Sjogren's syndrome: a guide for the patient

Robert I. Fox, M.D., Ph.D.*
Paul E. Michelson, M.D.**
Sjögren's Syndrome Foundation
*Rheumatology Clinic
Scripps Memorial
9850 Genesee Ave, #910
La Jolla, CA 92037 phone: 858-457-2023
email [email protected]
** Eye Care of La Jolla
9934 Genesee Ave, # 200 La Jolla, CA 92037
***Sjögren's Syndrome Foundation
Sjögren's syndrome is a chronic disorder of unknown cause characterized by a
particular form of dry mouth and dry eyes. This loss of tears and saliva may result
in characteristic changes in the eyes (called aqueous tear deficiency or
keratoconjunctivitis) and in dryness of the mouth (called sicca or xerostomia) with
deterioration of the teeth, increased oral infection, difficulty in swallowing, and painful mouth. Thus, dryness of eyes and mouth are termed keratoconjunctivitis
sicca (KCS). There are many different causes for KCS. When they occur as a result
of an autoimmune process, the condition is called Sjögren's syndrome, which usually
occurs in middle-aged women and has prevalence in about 1 in 500 adult persons.
There is a marked predisposition of women (about 9:1) with two peaks of age of onset. The first peak occurs during the childbearing period in the mid 30's and a
second peak in postmenopausal years during the mid 50's although the condition
can occur at virtually any age including in children as part of the spectrum of
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Patients may also have inflammation of the joints
(arthritis), muscles (myositis), nerves (neuropathy), thyroid (thyroiditis), kidneys (nephritis), lungs (pneumonitis), lymph node swelling (lymphadenopathy) or other
areas of the body. Also, patients may have severe fatigue and disruption of their
sleep pattern. Sjögren's can exist as a primary disorder or can be associated with
other autoimmune disorders including rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus,
polymyositis, scleroderma, autoimmune hepatitis (biliary cirrhosis) and endocrine disorders such as thyroiditis.
Diagnosis is based on clinical examination of the eyes and mouth, including
measurement of the flow rate for tears and saliva. The blood of Sjögren's patients
may contain antibodies directed against normal cellular substances such as nuclear antigens (i.e. antinuclear antibodies, ANA) including particular nuclear proteins
termed Sjögren's associated proteins A and B (SS-A and SS-B), and against a
portion of the antibody molecule (i.e. the Fc portion immunoglobulin IgG which is
also present in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and termed the ‘rheumatoid
factor'). Therefore, this disease is termed an"autoimmune" disorder to denote the apparent reaction of the immune system against the patient's own tissues. In some
patients, a biopsy of the minor salivary gland (taken from the inside of the lower lip)
help confirm the diagnosis by demonstrating the immune cells within the gland and
allows evaluation of the extent of destruction of the glandular elements.
Sjögren's syndrome is not fatal. However, attention must be paid to preventing the
complications due to dry mouth (such as rampant caries) and to dry eyes (corneal
erosions and infections), as well as prevention and treatment of other organ systems
involved as a consequence of the disease. In addition, patients may have severe
fatigue and cognitive disorders that limit their daily activities as a result of either
their disease process or resulting interruptions in their sleep pattern. Although
this fatigue is often a chief complaint of patients, it is important to recognize that
many different processes can cause fatigue and simply giving medications that modulate the immune system may cause side effects without improving the fatigue.
The risk for passing this disease on to family members is extremely low, since
multiple different genes play a role in predisposition to disease development. There
is a slightly increased incidence of autoimmune diseases in siblings and children. It is likely that some environmental agent (such as a virus) triggers the disease
process in individuals when other predisposing genes are present. Pregnant women
with Sjögren's syndrome should notify their obstetricians and pediatricians, since
maternal autoantibodies may cross the placenta and cause problems for the infant.
The goal of this article is not to make patients into physicians. It is to allow
patients to identify certain symptoms, laboratory tests and therapies that may be
relevant to their case. We have used technical terms since these may facilitate
discussions with your physician and dentists. Also, the technical terms will help in
searching the Internet (particularly the National Library of Medicine called PubMed) for relevant publications and to locate research centers near your home.
Also, this article does not intend to replace information from other sources including
the Sjögren's Syndrome Foundation ( or the Arthritis Foundation. It
tries to present more technical information as a point for discussion with your
rheumatologists and dentists. II. Historical Background
Historically, Mikulicz first reported these symptoms in 1898 so this condition initially was called "Mikulicz syndrome." However, the term Mikulicz syndrome
was also applied to many other causes of dryness including tuberculosis and
lymphoma (a lymphoid tumor) of the glands. Thus, the term "Mikulicz" syndrome
lost specificity in terms of predicting prognosis or response to therapy and is no
longer used. Currently, the condition is named for Henrik Sjögren (pronounced sho-gren), a Swedish ophthalmologist, who reported the association of severe dry eyes
(1), dry mouth and rheumatoid arthritis in 1933. Later, it was recognized that
patients might have dry eyes and dry mouth but no rheumatoid arthritis. Thus, the
distinction was made as primary Sjögren's syndrome (1° SS) with no associated
rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus) and secondary Sjögren's syndrome (2° SS), where SS was associated rheumatoid arthritis or other well defined autoimmune
disorder such as systemic lupus erythematosus, or scleroderma. 1° SS and 2° SS
both occur predominantly in middle-aged women, although they may be present in
either sex at any age.
Until recently, there has been no internationally accepted criteria for diagnosis of
Sjögren's syndrome. In fact, very different criteria were used by different
physicians. Although the diagnostic tests for dry eyes are well standardized, the definition for the "oral" component of Sjögren's syndrome remained controversial
(2). This has resulted in confusion in the medical literature and in clinical practice.
We favor a stringent criteria for diagnosis of Sjögren's syndrome in order to identify
a group of patients with objective evidence of keratoconjunctivitis sicca and a
systemic autoimmune process. Using the San Diego criteria, the frequency of primary SS is about 0.5% of adult women. In 1993, the European Economic
Community (EEC) proposed an initial "working" classification that was less
stringent in the features required for diagnosis. The frequency of patients filled the
EEC preliminary criteria was about 10 fold higher than those fulfilling the San
Diego criteria. Virtually all patients who fulfilled the San Diego criteria also fulfill the EEC criteria, but the converse is not true. Therefore, a patient might be
diagnosed with SS based on the EEC criteria by one rheumatologist but told that
they do not have SS by a different rheumatologist who uses the San Diego
diagnosis. This discrepancy reflects an honest difference of opinion among
rheumatologists who use different criteria for diagnosis. Fortunately, a new international criteria has been adopted and using the new criteria (which requires
either a characteristic minor salivary gland biopsy or an autoantibody to SS-A or
SS-B), the frequency of SS is about 0.5% (the new criteria are listed in Table 1).
The goals of a diagnostic criteria are to help guide therapy and predict future
complications. Regardless of the cause or whether a patient is diagnosed with SS,
the oral and ocular symptoms of dryness deserve treatment. However, the key issue
is whether "topical" treatment of dry eyes and dry mouth is sufficient, or whether
there is an active autoimmune process, which also requires therapy. Also, a stringent criteria will allow physicians to look for other causes of dryness. Other
conditions that can mimic Sjögren's syndrome are hepatitis virus, retroviral (HIV or
HTLV) viral infection, medications with drying side effects, depression, sarcoidosis,
autonomic neuropathy (often associated with multiple sclerosis or diabetes), and
tumors that can infiltrate the lacrimal or salivary glands. Also, low-grade infections termed blepharitis or oral yeast infections (described below) may cause symptoms of
painful eyes and mouth and respond to an entirely different form of therapy.
III. THE OCULAR AND ORAL SYMPTOMS OF SJÖGREN'S SYNDROME When patients complain of dryness, they are describing increased friction as the
eyelid traverses the ocular globe or the tongue moves over the bucal mucosa (3).
The tear and saliva film allow a "blanket of lubrication" that permits decreased
friction necessary for actions such as blinking (4, 5), talking or swallowing (6). The
low friction movement of both ocular and oral mucosal surfaces also is facilitated by
the cells lining these mucosal surfaces., These cells contain mucins that are
actually anchored within the membrane of the cells that line the ocular and oral surfaces. An analogy would be that the mucins on the cell surface and in the
tear/saliva film serve as "ball bearings" that facilitate a low-friction gliding motion
(7) (8, 9). Thus, the production of mucins and water to form stable "films" is an
initial goal of therapy. Also, the restoration of the mucins on the lining mucosal cells is important for efficient relief of symptoms in patients with Sjögren's
However, tears and saliva are much more than "water". In addition to water, they
contain a wide variety of proteins (including anti-bacterial factors and growth
factors), oligosaccharides (small sugar molecules that have anti-bacterial properties), mucins (small oil molecules that together with water facilitate
lubrication), nutrients (including glucose and amino acids) and hormones (including
insulin and growth hormone) (10-12). Thus the tear and saliva films also supply the
factors necessary for prevention of infection or deterioration of the mucosal surfaces.
The perception of dry eyes or dry mouth in SS represents part of a functional unit (Figure 1) (3). The ocular surface is heavily innervated by unmyelinated sensory
nerves that go from the peripheral nerve endings toward the brain (e.g. termed
afferent nerves), and eventually end in an area of the midbrain called the
lacrimatory nucleus (13). In a similar manner, afferent nerves from the buccal mucosa travel to an adjacent area in the midbrain called the salivatory nucleus.
Both the lacrimatory and salivatory nuclei of the midbrain also receive inputs from
higher cortical centers (Figure 1). The important role of the cortical centers in the
control of salivation and lacrimation is evident in clinical practice by certain
"centrally acting" medications (such as clonidine for blood pressure) or antidepressant medications (such as tricyclic drugs) induces symptoms of dryness
as a side effect to their beneficial action on central nervous system (14, 15). The
"reversible dryness" which goes away when the medications are stopped. This is an
example of how dryness can occur reversibly with functionally intact lacrimal and
salivary glands. The action of medications on the brain to control saliva is just an extension of the original historic studies for the role for cortical function in
stimulated salivary flow by Pavlov who measured increased salivation in dogs
conditioned to respond to sound and smell (16). Literature is filled with quotes that
the heroine developed a dry mouth and dry eyes (along with a fluttering heart) in anxious anticipation of some event, again as a result of cortical function influencing
the autonomic nervous system.
After the net signal from the afferent peripheral nerves from the mucosal surfaces
and the neural input from the higher cortical centers (Figure 1) is "integrated" in
the midbrain (ie. lacrimatory and salvatory nuclei) (17). If the decision by the brain is to stimulate saliva or tear flow, two types of neural signals emerge are sent from
the brain (termed efferent neural fibers to designate nerve fibers leaving the brain
and going to the periphery). One type of nerve fiber goes to the blood vessels and is
called adrenergic since they use adrenaline (also known as epinephrine) or the closely related molecule noradrenalline (also known as norepinephrine) as their
neurotransmitter molecule. A second set of nerves goes from the brain to the
lacrimal and salivary glands. These latter efferent nerves are termed cholinergic
nerves since they use acetylcholine as their neurotransmitter. Cholinergic nerves also use vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and other transmitters such as
calcitonin related peptide in addition to acetylcholine as their neurotransmitters
(18, 19). Each of these neurotransmitters is potential sites of therapy to not only
increase saliva/tears but also to maintain glandular integrity and promote
glandular regrowth.
Dry mouth results from decreased salivary gland function. Under normal condi-
tions, a low level of saliva is produced continuously to lubricate the mouth and is
called "basal" or "resting" salivary secretion. The volume of resting saliva produced
per day by normals can be up to several liters (or quarts) of fluid. When
stimulation by taste, chewing, or smell occurs, the level of salivary flow is further increased and is called "stimulated" secretion. In the early stages of Sjögren's
syndrome, there is a decrease in the "basal" secretions, so that patients experience
maximum dryness between meals and during the night. The increased dryness at
night also reflects that the entire autonomic system "down-regulates" in normals
and even further decreases in Sjögren's patients. In the early stages, Sjögren's patients are still able to eat dry food without difficulty and cry in response to either
emotional or chemical stimuli (such as the smell of onions). As the "dryness"
syndrome progresses, more fluid is required to eat and swallow and more
stimulation in order to tear. Also, patients may awaken at night with the need for
water and find it difficult to speak due to dryness of the mouth. Most saliva is normally made by the parotid, sublingual and submandibular glands,
but minor salivary glands located inside the lips also contribute. The saliva made
in the parotid glands enters the mouth by a small opening (called Stensen's duct)
adjacent to the upper molars on each side of the cheek. Saliva flow is measured in several ways. Most frequently a patient expectorates into a pre-weighed cup or puts
a pre-weighed sponge under the tongue for 5 minutes. Another method is a salivary
gland scintigraphy scan, where a special material is injected into the arm and the
excretion of this material into the saliva is measured by a technique performed by a
radiologist. In some research studies, a plastic suction cup is placed over the opening of the duct that leads from the gland into the mouth.
As a result of decreased saliva, the teeth may undergo a more rapid decay, loss of
enamel and result in painful, expensive need for dental repair. In some patients,
past dental problems have led to the use of caps or implants (called dental
restorations). The dryness will still lead to deterioration under the restoration
leading to further pain and expensive replacement. The reason for increased dental
decay in SS patients is the important role of saliva in the mechanical removal of food particles by the tongue and the content in normal saliva of proteins and
antibodies that retard infection and dental decay.
Some Sjögren's patients develop swelling of the parotid and submandibular glands.
The swelling may be sudden in onset, painful and on only one side (i.e. unilateral). This type of problem raises the possibility of infection and even possible abscess in
the gland. It is important that this problem be promptly evaluated and treated,
since a parotid abscess can rupture and cause serious life threatening infection.
The parotid gland infections seem more common when the patient is dehydrated
and opening of the gland may be blocked by dried mucus in the secretions. In particular, this may occur in the post-operative setting when the patient has been
not allowed water prior to surgery and may be dehydrated after surgery.
The glands may be intermittently swollen or may remain swollen. The chronic
swelling is usually the result of the infiltration of lymphocytes into the parotid or submandibular glands (i.e. the major salivary glands). This swelling is important
since if it is persistent and if the local lymph nodes are swollen, then a biopsy may
be necessary to rule out a lymphoid tumor (possibly a lymphoma). Another situation
is the sudden onset of unilateral swelling of the gland that causes pain and
swelling. Persistent or acute swelling of the major glands is evaluated by use of a CAT scan or an MRI scan of the "soft tissues" of the neck. If a MRI of the parotid
gland is performed, the radiologist should also perform the additional procedure of a
MRI angiogram, which requires only about 5 more minutes of scanning and will
allow an accurate assessment of the extent of damage to the ducts of the gland.
Another method to evaluate the parotid gland is called sialography in which the radiologist puts a tube into the opening of the duct and forces a oil based dye back
into the gland. Although this is frequently done in Europe (especially where MRI
scanners are not available), we do not advocate the use of sialgography since the
risk of complications is of rupturing a duct (particularly in the setting of an acute
infection) can lead to long term problems of irritation in the gland. IV. Symptoms of joint and muscle pain
Although Sjögren's syndrome characteristically affects the eyes and the mouth,
other parts of the body may also be affected. Joint and muscle pain are frequently present. Since patients with Sjögren's syndrome often have positive blood tests for
rheumatoid arthritis (i.e. the rheumatoid factor or latex fixation test) and a positive
antinuclear antibody (called the ANA and often called the lupus test), some patients
are told that they have three different diagnoses (i.e. RA, SLE and Sjögren's) when
in fact they simply have Sjögren's syndrome. The distinction between 1oSS and 2o
SS is relatively easy since primary SS patients have joint pain, stiffness and
weakness but generally lack the characteristic pattern of joint swelling found in
most RA patients. Also, in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis, the joint x-rays will show characteristic changes (called joint erosions) and particular therapies must be
used to prevent progressive joint damage. In primary SS, it is uncommon to have
the same joints involved as in RA but some patients may have a pattern of joint
involvement that is an aggressive form of osteoarthritis (called erosive
osteoarthritis) that may require treatments similar to RA. The distinction between primary SS and SLE in terms of joints/muscles is more
difficult. The key point in distinguishing the joint/muscle involvement as either
primary SS or SLE is not to label but to choose the therapy that is safest and most
likely to be effective. Blood test to measure specific enzymes released from damaged muscle are usually elevated in muscle inflammation (myositis). In some
patients the muscle symptoms may actually result from inflammation of the nerve
and an electrical testing of the nerve/muscle unit by a neurologist (an
electromyogram or EMG) may be required.
V. Upper Respiratory Tract Dryness and Sinusitis
Sinusitis and recurrent sinus infections are very common in Sjögren's patients. It is
very common for patients to have significant dryness of the upper airways and a
cough due to "post nasal drip". Often, they will complain of "runny nose" which seems paradoxical when their eyes and mouth are dry. In normal individuals, most
of the pollutants and inhaled infections are rinsed out by the normal flow of nasal
fluids that are subsequently swallowed and are not even detected by the individual.
However, in Sjögren's patients, the amount of normal "basal" secretion of nasal
fluids appears to be decreased, resulting in accumulation of mucus and crusting of the nasal passages. This inability to wash out the normal viral and bacterial
infections (to which we are exposed on a regular basis) leads to increased frequency
of post nasal drip of mucus (i.e. sticky yellow) secretions and the associated upper
respiratory infections and relapse of symptoms soon after treatment to the next
infection. For this reason, it is often helpful to "lavage" the sinuses and use humidification methods (described below) to help remove the dry mucus and aid the
body's normal mechanisms for resisting such infections.
VI Problems Involving Skin, Lung, Heart, Kidneys And Other Organs In Sjögren's Sjögren's patients may have a variety of rashes. As noted above, the differential
diagnosis between primary Sjögren's and systemic lupus is often very difficult—
since both may have similar symptoms. However, the rashes of primary Sjögren's
tend to be slightly different. The most common rash of SLE is the "butterfly" or
malar rash. The most common rashes of Sjögren's are called "hyperglobulenic
purpura," which are areas of initial areas of dark blotches (called purpura) on the
legs and feet that coalesce into larger rashes. In describing rashes in patients with Sjögren's syndrome, it is important to use the normal guidelines of whether the
rash is elevated (called palpable) or flat (non-palpable), symmetric or asymmetric,
on the trunk (proximal) or the extremities (distal), itching (pruritic) or non-itching
(non-pruritic), discrete lesions (the outside borders of each portion of the rash exists
as a discrete "island") or grouped lesion (ie. many or most of the skin rash lesions exhibit direct contact with other rashes), and whether the palms of hands or soles of
feet are spared. For example, an asymmetric, discrete, elevated rash on only one
arm may be a particular type of vasculitis that has a different treatment than a
symmetric, non-elevated rash of on both legs. In comparison, a rash with fluid filled
"vesicles" in one portion of the body (such as on the chest) suggests an entirely different diagnosis such as shingles, which has still a different type of therapy. In
comparison, rashes on the palms and soles (especially if itching) are more likely a
drug reaction. Thus, it is important to remember that not all rashes are due to
Sjögren's, since some rashes are due to drug allergies (especially to sulfa drugs) or
to infections such as herpetic viruses (i.e. shingles). The lungs may develop an inflammatory response as a result of attack by the
immune system. The most common upper airway and lung problems in patients
with Sjögren's syndrome are dry cough. Due to dryness, patients may develop dried
(inspissated) secretions of mucus in the major airways. This often occurs after a flu or sinus infection. The persistent cough can become severe and subsequent
pneumonia can develop behind this obstruction. This problem often occurs after a
patient has been dehydrated, such as in the post operative period when they have
restricted fluids. Thus, it is important to keep the sinuses and upper airways well
humidified and we advocate "sinus lavage" to prevent this problem. Another cause of cough is the reflux of acid from the stomach into the upper airways, a condition
termed "gastro-esophageal reflux" (GERD). Even though there may be relatively
few stomach symptoms, GERD is a frequent cause of dry cough in the Sjögren's
A serious type of lung involvement is called interstitial pneumonitis and is
associated with symptoms of shortness of breath and may not be easily detected on
routine chest radiography. To determine the activity of this process, a high
resolution chest CAT scan is used to look for inflammation (alveolitis).
The heart may be involved in several ways. Pericarditis, inflammation around the
heart, is less frequent but also may cause shortness of breath. A cardiac echo is
used to detect this problem. Also unusual but important is a condition called
pulmonary hypertension in which shortness of breath results from increased
resistance in the lungs (such as pneumonitis) and resulting increased work for the
heart to pump blood through the lungs. A cardiac echo is also used to assess this
problem. Identification of this problem is now important due to the recent
development of several new medications for this problem. The liver is an unusual site for involvement in primary Sjögren's and abnormalities
of liver functions should suggest another process. For example, hepatitis C will
cause symptoms of dryness and abnormal liver test and abnormal blood tests (such
as positive rheumatoid factor or an ANA). Also, many drugs that are used in arthritis patients (including anti-inflammatory agents such as Motrin (ibuprofen),
Advil (naproxen), Voltaren (diclofena), Clinoril (sulindac) or methotrexate can cause
elevation of liver tests and should be the most immediate suspects. Also, other
drugs that are used for pain control or fibromyalgia (such as amytriptline,
nortryptyline, flexeril, zanaflex and many others) can cause elevation of liver tests as well as increased dryness. Elevation of liver tests such as the alkaline
phosphatase (a measure of increased pressure on the ducts of the liver) could
suggest undiagnosed gall bladder disease, pancreatitis, or other autoimmune
diseases such as biliary cirrhosis, autoimmune hepatitis or sclerosing cholangitis.
The kidneys may be affected by several different types of processes. The most
common cause of decreased kidney function is the use of anti-inflammatory
medications including those available over the counter such as Ibuprofen (Motrin),
and Advil (naproxen). The kidneys also may be affected by the newer drugs such
as Vioxx (Rofecoxib), Celebrex (Celecoxib) and Bextra (valdecox). These medications also may cause elevation in blood pressure and fluid retention due to their effects on
the kidney. In general, anti-inflammatory drugs that are taken once daily (such as
Vioxx, Bextra or Feldene) cause more fluid retention than drugs that must be taken
several times a day (Celebrex, Clinoril, Motrin) since the "half life" of the latter
drugs allows the kidney some time away from the drug's side effect. A more serious and less reversible renal manifestation are interstitial nephritis or
glomerulonephritis. Interstitial nephritis involves the tubules in the kidney and
may exist in a "latent" form in many SS patients. They will experience no
symptoms until exposure to certain toxins or medications may cause the renal function to deteriorate. Interstitial nephritis appears particularly common in Asian
patients living in China or Japan. It is possible that Asian patients may be
partially exacerbated by the use of herbal medicines, which are increasing used by a
variety of other individuals. Although herbs may be well tolerated in "healthy"
individuals, they can take "latent" renal disease in a Sjögren's patient and turn it into life threatening renal disease. Also, over the counter pain medications such as
Aleve or Advil, as well as prescription anti-arthritis drugs, may cause rapid
deterioration of renal function in patients with Sjögren's syndrome with higher
frequency than in other individuals. There is no doubt that many medications and
herbs may be efficacious, but the safety of these medications must be closely
monitored in the Sjögren's patient (if they must be taken at all). Patients with
Sjögren's syndrome may develop glomerulonephritis (a condition in which the
kidneys "leak" protein into the urine). However the finding of glomerulonephritis should suggest the presence of SLE or other conditions such as mixed
cryoglobulinemia or amyloidosis.
Although it sounds rather frightening that Sjögren's can affect other parts of the
body, it is important to recognize that each of these problems is responsive to therapy if detected early and treated adequately. It is equally important to
recognize that SS patients are not exempt from other common problems that may
occur in these age groups. Thus, it is unfortunately too common that a treatable
problem was delayed in diagnosis since the symptom was incorrectly attributed to
SS. For example, the same symptoms in any other patient might have been readily diagnosed as a routine pneumonia, gall bladder stone, kidney stone or ectopic
VII. Neurologic Involvement in Sjögren's Syndrome The frequency and types of neurologic involvement in Sjögren's syndrome have
been very controversial. This partly reflects the differences in criteria used to
diagnose Sjögren's syndrome. Involvement of the nervous system is divided into
"central" that refers to the brain and spinal cord, and "peripheral" that involves nerves that go from the spinal cord to the extremities.
In terms of peripheral neuropathy, there is a higher incidence of pain/numbness in
the extremities especially in patients with skin rashes such as hyperglobulemic
purpura. Indeed, the prevention of such neuropathy is one of the most important reasons to treat these conditions. Also, areas of the extremities that go either weak
or numb require immediate attention since they may result from vasculitis.
Another cause of numbness can be the results of a stroke. Similar to the description
of skin rashes, the description of areas of neurologic involvement. They may be
symmetric (i.e. both sides) or asymmetric. They may involve only sensory or motor plus sensory. They may involve "cranial nerves" which innervate the facial nerves
and muscles. When there is a sudden loss of motor and sensory function in one
extremity or the onset of numbness/weakness in the facial muscles, then vasculitis
needs to be suspected and promptly evaluated. In addition to the autoimmune
process, other factors that lead to nerve damage including elevated cholesterol or diminished B12 or thyroid need to be considered, as well as toxic agents including
drugs (especially herbal that may contain high levels of heavy metals such as lead
In contrast to the peripheral neuropathies, some patients may develop symptoms
that suggest a stroke (also known as a cardiovascular accident or CVA). A small
percentage of Sjögren's patients have an increased risk of blood clotting (causing either swelling of the leg/arm or stroke) called an anti-cardiolipin syndrome. Any
Sjögren's patient with a past stroke needs to be checked for not only anti-cardiolipin
antibodies, but also for lupus anti-coagulant, anti-beta2glycoprotein I antibody and
homocysteine since each of these factors predispose to stroke or blood clot. There
has been a debate about the incidence of multiple sclerosis in Sjögren's patients. Although vasculitis of the central nervous system can occur in Sjögren's patients
(and present with symptoms similar to multiple sclerosis), it is a relatively
uncommon event. If a brain MRI is considered, they should make sure that it is
performed with "contrast" to visualize any vasculity and also include an MRA
(which is the MRI equivalent of an angiogram to see if blood is flowing to all sections of the brain). These studies include no more risk and little more time than
a simple MRI, but they must be ordered at the time of the original MRI so that the
technician allows enough time between patients.
There has also been a debate about whether patients with Sjögren's syndrome have a higher risk of Alzheimer's disease. There is virtually no evidence for this
worrisome concept. It is true that patients with Alzheimer's may have significant
symptoms of dryness but it is not due to any immune attack on their salivary or
lacrimal glands. Similarly, patients with multiple sclerosis or an unusual condition
called pure sensory neuropathy may have dryness due to involvement of regions of the brain cortex or brainstem that are involved with salivation and lacrimation.
Even though these patients do not have Sjögren's syndrome, they may benefit from
the conservative approaches to therapy used for Sjögren's syndrome. In the same
line of thought, patients with Sjögren's syndrome benefit from therapies developed
originally for other patients who have undergone radiation to the head and neck for cancer.
Viii Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and Depression in SS
Chronic fatigue is defined as at least 6 weeks in duration and usually divided into at least 3 subtypes. First, inflammatory fatigue is due to the release of immune
hormones (particularly interleukin-1, IL-1, and interleukin-6, IL-6) and can be
diagnosed by blood tests such as elevated sedimentation test (ESR) and c-reactive
protein (CRP). A second type of fatigue is due to hormonal abnormalities such as
low thyroid, which can have insidious onset in SS patients and may occur in up to 15% of Sjögren's patients. A third and poorly understood form of fatigue is called
"chronic fatigue syndrome."
In recent years, there has been a great deal of research into the neurochemistry of
depression and chronic fatigue. In some patients, the fatigue is that related to
positional (or orthostatic fatigue) that may be related to hormones produced by the
brain (the hypothalmic-adrenal axis). In other patients, they awake feeling as if
they have not slept and this type of fatigue is termed "non-restorative" sleep. Patients describe this fatigue as similar to what other and that normal individuals
experience when they change time zones after traveling. "Chronic fatigue
syndrome" frequently accompanies a condition called fibromyalgia, which is
discussed below. These 3 types of pain are not mutually exclusive. The differential
diagnosis of fatigue and vague cognitive dysfunction is the most difficult diagnostic challenge for the rheumatologist. Patients are reluctant to being labeled as
depressed and want a "medical diagnosis" as a cause for the fatigue. It is
important to recognize that each of forms of fatigue (from inflammatory to
depression) results from a subtle imbalance in brain's neurochemicals and that the
rheumatologist is trying to decide if the problem is due to the immune system or whether another avenue of therapy should be pursued.
What are the common pitfalls in the evaluation of fatigue, perhaps the most
troublesome and controversial of symptoms?
A common clinical situation is a patient with fatigue who is referred to the
rheumatologist with a low titer of ANA and symptoms of dryness. Although the
"normal controls" listed on the bottom of lab tests indicate that an ANA of 1:40 is
significant, large studies have shown that such a weak lab test may be present in
over 33% of normal individuals (20). The statistical term is that the test is very sensitive but not specific. We generally use a cutoff of ANA 1:320 and even using
this higher level, we find that this level is present in 3% of normals. When the
frequency of ANA is examined in another statistical method, the risk of developing
SS (or SLE) in a patient with an ANA 1:320, the risk is less than 20% (21). The
antibody to SS-A or SS-B has a higher predictive association with developing SS and thus was used for the diagnostic criteria (Table 1). However, there is
significant variation in the way this test is run in different labs (22). For example,
we are sometimes confronted with a patient with a positive antibody to SS-A but a
negative ANA. Since the SS-A molecule is in the cell's nucleus (where it would be
part of the nuclear antigens), it is logically impossible for the ANA (containing the SS-A protein) to be negative while the other test for antibody to SS-A to be positive.
Thus, one of the tests must be incorrect. The lack of precision of the tests is very
upsetting to patients who feel that they have finally arrived at a "hard" diagnosis
supported by a lab test to explain their fatigue. Similarly, some patients have
undergone a lip biopsy, the gold standard for diagnosis. However, many pathologists are not familiar with the correct methods for reading the biopsy and in
a recent study, over 50% of the lip biopsies were re-classified when evaluated by a
panel of experts in oral pathology (23).
Back to the basic problem of dryness and fatigue. Many studies have shown that
patients with depression (particularly a form of depression called anxious
depression) have symptoms of dryness (24-26). Yet when lip biopsies are performed, there is no evidence of inflammation in the gland and the blood tests are also
negative for evidence of any immune problem. Thus, it appears that the cause of
dryness derives from an imbalance of neural hormones in the brain. Processes in
the brain are called "central" while immune processes in the gland are called
"peripheral"" Also, patients with decreased memory (early Alzheimer's) also have increased dryness. In these patients, the cause of dryness and decreased memory is
the loss of myelinated nerve fibers ina particular region of the brain called the
subcortical white matter projections. The problems of diagnosis thus become even
more difficult when a patient with fatigue and dryness has positive blood tests or a
report of a lip biopsy. In recent years, the diagnosis of fibromyalgia has stirred a great deal of controversy
among both patients and physicians (27, 28). This debate between physicians and
patients is unfortunate since it leads to patient as well as physician frustration.
Fibromyalgia is characterized by chronic widespread pain (involving all 4 quadrants of the body) and appears to be present in about 5% of the adult population in at
least 5 different industrialized countries. The diagnosis is based on detecting 11 of
18 tender points. The etiology of fibromyalgia remains elusive, although there is
support for the notion that altered pain processing at the level of number of pain
receptors in the skin (i.e. the periphery) and increased sensation of pain processing at the level of the brainstem (i.e. central). The most recent evidence favors the
major role at the level of the brain (29). The increased sense of pain and fatigue is
increased by stress (30, 31) and associated with increased symptoms of dryness (32).
However, the relation to stress does not mean that there is not a neurochemical
basis for these symptoms. Recently several studies have suggested that there may be genetic tendencies in these patients (33) including one that may be related to a
mutation in a gene that transports serotonin to nerve cells (34). The abnormalities
in serotonin are the basis for many of the drugs used to treat depression such as
Prozac or Celexa. A similar type of genetic findings had previously been noted in
patients with "anxious depression." Other recent studies also suggest a "central" basis for using a new research tool called a "functional" MRI Brain scan (35).
Patients with fibromyalgia were found to have more sensitivity to modest pain
stimuli at the trigger point due to increased amplification of the pain signal at the
level of the brain stem (a process called "windup.")
The relationship to stress in fibromyalgia also may have a biochemical basis. Stress
involves normally the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis which is best
known for the ultimate production of cortisone and adrenaline. As noted above, it
has long been known that stress makes the heart rate faster and the mouth dryer.
However, multiple other hormones including growth hormone and related factors
are also produced during the stress response by the HPA axis. The hypothalamus
(located near the pituitary gland in the brain) receives many types of input from the
peripheral nervous system, the hormonal system (including thyroid) and from areas of the brain. One way to evaluate the HPA axis is measurement of growth hormone
levels (or its product IgF-1) produced in response to particular stimuli such as
injected insulin and these measurements have been reported in fibromyalgia and
normal patients. Patients with fibromyalgia had lower production of growth
hormone on stimulation (36). The production of growth hormone in response to stress is also strongly related to the same areas of the brain that control areas like
salivation and tearing (called cholinergic centers). Once again, the same type of
neurochemical abnormalities found in fibromyalgia were found in anxious
depression. This is not to minimize or negate fibromyalgia. Rather, it should give
hope to fibromyalgia patients that real laboratory abnormalities are being discovered that may respond to new therapies for their fatigue. Also, it suggests
that the problem may not be predominantly immune in origin and that attempts to
simply give immune modifying drugs should be done with caution since they may do
more harm than good. A common question among patients is "The symptoms got
better with prednisone (cortisone) so they must be due to immune system. However, it is clear that cortisone is a primary player in the HPA axis and that a
response to cortisone does not simply mean that the symptoms are due to an
Thus, the most difficult clinical decision in many patients is whether the fatigue
and vague cognitive defects are the result of an autoimmune process. It they do
result from vasculitis or thrombosis of the central nervous system, then strong
chemotherapy drugs must be used. However, if they represent neurochemical
imbalance? then an entirely different therapeutic approach involving behavioral modification and perhaps selected drugs that do not increase dryness will be
IX. Hereditary Factors In Sjögren's Syndrome
There has been a great deal of research to determine hereditary factors associated with Sjögren's syndrome. To summarize these complicated studies, hereditary
factors are important. Particular genes (such as human leukocyte antigen or HLA
genes that are used for organ transplantation matching) are inherited in the same
manner from parents as are genes for hair color or eye color; that is, one gene from
each parent. The HLA genes are important in controlling the immune response and many current research studies are trying to determine exactly how they perform
this task. A specific gene named HLA-DR3 is found in high frequency in Caucasian
patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome. In different ethnic backgrounds,
different HLA genes are associated with Sjögren's. In addition to HLA, at least four
other genes are involved. Although the relative frequency of Sjögren's or lupus is
slightly increased in family members of Sjögren's syndrome patients, the specific
risk that children or siblings will get these diseases remains very low (<10%). In
addition to genetic factors, environmental factors also play a role. It has been proposed that viral infection represents the "other factor," and that Sjögren's
syndrome disease results when a genetically susceptible individual (possessing
HLA-DR3) is exposed to a certain virus or viruses.
Other Causes Of Dry Eyes And Dry Mouth
The production of tears and saliva involves a complicated series of steps. A baseline
level of salivation and tear production occurs automatically (just as we breathe and
our intestines have motility) without conscious thought about these functions.
Thus, the nerves that control these functions are termed the "autonomic" (or "automatic") nervous system. However, additional factors may increase or decrease
the signals in tear flow and saliva flow. As Pavlov demonstrated about 100 years
ago, dogs can be taught to increase salivation in response to a variety of sounds.
Humans start to salivate at the thought or smell of food. Thus, the cognitive areas
of the brain can send signals to glands through a series of nerves. Certain drugs can act on the brain to decrease tear and saliva flow and leads to increase
symptoms of dryness. One example is tricyclic antidepressants (Elavil or Pamelor)
or muscle relaxing agents (such as Flexeril) that influence the metabolism of certain
specific brain cells as well as salivary and lacrimal glands. A different class of
medications called monoamine oxidase (known as MAO) inhibitors also give severe dryness. Thus, the patient needs to be aware that many drugs, including anti-
seizure medications, blood pressure medications, muscle relaxants, and heart
medications, lead to increased dryness by affecting different target molecules within
The tear film contains several different components in addition to the "water" part
of the tears. Of importance are substances called lipids are made by glands in the
eye including the meibomian glands in the eyelids. This lipid stabilizes the tear
film and helps retard evaporation. When these lipid-producing glands become
inflamed the amount and profile of the types of lipids become altered. The resulting loss of integrity in the outer protective tear film results in the ocular surface
becoming inflamed. The inflammation of the eyelids is called "blepharitis." The
loss of lipid production (that retards the evaporation of the aqueous tears) will
further exacerbate the dry eye symptoms and the appearance of the
keratoconjunctivitis sicca. In addition to problems with the neural activation of the glands, other medical
conditions can cause the glands to be dry or to become enlarged (Table 2). The goal
of the physical examination and laboratory studies is to determine the precise cause
for the dryness and swelling.
XI What Causes Sjögren's Syndrome
The perception of dry eyes or dry mouth in SS represents part of a functional unit
(Figure 4) (3). As discussed above (Figure 1), irritation of the ocular surface in
Sjögren's patients leads to stimulation of afferent nerves that eventually end in an
area of the midbrain called the lacrimatory nucleus (13). In a similar manner,
afferent nerves from the buccal mucosa. In Sjögren's syndrome, the characteristic abnormality is the infiltration of lymphocytes into the lacrimal and salivary glands.
These lymphocytes release lymphocyte hormones (called cytokines), autoantibodies,
and enzymes called metalloproteinases that prevent the gland from adequately
responding to the neural signal. Thus the approaches to therapy must be to control the inflammatory response and to help restore the function of the residual glands.
In SS, there is a deficient secretory response of lacrimal and salivary glands in
response to the symptoms of dryness (shown schematically in Figure 4)(13). The
reasons for this decrease are likely to be multifactorial, but decrease in salivary/lacrimal flow involve both a decrease in the number of secretory units
(namely, acini and ducts) and dysfunction of the residual secretory units (37). A
normal salivary gland is shown in Figure 4, frame B. The glands that produce
saliva exist in "grape-like" clusters. There are no or few lymphocytes in the normal
salivary gland. In comparison, shows the presence of lymphocytes in the gland (indicated by the arrows where the glands have been replaced). At higher
magnification in Figure 4(frames C and D), the lymphocytes (indicated by arrows)
can be seen to attack the glands. These lymphocytic infiltrates are not present in a
normal gland (frame B).
Although about half of the secretory units (ie. ducts and acini) are destroyed in the
Sjögren's biopsy, there remain about half of the original number of units (38). Thus,
a common misconception about SS is that the secretory glands are totally destroyed
by cellular mechanisms leading to dryness, a model in which SS is viewed as analogous to insulin deficiency after pancreatic islet cell destruction in type I
diabetes (39-42).
This raises the question of why the residual acinar/ductal cells are dysfunctional. It
is likely that multiple factors contribute to the diminished function of the residual
secretory units. Although the number of nerves in the region of the focal lymphocytic infiltrates are diminished, the residual glandular elements have neural
innervation as evidenced by the presence of axons containing synaptophysin and
axonal protein 9.5 (43). Thus, factors related to the lymphocytic infiltration and
chronic inflammatory responses are preventing function of the neural or the
residual acinar/ductal elements. These factors are likely to include "immune
related hormones" (called cytokines such as IL-1 and TNF-a, autoantibodies, and
enzymes called metalloproteinases that interfere with cell's ability to interaction (shown schematically in Figure 4).
As a result of the diminished secretion of tears and saliva, the ocular and oral
mucosal surfaces undergo a process resembling of a chronic "wound reaction," with
further release of proinflammatory cytokines that perpetuate the problem (44, 45). The decreased circulation of tears or saliva prevents the normal removal or
inhibition of these proinflammatory cytokines.
Thus, SS provides an interesting overlap of immune, exocrine, and neurochemical
processes. Approaches to improved therapy will involve a better understanding of
underlying immuno-pathogenesis in order to control the inflammatory response leading to release of cytokines, auto-antibodies and metalloproteinases that inhibit
secretory function. In addition, improvement of SS symptoms and perhaps
glandular regrowth may be achieved by optimizing the function of the residual
secretory units.
XII. Approaches To Treatment
At the present time, no therapies are available to "cure" the underlying causes of
Sjögren's syndrome. However, the goals of therapy are to control the underlying
inflammatory process (the autoimmune component) and to help the residual glands
regain their function or perhaps regenerate. Also, therapies are directed at
improving symptoms, preventing the complications (such as dental caries, oral candida, or corneal damage) and preventing disease progression.
Clinical management of the dry mouth is a very difficult problem. Some commercial products that may be helpful are listed in Table 4. In addition to chronic dryness,
the patients have troublesome intraoral soft tissue problems that include rampant
dental caries and difficulty with dentures due to dryness. Painful mouth lesions
can result from Candida (yeast) infections of the lips (angular cheilitis) that are
more frequent in dry mouth patients. The mouth frequently exhibits macular erythema (redness) on the hard palate and other areas of the oral mucosa. These
lesions result from a chronic erythematous form of candidiasis. Before any treat-
ment program is started, it is important to identify contributing factors such as
mouth breathing (due to congested nose), heavy smoking, stress, depression, and
drugs that have anticholinergic side effects. The most frequently implicated drugs are the phenothiazines, tricyclic antidepressants, antispasmodics, anti-
Parkinsonian, and decongestant medications (described in more detail below).
Home remedies, some herbal remedies (including Chinese herbs) and
nonprescription medications may possess anticholinergic side effects even though
the patients may not recognize these agents as "drugs."
Dental prophylaxis by their dentists is supplemented by frequent use of dental floss,
toothbrush or "Waterpik" device. Several toothpastes and mouth rinses have been
developed for the patient with dry mouth. For example, Biotene, "Dental Care," and
Retardent toothpastes are designed for the dry mouth patient (Table 4). These
toothpastes lack detergents (such as lauryl sulfate) that are frequently present in many commercial toothpastes and that can irritate dry mucosal membranes.
Biotene contains an enzyme important in preventing oral bacterial infections and
gingivitis. This enzyme supplement is also present in an oral gel (Oral Balance)
that is used to help provide salivary flow at night. "Dental Care" toothpaste
contains sodium bicarbonate as a cleaning agent, while Retardent toothpaste uses a chlorine dioxide-based agent to decrease harmful mouth bacteria. These oral
products do not contain alcohol as their liquid preservative (such as found in
Listerine), which can be drying and irritating. They do not result in staining of
tooth enamel which can accompany the use of Peridex. Sugarless chewing gum and
sugarless lemon drops are helpful in some cases. Use dental floss where possible. Special toothbrushes are often helpful in cleaning between the teeth. Use only a
small amount of toothpaste and start on the biting surfaces, then work down to the
gums. However, the field of improved toothpastes is rapidly changing and the web
site for several manufactures are listed in Table 4 to help the patient and their
dentist keep up with new products. A variety of saliva substitutes are available (Table 4). These differ in their flavoring
agents and preservatives. MouthKote contains a substance called "mucins," which
are glycoproteins that help lubricate the mouth and thus last a little longer than
"water-based" lubricants. Salivart spray has the theoretical advantage of containing no preservatives since these agents may be responsible for topical
irritation in some patients. After administration of these sprays, parotid flow rates
are increased for 7-8 minutes in Sjögren's patients. However, the patients' sense of
"dry mouth" may be decreased for up to several hours. Although not generally
considered as oral lubricants, many patients have found that vaginal lubricants (discussed below) can be applied to the inside of the mouth. There is a much wider
and less expensive spectrum of vaginal lubricants available (including at regular
grocery and drug stores) than oral lubricants. Although not generally advertised for
oral use, the FDA requires oral safety testing for vaginal lubricants and thus the
risk of oral side effects is small. Prevention of dental decay, particularly under caps and crowns is a difficult
problem. As patients have discovered, dental reconstruction is expensive and
painful. It is even worse when the process begins again under the reconstructed
tooth. Treatment with a 0.4% stannous fluoride has been suggested to enhance
dental remineralization of damaged tooth surfaces. Neutral fluoride preparations
are often better tolerated than acidic fluoride preparations that are often prescribed
by dentists. In patients with severe dental demineralization, special dental "trays" are made for direct application of the fluoride. It is important to use dental
specialists and hygienists with experience in dry mouth. Although the dental costs
of Sjögren's syndrome should be covered by medical insurance (since it is a
complication of a medical condition), most dentists do not want to take the time to
bill medical insurance—but it always worth asking. In recent years, a series of varnishes including fluoride and even slow release antibiotics has been helpful.
Increased salivary flow rates have been observed after administration of certain
drugs such as pilocarpine or neostigmine as either a mouthwash or as a systemic
medication. A commercial preparation of pilocarpine (Salagen) has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for dryness of the mouth in patients
with prior radiation therapy and in patients with dry mouth due to Sjögren's.
Another drug (Evoxac, cevimeline) was recently approved for dry mouth. Evoxac is
chemically similar to the neutransmitter acetylcholine. This medication has a
different structure than Salagen and the choice of medication (Salagen or Evoxac) is a matter of patient preference, as side by side comparisons have not yet been
Another approach to dryness is to help break up the thick, sticky secretions. Agents
that contain iodides include 10% saturated solution of potassium iodide (SSKI) or organidin (both tablets and liquid). Other agents have properties similar to cough
syrups (guaifenesin) such as Humabid. Bromhexine, a cough syrup available in
Europe, but high doses are required and the drug is not very effective. Our
experience and that reported at the National Institutes of Health indicates that
medications may help some patients with relatively early or mild dry mouth (xerostomia) but are probably not as useful as either Salagen or Evoxac.
Research at the University of California in San Francisco found that many of the
symptoms of painful mouth and burning tongue were due to a chronic Candida
(yeast) infection and could be improved by treatment with Nystatin or chlortrima-zole tablets. These tablets (also called troches or pastilles) are sucked like a "life-
saver" (once or twice a day) and suppress yeast in the mouth that secrete toxins and
cause a painful mouth. The clinical improvement may not be apparent for at least
3-4 weeks, so be patient. Treatment of this problem is particularly difficult in the
patient with dentures, since the denture must be concurrently treated with the mucosa. Perhaps the most effective treatment for the mouth is the use of Nystatin
vaginal suppositories slowly dissolved in the mouth with sips of water twice daily
for about 1 month. Although the vaginal suppositories have a bitter taste, other
oral forms of antifungal therapy contain a high level of sugar to improve taste and
contribute to dental decay. Chlortrimazole vaginal tablets are also available and
may be used in the same manner. In some patients where the oral infection is
significant, a one week course of an oral anti-yeast medication such as nizoral may
be helpful to control the process. In patients who wear dentures, recurrence of the yeast infection is very common. In
order to help prevent these relapses, the dentures must be carefully cleaned with a
toothbrush then soaked overnight in benzalkonium chloride (for example, a 1/200
dilution of surgical scrub solution [Zephiran]). Nystatin powder should be applied to the fitting surfaces of the dentures before reinserting.
The Dry EyesThe administration of artificial tears (designed to replace the
diminished aqueous or "water" component of tears in Sjögren's patients) gives
considerable relief to most patients, but disabling symptoms may persist in some patients. The choice of artificial tears (Table 5) in an individual patient is based on
several variables. First, does the eye drop feel comfortable immediately upon
instillation into the eye? In some cases, burning may be due to the preservative,
and you may wish to try an artificial tear with a different preservative. Several
types of artificial tears are preservative-free (Table 5). In patients who require the frequent use of artificial tears, it has been suggested that "preserved" tears should
not be used more than every two hours to prevent the problems associated with
"preservative buildup." In this situation, the use of a "preserved tear" can be
alternated with a "preservative-free" tear. It is important to remember that all
artificial tears are not the same and that the patient may have to "educate" the local pharmacist who may substitute if sometimes he does not have the requested
artificial tear in stock. We ask patients to try several different preparations
sequentially in order to identify those that seem most tolerable.
The second point in evaluating an artificial tear preparation is "Do the drops last long enough?" If the artificial tears are beneficial but the symptoms return
relatively soon (i.e., in 1-2 hours), then an artificial tear that is thicker or more
viscous might be tried. If the tear preparations still do not last long enough, closing
the tear drainage ducts (punctal occlusion) should be considered. The "puncta" are
small openings at the inner corners of the eyelids. Under normal conditions, the tears use these "drains" to exit the eye. Thus, narrowing these puncta (on a
temporary or reversible basis by inserting small plugs, or on a permanent basis by
sealing them with an electric cautery probe, on an outpatient basis) will mean that
artificial tears will remain for a longer period of time in the eye. It used to be
common to use a "temporary" plug made of collagen, but the results are so inconsistent that they are not frequently tried. If a punctal plug is to be used, the
intracannicular plug (that does not protrude into the ocular surface) seems to be
best tolerated. This is in contrast to the older style plugs that had a small "cap" on
the top that could rub against the ocular surface.
Third, what is the relative expense and convenience of the artificial tear?
Unpreserved artificial tears are packaged in very small quantities, so their cost is
relatively high. Some companies provide artificial tears to severe dry eye patients at "wholesale" cost. It does not hurt to ask your ophthalmologist if he/she can help
you get artificial tears at a lower cost.
Fourth, visual problems may wax and wane, particularly in association with the
seasons when dry winds are prevalent. When patients can identify exacerbating problems, increased frequency of artificial tear application should be started before
symptoms develop in the hope of preventing objective eye findings. The use of
humidifiers at night, wrap-around sunglasses, and even goggles (sold at ski shops)
are often helpful. Sudden worsening of ocular symptoms should always suggest
possible ocular infection. In patients with associated diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, other causes of eye pain such as "scleral" lesions or vasculitic lesions also
must be considered.
Fifth, do the artificial tears that previously worked currently seem inadequate?
Failure to achieve adequate results with an artificial tear may be due to several causes. As noted above, the change in environment (i.e., Santa Ana wind conditions
or being in a low humidity site such as an airplane or an air conditioned department
store) or medications (such as cold remedies) may cause a previously effective
treatment regimen to be inadequate. Also, patients may progress from mild eye
dryness or more severe dryness if the Sjögren's syndrome leads to more destruction of lacrimal glands.
In patients in whom adequate control of dry eyes has not been achieved with
artificial tears and use of stimulating drugs (i.e. Salagen or Evoxac), closing the
ducts at lower eyelids (called the puncta) might be considered. Tears normally are pumped off the ocular surface through the puncta and blocking these ducts will
cause a longer retentio time for instilled tears. Although several types of punctal
plugs are available, we have had the best luck with "intracannicular plugs" since
these do not protrude into the ocular surface and can be removed without undue
trauma to the duct in the future. Finally, other causes for persistent or increased eye symptoms must be considered.
Corneal abrasions (a scratch on the surface of the eye is more common in dry eye
patients) or infection of the eye (often associated with a new type of pus-like
discharge) may cause sudden worsening and must be promptly treated. Also, irritation of the glands in the eyelid may occur and is called "blepharitis." This
cause should be suspected when swelling and redness of the eyelid occurs. This
may be due to a low-grade infection or sometimes due to irritative effects of
preservatives in artificial tears or ointments. One part of the treatment for
blepharitis is to keep the eyelids clean using "baby shampoo" or a special product
called "eyelid scrub." In some patients with blepharitis, infection of the meibomian
glands (in the eyelids) may require treatment with a low dose of antibiotic (such as
tetracycline or doxycycline) for several weeks. A common problem when increasing irritation occurs is the question of preservative
sensitivity from the artificial tears (requiring substitution of an alternative tear
drop) as opposed to simple under treatment with lubricants due to worsening
dryness. If using the present eye drops more frequently improves the symptoms, then more aggressive treatment is needed. If more frequent use increases the
irritation, then use of non-preserved tear drops or drops with an alternative
preservative should be tried. Do not delay seeking care if the symptoms do not
resolve rapidly as serious infection or erosions may be present that threaten vision.
In addition to artificial tears during the day, lubricating ointments and/or gels at
night also play an important role in the treatment of dry eyes. Since ointments
usually cause significant blurring of vision they are generally used at bedtime.
Sometimes the blurring persists in the morning and can be minimized by using only
about 1/8-inch of the ointment at bedtime. It is a common mistake to use too much lubricant at bedtime. There are several different brands of ocular ointment (Table
5). As with artificial tears, they differ in their composition and preservatives.
Thus, patients may tolerate some brands better than others.
In theory, soft contact lenses might help spread the tear film over the eye or prevent
evaporation of tears. Some types of contact lenses absorb tear fluid as a way to
maintain their rigidity and thus further diminish the amount of tears available to
protect the eye. Also, great care must be taken to avoid infections and prevent
damage to the cornea in dry eye patients who wear contact lenses. Rarely, a partial tarsorrhaphy (sewing the lateral portion of the eyelids together) may be required.
Nasal Dryness, Sinusitis, and Upper Airway Dryness
Many Sjögren's patients complain of nasal dryness and have symptoms of sinusitis with postnasal drip. In our experience, Sjögren's patients do not get a higher
frequency of sinusitis infections than other individuals. However, they tend to last
longer and have a higher chance of persisting longer with "postnasal" drip and
cough, or developing into a bronchitis or pneumonia. These complications occur
because of decreased secretion of glands lining the nasopharynx, leading to crusting of mucous secretions that block the airways and predispose to infection. Our initial
approach is to provide increased moisture to this region by use of normal saline
sprays (Ocean) and humidifiers at night (Table 6). Also, "lavaging" the sinuses (i.e.,
rinsing them out with a mild solution of salt water) after loosening the secretions
with a humidifier is often very useful in breaking the cycle of repeated sinus and
upper respiratory tract infections. "Ocean" spray is simply a brand name for a
solution of salt water that helps restore humidity to the nose. It is simple to make
your own salt water spray by adding one teaspoon salt to one quart of deionized water and boiling to fully dissolve the salt. The Ocean spray container can then be
refilled with homemade salt water. There are many different types of cool mist
humidifiers that vary in size and cost. We recommend the small portable units
(choose one that is silent and easy to clean/refill), and not the large humidifier units
that are built into the house's furnace/air conditioning systems. The large room units may become contaminated with yeast or fungus that can subsequently lead to
"allergic"-type reactions. This problem has not been encountered with the small
portable units where the water is changed daily. In areas where the water is "hard"
(i.e., contains large amounts of calcium and other salts), "distilled" water (similar to
that used for irons) may be less irritating than water from the tap. In patients with persistent or recurrent sinus blockage, it is important to keep the
nose open since breathing through the mouth is a frequent cause of increased dry
mouth and the problems described above. In addition to the Ocean spray, it may be
beneficial to learn to "lavage" the sinuses to remove the dry, crusted secretions. This is easily performed by the patient using an irrigation syringe (similar to the
syringe used for basting a turkey) or a Waterpik (set for the lowest pressure
delivery level). In patients with persistent sinus symptoms, it is also useful to
obtain a "nasal smear" to determine if allergic factors (indicated by presence of
eosinophils on the smear) are playing a factor. Topical nasal sprays (such as Beconase, Nasal AQ, or Flonase) may be helpful in these patients, especially after
lavaging (Table 6). In the setting of sinusitis, it is always important to notice if the
color of secretions changes from clear to dark green; the latter situation may
indicate the occurrence of bacterial infection and necessitate treatment with
antibiotics. The diagnosis of sinusitis is confirmed by sinus x-ray with air-fluid levels and purulent sinus drainage. When symptoms of sinus infection are
persistent despite the above treatment measures, the possibility of an "abscess"
within the sinus must be considered and this may require surgical drainage. In
order to determine if the sinus infection requires this treatment, A CAT scan of the
sinuses is performed. The radiologist can perform a "limited" CAT scan at a much lower cost than a full CAT scan. If an abscess is detected, it may be necessary for
an ENT specialist to establish sinus drainage, obtain definitive cultures and treat
with a specific antibiotic.
D. Skin Dryness Dry skin and lips are common complaints in Sjögren's syndrome. Topical treat-
ments with creams and lotions (Table 7) are often helpful. Creams are distin-
guished from lotions by being "greasier" than lotions, which often contain oil/water
mixtures. Creams and ointments are preferred since they better "seal" in necessary
moisture. In general, we suggest applying the creams after a shower or bath while
the skin is still moist. Alternatively, the cream can be applied to dry skin directly
after moistening with a damp cloth. In many patients, moisturizing agents such at cetophile, carmol or lachydrin prove useful in helping to seal the moisture into the
skin. Cosmetics such as lipstick can be applied 5-10 minutes later. Cracking at the
angles of the cheek (cheilitis) is often due to Candida infection and will not
effectively heal until a topical cream (such as Spectazole or Loprox) is applied
Gynecologic Issues
Vaginal dryness often leads to painful intercourse (dyspareunia). It is important to
be reassured that this does not occur in all Sjögren's patients, even those with severe mouth and eye dryness. A gynecologic exam is useful to rule out other
causes of painful intercourse and other causes of vaginal dryness. When it does
occur as part of Sjögren's syndrome, the spouse needs to be reassured that this is a
"physiological" problem and not related to a failure of sexual arousal. Sterile
lubricants such as Astroglide, KY jelly or Surgilube are helpful. The Sjögren's patient currently has many more options regarding safe and effective vaginal
lubrication than every before. Lubricants such as Maxilube and Astroglide have
slightly different characteristics when compared with KY jelly or Surgilube and yet
share the common characteristics of being water-soluble and nonirritating. This
also holds true for the new non-hormonal vaginal moisturizer Replens, which may be used, unassociated with intercourse. For those patients who do not like the gel-
type lubricants, there is now available Lubrin vaginal inserts. Finding the right
preparation for a specific individual is often a matter of trial and error inasmuch as
satisfaction with each lubricant is a matter of personal preference. The patient
needs to be frank with her physician regarding her satisfaction or dissatisfaction with a particular preparation. The external use of preparations containing
petrolatum or oils which "seal in" moisture, such as Vaseline or cocoa butter, may
lead to maceration of the vaginal lining and are to be avoided.
Vaginal dryness in perimenopausal or postmenopausal women is often related to vaginal atrophy because of declining estrogen levels and therefore responds to
vaginal estrogen creams. Cortisone creams are not beneficial in this situation. If
vaginal yeast infection occurs, prompt treatment with clotrimazole cream or
suppositories (Gynelotrimin) is effective and safe. On the external vulvar surface,
dryness may be treated with lubricating creams as you would other skin surfaces (see section on skin dryness). Several patients have reported considerable
satisfaction with the use of a thin film of vitamin E oil used on the vulva once or
An issue of concern to female Sjögren's patients has been whether or not estrogen
replacement therapy at the time of menopause is harmful to their condition. With
regards to estrogen replacement in general, the clinical evidence is controversial whether the risks of blocking osteoporosis and reducing cardiovascular mortality
adequately offset the small increase in risk in breast cancer. However, some women
feel that estrogen replacement improves their quality of life in terms of mood
elevation, by eliminating hot flashes and hormone-related vaginal dryness. Earlier
investigators were concerned that estrogen might have a negative influence on Sjögren's based on animal studies. At our clinic, we have not seen any deterioration
of Sjögren's syndrome related to either estrogen replacement therapy or low
estrogen forms of oral contraceptives. Because of this, we encourage adequate
estrogen replacement for the properly screened postmenopausal Sjögren's patient
who feels that it improves their quality of life. However, other therapeutic alternatives for osteoporosis (Fosomax and Actonel) and for lowering cholesterol are
now available and estrogens are now not the agents of choice for these medical
Many women with Sjögren's syndrome are interested in the risks of pregnancy and risks to the baby. Obstetrical authorities report slightly higher rates of recurrent
fetal death and congenital heart block in those pregnancies complicated by
maternal autoimmune disease. In rare patients, fetal loss has been associated with
presence of the antibodies called "antiphospholipid antibodies," "lupus
anticoagulant" and anticardiolipin antibodies. Congenital heart block is an abnormality of the rate or rhythm of the fetal or infant heart. Certain auto-
antibodies, such as an antibody called "anti-SS-A," have been associated with
congenital heart block in the newborn. These autoantibodies may be present in
patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and with Sjögren's syndrome, as well
as in patients with no apparent disease. However, it is important to reassure patients planning families that the vast majority of patients with Sjögren's
syndrome have babies with no congenital abnormalities. Thus, we encourage family
planning to be conducted without this being a major consideration. Nevertheless, it
is important for patients anticipating pregnancy (or those with multiple prior
miscarriages) to have screening blood tests and that their pregnancies require supervision by obstetricians experienced in handling patients with autoimmune
diseases. If a pregnant patient requires corticosteroids for their medical condition,
we suggest decadron (rather than prednisone) since it crosses the placenta and will
provide protection to the fetus. A team approach combining both rheumatology and
obstetrics can be used to optimize the outcome for both mother and baby. In our experience, flares of Sjögren's have been common after delivery and we often
recommend steroid coverage at the time of delivery and in the post partum period in
Myalgias and Arthralgias
Physicians frequently use terms like arthralgia and arthritis. The former term
means that the joint aches and the latter term means "inflammation" as indicated by the presence of heat, redness and swelling. In a similar sense, myalgia refers to
aching of the muscle and myositis to actual muscle inflammation. Finally,
neuralgia refers to "nerve pain" while neuritis or neuropathy refers to inflammation
The distinction between arthralgias and arthritis can often be made on clinical
examination. However, more sensitive tests including x-rays or bone scans may be
required. In the case of muscles, blood tests and, occasionally, electrical stimulation
tests [called electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction velocity] are useful.
The treatment of arthralgias usually begins with an anti-inflammatory agents such as voltaren (diclofenac), clinoril (sulinac), naproxen (alleve), or ibuprofen (advil).
These agents may increase fluid retention, blood pressure or cause gastrointestinal
upset or bleeding. In patients with a history of ulcer (or taking corticosteroids), a
more expensive anti-inflammatory are the newer agents called "cox-2" inhibitors
such as vioxx (rofecoxib) or celebrex (celecoxib). These agents have less bleeding tendency but recent studies have shown that older patients need to take a baby
aspirin along with the cox-2 drug in order to reduce frequency of either heart attack
or stroke. When the cox-2 and baby aspirin are taken together (i.e. the normal
current recommendation), it remains unclear if the initial benefit in GI bleeding will
be worth the significant increase in cost. Thus, newer (i.e. cox-2 drug) does not necessarily equate to more efficacious or significantly increase in safety in all
patients. Whether a traditional non-steroidal or a cox-2 drug is used, the patient
still needs to be monitored for elevation of blood pressure, fluid retention, and
effects on the liver as well as skin rashes.
Prednisone (a corticosteroid) is extremely effective but has long term side effects
including hypertension, weight gain, irritability, sleep disruption, osteoporosis,
glaucoma and diabetes. These side effects are largely dose related and start to
increase in frequency when the dose is above 7.5 mg per day. The old joke in
rheumatology is that doctors only have one efficient drug (i.e. prednisone) and the art of rheumatology is how to get the patient off. But in summary, the steroids
work and often are required in short term courses until another medication can be
used to control the symptoms and allow the dose to be tapered or eliminated.
In patients with more severe arthralgias or arthritis, stronger medications called "disease modifying anti-rheumatic agents" (DMARDs) need to be used. Perhaps the
oldest and safest is hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil), which is used in a dose based
on weight (up to 7 mg/day per 2.2 pounds of body weight). This drug has a slow
onset and takes about 3 months to kick in. The drug labeling warns of build up in
the retina. This warning derives from many years ago when the drug was used in
high dose (often up to 15 mg per 2.2 pounds of body weight). When the correct dose
is used, the risk of retinal damage is estimated to be about 1 in 10,000 (which was
not significantly different than control groups). Nevertheless, for medical-legal purposes as well as for patient protection, we advocate that the patient get an eye
check about 6 weeks after starting and then every 1-2 years. In this way, patients
who do not tolerate the medication (usually GI upset or a rash) will not have the
added expense of pre-therapy eye check and since the potential for eye buildup
would require years, the patient is at no risk by waiting this short interval and may save money on one less doctor's visit.
In patients with more significant arthritis or difficulty in tapering corticosteroids,
the next DMARD frequently used is methotrexate. In high dose such as 500 mg,
this drug is a chemotherapy (i.e. for leukemia) and causes lots of problems such as hair loss and low white cell count. However, in Sjögren's syndrome it is used as a
once a week dose of 7.5 to 15 mg. At this dose, there is very little side effect and is
widely used without problems in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and systemic
lupus. Nevertheless, patients with liver disease (either alcoholic or hepatitis C
infection) probably should avoid this medication and routine (every 3 month) blood checks of white blood count and liver tests will further improve safety. As in the
treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, other drugs including Arava (leflunomide) have
proven useful either alone or in combination with methotrexate. Other agents such
as azulfidene and cyclosporin have proven less effective and had more side effects.
New potent drugs called Enbrel or Remicade (called biologic agents that inhibit tumor necrosis factor) remain very effective at decreasing joint pain but may
exacerbate other features of the autoimmune process (such as low platelet counts)
and have even been associated with reactivating infections such as tuberculosis or
multiple sclerosis. For this reason, we try to avoid biologics in our patients.
In some patients, inflammation of the nerves may produce symptoms of pain,
weakness or numbness. The nerves may be affected at many different sites;
involvement of the brain is termed central nervous system, of the spinal cord is
termed a myelopathy, and of the nerves that leave the spinal cord is termed
peripheral neuropathy. If inflammation of the brain is suspected, procedures such as MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) may be required. The brain MRI is done after
an intravenous infusion of a material called gadolinium. If the small blood vessels
of the brain are involved, they become "leaky" and this is termed "enhancement" on
the MRI. Other problems detected on the MRI are multiple sclerosis like lesions,
blood clots and strokes. In our experience, brain inflammation is uncommon but has been reported in higher frequency at another medical center.
There may be inflammation of peripheral nerves (those that have exited from the
spinal cord). The involvement of the nerves can cause weakness or numbness. The
EMG and nerve conduction study may be required for diagnosis in this situation.
Also, it is important to remember that many other common problems result in
nerve, muscle or joint pain. For example, a pinched nerve at the level of the spine
may cause numbness and weakness in an arm or leg. A torn cartilage in the knee or a degenerated disc in the back may lend to joint pain or muscle spasms. These
common problems are not due to Sjögren's syndrome. Too often, patients and their
physicians may not look for "the obvious" causes of symptoms and simply blame the
problem on Sjögren's syndrome. This delays the institution of the correct therapy
for the problem. G. Fatigue
Fatigue is probably the most common complaint in patients with Sjögren's syn-
drome. As mentioned above, three types of fatigue should be considered and this section will emphasize the therapeutic approaches. To help determine whether
fatigue is due to active inflammation, blood tests called "sedimentation rate" or "C-
reactive protein" are ordered by your physician, since these tests are usually
elevated by the same interleukins that cause fatigue. The general approach to
fatigue associated with an active immune response is similar to the treatment of SLE not involving critical internal organs. The initial medication is usually an
anti-inflammatory medication such as naproxen and in some cases an agents such
as hydroxychloroquine (an anti-malarial class of medications). This medication is
given on the basis of weight (no more than 7 mg per kilogram of body weight per
day). The tablets come in 200 mg size and the general dose is 200 to 400 mg per day. The package insert describes blindness and build up in the retina. This is
very, very rare at the correct dose and is estimated at less than 1 person in 10,000
who receive this drug. In Europe, they no longer even do ocular screening since the
side effect is much less frequent than the risks of not treating the active disease
process. We generally get the first eye check up at 3 months after starting and then about every 2 years. However, any change in vision demands immediate eye check
up to look for hydroxychloroquine or other causes such as glaucoma (particularly if
the patient is on steroids). Hydroxychloroquine is slow to take effect (about 6 wks)
and sometimes other medications including prednisone are used in a tapering dose
until the hydroxychloroquine has time to take effect. If the immune tests remain elevated and symptoms persist despite the
hydroxychloroquine, the next medication used is often methotrexate given as a
weekly dose. This medication has potential liver toxicity and should not be taken
by heavy drinkers or patients with hepatitis viral infection. However, liver tests are monitored and dose adjustments are made similar to guidelines used in RA patients
taking this medication.
Many other medications, including the newly approved biologic agents (such as
Enbrel and Remicade), have recently been highly advertised for rheumatoid
arthritis. However, these medications are very expensive, not approved for SS (and
thus not covered by insurance) and have unknown long term side effects including
the potential for lymphoma, increased infections such as tuberculosis and demyelinating disorders such as multiple sclerosis. Until carefully controlled
studies comparing TNF inhibitors and comparable agents such as methotrexate are
available, it is not clear that they will be more effective than available therapy.
Also, it is probably prudent to defer these strong agents until longer term safety
data is available on complications such lymphoma and demyelinating diseases, since there may already be slightly higher frequency of these problems in Sjögren's
patients that could be exacerbated by these TNF inhibitors.
A second type of fatigue is "morning fatigue," where the patient arises in the
morning and does not feel that he/she has obtained an adequate night's sleep. This is also quite common in Sjögren's syndrome and may exist in addition to
"inflammatory" fatigue. For example, patients may have inadequate sleep due to
joint or muscle pain. Also, Sjögren's patients often drink a great deal of liquid
during the day because of dry mouth and throat. Then at night, the patient may be
awakened three or four times to urinate. This disrupts the sleep pattern and leads to morning fatigue. When this is the case, it is best to treat the symptoms directly
and better sleep should follow. For example, humidifiers and oral lubricants (i.e.,
saliva substitutes) at night might be beneficial. Nonetheless, there may be periods
when one doesn't sleep well, and it is important not to allow certain negative sleep
habits to become ingrained. All persons, especially those with a tendency to poor sleep or daytime fatigue should adhere to the following general suggestions for good
A third type of fatigue is "metabolic" and may result from hypothyroidism.
Replacement with synthroid is easier to measure and adjust than some of the more recent suggestions to use thyroid (armour extracts) in our experience. Other
suggestions have been low DHEA, which is a precursor of testosterone that
normally is made in low levels in females. The levels of DHEA may be diminished
in both menopause or in corticosteroid treated patients. If the DHEA level is
diminished, this compound can be supplemented with DHEA preparations (usually 25-50 mg/day) which are available without prescription. In some postmenopausal
patients, estrogen replacement may increase the sense of "well being." We have not
found flares of Sjögren's in patients, in contrast to the flare of autoimmunity in
some animal models of disease after estrogen replacement. If estrogen replacement
is used (after approval by gynecologist and making sure no breast carcinoma or blood clots), then we have preferred natural estrogen by continuous delivery such as
vivelle dot (a transdermal system) and a natural progesterone (prometrium).
Finally, some patients note a type of fatigue which is "orthostatic" (i.e. a sense of
lightheaded on position change from supine to sitting, as sometimes occurs during
the flu); this condition is documented by noting the extend of blood pressure change
and can be treated with low doses of florineff or a shorter acting medication called
proamitine in some patients.
In terms of sleep disruption (non-restorative sleep), this problem is so common among Sjögren's patients that several general guidelines might be mentioned.
Maintain a regular and consistent wake-up time. Do not oversleep or
spend excessive amounts of time in bed.
If unable to sleep, it is better to get up and do something else that is
quiet, restful, and enjoyable, such as reading, knitting, or doing a puzzle. Do not lay in bed and try too hard to sleep.
A steady daily amount of exercise probably deepens sleep. Many
patients report that a simple exercise such as sit-ups prior to bed and
then a warm shower help relax the muscles and give a more restful sleep.
Stress reduction techniques such as meditation, biofeedback, or pro-gressive relaxation are encouraged. In patients with muscle spasm
(particularly back pains), an organized program such as Tai-chi proves
helpful in addition to traditional methods of physical therapy.
Caffeine should be avoided after lunch, and alcohol should be avoided
after dinner. In some people, even one cup of coffee or one alcoholic beverage is enough to disturb sleep.
The bedroom should be quiet, dark, and comfortable. During the day-
time, exposure to sunlight for even one hour at a regular time can
strengthen circadian rhythms and improve the quality of sleep.
Especially in San Diego, get outside for your lunch hour or take a walk after dinner.
Sometimes following good sleep habits is not enough to improve the sense of
daytime fatigue and poor sleep. If this is the case, a specific evaluation for sleep
disorders can be done. Certain people may have a higher risk of physiologic sleep disorders. In our experience, patients with Sjögren's frequently have sleep
disturbance due to nocturnal myoclonus (a spontaneous muscle cramping) that
occurs at night and disrupts the amount of time spent in "restful" sleep. Some
patients respond to quinine and vitamin E at bedtime. Some patients respond to
medications for Parkinson's disease (Sinemet and Mirapex), although these may increase dryness. Other patients require a medication such as Klonopin
(clonazepam), a member of a drug family called benzodiazepams (that includes
Valium and Ativan). These drugs have the ability to prevent muscle spasms and
were first developed to prevent muscle rigidity associated with seizures. Thus,
patients who look up Klonopin are surprised to see that it was first approved for children with seizures. This is because Klonopin reduces severe muscle spasms, a
life-threatening part of seizures in children. However, Klonopin is used in much
lower doses to reduce the muscle spasms associated with nocturnal myoclonus.
Like its parent compound Valium, Klonopin also has "anti-anxiety" activity and has
other uses in addition to nocturnal myoclonus. A word of caution, higher doses of
klonopen or Valium can be highly habit forming and need to be scrupolosly avoided
in any individual with a tendency to substance dependency. To avoid higher doses
of klonepin, another drug (Trazadone) is often used in conjunction at bedtime. Other medications such as Elavil (amitriptyline) or Pamelor (nortriptyline) are
commonly prescribed for sleep disorders but are generally not well tolerated by
Sjögren's patients due to their side effect of increased dryness.
Sleep disruption can occur due to sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is suspected in patients who snore loudly or awake at night gasping for breath. Patients with recent weight
gain (often due to corticosteroids) may develop sleep apnea. This problem requires
the expertise of a sleep center for evaluation and treatment.
Finally, some patients may experience fatigue or lightheadedness in the morning when they arise from a supine position. In these patients, the possibility of
positional (orthostatic) hypotension needs to be considered. This is part of an
imbalance in the nervous system called an autonomic neuropathy. It is found in SS
patients as well as in patients with diabetes and other neurologic diseases or as a
side effect of many medications used for blood pressure (including diuretics) or neuropathy. The patient should obtain a blood pressure cuff to measure the
pressure when supine and when standing. The diagnosis is confirmed by the
cardiologist performing a "tilt table test." The problem is that the blood pressure
drops too low and leaves the blood supply to the brain inadequate. There are a
variety of older medications (such as florineff) and newer shorter acting medications (such as proamitine) that may prove helpful.
H. Depression in Sjögren's Syndrome
Depression can present in many forms, including difficulty concentrating, poor
appetite, or a sleep disorder. The precise role of inflammation and hormone
imbalances associated with Sjögren's syndrome as a contributing factor to depres-
sion remains unclear, but certainly depression is caused in part by neuro-chemical
alterations in the brain. In particular, abnormalities in serotonin and norepinephrine metabolism may contribute and this is the basis for current
therapies including drugs such as Prozac and Effexor.
Stress, poor sleep, and chronic illness can all contribute to depression. When
antidepressant medications are used to help regulate sleep patterns and treat fatigue, drugs lacking anticholinergic side effects are preferred. As mentioned
earlier, certain antidepressants such as tricyclics (Elavil and Pamelor) and
monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors may greatly increase dryness and should be
avoided. A second class of antidepressants with less dryness include trazodone
(Desyrel); newer members of this family include Serzone.
The most widely used class of antidepressant drugs is called serotonin re-uptake
inhibitors (SSRI). These include Celexa, Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Luvox and Effexor. In general, we usually start with Celexa since it is less sleep disruptive than Prozac
and has less weight gain than Paxil. Recent studies in patients with fibromyalgia
indicate that higher doses of Prozac (40-60 mg/day) or Celexa (40-60 mg/day) may
be required than are generally given by primary care physicians for this problem
and that lack of efficacy may be due to under dosing or escalating too rapidly to full dose. The incidence of increased dryness (and other side effects including sleep
disruption) appears variable among different patients and a careful diary by the
patient may help the physician in the selection of the correct drug. As noted above,
the therapy of depression will likely provide a new generation of drugs that will
prove helpful to treat the fatigue in patients with autoimmune disease. XI PATIENT SUPPORT GROUPS
The increasing recognition of Sjögren's syndrome has led to the formation of patient
support groups. One group, called the Sjögren's Syndrome Foundation, puts out a monthly newsletter, The Moisture Seekers, and has local chapters in many cities
including San Diego (local contact persons are listed in some issues of The Moisture Seekers). Although we recommend these newsletters as a source of patient information, we wish to caution you that some of the material may be controversial
and may conflict with our opinions. Nevertheless, we strongly believe that patients
should have access to all points of view (including those opposed to ours) and we are
happy to discuss our reasons for/against any specific suggestions. Just do not take
everything that is in a newsletter (or that we say) as "gospel." Similarly, the periodic meetings of patient support groups are a potential source of helpful
information and emotional support. However, they also may be a source of
misinformation. So approach patient support groups with an open mind as if you
were competitively shopping for an important item. Whether you belong to a
support group or not, it is important to surround yourself with people who believe in ""wellness" behavior rather than with individuals who are chronic complainers.
Patients frequently ask about the role of diet either in causing their disease or in their treatment. No definite answers are known, but environmental agents
(perhaps even food antigens) may play a role. In general, most patients have found
that it is helpful to avoid chocolate, nuts, undissolved salt, vinegar and vinegar
prepared foods, strong cheese (Swiss, cheddar, bleu, Roquefort), high acid foods
(tomatoes, citrus fruit and juices) and alcoholic beverages. Many patients find yogurt (no berry flavors, diluted baking soda, or cultured buttermilk as a
mouthwash helpful. Be aware of lactose intolerance if diarrhea develops. In many
autoimmune disorders, some patients find that red meat, heavily processed foods,
and foods containing sugar makes their overall systemic symptoms worse (in
addition to the detrimental effects of sugar on the oral status). Also avoid tobacco and commercial mouth rinses that contain alcohol. If you are going to chew gum, it
should be sugar free (not sugar low).
There is great controversy about the role of diet and autoimmunity, with some
physicians emphasizing that there is no objective evidence. Although there may not be a single agent that adversely affects all patients, a careful look at your diet is
worthwhile. There are examples where dietary factors trigger the immune system.
One of the best examples of diet-related autoimmune disease is celiac sprue, where
autoimmune reaction against gliadin (a wheat-derived product) plays an important
role. At a molecular level, the gliadin resembles a viral-encoded protein and thus the body mounts an "antiviral" response every time it encounters this food antigen.
It is possible that other foods may provoke and adversely activate the immune
system by mechanisms that we do not understand. It would be helpful if we had
reliable methods to detect specific "food allergies" in patients. Despite two decades
of trying to develop such tests, there are still no reliable methods. However, some unscrupulous individuals advertise special blood tests for "food allergy." These tests
have not been shown to have merit and circulating antibodies against specific food
antigens have not been demonstrated in Sjögren's syndrome. We do recommend
that patients avoid candy and products containing sugar, which may cause dental
cavities and increased gingival disease. Recent interest has centered around the possible role of fatty acids that are
precursors of prostaglandins and/or leukotrienes, which play an important role in
the inflammatory response. One preliminary report suggests a deficiency of
prostaglandin E1 (a derivative of fatty acids) in Sjögren's patients that were treated
with dietary supplements of fatty acids. Recent studies in rheumatoid arthritis
have shown that mild subjective improvement and minor degrees of improvement in
joint swelling could be achieved by taking fish oil tablets containing particular fatty
acids known as omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is too early to give these
fatty acids any recommendation in Sjögren's syndrome since this "medication" actually increased arthritis when fed to rats.
Little information is available on the beneficial role of vitamin or mineral
supplements in Sjögren's syndrome. Certainly, a daily multi-vitamin seems
justified, particularly since dietary food intake is often altered due to tooth loss/gingival disease. Although severe vitamin A deficiency can cause dry eyes, the
clinical features of this dry eye syndrome are different from those in Sjögren's
syndrome. Further, serum vitamin A levels are normal in Sjögren's patients and
excessive intake of this vitamin can cause fatal liver damage. Based on reports that
zinc was helpful in reducing stomatitis in patients after head and neck irradiation,
we tried zinc sulfate (220 mg/day) without significant improvement in most cases
but a few patients had improved sense of taste. However, double-blind studies on
large numbers of patients will be required before the role of vitamins and dietary factors can be adequately assessed. We have suggested daily yogurt (especially low
fat) since this has had a beneficial response in decreasing oral Candida infections,
increasing saliva flow and thus decreasing mouth discomfort.
XII. HEARTBURN AND ESOPHAGEAL MOTILITY IN SJÖGREN'S SYNDROME Saliva normally plays a major role in neutralizing gastric acidity. Thus, symptoms
of "heartburn" or "hiatal hernia" are common in Sjögren's syndrome. Gastric
hyperacidity can be partly overcome by the use of antacids (such as Mylanta II or
Maalox II) after meals and at bedtime. Also, elevation of the head of the bed on 2-inch wood blocks provides a way to reduce the gastric acid from washing back into
the esophagus at night. In some patients with severe problems of "heartburn," the
medicine sucralfate (Carafate slurry) has been helpful. This medicine was designed
to "coat" the esophagus and stomach of patients with ulcer disease. However,
sucralfate coating of the stomach might interfere with the absorption of certain other medications so be certain to check this possible drug interaction with your
physician and pharmacist.
For more severe heartburn, two types of medications decrease the response of the
gastric mucosa to the acid or to reduce the gastric production of acid. The first type
is called "H2 blockers" and includes Tagamet, Pepsid, and Zantac; each of these have recently become available over the counter. A second type of medication that
reduces acid production still requires a prescription. Members of this family include
Prilosec (Omerasol in Mexico), which will soon go over the counter, as well as
Nexium, Aciphex, Prevacid, and Protonix. There has been debate about whether a
combination of these medications is more useful than either class alone. If a combination is taken, then the acid suppressor (i.e.Prilosec like) might be taken in
the morning, while the H2 blocker (i.e. tagamet) might be taken before bed. Finally,
some patients who have decreased motility of the esophagus benefited from a
medicine called cisapride (Propulsid). However, this medication was removed from
the market in the US due to a relatively rare side effect after many years of use with a good overall safety record. Reglan, Other medications with similar beneficial
effects are in the late stages of clinical development and should reach the market in
Since saliva normally helps during swallowing pills, it is important to recognize that pills can become stuck to "dry" walls of the esophagus and cause painful
erosions. For example, iron supplement pills are large in size and uncoated tablets
may get stuck in the esophagus, leading to pain and a choking sensation. Also,
certain time-release preparations tend to adhere to the esophagus in the absence of
sufficient saliva. To minimize these problems, coated tablets are preferred (when
available) and medication should be taken with lots of water while sitting in the
upright position (rather than lying down just after taking the pills).
XIII Hints to help your doctor get approval for the required tests and medications.
In these days of computer codes being required for insurance reimbursement (Table
9), we have listed several codes that are required for ordering a diagnostic test. If
your insurance does not accept the initial diagnosis code, ask if the procedure is covered by Table 9.
When your physician orders certain medications, it is almost a guarantee that prior
approval will be required. For example, you might have received a sample of
medications for gastric acidity called proton pump inhibitor (such as rilosec, prevacid, aciphex). The pharmacy benefits company will want to know that you
have previously failed drugs that are cheaper such as tagamet (cimetidine) or
zantac (ranitidine). If you have failed these drugs and want the prilosec
medication, you need to provide the doctor with the dates when you took the
tagamet or zantac to help get authorization. Other medications requiring pre-authorization are the new cox-2 (vioxx and celebrex) medications. The pharmacy
benefits company will want to know that you have tried at least 2 or 3 different
available medications such naproxen, diclofenac (voltaren), or clinoril (sulinac)
before they will approve the more expensive medication. In general, the newer
medications are denied unless there is a history of ulcer or the patient is concurrently receiving steroids. Thus, we have the paradox that the physician has
samples of the newest drugs to give the patient and the patient is then frustrated
when the prescription for these medications are requested due to their efficacy.
We recommend that patients bring their own medicines (including artificial tears,
lubricants, and saliva substitutes) to the hospital. The patient may use their own
medicines (if approved by their physician) and if they are brought to the hospital in their labeled containers and this saves not only money but also time in dispensing
the same medications from the pharmacy. This is particularly true of "special"
drugs for dryness of eyes and mouth that are not on the formulary of many
Some special needs of the patient with Sjögren's syndrome are listed in Table 11. Certain medications (especially aspirin or NSAIDs) may alter the normal blood
clotting mechanisms and need to be stopped prior to surgery. In general, aspirin
needs to be stopped approximately 6 days prior to major surgery, while nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (including Motrin and other over-the-counter analgesics
such as Advil) approximately 72 hours prior to surgery. The newer Cox-2 (i.e.
Vioxx, celebrex) do not interfere with bleeding but it is still probably a good idea to
stop them about 24 hours before surgery. Even if you are not undergoing surgery, it is always a good idea to carry a written
list of your current medicines, their doses, and any drug allergies you might have.
Nothing is more annoying for the physician (and dangerous to the patient) than
trying to identify the name of "some small white pill" that the patient can't quite remember in the stress of medical evaluation.
In summary, Sjögren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease of unknown cause that
results in decreased salivary and lacrimal gland function. Also, extraglandular
symptoms are frequently present and may occasionally overshadow the complaints of dry eyes and mouth. Although there is no cure, significant symptomatic
improvement can be achieved and many serious complications can be avoided by
recognition and early treatment. Research is currently focusing on the cause of
Sjögren's syndrome and new methods are being developed to control the "autoim-
mune" phenomena responsible for Sjögren's. In an era of increasing health maintenance organizations (HMO's) and the need for diagnosis codes, it is often
necessary for the patient to help their physician or dentist by informing them of
currently accepted diagnosis codes. A partial listing of several useful codes is
provided in Table10.
(Based on the newly submitted Joint European-American Consensus Group)
Primary Sjögren's syndrome
A. Symptoms and objective signs of ocular dryness
1. Schirmer I test <8 mm wetting per 5 minutes
2. Positive rose bengal or fluorescein staining of cornea and conjunctiva
to demonstrate keratoconjunctivitis sicca
B. Symptoms and objective signs of dry mouth
1. Decreased parotid flow rate using Lashley cups or other methods
2. Abnormal biopsy of minor salivary gland (focus score of =1 based on
average of 4 evaluable glands)
3. Abnormal salivary gland scintigraphy scan or sialogram characteristic
C. Evidence of a systemic autoimmune disorder
1. Elevated rheumatoid factor =1:320
2. Elevated antinuclear antibody =1:320
3. Presence of anti-SS-A (Ro) or anti-SS-B (La) antibodies
II. Secondary Sjögren's syndrome
Characteristic signs and symptoms of SS (described above) plus clinical
features sufficient to allow a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, systemic
lupus erythematosus, polymyositis, or scleroderma
Sarcoidosis, preexistent lymphoma, acquired immunodeficiency disease, hepa-
titis C and other known causes of keratitis sicca or salivary gland enlarge-ment. Measurements of tear and saliva flow must be made with patient off
medications that can cause dryness for at least 72 hours.
**Patients must have evidence of dry eyes, dry mouth AND either a characteristic
minor salivary gland biopsy (focus score greater than 1) or characteristic autoantibodies against SS-A (Ro) or SS-B(La)
Salivary Gland Enlargement
Mucous membrane pemphigoid
Sarcoidosis, amyloidosis
Infections: virus (adenovirus, herpes, vaccinia),
Bacterial (including gonococci, syphilis) and viral
bacteria, (especially, Staph albus., Chlamydia,
infections(e.g., infectious mononucleosis, mumps)
Tuberculosis, actinomycosis, histoplasmosis, leprosy
Trauma (e.g., from contact lens), environmental
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C
irritants, and surgery (including Lasik)
Neuropathy including neurotropic keratitis [e.g.,
Tumors (usually unilateral) including cysts (Warthi
damage to fifth cranial nerve and familial dys-
tumor),epithelial (adenoma, adenocar
uatonomia (Riley-Day syndrome)]
lymphoma, and mixed salivary gland tumors
5. hypersensitivity including chemical burn, and over
Excessive alcohol consumption (fatty deposition)
exposure to ultraviolet lights
Allergic reactions including Erythema multiforme
(Stevens- Johnson syndrome)
Hyperlipemic states, especially types IV and V
Chronic bronchitis secondary to dryness of upper and
lower airway with mucus plugging
Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis
Pseudolymphoma with nodular infiltrates
Pleural effusions (pleurisy)
Pulmonary hypertension, especially with associated
Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD)
Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) associated with
xerostomia or decreased esophageal motility
Atrophic gastritis
Liver disease including biliary cirrhosis and sclerosing
Skin and mucous
dryness and increased bruising
rashes (macular-flar and papular-raised)
blepharitis (eyes) and oral candida (including angular
Hyperglobulinemic purpura
Raynaud's phenomenon and digital ulcers
Vasculitis--similar to SLE patients
Endocrine, neurologic,
Peripheral neuropathy involvement of hands and/or feet
Mononeuritis multiplex
Neutropenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia
Lymphoma and myeloma
Tubular-interstitial nephritis (TIN)
Glomerulonephritis, in absence of antibodies to DNA
Mixed cryoglobulinemia
Obstructive nephropathy due to enlarged periaortic
Renal artery vasculitis
A. Mouth and Nasal Preparations
Biotene and Oral Balance
Dental Care Toothpaste
MouthKote, Pretz, Oragesic
Saliva Substitute
Artificial Tears and Lubricants
Refresh, Refresh Plus
Hypotears and Hypotears PF
Hypotears Ointment
Duratears ointment
Thera Tears Advanced Vision Research
Ocular Lubricants
Gen Teal gel Novartis Punctal Occlusion
Temporary collagen plugs (unreliable)
Intracannicular plugs
Herrick plugs (may cause irritation if protrude into ocular surface) *
. E. Blepharitis
Johnson & Johnson
F. Punctal Plugs
temporary (collagen)
intracannicular plugs
*All products in each category are other not equivalent to each
1. Humidifier (i.e., Cool Mist Vaporizer)
2. Ocean spray (salt water) to irrigate sinuses. Can make solution by dissolving 1
teaspoon salt in 1 quart distilled water.
3. Lavage of nasal passages with saline
• Basting syringe
• Waterpik--smooth the end of applicator and set at lowest setting
Instrument designed for lavage
Specific machines made for sinus lavage
4. Decongestants (with less drying side effect)
• Clariten and clarinex
• Bactrin DS and Septra (both sulfa containing)
• Augmentin (a penicillin)
• Biaxen and Zithromax
Cephalosporins (Keflex, ceclor, cedax, rocephin)
Cipro, Levoquin, Avelox, Tequin
6. In some cases, topical steroid sprays (use after lavage and Ocean Spray)-
• Flonase spray
• Beconase spray
• Alkalol (used in lavage fluid)
• Humabid-LA (Guaifenesin)
• Organidin (contains iodide)
• Saturated Solution Potassium Iodide (10% SSKI)
8. Multivalent flu vaccines if on steroids, DMARD's, significant heart or lung
(not recommended if history of adverse reactions to flu vaccines, the adjuvant in the
vaccine or certain neurologic conditions)
an oral medication alternative to flu vaccine is amantadine, tamiflu or flumadine
Anti-Candida for the Mouth
Lotrimin Cream*, external
Micatin cream*, external
Naftin cream, external
Spectazole cream, external
Loprox cream, external
Clortrimazole cream, external
Gynelotrimen cream*, external
Nystatin Oral Troche*
Mycelex troches*
Gynelotrimen vaginal suppositories*
Vaginal Lubricants and Anti-Candida*
Soaps and Shampoos*
Topical estrogens (postmenopausal)
Gynelotrimen vaginal suppositories or
Coppertone Shade Spray Mist or Oil free
0.5% Hydrocortisone*
Any sunscreen greater than SPF 15 with
Lacticare HC (2.5% HC)
UVA and UVB blockers such as
Neutrogena Sunblock
Mid-strength corticosteroids
(Kenalog, Aristocort)--not for
use on the face
Protoptic (Tacrolimus)
I. Tylenol (up to 4 per day)
II. Salicytes: Aspirin (enteric-coated 325 mg tabs preferred, and time release salicylates: Disalcid, Trilisate with less problems for GI bleeding.
(for cardiac protection, the dose is aspirin 85 mg per day) .
III. Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs:) are divided into COX-
1 and COX-2 drugs*
A. COX-1: probably more effective but also more GI problems in some
many COX-1 are available over the counter:
Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil, Nuprin) or Naproxen (Alleve)
and available as generics so less expensive
Sulinac (Clinoril) less renal side effect
Indocin (indomethacin)
Voltaren (diclofenac) (enteric-coated)
Lodine (ketoprofen) or Ansaid (flubiprofen) (studiessuggest decrease in
periodontal disease)
Soon to go generic: Daypro (oxyprofen), Relafan (nambutone) (lower GI side
*(most generic and over the counter NSAIDs are available as suppository or as a
topical cream that is made up by compounding pharmacy which may help decrease gastric symptoms)
B. COX-2 anti-inflammatory drugs: more expensive, no generics, no more
effective in pain control than COX-1 but lower rate of GI bleed in high risk
patients Celebrex 1 tab twice a day (caution if sulfa allergy)
Vioxx 25 mg per day
Valdecox 10 tab per day
*with COX-2 drugs, need to take low dose aspirin (81 mg) per day to
maintain cardiac and stroke protection afforded by COX-1 drugs.
III. Cortisone and other Steroids
Prednisone, Medrol, Decadron)—very effective but side effects including
increased oral yeast and periodontal disease in addition to diabetes,
osteoporosis, glaucoma, hypertension, weight gain
IV. Drugs used to help modulate the immune response (more than just anti-
inflammatory) but also may have side effects on different parts of the body.
A. Anti-malarial medications, since related compounds were first used to
control symptoms of malaria although the current drugs are no longer used for
control of infection.
Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine)- dose based on weight (up to 8 mg/kg) and
then very low retinal risk at this dose but should get eye check about 6 weeks after
starting and then every 2-3 years for safety.(sooner if any new eye symptoms or change in vision)
Chloroquine is the "original antimalarial" but is not routinely used in US due
to increased risk of eye toxicity; however, it is still used in many parts of the world
(including Mexico and Japan) where hydroxychloroquine is not available
Quinacrine--used to be used in certain manifestations of Sjögren's including
fatigue but no longer available from manufacturer and need to make sure no
tendency for hemolytic anemia (i.e. G6PD deficiency)
B. Drugs Often Used in primarily in Rheumatoid Arthritis but also in
Sjögren's and SLE
Methotrexate—weekly dosage is generally 7.5 to 15 mg (i.e. taken only
one day per week) and useful for joint pains; can not be used if liver disease
or hepatitis C. Uncommon side effect of lung disease, anemia and low white
blood cell count
Arava (Leflunomide)- daily dosage, may have less lung toxicity than
Imuran (azathioprine)—not widely used due to GI side effects in many
patients but often used if associated autoimmune hepatitis.
C. Biologic Agents: Enbrel (etanercept) and Remicade (infliximab)—although
may improve joint symptoms, in animal models they may increase risk for
"lupus" like features; may reactivate tuberculosis in high risk patients, and may exacerbate multiple sclerosis
C. Drugs often used in Transplant recipients but also in some
autoimmune patients
Cell Cept (mycophenolic acid). Although officially used in organ transplant recipients, it is also used in controlling immune problems.
Cyclosporin A (Sandimmune) and Rapamycin (Tacrolimus). Also drug
generally used for transplant but sometimes used in other autoimmune
D. Drugs used in chemotherapy for cancer but in lower dose in patients with
autoimmune problems
Cytoxan (cyclophosphamide)--generally given at monthly intervals by
intravenous, although given orally on a daily basis in some cases.
Methotrexate is listed here as well as above, since it is officially listed
as a chemotherapeutic agent and the listing as a chemotherapy causes
frequent concern when patients read the drug insert.
Rituxian (rituximab). A monoclonal antibody given by intravenous infusion
that is generally used in lymphoma but also in some intractable patients with
autoimmune disease.
Blood Pressure Medications
a adrenergic-blockers (clonidine, catapress)
beta adrenergic-blockers (Inderal, tenormin)
Combined a,b -blockers (Labetolol)
II. Antidepressants (also used for neuropathy and other causes)
Amitriptyline (Elavil)
Nortriptyline (Pamelor)
D. Parnate, Nardil (MAO inhibitors)
E. Mellaril (Dopamine blocker)
III. Muscle Spasm
IV. Urologic Drugs
Ditropan, Detrol
VII. Decongestants and Sleeping Aids (many are over the counter)
Pseudofed (pseudoephredine)
Atarax, Benadryl
Sicca syndrome (Primary Sjögren's syndrome)
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Systemic Lupus Erythematous
Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma)
Polyneuropathy in collagen vascular disease
Lung involvement in diseases classified elsewhere
Candidiasis of mouth (thrush)
112.84 Candidial esophagitis
Lymphoma, malignant (non-Hodgkin's)
Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia
Anemia, unspecified
373.0x Blepharitis, unspecified
Raynaud's syndrome
Arteritis, unspecified
Chronic periodontitis
530.81 Esophageal reflux
571.49 Other chronic (active) hepatitis
Cirrhosis of liver without alcohol (cryogenic)
Biliary cirrhosis
Chronic interstitial cystitis
Myalgia and Myositis, unspecified (Fibromyalgia)
375.15 Tear film insufficiency (Dry eye syndrome)
370.33 Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, not specified as Sjögren's [excludes
(diagnosed) Sjögren's syndrome]
Hypertrophy of salivary glands
Disturbance of salivary secretion (Xerostomia)
719.4x Pain in joint (requires fifth digit for site)
Malaise and fatigue
Enlargement of lymph nodes
Elevated sedimentation rate
Preoperative Period
Stop aspirin 1 week prior to surgery.
Stop NSAIDs 3 days prior to surgery.
Do not stop steroids.
D. Notify anesthesiologist about specific problems with teeth,
dentures, eyes, neck, sinuses, and lungs since this may affect the
way intubation is performed.
II. Day of Surgery
Take all medications with you to hospital in their bottles.
Be sure to ask anesthesiologist to use an ocular ointment (such as
Refresh PM) during surgery and in post-op recovery room.
If receiving steroids, make sure these are taken on day of surgery
either orally or through the IV. In some cases, a higher dose is required.
D. All right to use artificial salivas (such as MouthKote) to keep mouth
moist on the day of surgery when "NPO" (nothing per mouth).
Ask anesthesiologist to use humidified oxygen in operating room
III. Post-Operative Days
Watch for yeast infections if receiving antibiotics.
Use of artificial tears and salivas.
Use of artificial salivas.
The normal motion of the upper lid over the ocular surface is facilitated
by a lubricating tear film.
In the dry eye patient, the tear film is inadequate and the increased
friction as the upper lid moves over the globe is sensed by the patient as
a painful, foreign body type sensation.
Figure 3 Rose Bengal is a vital dye that is used to rapidly and cheaply evaluate
the ocular surface. A minute drop is placed under the lower lid and then
immediately rinsed out with an artificial tear. Any areas of
conjunctival irregularity briefly retain the Rose Bengal and can be
visualized by eye or using a opthalmoscope. These areas of irregularity are better seen by the Ophthalmologist using a slit lamp, but significant
keratoconjunctivitis sicca is visualized as demonstrated in this figure.
Figure 4: Schematic representation of normal regulation of tears and saliva. The
ocular or oral surface receives signals from unmyelinated pain fibers
that travel to certain regions of the central nervous system (called the lacrimatory or salvatory nuclei). These areas of the brain also receive
input from the higher cortical centers and result in dryness (or
secretion) in response to other factors such as stress, taste, odors or
medications. The net signal is integrated in the lacrimatory or
salvatgory nuclei and signals are sent back to blood vessels (by afferent nerves that use epinephrine as the transmitter) and to glands by
efferent nerves that use acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter (called
cholinergic nerves). The blood vessel serves as a soon of water (from
plasma portion of blood) as well as nutrients and growth factors. The
gland then adds additional proteins and pumps the secretion into the lacrimal or salivary gland tubules leading to ocular or oral surface (ie.
tears or saliva).
Figure 5. Schematic representation of abnormalities in Sjögren's syndrome. The
ocular surface again receives painful sensory input which it sends to the central nervous system. The salivatory and lacrimatory nuclei again
send out efferent adrenergic and cholineric nerve fibers. However,
lymphocytes which infiltrate the gland produce several different
products which prevent the gland from fully responding to the signals.
These include lymphocyte hormones called cytokines, autoantibodies that may block receptors for the neurotransmitter signals, and enzymes
called metalloproteinases that interfere with optimal glandular
Figure 6: Photograph of salivary gland in Sjögren's syndrome. (A) Numerous
lymphocytes are within the salivary gland. (B) A normal salivary gland
that lacks lymphocytic infiltrates.
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Volume 88 Number 862 June 2006 The right to the truthin international law:fact or fiction? Yasmin Naqvi*Yasmin Naqvi is a Ph.D. candidate in International Law at the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva. She holds a DES in International Law (Graduate Institute of International Studies) and a BA/LLB with honours (University of Tasmania) AbstractThe right to the truth has emerged as a legal concept at the national, regional andinternational levels, and relates to the obligation of the state to provide information tovictims or to their families or even society as a whole about the circumstancessurrounding serious violations of human rights. This article unpacks the notion of theright to the truth and tests the normative strength of the concept against the practice ofstates and international bodies. It also considers some of the practical implications ofturning ‘‘truth'' into a legal right, particularly from the criminal law perspective.
Procesador de sonido Ponto: la prótesis auditiva osteointegrada de Oticon Medical Manual quirúrgico Introducción . . . . . . . . . . . 3Selección de pacientes . . . . . . . .4 Valoración y asesoramiento preoperatorio . . 8Plan de la intervención . . . . . . . 11 Componentes e instrumental quirúrgico . . 12 Limpieza del instrumental no desechable . . 15 Preparación de los pacientes . . . . . 16