Comprehensive Guidebook & Manual
University Program Council
255 Heisman Dr, 3130 AU Student Center
Auburn University, AL 36849
Phone: (334) 844-4788
Fax: (334) 844-5365
UPC Contact:
[email protected]
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Contacts Films Contacts . 2 Fine Arts . 3 Major Entertainment Contacts . 4 Public Relations Contacts . 4 Publicity Contacts . 4 Speakers and Comedians Contacts . 5 Special Projects Contacts . 5 Technical Productions Contacts . 6 Tiger Nights Contacts . 7 Volunteers Contacts . 8 Chapter 2: Guidelines, Notes, and Samples Advisors and Executive Officers' Notes . 10 Films . 12 Fine Arts . 17 Major Entertainment . 20 Public Relations . 22 Publicity . 23 Research and Evaluation . 25 Speakers and Comedians . 30 Special Projects . 31 Technical Productions . 33 Tiger Nights . 35 Volunteers . 36 Appendix (see attachment links on AU Involve) Style Guides Sodexo Catering Guide Approved Vendors List
Films Committee:
*Contact Meghan to reserve any movies ordered through Swank, get free posters for upcoming movies, etc.
*Contact Ryan when ordering any movies through Criterion
*Contact to have the
Career Center set-up popcorn at an event (usually Screen on the Green)
*Contact to have Kona Ice
at an event or for the concourse
Marco's Pizza Richard Scott
*Contact when ordering
pizza (usually for Screen
*Be sure to contact at
least 2 weeks in advance for large orders
*Contact for food/drinks
at any event inside the
*Contact for concessions
for stadium movie
*Contact for opening
gates/sound check for Stadium movie
Email orders to:
*1715 Opelika Rd,
*Contact for making
Throwback Thursday
banners, or other banners
(Artwork related
Fine Arts Committee:
[email protected]
*Office located behind the Foy
Info Desk; much better to go
talk to her than to email her *Contact her to reserve spaces in
the Student Center, also be aware of her policies for how spaces are used *When booking a space with her, be sure to let her know what facilities will be needed as well
[email protected] &
*Best to email Ally directly
[email protected]
instead of ordering through
Tiger Catering website *Info on foods & pricing can be found at
*Office located in Foy (across
[email protected]
from bathrooms), better to talk
Marketing Manager
to her than to email her *She is very gracious about Open Mic Night & typically donates goody bags for performers
Major Entertainment Committee:
Phone Number:
Degy Booking- Ari Nisman
Public Relations Committee:
[email protected]
*Banners *Email for approval of the use of the AU logo
[email protected]
*Banners *Email for Student Center banner policy information
[email protected]
*"This Week @ AU" *Email every Monday with the following week's UPC event updates *Provide info in paragraph form about that week's events (i.e. time, location, brief description of activities
[email protected]
*Email for questions
about advertising or
Publicity Committee
[email protected] 334-707-1109 *Submit at least 2
weeks in advance *Designs ads *Curbside ads
Kathryn Holladay
noon that Monday
*Designs ads *Contact changes each semester
[email protected]
334-844-4492 *For billboards, fill
out Event Info form
[email protected]
334-844-9436 *Submit info for
stadium announcements, etc. at least 5 days in advance
[email protected]
*Submit 3 weeks in
*Photoshop workshops *Contact and confirm appointments in advance
[email protected]
*Email posters for
approval to receive exempt form
*Email poster and request electronic invoice
Speakers and Comedians Committee
Arena Booking Keith Bagwell
[email protected]
booking speakers/ comedians
Special Projects Committee:
Email/ Website:
Company Spicer's Music
[email protected]
*Battle of the Bands judges
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
*Chef used for Cooking Workshop a la Mode
[email protected]
kitchen in Spidle Hall
to cosmetic counters
[email protected]
*Girls' Night Out *make up advice
Technical Productions Committee:
[email protected]
*Contact to rent stages, sound systems, lighting. *Can provide all sound lighting and staging
needs for just about any UPC event. *Used for battle of the bands, green-space concerts, speaking events in arena and ballroom concerts. * sell directly to UPC new equipment (the QSC PA was purchase with the help of Music Alley)
* Full service audio
video and lighting distributor.
*Former Tech Director
[email protected]
*Former Tech Director
Tiger Nights Committee:
Phone Number:
Facilities/Student Andrea Conti-
*Contact her in office to
*Contact her in office to
Volunteers Committee:
[email protected]
*Rooms and Facilities
[email protected]
Cosponsor *Extremely helpful in the planning and execution of BP and all the logistics *Contact her early to develop this relationship
[email protected]
*Block Party Cosponsor
Assistant Director of Marketing
[email protected]
*Block Party Cosponsor
[email protected]
Graduate Advisor
Dr. Jocelyn Vickers
[email protected]
*Block Party Cosponsor
[email protected]
Multicultural Affairs Interactive
*Inflatables and
attractions for Block
[email protected]
Advisors and Executive Officers' Notes:
1) Food Catering
For any event inside the Student Center, we must order from Tiger Catering. To order from Tiger Catering, eInclude the following information in your email:
Event name/time
Break down time Theme of event (if you don't know exactly what food you want)
Price range (if limited)
If your event is on the Greenspace or outside of the Student Center, you can order food from anywhere. The vendor that your order food from must be registered in the Auburn vendor system. Check with the administrative assistant on whether the vendor is registered and with details on how to get registered.
2) Permits
Permits must be obtained to hang banners, put up billboards, or promote events on the concourse. This can be done through an exec member on AUinvolve. Provide the following information to your exec member:
Name of Event (can be as simple as Tiger Nights Concourse Day) Start and end date of concourse or banner/billboard promotion
Start and end time of concourse or banner/billboard promotion
Requested location of banner/billboard (if applicable)
Food being handed out on concourse (if applicable)
3) Technology Bank
UPC has access to a bank of technology that includes netbooks, barcode scanners, iPads, walkie talkies, and cameras. If you are on PR or Research, you can reserve items in the technology bank yourself. All other Council members must request for our exec member or GA to do so. Reservations for technology can be made at the front desk of AUSC 3130. The following information needs to be known when making a request:
Name of Event (i.e. Committee surveys, Dinner and a Movie, etc) Requested date range for technology
Check out and check in time for technology
Items requested and quantity
Inventory Items Available:
1- Digital Camera (Point and Shoot
4- DSLR Cameras 1-Flip Camera 1-iPad Mini 12- Regular iPads 16- Netbook Computers 10- Scanners 1- Video Camera 19- Walkie Talkies
4) Room Reservations Contacts:
Debbie Hood Email:
[email protected] Phone Ext: 4492
Andrea Conti-Elkins Email:
[email protected] Phone Ext: 1303
E-mail or call either Andrea/Debbie to reserve the rooms in the student center
Provide them with Date and specific times the room will be in use (including set up and clean up)
Must provide Andrea/Debbie the room layout and notify them what technical equipment will be needed
Advisor must sign off on the room after it has been requested. If you need a conference room you will reserve that with the front desk in AUSC Suite 3130
Special Note: Reserve the
green room separately if you need it. It does not come with the ballroom or
any of the other rooms.
5) Prize Money
1. Make sure to include on poster w/ prize amount (for appropriate proof to submit) 2. Make a "Certificate" with the following information for each winner: - Event Title - Place/Prize and Amount - Have a Space to legibly write their name - A space for their Student ID # - Be sure to include somewhere on the certificate the following information: - To receive payment you must bring this certificate, your AU student ID, and your driver's license to the UPC Office in the Student Involvement Office Suite 3130 (3rd floor of the Student Center). Payment will not be immediate. It will be either directly deposited or a check mailed depending on your address/preference on file with Auburn University. -Payment cannot be split between multiple students. If there is more than one person in a group it will be up to you to decide who is responsible for receiving and distributing the funds.
Films Committee:
1) Movie Guidelines
a) There are no real restrictions on what movies we can and cannot show as far as content/rating goes b) As far as determining when the movie will be available to show, we look at our main movie provider,
(1) On Swank's website, navigate to "College Campus" "New Releases" (2) This page will show a list of the new movies that are available to order (3) Usually we can show a movie that is available after the "College Release Date" (4) Since all of the dates for new releases are "Anticipated," some of the more popular movies do get
delayed from the "Anticipated" date to a couple weeks later
c) If not ordering through Swank, you would contact the company directly and ask when the movie would
2) Process for Ordering a Movie/Buying the Rights to a Movie
a) The main two companies we work with are Swank and Criterion b) If Swank does not have a movie we want to show, Criterion usually does c) For Swank:
i) Determine what movies will be available when you want to show them, and send a list of the movies
with event dates to Meghan Kuryla at
[email protected] (1) Usually send the list at least a month before the first movie
ii) She will then send an invoice to you and Ms. Regina for the movies
(1) Forward this invoice to VP of Finance, Advisor, etc.
d) For Criterion:
i) Determine what movies will be available when you want to show them, and send a list of the movies
with event dates to Ryan Hedge at
[email protected] (1) Usually send the list at least a month before the first movie
ii) Ryan will then send an invoice to you and Ms. Regina for the movies
(1) Forward this invoice to VP of Finance, Advisor, etc. (2) Criterion also sends a Payment Authorization Form which you would forward to Ms. Regina and
she takes care of it
3) Dinner and Movie: Day of Itinerary
Advertise on the concourse
Get movie from Mike/Kristine/Ms. Regina
Assistant Directors meet in office to start getting centerpieces, decorations, promo items, clickers
Committee arrives in office to help take everything to the Ballroom
Set up decorations and centerpieces, check tech
Tiger Catering comes to set up food
Doors open for students, start dinner
Start slide show
Tiger Catering starts cleaning up dinner
Movie ends, clean up
4) Drive In: Day of Itinerary
Advertise on the concourse, Coke Truck
Auburn Moon arrives, give contact info for Sara in case they need something
Go to beach to see if they need any help with the screen, get radio station
Go to office to get everything to take to the beach
Movie, vests, flashlights, walkies, candy, poster for radio station, clickers, etc.
Head to the beach to help move the Coke Truck, help Auburn Moon
Committee arrives, set up for parking
Students start arriving to park, get drinks from Tiger Catering at student center
Go pick up food for Auburn Moon people (not pizza!)
Committee shift change
10:20pm: Bring everything back to the office
5) Foy/Ballroom Day of Itinerary
Advertise on the concourse
Get flash drive and movie from Mike/Kristine/Ms. Regina
Go to office to start getting everything to take to Foy
Table, table cloth, candy, balloons (5), committee attendance sheet, trash bags, clickers
Committee arrives in office to help take everything over
Start Powerpoint, have committee by doors greeting
Movie ends, clean up trash
Bring everything back to the office
6) Screen on the Green: Day of Itinerary
Advertise on the concourse
Tech starts setting up, get movie from Mike
Assistant Directors meet in office to start getting balloons, decorations
Committee arrives, get ice for coolers, load up drinks
Bring everything down to the greenspace
Clickers, promo items, napkins, plates, gloves, tables, table cloths, tape, scissors, chairs, ice box keys
Career center and Kona Ice arrive to set up
1st round of pizza arrives
2nd round of pizza arrives, start Powerpoint
Movie starts
Movie ends, clean up green space
Help tech take down screen/load out, take everything back to the office
7) Fall 2013 Films Timeline
Screen on the Green (1, August 20th possibly another on September 20th)
Choose movie, reserve rain location (Foy/Ballroom)
2 Months Before:
Complete tech request form, event info form, budget request form
Contact facilities
Reserve coke truck for concourse (if needed)
Contact outside vendors (Kona Ice, Career Center)
1 Month Before:
Confirm movie, confirm outside vendors
Invite everyone to Facebook event
Check with tech for screen
2 Weeks Before:
Order pizza (if needed)
Buy drinks/candy for concourse
Watch movie, make Powerpoint Committee signs up for advertising and working movie
Advertise on the concourse
Foy/Ballroom (4, September 12th, October 10th, October 30th, November 14th)
Choose movie, reserve location
2 Months Before:
Complete event info form, budget request form
1 Month Before:
Confirm movie, invite on Facebook, confirm location
Watch movie, make Powerpoint
Committee signs up for advertising and working movie
Advertise on the concourse Have event
Dinner and Movie (2, September 24th, November 8th)
Choose movie, reserve Ballroom, decide on food
2 Months Before:
Order movie Complete tech request form, event info form, budget request form
Reserve Coke Truck for concourse
Contact Tiger Catering
Order security
1 Month Before:
Confirm movie, confirm with Tiger Catering, confirm security Invite on Facebook
2 Weeks Before:
Buy decorations and candy/Kool-Aid for advertising
Watch movie, make center pieces, make Powerpoint
Committee sign ups for concourse
Advertise on concourse
Drive-In (1, October 24th)
Choose movie, reserve field
2 Months Before:
Complete tech request form, event info form, budget request form
Contact Auburn Moon
Reserve Coke Truck for advertising and day of event
Contact facilities, security, port-a-pots, EMS, Tiger Catering for drinks
1 Month Before:
Invite on Facebook
Confirm movie, Tiger Catering, security, EMS, Auburn Moon, port-a-pots
2 Weeks Before:
Buy drinks and candy (for advertising and day of event)
Watch movie, make Powerpoint
Committee sign-ups for concourse and shifts for day of event
Advertise on concourse
Fine Arts Committee:
1) Rules/ information for different venues:
Student Center:
o Be aware of what kind of mess you will leave behind; absolutely no paint is allowed, but cooking
events (i.e. icing cupcakes on the second floor) could also require UPC to bring a tarp. It's better to stay on Debbie Hood's good side
o Don't hang up signs anywhere but on corkboards
o Make sure to confirm with Gina Groome the dates for Open Mic at the beginning of each
o Remind performers of what is considered to be appropriate/inappropriate, being mindful that
students studying down the hall can hear what is being said/sang
2) General steps for planning:
Make sure to include committee in brainstorming events. They will surprise you with their out-of-the-
Try to brainstorm as a group. Bouncing ideas off each other will get you to think of better events
Try to plan more events in the first half of the semester. After mid-terms, attendance tends to drop off.
This will also allow you and your directors to look towards planning for the following semester.
3) Sample: Open Mic Night - Day of Event (02/18)
5:00 pm -- Load In
Move out furniture from Starbucks
Tech arrives to begin setup
Bring stools, signs, easels, promotional items, sign-up sheet, handbills, and UPC tablecloth down from
Bring down t-shirts and Tiger Catering gift bags
First committee shift arrives: 5-6
Performer sign-up begins
Second shift: 6:55-8
7:00 pm - Event Begins
MC announces performers, upcoming UPC events
7:30 -- Directors switch shifts
Third shift: 7:55-9
9:00 pm - Event Ends
Load all furniture back into Starbucks
Final shift: 8:55-end
4) Sample: Songwriting Showcase Timeline - Day of Event (02/25)
Teddy Geiger arrives + loads in
Tech arrives to help with load in (Marissa + Catherine will arrive at this time to help)
PR will take care of needs of band throughout the afternoon
All Fine Arts directors arrive
Make sure judging packets are ready + brought to ballroom Make sure programs are printed and set on chairs
Bring computers + UPC publicity items to ballroom, set up welcome tables
Make sure tables for Teddy Geiger's autographing are set up behind partition
Set up directional easels outside of ballroom
Songwriters arrive for sound check
Catherine will welcome songwriters + explain that they should be behind the curtain during the previous
Catherine will explain to songwriters that all instruments should be kept behind the curtain
Committee Shift 1, 6:15-7:15 (Sarah, Courtney, Tracy) -- will help with any final set-up needs, will be
set up to scan Tiger Cards
Doors open at 6:30 pm
Tucker will be in charge of doors, make sure that committee members are set
Judges Tim Spicer + Annie Scibetta arrive
James will make sure all judges are welcomed and situated
James will remain at the judging table to tally votes (one committee member will check his tallies)
7:00 pm - Event begins
Committee Shift 2, 7:14-8:15 (Paige, Hannah) -- will take over at doors, 1 will join James at judging
Committee Shift 3, 8:15-end -- will take over at judging table, help with takedown Marissa will MC
1. Sarah Colvin 2. Tyler Nichols 3. Trevor Petski
4. Jennifer Whitmore 5. Kelsie Shipley 6. John Andrew Morrow + Tomi Obebe 7. Jaden Beard 8. Benjamin Hoefling 9. Teddy Geiger (performs while scores are tallied) 10. Winners announced 11. Teddy Geiger autographing session
9:00 pm - Event ends (perhaps earlier)
5) Sample: Sweets for Singles - Day of Event (02/11)
10:45am - Load In
Check in at Foy Information Desk
Facilities will deliver 5 tables and chairs
Bring table cloths, garland, cups, and publicity supplies downstairs from Resource Room
First committee shift (10:50-11:30): Beth, Courtney
Tiger Catering delivers 14 doz. rice crispy bars, 12 doz. brownies, and 16 doz. dessert bars all cut in
half. Some platters will remain covered so we can stagger serving the food. They will also bring iced water.
Tiger Catering will supply plates and napkins; UPC will supply cups for water
Earth Fare arrives with baked goods + snacks
11:30 am - Event begins
Maintain tables, monitor food distribution, and monitor trash from Tiger Catering refreshments
Second committee shift (11:25-12:25): Tracy
Third committee shift (12:15-1:15): Sarah
1:30pm - Event ends, load out
Clean up supplies, bring extras back to resource room
Take down tables
Major Entertainment Committee:
1) Steps for planning a major concert:
Picking a date
Determining your budget and how much can be spent on talent Check the pricing sheet and determine a list of possible artists
Send lists of artists to Ari
Send an offer based on Ari's response
Repeat depending on how many acts
Decide when to announce Work on a banner/tshirt/poster design
Make Day of Schedule
Make Marketing Plan and send to Ari
Meet with PR and Publicity Conference calls with Tour Managers
Finalize Day of Schedule
We select performers based on the genre we are looking for as well as the budget we have. The pricing sheet is our best friend during this process because it shows us every artist available through Degy (the agency we use). We also contact Ari (our middling agent) a lot during this process because he gives us updates on what bands are looking for dates and if artists have gone up in pricing.
2) Sample "Day Of" Schedule
Major Entertainment
Production Manager
Degy Booking-Middle
UPC = University Program
Bodda Getta Bash 2013
250 Beard-Eaves Ct, Auburn,
*All times are CST
Production Crew Starts Load-In
UPC Headquaters Set Up
PR Committee Loads in Dressing
Dressing Rooms Avaliable
Gloriana Arrives
Production Crew Lunch Arrives
Gloriana Load-In
Eric Hutchinson Arrives
Gloriana Sound Check
Eric Hutchinson Sound Check
Security Meeting
Pep Rally Starts
Gloriana M&G with concert board
Eric Hutchinson - STAGE TIME
Stage Changeover
Eric Hutchinson M&G with
60-75 mins (12 towels, case
Gloriana - STAGE TIME
Audience Exits / UPC Clean-Up
Artists Start Load Out
Production Load Out
*All times are tentative to change and updated schedules will be
provided when needed.
Public Relations Committee:
1) Hospitality:
When the event is in the Arena, we have to use Sodexo. The contact for Sodexo has been Bradford Griffin
[email protected]
When ordering catering, be sure to order extra as they usually make smaller than normal portions.
Also make sure they know we are tax exempt and that they should not take away the food until the PR director tells them to;
they have taken the food away before the artists have eaten in the past.
When in the Student Center, we use Tiger Catering.
Sample Rider
Below is an example rider for an artist. It is our job to do our best to get everything on it. However, we are not allowed to provide alcohol or buyout hotels or meals. When the artists have asked for furniture in the past, we have used furniture from the student center or arena. One recommendation is for furniture in the loading bay of the arena because it is easier, but if student center furniture is preferred, contact Darren Chamlee at
[email protected] or 334-750-3851.
TRAIN Hospitality Rider – Fly Dates – Updated 4.1.13
DRESSING ROOM # 1 – PAT MONAHAN DRESSING ROOM Twelve (12) Bottles 500ml FIJI Spring Water-room temp
Twelve (12) High quality 12 – 16 oz Hot Water disposable cups (no Styrofoam)
Twelve (12) Perrier Water in Small Glass Bottles ON ICE
(VERY IMPORTANT !!! NO SUBSTITUTE / This is the Brown M&M's of the rider)
No Lemon / No Lime / No Plastic Bottles / No Substitute
Perrier is to be chilled – Fiji is to be room temp 1 package Late July Mini Organic cheddar crackers (in the red box)
1 box Back to Nature Cheddar Rice thins (tan box)
1 bag 365 Brand Organic White Cheddar Popcorn
1 box Blue Diamond Almond Nut-Thins-Country Ranch or Pepper Jack Flavor
*All of these items are found at Whole Foods or similar healthy market
DRESSING ROOM # 2 – BAND DRESSING ROOM Six (6) Red Bull Energy Drinks
1 package Late July Mini Organic cheddar crackers (in the red box)
1 box Back to Nature Cheddar Rice thins (tan box)
1 bag 365 Brand Organic White Cheddar Popcorn
One (1) Large bag salted, organic cashews
Two (2) Large bags of Pirate's Booty Rice & Corn puffed snacks
Assorted healthy, organic granola/energy/Cliff bars
One (1) Cases of 500ml FIJI Spring Water
Twelve (12) Small Bottles of Perrier water in small glass bottles.
One (1) case (24) local spring water / No Aquafina OR DASANI
Twenty Four (24) Plastic Solo Cups
Please provide breakfast (if early load in),lunch for crew (8 people) with 1 vegetarian option. Please provide hot, quality
dinner or $25 buyout for 18 people with 3 vegetarians. Will need aftershow menus for delivery aftershow.
PLEASE FORWARD ANY QUESTIONS TO Sam Mitcham – 407.415.4069 –
[email protected]
Publicity Committee:
1) Promotional Items
1. Check out the list of approved vendors and decide which items you're looking to purchase
a. Involve committee when choosing items b. Do Not use Concepts and Associates – They're very difficult to work with
2. Locate the items on the vendor website and decide on quantities
3 months prior to receipt deadline
a. keep your budget in mind b. Contacting the vendor may be beneficial when locating certain items or finding the best option.
3. Fill out a Budget request (it may be possible to wait until after receiving the quote)
3 months prior to
receipt deadline
4. Request a price quote of these items – include the item number, color of item, color of imprint, and
quantity desired
a. Find out if a P.O. is required prior to ordering (A P.O. (Purchase Order) is required for
purchases over $2,500)
2.5 months prior to receipt deadline
i. If a P.O. is required make it clear that the amount quoted cannot be less than actual
amount of the final invoice (or else they will not get paid quickly)
ii. Discuss this with the Administrative Assistant (the new Mrs. Regina)
5. While deciding on items and quantities/ waiting on quotes decide what the design printed on the items
will look like (could be a logo or informational – should show that the items represent UPC)
2 months
prior to receipt deadline
a. Create this design on the computer and convert it to a vector image (or ensure that it is a vector
image in the end. (If you start in Illustrator it will already be a vector)
i. If you make the design in Photoshop and don't know how to create a vector try this:
1. Save the design as a Photoshop file 2. Open Adobe Illustrator and click New (ensure only one Art Board is selected and
the canvas size matches the size of the .psd)
3. Go to file Place Open the Photoshop design to the New document 4. Click on the box surrounding the design to select it 5. Then curse over the "Object" tab Image trace Make 6. Save this new vector image 7.
6. Once the design is finalized send it to Jason Haribson, from trademark management & licensing for
6 weeks prior to receipt deadline His contact info is:
Jason Harbison
303 Samford Hall Auburn, AL 36849
[email protected] (334) 844-5180
7. Send the design to your vendor and request proofs of your items with the design.
1 Month prior to
receipt deadline
8. Send these proofs back to Jason Haribson for approval, and ask the vendor to send them for their own
9. When all of the items have been approved request an electronic invoice of the items for you budget
representative and your Administrative Assistant.
2-3 weeks prior to receipt deadline
10. Wait patiently for your items to arrive
2) Procedures for Printing Posters
- After completing the design for the poster, email
fellow directors, exec members and advisors a copy
to make any possible edits.
- After receiving their okay's and edits are made, sent the poster to
Pam Kirby in the Office of
Communication and Marketing for University approval. Half of the time she will have edits for you to
make. Make the edits according to her standards and send her the new copy. She will send you an
exempt form. You must have this exempt form before you send the poster to the printer.
- After receiving the exempt form, send the posters to
Matt at Allegra Printing. He is the sales rep. In
your email, specify the number of posters you want along with the poster's size. Kindly request an electronic invoice to keep track of finances.
- The posters will typically be delivered to the student center automatically. Check this at the beginning at
every semester to make sure everyone is on the same page.
Pam Kirby:
[email protected]
Matt at Allegra:
[email protected]
3) Billboard Painting Timeline and Instructions
3 weeks before billboard is put out – apply for a billboard permit through AU Involve (this may have
to be done by a member of Exec, GA, or Advisor)
Two weeks before painting (3-4 weeks before billboard is put out) – Create a shift list/ plan time for
when painting is to be completed
One – two weeks before painting – Distribute shiftlist/ plan who will be painting when
4. Anytime
before painting – create a word document including the information desired for the board.
Work Day 1 – Prime* chosen billboard with white paint** (30 mins, 1-2 people)
Work Day 2 – Prime billboard with background color, if not white. Choose a color that is light enough
for pencil to show up, and for the text to contrast (30 mins, 1-2 people)
Work Day 3 – Set up projector (1 person, could take up to 30 mins-1 hr). Project the text onto the
billboard, and trace the letters (2-3 people, 1 hr).
Work Day 3+ - fill in traced letters with paint (2-4 people, aprox 3 hours per coat (usually 1 coat is
9. Remember to store the board in the proper location after each day. If there is time before the board needs
to be put out let it dry and then store in the Tech closet.
10. Putting out the board (It's best to have the board out for at least a week before the event):
a. For the concourse - Take a large grey cart, screws, drill, permit, and sand bags to the loading
dock (2 people, 1 hr)
b. Assemble the board at the loading dock (there should be a pair of legs at the back of the closet –
be gentle with them. They're the only pair).
i. Position the legs perpendicular to the wall with the board side facing out
ii. Line the holes on the side of the board up with the holes in the legs (if there aren't
already holes in the board it will help tremendously to pre-drill holes that line up with those in the legs)
iii. Screw the board to the legs (keep the pressure great so that the board does not push away
from the legs and leave a gap in between)
c. Place the board on the cart face down so that the front side is on the flat portion of the cart (it
will be the most balanced this way). Everything else on the back of the board (make sure there is cart underneath, not just overhanging board).
d. Roll the cart to the desired location, stand it up, and place the sandbags across the back of the
legs. Make sure the billboard permit is stuck to the back of the board.
e. Take everything else back to the office and put it away.
11. Remember to take the board down after the event has passed. Disassemble and store it appropriately.
* All painting is to be completed at the loading dock. Be careful not to get paint on the floor (keep it clean). Store a wet board against the wall in the corner behind the yellow lift – if you leave your wet board out facilities WILL move it. Store a dry board in the Tech closet (Keep boards out of tech's way as much as possible)
** All Acrylic paint is stored in the yellow flammables cabinet in the resource room. Can openers, and brushes can be found in the far left publicity cabinet in the resource room. Anything that is removed needs to be returned to its home in the resource room (brushes need to be washed thoroughly).
Research and Evaluation Committee
1) How to order a survey.
Research and Evaluation has used a number of programs to create surveys, including SurveyMonkey, Qualtrics, and Baseline. Baseline is a program provided by the Division of Student Affairs, and it is the current platform the directors/assistant directors use to create surveys. When the new Council members are selected, the UPC advisor will contact the appropriate individual in the Division of Student Affairs to provide the directors/assistant directors access to the Baseline system. The basic access level available to students does not provide the ability to create surveys. A new project must be requested through a faculty member. For UPC, this individual is the organization's advisor. Baseline requires some basic information about the survey, including the name of the survey, the start and end date, and the primary distribution method. A Word file or another file with the survey contents must be attached to the request. The requests are processed within approximately 7-10 days. When the survey has been processed, Baseline will send an e-mail and provide a preview of the survey. At this point, any additional changes can be submitted before the survey becomes live.
2) How to put together a survey.
Creating effective surveys is Research and Evaluation's most important task. Surveys are the only method available to collect mass responses from Auburn students.
Survey questions can take several forms: multiple-choice (single answer), multiple choice (multi-answer), and open-ended. When creating the survey, it is important to consider the best form for each question. For example, allowing students to select more than one response to the question, "How do you find out about UPC events?" would provide a better cross-section of student responses than a single-response. If students are limited to a single response, one popular option may be marginalized, because overall, students chose another, more popular option. Multi-response questions provides a more nuanced reflection of student opinion. Open-ended questions offer an opportunity for honest feedback, but they lengthen the survey. In addition, students often skip open-ended questions if they do not have time or do not have a response. It is important to limit the number of open-ended questions to those that provide important and specific information. When building the survey, consider what questions will force a response. In general, all multiple-choice questions should require a response, especially demographic information, which is typically included at the beginning of the survey. Based on experience, open-ended questions are most effective when they are optional. Otherwise, students will either enter insignificant values (ex: a random string of letters), or they will attempt to exit the survey without responding and receive an error response. An effective survey is short and concise. Committee members distribute surveys at events while students are eating, standing in line, or waiting for the event to begin. Therefore, it is important that the survey can be completed in one to three minutes. Based on experience, a 10-12 question survey (with up to two open-ended questions) is ideal. Only include questions that will produce useful results. Avoid including superfluous questions that do not have a quantifiable and meaningful results. Each question should be considered individually, but often, conceptual questions ("What do you think is UPC's purpose?") only extend the survey and do not provide significant contributions to the survey's body of knowledge. For Baseline, survey documents are uploaded with the project request. Typically, these documents have been submitted as Microsoft Word documents. The Microsoft Word document can be arranged much like the final survey with the response option (single answer, multi-answer, open-ended) in parentheses beside each question. For beginners unfamiliar with survey creation, I would recommend using Qualtrics to experiment with different formats. Qualtrics includes a survey-builder that provides different question formats and aids the user in building each question. Qualtrics is a free survey program provided by the university and is available through AU Access. To add Qualtrics to your AU Access home page, select "Custom Layout" from the options at the top and right corner of the screen. Select "Add Channel" in the screen that follows. The next window includes a drop down menu; from that menu, select AU Access Tools. Then, select Qualtrics from the next menu of options.
3) Questions to ask on a survey.
The best resources to create a new survey are Research and Evaluation's past survey, which should be provided on a flash drive from the previous director. Several classes of questions are generally included on the annual Fall/General Survey, but the current director, assistant directors, and Exec must evaluate their priorities to customize the survey for each year.
Most UPC surveys begin with a series of demographic questions. These questions serve a dual purpose: they allow the director/assistant directors to evaluate the survey sample and allow cross-tabulation analysis. If the sample is random, the demographic distributions (by class standing or gender, for example) should match the distribution observed at UPC events. If the demographic information is skewed (e.g. 75% female, 80% freshmen), then the results should be considered with that in mind.
Demographic information also provides the opportunity for additional analysis through cross-tabulation, which can evaluate the responses based on a criterion. For example, based on the response to the question "Do you live on or off campus?" the results can be analyzed separately for those who answered "On-campus" or "Off-campus". Examples of typical demographic questions include: gender, class standing, and residence (on- or off-campus).
Generally, UPC surveys will also include questions about publicity ("How do you find out about UPC events?"), event scheduling ("What is the best day/time to attend a UPC event?"), and possible organization-wide initiatives ("Would you be willing to pay to attend a UPC event with a larger/more well-known artist?").
Other specific questions should be formulated through discussion with Exec and other planning committees.
4) How to evaluate survey results.
2014 is the first year Research and Evaluation has used Baseline, and we have not used their service to compile results. However, Baseline should be provide a summary of the results, including analysis.
In Qualtrics, summary graphs and tables were provided for each question, and cross-tabulations could be created separately. In that program, open-ended questions had to be compiled and analyzed by hand using Excel to sort, correct, and calculate the frequency of certain responses. Baseline should eliminate these time-intensive tasks and provide a more stream-lined system.
Once each survey is complete, the director/assistant director should create a formal report to describe the survey and summarize its findings. Generally, these reports include the survey's objective, procedure, a description of the results, and a discussion of any notable findings. At the end of the formal report, a copy of the survey and results should be included. This formal report should be distributed as a PDF to, at minimum, Exec, graduate advisors, and the organization advisor.
The results should also be presented using a PowerPoint during Council to ensure that results are communicated to members of planning committees. If possible, results should be presented during the planning period (pre-summer and fall). Therefore, it might be advisable for the new director/assistant directors to present the previous year's survey results
after transition to ensure that the planning committees have the results for fall planning. Our findings are useless if we do not communicate the results with planning committees.
5) Benchmarking
Each year, the Research and Evaluation committee contacts universities and colleges around the country to "benchmark" our programming council against others. It is best to begin this process during the summer.
The director/assistant director should compile a list of universities and begin to explore the organization's website for contact information. Generally, organization (for example,
[email protected])
and advisor e-mail addresses generate more responses. Based on the director's preference, the included schools can be selected by region (Southeast), size (>20,000 students), or type (public or private). Simultaneously, another individual should create a list of questions to submit to each school. These questions can follow a general format but should be modified based on the priorities of Exec and the directors of the planning committees. In the past, an e-mail has been sent to all directors, requesting specific questions to include in the benchmarking list. A single point of contact should draft and send an email to all the benchmarking universities around September or October. The timing is important, because some schools do not begin classes until mid-September and may not respond if the request is submitted too early in the semester. However, if it is delayed, other programs may not have time to reply before the winter holidays. Ideally, all results should be received by the end of the fall semester. To provide an incentive for other programs to participate, the final formal report is usually sent to all benchmarking respondents. Like survey results, a formal report and PowerPoint presentation should be created to present the results of the benchmarking study.
5) Focus Group
The focus group is typically held in the middle of the spring semester before transition.
For the focus group, the Research and Evaluation committee invites leaders from various student organizations (BSU, SGA, IFC, Panhellenic, NPHC, IMACT, FLP, Athletics, RHA, Residence Life, ISO, etc.) to attend a meeting to discuss their perception of UPC and its events. Topics include: the success of current UPC events, possible collaborations with student organizations, and suggestions or improvements for UPC in the future.
The questions are usually sent to the attendees with the invitation email to allow them to prepare their responses and consult their members.
A meal is usually served at the beginning of the focus group.
6) Poll Everywhere
Poll Everywhere is a paid service the Research and Evaluation committee uses to collect quick responses at events. In the past, Poll Everywhere has been used for: Films events (Dinner and a Movie, Foy Auditorium movies, Screen on the Green, etc.), Auburn Airwaves, Songwriting Showcase, Last Comic Standing (Fan-Favorite vote), and Battle of the Bands.
The account can be accessed at The username and password are available from the advisor/graduate advisor.
The service rate is determined by the number of responses each poll can collect. Based on experience, most events are covered by the Presenter Plan, which costs $65/month and allows up to 250 responses per poll. For larger events like Auburn Airwaves, the plan can be upgraded for one month to the Plenary Plan, which allows 700 responses for $140/month.
Note: the plan will continue to renew until the account is downgraded. You must remember to downgrade the plan; if you do not, the UPC account will automatically be charged for the next month's service.
Poll Everywhere polls are created through their website and can be selected as multiple choice or open-ended response. Each poll can be customized by response method (text, website, Twitter), results display (real-time or hidden results), and visual options. Some of these options are only available after the poll has been exported to PowerPoint.
Polls are displayed through PowerPoint. In the My Polls section of the website, there is an option to Export to PowerPoint. All selected polls will be exported to PowerPoint and will appear as a blank slide in the PowerPoint window. In order to view and modify the polls, the Poll Everywhere app must be installed and will appear in the ribbon at the top of PowerPoint (Note: the computer where the presentation will be displayed must have this installed!). In presentation mode, the polls should appear. It may take a moment for the polls to load. These slides can easily be incorporated into other PowerPoint, but you must copy the poll slide (not just the graphic) to move it to another file.
A menu of options should appear on the right side of the poll in PowerPoint's presentation mode to modify certain options.
Poll Everywhere does not provide any sophisticated analysis, but tables, graphs, and charts of the results are available through the My Polls section. Make sure that you e-mail the results to the directors of the committee for which the polls were created.
Speakers and Comedians Committee
1) General Steps
1. Brainstorm performers who are qualified to perform for Auburn students
a. Should be entertaining and draw a large crowd b. Discuss these performers with exec and advisors
2. Make a list of your top 3-5 performers 3. Place an offer for top speaker/comedian 4. Finalize location of event and make sure booking process is complete 5. Fill out event information form and tech request form 6. Create a marketing plan on how to reach students (banners, concourse days, food giveaways,
Facebook/Twitter, etc.)
7. Finalize all plans the week before the event 8. Perform an event walkthrough the week before the event 9. Make sure performer's hospitality is taken care of before event 10. Create a "day of" itinerary for how the event should be carried out
2) How to Select Performers
Auburn students have always said they want quality over quantity so the Speakers and Comedians Committee typically tries to bring two big-name performers to campus (one per semester). It is best to brainstorm a list of performers who will draw a large crowd and have a recognizable face that students will recognize. In the past, comedians from Saturday Night Live and Comedy Central, TV show hosts, and movie actors/actresses have
been popular. There are many fees associated with booking a speaker/comedian so make sure to plan ahead and have enough money to support the event. If the performer is too expensive, it is best to have backup options or to discuss with the agent is a lower fee is acceptable.
3) Contacts Needed/Rules to Follow
Contracts are used for each speaker/comedian that is booked
These contracts include all information about the event and state that the performer will be present for
the event no matter what circumstances may occur.
Information about the person who will be performing is STRICTLY PROHIBITED from Auburn
students until the contract is finalized and accepted.
Contracts may only be submitted by Head Advisor Mike Rapay and the information on them should be
discussed with each of the graduate advisors and exec.
4) Example Day of Itinerary for Comedy on the Plains: Jay Larson
4:30 Jay Larson arrives
We need at least one director from SAC to volunteer to arrive at 4:30 also to be with Jay Larson at all
5:00 SAC Directors arrive
5:30 Jay begins sound check
SAC Directors and Committee have warm-up run through of jobs and positions
6:00 Doors to ballroom open
7:00 Show starts at 7:00 8:00 Jay ends his show
Jay begins his Q&A session
8:30 Jay ends his Q&A session
8:45 SAC Meet and Great
9:15 Meet and Great ends
Clean up begins 10:00 Clean up ends
Special Projects Committee:
1) Steps to planning an event:
1. Brainstorm ideas 2. Contact vendors for pricing 3. Pick dates 4. Book location 5. Buy supplies 6. Fill shifts 7. Publicize 8. Submit day-of timeline 9. Contact vendor (if necessary) to confirm/remind them of any responsibilities they have 10. Run event and thank all those involved
For cooking workshops:
1. Brainstorm ideas
2. Find chef 3. Book Spidle kitchen (room 238) 4. Arrange who is responsible for supplies 5. Fill shifts 6. Publicize 7. Put sign up sheet in AUSC suite 3130 (1 week before) 8. Email participants day-of to remind them of the workshop
2) Rules or information needed for different venues
Spidle Hall Room 238: GTA is required to be present for the duration of the workshop to supervise and answer
questions. He has to be paid $100.
AUSC: All food must be ordered through Tiger Catering.
3) Samples or guidelines
Day of time line:
Cooking Workshop A la Mode – Day of Event Timeline (Feb 20, 2014)
Meet Malisa to help unload groceries
Bring sign-up sheet, waivers, promo items (calendars) and paper towels Show Malisa around the kitchen, and answer any questions
Preheat ovens
Set up sign in table
Set out cold ingredients
Let students enter and choose stations
5:30pm – Event Begins
Introduce myself, AD's, and Malisa Assist as needed during event
Take out ice cream and let students eat pie
8pm – Event Ends
Thank Malisa for coming, and ask if she would like to teach the cake decorating workshop
Help her load anything extra into her car
Bring extra promo items and scanners back to the office
Girls Night Out – Day of Event Timeline (Feb 6, 2014)
Tables and chairs set up in AUSC Ballroom (A side)
o 6 tables for workers, 6 tables for guests
Directors meet in the office
Check on set-up Bring supplies to ballroom
Get ipod hookup and microphone from Foy desk
Tiger catering set-up
Set up ipod and perform sound check
Set up sign up table
Bring any promotional items Start putting up decorations
5:30pm – Committee Arrives
Madeline, Morgan, Rachel
Masseuse and make-up women from Dillard's arrive
Help masseuses and makeup setup
India arrives
Finalize setup
6:00pm – Event begins
Allow students to enter At least 2 AD/committee members should be inside to answer questions and help with flow
7:00pm – 1st shift ends
Morgan and Rachel leave, Madeline stays
8:00pm – Event Ends
Thank masseuse and Dillard's women for their time
Help them load out
Begin clean up
8:30pm – Committee leaves
Finish clean up
Bring extra promo items and scanners back to the office
Technical Productions Committee:
1) Overview
Technical Productions is one of the support committee for UPC. As a support committee, Tech does not plan or
organize events. The primary role of tech is to provide sound, lighting, and video support for concerts, speakers,
movie screenings, and many other types of events.
2) Equipment
Tech has a closet located on the loading dock to store its equipment. All of Tech's equipment is stored here.
Tech has at its disposal two sounds systems, one small and one large. A video projection system for outdoor
movies, and an LED lighting system. An overview of each system is given below. This is obviously just any
overview and does not restrict the equipment's use to any one ‘system'.
The small PA consists of two QSC 112 on tri-pod stands, two QSC 112 for montors, a 20ch
Yamaha rackmount mixer, a 16ch snake, wireless microphones, and CD player.
The large PA consists of 2 QSC KW153 top boxes, 2 QSC KW118 subs, 4 QSC 112 monitors in
addition to the outboard gear listed above.
The video system consist of a 16x9 DaLite front projection screen, blu-ray player and 2,000
lumen projector.
The lighting system consists of a 48/96 ch ETC SmartFade console and 8 Elation OptiPar LEDs.
Various size mic stands
Assortment of vocal and instrument microphones
XLR, 1/4, DMX, Power, etc cables
2 6" 4x4 risers
Aluminum Truss
3) Typical Events
Open Mic Night
Open mic night is a monthly event in Starbucks. Open mic night allows performers to come sings,
speak, play instruments etc. For this event tech typically brings the small PA a few LED lights, truss with banner, and an assortment of mics. The event is very casual and is treated like so. There are no rehearsals or sound checks, each performer comes up to the stage and performs, with tech providing any assistance as needed with microphones, iPods, CDs, direct boxes etc.


Screen on the Green
The screen on the green is a movie on the green space. This system can use the small or large PA
depending on the crowd. The screen is setup center of the transits stop facing out toward the green space. The PA is placed either side of the screen. Concert in the Ballroom
The ballroom has its own stage. The large PA is usually placed on the stage for a concert. The ballroom
is used for large and small concerts so the gear will be application specific. In the picture below UPC's PA was used and additional lights and a digital console were rented.
Battle of the Bands

Battle of the bands is an annual event on Cater Lawn. Some tech directors have chosen to do this event
themselves by renting larger PA and a digital console, some have chosen to do it with UPC's equipment. It is recommended that if the Director is not very experience with mixing for large bands that this event (and most other large concerts) be contracted out to one of the contacts listed below.
Tiger Nights Committee:
1) List of General steps for planning a Tiger Nights Event:
1. Pick all dates at least 5 months in advance to reserve the Ballroom/Student center or any other venue
you will be using.
2. Pick a theme 3. Decide what activities, novelties, performances should come. Pick companies accordingly (the internet
is a great resource, not all previous companies have been good fits.)
4. Send out emails to the companies that will provide the activities, novelties, performances etc. so that
contracts can be written.
5. Plan decorations: Balloon columns, table cloths, other decorations. 6. Order food from Tiger Catering within the realm of the theme. 7. Order T-shirts for event. You will need a sketch of the image that you want as well as the color of the
8. Purchase Advertising giveaways 9. Paint bill-boards 10. Design Layout and other signs. Order at least 1 week before. 11. Advertise for event at least 1 week before, usually 2 weeks before. 12. Make day of event time-line 13. ENJOY TIGER NIGHTS!
- All Contracts will need to go through your GA. - Debbie Hood is the contact for all things in the student center, layout questions, dos and don'ts of the
student center etc.
Student Center Rules:
- No outside food is allowed in the student center - No animals are allowed in the student center - Things cannot be taped to the walls - All exits and entrances must remain open and usable
Volunteers Committee:
1) Checklist of Responsibilities
Plan Welcome Week Block Party
o Coordinate plans and delegate tasks with our co-sponsors: First Year Experience, Office of
Diversity and Multicultural Affairs, Student Alumni Association, and Auburn Ignited
o Budget all expenses for the Block Party (budget is separate from Volunteers budget) o Send thank you cards to all participants after event
Organize and execute UPC interest sessions
o Update PowerPoint presentation with recent events before presenting
Modify Committee Applications
Organize and Conduct Committee Interviews
o Solidify interview format, questions, location, sign-ups, and selections
Plan Committee Retreat
o Food and supplies for retreat come from Volunteers Committee Budget o Determine the games and activities and establish an itinerary o Collect calendars and committee specific contact information to compile committee members'
Committee T-Shirts
o Committee-wide t-shirts come from the Volunteers Committee Budget remaining from previous
year if enough funds are available. At the end of your term, remember to leave funds for the next administration to expedite the t-shirt process. Otherwise, funds will not become available until new budgets in October.
Monthly Summits
o Plan the activities to be featured at each month's summit. Some leadership and professionalism
building activities have included resume and business attire workshops, team-building exercises, and interview skills presentations.
Committee Socials and Retention Initiatives
o Some recent socials and initiatives have included prizes for committee competitions, UPScream
(Halloween Social), Dirty Santa Tacky Sweater Talent Show Extravaganza (Christmas Social), UPSpring (Spring Mini-Social), committee surveys, raffles, committee certificates, and Committee Member of the Year Awards
Organizing UPC's involvement in campus-wide initiatives (Beat Bama Food Drive, AU Dance
o I.e. plan committee canned food drive competition and form team for AUDM
Maintaining and updating the UPC Cub
2) Sample Timeline: Fall 2013-2014
Block Party Planning: Friday of Welcome Week
August 23rd , 6:30-9:30 pm
Greenspace; Student Center (Rain Location)
Brainstorm Inflatables
Brainstorm Entertainment/Side Acts
o DJ o Tiger Paws o AU Cheerleaders o AU Rhythm o Miss AU o AU Singers o AU Capella o Aubie o Fraternities and Sororities
Contact Co-Sponsors via Email
o FYE- Melissa Sparrow Dunn o ODMA- Jocelyn Vickers o SAA-Amanda Hodge o Auburn Ignited- Eli Wilkerson
Decide on a date for everything to be finalized
Committee Application
o Application posted: Saturday, August 17th o Applications due: Friday, August 30st o Information Sessions: August 26th- 27th (Tentatively)
i. Develop updated power point presentation
o Interviews: September 3rd -5th
i. Determine interview rooms and times
o List posted: September 6th o Committee Retreat: September 8th
Email survey to directors to get feedback on potential returning committee
Discuss new application content
Determine how many members each committee needs and requests.
Request directors to e-mail upcoming finalized fall committee meeting times by
Establish communication methods for the summer
Email, Skype, Google+, and/or ooVoo
Browse binder for the previous year's interview questions
Brainstorm new interview questions
Establish virtual meeting dates with co-sponsors
o Freshman Year Experience Office (FYE) o Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs (ODMA) o Student Alumni Association o Auburn Ignited
Check in permits are needed
o Greenspace o Sound Permit o Student Center Permits o Rooms o Facilities
o FYE has offered to contact DJ Holleywood o Discuss at co-sponsor meetings
o Contact possible donors o Discuss at co-sponsor meetings o Last year's donors:
o Ballroom is reserved for rain location
Interest Sessions
Reserve Rooms
Committee Retreat
Brainstorm Team Building Activities
o Create Obstacle Course/ Dodgeball Tournament
III. June
Committee Applications
Make any corrections that have not been made
Send to Executive Board, Graduate Assistants, and Director for approval
Revise Volunteer Assignments and Load In/Load Out Plan
Create a task outline for co-sponsors and members Schedule a virtual meetings/ conference calls with co-sponsors Contact Entertainment/ Acts
Committee Retreat
Order name tags and folders for committee members
Committee Applications
Finalize Applications
Plan Scoring Fairness Workshop
Submit Publicity Request to Publicity Director
o Flyers and Posters
Finalize Itinerary
o Performance times o Descriptions of acts for DJ
V. August
Finalize all Block Party items and have final meeting with co-sponsors
Put flyers, yard signs, and posters out
o Establish designated spots the week before classes and Block Party
Interest Sessions
Confirm room reservations
Print application flyers Come up with presentation speech
Have a test run with the Power Point
Make a list of supplies that are needed
o Brochures, UPC freebies, Laptop
Prepare giveaways and handbills for application link Get council to sign up to work the table
Application Process
Put out Interview Sign-ups 1st day applications are accepted: Monday, August 19th
o Have interview and greeter sign-ups for Council (Put in email before
o Finalize score sheets o Create supply list: pens, highlighters, paper clips, binders, hole puncher o Sign easels directing students to Interview Rooms o Enter scores into database o Committee selection day/ reviewing scores: September 5th (after final
o Dress code: Business Casual o Make Reminder slips to give out at the end of Interview
i. Time, date and location of the announcement of postings
ii. Committee Retreat date
iii. List of all committee meeting times that will be within the next
o Have Snack/Beverages for Council conducting Interviews
Committee Retreat
Begin finalizing activities
Create an itinerary for Council members to follow
Plan out Committee Member Folders
Remind Directors to make contact lists and committee schedules for folders
VI. September
Committee Postings: September 6th
Committee Retreat
Put together folders for committee members
o Letter from the President
o Calendar of Fall UPC Events o Council contact information
Finalize Leadership Activity
Finalize team-building activities/ games
Remember nametags and sharpies for committee members
Remind Directors to make committee signs
Committee T-shirt Design Contest
Tell them about contest at retreat
Designs Due: Monday, September 23rd
Think of prize for winning committee
VII. October
Halloween-themed Committee Summit
Members dress up in Halloween costumes Fashion show with runway costume contest
o Prize for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners
Halloween themed snacks and beverages
Beat Bama Food Drive
Mid-October to mid-November and benefits the East Alabama Food Bank
500 can goal for UPC
Take the number of cans brought by a committee and divide by the number of its
members to calculate percentage points
o Pizza party to the committee with the most cans, but they had to have a
minimum of 50 cans.
Begin Committee Evaluations
Volunteers Observation Form
Committee Feedback Survey
Follow Ups with Directors
Committee Socials at Meetings
Exec, Graduate Advisors, and Advisors
VIII. November
Committee Socials at Meetings
Major Entertainment
"Deck the Halls" Holiday Decorating Contest
Each committee gets an area to decorate
End of November Winner gets cookie decorating social at committee meeting
Thanksgiving Pie Eating Contest
Pumpkin Pie, Pecan Pie, Apple Pie, & Lemon Meringue Pie
IX. December
Snacks and stress relievers in office
X. January
Committee Socials
Public Relations
XI. February
Committee Socials
Research and Evaluations
Speakers and Comedians
FUNdraiser for Dance Marathon
All-Committee Movie Night: Romantic Comedy
XII. March
Committee Socials
Special Projects
Technical Productions
Tiger Nights
Teams will participate in a day of community service
Send Emails to Committee
XIII. April
Plan final Summit
Committee Member Appreciation
Distribute and Collect Evaluations
3) Sample: Block Party Co-sponsorship tasks
- Supplying Food
- Reserving Facilities
- Reserving Interactive Attractions
- Filling out forms
- Contacted Speakers and Entertainment:
-Miss Auburn University
- AU Cheerleaders
-NPHC Fraternities and Sororities
- Invited Other Organizations and Departments:
-Campus Recreation
-Career Services
Auburn Ignited (Requests)
- Contacting an athletic speaker
- Reserving a trophy for photographs
- Providing Raffle Items
First Year Experience
- Contacting half of vendors
- Assisting with Publicity
- Creating the volunteer assignments spreadsheet
- Creating the map
- Creating the final agenda for the planning committee
- Making the initial contact with Keith Holley (DJ Holleywood)
Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs
- AU Rhythm
- Volunteers
Student Alumni Association
- Contacting half of vendors
- Providing Raffle Items
3) Sample Block Party Overview
Confirmed Entertainment/ Side Acts:
DJ Holleywood: Music and Emcee
Tiger Paws
AU Cheerleaders
AU Rhythm
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
(Requested to perform at 6:45 or sooner)
Campus Recreation Dance Crew
(1st performance in the 6:30-8:00pm window; 2nd performance in the 8:00- 9:30pm window)
Miss Auburn Tara Jones
(Requested to speak at 8:00pm)
Interactive Attractions and Activities:
Robo Surfer
Slam n Jam
Bungee Run
Raptor Center Birds
Cake Walk
Corn Hole Tournament
Pictures with Heisman Trophy
Police and EMT:
4 Officers and 1 EMT
Pannie George's
Pizza Schmizza
Smoothie King
Wing Zone
Food (Provided by UPC):
30 gallons of tea (Tiger Catering)
30 gallons of lemonade (Tiger Catering)
Hot Dogs
Gigi's Cupcakes
Sodas and Water
(2) 6ft tables- DJ Holleywood
(1) Table for Rec Sports
Tech Requests:
Power supply, sound system, and wireless microphone- DJ Holleywood
Sound Permit Approved
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