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Brazil's Start-Up Generation
By LORI IOANNOU / SÃO PAULO Monday, Aug. 23, 2010
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Innovators Walter Silva, Marcelo Marzola and Phil ip
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Photograph by Victor Affaro for TIME
Marcelo Marzola, the 33-year-old co-founder of
1. After Avandia: Does the FDA Have a Drug, is a perfect example of how hot Brazil's
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$1.6 trillion economy has become — and why its
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entrepreneurs are now getting their phone calls
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returned by venture capitalists after a decade of "You're
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Marzola was invited to present his company's free
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online behavioral-targeting tool, BTBuckets, at the
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Google I/O Web-developer conference in San Francisco in May.
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To get ogled at the Google conference is the goal of any Web
developer. Marzola earned rave reviews for creating what has
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become a de facto standard, used on more than 2,000 websitesin 90 countries by such corporate titans as Pfizer, Motorola andUnilever. The product fills an overlooked niche in the industry
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by allowing websites to segment their useCNNrs according to their
online habits and then direct targeted content and advertising to
them in real time. "It has turned the industry on its head, and
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it's gaining mass recognition," says Daniel Waisberg, an industry
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consultant and a former chair of marketing of the Web Analytics
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(See the 50 best websites of 2009.)
The spotlight has attracted about 10 VC firms to Marzola over
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the past six months. His track record will impress them: the
company has been growing at a compound rate of 40% annuallysince 2005 and has a profit margin of more than 20% on $12
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million in revenue. Now he is in the midst of closing a deal withDFJ FIR Capital, a local venture firm with $160 million undermanagement, to raise $15 million to $20 million in exchange for
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a 35% equity stake to fund his company's expansion efforts.
BTBuckets plans to open offices in major markets in LatinAmerica and the U.S.
To Marzola, who had to hustle $80,000 in start-up capital from
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family and friends, the newfound interest is indicative of a VC
power shift from Silicon Valley to developing economies like
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Brazil's. "Ten years ago, when I launched my business, getting
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start-up capital was impossible," he says. "At the time, I calledon 20 banks, venture-capital and private-equity firms, and
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everyone turned me down. No one wanted the risk of investing
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in a fledgling. Finally, there are signs that the equity-capitalmarket for entrepreneurs is igniting."
This is a breakout that thousands of Brazil's newbies have been
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waiting for. Today there are only about nine players — including
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Antera, Confrapar, DFJ FIR Capital, Monashees Capital and
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Status Capital — with an estimated $1.9 billion in assets under
management, according to the Latin American Venture Capital
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Association (LAVCA). These firms are run by trailblazers who
have been promoting the merits of entrepreneurship to a
Brazilian business community that has been risk-averse and to
the government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, which has
been leery of California capitalism.
(See pictures of São Paulo.)
Preaching the gospel of Silicon Valley has been missionary work.
"Venture capital is a concept just beginning to filter into thepublic's consciousness," explains Robert Binder, CEO of AnteraGestão de Recursos, an asset-management company establishedin 2004 that runs the $50 million Criatec Fund, an early-stageequity fund capitalized by BDNES, the Brazilian developmentbank. For a country with a huge state investment in technology,it's been a surprisingly tough sell. The 123 national institutes of
science and 400 incubators scattered across the country are
wellsprings of ideas. But only recently have CEOs from privatemidsize Brazilian corporations been willing to lend a hand to
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promising upstarts by offering mentoring support and angel
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Their timing is understandable. The IMF projects that Brazil's
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economy — now the eighth largest in the world — will grow by
7.1% this year and soar throughout the decade. A confluence offactors will contribute to growth: abundant natural resources,stable government policies, a sophisticated banking sector, arapidly growing middle class that now comprises about half thepopulation of 190 million and a surge in real estate andinfrastructure development to prepare for Brazil's hosting the2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympics.
The Tech Transformation
Another catalyst has been the focus on developing world-class
high-tech industries in a variety of sectors — from aerospace,
agribusiness and energy to information technology, business-
process outsourcing, semiconductors and telecommunications.
"The goal is to push the country's exports up the value chain,"
explains Antonio Gil, president of Brasscom, an association of
Brazilian IT and communications companies. He notes that
today Brazil can claim 1.7 million IT professionals. This
brainpower has helped the country attract top-tier multinationals
like IBM, which in June announced it is opening its ninth
research center in Brazil and its first in Latin America.
As part of its grand plan, the government is investing heavily inprograms that spark homegrown innovation around these keyindustries. These initiatives — from venture forums to R&Dgrants — are led by the Financing Agency for Projects andStudies (FINEP), the innovation arm of the Ministry of Scienceand Technology. "Our country invests 1% of GDP in R&D andleads the region in entrepreneurship," explains FINEP's EduardoSette Camara. "Now 15 out of 100 residents are involved in astart-up."
Tiago Lins, business-development director and co-founder ofSiliconReef, a company that has developed a microchip that
harvests energy from the environment to power mobile devicesand wireless networks, has been a prime beneficiary ofgovernment support. He and his partner, CEO Marília Lima,incubated their breakthrough technology at CESAR, the country'swell-known R&D center and incubator in Recife. Sinceincorporating two years ago, the duo have raised grants fromFINEP to design and test their product, known as EHO1. Theyare looking to raise an additional $1 million to fund a productlaunch. "Right now our biggest hurdle is gaining credibility in theinternational business community," Lins says.
Read "What Downturn? Business Booms in Brazil's Shanties."
See "World Cup Boosts Brazil Consumer Spending."
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Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics3600 Market Street, 6th Floor • Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688 • [email protected] 5/7/2012 1:41:13 PM The cover image illustrates the results of a fluid flow calculation over an airplane. For this design, there is little flow separation occurring on the wing except near the wingtips and near the side of the body. In addition, the flowfield streamlines from the nacelle up over the wing show vortex shedding from "chines" which are structures mounted on the nacelles that are specifically designed and optimized to shed this vortex. Without them, installing the nacelle forward of the wing as in this design would compromise both the efficiency of the wing as well as its maximum lift capability. See [Konigs 2005]
Information Cut for Clustering using a Gradient Descent Approach Robert Jenssen∗ 1 , Deniz Erdogmus?, Kenneth E. Hild II†, Jose C. Principe‡ and Torbjørn Eltoft∗, ∗Department of Physics, University of Tromsø, N-9037 Tromsø, Norway ?Oregon Graduate Institute, OHSU, Portland OR. 97006, USA †Biomagnetic Imaging Lab, University of California, SF, CA. 94143, USA