"P" - Go To My Doctor:


The Medication Therapy Management approach is a progressive model of prescription utilization and consumer centered purchase options. The program offers the consumer a variety of options for prescription access and out of pocket cost management. Over the Counter, generic, best brand, non-best brand, and cost share prescriptions are available. Step therapy, prior authorization management tools are incorporated into the program to assist in managing prescription costs; evidence based prescription approaches with clinical excellence as an outcome objective. Enclosed are the prescription resources to assist in effective prescription purchasing.


" Raccomandazioni per il counseling Aggiornamento Luglio 2011 Progetto "Pensiamoci Prima" Alessandra Lisi International Centre on Birth Defects and Prematurity Centro per la Prevenzione e Controllo delle Malattie CCM, Ministero della Salute Progetto coordinato da: Professor Pierpaolo Mastroiacovo, Professore Ordinario di Pediatria, Direttore "Alessandra Lisi International Centre on birth Defects and Prematurity" e "Centre of the International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Surveillance and Research".

Tumor necrosis factorrelated apoptosisinducing ligand (trail) and its death receptor (dr5) in peyronie's disease. a biomolecular study of apoptosis activation

Tumor Necrosis Factor-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand(TRAIL) and Its Death Receptor (DR5) in Peyronie's Disease.A Biomolecular Study of Apoptosis Activationjsm_20031.7 Carla Loreto, MD,* Guido Barbagli, MD,† Rados Djinovic, MD,‡ Giuseppe Vespasiani, MD,§Maria Luisa Carnazza, MD,* Roberto Miano, MD,§ Giuseppe Musumeci, PhD,* andSalvatore Sansalone, MD§

Scientific session.cdr

CRYSTAL A BOARD ROOM F 12:30PM OP24 Biomedical description of OP25 Natural herbal vitiligo 3:35PM OP42 Portable, compact and Pharmacokinetics, 21 April 2016 ocimum basilicum l. A treatment, honey: an applied rechargeable device for pharmacodynamics and Basics of oncology OP04 Review of colomycin use in continuous monitoring,

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome What Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? IBS is a chronic disorder characterized by abnormally increased motility of the small and large ducing abdominal pain, constipation & or diarrhea. It's also called irritable colon, or spastic colon. neither cause inflammation or changes in bowel tissue nor increase the risk of colorectal cancer. In many cases, it can be controlled mainly by managing patient diet, lifestyle and stress.

Prospettive 30x45 n.29 (page 12)

Catania - anno XXXII - n. 28 - 24 luglio 2016 - Euro 0,60 - www.prospettiveonline.it "Poste Italiane s.p.a." - Spedizione in abbonamento postale - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/ 2004 no 46) art. 1, c. 1, DCB - Fil. di CT - Taxe perçue - Tassa riscossa - ISSN: 1720-0881 settimanale regionale di attualità "In caso di mancato recapito rinviare al CMP/CPO di Catania, per la restituzione al mittente previo addebito. Il mittente si impegna a pagare la tariffa vigente"

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MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ECOREX ACCION EW 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE PREPARATION AND THE COMPANY Identification of the formulation Product name: ECOREX ACCION EW Type of biocide: Insecticide for flying and creeping insects. Type of formulation: Concentrated water based emulsion. HSE approval number: 8703 . Use of the substance or preparation Ecorex Accion EW is an insecticide for strictly professional use, in the Environmental and Food Industry. Identification of the company Company that places the product on the market:

Integrative management of anxiety

Integrative Management of Program in Integrative Medicine James Lake M.D. Private practice, Monterey Adjunct faculty, Stanford Substantiated Non-conventional treatments of anxiety Most work done on non-conventional treatments addressing generalized anxiety, but relatively little research done on panic attacks, phobias, obsessions or compulsions. Kava-kava and L-theanine substantiated for

Management of multidrugresistant enterococcal infections

Management of multidrug-resistant enterococcal infections C. A. Arias1,2,3, G. A. Contreras3,4 and B. E. Murray1,5 1) Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases and Center for the Study of Emerging and Reemerging Pathogens, 2) Center for the Study of Emerging and Reemerging Pathogens, Laboratory for Antimicrobial Research, University of Texas Medical School at Houston, Houston,


AM I FIT TO DRIVE?A new drug driving law comes into force on 2 March 2015 WHY IS THIS AN IMPORTANT ISSUE? › The new drug driving law that comes into force on 2 March 2015 will make it easier for the police to tackle those who drive after taking illegal drugs or abuse medicinal drugs. › The existing offence is driving while impaired (performance

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Risk sharing arrangements – considerations for the future Presentation to Piperska Course Brian Godman - Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, Milan, and University of Liverpool 4. Issue and concerns Jakub Adamski – Ministry of Health, Poland 5. Group discussion 1 Risk sharing presentation 2 Risk sharing presentation The following definition is proposed based ondevelopments in Poland

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Ci-après, les textes remis par certains des conférenciers du colloque de mai 2008 Ce document est réservé exclusivement aux participants du congrès. Claude SERON : introduction au congrès Isabelle CALMANT : la prise de conscience par le mouvement, outil de clarification et de modification de l'image de soi.


Pueblos indígenasDiálogo entre culturas Cuaderno del Informe de Desarrollo HumanoColombia 2011 ColeCCión Cuadernos indh 2011 Pueblos indígenas: diálogo entre CulturasPrograma de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo - PNUD© INDH 2011ISBN 978-958-8758-08-04 http://www.pnud.org.cohttp://pnudcolombia.org/indh2011Dirección: Avenida 82 No. 10- 62, piso 2Teléfono: 4 88 90 00

Calcium hydroxylapatite associated soft tissue necrosis: a case report and treatment guideline

Calcium hydroxylapatite associated softtissue necrosis: A case report and treatmentguideline Lauren Tracy , James Ridgway , J. Stuart Nelson Nelson Lowe , Brian Wong a Department of Otolaryngology e Head and Neck Surgery, University of California Irvine, 101 The CityDrive, Bldg. 56, Suite 500, Orange, CA 92868, USAb Larrabee Center for Plastic Surgery, 600 Broadway, Suite 280, Seattle, WA 98122, USAc Beckman Laser Institute and Medical Clinic, University of California Irvine, 1002 Health Sciences RoadEast, Irvine, CA 92612, USAd 999 North Tustin Avenue, Suite 117, Santa Ana, CA 92705, USA

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Pan Macmillan PPan Macmillan David Baldacci • The new heart-racing thriller from the Number One international best-selling author • David Baldacci is a consistent Sunday Times Top Five bestseller • He is the internationally-acclaimed author of 20 best-selling novels• His books are published in at least 45 different languages, and with over 90 million copies in print, he is one of the world's favourite storytellers.

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Dr.  Tuan  V.  Pham  M.B.B.S.,  F.R.A.C.S.         Facial  Plastic   &   Reconstructive   Surgeon  Aesthetic   Plastic   Surgeon  Nasal,  Sinus  &  Rhinoplasty  Surgeon  Head  &  Neck  Surgeon   Level  1,  136  Churchil  Ave,  SUBIACO   Western  Australia,  Australia  6008   Tel:  +61  (8)  9380  448      Fax:  +61  (8)  9380  9677  

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SABRINA GRASSIOLLI CONTRIBUIÇÃO DA FUNÇÃO DA CÉLULA BETA NORMOGLICEMIA EM RATOS OBESOS – MSG. Tese apresentada ao curso de Pós – Graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Área de Concentração – Biologia Celular), da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, requisito obtenção do grau de Doutora em

Philippine bidding documents

PAMANTASAN NG LUNGSOD NG MAYNILA (University of the City of Manila) Intramuros, Manila Bidding Documents Republic of the Philippines Purchase of Medical and Dental Supplies for 3rd and 4th Quarter 2010 These Philippine Bidding Documents (PBDs) for the procurement of Goods through


A. F. FERGUSON & CO. FEDERAL BUDGET 2015 This memorandum gives a brief overview of Pakistan economy and significant amendments proposed by the Finance Bill 2015. All changes proposed through the Finance Bill 2015 are effective July 1, 2015. This memorandum can also be accessed on our website www.pwc.com/pk Table of Contents

Pd- mai 2013

REDAKTION BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG E. V. www.pferdesport-bw.de Pressereferent Martin Stellberger Mühlbachweg 33, 88250 Weingarten Telefon 0751-59353 e-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.Stellberger.de 01. Mai 2013 PRESSEDIENST Pferdesportverband Baden-Württemberg e.V. Murrstraße 1, 70806 Kornwestheim


Generic Name: Pantoprazole sodium Dosage Form: tablet, delayed release FULL PRESCRIBING INFORMATION Indications and Usage for Pantoprazole Pantoprazole sodium delayed-release tablets are indicated for: Short-Term Treatment of Erosive Esophagitis Associated With Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Pantoprazole sodium delayed-release tablets are indicated in adults for the short-term treatment (up to 8 weeks) in the healing and symptomatic relief of erosive esophagitis. For those adult patients who have not healed after 8 weeks of treatment, an additional 8 week course of Pantoprazole sodium delayed-release tablets may be considered. Safety of treatment beyond 8 weeks in pediatric patients has not been established.


ENGEL. Diana Obexer LEHRKÖRPER. Erste Frau FRAUEN. In der Kirche DEZ. Frauenwelten SCHÜLERINNEN. Herbst 1988 FRAUENHAUS. Schutz MANNSBILDER. Beratung STATISTIK. SchülerINNEN Mitteilungen des Paulinervereins Ausgabe 57 Juni 2012 03 Vorwort 28 Humanitäres Engagement 28 Frauenwelten „DEZ" Leitthema 28 Einladung zur Bewerbung um den

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The Influence of Batteries on the growth of the Electric Vehicle industry World Energy Congress Dr. Donald Pihsiang Wu Subjects: I. Charging speed and driving range The importance of the battery for Electric Vehicles III. Battery Durability IV. Extremely safe battery module design Electro-Mechanical combination know-how VII. Charging Infrastructure

Economic benefits study_exelon il nuclear fleet

The Impact of Exelon's Nuclear Fleet on the Illinois Economy An Analysis by the Nuclear Energy Institute October 2014 Contents Executive Summary Section 1 Background and Electricity Generation History Section 2 Section 3 Economic Impacts of Byron, Clinton and

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HeartStart FR3 Defibrillator Operation, and Maintenance INTENTIONALLY BLANK Automated External Defibrillator GUIDE TO SETUP, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE It is important to understand that survival rates for sudden cardiac arrest are directly related to how soon victims receive treatment. For every minute of delay, the chance of survival declines by 7% to 10%. Treatment with CPR and defibrillation cannot assure survival. In some


Infant lung function tests Its role in the management of wheezy disorders Department of Paediatrics Prince of Wales Hospital 15 November 2015 • Brief introduction of different lung function tests done in infants and toddlers. • What information did previous studies tell us on infant lung function and preschool wheeze • How infant and toddler lung function tests are


Takeluma: An Exploration of Sound, Meaning, and Writing Peter ChoMFA ThesisUCLA Department of Design Media ArtsJune 16, 2005 0. Abstract Modern linguistic theory suggests that the sign is arbitrary, that the relationship between signifi er and signifi ed has no discernible pattern. ("Dog" could mean cat, and vice versa.) Marketing experts and advertisers, those who create names for new


Dr. med. Guy Bourgeois Dr. med. Reto Engel FMH Innere Medizin FMH Kardiologie & Innere Medizin Praxisgemeinschaft Webersbleiche, Schützengasse 2, 9000 St. Gallen Tel 071 227 40 60 Fax 071 227 40 61 Generika Wenn es Diskussionen über mögliche Kosteneinsparungen im Gesundheitswesen, insbesondere bei den Medikamenten geht, fällt schnell einmal der Begriff „Generikum". Worum handelt es sich aber dabei? Sind Generika Billigmedikamente, echte Alternativen zu teuren Originalen oder liegt die Wahrheit irgendwo dazwischen? Tatsächlich legten die kassenpflichtigen Generika in der Schweiz 2006 erneut kräftig zu. Seit dem Jahr 2001 hat sich der Markt der Generika auf 381.2 Millionen Franken mehr


[Downloaded free from http://www.jcsjournal.org on Tuesday, July 05, 2016, IP:] ORIGINAL RESEARCH REPORT Antibiotic susceptibility/resistant gene profiles of Group B streptococci isolates from pregnant women in a tertiary institution in Nigeria Charles J. Elikwu1,2, Oyinlola O. Oduyebo3, Rose I. Anorlu4, Brigitte König5


Produktbeschreibung und Bedienungsanleitung TopFuel LiPo Akkus Productdescription and Manual TopFuel LiPo Batteries Ulteriori informazioni e Istruzioni Batteria TopFuel LiPo Vielen Dank das Sie sich für einen TopFuel Akku aus unserem Sortiment entschieden haben. Jeder TopFuel Akku wird sehr sorgfältig und aus hochwertigen Materialien gefertig um Ihnen ein

Psns botanical section bulletin

PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE BOTANICAL SECTION BULLETIN NO. 33 – 2010 Reports from 2010 Field Meetings Pitroddie Den – bryophytes Sunday, 21st March It was a dry, calm morning, fairly damp from some rain on the previous day, as a small group of us met up to cheat the botanical season by looking at mosses and liverworts – those fascinating miniature plants that allow us to botanise any day of the year. The steep, narrow den, with its ancient history of quarrying the old red sandstone, is sheltered, moist and dark under its scrubby woodland covering, sufficient in fact for the activity we embarked on, though not sensational. Mosses in particular were in plentiful supply, especially the common mat-forming ‘pleurocarpous' types covering the ground. There was plenty of opportunity to compare Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus with R. squarrosus, Cirriphyllum piliferum with Scleropodium purum, Hypnum cupressiforme with H. andoi. The atmosphere in the den was dank enough for old lying logs that had lost their bark to be threaded with the narrow shoots of the small liverwort Riccia palmata. Nearly all of the 34 species we recorded were associated with acidic or neutral substrates, with any more basicolous species, such as the flattened moss Neckera complanata, confined to the more alkaline bark of ash or sycamore trees. The trees were not smothered in bryophytes as one would wish, but elders were studded with the slightly shaggy little cushions of Orthotrichum affine and O. pulchellum among others.


importance, sufficient time must elapse before initiating TCA treatment in a 1 Includes reports of "dry lips", "dry throat", and "thirst" patient being withdrawn from fluoxetine, given the long halflife of the parent 2 Includes reports of "pruritus exacerbated" and active metabolite (at least 5 weeks may be necessary). 3 Includes report of "increased irritation at application site"


Treatment Options for Parkinson's Disease Medication is the primary treatment for symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD). In a few cases, surgery may also be an option. It is very important for you, your family and/or caregivers to develop a solid understanding of the treatment options that may be available. Focusing on exercise, stress management, proper nutrition and other available complimentary


Seafood Processing Plants Guidelines for BAP Standards GUIDELINES — SEAFOOD PROCESSING PLANTSThe following guidelines provide perspective and clarification for the standards referenced in the Application/Audit Form.The application and guidelines were designed to assist program applicants in assessing their facilities and developing man-agement systems for compliance with the certification standards.

Les effets secondaires de la corticothérapie générale

PREVENTION DES COMPLICATIONS DE LA CORTICOTHERAPIE GENERALE DANS LES PEMPHIGUS DE L'ADULTE Catherine Prost Squarcioni Centre de Références Maladies Rares NET-DBAI-IDF Hôpital Saint Louis et hôpital Avicenne La cortisone, découverte en 1935, a transformé l'évolution de nombreuses maladies inflammatoires et auto-immunes (en particulier celle des pemphigus) qui étaient auparavant constamment mortelles. Depuis, la cortisone a été abandonnée au profit de nouvelles molécules encore plus efficaces et provoquant moins d'effets secondaires ; de nombreux progrès ont été faits pour prévenir ces derniers. Avant d'aborder précisément ce sujet, quelques remarques pour expliquer notre jargon médical et notre démarche thérapeutique dans les pemphigus. La corticothérapie générale s'utilisant de la même manière dans les différentes formes de pemphigus, en particulier dans les pemphigus vulgaires et les pemphigus superficiels, nous parlerons de pemphigus sans plus de précision. • On entend par corticothérapie générale (ou systémique) l'administration de corticoïdes par voie orale (par la bouche), intramusculaire ou intraveineuse (piqûres). En France, nous utilisons indifféremment :


PIDSP Journal, 2005 Vol. 9 No. 2Copyright © 2005 THE EFFECT OF TOPICAL APPLICATION OF MUPIROCIN ININTRAVENOUS CATHETER SITE IN THE INCIDENCE OF SUPERFICIALPHLEBITIS Ronald Allan N. Geraldez, MD*, Ma. Liza M. Gonzales, MD* In UP-PGH pediatric wards and emergency Background: Superficial phlebitis is a common

Microsoft word - pssa newsletter 3.4 final.doc

December 2006 me 3, Issue 4 Newsletter of the Physiology Society of Southern Africa (PSSA) In this edition we continue with our focus on PSSA 2006. As the year draws to an end, we wish you a restful vacation and look forward to a perous and blessed new year. Editorial team • Th e Johnny van der Walt poster competition winners

Cop progress 4-05

VOLUME 41 N. 3 /2009 - June 2009 Clinical Immunology THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF AAITO I ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA ALLERGOLOGI IMMUNOLOGI TERRITORIALI E OSPEDALIERI Allergic rhinitis and associated pathologies: the rationale for steroid options A murine model of cow's milk protein-induced allergic reaction: use for safety assessment of hidden milk allergens o UIF CFTU KVTU LFFQT HFUUJOH CFUUFS


Why the online world is hungry for informative and cr eative content right now. A free report from Proof Perfect Online Engagement Division Photo courtesy of folioglyphs.comProduct names, logos, brands, and other trademarks featured or referred to within this report are the property of their respective trademark holders. These trademark


Schilddrüsenunterfunktion (Hypothyreose): International gilt Jean Dodds als die große Kapazität rund um die Schilddrüsenunterfunktion. Auf Bitte einiger Afghanenfreunde habe ich, unter Einbeziehung ihrer Veröffentlichungen im Internet unteeinen ihrer aktuellen amerikanischen Vorträge (gab es als Skript, Vortrag gehalten Juni 2002) frei übersetzt - was ohne ein englisch-deutsches medizinisches Fachwörterbuch nicht ganz einfach gewesen ist. Hinhaltlich ergänzt habe ich diesen Vortrag aus anderen Quellen (siehe Internetreferenzen am Schluss). Da es sich um einen Fachaufsatz handelt, sei allen, die mit dem Thema noch nicht vertraut sind, deals Vorab-Lektüre dringend empfohlen. Eine der im Text erwähnten Tabellen (No. 3) habe ich noch nicht eingescannt. Die Basis bildet, ergänzt um Artikel aus den Links am Ende, ein Referat von einem Seminar über Autoimmunkrankheiten beim Hund vom Sonntag 09. Juni 2002 präsentiert von der C.I.M.D.A. (Canine Immune Mediated Disease Awareness) Doch zuvor noch eine knappe Wiederholung der wichtigsten Fakten über die Schilddrüse: Ein Überblick „Was ist Schilddrüsenunterfunktion" = Hypothyreose? Die Schilddrüsenfehlfunktion ist eine der häufigsten enokrinen Probleme bei Hunden. Praktisch alle Rassen sind betroffen. Während epidemische Daten spärlich sind, scheinen Schilddrüsenfunktionsstörungen immer häufiger in bestimmten Rassen und Linien aufzu- tauchen, besonders bei großen Hunden. Diese Tatsache deutet auf einen genetischen Vererbungsmodus hin. Die Schilddrüse ist an der Stoffwechselregulation aller Zellfunktionen beteiligt. Aus diesem Grund führt eine Reduktion der Schilddrüsenfunktion zu einer breiten Spanne von klinischen Symptomen. Das macht es so schwierig, ohne geeignete Labortests und eine erfahrene, professionelle Interpretation der Ergebnisse eine exakte Diagnose auf diese Krankheit zu stellen. Die häufigste Form der Schilddrüsenunterfunktion [Anmerkung: englisch „Hpothyroidism" oder deutsch „Hypothyreose"] ist die autoimmune Schilddrüsen- entzündung [Anmerkung: englisch „Hypthyroiditis"], eine familiale Autoimmunerkrankung mit Erbdisposition. In diesem Fall greift das tiereigene Immunsystem das Schilddrüsengewebe an und zerstört schließlich die Schilddrüse. Der Körper wird dies für eine Weile durch eine erhöhte Produktion von Schilddrüsenhormonen kompensieren, aber wenn die Reserven erst einmal erschöpft sind, wird das Tier die klinischen Symptome für Schilddrüsenunterfunktion ausprägen. Die Schilddrüsenphysiologie Die Schilddrüse besteht aus zwei Lappen rund um die Luftröhre. Es wurde festgestellt, dass sie wenigstens zwei miteinander verwandte Hormone produziert: Thyroxine (T4, Tetrajodthyronin) und Tri-Jodothyronin (T3). Der einzige strukturelle Unterschied besteht aus 3 Jodionen, die dem T3-Hormon angeheftet sind, und 4 Atomen an dem T4-Hormon. Rund 90% der ausgeschütteten

Formulary decision highlights march 2016

Formulary Decision Highlights: March 9, 2016 Documented below are the decisions from the March 9, 2016 Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee Meeting. The completeis available on thewhich can be accessed from MyGroupHealth for Contracted Providers at additional information, please call the Pharmacy Help Desk at 206-901-4411. KEY


Quelle: modifiziert nach Dr. Horger An einer juvenilen idiopathischen Arthritis und ist somit für die häufig früh eintretenden Dr. Nikolay Tzaribachev1 (JIA) erkranken in Deutschland jährlich unge- entzündungsbedingten Schädigungen leicht fähr 1500 Kinder und derzeit ist von etwa 10 000 zugänglich [3–5]. PD Dr. Marius Horger2 bis 14 000 Betroffenen auszugehen [1]. Gemäß


PRESCRIBING INFORMATION ClexanePre-filled Syringes and Multidose Vial 1. NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT Clexane Syringes Clexane Forte Syringes Clexane Multidose Vial 2. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITIONClexane Pre-filled Syringes (100 mg/ml) Enoxaparin sodium 20 mg (equivalent to 2,000 IU anti-Xa activity)in 0.2 ml water for injections


HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION ---------------------------DOSAGE FORMS AND STRENGTHS------------------ These highlights do not include all the information needed to use VIVELLE-DOT Transdermal system: 0.025 mg/day, 0.0375 mg/day, 0.05 mg/day, 0.075 safely and effectively. See full prescribing information for VIVELLE-DOT.

Pii: s0002-9149(01)02329-3

An Update on Carotid Ultrasound Measurement of Intima-Media Thickness Jacques D. Barth, MD, PhD Coronary atherosclerosis is a chronic, multifactorial dis- tomatic period. Several techniques for assessing arterial ease process. Some individuals with atherosclerosis re- health are available, including quantitative intima-

Effect of divalproex on brain morphometry, chemistry, and function in youth at high-risk for bipolar disorder: a pilot study

JOURNAL OF CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGYVolume 19, Number 1, 2009 ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.Pp. 51–59DOI: 10.1089=cap.2008.060 Effect of Divalproex on Brain Morphometry, Chemistry, and Function in Youth at High-Risk for Bipolar Disorder: A Pilot Study Kiki Chang, M.D., Asya Karchemskiy, M.S., Ryan Kelley, B.A., Meghan Howe, M.S.W., Amy Garrett, Ph.D., Nancy Adleman, B.S., and Allan Reiss, M.D.


Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 2010; 40(4): 287–304 Critical Reviews in Toxicology Pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment: A critical review of the evidence for health effects in fish Jenna Corcoran1, Matthew J� Winter2, and Charles R� Tyler1 1Environmental and Molecular Fish Biology, School of Biosciences, The Hatherly Laboratories, University of Exeter, Exeter, Devon, UK, and 2AstraZeneca Safety, Health and Environment, Brixham Environmental Laboratory, Freshwater Quarry, Brixham, UK

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Could not get a listing of products containing Use multiple suppliers and cannot guarantee animal ingredients. Need to contact them they always provide materials free of animal about the particular product you're interested in. Any product with Glycerin may be from an unspecified animal source. May contain animal ingredients, but no pork Not Vegetarian, but No Pork


Was sind Parkinson-Syndrome?  Parkinson-Syndrome gehören zu den Bewegungsstörungen  Unter Parkinson-Syndrome fasst man Störungen des cholinergen und dopaminergen Systems in den Basalganglien zusammen  Die Störung dieser Neurotransmitter-Systeme führt zu den für Parkinson-Syndromen klassischen o Akinese o Rigor o Tremor o Posturale Instabilität


Cervical pessary in pregnant women with a short cervix (PECEP): an open-label randomised controlled trial Maria Goya, Laia Pratcorona, Carme Merced, Carlota Rodó, Leonor Valle, Azahar Romero, Miquel Juan, Alberto Rodríguez, Begoña Muñoz, Belén Santacruz, Juan Carlos Bello-Muñoz, Elisa Llurba, Teresa Higueras, Luis Cabero*, Elena Carreras*, on behalf of the Pesario Cervical para Evitar Prematuridad (PECEP) Trial Group

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RINGWORM INFORMATION AND CONTROL MEASURES What is ringworm? Ringworm is a common skin infection caused by a fungus. Ringworm may affect the skin on the body, scalp, groin area (jock itch), feet (athlete's foot) or nails. The infection is not related to an infestation of worms. Ringworm occurs when a particular fungus grows and multiples anywhere on the body. Ringworm can affect anyone at any time due to the microscopic organisms that live off the dead outer layer of skin. Symptoms may not appear for 10-14 days after contact. How is ringworm detected? Ringworm is detected primarily based on the appearance of the skin. A scraping or culture of the affected area may be done by your doctor. Ringworm is recognized by:

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Estudios Constitucionales, Año 8, Nº 2, 2010, pp. 633 - 674. Centro de Estudios Constitucionales de Chile Universidad de Talca "Informe en derecho presentado ante el Tribunal Constitucional en el proceso de inconstitucionalidad del artículo 38 ter de la Ley N° 18.933" Pablo Contreras V., Gonzalo García P., Tomás Jordán D., Álvaro Villanueva R. INFoRME EN DERECHo PRESENTADo

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Crítica de libros Book Reviews I+D+I, PERO NO A CIEGAS PEDRO GUTIÉRREZ MENÉNDEZ (Ingeniero industrial, posgrado en Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, y posgrado en Inteligencia Económica y Competitiva, Enric Bas y Mario Guilló (editores) Prospectiva e innovación, vol. I: Visiones Madrid: Plaza y Valdés, 2012, 350 págs.


J Antimicrob Chemother 2013; 68: 17 – 22doi:10.1093/jac/dks351 Advance Access publication 30 August 2012 TetAB(46), a predicted heterodimeric ABC transporter conferring tetracycline resistance in Streptococcus australis isolated from the oral cavity Philip J. Warburton †, Lena Ciric , Avigdor Lerner , Lorna A. Seville , Adam P. Roberts , Peter Mullany and Elaine Allan *


Applications of FIESTA Institut für Theoretische Teilchenphysik, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), D-76128Karlsruhe, GermanyE-mail: A.V. SmirnovScientific Research Computing Center, Moscow State University, 119992 Moscow, RussiaE-mail: Sector decomposition in its practical aspect is a constructive method used to evaluate Feynman

Fast food and takeaway outlets toolkit

Takeaways Toolkit Tools, interventions and case studies to help local authorities develop a response to the health impacts of fast food takeaways A London Food Board and Chartered Institute of Environmental Health publication Based on a consultancy report by Food Matters Updated June 2014 In 2010 the issue of fast food takeaways hit the headlines when a number of London

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How Does Psychotherapy Influence Personality?A Theoretical Integration John D. MayerUniversity of New Hampshire A given type of psychotherapy (e.g., psychodynamic) is associated with aset of specific change techniques (e.g., interpreting defenses, identifyingrelationship themes). Different change techniques can be conceived of asinfluencing different parts of personality (e.g., interpreting defense increasesconscious awareness). An integrated model of personality is presented.Then, change techniques from different theoretical perspectives are assignedby judges to areas of personality the techniques are believed to influence.The results suggest that specific change techniques can be reliably sortedinto the areas of personality. Thinking across theoretical perspectives leadsto important new opportunities for assessment, therapy outcome research,and communication with patients concerning personality change. ©2004Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Psychol 60: 1291–1315, 2004.


Daubert:The Most Influential Supreme Court Ruling You've Never Heard Of A Publication of the Project on Scientific Knowledge andPublic Policy, coordinated by the Tellus Institute Daubert:The Most Influential Supreme Court Ruling You've Never Heard Of A Publication of the Project on Scientific Knowledge andPublic Policy, coordinated by the Tellus Institute

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Sleep Disorders 1. Primary hypersomnia 2. Primary insomnia 3. Narcolepsy 4. Breathing-related sleep disorder 5. Circadian rhythm sleep disorder 6. Nightmare disorder 7. Sleep terror disorder 8. Sleepwalking disorder 1. Primary hypersomnia The defining feature of primary hypersomnia (also cal ed idiopathic hypersomnia) is excessive sleepiness that has lasted for at least one month as manifested by prolonged sleep episodes at night or in the day. Excessive sleepiness during the day may result in long naps that fail to al eviate sleepiness, and other associated symptoms include prolonged sleep at night (which can last for 12 hours or more) as wel as sleep drunkenness. Sleep drunkenness describes a drawn out transition from sleep to waking, during which the person is apparently in a state of inebriation, exhibiting partial alertness, disorientation, drowsiness, poor coordination, and even agitated or violent behaviour. Because the person does not feel wel rested even after taking naps, they constantly struggle to stave off feelings of sleepiness. Hypnagogic hal ucinations and sleep paralysis are rare, but may be found among those with primary hypersomnia. The onset of this disorder typical y occurs before the age of 30 and continues on a chronic course unless treated.

Promega notes 100: novel biosensors to monitor cellular events in live cells

LIVE-CELL BIOSENSOR Novel Biosensors to Monitor Cellular Events in Live Cells Review of Fan, F. et al. (2008) Novel genetically encoded biosensors using firefly luciferase. ACS Chem. Biol. 3, 346–51. Neal Cosby, Promega Corporation entists targeted the hinge region of the luciferase mol- Drug discovery and life science researchers desire to


patterns—electric blue in the westernCaribbean, lemon yellow in the Northern Why Gobies Are Like Hobbits Bahamas, and stark white in the eastern Stephen R. Palumbi and Robert R. Warner Caribbean—might be local signals to preda-tors that these gobies are the valet service As Bilbo Baggins famously warned, trav- genetic breaks between island groups that rather than the entrée. If this is true, then the

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REPOBLIKAN'I MADAGASIKARA Tanindrazana – Fahafahana – Fandrosoana COMMUNE URBAINE NOSY BE DISTRICT NOSY BE PROVINCE ANTSIRANANA I – Monographie b. De 1840 à 1896 c. De 1896 à 1960 d. De 1960 à nos jours 2. Situation géographique et délimitation administrative a. Situation géographique b. Organisation administrative 3. Les acteurs de développement

Dementi till tidningen

Dementi till Helsingborgs Dagblad – begäran om omgående genmäle Anders Sultan kräver att tidningen går ut med en dementi samt att genmäle bereds. För det första så har Anders Sultan i Helsingborgs Dagblad utsatts för grovt förtal, då han i HD:s artikelserie utmålas som klandervärd och brottslig. För det andra så har Anders Sultan och Michael Zazzio inte fått avge sin sida av saken till tidningen. Anders Sultan nekades att få frågorna skriftligen inför intervju, samt så har journalisten ej ringt tillbaka till Michael Zazzio, talesman och styrelseordförande för Ion Silver då denne ville samtala kring den förestående artikeln. För det tredje så baseras HD:s tidningsartikel på uppgifter från en sluten facebooksida vilket strider mot de pressetiska reglerna. Anders Sultan har agerat som privatperson i ett slutet forum – och kan i detta forum enligt Europakonventionen för mänskliga rättigheter gällande yttrandefriheten – yttra precis vad han vill. Företaget Ion Silver är en egen juridisk person och kan i detta fall inte sammanblandas med privatpersonen Anders Sultan. För det fjärde så har Anders Sultan vetenskapliga belägg för sina påståenden. Till och med Anders Tegnell på Folkhälsomyndigheten sade för en och en halv vecka sedan, i ett telefonsamtal med Michael Zazzio: "Att det är känt att kolloidalt silver fungerar på de flesta virus" (lyssna på bifogad ljudfil: anders_tegnell.wav). Inte nog med att expertisen i Sverige vet detta. Det finns även ett hundratal MEDLINE-indexerade studier om kolloidalt silver och dess effekt på olika skadliga mikroorganismer såsom virus, bakterier, svamp samt encelliga organismer. Det finns även över 500 sidor användarberättelser som erfarenhetsmässigt även vittnar om positiva bieffekter i form av förbättrat hälsotillstånd när konsumenter har använt den silverhaltiga vattenreningsprodukten. Kolloidalt Silver, Ionosil säljs och marknadsförs som vattenreningsprodukt och får som sådan enligt kemikalieinspektionen ettiketteras som verksam mot mikroorganismer genom sitt innehåll av silver. För det femte så är kolloidalt silver ofarligt. Världshälsoorganisationen, WHO:s säkerhetsdata för rent silver, visar att man kan konsumera upp till 10 gram rent silver under en livstid om 70 år utan att överskrida myndighetens ‖nolleffektdos‖ – NOAEL, No Observed Adverse Effect Level – det vill säga den högsta dos som man kan exponeras för utan att riskera några som helst negativa hälsoeffekter. Det motsvarar ca 390 mikrogram per person och dag. Detta är enligt WHO en garanterat oskadlig dos för människan.


SAFETY PROFILE OF RUPATADINE IN THE TREATMENT OF CHRONIC URTICARIA Giménez-Arnau A1, Malbran A2, Poop G3, Benea V4, Medina I5, Garcia O6, Donado E6 1Hospital del Mar, Dermatology Department, IMAS. Barcelona, Spain. 2Unidad de Alergia, Asma o Inmunología-COM. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 3Dermatological Clinical Practica. Augsburg, Germany. 4Clinical Hospital Prof Scarlat Longhin. Bucharest, Romania.

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Implementation of QbD for Existing Products An Example from GSK Australia Jonathan Parks B.Sc (Hons) from Monash University in 1990 Started at Glaxo (as it was called then) in 1991 as a Development Chemist in Pharmaceutical Development Worked on the development of Blow-Fill-Seal (BFS) products for nebulisation and Dry Powder Inhalation (DPI) products

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Supplementary Appendix This appendix has been provided by the authors to give readers additional information about their work. Supplement to: Turner EH, Matthews AM, Linardatos E, et al. Selective publication of antidepressant trials and its influence on apparent efficacy. N Engl J Med 2008;358:252-60. SELECTIVE PUBLICATION OF ANTIDEPRESSANT TRIALS AND ITS INFLUENCE ON APPARENT EFFICACY


en el contexto de la etología y la antropología* Aggressiveness in the ethology and anthropology A agressão no contexto da etologia e a antropologia* Juan Alejandro Brando** • Argentina Recibido el 12 de septiembre de 2012, aceptado el 24 de enero 2013 ** Este trabajo es parte de la investigación conducente al doctorado en filosofía por la Universidad Nacional de Lanús, la cual fue parcialmente financiada por una beca de postgrado tipo II del Consejo

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Intellectual Property and Human Development Trends and scenarios in the legal protection of traditional knowledge Charles McManis and Yolanda Terán1 Introduction This chapter discusses the currently much debated issue of traditional knowledge (TK) protection. Opinions differ widely, not only as to how TK should be protected, but even as to whether TK should be protected at all. It is commonly accepted that intellectual property rights (IPRs) in their current form are ill-suited for this category of knowledge. But does it follow that TK should be placed or left in the public domain for anybody to use as they wish? For many indigenous peoples, traditional communities and developing country governments, this seems neither fair nor reasonable. In response, they have insisted that this issue be discussed at the highest level in such forums as the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Conference of the Parties (COP), and also be addressed at the national and regional levels. Proposals have included reforms to current IP regimes in order to prevent misappropriation of TK and the development of sui generis systems that vest rights in TK holders and TK-producing communities. However, considerable conceptual and political difficulties remain, and these remaining difficulties make it hard to predict the future of TK, as a legal and diplomatic issue.

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January 2010 Number 352 COUNTERFEIT MEDICINES Counterfeiting of medicines is increasing, is often linked to other criminal activities and poses risks to public health. It exposes people to medicines of unverified quality, safety and efficacy. This POSTnote considers the extent of the global counterfeit medicine trade, its impact in the UK and the technologies and policy options available to combat it. It also examines the risks and benefits of online pharmacy, one of the main ways in which counterfeits are distributed.


Proceeding of 6th ICGRC 2015 6-Gingerol from Zingiberaceae as a Result of Reverse Docking for Prostate's Cancer Potential Drug Candidate Haqqi Anajili Setyanto1, Arindra Trisna Widiansyah1, Zainul Mustofa1 1 Postgraduate of Educational Biology, State University of Malang, Malang, Indonesia Prostate cancer is a cancer that attacks the prostate gland causing the death rate which is high enough. One of the causes ofprostate cancer is the androgen receptor (AR) in the gland cells that initiates the formation of excess cell proliferation, thuscausing prostate cancer. AR inhibitor that is known is antiandrogen (biculatamide and enzalutamide). This study aimed to test the6-gingerol compound of ginger as an AR inhibitor drug candidate for prostate cancer using silico methode. The 3D structure ofthe 6-gingerol compound was taken from PubChem, the prediction of targeted protein used SwissTargetPrediction andPharmapper, analysis and docking 6-gingerol and antiandrogens with AR using Pyrx software, visualization compounds andprotein interactions using PyMOLsoftware. Visualization results shows that the interaction of 6-gingerol, biculatamide, andenzalutamide with AR have the same site. This proves that the 6-gingerol is potential as anAR inhibitor candidate.

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VITTORIO F. GUIDANO LA PSICOTERAPIA COGNITIVISTA POST-RAZIONALISTA NEI SERVIZI PUBBLICI EBOOK Psicoterapia e Scienza Roma 2012 VITTORIO F. GUIDANO LA PSICOTERAPIA COGNITIVISTA POST-RAZIONALISTA NEI SERVIZI PUBBLICI "Sbobinatura" di un seminario sul 'applicazione del model o post-razionalista nei Servizi Pubblici che Vittorio Guidano tenne nel 1993. All'esposizione teorica segue la supervisione di un caso di psicosi ove si mostra chiaramente come l'utilizzo del model o post-razionalista permetta un particolare inquadramento del caso clinico e del processo terapeutico, discusso in maniera molto ricca nel 'ultima parte dell'articolo.

Organon mexicana, s

INFORMACIÓN PARA PRESCRIBIR AMPLIA Acetato de Nomegestrol / Estradiol 1. NOMBRE COMERCIAL: ZOELY® 2. NOMBRE GENÉRICO: Acetato de Nomegestrol / Estradiol 3. FORMA FARMACÉUTICA Y FORMULACIÓN: Tabletas Cada tableta contiene: Acetato de nomegestrol Excipientes c.b.p. Las tabletas amaril as no contienen sustancias activas placebo.


Volume 5 Issue 2 Apr-Jun 2015 Renal and Hepatic Antioxidant Status of Hyperglycemic Rats Treated with Single and Combinatorial Herbal Formulations.Okey Alphosus Ojiako1, Paul Chidoka Chikezie2, Agomuo Chizaramoku Ogbuji31Department of Biochemistry, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria 2Department of Biochemistry, Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria3Department of Food Science and Technology, Abia State Polytechnic, Aba, Nigeria


Organometallics 2008, 27, 1384–1392 Theoretical Studies of the sp2 versus sp3 C-H Bond Activation Chemistry of 2-Picoline by (C5Me5)2An(CH3)2 Complexes (An ) Th, U) Ping Yang,* Ingolf Warnke,† Richard L. Martin, and P. Jeffrey Hay* Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 ReceiVed September 18, 2007


Glimpses of the Workshop Today commercialization of agriculture is an inevitable reality throughout the whole world. There are a number of factors affecting the commercialization process in agriculture. Some of them could be named as rapid growth of economies in the developing and developed countries, introducing of new technologies, market expansion, market liberalization, urbanization, rapid increase of demand for food,