If the patient is not agitated, cyanosed nor
imminently dying, a trial of methylphenidate
Delirium and
(Dexedrine®) 2.5–5.0mg once or twice daily in the morning may help. Tolerance develops to these drugs
and may limit their role.
A newer CNS stimulant, modafinil (Alertec®)
may be tried. Its mechanism of action is not entirely
Studies report that this symptom, which varies
clear, but it has central 1-adrenergic receptor
from mild to severe, occurs in 25–85% of patients
agonism. It also may have a different site of action
with advanced cancer(7). Gagnon reported a
in the hypothalamus rather than the cortex as in
prevalence of delirium in 52% of patients(8). On
methylphenidate(5). As such, its adverse effect
occasion, however, a few patients will remain
profile is also different and lower. Although
coherent until within minutes or hours of death.
officially approved only for use in narcolepsy, it
Lawlor et al(9) reported that, on admission to a
has been found helpful in cancer-related fatigue,
palliative care unit, delirium was initially diagnosed
in Alzheimer's disease and as an adjuvant in
in 42% of patients, and later developed in a further
depression(6). Dosage is 100–200mg morning or
45%, with 12% having no delirium at any point.
divided at morning and noon.
Terminal delirium occurred in 88% of deaths.
Confusion about Confusion
In a Cochrane collaborative review, delirium
is stated to be a common disorder that often complicates treatment in patients with life-limiting disease. Delirium is described using a variety of terms such as agitation, acute confusional state, encephalopathy, organic mental disorders and terminal restlessness(10).
Chang(11), in an editorial entitled
The Confusion
About Confusion, also notes various terms that are used but have different meanings, including confusion, altered mental state, cognitive impairment, acute brain syndrome, restlessness, dementia and delirium.
Even then, ‘confusion' could represent delirium,
pain, a psychiatric condition, dysphasia, dementia or disorientation(12). ‘Altered mental status' could be agitation or anger, coma, seizures or delusions(13). ‘Delirium' and ‘dementia' are more closely defined using DSM-IV or ICD-10 coding. The criteria
for delirium by DSM-IV are listed in Chapter 17
Etiology and Assessment
Psychosocial Care, and by ICD-10 is shown in Table 14.1(14).
Acute brain syndrome(15) was often previously
Delirium is one of the most prevalent symptoms
used but delirium has now replaced it(16).
in palliative care and, since it may present in
Dementia will be briefly discussed later but,
different shades of altered cognition, the routine use
in comparison to delirium, has the following
of screening instruments is recommended(18).
As with all symptoms, careful assessment
• Often irreversible
is necessary in determining the etiology of
• Consciousness level usually not affected
confusion. Much can be gained by careful review
• Hallucinations not common
of recent history, current medications and physical
• Usually deterioration of all cognitive and
examination. Table 14.2 outlines the general causes
intellectual functions
of confusion in advanced disease.
Although the following data relates to a study
Delirium in dementia appears to have similar
(physicians, social workers)(11), Inouye et al report
that hospice nurses have difficulty recognizing
N.B. For the purposes of this book, delirium will
delirium, with a sensitivity of 18% (15–31%)
generally be used in place of confusion, and dementia
but specificity of 95%(20). This means that they
used as it implies.
were accurate in knowing when delirium was not present, but significantly under-recognized it when
ICD-10 Diagnostic Guidelines for Delirium
For a definite diagnosis, symptoms of mild or severe should be present in the following areas:• Impairment of
• On a continuum from clouding to coma
• Reduced ability to direct, focus, sustain and shift attention
• Global disturbance • Perceptual distortions, illusions and hallucinations, most often visual
• Impairment of abstract thinking and comprehension, with or without delusions, but typically with
some degree of incoherence
• Impairment of immediate recall and of recent memory but with relatively intact remote memory
• Disorientation for time as well as, in more severe cases, for place and person
• Hypo- or hyperactivity and unpredictable shifts from one to the other
• Increased reaction time
• Increased or decreased flow of speech
• Enhanced startle reaction
• Disturbance of
• Insomnia or, in severe cases, total sleep loss or reversal of the sleep-wake cycle
• Daytime drowsiness
• Nocturnal worsening of symptoms
• Disturbing dreams or nightmares, which may continue as hallucinations after wakening
• Examples - depression, anxiety or fear, irritability, euphoria, apathy or wondering perplexity
• The onset is usually rapid, the course diurnally fluctuating, and the total duration of the condition less than six months.
• The above clinical picture is so characteristic that a fairly confident diagnosis of delirium can be made even if the
underlying cause is not clearly established.
• In addition to a history of an underlying physical or brain disease, evidence of cerebral dysfunction (e.g. EEG) may be
required if the diagnosis is in doubt.
• Acute brain syndrome
• Acute confusional state
• Acute infective psychosis
• Acute organic reaction
• Acute psycho-organic syndrome
Table 14.1. ICD-10 Diagnostic Guidelines for Delirium. With permission WHO(14).
Causes of Delirium
There are many possible assessment tools used
• Tumor burden or location e.g. brain
for assessing cognitive and affective aspects of
• Infection, sepsis
delirium(21,22), although usual medical and nursing
assessments may have similar outcomes(23). Of
• Hypercalcemia
those, several are more often used in palliative
• Hepatic encephalopathy
• Hypo- or hyperglycemia
One of the most widely used tools for assessing
• Cardiorespiratory
cognition is the Folstein Mini Mental State Exam
(MMSE)(24,25), but it is not specific for delirium.
The Delirium Rating Scale (DRS)(26,27) has
• Cerebrovascular – e.g. stroke(19)
value in screening and monitoring the severity
of delirium(21), as has the Memorial Delirium
• Subdural hematoma
Assessment Scale (MDAS)(28,29).
• General discomfort
Screening tools, i.e. not for full assessment,
Drug Effects • Idiosyncratic
which could be used in various settings include
• Drug accumulation
Confusion Assessment Method (CAM)(8,30-34)
• Physical decline, decreased renal or
hepatic clearance
and Bedside Confusion Scale (BCS)(35). Even
• Accidental or intentional overdose
then, use of these without some training reduces
• Drug withdrawal
their sensitivity(36). CAM assesses 10 areas: acute
onset, inattention, disorganized thinking, altered
• Other medications e.g. steroid
level of consciousness, disorientation, memory impairment, perceptual disturbances, psychomotor
Table 14.2. Causes of Delirium. M Downing
agitation, psychomotor retardation and altered
a patient was delirious. Four independent risk factors
sleep-wake cycle. The CAM (short form) uses
for under-recognition were identified: hypoactive
4 factors: acute onset and fluctuating course,
delirium, age 80 years and older, vision impairment,
inattention, disorganized thinking and altered level
and dementia. Under-recognition increased with
of consciousness.
the number of risk factors present from 2% (0 risk factors) – 6% (1 risk factor), 15% (2 risk factors),
Delirium Sub-types
and 44% (3 or 4 risk factors). Patients with 3 or 4
Two types of delirium are of particular note as
risk factors had a 20-fold risk for under-recognition.
each is seen in end-of-life care(37). As the terms
Recognition of delirium can be enhanced with
imply, hyperactive delirium involves an agitated,
education in delirium features, cognitive assessment,
hyperalert stage, and hypoactive delirium involves
and factors associated with poor recognition(20).
being lethargic. Table 14.3 shows distinguishing
Any decision to carry out investigations
must be weighed against the value which will
Among older adults, especially those in long-
be gained from the results and the expected
term care situations, delirium may not appear to
improvement from treatment based on those
be very different from previous episodes observed
tests, as well as the morbidity and 'usefulness' of
when the resident experienced an infection,
pursuing investigations in a patient who may be
exacerbation of a chronic condition, anxiety, pain
deteriorating quickly and close to death.
or adverse drug reactions. However, delirium at the end of life is usually multifactorial and exacerbated by the progressive multiple system failure.
Sandberg et al(38) reported that in the elderly,
although episodes of delirium in general occur in the afternoon, evening or night, in fact 47% of the delirious patients in a residential facility had morning delirium. Further, nearly 26% were classified as having hypoactive, 30% as having hyperactive, and 42% as having mixed delirium(39).
Hypoactive delirium is often misdiagnosed in the
elderly as depression or simply not recognized(40,
It is a major challenge to discern whether one
should pursue investigations or not. If the cause
The experience of delirium is highly distressful
could be identified easily, with minimal invasion
to most. In a recall study, Breitbart et al(42) found
and be readily treated with resulting improvement,
several important points:
then many would want this as this is a distressing
• Patients who could recall delirium (about 53%)
ranked their distress level at average 3.2 (scale
Physicians always face the dilemma of how
0–4) with delusions being the most distressful
aggressively to intervene in reversing delirium, and
the following is a possible strategy(43):
• Spouses/caregivers rated their distress at 3.75
• Identify the underlying cause (if possible) and
• Nurses rated personal distress at 3.09 with
assess its impact on the patient's quality of life
symptom severity and perceptual disturbances
• Rank the distress of delirium in the context of
as most distressful
the patient's overall symptom complex
• Patients with hypoactive delirium were just as
• Assess the potential problems associated with
distressed as those with hyperactive type
correcting the underlying causes and consequent
• They concluded stating the necessity for timely
impact on quality of life (e.g. using IV line for
recognition and prompt treatment
antibiotics, and patient pulling out)
• Consider the advantages and disadvantages of
intervention versus no intervention
• Discuss treatment options with the patient
(if mild cognitive impairment) and the family to allow informed decision-making and ultimately the development of a consensus on the appropriate level of intervention
It is usually neither simple nor easy, and the
causes are often multiple. When confronted with delirium in terminally ill or dying patients, health care professionals should always review a differential diagnosis and the likely factors involved. A firm
Contrasting Features of Subtypes of Delirium
diagnosis may only be attainable in less than half of
Hyperactive Delirium Hypoactive
cases(44). In the Lawlor study above(9) reversal of
delirium was possible in 56% of first episodes, but
• Hallucinations
only 26% if a subsequent delirium developed.
Factors associated with likely
reversible delirium
• Encephalopathies
• Opioid-induced neurotoxicity
• Psychoactive drugs
• Benzodiazepine
Pathophys- • Elevated or normal • Decreased
Factors associated with
cerebral metabolism
• Hypoxic encephalopathy
• EEG – fast or
• Metabolic factors (e.g. hypercalcemia,
• EEG – diffuse
• Reduced activity in
hyponatremia, renal insufficiency)
• Overstimulation of
• Non-respiratory infection
Table 14.3. Contrasting Features of Subtypes of Delirium.
From Handbook of Psychiatry in Palliative Medicine, edited
by HM Chochinov, W Breibart. With permission of Oxford
University Press, Inc(37).
A valuable practical insight is that of a baseline
hydration, bisphosphonates for hypercalcemia,
vulnerability and superimposed precipitants. Age,
oxygen, rotation of opioids, reduction or
mental status, multi-system impairment, decreased
discontinuing of other offending drugs.
nutritional status and decreased functional status
At the same time, low dose neuroleptics may be
provide a precarious baseline. Any superimposed
started. The aim is not to sedate, which may tip the
factor may then precipitate delirium, including
situation to become irreversible, but rather to provide
medications, dehydration, infection, metabolic
sufficient medication to reduce agitation. Therefore,
dysfunction or hypoxia.
one should use low-sedating neuroleptics and avoid
The mortality rate in delirium varies of course by
anxiolytics as possible.
the etiology and patient condition, and varies from
2. Intent to Relieve by Sedation
Reversal may be unrealistic or unwanted.
Treatment Approaches
Latimer(46) used the term ‘sedation as therapy'
Taking the above facts into consideration, there
in recognizing that the goal may be reduction of
are three approaches to consider in management as
severity of delirium via use of sedative medication.
follows. Each of these have pros and cons, requiring
Criteria for this approach include:
team and family input as noted.
• If delirium unpleasant and/or worsening
Additionally, similar to the relationship of pain
• If patient did not want active treatment
and total pain, delirium has the underlying disease
• If treatment is futile or unlikely to improve
factors precipitating delirium, but there can be
superimposed many other features, including
• If conditions are unsafe for patient, family or
unresolved fears, anxiety or spiritual journey.
staff e.g. wild agitation, violence
Cultural aspects may also be involved and respect for these are required as discussed in Chapters 17
In this approach, neuroleptics ± anxiolytics are
Psychosocial Care and 18 Cultural and Spiritual
titrated in the usual manner to provide acceptable
control. Most patients will respond to this. This is
The three possible treatment approaches include
not palliative sedation per se, as that is intended
the intent to reverse delirium, the intent to relieve
only in severe refractory symptoms. Palliative
with sedation and the intent to observe for the time
sedation as a topic is discussed in Chapter 19 Death
and Dying with its own criteria.
1. Intent to Relieve by Reversal
In this approach, there is some likelihood of
reversing delirium, particularly where the patient has a higher functional status.
Criteria for this include:• Known patient wish for intervention where
possible, even if chances are low
• If readily reversible • If potentially reversible e.g. opioid neurotoxicity• If not dying, i.e. earlier stages• If dying, trial attempts – only if patient had
wanted active treatments and reverse is likely; otherwise no. Treatment examples – hydration, O , opioid rotation
With this approach, some investigations and
treatments will be carried out depending on the identified causes. Examples include antibiotics,
3. Intent to Observe Delirium
Other Treatment Measures
There are occasional times when, in known
imminently dying patients, the patient develops
Provide Education and Support:
hallucinations, visions or physical movements which
• Explanation (repeated) to patient, family and
appear comforting(37), or at least not disturbing,
and possibly have interpretable meaning to family.
• Stress that the patient is not going ‘insane'
This usually occurs in a hypoactive delirium, with its
• There may be brief lucid periods for some
quietness. Some view this mild restlessness, visions
meaningful interaction
and voices as a meaningful journey for the patient, with symbolism in the patient. Callanan's book
Using More or Less Stimulation
Gifts discusses such types of experiences wherein some family find comfort(47).
In these cases, it may be prudent to observe the
Provide a safe and relaxing environment.
patient, provide support to family, but be prepared
Patients with delirium need
LESS stimulation:
to initiate sedative therapy if circumstances change
• Quiet, well-lit room
to agitation. As Breitbart and Cohen(37) note,
• Minimal staff changes
"such a ‘wait and see' approach must, however,
• Repeated reassurance, explanation
be tempered by the knowledge that a lethargic
• Calendars, clocks, observing sunshine, darkness,
or hypoactive delirium may very quickly and
unexpectedly become an agitated delirium that
• Contacts with fewer people
can threaten the serenity and safety of the patient,
• Sedation as necessary
family and staff."
At the same time, in the study discussed
Patients with dementia need
MORE stimulation, but
above(42), patients with hypoactive delirium who
structured so as not to further disorient:
survived recalled that they were highly distressed
• Constant reorientation to time, place
during delirium. Guidance by the temporary
• Familiar and constant surroundings
substitute decision-maker and other family, along
• Sedation often worsens disorientation
with the palliative care team, is needed to determine the most appropriate course of management.
Use of Relaxation Techniques
Some relaxation therapies may be helpful while
others may worsen delirium. For example, massage, tub baths, gentle music, scripture, etc. may assist in calming the patient, while visualization or guided imagery can worsen hallucinations or deepen feelings of fear and dissociation from reality. Therefore, these need to be applied on an individual basis.
Drug Therapy in Delirium
‘hypoactive' delirium, and delirium of ‘severe'
intensity. Another reported value in the elderly who were non-responsive to other neuroleptics(64).
Two classes of drugs can be used as indicated,
There have been two case reports of opioid-induced
neuroleptics and anxiolytics. Neuroleptic drugs
delirium while on olanzapine, so its role in the
are the standard and quite effective(48–50).
multiple etiologies in palliative care remains unclear
There are the so-called ‘conventional' and ‘modern
at present(65). Dosage is 2.5–10.0mg once to twice
atypical' drugs with some being more sedating
daily PO or by dissolvable wafer on the tongue(37)
and also as injectable.
olanzapine) and others less so (e.g. haloperidol,
Methotrimeprazine is effective and used as
quetiapine). Drugs in both categories are used
an alternative to haloperidol(66,67). It is a higher
for delirium management as discussed here, and
sedation drug at doses of 15mg or above. It can be
also for intractable or refractory delirium as part
given PO, SC, IV as well as SL. Very low doses are
of palliative sedation as discussed in Chapter 19
used for nausea (0.5–2.5mg) but control of delirium
Death and Dying.
usually requires 10–15mg for mild and up to 50mg
A Cochrane review(10) noted that evidence
for severe delirium. These may be given q4–8h
is scarce regarding this class of drugs in terminal
initially, then less often once controlled(37).
care. Recognizing this limit,
haloperidol is the most
Quetiapine may be an acceptable and safe
suitable drug therapy for the treatment of patients
alternative(68) but there is little evidence in the
with delirium near the end of life.
palliative field. Some have found it helpful at mean
may be an acceptable alternative if a small risk of
dosing of 93±23mg/day(69) or mean dosing of
slight cognitive impairment is not a concern. This
44±30mg/day(70). Anecdotally, some have started
was based mainly on a study by Breitbart(51) but
at a low dose 6.25mg bid and increased as needed
also with support from other case studies(52-56).
(71). For agitated dementia with delusions, an
Haloperidol is generally considered the gold
expert panel's first-line recommendation is an
standard. It is a longer acting drug(48) which
antipsychotic drug: risperidone (0.5–2.0 mg/day)
can be given PO, SC, IM or IV. In delirium, a
was first line followed by quetiapine (50-150mg/day)
suggested regimen is 0.5–1.5mg PO (mild), 1.5–
and olanzapine (5.0–7.5mg/day) as high second-line
5.0mg PO (severe) or 10mg SC or IV (very severe)
[one report of up to 250mg/24hr(57)]. These doses
Other possible drugs are droperidol, risperidone,
may be repeated q30–60 minutes until alleviation
thioridazine or molindone.
(37,58). Once controlled, the maintenance dose
In cases of
hypoactive delirium,
suggested is 50% of amount to achieve control,
may be effective(73-75). Neuroleptics in low doses
usually between 1.5–20mg daily divided to 1–3
may also be effective alone(76) or in combination
times daily. Typical doses in the first hour range
with methylphenidate in improving hypoactive
from 0.5–20mg (45). Caution is needed in elderly
patients who may need as little as 0.25–0.5mg
q4h PRN(59), unless severe.
The parenteral dose
should be 50% of the oral dose (48). It does have
a higher EPS profile and, if needed, benztropine
Benzodiazepine drugs do not clear the sensorium
is usually effective or lorazepam in selected cases
or improve cognition(45), and should not be
where sedation is not an issue. Rare concerns
used for delirium unless as an adjunct to primary
are QT interval prolongation(59) or neuroleptic
therapy with haloperidol or anther neuroleptic(48).
Lorazepam alone appears to be ineffective and is
Olanzapine is a newer atypical antipsychotic
in fact associated with treatment-limiting adverse
(61). It may be helpful where haloperidol is
effects(78), but in combination may provide quicker
contraindicated(62). It has a low EPS profile but
and more effective control(78). Particular caution
is more sedating. In one trial, 75% had complete
should be used in the elderly or those with hepatic
response(63). Of those with poorer response, factors
included age >70 years, history of dementia, central
The main role of this class is where haloperidol
nervous system spread of cancer and hypoxia,
fails to control delirium, as in severe agitation or terminal restlessness. The goal in these cases is quiet
sedation only(38). In this situation, benzodiazepines give effective palliation of restlessness and, unlike haloperidol or other phenothiazines, do not
exacerbate the existing tendency to myoclonus and convulsions(79).
Lorazepam is often used. It has an intermediate
half-life, no active metabolites and several routes are
Terminology and Etiology
available (SL, PO, SC, IV). Doses vary widely from 0.5mg to 5mg. In
mild cases of delirium, it should be
This term is variously used in health care and
avoided as noted above or used on a PRN only basis
thus, is often unclear. It may be defined as(89): 1)
for agitation until the neuroleptic provides overall
inability to rest or relax or be still, 2) the quality of
control, especially if the goal is reversal of delirium.
being ceaselessly moving or active, or 3) a feeling of
severe delirium with agitation and/or violent
agitation expressed in motion.
behavior, purposeful but hopefully temporary
In the broader context of palliative care, there
sedation is necessary, in which case both the
are several categories in which restlessness may be
neuroleptic and anxiolytic doses require escalation.
Lorazepam may be 1–2–5mg SC q1h until control
• Physical – pain, constipation, bladder retention,
of agitation, then reduced as quickly as possible on
hypoxia, metabolic, organ failure, fever, etc.
a q4h basis.
• Drug effect – EPS akathisia, opioid-induced
Midazolam is also frequently used in delirium,
neurotoxicity, etc.
but is more helpful for the restlessness aspect(79). In
• Psychosocial – personal suffering, existential
acute dosing, it is short-acting and rapidly effective.
anguish, interpersonal conflict, spiritual journey,
With longer-term infusion, the drug is widely
worry, grief, etc.
redistributed and may result in prolonged effect(45).
• Psychiatric – delirium of any cause, dementia,
Initial dosing may be 5–10mg SC then 2–5mg SC
anxiety disorder, psychosis, etc.
PRN or by pump at 1–2–4mg/hr SC. Total daily
• Imminently
dying – any combination of above
doses have varied from 20–200mg/day(80,81).
with altered, fluctuating and declining state of
In a review by Kehl(82), a number of
studies demonstrated the effectiveness of other medications such as benzodiazepines (notably
Kehl(82) lists several terms used in the literature
midazolam and lorazepam) or phenothiazines,
to describe the latter in dying patients, including
either alone or in combinations. There is
terminal delirium, terminal restlessness, terminal
insufficient evidence to suggest that a single
agitation, terminal anguish and confusion at end-of-
medication or class of medications is appropriate
for terminal restlessness. There is a clear need for
As readily appreciated, each of these categories
additional trials of neuroleptics, benzodiazepines,
and sub-issues require assessment and, generally
barbiturates and combination protocols to
speaking, separate strategies for relief. Sometimes,
determine which protocols are the most effective
however, the strategy is even ‘not to relieve' per se,
and have the least side-effects(82).
as this may reflect an important emotional process for the patient.
Propofol, a short-acting anesthetic, could also be
used. Suggested starting doses are 10mg IV bolus, then 10mg/hr(83), or 20mg stat then 10–70mg/hr(84, 85).
Phenobarbital may be helpful(86,76) or in
combination if midazolam fails to provide adequate sedation(67,88) in refractory cases.
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European Drying Conference - EuroDrying'2011 Palma. Balearic Island, Spain, 26-28 October 2011 Influence of Coating and Formulation Variables on the Dissolution Profile of Diltiazem HCl Extended Release Pellets A. Bernardino, A. C. P. Simão, E. T. Katayama, M. B. Bertuzzi, N. S. Maria, M. Nitz1 Mauá Institute of Technology (IMT)
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