Microsoft word - hhrrg agm minutes 31 march 2013.doc

Harmer's Haven Residents and Ratepayers Group
Minutes of meeting of AGM Sunday 31 March 31 2013
11.00 am, 86 Viminaria Road
Present: Ros Eason, Rosemary Paterson, Tom Patterson, Amaryl Perlesz, Val Grant,
Ron Thomas, Cristine Larner, Luciano Furfaro, John Old, Luisa Macmillan, Richard
Tanter, Corinn Lim.
Apologies: Helen Collyer, Suzie Walker, Diane McLaughlin, Uly Michel, Dave Lane,
Maria Zerella, Aneta Marovich, Sally Murray Whiting, Geoff Whiting, Judy and Terry
Visitors Neil Rankine (councilor), David Hol yfield, Jessica (Shut the Gate campaign)
(attended later).
1. Welcome
Ros welcomed everyone, including invited guest Councillor Neil Rankine
2. Minutes of previous AGM, 2012
Minutes unanimously confirmed. Moved Rosemary Patterson, seconded LucianoFurfaro.
No general correspondence, besides letter dealt with under president's report below
4 President's Report
4.1 Letter to Council
Ros reported that the Executive met on 11 January 2013. One result of that meeting was
that the president sent a letter to the Council (undated, but approximately early February
2013) concerning two matters, firstly the planning application to construct a large
dwelling on 23-27 Viminaria Road, and secondly issues related to Viminaria Road itself.
Planning application for 23-27 Viminaria Road
Executive members and others who became aware of details of this application re one ofthe blocks on the north side of Viminaria Road were concerned that the proposedconstruction appeared to be two dwellings loosely connected, or a dual occupancy. If so,this would contravene the terms of the original approval of the sub-division, ie that therebe only one dwelling constructed on each block, (section 173). (Further information isthat it appears that the large relocated buildings sitting on another block towards the endof Viminaria Road are proposed to form the basis of the proposed construction.)
However, the executive decided that HHRRG would not take a formal position on thematter as there was insufficient time to hold a general meeting to ascertain views ofmembers prior to the deadline for lodging objections. It was left to individual members tolodge objections if they wished. A significant number did so, perhaps six or more.
Harmer's Haven Residents and Ratepayers Group
Minutes ofmeeting ofAGM Sunday 31 March 31 2013
Objections noted the apparent contravention of section 173, and numerous grossinaccuracies in the application.
In discussion, members requested information as to the current status of the application.
Luciano suggested that the application would need to be withdrawn as it wronglyidentified the number of the allotment on which the building was proposed to beconstructed.
Councillor Rankine stated that an application only comes before the Council (ie theelected members) if it is the subject of more than six objections, or the project involvesmore than $1 million dollars, or it is considered to present complex issues. (Otherwise itis left to the decision of the professional staff on the Council.)Status of application is unknown to HHRRG at present. The letter sent requested thatthe group be kept informed of this and other applications.
Ros noted that the Council appeared not to have replied to this letter.
ACTION: Amaryl to check if a reply has been sent recently and if not, Ros wil follow up
with Council, perhaps via a letter to CEO and to Neil Rankine, expressing
disappointment at lack of reply.
Neil Rankine expressed concern that the Council has not replied, if in fact that is the
Viminaria Road
The second matter addressed in the letter to the Council was a request that the Group
be kept informed of any proposals regarding Viminaria Road. This request was prompted
by a rumour that there was a proposal that the road be sealed. General discussion
ensued. Points made were that speed and dust were issues, and that sealing would
increase speeds but mitigate dust issue. Building sites could be approached to request
that tradies and others reduce speed along road. The road has been deliberately kept as
narrow type, with passing bays.
Neil Rankine supplied information that council reviewed road issues continuously and
that there was no such proposal for sealing Viminaria Rd. In the Harmers situation it is
likely that as part of any such proposal a levy would be required of about $12000 per
block, and that more than 50% of owners would have to agree. This appears unlikely.
Neil suggested that the Council would be unlikely to remove community generated signs,
for example requesting drivers to slow down.
MOT ION proposed Cris Larner, seconded Tom Patterson, "that the Executive start a
process to develop signs to install along Viminaria Road. Signs to address issues
of speed, dust, and that the road is a shared pedestrian/vehicle space.
Consultation among members re details of signs to be conducted via email."
4.2 HHRRG rules
Luisa added to the president's report that we have received a letter from Consumer
Affairs Victoria advising that the Incorporated Association Act has been changed. This
means that our Group needs to update its rules. Our executive recommends that we
adopt the new model set of rules as in the revised Act. The executive will draft the new
rules and present them to the next AGM.
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Harmer's Haven Residents and Ratepayers Group
Minutes ofmeeting ofAGM Sunday 31 March 31 2013
5. Treasurer's Report
Luisa tabled a statement of income and expenditure for the calendar year 2012, our
financial year, and also the required Form 1.
Balance at 31/12/12 was $8951.20, but most of this is grant money needing to be
expended in 2013. Otherwise our balance is about $2000.
Annual business statement has been sent to the ATO.
MOT ION of thanks to treasurer Luisa Macmillan, proposed Amaryl seconded Rosemary
Paterson. Carried.
6. Report of Friends of Harmers Haven (FoHH)
As an introduction Ros explained for Neil Rankine and others that FoHH represented acontinuation of community foreshore committees that existed in HH in the past, pre-dating formation of our group and of assumption by Parks Victoria of responsibility formanaging the foreshore. FoHH is now in effect a sub committee of the HHRRG, and inpractice is the engine room of many of our activities, securing significant grants regularlyand initiating projects.
Rosemary Paterson then presented the report. Members were directed to the recentnewsletter for more details.
Caring for Country Grant: Final phase in 2012. Planting focussed on Coal Creek
estuary. Some plantings perished in drought. Perhaps increased numbers of birds are
visiting estuary. In addition to hooded plovers, a royal spoonbil and red kneed stilts
recently sighted.
Dog compliance officers
These officers have mostly operated in educative role at present. Meeting requested
president to write thanking Council for visits of officers. Neil Rankine advised that the
Council is setting up a committee on dog management in the Council area generally.
Ros Eason stated that it is important that provision be made as at present for dog
owners to be able to let dogs off leashes on beaches at certain times and places.
Agreement was expressed with this point of view. Discussion canvassed various views
around dogs, plovers, and human amenity.
Up Nice and Close project
Project involved use of birding scopes, and enabling the public to use these scopes to
view plovers, chicks and eggs. Successful in engaging community. An intern from UK
visited and participated. Amaryl requested that our Group thank residents for abiding by
signs by putting dogs on leashes near plover nesting sites.
Locally 3 chicks were hatched at the estuary and 2 survived, while at Waterfall Creek 2
were hatched and one survived. Steve Johnson is currently counting others, but in
general it looks like results are on a par with last year.
New Grant Secured
Grant of $14000 secured from DSE and parks Vic for weed control and weed mapping.
Focus to be banksia forest east of Coal Creek. Weed mappers are Indigenous Designs.
Project to involve development of overall plan, professional weed eradication and
community activity
MOT ION Thanks to Rosemary and Amaryl for work of FoHH. Moved Richard, seconded
Luciano, carried.
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Harmer's Haven Residents and Ratepayers Group
Minutes ofmeeting ofAGM Sunday 31 March 31 2013
7. Guest speaker Councillor Neil Rankine
Ros invited Neil Rankine to present to meeting, but as he had already contributedthroughout meeting, no further comment was deemed necessary. Neil requested to beincluded on mailing list.
8 General business
First two items of general business, ie the planning application for 23-27 on north side ofViminaria Road, and issues concerning the road itself, were discussed in the course ofthe president's report, and are summarised above. The third item concerned a recentlyinitiated local campaign, ‘Shut the Gate', to oppose possible coal seam gas mining and‘fracking' in our area.
8.1 Coal Seam Gas
David and Jessica from the Shut the Gate Campaign, aimed at preventing mining
companies from mining coal seam gas in our area, addressed the meeting. They
informed the meeting that the Victorian government has given mining companies
exploration rights over much of Victoria. Our area sits on coals seam gas resources and
exploration rights have been granted to a company called Leichhardt Resources Pty Ltd.
Mining processes for CSG are potentially destructive and polluting, damaging
environment and property values. Poowong residents have recently been successful in
gaining more than 90 % community support for excluding mining companies from their
area. Local campaign hopes to do the same for Harmers Haven. Aim is to gradually
involve more and more communities in resisting.
Members were invited to sign the petition and many did so.
9. Election of office bearers for 2013
President declared all positions spilled.
All former office bearers and executive members agreed to stand again for samepositions, with exception of Helen Collyer as she was absent.
Proposed Tom Paterson seconded Luciano that the proposed ‘slate' be re-elected, iePresident Ros EasonTreasurer Luisa MacmillanSecretary Helen Collyer re-elected in absentia to executive initially, until her wishes resecretaryship ascertainedFoHH Amaryl Perlesz, Rosemary PattersonExecutive member without portfolio: John OldCarried
10. Annual General meeting 2014.
This will be held during Easter 2014. Date to be determined.
Ros reminded members that a general meeting may be held at any time if requested.
Meeting closed at 12.45 pm
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