"D" - Go To My Doctor:


Safety data sheet according to 1907/2006/EC, Article 31 Printing date 18.03.2016 Version number 9 SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking · 1.1 Product identifier · Trade name: AH Plus Paste A· 1.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against· Application of the substance / the mixture root canal filling material· Uses advised against No further relevant information available.


Generic PrescriptionsUnderstanding TherapeuticSubstitutionBy Claims and Benefits, Inc, A Noridian Company CBI UpFront Newsletter October 2006 Not every brand-name drug has a generic equivalent, "but that doesn't necessarilymean you are stuck using a pricier brand-name product," says Bethany Pfister, aclinical pharmacist with Prime Therapeutics, a regional pharmacy benefits manager.You may be a candidate for a generic alternative.


Get Healthy No Matter What Your Age A Publication of Newsmax Health Vol. 5, Issue 10 / October 2015 Secrets to Staying 4 Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Michael Roizen Strong After 50 Aromatherapy for better health Muscle loss is a hallmark sign of aging that can be 5 Nutrition devastating to health — but it's not inevitable.


Abstracts presented at the "Students Scientific Day" at Faculty of Dentistry April 4-4-2015 Prepared by: Students of the Faculty of Dentistry at The University of Jordan Edited by: Dr Najla a Kasabrah Dr Yazan Hassona Pigminted Lesion On The Alveolar Ridge

March april 2002 nutrinews

8537-layout mar25.qxd 3/26/02 10:43 AM Page 1 Recent health and nutrition information from Douglas Laboratories March/April 2002 NUTRACEUTICAL APPROACHES TO CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE Mitchell J. Ghen, D.O., Ph.D. Outside of the medical/surgical neously. It is this concerted effort that focusing on supplemental issues, there is model for heart disease, modern practi-

Bteen 67#6

Fermentation Process Kinetics* Elmer L. Gaden, Jr. Department of Chemical Engineering, Columbia University,New York 27, N.Y. Abstract: Information on fermentation process kinetics is especially true for kinetics. Although the study of fermen- potentially valuable for the improvement of batch pro- tation rates is relatively new, it promises much for the fuller


clinical overview unique technology for unique results BioHorizons is dedicated to developing evidence-based and scientifically proven products. From the launch of the External implant system (Maestro) in 1997, to the Laser-Lok 3.0 implant in 2010, dental professionals as well as patients have confidence in our comprehensive portfolio of dental implants and biologics products.


DIFLUCAN® (Fluconazole Tablets) (Fluconazole Injection - for intravenous infusion only) (Fluconazole for Oral Suspension) DESCRIPTION DIFLUCAN® (fluconazole), the first of a new subclass of synthetic triazole antifungal agents, is available as tablets for oral administration, as a powder for oral suspension and as a sterile solution for intravenous use in glass and in Viaflex® Plus plastic containers. Fluconazole is designated chemically as 2,4-difluoro-α,α1-bis(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-ylmethyl) benzyl alcohol with an empirical formula of C13H12F2N6O and molecular weight 306.3. The

Puberty and its measurement: a decade in review

JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON ADOLESCENCE, 21(1), 180 – 195 Puberty and Its Measurement: A Decade in Review Lorah D. Dorn and Frank M. Biro Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and University of Cincinnati Since the early 1980s, the focus on the importance of puberty to adolescent development has continued with variability inthe methodology selected to measure puberty. To capture the relevant and important issues regarding the measurement ofpuberty in the last decade, this paper will address (1) the neuroendocrine aspects of puberty and its components, as well asthe timing of puberty and its tempo; (2) why puberty is measured, including the relevance of puberty and its timing tohealth and development as well as the relevance of being off-time, that is, early or late with respect to a reference group; (3)the measurement of puberty and its methodology with respect to pubertal staging by physical examination, self-reportmeasures, and their agreement with other methods and measures, hormones and their methods of measurement, andcomparison of hormone concentrations to pubertal stage; and (4) recommendations for what is needed in the next decaderegarding the measurement of puberty.


-26 (For Individual Attention Only) Table of contents 1 Introduction . 1 2 Tooth Discoloration . 2 2.1 Extrinsic Stain.3 2.2 Intrinsic Stain .4 2.3 Tooth Discoloration Due to Structural Abnormalities.5 2.4 Tooth Discoloration Due to Ageing .6 3 Techniques for Tooth Whitening. 7

GSTF International Journal of Psychology (JPsych) Vol.1 No.1, March 2014 The Cannabinoid-Memory and the Angiotensin- Memory Paradoxes: Another Penrose Triangle? Ramanujam N., MD, Abstract— This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of two different drugs in their effects on memory and discrimination ngiotensin is a group of peptides consisting mainly of


MANZ CORE COMPETENCIES EFFICIENT SYSTEM SOLUTIONS FOR VARIOUS INDUSTRIES Process machines and automation systems by Manz offer many advantages for customers in various industries. They are characterized by maximum efficiency and reliability. Maximum process quality and, at the same time, low cost of ownership are evidence of the high level of development and well-designed system solutions.


The Successful Treatment of Trichophyton rubrumNail Bed (Distal Subungual) OnychomycosisWith Intermittent Pulse-Dosed Terbinafine Nardo Zaias, MD; Gerbert Rebell, MS Background: The standard treatment of Trichophyton had completely removed the mycotic defect or failure of rubrum nail bed onychomycosis (or distal subungual ony-

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HERITAGE Monthly news update from the Office of History and Archaeology State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources March 2016 IN THIS ISSUE: Federal legislation and funding for historic preservation programs Office of History and Archaeology FY 17 budget Alaska Historical Commission news OHA, Advisory Council, National Preservation Institute offering training in April St. Matthew's Episcopal Church in Fairbanks added to National Register Alaska Association for Historic Preservation soliciting for endangered properties list Alaska Historical Society calls for papers, panels and posters for fall conference Cook Inlet Historical Society offers research grants National Historic Preservation Act turns 50 Russian America conference to be held in Moscow in April Free emergency management for protecting cultural resources webinar in April Historic Preservation Education Foundation seeks partners Archaeological internship program for Alaska Native youth available Public project alerts Heritage subscription information Preservation calendar * * * * * * * Federal legislation and funding for historic preservation programs The Historic Preservation Fund FY 16 appropriation is $65.41 million. It is divided into $46.925 million for State Historic Preservation Offices, $9.985 million for Tribal Historic Preservation Offices, $500,000 for grants to underrepresented communities, and $8 million for grants to preserve the sites and stories of the Civil Rights Movement.


Atti Parlamentari Camera dei Deputati XIV LEGISLATURA — ALLEGATO B AI RESOCONTI — SEDUTA DEL 1O FEBBRAIO 2006 INTERROGAZIONI PER LE QUALI E RISPOSTA SCRITTA ALLA PRESIDENZA il fenomeno preoccupa soprattutto i GALLO, ANTONIO PEPE, PATARINO, GI- distretti produttivi del Sud Italia e in RONDA VERALDI e LISI. — Al Ministro particolare della Puglia, come dimostra delle attivita produttive. — Per sapere –


Single-dose Metronidazole Clears Opalina sp. from Juvenile Bufo woodhousii Author(s): Devin R. Nickol and Danielle M. TuftsSource: Journal of Parasitology, 99(3):573-575. 2013.Published By: American Society of Parasitologists BioOne () is a nonprofit, online aggregation of core research in the biological, ecological, andenvironmental sciences. BioOne provides a sustainable online platform for over 170 journals and books publishedby nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and presses.


Document downloaded from http://www.revespcardiol.org, day 07/10/2016. This copy is for personal use. Any transmission of this document by any media or format is strictly prohibited. Rosuvastatin and Metformin Decrease Inflammation andOxidative Stress in Patients With Hypertension and DyslipidemiaAnel Gómez-García,a Gloria Martínez Torres,b Luz E. Ortega-Pierres,c Ernesto Rodríguez-Ayala,band Cleto Álvarez-Aguilard


Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, 2009, 78 Case report 183 Disseminated Penicillium radicum infection in a dog, clinically resembling multicentric malignant lymphoma Gedissemineerde Penicillium radicum infectie bij een hond klinisch gelijkend op een multicentrisch maligne lymfoom 1J.P. de Vos, 2E. van Garderen, 3H. Hensen, 4I. Tange, 5I. Curfs-Breuker, 1B. Vandevelde, 5J. F.


06.02.2005 21:50 Uhr Rundbrief Oktober 2000 Inhaltsverzeichnis1. Vorwort (1. Vorsitzender) 2.1 Vorstellung neuer Landesstellenleiter Baden-Württemberg Dr. med. M. Abel 2.2 Zweite Landesstellenleiterin Nordrhein-Westfalen Dr. med. Monika Herma-Boeters 2.3 Verabschiedung Landesstellenleiter Baden-Württ. Prof. Dr. med. Karl Mann 3. Bericht über die Jahrestagung 16. - 18. 6. 2000 3.1 Vortrag Dr. Ohm 3.2 Vortrag Dr. Clausen 3.3 Vortrag Dr. Stetter 4. Leitlinie Hypnose der DGÄHAT 5. Mitgliederversammlung der DGÄHAT am 19.06.2000 5. 1 Laudatio Prof. Dr. med. Dietrich Langen 5. 2 Laudatio Dr. med. Herbert Mensen 6. Bericht über die Treffen der korporativen Mitglieder der AÄGP 7. Informationsaustausch der Vertreter der Methoden AT/Hypnose/Hypnotherapie in Lindau am 19.04.2000 8. Beteiligung unserer Fachgesellschaft beim 15. Internationalen Kongress für Hypnose in München 8.1 Gründung eines wissenschaftlichen Beirates der deutschsprachigen Hypnose-Gesellschaften 9. Neue Mitglieder 10. Verstorbene Mitglieder 11. Zertifikate 12. Veröffentlichungen von Mitgliedern der Gesellschaft 12. 1 Buchbesprechung "Hypnose-Trance-Suggestion" von Dr. med. Peter Halama (W.-R. Krause) 12. 2 Buchbesprechung "Progressive Relaxation für Kids" von Dipl.-Psych. Dr.Dietmar Ohm (C. Derra) 13. Aktuelle Information zur STÄKO am 18. 10. 2000 14. Termine/Tagungen/internationale Kongresse

Rime e ritmi

di Giosue Carducci Letteratura italiana Einaudi Edizione di riferimento:a cura di Luigi Banfi, Mursia, Milano 1987 Letteratura italiana Einaudi Alla signorina Maria A. 1Nel chiostro del Santo 2Jaufré Rudel 3In una villa 4Piemonte 6Ad Annie 12A C. C. 13Bicocca di San Giacomo 14La guerra 20Nicola Pisano 23Cadore 26Carlo Goldoni 33A Scandiano 36Alla figlia di Francesco Crispi 37Alla città di Ferrara 39Mezzogiorno alpino 46L'ostessa di Gaby 47Esequie della guida E. R. 48La moglie del Gigante 50Per il monumento di Dante a Trento 52La mietitura del Turco 54La chiesa di Polenta 55Sabato Santo 60In riva al Lys 61Elegia del Monte Spluga 62Sant'Abbondio 64Alle Valchirie 65Presso una Certosa 67Congedo 68

Lichen sclerosus. dermnet nz

Lichen sclerosus. DermNet NZ 12/24/2007 07:19 PM Authoritative facts about the skin from the New Zealand Dermatological Society Incorporated. Home Immunological disorders Lichen sclerosus is chronic skin disorder that most often affects the genital and perianal areas. It usually persistsfor years, and can cause permanent scarring. There is no known cure, although most people are substantiallyimproved and quite comfortable with treatment.


Volume 2 Spring 2007 REAP THE BENEFITS OF LOWERING LDL CHOLESTEROL BELOW 70 Over 50 percent of the U.S. population have cholesterol levels that are considered New patient enrollment to be too high. High blood cholesterol, also called hypercholesterolemia, is known tosignificantly lead to heart disease and stroke. Sometimes, no matter how much a person controls their diet, weight, exercise and medical conditions, it just isn'tenough.


Los márgenes hombre-humano: Trascendencia y solidaridad en João Guimarães Rosa y César Vallejo Carlos Yushimito del Valle Brown University En las líneas que siguen se examinan dos temas centrales en la poética de César Vallejo (1892-1938) y João Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967). Por un lado, la representación simbólica del ser humano como sujeto trascendental. Por otro,

Journal 2007 new

Malaysian Journal Of Dermatology Jurnal Dermatologi Malaysia Antibiotic Resistance Pattern of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2001-2005) Azura Mohd Affandi, MBBS, MRCP, HB Gangaram, MBBS, FRCP and Suraiya H Hussein, MBBS, FRCP Department of Dermatology, Hospital Kuala LumpurKuala Lumpur CorrespondenceAzura Mohd Affandi, MBBS, MRCPGenito-urinary (GUM) Medicine ClinicDepartment of Dermatology, Hospital Kuala Lumpur 50580 Kuala LumpurEmail : [email protected]


The Veterinary Journal 204 (2015) 229–231 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect The Veterinary Journal Short Communication A simple surgical treatment for bovine digital dermatitis-associatedwhite line lesions and sole ulcers J. Kofler a,*, J. Glonegger-Reichert a, J. Dietrich a, S. Sykora b, A. Tichy c, S. Brandt b a Department of Farm Animals and Veterinary Public Health, Clinic for Ruminants, University of Veterinary Medicine, A-1210 Vienna, Austriab Research Group Oncology, Equine Clinic, Department of Companion Animals and Horses, University of Veterinary Medicine, A-1210 Vienna, Austriac Department of Biomedical Sciences, Platform for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, University of Veterinary Medicine, A-1210 Vienna, Austria

Guidelines on male sexual dysfunction: erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation

EURURO-3367; No. of Pages 11 Guidelines – Sexual Medicine Guidelines on Male Sexual Dysfunction: Erectile Dysfunction andPremature Ejaculation Konstantinos Hatzimouratidis Edouard Amar , Ian Eardley Francois Giuliano Dimitrios Hatzichristou Francesco Montorsi Yoram Vardi Eric Wespes a 2nd Department of Urology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greeceb Hoˆpital Bichat, Paris, Francec Pyrah Department of Urology, St. James University Hospital, Leeds, UKd AP-HP, Neuro-Urology-Andrology, Raymond Poincare´ Hospital, Garches, Francee Department of Urology, University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Scientific Institute H. San Raffaele, Milan, Italyf Department of Neuro-Urology, Rambam Medical Centre and Technion Faculty of Medicine, Haifa, Israelg Hoˆpital Civil de Charleroi, Hoˆpital Erasme, Urology Department, Brussels, Belgium


Acta Tropica 87 (2003) 377 /384 Lymphocyte subsets, macrophages and Langerhans cells in actinomycetoma and eumycetoma tissue reaction Claudia Cenci Guimara˜es a, Luiz Guilherme M. Castro b, Mı´rian N. Sotto a,b, a Department of Pathology, University of Sa˜o Paulo Medical School, Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 455 sala 1118, 01246-903 Sa˜o Paulo, SP, Brazilb Department of Dermatology, University of Sa˜o Paulo Medical School, Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 455 sala 1118, 01246-903 Sa˜o Paulo, SP, Brazil


Chapter 24 Periprosthetic InfectionFollowing Total Knee Arthroplasty Michael Soudry, Arnan Greental,Gabriel Nierenberg, Mazen Falah andNahum Rosenberg Additional information is available at the end of the chapter One of the most devastating complications of prosthetic knee arthroplasty is a periprosthetic infection. This complication occurs in 1-2% of knee arthroplasties [1,2] and can exceed 4% in

Sjogren's syndrome: a guide for the patient

REVISED VERSION: 8.16.02 SJÖGREN'S SYNDROME: A GUIDE FOR THE PATIENT Robert I. Fox, M.D., Ph.D.* Paul E. Michelson, M.D.** Sjögren's Syndrome Foundation *Rheumatology Clinic Scripps Memorial 9850 Genesee Ave, #910 La Jolla, CA 92037 phone: 858-457-2023 email [email protected] ** Eye Care of La Jolla 9934 Genesee Ave, # 200 La Jolla, CA 92037 ***Sjögren's Syndrome Foundation

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Adult  Type  2  Diabetes  Mel itus  Case  Study:  Transition  to  Insulin   Adult Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Transition to Insulin A Case Study Dorette Franks, Maha Saidosman and Sybil Williams DFM 484: Medical Nutritional Therapy San Francisco State University, Fall 2013 Adult  Type  2  Diabetes  Mel itus  Case  Study:  Transition  to  Insulin  

2/dalf c1-l examinateursdef*

! LETTRES ET SCIENCES HUMAINES Épreuve de production orale 25 points Préparation : 60 minutes Passation : 30 minutes Cette épreuve se déroulera en deux temps : 1 EXPOSÉ À partir des documents proposés, vous préparerez un exposé sur le thème indiqué, et vous le présenterez au jury.Votre exposé présentera une réflexion ordonnée sur ce sujet. Il comportera une introduction et une conclusion et mettra en évidence quelques points importants (3 ou 4 maximum).

Created by lee dixson, art director, innovision health media

This article is protected by copyright. To share or copy this article, se ISSN#10786791. To subscribe, THe FAILURe OF RISk FACTOR TReATmeNT FOR PRImARy PReVeNTION OF CHRONIC DISeASe mark A. Hyman, mD Mark A. Hyman, MD, is a contributing editor of Alternative physical activity, and exposure to environmental toxins affecting Therapies in Health and Medicine. He launched the Functional

Dp 271 acroba

ISKRA - ARTE France C'est souvent comme ça quetout commence, par un exa-men médical. Un homme en blouse blan-che tient une radio devantun panneau lumineux. Desmasses transparentes etbleues dessinent des formesmystérieuses : un utérus enT. - Votre mère a pris dudistilbène ?


Evaluation of Subgingival Bacteria in the Dog andSusceptibility to Commonly Used Antibiotics Mirko Radice, DVM; Piera Anna Martino, DBSc, PhD; Alexander M Reiter, Dipl Tzt, Dr med vet progression from a healthy periodontium to gingivitis andperiodontitis, there is a shift from a gram-positive oriented, aerobic facultative flora to a predominantly gram-negative,


(i2) United States Patent (io) Patent No.: US 8,977,517 B2 (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 10, 2015 (54) SYSTEM AND METHODS FOR EVALUATING EFFICACY OF APPETITE-AFFECTING 10/1998 Kissinger (75) Inventor: Roger D. Reidelberger, Omaha, NE 7/1999 Castel ano (73) Assignee: Creighton University, Omaha, NE (US)


Age-Related K. Bailey Freund, M.D.James M. Klancnik, Jr., M.D.Lawrence A. Yannuzzi, M.D.Bruce Rosenthal, O.D. Anatomy of the Eye The Retina Early Macular Degeneration Dry (Atrophic) Macular Degeneration Wet (Neovascular) Macular Degeneration Examination & Diagnosis


Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics3600 Market Street, 6th Floor • Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688 USAwww.siam.org • [email protected] 5/7/2012 1:41:13 PM The cover image illustrates the results of a fluid flow calculation over an airplane. For this design, there is little flow separation occurring on the wing except near the wingtips and near the side of the body. In addition, the flowfield streamlines from the nacelle up over the wing show vortex shedding from "chines" which are structures mounted on the nacelles that are specifically designed and optimized to shed this vortex. Without them, installing the nacelle forward of the wing as in this design would compromise both the efficiency of the wing as well as its maximum lift capability. See [Konigs 2005]


52nd Annual Meeting December 8-12, 2013 The Westin Diplomat Resort & Spa Hollywood, Florida President: David A. Lewis, M.D. Program Committee Chair: Randy D. Blakely, Ph.D. Program Committee Co-Chair: Pat R. Levitt, Ph.D. This meeting is jointly sponsored by the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry and the American College of


U.S. Department of JusticeBureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives ATF EXPLOSIVES Industry Newsletter Published Bi-Annually What's in this Issue Carson W. Carroll, Assistant Carson W. Carroll, Assistant Director, Enforcement Director, Enforcement Programs and Services, Retires2009 Institute of Makers of Explosives (IME) Spring

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Informationszentrum Epilepsie (ize) der Dt. Gesellschaft für Epileptologie e.V. Reinhardtstr. 27 C 10117 Berlin Tel: 0700/13141300 (0,12 €/min) Fax: 0700/13141399 Internet: www.izepilepsie.de Aktuelle Epilepsiebehandlung im Kindes – und Jugendalter Autoren: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Kurlemann, Dr. Barbara Fiedler - ein al gemeiner Leitfaden -

Ramadan health guide

FASTING is complete abstinence from food and drink between dawn and dusk. All those who are ill or frail, pregnant or menstruating women, breastfeeding mothers and travellers are exempted. They are required to make up the number of days missed at a later date or give a fixed sum to charity. Page 4 Acknowledgements and useful contacts Page 5 Introduction


Report of CIOMS Working Group IV CIOMS publications may be obtained directly from CIOMS, c/o WorldHealth Organization, Avenue Appia. 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland. Theyare also distributed by the World Health Organization, Distribution and Sales Unit, Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland and are availablefrom booksellers through the network of WHO sales agents. A list ofthese agents may be obtained by writing to the above address.

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Barriers to Independent Living: A scoping paper prepared for the Disability Rights Commission Jenny Morris June 2003. "This report has been produced for the Disability Rights Commission to examine evidence on disabled people's access to independent living and to inform development of the Commissions work in this area. It is not a statement of Disability Rights Commission policy."

Historia de la concordia

RECOPILACIÓN HISTÓRICA DE CONCORDIA Luis María Medina PALABRAS INICIALES (primera edición 1977) Esta no es una historia de Concordia. Apenas si pretende ser una cronología de hechos, en la mayoría de los casos ya publicados. Es por ello que hasta el título de este trabajo aspira a ilustrar claramente al lector sobre el contenido del mismo. Consideramos que este trabajo es, simplemente, una recopilación histórica de nuestra ciudad. Desde fines del año 1969 y hasta principios de 1971, apareció en Concordia una revista semanal –"La Calle"- que incluyó en cada número una sección destinada a hacer conocer hechos y personas del pasado de nuestra ciudad. Volvieron del ayer, entonces, páginas agotadas de la historia lugareña, lo que contó con la aceptación unánime de los lectores. Esa labor se vio respaldada ampliamente, lográndose la colaboración espontánea de numerosos vecinos que aportaron revistas, libros, documentos y recuerdos, material que tuvo cabida en cada número de la citada publicación. Aparecieron también historiadores locales que volcaron sus estudios y conocimientos a la difusión general de un tema tan interesante. "La Calle" se transformó, entonces, en el medio más adecuado para hacer conocer retazos de la historia concordiense. GRAFELCO hoy puede ofrecer una recopilación cronológica de todo ese material, llenando algunos vacíos lógicos con el fruto de sus consultas en otras fuentes no directamente relacionadas con esta ciudad. Sin embargo, quedan aún muchos claros. Es por ello que reiteramos que ésta no es la historia de Concordia. No obstante, puede convertirse en el motivo fundamental para escribirla definitivamente, corrigiendo errores que seguramente existen en esta edición. Conocemos la labor silenciosa de algunos estudiosos de nuestro medio, que vienen gestando, desde mucho tiempo atrás, una obra de esta naturaleza. Y aunque no ignoramos que, además del tiempo que demanda dicha tarea, también deberán vencer el problema de su publicación –que malogra muchas veces las mejores inquietudes- aspiramos a que la presente sirva de acicate para quienes están empeñados en una obra similar. A ellos les auguramos el mayor de los éxitos. GRAFELCO


We would like to thank the following colleagues for their help, advice and input into this report: David Bawden Care Quality Commission Kate Hall Policy Advisor, Monitor Dr. Gary Orr Consultant Psychiatrist, Hutt Valley Health Board Christine Boswell Chief Dr. Alasdair Honeyman Associate Director, Executive,Rotherham, Doncaster and Good Governance Institute Elaine Protheroe Board Secretary,

Annual litigation report 2004

• Counterfeiting of Cartier products restrained Cartier International B.V v Choosy corner Name of firm not determinative of its statusZuko Engineers v Ministry of Commerce & Industries • Deception/confusing similarity not found in use of 'BLACK LABEL' on beer products United Breweries Ltd. v Khodays Brewing and Infringement of Mitsubishi pen design restrained

Cyclodextrin and bile salt interactions using isothermal titration calorimetry

Cyclodextrin and Bile Salt Interactions Using Isothermal Titration Calorimetry Paula Melo Paulon Hansen Thomas Allan Rayner Supervisor: Peter Westh, Christian Schonbeck International Bachelor Studies in Natural Science Roskilde University, Fall 2009 Firstly, we would like to express our gratitude to Peter Westh and Christian Schönbeck for their assistance, guidance and advice as our supervisors and to Lundbeck for providing us with the different chemicals used in our experiments.


RALEIGH DISABILITY DETERMINATION SERVICES PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION CLAIMANT: DOE, JONATHAN CLAIMANT#: 156332 DATE SEEN: 10/12/2010 EXAMINER: Dr. Ken Smith 100 Main Street Cary, North Carolina 27518 ADJUDICATOR: CLARK MILLER ARRIVAL INFORMATION:The claimant arrived early for his scheduled appointment at 10:00 AM on Tuesday, October 12, 2010.Jonathan arrived for the appointment by bus. The claimant does not have a driver's license. Jonathanshowed the examiner his North Carolina photo I.D. card. He stated he has never had a driver license inthe past. Jonathan's group home manager was supposed to accompany the claimant on his bus trip tothe office, but a last minute scheduling change forced Jonathan to get on the bus alone today. Given theclaimant's poor performance and unstable presentation during the interview, the examiner accompaniedthe claimant out of the office at the end of the session. Assistance was provided in crossing the streetand helping the claimant get on the city bus. The bus driver was alerted that this man may needassistance in getting off at his destination. The claimant was unable to provide an estimate of travel toreach the office today. The claimant was given total assistance by office staff in completing thecomputerized intake process. Jonathan stated that he does not know how to use computers. Althoughhe has access to a computer in the group home where he resides, he has never used the system.