Treatment of fibromyalgia: a changing of the guard
Andrew J Holman
Fibromyalgia remains one of the most common and enigmatic musculoskeletal disorders
Pacific Rheumatology
among patients with pain and, until recently, few effective treatments have been
Associates Inc., PS 4300, Talbot Road South,
discovered. This review will briefly consider the rationale supporting traditional treatment
Suite 101, Renton,
options and their efficacy, including the role of exercise and pharmacotherapy. Juxtaposed
Washington, USA
with these common approaches to relieve fibromyalgia pain and fatigue are the promising
Tel.: +1 425 235 9500;Fax: +1 425 235 9555;
new medications that are being developed, such as pregabalin, milnacipran, duloxetine,
sodium oxybate, ropinirole and pramipexole. Outcomes from recent randomized trials will be reviewed and compared.
Few medical disorders generate as much contro-
induction of FMS symptoms with specific dis-
versy as fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). Its enig-
ruption of deep, non-rapid eye movement
matic pathogenesis and plethora of ineffective
(nREM), stage IV sleep [7], have encouraged
treatment strategies confound physicians and
consideration of how sleep affects a variety of
frustrate afflicted patients and their families.
CNS functions influencing pain, fatigue and
Despite the introduction of the term fibrositis in
cognitive behavior. Sophisticated measure-
1904 by Gower [1], progress in understanding
ments of autonomic regulation with validated
FMS has been slow. However, recent innovative
tools, including heart rate variability and tilt-
strategies and broader investigation of its cause
table testing, have increased the awareness that
beyond a myopic focus on psychiatric or
patients with FMS fail to maintain normal
musculoskeletal research have finally led to a new
sympathetic homeostasis [8–14]. In turn, per-
expectation of improved treatment outcome.
turbed sleep, psychiatric arousal (e.g., post-
Firm confidence in a diagnosis is essential
traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder and
before formulating and implementing an effec-
anxiety disorder), peripheral vasomotor tone,
tive treatment strategy in any medical condition.
cardiac rhythm and bowel motility focus future
For many clinicians, the diagnosis of FMS
research directly on new autonomic mecha-
remains confusing despite validated criteria pub-
nisms that may lead to an improved under-
lished by the American College of Rheumatol-
standing of FMS.
ogy in 1990
(Box 1) [2]. While specific tenderness,
Almost 85% of FMS cases occur in women, but
or tender points, have been promoted as diag-
men are often undiagnosed. In fact, the divergent
nostic evidence of this disorder, honest debate
presentation of FMS in men compared with
and, at times, unruly skepticism, is evident even
women has been well reported [15]. Pain and mus-
among rheumatologists. While helpful as inclu-
cular spasm are generally more diffuse and vague
sion criteria for research studies, fibromyalgia
in men. It appears that the hallmark diagnostic
tender-point intensity can still vary from day to
finding in FMS, 11 of 18 specific tender points,
day in clinical practice, leading to diagnostic
becomes apparent to the clinician and male
uncertainty. Nevertheless, clinicians can readily
patients much later in its clinical course. Response
recognize and attempt to treat the common pres-
rates (RRs) to a variety of pharmacologic options
entation of chronic, unexplained, widespread
are also less robust in men. The cause of these gen-
pain, tenderness and fatigue of fibromyalgia.
der differences in presentation and response is
There is no consensus regarding pathogene-
uncertain, but may relate to behavioral differences,
Keywords: dopamine agonist,
duloxetine, fibromyalgia,
sis, but an abnormality of centrally mediated
comorbidities or hormonal variations, including
milnacipran, pramipexole,
pain processing has gained greater acceptance
clinically amenable testosterone deficiency in men
pregabalin, ropinirole,
receiving chronic opioids.
[3]. Functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI) [4] and pain-testing studies [5] have sig-
The variability and unpredictability of treat-
nificantly strengthened this concept of cen-
ment response has fueled clinician skepticism
trally amplified pain perception. Observations
regarding FMS as a specific disorder, and gender
of abnormal sleep-stage architecture [6] and
differences also enhance this debate. Some
10.2217/17455057.1.3.409 2005 Future Medicine Ltd ISSN 1745-5057
Women's Health (2005)
1(3), 409-420
REVIEW – Holman
Box 1. The 1990 American College of Rheumatology criteria for the classification of
• History of widespread pain. Definition:
- Pain is considered widespread when all of the following are present:
- Pain in the left side of the body - Pain in the right side of the body - Pain above the waist
- Pain below the waist - In addition, axial skeletal pain (cervical spine or anterior chest or thoracic spine or low back) must be
present. In this definition, shoulder and buttock pain is considered as pain for each involved side. Low back pain is considered lower segment pain• Pain in 11 of 18 tender point sites on digital palpation. Definition:
- Pain, on digital palpation, must be present in at least 11 of the following 18 tender point sites:
- Occiput: bilateral, at the suboccipital muscle insertion
- Low cervical: bilateral, at the anterior aspects of the intertransverse spaces at C5–C7 - Trapezius: bilateral, at the midpoint of the upper border - Supraspinatus: bilateral, at origins, above the scapula spine near the medial border - Second rib: bilateral, at the second costochondral junctions, just lateral to the junctions on
- Lateral epicondyle: bilateral, 2 cm distal to the epicondyles - Gluteal: bilateral, in the upper outer quadrants of buttocks in anterior fold of muscle - Greater trochanteric: bilateral, posterior to the trochanteric prominence - Knee: bilateral, at the medial fat pad proximal to the joint - Digital palpation should be performed with an approximate force of 4 kg. For tender point to be
considered positive the subject must state that the palpation was painful. Tender is not to be considered painful
*For classification purposes, patients will be said to have fibromyalgia if both criteria are satisfied. Widespread pain must have been present for at least 3 months. The presence of a second clinical disorder does not exclude the diagnosis of fibromyalgia.
Adapted from [2].
explain this paradox by considering FMS as a
Traditional treatment
family of disorders and suggest defining FMS
Treatment of FMS has been effectively reviewed
subsets to improve treatment outcomes for spe-
over the past few years, but these authors tend to
cific medications [16]. Unfortunately, the impor-
favor more traditional approaches [17]. Until the
tance of comorbidities accompanying FMS and
‘magic bullet' is discovered, a balanced and compre-
interfering with the treatment response has been
hensive approach appears reasonable. Many differ-
given little consideration. Due to the general
ent clinical specialties, including clinicians,
vagueness of fatigue and widespread pain as
chiropractors, naturopaths, massage therapists,
symptoms, most clinicians find teasing apart
physiotherapists, acupuncturists and psychologists,
comorbidities particularly difficult in patients
are inundated with patients searching for assistance.
with FMS. Nevertheless, defining all accompa-
Often these modalities have provided a benefit.
nying causes of pain when treating FMS, such as
Even among nonbelievers, most clinicians
arthritis, myelopathy, bursitis, tendonitis and
encourage exercise for patients with FMS. In
migraine to name a few, is as important as iden-
1988, a randomized trial of exercise demonstrated
tifying all risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
improvement in FMS pain threshold compared
Pain and tenderness should be widespread in all
with flexibility training after 20 weeks [18]. Aerobic
four limbs and the axial spine. FMS is not a diag-
exercise [19], muscle strengthening, pool exercises
nosis of exclusion. One must be confident of the
[20] and spa therapy [21] have been found to be
diagnosis and even more aware of comorbidities
helpful. Many studies supportive of exercise vary
before considering treatment or evaluating a treat-
in methodology and have significant limitations,
ment response. Effective treatment of other causes
including inadequate blinding and small sample
of pain, stress, insomnia and autonomic dysfunc-
size. However, a thorough review by Goldenberg
tion are equally important to the overall outcome
and colleagues concluded that all patients with
as the choice of treatment for FMS.
FMS should begin a cardiovascular program [22].
Women's Health (2005)
Treatment of fibromyalgia – REVIEW
Analysis of these exercise studies reveals
with amitriptyline (25 mg at bedtime) [31]. In
important limitations, including appropriate
this four-arm, 6-week, double-blind, crossover
matching of specific therapies with hetero-
study, fluoxetine alone and amitriptyline alone
geneous patients and consistent adherence to
improved pain and global function, but not
exercise regimens [23]. In addition, while statis-
fatigue or tender-point score. Combined, in the
tical significance was routinely achieved, the
fourth arm, improvement in pain and fibro-
magnitude of the benefit (25–30% improve-
myalgia impact questionnaire (FIQ) score
ment) would not be considered robust. Most
improved maximally (34%). Other studies with
clinicians note that many of their patients with
amitriptyline alone have confirmed a statisti-
FMS fail to respond to exercise and many
cally significant decrease in FMS pain of
decline, or are unable to participate in such
approximately 30% [32]. Uncontrolled reports
structured programs implemented at an experi-
of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT])
enced research facility. Regrettably, outcomes
reuptake inhibitors, including sertraline [33],
from many exercise trials simply do not trans-
also suggest modest efficacy.
late into clinical practice.
The second most frequently studied drug for
The notion of exercise as an effective thera-
the treatment of FMS is cyclobenzaprine.
peutic options for FMS may have arisen from
Dosed at 10–30 mg at bedtime, a meta-analy-
the observation that aerobic fitness may be pre-
sis of randomized studies demonstrated a bene-
ventative. In 1975, Moldofsky induced wide-
fit similar to amitriptyline [34]. Even doses as
spread pain suggestive of FMS by disrupting
low as 1–4 mg at bedtime have demonstrated
stage IV sleep with an auditory arousal for
some analgesic efficacy and improved sleep-
4 nights in healthy college students [6]. Similar
stage architecture [35]. Decreased levels of cere-
results did not occur when he repeated the exper-
brospinal fluid (CSF) neuroamines and sub-
iment in fit military recruits or after disruption
stance P were reported by Russell with
of REM sleep stages [7]. It is not clear how fitness
tizanidine 4–24 mg each day [36]. Carisoprodol
preserves the benefits of stage IV sleep, but
dosed at 1200 mg/day decreased FMS pain
incorporation of aerobic exercise into an FMS
compared with placebo in one study [37], but
treatment strategy remains popular.
this result has not been confirmed. Other mus-
Evidence that other nonpharmacologic rem-
cle relaxants are routinely used by clinicians
edies are effective is debatable, yet accepted by
without literature support.
many clinicians. Soft-tissue injection with
Other classes of medication available to treat
saline, local anesthetics and/or corticosteroids
FMS have not demonstrated efficacy compared
have been offered to patients with FMS, but
with placebo, including ibuprofen
placebo-controlled trials are unavailable. Acu-
(2400 mg/day for 3 weeks) [38], naproxen
puncture may reduce pain and analgesic
(1000 mg/day for 6 weeks) [39] or prednisone
requirements, but of three controlled studies
(15 mg/day for 2 weeks) [40]. Temazepam
[24–26], only one demonstrated a significant
(15–30 mg at bedtime for 12 weeks) demon-
treatment benefit compared with placebo. Mas-
strated a modest statistical benefit [41], but alpra-
sage [27], ultrasound [28] and mineral baths [29]
zolam (0.5–3.0 mg at bedtime) was not superior
demonstrate a benefit for pain compared with
to placebo [42]. Finally, a randomized 13-week
placebo, but sustained meaningful improve-
trial of tramadol in combination with acetami-
ment is unusual. Cognitive behavioral therapy
nophen in 315 subjects demonstrated signifi-
has become a logical and helpful therapeutic
cant analgesic efficacy without any serious
approach for FMS [30], but many patients lack
adverse effects [43].
access to skilled therapists.
A controlled trial of zolpidem (Ambien®,
In 2004, Goldenberg and colleagues pro-
Sanofi-Synthelabo) may provide an important
vided an evidence-based review of FMS
illustrative example. As a sedative hypnotic,
management [22]. Their assessment of FMS
zolpidem induces stage II rather than stage IV
studies based on study size, design and repro-
sleep. Subjects noted improved sleep duration
ducibility is clearly the most thorough review of
and decreased sleep latency, but did not note
traditional treatment options for FMS to date.
improved FMS pain or fatigue compared with
The greatest improvement in pain as an out-
subjects receiving placebo [44]. Perhaps, if the
come variable compared with placebo was also
medication effectively restored depleted stage IV
reported by Goldenberg in 1996, in a study of
sleep, an improvement in FMS symptoms may
fluoxetine (20 mg each morning) combined
have been found.
REVIEW – Holman
Finally, although controlled trials are
and 77% completed the trial. All active arms
unavailable, the safety of clonazepam and
improved within approximately 2 weeks and
lorazepam in 160 patients over 12 months was
demonstrated sustained improvement through to
encouraging [45]. Patients did not escalate their
week 8. Treatment with pregabalin was associated
bedtime dose (2.0 mg) or note significant
with statistically significant dose-dependent
adverse events, including withdrawal seizures.
improvement. However, improvement in pain
Contrary to other benzodiazepines, lorazepam
score was modest, even in the 450 mg arm (-0.93,
and clonazepam effectively reduce restless legs
1–11 scale), and the p-value (p = 0.0009)
syndrome (RLS) symptoms [46], a common
reflected the large size of the study. Adverse events
source of arousal fragmenting sleep quality in
were common, but mild and transient, including
patients with FMS.
dose-dependent dizziness (49% in the 450 mgarm vs 11% for placebo). Somnolence (28%), dry
New pharmacologic treatment options
mouth (13%), peripheral edema (11%) and
Research in fibromyalgia has grown exponen-
weight gain (7%) were also more common with
tially and new, meaningful treatment options are
pregabalin than placebo.
now at hand. Every clinician brave enough to
Pregabalin represents an extension of the neu-
accept patients with FMS recognizes many
ropathic/anticonvulsant therapeutic approach
obstacles that interfere with successful treatment.
to FMS. While psychiatric medications have
However, embracing a team approach, identifi-
been the mainstay of FMS pharmacopeia, many
cation of important comorbidities and consider-
pain centers have addressed pain, and FMS spe-
ation of novel medications are improving
cifically, as a neuropathic pain [50]. Narcotic
outcomes. In addition, large pharmaceutical
analgesic efficacy for FMS has been mixed [51],
companies are engaged in a race to discover an
but anticonvulsant medications have become
effective treatment. Pregabalin (Lyrica™, Pfizer),
very popular based on anecdotal evidence. In
milnacipran (Dalcipran®, Cypress Bioscience),
fact, off-label use of gabapentin has been so
duloxetine (Cymbalta®, Eli Lilly), sodium oxy-
widespread in North America that the US Food
bate (Xyrem®, Orphan Medical/Jazz Pharma-
and Drug Administration (FDA) fined its origi-
ceuticals) and the dopamine agonists, ropinirole
nal manufacture, Warner-Lambert (Parke-Davis
(Requip®, GlaxoSmithKline) and pramipexole
division, NJ, USA), for promoting unapproved
(Mirapex®, Boehringer-Ingelheim) head the list
uses [101]. To date, there are no FDA-approved
of promising new therapies for FMS.
medications indicated for the treatment ofFMS, and evaluation of innovative off-label
FMS therapies has become more difficult in the
In the largest controlled trial for FMS to date with
USA following this reprimand.
528 patients, pregabalin demonstrated significantimprovement in pain score, sleep quality, fatigue
and global measures of change [47]. Pregabalin, a
The dual 5-HT and NE reuptake inhibitors
precursor of gabapentin (Neurontin®, Pfizer), has
(SNRIs) have received widespread attention as
analgesic, anxiolytic and antiepileptic effects in
the next breakthrough for patients with FMS.
animals. It is a ligand for α2-δ subtype 1 and 2
While a controlled study of venlafaxine
receptors that adheres to voltage-gated calcium
(Effexor®, Wyeth) was inconclusive [52], two
channels without affecting γ-aminobutyric acid
case reports suggested a significant benefit at
(GABA) receptors [48]. Its activity is limited to
higher dosage [53,54]. Milnacipran, a popular
neurons and it does not affect vascular calcium
antidepressant in Japan, is a novel SNRI that
channels. Reduction of calcium influx at the neu-
favors reuptake inhibition of NE over 5-HT.
ron reduces release of substance P, glutamate and
Reduction of pain in a variety of animal models
norepinepherine (NE) [49], which is thought to
may be related to the roles of NE and 5-HT in
mediate its analgesic and anxiolytic actions.
pain-modulating systems via the descending
Subjects were assigned (1:1:1:1) to placebo or
inhibitory pathways in the brain and spinal
one of three pregabalin doses (150, 300 or
cord [55]. Tricyclic antidepressants mediate pain
450 mg/day) for 8 weeks. Demographics for each
through 5-HT and NE neurotransmission and
group were similar, including 90% women, 95%
reduce FMS pain. This potential mechanism of
Caucasian, with an FMS duration of 8 years and
pain amplification supports the consideration
mean pain score of 7 (range: 1 [no pain]–11[worst
of SNRIs, which may be better tolerated than
pain]). Patients discontinued prior medications
tricyclics, for the treatment of FMS.
Women's Health (2005)
Treatment of fibromyalgia – REVIEW
In a 12-week, double-blind, placebo-
Compared with placebo, duloxetine reduced
controlled Phase II trial, 125 patients with
total FIQ significantly (-5.53, 95% confidence
FMS were randomized (3:3:2) to receive mil-
interval [CI]: -10.43, -0.63 [p = 0.027]), but did
nacipran once or twice daily (up to
not reduce the FIQ pain subscore (p = 0.13).
200 mg/day) or placebo [56]. RR was defined as
Many other secondary measures of pain were
the percentage of subjects who achieved a 50%
found to be statistically improved, including the
or greater pain reduction by visual analog scale
brief pain inventory (BPI), PGIC, number of
on an electronic diary. For this outcome mile-
tender points, FIQ stiffness subscore and several
stone, the intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis RR
quality of life measures. A subanalysis revealed
for twice daily dosing was 37%, 22% for once-
that men with FMS failed to respond to dulo-
daily and 14% for placebo. Only the twice-
xetine, and that comorbid depression did not
daily dose response was statistically superior to
influence FMS treatment response. Reported
placebo (p = 0.04), but both twice- and once-
adverse events were typical of SNRI therapy and
daily outcomes on a secondary efficacy meas-
included insomnia, dry mouth and constipation
ure, the patient global impression of change
more frequently than placebo. Duloxetine intol-
(PGIC), were superior to placebo (p = 0.003).
erance was mild-to-moderate and did not lead to
Multiple components of the FIQ and the
significant withdrawal from the study.
short-form McGill pain questionnaire
The study was repeated with the exclusion of
(SF-MPQ) also showed statistically significant
men, the primary outcome was changed and
superiority over placebo for both the once- and
the sample enlarged to favor a statistically sig-
twice-daily dosing arms.
nificant treatment response [58]. The FIQ
Adverse events were unremarkable. A
became a secondary outcome measure and the
Phase III trial has been completed, but details
BPI became the primary outcome. In this new
have not yet been reported. Milnacipran is not
12-week study, 354 women with FMS were
yet available in the USA, but this focus on
randomized (1:1:1) to receive duloxetine 60 mg
SNRIs and the role of 5-HT and NE in pain
daily, 60 mg twice daily or placebo. Pain
modulation, and for FMS specifically, represents
decreased significantly in subjects treated with
a hopeful and increasingly popular approach.
duloxetine (daily and twice daily) comparedwith placebo (p < 0.001), as assessed by the
BPI. RR was defined as a 30% (rather than
Two large controlled trials of duloxetine have
50%) reduction in pain and was achieved by
been recently reported in patients with FMS,
55% in the daily arm, 54% in the twice-daily
demonstrating interesting results. Duloxetine is a
arm and by 33% in the placebo arm. The size of
SNRI approved by the FDA in 2005 for the
the study ensured that these differences were
treatment of major depressive disorder and
statistically significant. The authors' conclu-
neuropathic pain associated with diabetic
sion, that duloxetine is an efficacious and safe
peripheral neuropathy. Its inhibition of 5-HT
treatment for FMS, is not unreasonable. How-
and NE reuptake is relatively balanced without
ever, scrutiny of the two study designs, includ-
interacting with opioid, muscarinic, histamine-
ing exclusion of nonresponders (men) and
1, α1-adrenergic, dopamine, 5-HT1A, 5-HT1B, changing to a more favorable outcome variable5-HT1D, 5-HT2A and 5-HT3C receptors.
emphasizes the importance of careful review of
Once again, in animal models, this SNRI
study design.
reduced pain behavior and did so with greaterpotency than venlafaxine, amitriptyline or
Sodium oxybate
A third treatment approach for FMS focuses
These two trials illustrate important issues in
directly on sleep physiology and is based on the
FMS research. The first trial, reported in 2003,
importance of α-wave fragmentation of stage IV
randomized (1:1) 207 subjects to duloxetine
sleep more than on SNRI- or anticonvulsant-
60 mg twice daily for 12 weeks or placebo [57].
mediated modulation of pain neurotransmis-
Demographic variables were equally distributed
sion. Diminished slow-wave sleep has been iden-
in the two arms and included 87% women (85%
tified as an important feature in FMS and
Caucasian), with 38% having major depression.
different types of α-wave intrusion of stage IV
The coprimary outcomes were FIQ total score
sleep have been identified [59,60]. Sodium oxybate
(0–80) and FIQ pain subscore (0 [no pain]–10
is a commercially available form of γ-hydroxy-
[severe pain]).
butyrate (GHB), a naturally occurring CNS
REVIEW – Holman
metabolite primarily found in the hippocampus
In 2003, the first use of ropinirole for the treat-
and basal ganglia. It is the only compound
ment of FMS was reported in an open-label
known to increase growth hormone secretion
assessment of 17 patients who noted a 64%
and deep, slow-wave stage IV sleep and is FDA-
decrease in tender-point pain score over
approved for the treatment of cataplexy in
4 months at a mean dose of 6.0 mg at
patients with narcolepsy.
bedtime [62]. While the approved maximum dose
A double-blind, crossover trial of sodium
for RLS is 4.0 mg at bedtime, the typical dose for
oxybate in 24 patients was conducted over
Parkinson's disease is 1–8 mg orally three times
1 month intervals with a 2-week washout
daily. In 2004, in a controlled trial of 30 patients
period [61]. A total of 18 subjects completed the
with FMS [63], 20 patients were randomized to
trial of sodium oxybate (6.0 mg at bedtime)
ropinirole and ten were assigned to the placebo
compared with placebo and were monitored by
arm. Ropinirole was gradually increased over
polysomnogram (PSG), tender-point index and
14 weeks to 8 mg at bedtime. Although 45% of
subjective measurements of improvement in
patients receiving ropinirole achieved a 50% or
daily diaries. A variety of pain and fatigue
greater reduction in 10 cm visual analog pain
scores improved by 29–33% in the active arm
score compared with 30% of placebo patients,
compared with 6–10% in the placebo arm
the results of this small, pilot study were not sta-
(p < 0.005). Tender-point score decreased by
tistically significant (p = 0.31). All other meas-
8.4 points with sodium oxybate compared with
ures of efficacy (tenderness, fatigue and function)
an increase of 0.4 points in the placebo arm
also showed a trend towards the efficacy of rop-
(p = 0.008). PSG measures of inappropriate
inirole compared with placebo.
CNS arousal, including α-intrusion, sleep
The most common adverse events were typical
latency and REM decreased with treatment,
intolerances seen with dopaminergic therapy,
while stage III and IV slow-wave sleep increased
including mild-to-moderate nausea. Interest-
compared with placebo (p < 0.005).
ingly, sudden, uncontrolled daytime sleepiness
This study provided preliminary yet compel-
(sleep attacks) as well as orthostatic hypotension,
ling evidence that FMS pain and fatigue improve
experienced by patients with Parkinson's disease
with increased slow-wave sleep and decreased
treated with daily dopamine agonists, were not
α-wave intrusion. A larger, multicenter, control- seen in this FMS trial. Another controlled FMSled study has recently been completed and should
trial with a new delayed-release ropinirole for-
be reported soon. The therapeutic role of restor-
mulation dosed at bedtime has been completed
ing stage IV deep sleep to address FMS symp-
in Europe, but results are not yet available.
toms provides another important approach quite
The rationale for using a dopamine agonist
different from treating FMS with analgesics, anti-
begins with a greater appreciation of the higher
convulsants or SNRIs. Based on Moldofsky's
incidence of RLS in patients with FMS (31%)
landmark sleep deprivation studies [6,7] and these
compared with normal controls (3%) [64]. In May
sodium oxybate results, a renewed emphasis on
2005, ropinirole became the first and only medi-
the restoration of normal sleep-stage architecture
cation approved for the treatment of RLS by the
has gained more attention as a primary, rather
FDA. This RLS arousal inhibits deep sleep and
than secondary, therapeutic goal.
ties in with the Moldofsky findings. While sedat-ing medications are commonly offered to pro-
mote deep sleep by overwhelming arousal in
Most FMS reviews do not mention dopamine
FMS, the dopamine agonist was intended to
agonists (e.g., ropinirole and pramipexole), as
reduce arousal fragmenting normal sleep.
initial reports were anecdotal until late 2004.
Interestingly, dopamine agonists are not sedat-
These medications were FDA-approved for the
ing and their mechanism of action in FMS is
treatment of Parkinson's disease in 1997 and the
under investigation. Abnormal sympathetic
reasoning behind their use is far afield of tradi-
arousal has been documented in FMS, and these
tional approaches to FMS. Ropinirole is a
patients maintain poor autonomic homeostasis.
dopamine receptor agonist with specificity for
Excessive fight-or-flight responses as well as spe-
the dopamine (D)2 and 3 subreceptors (D2, D3). cific arousals such as intense chronic pain, frus-It is metabolized in the liver by the cytochrome
tration, post-traumatic stress disorder and
P450 (CYP)C1A isoenzyme and has negligible
anxiety have been well documented in FMS.
affinity for muscarinic, acetylcholine, α1, α2, Any of these arousals can chronically disruptopioid or 5-HT receptors.
deep, restorative sleep.
Women's Health (2005)
Treatment of fibromyalgia – REVIEW
D3 receptors are primarily found in the limbic but were not reported in the placebo arm. One
system, including the hippocampus, but not in
episode of transient amnesia (< 24 h) required
the sympathetic arousal centers in the brainstem.
hospitalization for evaluation, but the patient
The hippocampus attenuates and balances sym-
fully recovered and completed the trial (double-
pathetic arousal [65]. Inadequate dopaminergic
blinded) 6 weeks later.
control of autonomic drive from the hippocam-
This study was very atypical for a FMS study.
pus has been suggested as a fundamental issue in
Subjects were allowed to maintain stable doses of
FMS pathogenesis [66]. In fact, preliminary mag-
other medications and psychiatric and pain
netic resonance imaging (MRI) volumetric
comorbidities were allowed. A total of 53 of the
assessment has demonstrated hippocampal atro-
59 patients who completed the trial maintained
phy in patients with FMS compared with nor-
stable doses of other medications, including
mal controls [67,68]. Consequently, a medication
50% requiring daily narcotic analgesics. For any
capable of decreasing RLS and restoring normal
addition of a new medication during the study,
hippocampal dampening of brainstem auto-
the final untainted assessment was used as the
nomic arousal would be a logical therapeutic
final outcome. In addition, 30% of subjects were
disabled, of whom one returned to work duringthe study (active arm).
Most FMS clinical trials only include patients
Although pramipexole is indicated only for the
without comorbidities who are willing to wash
treatment of Parkinson's disease by the FDA, it
out all other medications and risk receiving a
also effectively reduces RLS [69]. Its profile is
placebo for many months. This bias may affect
similar to that of ropinirole, except that it is
interpretation of results and question the rele-
renally metabolized and has mild affinity for
vance of study conclusions for the clinician car-
central adrenergic α-2 receptors (the target of ing for patients with comorbidities and moretizanidine and clonidine) in addition to D2 and severe FMS. It is unlikely that future pregabalin,D3 receptors.
milnacipran, sodium oxybate or ropinirole FMS
Following two positive open-label reports
trials will assess a similarly disabled and narcotic
[70,71], a controlled trial of pramipexole for FMS
dependent FMS cohort, but perhaps a more tra-
in 60 subjects (57 women, 3 men) was recently
ditional trial with pramipexole as monotherapy
presented [72]. Over 14 weeks, subjects were
will be completed. Then, results from these dif-
randomized (2:1) to a weekly fixed dose escala-
ferent trials may be compared more fairly.
tion of pramipexole from 0.25 to 4.5 mg atbedtime or placebo. Significant reductions in
visual analog pain, fatigue, total FIQ score and
Potential new therapies for FMS from divergent
global function at week 14 were found. The
approaches are developing at an unprecedented
mean pain score decreased by 36% in the active
pace. A comparison of different medications is
arm compared with 9% for placebo by ITT
shown in
Table 1. Scientific principles of FMS are
analysis (p = 0.008). A pain reduction of 50%
becoming clearer as basic scientists study neu-
or greater was seen in 42% of patients receiving
ropharmacology and clinicians observe unex-
pramipexole compared with 14% receiving pla-
pected benefits and confirm them in randomized
cebo. All other secondary outcome measures
trials. Application of traditional, conservative
trended better for the active arm, including ten-
treatments remains an option, but greater RRs
der-point index, Beck anxiety score and Hamil-
have emerged with the use of medications capa-
ton depression scale, without achieving
ble of manipulating 5-HT, NE and dopamine.
As with any review of randomized trials, only
The most common adverse event was nausea,
longer and larger studies can confirm or refute
occurring in 79% of the active arm and 71% of
these early findings. However, a changing of the
the placebo arm. Nausea did not lead to discon-
guard is clearly occurring in FMS treatment.
tinuation of pramipexole and was addressed byconcomitant use of proton pump inhibitors. A
Future perspective
mean weight gain of 3 lbs was seen in the pla-
Competition among pharmaceutical compa-
cebo arm, while 40% of patients in the active
nies to discover an effective treatment for the
arm noted 5–25 lb weight loss at week 14
millions of patients with FMSa is already lead-
(p = 0.001). Transient increased anxiety (14%)
ing to dramatic changes in how the medical
and vomiting (16%) were seen in the active arm
community views this cryptic disorder. Larger
REVIEW – Holman
Table 1. Comparison of new medications proposed for the treatment of fibromyalgia.
Subjects who achieved ≥
50% reduction of pain (%)
Active arm
Placebo arm
(528 pts/450 mg/8 weeks)
(125 pts/200 mg/12 weeks)
(207 pts/120 mg/12 weeks)
(354 pts/120 mg/12 weeks)
(18 pts/6 mg/4 weeks)
(30 pts/8 mg/14 weeks)
(60 pts/4.5 mg/14 weeks)
NR: Not reported; pts: Patients.
and bolder studies designed to test these hypoth-
arousal of untreated obstructive sleep apnea
eses related to central pain processing, auto-
could have a significantly negative effect on a
nomic regulation and sleep stage architecture,
fibromyalgia treatment paradigm designed to
enhance the scientific legitimacy of fibromyalgia.
restore deep sleep stages.
As clinicians finally accept the existence of
Conversely, comorbidities could explain a
FMS, a broader array of individuals may become
positive treatment response. Cervical myelo-
involved in finding a solution rather than
pathy, an autonomic arousal documented in ani-
expending energy to rationalize it away with
mal models, was also excluded in the
mythology. Some of the most vociferous oppo-
pramipexole trial. Hypothetically, such a signifi-
nents of fibromyalgia are our most gifted clini-
cant arousal would limit dampening of auto-
cians and researchers. Dedicated fibromyalgia
nomic fragmentation of normal sleep by a
researchers are a small group who need to be
dopamine agonist. However, treatment of fibro-
expanded. Bickering over its existence only adds
myalgia with pregabalin might be enhanced in
to the tragedy of fibromyalgia.
the same subset of patients with fibromyalgia
For a variety of medications, study of their
and comorbid cervical irritation from cord com-
impact on sleep stages and central pain process-
pression. Stabilization of neural membrane activ-
ing is also expanding our knowledge of human
ity might be a more effective treatment in this
physiology well beyond fibromyalgia. Scientists
cohort, but such an evaluation of comorbidity
are discovering the nature of autonomic regula-
was not a consideration in the pregabalin study.
tion and its varied impact on human function
Of course, all of these studies require valida-
unrelated to pain and fatigue. Central limbic
tion through larger and longer trials but, unlike
system influence on behavior, autonomic func-
most medical challenges, future research must
tion, analysis of pain transmission and receptor
be rigorous indeed to overcome the emotionally
dynamics are expanding our basic knowledge
charged and controversial nature of fibromyal-
of the CNS and suggesting novel applications
gia. Yet while the challenge remains daunting,
for many drugs currently used for a variety of
the potential application of eventual discoveries
seems almost limitless. Even this modest success
Future fibromyalgia studies may begin to
will be infectious. Interest in fibromyalgia
consider the impact of comorbidities on thera-
research and acceptance of fibromyalgia as a
peutic outcome results. Exclusion criteria may
genuine entity is expanding. As clinicians
become much more important after we begin
finally see meaningful clinical improvement
to understand the mechanisms of action of
and even recovery, an explosive potential
these new medications. Just as diet affects insu-
emerges to encourage greater dedication to
lin response in diabetics and multiple risk fac-
finally solving the fibromyalgia problem for
tors affect long-term outcomes in
patients and clinicians alike.
cardiovascular trials, the same is true forcomorbidities with fibromyalgia. Untreated
Information resources
obstructive sleep apnea was excluded in thepramipexole and ropinirole trials and added as
• Fibromylagia clinical trials
an exclusion criterion in a new sodium oxybate
trial. Theoretically, the profound autonomic
(Accessed October 2005)
Women's Health (2005)
Treatment of fibromyalgia – REVIEW
Executive summary
• Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a specific musculoskeletal condition affecting 10 million Americans validated by specific criteria published by the American College of Rheumatology in 1990.
• Diagnosis is based on demonstration of widespread pain for at least 3 months and specific tenderness to gentle palpation symmetrically at tender points.
• FMS tender points are located at the occiput, trapezius, medial clavicle, lateral epicondyle, sacroiliac, greater trochanteric and medial knee regions.
• FMS is not a diagnosis of exclusion and important comorbid pain can complicate the presentation and require independent diagnosis and treatment.
• FMS symptoms have been reproduced after auditory fragmentation of stage III/IV sleep for 4 nights.
• Similar experiments in athletes and disruption of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep did not lead to FMS symptoms.
• Pain and tenderness have been attributed to amplified central pain processing, but the specific mechanism has not yet been identified.
• Abnormal regulation of autonomic control is a prominent feature of FMS and may explain the strong association of irritable bowel syndrome, irritable bladder, palpitations and vasomotor instability with FMS.
• Inadequate hippocampal attenuation of autonomic arousal fragmenting sleep appears to be a fundamental feature of FMS.
• Dopaminergic control of hippocampal function suggests a novel treatment approach to FMS.
Traditional treatment options
• Exercise, usually aerobic and carefully graded, consistently reduces FMS symptoms for some patients, but fails to address FMS pathogenesis.
• Controlled trials with acupuncture, massage, ultrasound, mineral baths and cognitive behavioral therapy demonstrate 30% reduced pain.
• Fluoxetine (20 mg), amitriptyline (25 mg), sertraline (50 mg), cyclobenzaprine (1–30 mg), tizanidine (4–24 mg), carisoprodol (1200 mg) and temazepam (15–30 mg) demonstrated a clinical benefit in controlled trials.
• Ibuprofen (2400 mg), naproxen (1000 mg), prednisone (15 mg) and alprazolam (0.5–3.0 mg) failed to benefit FMS patients in controlled trials. Zolpidem (5–15 mg) improved sleep, but not FMS pain.
• Pregabalin, a precursor of gabapentin, is a ligand for α2-δ subtype 1 and 2 receptors affecting CNS voltage-gated calcium channels.
• In the largest FMS trial to date (528 patients), pregabalin (450 mg) significantly reduced FMS pain over 8 weeks.
• A total of 29% of patients receiving pregabalin achieved more than 50% decreased pain compared with 11% receiving placebo.
• Milnacipran and duloxetine are mixed 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and norepinepherine reuptake inhibitors (SNRI) indicated for the treatment of depression.
• In a Phase II trial, 37% of patients with FMS receiving milnacipran noted a greater than 50% pain reduction compared with 14% receiving placebo. Adverse events were unremarkable.
• In two large trials, duloxetine did not reduce pain in men, but effectively reduced many FMS symptoms, including pain, in women. In the first trial, including men, 28% receiving duloxetine noted greater than 50% decreased pain compared with 17% receiving placebo.
Stage IV sleep induction approach
• Sodium oxybate induces stage IV sleep and is a commercial form of g-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), a naturally occurring CNS metabolite. It is indicated for the treatment of narcolepsy in patients with cataplexy.
• In a pilot controlled trial in 24 patients, sodium oxybate significantly increased stage IV sleep duration, decreased arousals fragmenting sleep and reduced FMS pain and fatigue by 29–33%.
Dopamine agonist approach
• Ropinirole and pramipexole are selective dopamine D3 receptor agonists developed for the treatment of Parkinson's disease and commonly used for the treatment of restless legs syndrome.
REVIEW – Holman
Executive summary (Cont.)
• Much higher doses demonstrate efficacy for FMS when given at bedtime. Typical dopamine intolerances, including nausea, are noted and often require concomitant treatment.
• In a pilot trial in 30 patients, ropinirole (8 mg) safely reduced pain without achieving statistical significance. A large European study at higher doses has just been completed.
• Over 14 weeks, 42% of patients receiving pramipexole (4.5 mg at bedtime) noted more than 50% decreased pain compared with 14% receiving placebo. Significant improvements in fatigue, function and global assessment were also noted.
• The most common adverse events were mild nausea and weight loss in the pramipexole arm and nausea and weight gain in the placebo arm.
• Identifying the role of autonomic regulation of sleep stage architecture, the importance of hippocampal control of autonomic arousal and the mechanism of central amplified pain will be central themes.
• Combination therapy with these varied treatment approaches to FMS and identifying the influence of comorbidities will make the treatment of FMS more complex, but also more successful.
Important paper demonstrating the
Turk DC: The potential of treatment
Papers of special note have been highlighted as
importance of sleep stage architecture
matching for subgroups of patients with
either of interest (•) or of considerable interest (••)
chronic pain: lumping versus splitting.
Petzke F, Clauw DJ: Sympathetic nervous
Clin. J. Pain 21(1), 44–55 (2005).
Gowers WR: Lumbago – its lessons and
system function in fibromyalgia.
Clauw DJ, Crofford LJ: Chronic widespread
Br. Med. J. 1, 117–121 (1904).
Rheumatol. Rep. 2(2), 116–123 (2000).
pain and fibromyalgia: what we know, and
Wolfe F, Smythe HA, Yunus MB
et al.: The
Important overview of the role of the
what we need to know.
Best Pract. Res. Clin.
American College of Rheumatology 1990
autonomic nervous system in FMS.
Rheumatol. 17(4), 685–701 (2003).
criteria for the classification of fibromyalgia:
Cohen H, Neumann L, Shore M, Amir M,
McCain GA, Bell DA, Mai FM
et al.: A
report of the multicenter criteria committee.
Cassuto Y, Buskila D: Abnormal
controlled study of the effects of a
Arthritis Rheum. 33(2), 160–172 (1990).
sympathovagal balance in men with
supervised cardiovascular fitness training
Bennett RM: Emerging concepts in the
J. Rheumatol. 28(3), 581–589
program on the manifestations of primary
neurobiology of chronic pain: evidence of
Arthritis Rheum. 31,
abnormal sensory processing in fibromyalgia.
Rosner I, Rozenbaum M, Naschitz JE, Sabo
1135–1141 (1988).
Mayo Clin. Proc. 74(4), 385–398 (1999).
E, Yeshurum D: Dysautonomia in chronic
Gowans SE, DeHueck A, Voss S,
Fundamentally important paper on
fatigue syndrome vs. fibromyalgia.
Isr. Med.
Richardson M: A randomized controlled
pain processing in fibromyalgia
Assoc. J. 2(Suppl.), 23–24 (2000).
trial of exercise and education for
Martinez-Lavin M, Hermosillo AG:
individuals with fibromyalgia.
Arthritis Care
Gracely RH, Petzke F, Wolf JM, Clauw DJ:
Autonomic nervous system dysfunction may
Res. 12, 120–128 (1999).
Functional magnetic resonance imaging
explain the multisystem features of
Jentoft ES, Kvalvik AG, Mengshoel AM:
evidence of augmented pain processing in
Semin. Arthritis Rheum. 29(4),
Effects of pool-based and land-based aerobic
Arthritis Rheum. 46(6),
197–199 (2000).
exercise on women with
1333–1343 (2002).
Raj SR, Brouillard D, Simpson CS,
fibromyalgia/widespread pain muscle pain.
Innovative support for abnormal central
Hopman WM, Abdollah H: Dysautonomia
Arthritis Rheum. 45, 42–47 (2001).
pain processing in FMS.
among patients with fibromyalgia: a
Donmez A, Karagulle MZ, Tercan N
et al.:
Price DD, Staud R: Neurobiology of
noninvasive assessment.
J. Rheumatol. 27,
SPA therapy in fibromyalgia: a randomized
fibromyalgia syndrome.
J. Rheumatol. Suppl.
2660–2665 (2000).
controlled clinic study.
Rheumatol. Int.
75, 22–28 (2005).
Martinez-Lavin M, Hermosillo AG, Rosas
(2005) (Epub ahead of print).
Important review of peripheral and CNS
M, Soto M: Circadian studies of autonomic
Goldenberg DL, Burckhardt C, Crofford L:
mechanisms in FMS.
nervous balance in patients with
Management of fibromyalgia syndrome.
Moldofsky H, Scarisbrick P, England R,
fibromyalgia: a heart variability analysis.
JAMA 292(19), 2388–2395 (2004).
Smythe H: Musculoskeletal symptoms and
Arthritis Rheum. 41(11), 1966–1971
Comprehensive review of FMS treatment
non-REM sleep disturbance in patients with
through 2004 with emphasis on evidence-
‘fibrositis syndrome' and healthy subjects.
Vaeroy H, Qiao ZG, Morkrid L, Forre O:
Psychosom. Med. 37, 341–351 (1975).
Altered sympathetic nervous system
Mannerkorpi K: Exercise in fibromyalgia.
Arguably the most important paper on FMS
response in patients with fibromyalgia
Curr. Opin. Rheumatol. 17(2), 190–194
(fibrositis syndrome).
J. Rheumatol. 16(11),
Moldofsky H, Scarisbrick P: Induction of
1460–1465 (1989).
Deluze C, Bosia L, Zirbs A, Chantraine A,
neurasthenic musculoskeletal pain syndrome
Yunus MB: Gender differences in
Vischer TL: Electroacupuncture in
by selective sleep stage deprivation.
fibromyalgia and other related syndromes.
fibromyalgia: results of a controlled trial.
Psychosom. Med. 38, 35–44 (1976).
J. Gend. Specif. Med. 5(2), 42–47 (2002).
Br. Med. J. 305, 1249–1252 (1992).
Women's Health (2005)
Treatment of fibromyalgia – REVIEW
Harris RE, Tian X, Cupps TR
et al.: The
may reduce serum hyaluronic acid as it
Crofford LJ, Rowbotham MC, Mease PJ
treatment of fibromyalgia with acupuncture.
improves clinical symptoms of the
et al.: Pregabalin for the treatment of
Arthritis Rheum. 48, S692 (2003) (Abstract).
fibromyalgia syndrome.
Arthritis Rheum. 46,
fibromyalgia syndrome: results of a
Assefi NP, Sherman KJ, Jacobsen C
et al.: A
S614 (2002) (Abstract).
randomized, double-blind, placebo-
randomized clinical trial of acupuncture
Vaeroy H, Abrahamsen A, Forre O, Kasse
controlled trial.
Arthritis Rheum. 52(4),
compared with sham acupuncture in
E: Treatment of fibromyalgia (fibrositis
1264–1273 (2005).
Ann. Intern. Med. 143(1), 124
syndrome): a parallel double-blind trial
Fundamentally important paper
with carisoprodol, paracetamol and
introducing a new treatment concept.
Brattberg G: Connective tissue massage in
caffeine (somadril comp) versus placebo.
Taylor CP: Gabapentin: Mechanisms of
the treatment of fibromyalgia.
Eur. J. Pain 3,
Clin. Rheumatol. 8(2), 245–250 (1989).
Action. In:
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Yunus MB, Masi AT, Aldag JC: Short-term
Levy RH, Mattson RH, Meldrum BS (Eds),
Almeida TF, Roizenblatt S, Benedito-Silva
effects of ibuprofen in primary
Raven Press, New York, NY, USA, 829–841
AA, Tufik S: The effect of combined therapy
fibromyalgia syndrome: a double-blind,
(ultrasound and interferential current) on
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Inhibition of neuronal Ca(2+) influx by
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Goldenberg DL, Felson DT, Dinerman H:
gabapentin and pregabalin in the human
Buskila D, Abu-Shakra M, Neumann L
A randomized, controlled trial of
Neuropharmacology 42, 229–236
et al.: Balneotherapy for fibromyalgia at the
amitriptyline and naproxen in the
Dead Sea.
Rheumatol. Int. 20, 105–108
treatment of patients with fibromyalgia.
Offenbaecher M, Ackenheil M: Current
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trends in neuropathic pain treatments with
Redondo JR, Justo CM, Moraleda FV
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CNS Spectr.
Long-term efficacy of therapy in patients
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10(4), 285–297 (2005).
with fibromyalgia: a physical exercise-based
blind crossover trial of prednisone versus
Moulin DE: Systemic drug treatment for
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Hench PK, Cohen R, Mitler MM:
Zijsltra TR, Barendregt PJ, van der Laar MA:
Goldenberg D, Mayskiy M, Mossey C,
Fibromyalgia: effects of amitriptyline,
Venlafaxine in fibromyalgia: results of a
Ruthazer R, Schmid C: A randomized,
temazepam and placebo on pain and sleep.
randomized placebo-controlled, double-
double-blind crossover trial of fluoxetine
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Arthritis Rheum. 46, S105 (2002)
and amitriptyline for the treatment of
Russell IJ, Fletcher EM, Michalek JE,
Arthritis Rheum. 39(11),
McBroom PC, Hester GG: Treatment of
Dwight MM, Arnold LM, O'Brien H
et al.:
1852–1859 (1996).
primary fibrositis/fibromyalgia syndrome
An open clinical trial of venlafaxine
Important crossover study demonstrating
with ibuprofen and alprazolam. A double-
treatment of fibromyalgia.
Psychosomatics 39,
significant therapeutic benefit with
blind, placebo-controlled study.
14–17 (1998).
fluoxetine and amitryptyline.
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Sayar K, Aksu G, Ak I, Tosum M:
Carette S, Oakson G, Guimont C,
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Venlafaxine treatment of fibromyalgia.
Steriade M: Sleep electroencephalography
Rosenthal N: Tramadol and
Pharmacother. 37, 1561–1565 (2003).
and the clinical response to amitriptyline in
acetaminophen combination tablets in the
Kranzler JD, Gendreau JF, Rao SG: The
patients with fibromyalgia.
Arthritis Rheum.
treatment of fibromyalgia pain: a double-
psychopharmacology of fibromyalgia: a drug
38(9), 1211–1217 (1995).
blind, randomized, placebo-controlled
development perspective.
Gonzalez-Viejo MA, Avellanet M,
Am. J. Med. 114(7), 537–545
Bull. 36(1), 165–213 (2002).
Hernandez-Morcuende MI: A comparative
Excellent and thorough review of the merits
study of fibromyalgia treatment:
Important paper for clinicians treating
of addressing serotonin and
ultrasonography and physiotherapy versus
patients with FMS.
norepinepherine in FMS drug development.
sertraline treatment.
Ann. Readapt. Med.
Moldofsky H, Lue FA, Mously C, Roth-
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Schechter B, Reynolds WJ: The effect of
Kranzler J, Rao SG: A double-blind, placebo-
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zolpidem in patients with fibromyalgia: a
controlled trial of milnacipran in the
Treatment of fibromyalgia with
dose ranging, double-blind, placebo-
treatment of fibromyalgia.
cyclobenzaprine: a meta-analysis.
controlled, modified crossover study.
Hum. Psychopharmacol. Clin. Exp. 19,
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J. Rheumatol. 23, 529–533 (1996).
S27–S35 (2004).
Moldofsky H: A double-blind, randomized,
Holman AJ: Safety and efficacy of
Important paper describing a new approach
parallel study of the safety, efficacy and
lorazepam for fibromyalgia after one year.
tolerability of very-low-dosage
Arthritis Rheum. 42(9), S152 (1999)
Arnold LM, Lu Y, Crofford LJ
et al.: A
cyclobenzaprine compared to placebo in
double-blind multicenter trial comparing
subjects with fibromyalgia.
Arthritis Rheum.
Jankovic J: Section Five/The
duloxetine to placebo in the treatment of
46, S614 (2002) (Abstract).
Extrapyramidal Disorders. In:
fibromyalgia with and without major
Russell IJ, Michalek JE, Xiao Y, Haynes W,
Textbook of Medicine, 19th Edition.
depressive disorder.
Arthritis Rheum. 50(9),
Vertiz R, Lawrence RA: Therapy with a
Wyngaarden J, Smith L, Bennett J (Eds),
2974–2984 (2004).
central alpha-2- agonist (tizanidine)
WB Saunders Co., Philadelphia, PA, USA,
Important paper describing a new approach
decreases cerebral spinal substance P, and
2137 (1992).
REVIEW – Holman
Wernicke JF, Rosen AS, Lu Y
et al.:
Holman AJ: Treatment of fibromyalgia with
Conference on Functional Mapping of the
Duloxetine in the treatment of fibromyalgia.
the dopamine agonist ropinirole: a 14-week
Human Brain. Poster TU 342 (Abstract).
Arthritis Rheum. 50(Suppl. 9), S1867
double-blind, pilot, randomized controlled
Lin SC, Kaplan J, Burger CD,
(2004) (Abstract).
trial with 14-week blinded extension.
Fredrickson PA: Effect of pramipexole in
Important example of how redesign of a
Arthritis Rheum. 50(9), S698 (2004)
treatment of resistant restless legs syndrome.
study can affect outcome.
Mayo Clin. Proc. 73(6), 497–500 (1998).
MacFarlane JG, Shahal B, Mously C,
Yunus M, Aldag J: Restless legs syndrome
Holman AJ: Pramipexole and fibromyalgia:
Moldofsky H: Periodic K-alpha sleep EEG
and leg cramps in fibromyalgia syndrome: a
promise and precaution.
J. Rheumatol.
activity and periodic limb movements
controlled study.
Br. Med. J. 312, 1339
30(12), 2733 (2003).
during sleep: comparisons of clinical features
First report describing this new approach
and sleep parameters.
Sleep 19(3), 200–204
per describing restless legs
syndrome in FMS.
Holman AJ, Neiman RA, Ettlinger RE:
Exceptional paper explaining important
Lopez JF, Akil H, Watson SJ: Neural circuits
Preliminary efficacy of the dopamine
sleep issues in FMS.
mediating stress.
Biol. Psychiatry 46(11),
agonist, pramipexole for fibromyalgia: the
Roizenblatt S, Moldofsky H, Benedito-Silva
1461–1471 (1999).
first, open label, multicenter experience.
AA, Tufik S: Alpha sleep characteristics in
Wood PB: Fibromyalgia syndrome: a central
J. Musculoskelet. Pain 12(1), 69–74 (2004).
Arthritis Rheum. 44(1),
role for the hippocampus – a theoretical
Holman AJ, Myers RR: A randomized,
222–230 (2001).
J. Musculoskelet. Pain 12(1),
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of
Exceptional paper explaining important
19–26 (2004).
pramipexole, a dopamine agonist, in
sleep issues in FMS.
Critically important paper for those
patients with fibromyalgia receiving
Scharf MB, Baumann M, Berkowitz DV:
interested in FMS pathogenesis.
concomitant medications.
Arthritis Rheum.
The effects of sodium oxybate on clinical
Wood PB, Hill AL, Featherstone L,
52(8), 2495–2505 (2005).
symptoms and sleep patterns in patients
Patterson JP: Hippocampal metabolite
Important paper describing a new
with fibromyalgia.
J. Rheumatol. 30,
abnormalities in fibromyalgia and their
approach to FMS.
1070–1074 (2003).
symptom correlates.
J. Musculoskelet. Pain
Important paper describing a new
12, S73 (2004) (Abstract).
approach to FMS.
Glabus MF, Hill AL, Featherstone L,
101 Website of the US Food and Drug
Holman AJ: Ropinirole, a dopamine
Wood P: Brain structural abnormalities and
agonist, for refractory fibromyalgia:
their symptom correlates in fibromyalgia
preliminary observations.
J. Clin. Rheum.
syndrome. Neuroimage 2004, CD-ROM.
(Accessed October 2005)
9(4), 277–279 (2003).
Proceedings of the 10th International
Women's Health (2005)
Source: http://www.fms-wsm.org/pdf/fibromyalgia_treatment.pdf
NIH Public AccessAuthor ManuscriptSens Actuators B Chem. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 March 25. NIH-PA Author Manuscript Published in final edited form as: Sens Actuators B Chem. 2011 May 20; 154(1): 22–27. doi:10.1016/j.snb.2010.03.067. A microfluidic platform for electrical detection of DNA M. Javanmard* and R.W. DavisStanford Genome Technology Center, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 94304, United States
The diabetic foot infection can lead to tissue necrosis and amputation. Diabetes is the leading non-traumatic cause of major amputation of the lower limbs. Miles J levyJonathan ValabhjiQ2 NeuropathyNerve damage due to disease of the vasa nervorum results in a ‘glove and stocking' sensorimotor peripheral neuropathy that may progress proximally. The motor component results in dener-vation of the small muscles of the foot, leading to: • hyperextension at the metatarsophalangeal joints