
ORDINARY Meeting of the Council will be held, on TUESDAY 3 MARCH, 2015, commencing at 7:00 PM
at the Town of Claremont, Claremont Council Chambers, 308 Stirling Highway,
Stephen Goode


Would all members of the public please note that they are cautioned against taking any action as a result of a Council decision tonight until such time as they have seen a copy of the Minutes or have been advised, in writing, by the Council's Administration with regard to any particular decision. ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA
3 MARCH, 2015
3 MARCH, 2015
Page (ii)
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3 MARCH, 2015
Questions are to be put to the Mayor. Questions must be in writing and placed on the table near the Chamber doors once presented. Questions sheets are available to assist you. Please speak to the Governance Officer if you require a photocopy. A time limit of 3 minutes is allocated to each person. Responding to Questions: Once a question is asked the Mayor may:
Respond to the question asked; Refer the question to an officer for response; Take the question on notice, in which case a written response will be included in the agenda papers in the next Council Meeting; PUBLIC STATEMENT TIME
Community Submissions:
Submissions are to be put to the Mayor; Notice to speak must be provided in writing to the Chief Executive Officer by noon on the day of the meeting; The submission must be put prior to a decision being made on the matter by Council. A time limit of 5 minutes is allocated to each person. ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA
3 MARCH, 2015
That the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 17 February
2015 be confirmed.


Item 17.1.1, Chief Executive Officer Remuneration 2015. BUSINESS NOT DEALT WITH FROM A PREVIOUS MEETING
3 MARCH, 2015
File Ref:
Attachments – Public:
Location and Submission Plan Photograph Attachments – Restricted: Plans
Responsible Officer:
David Vinicombe
Executive Manager Planning and Development

Josh Wilson
Urban Planner

Proposed Meeting Date:
03 March 2015
Date Prepared:
16 February 2015
60 Days Due Date:
25 January 2015
Property Owner:
Thomas and Peta Scott-Morey
Submitted By:
Thomas and Peta Scott-Morey
Area of Lot:
Enabling Legislation:
Planning and Development Act 2005 (PDA)
Town Planning Scheme No. 3 (TPS3)
Residential Design Codes (RDC)

Retrospective application received for an outbuilding in the front setback of a heritage listed property. Application is identical to an application previously approved by Council in 2008. Seven neighbours were consulted and one submission was received. Application is recommended for approval in line with Council's previous determination. For Council to consider a retrospective application for an outbuilding within the front setback of the subject site. The application requires the Council's determination due to neighbour objections. ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA
3 MARCH, 2015


The following table outlines key dates regarding this proposal: Compliance issue raised by concerned resident. Owner advised that a retrospective planning and building approval is required for the development (outbuilding). 26 November 2014 Planning Application received by Council. Application undergoes internal DCU assessment. 15 December 2014 Advertising commenced. Advertising closed. 16 February 2015 Report prepared for Council. Past Resolutions
Ordinary Council Meeting 20 May 2008, Resolution 131/08: Council resolved to approve an identical outbuilding in the front setback of the subject site. One submission was received in response to this application, from Scotch College, being the owner of the immediately adjacent property advising that they supported the proposal. No Building Permit was obtained for the proposed shed and the Planning Approval expired in May 2010. In July 2014 the Town was advised that the outbuilding was being constructed and a nearby resident asked if the outbuilding had Council approval. As a Building Permit wasn't obtained and construction wasn't commenced within two years the planning approval is no longer valid. The Town requested that the owner of the subject site submit an application for retrospective approval. Heritage
The property is listed in the Town of Claremont Local Government Inventory and the TPS3 Heritage Schedule as a standalone property with a ‘C' Management Category. The proposal was referred to the Town's Heritage Officer for assessment. It is advised that the proposal is supported subject to the proposed decorative detail on the shed gables not being identical to that of the existing dwelling. Any approval should be conditioned to require a ‘simplified' decorative gable design that is sympathetic to the existing dwelling and carport however does not mimic the design. The application was advertised in accordance with Local Planning Policy LG525. Seven neighbours were consulted and one objection was received. A summary of the submission is provided as follows: Submissions Received
10A Australind Street Submission
Applicant Comment
Officer Comment
Shed is approximately 60% Did not realise the original Retrospective applications are complete but should not be approval had expired. considered in accordance with considered a ‘fait accompli'. the planning requirements at the time of the application and on their merits as per regular ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA
3 MARCH, 2015
Totally against the proposal This distance is the same as was The impact on the streetscape is as it is only 0.6m from the approved by Council in 2008. negligible given the existing front and side boundaries. 2.0m high front fence. An assessment against the Design Principles of the RDC is discussed further in this report. The Council should conform TPS3 and the RDC allow with its own rules and Council the discretion to guidelines as this will create consider variations to the a precedent for people to do requirements where the whatever they like. proposal satisfies the objectives of the Scheme and the Design Principles of the RDC. An assessment against the relevant criteria is discussed further in There is ample room on the The swimming pool at the rear of There are limited options for property to build a shed that the yard means it is not possible locating a storage shed complies with the setback to have a garden shed at the rear elsewhere on the property due of the property as usual. to existing structures and trees. A full copy of the submission is attached to this report. Discussion
The application proposes to construct a 3.0m by 5.0m garden shed in the front corner of the property. The applicant proposes to fit the shed with a timber gable facing the street to match the existing heritage listed dwelling and more recently constructed carport. The timber gable will be visible from Shenton Road above the existing 2.0m high rendered brick front fence. The proposal is identical to the plans approved by Council in 2008. Retrospective Applications Development that has commenced prior to the granting of planning approval is deemed retrospective. Retrospective applications cost three times the standard application fee and Council has the ability to prosecute under the Planning and Development Act 2005. Prosecution is not recommended in this case due to the minor nature of the offence and because the development, which is roughly 50% complete, was previously approved by Council. Compliance The development complies with the TPS3, RDC, Council Policy and Local Laws other than the following: RDC cl.5.1.3 – Side boundary setback of 0.6m in lieu of 1.0m. ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA
3 MARCH, 2015
RDC cl.5.4.3 – Outbuilding within the front setback area. The ‘Design Principles' for cl.5.1.3 of the RDC states the following: "P3.1 Buildings set back from lot boundaries so as to: Reduce impacts of building bulk on adjoining properties; Provide adequate direct sun and ventilation to the building and open spaces on the site and adjoining properties; and Minimise the extent of overlooking and resultant loss of privacy on adjoining properties." The adjoining property to the east is owned by Scotch College and has a 1.8m timber picket fence and well established garden bed adjacent to the outbuilding's location. The outbuilding is not highly visible from this property and will have no negative impact by way of building bulk, access to light or loss of privacy. The ‘Design Principles' for cl.5.4.3 of the RDC states the following: "P3 Outbuildings that do not detract from the streetscape or the visual amenity of residents or neighbouring properties." As the majority of the outbuilding is screened behind a solid 2.0m front fence it will have minimal impact on the streetscape and visual amenity of the area in this instance. The front gable, which will be visible above the fence is proposed to be clad and detailed to be compatible with the gable of the existing dwelling - modified as recommended by the Town's Heritage Officer. Being consistent with Council's previous consideration of the proposal, it is considered that the outbuilding will not adversely impact on the amenity of the streetscape or the immediately adjacent properties and can be supported. It is recommended that approval be granted subject to the conditions in the officer's recommendation. Voting Requirements
Simple majority decision of Council required. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION
THAT Council grant retrospective planning approval for an outbuilding at Lot 7
(80) Shenton Road, Swanbourne, subject to the following conditions and
advice notes:

All development shall occur in accordance with the approved drawings
(Planning Application DA2014.229).

The gable detailing on the outbuilding is to be a simplified version of the
gable on the dwelling with details to be submitted and approved as part
of the Building Permit application.

As this approval is retrospective, the decorative gable is to be installed
within three months of the date of approval.

3 MARCH, 2015
The roof colour of the outbuilding is to match the existing dwelling.
All storm water is to be retained on the site.
This approval is valid only if the development is commenced within 24
months of the date of approval.

Advice Notes:
A Building Approval Certificate application is to be submitted for all work
deemed retrospective. To support this application a private building
surveyor will be required to issue a Certificate of Building Compliance
and include all supporting documentation. The application is to be
submitted within 30 days of this approval.

This property is listed on the Town of Claremont's Heritage Schedule
and/or the Heritage Council of Western Australia's Register of Heritage
Places. Any future alteration to the building or development on the land
requires planning approval and the application may be referred to the
Heritage Council.

Under the Environmental protection (Noise) Regulations 1997, no
construction work is to be permitted or suffered to be carried out:

(a) Before 7.00am or after 6.00pm Monday to Saturday inclusive; or
(b) On a Sunday or on a public holiday.
If an applicant is aggrieved by this determination a right of review may
exist under the Planning and Development Act 2005. An application for
review must be lodged with the State Administrative Tribunal within 28 days of this determination.

3 MARCH 2015

Lot 7 (80) Shenton Road, Swanbourne
General Location: Lot 7 (80) Shenton Road, Swanbourne
(Source Wheris)) NR  NR 
Local Location: Lot 7 (80) Shenton Road, Swanbourne
Lot 7 (80) Shenton Road, Swanbourne
(Subject lot in black) OBJ indicates a submission of OBJECTION was received.
SUP indicates a submission of SUPPORT was received.
CON indicates a submission of CONCERN was received.
NR indicates a submission was not received
3 MARCH 2015

Lot 7 (80) Shenton Road, Swanbourne
Lot 7 (80) Shenton Road, Swanbourne – view from North Lot 7 (80) Shenton Road, Swanbourne – view from East ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING – 3 MARCH 2015
3 MARCH, 2015


File Ref:
A-3644 and A-3645/DA2015.00011
Attachments – Public:
Location Map Photograph Attachments – Restricted: Plans
Responsible Officer:
David Vinicombe
Executive Manager Planning and Development

Josh Wilson
Urban Planner

Proposed Meeting Date:
03 March 2015
Date Prepared:
12 February 2015
60 Days Due Date:
22 March 2015
Property Owner:
Suzanne Bailey
Submitted By:
Robert MacDougall
Area of Lot:
MRS – Primary Regional Road Reserve
TPS3 – Highway

Enabling Legislation:
Planning and Development Act 2005 (PDA)
Town Planning Scheme No. 3 (TPS3)
Local Law Relating to Signage (LLRS)

Application for planning approval received for a pylon sign. Proposal complies with all Council requirements. Neighbour consultation was not required as the proposal is compliant. Application is recommended for approval, subject to relevant conditions. The application proposes a pylon sign facing Stirling Highway on the subject site. The application requires the Council's determination due to the commercial nature of the proposal. ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA
3 MARCH, 2015


The following table outlines key dates regarding this proposal: Planning Application received by Council. Application undergoes internal DCU assessment. Additional information requested from applicant. Additional information received from applicant. 13 February 2015 Report prepared for Council. Past Resolutions
Ordinary Council Meeting 4 February 2014, Resolution No. 4/14: Council approved external and internal alterations to the existing building on the site to combine two consulting room tenancies into a single tenancy. Heritage
The property is not listed on the Town of Claremont Local Government Inventory or the TPS3 Schedule. Public Consultation In accordance with Council Policy LG525 Advertising of Planning Applications the Town did not advertise the proposal to adjoining owners as the proposal is minor in nature and compliant with the requirements of TPS3 and LLRS. Metropolitan Region Scheme (Main Roads Referral) The site is located partially within a Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) reserve for ‘Primary Regional Road' (PRR). Under the Planning and Development Act (PDA) MRS Instrument of Delegation (Del 2011/02), the Council has delegated authority to approve development within or adjacent to the Stirling Highway MRS reservation subject to any decision being consistent with the comment and recommendation of Main Roads WA (MRWA). The application has been referred to MRWA for comment. MRWA advised that they have no objection to the proposed additions and alterations subject to the following conditions: The sign structure is to be placed on private property and shall not overhang or encroach upon the road reserve. Main Roads agreement is to be obtained prior to any modifications. If illuminated it must be of low-level not exceeding 300cd/m2 not flash, pulsate or chase. The device shall not contain fluorescent, reflective or retroreflective colours or materials. The type of sign and location must comply with all relevant by-laws and planning scheme made by Council. No other unauthorised signage is to be displayed. ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA
3 MARCH, 2015


The application proposes a pylon sign measuring 1.2m wide by 1.8m high mounted on top of a 4m high pylon and set back 1.2m from the front lot boundary. The sign will display the businesses logo/name. The development complies with the TPS3, RDC, Council Policy and Local Laws, namely the requirements for ‘pylon signs' under cl.31 of the LLRS. The setback of the sign to the side boundary is uncertain however will be in excess of the 1.8m minimum setback required under cl.31. It is recommended that approval be granted subject to the conditions in the officer's recommendation. Voting Requirements
Simple majority decision of Council required. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION
THAT Council grant planning approval for a proposed pylon sign at Lot 1 (240)
Stirling Highway, Claremont, subject to the following conditions and advice

All development shall occur in accordance with the approved drawings
(Planning Application DA2015.11), as amended by these conditions.

The sign is to be located no less than 1.8m from the side boundary of the

The sign is to comply with the requirements of Main Roads WA.
All signage is to be kept clean, intact and free of graffiti/vandalism at all
times and any such graffiti or vandalism being removed within 24 hours.

This approval is valid only if the development is commenced within 24
months of the date of approval.

Advice Notes:
A Sign Licence is to be obtained from the Town's Building Services Unit
prior to the erection/installation of any signage.

In regards to condition 3 above, the sign is to comply with the following
requirements of Main Roads WA:

The sign structure is to be placed on private property and
shall not overhang or encroach upon the road reserve.

Main Roads agreement is to be obtained prior to any

If illuminated it must be of low-level not exceeding 300cd/m2 not
flash, pulsate or chase.

3 MARCH, 2015
The device shall not contain fluorescent, reflective or
retroreflective colours or materials.

The type of sign and location must comply with all relevant by-
laws and planning scheme made by Council.

No other unauthorised signage is to be displayed.
Under the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 no
construction work is to be permitted or suffered to be carried out:

Before 7.00am or after 6.00pm Monday to Saturday inclusive; or
On a Sunday or on a public holiday.
If an applicant is aggrieved by this determination a right of review may
exist under the Planning and Development Act 2005. An application for
review must be lodged with the State Administrative Tribunal within 28 days of this determination.

3 MARCH 2015
Lot 1 (240) Stirling Highway, Claremont
General Location: Lot 1 (240) Stirling Highway, Claremont
3 MARCH 2015

Lot 1 (240) Stirling Highway, Claremont
Lot 1 (240) Stirling Highway, Claremont ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING – 3 MARCH 2015
3 MARCH, 2015


File Ref:
Attachments – Public:
Location and Submission Plan Photograph Attachments – Restricted:
Transport Statement & Parking Assessment
Responsible Officer:
David Vinicombe
Executive Manager Planning and Development

Julia Kingsbury
Manager Planning

Proposed Meeting Date:
3 March 2015
Date Prepared:
18 February 2015
Planning Application Number: DA 2014.00103
60 Days Due Date:
11 August 2014
Property Owner:
Bethesda Hospital Inc.
Submitted By:
Town Planning, Urban Design and Heritage
Area of Lot:
Special Use – Restricted Zone and MRS
Reserve for Parks and Recreation

Financial Implications:
Enabling Legislation:
Planning and Development Act 2005 (PDA)
Town Planning Scheme No. 3 (TPS3)
Residential Design Codes (RDC)
Freshwater Bay Escarpment Local Law (Local

Application for planning approval received for proposed additions and alterations to the Bethesda Hospital at the subject site. 29 neighbours were consulted and one submission was received. Application has previously been deemed refused, however the applicant has requested that Council extend the 60 day consideration period and formally determine the application. Application is recommended for approval, subject to relevant conditions. The application proposes additions and alterations to the existing Bethesda Hospital at the subject site. ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA
3 MARCH, 2015

The application requires the Council's determination due to the commercial nature of
the proposal.
The following table outlines key dates regarding this proposal: Planning Application received by Council. Application undergoes internal DCU assessment. Advertising commenced. Advertising closed. Town advised applicant that application has been deemed 21 November 2014 refused. Applicant requests extension to 60 day consideration period to formally determine application. 23 February 2015 Briefing session of Council. 25 February 2015 Report prepared for Council. Past Resolutions
Ordinary Council Meeting, 6 August 2002, Resolution 307/02: That Council: Recommend to the Western Australian Planning Commission that approval be granted for the proposed upgrade of Bethesda Hospital, 25 (Lot 13) Queenslea Drive, Claremont - subject to: A total of 194 car bays to be provided for the use of the hospital. Ordinary Council Meeting, 15 April 2014, Resolution 51/14: THAT Council advise the Western Australian Planning Commission that it supports the proposed upgrade and extension of the existing car parking area at Bethesda Hospital at Lot 13 (25) Queenslea Drive, Claremont subject to the following conditions and advice notes: Car parking bays, internal driveways and vehicle manoeuvring areas to be designed in accordance with AS2890-2004 parking facilities. All storm water is to be retained on the site. Details are to be provided with the application for a building permit. The approved landscaping including the provision of a minimum of one shade tree for every four car parking bays being installed to the satisfaction of the Town of Claremont and thereafter maintained to a high standard. Access to the proposed car park extension through the adjacent site at 4 Victoria Avenue, Claremont and shared parking arrangements being formalised by way of a parking and access agreement to the satisfaction of the Town of Claremont. A construction and parking management plan for tradespersons and deliver vehicles is to be prepared and submitted to the Town of Claremont for approval, prior to the issue of a Building Permit. ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA
3 MARCH, 2015

Landscaping to the south of the car parking area to maintain suitable public access to the satisfaction of the Swan River Trust and Western Australian planning Commission. The proposal does not satisfy appropriate environmental or land-use standards for the river foreshore, will inhibit pedestrian access along the foreshore and accordingly is an inappropriate use of the Regional Reservation for Parks and Recreation. It is noted that following a similar recommendation for refusal by the Swan River Trust, the Ministers for Planning and the Environment met and determined in favour of the proposal. Heritage
The property is not listed in the Town of Claremont Local Government Inventory or the Town Planning Scheme Schedule of Heritage Places. The application was advertised in accordance with Local Planning Policy LG525. 29 neighbours were consulted and one submission was received. A summary of the submission has been provided as follows: Submissions Received
4C Victoria Avenue, Claremont Submission
Applicant Comment
Officer Comment
We have no objection to this Development will be in Any approval will be conditioned to accordance with an require the submission of a Construction We have a general concern approved construction Management Plan to be approved by the in regards to potential noise, Town prior to the issue of a Building traffic and pollution impacts detailing how the during construction. construction of the development will be managed to minimise the impact on the surrounding area in relation to noise, timeframes, construction vehicle access and An agreement between Bethesda and Town The plans state that provides for the dedicated Bethesda Lane is not used use by Bethesda for eight for staff parking however we car bays within the understand Bethesda has Bethesda Lane car park. been given sole use of nine of the car bays. signposted accordingly. This application does not seek to change this current arrangement. ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA
3 MARCH, 2015

A full copy of the submission is attached to this report.
Metropolitan Region Scheme Metropolitan Region Scheme
The site is partially located within the Swan River Trust (SRT) Development Control Area (DCA) therefore in accordance with cl.30A(2)(a) the application must be referred to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) for determination under the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS). The WAPC is required to refer the application to the SRT for its consideration and the WAPC is required to determine the application in a manner consistent with SRT's advice. In the event that the SRT and the WAPC decisions are inconsistent, the proposal is to be determined by the Minister for Environment and the Minister for Planning. As the land is also zoned under TPS3, the application requires a dual approval by Council and the WAPC. On 21 November 2014, Council's solicitors wrote to the applicant's solicitors to advise that the application had been deemed refused by virtue of cl.88(1) of TPS3. Notwithstanding the Town's deemed refusal, the WAPC issued a conditional planning approval under the MRS for the proposed additions and alterations on 17 December 2014. Given the inconsistency of the two decisions above, the applicant has requested that Council formally consider determination of the application. Discussion
The proposal includes a three level addition at the rear of the hospital to accommodate: • Two new theatres and prep rooms A new recovery room accommodating four new bays New staff amenity areas including change room facilities and staff lounge An administration and storage area and New mechanical plant room areas. The Hospital currently has 68 overnight beds across two wards, seven operating theatres, holding and recovery bays. The Town has been advised that the additions are proposed as a result of the increase in demand for theatre capacity. The applicant has advised that the existing theatres are at 95% capacity, however due to reduced recovery times, bed capacity is only at 57%. It is not proposed to increase the number of overnight beds or the number of employees (see further discussion on this matter below). ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA
3 MARCH, 2015
The site is zoned under the TPS3 for ‘Special Zone – Restricted Use' and a portion of the site is reserved under the MRS for Parks and Recreation. As detailed in Appendix VII of TPS3, the permitted use of the subject site is for a Hospital not exceeding 77 beds, operating theatre, radiology and physiotherapy facilities. The proposed additions and alterations are considered to be consistent with the permitted use of the site and can be supported. The development complies with the TPS3, RDC, Council Policy and Local Laws other than the following: • Freshwater Bay Escarpment Local Law - Height of Buildings • RDC Setbacks for R15 Note - see comments below on parking compliance. Table 2 of TPS3 states that building setbacks for a hospital development are to comply with the RDC for R15. The development proposes an eastern boundary setback that is generally consistent with the existing hospital building. A portion of the addition (ground floor level corridor) extends closer the eastern boundary between nil and 0.3m. If the RDC is to be used to calculate side setback requirements, the ‘deemed-to-comply' setback from the eastern boundary would be 10-13m (due to wall length and height). The proposed setbacks are considered to be acceptable as they suitably address the ‘design principles' applying setback requirements as follows: The proposed setbacks will not adversely contribute to the building's bulk as the addition is generally in line with the existing building (with the exception of the ground floor which protrudes out from the main building line). This will assist in breaking up the length of the facade and articulate the building. The adjacent Claremont Yacht Club is not residential nature and therefore there are no outdoor living areas or major openings to consider. The proposed addition will not have an adverse impact on the adjacent property in respect to overshadowing, access to light or protection of privacy. Given that the bulk of the extension is located to the rear of the site, behind existing vegetation and below the existing hospital, it will not have an adverse impact on the streetscape. It is noted that the proposed development encroaches into the SRT DCA setback from the rear boundary of the site. The SRT and WAPC have supported this minor variation. The addition proposes a maximum building height of 15.88m (calculated in accordance with the Local Law). Cl.40 and cl.50(2) of TPS3 do not prescribe a building height for the Special Use – Restricted Site zone, however the Freshwater Bay Escarpment Local Law of 14 July 2000 (Local Law) does apply height ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA
3 MARCH, 2015

restrictions to the site. This Local Law supersedes the former By-law 123 addressing
heights of buildings on the escarpment.
Under the Local Law the distance from the underside of the footings of any building or structure to the top of that building or structure immediately above such part shall not exceed 2.4m and no point of any part of any building or structure shall be more than 1m above the natural surface of the land beneath such part. The proposed addition does not comply with the Local Law. The Local Law itself does not provide any power to vary the permitted height. Cl.6 of TPS3 states that "the provisions of the Scheme shall have effect, notwithstanding any By-law for the time being in force in the District, and where the provisions of the Scheme are inconsistent with the provisions of any By-law the provisions of the Scheme shall prevail." The Town and the applicant have sought legal advice on the above matter. Essentially the legal advice revolves around the semantics of what is considered to be an "inconsistency" between the Local Law and the Scheme. In this regard, the two legal interpretations are unclear. The applicant's legal advice states that as there is no height restriction under TPS3, the Local Law is inconsistent with the Scheme as the Local Law does limit the height. Therefore the Scheme prevails over the Local Law to the extent that no provisions on height apply under either scenario. The Town's legal advice indicates that the two requirements can exist separately and accordingly they are not inconsistent. The Town's solicitors do however acknowledge that the interpretation is not beyond doubt and concludes that as the matter of inconsistency is not clear, the Town may consider the development on its individual merits having consideration for the rationale (or objectives) behind the Local Law and the surrounding locality. Whilst the Local Law does not make clear its objective, it does seek to reduce height impact of development on and immediately adjacent to the Freshwater Bay Escarpment (as does the Scheme in relation to the adjacent 6m otherwise) and cl.50 applies By-law 123 requirements (consistent with the Local Law). The applicant has provided the following justification in response to the proposed height of the addition: The proposed development does not result in excessive bulk or scale given that it represents a horizontal extension of the existing building envelope (east of the existing building), with no development proposed above the height of the roof line of the existing hospital building. The development represents a logical and efficient extension to the existing hospital, designed and located in a manner which minimises any perceived impacts on adjacent residential areas. The development does not adversely impact on the Claremont Yacht Club given that the areas of the CFC adjacent to the proposed development primarily consist of vehicular access and service areas. ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA
3 MARCH, 2015
The development will not adversely impact on the amenity or environmental values of the foreshore with the height of the development one floor lower than the existing hospital building. In addition to the above, it is noted that the height of the extension extends approximately 15.88m (directly above the ground level as calculated by the applicant or 17.2m above natural ground level at a height measured consistent with cl.40), compared to the existing building located 4m behind at an additional height of approximately 2m. Accordingly, whilst clearly over height when compared to the Local Law standards, the addition is relatively minor in regards to the existing building and the addition is not considered to have an adverse impact on the foreshore or the view of the building from the river. Having consideration for the development on its individual merits it is considered that the proposal including the proposed height is acceptable and can be supported in this instance. Car Parking and Traffic The hospital currently has the following car parking: 90 visitor bays (Queenslea Drive Car Park) 142 staff parking bays – 58 basement, 13 bays near foreshore (proposed to be extended by a further 27 bays), 16 reciprocal bays at Claremont Yacht Club, 8 bays in Victoria Avenue cul-de-sac and 20 bays at Times Square. 17 Doctor bays (5 Queenslea Drive car park and 12 basement) 2 set down bays (Queenslea Drive car park). This provides a total of 251 bays with 207 being on-site and 44 off-site exclusive (28) or reciprocal (16) by arrangement. It is noted that the hospital currently has 20 day beds. The proposal does not alter the number of day beds, although additional holding and recovery bays are proposed for each theatre to address legislative requirements. When Council considered the previous application for upgrades to the hospital on 6 August 2002, the report indicated that the 20 day rooms (beds) are recovery rooms for use after day surgery and are not overnight beds. The report also indicated that since the 1988 scheme amendment, the nature of hospital service has changed with more emphasis on day surgery. It was acknowledged for the purposes of that application that the day surgery rooms (beds) should not be counted as beds for the purpose of the Special Use zone restrictions (or included in the parking calculations) as the intent of a "bed" is where the patient stays overnight. It is therefore arguable that for the purposes of this application that, consistent with the previous application, if the day beds are not beds for the purpose of bed restrictions under the Scheme, then they should not add a further parking demand under TPS3. TPS3 requires one car parking bay per patient bed plus one car parking bay per employee. It is advised that staff peak is generally 2pm weekday – at this time it is estimated that on average the number of staff is approximately 130. ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA
3 MARCH, 2015

It is noted that Bethesda made a presentation on the proposed development to a
Council briefing on 23 February 2015. During that meeting, the staffing numbers
were queried as it was estimated that each additional theatre (two) would require
additional staff (estimated to total 22). Council was advised that the hospital currently
employs approximately 350 staff; however this converts to 174 full time equivalent
staff members. The claim that no additional staff will result from the proposed
development acknowledges that existing staff will service the expansion of the
hospital by extended shifts. In response to this Bethesda were requested to provide a
categoric statement on the number of existing staff at any one time at the present
and following the expansion. The following response was provided:
"I understand you're intention for a simple statement, regrettably, as per prior correspondence it is really not that simple. Please note we have never tried to indicate that there would not be more busier days or higher volumes of staff that present on occasion and had portrayed this very clearly to Transcore, who's report does reference the additional 27 parking bays being developed (I have attached the plans showing the approved foreshore parking layout with their being 40 bays included on Bethesda's land, noting there are 13 existing at present). That said, to provide some figures to assist: Currently maximum Bethesda Hospital employees on-site at any one point is approx. 160. Our records indicate that this only happened on 4 occasions in 2014 and these only occur for less than 5 minutes in each instance. The reason I have said approx. is we don't record which staff were working from home on a particular day and we also have a Palliative Care Ambulatory program where the majority of the staff who are recorded on the rostering system are based in the community and not on-site. We anticipate this could increase to 175 by 2020. However we highly expect many other factors to have influence on services over this time including: As an example Ophthalmology (eye surgery) is no longer being undertaken at Bethesda from late-2014 (which was able to be undertaken in a small theatre) and health funding changes which we need to respond to are likely to continue to push high volume short stay patients to other day-hospital facilities. The existing Palliative care ambulatory service is expected to move off-site in the coming 12 months. (and there is a possibility that there may be further changes to this service over the next five years). The underpinning reality is that the additional 2 theatres have been modelled to "ramp-up" over 6 years and are simply about ensuring the infrastructure profile is efficient and sustainable. With respect to parking and considerations for the longer term we have actively purchased additional assets (1, 3, 5 Victoria Avenue), development application (Foreshore parking), commercial (Times Square) and looked at other options (Queenslea Drive verge parking, car stackers in cul-de-sac and ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA
3 MARCH, 2015
underground) to ensure we have a number of diverse options that will see us able to respond to changes. There is a significant reality that like many businesses, demands are influenced by external factors and factors that rapidly change (i.e. Health funding structures, government contracts, legislation, and other health facilities activities) and the best we can do is position ourselves with options to respond to these changes as they occur." Bethesda has also advised that it has the ability to increase parking capacity at Times Square should the predicted/planned demand by the Hospital exceed predictions and implement a ‘car-stacker' solution to the underground car park which could quickly respond to capacity demand (14 bays). Whilst there may be some final flexibility in staff numbers which will result from the above variables, the fact is that TPS3 bases its parking requirement for the hospital on the number of beds and staff. In this regard it is reasonable to accept the maximum number of staff on site expected at any one time, not the total staff pool. Therefore based on these numbers (175 staff plus 68 beds) a maximum of 234 bays are required in accordance with TPS3. The current provision of 224 bays (increasing to 251 bays as detailed below) is sufficient to meet this requirement. In order to accommodate the increase in parking demand over time and the variables relative to the service offering on site, it would be appropriate to apply a condition to any approval issued requiring parking provision on site to address the actual parking demand determined by TPS3 at any one time. In addition to the abovementioned car parking it is noted that at its meeting held on 15 April 2014 the Council resolved to recommend refusal to the WAPC for an application for the proposed extension of the existing car parking area at the rear of Bethesda Hospital as the proposal did not satisfy appropriate environmental or land-use standards for the river foreshore, will inhibit pedestrian access along the foreshore and accordingly is an inappropriate use of the Regional Reserve for Parks and Recreation. The application was considered by the WAPC and the SRT and on 18 September 2014 the WAPC issued a conditional approval for the proposed car park which will provide an additional 27 staff car parking bays. These bays are proposed to be constructed at the same time as the current proposal. Once constructed, this parking will increase the total parking available for the development up to 251 bays (207 bays on-site and 44 off-site) which will represent a parking surplus of 17 bays. It is noted that the parking is not fully provided on-site, however 28 of the 44 off-site bays have resulted from private arrangements which are exclusive for the use of the hospital and therefore consistent with cl.32 of TPS3. The total exclusive bays provided is 235 (not including the 16 bays by reciprocal arrangement with Claremont Yacht Club). This satisfies the requirement of 234 bays detailed above. Appendix VII of TPS3 states that "Prior to applying for planning approval the applicant is to undertake a traffic study to determine the effect that the proposed development will have on the nearby school and residents in the locality. Should the traffic study, in Council's opinion, indicate that the development will create a traffic hazard, the applicant is to suitably modify the development to satisfy Council's requirements with respect to traffic." ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA
3 MARCH, 2015

The applicant has submitted a Transport Statement and Parking Assessment report
to address the Town's concerns in relation to the impact of the proposed
development on the street-parking, the shortage of visitor parking bays and the
interaction of the hospital and nearby school traffic. It is noted that the initial report
involved a survey of the locality during the mid-year school holidays (16 July 2014).
The applicant was requested to resurvey the surrounding area to show quantitative
evidence that no parking problems in the surrounding streets will result from approval
of the application. Supplementary surveys were conducted on 11 and 24 of February
The revised Transport Statement and Parking Assessment states that the traffic analysis undertaken demonstrates that any additional traffic associated with the proposed development is not significant and the peak hours for the hospital operations and nearby school do not coincide. The report also indicates that there is currently a surplus of visitor parking available on site (e.g. 29% or approx. 28 bays available at the main Queenslea Drive car park) and that of the 204 on-street parking bays within 400m of the site (as now detailed in the Transport Statement and Parking Assessment), approximately 62% are utilised during the hospital's peak hours (i.e. 38% or approximately 77 of the street parking bays were available for use). It was specifically noted that on-street parking in Princess Road within the 400m radius was 80% utilised. Given Bethesda's instruction to staff not to use these bays, it is expected that the use of these bays will fall dramatically as staff alter parking habits and park at Times Square as instructed. The Transport Statement and Parking Assessment was referred to the Town's Engineering Department for comment. Engineering has advised that the proposed additions are unlikely to adversely impact on the traffic and parking in the immediate area. The additional parking bays approved by the WAPC will assist to alleviate some of the staff car parking concerns. Although the traffic study states that there is sufficient parking, including surplus visitor parking on-site during the peak periods of the hospital's operations, the Town is still concerned about the number of staff vehicles that appear to be parking in surrounding residential streets. It is recommended that any approval be conditioned to require the submission of a Parking Management Plan to address the potential use of excess visitor parking bays at the main Queenslea Drive parking area by staff to minimise the staff use of on-street parking in the immediate area. It is noted that the concerns relating to on-street parking is a complex issue which faces the Town as a whole. Whereas it has been acknowledged by Bethesda that some of their staff park in the local streets such as Princess Road (within a 400mm radius), other users would also be responsible for parking in this area. It is noted that Bethesda have now issued instructions to their staff indicating they are not to park in Princess Road and are to park in Times Square. Consultation is commencing about restricted time/resident permit parking for Princess Road and Chester Road. It is anticipated that 3P parking is likely to be introduced. Construction Management As discussed in this report a submission was received during the advertising period raising a concern in regards to the potential impacts on the surrounding locality during construction. The applicant/owner has advised that a Construction ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA
3 MARCH, 2015

Management Plan will be submitted for approval prior to the issue of a Building
Permit. The owner has also advised that they intend to utilise the land located at 1-5
Victoria Avenue (north of the subject site) for the temporary storage of construction
materials and parking of trade vehicles/deliveries. Given the nature of the use is
temporary a separate application for planning approval is not required in this
instance. It is considered that the use of the vacant site will assist in minimising any
impact on the immediate locality during construction especially in regards to parking
and should be supported. It is recommended that any approval be conditioned to
require the submission of a Construction Management Plan that includes details of
the proposed use of the vacant site at 1-5 Victoria Avenue and measures to minimise
any potential impacts on the adjacent residents to this site.
It is recommended that approval be granted subject to the conditions in the officer's recommendation. Voting Requirements
Simple majority decision of Council required. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION
THAT Council grant planning approval for the proposed additions and
alterations at Bethesda Hospital at Lot 13 (25) Queenslea Drive, Claremont
subject to the following conditions and advice notes:

Development shall occur in accordance with the drawings submitted with
the application for Planning Approval (Planning Application DA-
2014.00103), as amended by these conditions.

Parking to be provided on site and in other locations approved by the
Town of Claremont in accordance with Town Planning Scheme No. 3 for
all patient beds plus one per employee on site at any one time.

All storm water is to be retained on the site. Details are to be provided
with the application for a building permit.

A Parking Management Plan, detailing the allocation and management of
the existing and proposed car parking bays on the subject site including
measures to ensure on-site parking is utilised to capacity to reduce
parking in the surrounding residential streets being submitted for
approval of the Town of Claremont prior to occupation of the proposed

A Construction Management Plan for construction storage, tradespersons
and deliver vehicles at 1-5 Victoria Avenue is to be prepared and
submitted to the Town of Claremont for approval prior to the issue of a
Building Permit. The Plan is to include details relating to noise and dust
control, screening and landscaping to address visual amenity on adjacent
residential lots to the satisfaction of the Town.

This application is valid only if the development is commenced within 24
months of the date of approval.

3 MARCH, 2015


A Building Permit must be obtained from the Local Government prior to
the commencement of any building works. Building Permit applications
for non-residential development MUST be certified prior to submission.

The applicant/owner is advised of the following health requirements from
the Town's Health Services. For further information please contact the
Town's Health Services on 9285 4300:

All plant and machinery (such as air-conditioners and pool pumps)
are to be suitably sound proofed to comply with the requirements
of the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations
1997 and so
as not to cause an adverse impact on the amenity of the adjoining
residential property

Under the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 no
construction work is to be permitted or suffered to be carried out
before 7.00am or after 6.00pm Monday to Saturday inclusive, or on
a Sunday or on a public holiday.

If an applicant is aggrieved by this determination a right of review may
exist under the Planning and Development Act
2005. An application for
review must be lodged with the State Administrative Tribunal
( within 28 days of the determination.

3 MARCH 2015

Lot 13 (25) Queenslea Drive, Claremont –
Bethesda Hospital
General Location: Lot 13 (25) Queenslea Drive, Claremont – Bethesda Hospital
(Source UBD – Perth 2008) NR  NR 
Local Location: Lot 13 (25) Queenslea Drive, Claremont – Bethesda H
Lot 13 (25) Queenslea Drive, Claremont – Bethesda Hospital
(Subject lot in black) OBJ indicates a submission of OBJECTION was received.
SUP indicates a submission of SUPPORT was received.
CON indicates a submission of CONCERN was received.
NR indicates a submission was not received
3 MARCH 2015

Lot 13 (25) Queenslea Road, Claremont -
Bethesda Hospital
Lot 13 (25) Queenslea Road, Claremont - Bethesda Hospital – from Swan River foreshore ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING – 3 MARCH 2015
3 MARCH, 2015


13.2.1 LIST OF PAYMENT 1- 31 JANUARY 2015
File Ref:
Responsible Officer:
Les Crichton
Executive Manager Corporate and Governance

Edwin Kwan
Finance Officer

Proposed Meeting Date:
3 March 2015
For Council to note the payments made in January 2015. Background
Council has delegated to the CEO the exercise of its power to make payments from the Municipal Fund or Trust Fund. The CEO is then required to prepare a list of accounts, for recording in the Minutes, detailing those payments made since the last list was presented. Discussion
Attached is the list of all accounts paid totalling $1,360,532.37 during the month of January 2015. The attached schedule covers: • Municipal Funds electronic funds transfers (EFT) $ 831,981.25 Municipal Fund vouchers (39287-39302) Municipal Fund direct debits Trust Fund electronic funds transfer (EFT) Trust Fund vouchers All invoices have been verified, and all payments have been duly authorised in accordance with Council's procedures. Past Resolutions
Ordinary Council Meeting 17 February 2015, Resolution 14/15: THAT Council notes all payments made for December 2015 totalling $3,337,531.52 comprising; Municipal Funds electronic funds transfers (EFT) $ 2,686,994.74 Municipal Fund vouchers (39274-39286) $ 28,937.02 Municipal Fund direct debits $ 549,718.66 Trust Fund electronic funds transfer (EFT) $ 71,881.10 Trust Fund vouchers (NO DISSENT) ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA
3 MARCH, 2015

Financial and Staff Implication

Resource requirements are in accordance with existing budgetary allocation. Policy and Statutory Implications
Regs. 12- 13 of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996. Town of Claremont Delegation Register Item 37. Publicity
Voting Requirements
Simple majority decision of Council required. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION
THAT Council notes all payments made for January 2015 totalling
$1,360,532.37 comprising;

Municipal Funds electronic funds transfers (EFT) $ 831,981.25
Municipal Fund vouchers (39287-39302)

$ 22,706.03
Municipal Fund direct debits
$ 443,877.18
Trust Fund electronic funds transfer (EFT)
$ 61,967.91
Trust Fund vouchers
3 MARCH 2015
1-31 JANUARY 2015
16/01/2015 EFT01127 A'N'K BUDGET BINS Skip Bin Preparation for WW1 Exhibit 8/01/2015 EFT01122 ACCORD SECURITY PTY LTD Security 3 x 1600 -1600. 1 x overnight-Christmas 8/01/2015 EFT01122 ADAMS & ASSOCIATES PTY LTD Progress Claim - November 2014 - No.1 Claremont 22/01/2015 EFT01129 Town Talk Newsletter 16/01/2015 EFT01127 AGE DEVELOPMENTS PTY LTD Aquatic Centre Additions 1415 16/01/2015 EFT01127 Australian Flag replacement - Pool 16/01/2015 EFT01127 ALLMARK & ASSOCIATES PTY LTD 4 x A4 aluminium backing signs for turtle nesting 30/01/2015 EFT01133 Outside paving & PAS floor sanding 16/01/2015 EFT01127 Stamp for Finance 22/01/2015 EFT01129 Feminine Hygiene Service 23/01/2015 EFT01130 Internet Feb 2015 8/01/2015 EFT01123 Superannuation Dec 2014 22/01/2015 EFT01129 Professional golf sales 30/01/2015 EFT01133 Professional golf sales 8/01/2015 EFT01122 Armaguard fee - Pool 22/01/2015 EFT01129 Repair to plotter printer 30/01/2015 EFT01133 Ink Cartridge - Plotter 16/01/2015 EFT01127 ASHTON AVENUE MEDICAL CENTRE Pre-employment medical 30/01/2015 EFT01133 ASHTON AVENUE MEDICAL CENTRE Pre-employment medical 8/01/2015 EFT01122 AUSTRALIAN TAXATION OFFICE 22/01/2015 EFT01129 AUSTRALIAN TAXATION OFFICE 16/01/2015 EFT01127 AUSTRAL MERCANTILE COLLECTIONS P/L Debt Col ection Costs 30/01/2015 EFT01133 AUSTRALIA POST - 623462 Australia Post December 2014 30/01/2015 EFT01133 AUSTRALIA POST - 673027 Australia Post December 2014 8/01/2015 EFT01123 Superannuation Dec 2014 30/01/2015 EFT01133 Christmas Lighting 8/01/2015 EFT01122 AUTO MASTERS COTTESLOE Service vehicle Ford Ranger (1EJN 832) 16/01/2015 EFT01127 B & B WASTE CONTRACTORS PTY LTD B&B Waste - Greenwaste col ection Dec 2014 30/01/2015 EFT01133 BAYVIEW NEWS AND BOOKS Library Acquisitions 8/01/2015 EFT01122 BEAVER TREE SERVICES Various tree works 16/01/2015 EFT01127 BEAVER TREE SERVICES Various tree works 8/01/2015 EFT01122 Various tree works 22/01/2015 EFT01129 Various tree works 8/01/2015 EFT01122 BOYAN ELECTRICAL SERVICES Repairs and maintenance 22/01/2015 EFT01129 BOYAN ELECTRICAL SERVICES Repairs and maintenance 8/01/2015 EFT01123 BT SUPER FOR LIFE Superannuation Dec 2014 8/01/2015 EFT01122 Material, Tools and Equipment 16/01/2015 EFT01127 Material, Tools and Equipment 22/01/2015 EFT01129 Material, Tools and Equipment 22/01/2015 EFT01129 BURGESS RAWSON (WA) PTY LTD Water Usage - SMH 16/01/2015 EFT01127 CALAMUNNDA CAMELS PTY LTD 3 x camels for 3.5hours - Christmas 22/01/2015 EFT01129 Stationery - Records 8/01/2015 EFT01123 CB SUPERANNUATION SAVINGS Superannuation Dec 2014 8/01/2015 EFT01122 Purchase Star Waterloo - BVT Christmas lights 30/01/2015 EFT01133 High Tea - catering 8/01/2015 EFT01122 Building Surveyor Services 16/01/2015 EFT01127 Contribution to WESROC Projects 30/01/2015 EFT01133 CLAREMONT LAWN TENNIS CLUB INC.
Ground Maintenance Subsidy - Tennis Club 22/01/2015 EFT01129 CLAREMONT NEWSPAPER DELIVERY SERVICE The West Subscription for No.1 Claremont 30/01/2015 EFT01133 CLAREMONT NEWSPAPER DELIVERY SERVICE The West Subscription for Library 22/01/2015 EFT01129 CLAREMONT YACHT CLUB Twilight Cruise Dinner 30/01/2015 EFT01133 CLAREMONT YACHT CLUB WMRC dinner - 2 October 2014 8/01/2015 EFT01122 CLARK RUBBER MORLEY Mats for Pool party 8/01/2015 EFT01122 CLEAN CITY GROUP PTY LTD Signage upgrade and replacement 22/01/2015 EFT01129 CLEAN CITY GROUP PTY LTD Graffiti removal December 2014 30/01/2015 EFT01133 CLEAN CITY GROUP PTY LTD instal /pickup of banners for Xmas in Claremont 30/01/2015 EFT01133 Mobile phone expenses for ToC 16/01/2015 EFT01127 COATES HIRE OPERATIONS PTY LTD Hire equipment for Christmas in Claremont event 16/01/2015 EFT01127 Contractor Services External - 6082-A 8/01/2015 EFT01122 CORNERSTONE RENOVATIONS Repairs and Maintenance 22/01/2015 EFT01129 CORNERSTONE RENOVATIONS Repairs and Maintenance 30/01/2015 EFT01133 CORNERSTONE RENOVATIONS Repairs and Maintenance 16/01/2015 EFT01127 DALE'S DAIRY DASH Milk for No.1 Claremont 8/01/2015 EFT01122 DE FREITAS & RYAN REAL ESTATE Lease of Property - Museum O'Connor Lease 16/01/2015 EFT01127 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Vehicle Search fees November 2014 30/01/2015 EFT01133 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Vehicle search fees December 2014 16/01/2015 EFT01127 DIELECTRIC SECURITY SYSTEMS Patrol 19/12/14 & 20/12/14 22/01/2015 EFT01129 DIELECTRIC SECURITY SYSTEMS Building electrical works 30/01/2015 EFT01133 DOCUPRINT (WA) PTY LTD Printing foam core sheets Museum 30/01/2015 EFT01133 DONEGAN ENTERPRISES PTY LTD Wkly inspection of p/ground at various parks 8/01/2015 EFT01122 Building electrical works 30/01/2015 EFT01133 Attend to fault at Mary St Reserve 16/01/2015 EFT01127 EEKOS ARCHITECTURE & URBAN PLACES Claremont Train Station fence design Nov Dec 2014 22/01/2015 EFT01129 EEKOS ARCHITECTURE & URBAN PLACES Concept design public realm - Avion Way 22/01/2015 EFT01129 ELLIOTTS IRRIGATION PTY LTD Iron filter servicing for December at Lakeway Estate 16/01/2015 EFT01127 ENVAR SERVICE PTY LTD Quarterly Air-con Service - Pool 16/01/2015 EFT01127 ENVISIONWARE PTY LTD Envisionware update - Library 8/01/2015 EFT01122 EVOLUTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PTY LTD T/A TRS Traffic management 30/01/2015 EFT01133 EXCLUSIVE TROPHIES ToC honourboard and instal ation 30/01/2015 EFT01133 Marquee Roof Covers x2 - Pool 30/01/2015 EFT01133 FAST FINISHING SERVICES Binding council minutes 2014 September 22/01/2015 EFT01129 FLORAL IMAGE PERTH Flower Hire for 308 Stirling Hwy 22/01/2015 EFT01129 FOOD TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 16/01/2015 EFT01127 30/01/2015 EFT01133 Gemma Bass- contract work with Claremont NOW 22/01/2015 EFT01129 GLG GREENLIFE GROUP PTY LTD Grounds maintenance at Claremont Golf Course 22/01/2015 EFT01129 Call out to find & fix electrical fault with 8/01/2015 EFT01122 GREENWAY ENTERPRISES 2 x ARS professional roll handle secateurs (VS-8R) 16/01/2015 EFT01127 GRIFFITHS ARCHITECTS Peer Review Session 4 SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS
1-31 JANUARY 2015
8/01/2015 EFT01122 HARRY ARMSTRONG PTY LTD 2 x MK1 park padlocks for various parks 22/01/2015 EFT01129 HORTWEST INDUSTRIES Variations to tender for December 2014 30/01/2015 EFT01133 HORTWEST INDUSTRIES Garden maintenance at various places 8/01/2015 EFT01123 HOSTPLUS SUPERANNUATION FUND Superannuation Dec 2014 30/01/2015 EFT01133 INSIGHT CALL CENTRE SERVICES Overcall fees for December 2014 8/01/2015 EFT01123 IVEY SUPERANNUATION FUND Superannuation Dec 2014 8/01/2015 EFT01122 J & V CONTRACTORS Various road works 16/01/2015 EFT01127 J & V CONTRACTORS Various road works 22/01/2015 EFT01129 Police check for Park Supervisor 22/01/2015 EFT01129 JIM'S MOWING (NORTH MOSMAN PARK) Mowing at various verges 22/01/2015 EFT01129 KALAMUNDA FENCING & GATEMAKERS Chain wire fencing at Lake Claremont 16/01/2015 EFT01127 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Internal Printers 22/01/2015 EFT01129 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Internal Printers 30/01/2015 EFT01133 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Internal Printers 16/01/2015 EFT01127 KONICA MINOLTA EQUIPMENT FINANCE Lease of photocopiers 8/01/2015 EFT01122 LANDGATE - MIDLAND GRV Schedule G2014/24 22/11/14 to 05/12/14 22/01/2015 EFT01129 LANDGATE - MIDLAND GRV Schedule G2014/25 06/12/14 to 19/12/14 8/01/2015 EFT01123 Superannuation Dec 2014 8/01/2015 EFT01122 50% of Aqua Course 16/01/2015 EFT01127 LOCK, STOCK & FARRELL LOCKSMITH Replace faulty door lock - Pool 16/01/2015 EFT01127 Fuel & Oil for 1EIQ612 8/01/2015 EFT01122 Printing of bus shelters 5 - Claremont NOW 16/01/2015 EFT01127 Item for Volkswagen Golf 90TSI Comfortline ETO 8/01/2015 EFT01122 Legal consultation 16/01/2015 EFT01127 Legal consultation 8/01/2015 EFT01122 MICHELLE CAMPBELL Work with Children Check - Michelle Campbell 30/01/2015 EFT01133 MIKE HOPKINS OFFICE FURNITURE Stationery Cabinet - Museum 8/01/2015 EFT01123 Superannuation Dec 2014 16/01/2015 EFT01127 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS Royal show 2014 2way rental 62650 16/01/2015 EFT01127 Noise monitoring - Stereosonic 2014 16/01/2015 EFT01127 OCE CORPORATE CLEANING Cleaning for various places 22/01/2015 EFT01129 OCE CORPORATE CLEANING Dishwasher products for No.1 Claremont 30/01/2015 EFT01133 OCE CORPORATE CLEANING Cleaning materials for various places 30/01/2015 EFT01133 OPTEON PROPERTY GROUP Lot 15 Claremont Crescent valuation 30/01/2015 EFT01133 ORICA AUSTRALIA PTY LTD Orica service fee - Pool 22/01/2015 EFT01129 Clean BBQ's at various parks 22/01/2015 EFT01129 Water for various places 30/01/2015 EFT01133 Water Dispenser rental - Museum 30/01/2015 EFT01133 PARALLAX PRODUCTIONS PTY LTD Installation of artworks 8/01/2015 EFT01122 Duty manager shirts - Pool 30/01/2015 EFT01133 Staff Uniforms - shorts - Pool 22/01/2015 EFT01129 PERTH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA PSO 50% payment for Symphony of Love 22/01/2015 EFT01129 PERTHWASTE PTY LTD Domestic Waste Collection 8/01/2015 EFT01122 PGC IRRIGATION CONTRACTORS PTY LTD Kingsmill St and Albert St - Retic repairs 8/01/2015 EFT01122 PHIL JOHNSON PLUMBING AND GAS Repairs and Maintenance 16/01/2015 EFT01127 PHIL JOHNSON PLUMBING AND GAS Repairs and Maintenance 8/01/2015 EFT01122 PINDAN CONSTRUCTIONS Progress Claim No 15 - No.1 Claremont Contract 22/01/2015 EFT01129 PIPELINE IRRIGATION Retic maintenance at various places 22/01/2015 EFT01129 PROFESSIONAL TREE SURGEONS Various tree works 30/01/2015 EFT01133 PROFESSIONAL TREE SURGEONS Various tree works 22/01/2015 EFT01129 PROGILITY PTY LTD Various IT and electrical works 8/01/2015 EFT01122 Road Survey - Stirling Rd/Claremont Cres 8/01/2015 EFT01123 Superannuation Dec 2014 8/01/2015 EFT01122 ROSEMARY ROSARIO PTY LTD Heritage comment on 25 Davies Road; DA-2014.00126 8/01/2015 EFT01122 C. KAY T/A RURAL CINEMA Movie night 20 December 2014 - Pool 8/01/2015 EFT01122 SJR CIVIL CONSULTING PTY LTD Relief work at various places 8/01/2015 EFT01123 SL WHITTELL SUPERANNUATION FUND Superannuation Dec 2014 8/01/2015 EFT01122 STAPLES (CORPORATE EXPRESS) Stationery and sundry expenses 16/01/2015 EFT01127 STAPLES (CORPORATE EXPRESS) Stationery and sundry expenses 22/01/2015 EFT01129 STATE LIBRARY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Library Lost and Damaged Replacement Stock 16/01/2015 EFT01127 SUSTAINABLE OUTDOORS Weed control at various locations around the Lake 30/01/2015 EFT01133 SUSTAINABLE OUTDOORS Retic maintenance at various parks 16/01/2015 EFT01127 SVETLANA OSTROVSKY Police Check for Supervisor of Works 16/01/2015 EFT01127 SWANBOURNE VETERINARY CENTRE 8/01/2015 EFT01122 Electricity and Street Lighting 22/01/2015 EFT01129 Electricity and Street Lighting 30/01/2015 EFT01133 Electricity and Street Lighting 16/01/2015 EFT01127 TASSIE DEVIL LINEMARKING Line Marking at various places 22/01/2015 EFT01129 TASSIE DEVIL LINEMARKING Additional linemarking in Golf Course 8/01/2015 EFT01122 TELFORD INDUSTRIES Dry chlorine order - Pool 8/01/2015 EFT01124 Mobile December 2014 30/01/2015 EFT01133 Telephone Landline January 2015 16/01/2015 EFT01127 Annual Timber Pest Inspection - Anzac Cottage 22/01/2015 EFT01129 THE PROPERTY MARKET TRUST A/C Rate Refunds - A190 22/01/2015 EFT01129 TOTAL EDEN PTY LTD Parts for reticulation maintenance at various parks 8/01/2015 EFT01122 TOWN OF COTTESLOE 1/4 Share of Gibley St Valuation 16/01/2015 EFT01127 TOWN OF COTTESLOE WESROC project demographics 8/01/2015 EFT01122 TURFWORKS WA PTY LTD Mowing Parks & various verges 22/01/2015 EFT01129 TURFWORKS WA PTY LTD Mowing Parks & various verges 8/01/2015 EFT01123 TWU SUPERANNUATION FUND Superannuation Dec 2014 8/01/2015 EFT01122 UHY HAINES NORTON Audit Certificate Pensioner Deferred Rates 30/01/2015 EFT01133 UNITED TILT TRAY SERVICE Removal car 1DSQ242 - FROM 2 Loton Road 16/01/2015 EFT01127 VERANDAH HOME & GARDEN Light the Nights Grant 8/01/2015 EFT01123 Superannuation Dec 2014 30/01/2015 EFT01133 WAKE'S CONTRACTING PTY LTD Weed control on lakebed for broadleaf & grasses 8/01/2015 EFT01122 Town Talk November 2014 16/01/2015 EFT01127 WAREHOUSING EQUIPMENT PTY LTD Pool step pully replacement 30/01/2015 EFT01133 WELDING SOLUTIONS Repairs to water cart on water truck 8/01/2015 EFT01122 WESTERN METROPOLITAN REGIONAL COUNCIL Domestic Refuse Service 16/01/2015 EFT01127 WESTERN METROPOLITAN REGIONAL COUNCIL Domestic Refuse Service SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS
1-31 JANUARY 2015
30/01/2015 EFT01133 WESTERN METROPOLITAN REGIONAL COUNCIL Domestic Refuse Service 16/01/2015 EFT01127 Instal Red Spot Fuse for unmetered supply 8/01/2015 EFT01123 WILLOX SUPERANNUATION FUND Superannuation Dec 2014 8/01/2015 EFT01122 WOODLANDS DISTRIBUTORS AND AGENCIES PTY LSupply/install straps to 120ltr bin enclosures 30/01/2015 EFT01133 WOODLANDS DISTRIBUTORS AND AGENCIES PTY LSinglet bags and waste bag dispensers 22/01/2015 EFT01129 Uniform and protective clothing Total EFT
Total Number of EFT Transfers
Cheque Posting D Document NoVendor No / Name
39287 65755 MLC NOMINEES Superannuation Dec 2014 39288 66180 TELSTRA SUPER PERSONAL PLUS Superannuation Dec 2014 39289 64633 UNISUPER LIMITED Superannuation Dec 2014 39290 67453 PORTFOLIOCARE SUPER SERVICE Superannuation Dec 2014 39291 63161 ALINTA GAS Gas - Meals on Wheels 39292 67491 PETER & RAEWYN O'SULLIVAN Rate Refunds A5449 39293 64571 SENSIS PTY LTD Sensis fees - Pool 39294 67465 ANDREE MANNES Rate Refunds A408 Interim Rate Adjustment 39295 64138 FINES ENFORCEMENT REGISTRY Unpaid infringement pursuit January 2015 39296 80045 PETTY CASH-COUNCIL **PLEASE PAY CASH Petty Cash for Golf Course 39297 67492 SAPPHIRE POOLS BA2012.00103 BSL Refused 39298 67187 LAWRENCE APPELBEE Museum Displays - WW1 Measuring Device 39299 67497 STEPHANIE BENTLEY Rate Refunds - A3405 39301 80046 WATER CORPORATION Water use and service charges 39302 64138 FINES ENFORCEMENT REGISTRY Unpaid infringement pursuit January 2015 - 2 Total EFT
Total Number of Cheques
Various Bank Fees Domestic Waste Collection Payrol and Superannuation Caltex card fuel expenses Shel card fuel expenses NAB Purchasing Card Purchasing Card January 2015 Total Direct Debits
16/01/2015 EFT01128 BCITF Levies Dec 2014 16/01/2015 EFT01128 BUILDERS REGISTRATION BOARD OF WA BRB Levies Dec 2014 29/01/2015 EFT01131 DALE ALCOCK HOME IMPROVEMENT 16/01/2015 EFT01128 29/01/2015 EFT01131 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING 16/01/2015 EFT01128 MA AND Y BUCHANAN 29/01/2015 EFT01131 THE FEDERATION OF POLICE & Total EFT
Total Number of EFT Transfers
Cheque Posting D Document NoVendor No / Name
Total number of Cheques
3 MARCH 2015
Statement Period 30 Dec 2014 to 28 Jan 2015
Andrew Head
Posting Date Tran Date
6-Jan-15 Bunnings 306000 CCAHEAD Sprayer and Fungicide for trees 7-Jan-15 Universal Tyre 01551 CCAHEAD supply and fit truck tyre for water tr Posting Date Tran Date
7-Jan-15 Mandurah Auto Pty Ltd 14-Jan-15 14-Jan-15 Gal ery Of Claremont farewel card Katherine Harrison 21-Jan-15 21-Jan-15 Coles Claremont CCAEDWAR - staff morning tea - 21 Jan 27-Jan-15 27-Jan-15 Telstra CCAEDWAR - CEO Ipad recharge Posting Date Tran Date
13-Jan-15 12-Jan-15 Aussie Natural Spring Bottled water for Golf Course 4 & 29/12/14 13-Jan-15 13-Jan-15 Coles Claremont Fruit for Operations Centre 19-Jan-15 15-Jan-15 Bunnings 306000 Keys for park locks and bag of rags 20-Jan-15 20-Jan-15 Coles Claremont Milk, fruit, coffee & tea for Operations Centre 23-Jan-15 21-Jan-15 Bunnings 306000 12 x 25L bags of compost 28-Jan-15 28-Jan-15 Coles Claremont ccdletiz - milk & fruit for Operations Centre Posting Date Tran Date
27-Jan-15 23-Jan-15 Adobe Systems Software Monthly adobe membership for graphic design Hitesh Hans
Posting Date Tran Date
7-Jan-15 Local Governments Ma CCHHANS LGMA Finance profes workshop 15-Jan-15 15-Jan-15 Coles Maylands CCHHANS Coles Drinks for staff fridge 22-Jan-15 22-Jan-15 Coles Claremont CCHHANS Coles Staff Kitchen Utenslils 23-Jan-15 22-Jan-15 Local Governement Mana CCHHANS LGMA Membership to be refunded 27-Jan-15 22-Jan-15 Asquith Cel ars CCHHANS Drinks for Staff Social club Australia Jenna Waight
Posting Date Tran Date
5-Jan-15 Coles Claremont JWAIGH Fruit - week of 5 Jan 2015 9-Jan-15 Coles Claremont JWAIGH Staff Sundowner food - 9 Jan 2015 12-Jan-15 12-Jan-15 Coles Claremont JWAIGH Fruit - week of 12 Jan 2015 16-Jan-15 15-Jan-15 Tn Mobile Claremont Pty L JWAIGH Phone cover - Supervisor of Works 19-Jan-15 19-Jan-15 Coles Claremont JWAIGH Fruit - week of 19 Jan 2015 22-Jan-15 22-Jan-15 Coles Claremont JWAIGH Supplies for Aus Day event - 22 Jan 20 23-Jan-15 22-Jan-15 Peters Choice Butche JWAIGH Meat - Australia Day Event 22 Jan 201 27-Jan-15 27-Jan-15 Coles Claremont JWAIGH Fruit - Week of 27 Jan 2015 Posting Date Tran Date
5-Jan-15 Coles Claremont fruit for the office 20-Jan-15 20-Jan-15 Officeworks 0602 Emergency Management kit 22-Jan-15 20-Jan-15 Bunnings 306000 safety equipment for eho 22-Jan-15 21-Jan-15 Boc Ltd rehydrating icy poles for officers 27-Jan-15 22-Jan-15 The Reject Shop 611 CCHARRI - Chalk for Rangers Katie Bovell
Posting Date Tran Date
8-Jan-15 Bunnings 306000 Two shower caddeys for admin building showe Posting Date Tran Date
22-Jan-15 22-Jan-15 Telstra Cr Browne - ipad Sim recharge Lisa Russel
Posting Date Tran Date
8-Jan-15 Jb Hi Fi Apple Charger for Les, spare for IT Dept 12-Jan-15 10-Jan-15 Dnh*godaddy.Com Aud 12-Jan-15 12-Jan-15 Officeworks 0604 WhiteBoard dusters & Magnetic rol Posting Date Tran Date
6-Jan-15 Claremont Newsagency Paper for printers 19-Jan-15 19-Jan-15 Coles Claremont 21-Jan-15 20-Jan-15 Nespresso Australia Coffee Pods for Staff Posting Date Tran Date
20-Jan-15 19-Jan-15 Tlife Claremont Recharge- claremont now 21-Jan-15 20-Jan-15 Tlife Claremont Recharge -community development 21-Jan-15 21-Jan-15 Ikea Perth 21-Jan-15 21-Jan-15 Ikea Perth 22-Jan-15 21-Jan-15 Dormar Indents Lanterns _ Place activation 28-Jan-15 26-Jan-15 Paypal *dvdorchard 28-Jan-15 27-Jan-15 Jb Hi Fi Mona Numann
Posting Date Tran Date
3-Jan-15 Ventraip Group(Aus) 6-Jan-15 Paypal *phil ingspt Expenses for Museum 7-Jan-15 Paypal *afficheprin Expenses for Museum 21-Jan-15 20-Jan-15 Textile Traders Expenses for Museum 22-Jan-15 22-Jan-15 Artistic Greenery Expenses for Museum 23-Jan-15 21-Jan-15 Bunnings 306000 Expenses for Museum 23-Jan-15 21-Jan-15 Bunnings 306000 Expenses for Museum 23-Jan-15 22-Jan-15 Knitwit Australia Expenses for Museum 27-Jan-15 24-Jan-15 Spotlight 058 Expenses for Museum 27-Jan-15 24-Jan-15 Spotlight 058 Expenses for Museum 27-Jan-15 24-Jan-15 Thingz House & Home Expenses for Museum Posting Date Tran Date
8-Jan-15 Coles Claremont Milk for staff room 13-Jan-15 13-Jan-15 Coles Claremont Cook from a Book summer holiday activity 15-Jan-15 13-Jan-15 Jb Hi Fi DVDs for library stock 15-Jan-15 15-Jan-15 Coles Claremont Milk for staffroom 16-Jan-15 14-Jan-15 Magshop Online Magshop online subscription to magazines 19-Jan-15 16-Jan-15 Magshop Online Magshop online subscription to magazines 22-Jan-15 20-Jan-15 Jb Hi Fi New DVDs for stock 27-Jan-15 23-Jan-15 Moore Educational Pty Ltd Books and games for kids packs Sean Badani
Posting Date Tran Date
6-Jan-15 Coles Claremont BBQ food for pool event 5-Jan-15 Caltex Nedlands Milk for staff room 5-Jan-15 Jacks Wholefoods And Groc BBQ Food for pool event 5-Jan-15 Bunnings 306000 Plant room fitting 8-Jan-15 Coles Expr Claremont Milk for staff room 9-Jan-15 Coles Claremont BBQ food for pool event 8-Jan-15 Jacks Wholefoods And Groc Fruit for staff room Posting Date Tran Date
14-Jan-15 13-Jan-15 Public Transport Aut Public transport card 23-Jan-15 22-Jan-15 Public Transport Aut CCSGOODE - ceo public transport card ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA
3 MARCH, 2015


3 MARCH, 2015

File Ref:
Responsible Officer:
Mayor Barker

Responsible Officer:
Mayor Barker

Stephen Goode
Chief Executive Officer
Proposed Meeting Date:
03 March 2015
It is proposed that the following item be considered in closed session. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION
That in accordance with Section 5.23 (2) of the Local Government Act 1995 the
meeting is closed to members of the public with the following aspect(s) of the
Act being applicable to this matter:

(a) A matter affecting an employee or employees. ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA
3 MARCH, 2015

  • Attachment - List of Payments January 2015.pdf
  • Schedule of Payments January 2015.pdf
  • Cover Page NAB Purchase Card January 2015.pdf
  • Attachment 2
  • Cover Page NAB Purchase Card January 2015.pdf
  • January 2015.pdf


    Naremburn matters newsletter

    Naremburn Mat ers June 2014  Vol.10, No.1 Circulation 3,000 Naremburn library grand reopening Thank-you to al who were able to join us at the of icial reopening celebration of the Naremburn Library and Community Centre on Saturday 3 May 2014. It was a fantastic day despite the cold and the poor weather at the beginning. There were activities for children, including face painting, story

    Third International Conference on Applied Energy - 16-18 May 2011 - Perugia, Italy K. Slopiecka, P. Bartocci, F. Fantozzi Thermogravimetric analysis and Kinetic study of poplar wood pyrolysis Thermogravimetric analysis and Kinetic study of poplar wood pyrolysis Katarzyna Slopiecka, Pietro Bartocci, Francesco Fantozzi University of Perugia, CRB-Biomass Research Centre