
HSI Advisory Panel
One-time charge for long-time relief
Medical Adviser, Martin Milner, N.D.
Professor, National College of Naturopathic
from chronic pain
Medicine; President, Center for Natural Medi-cine, Portland, OR; www.cnm-inc.com by Kathryn Mays Wright
Jon Barron
International lecturer, researcher, and author,
In the May 1998 issue of Members American market. It declared that Alert we wrote about the FDA ban there was insufficient evidence to "ade- Eric Berg, D.C., C.R.A.
on one of the products we had fea- quately demonstrate the safety and Founder, Health and Wellness Center,Alexandria, VA tured several years before—a pain effectiveness of Farabloc" technology.
Hyla Cass, M.D.
relieving blanket made from a fabric Orthomolecular physician and psychiatrist, called Farabloc™. That's right: It's not In addition to the clinical trials www.cassmd.com, Los Angeles, CA Richard Cohan, D.D.S., M.A., M.B.A.
just vitamins, herbs, and other natur- supporting it, it had also earned Professor, University of the Pacific School of al supplements the FDA wants rid enthusiastic endorsements from Dentistry, San Francisco, CA of—it's all alternative therapies, even physicians, insurance agencies, and M.M. Sree Ganesh, M.D.
Family practitioner, holistic and natural
items as harmless as a blanket.
consumer groups. And the feedback medicine, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia When we told you about the we received from scores of HSI mem- Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.D., C.N.S.
Farabloc "embargo," we promised to bers related near-miraculous results— Award-winning author, columnist, and mediapersonality, www.fatflush.com, Hayden Lake, ID keep you up-to-date and hoped to including the elimination of knee Elson Haas, M.D.
have good news to report in the near pain, stiff necks, stump pain, arthritis, Director, Preventive Medical Center of Marin, future. Well, it took six years, but we hip pain, muscle sprains, menstrual www.elsonhaas.com, San Rafael, CA finally got that good news: Just days cramps, and migraines. In fact, one Kohhei (Tadahiro) Makise, M.D.
Medical director, Kyoto Imadegawa Makise
ago we received a letter from ABC of our own staff members swore that Clinic, Kyoto, Japan Health Solutions letting us know that the Farabloc blanket was the best–– Claus D. Martin, M.D.
Farabloc has received an FDA regis- and only––relief she ever found from Founder, Four Seasons Medical Center andClinic, Rottach-Egern, Germany tration number—one of the necessi- constant lower back pain caused by a Stephen Morrissey, O.M.D.
ties for supplying it to the American slipped disk.
Founder, Center for Energetic Medicine and market. What does this mean for But, again, sometimes when a Botanica Bioscience, Ojai, CA you? For one, it offers a bit of assur- product works—really works—and Linda Page, N.D., Ph.D.
Classical herbalist and author, Carmel Valley, CA
ance that natural products that work the market demands access to it, Michael E. Rosenbaum, M.D.
do sometimes surmount the govern- things have a way of re-emerging.
Allergy, immunology, and clinical nutrition, ment roadblocks continuously put in And Farabloc happens to be one of Al Sears, M.D.
those things that really, truly works.
Adjunct professor, Barry University, But beyond that, it also means West Palm Beach, FL A new way to weather
you once again have access to this Robert Sinnott, Ph.D.
your painful symptoms
Biochemical technologies and research, powerful, completely non-invasive pain relieving tool.
For generations, anecdotal evi- Allan Spreen, M.D.
dence has demonstrated that people Advisor on alternative medicine, Discovery Sometimes evidence isn't enough
can predict weather changes based on Channel, Phoenix, AZ First, a little background on how symptoms flare-ups they feel in their Leslie Taylor
Founder and president, Raintree Nutrition,
things got to this point. bodies. Maybe you've noticed your Although it demonstrated fantas- own joints aching just before a rain- Randall Wilkinson, M.D.
tic success for pain management and storm or when a cold front moves in.
Board member, American Academy of Envi-ronmental Medicine, Coeur d'Alene, ID had proven itself in clinical studies, Well, in 1969, a German scientist The opinions expressed here do not neces- the FDA removed Farabloc from the (continued on page 2) sarily reflect the views of every panelisteach month. The Health Sciences Instituteacknowledges occasional differences of Get real nutrition
opinion among panelists and welcomes the from these two
Effective flu-vaccine alternatives
exchange of differing points of view. HSI panelist formulas . . . . .page 5
you can get . . . . . . . . .page 7
Kempe hired a Belgian-based firm relief from chronic pain
(continued from page 1)
to spin fine steel mesh onto nylonthread. He then hired a German named Frieder Kempe began Our Mission
firm to weave the fibers into researching those claims to deter- The Health Sciences Institute is dedicated to cloth. The result was a thick, stiff, mine if there was any hard evi- uncovering and researching the most urgent uncomfortable, itchy fabric. Not advances in modern underground medicine. dence to back them up. exactly ideal—but it worked.
Whether they come from a laboratory in He theorized that the shifts in Malaysia, a clinic in South America, or a uni- When his father tried it, he electromagnetic fields causing versity in Germany, our goal is to bring the reported complete relief from his weather changes may also be treatments that work directly to the people who phantom limb pain.
need them. We alert our members to exciting behind the physical symptom So following his initial success, breakthroughs in medicine, show them exactly changes people experience during where to go to learn more, and help them Kempe set out to create a thinner, these times. To test out his theory, understand how they and their families can softer, more comfortable fabric.
benefit from these powerful discoveries.
he created his own version of He tested cotton and linen something called a Faraday Cage versions, but found them both and used it on his father, a WWII less durable than the nylon fabric veteran who had lost a limb in he'd originally chosen. The final combat and suffered phantom version available today, is made of Copy Editor
limb pain during climate and microthin threads of stainless steel other environmental changes. fibers woven with nylon. This A Faraday Cage is a physical Kathryn Mays Wright, M.A.
lightweight fabric looks and feels shield that completely blocks like linen, and, with proper care, external electrical fields from com- Barbara Perriello it can last for years. ing into contact with—or affect- To contact the Health Sciences Institute ing in any way—the object Weaving the way to relief from
members services hotline, please call phantom limb pain, muscle
(203)699-4416, fax to (410)230-1273, or Granted, it sounds rather dif- write to Health Sciences Institute, 819 N.
fatigue, and even fibromyalgia
Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21201. All can- ficult to employ in real-world Because it worked so well to cellations should be mailed to P.O. Box 206, applications, but it's actually used relieve his father's pain, Kempe Baltimore, MD 21203. You may also contact every day in nearly every hospital.
a member services specialist via e-mail at continued to explore other appli- MRI machines utilize the concept cations for his Farabloc fabric.
Your private Members Alert is a monthly of the Faraday cage as a means to One of the more unique came publication of the Health Sciences Institute.
keep the room free from radiation.
Copyright 2004 Institute for Health Sci- when Kempe teamed up with vet- The actual "cage" used for MRIs ences L.L.C., 819 N. Charles St., Baltimore, erinarians to test the product on MD 21201. Published monthly for $74 per is made of an iron-containing animals. It worked so well on year ($5.16 an issue). POSTMASTER: Send metal, arranged in a grid pattern, horses, helping their muscles address changes to Health Sciences Institute, that blocks high level electromag- 702 Cathedral St., Baltimore, MD 21201. All recover from strenuous exercise netic frequencies or radiation rights reserved. No part of this report may be much faster than rest and relax- reproduced by any means or for any reason from escaping the tunnel. ation alone, that it's still used for without the consent of the publisher.
The fabric Kempe developed this purpose today (as a version of This information is provided as informa- for his Farabloc blanket is made tion only and may not be construed as med- the product called Equi-bloc).
in the same way, only with a ical advice or instruction. No action should Although things that work be taken based solely on the contents of this much finer grid. Of course, fantastically on animals do not publication. Readers should consult appro- Farabloc isn't protecting outside priate health professionals on any matter always have the same effects on environments—it's actually doing relating to their health and well-being. The humans, decades of significant information and opinions provided in this the reverse: protecting you—and research have demonstrated the publication are believed to be accurate and all your cells—from the impact of healing potential of Farabloc for sound, based on the best judgment available those electromagnetic fields that to the authors, but readers who fail to con- people. Since our first report on cause atmospheric and environ- sult appropriate health authorities assume Farabloc in July 1996, many stud- the risk of any injuries. The publisher is not mental fluctuations. ies have been done—perhaps as a responsible for errors or omissions. Members Alert • November 2004 To create his first prototype, Visit us online at www.HSIBaltimore.com
vehement retort to the FDA's fibromyalgia therapy—and dra- admits that Farabloc does not help position that there was insufficient matically improve the lives of everyone and that each person's evidence to "adequately demon- those people afflicted with it. response time varies—due to envi- strate the [product's] safety and Cover up, sleep better
ronment, lifestyle, disease, etc.— she will tell you that it's the only Most of the research has been Covering up with the Farabloc thing that has truly brought her devoted to phantom limb pain blanket when you go to bed husband any relief. And Mr.
like the kind Kempe's father expe- might actually be a good idea in Winterton isn't the only one get- rienced. However, Farabloc is also more ways than one: Not only ting a long-sought-after reprieve holding its own in demonstrating will it help relieve your pain, but from pain. Check out what some relief for other conditions—from it may help you sleep better too. other people have experienced: arthritis to fibromyalgia.
According to a study published Three years ago, Pauletta L.
One award-winning double- in the September 2004 issue of the was diagnosed with peripheral blind, cross-over study published Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, neuropathy. She says her feet in January of 2000 examined the "long-term EMF [electromagnetic would get ice cold, lose feeling, effects of Farabloc and a placebo field] exposure leads to a chronical- and generally make it very hard fabric on a condition called ly increased level of free radicals, for her to walk comfortably. Her delayed-onset muscle soreness subsequently causing an inhibition doctor told her that there was (DOMS), which occurs following of the effects of the pineal gland really no treatment for the condi- strenuous exercise. hormone melatonin."1 tion, but he did prescribe her a The researchers concluded Granted, this study focused drug that he said would relieve that Farabloc worked significantly only on melatonin's effects on her symptoms somewhat. better than placebo at reducing other aspects of health—specifi- But then, Pauletta explained, a post-exercise stiffness and soreness.
cally its DNA-protective proper- friend gave her a Farabloc blanket It also reduced the subsequent ties. But since melatonin is the build-up of lactic acid and free hormone that helps regulate sleep "I slept with this blanket radical damage.
patterns, it's logical to assume that around my feet that night," And I recently got a sneak if electromagnetic fields inhibit its Pauletta told me, "and as soon as I peak at two not-yet-published effects, sleep quality could also be woke up in the morning and studies conducted by Gerhard L.
negatively affected. With Farabloc stepped on my floor, I could feel a Bach, M.D., professor of medicine/ blocking those fields from reach- difference in my feet…My feet rheumatology at the University of ing you, it may allow your body still occasionally get cold, but I Munich in Germany on the use of to produce and use melatonin simply wrap them in the blanket Farabloc to treat fibromyalgia.
more effectively, helping you sleep for a few moments and they are Although the studies were small, better—and more soundly—in they concluded that Farabloc the process.
To keep my feet feeling good I showed a strong positive effect on The faces peeking out
sleep with the blanket over them the pain and tenderness associated from under this
two or three nights per week. I with this condition. am eternally grateful to my As I said, these studies are so friend for this gift that she gave recent they haven't even been pub- When I spoke to Pat me. I can now walk around and lished yet––so you're among the Winterton, president of ABC shop for hours without needing first people to hear about Health Solutions, Farabloc's U.S.
to sit and put my feet up. They Farabloc's proven effects on distributor, I wasn't at all surprised are no longer swollen after a long fibromyalgia. There's so little when she told me she had a per- day on them as they used to be. available to help alleviate this sonal motive for bringing Farabloc I was a skeptic. Even my doctor debilitating condition that these back into the U.S.—her husband.
asked me if I had to put and alu- studies, and the re-introduction of After a stroke, he was left partially minum foil antenna on my head Farabloc to the U.S. market, may paralyzed and suffering from terri- to get the blanket to work. I am revolutionize the future of ble nerve pain. Although she (continued on page 4) Members Alert • November 2004 Visit us online at www.HSIBaltimore.com
U.S. National mountain bikers give highest
overall performance rating to Arthroxin

by Kathryn Mays Wright
Many of you not only read a time: pretty extreme stress on his ankle and knee joints. our July article on the new herbal hands, fingers, wrists, and shoulders.
Mike applied Arthroxin to his arthritis cream Arthroxin but, as Post-Arthroxin, he reported no pain ankles and knees for four weeks.
we have learned, you've also flood- and stiffness at all and rated the Afterward, he reported that his ed Kinetana with orders for it. We overall performance of Arthroxin pain and stiffness went from mod- were thrilled to hear that it's as very good. (Questionnaire erate to none. And he rated the working so well for you. choices were none, mild, good, overall performance of Arthroxin The results of our informal at the highest level. trial are in too, and they look just He also said he would defi- Other team members all expe- as positive.
nitely use it again and would rec- rienced relief during the four- In my own house, my husband ommend it to others.
week trial and all would definitely Ken is still raving about Arthroxin.
As for the extreme sports recommend Arthroxin to other Being the perpetually skeptical downhill mountain bike racing people suffering from arthritic and researcher, I put him through the team we promised to report on: same pre-Arthroxin (before use) Well, they finished up the season So all in all, everyone who has and post-Arthroxin (after four just days ago feeling surprisingly tried this unique formula—from weeks of use) assessment ques- limber after several weeks of extreme racers to our own families tionnaire we gave to the extreme Arthroxin use.
and many of you—seems to give downhill bike team we told you The overall standout in this it a resounding endorsement. trial was team captain Mike H.
If you'd like to try it for Pre-Arthroxin Ken reported Not surprisingly, this 33-year-old yourself, Kinetana is offering free joint pain, stiffness, and muscle extreme sports enthusiast was feel- samples. Get one by calling pain––as well as fatigue in his ing pretty banged up when he hands from wrenching on bikes began using Arthroxin for his and playing his guitar for hours at bruises, muscle pain, and stiff relief from chronic pain
sleeved jackets. You can also have To be quite honest, we're not (continued from page 3) an item custom-made, if you have sure what changed the FDA's a believer now. Drug free. Pain a particular need that the other mind about Farabloc. They've free. Swelling free. And, most Farabloc products don't address.
refused to see the light on importantly, no longer freezing Prices range from $70 all the numerous other highly effective cold. This product worked a way up to over $700, depending natural products. on which specific product and size But regardless of the reason or you choose. So Farabloc isn't nec- motive behind the decision, it's An investment in relief
essarily a bargain. But considering great news for people who have Since its creation, Farabloc that it's reusable (and even been without this powerful pain fabric has taken on many forms.
machine washable, provided you reliever for the past six years. And, There are, of course, the original don't wring it out), it may very who knows? Maybe this will pave blanket versions, which range in well be an investment that you the way for re-introduction of other size from 12 inches by 30 inches can continue to collect returns previously banned products that to 34 inches by 58 inches. But from for years to come.
could be a godsend for you or there are also unique variations And there are no side effects to someone you love. HSI
like socks, mitts, cummerbunds, worry about unless you happen to and even full short- or long- Citation available upon request and on HSI website be allergic to nylon or steel.
Members Alert • November 2004 Visit us online at www.HSIBaltimore.com
HSI panelists pioneer the next generation
And another thing.
of health shakes
by Kathryn Mays Wright
.If you want to help control
Health shakes and sugar.
• is very high in omega-3 high blood pressure, get mar- Sounds like an oxymoron, yet the ried. That's the conclusion of a truth about many fitness shakes • is rich in ultra-long-chain recent study that showed how on the market—and perhaps on carbohydrates for sustained people who have hypertension your kitchen counter—is that, in energy and low glycemic are more likely to have difficulty some instances, they aren't all controlling their condition if they're cracked up to be. Many of • and, most important of all, they're single, separated, divorced, them contain substantial amounts is a major resource for anti- or widowed. Among these four of sugar. Or, more accurately, oxidants and phytochemicals. groups, patients who were sepa- sugar substitutes like aspartame, The ingredients achieving all rated had the least success in sucralose, and dextrose. these goals are: Pizzey's Beverage controlling hypertension. Resea- So much for "health." Grade Flax, rice protein, yellow rchers speculate that unmarried Maybe they should change pea protein, bamboo fiber, rice people may have less access to their labels to say "85% Healthy bran solubles, activated barley, treatment or a tendency to be Shake" or "Pretty Good for You wheat sprouts, spirulina, chlorel- inattentive toward treatment.
Shake." But there are a few that do la, dried prune, carrot juice pow- .Is your car in better
live up to their labels. In fact, two der, pomegranate, wheatgrass, shape than you are? It might be of our own panelists have taken on nopal, mangosteen, noni powder, if you're male. More than 80 the current health shake industry aloe vera, cordyceps, camu camu, percent of men surveyed say and created their own formulas Graminex™ Flower Pollen they've had work done on their that stand out from the masses, Extract, stevia, astaxanthin, and car over the past year. Among providing you with real nutrition.
Chlorozyme.™ No wonder he that same group, only 66 per- Super foods combined for
calls it a superfood.
cent visited their doctor for an Although you've probably first time into SuperFood
annual checkup. The fact that heard of many of these ingredi- First, let's take a look at Jon car care gets more attention ents individually, they've never Barron's Private Reserve than personal health isn't really actually been combined in one SuperFood shake. Barron spent a surprise to researchers, who mix. And since it would take 15 years designing this formula note that men tend to ignore more space than we have avail- for his personal use with the possible adverse symptoms and able here to explain the benefits intention that it should promote generally put off doctor visits. of each ingredient, let's just look overall health and longevity. But at a few of the lesser-known: .Medical errors account
he also knew that it had to be nopal, mangosteen, camu camu, for nearly 100,000 deaths each easily mixable, smell good, and and activated barley. year in the U.S., and many of taste great. What he came up 400% more energy
those errors occur during with was a formula that met sev- and much more
surgery. The solution? A time- eral important criteria. Barron's out. Last summer, accredited SuperFood shake: You might remember us telling hospitals in the U.S. started a • has a good complement of you about activated barley in the new program requiring that vitamins and minerals, but May 2004 issue of Members Alert each surgical procedure begin doesn't try to replace your when Barron added it to another with a "timeout," giving doc- daily vitamin pill of his shakes (Accelerator meal- tors and nurses a moment to • contains enough protein to replacement shake). This unique review and verify each patient's live on, without being a body form of barley has some very spe- identity, the nature of the pro- building supplement cific health-promoting properties. cedure, and the exact site to be • has lots and lots of soluble (continued on page 6) (continued on page 7) and insoluble fiber Members Alert • November 2004 Visit us online at www.HSIBaltimore.com
reducing inflammation, pain, immune enhancement.
health shakes
(continued from page 5)
Not only is it a good source of And camu-camu is the single biologically active protein, but Fat Like regular barley, it ranks most concentrated source of vita- Flush Whey Protein also naturally incredibly low on the glycemic min C found in nature, contain- contains the highest levels of index and has high levels of ing 30 to 60 times more of this lactoferrin, immunoglobulins, a tocotrienols and beta glucans. essential nutrient than an orange.
unique type of active peptide It is an ultra-long-chain carbo- It also contains thiamin, known as glycomacropeptides hydrate that takes up to four riboflavin, and niacin and is rich (GMPs), and growth factors. hours to break down in the diges- in bioflavonoids.
Lactoferrin is a protein with tive tract—thus providing a slow, Barron recommends that you antiviral, antibacterial, and anti- sustained release of energy and use two 1/4-c. servings per day inflammatory benefits. Immuno- insulin. Because the release is so mixed in 12-oz. of diluted juice globulins contain numerous prop- slow, it actually lowers the body's (4-oz. juice, 8-oz. water). Since it's erties that enhance the immune insulin response. sweetened only with all-natural system. GMPs are unique peptides And it provides over 400 per- stevia and whatever juice you use exceptionally rich in amino acids cent more energy per calorie than to mix it, you can be assured that shown to stimulate the brain to any other food calorie known. you're not getting any of the artifi- release cholecystokinin (CCK), a Nopal is native to the south- cial sugar substitutes that permeate hormone that signals your brain western desert regions of the so many of the other shakes on when you are full thereby acting as United States and Mexico and has a natural appetite suppressant.
a whole range of health benefits At nearly $90, it's not the And growth factors are protein (all proven in numerous studies, cheapest health shake out there, but fractions that help regenerate all both animal and human). These if you tried to buy the ingredients aged or injured cells in the body, include the ability to lower blood individually, it would cost you sev- build and retain muscle, burn fat sugar levels by blocking absorp- eral hundred dollars. So this for- for fuel, repair DNA and RNA, tion of sugar in the intestinal mula really offers quite a bit of fight infections, and help regulate tract; lower overall cholesterol lev- bang for your buck. It's available blood sugar and brain chemicals.
els, improve the ratio of HDL to through Baseline Nutritionals at As Gittleman explained to me, LDL cholesterol, and lower Fat Flush Whey Protein is the triglycerides; lower blood pressure; only commercial whey protein induce weight loss by curbing powder on the market today that appetite and facilitating the break- Grass-fed protein feeds you better is made with milk gathered from
down and excretion of fat; prevent For those of you interested in herds that graze on disease-free, ulcers; support the liver and pan- eating more protein without hav- pesticide-free, and chemical-free creas; and scleanse the bladder ing to load up on red meat or on natural grass pastures. And unlike and lymphatic systems. processed foods, the next shake just about every other whey shake, Mangosteen contains a unique may be the one for you. it does not contain sucralose or any group of antioxidants called xan- Ann Louise Gittleman other artificial sweetener. In fact, thones. Xanthones, particularly designed her Fat Flush Whey Fat Flush Whey Protein doesn't beta and gamma mangostin, work Protein as a complement to her contain wheat, salt, corn, artificial to maintain the immune system, Fat Flush Plan, but you can drink colors, artificial flavors, preserva- support cardiovascular health, the shake without doing the tives, pesticide residues, or synthetic optimize joint flexibility, are natu- whole program. The proteins and fillers either. It's sweetened only rally antibiotic, antiviral, and anti- glycomacropeptides (critical heal- with stevia and inulin (a pre-biotic inflammatory, and are some of the ing protein compounds) in this that nourishes the intestinal flora). most powerful antioxidants found product assist in healthy weight The other ingredients you will in nature. In addition, recent stud- management, lean muscle mass find in Fat Flush Whey Protein ies have confirmed that gamma development, increased energy, are proprietary whey protein con- mangostin is a potent COX cellular repair, anti-aging, and centrate, lecithin, and guar gum.
Members Alert • November 2004 inhibitor, an important factor in Visit us online at www.HSIBaltimore.com
Right now, it's only available in Gittleman still suggests that you And another thing.
vanilla flavor, but Gittleman told stick to two shakes per day to limit (continued from page 5) me that a chocolate version is in your overall caloric intake. Fat Flush Whey Protein is The serving size is 30 grams, available for all Health Sciences .If your thoughts are
or one scoop per shake. There are Institute members through muddled and your memory is 30 servings per container. The www.unikeyhealth.com or by not quite as sharp as it used to label indicates instructions for use calling (800)888-4353. Just men- be, you may just need some if you're on the Fat Flush Plan, but tion that you are a member for a extra sleep. When researchers even if you're not on the program, 10 percent discount. HSI
examined the effects of mild tomoderate sleep loss on a groupof young and middle-agedadults, scores on memory tests No flu vaccine? No problem.
dropped among those who had Protect yourself without that shot in the arm
the least amount of sleep overthree nights. Eight hours of The media loves nothing fighter, as are zinc and N-acetyl- sleep per night is generally rec- more than a good crisis. But cysteine (NAC)—an amino acid ommended, but many people October's announcement that that stimulates your body to pro- regularly sleep less than five. nearly half of the U.S. supply of duce the powerful antioxidant flu vaccine will not be available enzyme glutathione. .A surprising study shows
for the upcoming flu season isn't Eating a daily clove of fresh, raw that older adults who practice really a crisis for anyone who pre- garlic, which is loaded with plenty private religious activities (such pares for the season wisely. of antibacterial and antiviral proper- as scripture reading and prayer) If you pick up a flu virus, you ties, can also bolster your natural spent, on average, less than half won't necessarily come down with defenses. And avoid sugar whenever the time in nursing facilities or the flu. Whether or not you possible—even a single teaspoon rehabilitation centers, compared become ill will depend on how can impair the immune system to those who didn't engage in well your immune system deals by 50 percent for several hours. religious activities. Most sur- with the virus. So you might say Over the years, we've also prising: These results were that a virus doesn't give you the covered a variety of natural prod- strong in women and black flu; an immune system that does- ucts that have been shown to people of either gender, but did n't defeat the virus is what gives enhance the immune system to not apply at all to white males. you the flu. The key is immunity. provide protection against viruses Fortunately, strengthening the and bacteria, including: immune system isn't very hard; it ➢ ProBoost and T-Cellerate— And, in case you didn't see just takes some discipline and two products that deliver a it in the e-Alert… common sense. First off, it's thymus gland protein that .Lifelong occupations may
important to follow a healthy stimulates the T-cells respon- provide a hint about Alzheimer's lifestyle that includes regular sible for immune response disease (AD) risk during retire- exercise, a nutritious diet, and an ➢ ImmPower-AHCC—a T-cell ment years. Researchers found adequate amount of sleep. booster that also increases that AD cases were significantly Studies have shown that it's natural killer cell activity, lower among subjects who expe- also helpful to supplement with a which helps eliminate cells rienced greater mental demands few proven immune system infected with viruses in their occupations, while AD enhancers, such as Echinacea, ➢ ImmunoCare—an Ayurvedic cases were markedly higher and vitamins C, E, and beta herbal blend that prompts among those whose occupations carotene—all of which have been production of a specific type required more physical than shown to help fight colds and flu.
of infection-fighting white mental activities. This helps con- Selenium is also an effective flu (continued on page 8) (continued on page 8) Members Alert • November 2004 Visit us online at www.HSIBaltimore.com

And another thing.
flu vaccine
For more details about how (continued from page 7) (continued from page 7) these products affect the immune firm previous evidence that an Transfer Factor—isolated sets system and where to purchase them, active brain may be more likely of molecules from colostrum refer to the September 2004 issue of to stay healthy as it ages.
that protect against parasites Members Alert. To access it online, and viral infections sign in at www.hsibaltimore.com. HSI
.Sleep habits may improve
for people who practice Tai Chi,the gentle exercise method based Panelists in action
on Chinese martial arts. For six Get the information you need to save your heart— months, researchers studied two groups of elderly subjects who On Saturday December 4th, HSI panelist Al Sears, either practiced Tai Chi, or took M.D., will be a featured speaker at the Wellness low-impact exercise classes. Bothgroups improved in cognitive Research Foundation's conference titled "The Ageless thinking scores, but sleep quality Heart." The conference will be held in Palm Beach, and duration improved only Florida and will cover everything you need to know among those in the Tai Chi to keep your heart operating at peak performance, group; their sleep duration aver- including why giving up eggs and red meat, jogging, aged nearly 50 minutes more and taking heart drugs will not the save you from heart Al Sears, M.D.
disease, how to use simple strategies that work to enhance heartstrength and youth to "bulletproof" your heart, and the connection .Fish intake may provide
between dental health and your heart. The all-day conference costs protection from the risk of $199 and includes a free copy of "The Ageless Heart" report. For more ischemic stroke, the type of information or to reserve your spot, visit www.alsears.com or call stroke that occurs when an artery (561)784-7852. Deadline for registration is November 20, 2004.
leading to the brain is blocked.
Researchers analyzed eight differ-ent studies that examined the MEMBER SOURCE DIRECTORY
relationship between fish intake Arthroxin, Healthy Hotline; tel. (866)676-4325; fax (562)439-4163.
and incidence of stroke among One jar (generally a one-month supply) costs US$35.00, plus shipping.
more than 200,000 subjects.
Their conclusion: Fish consump- Farabloc, ABC Health Solutions; ph. (253)631-8270 or (206)949-
tion protects against the risk of 2097; fax (253)639-2467; www.abchealthsolutions.biz. ischemic stroke even if only one Fat Flush Whey Protein (shake), UniKey Health Systems; tel.
to three servings of fish are eateneach month.
(800)888-4353; www.unikeyhealth.com; a 2-lb container is US$44.95plus shipping. HSI members receive a 10-percent discount.
To your good health, Private Reserve SuperFood (shake), Baseline Nutritionals; tel.
(800)695-5995 or (915)546-6031; www.baselinenutritionals.com. One
container is US$89.95 plus shipping. Buy three or more containers andget a discounted rate of US$60.00 per container.
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service. Visit our website at Please note: HSI verifies all product information when the Members Alert is written; however, pricing andavailability can change by the time the issue is delivered. We regret that not all products are available in all The above statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These products arenot intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Members Alert • November 2004 Visit us online at www.HSIBaltimore.com

Source: http://www.abchealthsolutions.biz/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/HSI_November_2004_Newsletter.pdf

Annual litigation report 2004

• Counterfeiting of Cartier products restrained Cartier International B.V v Choosy corner Name of firm not determinative of its statusZuko Engineers v Ministry of Commerce & Industries • Deception/confusing similarity not found in use of 'BLACK LABEL' on beer products United Breweries Ltd. v Khodays Brewing and Infringement of Mitsubishi pen design restrained


THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA MINISTRY OF TRADE, INDUSTRY AND COOPERATIVES National Competition and Consumer Protection Policy Regulated Competition for Efficiency and Enhanced Consumer Welfare Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Government maintains a liberal trade policy; and commits to creating opportunities for equal participation in trade, providing an enabling environment for private sector growth, competitiveness and development. One of the key policy actions Government undertakes to implement in the course of implementing the National Trade Policy is to "formulate and implement specific sectoral policies necessary for promoting efficiency, competitiveness and consumer welfare in a liberal environment. Government is cognizant of the benefits of economic growth and development emanating from the liberalization policy; hence the need to have such benefits distributed to producers and consumers by ensuring a market that is free of distortions, uncompetitive practices and consumer exploitation. It is in this context that the National Competition and Consumer Protection Policy has been developed. The National Competition and Consumer Protection Policy is cognizant of the country's Vision 2040, National Development Plan, National Trade Policy, and other sectoral policies and strategies aimed at increasing incomes, creating wealth and ensuring sustainable development. Furthermore, the Policy commits government to implement obligations and commitments at the EAC, COMESA and WTO on consumer protection and competition Fair competition stimulates innovation, productivity, creates possibilities for Micro small and medium sized enterprises to flourish, eliminates market barriers and hence increases a country's competitiveness and attraction to investment. Consumer protection on the other hand, fosters consumer's welfare through protection of their rights and guarding them against exploitation.