Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 in Aviators:
A Preventable Disease
Lawrence W. Steinkraus, Walter Cayce, andAllan Golding
STEINKRAUS LW, CAYCE W, GOLDING A. Diabetes mellitus type 2 in
of DMT2 include aging of the population and, more
aviators: a preventable disease. Aviat Space Environ Med 2003; 74:
importantly, the increasing prevalence of obesity in
developed and developing countries. This impending
Introduction: The current epidemic of obesity and resultant diabetes
mellitus type 2 (DMT2) is a tsunami that will impact healthcare world-
metabolic disaster mandates that the aeromedical com-
wide and lap over into aerospace medicine. Metabolic syndrome (MBS)
munity understand current approaches to the preven-
is the major link between obesity and DMT2.
Methods: A review of U.S.
tion and recognition of this disease.
Air Force Aeromedical Consult Service (ACS) records was accomplished
Metabolic syndrome (also insulin resistance syn-
looking at aviators with a diagnosis of DMT2. Case reports of three flyers
drome, dysmetabolic syndrome, syndrome X, Reaven
with DMT2 are presented and discussed. Other aeromedical agencieswere contacted regarding their experiences and this information was
syndrome, pluri-metabolic syndrome, Chaos syn-
summarized. A literature review on DMT2, obesity, and metabolic
drome, diabesity) is the current term for a constellation
syndrome was accomplished.
Results: Of 70 charts for flyers identified
of metabolic and physiologic abnormalities defined var-
with diabetes mellitus at the ACS between 1975 and 2000, over 95%
iously by the National Cholesterol Education Program
were for DMT2. The mean body mass index for these aviators was 26.2.
Currently, all services grant restricted waivers for
(from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute),
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some aviators with
DMT2, none in high performance, single-seat aircraft. The FAA is cur-
the WHO, and the ICD-9-CM.* The three authorities
rently allowing most flyers with stable DMT2 to operate aircraft unknown
agree that metabolic syndrome (MBS) includes excess
categories with specific restrictions.
Discussion: Obesity
IP :
abdominal adipose tissue, hypertension, hypertriglyc-
syndrome are becoming increasingly prevalent in the aviation commu-
eridemia, low HDL-cholesterol, and elevated fasting
nity. Aggressive actions to limit weight gain and
Thu, 17 Nov 2005 20:15:02
identify those at risk for
developing DMT2 must be considered for all populations.
glucose. Insulin resistance, hyperuricemia, and hyper-
Keywords: diabetes mellitus type 2, obesity, metabolic syndrome, insu-
coagulability are also included by the WHO and ICD-
lin resistance.
9-CM. MBS is part of a spectrum of metabolic abnor-malities that, if not interrupted, can lead to thedevelopment of DMT2 and its complications. Visceral
THE CURRENT EPIDEMIC of obesity and resultant abdominal fat (VAT) appears to be key to this process.
diabetes mellitus type 2 (DMT2) is a tsunami that
Supporting this connection are numerous studies dem-
will impact all healthcare worldwide and lap over into
onstrating direct biochemical and pathophysiologic
aerospace medicine (
Fig. 1) (54). It is estimated that
links between excess VAT, abnormalities in insulin reg-
presently, in the U.S., there are over 16 million people
ulation, and disordered glucose metabolism (50).
with DMT2, of which only about one-half to two-thirds
The aeromedical community is and will be increas-
have been diagnosed (33). The 2001 Behavioral Risk
ingly faced with the problem of how to deal with over-
Factor Surveillance System, developed by the Centers
weight flyers. Being overweight [defined as a body
for Disease Control and Prevention, found the preva-
mass index (BMI⫽ kilograms of body weight per meter
lence of diabetes had increased from 7.3% in 2000 to
squared body height) of 25–29.9] or obese (BMI ⱖ 30) is
7.9% in 2001 (34). In 2000, it was estimated that over 151
rapidly becoming one of the most common medical
million people worldwide had been diagnosed withdiabetes mellitus (DM). These numbers will continue togrow, with over 221 million having been diagnosed
From the USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks AFB, TX
(L. W. Steinkraus, W. Cayce), and the Wilford Hall Medical Center,
with DM by 2010. These numbers do not account for
Lackland AFB, TX (A. Golding).
those who have not been diagnosed (estimated at 30 –
This manuscript was received for review in August 2002. It was
50% of actual DM cases) and those with impaired glu-
revised in March and May 2003. It was accepted for publication in
cose tolerance syndromes. DM is presently the sixth
Address reprint requests to: Lawrence W. Steinkraus, Lt. Col.,
leading cause of death in the U.S., with about 50% of
USAF, MC, FS USAFSAM/GERAM, Bldg 775, Brooks City-Base, TX
those with DM dying from coronary heart disease (9).
By 2050, the World Health Organization (WHO) esti-
* Supplemental data are available on-line at www.ingentaselect.
mates that cardiovascular disease, of which DMT2 is a
major contributor, will be the number one cause of
Reprint & Copyright by Aerospace Medical Association, Alexan-
death worldwide. Reasons for the increasing prevalence
Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine •
Vol. 74, No. 10 •
October 2003
drome, obesity, overweight, adipose, body fat, bodycomposition, central obesity, visceral adipose tissue,visceral fat, aviation, flyers, aviators, aerospace, aero-medical, pilots, and weight gain. The information onother aeromedical agency experiences was obtained us-ing published documents from those agencies, as wellas communication with each agency via telephone, e-mail, and written communication.
Three Typical Case Reports from the ACS Files
Case reports were generated using records from the
files of the U.S. Air Force Aeromedical Consult Service
Fig. 1. Trend line for number of people (in millions) diagnosed with
(ACS) at Brooks AFB, TX. An exemption was applied
diabetes mellitus worldwide (WHO/NCD).
for and granted from the USAFSAM Institutional Re-view Board for use of the data from these files. Identi-
problems among Americans. Per the 1999 National
fying information was removed from the cases de-
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
and NHANES II data, 61% of American adults were
Case 1: Senior Officer A, a 35-yr-old active duty U.S.
either overweight or obese. The number of obese adults
Air Force male pilot, was seen at the ACS in 1967. He
has nearly doubled since 1980 to an estimated 27% of
presented for evaluation of incomplete right bundle
the U.S. population (10). The 2001 Behavioral Risk Fac-
branch block (RBBB), diagnosed on a routine flight
tor Surveillance System found the prevalence of obesity
physical exam. This eventually progressed to a com-
had increased from 19.8% in 2000 to 20.9% (34). It is
plete RBBB. On his first evaluation, Senior Officer A
estimated that deaths due to causes related to obesity
was without cardiac or diabetic symptoms. His cardiac
account for approximately 300,000 deaths per year and
and metabolic evaluation was unremarkable and he
for direct healthcare costs of nearly 4.3–10% of the
was granted an unrestricted waiver for return to flying.
healthcare budget (1,35,46,52). The ill effects of excess
Over the next 24 yr, he underwent nine follow-up ex-
VAT are a continuum beginning with MBS, leading to
ams at the ACS. There was no family history of diabetes
impaired glucose tolerance (IGT),
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impaired fasting glu-
mellitus. Physical exams were noted as being normal
cose (IFG), and finally, DMT2. The concept of " unknown
except for "labile hypertension" in 1977 and, in 1991, a
sity" has been created to emphasize this
5-d BP check showed an average reading of 142/92. His
IP :
(54). A recent study by Robbins et al. documented the
BMI increased from 25.4 to 30.3 from 1967 to 1991.
Thu, 17 Nov 2005 20:15:02
cost of excess weight gain among active duty U.S. Air
Measured body fat percentages (using neck, waist, and
Force personnel. They found that for 1997, approxi-
upper arm circumference calculations (11,25) showed a
mately 20% of the U.S. Air Force population exceeded
steady rise from 14% to 25%. Laboratory results showed
maximum allowable weight for height standards. Total
no glucosuria, proteinuria, or ketonuria. Over the years,
excess body-weight attributable costs (direct and indi-
his fasting blood glucose (FBG) went from 98 to 143 mg
rect) were estimated at $22.8 million/yr. They also cal-
dl⫺1. In 1991, his glucose tolerance test (GTT) 2-h level
culated that attributable lost workdays were approxi-
was 185 mg dl⫺1. Lipid measurements also demon-
mately 28,351/yr (39).
strated gradual increases in total cholesterol from 215 to
In this paper, we will present three cases of flyers
260 mg dl⫺1; HDLs were low, usually in the low 30s or
modeling various levels of progression from MBS to
high 20s. Triglycerides were usually above 250 mg
IGT and then DMT2. We will present U.S. and Cana-
dl⫺1. His complete blood count, thyroid tests, liver pan-
dian aeromedical agencies' current experiences with
els, and electrolytes were normal. Diagnoses included
DMT2 in flyers. We will then discuss some current
the RBBB, labile hypertension, and excess body fat. At
ideas about the pathophysiology of DMT2, MBS, and
his last evaluation in 1991, he was diagnosed with
obesity. Additionally, we will review the waiver impli-
diet-controlled diabetes mellitus. By this time, he had
cations of MBS and DMT2 in aviators and present some
been retired for almost 4 yr. Except for his first evalu-
ation, he was recommended for waiver for unrestrictedpilot duties at all ACS visits. Treatment recommenda-tions typically consisted of diet, exercise, and avoidance
of tobacco products.
The reference list for the review was compiled after a
Case 2: Senior Officer B was a 50-yr-old active duty
Medline search, review of U.S. Air Force School of
U.S. Air Force single-seat jet pilot initially evaluated in
Aerospace Medicine (USAFSAM) library resources, re-
1982 at the ACS for a history of elevated cardiac risk
view of primary source documents, and use of Internet
index identified under the Tactical Air Command Risk
resources such as the Google search engine. Key words
Factor Identification Program. He had no cardiac or
for searches included, but were not limited to: diabetes
diabetic symptoms. There was a history of several ab-
mellitus, diabetes mellitus type 2, adult onset diabetes,
normal fasting blood glucose levels in the past with
non-insulin dependent diabetes, metabolic syndrome,
normal 2-h GTTs. Family history was positive for both
Reaven's syndrome, pluri-metabolic syndrome, insulin
parents and one of four sisters being diabetic. His father
resistance, insulin resistance syndrome, Chaos syn-
had died of a myocardial infarction in his 60s and his
Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine •
Vol. 74, No. 10 •
October 2003
mother had died of a stroke at age 59. Initial ACS
progression of disease. Diagnoses included coronary
evaluation included full cardiac work-up (with angiog-
atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, and obesity. Recom-
raphy), and complete metabolic evaluations. His phys-
mendations included weight loss, diet, exercise, and
ical was remarkable for overweight with a BMI of 27.4.
follow-up with his personal physician for the diabetes.
Angiography showed left anterior descending coronary
On his last visit to the ACS in 1995, Senior Officer C was
intimal roughening and right coronary artery ectasia. A
reporting a stable anginal symptom pattern, nocturia
FBG was 153 mg dl⫺1. Fasting lipids revealed a total
four to six times per night, occasional paroxysmal noc-
cholesterol of 172 mg dl⫺1 with an HDL of 33 mg dl⫺1
turnal dyspnea, and two-pillow orthopnea. He was tak-
and triglyceride of 294 mg dl⫺1. No GTT was per-
ing Hytrin, allopurinol, Glucotrol, and aspirin. In the
formed. His diagnoses included coronary artery intimal
interim, he had been diagnosed with gouty arthritis and
roughening on cardiac catheterization, fasting hyper-
renal lithiasis. Physical showed his BMI at 31.6 and a
glycemia, and mild hypertriglyceridemia. Waiver was
III/VI systolic murmur. Labs showed a FBG of 151 mg
recommended for continuation of unrestricted pilot du-
dl⫺1, normal chemistries, a total cholesterol of 224 mg
ties, and this was granted. Treatment recommendations
dl⫺1, HDL at 37 mg dl⫺1, triglyceride of 97 mg dl⫺1,
included weight loss, diet, exercise, daily aspirin, avoid-
and calculated LDL of 171 mg dl⫺1. Thyroid functions
ance of tobacco, and follow-up in 1 yr. He returned for
were normal. Urinalysis was normal. Coronary cathe-
re-evaluation 2 yr later after an abnormal thallium
terization demonstrated severe three-vessel coronary
stress test. There were no cardiac or diabetic symptoms
artery disease (CAD). Diagnoses included severe CAD
noted. FBG levels in the intervening period were con-
requiring surgical intervention, atrial fibrillation with
sistently elevated with values ranging from 130 to 204
slow ventricular response, angina, DMT2, gouty arthri-
mg dl⫺1. ACS evaluation included repeat thallium and
tis, dyslipoproteinemia, and obesity. Recommendations
exercise testing, as well as metabolic screening. Physical
included surgical intervention for his severe CAD, ap-
exam continued to show an elevated BMI of 27. Thal-
propriate cardiac risk factor interventions per his car-
lium and exercise testing were interpreted as borderline
diologist, weight loss, diet, and reduction of LDL to ⬍
and normal, respectively. A FBG was 133 mg dl⫺1 and
100 mg dl⫺1.
repeat was 109 mg dl⫺1. Diagnoses were essentially
In the first case (Senior Officer A), we see a demon-
unchanged and an unrestricted pilot waiver was again
stration of the relationship between obesity and DMT2.
recommended and granted. Treatment recommenda-
The elevation of the BMI followed by the appearance of
tions were unchanged. At his last ACS evaluation in
frank DM is classic. In the case of Senior Officer B, there
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1991, Senior Officer B was retired and without symp-
was a delay in diagnosing diabetes or further address-
toms of heart disease or diabetes. Physical
ing the elevated FBGs during his active duty evalua-
showed a BMI of 29. Repeat cardiac
IP :
tions. No GTTs were performed during any of his eval-
show progression of disease. His
Thu, 17 Nov 2005 20:15:02
showed FBG levels above 160 mg dl⫺1. Lipids re-
phenomenon and the elevated body fat had been
mained abnormal with low HDLs. He was diagnosed
present for years. In the last case (Senior Officer C),
with adult-onset diabetes mellitus and referred to an
there is a clear pattern of increased weight and progres-
sion to diabetes along with acceleration of coronary
Case 3: Senior Officer C was evaluated three times
disease. These cases show several themes. All met cur-rent National Cholesterol Education Program criteria
over a period of 19 yr beginning when he was 44 yr old
for MBS at some point. There was a clear progression of
and a rotary wing senior pilot with the U.S. Army. He
weight gain and glucose levels. In the last two cases,
was initially referred in 1976 for the USAFSAM Cardio-
coronary disease was diagnosed in the fifth and sixth
vascular Disease Follow-up Study. He had a history of
decades. Finally, the recommended therapies were un-
elevated cholesterol. He had no history of cardiac or
successful in preventing the appearance of diabetes
diabetic symptoms or diagnoses. Family history was
mellitus in all cases.
Table I lists some biometric and lab
positive for his father having had his first heart attack at
values for each case chronologically.
age 60 and dying of one at age 69. Physical examshowed a BMI of 24. Body composition studies usingthe 40K technique (15,17) revealed a body fat percent of
24. Laboratory testing was normal. Cardiac catheteriza-
Summary of Aeromedical Experience from the ACS and
tion showed a 20% occlusion of the left main artery.
Other Agencies
Diagnoses included coronary atherosclerosis and obe-sity. Waiver was not recommended. Close follow-up of
A 1994 U.S. Army report estimated that the U.S.
cardiac risk factors was recommended, along with
Army aviation community could expect about 21 new
weight loss, diet, and abstention from tobacco. Senior
cases of DM and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) each
Officer C subsequently retired and was followed up in
year. They expected that 78.4% and 10.9%, respectively,
1988 at the ACS. At that point, he was 56 yr old and had
would not be granted waivers based on inability to
no symptoms of heart disease or diabetes. He was on no
achieve control with diet and exercise, or existence of
medications. Physical showed a substantial weight gain
concurrent disease. They noted that most cases were
with BMI of 32.4. Labs showed FBGs of 236 and 244 mg
being seen in aviators over age 35 and recommended
dl⫺1. Lipid testing showed a total cholesterol of 242 mg
appropriate screening measures (30). Others have noted
dl⫺1, HDL of 25 mg dl⫺1, and triglycerides of 171 mg
a similar increase in incidence and prevalence of DMT2
dl⫺1. Non-invasive cardiac testing did not indicate
with age in aviators (26).
Table II summarizes current
Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine •
Vol. 74, No. 10 •
October 2003
aeromedical agency information on flyers with DM.
ians and others working as contractors. Over the last 10
The following paragraphs outline some specific find-
yr there has been a distinct increase in average weight
ings from each aeromedical agency.
for aviators in the Army (average 10 lb). Interestingly,
A record review of all patients diagnosed with dia-
there has also been an increase in average height for the
betes mellitus (ICD9: 250.0) seen at the ACS at Brooks
same aviator group. A number of flyers have been
AFB since 1975 was accomplished. Of 70 records re-
returned to duty with a diagnosis of IGT (diet con-
viewed, 68 were patients with DMT2 (including adult
trolled). A number of Air Traffic Control members have
onset, diet controlled, and non-insulin dependent dia-
been returned to duty with DMT2 on oral hypoglyce-
betes). U.S. Air Force flyers were patients in 39 of the 70
mics. Two aviators have been followed with DMT2 on
cases. Of those, 62% had BMIs over 26 and the mean
Metformin. These were described as special cases with
BMI was 26.5. All were male and 90% were over age 35.
the individuals in critical specialties who were close to
There were three cases with flyers who were not over-
retiring. No individuals with type 1 DM have been
weight (or were losing weight) and who had rapid
resolution of their diabetes with diet and exercise. This
For the FAA, the most common reason for denial of
raises the question of whether these
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cases were in the
waivers for aviators with DM is inadequate control. The
early stages of DM type I (DMT1). Lower weight unknown
second most common reason is secondary complica-
weight loss are more commonly seen in either DMT1 or
tions. Of those with DMT2, approximately 1500 or 30%
atypical cases (such as chemically induced IP :
were not on medication (diet-controlled). There has
honeymoon period for insulin
Thu, 17 Nov 2005 20:15:02
dependent DM may take
been at least one case where abnormal glucose levels
months to resolve with patients being initially misdiag-nosed as "chemical" or non-insulin dependent diabetes
may have played a role in pilot error leading to an
(8). Without these atypical cases in the case series, the
aircraft mishap (7). However, no reliable estimates can
average BMI would increase to over 27. Waivers have
be made regarding near-misses, poor landings, or loss
not been granted for flyers on insulin, and limited waiv-
of situational awareness related to abnormal plasma
ers (non-single seat) have been granted for a few flyers
glucose levels in flight. Specifically, there is no good
on oral hypoglycemics. The majority of waivers re-
information on the frequency of hypoglycemia or re-
viewed were for diet-controlled DMT2. Per the U.S. Air
lated aircraft mishaps in aviators with DMT2 or glucose
Force Safety Center, there have been no mishaps iden-
tified where DM was found to be a causal factor.
The Canadian Forces do not grant waivers but may
In the Navy, flyers with DMT2 are not allowed to fly
return diabetic aircrew to flying duties on a case-by-
single-seat aircraft. There is no record of DM related
case basis with an operational flying restriction if ap-
mishaps. Metformin is an insulin-sensitizing biguanide
propriate. The CF aircrew database indicates 15 pilots
that does not stimulate insulin production, and thus
and navigators with DMT2 (personal communication).
does not cause hypoglycemia. It has been waived for
Pilots diagnosed with DMT2 are generally restricted to
use in the Navy for Class 2 and 3 aviators.
flying "with or as copilot" unless fully controlled by
The Army tends to have the oldest military aviators,
diet and exercise alone. Metformin is typically used as
with many working for the Department of Army Civil-
a first-line medication to which rosiglitazone and acar-
Aeromedical Agency
decision pending)
Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine •
Vol. 74, No. 10 •
October 2003
abose may be added. The addition of a sulfonylurea im-
kine tumor necrosis factor ␣ is possibly one such factor
poses a requirement for an operational flying restriction.
(14). Plasma free fatty acids (FFAs) released from adi-
Administrative program actions for overweight mil-
pocytes after lipolysis of triglycerides are another. Ele-
itary members are problematic, as they are for many
vations in FFAs have been associated with obesity and
medical prevention programs (27). Potential adverse
contribute to the development of insulin resistance.
administrative outcomes may stimulate members to try
FFAs may be responsible for up to 50% of the insulin
to maintain appropriate fitness standards. Some mem-
resistance seen in DMT2 (4). FFAs are essential for  cell
bers may follow unhealthy programs to maintain pre-
function in the normal state, but chronically elevated
scribed weights. Higher rates of eating disorders and
levels are toxic (36). Once  cell dysfunction develops,
use of non-prescribed diet supplements may result.
hyperglycemia appears. Hyperglycemia desensitizes 
There may be a reluctance to follow through on iden-
cells and impairs insulin secretion in response to insulin
tifying overweight individuals due to perceived ad-
secretogogues, including glucose itself. This is referred
verse administrative outcomes for members or the
to as glucotoxicity, which contributes to further  cell
member's unit. Evidence points to significant variabil-
decline.  cell dysfunction is also accompanied by the
ity in how flyers are measured (e.g., U.S. Army experi-
development of amyloid fibrils containing islet amyloid
ence), with the benefit of the doubt often stretched
polypeptide. Amyloid deposition is associated with de-
considerably. Unfortunately, as outlined in this paper,
clining  cell mass and further impairment of  cell
the longer individuals take to identify and address their
function, thus worsening hyperglycemia (20).
overweight status, the higher the likelihood of develop-
Adipose tissue, traditionally considered a simple de-
ing problems such as MBS and DM.
pot for fat energy, has become a major focus of research.
It is becoming apparent that this tissue is quite active
metabolically. Evidence that adipose cells, specifically
Understanding the pathophysiology and course of
visceral adipose cells, are intimately involved in various
DMT2 requires an understanding of the role of insulin
energy management feedback loops, has stimulated a
resistance (IR) and VAT. A cluster of metabolic disor-
search for modifiable factors in the development and
ders was described by Reaven in 1988 and has been
pathophysiology of obesity (53). The "adipostat" con-
expanded on since (38). MBS classically consists of hy-
cept suggests a feedback mechanism between brain, fat,
pertension, central (visceral) obesity, hyperinsulinemia,
and other tissues. Adipokines such as leptin, resistin,
dyslipidemia (low HDL, small LDL
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particles, and high
adiponectin, and anti-tumor necrosis factor ␣ are being
triglycerides), hyperuricemia, and a
studied as potential adipose-derived messengers that
state (elevated levels of plasminogen activator-1). MBS
may play parts in pathogenic processes identified in
has been associated with endocrine
IP :
diagnoses such as
MBS. Adipose tissue appears to be a critical component
polycystic ovary syndrome and
Thu, 17 Nov 2005 20:15:02
acromegaly. Impor-
of a toxic regulatory cascade leading to hypertension,
tantly, MBS has been closely correlated with a high risk
atherosclerosis, and other endothelial disease processes.
for cardiovascular disease.
There is a clear relationship between increasing BMI or
Most experts feel that DMT2 is a multi-factorial dis-
waist circumference (and thus VAT) and levels of IR.
ease. Genetics play a major role in the susceptibility to
Present evidence points to a gradual progression of
developing DMT2. This is seen especially with the ten-
higher levels of visceral fat leading to IR (especially in
dency for some racial groups to develop DMT2, includ-
those more genetically susceptible), initial increased
ing Native Americans, African-Americans, Pacific Is-
pancreatic  cell hypertrophy, and insulin production
landers, Hispanic groups, and Asian groups. Lifestyle
with maintenance of normoglycemia, followed by waning
influences are also directly linked as risk factors for the
 cell function, the appearance of hyperglycemia, and
development of DMT2 and include high-fat, high-calo-
clinical DMT2 (
Fig. 2). An important concept is that IGT is
rie diets, sedentary lifestyle, and the development of
a precursor to DMT2 and may exist for years before DMT2
obesity. DMT2 involves three metabolic abnormalities:
becomes established. Impaired fasting glucose (IFG) oc-
peripheral insulin resistance (mostly skeletal muscle
curs later in the progression toward DMT2 than IGT.
and adipose tissue), insulin secretory dysfunction (pan-
Intensive research is ongoing utilizing innovative ge-
creatic  cell), and increased hepatic glucose produc-
netic techniques (transgenic mice, knockout mice, gene
tion. Insulin resistance develops as the result of genetic
mapping) to identify the specific substances involved in
and acquired factors. Supporting a genetic risk compo-
the various metabolic processes within adipocytes. Lep-
nent is strong evidence that in non-diabetic relatives of
tin, and more recently ghrelin, have been under intense
those with Type II DM, there is a higher prevalence of
study as potential agents to assist with weight loss.
IR (18,48). Support for acquired risk factors for IR comes
Other agents are being investigated for their ability to
from numerous studies linking obesity and sedentary
ameliorate complications related to MBS and DMT2
lifestyle with higher IR rates (24).
(6,12,13,40,42,43). The list of mediators and substances
Insulin resistance, almost universal in the obese and
involved in what is a complex set of feedback loops has
the elderly, does not necessarily lead to hyperglycemia.
also continued to grow.**
 cell functional decline is a prerequisite. By the timefasting hyperglycemia is evident,  cell function hasdeclined by approximately 50% (4,20). The proposed
** Supplemental data are available on-line at www.ingentaselect.
mechanism for  cell decline is a  cell gene defect,
probably in combination with other factors. The cyto-
1.htm (Table B).
Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine •
Vol. 74, No. 10 •
October 2003

drome with more intra-abdominal fat as a percent oftotal body fat, higher insulin, and elevated serum trig-lycerides in rodents (49). The cases described did nothave any waiverable or available options for weightloss other than diet and exercise. Presently, liposuction,after recovery, is waiverable or a non-factor for returnto flying in all aeromedical agencies.
All evidence points to the critical need to recognize
and treat IGT, IFG, and MBS to prevent or delay theonset of DMT2 and its complications. There is often atemptation to avoid diagnosing flyers with DMT2 be-cause of career implications. This is a disservice to theindividual as delayed aggressive therapy clearly speedsthe onset of micro- and macrovascular complications
Fig. 2. Progression of disease: normal to diabetes mellitus type 2.
with increased morbidity and mortality. In the military,programs designed to identify overweight membersprovide a ready means to motivate those who are over-
Patient Issues
weight to lose that weight. Physicians must get over-
The cases presented here demonstrated a progression
weight individuals to begin reduction efforts before
of disease from MBS to IGT or IFG to DMT2 followed
they become obese. There is evidence that the body's
by the appearance of secondary complications in two of
homeostasis system may be programmed for weight
three. Physicians or patients do not always appreciate
gain, implying a need for more aggressive and specific
this progression. In the aeromedical world, IGT or IFG
therapies (41). If we are serious about obesity, we may
is often viewed as a relatively benign state addressable
have to consider more radical approaches such as strin-
with diet and exercise advice. It is clear, however, that
gent behavioral therapies, medication, and surgery. It
patients with MBS are at higher risk for macrovascular
may be time to loosen obesity treatment waiver restric-
complications (threefold increase in
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risk for coronary
tions. Medical and surgical approaches together may be
disease and stroke) (19). Those with frank diabetes
required to reduce obesity in some individuals. This
microvascular risk (renal, retinal, and autonomic dis-
means taking a hard look at current and future obesity
ease). MBS is not uncommon. Recent
IP :
evidence points to
therapies and their aeromedical implications.
an age-adjusted prevalence of MBS of Thu, 17 Nov 2005 20:15:02
23.7% in the U.S.
population (16). At any point until the appearance of
frank DM, there is the potential to stop the progression.
Primary prevention efforts including exercise, low-fat
The results from the Diabetes Prevention Program con-
diets, and avoidance of obesity should be the core of
firm that progression to diabetes can be slowed with
any aeromedical program in addressing these issues.
appropriate diet and exercise therapies. Reduction of
These approaches have been suggested previously for
the VAT mass is the key. The higher the VAT mass, the
MBS in the flying population, specifically in Germany.
higher the risk and the harder it is to return the indi-
There, researchers noted that it was possible to identify
vidual to a normal state. Unfortunately, non-medical
flyers with higher potential for developing full-blown
and non-surgical approaches to weight loss, while ef-
MBS using standard flight physical techniques (21).
fective, are problematic (28). Behavioral therapy alone
Obesity, especially excess VAT, is a disease. Weight
often fails to halt the progressive accumulation of VAT.
gain is a surrogate marker for MBS and increased risk
The worldwide epidemic of "diabesity" points to a
for development of DMT2. We must address those with
need for more aggressive approaches to reduce body fat
BMIs above 25 and elevated VAT (central obesity) as we
(54). Medical therapies, such as diets, medications, and
address flyers with elevated BPs. If these individuals
psychotherapy, have all had varying levels of success.
cannot reduce their increased VAT levels given close
Surgical therapy, including gastroplasty and liposuc-
monitoring, diet, and exercise, then they may need
tion, may or may not be valid approaches. Effects of
grounding while therapies that are more aggressive are
gastroplasty may go beyond simple reduction in meal
implemented pending waiver.
size, with possible hormonal changes also being in-volved (12). Some evidence does point to potential pos-
itive effects of liposuction on lipids and insulin resis-tance, but there have been no long-term controlled
Secondary prevention, specifically, the identification
studies to document their effects on the incidence of
of those with IR, MBS, IGT, and IFG is important.
DMT2 or MBS (3). Caution is in order, however, against
Numerous studies indicate that all elevations of blood
this seemingly direct approach to reducing BMI. One
glucose and insulin levels increase the risk for develop-
study that looked at effects of large volume liposuction
ment of macrovascular and microvascular disease. IGT
found a disproportionate increase in visceral fat vs.
and IFG, being pre-diabetic states, are especially impor-
subcutaneous fat post-surgery (31). Subcutaneous lipec-
tant to detect. This is because there is still a chance to
tomy has also been found to cause a metabolic syn-
salvage  cell function, or at least significantly prolong
Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine • Vol. 74, No. 10 • October 2003
 cell function and, thus, prevent or delay diabetic
duce triglycerides and increase high-density lipopro-
related complications. It may be true that  cell function
tein levels (5,22). Other pharmacological approaches
declines progressively, leading to worsening of the dis-
include reducing fat absorption (orlistat), and use of
ease and increased medication requirements. However,
weight-loss drugs (sibutramine).
with intensive glycemic control, the rate of macro- and
Aeromedically, medications carry potential side ef-
microvascular complications can be reduced to nearly
fects with negative impacts for aviators. Sulfonylureas
that of nondiabetics.
carry the potential for hypoglycemia, and stability of
In the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study, patients
glucose levels on these medications is required by the
with impaired glucose tolerance were randomly as-
FAA before approval for use. Metformin may rarely
signed to either control or intervention (increased di-
induce lactic acidosis in susceptible individuals. Addi-
etary fiber, increased physical activity) groups and
tionally, Metformin is associated with gastrointestinal
were followed for 3.2 yr. The risk of diabetes was re-
side effects including diarrhea and nausea. B12 defi-
duced by 58% in the intervention group (47). In a re-
ciency and minor decreases in hemoglobin and hemat-
cently published study, The Diabetes Prevention Pro-
ocrit have been reported with Metformin as well. Orl-
gram Research Group enrolled 3,234 nondiabetic
istat and acarbose are associated with gastrointestinal
middle-aged, overweight patients with elevated fasting
side effects such as diarrhea and bloating, each poten-
and post-load glucose. They were randomized to one of
tial distracters. Thiazolidinediones such as rosiglitazone
three groups: placebo, metformin, or lifestyle interven-
(Avandia®) and pioglitizone (Actos®) are associated
tion with a goal of 7% weight loss and 150 min/wk of
with small decreases in hemoglobin and hematocrit (1
physical activity. The incidence of diabetes was reduced
g/3.3% and 2– 4% respectively). Adverse reactions for
by 31% and 58% in the metformin and lifestyle groups
both drugs include a slight increase in incidence of
as compared with placebo (23). These results demon-
anemia in treated patients. Increases in median plasma
strate that early, aggressive lifestyle intervention in pa-
volume with edema have been noted in patients taking
tients with glucose intolerance can prevent or at least
either drug. Finally, combination therapy with other
delay the development of overt diabetes and its associ-
diabetic drugs may increase the risk for hypoglycemia.
ated complications.
Sibutramine, used in weight reduction, is a centrallyacting neurotransmitter re-uptake inhibitor, with atten-
dant potential for central nervous system side effects.
Insulin is associated with significant potential for hypo-
Once DMT2 is diagnosed, tertiary
Delivered by Ingenta to :
prevention of po-
tential complications becomes important.
complications accompany DMT2. Micro- and macro-
IP :
Implications of Waiver
vascular complications are of special concern. Thepathophysiology of these vascular
Thu, 17 Nov 2005 20:15:02
complications is en-
Because of the potential for sudden incapacitation
dothelial dysfunction mediated by a blunted vasodila-
related to hypoglycemia, most aeromedical authorities
tion response to endothelial-derived nitric oxide and
are not allowing flyers with DMT1 to continue flying.
excess production of vasoconstrictors (45). Treatment of
Evidence for a direct relationship between hypoglyce-
DMT2 has changed based on our knowledge of the
mia and aircraft mishaps is scanty. Part of the problem
underlying pathophysiology. Diet and exercise remain
is the post-mortem change in glucose levels, allowing
the bedrock on which anyone with DMT2 should start
hyperglycemia but not hypoglycemia, to be diagnosed
(2). Reduction of VAT decreases IR, improves lipid
(7). The potential for using glycosylated hemoglobin to
status, reduces BP, and delays onset of DMT2. Exercise
monitor control, and to assess control post-accident, is
and increased muscle mass positively influence glucose
of interest (51). One 20-yr study of Air France pilots
uptake, IR, and BP. It has been shown that calorie
looked at 10 cases of sudden incapacitation. Only one
restriction and lowered fat intake, along with increases
case was diagnosed as hypoglycemia, with most related
in complex carbohydrates, all improve metabolic status
to cardiovascular events (29). In a review of 216 fatal
U.S. general aviation accidents from 1990 –1998, wherepossible physical impairment or incapacitation was
mentioned by the FAA, only one identified a pilot withprobable Type 1 diabetes (insulin bottles present). Hy-
The sulfonylureas are glucose-independent insulin
poglycemia was not mentioned as being causal per the
secretogogues and increase  cell insulin production for
report (44). The issue of whether subtle degradation of
any level of blood glucose. They are probably most
sensory, motor, and information processing function
effective in leaner patients with relative insulin defi-
may have contributed to mishaps is still pending, but
ciency. Metformin reduces hepatic glucose production
the potential certainly has to be considered in aviators
and has some effect in decreasing peripheral insulin
taking medications with the potential to produce hypo-
resistance by enhancing skeletal muscle glucose uptake.
glycemia, but not complete incapacitation.
Metformin may be an appropriate first choice in more
The Canadian Forces have one pilot with DMT1 fly-
obese patients with higher levels of insulin resistance.
ing with an operational flying restriction to fly with or
The thiazolidinediones reduce peripheral insulin resis-
as copilot, and a geographic restriction that prohibits
tance in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue (2). These
deployments. The FAA is the only agency in the U.S.
agents may also positively influence lipid status, for
that has allowed type 1 diabetics to continue flying in
example: pioglitizone (Actos®) has been shown to re-
non-commercial settings, and there are strict guidelines
Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine • Vol. 74, No. 10 • October 2003
Aeromedical Agency
⬍126 mg dl⫺1
⬍126 mg dl⫺1
⬍126 mg dl⫺1
⬍7.0 mmol l⫺1
(126 mg dl⫺1)
Postprandial Glucose
⬍11.0 mmol l⫺1
(198 mg dl⫺1)
⬍7% every 3–6
upper limitof normal
Treatments (flyers)
Medications Allowed
Annual ophthalmology,
exercise test Q 2–3
and restrictions in place. Of note, most investigators feel
follow-up to ensure compliance and look for incipient
that the risk for hypoglycemia increases with the dura-
complications is mandatory.
tion of the disease, the intensity of
Delivered by Ingenta to :
therapy, and a his-
tory of previous hypoglycemia (32,44). Concerns
hypoglycemia and the potential for sudden IP :
tion (especially in those with hypoglycemia unaware-
DMT2, MBS, and obesity are rapidly increasing in
Thu, 17 Nov 2005 20:15:02
ness) has led the FAA to advocate less strenuous control
prevalence. Complications and costs associated with
of blood sugars for pilots on insulin. This raises the
these diseases are enormous. MBS appears to be a crit-
concern for potential long-term complications associ-
ical link between excess VAT and the development of
ated with looser glucose control. Potential DM compli-
DMT2, CAD, and other complications. More flyers will
cations that could effect crewmembers include third
be presenting with these diseases and associated meta-bolic precursors (IR, MBS, IGT, and IFG) within the
cranial nerve palsies, acute cardiac events related to
aeromedical community. The case reports described il-
higher risks for atherosclerosis, visual problems related
lustrate a classic progression of overweight, high-risk
to retinopathy, or changes in the lens due to hypergly-
individuals from IGT to DMT2. The appearance of
cemia. Gastroparesis and other enteropathies related to
macro- and microvascular disease in these high-risk
diabetic autonomic neuropathy problems could de-
settings validates the need to address metabolic abnor-
grade mission performance. Various sensory and auto-
malities as early as possible. Waiver experience among
nomic neuropathies may certainly affect performance
the various aeromedical agencies varies from least re-
capabilities, and, in deployed military settings, could
strictive (FAA) to most restrictive (U.S. Air Force and
result in such problems as foot ulcers and intolerance of
U.S. Army). There are no military agencies allowing
environmental extremes. MBS-related conditions, espe-
pilots with DM to fly single-seat aircraft at this point.
cially hypertension and dyslipidemia, increase the risk
Aeromedical specialists must focus on the identification
for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. Medica-
of, and prevention of, obesity and MBS, even if this
tions for DMT2 could be a problem, whether it would
means grounding flyers to provide aggressive VAT-
be hypoglycemia with long-duration sulfonylureas, or
lowering therapy. Additionally, the identification of
the need for monitoring of liver enzymes with the thia-
those with obesity, MBS, IGT, and IFG should be
zolidinediones. Drug interactions with medications
viewed as a secondary prevention approach, with the
such as the anti-malarials have not been entirely
aim of preventing the appearance of DMT2. Obesity,
specifically excess VAT, is a disease. In view of the
Table III lists waiver considerations for some aero-
critical role VAT has in this progression of disease, it is
medical agencies. Generally, flyers should have high
time to re-assess our approach to treating obesity.
motivation, stable glucose levels, no medication side
Whether the choice is medical or surgical, it may be
effects (if on medication), and no evidence of end-organ
time to aggressively approach any flyer with obesity vs.
complications (CAD, renal disease, peripheral vascular
taking what has been historically a more passive ap-
disease, retinopathy, neuropathy). Regular and close
Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine • Vol. 74, No. 10 • October 2003
21. Kalff KG, Maya-Pelzer P, Andexer A, Deuber HJ. Prevalence of
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nel. Aviat Space Environ Med 1999; 70:1223– 6.
the U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine, the U.S. Air Force
22. Khan MA, St. Pete JV, Xue JL. A prospective, randomized com-
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parison of the metabolic effects of pioglitazone or rosiglitazone
sult Service, the U.S. Air Force Wilford Hall Medical Center (Endocri-
in patients with type 2 diabetes who were previously treated
nology), the Naval Operational Medicine Institute (Internal Medicine),
with troglitazone. Diabetes Care 2002; 25:708 –11.
the U.S. Army Aeromedical Center, the Civil Aerospace Medical Insti-
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Thu, 17 Nov 2005 20:15:02
Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine • Vol. 74, No. 10 • October 2003
Group Defining Syndrome
Any 3 of the following
IGT or DM, and/or IR plus 2 of the
(Dysmetabolic Syndrome X)
Abdominal Obesity*
Waist circumference†
Waist to hip ratio:
Waist circumference
Men ⬎102 cm (⬎40in)
Men ⬎102 cm (⬎40in)
Women ⬎88 cm (⬎35in)
Women ⬎88 cm (⬎35in)‡
And/or BMI ⬎ 30
⬎150 mg dl⫺1
⬎150 mg dl⫺1
⬎150 mg dl⫺1‡
Men ⬍40 mg dl⫺1
Men ⬍35 mg dl⫺1
Men ⬍35 mg dl⫺1
Women ⬍50 mg dl⫺1
Women ⬍39 mg dl⫺1
Women ⬍45 mg dl⫺1‡
⬎100 mg dl⫺1
Impaired glucose regulation or diabetes
Insulin Resistance
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Coronary Heart Disease
Vascular Endothelial Dysfunction
*Overweight and obesity are associated with insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome. However, the presence of abdominal obesity is morehighly correlated with the metabolic risk factors than is an elevated body mass index (BMI). Therefore, the simple measure of waistcircumference is recommended to identify the body weight component of the metabolic syndrome.
†Some male patients can develop multiple metabolic risk factors when the waist circumference is only marginally increased, e.g., 94 –102 cm(37–39 in). Such patients may have a strong genetic contribution to insulin resistance. They should benefit from changes in life habits, similarlyto men with categorical increases in waist circumference.
‡Major criteria for diagnosis. The CDC does not require that a given number of components be present for the diagnosis.
Delivered by Ingenta to :
1. Alberti KG, Zimmet PZ. Definition, diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus and its complications. Part 1: diagnosis and
classification of diabetes mellitus provisional report of a unknown
WHO consultation. Diabet Med 1998; 15:539 –53.
2. Centers For Disease Control and Prevention.
IP :
Dysmetabolic syndrome X. ICD-9-CM Coordination and Maintenance Committee meeting;
Thu, 17 Nov 2005 20:15:02
Fat derived peptide; decreases insulin resistance, FFAs, TGs; increases energy
Serine protease—same as human complement factor D, secreted by adipose cells—gene
expression decreased in some forms of genetic and acquired obesity—may act asobesity regulating protein.
AMP activated kinase (AMPK)
Critical part of a biochemical cascade that helps regulate the energy metabolism in cells.
Free Fatty Acids (FFAs)
Increased levels implicated in insulin resistance and inflammation.
An orexigenic hormone secreted primarily in the stomach and duodenum—implicated
in both mealtime hunger and long-term regulation of body weight (1).
Cytokine produced by adipose tissue; acts on CNS receptors to inhibit food
intake/increase energy metabolism.
Melanocortin-4 Receptor (MCR-4)
Central neuroendocrine receptor: appears to modulate features of the MBS; involved
with energy metabolism.
Peroxidase Proliferator Activated Receptors
Ligand activated transcription factors; act at the nuclear receptor level to modify fat cell
(alpha, delta, gamma) - PPARs
Resistin (FIZZ) or Adipose-Tissue Specific
Fat derived cysteine rich adipose tissue-specific secretory factor that inhibits adipocyte
differentiation; may be associated with increased insulin resistance (3).
Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNF-a)
Increased in obese subjects; negative regulator of resisting gene expression (2).
1. Cummings DE, Weigle DS, Frayo RS, et al. Plasma ghrelin levels after diet-induced weight loss or gastric bypass surgery. N Engl J Med
2. Fasshauer M, Klein J, Neumann S, et al. Tumor necrosis factor alpha is a negative regulator of resistin gene expression and secretion in
3T3-L1 adipocytes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2001; 288:1027–31.
3. Kim KH, Lee K, Moon YS, Sul HS. A cysteine-rich adipose tissue-specific secretory factor inhibits adipocyte differentiation. J Biol Chem
Source: http://www.11ner.de/media/Attachment_1.pdf
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J. AMER. Soc. HORT. SCI. 118(2):298-303. Genetic Similarity Among Brassica oleracea L. Genotypes as Measured by Restriction Fragment Department of Horticulture, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706 Mary K. Slocum2Department of Biology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 Dawn A. DeVos3