Mct-10-0385 178.185
Preclinical Studies on the Mechanism of Action and the
Anti-Lymphoma Activity of the Novel Anti-CD20 Antibody
Stephane Dalle, Lina Reslan, Timothee Besseyre de Horts, et al.
2011;10:178-185. Published online January 10, 2011.
Mol Cancer Ther
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Preclinical Development
Preclinical Studies on the Mechanism of Action and theAnti-Lymphoma Activity of the Novel Anti-CD20Antibody GA101
Stephane Dalle1,2, Lina Reslan1, Timothee Besseyre de Horts1, Stephanie Herveau1, Frank Herting3,Adriana Plesa2, Thomas Friess3, Pablo Umana4, Christian Klein3, and Charles Dumontet1,2
GA101 is a novel glycoengineered Type II CD20 monoclonal antibody. When compared with rituximab, it
mediates less complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC). As expected for a Type II antibody, GA101 appearsnot to act through CDC and is more potent than the Type I antibody rituximab in inducing cell death vianonclassical induction of apoptosis cytotoxicity, with more direct cytotoxicity and more antibody-dependentcell-mediated cytotoxicity. We evaluated the antitumor activity of GA101 against the human-transformedfollicular lymphoma RL model in vivo in severe combined immunodeficient mice (SCID) mice. GA101induced stronger inhibition of tumor growth than rituximab. Combination of GA101 with cyclophosphamidein vivo confirmed the superiority of GA101 over rituximab. Neutralizing the complement system with cobravenom factor partially impaired the antitumor activity of rituximab, but had no impact on the efficacy ofGA101. In vitro GA101 more potently induced cell death of RL cells than rituximab. The expression of a limitednumber of genes was found to be induced by both antibodies after exposure in vitro. Among these, earlygrowth response 1 and activation transcription factor 3 were confirmed to be increased at the protein level,suggesting a possible role of these proteins in the apoptotic signalling of anti-CD20 antibodies. These dataimply that GA101 is superior to rituximab not only as a single agent, but also in combination withchemotherapy. These data suggest the presence of novel signalization pathways activated after exposureto anti-CD20 antibodies. Mol Cancer Ther; 10(1); 178–85. 2011 AACR.
despite its well-established clinical efficacy, a subpopu-lation of patients does not initially respond to rituximab
Rituximab, directed against the CD20 antigen on B
and most patients will relapse after rituximab therapy
cells, was the first commercially available monoclonal
(13, 14). Thus, there is still a need either for more
antibody (mAb) for the treatment of lymphoma. It is the
efficient rituximab combination therapies or for novel
current treatment of choice for a variety of lymphopro-
CD20-specific monoclonal antibodies with increased
liferative disorders including low and high grade B-cell
efficacy (15).
non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL; refs 1–5). Follicular
Various in vitro and in vivo experiments have shown
lymphoma (FL) is the most common subtype of indolent
that elimination of CD20þ lymphoma cells by rituximab
lymphoma. Rituximab is now widely used either alone
involves complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC; refs
or in combination with multi-agent chemotherapy for
16–23), direct induction of apoptotic signalling (24–26), as
the treatment of FL, either at diagnosis (6, 7), at relapse
well as the recruitment of effector cells leading to anti-
(8–10), or for maintenance therapy (2, 11, 12). However,
body-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (27). Never-theless, the in vivo mechanism of action of and resistanceto rituximab are not fully understood (28). Depending on
Authors' Affiliations: 1Universit
e de Lyon and INSERM, U590; 2Hospices
Civils de Lyon, Lyon, France; 3Discovery Oncology, Pharma Research,
their ability to redistribute CD20 into lipid rafts and to
Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Penzberg, Germany; and 4GlycArt Biotechnol-
induce CDC, or to induce cell death and homotypic
ogy AG, Schlieren, Switzerland
adhesion, anti-CD20 mAb can be classified as Type I or
Note: Supplementary material for this article is available at Molecular
II CD20 antibodies. Schematically, Type I antibodies
Cancer Therapeutics Online (
(such as rituximab) induce CDC with redistribution of
Corresponding Author: Charles Dumontet, INSERM U590, Laboratoire
CD20 into lipid rafts, whereas type II mAB (such as the
de Cytologie Analytique, Faculte de Medecine Rockefeller, UniversiteClaude Bernard Lyon I, Lyon, France. Phone: þ33478777236; Fax:
murine antibody tositumomab, or the humanized anti-
body GA101) are believed to act primarily through the
direct induction of nonclassical cell death and exhibit low
2011 American Association for Cancer Research.
CDC activity (29).
Mol Cancer Ther; 10(1) January 2011
Preclinical Studies on the Mechanism of Action
Rituximab as a chimeric mAb belongs to the first gen-
ment inhibition was induced by weekly intraperitoneal
eration of CD20 antibodies recognizing a Type I epitope.
injection of cobra venom factor (CVF; 2 mg/mouse, Qui-
While the second generation of humanized (ocrelizumab,
del Corporation).
veltuzumab, AME-133, Immu-106) or fully human (ofa-
Combination studies were done with cyclophospha-
tumumab) anti-CD20 antibodies recognize a Type I epi-
mide. In these combination studies, the treatment was
tope, GA101 represents a novel generation that in addition
administrated weekly. The control group received vehi-
to being humanized recognizes a type II epitope and is
cle (NaCl 0.9%), whereas the treated groups received
glycoengineered using GlycoMAb technology leading to
rituximab (30 mg/kg), GA101 (30 mg/kg), rituximab
bisected, afucosylated fragment crystallizable (Fc) region
(30 mg/kg) þ GA101 (30 mg/kg), cyclophosphamide
carbohydrates resulting in enhanced affinity for the
(50 mg/kg), rituximab þ cyclophosphamide (50 mg/kg),
human FcgRIIIa receptor on human effector cells such
and GA101 þ cyclophosphamide (50 mg/kg). Rituximab
as NK cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells (29). GA101
and GA101 (30 mg/kg) were provided by Roche, whereas
was obtained by grafting CDR sequences from the murine
cyclophosphamide was obtained from Baxter. The mice
mAB B-ly1 on framework regions with fully human IgG1-
were injected intravenously in the tail vein, once a week.
kappa germline sequences.
They were weighed and the tumor size was measured
In this study, we compared the effect of GA101 and
twice a week with an electronic calliper. The tumor volume
rituximab on the human follicular RL lymphoma model,
(TV) was estimated from two dimensional tumor measure-
both in vitro and in vivo.
ments by the formula: tumor volume (mm3) ¼ length (mm)
width2/2. Median tumor growth inhibition (% TGI) was
Materials and Methods
calculated according to the NCI formula: 1 ([TVtreated(day 34 20) 100/TVcontrol (day 34 20) 100]).
Cell lines and culture
The RL cell line, derived from a human transformed
Flow cytometry analysis
FL sample, was purchased from American Type Culture
Cell surface antigen expression of RL cells was per-
Collection within the 6 months before experimentation
formed on a FACS Calibur flow cytometer (Becton
and routinely characterized before and during the
Dickinson). Analysis of the data was done with the Cell
experimentation regarding the CD19; CD20; HLA DQ,
Quest software program (Becton Dickinson). Mouse
and HLA DR expression. Cells were maintained in
fluorochrome-conjugated isotype control antibodies,
culture medium consisting of RPMI-1640 (Life Technol-
phycocyanin 5 (PC5)-coupled anti-CD19, phycoerythrin
ogies), 10% of fetal calf serum (Integro), 100 units/mL of
coupled APC anti-CD20, fluorescein isothiocyanate
penicillin and 100 mg/mL of streptomycin (Life Tech-
(FITC)-coupled anti-CD59, and PE-coupled anti-CD55
nologies). All cells were cultured at 37C in a 5% CO2
were purchased from Immunotech. FITC-coupled anti-
CD46 and FITC active caspase-3 apoptosis kit werepurchased from Becton Dickinson. Mean fluorescence
intensity (MFI) was determined by subtracting the sig-
Six-week-old female CB17 severe combined immuno-
nal of isotype-matched antibody staining from the stain-
deficient mice (SCID) mice purchased from Charles River
ing observed with the specific primary antibody. RL
laboratories (l'Arbresle) were bred under pathogen-free
exposed to rituximab, GA 101 and CVF were firstly
conditions at the animal facility of our institute. Animals
evaluated in vitro, but were also evaluated ex vivo,
were treated in accordance with the European Union
immediately after the extraction of tumor cells from
guidelines and French laws for the laboratory animal
animals. These experiments were done after exposure
care and use. The animals were kept in conventional
of 50,000 cells in 6-well culture plates in 2 mL of
housing. Access to food and water was not restricted.
complete medium to rituximab or GA101 with or with-
This study was approved by the local animal ethical
out CVF. These assays were done after 1, 2, 4, 6, and 24
hours of culture.
For xenograft experiments, 1 106 RL cells were
injected subcutaneously on day 1. Mice were randomized
Annexin V/Propidium iodide staining
when a tumor became palpable in groups of 10 and
To evaluate the induction of apoptosis and the reduc-
treatment was initiated. In a first set of experiments,
tion of cell viability in cells exposed to antibodies with or
rituximab and GA101 were used as monotherapy at
without CVF, 106 cells were resuspended in 300 mL of
different dosages twice weekly. The 5 different groups
human serum and 700 mL of culture medium with or
of 10 mice were: control group receiving vehicle (NaCl
without 100 mg/mL rituximab at 37C for 6, 15, and 24
0.9%), rituximab (30 mg/kg), GA101 (10 mg/kg), GA101
hours. Dead and viable cells were discriminated by
(30 mg/kg), and GA101 (100 mg/kg). The treatment was
Annexin V/propidium iodide (PI) staining using flow
administered intravenously twice a week. The mice were
cytometry. Briefly, the cells were washed and resus-
closely monitored regarding weight and general status.
pended in binding buffer [10 mmol/L HEPES (pH 7.4),
In experiments evaluating the role of CDC in rituximab
140 mmol/L NaCl, and 2.5 mmol/L CaCl2] containing
inhibition of tumor growth in groups of 3 mice, comple-
1 mg/mL FITC-Annexin V PI (1.25 mg/mL) was also
Mol Cancer Ther; 10(1) January 2011
Dalle et al.
added to the samples to distinguish between early apop-
scanned using the Agilent model G2505B microarray scan-
tosis and secondary necrosis.
ner, and data were extracted by Feature Extraction soft-ware,
Western blot protein analysis
photomultiplicator values (XDR high 100% and XDR
Protein expression was determined by Western blot
low 10%), were used to scan the microarrays. Data were
analysis in rituximab-naive and rituximab-resistant
normalized using the quantile normalization method (31).
tumors as previously described (30). Briefly, cell lysates
Each sample was done in triplicate. Analyses of differen-
were resolved by 12% SDS-PAGE, and transferred onto a
tially expressed genes and Gene Ontology pathways (Gene
polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) membrane (Hybond-
Ontology Consortium, 2000, http://www.geneontology.
ECL). The blots were then incubated with the appropriate
org/) were done using GeneSpring 7.0. Determination of
dilution of primary antibody, followed by incubation
differentially expressed genes was done using a parametric
with peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody. For this
test, with a false discovery rate of 0.01. Quantitative RT-
analysis, 107 cells were pelleted and proteins fractionated
PCR confirmation of selected genes was done as previously
by SDS-PAGE (12–15% gradient gels) and transferred to a
described (30).
PVDF membrane using an electroblotting apparatus (Bio-Rad). The loading of equal amounts of protein was
Statistical analysis
verified by Ponceau staining of the PVDF membranes.
For the evaluation of tumor growth, calculations
The membrane was blocked with 5% nonfat, dry milk for
started at staging (day 34) until termination for the con-
1 hour and subsequently incubated with the primary
trol group and the group receiving therapy. Values were
antibody at a dilution of 1:1,000 for 1 hour at room
documented as medians and standard deviations (SD).
temperature. Antibody directed against Bcl2 was pur-
Median (%) TGI for volume (T/C) was calculated accord-
chased from Dako (clone 124), YY1 from Active Motif,
ing to the NCI formula:1 - ([TV_treated (day Y 100/
TV_control (day X 34) 100])
L (clone S18) from Santa Cruz; BAX from Santa
Cruz (clone SC 493), BAK from Santa Cruz (clone SC
Briefly, in a randomized 2-sample design the treat-
7873), BIM from Santa Cruz (clone SC 8265), CD59 from
ment-to-control ratio:
Serotec (Clone mem-43), CD55 from Abcam (MEM-118),
CD20 from Abcam (clone L26), early growth response 1
(EGR1) and activation transcription factor 3 (ATF3) fromSanta Cruz, and caspase-3 from BD Biosciences (clone
and its 2-sided nonparametric (1-a) confidence interval
CPP32). Unbound antibody was removed by washing
according to Fieller (1954)/Hothorn and Munzel (2000)
with phosphate buffered saline (pH 7.2) containing 0.1%
were estimated. The calculations were done with the
Tween 20 and 5% nonfat, dry milk. The membrane was
special SAS program TUMGRO (version 3) using version
then incubated with the secondary antibody (anti
8.1 (SAS Inc. Cary, 2000).
mouse peroxydase-conjugated antibody [Sigma] at adilution of 1:6,000) for 1 hour at room temperature.
After extensive washing with phosphate bufferedsaline, proteins were detected after addition of the
Inhibition of tumor growth in vivo by rituximab or
staining substrates ECL (Amersham). The proteins were
detected by chemiluminescence using Kodak film (East-
The efficacy of GA101 and rituximab was compared in
man Kodak Company) or using the Odyssey infrared
the RL model that we recently described (30). In the first
system (LI-COR Biotechnology). The Western blot
study GA101 was administered i.v. twice weekly at 3
analyses were done for each animal from the different
dosages (10, 30, and 100 mg/kg), whereas rituximab was
groups of animals.
given at fixed dose of 30 mg/kg twice weekly (Fig. 1).
Both antibodies were administered as intravenous injec-
Gene expression profiling
tions, for a total of 5 injections. As shown in Figure 1, we
To determine which genes were differentially expressed
observed that the new CD20 antibody GA101 was more
in cells exposed to rituximab or GA101, RL cells were
active than rituximab administered at similar doses on
exposed in vitro and in vivo to these antibodies then ana-
established RL tumors. The antitumor effect of GA101
lysed by pangenomic profiling using Agilent 44K chips in
against RL xenografts was dose dependent in terms of
the Laboratoire de Caracterisation Moleculaire des
TGI. TGI was calculated using NCI formula at day 34 and
Tumeurs (LCMT). Briefly, 1-color labeled cRNAs were
showed values of 25, 75, and 85% for the 10, 30, and
generated from 200 ng of total RNA using the Low RNA
100 mg/kg dosages of GA101, respectively, whereas the
Input Amplification Kit (Agilent Technologies) according
30 mg/kg dose of rituximab induced a TGI of 43%. The
to the instructions of the manufacturer. Labeled cRNA
higher doses of 30 and 100 mg/kg of GA101 significantly
were hybridized overnight to Whole Human Genome 4
inhibited the growth of RL tumors and resulted in some
44K microarrays (ref Agilent G4112F) containing 45,015
complete tumor remissions (10% and 30%, respectively),
features representing 41,000 genes. Each probe is a 60-mer,
whereas no complete tumor remissions were observed
synthesized in situ. After washing, microarrays were
in the rituximab group. Taken together, the antitumor
Mol Cancer Ther; 10(1) January 2011
Molecular Cancer Therapeutics

Preclinical Studies on the Mechanism of Action
Figure 2. Effect of combination therapy of GA101 or rituximab with
Figure 1. Inhibition of tumor growth in vivo by rituximab or GA101. Mice
cyclophosphamide. Mice-bearing established SC RL tumors were treated
injected with RL cells subcutaneously were treated by IV infusion twice a
weekly (on days 31, 38, 45 and 52 (black crosses). The control group
week starting on day 17 and ending on day 31 (black crosses). The tumors
received vehicle (NaCl 0.9%), whereas the treated groups received one of
were measured twice a week. The mice were euthanized when the tumor
the following: rituximab (30 mg/kg), GA101 (30 mg/kg), rituximab (30 mg/
volume reached 2 cm3. The difference between GA (30 mg/kg) and
kg) þ GA101 (30 mg/kg), cyclophosphamide (CPM; 50 mg/kg), rituximab þ
rituximab (30 mg/kg) was significant (P ¼ 8.105)
CPM (50 mg/kg), GA101 þ CPM (50 mg/kg). The difference betweenrituximab þ CPM and GA101 þ CPM was significant (P ¼ 0.05)
activity of rituximab against RL xenografts was inferior to
tolerated with no toxic deaths, nor loss of body weight
an equivalent dosing of GA101. Tolerability of GA101
greater than 10% (data not shown).
with these regimens was excellent and no significantmodification of body weight was observed. Since there
Role of complement in the antitumor effect of
was no significant difference between the 30 mg/kg and
antibodies in vivo
100 mg/kg doses of GA101, the 30 mg/kg was used for
Complement-dependent cytotoxicity appears to play a
subsequent combination studies.
key role in the efficacy of rituximab in the RL model (30).
When GA101 or rituximab were administered in combi-
Combination of cyclophosphamide with rituximab
nation with CVF, we observed a significant loss of anti-
tumor activity in the rituximab group, whereas we did
In a separate series of experiments, rituximab 30 mg/kg
not observe a loss of efficacy in the GA101 group (Fig. 3).
and GA101 30 mg/kg were administered once weekly i.
No difference was observed between the rituximab and
v. for 4 weeks, either with or without cyclophospha-
GA101 groups, we assumed that it was induced by the
mide 50 mg/kg administered once weekly i.p. for 4
small number of mice in each group in these experiments.
weeks. As shown in Figure 2, this study confirmed the
When RL cells were exposed to rituximab or GA101
previous finding that the new anti-CD20 antibody
in vitro, the addition of 30% human serum as a source
GA101 was more active against established RL tumors
of complement increased the apoptotic fraction in the
than rituximab administered at similar doses. TGI
case of rituximab but not in the case of GA101 (data not
values at day 42 were 79% for GA101, 35% for ritux-
shown), thus supporting the lack of CDC in the case of
imab, and 93% for cyclophosphamide administered as
single agents when compared with untreated controls.
When groups receiving combination therapy were
Flow cytometry and Western blot analyses of tumor
compared with the groups receiving the corresponding
cells exposed to antibodies in vitro and in vivo
single agent antibody, cyclophosphamide increased
To assess the direct effect of GA101 on RL cells, we did
antitumor efficacy with TGI values of 83% at day 42
PI/Annexin testing. We observed more apoptotic cells
and 55% at day 66% for rituximab and 94% at day 42
(early and late apoptosis) in cells in vitro exposed to
and 88% at day 66 for GA101, respectively. Taken
GA101 than in cells exposed to rituximab. This difference
together, the GA101-cyclophosphamide combination
was seen after time exposure varying from 6 to 24 hours
was significantly better than the rituximab-cyclopho-
(Fig. 4), and disappeared after 48 and 72 hours (data not
sphamide combination in this setting. Thus, when
shown). For instance apoptotic cells (early and late apop-
using a suboptimal dose of the classical antilymphoma
tosis) represented 6.70%, 10.72%, 17.35%, respectively, in
alkylating agent cyclophosphamide, the combination of
untreated and rituximab- and GA101-treated cells after
either antibody with cyclophosphamide was more
15 hours of exposure to the treatment. As a consequence,
active than either agent alone, and the most active
the percentage of live cells was more strongly reduced in
combination was GA101 in combination with cyclopho-
the GA101 group compared with the rituximab group
sphamide. In all cases, the administration was well
(Fig. 4). In agreement with this, procaspase-3 protein was
Mol Cancer Ther; 10(1) January 2011
Dalle et al.
Figure 3. Effect of CVF on thein vivo antitumor efficacy ofantibodies. The mice (3 animalsper group) were treated by IVinfusion two times a week startingon day 17 with rituximab (30 mg/kg) and GA101 (30 mg/kg) with orwithout weekly injection of CVF(2 mg/mouse). The differencebetween rituximab and rituximabþ CVF was significant (P < 0.05),whereas the difference betweenGA101 and GA101 þ CVF was notstatistically significant.
found to be more strongly expressed in cells exposed to
phase (6 hours), it became detectable on FACS analysis
GA101 than in cells exposed to rituximab from 6 hours
from 12 to 48 hours after exposure (Fig. 5). There were no
after the treatment start (data not shown). Although
differences concerning Bim, Bak, Bcl2, Bcl-xL, caspase-8,
cleaved form of caspase-3 was not detected in the early
and caspase-9 by western-blot analysis and CD20
Figure 4. Induction of apoptosis by rituximab and GA101 on RL cells. Induction of apoptosis by rituximab and GA101 on RL cells was evaluated by flowcytometry. Apoptosis was evaluated at various time points after exposure to rituximab or GA101 followed by staining with Annexin V and PI. The dot plotsrepresent the PI and Annexin V expression for untreated and rituximab- and GA101-treated cells after 15 hours of in vitro exposure. The tableshows the results observed in each groups (alive, early, and late apoptotic, necrotic cells) in percentage of 10,000 analyzed cells per condition.
Mol Cancer Ther; 10(1) January 2011
Molecular Cancer Therapeutics
Preclinical Studies on the Mechanism of Action
Figure 5. Effect of rituximab and GA101 on caspase-3 expression in RL cells in vitro. Cleaved caspase-3 expression was evaluated in vitro by FACSanalysis after 6, 24, and 48 hours of exposure to either GA101 or rituximab. Percentage represents the number of positive cells.
expression both by FACS and Western blot analysis (data
imab and to GA101 were analysed by RT-PCR (data not
not shown). When cells were co-incubated with antibo-
shown). Among these, overexpression of EGR1 and ATF3
dies and CVF, the quantities of caspase-3 appeared to be
were confirmed in 3 independent experiments. EGR1 was
decreased in the case of rituximab-exposed cells but not
increased up to 10-fold and ATF3 to 4-fold in RL cells
in the case of GA101-exposed cells.
after exposure to antibodies (P < 0.01). Increased expres-
The expression levels of CD19, as well as of comple-
sion of the corresponding proteins was also documented
ment inhibitors CD46, CD55, and CD59, on RL cells were
by immunoblotting (Fig. 6). We did not observe increase
studied after 1, 2, 4, 6, and 24 hours in vitro exposures to
in Bax protein level expression.
GA101 or rituximab, in the presence or absence of CVF.
There was no change in the CD19 expression after expo-sure to rituximab or GA101 (data not shown). In addition,we did not observe any upregulation of the CD46, CD55,and CD59 antigens in tumor cells exposed in vivo to eitherantibody. Although procaspase-3 was found slightlyincreased by Western blot analysis in the GA101-treatedgroup in comparison with untreated or rituximab-treatedmice 12 hour after exposure, we did not observe cleavedform of caspase-3 expression following these in vivoexperiments (data not shown).
Gene expression arrays
In RL cells exposed to mAb in vitro for 6 hours, a total of
867 genes were induced by rituximab and 664 by GA101,
Figure 6. Effect of rituximab and GA101 on EGR1, Bax, and ATF3
including 152 genes induced by both antibodies (See
expression in RL tumors. EGR1, Bax, and ATF3 protein levels were
Supplementary Table 1). A series of genes found to be
evaluated by Western blotting after exposure of RL cells to rituximab and
significantly overexpressed after exposure both to ritux-
GA101 in vitro.
Mol Cancer Ther; 10(1) January 2011
Dalle et al.
Gene ontology pathways of the genes induced by
a greater induction of early cell death as well as higher
rituximab and GA101 are presented in Supplementary
expression of procaspase-3 and Bad protein after expo-
Tables 2 and 3. Interleukin 12 (IL-12) biosynthesis,
sure to GA101 than after exposure to rituximab. Although
glucose import, and ribosome biogenesis were among
the activated form of caspase-3 was not detected in our
the pathways most significantly enriched after exposure
animal model euthanized 12 hours after last exposure to
to rituximab. Response to biotic stimulus or parasites,
treatment, we observed in additional in vitro kinetic
immune activation, and IL-1 biosynthesis were among
experiments that the cleaved-caspase-3 form was mainly
the pathways most significantly enriched after exposure
detectable after 24 and 48 hours of exposure.
to GA101. Several pathways were found to be enriched
The signalization pathways involved in anti-CD20
with both antibodies, including IL-1, IL-6, IL-13 bio-
antibody-mediated cytotoxicity have been explored
synthesis as well as negative regulation of cell differ-
by several groups. Bonavida and Jazirehi have reported
entiation and osteoclast differentiation. It thus appears
the importance of RKIP as a central regulator of ritux-
that the pathways activated by these 2 anti-CD20 anti-
imab-induced cytotoxicity, regulating BclX-L (35).
bodies partially overlap but differ significantly in other
Leseux et al. have found that PKCz was involved in
cytotoxicity of rituximab in the RL line (36). In thisstudy, we identified 2 novel proteins potentially
involved in CD20-mediated cytotoxicity. ATF3 andEGR1 were overexpressed both after exposure to ritux-
This preclinical study was initiated to compare the in
imab and to GA101, suggesting that they may be
vivo efficacy of rituximab, the first in class anti-CD20
involved in CD20-mediated signaling. EGR1 or early
mAb, and GA101, a novel generation CD20 antibody,
growth response 1 is a zinc finger protein that has been
in a preclinical model of human NHL. The results show
reported to possess both oncogenic and tumor suppres-
the superior antitumor activity of GA101 in a model of
sor properties. Zheng et al. have shown that NFkB-
human FL RL grown as xenografts in SCID mice, either as
induced EGR1 transcription allowed survival of pros-
a single agent or in combination with cyclophosphamide,
tate tumor cells, whereas other authors have suggested
in comparison to rituximab. The effect of GA101 did not
a proapoptotic role by induction of Bax (37, 38). ATF3,
appear to involve complement, whereas the effect of
or activating transcription factor 3, is a leucine zipper
rituximab in this model was at least partially complement
protein involved in cellular stress pathways. ATF3 has
dependent. Tolerability of GA101 with these regimens
been reported to behave as an oncogene in murine
was excellent with no toxic deaths and no significant
mammary carcinogenesis, but has also been found to
modification of body weight.
be involved in apoptosis in prostate cancer (39, 40).
The role of complement in anti-CD20 treatment is
Additional experiments are required to show whether
now a matter of debate. CDC is clearly involved in
the overexpression of these genes after exposure to
the action of rituximab both in vitro and in preclinical
anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies is required for
mouse models (21, 22, 32–34). Manches et al. have also
reported a correlation between in vitro sensitivity to
In conclusion, these results show that GA101 used as
CDC of various lymphoma subtypes and the likelihood
a single agent or in combination with cyclophospha-
of response to rituximab in the clinic (17). Conversely, it
mide is more active than rituximab on human lym-
has been suggested that deposition of inactivated C3b
phoma RL xenografts. As expected for a Type II
on rituximab-coated cells could diminish the interaction
antibody, GA101 appears not to act through CDC,
between the Fc region and CD16 on NK cells. Our in vivo
and is more potent than the Type I antibody rituximab
results using rituximab corroborate the previously
in inducing cell death via nonclassical induction of
reported data and support the role of complement in
rituximab-mediated antitumor activity. However, wedid not observe variations in the expression of the
Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest
complement inhibitors CD46, CD55, or CD59 in ourmodel. These antigens have been reported to be altered
S. Dalle received a research grant from Roche to Inserm.
in cells exposed to antibodies or to be correlated withresponse to anti-CD20 antibodies (20). In the case ofGA101, the role of CDC is clearly less important both
in vitro and in vivo (29).
This work was funded in part by a grant support from Roche to
In the SCID mice model, it is not expected that a major
contribution to efficacy comes from the optimized inter-
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the
action of the glycoengineered Fc-part of GA101 with the
payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby markedadvertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate
murine FcgRIV receptors expressed on macrophages/
monocytes. Thus, the direct induction of cell death islikely to play an important role in GA101-mediated
Received April 23, 2010; revised October 15, 2010; accepted October
cytotoxicity. In support of this hypothesis, we observed
27, 2010; published online January 10, 2011.
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Mol Cancer Ther; 10(1) January 2011
Prontuario prescrizioni farmaceutiche per le dimissioni ospedaliere e l'attività ambulatoriale 1. La prescrizione farmaceutica: punti di attenzione per l'utilizzo corretto del 2. I Farmaci a Brevetto scaduto: risorsa ed opportunità 3. I Farmaci biosimilari 4. Farmaci a distribuzione diretta presso le farmacie territoriali 5. Impostazione del prontuario
"El Bicentenario encuentra a los Pueblos de América del Sur en una nueva etapa de transformación, cuyos principios rectores deben ser la libertad y la igualdad". Cristina Fernández de Kirchner A las Madres y Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, porque con su lucha permanente por Memoria, Verdad y Justicia, ennoblecen al género;