MILITARY MEDICINE, 177, 9:1015, 2012
Healing Touch With Guided Imagery for PTSD in Returning
Active Duty Military: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Shamini Jain, PhD*†; CDR George F. McMahon, NC USN‡; LCDR Patricia Hasen, NC USN‡;
CDR Madelyn P. Kozub, NC USN‡; Valencia Porter, MD, MPH∥; Rauni King, RN, MIH, CHTP§;
Erminia M. Guarneri, MD§
ABSTRACT Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) remains a significant problem in returning military and warrantsswift and effective treatment. We conducted a randomized controlled trial to determine whether a complementarymedicine intervention (Healing Touch with Guided Imagery [HT+GI]) reduced PTSD symptoms as compared totreatment as usual (TAU) returning combat-exposed active duty military with significant PTSD symptoms. Active dutymilitary (n = 123) were randomized to 6 sessions (within 3 weeks) of HT+GI vs. TAU. The primary outcome was PTSDsymptoms; secondary outcomes were depression, quality of life, and hostility. Repeated measures analysis of covariancewith intent-to-treat analyses revealed statistically and clinically significant reduction in PTSD symptoms ( p < 0.0005,Cohen's d = 0.85) as well as depression ( p < 0.0005, Cohen's d = 0.70) for HT+GI vs. TAU. HT+GI also showedsignificant improvements in mental quality of life ( p = 0.002, Cohen's d = 0.58) and cynicism ( p = 0.001, Cohen's d =0.49) vs. TAU. Participation in a complementary medicine intervention resulted in a clinically significant reductionin PTSD and related symptoms in a returning, combat-exposed active duty military population. Further investigation ofGT and biofield therapy approaches for mitigating PTSD in military populations is warranted.
seeking treatment, data suggests there are large numbers of
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a common and persis-
military personnel who may not meet clinical cutoffs for
tent problem in military populations that warrants swift and
PTSD immediately upon return from deployment, but whose
effective treatment. Recent estimates suggest that among
symptoms escalate to clinical levels even up to 12 months
recent Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, 21.8% are diagnosed
postdeployment.2,13 These findings suggest a need for swift,
with PTSD, with prevalence rates increasing 4 to 7 times after
effective, and nonstigmatizing treatment of PTSD symptoms
the invasion of Iraq.1 Substance use disorders, depression, and
in postdeployment active duty personnel, as well as speak to
interpersonal conflicts also substantially increase in these
the need to address PTSD symptoms for active duty military
soldiers,1,2 and physical health-related consequences such as
in general health care settings as opposed to providing PTSD
increased risk for hypertension and diabetes have also been
treatment solely in mental health care settings.
noted.3,4 Not surprisingly, the incidence of PTSD appears toincrease with combat exposure.5–7
Complementary Medicine: Approaches and Use in
Despite all best efforts to treat PTSD in our military, it
remains untreated in a substantial number of those on active
Similar to civilian populations, complementary and alterna-
duty and/or recently deployed. These soldiers are more likely
tive medicine (CAM) approaches are often sought out by
to report mental health issues compared to their reserve
military personnel, for a variety of health conditions. Recent
comrades,8 and yet are significantly less likely to engage in
studies estimate CAM use in U.S. Military populations to
mental health services.8,9 In general, the younger cohort of
range between 39.3 and 50.7%.14–16 The largest epidemio-
Operations Enduring Freedom/Iraqi Freedom veterans are
logical study reported that 41% of military personnel had
notably loathe to seek conventional PTSD treatment, in part,
reported CAM use in the past year, with 27% reporting use
because of perceived stigmatization and negative beliefs
of practitioner-assisted CAM therapies (such as acupuncture,
about conventional mental health care (i.e., psychotherapy
biofeedback, and biofield/energy healing14). Interestingly,
and medications9–12). Even for those who may be open to
the study reported that use of CAM was nearly doubledcompared to no CAM use for those with a PTSD diagnosis,
*Samueli Institute, 2101 East Coast Highway, Suite 330, Corona Del Mar,
suggesting that military personnel with PTSD are relatively
CA 92625-1900.
high users of CAM.
†University of California San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla,
‡Marine Corps Base, 21 Area Branch Medical Clinic, Naval Hospital
Study Purpose and Hypotheses
Camp Pendleton, Box 555191, Camp Pendleton, CA 92055-5191.
Given the high prevalence of PTSD symptoms in active
§Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine, 10820 North Torrey Pines Road,
duty personnel, a noted lack of initiation and/or adherence
La Jolla, CA 92037.
to mental health treatments for PTSD in this population,
kThe Chopra Center for Well Being, 2013 Costa Del Mar Road, Carlsbad,
and supporting literature suggesting a potential openness to
MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 177, September 2012
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Copyright (c) Association of Military Surgeons of the U.S. All rights reserved.
HT+GI for PTSD in Returning Military
CAM approaches in those with PTSD symptoms, we
participants were awaiting further deployment and would not
conducted a pilot, two-armed randomized controlled trial
be available for follow-up assessment. Participants were ran-
(RCT) of a CAM intervention (Healing Touch with Guided
domized using a computer-generated randomization table by a
Imagery [HT+GI]), compared to treatment as usual (TAU),
statistician not affiliated with the study. This table was pro-
in 123 active duty military personnel at Camp Pendleton,
vided to two study co-ordinators who, each assigned patients to
California. We hypothesized that this intervention would be
their respective groups upon entry. Both the principal investi-
effective in reducing PTSD symptoms (primary outcome) as
gator and data analyst were blind to group assignment (group
well as depression, health-related quality of life, and hostility
status was coded with study numbers until data analyses were
completed, at which point the group assignment was revealed).
Those randomized to the HT+GI group received 6 treatments
over a 3-week period in addition to any other standard care,and those in TAU continued to receive their standard care for
Recruitment, Eligibility, Screening, and Enrollment
PTSD, which included various forms of psychotherapy
The study took place at the Marine Corps Base Camp in Camp
(including cognitive behavioral therapy, biofeedback, and
Pendleton, California and was approved by the Clinical Inves-
relaxation training), as well as in many cases, medications.
tigation Department, Naval Medical Center San Diego andScripps Office for the Protection of Research Subjects.
Recruitment and enrollment took place from July 2008 to July
2010. Flyers announcing the study were posted at the Deploy-
Participants randomized to the intervention group received a
ment Health Clinics (DHC) and the hospital mental health
combined intervention of HT+GI. The purpose of combining
department on Camp Pendleton. Health care providers at these
these interventions was to provide the participant both with
locations were introduced to the study by research staff mem-
practitioner-based treatment (HT) to establish a "safe space"
bers. During the postdeployment health reassessment for mil-
using a nonstigmatizing touch-based therapy aimed at
itary personnel returning from a combat zone, the Base DHC
eliciting the participant's own healing response, whereas also
providers identified potential candidates for the study via
engaging in a self-care therapy (listening to GI CD) that
screening of PTSD symptoms. To be potentially eligible for
helped the patient to work with trauma-related issues includ-
the study, participants were identified by DHC providers to be
ing trust and self-esteem. HT is a type of biofield therapy that
currently experiencing at least one or more of the following
involves gentle, noninvasive touch by trained practitioners,
hallmark PTSD symptoms: re-experiencing of trauma (via, e.g.,
who utilize specific techniques with the intention of working
flashbacks, nightmares, intrusive thoughts/images, exaggerated
with the body's vital energy system to stimulate a healing
physical and/or emotional responses to triggers of trauma),
response. Two nurses certified in HT, with several years of
exaggerated arousal (including insomnia and/or sleep distur-
experience in using HT with patients, provided the HT inter-
bance, irritability, exaggerated startle response), emotional
vention. Practitioners met on a regular basis to discuss use
numbing, and/or avoidance (i.e., of people, places, or situations
of specific techniques and ensure intervention delivery consis-
that might remind them of the trauma). Potentially eligible
tency. Practitioners utilized three specific HT techniques:
participants were then referred to the research staff for further
Chakra Connection (involving techniques used along the body,
screening via telephone. If the person was eligible, appoint-
intended to stimulate movement of vital energy through the
ments were made to sign consent, complete pretest question-
body), Mind Clearing (techniques performed on the head,
naires and after completion, obtain randomized group status.
intended to stimulate mental relaxation), and Chakra Spread
Inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) female or male subjects
(an advanced technique utilized by HT practitioners and gener-
18 years or older, (2) postdeployment from a combat zone, (3)
ally reserved for patients with more severe symptoms, intended
referred by Camp Pendleton clinician, and (4) identified by
to promote deep healing for emotional and/or physical pain).
postdeployment health reassessment to have PTSD symptoms
GI is a complementary therapy that utilizes visualization
(as described above). Exclusion criteria were as follows: (1)
to induce a state of deep relaxation. The GI recording (CD)
Currently pregnant or nursing, (2) currently using HT or GI
used in this study was specifically for use in PTSD (Healing
from other sources, and (3) inability to sign informed consent.
Trauma (PTSD)—Healthy Journeys by Belleruth Naparstek).
The study screened 205 potential participants; of these, 123
This recording does not utilize imagined exposure but uses
were eligible and enrolled in the study.
imagery and affirmations to enhance relaxation, reduce negativeemotions associated with PTSD (such as terror and shame),
Overview of Research Design
and promote healthy self-esteem and sense of protection.
This was a Phase 2, two-armed, RCT with one arm random-
Participants randomized to the HT+GI group received
ized to receive HT+GI and one arm randomized to a TAU
6 sessions of HT over a 3-week period (two sessions per week).
control group. Each participant was studied over a 1-month
Each session was of 1 hour's duration and consisted of the
period. Although follow-up assessment was originally planned
participant lying fully clothed on a massage table, listening
for this study, it was not possible as the active duty study
to the GI CD, whereas the practitioner provided HT. After the
MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 177, September 2012
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Copyright (c) Association of Military Surgeons of the U.S. All rights reserved.
HT+GI for PTSD in Returning Military
first HT+GI session, participants were given the GI recording
status, number of children, years of service, number of times
on CD and encouraged to listen to the GI recording at least
deployed in a combat zone, alcohol use, and PTSD medication
once daily or more often if desired. Participant's adherence
use) were examined for potential correlations with outcome
to listening to the GI CD was not assessed.
variables and entered as covariates in the analysis if associatedwith the dependent variable at p < 0.05. Intent-to-treat analyses
were performed using the last-score carried forward approach;this approach was compared to per-protocol analyses (using
Primary Outcome Measure—PTSD Symptoms (PCL-Military)
casewise deletion) to confirm agreement in results. Alpha was
The primary outcome examined was PTSD symptoms as
set to 0.05; to avoid Type 1 error with multiple comparisons,
indexed by the gold-standard PTSD Checklist (PCL)-Military.
alphas for secondary outcome measures comprised of separate
This reliable and valid17 17-item self-report measure was
subscales (i.e., SF-36 and Cook–Medley Hostility Inventory)
developed by the National Center for PTSD and measures
were Bonferroni corrected (0.05/2 or 0.025 for SF-36 MCS
PTSD symptom severity in reference to stressful military
and PCS scales, and 0.05/3 or 0.016 for Cook–Medley Cyni-
experiences. Scores range from 17 to 85. A clinical cutoff
cism, Hostile Affect, and Aggressiveness scales). Effect sizes
score of 50 has been established as an optimal cut point for
were calculated using absolute values of Cohen's d, using
PTSD diagnosis using this measure.18
the standard formula: d
(Mpost, E − Mpre, E)/SDpre, E −
(Mpost, E − Mpre, C)/SDpre, C.
Secondary Outcome Measures—Depression (BDI), Quality of Life(SF-36), and Hostility (Cook–Medley Hostility Inventory)
Given recent data indicating the clustering of depression and
poorer quality of life as well as higher hostility with higher
Figure 1 depicts the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials
PTSD in military populations,19,20 we examined potential
(CONSORT) flow diagram for participants through the study.
changes in depression, quality of life, and hostility as second-
Of the 123 participants, there were 21 dropouts for a total
ary outcomes. Depression was measured via the Beck Depres-
attrition rate of 17%. Of these dropouts, 15 were in the control
sion Inventory (BDI-II), a highly reliable and valid 21-item
group (28.3% attrition rate) and 6 were in the treatment group
self-report scale that measures depressive symptomatology
(12.2% attrition rate). No adverse effects were reported.
including sadness, feelings of guilt, perceptions of self-worth,suicidal ideation, and changes in appetite and body weight,among other characteristics.21 Scores range from 0 to 63;scores above 18 indicate likelihood of major depressive dis-order (MDD).22 Quality of life was measured using the gold-standard SF-36 measure, which has been found to have highreliability and validity23 and is widely used to examine bothmental quality of life (summated via the mental componentscore [MCS]) as well as physical quality of life (summated viathe physical component score [PCS]). Scores range from 0to 100 with higher scores representing higher quality of life.
Norms for the general U.S. population for the PCS and MCSare 50.24 Finally, we utilized the reliable and valid Cook–Medley Hostility Inventory, to measure the derived scales ofhostile affect, cynicism, and aggressive responding.25
Statistical Analysis Strategy
To determine sample size, a power analysis using the pro-gram G-Power was performed for the primary variable ofinterest (PCL-Military), using means and SDs derived fromthe instrument's standardization report, a = 0.05, and apower of 0.90. A mean initial PCL score of 64 was hypothe-sized based on previous norms. For a hypothesized reductionof 10% in the mean PCL score from 64 to 58, a total of 126(63 subjects per group) were needed. Data were analyzed viarepeated measures analysis of covariance (RMANCOVA),using SPSS 17.0. Outcome data were examined for potentialoutliers and verification of normal distribution. Demographicand behavioral characteristics (age, gender, ethnicity, marital
CONSORT patient flow diagram.
MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 177, September 2012
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Copyright (c) Association of Military Surgeons of the U.S. All rights reserved.
HT+GI for PTSD in Returning Military
Demographic/behavioral characteristics of participants are
23.0, p < 0.0005), with PTSD symptoms markedly declining for
found in Table I. All data were normally distributed with no
the HT+GI group (Cohen's d = 0.85). This group by time inter-
outliers. Intent to treat analyses based on RMANCOVA were
action is depicted in Figure 2.
conducted using relevant covariates in each analysis. Meansand SDs for primary and secondary outcome measures are
Secondary Outcomes—Depression, Quality of Life,
depicted in Table II.
Alcohol use was significantly positively correlated with
Primary Outcome—PTSD Symptoms
BDI depression scores and was entered as a covariate in
PTSD medication use was significantly positively correlated with
RMANCOVA analyses. Results indicated a significant
increased PCL scores and entered as a covariate in analysis.
group + time interaction (F
15.3, p < 0.0005), with
RMANCOVA analysis for PCL scores controlling for medica-
the HT+GI group showing notable decreases in depression
tion use indicated a significant group + time interaction (F
over time (Cohen's d = 0.70).
For quality of life, PTSD medication use was significantly
Baseline Medical and Demographic Characteristics of
associated with poorer SF-36 mental health as indexed by
123 Active Duty Personnel: Means (Range) for Continuous
MCS scores, and alcohol use was significantly positively
Variables and Percentages for Categorical Variables
correlated with poorer physical health as indexed by PCSscores. These were entered as covariates in subsequent ana-
lyses. RMANCOVA for MCS scores indicated a significant
group + time interaction (F
10.0, p = 0.002), with
Military Service, Years
those in the HT+GI group showing increases in mental health
quality of life over time (Cohen's d = 0.58). Results for the
PCS scores when controlling for alcohol use were not signif-
icant when Bonferroni corrected ( p
= 0.04, Cohen's d = 0.2).
For Cook–Medley Hostility scales, increasing age, years of
military service, and number of children were negatively asso-
ciated with Cynicism; ethnicity was significantly associated
with Hostile Affect, and increasing age and number of children
were negatively associated with Aggressive Responding. These
Asian/Pacific Islander
were entered as covariates in respective analyses. Results indi-
cated a significant group by time interaction for cynicism
11.2, p = 0.001, Cohen's d = 0.49), a trend for hostile
5.3, p = 0.02, Cohen's d = 0.58), and no effect
for aggressive responding (p
Number of Children
= 0.67, Cohen's d = 0.03).
Currently Use Medications
To verify that our use of the last-score carried forward
approach for intention-to-treat analyses was appropriate, we
conducted per-protocol analyses (RMANCOVA without sub-
stitution of missing values using casewise deletion). Results
Means (95% Confidence Intervals) for Outcome Variables by Group
HT+GI+TAU (n = 68)
RMANCOVA p-Value; Effect Size (Cohen's d)
54.0 (50.9, 57.2)
55.6 (52.1, 59.1)
40.7 (37.0, 44.2)
52.0 (48.0, 56.0)
p < 0.0005; Cohen's d = 0.85
BDI Preintervention
25.6 (22.9, 28.4)
26.8 (23.7, 29.8)
BDI Postintervention
16.4 (13.5, 19.4)
23.9 (20.6, 27.1)
p < 0.0005; Cohen's d = 0.70
SF-36 PCS Preintervention
48.5 (46.1, 50.1)
48.0 (45.5, 50.6)
SF-36 PCS Postintervention
49.9 (47.7, 52.1)
47.2 (44.7, 49.7)
p = 0.04; Cohen's d = 0.20
SF-36 MCS Preintervention
30.3 (27.6, 33.1)
30.1 (27.1, 33.3)
SF-36 MCS Postintervention
39.6 (36.5, 42.6)
32.9 (29.5, 36.3)
p = 0.002; Cohen's d = 0.58
CM Cynicism Preintervention
CM Cynicism Postintervention
p = 0.001; Cohen's d = 0.49
CM Hostile Affect Preintervention
CM Hostile Affect Postintervention
p = 0.02; Cohen's d = 0.58
CM Aggressiveness Preintervention
CM Aggressiveness Postintervention
p = 0.67; Cohen's d = 0.03
CM = Cook–Medley.
MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 177, September 2012
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Copyright (c) Association of Military Surgeons of the U.S. All rights reserved.

HT+GI for PTSD in Returning Military
less explicitly focused on "mental disorder" may serve toreduce soldiers' potential stigmatizing beliefs about mentalhealth care (ostensibly through the positive perception anddevelopment of a patient–practitioner relationship) and pos-sibly provide them with tools to better cope with PTSDsymptoms as they emerge (potentially through enhancementof the relaxation response and increased sense of safety).
However, specific dose-response effects and the potential long-term effectiveness of this intervention on maintaining reductionsin PTSD symptoms are unclear. In contrast, the short- andlong-term efficacy of gold-standard approaches (such as expo-sure, cognitive behavioral therapy, and eye movement desen-sitization and reprocessing) to reducing and preventingrelapse of PTSD has been demonstrated.27,28 However, initi-ation of treatment and adherence to these therapies is noted tobe problematic in this population.29 A future direction forstudies in this area may be to directly examine the effective-ness of complementary medicine interventions on increasingadherence and positive clinical outcomes in response to other
Group + time interaction for primary outcome variable (PCL-
gold-standard treatments for PTSD and/or depression. One
Military symptom scores), controlling for the significant covariate of PTSD
might examine the potential mediating roles of decreased stig-
medication use.
matizing beliefs and enhanced sense of safety, on complemen-tary medicine interventions' effects on adherence and
were identical in terms of significance/nonsignificance of
outcomes to gold-standard approaches for eliminating PTSD.
outcomes with comparable effect sizes, suggesting that the
There are notable limitations to this study, including lack
intention-to-treat analyses in this study were appropriate.
of follow-up (which was not feasible for this studied popula-tion), lack of adherence monitoring (for listening to the GI
recordings outside of sessions), and lack of an active compar-
This phase 2 RCT examined the effectiveness of a combined
ison group. The study also had notably low representation
complementary medicine intervention (HT+GI) compared to
among certain ethnic minority groups; although, this may be
TAU on PTSD and related symptoms in active duty military.
partly because of the lack of representation of these groups in
Results indicate significant and substantial reductions in PTSD
the geographical area, it may also be due to selection bias.
symptoms, depression, and cynicism as well as improved
Some may point to the combining of the interventions of HT
mental quality of life for those receiving the intervention.
and GI as a limitation. However, this study was aimed at
Clinical cutoffs for PTSD diagnosis using the PCL are 50,18
determining feasibility and effectiveness of the combined
and changes of 10 to 20 points are considered to be clinically
intervention, not mechanisms of action for each component.
significant.26 The drop in PTSD symptoms for the intervention
The decision to combine the two complementary medicine
group by 14 points (from 54.7 to 40.7) thus has clinical as well
interventions was based on consultations with expert practi-
as statistical significance. A score of 18 on the BDI has been
tioners who, based on prior experience with similar pop-
found to be optimal in predicting major depressive disorder22;
ulations, suggested that the combination of both biofield
thus, the pre–post drop from 26.1 to 16.4 for the intervention
healing and GI would synergize to provide maximum effec-
group also suggests a clinically meaningful reduction in
tiveness in reducing PTSD symptoms in the following man-
depression. Although these results may generalize to other
ner: the GI, which focuses on creating a sense of spiritual
active duty military with combat-related PTSD symptoms, it
safety and deep relaxation, provides an atmosphere where the
is unclear how these results may generalize to other military
participant could allow him or herself to safely and deeply
populations (e.g., veterans with continued PTSD).
engage into a relaxation response and therefore also gain
The decrease in cynicism (with a medium effect size), for
maximum benefit from the interaction with the HT practi-
participants receiving the intervention, is particularly note-
tioner. The continued pairing of this relaxation response with
worthy. Reports of higher cynicism are common among
the positive and trusting interaction with a health care pro-
active duty combat soldiers and likely relate to issues of
fessional and invitation for spiritual grounding and self-
perceived stigma and negative beliefs about traditional men-
connection would further the possibility of the mind–body to
tal health care (i.e., clinical psychology and psychiatry) that
"let go" of the residual conditioning of previous trauma, and
appear to hinder these soldiers from seeking help from men-
thus reduce PTSD symptoms. The underlying rationale for
tal health sources for PTSD. Our data support the notion that
combining the two techniques is not unlike the underlying
engagement in a complementary medicine approach that is
rationale for many psychotherapeutic approaches, where it is
MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 177, September 2012
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Copyright (c) Association of Military Surgeons of the U.S. All rights reserved.
HT+GI for PTSD in Returning Military
understood that establishing trust, rapport, and often also a
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In conclusion, this study reports substantial reductions in
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13. Thomas JL, Wilk JE, Riviere LA, McGurk D, Castro CA, Hoge CW:
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14. Jacobson IG, White MR, Smith TC, et al: Self-reported health symptoms
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We thank all of the military personnel who participated in this trial. We
Ther 2001; 39(8): 977–86.
would also like to acknowledge Elizabeth Fraser, BSN, CHTP and Jessie
19. Analysis HP and E (HPA&E): 2003-2004 Active Duty Health Study:
Kobylski, RN, who provided the Healing Touch Interventions, and Eva
Revised Final Report. Falls Church, VA, TRICARE Management
Stuart, RN, who was the Research Co-ordinator.
Activity, 2006.
We thank our funders Donald and Ruth Taylor as well as Samueli Institute.
20. Vrana SR, Hughes JW, Dennis MF, Calhoun PS, Beckham JC: Effects
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RANDOMISED CONTROLLED CLINICAL TRIAL Marco Esposito, Carlo Barausse, Roberto Pistilli, Vittorio Checchi, Michele Diazzi, Maria Rosaria Gatto, Pietro Felice Posterior jaws rehabilitated with partial prostheses supported by 4.0 x 4.0 mm or by longer implants: Four-month post-loading data from a randomised Marco Esposito, DDS, PhDFreelance researcher and Associated Professor, Department of Biomaterials,
DENUNCIA CIUDADANA Señora Ruth Obando, Delegada Departamental del Ministerio del Ambiente y Recursos Naturales del Departamento de Chontales. Nosotros los abajo firmantes, ciudadanos y ciudadanas nicaragüenses todos mayores de edad, domiciliados en los municipios de Santo Domingo y Managua amparados en el artículo 2 de la Ley 217, Ley General de Medio Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales, que establece que toda