Influence of antihypertensive therapy on cerebral perfusion in patients with metabolic syndrome: relationship with cognitive function and 24‐h arterial blood pressure monitoring
Influence of Antihypertensive Therapy on Cerebral Perfusion inPatients with Metabolic Syndrome: Relationship with CognitiveFunction and 24-h Arterial Blood Pressure Monitoring
Nataliya Y. Efimova,1,2 Vladimir I. Chernov,1,2 Irina Y. Efimova1 & Yuri B. Lishmanov1,2
1 Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution, Research Institute for Cardiology, Tomsk, Russia2 National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
Antihypertensive treatment; Brain perfusion;
Aims: To investigate the regional cerebral blood flow, cognitive function, and parame-
Circadian rhythm of blood pressure; Cognitive
ters of 24-h arterial blood pressure monitoring in patients with metabolic syndrome
function; Metabolic syndrome.
before and after combination antihypertensive therapy. Methods: The study involved
54 patients with metabolic syndrome (MetS) investigated by brain single-photon emission
Nataliya Efimova, Federal State Budgetary
computed tomography, 24-h blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), and comprehensive neu-
Scientific Institution, Research Institute for
ropsychological testing before and after 24 weeks of combination antihypertensive therapy.
Cardiology, 111a Kievskaya Street, Tomsk
Results: Patients with metabolic syndrome had significantly poorer regional cerebral blood
634012, Russia.
flow compared with control group: by 7% (P = 0.003) in right anterior parietal cortex, by
Tel.: +7-3822-558298;
6% (P = 0.028) in left anterior parietal cortex, by 8% (P = 0.007) in right superior frontal
Fax: +7-3822-555057;
lobe, and by 10% (P = 0.00002) and 7% (P = 0.006) in right and left temporal brain
regions, correspondingly. The results of neuropsychological testing showed 11% decrease
in mentation (P = 0.002), and 19% (P = 0.011) and 20% (P = 0.009) decrease in immedi-ate verbal and visual memory in patients with MetS as compared with control group. Rela-
tionships between the indices of ABPM, cerebral perfusion, and cognitive function were
found. Data showed an improvement of regional cerebral blood flow, ABPM parameters,
and indicators of cognitive functions after 6 months of antihypertensive therapy in patients
with MetS. Conclusion: The study showed the presence of diffuse disturbances in cerebralperfusion is associated with cognitive disorders in patients with metabolic syndrome. Com-
bination antihypertensive treatment exerts beneficial effects on the 24-h blood pressure
profile, increases cerebral blood flow, and improves cognitive function in patients with
later-life hypertension and subsequent cognitive impairment were
Over the last years, scientific community has recognized a signifi-
It is known that focal and diffuse ischemic brain injury may lead
cance of the problem of metabolic syndrome (MetS). This condi-
to the development of vascular dementia. However, the available
tion is associated with substantially elevated risks of type 2
literature presents only a few works where the main goal was to
diabetes (5-fold), cardiovascular diseases (2-fold to 3-fold), and
study the cerebral perfusion in patients with MetS and AH [7–10].
stroke (2-fold) [1]. The incidence rate of MetS is expected to
Prevention of vascular dementia represents a challenging problem
increase by 50% in the next 25 years [1].
in the treatment of these patients.
Arterial hypertension (AH) is one of the components of MetS. It
At the same time, it has not been proved yet that the decrease
is also one of the major causes of chronic cerebrovascular insuffi-
in arterial blood pressure (BP) reduces the risk of vascular demen-
ciency, cognitive function (CF) decline, hemorrhagic stroke, and
tia. Indeed, several studies showed that treatment of hypertension
ischemic stroke [2]. Moreover, there is a relationship between AH
prevented cognitive dysfunction [2,11], whereas other authors
and vascular dementia resulting in noticeable neurocognitive and
did not find any correlations [12].
social dysfunction of patients. Studies of patients with normal cog-
The aim of this study was to estimate brain perfusion, cogni-
nitive function or minor cognitive impairment showed that neu-
tive function, and parameters of 24-h arterial blood pressure
ropsychological tests can predict whether patients are likely to
monitoring in patients with MetS before and after antihyperten-
proceed to dementia [3]. The associations between midlife and
sive therapy.
ª 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Cardiovascular Therapeutics 33 (2015) 209–215
Antihypertensive Therapy in Metabolic Syndrome Patients
N. Y. Ef imova et al.
period lasting for 10–14 days when patients did not receive any
Material and Methods
antihypertensive, vascular, and nootropic therapy. Target value of
Patient Population and Clinical Assessment
BP was 130/80 mmHg. The protocol to lower BP to target value
was based on the 2013 ESH/ESC Practice Guidelines for the
The study involved 54 patients with MetS (20 men and 34
Management of Arterial Hypertension [13]. In three patients,
women, mean age 52.0 5.6 years) (Table 1). According to the
target BP was not achieved, but there was a tendency to BP reduc-
IDF consensus worldwide definition of the metabolic syndrome
tion. In these patients, the third antihypertensive drug (indapa-
(2005), MetS was diagnosed if patient had central obesity (waist
mide, 1.5 mg once daily) was administered according to the same
circumference >94 cm in males and >80 cm in females) plus any
two of the following four factors: raised triglycerides (>1.7 mmol/L), reduced HDL cholesterol (<1.03 mmol/L in males, <1.29mmol/L in females), increased blood pressure (systolic BP >130 or
diastolic BP >85 mm Hg), elevated fasting plasma glucose
All patients received perfusion brain SPECT with 99mTc-HMPAO,
(≥5.6 mmol/L), or previously diagnosed type 2 diabetes. The pres-
comprehensive neuropsychological testing and arterial blood pres-
ence of hypertension was required for the inclusion of patients in
sure monitoring before and after 24 weeks of combination antihy-
pertensive therapy with verapamil and enalapril.
Criteria of excluding patients from the study were as follows:
target organs damage (myocardial infarction, stroke, stenosing
coronary or carotid atherosclerosis, and chronic renal insuffi-
ciency), psychiatric illnesses (including drug abuse and chronic
99mTc-HMPAO was prepared according to manufacturer's instruc-
alcoholism), craniocerebral injury and neuroinfection in the past
tion and was used within 5 min after labeling. Perfusion brain
and severe concomitant diseases.
SPECT was performed 10–12 min after the injection of 99mTc-
Fifteen patients of similar age (six men and nine woman; mean
HMPAO at a dose of 740 MBq. SPECT studies were performed
age: 54.5 4.5 years) without signs of carotid atherosclerosis,
using a rotating dual head gamma-camera ("Forte," Philips,
coronary artery disease, AH, neurological diseases, and psychiatric
Amsterdam, The Netherlands) supplied with a high-resolution
disorders were investigated as control group (Table 1).
low-energy collimator (140 keV) and interfaced with a dedicated
Informed consent was obtained from each patient. The study
computer system for scintigraphic data processing (Skylight). Data
was approved by the Ethics Committee of the author's institution.
were acquired using 128 9 128 matrix in 64 projections with anexposure of 20 seconds per frame over 360°. Image acquisition
and processing were performed using JetStream computer system
The therapy included sustained-release calcium channel blocker
verapamil (Isoptin SR) at a dose of 240 mg per day and angioten-
sin-converting enzyme inhibitor (iACE) enalapril at an average
dose of 12.2 5.9 mg. Interventions treatment course with
Brain SPECT images were divided into 14 symmetrical (right and
selected doses of drugs lasted for 24 weeks followed by control
left) regions of interest per patient: inferior and superior frontal
lobes, temporal lobes, anterior and posterior parietal lobes, occipi-
tal lobes, and cerebellar hemispheres. To calculate the regional
Table 1 Patient characteristics
cerebral blood flow (rCBF, mL/100 g/min), we used a three-com-
ponent model of 99mTc-HMPAO kinetics according to Lassen et al.
[14] modified by Yonekura et al. [15]. The dynamics of rCBF was
Sex (male/female)
defined as the difference between the rCBF values measured
before and after treatment.
Education (years)
Arterial hypertension (n)
24-h Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring
Central obesity (n)
Triglycerides ≥1.7
Automated 24-h blood pressure devices (Model 90207; SpaceLabs
Medical, Inc., Issaquah, WA, USA) were used to measure blood
pressure and heart rate with intervals of 15 min during daytime
<1.03 mmol/L for male,
(from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.) and 30 min during the night (10 p.m. to
<1.29 mmol/L for
6 a.m.). For each 24-h measurement, the values of arterial blood
pressure were evaluated separately for daytime and nighttime.
Fasting plasma glucose
Daytime arterial hypertension was diagnosed according to the cri-
≥5.6 mmol/L (n)
teria of the European Society of Hypertension (systolic blood pres-
sure ≥40 mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mmHg).
Interpretations of ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) profile data
MetS, metabolic syndrome; NS, not significant; P, significance of differ-
were based on the mean daytime, nighttime (sleep), and 24-h val-
ences MetS versus control group.
ues of blood pressure, diary notes, and times of drug intake.
210 Cardiovascular Therapeutics 33 (2015) 209–215
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N. Y. Ef imova et al.
Antihypertensive Therapy in Metabolic Syndrome Patients
Reports also included ABP "loads" (percentage area under the
in left posterior parietal region, by 8% (P = 0.007) in right
blood pressure curve above set limits) for daytime and nighttime
superior frontal lobe, by 10% (P = 0.00002) in right temporal
periods, day–night differences, and blood pressure variability. A
brain regions, by 7% (P = 0.006) in left temporal brain
nondipping blood pressure profile was detected when the noctur-
regions, by 9% (P = 0.00002) in left occipital cortex, and by
nal blood pressure fall was <10% of daytime values. Night-peakers
8% (P = 0.0003) in right occipital cortex (Table 3).
had nighttime blood pressure values higher than daytime values.
The results of neuropsychological testing showed 11% decrease
in mentation (P = 0.002), 19% decrease in immediate verbalmemory (P = 0.011), 13% decrease in learning (P = 0.003), as
well as 20% decrease in immediate visual memory (P = 0.009) in
We assessed the patients' cognitive status using seven neuropsy-
pts with MetS as compared with control group (Table 4).
chological tests (Table 2) [16]. To reduce the "test–retest" effects,
Furthermore, data showed 20% reduction in delayed visual
different versions of neuropsychological tests were used [17].
memory (P = 0.009) and psychomotor speed (P = 0.022). We alsofound a decrease by 24% (P = 0.016) in the spatial optical gnosisand by 7% (P = 0.04) in visuoconstruction (Table 4).
Statistical Analysis
According to the results of ambulatory blood pressure monitor-
Data were statistically processed using "STATGRAF" software
ing (ABPM), patients with MetS had an increase in mean values
package. Between-group comparisons were performed using the
of daytime systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pres-
Mann–Whitney U-test and Pearson's chi-squared test. Data are
sure (DBP), as well as in the levels of daytime and nighttime SBP
expressed as mean standard deviation. Assuming non-Gaussian
and DBP compared with control group (Table 5).
distribution, the effects of the treatment on rCBF, cognitive tests
In addition, there was an increase in SBP and DBP "pressure
scores, and hemodynamic parameters were analyzed by Wilcoxon
load" during daytime, nighttime, and 24 h. The study demon-
test. Linear regression analysis was performed to calculate the
strated an increased variability in blood pressure during daytime
relationships between rCBF, cognitive tests scores, and ABP
and nighttime. The analysis of daily blood pressure profile in
parameters. Values were considered statistically significant when
patients with MetS showed abnormal circadian rhythm of blood
P was <0.05. The study was approved by the local ethics commit-
pressure. According to the results of ABPM, 22 patients (41%)
tee of the authors' institute.
were "dippers," 24 patients (44%) were "nondippers," and eight
patients (15%) were "night-peakers." "Night-peakers" had a
decrease in visual short-term memory by 30.4% (P = 0.017) com-
pared with group of "dippers." Moreover, "nondippers" had
reduction in attention by 13% (P = 0.037) and in psychomotor
Brain Perfusion and Cognitive Function in
speed by 17% (P = 0.036) compared with "dippers."
Patients with Metabolic Syndrome
Relationships between the indices of ABPM, cerebral perfusion,
The results of 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT showed that brain perfu-
and cognitive function were found. Data showed an inverse corre-
sion was significantly poorer in all regions of MetS patients in
lation between mean values of daytime diastolic blood pressure
comparison with control group (Table 3). Compared with con-
and rCBF in left occipital lobe (R2 = 0.10, P = 0.033) in patients
trol group, MetS patients had rCBF values lower by 7%
with MetS. Diastolic blood pressure "loads" for nighttime period
negatively correlated with rCBF in right posterior parietal region,
(P = 0.028) in left anterior parietal cortex, by 6% (P = 0.024)
in right and left temporal cortex (R2 = 0.12, P = 0.011; R2 = 0.10,P = 0.027; R2 = 0.08, P = 0.04; R2 = 0.11, P = 0.016, respec-tively), with mentation, psychomotor speed, and attention
Table 2 Neuropsychological tests used to assess cognitive deficits
(R2 = 0.08, P = 0.046; R2 = 0.10, P = 0.032; R2 = 0.14, P = 0.008,respectively).
After 24-week treatment, we observed a statistically significant
Immediate verbal memory, delayed
reduction in the main parameters of systolic and diastolic blood
Verbal Learning Test (AVLT)
memory, learning, attention (trial 1)
pressure assessed by ABPM (Table 5).
Digit span forward backward
Immediate verbal memory, attention
The study revealed a significant decrease in day–night differ-
Verbal comprehension
ences for SBP and DBP. The number of "dippers" decreased,
Digit Symbol Test
Psychomotor speed, attention,
whereas the number of "night-peakers" increased (P < 0.05) both
immediate non-verbal memory
for systolic and diastolic values of blood pressure. Data showed an
The Bourdon—Wiersma
Psychomotor speed, sustained and
improvement of rCBF, 24-h blood pressure monitoring parame-
Dot Cancellation Test (DCT)
activity visual attention, concentration
ters, and cognitive function scores after 6 months of antihyperten-
The Trail Making Test (TMT)
Volume and sustained attention,
sive therapy in patients with MetS.
psychomotor speed
Combination antihypertensive treatment (verapamil with ena-
The Trail Making Test (TMT)
Volume and shift attention, psychomotor
lapril) led to perfusion improvement over many areas of the brain.
speed, mental flexibility
Antihypertensive 24-week therapy resulted in rCBF increase in
The Complex Figure Test
Visuoconstruction (copy), immediate
the right inferior frontal, right temporal, and right anterior parie-
visual memory, delayed memory,
tal regions and in the posterior parietal lobes on both sides
spatial optical gnosis
compared with baseline (Table 3).
ª 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Cardiovascular Therapeutics 33 (2015) 209–215
Antihypertensive Therapy in Metabolic Syndrome Patients
N. Y. Ef imova et al.
Table 3 Regional cerebral blood flow (mL/100 g/min) in patients with MetS
MetS pts baseline (n = 54)
MetS pts after treatment (n = 54)
Anterior parietal
Posterior parietal
MetS, metabolic syndrome. Values are mean standard deviation. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001: significance of differences versus controlgroup. #P < 0.05, ##P < 0.01, ###P < 0.001: significance of differences versus before treatment.
Table 4 Parameters cognitive function in patients with the metabolic syndrome
MetS pts baseline (n = 54)
MetS pts after treatment (n = 54)
Digit Span Forward
The number of digits
Digit Symbol Test
The Bourdon—Wiersma
Dot Cancellation Test (DCT)
Number of mistakes
The Trail Making Test (TMT)
The Trail Making Test (TMT)
The Rey Auditory Verbal
The number of words
Learning Test (AVLT)
reproduced after the firstpresentation
Number reproduced words 30 min
The total number of words
reproduced in 8 repetitions
The Complex Figure Test
The number of graphic figures,
reproduced after the firstpresentation
Number of played figures in 30 min
Mets, metabolic syndrome. Values are mean standard deviation. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01: significance of differences versus control group. #P < 0.05:significance of differences versus before treatment.
Six-month antihypertensive therapy had positive effect on cog-
of psychomotor slowing and changes of rCBF in left anterior parie-
nitive function in patients with MetS. These patients demon-
tal regions (R2 = 0.50; P = 0.001), as well as with improvement of
strated improvement in attention by 13%, immediate and delayed
attention and increase in rCBF in right inferior frontal region, and
verbal memory by 20%, learning by 14%, and verbal comprehen-
in right and left posterior parietal regions (R2 = 0.18; P = 0.005,
sion by 10% (P < 0.05) (Table 4).
R2 = 0.10; P = 0.038, R2 = 0.14; P = 0.013, R2 = 0.12; P = 0.023,
Relationships between changes in rCBF, 24-h blood pressure
monitoring indices, and dynamics of cognitive function were doc-
Improvement of immediate verbal memory correlated well with
decrease in mean nighttime SBP and DBP (R2 = 0.14; P = 0.018,
Improvement of immediate verbal memory strongly correlated
R2 = 0.13; P = 0.023); improvement of immediate visual memory
with an increase in rCBF in left superior frontal region, left poster-
correlated with fall in "loads" for daytime SBP (R2 = 0.093;
ior parietal cortex, right temporal lobe, and in right and left occipi-
P = 0.049), as well as improvement of spatial optical gnosis with
tal regions (R2 = 0.124; P = 0.022, R2 = 0.224; P = 0.002, R2 =
decline variability daytime SBP (R2 = 0.110; P = 0.032) and
0.214; P = 0.002, R2 = 0.193; P = 0.004, R2 = 0.968; P = 0.047,
"loads" for nighttime SBP and DBP (R2 = 0.122; P = 0.023,
correspondingly). Spatial optical gnosis improved due to an
R2 = 0.109 P = 0.033, correspondingly). In addition, it revealed
increase in cerebral perfusion in left occipital cortex (R2 = 0.197;
significant inverse relationship between the dynamics of psycho-
P = 0.003). Significant correlation was shown between dynamics
motor speed and variability daytime DBP (R2 = 0.116; P = 0.027).
212 Cardiovascular Therapeutics 33 (2015) 209–215
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N. Y. Ef imova et al.
Antihypertensive Therapy in Metabolic Syndrome Patients
Table 5 Indicators of 24-h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in
P = 0.035, correspondingly). Diastolic blood pressure "loads" for
patients with metabolic syndrome
24-h period was negatively correlated with rCBF in right inferior
frontal region (R2 = 0.93; P = 0.039). Increased rCBF in left infe-
rior frontal lobe is directly related with lower 24-h mean SBP,
mean daytime DBP, and "loads" 24-h DBP (R2 = 0.90; P = 0.042,
R2 = 0.85; P = 0.049, R2 = 0.11; P = 0.025).
Our previously published data [18–20] together with the present
results suggest that cognitive function of patients with cardiovas-
cular diseases is directly related to the parameters of cerebral cir-
culation. Our study showed that abnormal cerebral perfusion is
one of the major causes of neurocognitive deficits in patients with
Available literature suggests that patients with MetS have
pronounced initial cerebral perfusion abnormalities affecting the
occipital–parietal, temporal, parietal–temporal, frontal–parietal–
temporal, parietal, and frontal–parietal regions of the brain [21].
Further degeneration of smooth muscular cells and depositions
of hyaline and fibrin occur in vascular walls. Finally, microcir-
culation becomes involved via rarefaction of arterioles and/or
capillaries within a given vascular region. The changes in micro-
circulation in patients with MetsS may be caused by at least
three mechanisms. First, abnormalities in vasomotor tone regu-
lation may lead to enhanced vasoconstriction or reduced
responses to vasodilators [22]. Second, anatomy of the individ-
ual precapillary resistance vessels changes due to hypertrophy
of smooth muscle cells and accumulation of elastic fibers which
is characteristic of adaptive changes in the muscular type arter-
ies due to long-term increase in arterial blood pressure. Narrow-
ing of lumen and intima thickening occurs in small cerebral
arteries and arterioles as a result of media hypertrophy [22,23].
Further degeneration of smooth muscle cells and depositions of
hyaline and fibrin occur in arterial wall. Finally, microvascular
network changes due to perhaps a reduction in the density of
arterioles or capillaries [24,25]. These mechanisms represent the
main causes of ischemic abnormalities in target organs including
brain. Experimental modeling suggests that hypertension results
in reduction of external diameters of cerebral arteries and thick-
ening of arterial walls [26].
It has been known that the combination of arterial hyperten-
sion and metabolic syndrome results in pronounced disturbances
of cerebral perfusion to the extent of stroke [21]. Metabolic
Variability nighttime
changes facilitate thrombus formation and lead to abnormal
microcirculation in vital organs [27,28]. Additional factors
Mets, metabolic syndrome; SBP, systolic blood pressure. Values are
contributing to microvascular brain lesions in MetS may be
mean standard deviations, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 – reliability of differ-
autonomic neuropathy and endothelial dysfunction [29,30].
ences versus control group. #P < 0.05, ##P < 0.01, – reliability of differ-
Researcher studying cerebral perfusion considered abnormal cere-
ences versus before treatment.
brovascular autoregulation as one of the pathogenic mechanisms
of neurocognitive dysfunction in the presence of high blood pres-
sure [10]. The results of our study suggested that reduced cerebral
Moreover, the results showed that the improvement of cerebral
perfusion is one of the major causes of neurocognitive deficit in
perfusion is directly related to the degree of blood pressure reduc-
patients with MetS and is closely associated with the circadian
tion during treatment. Inverse correlation was shown between
blood pressure profile. Separate components of the metabolic syn-
dynamic variability DBP at night, "loads" 24-h DBP and "loads"
drome can exert negative impact on cerebral perfusion and, con-
for daytime DBP and changes rCBF in right posterior parietal cor-
tex (R2 = 0.93; P = 0.039; R2 = 0.113; P = 0.022; R2 = 0.97,
hypertension [10], dyslipidemia [31], and hyperinsulinemia [32]
ª 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Cardiovascular Therapeutics 33 (2015) 209–215
Antihypertensive Therapy in Metabolic Syndrome Patients
N. Y. Ef imova et al.
increase the risk of dementia and cognitive impairment. More-
tors, are able to decrease the media hypertrophy of peripheral
over, patients with MetS are prone to thrombogenesis [28].
arteries and increase their luminal diameter [24]. Indeed, accord-
This is caused by high level of fibrinogen and increased activity
ing to Kuriyama et al. [35], the calcium channel blockers
of tissue plasminogen inhibitor (PAI-1) synthesized mainly by vis-
increase cerebral blood flow due to the direct effect on the con-
ceral adipose tissue; the latter inhibits tissue plasminogen activator
stricted cerebral resistance arteries. The antiplatelet activity and
and slows down fibrin cleavage [33].
endothelium-protective effect of these drugs likely also improved
Differential treatment of cognitive disorders requires good
cerebral blood flow [36]. However, no information on combined
knowledge of pathogenesis mechanisms and pharmacological
use of these drugs is available in the literature in regard to
effects of drugs. Our study showed that efficacious antihyperten-
patients with MetS.
sive therapy in patients with metabolic syndrome (combination
of calcium antagonist and iACE) improves cerebral perfusion and
leads to regression of neurocognitive deficits due to positive
changes in circadian blood pressure profile. There is evidence
Our results suggest that diffuse disturbances of cerebral perfusion
that drugs, used in our study, positively affect cerebral blood
in different brain regions are associated with cognitive abnormali-
flow in hypertensive patients. Chazova et al. [21] demonstrated
ties in patients with metabolic syndrome. Combination antihyper-
that 6-month perindopril treatment improved brain perfusion in
tensive treatment improves the 24-h blood pressure profile,
hypertensive patients. Antihypertensive drugs, including ACE
increases cerebral blood flow, and corrects cognitive function in
inhibitors, can reverse disorders associated with hypertension by
patients with metabolic syndrome.
improving the circulation and vascular reserve [34]. There is no
direct evidence that antihypertensive therapy beneficially affects
Conflict of Interest
the remodeling of cerebral arteries in hypertensive patients.
However, some antihypertensive drugs, especially ACE inhibi-
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Cobre Montana NL POWERING A CLEAN ENERGY FUTURE Presentation to the Annual General Meeting 24 November, 2014 For personal use only DISCLAIMER Cobre Montana NL This presentation is for information purposes only. Neither this presentation nor the information contained in it constitutes an offer, invitation, solicitation or recommendation in relation to the purchase or sale of shares in any jurisdiction. This presentation may not be distributed in any jurisdiction except in accordance with the legal requirements applicable in such jurisdiction. Recipients should inform themselves of the restrictions that apply in their own jurisdiction. A failure to do so may result in a violation of securities laws in such jurisdiction. This presentation does not constitute financial product advice and has been prepared without taking into account the recipients investment objectives, financial circumstances or particular needs and the opinions and recommendations in this presentation are not intended to represent recommendations to particular persons. Recipients should seek professional advice when deciding if an investment is appropriate. All securities transactions involve risks which include, amongst others, the risk of adverse or unanticipated market, financial or political developments. Certain statements contained in this presentation, including information as to the future financial or operating performance of Cobre Montana NL ("Cobre Montana" or "the Company") and its projects, are forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, whilst considered reasonable by Cobre Montana, are inherently subject to significant technical, business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties and contingencies; involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from estimated or anticipated events or results reflected in such forward-looking statements; and may include, among other things, statements regarding targets, estimates and assumptions in respect of potash and phosphate production and prices, operating costs and results, capital expenditures, ore reserves and mineral resources and anticipated grades and recovery rates, and are or may be based on assumptions and estimates related to future technical, economic, market, political, social and other conditions. Cobre Montana disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise. The words "believe", "expect", "anticipate", "indicate", "contemplate", "target", "plan", "intends", "continue", "budget", "estimate", "may", "will", "schedule" and other similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements made in this presentation are qualified by the foregoing cautionary statements. Investors are cautioned that forward looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and accordingly investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements due to the inherent uncertainty therein. Many known and unknown factors could cause actual events or results to differ materially from estimated or anticipated events or results reflected in such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to: competition; mineral prices; ability to meet additional funding requirements; exploration, development and operating risks; uninsurable risks; uncertainties inherent in ore reserve and resource estimates; dependence on third party smelting facilities; factors associated with foreign operations and related regulatory risks; environmental regulation and liability; currency risks; effects of inflation on results of operations; factors relating to title to properties; native title and aboriginal heritage issues; dependence on key personnel; and share price volatility and also include unanticipated and unusual events, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control or predict. COMPETENT PERSON'S STATEMENT The information in this report that relates to reporting of Exploration Results based on and fairly represents information and supporting documentation prepared by Adrian Griffin, who is a member of
INFORMATION FOR CUSTOMERS, PARTNERS AND STAFF Flour Treatment in Europe We are doubtless coming closer to a uniform European The present necessity for oxidative treatment might be regarded as definition and regulation of a disadvantage of the fast and gentle processing of grain into flour. chemical flour treatment, but Natural ageing of the flour by exposure to the atmosphere alone is