(i2) United States Patent
Patent No.:
US 8,977,517 B2
Date of Patent:
Mar. 10, 2015
10/1998 Kissinger
(75) Inventor:
Roger D. Reidelberger, Omaha, NE
7/1999 Castel ano
(73) Assignee:
Creighton University, Omaha, NE (US)
( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 1885 days.
(21) Appi. No.: 11/809,948
Jun. 4, 2007
6,542,850 B2 * 4/2003 Ulman et al. . . . 702/179
4/2003 Holschneider
Prior Publication Data
US 2007/0280887 Al
5/2005 Deneintolis
Related U.S. Application Data
7,459,432 B2 * 12/2008 Cowley et al. 514/1.1
(60) Provisional application No. 60/811,040, filed on Jun.
2005/0277912 A l* 12/2005 John . 604/890.1
(51) Int.Cl.
2007/0083090 A l* 4/2007 Sterling et al. . . 600/300
A0 IK 1/00
2009/0126640 A l* 5/2009 Ulman et al. . . . . . 119/54
A61K 49/00
GO IN 33/50
(52) U.S. Cl.
Columbus Instruments; Feeding Computer: Feed Scale
CPC . .
A61K49/0008 (2013.01);
Research Diets, Inc; BioDAQ Food Intake Monitor
702/179; 119/340; 119/417
(58) Field of Classification Search
* cited by examiner
See application file for complete search history.
Primary Examiner — Anna Skibinsky
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Advent, LLP
System and methods to evaluate and administer drugs. The
present invention instantaneously identifies the effects that
drugs, including appetite-affecting agents, have on animals.
Data is collected automatically and analyzed and further
organized to identify feeding patterns and the effect an appe
tite-affecting agent has on those feeding patterns. The present
4/1991 Prat et al.
invention includes a system for data management, including a
program with a data acquisition phase and a data analyzing
phase to determine the feeding patterns of animals to aid in
the evaluation of appetite-affecting drug efficacy.
1/1997 Castel ano
11 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent
Mar. 10, 2015
Sheet 1 of 5
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Sheet 2 of 5
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U.S. Patent
Mar. 10, 2015
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US 8,977,517 B2
U.S. Patent
Mar. 10, 2015
Sheet 5 of 5
US 8,977,517 B2
rent methods is limited, it is difficult to maximize the efficacy
of agents to augment an animal's feeding patterns. Limited
data hinders an accurate analysis of feeding patterns as wel as
the ability to track changes in these patterns. Increasing the
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional 5 number of animals observed cannot al eviate these problems,
Application No. 60/811,040 filed Jun. 5, 2006.
thus, these problems prevent sufficient data management,
including collection and analysis, to optimize the efficacy of
The present invention relates to a system and methods for
A demand therefore exists for a system and methods to
evaluating the efficacy of drugs, or agents. More particularly,
administer and evaluate drugs. Data is collected and analyzed
the present invention relates to a system and methods by
to determine the effects that a particular agent has on appetite
which data can be managed, such as collected analyzed and
including, for example, identifying feeding patterns and the
organized, to determine the effect that a particular agent may
effect the agent has on those feeding patterns. The present
have on appetite, including, for example, feeding patterns and
invention satisfies the demand.
changes thereto.
Embodiments of the present invention administer and
For purposes of this application, the present invention is 20 evaluate drugs. The present invention instantaneously identi
discussed in reference to efficacy of appetite-affecting drugs,
fies the effects that drugs, including appetite-affecting agents,
or agents, but the present invention is applicable to any drug
have on animals. Data is collected, analyzed and organized to
for which the efficacy is sought.
identify feeding patterns and the effect the agent has on those
Drug efficacy is a constant study conducted in numerous
feeding patterns. Feeding patterns include, for example,
research fields. Particularly, with respect to drug efficacy on 25 amount, duration and frequency of food intake as distinct
appetite, it is desirable to determine whether chronic admin
meals. A meal is defined as an interval of feeding during
istration of such drugs, or agents, can produce a sustained
which food intake is greater than a predetermined value, the
decrease in daily food intake.
minimum meal size. This interval of feeding must also be
It has long been known to administer appetite-affecting
preceded and followed by a pause in food intake greater than
agents, such as putative anorexigenic or anti-obesity agents, 30
to an animal and then observe the effects, if any, on the
a predetermined value, the minimum between-meal interval
animal's feeding pattern, or eating habits. Known methods of
The present invention includes at least one cage and scale
administering appetite-affecting agents typical y include
assembly, or cage scale assembly, and a drug-delivery device.
either daily injections or insertion of an osmotic mini-pump
The cage scale assembly includes a cage and a scale. The cage
beneath the skin or into the peritoneal cavity to deliver agents
can be anything that houses the animal being administered
continuously for a week or more. In addition, the food pro
with the drug, for example, a box, corral, crate, enclosure, or
vided to the animal is weighed on a regular basis so that daily
pen, to name a few. The cage houses an animal, which is any
food intake can be monitored. Typically, these methods are
multicel ular organism, such as a human, monkey, or rat, such
inconclusive due to an increase in food intake between
as a Sprague-Dawley rat. The scale measures the weight or
administrations of the agent as wel as a developed tolerance 40 mass of an object, and is preferably electronic, although it is
to the agent.
contemplated the scale could be a beam scale, balance scale,
After the administration is complete, the animals are evalu
spring scale, or even a hydraulic or pneumatic scale.
ated to determine what effect, if any, the appetite-affecting
The scale measures the weight or mass of a food source
agent had on the animal's eating habits. Typically, such evalu
available to the animal. The term "food source" for purposes
ation has been limited to analyzing the animal's daily food 45 of this application means any substance, usual y composed
intake by weight and dissecting the animal to determine adi
primarily of carbohydrates, fats, water and/or proteins, that
posity, which is the amount and type of fat stored in fatty
can be eaten or drunk by an animal for nutrition and/or plea
tissue. Conclusions regarding the agent's overall efficacy are
sure, including solid block food, pel et food, liquid food, to
based primarily on this evaluation.
Methods for evaluating drug efficacy have problems. For 50 The drug-delivery device includes a pump and a drug
example, animals can experience decreased appetite follow
source. The pump administers the drug from the drug source
ing administration of appetite-affecting agents, and thus an
to the animal. The pump can be any apparatus that delivers, or
overall decrease in food intake for a duration of time. It is also
moves, liquids, for example, a positive displacement pump, a
known that animals may experience hyperphagia, or exces
centrifugal pump, or a kinetic pump.
sive hunger leading to an increased food intake. This typical y 55 The drug source houses the drug, or appetite-affecting
occurs following an anorexic episode that follows a dose of an
agent, to be administered to the animal. The drug source can
anti-obesity appetite-affecting agent. Similarly, an animal
be a syringe, piston apparatus, vial, bag, bottle, beaker, or
may develop a tolerance to the appetite-affecting agent if
flask, to name a few. The appetite-affecting agent, for pur
administered in a particular dose over too long a duration of poses of this application, is any drug or agent whose effect, if
time. Thus, evaluating the efficacy of an administered drug 60 any, on appetite is being studied and may include a placebo
requires an ability to measure the instantaneous effects of used in such study. Examples of such appetite-affecting
different doses including frequency of administration of the
agents include, for example, peptides, such as Peptide YY3_36
drug on feeding patterns.
(PYY), cholecystokinin, amylin, salmon calcitonin, gluca-
A specific example related to the above-described problem
gon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), exendin-4, oxyntomodulin, pan
includes difficulty in adjusting administration of the agent 65 creatic polypeptide, gastrin-releasing peptides GRP-27 and
with respect to dosage and frequency to balance hyperphagia
GRP-10, enterostatin, apolipoprotein A-IV, leptin, melano-
against anorexic episodes. Because the data collected by cur
cortin receptor 3 and 4 agonists including melanotan I ,
opioid receptor antagonists including naloxone and naltrex
The data determines the efficacy of the drug. For example,
one, and endocanabinoid receptor antagonists AM251 and
the present invention determines the effect of a particular
Rimonabant, to name a few.
dose, frequency and location of administration of an appetite-
It is contemplated that one pump can control a plurality of
affecting agent on feeding patterns and amount of food
drug sources, although the drug sources need not be grouped 5 intake.
and each individual drug source may instead be associated
The present invention includes a system for data manage
with its own individual, dedicated pump.
ment, including data collection, analysis and further organi
The pump administers, or delivers, the appetite-affecting
zation into data records. According to the present invention,
agent from the drug source to the animal via an infusion line.
the data management system includes a program with a data
A swivel-tether connector is positioned within the infusion 10 acquisition phase and a data analyzing phase. Data is col
line to allow the animal to move freely. The animal is at ached
lected during the data acquisition phase. As discussed above,
to the infusion line by a catheter surgically implanted, for
data includes animal identification number, date, time, and
example, in its jugular vein, peritoneal cavity, or under the
value of food weight, date and time of agent delivery, type of
skin. The animal wears a jacket that includes a harness to keep
appetite-affecting agent delivered to the animal, location of
the catheter and infusion line intact during and subsequent to 15 agent delivery, dose and volume infusion rate.
administration of the appetite-affecting agent.
The data acquisition phase includes an initial setup seg
A switchbox controls one or more cage scale assemblies.
ment and a data collection segment. The initial setup segment
The switchbox allows data to be received from each cage
can be entered via a graphical user interface on a control unit,
scale assembly either sequentially, or randomly, switching 20 or computer, implementing the program. The initial setup
between the plurality of cage scale assemblies.
segment facilitates the input of the parameters for evaluating
After the switchbox receives data from each cage scale
the efficacy of drugs. The parameters include control param
assembly, the data is sent to a control unit, such as a computer.
eters and information parameters regarding overall variables,
The control unit communicates with the cage scale assembly,
such as study identification, date, animal environment lights
drug-delivery device, or both. The control unit can commu 25 on/off times, and start/stop times. The initial setup segment
nicate the operation of the pump to administer the appetite-
may also allow input of control parameters and information
affecting agent. The control unit can be pre-programmed with
parameters pertaining to each animal, for example, an ani
a particular sequence of operation or can determine the
mal's identification number, corresponding scale identifica
administration of the appetite-affecting agent based on the
tion number, and treatment information, such as agent and
data received from the cage scale assembly.
30 dose. The initial setup segment also includes pump setup for
The control unit can communicate with the cage scale
the input of control parameters and information parameters
assembly, drug-delivery device, or both, via a network. The
that may include pump identification number corresponding
network can include, for example, Integrated Services Digital
to a particular animal, the syringe diameter, infusion rate, and
Network (ISDN), Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), Fiber Optic
infusion periods. Additional inputs may include control
Network, Satel ite Networks (SN), Wireless Wide Area Net 35 parameters and information parameters regarding the period
works (WWAN), Recommended Standard 232 (RS232)
icity of the retrieval of data from the scales associated with the
Computer Serial Interface Networks, and Universal Serial
food source of each animal, such as the interval at which data
Bus (USB) Networks, to name a few.
will be collected from each scale, and the control parameters
It is also contemplated that embodiments of the present
defining the feeding of an animal. Such feedings typical y
invention may include a plurality of control units. For 40 include a change of weight of the food source from one data
example, a first computer may be configured to communicate
interval to the next that exceeds a predetermined threshold
with the drug-delivery device, and a second computer con
figured to communicate with the scale. Each of these com
At a predetermined time, the program starts and switches
puters, in turn, may be configured to communicate with a
"on" the pump of the pump assembly. The appetite-affecting
third computer, for example to receive instructions regarding 45 agent is delivered to the animal according to the parameters
operation of the system. Each of the computers may be further
input during the initial setup segment. The first scale is polled
configured to communicate with each other over a network, as
to collect data associated with a first cage and a first animal.
discussed above, or by being directly connected to one
The program compares the current value of the food weight to
another. Other embodiments may consolidate the functions of the previously pol ed food weight from the same scale, to
the first and second computers into a single computer that is 50 determine whether the absolute change in food weight
configured to communicate with the drug-delivery device and
exceeds a predetermined threshold value indicative of feed
the scale, and which may be further configured to communi
ing behavior. If the change in value is greater than the prede
cate with and be control ed by the third computer.
termined threshold value, the data is recorded for later analy
The control unit is configured to manage data received
sis. If the change in value is less than the predetermined
from the switchbox of the cage scale assembly. The data is 55 threshold value, no data is recorded. The switchbox instructs
collected into a database and analyzed. The data, or database,
the system to switch to the next cage, or second cage, to poll
can further be organized into records. The data includes ani
the second scale weight.
mal identification number, date, time, and value of food
The data analyzing phase analyzes the data col ected into a
weight, amount of food intake during specified intervals of
database. The data analyzing segment includes a program
time, time of occurrence, duration, size and frequency of 60 setup, which may include, for example, data records to ana
distinct meals, and average meal size, meal duration and
lyze, the animal identification data to analyze, and the meal
number of meals during specified intervals of time.
criteria. Defining meal criteria may include defining the mini
The control unit can also be configured to manage data sent
mum meal size in terms of change in food weight, and defin
to and received from the drug-delivery device, such as animal
ing the minimum between-meal interval. The minimum
identification number, date of drug delivery, type of appetite- 65 between-meal interval is defined as a predetermined time
affecting agent delivered, location of drug delivery, dose and
period of no eating that must be met to define the end of one
volume infusion rate.
meal and the start of another.
The data analyzing program imports the stored data. The
Another object of the present invention is to determine
data records preferably contain information necessary to
feeding patterns associated with appetite-affecting agents for
determine feeding patterns in the animals being studied, such
the treatment of obesity and excessive leanness.
as animal identification numbers, the time and date the data
Yet another object of the present invention is to manage,
were collected, food weight from previous data acquisition, 5 collect and analyze data to identify feeding patterns.
and food weight from current data acquisition. The program
The present invention and its attributes and advantages will
then sorts the data into records. The data records may be
be further understood and appreciated with reference to the
sorted by date, animal identification number, and/or the time
detailed description below of presently contemplated
that the data was recorded. Other sorting may also be per
embodiments, taken in conjunction with the accompanying
formed according to predefined criteria, such as the user's 10 drawings.
Once the program has sorted the data into records, for
example, by date, animal identification number, and time of
recording, it may determine feeding patterns during specific
The preferred embodiments of the invention will be
intervals of time for each animal according to predetermined 15 described in conjunction with the appended drawings pro
parameters. Examples of feeding patterns may include iden
vided to illustrate and not to limit the invention, where like
tifying the time of occurrence, duration, size and frequency of
designations denote like elements, and in which:
distinct meals. A meal is defined as an interval of successive
FIG. 1 is a top view of an embodiment of a system to
determine drug efficacy according to the present invention;
food weight data for a specified animal showing a beginning 20 FIG. 2 is a side view of the embodiment of FIG. 1 according
to end difference in food weight that is greater than a prede
to the present invention;
termined value, the minimum meal size. This interval of
FIG. 3 is a flowchart of an embodiment of a data manage
successive food weight data must also be preceded and fol
ment system including a data acquisition phase and a data
lowed by a pause in food weight recording greater than a
analyzing phase according to the present invention;
predetermined value, the minimum between-meal interval. 25 FIG. 4 is a flowchart of an embodiment of the data acqui
Additional feeding pat ern data may include meal start time,
sition phase of FIG. 3 according to the present invention; and
meal duration (defined as the absolute value of meal start time
FIG. 5 is a flowchart of an embodiment of the data analyz
minus meal end time for a particular animal), and post-meal
ing phase of FIG. 3 according to the present invention.
interval (preferably defined as the absolute value of meal start
time plus meal duration minus next meal start time for a 30
particular animal), and average meal size, meal durations and
number of meals during specified intervals of time. After one
The present invention relates to a system and methods for
or more feeding patterns have been identified, the program
evaluating the efficacy of drugs, or agents. For purposes of
preferably saves the data.
this application, the present invention is discussed in refer
Once one or more feeding patterns have been identified, the 35 ence to efficacy of appetite-affecting drugs, or agents, but the
program may perform the step of displaying the feeding pat
present invention is applicable to any drug for which the
tern data on, for example, a graphical user interface using
efficacy is sought. It is contemplated that the present inven
graphics and/or text. Displaying the feeding pat ern data in
tion is applicable to all types of settings, including research
graphics and/or text allows instantaneous identification of
settings, without regard to the animals used or the drugs
data trends as wel as an instantaneous visualization of the 40 administered to the animals, and advantageously permits a
effects of the agent on an animal's feeding patterns, or on
wide scope of research to be conducted.
average feeding patterns from a group of identical y treated
FIG. 1 shows a schematic for an embodiment of a system
100 for administering and evaluating the efficacy of appetite-
An object of the present invention is to optimize the deter
affecting agents in a plurality of animals. In particular, the
mination of the efficacy of drugs.
45 system 100 is configured for the automatic administration of
Another object of the present invention is to allow precise
appetite-affecting agents to animals and managing the data
administration of drugs, or agents, to animals.
from each respective animal. The system 100 includes a plu
Another object of the present invention is to instanta
rality of cage and scale assemblies 110, termed also cage
neously identify the effects that drugs, including appetite-
scale assemblies 110 for purposes of this application. As
affecting agents, have on animals.
50 described below, one embodiment of such cage scale assem
Another object of the present invention is to resolve the
bly 110 includes a cage 120, an animal 125 within the cage
intense debate regarding the inhibitory effects of appetite-
120, a food source 130, and a scale 140 associated with the
affecting drugs on food intake and body weight.
food source 130 that may be configured to communicate over
Another object of the present invention is to determine the
a network 200.
efficacy of oral and/or intragastric administration of appetite- 55 The system 100 of FIG. 1 includes a plurality of drug-
affecting agents.
delivery device 150, each of which includes a pump 160 and
An object of the present invention is to identify substances
one or more drug sources 170. A fluid from the drug source
that can sustain a reduction in daily food intake and body fat
170 is delivered to an animal 125 as shown by infusion lines
in obese animals, and sustain an increase in daily food intake
152A-P in FIG. 1. The cage scale assemblies 110 and drug-
and body fat in excessively lean animals.
60 delivery device 150, which are described in greater detail
Another object of the present invention is to minimize
below with respect to FIG. 2, may further be configured to
known obstacles to optimizing efficacy for appetite-affecting
communicate with a control unit 180, such as computer 182,
drugs, for example hyperphagia between intervals of infusion
over a network 200, for example to receive operating instruc
and the development of tolerance to such drugs.
tions or manage the col ected and analyzed data. As shown in
Another object of the present invention is to allow an 65 the system 100 of FIG. 1, multiple drug sources 170 may be
animal free access to food sources such that an animal's
grouped together with the pump 160 of the drug-delivery
consumption of the food source is not restricted.
device 150. Such groupings allow for common control of a
plurality of drug sources 170 by one pump 160. The drug
system 300 may include two phases, the data acquisition
sources 170 need not be grouped, however, and each indi
phase 302 and the data analyzing phase 304.
vidual drug source 170 may instead be associated with its own
As shown in FIG. 3, the data acquisition phase 302 includes
individual, dedicated pump 160.
one or more systems 306, 308, 310 that deliver appetite-
The system 100 may include a control unit 180, such as 5 affecting agents to animals, and further collect data. The
computer 182, which may be configured to communicate
desired times and desired amounts of delivery of the appetite-
with and operate the drug-delivery device 150. The computer
affecting-agents can be dependent upon the data collected.
182 may be configured to receive and analyze data received
Thus, the data received and analyzed dictates the administra
from the plurality of cage scale assemblies 110. Preferably,
tion of the appetite-affecting agent.
each cage scale assembly 110 of a group of cage assemblies 10 As explained in greater detail below, data acquisition sys
110A-P is operatively connected to a switchbox 145. One
tems 306, 308,310 may include a program implemented on a
embodiment of the switchbox 145 allows data to be received
control unit 180, such as the computer 182 shown in FIG. 1.
from each cage scale assembly 110 by sequentially, or ran
The control unit 180 not only controls the drug-delivery
domly, switching between the plurality of cage scale assem
device 150, but also collects data, for example, animal iden
blies 110A-P. The data received by the switchbox 145 is sent 15 tification number, date, time, and food weight. The overall
to a control unit 180 having a storage medium for managing
system 300 is scalable to accommodate any number of ani
the data. It is contemplated that the switchbox 145 may com
mals in one or more locations. As explained in greater detail
municate with and be control ed by the control unit 180, here
below, the data analyzing phase 304 may include use of a
computer 182.
program 312 that may be implemented on a control unit 180
FIG. 2 is a side view of the embodiment of FIG. 1 according 20 to use data collected during the data acquisition phase 302 to
to the present invention. The system 100 includes a cage scale
determine effects of the drug on feeding patterns.
assembly 110 and a drug-delivery device 150. In general, the
Although the system 100 shown and described with respect
drug-delivery device 150 includes a drug source 170, here a
to FIGS. 1 and 2 employ only a control unit 180, or computer
syringe 172 that delivers a quantity of the drug, or fluid. Drug
182, embodiments of the system 100 may include a plurality
source 170 may be operatively mounted to a pump 160. 25 of control units 180, or computers 182, to operate the system
Pumps 160 are wel known in the art, and are control ed by a
100. For example, the system 100 may include a first com
control unit 180. As shown in FIG. 2, pump 160 is connected
puter configured to communicate with the drug-delivery
to a control unit 180 by cable 181. Pump 160 may also be
device, and a second computer configured to communicate
remotely control ed or actuated for delivery of the fluid at
with the scale. Each of these computers, in turn, may be
desired times and desired amounts. The pump 160 provides 30 configured to communicate with a third computer, for
the fluid to an animal 125 from the drug source 170.
example to receive instructions regarding operation of the
Other embodiments may include wireless communication
drug-delivery device and food source. Each of the computers
between the pump 160 and control unit 180. The animal 125,
may be further configured to communicate with each other
such a Sprague-Dawley rat for example, may be connected to
over a network, or by being directly connected to one another.
the drug source 170 such as through an infusion line 152A 35 Other embodiments may consolidate the functions of the first
that is preferably connected to a catheter implanted in the
and second computers into a single computer that is config
jugular vein, peritoneal cavity, or under the skin of the animal
ured to communicate with the drug-delivery device and the
125, or any other methods that are wel known in the art. A
scale, and which may be further configured to communicate
swivel-tether connector 184 between the infusion line 152A
with and be control ed by the third computer.
allows the animal 125 to move freely about its cage 120. In 40 Determining animal feeding patterns ideally requires the
this embodiment, as shown in FIG. 2, the drug-delivery
control and monitoring of a number of factors and conditions.
device 150 may be placed in a supported position such as a
FIG. 4 is a flowchart of an embodiment of the data acquisition
shelf 50, with a horizontal member 51 and vertical member 53
phase 302 of the present invention. In one embodiment, a data
near and/or above the cage 120. Of course, the drug source
acquisition program 400 is stored in a processor of a com
170 need not be so placed, and can be placed in any conve 45 puter. The data acquisition program 400 includes an initial
nient location.
setup segment 410 and a data collection segment 450.
The cage scale assembly 110 includes an animal 125
The initial setup segment 410 facilitates the input of the
within a cage 120. A food source 130 is available to the animal
parameters for evaluating the efficacy of drugs. In one pre
125, through a hole (not shown) in the base of a side-com
fer ed embodiment, the initial setup segment 410 includes
partment 132 at ached to the cage 120. The food source 130 50 four main components 412, 414, 416, 418. Each component
may be placed on a stand 134 that sits in a dish 136, which
412, 414, 416, 418 may include control parameters and/or
functions to catch falling food that may become dislodged
identification parameters. The initial setup 412 allows for
from the food source 130 as the animal 125 engages in eating.
input of control parameters and information parameters
The food source 130 is further associated with a scale 140 for
regarding overall variables, such as study identification, date,
measuring the weight of the food source 130. The scale 140 is 55 animal environment lights on/off times, and start/stop times.
preferably electronic and may be in communication with the
The initial setup 412 may also allow input of control param
switchbox 145. The switchbox 160 can wirelessly communi
eters and information parameters pertaining to each animal.
cate with the cage scale assembly 110 and further with the
The animal treatment setup 414 allows for the input of control
control unit 180. A shown in FIG. 2, the switchbox 145
parameters and information parameters directed to individual
communicates with the scale 140 by way of cable 187. The 60 animals, which facilitates tracking of information after
scale 140 may be alternately configured to communicate with
completion. Such information may include, for example, an
and be control ed by the control unit 180, over a network 200
animal's identification number, corresponding scale identifi
as described in reference to FIG. 1.
cation number, and treatment information, such as agent and
The embodiment in FIGS. 1 and 2 includes a system for
dose. The pump setup 416 allows for the input of control
data management, including data collection and analysis. 65 parameters and information parameters that may include
FIG. 3 is a flowchart of a data management system 300
pump identification number corresponding to a particular
according to the present invention. The data management
animal, the syringe diameter, infusion rate, and infusion peri
ods. The scale setup 418 allows for the input of control and
recorded by the data collection segment 450 as described with
information parameters regarding the periodicity of the
reference to FIG. 4. The data analyzing program 500 is pref
retrieval of data from the scales associated with the food
erably stored in a processor of a computer. The data analyzing
source of each animal, such as the interval at which data will
program 500 need not necessarily be on the same computer as
be collected from each scale, and the control parameters 5 the software implementing the data acquisition program 400,
defining the feeding of an animal. Such feeding parameters
and may instead be on a separate computer (not shown). In a
typical y include a change of weight of the food source from
preferred embodiment, the data analyzing program 500 pro
one data interval to the next that exceeds a predetermined
cesses the data collected and recorded by the data manage
threshold value. The initial setup segment 410 may be imple
ment system 300.
mented via a graphical user interface on a computer imple 10 The initial step 501 of the data analyzing program 500
menting the program 400, such as computer 182 of FIG. 1. So
includes performing the program setup, which may include,
configured, the program 400 implementing the initial setup
for example, data records to analyze, animal identification
segment 410 may automatically begin, administer, and con
data to analyze, and the meal criteria. Defining meal criteria
clude the delivery of agents to the animals and the collection
may include defining the minimum meal size in terms of
15 change in food weight, and defining the minimum between-
Following the initial setup segment 410, the data acquisi
meal interval. The minimum between-meal interval is defined
tion phase 302 controls the delivery of agents and monitoring
as a predetermined time period of no eating that must be met
of the food consumption of the animals. At a predetermined
to define the end of one meal and the start of another. So
time, the program 400 starts at step 451. The next step 452
configured, the data analyzing program 500 may evaluate
switches the pump 160 (FIG. 1) "on" and a dose of the agent 20 animal feeding patterns from the data collected throughout a
is delivered to the animal according to the parameters input
specified duration, which in one preferred embodiment
during initial setup segment 410. The program 400 then per
includes data collected at twenty second intervals.
forms the next step 453 and switches to the first cage scale
Fol owing the initial setup step 501, the data analyzing
assembly 110 (FIG. 1). The program 400 then performs the
program 500 performs the start step 502. After starting, the
step 454 and polls the first scale to collect data, such as the 25 program 500 performs the step 503 of importing data records
weight of the food source 130 (FIG. 1) associated with a first
stored by the data collection segment 450 of the data acqui
cage and a first animal. The program compares the current
sition program 400. The data records preferably contain
value of the food weight to the previously pol ed food weight
information necessary to identify feeding patterns in the ani
from the same scale and animal, to determine whether the
mals being studied, such as the time and date the data was
absolute change in food weight exceeds a predetermined 30 collected, the animal identification data, food weight from
threshold value indicative of feeding behavior. If this change
previous data acquisition, and food weight from cur ent data
in food weight is greater than the predetermined threshold
acquisition. The latter two data points allow the program 500
value, the program 400 performs the step 456 of recording the
to determine food intake, if any, across a series of successive
data for later analysis.
food weight acquisitions for a particular animal.
The data recording step 456 preferably includes recording 35 The program 500 then performs the step 504 of sorting the
information sufficient to identify an animal's feeding pat
data records. The data records may be sorted by date, animal
terns. Such information typical y includes the animal identi
identification data, and the time that the data was recorded.
fication number, the date and time the food weight measure
Other sorting may also be performed according to predefined
ment was taken, the previous food weight, and the current
criteria, such as the user's preferences.
food weight, although it is contemplated that any other infor 40 Once the program 500 has sorted the data records, it may
mation may be included as necessary. Fol owing the data
determine feeding patterns according to predetermined
recording step 456, the program 400 performs the step 457 of parameters, as shown with respect to step 505 in FIG. 5.
determining whether the stop time has been reached. If so,
Examples of feeding pat ern data may include identifying the
then the process is stopped per step 459, and no further data is
time of occurrence, duration, size and frequency of distinct
collected and recorded. Furthermore, agents are no longer 45 meals. A meal is defined as an interval of successive food
delivered to the animals. Similarly, if the change in value in
weight data for a specified animal showing a beginning to end
step 455 was less than the predetermined threshold value, the
difference in food weight that is greater than a predetermined
program 400 does not perform step 456 to record data, but
value, the minimum meal size. This interval of successive
instead step 457 is performed to determine whether the stop
food weight data must also be preceded and followed by a
time has been reached.
50 pause in food weight recording greater than a predetermined
If, after performing step 457 and determining that the stop
value, the minimum between-meal interval. Additional feed
time has not been reached, the program 400 then performs
ing pat ern data may include meal start time, meal duration
step 458, which switches to the next cage, if any, whereupon
(defined as the absolute value of meal start time minus meal
the program 400 performs step 454 to poll the next scale
end time for a particular animal), post-meal interval (prefer
weight. The method continues forthe second cagejust as with 55 ably defined as the absolute value of meal start time plus meal
the first cage, and the third cage, if any, and so forth. In a
duration minus next meal start time for a particular animal),
preferred embodiment, each cage is polled every twenty sec
and average meal size, meal duration and number of meals
onds, and the program 400 is configured to control the timing
during specified intervals of time. After one or more feeding
of steps 454 to 458 to accomplish regular polling of the cages.
patterns have been identified, the program 500 preferably
When the program 400 has pol ed each cage, it begins again 60 saves the feeding pat ern data to a file in the computer's data
at step 454 by polling the first cage. This method runs con
storage medium per step 506.
tinual y until the program 400 has determined that the stop
Once one or more feeding patterns have been identified, the
time has been reached in step 457, whereupon the program
program 500 may perform the step of displaying the feeding
will stop at step 459.
pat ern data on, for example, a graphical user interface using
FIG. 5 is a flowchart of an embodiment of the data analyz 65 graphics and/or text, per step 507. Displaying the feeding
ing phase 304 according to the present invention. The data
pat ern data in graphics and/or text allows researchers to
analyzing program 500 analyzes the data collected and
quickly identify data trends. In addition, a graphical display
of the feeding pat ern data allows an instantaneous visualiza
7. A system for determining the efficacy of drugs on an
tion of the effects of the agent on an animal 's feeding patterns,
animal, comprising:
or on average feeding patterns from a group of identical y
a plurality of drug-delivery devices, each of said drug-
treated animals.
delivery devices including a drug source and a pump,
The above description of il ustrated embodiments of the 5
wherein said pump initiates delivery of a predetermined
invention is not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the
amount of at least one appetite-affecting agent from said
invention to the precise form disclosed. While specific
drug source to the animal, and said each of said drug-
embodiments of, and examples of, the invention are described
delivery devices is configured to wirelessly send drug-
in the foregoing for illustrative purposes, various equivalent
delivery device data to and wirelessly receive the drug-
modifications are possible within the scope of the invention, 10
delivery device data from a control unit;
as those skilled in the relevant art will realize. Moreover, the
a plurality of cage scale assemblies, each of said cage scale
various embodiments described above can be combined to
assemblies including a cage, a scale and a food source,
provide further embodiments. Accordingly, the invention is
wherein each of said scales are associated with each of
not limited by the disclosure, but instead the scope of the
said food source for the animal, wherein said each of
invention is to be determined entirely by the following claims. 15
said cage scale assemblies is configured to wirelessly
send cage scale assembly data to and wirelessly receive
What is claimed is:
cage scale assembly data from a switchbox, the cage
1. A system for determining the efficacy of drugs on an
scale assembly data consisting of poll date, animal ID,
animal, comprising:
current time, previous scale weight and current scale
a plurality of cage scale assemblies, each cage scale assem 20
bly including a cage, a food source, and a scale, wherein
a control unit configured to:
said cage scale assembly is configured to wirelessly send
store study setup data consisting of study ID, date, lights-
cage scale assembly data to and wirelessly receive the
on time, lights-off time, experiment start time and
cage scale assembly data from a switchbox;
experiment stop time,
said food source available to the animal;
store animal treatment setup data consisting of animal ID,
said scale associated with said food source and in wireless
cage scale ID, treatments ID, agent(s) and dose(s),
communication with the switchbox;
store pump setup data consisting of pump ID, syringe
said cage scale assembly data consisting of poll date, ani
diameter, infusion rate and infusion periods,
mal ID, current time, previous scale weight and current
store scale setup data consisting of polling interval and
threshold weight change,
a drug-delivery device in wireless communication with a
wirelessly receive the cage scale assemblies data from the
control unit, the drug-delivery device including a drug
switchbox and wirelessly receive the drug-delivery
source for delivering a predetermined amount of at least
device data from at least one of said each of said drug-
one appetite-affecting agent to the animal,
delivery devices at a predetermined interval, and
a control unit configured to:
determine, for each of said cage scale assemblies, if the
store study setup data consisting of study ID, date, lights-
previous scale weight exceeds the current scale weight
on time, lights-off time, experiment start time and
by greater than the threshold weight change and if so,
experiment stop time,
store the cage scale assembly data and the drug-delivery
store animal treatment setup data consisting of animal ID,
cage scale ID, treatments ID, agent(s) and dose(s),
send instructions to the drug delivery device to stop deliv
store pump setup data consisting of pump ID, syringe
ering the predetermined amount of the at least one appe
diameter, infusion rate and infusion periods,
tite-affecting agent upon determining that the previous
store scale setup data consisting of polling interval and
scale weight exceeds the current scale weight by an
threshold weight change,
amount greater than the threshold.
collect the cage scale assembly data from said switchbox at 45 8. The system of claim 7, wherein said each of said scales
a predetermined interval,
is configured to determine food weight and transmit food
determine if the previous scale weight exceeds the current
weight data to a processor.
scale weight by an amount greater than the threshold
9. The system of claim 7, wherein a storage medium is
weight change indicating feeding behavior, and if so
operatively associated with said control unit.
record the cage scale assembly data, and
10. The system of claim 7, wherein said appetite-affecting
analyze the cage scale assembly data to determine feeding
agent is at least one from the following group of: Peptide
patterns of the animal;
y y 3_36 (PYY), cholecystokinin, amylin, salmon calcitonin,
send instructions to the drug delivery device to stop deliv
glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), exendin-4, oxyntomodu-
ering the predetermined amount of the at least one appe
lin, pancreatic polypeptide, gastrin-releasing peptides GRP-
tite-affecting agent upon determining that the previous 55 27 and GRP-10, enterostatin, apolipoprotein A-IV, leptin,
scale weight exceeds the cur ent scale weight by an
melanocortin receptor 3 and 4 agonists including melanotan
amount greater than the threshold.
II, opioid receptor antagonists including naloxone and naltr
2. The system of claim 1, wherein said appetite-affecting
exone, and endocanabinoid receptor antagonists AM251 and
agent is Peptide YY3_36.
3. The system of claim 1, wherein said scale is configured 60 11. A method of determining the efficacy of a drug, the
to communicate over a network.
method comprising:
4. The system of claim 1, wherein said drug-delivery
providing a plurality of drug-delivery devices, each of the
device is configured to communicate over a network.
drug-delivery devices being capable of delivering a pre
5. The system of claim 1, wherein said control unit is
determined amount of at least one appetite-affecting
configured to communicate over a network.
agent to an animal of a plurality of animals, at least one
6. The system of claim 1, wherein said drug-delivery
of the drug-delivery devices being connected to one of
device comprises a plurality of said drug sources.
the plurality of animals;
providing a control unit configured to:
date, animal ID, current time, previous scale weight and
store study setup data consisting of study ID, date, lights-
current scale weight via the switchbox;
on time, lights-off time, experiment start time and
gathering drug-delivery device data wirelessly sent from at
experiment stop time,
least one of the plurality of drug-delivery devices to the
store animal treatment setup data consisting of animal ID, 5
control unit, wherein the drug-delivery device data
cage scale ID, treatments ID, agent(s) and dose(s),
includes an identification number of the animal, a date of
store pump setup data consisting of pump ID, syringe
the at least one appetite-affecting agent delivered to the
diameter, infusion rate and infusion periods, and
animal, a type of the at least one appetite-affecting agent
store scale setup data consisting of a polling interval and a
delivered to the animal, a dose of the at least one appe
threshold weight change indicating feeding behavior, 10
tite-affecting agent delivered to the animal, an infusion
administering the at least one appetite-affecting agent to
rate of the at least one appetite-affecting agent delivered
the one of the plurality of animals;
to the animal, and at least one time interval of delivery of
supplying at least one food source available to one of the
the at least one appetite-affecting agent delivered to the
plurality of animals;
arranging a plurality of scales, at least one of the plurality 15 evaluating the scale data and the drug-delivery device data
of scales being in association with the at least one food
to obtain feeding patterns of the animals of the plurality
source, wherein the plurality of scales are in wireless
of animals with respect to the at least one appetite-
communication with a switchbox;
monitoring food consumption of the animals of the plural
stopping delivery of the at least one appetite-affecting
agent upon determining that the previous scale weight
determining if the previous scale weight exceeds the cur
exceeds the current scale weight by greater than the
rent scale weight by greater than the threshold weight
threshold weight change.
change and if so, recording scale data consisting of poll
CCAC species-specific recommendations on: AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES 1. General When working in the field, investigators should follow the Declining Amphibian Population Task Force (DAPTF) Fieldwork Code of Practice ( collect/vertzo/herp/Daptf/fcode_e.html) to reduce the risk of spreading diseases among study sites. Additionally, the guidelines of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (ASIH) should be consulted. Their recommendations acknowledge that the investigator will often be an authority on the biology of the species under study, and provide advice on techniques that are known to be humane and effective in the conduct of field research (ASIH et al., 1987 []). 2. Killed
Newsletter 1 – September 2014 Welcome to the first CITyFiED Newsletter! In this issue Welcome to this first edition of the CITyFiED project newsletter! Here you will find insight into how we are developing a systemic vision and strategy to adapt European cities and urban ecosystems into smart, sustainable and