J Bioenerg Biomembr (2009) 41:85–94DOI 10.1007/s10863-009-9199-5
Purinergic signalling in rat GFSHR-17 granulosa cells:an in vitro model of granulosa cells in maturing follicles
Willem Bintig & Judith Baumgart & Wilhelm J. Walter &Alexander Heisterkamp & Holger Lubatschowski &Anaclet Ngezahayo
Received: 18 October 2008 / Accepted: 21 January 2009 / Published online: 4 February 2009
# Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2009
Abstract Purinergic signalling in rat GFSHR-17 granulosa
Keywords Granulosa cells . Purinergic receptors .
cells was characterised by Ca2+-imaging and perforated
Cl− channels . Follicle maturation . Perforated patch-clamp .
patch-clamp. We observed a resting intracellular Ca2+-
concentration ([Ca2+]i) of 100 nM and a membranepotential of −40 mV. This was consistent with high K+−and Cl− permeability and a high intracellular Cl− concen-
tration of 40 mM. Application of ATP for 5–15 s every 3min induced repeated [Ca2+]i increases and a 30 mV
Granulosa cells form a monolayer that surrounds oocytes in
hyperpolarization. The phospholipase C inhibitor U73122
primary follicles. Upon external stimulation, granulosa cells
or the IP3-receptor antagonist 2-aminoethoethyl diphenyl
begin to proliferate simultaneously with an increase in
borate suppressed ATP responses. Further biochemical and
oocyte volume. Proliferating granulosa cells express FSH
pharmacological experiments revealed that ATP responses
receptors as this hormone begins to be secreted by the
were related to stimulation of P2Y2 and P2Y4 receptors and
pituitary gland. The proliferation of the granulosa cells and
that the [Ca2+]i increase was a prerequisite for hyperpolar-
the volume increase in the oocyte correlate with the
ization. Inhibitors of Ca2+-activated channels or K+ channels
reorganization of the follicle. An antral cavity is formed,
did not affect the ATP-evoked responses. Conversely,
which contains a fluid consisting of water, ions and many
inhibitors of Cl− channels hyperpolarized cells to −70 mV
other components such as peptides. The antral fluid is
and suppressed further ATP-evoked hyperpolarization. We
secreted by the granulosa cells via a mechanism that remains
propose that P2Y2 and P2Y4 receptors in granulosa cells
to be elucidated. The granulosa cells of the maturing follicles
modulate Cl− permeability by regulating Ca2+-release.
express receptors for pituitary hormones and other physio-logical ligands such as ATP. It has been shown that ATP, atphysiologically relevant concentrations, stimulates an in-crease in the intracellular free Ca2+-concentration ([Ca2+]i)
W. Bintig A. Ngezahayo (
(Tai et al. ) and that ATP modulates K+ as well as
Institute of Biophysics, Leibniz University Hannover,
Cl− channels in cumulus cell-enclosed oocytes mainly
Herrenhäuser-Str. 2,
composed of granulosa cells (Arellano et al. These
D-30419 Hannover, Germanye-mail:
[email protected]
findings demonstrate the expression of purinergic receptorsby granulosa cells.
J. Baumgart : A. Heisterkamp : H. Lubatschowski
Two families of purinergic receptors are known. The P2X
Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.,
Hollerithallee 8,
1–7), which are not sensitive to UTP, form a
D-30419 Hannover, Germany
family of related ionotropic receptors (King and Townsend-Nicholson The binding of ATP to P2X receptors
opens the channels and allows the flow of cations through
Molecular and Cell Physiology, Hannover Medical School,
the membrane, which can lead to increases in [Ca2+]
Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1,
D-30625 Hannover, Germany
P2Y receptor family consists of eight subtypes (P2Y1,
J Bioenerg Biomembr (2009) 41:85–94
P2Y2, P2Y4, P2Y6 and P2Y11–14) and belongs to the class
permeability of the cells to K+ and Cl−, which could be
of seven-transmembrane G-protein-coupled receptors
involved in the secretion of antral fluid. We also found that
(7TM-GPCRs). These receptors share a common membrane
Cl− permeability is modulated by P2Y2 and P2Y4 receptors
topology and the ability to stimulate various G-proteins.
via regulation of Ca2+-release from intracellular stores.
Like other metabotropic 7TM-GPCRs, the P2Y purinergicreceptors stimulate various intracellular signalling pathways(Abbracchio et al. ; King and Townsend-Nicholson
Materials and methods
von Kügelgen For instance, P2Y12–14 recep-tors block the synthesis of cAMP by inhibiting adenylyl
cyclase via the activation of Gi proteins. The P2Y1, P2Y2,P2Y4 and P2Y6 receptors act via the activation of Gq
If not otherwise stated, all chemicals and cell culture media
proteins, stimulate phospholipase C (PLC), and can be
were obtained from Sigma–Aldrich (Taufkirchen, Germany).
distinguished by their different agonists and inhibitors(Abbracchio et al. ; von Kügelgen , ). P2Y1
is not sensitive to UTP (Abbracchio et al. ; vonKügelgen P2Y11 is sensitive to UTP and
The rat GFSHR-17 granulosa cells (Keren et al. were
inhibited by reactive blue or suramin (Abbracchio et al.
seeded (2–5×105 cells/ml) on cover slips in petri dishes
King and Townsend-Nicholson ; von Kügelgen
containing Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium (DMEM)
White et al. ). However, P2Y11 receptor
supplemented with 5% foetal calf serum, penicillin and
gene is absent in murine and rat genome (Abbracchio et al.
streptomycin. Cells were cultivated at 37°C in a humidified
In rat cells such as GFSHR-17 granulosa cells, P2Y2
atmosphere containing 5% CO2. The culture medium was
and P2Y4 can be distinguished from other Gq coupled P2Y
renewed every 2–3 days. Cells were used for the experi-
receptors by their sensitivity to UTP and insensitivity to UDP.
ments 2–5 days after plating. The GFSHR-17 cells were
Conversely, P2Y6 can be stimulated by UDP and inhibited
used up to a total of 25 passages.
by reactive blue as well as by pyridoxal-phosphate-6-azophenyl-2′,4′-disulfonate (PPADS) (Abbracchio et al.
; Burnstock von Kügelgen , Atlow ATP concentration (<10 µM), the stimulation of P2Y2
A cover slip with cells was transferred to a superfusion
and P2Y4 receptors can be antagonized by reactive blue
chamber containing 0.5 ml of a bath solution composed of
(Wildman et al. ). P2Y2 and P2Y4 can be distinguished
(in mM) 121 NaCl, 5 KCl, 6 NaHCO3, 5.5 glucose, 0.8
by the P2Y4 sensitivity to Zn2+. Applied together with ATP,
MgCl2, 1.8 CaCl2, and 25 HEPES. The pH was adjusted to
Zn2+ blocked P2Y4 but does not affect P2Y2 (Wildman et al.
7.4 by addition of 10–15 mM NaOH. The chamber was
). The P2Y receptors that activate Gq stimulate PLC and
mounted on a Zeiss inverted microscope (Oberkochen,
thereby induce hydrolysis of the membrane phosphoinositol-
Germany). Cells were washed with 10 ml (2 ml/min) of the
4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) to yield inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate
bath solution and allowed to adapt to room temperature
(IP3) and 1,2-diacylglycerol (DAG). As an intracellular
(20–24°C) for at least 30 min. Perforated patch-clamp
second messenger, IP3 activates the IP3 receptor, a ligand-
configuration was established on single cells using a patch-
gated Ca2+ channel expressed in the ER membrane that
clamp amplifier EPC 7 (List Medical, Darmstadt, Germany).
releases Ca2+ into the cytosol when activated. The increased
A stock solution of 50 mg/ml amphothericin B in DMSO
[Ca2+]i is involved in stimulating various signal transduction
was diluted to 250 µg/ml in the pipette filling solution
pathways and, along with DAG, activates protein kinase C
composed of (in mM) 140 KCl, 5 NaCl, 1 MgCl2, 0.25
(PKC), which in turn stimulates various cellular activities
CaCl2, 0.5 EGTA, 1 glucose, and 10 HEPES (pH 7.4). A
such as proliferation. Ca2+ can also activate or inhibit
stable perforated patch-clamp configuration was achieved
Ca2+-sensitive ion channels and thus alter the membrane
within 3–5 min of the establishment of the cell-attached
potential. These alterations can be registered as hyperpolar-
patch-clamp configuration. The membrane potential was
ization or depolarization of the cell membrane.
registered in current-clamp mode. The data were filtered at
We used the perforated patch-clamp technique coupled
3 kHz and digitised at 10 kHz via an interface ITC 16
with imaging of [Ca2+]i by the Fura 2/AM ratiometric
(Instrutech, Minnesota, USA). Data acquisition and off-
method (Grynkiewicz et al. ) in rat GFSHR-17
line analyses were performed using the software Pulse
granulosa cells expressing FSH receptors. These cell line
Pulsefit (HEKA Electronics, Lamprecht, Germany), Excel
represents an in vitro model for rat granulosa cells in
(Microsoft, USA) and Origin (Microcal Software, Inc,
maturing follicle (Keren et al. ). We observed a high
Northampton, USA).
J Bioenerg Biomembr (2009) 41:85–94
Measurement of [Ca2+]i
containing (in mM): 137 NaCl, 20 Tris-HCl, 0.1% Tween(pH 7.5) and then incubated for 1–2 h with goat-anti-rabbit
Measurements of [Ca2+]i concentration were performed as
IgG secondary antibodies conjugated with alkaline phos-
described previously (Grynkiewicz et al. Ngezahayo
phatase and diluted to 1:500. Proteins were visualised
et al. ). Cells were loaded with Fura 2/AM (Calbiochem-
using Sigma Fast BCIP/NBT (5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl
Novabiochem, Schwalbach am Taunus, Germany) for 20–
phosphate/Nitro blue tetrazolium) followed by a final
30 min at room temperature. The Fura 2/AM loaded cells
washing step in H2O. During all washing steps and the
were then transferred to the superfusion chamber mounted on
incubations with primary and secondary antibody, milk
an inverted microscope (see above). Cells were then washed
(3%) was used to neutralize non-specific binding.
with the bath solution (2 ml/min) for at least 5 min to removeexternal Fura 2/AM. The dye in the cells was excited at340 nm and 380 nm using a monochromator polychrome II
(T.I.L.L. Photonics GmbH, Planegg, Germany) equipped witha 75 W XBO xenon lamp. The fluorescent images and
Stimulation of rat GFSHR-17 granulosa cells with ATP
intensities at 510 nm were registered with a digital CCDcamera (C4742-95, Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.; Japan) and
Repeated pulse applications of ATP (10–50 µM) to rat
used to calculate the fluorescence ratio (F340/F380). [Ca2+]i
GFSHR-17 granulosa cells every 3 min for 3–15 s
was estimated from F340/F380 ratio as described by
stimulated a repetitive increase in [Ca2+]i (Fig. a). This
Grynkiewicz et al. (using the program Aquacosmos
Ca2+ signal was characterized by an increase from a non-
(Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.; Japan). Agonists or inhib-
stimulated [Ca2+]i of about 100 nM to a maximum
itors were applied during electrophysiological as well as
concentration of approximately 200 nM within 5–10 s
Ca2+-imaging experiments using a Small Volume Perfusion
(Fig. The increase was followed by a decrease to the
System setup (Bioscience Tools, San Diego, USA).
initial concentration within 30 s. The ATP-related stimula-tion of [Ca2+]i increase could be repeated every 3 min by
applying ATP for less than 15 s (Fig. SimultaneousCa2+-imaging and membrane potential measurement using
To isolate the proteins, cells were collected from culture
the perforated patch-clamp technique revealed a resting
dishes in ice cold phosphate buffered solution (PBS)
membrane potential of approximately −40 mV. Application
containing (in mM): 137 NaCl, 2.7 KCl, 10 Na2HPO4,
of ATP induced a 10 mV depolarization of the cells
and 1.8 KH2PO4 (pH 7.4). After centrifugation at 500 g at
(Fig. ) followed by a hyperpolarization of approximately
4°C for 5 min, the supernatant was discarded and the cells
30 mV (Fig. c, Table The depolarization and hyper-
were diluted in a lysis buffer containing (in mM): 10 NaCl,
polarization corresponded to inward and outward current
25 HEPES, 2 EDTA, and protease inhibitors (aprotinin and
(results not shown). The GFSHR-17 are strongly coupled
phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride), (pH 7.5). Cells were then
via gap junctions (Ngezahayo et al. which renders
sonicated at 4°C for 10 min followed by a centrifugation
difficult to adequately space-clamp in order to measure the
step at 15,000 g at 4°C for 30 min. The supernatant was
currents through the single cell membrane. We therefore
again discarded and the pellet was dissolved in 30–50 µl of
measured the membrane potential in the current clamp
a solubilization buffer containing (in mM): 200 NaCl, 50
mode. The depolarization could also be induced by pressure
HEPES, protease inhibitors (pH 7.5). An equal volume of a
(superfusion with control bath solution). This was not
2% Chaps solution was added to the solubilization buffer,
observed in all experiments, and was most likely related to
and a centrifugation step was performed at 6,500 g at 4°C
pressure-dependent opening of gap junction hemichannels
for 10 min. The protein concentration in the supernatant
was estimated using the Bradford technique. For each
Extending the duration of the presence of ATP or reducing
experiment, samples containing 5–10 µg of protein were
the intervals between successive ATP applications compro-
applied to the SDS polyacrylamide gel and separated by
mised the ability to stimulate the cells, indicating a desensi-
electrophoresis. The separated proteins were transferred to a
tization of the receptors (Fig. For a ATP presence longer
nitrocellulose membrane using 1.2 mA/cm2 for 120 min.
than 1 min, the desensitization was characterised by a
Staining the nitrocellulose membrane was performed by
continuous reduction of the Ca2+ signal. The decline of the
overnight incubation at 4°C with the corresponding primary
signal began even when ATP was still present. The removal
anti-P2Y receptor antibodies (Alomone Labs Ltd., Jerusalem,
of ATP was not followed by a spontaneous recovery of
Israel) diluted to 1:1000 (P2Y2, 0.8 mg/ml) or 1:500 (P2Y4,
purinergic sensitivity. The recovery from the desensitization
0.3 mg/ml). The membrane was washed with TBST
took a long time of 30–60 min (Fig. d).
J Bioenerg Biomembr (2009) 41:85–94
Fig. 1 Intracellular Ca2+homeostasis in rat GFSHR-17granulosa cells. a Repeatedapplication of 25 µM ATP(bars) for 5–15 s every 3 mininduced a repetitive Ca2+ signal.
b Applying 25 µM ATP inducedan increase in [Ca2+]i and c adepolarization of approximately10 mV followed by a hyperpo-larization of approximately30 mV. A detailed analysisshowed that the depolarizationwas most likely unrelated toATP. The results in b and c areaverages, the error bars repre-sent the SEM for n=25 experi-ments, respectively. The resultin a is an average for n=42. Forclarity, the errors are not indi-cated but are comparable tothose shown in b. d Ca2+ signalsevoked by consecutive ATP ap-plication for 5 min each.
Depending on the delay of thesecond application, the ampli-tude and duration of the inducedCa2 signal was reduced in com-parison to the first one, indicat-ing a desensitization of thereceptors. To evoke a signalcomparable to the first one, adelay of 45–60 min wasrequested
The purinergic receptors of rat GFSHR-17 granulosa cells
receptors, which induce the release of Ca2+ from intracellularstores. To analyse whether the ATP-evoked [Ca2+]i-increase
Two families of purinergic receptors are known. There are
was related to an influx of Ca2+ from the extracellular
the ionotropic P2X receptors, which allow a Ca2+ influx
solution (i.e., P2X receptors) or to a Ca2+-release from
from the extracellular space, and the metabotropic P2Y
intracellular stores (i.e., P2Y receptors), ATP was applied in
Table 1 The values of the membrane potential predicted by the Goldmann–Hodgkin equation and measured values at various [K+]o in non-stimulated cells and in ATP-stimulated cells (25 µM)
Predicted Um (mV) with assumption
Predicted Um (mV) with assumption
that pK+ was increased (pK+=10)
that pCl− was decreased (pCl−=0.01)
−40.6±0.2 (n = 25) −71.1
−67.5±2.1 (n = 25)
−34.8±0.4 (n = 8)
−45.0±2.9 (n = 8)
−35.2±0.2 (n = 12)
−31.6±2.4 (n = 12)
−24.2±0.1 (n = 15)
−21.7±1.2 (n = 15)
For the calculation of Um, pK+ = pCl− =1, pNa+ =0.025, as well as intracellular concentrations for K+ =140 mM, Na+ =10 mM, Cl− =40 mM, andexternal concentrations for K+ =5–60 mM, Na+ =140 mM and Cl− =130 mM were assumed for non-stimulated cells. The results are average ± SEM

J Bioenerg Biomembr (2009) 41:85–94
the presence of EGTA in the external bath solution. We
P2X receptors, was equally efficient in stimulating the rat
found that the absence of Ca2+ in the bath solution did not
GFSHR-17 cells (Figs. b).
alter the ATP-evoked increase in [Ca2+]i, indicating a Ca2+-
In rat cells, P2Y2, P2Y4 and to a minor extend P2Y6 can
release from intracellular stores (Fig. ). This result suggests
be stimulated by UTP (Abbracchio et al. von
that the observed ATP-evoked response of rat GFSHR-17
Kügelgen The P2Y2, P2Y4 and P2Y6 receptors
granulosa cells was mainly due to P2Y receptors and not P2X
activate Gq proteins, which are linked to PLC, PIP2
receptors. Consistent with this conclusion, the application of
hydrolysis and increases in [Ca2+]i. We found that the Ca2+
P2X receptor agonists such as α, β-methyleneadenosine 5′-
signal could be completely suppressed by the PLC inhibitor
triphosphate lithium salt (α, β-meATP) did not induce any
U73122 or by the IP3 receptor blocker 2-aminoethoethyl
measurable changes in the [Ca2+]i concentration of the cells
diphenyl borate (2-APB; Calbiochem-Novabiochem,
(results not shown). Moreover, UTP which does not stimulate
Schwalbach am Taunus, Germany) (Fig. c). These results
Fig. 2 Pharmacological analysis of the ATP-related Ca2+ response in
suppress the ATP (5 µM) related stimulation. Zn2+ did not suppress
rat GFSHR-17 granulosa cells. a EGTA in the extracellular solution
the stimulation by 25 µM ATP which stimulated almost the whole cell
did not alter the Ca2+ response to 25 µM ATP. b UTP (25 µM) was
population. The experiments are representative of 36 cells (note the
equally efficient in stimulating the Ca2+ response. c The presence of
oscillating Ca2+ signal elicited by 5 µM ATP. This was observed in
U73122 (10 µM), an inhibitor of PLC or 2-APB (100 µM), an IP3
some cells. Currently we do not understand how such oscillations are
receptor antagonist, suppressed the Ca2+ response to ATP. The results
regulated). (E) P2Y2 and P2Y4 expression was analyzed by Western
are averages and the error bars represent the SEM for at least seven
blot. The P2Y2 and P2Y4 antibodies stained bands at 42 kDa and
experiments for each treatment. d Stimulation of the rat GFSHR-17
50 kDa, respectively (lanes 2 and 4). The bands were absent when
granulosa cells by 5 µM ATP. Some cells could be stimulated while
the primary antibodies were pre-absorbed with the respective antigenic
others could not. Within the responding population Zn2+ could
peptides (lanes 1 and 3)
J Bioenerg Biomembr (2009) 41:85–94
suggest the presence of only P2Y2, 4 and 6 receptor types. An
absence of any ligand induced an increase in [Ca2+]i
extended pharmacological battery showed that antagonists of
followed by the hyperpolarization of the cells (Fig. b, c).
P2Y6 receptors such as reactive blue or PPADS (Abbracchioet al. ; von Kügelgen did not affect ATP-evoked
Hyperpolarization of rat GFSHR-17 granulosa cells and ion
responses. Furthermore, UDP, the agonist of the P2Y6
receptor, was able to stimulate the cells, but only at a highconcentration of 200 µM (results not shown). These
In the perforated patch-clamp configuration, rat GFSHR-17
pharmacological experiments indicate that the observed
granulosa cells showed a resting membrane potential (Um)
ATP-dependent stimulation of the rat GFSHR-17 granulosa
of approximately −40 mV (Table We estimated the Um
cells was mainly related to the P2Y2 and P2Y4 receptors.
using the Goldmann–Hodgkin equation:
Working with low ATP concentration (5–10 µM), we
observed that the likelihood to stimulate the cells with ATP
m ¼ F ln pKþ Kþ
was reduced. Some cells responded while others did not.
Within the responding cell population, Zn2+ which is known
where p is the coefficient of membrane permeability to the
to inhibit P2Y4 receptors (Wildman et al. blocked the
respective ion and indices i and o indicate intracellular
response of some cells to stimulation with 5–10 µM ATP. At
and extracellular spaces, respectively. The gas constant
25 µM however, ATP was able to stimulate almost all cells
(8.314 J mol−1 K−1), the temperature in Kelvin (room
even in presence of 300 µM Zn2+ (Fig. d). We also
temperature: 295°K) and the Faraday constant (96,485 C
analyzed the expression of both molecules with western blot
mol−1) are represented by R, T, and F, respectively. In our
experiments. Monoclonal antibodies against P2Y2 and P2Y4
experiments, the extracellular bath solution contained 5 mM
receptors recognized molecules of about 42 kDa and 50 kDa,
K+, 140 mM Na+, and 130 mM Cl−. In the intracellular
respectively (Fig. e).
space, the values of 140 mM K+ and 10 mM Na+ were
Simultaneous [Ca2+]i imaging and electrophysiological
assumed. To achieve the observed resting potential of
measurements showed that the suppression of the [Ca2+]i
approximately −40 mV, the values pK+ = pCl− = 1 and
signal using a PLC inhibitor or an IP
3 receptor antagonist
= 0.025 as well as 40 mM Cl− in the intracellular space
(Fig. correlated with the suppression of hyperpolarization
were estimated.
(Fig. a). Additionally, it was found that applying the
The ATP-stimulated increase of [Ca2+]i was followed by
SERCA pump inhibitor cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) in the
a hyperpolarization to −67.5 mV (Fig. c, Table ). The
Fig. 3 The relationship betweenthe increase in [Ca2+]i and hy-perpolarization. a Thepresence of U73122 (10 µM) or2-APB (100 µM) suppressedboth the ATP-induced Ca2+response and hyperpolarization.
b Applying CPA (50 µM) inducedan increase in [Ca2+]i that wasfollowed by c hyperpolarizationof the membrane potential. Theresults are averages and the errorbars represent the SEM for atleast five experiments for eachtreatment. It is noteworthy thatCPA induced an increase in[Ca2+]i and a hyperpolarizationwith amplitudes similar to thosestimulated by 25 µM ATP
J Bioenerg Biomembr (2009) 41:85–94
ATP-induced hyperpolarization was suppressed by U73122
apamine, clotrimazole (CLT) or iberiotoxin (IbTx), the
(an inhibitor of PLC) as well as by 2-APB (IP3-receptor
blockers of Ca2+-activated K+-channels with low conduc-
antagonist) (Fig. a). Furthermore, inhibition of SERCA
tance (SK-channels), intermediate conductance (IK-channels)
pumps using CPA stimulated an increase in [Ca2+]i and was
or high conductance (BK-channels), respectively, did not
able to induce hyperpolarization of the cells (Fig. b, c),
alter ATP-related stimulation individually or as a three-drug
indicating that the [Ca2+]i-increase was a prerequisite for
cocktail (Fig. Other inhibitors of K+ channels such as
the hyperpolarization. The hyperpolarization could be
tetraethylammonium chloride (TEA) also failed to affect the
achieved by opening K+ channels or by inhibiting Cl−
ATP-stimulated hyperpolarization (results not shown). Phar-
channels. To achieve the observed Um of −67.5 mV by ATP
macological inhibition of Cl− channels with DIDS, mibefradil
application, the Goldmann–Hodgkin equation would predict
or diphenylamine-2-carboxylic acid (DPC) hyperpolarized
that ATP induces a increase of pK+ to 10 or a decrease of
the cells to a level comparable to that achieved by ATP
pCl− to 0.01.
application under control conditions and suppressed further
Changes in the external concentrations of K+ ([K+]o) or
ATP-induced hyperpolarization (Fig. c, Table
the substitution of Cl− with gluconate in the extracellularsolution affected the Um as predicted by the Goldmann–Hodgkin equation (Tables if we assume a permeability
of gluconate of 0.3 (Kim et al. ). It was not possible todistinguish whether the ATP-related hyperpolarization was
This report characterises the link between purinergic
due to the activation of K+ channels or the inhibition of Cl−
receptors and the regulation of membrane potential in
permeability by application of ATP in presence of various
granulosa cells of maturing follicles using the rat GFSHR-
[K+]o concentrations (Fig. a, Table ). When NaCl was
17 granulosa cell line. The GFSHR-17 granulosa cells
replaced by Na-gluconate in external solution, however, the
express the FSH receptor and are therefore a suitable in
application of ATP hyperpolarized the cell to −80 mV. If
vitro model for this purpose (Keren et al. ). The aim of
ATP were increasing the pK+ to 10 or reducing the pCl− to
this study was to elucidate the role of purinergic receptors
0.01, the Goldmann–Hodgkin equation would predict a Um
in the granulosa cells during follicular maturation.
of −69 mV and −77 mV, respectively (Table The
Purinergic receptors are classified in two groups:
comparison between the measured and the estimated values
ionotropic P2X receptors and metabotropic P2Y receptors.
for Um suggests that an inhibition of Cl− permeability likely
The P2X receptors are mainly permeable to cations when
produced the ATP-evoked hyperpolarization. Accordingly,
activated by purines and can induce depolarization as well
Fig. 4 a Increasing [K+]o from5 mM to 35 mM shifts themembrane potential as predictedby the Goldmann–Hodgkin equa-tion (Table and suppressedATP-induced hyperpolarization.
b The continuous presence of acocktail containing the inhibitorsof Ca2+-activated K+ channels(0.1 µM iberiotoxin, 2 µMclotrimazole, 1 µM apamin) didnot alter the ATP induced Ca2+release (not shown) or hyperpo-larization. c The inhibition of Cl−channels by DPC (2.5 mM)induced hyperpolarization. Simi-lar results were obtained usingDIDS (500 µM) or mibefradil(30 µM). The results are averagesand the error bars represent theSEM for at least five experiments
J Bioenerg Biomembr (2009) 41:85–94
Table 2 The values of the membrane potential predicted by the Goldmann–Hodgkin equation and measured values under ATP (25 µM) and non-ATP-induced stimulation of the cells when NaCl in external solution was replaced by Na-Gluconate (pGluconate=0.3; [Cl−]o=10 mM)
Substitution of NaCl by
Na-Gluconate + 25 µM ATP
Predicted Um (mV) with assumption
Predicted Um (mV) with assumption
that pK+ was increased (pK+=10)
that pCl− was decreased (pCl−=0.01)
−36.9±0.3 (n = 5)
−81.5±1.9 (n = 5)
The results are average ± SEM
as increases in [Ca2+]i due to the influx of cations, primarily
follicle are characterized by a strong proliferation of the
Na+ and Ca2+ from the external space. It is shown that
granulosa cells. Whether purinergic stimulation is involved
applying ATP stimulates depolarization of the rat GFSHR-
in regulation of the proliferative activity of the granulosa
17 granulosa cells (Fig. c). As proposed by Bintig et al.
cells is at moment matter of speculation. We estimated the
), however, it seems that this depolarization is not
doubling time of the rat GFSHR-17 granulosa cells. For cell
related to the activation of P2X receptors but to opening
cultivated under control conditions and in presence of ATP
gap junction hemichannels. This is consistent with observa-
or the non hydrolysable ATP-γ-S, doubling times of 25.8 h,
tions by other authors. It was recently shown that granulosa
24.5 h and 24.2 h were respectively found. These values are
cells express gap junction hemichannels (Tong et al. ).
not significantly different. Because of desensitization, a
Additionally, the hemichannels are mechanosensitive and
long lasting presence of ATP induced a single Ca2+ signal
function as ATP-release channels (Bintig et al. Gomes
(Fig. d). It could therefore be expected that cultivation of
et al. Romanello et al. ). Moreover, it is shown
the cells with ATP would not affect the proliferation
that the ATP-related Ca2+ signal could be elicited even in the
activity. However, the doubling times show a tendency that
presence of EGTA in the extracellular solution (Fig.
the purinergic stimulation could increase the proliferative
These results strongly suggest that the ATP-related increase
activity of granulosa cells. A careful study combining
in [Ca2+]i does not depend on the stimulation of P2X
analysis of frequency of ATP application and the whole
receptors, but on the activation of P2Y receptors.
duration of stimulation is needed for a definitive conclusion.
Two physiological processes can be evoked that explain
the rise of ATP in the extracellular space of the maturing
P2Y2 and P2Y4 receptors are expressed in rat GFSHR-17
follicle: paracrine secretion and nervous co-stimulation
(Aguado Burnstock , ; Tai et al.
As for co-stimulation, the survival and maturation of the
The different subtypes of P2Y receptors can be distin-
follicle are controlled by neurotransmitters such as acetyl-
guished by their pharmacology as well as by their
choline and norepinephrine, as well as neuropeptides
intracellular signalling cascades. We observed that P2Y
secreted by the ovarian nerve (Aguado ). It can
receptors of the rat GFSHR-17 granulosa cells could be
therefore be assumed that ATP appears in the extracellular
stimulated by UTP (Fig. b) but not by ADP (results not
space of the maturing follicle as a co-transmitter with other
shown). We also found that blocking the IP3 pathway
neurotransmitters, as suggested by Tai et al. (). Upon
inhibits ATP stimulation in the cells (Figs. c and a). It can
arriving in the follicular interstitial space by either paracrine
therefore be assumed that rat GFSHR-17 granulosa cells
secretion or co-stimulation, we suggest that ATP binds to
express P2Y receptor subtypes that are sensitive to UTP
the P2Y receptors and induces the cascade of reactions to
and are linked to the IP3 pathway. Only P2Y2, P2Y4 and
increase [Ca2+]i and stimulate hyperpolarization. Maturing
P2Y6 are UTP-sensitive and are linked to the activation of
Table 3 The values of the membrane potential predicted by the Goldmann–Hodgkin equation and measured values under ATP (25 µM) and non-ATP-induced stimulation of the cells, when Cl− permeability was inhibited with DPC (2.5 mM)
Predicted Um (mV) with assumption
Predicted Um (mV) with assumption
that pK+ was increased (pK+=10)
that pCl− was decreased (pCl−=0.01)
−68.2±0.5 (n = 8)
−72.9±1.1 (n = 8)
The results are average ± SEM. Similar results were obtained with Mibefradil (30 µM) or DIDS (500 µM)
J Bioenerg Biomembr (2009) 41:85–94
the IP3-Ca2+-cascade at the intracellular site (Burnstock and
following experimental observations: (i) Gradual increase
Williams ; King and Townsend-Nicholson ). The
of [K+]o from 5 mM to 20 mM, 35 mM and 60 mM and
agonist of P2Y6 UDP (Abbracchio et al. King and
substitution of NaCl in the external solution with Na-gluconate
Townsend-Nicholson ; von Kügelgen ),
depolarized the cells as predicted by the Goldmann-Hodgkin
however, could stimulate the rat GFSHR-17 granulosa cells
equation from −40 mV to −34.8 mV, −35.2 mV, −24.2 mVand
only at concentrations of 200 µM. Moreover, reactive blue,
−37 mV, respectively (with assumed pGluconate = 0.3
an inhibitor of P2Y6 (Abbracchio et al. von Kügelgen
suggested by Kim et al. ) (Fig. Tables , ). (ii)
) did not affect the ATP evoked response (results
Inhibitors of Cl− channels such as DPC, DIDS or mibefradil
not shown). These results suggest a minor role of P2Y6
induced hyperpolarization of the cells to approximately
receptor and a major role of P2Y
2 and P2Y4 receptors in
70 mV (Fig. Table (iii) [Cl−]i in the range of
ATP-induced activity in rat GFSHR-17 granulosa cells.
40 mM has been measured in various non-excitable cells
This assumption is supported by Western blot experiments,
such as astrocytes and in rat GFSHR-17 granulosa cells under
which showed that the rat GFSHR-17 granulosa cells
the whole-cell patch-clamp configuration using a pipette
expressed molecules specifically recognized by anti-P2Y2
solution containing 140 mM K+, 10 mM Na+ and 30–40 mM
and anti-P2Y4 antibodies (Fig. e). The anti-P2Y2 antibody
Cl− (Ngezahayo et al. ). Since the theoretically predicted
stained a molecule with 42 kDa (Fig. e, lane 2), which
Um under various conditions and the measured Um are very
correlates to the predicted size of 42.0 kDa for the P2Y2
close, it can be assumed that non-stimulated rat GFSHR-17
receptor Sage and Marcus A size of 40.7 kDa was
granulosa cells are equally permeable to K+ and Cl−. This
predicted for P2Y4 receptor. The anti-P2Y4 antibody,
permeability to ions must be compensated by a large
however, recognized a molecule of approximately 50 kDa
permeability to water. Since rat GFSHR-17 granulosa cells
(Fig. e, lane 4). These bands disappeared when the
are an in vitro model for the granulosa cells of maturing
antibodies were blocked with the corresponding antigenic
follicle, we propose that this mechanism is involved in the
peptides (Fig. lane 1 and 3). The discrepancy between
secretion of the antral fluid during follicle maturation.
the predicted band at 40.7 kDa for P2Y4 and the
The ATP-induced hyperpolarization can be associated
specifically stained band at 50 kDa can be explained by
with an increase in membrane permeability to K+ or a
posttranslational modifications such as glycosylation (Sage
decrease in membrane permeability to Cl−. To achieve the
and Marcus It is therefore tempting to assume that
observed Um of −67.5 mV by ATP application, the
the ATP-evoked Ca2+ and electrical responses in the ratGFSHR-17 granulosa cells are related to the activation ofP2Y2 and P2Y4 receptors. Further pharmacological experi-
ments revealed that the density of each receptor type couldbe variable. Using low ATP concentration (5–10 µM), there
were cells which could not be stimulated. Within theresponding cell population, Zn2+ (300 µM) which inhibited
4 receptors was able to suppress the Ca2+ evoked
response by 5–10 µM ATP in some cells, while other cellswere not affected (Fig. At 25 µM ATP the inhibitory
Inhibition by U73122
effect of Zn2+ could not be observed (Fig. d). These resultscould be related to a various density of the P2Y2 and P2Y4
receptors in the membrane of the rat GFSHR-17 granulosacells. How both receptor subtypes participate to the
regulation of the ATP-evoked response in granulosa cellsremains an interesting question. A combination of bio-
Blockage by 2-APB
chemical analysis and molecular biological dissection isneeded to determine the contribution of each receptor to the
observed ATP-evoked response in granulosa cells.
(Inhibition of Cl- permeability)
ATP stimulates hyperpolarization in rat GFSHR-17granulosa cells
The measured resting potential suggests a high pCl− andpK+
Fig. 5 Schematic representation of ATP signalling in granulosa cells
(≌1) and an elevated [Cl−]i of about 40 mM under
of maturing follicle. The question mark shows possible pathways that
control conditions. This suggestion is supported by the
remain to be elucidated
J Bioenerg Biomembr (2009) 41:85–94
Goldmann–Hodgkin equation would predict that ATP
tion of P2Y2 and P2Y4 receptors in rat GFSHR-17
induces an increase of pK+ to 10 or a decrease of pCl− to
granulosa cells induces a Ca2+-dependent inhibition of Cl−
0.01. Accordingly, we predicted the Um that would be
channels and thereby promotes hyperpolarization (Fig.
achieved by application of ATP under various conditions
We propose that an ATP-dependent inhibition of Cl−
with the assumption that ATP affects the permeability of
permeability in granulosa cells of the maturing follicle is
either K+ or Cl− (Tables and ). At various [K+]o, the
a key mechanism in regulating the secretion of antral fluid.
Goldmann–Hodgkin equation predicted values that werevery close when we assumed that ATP affected either K+
The work was partly supported by the NANOTOME
project; Biophotonik III.
or Cl− permeability. The measured values agree with theprediction of the Goldmann–Hodgkin equation; however,these experiments cannot decipher which ion is affected byATP-application. After substitution of external NaCl with
Na-gluconate, ATP-application hyperpolarized the cells to amembrane potential of −81 mV (Table If we assume that
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m of −77 mV. The
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application of ATP was not able to provoke a further
hyperpolarization, even though the Goldmann–Hodgkin
von Kügelgen I (2000) Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol
equation predicted a reinforcement of hyperpolarization to
−83 mV under the assumption that the permeability for K+
von Kügelgen I (2006) Pharmacol Ther 110:415–432White PJ, Webb TE, Boarder MR (2003) Mol Pharmacol 63:1356–
would be increased by ATP (pK+=10) (Fig. Table ).
Biophysical analysis, combined with pharmacological
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dissection, allow us to postulate that ATP-induced stimula-
of care for Future of hepatitis C care in Think Tank hepatitis C care in the Netherlands under guidance of The Argumentation Factory This report was created by: The Argumentation Factory ContentDr Maaike de Vries Drs Silvie Zonderland DesignWillem van den Goorbergh Sponsored byAbbVie How did this report
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