Palliative Care
2014 - 2017
This formulary for pain and symptom
management in adults is intended as a guide
for prescribers in hospital and community.
Special care should be taken when
prescribing strong opioids, particularly in opioid
naïve patients, because of the risk of
respiratory depression. The dose and
frequency should be carefully stated on the
prescription. For further guidance see BNF.
Many drugs listed are unlicensed in their use or
route and as such the clinician takes personal
responsibility for prescribing.
If symptoms are not controlled, please
contact Specialist Palliative Care for advice.
Advice should be sought early to avoid
symptom crisis - see contact numbers, page 11.
When prescribing for Barnsley patients out of
hours this formulary should be adhered to.
Management of Pain
Management of Symptoms
Pre-emptive prescribing 7
Syringe Drivers
Core Drug Stockist Scheme 10
Key for 14 days supply: £: <£5 ££: £5-25 £££: >£25
Consider patient's TOTAL PAIN
Physical + Psychological + Spiritual + Social
Assess pain using a pain assessment tool—professionals should use a
tool with which they are familiar such as a verbal rating scale (VRS) or
visual analogue scale (VAS)
Non Opioid (Paracetamol 1g qds)
+ Strong Opioid (see page 2)
If pain persists or increases
Non Opioid (Paracetamol 1g qds)
+ Weak Opioid (Codeine Phosphate 30-60mg qds
Or Tramadol 50-100mg qds)
If pain persists or increases
Non Opioid (Paracetamol 1g qds)
NB: Analgesia should be prescribed on a regular basis.
Co-prescribe laxatives at Steps 2 and 3 (see page 5)
Usual max
oral dose
Codeine Phosphate £
Morphine is NOT recommended in renal failure; seek specialist
Paracetamol £ AND
Strong opioid to replace Step 2 weak opioid
Oral Morphine Solution £ (Oramorph ® 10mg/5ml): 2.5mg - 10mg every
(previous opioid use - see conversion chart)
Co-prescribe laxatives (see page 5) plus anti-emetic,
eg Haloperidol £ 0.5-1mg PRN
Once pain stabilised on a regular 4 hourly Oral Morphine Solution,
calculate total dose given over previous 24 hours (regular plus PRN)
Administer in two divided doses as twice daily
Modified Release Morphine £ (e.g. Zomorph ®) .
Co-prescribe Oral Morphine Solution PRN of 1-4 hourly equivalent to
approximately 1/6th total daily dose of Modified Release Morphine.
Oxycodone ££ available as:
Immediate Release Oxycodone (OxyNorm® Liquid 5mg/5ml) and
Modified Release Oxycodone (OxyContin ®)
NB OxyNorm® is also available as Concentrate 10mg/ml. Prescription of
this in error has led to cases of respiratory arrest.
To convert from subcutaneous diamorphine to subcutaneous morphine
multiply by 1.5
NB Conversion varies widely between individual patients
1. Fentanyl ££
Fentanyl patches (each patch over 72 hrs)
Fentanyl is a potent opioid - a 25microgram/hr patch is equivalent to up to
90mg/day Oral Morphine
Fentanyl is not suitable for unstable pain and should NOT be used as a
1st line strong opioid. It is more likely to cause respiratory depression than
oral opioids.
Fentanyl is hepatically cleared. It is suitable for use in end stage renal
failure but may accumulate in hepatic failure and cause respiratory
Seek specialist advice if the Fentanyl dose exceeds 75microgram/hr
When converting to Fentanyl from:
Modified Release Morphine 12 hourly:
Apply the first patch at the same time as taking the final dose of Modified
Release Morphine
For terminal management DO NOT REMOVE FENTANYL PATCH. Pa-
tients may require additional SC opioid via syringe driver: seek specialist
Dose Conversion for Fentanyl
Oral Morphine
Fentanyl patch
2. Buprenorphine ££
Buprenorphine can be considered to be equipotent with Fentanyl
It is not renally cleared so is suitable for use in end stage renal failure
Buprenorphine may cause less Opioid Induced Hyperalgesia (OIH) than
other opioids (see page 5)
It is available in two formulations: BuTrans® 7 day patch or Transtec®
twice weekly patch
Buprenorphine is not suitable for unstable pain
BuTrans® may be useful for patients in the community who have been
using a weak opioid and are no longer able to swallow
See section on syringe drivers on page 8
Alfentanil ££ may be useful for patients with renal impairment (eGFR <30)
for whom a patch is not suitable. Alfentanil has a short half-life so PRN
doses may need to be given every 30 minutes
Adjuvant analgesics are recommended at all 3 steps of the analgesic
Neuropathic pain (neuro-modulatory agents):
Amitriptyline £ 10mg nocte increasing to 75mg nocte (larger doses may
be used by specialists). Caution in cardiac disease and patients aged
Gabapentin £, Pregabalin ££ or Duloxetine ££ - see titration in BNF but
caution in elderly and renal impairment
Clonazepam, Ketamine and other drugs may be used - seek specialist
advice. A shared care guideline with Barnsley Hospice exists for
Bone pain:
Consider neuro-modulatory agents as above
NSAIDs (e.g. Ibuprofen £ or Naproxen £) +/- gastroprotection as per local
Raised intracranial pressure:
Dexamethasone 8mg bd for 5 days titrating down according to symptoms/
response. Discuss with Oncologist re radiotherapy
Consider gastroprotection; steroids alone do not significantly increase
risk of GI bleed Initiate anticonvulsants after first seizure; Levatiracetam
250mg od starting dose is recommended - consider specialist
Hepatic distension syndrome (liver capsule pain):
First line: follow WHO analgesic ladder
If pain uncontrolled, consider Dexamethasone under specialist advice.
Monitor closely for steroid induced side effects e.g. hyperglycaemia,
proximal myopathy
All patients on opioids will have small pupils; this alone does not
Always co-prescribe a laxative (softener plus stimulant) - see page 5.
Expect a sedative effect for the first 2-3 days after starting opioids. If
this persists consider seeking specialist advice. Patients may require an
opioid switch, dose reduction or/and addition of an adjuvant. Specialists
may initiate Methylphenidate to counteract sedation.
Nausea and vomiting:
Nausea and vomiting may occur for first 5-7 days (30% of patients).
Consider co-prescription of PRN anti-emetics.
Review regularly as anti-emetics may not be required long term.
eg Haloperidol 0.5-1mg PRN (maximum 2.5mg over 24 hours)
This is commonly mild, and may include sedation, myoclonus and vague
hallucinations (patients report seeing ‘shadows on their shoulders'). May
respond to opioid switch/use of adjuvants. Seek specialist advice.
Significant respiratory depression is rare with chronic oral opioid
Do not administer naloxone without seeking specialist advice.
Do not administer naloxone unless RR<8 AND Oxygen sats <92%
Naloxone use in palliative care:
Dilute a standard ampoule containing 400microgram to 10mL with 0.9%
Administer 0.5mL (20microgram) i.v. every 2 minutes until respiratory
status satisfactory
Exclude other possible causes before attributing to opioids. Seek advice.
Opioid induced hyperalgesia (OIH):
Increasing pain with rapidly escalating opioids. Seek specialist advice.
Consider cause and non-drug management
Perform rectal examination
Prevention and maintenance:
Prescribe softener plus stimulant, eg:
Docusate £ 100mg caps and Senna £. Titrate as needed.
Co-danthramer ££ 25/200 mg capsules 1 bd increasing according to
response (also available in liquid form 1 caps = 5ml suspension and
Co-danthramer Strong ££ 37.5/500 micrograms)
Macrogols and Lactulose are often poorly tolerated; patients rarely have
adequate additional fluid intake for these to be effective
Rectal: Suppositories:
Bisacodyl £ 10mg -20mg od
Glycerin £ 1-2 od or
Sodium Citrate £ Micro-enema PRN
Phosphate enema ££ PRN
Oral: Macrogols (Laxido ®) ££ up to 8 sachets daily have been used
Consider cause (for example constipation)
Hyoscine butylbromide £ SC 20mg 1-2 hrly PRN
Hyoscine butylbromide £ 60mg -120mg/24 hrs SC via syringe driver plus
20mg PRN 1-2 hrly
Nausea and vomiting:
Consider cause and non drug management
Exclude bowel obstruction
Consider SC route early - convert to oral route once symptoms resolved
Ondansetron £££ should not be used 1st line—specialist prescription
only; causes constipation
Haloperidol £ 0.5-1mg PRN, 2.5mg -5mg SC /24 hours
- good for metabolic causes
Cyclizine £ 50mg tds or 50mg - 150mg/24 hrs in syringe driver
- do not co-prescribe Domperidone/Metoclopramide
Domperidone £ 10mg - 20mg oral every 4-8 hours or 30mg -60mg PR
useful in gastric stasis
Metoclopramide £ 10mg - 20mg tds oral or 30mg - 100mg/24 hours via
- useful for gastric stasis
- do not co-prescribe Cyclizine
NB recent guidelines about maximum dose and duration of
metoclopramide are deemed not to apply to palliative care
Levomepromazine ££ 6.25mg -12.5mg nocte orally
6.25mg stat or 12.5mg -25mg SC via syringe driver
2nd line - broad spectrum, sedating
Consider cause and remember non drug management. A fan is as good
as oxygen in palliative care patients who are breathless but not hypoxic.
Avoid prescribing oxygen in patients who are not hypoxic (O2 sat >92%).
Oral Immediate Release opioids (Oramorph ®/OxyNorm ®) titrated
according to response using minimal doses e.g. 1mg PRN
Lorazepam tablet £ 0.5mg - 1mg oral or sublingual (maximum 2mg in 24
hours) if associated with anxiety
Consider reversible causes (for example hypercalcaemia, constipation,
urinary retention) and non-drug management
Haloperidol 0.5-1mg prn 4 hourly
Lorazepam 0.5-1mg bd – tds (can be given via sublingual route)
Midazolam can be used under specialist advice
Haloperidol 2.5mg stat or 5-10mg/24 hours in a driver
Levomepromazine 12.5mg stat or 12.5-50mg/24 hours in syringe driver
Midazolam 2.5mg stat or 10mg -30mg/24 hours in syringe driver
Higher doses of both drugs can be used under specialist advice.
Oral thrush:
Ensure good oral hygiene and denture care
Nystatin ££/Nystan ® £ 5mL qds
Miconazole £ gel 5 -10mL qds if end of life/unable to tolerate nystatin
Fluconazole ££ 50mg od for 7 days
Please refer to local mouthcare guidelines
Excessive respiratory secretions:
Hyoscine butylbromide 20mg stat or prn or 60mg – 120mg/24 hours via
Hyoscine hydrobromide ££ patch 1mg/72 hours
Can cause confusion and drowsiness
Symptoms may be non-specific e.g.
If Ca>2.8mmol/l and symptomatic;
admit to rehydrate if necessary and
then Zoledronate 4mg IV.
METASTATIC SPINAL CORD Early detection is key. Refer to NICE
guidelines. Any patient with symptoms
suggestive of spinal metastases and
neurological symptoms such as
radicular pain, limg weakness or
difficulty walking needs referral
immediately. Objective neurological
examination may be normal.
Dexamethasone 8mg bd. Discuss with
spinal surgeon on-call/oncologist.
Dexamethasone 8mg bd. Discuss with
oncologist/ Interventional radiologist
regarding stent.
CATASTROPHIC TERMINAL Sit patient up and give reassurance. If
time, consider Morphine 10mg IV/SC
and Midazolam 5-20mg IV/SC.
On call Acute Oncologist 7 days, 9am - 5pm: 07949 021449
Out of hours via Sheffield Teaching Hospitals: 0114 271 1900
These are a guide for prescribing for patients not currently requiring
opioids or antiemetics. For other patients, please seek advice.
Morphine sulphate 10mg/mL injection 2.5-5mg sc hourly PRN
For pain or dyspnoea
Supply 5 x 10mg/mL vials
Midazolam 10mg/2mL injection 2.5-5mg sc hourly PRN
For agitation, distress or dyspnoea
Supply 5 x 10mg/2mL vials
Hyoscine butylbromide 20mg/mL injection 20mg sc hourly PRN
For respiratory secretions or colic
Supply 5 x 20mg/mL vials
Seek advice over 120mg/24 hours
Haloperidol 5mg/mL injection 0.5-1mg sc 2-4 hourly PRN max 5mg/24
For nausea or agitation/delirium
Supply 5 x 5mg/mL vials
Seek advice over 5mg/24 hours
Also supply water for injection 10mL x 5 vials
Compatibility information for mixing two drugs
Drugs listed below for use in a syringe driver should be diluted with
water for injection. If more than two drugs are used, please seek
specialist advice or see
Strong opioids, i.e.
Hyoscine butylbromide
For others, seek advice
Hyoscine butylbromide
Hyoscine butylbromide
Hyoscine butylbromide
Hyoscine butylbromide
Hyoscine butylbromide
All combinations should be checked for signs of precipitation before and
The compatibility of some combinations listed is concentration dependent:
Cyclizine in particular can cause any other drugs to precipitate at high
Syringe drivers and sites must be checked 4-hourly for irritation; once skin
is irritated absorption of drugs may be affected.
The following is a list of core palliative care drugs that a number of
pharmacies across Barnsley have agreed to keep in stock. When
medication is required urgently prescribers should therefore try to
prescribe from within this list when possible at the set vial doses or
tablet sizes.
Clonazepam tablets 500microgram
Cyclizine injection 50mg/mL
Dexamethasone injection 4mg/mL
Dexamethasone tablets 2mg
Domperidone suppositories 30mg
Haloperidol injection 5mg/mL
Hyoscine butylbromide injection 20mg/mL
Hyoscine hydrobromide patches 1mg
Levomepromazine tablets 25mg
Levomepromazine injection 25mg/mL
Metoclopramide 10mg/2mL
Midazolam injection 10mg/2mL
Morphine injection 10mg/mL, 30mg/mL
Oxycodone/OxyNorm® liquid 5mg/5mL
OxyNorm® injection 10mg/mL
Water for injection 10mL
three times daily
four times daily
stat - immediately
SC - subcutaneous
Community Macmillan Specialist Palliative Care Team:
Monday - Friday, 9.00am - 5.00pm
01226 433580 or 01226 730000 Ext 3580
Saturday/Sunday/Bank Holidays, 9.00 am - 5.00 pm
Hospital Specialist Palliative Care Team:
Monday - Friday, 8.30am - 4.30pm
01226 434921 or 01226 730000 Ext 4921
Call to be made by senior practitioner
01226 244244 (nights, weekends and bank holidays)
Drug Information Centre:
Monday - Friday, 9.00 am - 5.00 pm
01226 432857 or 01226 730000 Ext 2857
Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Palliative Care Information Websites:
This formulary was produced by a multidisciplinary working party with
representatives from primary and secondary care. The formulary will be
reviewed and updated on a regular basis.
Back, I N 2001 – Palliative Medicine Handbook 3rd Edition – BPM Books,
BNF 66 September 2013 - BMA RPSGB
Dickman A, Schneider J, Varga J 2005 – The Syringe Driver 2nd
Edition – Oxford University Press
Oxford Handbook of Palliative Care 2nd Edition
Oxford Handbook of Palliative Drugs 3rd Edition
Twycross R, et al (2011) - Palliative Care Formulary 4th Edition Radcliffe
Twycross R, Wilcock A (2001) – Symptom Management in Advanced
Cancer 4th Edition - Radcliffe Press, Oxon
How Does Psychotherapy Influence Personality?A Theoretical Integration John D. MayerUniversity of New Hampshire A given type of psychotherapy (e.g., psychodynamic) is associated with aset of specific change techniques (e.g., interpreting defenses, identifyingrelationship themes). Different change techniques can be conceived of asinfluencing different parts of personality (e.g., interpreting defense increasesconscious awareness). An integrated model of personality is presented.Then, change techniques from different theoretical perspectives are assignedby judges to areas of personality the techniques are believed to influence.The results suggest that specific change techniques can be reliably sortedinto the areas of personality. Thinking across theoretical perspectives leadsto important new opportunities for assessment, therapy outcome research,and communication with patients concerning personality change. ©2004Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Psychol 60: 1291–1315, 2004.
LIECHTENSTEINER VATERLAND DONNERSTAG, 3. MAI 2012 29 Ein aktiver Wanderer kommt zurück erwartetNew York. – Eines der berühmtes- Sie sind zurück – die pelzigen ten Gemälde der modernen Kunst und fleissigen Nager. Am Mitt- kam in der zurückliegenden Nacht wochabend führte Holger Frick,