
calendar of events:
the Children's asthma and allergy Network
@ University Children's medical institute
March 2010
"I CAN!" Public Symposium
Some babies are allergic to cow's milk.
June 2010
" I CAN!" Sports Event
miCa (P)079/11/2009 dECEmBEr 09
* Details of the events are correct at the time of print.
Fortunately, there's AZ_002908_YC_148.5mm(h)x105mm(w)_Ad_FA_pathed.FH11 Thu Nov 12 17:56:46 2009 Page 1 Please look out for more information through this channel or www.ican.com.sg nearer the event date.
# For more details or registration, pls call 6772 5566, fax 6772 4453 or email: [email protected]
Dr Eugene Han,
Department of Paediatrics, University Children's Medical Institute, NUH
Exercise-induced asthma (EIA)
Exercise is not only vital in a child's physical development; There are some children with asthma symptoms that are it also helps in gaining self-confidence and building social specifically triggered by exercise and this is called exercise- Isomil® 2 Advance® Follow-on Formula, Singapore Mothers' skills. Even in children with asthma, exercise and sports induced asthma (EIA). EIA has the common features of must be an integral part of the child's life.
asthma, like airway narrowing and inflammation, but is No.1 Choice* of milk alternative with the goodness of milk.
typified by airways that are over-sensitive to sudden cold, dry When a child's asthma is not well controlled, his or her air. During exercise, people tend to mouth-breathe, which Cow's milk protein allergy shows up in many • Supports your baby's growth just like cow's
ability to exercise and participate in sports may be affected. bypasses the warming and humidifying effects of the nose. forms in a baby. Skin rashes, wheezing, milk based formulas
Exercise itself, is known to trigger asthma attacks in most The exposure of the sensitive airways to the sudden cold, vomiting, diarrhoea and nausea are some of the • Facilitates 3-times more carbohydrate absorption
than other soy formulas, so that a sensitive
children with uncontrolled asthma. All this may raise dry air then triggers the symptoms of an asthma attack. Air common symptoms. Fortunately there's a baby has the energy to grow
parental concerns about allowing their children with asthma pollutants and viral respiratory infections can also increase solution for babies who suffer from cow's milk • Fortified with the system of vital nutrients
to take part in sporting activities.
protein allergy. Isomil® 2 Advance® Follow-on – AA and DHA, the building blocks of brain and
Formula, made with high quality soy protein, and eye development; Iron, Taurine and Choline for
However, with compliance to a good treatment plan, Diagnosis of EIA is based on the suggestive history of 100% free of cow's milk protein.
mental development and functioning
Let your baby taste the goodness of Isomil® Advance® today.
almost all children with asthma can exercise and play the breathing difficulty, wheezing, chest tightness and coughing sports they enjoy. The fact that more than 16% of USA within 5-20 minutes after exercise. In young children who Isomil® 2 Advance® Follow-on Formula is also suitable for infants with diarrhoea, lactose intolerance and galactosemia. For babies after 6 months
Olympic athletes had or currently have asthma shows that may not be able to describe these symptoms, EIA may *Based on full year 2008 sales value data reported by Nielsen MarketTrack for Infant Milk category, Specialty Segment (LF, HA, Soy, Goat's Milk) in Total Singapore. 2009, The Nielsen Company. children with asthma can even excel in sports. Therefore, present as inability to keep up with peers in games and To receive a FREE sample of Isomil® 2 Advance®, simply complete this coupon and mail or fax it to us at 6274 5141. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of sample.
the emphasis must be placed on having good asthma sports, leading to avoidance in physical activities. This could This educational publication is printed with the kind sponsorship of: Mother's Name (as in NRIC): control rather than avoiding physical activities. Avoidance lead to poor self-esteem and problems with socialising.
Editor: dr Genevieve V. Llanora
of exercise and leading a sedentary lifestyle is actually EditoriaL tEam: a/Prof Lynette Shek, a/Prof daniel Goh, Prof Hugo Van Bever,
associated with an increase in asthma symptoms.
continue on page 2
dr Chan Poh Chong, dr Wendy S Sinnathamby,
future print Current Milk Brand: dr irene melinda Louis, dr Eugene Han, ms michelle tan,
ms rafiah, ms Elly, ms marifi, ms Siti dahlia,
By filling this form, I accept and agree to future contact from Abbott.
(Note: All sections must be completed. Limited to 1 sample per household. While stocks last. For first time users only.) mr Cruz Jerome ocampo, ms Christine Loh & ms Sharmaine Poh.
1."I CAN !" Swim Event
1 Maritime Square #12-01 HarbourFront Centre, Singapore 099253 Abbott Nutrition Careline at 6278 6220 www.abbott.com.sg/family
Sports and Asthma
2. Farewell & Welcome note
Farewell & W
The information in this publication is meant for educational purposes and should not be used as a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. Please seek your doctor's designed & production by 3. note from Asthma Counselor
3. note fr
CAleNdAr of eveNts:
CAleNdAr of eveN
advice before starting any treatment or if any questions related to your health, physical fitness or medical condition. Brought to you by the leader in paediatric nutrition continue from front page
If there are doubts, an exercise challenge spirometry may be performed. It " " Swim Event @ Children's Day 2009
"I CAN !" Members' Corner: Sport Award Winner 2008: Athena Chua
involves measuring the airflow rate during rapid expiration before and after a child undergoes 6-8 minutes of exercise on a treadmill or bicycle. EIA is likely By: Dr Genevieve V. Llanora
Hi Everyone! My name is Athena Chua. I'm here today to say a BIG THANK YOU
if there is evidence of decreased airflow that develops after exercise. to A/Prof Lynette & team and of course, NUH for doing a good job in changing
Every year, children look forward to Children's day, which falls on 1 October every my mind set that "I" can still achieve all that a normal healthy kid can do today
year. This year, what made the occasion extra special to 16 members of the children's Prevention of EIA starts with proper warming-up before exercise such as even though I'm asthmatic. I've managed to accomplish quite a few goals in
asthma and allergy network ("I CAN !") at the University Children's Medical Institute stretching and jogging. This lessens chest tightness and prevents rapid 2008 including my junior black belt grading, survived without any asthma attack
(UCMI), NUH is that they were given the chance to spend this day with the swimmers change of air temperature in airways. On doctor's advice, inhaled salbutamol while undergoing a 1 month rigorous high altitude training in Kunming (China)
from Team Singapore. As part of "I CAN !" 's thrust to encourage its members (Ventolin) may be given to the child 15 minutes before exercise. Salbutamol participated in Singapore Youth Festival –Tap Dance competition which my school
to participate in sports, "I CAN ! ", in collaboration with Glaxo SmithKline came scored a Gold for. Trust me, with one's determination coupled with the care /
helps to prevent airway narrowing and can also relieve asthma symptoms if up with this very unique event for its members. 10 swimmers of Team Singapore regular asthma reviews at NUH, you can be like me - as good as GOLD!
they develop. Long-acting inhalers to open airways may also be prescribed took their time out from their busy schedule to spend the day with the kids at for use before school, which has effects for up to 12 hours. If symptoms are the Singapore Swimming Association, Toa Payoh Swimming Complex. The team not well controlled, doctors may start preventive medicines to reduce inflammation of members, which included National Swimmer Rainer Ng who had childhood asthma airways. Do note that exercise should be avoided if the child is having an attack or is feeling unwell.
himself, gave the children basic pointers on swimming as well as encouraged them to participate into sports. Furthermore, the swimmers emphasized Choice of sports
that illness such as Asthma should not hinder these kids from taking The recommended sports for children with asthma are those that involve short bursts of exercise or intermittent periods part in sports activities. A/Prof. Daniel Goh, head of the Department of activity, as they are less likely to trigger asthma symptoms. Swimming is one such example and it also strengthens the of Paediatrics of the UCMI, and founding Chairperson of " I CAN !" upper body, improves fitness and encourages good breathing techniques. Other recommended sports include walking, also made time to join us at the afternoon swim. It was a fun-filled afternoon, where the kids had a blast making this Children's Day a volleyball, gymnastics, table-tennis and badminton.
very memorable and special one. Sports that involve prolonged exertion such as distance running, football or basketball are more likely to trigger asthma This event received coverage in Straits Times on 2 Oct 2009 and symptoms. Sports in cold environment such as ice hockey or ice-skating may not be tolerated as well. This does not mean "Mind your body" on 5 November 2009. What is "I CAN !"?
What are the benefits?
Who can register as a member?
that children with asthma cannot take part in these sports if they really like them. Instead, with proper physical training and • The Children's Asthma and Allergy Network • Learn more about asthma and allergies and • Any child age 0 to 16-years-old with asthma and/or allergies ("I CAN !") Programme is a comprehensive improve your control.
good asthma control with medications, children with asthma should be able to participate in any sport they choose.
integrated programme for children with asthma • Free "I CAN !" newsletter.
How to register as a member?
and/or allergies, focusing on achieving the • First to be updated on "I CAN !" activities - • Pick-up a registration form at the NUH Children's Clinic Lung Function Room 17B or Farewell & Best Wishes to Ms Hor Chuen Yee!
internationally established management goals Talks, Seminars and Sports/Outdoor Activities.
to achieve a normal, healthy and unrestricted • Free registration for "I CAN !" activities.
• Registration fee is S$15.00 for 2 years (non-refundable) lifestyle for all children with asthma and/or • Privileges and discounts when you present your • Registration is FREE for all University Children's Medical Institute @ NUH Paediatric In conclusion, exercise is beneficial to the child in promoting both physical health and emotional well-being. Even if not "I CAN !" membership card* at participating Asthma and Allergy Clinic patients Chuen Yee's Message to "I CAN !" team
striving for an Olympic medal, almost all children with asthma should be able to exercise to their full ability with appropriate & members:
monitoring and treatment.
"Its been a wonderful journey I've had with
children and parents even grandparents
I've met throughout my service in NUH. It
is something that I cherish and look forward
to return to in pursue of my passion in

nursing. Even though I have my commitments to my family
now, I cherish all the smiles and laughter, tears and joy I have

shared with all patients, parents and colleagues. Thank you
for everything. May we meet again!"
The "I CAN !" team will like to thank Chuen Yee for her
contribution & bid her a fond farewell.
A note from our new Asthma Counselor, Ms Rafiah Omar:
My career started in the NUH paediatric ward in 1989 and that lasted for 4 years. Fast forward 15
years and I am back ! Amazing! Although that break period seems long, I not totally disconnected
from nursing children with asthma and/or allergy. The unique link? My children! They have the same
condition. I have therefore always been on the receiving end of care tips and advice on asthma and
allergy, but now I find myself on the other side to help other children and parents like me. Thus I feel
privileged to join the team whose concerns are not any different from mine; to educate and assist
children and their families in managing their asthma and/or allergy and help them lead a healthy and
unrestricted life through proper care, counseling and being their reliable resource person. See you

Source: http://www.ican.com.sg/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/NUH-NL-I-CAN-dec09-3rd-proof-.pdf


Workshops und Vorträge für mehr Lebensqualität in den Bereichen Psychologie, Gesundheitsförderung, Sucht und Lebensgestaltung Kanton Bern Gehirngerechtes Arbeiten und beruflicher ErfolgWir leben in einer schnelllebigen und hektischen Zeit ständiger Erreichbarkeit und weltweiter Vernetzung. Die modernen Techno-logien sind für viele ein Segen, der Umgang damit wird für man-che zum Fluch. Arbeiten wir noch effektiv und effizient? Schaffen wir noch echten Mehrwert? Oder hetzen wir bloss noch rastlos von einem Termin zum nächsten? Jürg Dietrich setzt in seinem Referat aktuelle Erkenntnisse aus der Hirnforschung in Bezug zum alltäg-lichen Arbeitsverhalten und gibt sofort umsetzbare Anregungen mit auf den Weg für ein gehirngerechteres Verhalten.


Das 5. Buch Mose oder TitelDer Titel »Deuteronomium« entstammt einem Übersetzungsfehler des Ausdrucks »Abschrift dieses Gesetzes« in 17,18 aus der gr. Septuaginta (LXX), wo sich die Übersetzung »zweites Gesetz« findet, was in der lateinischen Version (Vulgata) mit Deuteronomium wiedergegeben wurde. Der hebr. Titel des Buches lautet übersetzt: »Dies sind die Worte« und leitet sich von den beiden ersten hebr. Worten des Buches ab. Der hebr. Titel liefert eine bessere Beschreibung des Buches, da es nicht ein »zweites Gesetz« ist, sondern vielmehr eine Aufzeichnung der erklärenden Worte Moses über das Gesetz. Deuteronomium vervollständigt die fünfteilige literarische Einheit, die Pentateuch genannt wird.