Get Healthy No Matter What Your Age
A Publication of Newsmax Health
Vol. 5, Issue 10 / October 2015
Secrets to Staying
4 Dr. Mehmet Oz and
Dr. Michael Roizen
Strong After 50
Aromatherapy for better health
Muscle loss is a hallmark sign of aging that can be
5 Nutrition
devastating to health — but it's not inevitable.
7 ways to maximize olive oil's health benefits
By Vera Tweed
After age 20, men lose an average
6 Heart Health
Blood pressure: How low
of 7 pounds of muscle per decade.
ears ago, it was called weight
Women lose 5 pounds, and then 10
lifting, and associated with body pounds per decade after menopause.
builders and muscle-bound athletes.
Today, "strength training" is the
Fast Track to Weakness
8 Ask the Doctor
popular term, and it's regarded as
By age 50, this equates to a loss of
Knee replacement: Get
an essential component of fitness
21 pounds of muscle for men and 15
for everyone, but there are lingering
pounds for women.
myths that stop many people over 50
Even if body weight doesn't
9 Natural Health
from reaping the benefits.
increase during those years, there
There's a pound of
"Older folks often feel that
is a much greater percentage of
pesticides in your pants
strength training is more harmful
fat, which alters the way the body
than helpful," says Wayne Westcott, a works. Muscle loss slows metabolism,
leading expert and prolific researcher sapping energy and setting the stage
5 ways to reverse skin sun on the subject.
for weight gain.
Westcott is a professor of exercise
It reduces the ability to process
science at Quincy College in
carbohydrates, leading to high
11 Latest FDA Approvals
Massachusetts and author of more
blood sugar and diabetes. And it
New help for high
than 400 articles and 26 books on
predisposes us to heart disease, aches
the subject, most recently
and pains, frailty, falls, and loss of
Training Past 50.
13 Breaking News
Among common myths he has
The loss of muscle also leaves us
Spicy foods boost lifespan
encountered among people over
less functional and unable to do
50: the idea that strength training is
physical activities that were routine
bad for joints and the heart, and will in our youth.
Beware of stealth B12
make you too muscular.
In fact, Professor Westcott tells
Reversing Muscle Loss
Health Radar that strength workouts
No matter how old you are —
are even more important to middle-
50, 60, 70, 80, or older — strength
Pancreatic cancer: No
age people and seniors than the
training can reverse the process.
longer a death sentence?
"There's no significant difference
1015 Health Radar.indd 1
in muscle gain at any age," says
while you're doing the activity.
of the disease, stems largely from
Westcott. You might be surprised
Younger appearance: Muscle
an unhealthy lifestyle. Strength
to learn that with the proper
is denser than fat, and pound for
training protects against diabetes
workouts, a person at age 70 can
pound, occupies a smaller space.
by improving the proper function
make the same percentage gains as Replacing fat with muscle, even
of the hormone insulin, and
a 20-year-old.
if there is no change on the scale,
reducing the odds of unhealthy
The fact is, strength training
makes a body thinner and more
levels of blood sugar. Even a few
may be the closest thing we have
toned, creating a younger look.
weeks of a strength training can
to a fountain of youth.
Lower blood pressure:
make a significant difference.
Although blood pressure does
Improved bone density: The
Strength Training Benefits
rise temporarily while doing a
same strength-training exercises
Younger metabolism: Muscle
strength-training exercise, there is
that build muscle also build bone.
burns more calories than fat.
a drop in resting blood pressure
In studies, substantial increases
Consequently, when we are
afterward, which is the marker that in bone mineral density have
younger and have more muscle,
matters. Numerous studies have
been seen after several months of
we need more food to support life, shown that two months of regular regular strength workouts.
but as muscle is lost, the tendency strength training improves blood
Fewer aches and pains: Many
to gain fat increases.
pressure levels, reducing risk for
people believe that strength
That's why most people can't
heart disease and stroke.
workouts will cause muscle
eat as much as they used to when
Healthier blood fats: Studies
soreness. And this may be true in
young, and still mysteriously seem show a consistent strength-
the short-term or if you overdo
to gain weight. Rebuilding muscle training program has produced
it. But over the long haul, you'll
sets back the metabolism clock.
these changes: increase in good
actually have less joint and muscle
Fat loss: Strength training burns cholesterol by 8 to 21 percent;
pain, research shows.
extra calories both while doing
decrease in bad cholesterol by 13
Strength training can be
the exercises and for up to three
to 23 percent; and reduction in
especially helpful for lower back
days afterward, when muscles
triglycerides, which contribute to
pain, arthritis, and fibromyalgia.
are recovering and rebuilding. In
diabetes and heart disease, by 11 to
Less frailty: It's never too late.
contrast, cardiovascular or aerobic 18 percent.
Strength training can dramatically
exercise, such as jogging or riding
Diabetes protection: Type 2
enhance the ability of the elderly
a bike, burns extra calories only
diabetes, the most common form
to get up and move around, and to
Health Radar
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Page 2 / October 2015
1015 Health Radar.indd 2
spend less time in a wheelchair.
Strength training works by
After regaining some muscle,
How Much Muscle Can
producing enough challenge to
many people can progress to other
You Rebuild?
create tiny tears in muscle tissue,
activities, such as walking or riding
and as it heals during the next few
Studies show that among
days, muscle mass increases.
people over 50 the right type of
Fatigue of a muscle is the signal
Twice a Week Is All You Need
strength training produces these
that it is challenged to an adequate
Studies of several thousand
gains after 10 weeks, according
people by Professor Westcott and
to Professor Westcott, with two
Obviously, too much
other researchers show that two
workouts per week:
muscle damage would be
strength-training workouts per
Men add an average of 4 to 4.5
counterproductive, but fatigue at
week, done the right way, are all it
pounds of muscle.
the end of 10–15 repetitions has
takes to rebuild muscle for people
Women add an average of 2.2 to
been identified as the beneficial
between the ages of 50 and 90.
2.5 pounds of muscle.
level for people age 50 and older.
Each workout typically lasts
If there is no change in diet,
For younger people, somewhat
between 20 and 40 minutes. A
there is also a loss of about 1 to
greater resistance is recommended,
1.5 pounds of fat for each pound
third workout per week will
a load that fatigues muscles in 8 to
increase weight loss but doesn't
12 repetitions.
significantly increase gains in
The machines Westcott
muscle or strength.
during a strength workout:
recommends are designed to
The best way to start is with
1. Do 10 to 15 repetitions on
control use of muscles, so that you
machines in a gym or health club.
each machine.
work specific ones, in a safe way.
Compared to free weights, says
2. Set the resistance so that
He also recommends getting
Professor Westcott, "Machines give
your muscles are fatigued at the some instruction from a
you support and structure, and are
end of those repetitions.
professional trainer to learn how
3. Do each repetition slowly,
to set the resistance correctly and
An effective exercise routine
taking 4 to 6 seconds for each
use each machine properly, for
needs to work all the major
safety and maximum benefit.
muscle groups. To accomplish this,
Professor Westcott recommends
using these five machines:
Supplement Combo Builds Muscle in Seniors
• Leg press
• Chest press
Research has shown that vitamin D combined with a supplement called
• Seated row machine
HMB builds muscle strength in older people.
• Lower back machine
HMB (-hydroxy-b-methylbutyrate) is a natural body-building compound
• Abdominal machine
discovered by scientists at Iowa State University.
These are common pieces of
Rick Sharp, a professor of kinesiology at Iowa State University, has been
strength-training equipment
testing the effectiveness of a combination of HMB, vitamin D, and resistance
available in most health club
training in older adults to fight sarcopenia, or loss of muscle mass.
chains. The staff at the facility will
"We know that sarcopenia is so predictable in older adults that anything
be able to identify these pieces of
we can do that slows down the progression and/or reverses it, is going to be
effective," Sharp said.
equipment for you. In fact, it is a
good idea to bring this issue of
Sharp says exercise is vital to prevent sarcopenia, and his research is
intended to boost exercise results by providing nutritional support.
Health Radar to the gym with you.
HMB supplements are widely available at health food stores and through
websites. While optimal dosages of HMB and vitamin D for strength building
3 Rules for Strength
have not yet been determined, many experts recommend 1,000 IUs of vitamin
Professor Westcott says you
D a day along with 1 gram of HMB.
should follow these three rules
October 2015 / Page 3
1015 Health Radar.indd 3
YOU Live Healthier
with Mehmet Oz, M.D. & Michael Roizen, M.D.
blocked arteries in the heart.
Neroli for calm. The floral scent of neroli eased
For Better Health
anxiety in a lab study at Taiwan's Taichung Veterans
General Hospital.
Sniffing neroli temporarily lowered blood pressure
romatherapy is a complementary treatment that and heart rate slightly in other research, too.
uses essential oils to enhance relaxation and
Roses for deeper sleep. Sniffing rose essential oil
boost mental sharpness.
led to deeper, longer sleep in a research study from
If you love the scents concocted by distilling
Japan's Mie University Graduate School/Faculty of
volatile oils from the flowers, leaves, and bark of
plants, you'll enjoy the varied aromas that deliver
Rosemary for better memory. Sniffing the scent of
aromatherapy's message.
rosemary helped people in a study from the U.K.'s
By making sure you get only essential oils — many University of Northumbria recall specific events from
fragrant oils contain hormone-disrupting phthalates the past with greater ease and become more likely to
— you'll get the aromas' benefits without any
remember things on future to-do lists.
Peppermint oil for post-op recovery. One study
Brown University researchers noted in a recent
found that inhaling the scent of peppermint oil eased
review of 18 aromatherapy studies that "odors can
affect mood, physiology, and behavior."
Ready to breathe in the benefits? Follow these
This is most likely because the nerves that carry
strategies for great results:
odor signals to your brain communicate directly with
Choose good quality essential oils that you like.
areas involved with emotion and learning.
Use real essential oils, not perfume or fragrance
It may explain aromatherapy's substantial effects,
oils. Sniff before you buy. Even if a scent has proven
and the list is impressive:
benefits, it won't help if you can't stand the smell!
Grapefruit squashes food cravings. In a recent
Use just a little.
study from Japan's Osaka University, the scent of a
Add eight to 10 drops to your next bath, five
grapefruit's essential oil reduced appetite.
drops to a basin of warm water for a heavenly foot
Lavender, sandalwood, and sweet orange work for
soak or five to six drops to a carrier oil, like jojoba,
relaxation, reduced anxiety. In one study, 12 breast
almond, olive or grapeseed for an out-of-this-world
cancer survivors reported drops in anxiety when they massage.
received a series of half-hour massages using only
You also can add a few drops to a cup of hot water
essential oils scented with lavender, sandalwood or
to let the scent waft through a room.
Mix, match, and have fun. Try a few drops of this, a
The researchers noted that an aromatherapy
few drops of that. You'll soon find a personal formula
massage could be a drug-free way to help handle the
that makes perfect scents.
worries that can linger once cancer treatment ends.
And more research found lavender eased the pain
2015 Michael Roizen, M.D. and Mehmet Oz, M.D. Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Inc.
of needle injections and helped reduce post-op pain
for kids who'd had their tonsils out.
Dr. Mehmet Oz is host of
The Dr. Oz Show and a
Furthermore, sniffing a mix of lavender, Roman
professor in the Department of Surgery at Columbia
chamomile, and neroli (citrus orange/floral) helped
Dr. Mike Roizen is chief medical officer at the
ease anxiety, improved sleep, and stabilized blood
Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute. Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen
are co-authors of the best-selling
You book series.
pressure in heart patients receiving stents to open
Page 4 / October 2015
1015 Health Radar.indd 4
7 Ways to Optimize Olive Oil's
By Michele Bender
a dizzying array of options, choose those from the California Olive
olive oil that comes in a dark
Oil council, so it will carry a
efore there were "superfoods,"
bottle or, even better, a tin.
COOC seal, and a USDA organic
there was olive oil.
These containers protect
Ask most health experts which
against light, which causes the
The date on the label also
foods make their list of must-haves oil to deteriorate. "Once you've
matters. Some boast a harvest
and you'll usually find olive oil at
opened your olive oil, store it in a date after which a bottle of oil is
or near the top.
cool, dark place," says Lisa Young,
good for 18-24 months. The more
That's because it's a source
adjunct professor of nutrition,
recent, the better. Others carry
of "good" fat that's loaded with
food studies, and public health at
a "best by" date, which isn't as
New York University and author of specific, but something to note.
"Research has shown that
The Portion Teller Plan. "And never
5. Go small: You may want to
olive oil helps lower ‘bad'
keep it in the refrigerator."
save a few bucks on that giant,
cholesterol and total cholesterol,
3. Go extra-virgin: This is the top Costco-size tin of olive oil, but
improve insulin levels and blood
of the line and has more healthy
pinching pennies this way is
clotting and assist with blood
components. Extra virgin olive oil not a smart strategy. "Olive oil is
sugar control," explains Colette
is extracted using natural methods best used fresh, so I recommend
Heimowitz, Atkins' vice president and not heavily refined.
buying small bottles that you can
of nutrition and education and
"The olives are cold pressed
use within three to six months,"
resident nutritionist.
using no chemicals and harmful
explains Siskind.
However, this ancient staple
processing so you get the most
6. Drizzle it: Extra virgin olive
of good health and long life is
benefits from the oil," says
oil is ideal as a dressing on salads,
surrounded by misconceptions.
cheese, and vegetables, and to
Here are seven ways to get the
Adds Susan S. Blum, M.D.,
pour on fish and meat right before
most from olive oil:
director of Blum Center for
serving. "This gives you the best
1. Add vitamin A: This
Health, author of
The Immune
flavor and its full health benefits,"
antioxidant is found in carrots,
System Recovery Plan, and assistant says Siskind.
tomatoes, dark leafy greens, bell
clinical professor at The Icahn
7. Heat it right: "Though it loses
peppers, cantaloupe, and tropical
School of Medicine at Mount
some nutritional benefit, olive
fruits, among other produce.
Sinai: "Because it is the first extract oil is still more heart healthy to
Because it's fat soluble, consuming from the olives, it has the highest
cook with than other oils," adds
vitamin A with olive oil helps the
concentration of vitamin E, an
body absorb it better.
antioxidant, and phytonutrients,
While coconut and grape seed
"Eating a food high in vitamin
especially polyphenols, known
oils are best for high heat, olive oil
A with olive oil satiates the
to have anti-inflammatory
is best for lower heat.
palate so you feel full longer
"If it smokes, dump it and
and provides a boost of energy,"
4. Decode the label: You'll know start over because it means toxic
explains culinary nutritionist Sara your oil is up to snuff if it has the
chemicals have been created," she
Siskind, founder of Hands On
letters DOP, DO, DOC, and PDO
Healthy, cooking classes for adults on the label.
Olive oil can also add a moist,
and teens in New York City.
These are European
unique flavor to baked goods like
2. Store it right: Though
certifications that signify quality.
muffins, and banana or zucchini
supermarket aisles are filled with
Other good endorsements are
October 2015 / Page 5
1015 Health Radar.indd 5
Blood Pressure: How Low Should You Go?
By Rick Ansorge
guidelines believe it's unnecessary for a few days that takes readings
to push down blood pressure
throughout the day and night.
f you're one of the more than
toward the optimal level of 120/80
58 million Americans who
to prevent heart attacks and
Simple Fixes
are receiving treatment for high
strokes. They argue that such an
The second step is to make
blood pressure, you've probably
approach often requires high doses lifestyle changes. Proven strategies
wondered how low you need to
of multiple drugs, which increases include:
the risk of side effects such as a
• The low-fat DASH diet, which
Over the years, the optimal
nagging cough, frequent urination, may reduce systolic blood pressure
readings have changed and they
dizziness, falls, and erectile
by 8–14 mmHg.
have often varied greatly from
• Regular aerobic exercise. At
expert to expert.
A major NHLBI study is
least 30 minutes per day most days
But recently, there is a growing
underway that may settle the
of the week may reduce systolic
consensus that blood pressure
argument for good, but the results blood pressure by 4–9 mmHg.
readings may not have to be as
won't be known until 2017.
• Losing weight. For every
low as previously thought. This
"No one likes to take
11 pounds lost, systolic blood
means you may be able to take a
medications that they don't need
pressure may decline by 2.5–10
lower dose of your medication or
to take," Dr. Lawrence Fine of the
you may not need any medication NHLBI tells Health Radar.
• Reducing salt to no more than
"Individual physicians and
2,300 milligrams per day, which
patients need to understand there's may reduce systolic blood pressure
Parsing the Numbers
uncertainty. Given that and given
by 2–8 mmHg.
An increasing number of
their own preferences and views,
• Natural remedies. Beet juice
experts believe that 150/90 or
they need to make a (treatment)
and fruits and vegetables high in
lower for most people age 60
decision that they're comfortable
potassium (bananas, potatoes)
or older is acceptable. For those
have been shown to lower
with diabetes or chronic kidney
Fortunately, there is no
blood pressure. The supplement
disease, a maximum of 140/90 is
disagreement about what you
coenzyme Q10 also works for
should do when you're first
many people and has shown
Until recently, most experts
diagnosed with high blood
effectiveness in studies.
believed that everyone should be
treated when their blood pressure
The first step is to confirm the
Last Resort
hits 140/90, and that people with
diagnosis with multiple blood-
If your blood pressure is still
diabetes or chronic kidney disease pressure readings. "Blood pressure elevated after six months, the third
should be treated when their level fluctuates from day to day and
step is to choose wisely from the
hits 130/90.
at different times of day," says
four basic classes:
After being on the fringes, the
Dr. Fine. "The more readings
• Thiazide diuretics
lower numbers have gradually
you have, the better the estimate
• ACE inhibitors
infiltrated mainstream. They've
of your blood pressure. It's not
• ARBs (angiotensin receptor
been recommended by a panel of
unreasonable to get a good home
experts appointed by the National monitor and take your blood
• Calcium channel blockers
Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
pressure at home."
Your health status — as well
and by doctors consulted by
If it seems difficult to get a
as your race and ethnicity — will
fix on readings, it may be worth
help your doctor decide which
Proponents of the new
wearing an ambulatory monitor
medication is best for you.
Page 6 / October 2015
1015 Health Radar.indd 6
Navigating the Doctor Shortage: Should
You Go With a Physician Assistant?
By Rick Ansorge
vaccinations are up to date.
Research shows that the widespread use of
ith millions of newly insured patients entering PAs and NPs is associated with shorter waits for
the healthcare system, the demand for family
appointments in clinics and quicker treatment
practice doctors has increased astronomically.
in hospital emergency rooms. According to one
There aren't nearly enough general practitioner
study, older patients received higher quality care for
MDs to go around. By 2025, there will be a national
dementia, falls, and urinary incontinence when they
shortage of up to 31,100 family physicians and
were managed by an NP and an MD than by an MD
internists, according to the Association of American
Medical Colleges.
Despite these benefits, there are situations that
demand the attention of an MD. "Anybody that has
The Doctor Is Out
a potentially life-threatening illness really needs to
To handle the patient overflow, MDs increasingly
be seen and managed by a physician," Ahern tells
rely on physician assistants (PAs) and nurse
Health Radar. "This is particularly true in cancer care,
in severe unstable diabetics, and in severe unstable
At many clinics, patients rarely see their primary-
cardiac and pulmonary patients."
care physician, and many of them aren't happy
Others who should see an MD include the
about it. About 72 percent of patients would rather estimated 5-10 percent of patients who arrive in
see an MD than a PA, according to a recent national clinics and emergency rooms with conditions that
aren't easily identifiable. Because MDs have rigorous
Should you insist on seeing an MD instead of a PA continuing education requirements, they may be
more likely to correctly identify conditions that
Not necessarily.
seemingly defy diagnosis.
"The vast majority of medicine is routine," says
Tom Ahern, a certified PA with nearly 40 years of
Don't Discount a D.O.
experience. "I would say that 99 percent of the time
it's OK to see the PA."
If your primary-care MD is usually missing in action,
and you want to see someone with an equivalent level
Physician Assistant vs. Nurse Practitioner
of training and experience, consider a DO (Doctor of
Although both PAs and NPs can diagnose and treat
illnesses, prescribe medications, and order/interpret
Nationwide, there are about 87,000 DOs and 60
tests, there are some differences. For example,
percent of them work in primary care.
only PAs are allowed to assist during surgery.
Like MDs, DOs receive training in a four-year medical
NPs specialize in disease prevention and health
school. After graduation, they must complete a residency
management of chronic but stable conditions such as
program in a specialty ranging from family medicine,
diabetes and hypertension.
gastroenterology, dermatology, or neurosurgery.
The role of PAs or NPs varies from practice to
In every state, a DO can do everything an MD does.
practice, and depends on their level of experience. At
This includes diagnosing and treating conditions,
many family practices, PAs and NPs handle routine
prescribing medication, ordering tests, and (if qualified)
problems such as coughs, colds, rashes, sore throats,
performing surgery. In addition, DOs are trained to
cuts, sprains, and urinary tract infections. They also
use their hands to examine a patient's musculoskeletal
system and treat conditions by manipulating joints and
ensure that patients are checked for blood pressure,
blood cholesterol, and blood sugar, and that their
October 2015 / Page 7
1015 Health Radar.indd 7
ASK THE DOCTOR with Dr. Robert Marx, M.D.
No More Pain: Knee Replacement Can
Dramatically Improve Quality of Life
Q: Who needs knee replacement surgery?
A physical therapist helps the patient learn to
A: Knee replacement surgery should be considered
walk and works on range of motion exercises.
by patients who have limited quality of life due to
Most patients use two canes or a walker at first and
severe arthritis or traumatic injury to the knee.
within a week or two may start using a single cane.
Of course, this can mean different things to
Most patients can walk without assistance
different people. For some, it may mean that they
within a month, but there's a lot of variability in
can't walk for more than a block or two, or can't
shop for their own groceries.
For others, it may mean that they can't enjoy
Q: How long does the replacement last?
their favorite sports or recreational activities such as
A: Most knee replacements last as long as the
golf, tennis or biking.
patient lives. The rate of loosening requiring repeat
Knee replacement is always a last resort option
surgery is less than 1 percent per year.
after nonsurgical treatment has failed. Nonsurgical
So the risk of needing revision surgery for
treatment includes medication, supplements,
loosening is about 10 percent at 15 years after
injections, physical therapy braces, and activity
surgery, for example.
Infection can also necessitate revision surgery,
The number of knee replacements in the U.S.
but the rate of infection is less than 1 percent.
has risen dramatically over the past decade and will
The rate of revision surgery is higher in obese
soon approach 500,000 a year.
patients and those who have diabetes. High impact
activity such as jogging, or sports like soccer or
Q: What happens during surgery?
basketball, may decrease the longevity of the
A: The surgery, called arthroplasty, is performed
implant and are not recommended.
under general anesthesia or epidural during which
the bottom end of the thigh bone and the top end
Q: What are the risks?
of the lower leg bone (which make up the knee) are
A: As with any surgery, there are potential dangers.
removed and replaced with metal and plastic pieces. These include anesthesia, medical problems,
The artificial joint is attached to the thigh
infections, implant loosening, and blood clots.
bone, shin, and knee cap with cement or a special
Fortunately, complications are quite rare and
material. The surgery takes about one hour.
the vast majority of patients experience a dramatic
We no longer use a very long incision to perform improvement in their pain and quality of life.
this surgery and the usual incision is six to eight
While it is preferable not to have surgery in
the first place, for patients who have limited
Many patients have arthritis in both knees and
mobility and quality of life due to painful knees,
may consider having both knees replaced in one
knee replacement surgery can be a life-altering
procedure. For most patients, however, this is
not advisable as the medical risks of surgery are
increased and the rehabilitation is more difficult.
Dr. Robert Marx is an attending orthopedic surgeon at
Q: What happens after surgery?
the Hospital for Special Surgery in New
A: The patient gets out of bed the same day or the
York City and professor of orthopedic
next day and starts bending and straightening the
surgery at Weill Cornell Medical College.
He is also the author of three books,
knee. They usually leave the hospital two or three
The ACL Solution.
days after the operation.
Page 8 / October 2015
1015 Health Radar.indd 8
There's a Pound of Pesticide in Your Pants
Toxic clothing chemicals can leach into your body, warns a top doctor.
By Rick Ansorge
onto the skin, especially during
raised). The most common ones
vigorous sweat-inducing exercise
are cotton, flax, hemp, silk, wool,
ost health-conscious people
and linen. Others include alpaca,
pay close attention to what
Some natural fabrics also
angora, camel, cashmere, mohair,
they put
into their bodies. But
contain toxins, including
ramie, and saluyot.
few people consider the potential pesticides and herbicides.
• Avoid "easy care," "no iron,"
hazards of the substances they put
Worldwide, cotton accounts
"stain resistant," and "flame-
onto their bodies.
for an astonishing 25 percent of
retardant" clothing. Such labels
Clothing is largely overlooked
all pesticide use. On non-organic
are a sure sign that it contains
when it comes to health. Holistic
cotton farms, about a pound of
irritants, allergens, and/or
doctor Brian Clement and his wife pesticides and fertilizers go into
Anna Maria Clement, co-directors the production of every single pair • Remove the polyester lining
of the Hippocrates Health
of jeans or T-shirt.
from natural-fiber suits and other
Institute in West Palm Beach, Fla.,
Whether you're a man or
garments, and replace them with
say that's a grave mistake.
a woman, your first order of
silk or lightweight cotton.
In their book
Killer Clothes, they business should be to protect your • Gradually rid your closets and
show how seemingly safe clothing reproductive organs, which are
drawers of all synthetic clothing
choices can increase your risk of
most sensitive to toxins, says Dr.
many chronic conditions.
The bleaching, dyeing, scouring,
Not only do many bras contain
Why You Should Always
sizing, and finishing of fabrics
carcinogens, they also restrict
Wash New Clothes
involves the use of known
breasts' natural movement and
carcinogens such as:
impede lymphatic drainage, which
may increase the risk of breast
It may be tempting to show off
brand-new, store-bought clothing.
• Brominated flame retardants
cancer, he said.
But experts recommend that you
• Perfluorinated chemicals such
Similarly, testicular cancer,
send them through your washing
as Teflon fibers, which are added
infertility, and decreased sexual
machine at least once (preferably
to clothes to make them "wrinkle-
performance are seen more often
twice) with a double rinse before
free" and "no-iron."
in men who wear synthetic, tight-
wearing them. That's because even
Synthetic fabrics are the most
fitting underwear.
the cleanest-looking off-the-rack
dangerous, Dr. Clement tells
Women should opt for bra-free
clothing can contain formaldehyde
options such as camisoles, vests
resins, azo-aniline dyes, and other
chemicals that can cause skin
These include rayon, nylon,
or sleeveless undershirts while
irritation, an itchy rash, or even a
acrylic, modacrylic, polyester,
men should opt for natural, loose-
full-blown allergic reaction.
spandex, and olefin.
fitting underwear, he advises.
In addition, many people handle
Synthetic fabrics retain and
All undergarments should be
clothing. Workers touch it while it's
release small but potentially
made from organically grown fiber
being manufactured, shipped, and
dangerous amounts of toxins even that either contains no dyes or
stocked in stores, and consumers
after hundreds of washings.
only vegetable dyes.
try it on in dressing rooms. The
That's why Dr. Clement advises
Dr. Clement also recommends
result is that clothing can be
athletes to steer clear of synthetic
infected or infested with everything
micro-fiber sportswear that can
• Choose only natural fibers
from bacteria and fungi to lice and
leach readily absorbable chemicals (preferably organically grown or
October 2015 / Page 9
1015 Health Radar.indd 9
5 Ways to Reverse Skin Sun Damage
By Lynn Allison
Mich., says that hydroquinone
reverse sun damage, especially
combined with Retin A or
brown marks on the skin." Many
ears ago, there were few
tretinoin is the most effective, non- different types of peels are
warnings about staying in the invasive method of reversing skin
available, but Dr. Baxt prefers those
sun too long. In fact, many of us
damage caused by sun. The topical with TCA or trichloroacetic acid
tried each summer to get a deep
prescription cream eliminates sun and glycolic acid.
tan to look "healthier."
spots and uneven pigmentation.
Besides getting rid of
But now we're paying for it with
"It intensely exfoliates the upper pigmentation inconsistencies,
wrinkles, liver spots, and sagging
layers of skin, so you will get lots
chemical peels reduce fine lines
skin, the result of too much UV
of flaking for the first six weeks,"
and wrinkles.
radiation exposure.
he says. "But you will get results
Anthony Youn, M.D., a nationally within a month."
4. Photodynamic Therapy
known cosmetic surgeon who
PDT is FDA approved to
appears regularly on the
2. Intense Pulsed Light
reverse precancerous sun damage
Ray Show, tells Health Radar that
"IPL is the gold standard for
called actinic keratosis. The
even young people are affected.
pigment reduction," explains Dr.
procedure involves placing a light-
"I see sun damage in patients as Youn. This procedure makes age
sensitive solution on the skin for
early as in their 20s," he says. "You
and sun spots turn dark and flake
approximately an hour, says Dr.
don't need to be a sun worshipper off over the course of a couple of
Baxt. The solution is activated by a
to have problems."
days. You usually need just a few
light source and then removed. It's
The good news is that there
painless but time-consuming, and
are new methods that can reverse
several treatments are required.
much of the damage:
3. Chemical Peel
Dr. Rebecca Baxt, a New York
5. Topical antioxidants
1. Hydroquinone
based dermatologist, tells Health
Los Angeles-based
Dr. Youn, who practices in Troy, Radar, that "peels do wonders to
dermatologist Dr. Ava Shamban
tells Health Radar that you can
also repair the skin by applying
antioxidants directly to the
face and neck. She says vitamin
Acupuncture has proven to be a viable remedy for hot flashes in a
C serums with AHA or alpha
new study of breast cancer patients being treated with estrogen-
hydroxy acid that slough off
targeting therapies. The findings are based on an analysis by
dead skin and boost collagen
researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University
are particularly effective. You
of Pennsylvania. The women were divided into four groups to
can also make your own mask
determine how effectively an acupuncture technique known
by combining yogurt — which
as electroacupuncture — in which embedded needles deliver
has natural AHA — with
weak electrical currents — reduces incidents of hot flashes as
anti-inflammatory honey,
compared to the drug gabapentin. For an eight-week period,
and frozen strawberries and
participants received gabapentin daily, an inactive placebo daily,
blueberries, which are chock-
electroacupuncture (twice per week for two weeks, then once
full of antioxidants. Place all the
weekly), or a fake electroacupuncture, which involved no actual
ingredients in a blender and apply
needle penetration or electrical current. At the end of the study,
to the face for 15 minutes. "The
the patients in the electroacupuncture group showed the greatest
antioxidants penetrate and repair
improvement in hot flash frequency and severity.
the skin," says Dr. Shamban.
Page 10 / October 2015
1015 Health Radar.indd 10
New Help for High Cholesterol
Compiled exclusively by Health Radar, here are the
without cirrhosis.
most significant new drugs and medical devices
Some 2.7 million Americans have hepatitis C,
approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
and genotype 4 is among the least common genetic
subtypes. Technivie is the first drug to be sanctioned
to treat genotype 4 hepatitis C infection without
Repatha (evolocumab) is the second medicine in a requiring co-use of the drug interferon.
new class of pricey biotech drugs that reduce artery-
Infection with the hepatitis C virus causes liver
clogging cholesterol more than older statin drugs
inflammation that may lead to cirrhosis or liver
that have been used for decades. The drug, made by
failure. Most infected people don't develop symptoms
Amgen, could eventually help millions of Americans until liver damage has already occurred.
who face increased risk of heart disease because they
cannot control their cholesterol with existing drugs
Chemo Nausea
and methods.
Varubi (rolapitant) treats chemotherapy-induced
The drug is designed to be self-injected once or
nausea and vomiting in adults. The drug was
twice a month. Repatha, along with a similar drug,
approved to be used along with other agents to
Praluent, are considered the first major advance in
prevent delayed nausea and vomiting associated with
managing cholesterol since the introduction of statin initial and repeat courses of chemotherapy.
drugs more than 20 years ago.
The new drugs lower low-density lipoprotein, or
LDL, cholesterol more powerfully and in a different
Osseointegrated Prosthesis for the
way than statins. They block a substance called
Rehabilitation of Amputees (OPRA) is a prosthesis
PCSK9, which interferes with the liver's ability to
for people with above-the-knee amputations who
remove cholesterol from the blood. Adding the new
cannot use conventional devices. It adheres to the
drugs to older statins reduces LDL cholesterol by
leg with fixtures and screws implanted into the
about 40 percent to 60 percent.
remaining thigh bone, rather than fitting into the
socket as does a conventional device.
Female Low Sex Drive
The new device is meant for people who don't
Addyi (flibanserin) is the first drug to treat low
have enough of a remaining limb — or have scarring,
sexual desire among premenopausal women. The
pain, skin infections or fluctuating shape of the
drug is for women who do not have an underlying
remaining limb — which make use of a conventional
physical or psychological cause for the disorder.
device difficult or impossible.
Addyi's label will warn that it can cause blood
The OPRA device involves two surgeries to
pressure to drop severely and may lead to loss of
implant the necessary hardware, approximately six
consciousness. These risks increase when alcohol is
months apart.
consumed. So, Addyi users are warned not to drink
any alcohol.
Addyi was evaluated in clinical studies involving
some 2,400 premenopausal women who reported
a significant increase in sexual desire compared to
those who took a placebo.
Lock In Great Quotes, Save Money
Hepatitis C
Technivie (ombitasvir, paritaprevir and ritonavir)
has been approved, in tandem with ribavirin, to
Not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. Government or the Federal Medicare program.
treat hepatitis C genotype 4 infection among people
Crown Atlantic Insurance, LLC, 2200 NW Corporate Blvd., Suite 403, Boca Raton, FL 33431
Arkansas License: #430306, California License: #0I72703
October 2015 / Page 11
1015 Health Radar.indd 11
between higher intake of saturated
fats and an increased risk of heart
There is strong evidence that
disease, stroke, or Type 2 diabetes.
cellphone radiation damages DNA,
However, trans fats were linked
Most Americans are happy
which can lead to cancer, according to a 34 percent increase in death
in retirement and find they
to an exhaustive review of 100
for any reason, and a 28 percent
enjoy a boost in health after
previous studies. The research,
increase in the risk of dying from
they stop working, new
published in Electromagnetic Biology heart disease. The study was
research finds. According to
and Medicine, found that using a
published in the British Medical
the University of Michigan
cellphone for 20 minutes a day
Health and Retirement
for five years increases the risk of
Study, most of the 20,000
a brain tumor by 300 percent, and
retirees surveyed reported
talking on a cellphone for an hour
Living in an area with lots of
an immediate improvement
a day for four years increases risk of trees is the equivalent of being
in health. The benefits
tumors up to 500 percent.
seven years younger, according to a
didn't fade: Four years later,
study published in Scientific Reports.
they reported "significant
Researchers from the University
improvements" in health,
of Chicago used satellite images
which the researchers
to measure green spaces around
speculate was due to retirees
Toronto and compared the results
adopting healthier habits
against information gleaned from
whose benefits took more
the Ontario Health Study.
time to become obvious.
Diets high in sodium may
Low dosages of lithium, a
increase the risk for multiple
medication that's been used for
years to treat bipolar disorder, can
Researchers conducting an
ease the side effects of Parkinson's
animal study published in the
medications, say researchers at the
FASEB Journal fed mice either a
Buck Institute for Research on
high-sodium diet or a control diet
A study from McMaster
to three genetically different groups
University finds that saturated fats,
Levodopa is the most effective
of mice, and then induced a disease
long maligned as a cause of heart
drug available to manage
that mimics human multiple
disease, do not increase the risk of
Parkinson's symptoms, but it causes sclerosis.
heart disease, heart attack, stroke,
abnormal involuntary movements
In one group, both males and
Type 2 diabetes, or death.
in 30 percent of patients after four
females on the high-salt diet showed
Trans fats, however, were found
to six years, and in about 90 percent worse MS symptoms.
to carry major heart risks.
of patients after using the drug for
In the second group, only females
Researcher Russell de Souza
showed a worsening of symptoms,
analyzed the results of 50 studies
Mice with a human mutation
and the third genetic group showed
to tease out the association among
for Parkinson's were given a
no response to salt.
trans and saturated fats, and heart
dose of lithium the equivalent to
"As is the case with other things,
problems. Regardless of prevailing
about a quarter of what humans
you need to get enough salt so
warnings not to eat saturated fats,
receive to treat psychiatric diseases.
your body functions properly, but
which are found in animal products Researchers found that lithium
not too much or things start to go
such as butter and red meat,
significantly reduced side effects
haywire," said FASEB Journal editor-
de Souza found no association
caused by Levodopa.
in-chief Gerald Weissmann.
Page 12 / October 2015
1015 Health Radar.indd 12
in the European Heart Journal. A
study of more than 83,000 healthy
Elderberries have long been used
Common gout medicines may
men who were diagnosed with
in herbal medicines to combat
help those with alcohol-induced
low testosterone, or low-T, found
colds, and Australian researchers
liver disease. The medicines
that those who took hormone
have found that elderberry extract
target uric acid and adenosine
replacement lowered their risk of
protects people from cold and flu
triphosphate, which are released by heart attacks and strokes.
symptoms following long-haul
alcohol-damaged cells in the liver
plane flights.
called hepatocytes.
A clinical trial conducted
An animal study from the
by Menzies Health Institute
University of Massachusetts
Research from Harvard Medical
Queensland found that people who
Medical School found that
School found that people who eat
took elderberry had fewer colds of
the two chemicals activate the
spicy foods at least once a week
lesser severity after plane flights.
inflammasome, components of the
were less likely to die during the
Elderberries are native to
immune system that trigger the
subtropical regions around the
inflammatory process that causes
People who said they ate spicy
foods one or two days a week
Elderberry extract supplements
Gout medications, such as
reduced their risk of dying during
are widely available at health food
allopurinol, block the production
the seven-year study by 10 percent
stores and over the Internet.
of uric acid, and researchers believe
they could help prevent damage
from alcohol in humans.
People who have an inherited
genetic disorder called Lynch
syndrome have an increased risk
Sleeping on your side may
of colon cancer, and those who are
protect you from Alzheimer's
also overweight increase their risk
disease, according to a study at
compared with people who ate
almost threefold.
New York's Stony Brook University. spicy foods less than once a week.
But the extra risk can be reversed
Researchers used magnetic
Chili peppers were found
by taking daily aspirin, according
resonance imaging (MRI) to scan
especially effective in reducing the
to a 10-year study published in the
the brains of volunteers while they
risk of cancer, heart disease, and
Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Researchers found that when
They observed how cells clear
obese people with the syndrome
waste material from the brain that
took a dose of two aspirin (600 mg)
contributes to neurodegenerative
every day for two years, their risk
diseases such as Alzheimer's and
Patients with Type 1 diabetes
reverted to the same as those with
Parkinson's. They found that
cut their risk of dying from heart-
the genetic disorder whose weight
sleeping on the side allowed the
related disease almost in half if they was normal.
brain to more efficiently remove
use insulin pump therapy instead of
"This is important for people
waste associated with dementia.
daily injections.
with Lynch syndrome but affects
They are also 27 percent less
the rest of us too," said study
likely to die from any cause,
leader Sir John Burn of Newcastle
according to a new Scandinavian
Men who undergo testosterone
study. Pumps deliver a steady
"Lots of people struggle with
replacement therapy are at lower
dose of insulin that more closely
their weight, and this suggests the
risk for heart attack and stroke,
resembles the body's release of
extra cancer risk can be cancelled by
according to research published
taking an aspirin."
October 2015 / Page 13
1015 Health Radar.indd 13
Nondrug Relief for Crohn's,
Colitis, Arthritis
By William S. Maxfield, M.D.
completely controlled with that therapy.
Another gastrointestinal complication promoted
hen you watch TV, you often see multiple ads
on TV and printed ads is ulcerative colitis, which
promoting drugs as cures for a wide variety of
is an inflammatory process in the colon that is
somewhat similar to Crohn's disease.
These are, of course, paid for by pharmaceutical
Again, HBOT, which these ads do not mention
companies. What they don't
because they are promoted by
tell you is that there are other
the pharmaceutical industry,
ways of treating diseases that
is very effective in treating
don't involve the drugs they are
Government guidelines advise
ulcerative colitis.
seniors to get 150 minutes of
I have had patients treated for
There are plenty of ads touting physical activity a week, but many
other HBOT indications whose
statin drugs to treat cholesterol
older adults don't meet that
ulcerative colitis was completely
problems even though it has
goal. An analysis of nine studies
cleared in the process.
now been more than two years
involving people over the age of
since the FDA published data
60 found that although meeting
showing there was a significant
the exercise goal — the equivalent
Another disease you'll hear
incidence of cognitive defects in
of approximately 15 minutes of
the pharmaceutical industry
patients who used statins.
physical activity daily — lowered
promoting drugs to treat is
the risk of dying by 28 percent,
rheumatoid arthritis. And once
HBOT Instead of Drugs
those who did only half that
again, HBOT is very effective in
You also hear ads about
amount (just over 10 minutes a
treating the condition.
medications to treat
day) still lowered their risk by 22
I had one patient whose blood
Crohn's disease, which is an
percent. Much of the health benefit
level for rheumatoid arthritis
inflammation of the small
appeared to be for a reduced risk of
factor was more than 11,000.
dying from heart disease.
That went down to normal with
These ads list all of the
a series of HBOT treatments.
complications of the drug,
It's unfortunate that the use
but don't tell you that hyperbaric oxygen therapy
of HBOT for treating Crohn's disease, ulcerative
(HBOT) is also a very effective treatment for Crohn's. colitis, and rheumatoid arthritis is not an approved
I have had patients whose Crohn's disease has been indication that is routinely covered by insurance and
However, there are laws saying that if a treatment
Dr. William S. Maxfield, M.D., is a
board-certified physician in hyperbaric
works, Medicare has to cover it.
medicine, radiology, and nuclear
In Florida, I had a patient with multiple sclerosis
medicine. He is one of the nation's
whose symptoms cleared with HBOT who then
foremost experts in hyperbaric medicine.
sued Blue Cross Blue Shield and won complete
He has served on the faculties of the
reimbursement for her treatment.
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Tulane University
In addition to those indications noted above,
School of Medicine, and LSU Medical School. He also
HBOT has been very effective in treating traumatic
has served as the chief of the Radioisotope Laboratory at
brain injury, PTSD, and blast exposure. We hope to
the U.S. Naval Hospital in Bethesda, Md. He currently is
in private practice in the Tampa Bay, Fla., area.
obtain recognition of the value of HBOT in all of
these conditions in the near future.
Page 14 / October 2015
1015 Health Radar.indd 14
B12 Deficiency Is Devastating to Health
and Often Missed by Doctors
By Vera Tweed
The Right Supplement
Causes of B12 Deficiency
If you are healthy and want
hat do lack of energy, falls,
to stay that way, Dr. Holly
shakiness, difficulty walking,
Pernicious anemia is a widely
Lucille recommends sublingual
mental fogginess, and depression
recognized cause of B12 deficiency,
supplements, 1,000 mcg daily, of
have in common? All can signal a
and because meat is a major
methylcobalamin B12.
deficiency of B12, a crucial vitamin
dietary source of the nutrient,
This form of the vitamin is
found in meat, eggs, and dairy
vegans are quite likely to fall
naturally found in the human
short. However, other common
One in four American adults
contributors to a lack of B12 are
often overlooked. These include
Many supplements come in
may be B12 deficient, according
bariatric surgery, Crohn's disease,
another, lower-priced form called
to the Framingham Offspring
ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome,
cyanocobalamin, which she
Study, which tracked the health
and eating disorders. Certain drugs
doesn't recommend.
of more than 5,000 American
can also cause B12 deficiency,
"Cyanocobalamin has to
men and women between 1971
including heartburn drugs such as
be broken down into the
and 2014. And other studies show
proton pump inhibitors (Prilosec,
methylcobalamin form to be
that among vegetarians, up to 86
Zantac, Nexium); antacids, the
used," she tells Health Radar. That
percent are deficient.
diabetes drug metformin, and
nitrous oxide used for anesthesia
process can be problematic, and
Yet, despite the fact that
during dental procedures.
additives in the lower-priced form
shortage of B12 is epidemic and
can cause side effects.
devastating to health, doctors
Many people get B12 injections
typically misdiagnose it.
Signs of Shortfall
from their doctor periodically,
Symptoms can take years to
which can also be an effective way
Epidemic of Misdiagnosis
develop and may not be noticeable to avoid deficiency.
"Healthcare providers are
until they become more severe and
Any way you decide to take the
not really up to date on B12
vitamin, overdosing on B12 is not
deficiency," says registered nurse
They may include fatigue,
considered an issue.
Sally Pacholok, lead author of the weakness, dizziness, difficulty
The Institute of Medicine,
book Could It Be B12? An Epidemic walking, memory loss, depression, which sets safe upper limits for
of Misdiagnoses.
irritability, shortness of breath,
nutrients, has never set a limit
"They don't look for a
heart palpitations, diarrhea, loss of for B12 because, it concluded,
deficiency," she tells Health Radar, appetite, nausea, or weight loss.
"no adverse effects have been
"And when you miss it, you can
If you suspect a deficiency,
associated with excess vitamin B12
cause a lot of havoc in the body."
Pacholok recommends getting
intake from food and supplements
B12 is necessary for our bodies
these two blood tests: serum
in healthy individuals."
to produce red blood cells and to
B12 and methylmalonic acid, a
Says Dr. Lucille: "If you're
maintain a healthy nervous system, substance that is elevated when
healthy and want shots because
which includes the brain and
they make you feel better, that's
spinal cord.
In some instances, there may be OK. It's a pretty safe injection."
But as we get older, supplies
an underlying medical condition
However, she adds, "Some
are likely to fall short because our that needs attention. Or, you
studies have shown that the
bodies produce less stomach acid, simply may need to take B12
sublingual form is as effective as
which is necessary to absorb B12.
supplements or get shots.
October 2015 / Page 15
1015 Health Radar.indd 15
Health Radar
Pancreatic Cancer:
Yale Scientists Discover Help for
No Longer a Death Sentence?
British scientists have devised a simple urine test
Researchers at Yale School of Medicine have used
for pancreatic cancer, making it possible that the
the arthritis drug tofacitinib citrate (Xeljanz) to
usually lethal disease may be caught in the early
treat moderate to severe eczema (atopic dermatitis)
stages when it is still curable.
that is unresponsive to other medicines.
Researchers found that three proteins present at
The chronic condition causes severe itching and
high levels in urine can be a marker for the cancer.
leaves the skin red and thickened, and standard
The team at Barts Cancer Institute in London
treatments, such as steroid creams and oral
believe their discovery could lead to a non-invasive
medications, often fail to help.
Patients who had exhausted conventional
Pancreatic cancer now has a five-year survival rate treatments were treated with tofacitinib citrate and
of only 5 percent, mainly because it has no early
showed dramatic improvement. Researchers believe
symptoms and usually isn't diagnosed until the
the drug interrupts the immune response that
cancer is advanced.
Laser Treatment Revitalizes
Eye Drops Dissolve Cataracts
Women's Sex Lives
A new eye drop dissolves cataracts in six weeks,
A painless, quick, in-office laser treatment can
according to an animal study published in the
revitalize the sex lives of women who suffer from
journal Nature. Currently, surgery that replaces
vaginal atrophy.
the cloudy lens with artificial lenses is the only
This is a condition that commonly occurs as a
result of menopause or anti-estrogen treatments
Researchers studied families with congenital
following breast cancer surgery.
cataracts and found they carried mutations in
The MonaLisa Touch treatment uses the same
a gene that makes a molecule called lanosterol.
carbon dioxide laser that has been used for years to They theorized that lanosterol is responsible for
revitalize skin in the face and neck to deliver CO2
preventing the proteins that cause cataracts. When
laser energy to the vagina, which stimulates the
they administered lanosterol to dogs that had
regeneration of collagen fibers in vaginal tissue.
cataracts, it dissolved the clumped proteins that
New collagen increases moisture and better
cause cloudy lenses. Researcher Dr. Kang Zhang
lubrication, which restores the vagina to a state
hopes to start human trials within two years.
similar to before menopause.
All women involved in a study conducted by
Quitting Smoking Made Easy
Stanford Health Care and The Christ Hospital,
Quitting smoking may soon get easier.
Cincinnati, experienced significant improvement.
Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have
The treatment consists of three 5-minute
found an enzyme that neutralizes nicotine in the
treatments six weeks apart with a follow-up annual bloodstream before it can reach the brain's "reward
center," short-circuiting addiction.
"The bacterium is like a little Pac-Man," said
researcher Kim Janda. "It goes along and eats
Exclusive to Current Subscribers
Current subscribers have instant access to any
When researchers combined blood serum with
and every past edition of Health Radar.
a dose of nicotine equivalent to one cigarette, the
nicotine's half-life dropped from two to three hours
Simply go here:
to only 9 to 15 minutes. The researchers hope their
discovery could evolve into a single injection that
This month's password is: strong
(Please remember to use lowercase letters.)
would last for up to a month, and help millions
kick the habit.
Page 16 / October 2015
1015 Health Radar.indd 16
WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM WITH SERVICE PRO® CONTROL CENTER MODELS 960 AND TNT ®OWNER'S MANUAL FEATURES AND ADVANTAGES The Singulair system is the finest equipment available Singulair tanks are reinforced precast concrete, manufactured and utilizes the most up-to-date wastewater treatment by the licensed Norweco distributor. Internal walls and baffles
Ley Orgánica de la Procuraduría General de la LEY ORGANICA DE LA PROCURADURIA GENERAL DE LA REPUBLICA Principios generales ARTICULO 1º.- NATURALEZA JURIDICA: La Procuraduría General de la República es el órgano superior consultivo, técnico-jurídico, de la Administración Pública, y el representante legal del Estado en las materias propias de su competencia.