Irish Congress of Trade Unions
A Better, Fairer Way
2011 Pre-Budget Submission
Fairness is not
only morally
better, it is
superior as well
Fairness is not only morally
better, it is economically
superior as well
Irish Congress of Trade Unions
2011 Pre-Budget Submission
The National Economic & Social Council (NESC) points to five
interlinked crises: economic, social, banking, reputational and fiscal. In this submission, we will deal with all of these but our primary focus is on mass unemployment, the fiscal and the banking crisis.
a) Austerity vs Stimulus
b) Domestic Demand is Vital
c) New Ideas on Funding Public Investment
d) Cuts and Taxation
e) What Should Be Done On The Adjustment?
f) Fairness: The Corporate Contribution
g) A Fiscal Council
Negotiate with the Bondholders
A Panic Response
A Better Corporate Governance
A menu of areas where revenue -
up to E2.1 billion - could be raised in 2011
Investing in the Economy
This will be the harshest
budget in the history of this
state. The real challenge is to
ensure fairness in the Budget's
distributional effects.
through the taxation of latent sources of
Executive Summary
revenue and by achieving savings by means that do not entail taking large amounts of
Extend the Adjustment Period,
money out of the economy.
Focus on Growth
From early 2009 Congress warned that that the
Ultimately, the key is job creation and
economic choices made by this Government
growth. Austerity is not a credible plan for
– austerity as opposed to stimulus – were a
recipe for disaster. We said they would depress demand, cause job losses and retard prospects
The liberal economic model has failed. Yet, by
pursuing austerity, our Government appears to be still in thrall to it. As Keynes said: "Practical
To date, we have seen three deflationary
men, who believe themselves to be quite
budgets that have taken some €14.5 billion
exempt from any intellectual influence, are
from the economy. Yet our budget deficit is
usually the slaves of some defunct economist."
now higher than when the austerity programme began and we have mass unemployment. That
Economic Impact of Congress Proposals
is not a sign of success, by any standard.
The economic impact of the proposals in our submission would be to provide a small
It is now clear that we wil not meet the target
stimulus overall to the economy. In contrast, the
of reducing our budget deficit to 3% of GDP,
Government's proposed cuts will deflate it
by 2014. That target is arbitrary and artificial.
substantially further. If their measures are in the
If Government persists in trying to reach it, it
order of €4bn they will deflate the economy by
wil likely cause deep and lasting damage to
an additional 3%. A precise figure depends on
our economy and society. It wil devastate lives
where the cuts and taxes are imposed.
and communities.
Our submission contains a broad menu of
The key to success is a credible plan which
proposals and alternative options, so it is not
demonstrates how we wil grow our economy
possible to determine their precise impact on
into a sustainable recovery. This would carry
the economy. Congress would almost certainly
far more weight with the investors in the
prioritise some tax rises over others, in ways
international bond markets than experimenting
which would be far less deflationary. Appendix
with unprecedentedly dangerous austerity plans.
I of our main submission contains a menu of areas where revenue of up to €2.1 billion could
Congress believes that we should extend the
adjustment period to 2017, thereby al owing growth a chance to take hold. The key to
Job Creation & Protection
that growth is investment and we have set out a number of proposals on this, in our
We need new initiatives and greater urgency
submission. Deficit reduction can be achieved
on job protection and creation. A sum of at least €2bn per annum for three years should
be invested immediately in suitable projects
extension of existing ones) through risk sharing
to promote growth and leverage investment
with private investors.
thereby facilitating job creation, job retention and upskilling. This can be done in a manner
Government should adopt - as a matter of
that meets Eurostat criteria. Some immediate
urgency - the model of ‘job protection' so
job creation ideas suggest themselves:
successfully implemented across the EU. This
New Water & Waste Network Efficient use
provides state support to viable jobs threatened
of water will generate considerable long-term
by the downturn and makes solid social and
environmental savings and could create over
financial sense.
30,000 jobs during delivery stage and some 12,000 permanent jobs.
New Ideas on Public Investment
Retrofit Energy Inefficient Buildings
• Money from the
National Pension
Comhar estimates the number of energy
Reserve Fund should be utilised to invest
inefficient homes at 700,000. This work is
in addressing our infrastructural deficit and
labour-intensive and has major downstream
jobs crisis. Over time, this could rise to €6
benefits (materials, manufacturers, suppliers
billion that would be invested in Ireland's
future, rather than in bank subsidies or foreign equities.
Next Generation Broadband (NGB) The
Telecommunications & Internet Federation
• Start
auto-enrollment in the state pension
fund immediately, which will result in
€2.5 billion would bring a modern NGB
network to 90% of all homes and buildings.
substantial flows of funds to the Exchequer.
The benefits for employment and future
• Introduce amending legislation to provide
competitiveness are clear.
investment in Sovereign Bonds
Education Third level institutions require
by Pension schemes as called for by
investment to accommodate the surge in
Congress, IBEC, IAPF and others.
student numbers - new buildings, facilities,
• Encourage
PRSAs to invest in the state
refurbishment etc.
pension scheme. If 20% invested next year,
this would provide around €1 billion.
There is also great scope for investment
• Increase the interest on the
in: national and secondary roads,
Solidarity Bond (an idea originated by
green energy, electricity grid upgrade,
Congress) and hypothecate the investment
development of natural resources (peat,
into designated projects and market it as
forestry), conservation technologies,
reskil ing and upskil ing our labour force, return to education, public transport, urban
• The key role of state enterprises in our
regeneration and flood defences.
recovery must include the establishment of a State Holding company as a new,
NPRF monies could also be used to incentivize
the development of new enterprises (or the
Contribution from the Corporate Sector
minimum wage. In the U.S., capital gains are
We should extend the
income levy to
taxed as income with lower discounted rates on
corporate profits, in this time of national crisis,
long-term gains. We should do likewise.
until the 3% budget deficit target is reached. Only companies making a profit would pay.
The current
threshold for inheritance from
parents (€414, 799) is far too high and should be
Multinationals could also
defer repatriation
reduced. Specific protections might be required
of a portion of their profits and set up a
in cases of people living in inherited property,
fund to invest in new or existing Irish-based
where these beneficiaries are on low incomes.
enterprises and infrastructure. Such a fund could amount to bil ions of euro and could
Place a
(temporary) wealth tax on wealth
make a significant contribution towards
above €2 million, wealth being defined as
economic renewal and development.
current value of all assets, including the excess of €1m in the value of private houses.
Banks & Bondholders
Reduce the 183 day test for
tax residency
Government must act in the interests of its
purposes to at least 90 days, as obtains in
people, not the markets. It must force down the
the UK. Where a
tax exile's main centre of
value of all bondholders' holdings - which they
vital interest is here or if they are assessed on a
risked in recklessly-run, private banks - to 10%
permanent home test, they should pay tax here.
of their nominal value. This could see a saving of up to €24 billion for taxpayers.
If it is intended to merge the
income and
health levies it is vital this is done in a way that
Tax Measures
ensures equity.
The tax system is
rife with exemptions and
reliefs. Their combined impact narrows the tax
minimum funding standard must be
base. Unless there is a proven benefit to the
eased to help occupational pension schemes
taxpayer, they must be closed.
which are under great stress, with most defined benefit schemes in deficit.
A rise in the general
rate of DIRT to 30% would raise an additional
Congress believes a
12.5% oil and gas
royalty tax - on production and profits - should
minimum tax for high earners - using
be reintroduced.
avoidance schemes - should be increased to 35% and the threshold reduced to
There should be a limit on earnings for pension
further cuts to social welfare rates. Welfare
purposes of €100,000.
recipients wil be badly af ected by the recent 5% increase in electricity prices. The price of
The beneficiaries of
capital gains are better
liquid fuel has also increased (by 26.8%), placing
placed to meet tax liabilities than those on
struggling households under further pressure.
We should
reform social welfare rules which
OPEN, Mental Health Ireland, the Irish National
discourage employment: allow people who
Organisation of the Unemployed and Inclusion
work reduced hours more than three days in
Ireland to protect the conditions of people with
the week to be able to claim jobseekers benefit
disabilities and lone parents on Community
for the time they are not working
Employment (CE) schemes.
poverty traps, such as the loss of
medical card entitlement for low-income
Congress recognises the critical role played
earners which discourage people from taking
Overseas Development Assistance in
driving towards the realisation of the Millennium Development Goals and as a stable source of
Introduce compensation to help mitigate the
funding for poorer countries. We support the
problem of
fuel poverty and broaden fuel
introduction of a
Financial Transaction Tax
allowance coverage to households in receipt of
(FTT) which could raise between €160 and
Family Income Supplement.
€700 billion (more than 3 times the current levels of international aid). It would also tackle
We remain opposed to means testing of
corporate tax evasion and ensure more
benefit in the absence of an adequate state
effective regulation of banks
supported child care system.
Congress supports the Nordic
model of robust social protection and strong
active labour market policies to promote
Privatising valuable state assets for short-term gain would be a grave mistake, especially when asset prices are very low. The record is not good. The Eircom debacle greatly delayed the roll out of fast universal broadband.
Company laws must be radically reformed with a shift from the narrow interests of shareholders to the broader stakeholder model.
Congress supports the campaign of SIPTU,
Ireland has three interlinked economic
1. Mass unemployment
2. A fiscal crisis
3. A banking crisis
There is little focus on the unemployment crisis. Address this and we will go a long way towards resolving the other problems. Pursuing cuts and bank bail-outs without carefully factoring in their impact on employment levels will lead to a downward deflationary spiral.
Historical evidence informs us, bluntly, that after a major financial crisis, it takes a long time for economies to revert to normal economic growth. The projections for Irish economic growth from the Government, ESRI, Central Bank and most economists are very optimistic, particularly as they are all hell-bent on deflating the economy even more.1
1 ESRI forecasts 0.25%, 2.75% for GDP, Central Bank at 0.2% and 2.4% and Government at -1.3% and +3.3% in 2010 and 2011.
The Government then hopes that GDP will rise to 4.5%, 4.3% and 4.0% in the subsequent three years, in Budget 2010.
1 Economic Problem One:
spending will exacerbate the deflationary spiral
Mass Unemployment
which has already taking hold.
While a lesson has been learned from the
Investment is vital during a period of
savage cuts in capital investment in the 1980s
deflation as a stimulus and in to assist future
- which delayed recovery for years - a bigger
economic growth and well-being. Borrowing
spend today could stimulate the economy now,
for investment is good economics. This is
when it is most required.
particularly correct now. Economists agree on borrowing for investment. Where they disagree
Congress is highly critical of al the taxpayers'
is where and how the money should be spent.
euros which are being poured into the black
Such debate is healthy, but in the meantime,
hole that is the Irish banking sector. This vast
a major jobs intensive investment programme
sum has been borrowed or taken from our
should be the priority of Budget 2011.
members' Pension Reserve Fund. This vast "pseudo-investment" in the banks funds no jobs,
Cutting investment is merely postponing it and
no schools, no hospitals, no clinics, no trams,
spending today, when jobs are desperately
no buses. The only jobs are for an overpaid
needed, will stimulate the economy
professional elite of bankers, accountants and solicitors who are stil being paid excessively.
Congress said that cuts in the National Development Plan - from €56.6 bil ion to €39
Minister Lenihan said: "Tender prices for
bil ion - could have been worse. However,
construction have fal en very considerably: in fact
it is our view that the investment package
they have fal en by 30%. Lower prices coupled
should be much bigger. Ireland has a serious
with improvements in public sector procurement
infrastructural deficit, mass unemployment
procedures (such as fixed price contracts)
and the wider economy needs a greater boost
wil af ord greater opportunities for value for
than this reduced package wil deliver. Our
money than existed during the boom years.
suggestion of taking two bil ion euro from
Government Departments are already benefiting
the Pension Reserve Fund per year for each
from these changed market conditions."2
year of the next three years and investing it
Congress agrees and accepts that there is more
in the real economy is actual y modest. There
value for the investment today with lower tender
could be a case for increasing it, on analysis
prices, but that is precisely why we should have
of investment needs and on the returns
increased investment now, when it is cheap.
and multipliers. (Subject to the availability of sufficient suitable projects).
Congress again calls for all stops to be pulled out to ensure that all money allocated is spent
On the other hand, deep cuts – now
and that planning and bureaucratic obstacles
understood to be well over €3 billion - in public
are removed urgently.
2 On 26th July 2010.
Cutting the general government deficit in the
(a) the spillover effect of such growth on tax
absence of promoting economic growth is a self
revenues, additional job creation and local
defeating policy. Already we have taken some
economy procurement is minimal due to the
€14.5 bil ion out of the Irish economy over the
capital intensity of the projects and transfer
last three budgets and we are stil facing a similar
pricing arrangements and
general government deficit as we had in 2009.
(b) more importantly, there is now a grave
This does not include the bank recapitalisations.
concern that the sources of this growth are
The fiscal consolidation plan in its current form is
becoming increasingly concentrated.
not a plan but a series of targets. They wil not be reached unless a serious and credible strategy
Pharmaceutical and chemicals now account for
for growth is put in place. Current growth
almost half of the value of all output in the Irish
forecasts are grossly optimistic, particularly as
economy in 2010, up from a share of over one-
they are being undermined by large cuts.
third in 2008. This is due in part to the large fall off in electronics and computer processing
Last December, the Government forecast that
in this country. With the Irish pharmachem
the Irish economy would emerge from recession
sector industry set to face a major shake-up
in the second half of 2010 and would record
in competition in future years, with the expiry
3.3% growth in 2011 and an average rise in
of some notable blockbuster patents such as
GDP of 4.3% in the years thereafter, based on
Lipitor in 2011, the need for a broad-based
the over-optimistic notion that Ireland could
recovery across the traded and non traded
ef ectively piggy back on the growth in our
sectors of the Irish economy is all the more
trading partners. These projections appear al the
urgent, if the general government deficit as a
more fanciful now with the latest OECD forecasts
share of GDP is to be reduced.
projecting that the US is set to record its slowest rate of quarterly growth in the last quarter of
Jobs – The Priority
2010 since emerging from recession in Spring 2009. Similarly for the EU, the most recent
Officially unemployment is close to 14%.
European Commission interim forecasts suggest
By the CSO's S3 measure unemployment is
that the second quarter of 2010 was better than
17.9%. If this is adjusted to the then higher
expected due to a pick up in temporary factors
participation rate of 2007, the numbers of
i.e. inventory and construction, but that the euro
people who want to work but cannot find
area is facing into a soft patch over the second
jobs was almost 21% at mid 2010.
half of the year.
The number of young people out of work is
Manufacturing output did enjoy a good 2010,
growing rapidly.
thanks to pharmaceuticals and chemicals and while there are tentative signs of strong growth
The number of long term unemployed is rising
for overall industrial output and exports this
year, there are two main concerns with regard to the future of Irish economic growth;
Emigration is soaring.
In our ten point plan,
‘There is a Better
In our May 2009
Job Creation & Protection
Fairer Way,' the first point made was on
Plan we had sought investment of €1 billion in
job protection. We argued that the social
jobs. We argued that employers should discuss
welfare system must be radically altered and
alternatives to redundancy with workers and
integrated with skills enhancement, education
their unions and where workers agree to
and training. We suggested that this can be
options such as short time working then the
augmented with additional funding from the
social welfare system should support this
Public Capital Programme.
move by providing payment to compensate for the ‘off time'. In turn, workers would agree to
Almost two years ago we had sought a
engage in training during any such ‘off time'.
€1 bil ion investment in a jobs plan but
Where there is a cost associated with the
Government would only agree to a far smal er
training, financial support should be available to
initiative. We cal ed for greater ambition
cover this from the programme.
in a major drive for jobs and employment protection, as the crisis worsened.
We propose, for example, four jobs initiatives to be led by the state:
Congress reiterates our calls for greater
A State-of-the-Art Water & Waste
initiatives and urgency on job protection and
Network would cost €4.2 bil ion. Efficient
on job creation. The one billion to be taken
use of water wil create considerable long-
from the National Pension Reserve Fund
term environmental savings and wil have the
should be invested immediately in job creation,
capacity to create over 30,000 jobs during
job retention and upskilling. The German
delivery stage and up to 12,000 permanent
job retention scheme has worked very well.
jobs. If this network was placed in a national
The Government jobs initiative announced
agency, it would secure considerable savings
at the end of September seems to be more
in scale, planning and procurement, while
aspirational than realistic.
reducing future maintenance costs (currently, our water network is divided up among over 30
Imaginative but prudent initiatives are required
local authorities and much of the cost is spent
around employment retention. For example, it
on band-aiding a Victorian-age system).3
would be far better to increase funding to the Arts Council for employment intensive areas,
Retrofit our Energy Inefficient Buildings
rather than paying unemployment benefit to
this could help create an €8 bil ion industry.
those who are made redundant because project
Comhar estimates the number of energy
funding has been cut. While it is regrettable
inefficient homes at approximately 700,000.
that many working in the Arts are not wel paid,
Not only is this work labour-intensive, it has
this means that the net cost to the state in
considerable downstream benefit (materials
maintaining and indeed boosting employment in
manufacturers/suppliers, transport of
the Arts is marginal. Further, the employment and
materials, etc.). In addition, energy-efficient
artistic work generated brings pleasure to many.
buildings consume less fossil-fuel imports, thus reducing our import bil . This will
3 NewERA, Fine Gael, 2010: http://www.new-era.ie/NewERA2010.pdf
increase non-energy consumer spending
Congress proposed many initiatives around
and investment resources as a result of
protecting jobs7 including a) welfare reform to
decreased energy costs. This wil help
coordinate it with employment; b) redundancy
the large number of unemployed building
rules which need to be reformed to ensure
workers and employment for early school-
that workers do not lose out on redundancy
leavers could be combined with part-time
payments by agreeing, for example, to engage
training/return to education.4
in short-term working for a lengthy period of
Next Generation Broadband (NGB) the
time, as redundancy is calculated by reference
Telecommunications and Internet Federation
to final wages; c) a social innovation fund; d)
has estimated that it would cost
linking education to employment; e) a training
to bring a modern NGB network to 90% of
guarantee that would support workers learning
all homes and buildings. Two-thirds of this
and provide access to training and provide
cost would be taken up with civil engineering
minimum training rights, such as a guaranteed
works while the supply-side benefit would
number of paid hours for up/reskilling and
persist for many years after.
vocational training; improve standards in
employment; etc.
The Higher Education Authority6 estimates
that third level institutions will require €4 billion investment to accommodate the surge in student numbers - new buildings, facilities, refurbishment, etc.).
These are just four examples. Given that Ireland's infrastructural capacity ranks as one of the poorest in the European Union 15, there is welcome scope for a sustained investment programme: the postponed national and secondary roads programme, green technology, electricity grid upgrade, development of natural resources (peat, forestry, etc.), conservation technologies, human resources (reskilling and upskilling our labour force), return to education, public transport and rail, urban regeneration programmes (social housing, leisure facilities), flood defences, etc.
4 Towards a Green New Deal for Ireland, Comhar, 2010: http://www.comharsdc.ie/_files/2009_TowardsGNDIreland_rpt.pdf 5 Building a Next Generation Access Network for Ireland: http://www.tif.ie/Sectors/TIF/TIF.nsf/vPages/
2 Economic Problem Two:
on tax-cutting, tax-shifting, and de-regulated
The Fiscal Crisis
financial markets. Free market economic fundamentalism ruled and it failed, spectacularly. The tax-cutting policies to the late 1990s were
There is something deeply wrong in Ireland.
reasonable for a few years, a) when personal
There is an obsession about an ‘adjustment' of
taxes were high, and b) when they were not
first €3 bil ion, then €4 bil ion, even €5 bil ion
pro-cyclical. But by 2001, tax cutting, even with
plus, in Budget 2011, while many more bil ions
large surpluses, was the wrong policy for the Irish
have been poured into the banks. There have
Government to continue to pursue. However,
been no benefits from this ‘sinkhole' investment.
it was in the grip of a pernicious economic philosophy. These policies fuel ed the boom and
• The markets are not impressed and our
led to a far greater bust.
borrowing costs are still high
• The cost of the bank rescue is staggering
Congress was highly critical of Government
• It may undermine the real economy
fiscal policies in the past decade and we were correct and perhaps we are again today. It
• Deflation is making matters worse by:
seems that even the ‘markets' think so. More
- Slowing the recovery by years
and more are coming to our point of view,
- Increasing unemployment
including even stockbroker economists.
- Reducing tax revenue
Government polices over the last decade
- Shattering business confidence
largely destroyed a fine economy by pursuing
- Reducing needed public services
essentially liberal, pro-cyclical, tax-cutting
- Hurting the poorest most
policies. It is pursuing pro-cyclical spending
- Cutting needed investment
cuts now. When Congress opposed the tax-
- Reducing future prosperity
cutting, de-regulation, tax subsidies policies of the noughties, we did not realise how
A: Austerity Vs Stimulus
destructive they were – destroying so much value within the Irish economy.
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions has been deeply opposed to the broad thrust of
While this government has a credibility problem,
Government economic policy since the Crash
it is exacerbating it with deflationary policies.
of 2008. It is deflationary and is prolonging
There is no comfort for praise for its macho
the recession, dampening domestic demand,
‘austerity' policies from the likes of the
reducing tax revenue, destroying jobs and
Street Journal and right-wing think tanks. On
hurting the poorest most.
the other hand, much of the foreign media which had applauded the rapid pursuit of
The economic policies which underwrote the
austerity is now questioning if "the harsh
domestical y generated boom were based
medicine is killing the patient".8
8 Lex column in Financial Terms, 15 June 2010, "But the process of fiscal adjustment … is so arbitrary, so uncoordinated, and – in
countries like Ireland and Greece – so savage that the cure is as likely as is the disease to kill the poor patient."
The international media has been increasingly
recovery by cutting too much and by slavishly
critical of Irish fiscal policy as deflationary and
following a arbitrary timetable.
wrong-headed. The
Financial Times has had many critical articles including its lead editorial
Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz
on 22nd September - the same day as the
said in an interview on Morning Ireland: "Cutting
Guardian warned against the folly of following
back willy-nilly on high-return investments just
Ireland's Austerity programme9. Adam Posen,
to make the picture of the deficit look better is
a US economist who is an external member
really foolish." European governments made a
of the Bank of England's MPC has warned
"wrong bet" by pushing for austerity after the
against austerity too, calling for central banks to
global recession, resulting in slower economic
"undertake more monetary stimulus."10
growth for the region and the US.12
He also warned of the dangers of what the
"Ireland's struggle to revitalize its economy after
wrong fiscal policy can do to a country. In
the country's worst recession on record shows
the case of the lost decade in Japan, he said
the risks of focusing on deficits," Stiglitz said.
"Japan's Great Recession was the result of a
"Because so many in Europe are focusing on
series of macroeconomic and financial policy
the 3% artificial number, which has no reality and
mistakes. Thus, it was largely avoidable once
is just looking at one side of a balance sheet,
the initial shock from the bubble bursting
Europe is at risk of going into a double-dip."
He has long argued that: "In a recession, you
Professor Skidelsky, who spoke at a Congress
want to raise (or not decrease) the level of
lecture on October 12 last has warned that
total spending… However, state spending
the fiscal hawks risk undermining any potential
reductions have the opposite effect: each dollar
9 4"Irish woes should give pause to the cutting coalition in London. There are important differences, of course, for both the bubble
and the bust overwhelmed the republic more comprehensively than the broader-based economy here. But that did not stop rightwing pundits hailing Ireland's early move to meet the maelstrom with masochism as an example for Britain. Nor should it stop the rest of us from learning lessons about what happened next, after the early cuts. The private sector did not immediately rush to fill the gap left by the public, and by the sluggish summer of this year the government's creditworthiness was being called into question not so much because it was spending too much, as because of fears that the economy would soon be too small to sustain the debt being racked up." Guardian 22nd Sept 2010.
The Financial Times (22nd Sept 2010) editorial urged the Irish government to cut the ground from the banks' bondholders and to cease its obsession with cutting public spending - "a course that anyway might further harm a growth path that looks set to lag the government's own projections". The editorial began by also saying that "It would be better if Irish deputies focused less on his (the Taoiseach's) alleged tipsiness, and more on his misguided strategy for dealing with the country's banking sector.
FT, 19th September 2010, Munchau "the economic malaise in Ireland, whose crisis is growing worse by the day,
FT 25th September; "Investors are still nervous about whether Ireland's fiscal adjustments will see the country turn."
FT 30 June 2010; "Paul Krugman the Nobel-laureate economist, argued last week that Ireland had seen little reward for its brave fiscal measures - "Virtuous, suffering Ireland is gaining nothing,"'
FT 29th September, 2010 "Is Ireland restaging Greek tragedy" where it asked if "the country has been too austere in its effort to reduce debt at the expense of growth."
10 Speech called "The case for doing more" Hull, 28th Sept 2010 and Daily Telegraph, 30 June 201011 THE REALITIES AND RELEVANCE OF JAPAN'S GREAT RECESSION, London School of Economics, 24 May 201012 RTE Radio 24 August 2010 quoted on Bloomberg 7th Sept. and in Economic Times on 25th August.
less that the state spends generally reduces
able to protect themselves. The second threat
consumption by the same amount."13
is failure to secure the medium-term structural shifts in fiscal positions, in management of the
The blind faith in the capacity of Ireland's private
financial sector and in export-dependency that
sector to make up for the huge cuts in public
are needed if a sustained and healthy global
spending would be misplaced in a normal
recovery is to occur."15
economy, but Ireland has a unique "private enterprise deficit." It was not just the banking
Wolf also warned of over-dependency on
sector that failed itself and failed Ireland, but al of
exports. This is a serious issue for Ireland. While
the banks' boards were fil ed with the so-cal ed
a small economy with good export performance
"enterprise leaders" of Ireland, from al sectors.
through popular exports (food and drugs)
As the banks bosses, they were al property
at present, we are nonetheless vulnerable.
speculators and not real entrepreneurs. Therefore
The deflationary policies being pursued are
it is naïve to expect the private sector to fil the
squashing out domestic demand – which
huge gap left by cuts in public expenditure in this
makes up around 70% of GDP.
country for some time.
Cutting the general government deficit in the
There have been major debates over the
absence of promoting economic growth is
Austerity vs Stimulus in other countries, but it
self-defeating. Already we have taken some
has been muted here. Congress recognises
€13 billion out of the Irish economy over the
that the majority of mainstream economists
last three budgets and we are still facing into a
have, to date, supported the Government's
similar general government deficit as a share of
austerity programme. But that does not make
GDP in 2010 as we had in 2009, excluding the
it correct. Most of them were either wrong
bank recapitalisations. The fiscal consolidation
or silent14 during the boom, when we were a
plan in its current form is not a plan but a series
lone voice against direct tax-cutting and de-
of targets, which will not be reached unless a
regulation. The unexpected fall in GDP of 1.2%
serious and credible strategy for growth is put
in Q2.2010 underlines the policy failure.
As Martin Wolf of the Financial Times has
The Illusion of Future Growth
regularly argued, there are "two huge threats in
Last December, the Government adopted
front of us. The first is the failure to recognise
the over-optimistic notion that Ireland could
the strength of the deflationary pressures. The
effectively piggy-back on the growth in our
danger that premature fiscal and monetary
trading partners. It forecast that the Irish
tightening will end up tipping the world
economy would emerge from recession in the
economy back into recession is not small, even
second half of 2010 and would record 3.3%
if the largest emerging countries should be well
13 Tax Policy Center: April 27, 2003.
14 Silence makes them eequally culpable, particularly if they were silent because they were supporters of the tax-cutting which
contributed so much to the Crash of 2008,
15 FT, 14 July 2010.
growth in 2011 and an average rise in GDP of
single year in 1990 and increased by 27% in
4.3% in the years thereafter.
the fol owing year.
This strategy is very dubious now with present
Rather than waiting for economic growth to
fears that the advanced Western economies are
return, the time to get more enterprise up on
heading for a double dip recession. The latest
its feet is now. Such proposals do not always
OECD forecasts envisage the US recording
involve the State providing the money for
its slowest rate of quarterly growth in the last
investment from its own savings and also funds
quarter of 2010 since emerging from recession
can also be harnessed and encouraged from
in Spring 2009. Similarly for the EU, the most
the corporate and household sector, as we
recent European Commission interim forecasts
suggest elsewhere.
highlighted that the better than expected second quarter of 2010 was due to temporary
B: Domestic Demand Is Vital
factors i.e. inventory and construction, and that
The Government is over-reliant on exports
the euro area is facing into a soft patch over
to lead Ireland out of the recession. It is
second half of the year.
not neglecting domestic demand, but it is undermining it. It is not plausible to argue that
In spite of the evidence, those on the
in a smal open economy domestic demand is
ideological Right remain wedded to the notion
unimportant. It makes up some 70% of GDP. The
of ‘expansionary fiscal contraction', whereby
Government's near total dependence on exports
purging the economy wil ultimately make way
is misplaced. It is correct that when world exports
for economic renewal. However, proponents
declined dramatical y, ours continued to perform
conveniently play down the crucial impact of
wel and very wel in recent months. But the
exogenous monetary and fiscal shocks on
source of our best performing exports is highly
the Irish economy when the country emerged
capital intensive and low in employment content.
from its last economic recession. An 8%
Economic policy is reducing domestic demand
devaluation of the punt in 1986 was fol owed
and may push Ireland into a long deflationary
by the 1987 global stock market crash which
spiral, similar to Japan.
led to an overal decline in international interest rates. This, combined with the Lawson boom
Demand is made up of private consumption
in the UK which was prompted by large
expenditure, public current expenditure,
tax cuts, brought about a revival in global
exports and investment. Investment is made
demand and provided the context for a 10%
by the state and the private sector. Personal
jump in the rate of growth of Irish exports in
consumption by people is way down and is
1987 alone.16 Exports recorded a cumulative
being pushed further down by cuts in public
increase of 16% in the subsequent two years.
spending. It fell by almost 7% last year and
On the fiscal side, EU transfers to Ireland
will fall again this year. Retail sales are down
covering structural and cohesion funds and
and those with money are saving hard, with
payments under the CAP jumped 44% in a
16 Bradley J and K Whelan (1997), "The Irish expansionary fiscal contraction; a tale of one small European economy". McAleese D. and
FD McCarthy (1989) "Adjustment and External Shocks in Ireland."
the savings ratios up by 50%. The growth
C: New Ideas On Funding
in unemployment is a major cause of the
Public Investment
downturn in personal consumption, but so is
To avoid further deflation, Congress proposes:
high personal debt; cuts in
weekly earnings in the private sector (where hourly earnings have
• No cut of €1 billion in investment as the
actually continued to rise, until recently, over the
Government proposes. Take €2 billion from
past two years); much more substantial cuts in
the National Pension Reserve Fund.
earnings in the public sector; uncertainty allied
• Start auto-enrollment in the state pension
to lack of confidence and the belief that fiscal
fund immediately. This will give substantial
policy is failing and things are getting worse.
flows of funds to the Exchequer.
Businesses are neither hiring nor investing as
• Provide amending legislation to provide for
credit is difficult to access; demand is way
investment in Sovereign Bonds by Pension
down; cuts to public spending, more important
schemes as called for by Congress, IBEC,
to many businesses than one might believe, are
taking their toll; domestic demand is also down
• Encourage PRSAs to invest in the state
in an economy one-fifth smaller than just three
pension scheme. If 20% invested in it next
years ago and confidence is gone. Investment
year, it would provide around €1 billion.
has imploded not just in construction but in
• Increase the interest on the Solidarity
most other sectors too.
Bond (an idea originated by Congress) and hypothecate the investment into designated
So that leaves Government as the remaining
projects and market it as such – good value
component of demand. With cuts of around
savings and patriotic domestic lending to
€4 billion in current spending since 2008, its
Ireland, in a time of crisis.
contribution to domestic demand has been reduced too. The public capital programme is
• Establish the State Holding Company which
also being reduced to ‘contribute' to the deficit
would attract pension funds into investing
reduction, but such cuts are sucking demand
in these companies and into much needed
out of the economy, when so much remains
public infrastructure17.
to be done. On top of this, the Government
• Multinational companies could help Ireland
is pouring money into the banks. There is no
and themselves by deferring the repatriation
increase in demand from this activity. Its impact
of some of their profits for a period and to
on the real economy is nil.
set up an investment fund, on a commercial basis, to invest in new or existing Irish based
Therefore, ‘adjustment' must be not made up
enterprises and infrastructure. Several such
only by cuts in public expenditure, but more
companies would set up this fund, amounting
judiciously, in ways which best maintain and even
to billions and it would make a significant
stimulate domestic demand and employment.
17 See section on External Equity p7 of Congress' A new Governance Structure for State Companies, 2005.
contribution towards economic renewal and
proponents of austerity, most of whom cal ed
development (see "corporate contribution"
it wrong during the boom, argue that any
below) outside G&SP.
investment wil ‘leak out' into imports. Yet
• Extend the income levy to corporate income
effective investment in infrastructure and in
(profits) in this time of national crisis, until the
skil s retention and enhancement can and will
deficit is reduced to 3% of GDP.
generate excel ent returns.
• Increase other taxes as set out in Appendix I.
The intellectual justification for austerity comes
D: Cuts And Taxation
largely from a recent Harvard University paper by Alesina and Ardagna.18 They argued that
Congress recognises that there cannot be
austerity can even boost growth in the short
major stimulus introduced successful y
term, as savers feel more certain once a
by a smal open economy, particularly in
programme is put in place and so go out and
the absence of stimuli in trading partner
spend. And they claim austerity works even in
countries. In the austerity/stimulus debate,
the correct policy for Ireland is not at the extreme of austerity. This is where we are
However this paper has been challenged by,
today. It is clearly not working. The correct
of all people, the International Monetary Fund
macro policy today is to move quickly from
(IMF). In its
Outlook of October 201019, the IMF
the extreme of austerity. This failing policy has
criticised the methodology used by Alesina and
been pursued unsuccessful y for three years in
Ardagna as "flawed." The IMF study found that
Ireland. The pro-cyclical, cost-cutting policies
austerity of 1% of GDP generally leads to on
are tax-revenue reducing, growth-reducing,
average fall of 0.5% in GDP after two years and
employment-reducing, confidence-reducing,
to a rise in unemployment of 0.3%.
while they increase poverty.
While the IMF paper argued that spending cuts
There are cal s for even harsher cuts in
do less damage than tax rises (a point which
this Budget, what is euphemistical y cal ed
many economists dispute)20, this was because
‘front-loading', but should be cal ed ‘blanket
cuts are associated with larger falls in interest
bombing' of the Irish economy. This savage
rates. However, as interest rates are low and
approach - always advocated by those
unlikely to fall further, this impact is negated.
who wil suffer least - is likely to ensure that
Further a rise in net exports due to depreciation
the much sought after ‘green shoots' will
helps too – not an option for Ireland.
be few and far between. Furthermore, the
18 Large Changes in Fiscal Policy: Taxes Versus Spending", by Alberto Alesina and Silvia Ardagna. NBER Working Paper No. 15438,
revised January 2010
19 "Will It Hurt? Macroeconomic Effects of Fiscal Consolidation". Chapter 3 of the IMF's October 2010 "World Economic Outlook"20 the oft cited assertion by conservatives that spending cuts do less damage than tax rises is of course just an opinion. It depends on
where the cuts are made and where taxes are levied. Further this is recognised in the paper, where tax rises can be inflationary eg VAT and so Central Banks act, dampening demand and thus the recovery. But in Ireland's case, there is not an independent central bank governing monetary policy, inflation is currently non-existent and the tax rises proposed by us would have no inflationary impact.
Furthermore, as the deficit in rich countries
of adjustment in the public finances has been
averaged 9% in 2009 and the average debt
excessively on the taxation side."21
to GDP will be 100% by end 2010, most are attempting to cut their deficits in tandem, thus
Now there are leaks that the ‘adjustment' in
the impact of a fiscal contraction is amplified.
2011 must be over €3 billion, with the former
Therefore a cut of 1% of GDP actually leads
Chairman of BP and current chair of Goldman
to a reduction of 1%, not 0.5% as had been
Sachs International (the bank which helped
thought by the proponents of austerity.
Greece fiddle the books), Peter Sutherland, calling for €5 billion cuts in 201122. Mr.
The Government said in its Stability report, in
Sutherland is also a former chairman of AIB.
Congress recognised the huge gap between
"The path that has been set out to bring Ireland
Government revenue and taxation of around
out of excessive deficit has been adhered to in
€18.8 bil ion projected in the Budget for
terms of the identified correction for 2010, i.e.
2010. The adjustment must not be made
adjustments amounting to €4 billion or 2½%
only by major reductions in public spending.
of GDP have been delivered in Budget 2010.
Taxation has a major role in bridging the
The scale of future adjustments will not now
gap and in doing so in a fair way. Congress
be as large as previously thought. For 2011,
supplied a list of major taxes that could be
it is estimated that the necessary adjustments
raised in 2010 - with minimum deflationary
will be of the order of €3 billion, with €1 billion
impact. This was largely ignored in favour
already identified and incorporated into the
of cuts in 2010. Al of the adjustment was in
capital expenditure forecasts taking account
cuts, none was in taxation. While it appeared
of revised investment priorities reflecting the
to bring the books closer to balance, the
changed economic environment. The remaining
overal impact on the real economy has been
€2 billion will be achieved through a series
to depress activity substantial y.
of further expenditure and taxation measures as signaled by the Minister for Finance in his
It would be totally unacceptable if the
Budget day speech."
adjustment in 2011 was not to include substantial revenue from judiciously applied
At the end of the day, there was a carbon tax
progressive taxes.
and some progressive changes in CGT and inheritance taxes but with cuts in excise duty,
The Governor of the Central Bank, Patrick
the net ef ect was that, overal , no additional tax
Honahan, called for the ‘adjustment' to be
revenue was raised. Thus al of the ‘adjustment'
increased because the cost of borrowing
in 2010 was imposed by cutting spending.
has risen and markets are unhappy with the
The employers' body IBEC is thus incorrect
Irish government's response. But the cuts are
when it asserted, that: "To date the balance
deflating the economy and making it worse.
21 IBEC, Pre-Budget Submission October 2010, p1.
22 Irish Times 8th October 2010.
He is in danger of falling into the trap of what
cannot meet that artificial target. It will not
economist Joe Stiglitz called "appearances"
work. Even the most brutal slash and burn
– where it appears to look good to cut to
programme, as advocated by more extreme
apparently meet a deficit target. But in the real,
elements on the right, will not work. It is not a
dynamic economy, such action can deliver the
simple arithmetical adjustment, but represents
opposite results. That is what is happening.
real hardship for many people.
Paul Krugman in a one liner response to Prof Honahan said "Don't cry for me Argentina." He
The fact that the ‘adjustment' figure is
referred to a BBC story which listed how its
moving rapidly upwards from €3 billion
2001 austerity programme led to resignations
to €3.2 billion, to €3.5 billion, to €4 billion
and a general economic collapse, ending
and now to €5 billion plus shows the level
with "President de la Rua reportedly charged
of delusion and confusion gripping the
with treason for unlawfully renegotiating the
body politic!
country's external debt."23
Congress disagrees on:
A great deal of Irish taxpayers money is going
a) level of cuts;
to foreign bondholders who invested in Anglo Irish Bank and the other banks. They should
b) on the level of taxation and
have lost all of their investment, as all the banks
c) cutting capital expenditure, when so much
collapsed. However, the Government, on our
remains to be done and the economic and
unwilling behalf, decided to rescue them with a
social returns are good.
blanket guarantee.
Congress also disagrees on the original target
E: What Should Be Done On
of a €3 billion adjustment. Markets will not be
appeased by further deflationary action. The
The Government and most Irish commentators
fall (again) in national income of both GDP and
must end their self-delusion on the crisis.
GNP in 2010 (Q2) shows how the deflationary
They are fooling themselves if they think the
policy is failing. Citizens are unimpressed and
artificial 3% target can achieved over four years
it will be they who bear the brunt of the cuts.
if we inflict hard pain on ourselves (or rather
Market are also unimpressed.
on others); that austerity works and leads to growth; that exports alone will lead us out of recession; and most importantly, that growth figures projected for Ireland are not from the Wizard of Oz.
The EU Commission says that Ireland cannot extend the period of adjustment beyond 2014. Congress reiterates the view that Ireland simply
The solution has three
self- defeating policy. Already we have taken
some €14.5 billion out of the Irish economy over the last three budgets and we are still facing into a similar general government deficit
First, we must recognise the immense difficulty –
as a share of GDP in 2010 as we had in 2009,
near impossibility - of reducing the deficit to 3%
excluding the bank recapitalisations. The fiscal
of GDP by 2014. Thus Ireland should realistical y
consolidation plan in its current form is not a
extend the period of recovery further, but to
plan but a series of targets, which will not be
emphasise that we are on the difficult road to
reached unless a serious and credible strategy
deficit reduction. Congress had said the initial
for growth is put in place.
target of 2013 was total y unrealistic. It is now clear that the target of 2014 set by the EU is
Hans Blommestein, head of bond markets
too short. Thus the proposed Four Year Plan
and public debt management at the OECD
cannot work. Further, with the massive cost of
(who should know a bit about public debt),
the banks' bailout, this target, in reality, wil take
warned that "there was a danger that some
much more time to achieve.
governments might go too far with austerity measures as they sought to reassure
Congress believes the adjustment period
investors that they were talking their deficit
should be extended to 2017.
problems. That in turn could jeopardise their economic recovery."25
It wil be argued the any delay wil spook international bond markets. But these people
Blommestein, cited peripheral countries,
need to see a feasible plan. They would prefer
including Ireland, where "the markets are
one which wil work, rather than an aspirational
creating a situation where countries could
target which fails, as it deflates economic activity
be forced to retrench too far and introduce
and thus shifts the target backwards.Empirical
austere fiscal policies that are not good for their
studies on sovereign risk premia across a
economies as its risks stifling growth."
number of countries suggest that it is not the value of the total debt but a country's capacity
The EU's 3% target may have been a
to service its debt that is the strongest influence
reasonable target in normal times. These are
on the cost of borrowing to the Irish State24.
not normal times, especially for Ireland.
Meeting that debt servicing obligation without the spil over benefits from a growing economy will
The theoretical budget deficit is 32% of GDP
ultimately prove an intolerable burden.
when the bank bailouts are added in – more that ten times the EU Growth and Stability
Cutting the general government deficit in the
target. We should not delude ourselves that we
absence of promoting economic growth is a
can reduce the real deficit rapidly.
24 Haugh D, P Ollivaud and D Turner (2009), "What drives sovereign risk premiums…" (OECD).
25 Financial Times, front page, "Eurozone investors accused of overreacting to sovereign risk." 11 October 2010.
26 Is it "realistic" to talk of cuts of such staggering magnitude when every year since the 1930s public spending has increased. It starkly
reveals the gross mismanagement of the economy by the pursuit of liberal economic policies.
Graph 2.1: Overall tax-to-GDP ratio (incl. SSC) in the EU, US and Japan - 2008, in%
44.3 43.1 42.8 42.8 42.8
34.5 34.3 33.3 33.1 32.6 32.2
29.3 29.1 28.9 28.0
Note: Data for Japan and the OCED refer to 2007. Figures for US are provisional.
Source: Commission services for the EU countries, OECD (2009) for the US and Japan
Secondly, any cuts in public spending, must
of between €0.8 and €1.2 billion27. These
be targeted and restricted to realistic levels26
taxes can be taken from the list in the menu
of between €0.8 and €1.2 bil ion. As stated
Congress published last year as a supplement
above, we have had three years of Austerity
to our budget submission (Appendix I).
and pay cuts. We have had cuts totaling
€3 bil ion in 2010 on top of deflationary
It is a principle of taxation that income from
cuts in 2009 and in 2008. Any cuts must
all sources should be taxed in the same way.
be aimed clearly at those with the broadest
The Government agreed to this in a national
shoulders. We would make judicious cuts,
agreement some years ago. It has gone
such as considering the phasing out the €100
somewhat towards executing this major reform
mil ion to private schools over time, ensuring
of taxation by increasing inheritance taxes and
education grants are based on
both wealth
CGT in recent budgets, so that their rates are
and income (to reduce the bias against PAYE
closer to the effective rate of income tax which
workers and towards the self-employed
is around 30%. It can be seen from the graph
and farmers), cutting al subsidies to private
above that Ireland was a low tax economy
healthcare, to high earners' pensions and
in 2008. This is changing rapidly, but there is
ending al property tax breaks.
clearly room for increases, but thoughtful new taxes represent an opportunity to make our
Third, the ‘adjustment' of the tax and cuts
system more equitable in the crisis.
must include carefully considered tax increases
27 In addition to any increase in tax, with fiscal drag (i.e. an additional €1.7 billion was listed for 2011 with no changes in Budget 2010,
Graph 2.13: Decomposition of the implicit tax rate on labour, 2008
Note: The ITR on labour is calculated as the ratio of taxes and SSC on employed labour income to total compensation of employee.
Source: Commission services
The above graph shows taxes on workers
This investment may require time to ratchet
wages in many countries, broken down
up, but we suggest a further €2 bil ion
by personal income tax, employers and
would be invested from the Fund in 2012,
employees contributions.
which gives certainty to addressing Ireland's
infrastructural deficit and assists in building a
Congress also proposes that there be no cut
large jobs-centered investment programme
in public investment, i.e. in capital expenditure,
over time. Then a further €2 bil ion would
at all, next year. The
€1 billion that is planned
fol ow for projects in 2013. Thus a total of €6
to be cut should not occur. Instead, €2 billion
bil ion would be invested in Ireland's future,
should be taken in cash and drawn down as
rather than in bank subsidies or foreign
projects ratchet up, from the National Pension
equities. (The €30m it is investing in Venture
€24.1 billion which is our
Capital firms (October 7, 2010) is welcome
'rainy day' fund (largely invested in equities and
but the sum is inadequate in this crisis).
bonds of other countries). It could be invested
through the State Holding Company to meet
Indeed subject to the availability of suitable
EU rules. Alternatively and/or simultaneously,
projects, a greater amount than €2bn could
the establishment of a state bank which would
be expended in years one and two thus
get credit flowing to SMEs and new start ups as
frontloading investment to partial y offset the
well as investing commercially in infrastructural
effect of cuts elsewhere.
projects, should be considered.
The EU criteria for meeting the terms of the
projects to be progressed which otherwise might
Growth & Stability Pact are restrictive and
fal foul of the reduction in capital expenditure.
can be perverse when it comes to sovereign
One project which seems ideal y suited to such
wealth funds such as the NPRF in the
an approach would be the modernisation of the
attainment of the debt/GDP ratio criterion
water supply infrastructure. Congress would
because it considers gross, rather than net
support the use of funds from the NPRF to
national debt. It therefore total y excludes
upgrade the water supply infrastructure by the
the Funds' substantial €24.1 bil ion value in
creation of a National Water Company. This
assessing Ireland. Nevertheless, money from
new state owned company would have the
the Fund can be invested provided it meets
current water supply infrastructure vested in it
three criteria. The first way is by showing
and would be given capital from the NRPF to
that the investment is ‘commercial'28 and
invest in an upgrade of the infrastructure and to
this is strengthened when there is third party
develop a means by which the new company
involvement in projects. The Fund, plus all
could be remunerated on a commercial basis for
other state monies (including grants), must
supplying water.
amount to under 50% of the project. The second factor is that the Government, while
Risk Sharing for Enterprise & Innovation
having a proportionate influence in projects,
In addition to the above, NPRF monies could
must not have control ing direction of them.
be employed to incentivise the development
This in turn can be strengthened if there is a
of new enterprises (or the expansion of
separate board, an existing state company
existing ones) through risk-sharing. The
to make it more an arms length relationship.
funds channeled through the State Holding
Thus, the SHC would be useful on meeting
Company, or state investment bank, could take
this point in undertaking such investment.
up to 49% of the equity, thus greatly reducing
The third is that the private sector must take
entrepreneurial risk. The project company could
the ful risk on its investment. In other words,
be structured to enable the majority shareholder
private investors cannot be bailed out by the
to buy out the state investment at a commercial
taxpayer. This means that the EU insists on
price within a set time frame.
reversion to the old rules of capitalism, which were abandoned by the Irish Government
In short, utilising the resources of the NPRF
during this crisis. Judicious investment of the
is easily achievable within the criteria of EU
Fund's money can meet these criteria, while
rules on excessive deficit procedure. However,
other ‘less commercial' investments can be
the Government must want to do so. It or
made from existing NDP exchequer funds.
its agencies could present obstacles if it so wishes, but they can quickly be removed.
Congress envisages many potential uses for
The NPRF is our members' fund and it is
funds from the National Pensions Reserve Fund
being raided without any proper strategy to
(NPRF) in supporting the Government's capital
bail out the failed private banks. The use of
programme. The use of the fund wil al ow for
its assets to bail out the failed banks is, in the
28 Yet this "commercial" criterion is met if the Fund is investing in shares such as those of AIB and BOI, as the Fund is doing, which a
prudent private investor would eschew!
view of Congress, through to the purchase
some other way and we'll be saying, ‘ok that's
their shares, a cynical interpretation of what
your choice. If you don't deal with it that way,
is "commercial" as their shares are almost
how are you going to do it'".30
worthless. It can best be seen as a job maintenance fund of the last resort.
This observation reflects a long held European antipathy to what is the cornerstone of Irish
As the largest civil society group in Ireland
industrial policy. It also reflects the extraordinary
and the recognised representative body of
vulnerability of that policy which locks us into the
employees in Ireland, the Irish Congress of
semi-periphery of the world production system.
Trade Unions has the greatest degree of
Recognising the reality of our dependence on
legitimacy to speak about this fund, after the
FDI, particularly at this time when investment
elected Government. But the Government
in the economy is so crucial to recovery, is one
must listen to Congress, as our members have
pole of a dilemma and distributional unfairness is
contributed more to the Fund than any other
the other. This is because unless it can be shown
representative body – by a very long way.
that the sacrifices of the citizens are matched
This fund is best used to boost employment
in some way by the contribution of corporate
and maintain jobs in this unparalleled crisis
Ireland, then any distributional settlement built
rather than invested in the shares of foreign
around fiscal adjustment is unlikely to endure.
multinationals. This additional €2 billion must
Based on previous statements the Government
be put into jobs, in job retention, in upskilling,
wil be anxious to avoid any signs which imply
training and in physical infrastructure and thus
policy change in this area. One way of avoiding
will boost the real economy.
that and yet providing for the corporate sector to make a fair contribution to fiscal recovery would
Why borrow money when we have it in our own
be to leave the corporation tax structure intact
National Pension Reserve Fund? This is the
but to extend the levies introduced in earlier
rainy day fund and it is pouring.
budgets to corporate income on a temporary basis, specifical y until the target of reducing
F: Fairness: The Corporate Contribution
borrowing below 3 per cent of GDP is achieved.
Ms Catherine Day, an Irish born senior EU official, recently drew attention to the
Another way the multinational companies
dilemma posed for Ireland by its policy of low
earning profits from their Irish based operations
corporation tax.
could further help the country would be to defer
29 She was quoted in the
the repatriation of a portion of their profits for
Times of 7th October, 2010 as saying:"So if Ireland decides it wants to keep a low
a period and to set up an investment fund,
corporation tax, it has to deal with the deficit in
operated by them on a strictly commercial
29 Irish Times, 7th October 2010.
Rates of Corporation Tax in Other Countries
Switzerland *21.00
Netherlands 25.50
Source: IDA Ireland.
basis, to invest in new or existing Irish based
would also be essentially undemocratic as they
enterprises and infrastructure e.g. broadband
would be unaccountable, without strong rules
provision or in the State Holding Company. This
on its governance.
could be done by a number of such companies coming together to set up this fund. Such a
An ‘independent' Fiscal Council would
fund could amount to billions of euro in size and
be fine provided its terms of reference
could make a significant contribution towards
included assessing fiscal policy together
economic renewal and development. This
with employment and social inclusion as
fund would not be under government control,
major complementary targets to achieving
would not require any government support
fiscal balances. It should be as independent
or guarantee and would therefore not add to
as possible, but advisory. To give such a
national debt, and would be designed to not
council powers to oversee budgets would be
alone recover the original sums invested but to
dangerous, especially if it were to bring us back
also make a modest profit.31
to the 1930s economics of balanced budgets.
It is noteworthy that several of the eight largest technology companies, which have about €200 bil ion in what is cal ed "trapped cash"32- Microsoft, Google and Apple - have major operations in Ireland. Their advisors, like JP Morgan, are seeking a ‘tax amnesty' from the US Government to al ow them repatriate the cash and pay less than the tax of 25-35% which they should pay. However, it is highly unlikely that the Obama administration will al ow this, as skeptics feel it wil probably be paid to shareholders rather than to create jobs in the US.
G: A Fiscal Council
Congress views with some reservations the idea of an office to oversee budgets. Whatever our politicians' faults they are elected by the people and are responsible to them. An office of technocratic economists, especially those who believe that economics is a ‘science' would be immensely dangerous for society. It
31 In 2009, the figure for profits in the BOP a/cs was e32.6 billion and 15.4 was in dividends or distributed branch profits. 32 FT 19th October, 2010.
3 Economic Problem
In the words of one commentator, Wolfgang
Three: The Banking
Munchau,35 who cannot understand why all the bondholders are not sharing in the burden:
"My concern is that Dublin is overburdening the taxpayer and might worsen the downward
Negotiate With The
spiral" …. and he wonders if Brian Lenihan's
Bank Bondholders
"monumentally unfair taxpayer bailout will "bring down Ireland."'
It is disappointing that the Minster for Finance, representing Irish taxpayers says that "he is
Congress demands that all bondholders,
still opposed to senior debtholders having to
including senior debt holders, not just
accept any losses as part of the
taxpayers, share the pain. All stakeholders in
bail-out."33 The only implication is that the
banks must take a haircut before the taxpayer.
innocent taxpayer will pick up
all of the senior
It is disgraceful that the Irish Government has
debt bill run up by the Golden Circle of the Irish
pursued the policy of not imposing a share in
bank boards - the apex of the
private sector.
the risk with all the bondholders for two long, uncertain years. Why the long delay in even
The Government must be run in the interests of
tackling the junk bondholders. Why are the
its people, not the markets. It must force down
other bondholders not being hit now?
the value of all bondholders' holdings - which they risked in what were
recklessly-run, private
The way forward is to withdraw the guarantee
Irish banks - to 10% of their nominal value. This
from al (not just new lenders) lenders in Anglo
could see Irish taxpayers being saved up to
Irish Bank, and Irish Nationwide (the real y bad banks) and so drive down the price of the
€24 billion34.
bonds. But Government should not then turn
Congress demands that all bondholders share
the bondholders into equity but buy them out
the cost of the total collapse of Irish private
when the bonds have col apsed, to say 10%
sector banking. All would have received nothing
of nominal value. Bondholders in Eurotunnel
without the taxpayer rescue. All should be
took huge write downs and it is common in
grateful with 10 or 15% of their investment in
business col apses.
what were
private companies. Congress does not accept that there is not a clear distinction
The inability to deal effectively with the
between sovereign debt of a government and
bondholders and the banks' bosses appears to
debt run up by reckless private bankers.
be driven by an awe of free-market economics
33 FT, 12 October 2010.
34 The bonds in Anglo Irish Bank were at €18.8 billion on 31 August 2010; INBS would be in the order of €4 billion; and a competent
Government negotiator would also deal with the bondholders in nationalised AIB on behalf of the taxpayer. A 90% haircut on the three state bailed-out banks would thus give a saving to Sean and Mary Citizen of the order of €20 billion to €24 billion. The question has to be asked why this has not already been done, already? Fear of the Bondmarkets? If a competent government shaved even part of this sum off in negotiations with the bondholders - who know that they took out bonds in failed banks and are thus lucky to get anything – then surely Ireland's credit rating would improve and rapidly?
35 Financial Times, 4 October 2010
in the Irish administration. Yet its policy on
separately. The main depositors are the Central
the banks to date has been the antithesis of
free market, liberal economics. It has turned risk and reward on its head, by bailing out
It is inconceivable that every cent of our
the most reckless and risky lending ever
members taxes - and al other taxpayers -
for the
undertaken by banks.
next four and a half years wil go wholesale to the bondholders, junk or senior, of Anglo Irish Bank.
Negotiating with the bondholders of Anglo Irish
But this is what is currently being planned.
Bank and achieving a write down of its debt per its 2009 balance sheet would reduce these
The rescue of what were
private banks by the
liabilities by a massive €15.6 billion. This is far
taxpayer means that the nature of risk/reward in
greater than the €3 or €4 billion ‘adjustment'
capitalism has changed radically in Ireland. Irish
we are all talking about, but Anglo must not
company law and corporate governance must
be allowed to redeem bonds as it has done to
be radically altered to reflect this. It is deeply
date. Negotiation down to 10% is a good deal
regrettable that this important issue was not
for the bondholders, compared to a liquidation.
even properly discussed until recently.
A 90% haircut on all the bondholders of
the three state bailed-out banks would
deliver savings to our citizens of the order
of €20-€24 billion.
In time, this reduces Ireland's risk premium
and lowers borrowing costs.
Why this has not already been done,
already? Why have we wasted two years,
adding to uncertainty?
Contrary to the self-serving propaganda of bondholders, bankers and their commentators, there is a clear distinction between debt run up by a sovereign government and that run up by a private bank, Anglo. They allege that there will be reputational damage to Ireland.36 On the contrary, there would be an enhancement of Ireland's reputation as we will have reduced our debt overnight to a fraction of the current cost of the banks' bailout! It is common to negotiate with bondholders. Depositors can be protected
36 That this gained serious currency shows how weak some financial commentary has been and the power and reach of the
bondholders in Ireland. It also shows how weak government policy for two long years after the bailout has been in this area. Only now is it moving on the junk bondholders and it is still hesitating on negotiating with the others.
4 Taxation – Addressing
Contribution and Income Levies as proposed
Social, Economic &
by Government could create confusion and undermine the social insurance system.
It is likely that any merger of the Health Contribution and Income Levies could entail
A) Income Tax And Levies
a reduction in the exemption limit to that
Our regime of low corporate tax rates,
applicable to the Income Levy or similar. This
combined with a refusal to treat capital gains
would mean a disproportionate increase in
as income, a continued refusal to treat much
payment for those currently earning between
property or wealth as tax sources have resulted
the different exemption limits. This would have
in an over-dependence on income tax, (36%
to be taken fully into account in any proposal
of tax income), and consumption taxes, (VAT is
to reduce the effective income tax thresholds.
32% of tax income while Excise duties make up
Likewise, any attempt to reduce the PAYE tax
14% of tax income). Yet tax based incentives
credit as well as the personal tax credits would
have greatly narrowed the income tax base.
amount to a double reduction in workers' pay. It should be noted that workers paid below
Government announcements regarding
the effective income tax threshold may not pay
possible changes in the 2011 Budget appear to
income tax but they do pay a range of other
rule out, yet again, any attempt to encompass
taxes (e.g. VAT, excise duties, carbon taxes), as
charges on domestic property assets. This has
well as a range of local and other changes.
led, in turn, to suggestions that ‘broadening the base' amounts to merely reducing the entry
Income Tax Measures Required
point for liability for income tax.
1. The existing tax system is overloaded
with exemptions. It is not argued here that
In principle, all income should be taxable. There
each and every such exemption is without
has to be a fundamental overhaul of our entire
merit, in itself, but the combined impact
tax system, which includes implementing this
of 'incentives' through the use of the tax
principle. The extraordinary and unnecessary
system narrows the tax base. In the 2010
profligacy of the Government between
Finance Act, at a time when the public
1998 and 2002 undermined the tax base. It
finances were/are in crisis, it is notable that
culminated in the then Minister announcing in
many new and additional exemptions were
2001 his intention to reduce personal taxation
granted. As the vast bulk of exemptions
that year by £1,231m which, he boasted, was
do not benefit those on PAYE, the effect
nearly three times what was agreed under the
is to dump a disproportionate share of the
Programme for Prosperity and Fairness (PPF).
income tax burden on those on PAYE--above 80% of income tax--and to create a
It is essential that PRSI continues to be a social
requirement for high levels of consumption
insurance contribution with benefits flowing as a
taxes that are regressive in impacting
right to contributors who satisfy the contributions
disproportionately on those with low
requirements. A merger of PRSI, Health
incomes. A major overhaul of exemptions
Commission on Taxation has recommended,
designed to rebalance the tax system and to
where a tax exile's main centre of vital
remove these distorting impacts is required.
interest, is in Ireland or if they are assessed
2. A rise in the general rate of DIRT to 30%
on a permanent home test, then they should
would raise an additional
be obliged to pay tax here. It is difficult to
rates of consumption taxes and low rates
estimate the value to Revenue, (likely to be
of savings taxes amount, in effect, to the
€50m+), but it makes it clear that taxes also
transfer of the taxation burden onto those
apply to the rich.
on low incomes. VAT accounts for 32% of
7. The taxation of Child Benefit is a very
total tax receipts and Excise duties make up
difficult issue. Last year Congress said
14%. By contrast DIRT raised 2% of total
that there is a strong case in equity for
tax receipts in 2008.
such a tax with this costly state benefit
3. Our income tax system allows some self-
also going to the highest earners. Child
employed persons to pay far less income
Benefit is used for a range of costs in
tax than they should. Audits by Revenue not
relation to children - food, clothing,
only have the capacity to raise
school books, uniforms and childcare.
in a given year, they also give confidence to
We concluded that in the absence of
compliant tax payers that it is a fair system.
a properly supported and resourced
We totally reject any reduction in the PAYE
childcare system in Ireland - local crèches,
allowance which tacitly redresses the
early education, etc.- added to the fact
imbalance somewhat between employees
that the payment is made directly to
and those on Schedule D.
women, Congress could not support the taxation of Child Benefit.
4. The minimum tax for high earners (using
avoidance schemes) should be increased
8. Last year, we said that while there is a
to 35% and the threshold should be
strong case for a top rate of tax of around
49% for those on high incomes, with the
€100,000. Further, there
should be a limit on earnings for pension
many levies it is best to wait til the crisis is
over to reform the income tax system.
€100,000. The combined
value of such changes would be €103 -
9. Occupational pension schemes are
€107 m for the Exchequer.
under great threat due to losses in the
5. If it is intended to merge the income and
investment market in recent years with
health levies into the tax system, it is vital
most defined benefit schemes being in
that this is done in such a way as to
significant deficit. The minimum funding
ensure equity.
standard must be eased. There are also some changes that could be made to
6. We must reduce our current 183 days test
reduce the benefits of pension schemes
for tax residency purposes t o, at least, the
as tax avoidance measures. For example,
UK equivalent of 90 days, but probably
the rate of accumulation of the overall
substantially more. Furthermore, as the
pension fund (€5m plus) could be
restricted based on age37, and/or by
A 5% reduction in allowances and credits
the maximum tax free amount that an
would raise a substantial but deflationary (as
employer could include in any year as a
it hits all those on low incomes) €0.6 billion
contribution towards any individual scheme
in a full year, tax revenue that a 2% levy on
members benefit, whether on termination
corporate incomes would raise without any
or otherwise. Likewise, a cash cap could
deflationary impact.
be placed on the maximum lump sum payable, while leaving the general limits of
B) A Financial Transaction Tax
1.5 salary or 25% of the fund value in place.
A Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) makes
The annual minimum distribution (3% at
good economic sense and it is also a
present) for Approved Retirement Funds
matter of justice and equity. G20 leaders
could be increased for larger funds e.g.
agreed at their September 2009 Summit in
3% on the first €250,000, 5% on the next
Pittsburgh that the financial sector should
€250,000 etc. The Commission on Taxation
"make a fair and substantial contribution" to
recommended a hybrid tax rate of 33%
pay for the extraordinary cost to taxpayers of
for pension contributions. There is some
concern that if implemented this might have implications for defined benefit schemes.
An FTT of as little as 0.05% could raise
Accordingly, the Government should
between €160 billion and €700 billion (or more
amend existing legislation which restricts
than 3 times the current levels of international
trustees from investing other than at AAA
aid) depending on the way it is structured.
rated bonds for purposes of security in the
Congress believes that putting an FTT at the
event of a winding up situation to meet
centre of an overall package of measures
the funding standards, to provide for the
which would also tackle corporate tax evasion
utilisation of an average figure, which would
and ensure effective regulation of banks and
be based on a basket of European bonds.
finance would help in achieving the Millennium
Then, on that basis, the Commission on
Development Goals.
Taxation's recommendation of a rate of 33% should be implemented.
Congress and Global Unions support the FTT because it will generate important revenues
The Government's stated intention is to lower
needed to fill the fiscal gap created by the
the income tax entry point in Budget 2011.
financial crisis and ensuing global recession,
As the income distribution is pyramid shaped,
along with development assistance and
lowering the threshold yields substantial
climate-change finance commitments. The
revenue from all, including low and high comes.
European Parliament and the intergovernmental
Yet many ‘tax units' are part timers and earn
Leading Group on Innovative Financing
very, very little at all. Congress is opposed
for Development have issued reports that
to this move. It's not just unfair, but bad
recognize the positive role an FTT could play.
economics. It will deflate the economy further.
37 This could be similar to the age related maximum annual contribution limits but could be done in a manner that allowed for the
"evening out" or "averaging" of contributions by those with "volatile" incomes that differ greatly from year to year.
Although the IMF's main report for the G20 on
required in cases of people living in inherited
financial sector taxation expressed preference
property, where these beneficiaries are on
for other options, it concluded that "sufficient
basis exists for practical implementation of at
5. In our submission on the 2010 Budget,
least some form of FTT".
Congress proposed a temporary wealth tax on those with wealth above €2 million, with
A number of civil society organizations,
wealth being defined as current value of all
governments and business leaders have
assets, including the excess of €1m in value
supported the idea of an FTT. Along with its
of private houses. Congress suggested that
revenue-generating capacity, an FTT could
this could raise over €30 million annually. If,
contribute to reducing ‘short-termism', asset-
as Government has hinted, the entry point
price bubbles and recurrent financial crises,
for income tax liability is to be lowered,
and instead encourage productive job-creating
it needs to be accompanied by a clear
investments in the real economy.
intention of immediately obliging those who can afford to do so, to pay more.
C) Other Tax Measures
6. While the introduction of higher taxes on oil
1. Extend temporary income levies to
and gas profits in 2007 was welcome, a tax
corporate income.
on production would be more transparent
2. It is noted that a ‘site value tax' forms part of
and efficient. Congress believes that the
the Programme for Government. Congress
12.5% royalty tax - a tax on production, as
supported this last year and takes the view
well as on profits - should be reintroduced.
that there is no long term solution in relying
It gives a definite return to the owners of
on transaction taxes for sustainable revenue
the resources, the Irish people. Further, if
when there is an urgent need to widen the
there is a worldwide oil and gas shortage,
taxation base.
and Ireland has gas and oil resources, it
3. There is no logical explanation for treating
could still be pumped out of Ireland to other
beneficiaries of income derived from
markets and we would have no say in the
investment more favourably than those
matter. EU law does not prevent Ireland
who derive their income from labour. The
ensuring any oil or gas found here is offered
beneficiaries of capital gains are better
for sale first in Ireland, rather than on the
placed to meet tax liabilities than those on
international market. We should have the
minimum wage. In the U.S., capital gains
right of first refusal on our own gas and oil in
are taxed as income with lower discounted
such circumstances.
rates on long-term capital gains. We should
7. Finally, in the long history of Irish tax evasion
it is clear that there is a great deal of hidden
4. The current threshold for inheritance from
money out there. Ireland's wealthy have a
long record of tax avoidance, aided and
€414, 799 is far too high,
especially in this crisis and should be
abetted by the Government over many
reduced. Specific protections might be
years. There is still money out there to be
taxed. Those who sold land before the crash
Further the Minister left a long termination
made money and most still have it. It is one
period of seven years for existing tax avoiders.
reason why the saving ratio rose by 50% in recent times.
What was a real surprise was that the Report on Tax Expenditures listed 18 tax breaks
D) Tax Breaks
introduced or amended in Budget 2010 - in the
Congress has the strongest record of opposition
middle of a deep fiscal crisis! At over 100 pages
of any organisation to many to the tax breaks
this long document refers only to the new tax
especial y around property. These many
breaks in Budget 2010. For all the promises of
uncosted tax breaks led to the near bankruptcy
the need to widen the tax base by abolishing
of this economy, distorted the market, provided
tax breaks, this document is revealing.
rich people with many tax avoidance loopholes, cost the state a fortune and had many
The One51 patent tax dodge only came
unintended consequences. For example, the
out into the public view when there was
Irish hotel industry is in deep trouble due to
an internal row in the company. Some €2
gross overcapacity, in turn because of the mess
mil ion (of €4.9m) was paid out to nine top
of tax breaks granted to new investors. Many
executive share tax-free payouts in 2008 and
decent, hard working hoteliers faced unfair, tax-
2009. Congress has always been skeptical
of such tax breaks, which general y benefit ‘senior executives' and the better off and have
Congress was relentless in our opposition
dubious economic benefits. Many tax breaks
to tax breaks, even appealing to the EU
around patents and other areas must be
Commission in December 2006 against the
curtailed. They must be cut, not just because
extension of the BES scheme. We appealed
they are being abused, but also because they
in order to highlight the extent and costs of
distort the market and make it unfair for hard
these breaks and the lack of prior Cost/Benefit
working firms in related but uncovered areas
Analyses before all tax breaks were introduced.
The publication by the Department of Finance in
Congress was highly critical of government
July 2010 of a new Report on Tax Expenditures
policies in the over recent years. As we stated
is most welcome. It is published under Section
last year and in our detailed submission to the
1 of the Finance Act 2010, which requires that
Banking Enquiry of 2010, if we were at fault, it
a cost/benefit analysis of tax breaks is laid
is that we were too mild in our criticism of the
before the house, within three months. This
liberal tax cutting policies and of the pursuit of
has been long sought by Congress. We had
growth for growth's sake.
success with the publication of the Indecon and Goodbody Reports on property breaks back in
E) End Evasion & Avoidance
2006, but these reports, while recommending
The forthcoming tough Budget has to be
abolition of nearly all property tax breaks,
accompanied by a strong drive against evasion
left the health sector out of the terminations.
and avoidance with large investigations. The
crackdown must be real and sustained… not a
PR exercise.
A tough regime of audits will pay off, with strong enforcement. It will be well received by hard-pressed PAYE workers who are bailing out the banks with higher taxes.
Taxes must now be seen to be collected as soon as possible.
Progressive taxation in the crisis can have a demonstration effect which will reduce the political impact of cuts.
5 The Privatisation Board:
paucity of imagination and slavish adherence to
A Panic Response
a failing ideology.
The state's record on privatisation is not good.
Ireland has a serious shortage of enterprising
The privatisation of Eircom greatly delayed the
leaders and of enterprises. Many of the best
roll out of fast universal broadband and makes
firms here are foreign owned and many of
a mockery of the drive for a ‘Smart Economy.'38
the leading Irish firms were failed banks or failed property tycoons. That leaves some fine
The privatisation of the state banks, ACC and
competitive, Irish firms. But not enough of
ICC, both of which served the nation well, was
them. Within that smal important group are
ill-timed, coming before all the private banks
the state owned firms. Why sel them off to
failed. Ireland could have done with at least
foreign multinationals which wil then ship key
one well-run bank. The privatisation of Aer
functions abroad?
Lingus did nothing for its performance, perhaps hindering it. It certainly did not serve the
The private banking system in Ireland has
interests of an island economy.
collapsed. It is being bailed out at great cost by the taxpayer. No state company ever received
A) The State Holding Company
anything near the money being poured into
The key role of state enterprises in our
the private sector by this Government. All the
indigenous contribution to our recovery must
companies are commercially run. It is possible
include the State Holding Company as a new
that the Minister meant to say that overall, it will
commercial y focused governance structure,
be both sectors which will work to create jobs.
out of the hands of civil servants. Congress suggested in our last two pre-Budget
Last year we warned against a panic response
submissions that the shareholding in the banks
to the crisis by resorting to short term solutions
be invested in a State Holding Company,
like privatisation. Poorly thought out terms of
similar to UK Financial Investments (UK FI).
reference lead to poor policy. This is costly.
Congress has argued for the establishment of
Three of the four terms demand sell offs in one
a State Holding Company (SHC) since 2005.39
form or another. This is pernicious.
The body would be a passive investor in the commercial state companies providing an
Congress opposes privatisation and to even
opportunity for Pension funds and others to
consider it for apparent short-term financial
invest in them and to provide additional capital
gain would be a grave mistake, especially when
for their expansion. The €2 bil ion from the
asset prices are very low. The knee-jerk liberal
NPRF would be channeled through the SHC
response towards privatisation as a ‘solution'
into commercial investments to comply with
to fiscal problems in this era of wholesale
nationalisation is ironic. And it demonstrates a
38 See forthcoming pamphlet on The Debacle of Eircom's Privatisation from Congress, 2010.
39 A New Governance Structure for State Companies, Summer 2005, Congress.
The SHC is a good vehicle for storing the
partnerships, mutuals and cooperatives (as in
banks' shares and for re-investing the money if
the food sector) etc.
and when it is repaid to the state.
B) After The Crisis: One State Owned Bank
The Review appears to be a simple reaction
Last year, we said that one Irish bank must
to the crisis by selling off the state's most
continue to be held in majority state ownership,
productive assets. This is not a serious review
when the crisis is over.
of the potential of the companies, which would see these major companies as developmental,
Even the most fervent free market
from a long term perspective, not for some
fundamentalist can no longer say that the
short term cash in a fire sale. Their potential
private sector banking is in any way superior
for jobs, and wealth creation and strategic
to publicly owned banks. We had two good
development has never been so vital now
state development banks which were recently
that many leading private sector indigenous
privatised, ACC and ICC. However, the
companies have imploded.
independence of the new state bank from the political process must be guaranteed by
To sel off public monopolies would be a
proper structures and a representative and
double disaster. The ESB, BGE, DAA, An
competent board.
Post, RTE in many areas and Coil te have monopoly operations which must be
While the new oversight of banking should
regulated not privatised. In 1999 the FF/PD
include good regulation, majority ownership
government privatised the fixed line monopoly
of a major credit institution is essential to
Eircom, with disastrous consequences. As
keep credit flowing, just like the ICC and ACC
a largely state owned company Eircom was
did for many years as state developmental
debt free, profitable and investing heavily in
banks. It also al ows the state to have
broadband and in its mobile arm. Privatised, it
professional insider-knowledge of banking
was asset stripped and is now a shadow of its
and its current practices.
former self.
Today the Irish economy is in deep crisis. We pointed out in our submission to the Banking Enquiry that 17 of the original directors of both AIB and BOI refused to resign and were still ‘running' the banks and drawing their fat directors' fees in 2008. Their myopia and greed led us into this crisis. Their continuing deep influence is disturbing.
Thus new forms of enterprise are needed, including state owned, public-private
6 Reputational Reform
suppliers, women, the communities and the
- Better Corporate
environment must be considered for inclusion on company boards, under law. The farce
where boards are ‘elected' by shareholders, in essence, self-perpetuating cliques of elites must be addressed by Government.
This deep crisis is due to the major failure in Corporate Governance in the Private Sector,
Congress calls on the Government to move
inspired by the ‘shareholder value' model of
immediately to reform Irish company law away
capitalism underwritten by Irish company law. It
from the Anglo-American Shareholder value
was especially so in banking, assisted by poor
mode to a more inclusive European style
regulation. It is beginning to look as if we will
stakeholder interest model. We also seek wider,
see a return to ‘business as usual' in the private
more diverse representation on supervisory/
sector and especially in management of the
regulatory and state boards from employees,
banking sector. This is deeply disturbing.
consumer interests, to many more women.
It is our view that Irish company law must be
The governance of all financial services
re-written. The ‘free market' no longer exists
companies at board level and at regulator level
and thus the rules of ‘free' market economics
must be changed by law, not by supposed
must be re-written. Company laws must be
‘best practice' engineered by the ‘Big Four'
radically reformed and there must be a shift
accounting firms.
from the narrow interests of shareholders, i.e. the ‘shareholder value model' to the broader stakeholder model, as in Germany, the Nordics or even Japan.
The Father of Shareholder Value - Jack Welch - admitted that the whole basis of company law, based on shareholder value was wrong. He said that "shareholder value is the dumbest idea in the world". Welch now admits that employees, customers and products matter. Ireland's company laws must now reflect modern capitalism.
Irish company law must be reformed sooner. Congress called for this in last year's submission and nothing has been done. Debate is muted. There has to be a more inclusive corporate governance – where the wider interests of workers, consumers,
majority of precarious jobs, they have lower
7 Tackling Inequality
pay and lower social security, and they have the greatest responsibility for care of children
It has recently become possible to compare the
and dependent family members – they were
scale of income disparities in different societies
already hit hard before the crisis and they
and see how the fabric of society is affected by
may be among the last to benefit from any
the level of inequality. Wilkinson and Pickett40
recovery. We need to create equal opportunities
demonstrated that problems more common
for women and men in education and skills
among the least well-off are worse in societies
training, sharing family responsibilities,
with bigger income differences.
remuneration of work, formal economy jobs and entrepreneurship development and in
Congress notes the recent coming into force
exercising their rights at work.
of 90% of the provisions in the Equality Act 2010, in the UK, which contains many excellent
Congress supports the SIPTU, OPEN, Mental
measures. But the section of the Equality Act
Health Ireland, the Irish National Organisation
relating to income inequality - the provision
of the Unemployed (INOU) and Inclusion Ireland
known as the socio-economic duty on public
campaign to protect the conditions of people
bodies - was missing from the list. Congress
with disabilities and lone parents who work on
believes that the inclusion of a socio-economic
Community Employment (CE) schemes.
ground in our own equality legislation could have both symbolic and practical impact. If
‘An Bord Snip' recommended that welfare
we are to tackle inequality in our society in a
payments to lone parents and people with
concerted and sustained way, we will need
disabilities who work on Community Employment
to think strategically about what more can be
Schemes should be stopped. Department
done to address socio-economic disadvantage.
of Finance officials recently stated that the
Only then will we see real change with
withdrawal of these payments to Community
tangible, measurable outcomes. We urge the
Employment workers was under active
Government to strongly consider such a move
consideration. There are over 20,000 Community
in order to help fulfill this important ambition.
Employment Workers including 5,045 lone parents and 5,057 people with disabilities. CE
Congress has repeatedly made the case for
supports a wide range of community services
gender equality to be a core component of
and programmes, including: childcare, eldercare,
any national recovery plan. If the Government
youth work, drug rehabilitation, environmental
continues on its current course, the
work, and ‘meals on wheels'. If these cuts
economic crisis wil jeopardise fragile gains in
are made lone parents and those on disability
empowering women.
payments wil not be able to work on CE, which wil have a huge impact on their families and also
Urgent measures are needed to address the
on their communities, which could lose more
accumulated and persistent disadvantages
than 10,000 workers.
of working women, because they have the
40 "THE SPIRIT LEVEL, Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better" by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett, Penguin 2009
‘An Bord Snip Nua' also recommended that
8 Recommendations On
the funds flowing from the Dormant account
fund no longer be ring-fenced for use by the Community and Voluntary sector for their
• No further cuts to social welfare rates. The
work with disadvantaged areas and persons,
cuts to date have exacerbated the level of
but be allocated into the general Exchequer
inequality in Ireland. 16% of the population
funds. At a time when severe cuts have already
was ‘at risk of poverty', i.e. below 60% of
been imposed on the sector and when more
median income in 2008 and 4.2% were living
are pending, this particular source of funding
in consistent poverty (‘Measuring Ireland's
should not be cut off and Congress calls for this
Progress', 2009, Central Statistics Office).
recommendation not to be implemented.
The Government has signed up to play a role in reducing poverty in the EU by 20
Congress demands that the proposed cuts are
million people by 2020 under the ‘Europe
not implemented. The provisions which mean
2020' Strategy. This commitment must be
that lone parents and people with disabilities
honoured. The cuts to social welfare rates
can retain a portion of their social welfare
in previous budgets threaten to worsen the
payments were put in place to respond to
situation of vulnerable households and any
the specific ‘welfare to work' needs of those
additional reductions in Budget 2011 risk
groups. These needs have not changed and
further endangering basic living standards.
therefore there is no rationale to withdraw
Welfare recipients will be particularly affected
such supports.
by the 5% increase in electricity prices effective from October 2010. Moreover, the
We are of the view that national recovery can
price of liquid fuel increased by 26.8% in
not be achieved at the expense of dismantling
August 2010 compared to the same month
hard-won protections for the rights of the
in 2009, placing struggling households under
vulnerable and weakest in our society, or of
further pressure.
those institutions that combat discrimination
• Reform social welfare rules which discourage
and promote equality and human rights.
employment e.g. allow people who work reduced hours more than three days in the week to be able to claim jobseekers benefit for the time they are not working.
• Tackle poverty traps, such as the loss of
medical card entitlement for low-income earners which discourage people from taking up employment.
• Introduce compensation to help mitigate
the problem of fuel poverty which has been exacerbated by the regressive effect of the carbon tax on low-income households.
Furthermore, broaden fuel allowance
9 Overseas Development
coverage to working poor households in
receipt of the family income supplement.
• We reiterate Congress's opposition to the
We know that 2010 is a crucial year for tackling
means testing of child benefit in the absence
extreme poverty and hunger - a key foreign
of an adequate state supported child care
policy priority for Ireland - as this is the year
the world's nations take stock of a decade's efforts to progress towards achievement of
• Congress supports the Nordic ‘flexisecurity'
the Millennium Development Goals. Official
model of robust social protection and strong
Development Assistance (ODA) is essential for
active labour market policies to promote
development, with the current economic crisis
having shown that it functions as a safety net, proving a stable source of financing at a time when private flows are much diminished. ODA allows developing countries to maintain basic social services, general functioning of the state and basic economic activity and is a good investment in regional and global stability, as recognised by the European Commission.
growth is not choked off with saturation bombing of the economy, pushing us into a long, downward deflationary spiral.
This is a jobs crisis, a fiscal crisis and a
banking crisis. They all interact with each
This collapse must no longer bear
other. The ‘fiscal hawks' now want bigger
disproportionately on the most vulnerable. If
cuts in public spending than the €3 billion
we work together in solidarity to find equitable
that were originally proposed. This is on
economic solutions, Ireland can emerge
top of the savage cuts of the past three
stronger. Together in adversity, we can develop
budgets. The budget adjustment must
better businesses, more educated and skilled
pass three tests:
workers, reduce inequality, improve our public
Is it necessary?
infrastructure, protect poorer citizens and solve our immense problems. We can use the crisis
Is it equitable?
to build a genuinely inclusive society and a
Will it lead to recovery?
more productive economy.
After two years, it is now clear that
As deep fiscal cutting for three hard years
deflationary policies are failing and we
has failed so spectacularly, let us now adopt
are in danger of falling into a downward
more moderate, inclusive policies which will
spiral. So we are failing two of the tests.
actually work.
Such cuts may appear to help balance the
books, but in the real economy, they are
deflationary - they reduce jobs, growth and
tax revenue.
This is a very deep economic crisis. It was brought about by very poor governance in private firms, by poor public governance, by a culture of de-regulation, by tax-cutting during a boom, and by many tax breaks for wealthy people. It led to the collapse in the Irish economy, and is spilling into society. Ireland is suffering the biggest collapse in National Income in the world, with a fall of 20% in GNP between 2008 and 2010.
Those who argue for a major, front-loaded assault on the public finances now must realise this ensures ‘green shoots' will not be seen for a long time. It is imperative that economic
Appendix I
new levies are progressive and in time should be re-assessed and merged into the tax system at an appropriate time in the future to provide
A Menu of Areas where taxes can and
for a new high rate on very high earners.
might be raised in Budget 2011
Pending that reconfiguration there is a case in distributional equity for further refining the levy
Last year Congress was given access to
structure as follows:
the Department of Finance so that we could
quantify the areas where we thought the
Government should raise taxes. This year the
costings, based on last years, are our own estimates. We provide a menu of taxes where
When a review of the income tax system is
revenue amounting up to a substantial €2.1
completed and the mish-mash of levies and
billion could be chosen for Budget 2011. From
charges are rationalised, after the crisis, the old
this list we suggest that additional taxes of €1
third rate of income tax should be re-introduced
billion or more be raised in 2011. Choices can
at 48% on those earning over €100,000 each.
be made from this list. While the Government
In the interim, there is a strong case for raising
did accept some of our suggestions in Budget
the PRSI ceiling on equity grounds.
2010, but only to a very limited degree. Overall
Revenue: Raised under the levy on tax
no additional taxation was raised.
Al of the 2010 "adjustment" was regrettably
Tax Exiles or Tax Fugitives
through cuts in public services and in investment.
Tax Fugitives make huge sums here and pay no
The Tax on High Income Earners
tax. While there are 5,867 non resident individuals who file tax return here, many are foreign
The minimum tax for high earners was
nationals and many Irish would have genuine
increased last year but it should be increased
foreign domicile. Yet a sizeable number of very
further to 35% and the threshold should be
wealthy individuals make a lot of their money here
reduced to €100,000, not rising to €400,000 in
– Ireland is the centre of their economic interests.
full. Further, there should be a limit on earnings
Some of them have the families who live here and
for pension purposes of €100,000.
children who go to school here. We welcome the
Revenue: The combined value of such
introduction of the domicile levy €200,000 last
changes would be around €100 m for the
year, but it is not enough.
Revenue: Around €55m for the Exchequer.
A New Top Rate of Tax of 48% – after
Excise Taxes
reform of income tax
While we would prefer not to raise indirect
Congress has long sought the return of the
taxes, we point out that modest increases in
third, top rate of income taxation. Yet the
taxes on petrol (10c) and cigarettes (50c) etc.
system now is very complex and distorted. The
will raise €250m.
Revenue: €250 m for the Exchequer.
Taxation on savings is levied at rates well below
A Temporary Wealth Tax
that on tax on work and enterprise. A rise in the
Wealthy people don't spend much of what they
general rate to 30% would bring it closer to the
earn – they simply cannot. In such a deep crisis,
effective rate of income tax.
why not have a temporary wealth tax on those with wealth of over say €2m for the next 3 years.
Potential Revenue: around €75m
Wealth would be defined as current value of all assets, including private homes in excess of
Tax Evasion
€1m value. This should raise €35m or more,
Ireland's elite has a long and inglorious
history of tax evasion. Audits are very good at
Potential Revenue: €35m
exposing webs of evasion.
Potential Revenue: €300m -€400m
Extend the Income Levy to
Corporate Income
Uncollected Taxes
Congress called for the temporary levy to
There are substantial uncollected taxes. A
be raised on all income in previous Budget
proportion of this is Fiduciary Taxes. While it
submissions. In Social partnership agreements
is recognised that the Revenue is pursing this
the Government accepted that a basic principle
money routinely more direct action is required.
of taxation is that income from all sources
A hard drive would pull in €350 to €450m in
should be taxed in so far as possible to taxes
2011 when the money is so urgently needed.
in the same way. It has neglected this principle
Revenue: €350 to €450m
of taxation in the main until recently. This levy was imposed on personal incomes, on
Capital Gains Tax
inheritances and savings, but not on corporate income. There is an unanswerable case for the
The rate of Capital Gains Tax is 25%, whereas
additional income levy to be extended to the
the marginal rate of income tax is 41%. The
income of the corporate sector until the 3%
effective income tax rate is around 30%. Last
deficit target is met. It is utterly is compelling. It
year, we proposed raising the rate of CGT
would be only temporary and it would only be
by 5% to 30% in the Budget. This would
raised on profits made. A modest increase of
have raised at least €65m in 2010.42 We also
2% was estimated to raise €614m in 2010.
propose that a proportion of the gains on the
Potential Revenue: €630m in 2011
disposal of private residences in value of over
€1m be subject to CGT and that the normal
principle private residence exemption cannot be
availed of more than once every 3 years.
Potential Revenue: €65m - €75m
41 Congress' estimate42 PQ 3rd Nov 09
Capital Acquisition Tax
Taxes & Royalties on Oil and Gas
Capital Acquisition Tax was increased in last two
While the introduction of a new tax on oil and
Budget, for the first times ever. Yet it remains
gas profits in 2007 was welcome, a tax on
low and gives a n unfair start to those who are
production would be more transparent and
born sons or daughters of rich people. The
efficient. Congress believes that the 12.5%
reversion to several progressive rates based on
royalty tax - a tax on production, as well as on
rising thresholds (abolished in 1999) should be
profits should be reintroduced. It gives a definite
re-introduced. It was also proposed that the
return to the owners of the resources, the Irish
minimum annual distribution for tax purposes
of Discretionary Trusts is increased to the same
Potential Revenue unknown, but around
level as that of approved retirement funds.
€12m today and growing rapidly once
Potential Revenue: €250m
Or Re-Introduce the Probate Tax
Low Earners
The Probate Tax at 2% of estates was
Some 1.05m (46%) of the total of 2.29 tax units
abolished some years ago. Re-imposition at
did not pay income tax in 2007– their income
four percent would raise around €110m in
being too low. Many of them are part timers
2010.43 However, if the CAT tax was properly
and earn very, very little at all. The Government
re-structured, an additional tax on probates
has signaled (with a megaphone) that it intends
would not be required.
to raise tax from those on low incomes,
Potential Revenue: €110m
supported by the usual coterie of economic and business reactionaries as it means they
Personal Tax Deductions
may have to pay less.
Congress has suggested many detailed reforms to personal tax deductions over the years. Our
As there are so many on low incomes, the
proposals centered on equity. All would raise
revenue raised can be substantial overal .
additional taxes from wealthy and very high
Congress is opposed to this move. It's not
earners. These have included curbing pension
just unfair, but bad economics. It wil deflate
allowances for high income earners, a ceiling
the economy further. The more raised from
on artist exemptions, patent royalties and an
the low incomes,45 the greater the deflationary
end to the bloodstock industry exemption.
impact on the economy. As the income
Some have been implemented. All remaining
distribution is pyramid shaped, lowering
incentives should now be reformed equitably to
the threshold yields much revenue from al ,
raise much need cash. These changes could
including low and high comes.
raise tens of millions, say €40-50m.44
Potential Revenue:
This is a menu to raise additional tax
revenue of at least €1 billion in budget
43 Finance44 Congress' estimate45 With the exception of households where there are others who earn good incomes.
2011 from a total of at least €2.1billion.
Appendix II
Raising some of these taxes would make
the tax system more progressive, generate
greater levels of income in the future
Additional Ideas for Encouraging Investing
and render many cuts in public services
in the Economy
There are four pillars to our €2 bn annual, three year additional investment proposals:
1) Supporting the Working Capital of
The first step is to institute a State credit guarantee scheme, which would be operated through Enterprise Ireland and the Dept. of Enterprise, Trade and Innovation financed by part of the €2bn three year, annual investment from the Pension Fund. The State would provide a credit guarantee up to a certain portion of a loan, which in turn the SME could use to get short or medium term financing from any of the main banks operating in Ireland. The Government would impose a limit to the size of loans available and also impose a maximum loan criteria as a share of the business's turnover.
Since the global crisis emerged in 2009, a State guarantee scheme for businesses has been the most widely adopted measure across OECD countries. Here in Ireland, the Government imposed specific targets this year for lending to SMEs by the two main Irish banks worth some €12 bil ion over 2011 and 2012. But in the absence of clear sanctions arising from the failure to comply, there can be little assurance that the scale of this new lending wil occur, particularly at a time when the two main Irish banks wil have to contract their balance sheets to improve their overal capital base. While the establishment of a Credit Review Office this year is to be welcomed, its powers are limited to issuing opinions only.
Although the credit guarantee scheme
investors. A very low minimum investment
would be much more onerous to operate, it
threshold would have to be put in place as
provides those companies who are currently
would a scheme for regular investments into the
experiencing difficulties but who are potentially
overal fund, in order to attract individuals from
viable with a credit rating, which in effect can
across the income distribution. There would be
be used as collateral when approaching any
no guarantee but given that the funds wil be
bank operating in this country. Secondly, it
diversified across high potential start up and
brings those particular companies with potential
existing companies, investment should prove an
viability into contact with the state enterprise
agency where additional supports and sources of funding could also be made available.
In order to incentivise individuals into investing
According to Eurostat's national accounting
in these funds, a number of methods could
guidelines for member states with guarantee
be considered such as investments in the
schemes for business, the contingent liability is
form of preference loans that are paid back
not recorded in the national accounts.
at multiple times the original loan value. This ensures that any dividend tax liability does not
2) Citizen's Investment in Innovation
arise and gets around the need to grant equity
Enterprise Ireland currently participates in
share capital. Alternatively, depositors could
venture capital and seed funding worth up to
be encouraged to invest in venture and seed capital if equity is granted at a multiple of the
€600m intended for high potential start up business and for existing business engaging in
funds invested in. In other words, for every
expansion. With significant retrenchment in the
share bought, two shares could be granted.
global venture capital industry and a retreat to
This funding plus a greater investment
more conservative investment positions, there
al ocation from the NPRF would provide a
is a need to harness other sources of funding to
significant boost to funding available for new
support business activities in this country.
and innovative or expanding businesses.
The National Pension Reserve Fund already
3) Restructuring Private Debt
participates in these funds as part of its ongoing
Throughout this economic crisis, a recurring
investment activities, but in order to attract
problem amongst so many troubled
additional investment, it is proposed that a
companies with trade union members has
Government backed
Innovation Fund would
been the crippling indebtedness that many
be established to attract individual deposit
companies now find themselves saddled with.
savers into investing in these venture and seed
While turnover in a large number of sectors
capital funds. This investment programme could
has dipped considerably, in general many
be managed by Enterprise Ireland and would
viable companies have adapted operations
not necessarily be limited to resident persons
to generate an operating profit. However,
here, but should be also open to foreign
excessive gearing has ensured that this profit
is quickly wiped out by interest owing on loans
outstanding. Companies who can demonstrate their potential commercial viability should be facilitated in restructuring and renegotiating part of their existing debt.
This proposal does not automatically imply a debt write-down or a debt equity swap by the banks, but could also include private equity capital. There is a role for Enterprise Ireland is establishing and overseeing this process. Given the oft negative experience in recent years both here and in the UK of private equity companies in terms of asset stripping and compulsory redundancies, the programme would have to be very tightly regulated.
Just as Congress believes some form of write down of outstanding debt for troubled mortgage holders should be put in place, a parallel scheme for Irish businesses also needs to be put in place in order to secure jobs and kick start domestic consumption.
32 Parnell SquareDublin 1T +353 1 8897777F +353 1
[email protected]
Carlin House4-6 Donegall Street PlaceBelfastBT1 2FN
Source: http://www.ictu.ie/download/pdf/prebudget_submission_web.pdf
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