Glendale Animal Hospital
or Addison's Disease (Inadequate Production of Hormones by the
A hormonal disorder resulting from decreased production of
hormones (glucocorticoids and/or mineralocorticoids) by the adrenal glands
"Glucocorticoids" are a class of hormones produced by the
adrenal glands; they typically are called "steroids"; glucocorticoids are involved in metabolism and the stress response and they have anti-inflammatory properties
"Mineralocorticoids" are another class of hormones produced
by the adrenal glands; they are involved in regulation of salt (sodium and potassium) in the body; "aldosterone" is a mineralocorticoid that regulates sodium and potassium in the body
Addison's disease refers to decreased production of both
glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids
Glucocorticoid (cortisol) deficiency contributes to lack of
appetite (known as "anorexia"); vomiting; black, tarry stools (due to the presence of digested blood; condition known as "melena"); sluggishness (lethargy); and weight loss
Inadequate glucocorticoid levels increase likelihood of the pet developing low blood glucose or sugar (known as
Mineralocorticoid (aldosterone) deficiency results in an inability to retain sodium in the body and to excrete
potassium from the body; decreased sodium levels lead to diminished circulating blood volume that in turn contributes to low blood pressure (known as "hypotension"), dehydration, weakness, and depression; increased levels of potassium in the blood (known as "hyperkalemia") may result in heart-muscle toxicity
A genetic basis has been determined in standard poodles, bearded collies, and Leonbergers
Dogs Cats
Breed Predilections
Great Danes, rottweilers, Portuguese water dogs, standard poodles, bearded collies, Leonbergers, West
Highland white terriers, and soft-coated wheaten terriers have increased risk as compared to other dog breeds
No breed predilection in cats
Mean Age and Range
Dogs—range, less than 1 year to greater than 12 years of age; median, 4 years of age Cats—range, 1–9 years of age; most are middle-aged
Predominant Sex
Female dogs are more likely to have hypoadrenocorticism than male dogs No predominant sex in cats
Signs vary from mild and few in some pets with long-term (chronic) low levels of steroids produced by the
adrenal glands (hypoadrenocorticism) to severe and life-threatening disease in a sudden (acute) Addisonian crisis (condition in which the pet is in shock and collapse, usually with low body temperature [known as "hypothermia"], weak pulse, and an unexpectedly slow heart rate)
Dogs—sluggishness (lethargy); lack of appetite (anorexia); vomiting; weight loss; signs vary in intensity—they
may increase and decrease over time (known as a "waxing and waning" course); diarrhea; shaking; increased urination (known as "polyuria") and increased thirst (known as "polydipsia")
Dogs—depression; weakness; dehydration; collapse; low body temperature (known as "hypothermia"); black,
tarry stools (melena); weak pulse; slow heart rate (known as "bradycardia"); painful abdomen; hair loss
Cats—sluggishness (lethargy); lack of appetite (anorexia); vomiting; increased urination (polyuria) and
increased thirst (polydipsia); weight loss
Cats—dehydration; weakness; weak pulse; slow heart rate (bradycardia)
Primary hypoadrenocorticism—unknown cause (so-called "idiopathic disease"); immune-mediated disease; side
effect of medication (mitotane or trilostane) used to treat excessive production of steroids by the adrenal glands (condition known as "hyperadrenocorticism" or "Cushing's syndrome"); cancer; fungal disease; blood clotting disorder (known as "coagulopathy")
Secondary hypoadrenocorticism—side effect of medical treatment with steroids, when long-term steroid
administration is discontinued; abnormalities in the pituitary gland; the "pituitary gland" is the master gland of the body—it is located at the base of the brain; it controls many other glands in the body
Treatment for excessive production of steroids by the adrenal glands (hyperadrenocorticism or Cushing's
Long-term use of steroids in medical treatment
A sudden (acute) Addisonian crisis (condition in which the pet is in shock and collapse, usually with low body
temperature [hypothermia], weak pulse, and an unexpectedly slow heart rate) is a medical emergency requiring intensive therapy
Treat sudden (acute) Addisonian crisis with rapid correction of low blood volume (known as "hypovolemia")
using isotonic fluids (preferably 0.9% NaCl)
Monitor blood pressure, urine output, and heart rate and rhythm Treatment of long-term (chronic) hypoadrenocorticism depends on severity of clinical signs; usually initial
stabilization and therapy are conducted on an inpatient basis
Avoid unnecessary stress and exertion during an Addisonian crisis
No alteration necessary
Medications presented in this section are intended to provide general information about possible treatment. The treatment for a particular condition may evolve as medical advances are made; therefore, the medications should not be considered as all inclusive In an Addisonian crisis (condition in which the pet is in shock and collapse, usually with low body temperature
[hypothermia], weak pulse, and an unexpectedly slow heart rate), administration of a rapidly acting glucocorticoid or steroid (such as dexamethasone sodium phosphate or prednisolone sodium succinate) by injection is indicated
Fluid therapy with 0.9% NaCl as needed, based on the pet's hydration, volume status and blood pressure Treat low blood glucose (hypoglycemia) with intravenous dextrose, if the pet is hypoglycemic Long-term (chronic) primary hypoadrenocorticism—most affected pets will need daily glucocorticoid (steroid)
replacement (prednisone) as well as mineralocorticoid replacement (desoxycorticosterone pivalate or DOCP or fludrocortisone acetate)
DOCP usually is required at monthly intervals, a few pets need injections every 3 weeks, and rare pets need
injections every 2 weeks
Pets with confirmed secondary hypoadrenocorticism require only glucocorticoid or steroid supplementation
Follow-Up Care
After the first two injections of DOCP, ideally do bloodwork and measure serum electrolyte (especially sodium
and potassium) levels at 2, 3, and 4 weeks to determine duration of effect; thereafter, check electrolyte levels at the time of injection for the next 3–6 months (and adjust the dosage of DOCP, if necessary) and then every 6 months
Adjust the daily dose of fludrocortisone, based on serial bloodwork (serum electrolyte determinations);
following initiation of therapy, check serum electrolyte levels weekly until they stabilize in the normal range; thereafter, check serum electrolyte concentrations and blood urea nitrogen or creatinine monthly for the first 3–6 months and then every 3–12 months
Continue adrenal hormone replacement therapy for the lifetime of the pet Increase the dosage of replacement glucocorticoids or steroids during periods of stress (such as travel,
hospitalization, and surgery), as directed by your pet's veterinarian
Increased urination (polyuria) and increased thirst (polydipsia) may occur from prednisone administration,
necessitating decreasing or discontinuing the drug
Increased urination (polyuria) and increased thirst (polydipsia) may occur from fludrocortisone administration,
necessitating a change to DOCP therapy
Most affected pets carry a good to excellent prognosis following proper stabilization and treatment Pets with underlying tumors or cancer have less favorable prognoses
Key Points
Lifelong glucocorticoid and/or mineralocorticoid replacement therapy is required Increased dosages of glucocorticoids or steroids are required during periods of stress (such as travel,
hospitalization, and surgery), as directed by your pet's veterinarian
PRESCRIBING INFORMATION ClexanePre-filled Syringes and Multidose Vial 1. NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT Clexane Syringes Clexane Forte Syringes Clexane Multidose Vial 2. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITIONClexane Pre-filled Syringes (100 mg/ml) Enoxaparin sodium 20 mg (equivalent to 2,000 IU anti-Xa activity)in 0.2 ml water for injections
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