Colonoscopy allows a closer examination of
this area.
Colonoscopy is also performed as a follow up from
previous polyps or other disease of the large bowel.
Alternative to having a Colonoscopy
A Barium Enema examination is an alternative
investigation to Colonoscopy. This is an x-ray test where
contrast dye is passed into the bowel and then x-rays
are taken to show the out line of the bowel lining.
You are required to take bowel preparation beforehand
as with Colonoscopy. If anything abnormal is found
sometimes a Colonoscopy is required to allow a closer
look at the bowel lining and to allow samples (biopsies)
to be taken for diagnosis.
Having a Colonoscopy
The risks associated with Colonoscopy
Colonoscopy is classified as an invasive procedure
therefore there is a risk of complications. These
complications are rare, but it is important that
you know about all the risks before you decide
to go ahead with the procedure.
Despite using sedation and painkillers some patients
may experience abdominal discomfort or pain and
request the procedure to be stopped before completion.
There is also a small chance that the Endoscopist may
not be able to pass the colonoscope along the entire
length of the bowel and have to abandon the procedure.
An alternative investigation will then be needed.
Perforation or tear of the bowel lining (about 1 in 1,000
procedures) In this case you would be admitted into
hospital and may require an operation. N.B. this risk
increases when a Polypectomy is performed).
Heavy Bleeding may occur after biopsy or polypectomy
(about 1 in 150). This more commonly happens after the
procedure and will usually stop on its own, however you
may require admission into hospital and occasionally
need an operation.
Sedation can occasionally cause problems with
breathing, heart rate and blood pressure. If any of these
problems do occur they are normally short lived. Careful
monitoring by a trained Endoscopy nurse will ensure that
potential problems can be identified and treated rapidly.
Having a Colonoscopy
On arrival at the Endoscopy unit
When you arrive at the department please book in at
reception. Your details will be checked and you will
need to give contact details of the relative/friend who
will be collecting and staying with you if you are having
sedation for your procedure. It is our aim for you to be seen as soon as possible for
your procedure. If the department is very busy, your
procedure may be delayed therefore, you must allow
enough time to be on the unit for the full morning or
afternoon of your procedure. The department looks after
emergency patients too and these patients will take
priority if needed. If you take warfarin please let the
receptionist know at this point so we can take a blood
sample for your warfarin levels.
You will then be seen by a qualified nurse or health
care assistant for your pre assessment. They will ask you
some questions and about your general health. They will
also record your blood pressure, pulse, oxygen saturation
and weight. Please bring a list of current medication you
are taking (a repeat prescription or actual medications).
If you have any outstanding concerns or questions
please take this opportunity to discuss them with the
nurse at this point.
You will be seen by the Endoscopist, to ensure you
understand the procedure and the risks associated with
it and if you have not already done so and are happy to
proceed you will be asked to sign your consent form.
Having a Colonoscopy
The Colonoscopy procedure
A nurse will escort you to the procedure room where
your details will be checked once again and you will be
introduced to the other members of staff in the room.
You will have the opportunity to ask any final questions.
You will be asked to remove your lower garments and
put on a hospital gown, behind a curtain, and then
asked to lie on the trolley on your left hand side with
your knees bent and will be covered with a sheet. During
your procedure you may be asked to move into different
positions to aid the passage of the colonoscope. A probe will be attached onto your finger which will
record your pulse and oxygen saturation throughout your
procedure. Your blood pressure may also be recorded.
A small sponge which sits just inside the nostril may be
inserted if oxygen administration is required during your
A cannula may be inserted into a vein in the back of
your hand or your arm to allow the administration of
sedation or other medications if needed.
The Endoscopist may examine your back passage
with a gloved finger before inserting the scope. The
Colonoscopy involves manoeuvring the scope around
the entire length of you large bowel. There are some
bends which naturally occur and negotiating these may
be uncomfortable but this should not last long. You may
feel bloated due to the air/carbon dioxide that is used.
Having a Colonoscopy
Wearing loose fitting clothing that is not tight or fitted
around your waist would be more comfortable for after
the procedure.
The procedure takes about 30-40 minutes (but can take up
to an hour). You may be asked to change position during
this time as this can help with the views of the bowel.
Having Entonox for your procedure
If you require Entonox (gas and air) for your procedure
you will be given instructions on how to inhale it by the
trained nurse looking after you.
Entonox is a powerful painkiller with very rapid onset
of action and is quickly eliminated from the body. It is
a mixture of 50% nitrous oxide and 50% oxygen that
provides rapid, safe and effective short term pain relief
without loss of consciousness it also has properties that
can reduce any anxieties.
Please inform the nurse if you have any of the following
as Entonox in the cases listed below should not be used.
l Undergone recent eye surgery involving gas bubble
l Head injuryl Pneumothoraxl Abdominal distensionl Suspected intestinal obstructionl Bullous emphysemal Middle ear procedures i.e. myringoplastyl Following a recent divel Severe injuries to the face and jaw
Having a Colonoscopy
Please note: Although the manufactureres
recommendations are that you can drive 30
minutes after usinf Entonox, we do recommend
that you do have someone to drive you home.
Having sedation for your procedure
Sedation will make you lightly drowsy and relaxed but
not unconscious. It is not a general anaesthetic. You will
be in a state of consciousness this means that, although
drowsy you will hear what is said to you and therefore
will be able to follow simple instructions during your
procedure. There is no pain killing effect with sedation. Please note if you are going home following sedation it
is important that someone comes to collect you, and a
responsible adult stays with you for approximately 24
hours. Once home it is important you rest quietly for the
remainder of the day. Sedation lasts longer than you
think! For 24 hours after sedation you must not drive, drink
alcohol, operate machinery, and travel by public
transport or sign any legally binding documents.
Having a Colonoscopy
A polyp may be detected during the Colonoscopy. This
is an overgrowth of the cells which protrudes the bowel
wall. The type of cell that forms the polyp varies and is
important in determing its potential for growing and
later causing problems. Most people with polyps do not have any symptoms
at all. However, sometimes polyps may bleed or
produce excess mucous (slime) that may be noticeable
on motions. If polyps are very large they may cause
diarrhoea or constipation. Very occasionally a polyp may
grow so big it causes a partial or total blockage of the
bowel and this may give rise to abdominal pains and/or
bloating (this is very rare).
Some polyps have a stalk (pedunculated) and look
like a mushroom, whereas others are flat (sessile)
without a stalk.
Polyps can often be removed (polypectomy) by the
Endoscopist performing the Colonoscopy.
Having a Polypectomy
A polyp may be removed in one or two ways both using
an electrical current known as diathermy.
For pedunculated polyps a wire loop (snare) is placed
around the stalk of the polyp and a high frequency
electrical current is passed through the wire loop which
cuts through the polyp and cauterises any blood vessels.
Having a Colonoscopy
Sessile polyps are usually removed by a procedure called
EMR (Endoscopic Mucosal Resection). This involves
injecting fluid into the lining of the bowel that surrounds
the polyp to raise the area from deeper layers, allowing
the snare to capture and remove the polyp.
Very small polyps may be pinched off the bowel wall
with small forceps.
Please note: for safety reasons very large polyps may not
be removed on the day of your Colonoscopy, you may
be scheduled a longer time slot appointment for your
After removal, polyps are sent to the laboratory to be
looked at under a microscope. You will receive these
results either at your next clinic appointment or the
Endoscopist will write to you with the results. Results are
usually available within 2-3 weeks.
After Polypectomy, sometimes further Colonoscopies
are needed (1, 3 or 5 years later) to check if you have
developed any further polyps. You be advised of this by
the Endoscopist.
After removal of large polyps there is a risk of bleeding
and/or a perforation forming in the bowel wall while the
area heals. The healing process can take up to 2 weeks.
Having a Colonoscopy
If you have had a polyp removed there is no need
to alter your general activity afterwards. However, it
is important to inform the Endoscopy Unit between
8am and 6pm Monday to Friday (excluding weekends
and bank holidays) or the Accident and Emergency
Department out of these hours if you pass any fresh
blood or clots (more than a tablespoon) or if you have
severe pain and swelling in your abdomen which
persists and does not improve.
After the procedure
You will be taken into the recovery area where you will
be allowed to rest for as long as is needed. Your pulse,
blood pressure and oxygen saturation levels will be
monitored and when the recovery nurse feels you are
ready you will be allowed a warm drink and a biscuit.
You will then have your cannula removed and you will
be able to get dressed. The nursing staff will contact the
person collecting you when you are ready for discharge.
The nurse or Endoscopist will discuss the findings with
you and any medications or further investigations
that might be required. You will also be given written
information on what to expect after your procedure and
may also be given a copy of the Endoscopy report to
take home with you.
Having a Colonoscopy
Preparing for your procedure
It is important that your large bowel is clear so that we
can get clear views of the lining of your bowel. You will
have been given a laxative medication (often referred to
as "bowel preparation" or "bowel cleansing solution")
this will cause you to have watery stools. You will find instructions on how to take it on the next
few pages. Different preparations are used so it is
important that you follow the correct instructions for the
particular preparation given to you.
The instructions are different for morning and afternoon
appointments so please make sure you check your
appointment time. (Afternoon appointments start
If you are taking Iron tablets you should stop taking
them 7 days before your appointment.
If you are taking stool bulking agents (e.g. Fybogel,
Regulan, Proctofibe), Loperamide (Imodium), Lomotil
or Codeine Phosphate please stop taking these 3 days
before your appointment.
If you take strong pain killers and would find it difficult
to stop taking them before the test please speak to your
GP as you may need a regular laxative for a few days
before you start taking the bowel preparation.
Having a Colonoscopy
If you are Diabetic you should have received a separate
information booklet relating to your medication. If
you have not received this booklet please contact the
Endoscopy unit to receive a copy.
If you take anticoagulant medication such as Warfarin
You should have been advised by the doctor requesting
your procedure if you need to stop taking it before your
You will have your INR checked on arrival at your
appointment. If your INR is more than 2.1 you will not
be able to undergo any therapeutic procedures and may
have to have your procedure cancelled and re-appointed.
If you are taking antiplatelet medication such as
Clopidogrel (Plavix), Aspirin, Dipyridamole you should
have been informed if you need to stop it before your
procedure. If not continue as normal.
Other medications which you should temporarily
discontinue when you start taking your bowel
preparation:l Antihypertensive (to lower your blood pressure)
such as ACE inhibitors like ramipril
l Diuretics (water tablets)l Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as
Ibuprofen and Diclofenac
If you have not received specific advice regarding any
other regular medications, then you should continue to
take them as normal.
Having a Colonoscopy
However, you may need to alter the times when you
take them. It is preferable to avoid taking them less than
1 hour either side of any dose of your bowel preparation
as the absorption of some medicines may be affected.
If you are taking the contraceptive pill you should take
alternative precautions until your next period following
any bowel preparation.
If you are still unsure about your medication, please
contact the Endoscopy Nursing Staff who will advise you.
Please read the following instructions carefully making
sure you read all of the instructions for your particular
appointment and laxative before you start taking it. It is
important that you follow these instructions especially
with regard to the amount of fluid you should drink,
as bowel preparations can cause you to be come
Symptoms of dehydration include dizziness or light
headedness (particularly on standing up), thirst, headache
or reduced urine production (passing less water).
To be included by demographics department:l 2 days before diet sheetl Citrafleet instructions AM & PMl Kleen prep instructions AM & PMl Movi prep instructions AM & PM
Having a Colonoscopy
How to contact us
Endoscopy Service
Telephone 01709 427287
Telephone 01709 820000
We value your comments
Useful contact numbers
If you have any comments
NHS 111 Service
or concerns about the services
we have provided please
Health Info
let us know, or alternatively
Telephone 01709 427190
you can contact the
Stop Smoking Service
Patient Experience Team.
Telephone 01709 422444
Patient Experience Team
The Oldfield Centre
Telephone 01709 424455
The Rotherham NHS
For GP out of hours,
contact your surgery
Rotherham Hospital
Telephone: 01709 424461
Monday to Friday
9.00am until 4.00pm
Produced by: Mrs J D'Silva & Mr R Slater, October 2001
Revised: October 2003, December 2004, August 2005, May 2007, April 2008, October 2009, January 2010, September 2013,
January 2015. Next Revision Due: January 2017. Version: 11.0
The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust 2015. All rights reserved.
How to find us
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To Doncaster
To A1, M62
To Nottingham
and the South

Sustainable Forests / Low chlorine
LS 157 01/15 V11 Jones & Brooks
To discuss any of the information contained in this guide, or further assistance, please call the Myeloma Support Line on 1800 MYELOMA (1800 693 566) A Myeloma Support Nurse will answer your call in confidence Publication date: August 2014 toll free: 1300 632 100 myeloma support line: 1800 693 566 Myeloma Australia PO Box 5017, Burnley, Vic 3121
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