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Hip Protector Compliance: A 13-Month
Study on Factors and Cost in a Long-
Term Care Facility
Jeffrey B Burl, MD, CMD, James Centola, PT, Alice Bonner, APRN-BC, and Col een Burque, PTA
Results: By the end of the third month, hip
Objective: To determine if a high compliance
protector compliance averaged greater than 90%
rate for wearing external hip protectors could be
daily wear. The average number of fal s per
achieved and sustained in a long-term care
month in the hip protector group was 3.9 versus
1.3 in non-participants. Estimated total indirect
staff time was 7.75 hours. The total cost of the
Study Design: A 13-month prospective study of
study (hip protectors and indirect staff time) was
day time use of external hip protectors in an at-
risk long- term care population.
Conclusions: High hip protector compliance is
Setting: One hundred-bed not-for-profit long-
both feasible and sustainable in an at-risk long-
term care facility.
term care population. Achieving high compliance
Participants: Thirty-eight ambulatory residents
requires an interdisciplinary approach with one
having at least 1 of 4 risk factors (osteoporosis,
department acting as a champion.
recent fal , positive fal screen, previous fracture).
The cost of protectors could be a barrier to
Intervention: The rehabilitation department
widespread use. Facilities might be unable cover
coordinated an implementation program.
the cost until the product is paid for by third
Members of the rehabilitation team met with
party payers. (
J Am Med Dir Assoc 2003; 4:
eligible participants, primary caregivers, families,
and other support staff for educational instruction
Keywords: hip protectors; compliance; fal s;
and a description of the program. The
costs and cost analysis; long-term care facilities
rehabilitation team assumed overal responsibility
for measuring and ordering hip protectors and monitoring compliance
Hip fractures exact a heavy financial and human toll
importantly, a sideways fall on the greater trochanter of the proximal femur.16-20 Multidimensional programs
in the United States. More than 250,000 individuals
designed to reduce hip fractures has been reported,
sustain a hip fracture each year. Nearly 20% of those
and most include reducing falls and fall risk factors,
individuals die from complications of the fracture
increasing bone density and muscle strength, and
within 1 year, another 25% seek long-term placement,
improving gait and balance.21 However, some recent
and less than half fully recover. 1—8 Over $5 billion is
meta-analyses have reported limited statistical power
spent annually in direct and indirect hip fracture
to detect the effectiveness of specific strategies or
programs to prevent falls and fractures.22,23
Ninety percent of hip fractures occur in individuals
Use of an external hip protection system that covers
over the age of 70.12,13 Close to 2 million elderly, with
the greater trochanter of the proximal femur has been
a mean age of 84 years, reside in long-term care
shown reduce the incidence of hip fractures.24-30 Yet,
facilities. An estimated million reside in the
low compliance remains a major obstacle in the
community with similar functional and medical
effective use of hip protector systems.24,28,30-32 This 1-
impairments. This population of frail, at-risk elders
year study was undertaken to determine if moderate to
has the highest potential for future hip fractures.14,15
high levels of hip protector compliance could be
Several factors that potentially increase the risk for hip
achieved and sustained in a long-term care facility.
fracture have been identified. They include osteoporosis, low body mass index, and, most
Reprinted from Journal of the American Medical Directors Association September/October 2003
A local Massachusetts manufacturer of soft hip protectors, the HipSaverTM Company, Inc., was
Subjects were residents of The Masonic Home, a not-
contracted to provide product. They were selected
for- profit, 100-bed long-term care facility in Central
based on extensive discussions of various models,
Massachusetts. Eligible residents were ambulatory,
including results from the PACE Programme
with or without the use of an assistive device. High-
(Programme for All-Inclusive Care of the Elderly) in
risk residents were identified as having at least one of
East Boston, which had successfully used this hip
the following criteria:
protector model over 2 years.33 The Hip Saver
1. Diagnosis of osteoporosis (T-score <2.5)
Company in Canton, Massachusetts, was also selected because of close proximity to study site and the ability
2. History of one or more falls within the past 6
to provide comprehensive customer service.
The hip protector company provided in-service
3. History of prior fracture
education to the department of rehabilitation on
4. Positive falls screen on admission for residents
measuring residents for proper size, ordering, and
admitted within the previous 3 months
laundering requirements. They provided a sizing chart, and all subjects were subsequently measured and fitted
Fifty-six long-term care residents met the criteria for
by the rehabilitation department for the proper-sized
participation in the hip protector compliance study.
protector (there were 4 possible sizes). A hip
The enrolment period was continued from September
measurement was performed around the widest
2001 through the end of December 2001 and ran
circumference of the pelvic region.
through September 2002.
After discussions with the nursing, rehabilitation, and
Study Design
Iaundry departments, it was determined that 4 sets of
All eligible participants were invited to attend a 1-hour
protectors would be dispensed to each resident to
educational session conducted by the medical director,
ensure that a protector would be available when
the director of rehabilitation, and a physical therapist.
needed. The rehabilitation staff was responsible for ordering the protectors and marking them with the
This session explained the use of hip protectors, the potential risks and benefits, and the objectives of the
resident's name before distribution. The nursing staff
study. At that time, any interested individuals were
was responsible for distribution and storage of nursing
invited to participate and consent was obtained.
units. The cost of each hip protector, at the beginning of the study, was $30.
Residents who agreed to participate at the initial meeting were measured for hip protectors (see
Tracking Compliance
"Equipment" section). For eligible residents with a diagnosis of dementia or other cognitive impairment,
For the purposes of this study, any individual who
families received a letter explaining the use of the hip
wore hip protector at least once and was able to be
protectors, the potential risks and benefits, and the
monitored a minimum of 9 months was included. It
objectives of the study. Families of those residents
was felt that a longitudinal follow up was essential to
were given the option of having the resident
determine if consistent wearing of the hip protectors
participate in the study, and consent was obtained
could be maintained over time. Only daytime hip
from the appropriate family member. The medical
protector use was evaluated (i.e., use the time the
director, the director of rehabilitation, and the physical
resident was dressed in the morning until were in bed
therapist were also available to answer individual
for that night). Nursing staff received the protectors
questions at any time.
and distributed them to the appropriate residents. Those with activities of daily living deficits were
One-hour in service education sessions by the
given reminders by the CNAs and staff assistance in
rehabilitation department were provided to all licensed
donning the protectors when needed.
nursing and Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) staff on the use of hip protectors, their potential benefits, the
Percent compliance was measured monthly by
number of protectors each resident would receive, and
dividing the total days hip protectors were worn by the
how and when they should be worn. Although these
number of days in the month. Nursing tracked daily
sessions were not mandatory, most of the nursing staff
compliance on a log created and kept in the
did attend. The rehabilitation department met
medication administration record (MAR) on the
separately with those individuals unable to attend the
medication cart. At the time of medication pass, the
sessions to explain the study.
CNA reported to the nurse whether the resident had worn the hip protector for that day. The nurse noted
Laundry and housekeeping were in-serviced
this in the study log. Nursing was interviewed monthly
separately by the director of rehabilitation on the hip
by a representative from the rehabilitation department
protector product, and the handling and laundering
to obtain ongoing compliance data in the study
instructions (no bleach). They were informed of the
subjects. The rehabilitation department reviewed
total number of protectors that would be circulating
monthly tracking record and recorded monthly
through the department.
compliance for each resident. Compliance data was recorded for a total of 13 months.
Reprinted from Journal of the American Medical Directors Association September/October 2003

Table 1. Demographic Characteristics
Fifty-six long-term care residents met the inclusion
Fig.1 Percent hip protector compliance from
criteria for the study. Five residents agreed to
September 2001 through September 2002
participate when initially approached by the medical
director, but refused to be measured and were not
the study, 2 fractures (clavicle, humerus) in 1
issued the hip protectors. These residents were not
individual. Three of the 4 individuals who sustained a
considered to be in the study. Six residents died, and
non-hip fracture were in the study group. Two subjects
an additional 7 had a significant change in condition to
sustained fractures during the night (pelvis, rib) when
nonambulatory status well before the 9-month
they were not scheduled to wear the hip protectors.
minimum could be completed. These 2 subgroups
The other subject sustained a forearm fracture from a
were not included in the data. Thirty-eight residents
fall. She was wearing hip protectors at the time of the
completed at least 9 months of the 13-month trial, with
fall. By the third month of the study, average
a mean follow up of 11.9 months, Data was collected
compliance exceeded 90%, and this was sustained for
on a total of 38 residents.
the remainder of the study (Fig. 1).
The average age of study participants was 89.5 years,
with a mode of 93 years. Seventy-five percent of the
CNAs were interviewed by the rehabilitation staff in
participants were women, and 78% had a primary
cases of non-compliance and were asked why hip
diagnosis of dementia. Ninety-two percent of
protectors we not being worn. Most often, CNAs
participants were on state medical assistance
reported that the individuals were not wearing the hip
(Medicaid) and 86% had Medicare coverage for part A
protectors because of acute illness (not expected to get
expenses. More than half of the participants had 2 or
out of bed that day) or possibly a result of laundry
more risk factors, and approximately one third had
issues (occasional difficulty getting protectors back
only one risk factor (Table 1). The total number of
from laundry on Mondays, according to CAN.
medications per resident did not change significantly
Another reason given was that the resident was going
during the study. The total scheduled psychoactive
out see a specialist (medical or surgical), where the
medications averaged one medication per participant
use of hip protectors was felt to be an added burden
during the appointment. By the third month of the study, residents (those not requiring help with
During the 13-month study period, a total of 206 falls
activities of daily living) appeared to consider the
occurred in the facility, averaging 15.8 falls per month
protectors part of their daily dressing routine and for
or approximately 1.5 falls per resident per year. One
the most part, only required minimal cues from CNAs.
hundred twenty-six of the falls (61%) involved 34 of
Two participants wore hip protectors regularly for the
the 38 study participants, or one-third of the total 100-
first month of the study, but reported that they were
bed nursing facility population (average occupancy,
not comfortable. Despite size changes, these subjects
98.9). Mean number of falls per participant was 3.9,
elected not to continue the hip protectors but were
compared with 1.3 falls for those not in the study.
counted in the compliance data.
There were 2 hip fractures in the facility in the year before the start of the study. There were no hip
Staff time spent in the initial phase of the study on
fractures in the facility during the 13month
educational sessions for the residents and staff was
intervention. There were 5 non-hip fractures during
7.75 hours, for estimated indirect cost of approximately $500. Total cost for the hip protectors
Table 2. Prestudy Average Medications
for the 49 participants who agreed to be measured was $5880, for a total direct and indirect cost $6300 for the
study. None of the 6 deaths was related to a fall, and
was not related to the use of hip protectors. The average time that hip protectors were worn by the 7
subjects who had a change in condition was 1.8
months (range, 1-4 mo). Average compliance for this
group was 55% (range 35—75%). The average time
that hip protectors were worn the 6 subjects who died
was 3 months (range, 0—7 mo). The average compliance was 93% (range, 67—100%).
Reprinted from Journal of the American Medical Directors Association September/October 2003
noted a compliance rate for complete and incomplete wear in 88 subjects of 70% and 17% respectively.26
The incidence of hip fractures is expected to
vanSchoor, using a self-reporting mechanism, found
significantly outpace the growth of the senior
compliance of 4 months and 37% at the end of 12
population in the coming years. Between 1970 and
1997, the Finnish population over age 50 increased by 53%, whereas hip fracture incidence increased by
The reasons for low compliance in these studies are
more than 169%.34 The total number of hip fractures
described in detail; however, study design could be
worldwide is predicted to more than quadruple from
one factor. Individuals are often asked to wear hip
1.6 million to more than 6.2 million by 2050 if nothing
protectors without staff having had detailed education
is done to prevent this potential health crisis.34
regarding their use. The lack of staff understanding and support could have been a factor in some studies.
Although the incidence of falls in long-term care is 1.5
Hip protectors are most likely to of benefit with
falls per bed per year,24,35,36 only 1—2% of all falls
maximum daily wear. Based on Parkkari's framework,
result in a hip fracture.37,38 Studies have shown that
a structured educational program for both staff and
the major causal factor for hip fracture is an impact to
patients was instituted in this study. The intent was to
the greater trochanter, in which the impact energy of a
have staff support and encourage the use of the hip
fall exceeds the average fracture threshold of the
protectors. In addition, the concept of daily wear count
proximal femur.16-20 In addition, studies have
was used in determining compliance. Each day the
demonstrated that osteoporosis, low body mass index,
CNA provided feedback on hip protector wear, which
and height of a fall are independent risk factors for hip
was documented in the MAR. This was felt to be a
fracture. 16—20
more accurate assessment of total hip protector wear and fracture prevention. In our study, residents with
Successfully reducing hip fracture rates requires an
significant change in condition or decline in functional
inter disciplinary process in which all risk factors are
status had lower compliance than the other subjects
addressed. To date, efforts to reduce falls, improve
(55%). One explanation for the low compliance in this
gait and balance, and increase body mass index have
group is that when patients become acutely ill, staff
met with only partial success. Treatment of
determines other care is to be of higher priority. Also,
osteoporosis with antiresorptive medications might
when patients spend more time in bed, for example
only increase femoral neck density by 2% per year, 39
when acutely ill, CNAs might elect not to use hip
which might not be sufficient for fracture reduction in
pads. This specific topic might require dedicated in-
long-term care residents whose average life
service education.
expectancy is approximately 24 months.15 One preventive strategy that could potentially reduce the
Based on the results of this study, it appears that
impact energy of a fall to the greater trochanter is the
relatively high compliance is feasible and potentially
use of external hip protectors, an external padding
sustainable in a long-term care facility. Compliance
system that both absorbs and shunts energy away from
after the third month did not drop below 90%. This
the proximal femur. Studies have demonstrated the
could have been attributable in large part to the
effectiveness of hip protectors, with one estimate that
rehabilitation department's role as a champion as well
hip fractures could be reduced by 60% in those
as the formal educational component of study. There
wearing the device, and up to 80% if all residents
were 2 individuals included in the compliance who
wore the protectors.28
could not wear the hip protectors as a result of poor fit. Despite repeated attempts to optimise fit, the
Two recent studies have questioned the efficacy of hip
individuals complained of discomfort. If we exclude
protectors. In a randomised, controlled trial with 18
these 2 subjects the data, average daily compliance
months of follow up, Meyer showed a relative
reduction in hip fracture of more than 40%, but at borderline significance.30 van Schoor randomised a
Failure to achieve higher compliance in the first 3
mixed group of community-dwelling elderly and
months could have been the result, at least in part, of
nursing facility residents in a 16-month study.40 No
issues with laundering of the protectors. Because of
statistical difference between the control and study
limited laundering, on the weekends, especially for the
groups was realized. However, the authors noted a
incontinent residents who needed frequent changes,
23% non-significant reduction in hip fractures in
clean hip protectors might not have always been
individuals who wore the hip pads, as well as a lower
available on Monday mornings. This was solved by
fracture rate per fall in the study group.41
providing those residents with 2 additional sets of protectors. One positive finding was that CNAs who
The definition of compliance is not standardized,
received the educational session would often call the
making comparisons between studies problematic.
rehabilitation department to obtain hip protectors
Several studies report compliance only at the time of a
before getting residents out of bed, if none were
fall, as opposed to reporting total number of days of
available in the patient's room. The CNAs reported
fracture protection per patient. Lauritzen et al. base
occasionally borrowing unused/unopened hip
their compliance reporting on fall registers, ie, the
protectors from other residents in an emergency, rather
number of times the resident was wearing the hip
than getting a resident out of bed without them. For
protectors at the time of the fall with a compliance rate
continent residents, 3 sets of hip protectors might be
of 24%.24 Two other studies using similar compliance
sufficient. However, incontinent residents might need
measures had rates of 46% and 54%, respectively. 25,30
more than 4, depending on the frequency of laundry
Harada, using a case-controlled observation method,
Reprinted from Journal of the American Medical Directors Association September/October 2003
services. Previous studies have not always reported the
with the statistical methods used in the results. We
number of pads dispensed per resident. In some
also want to acknowledge both the encouragement and
studies, only 2 or 3 protectors per resident were used.
support of the board of directors of The Masonic
It is possible that the higher compliance rate in this
Health Care Systems, without which we would not
study was, in part, related to the relatively high
have a successful hip protector program.
number of pads dispensed to each resident.
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Reprinted from Journal of the American Medical Directors Association September/October 2003
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Reprinted from Journal of the American Medical Directors Association September/October 2003
This article's author is Raymond Otero, Ph.D. Scabies is an infectious disease of the skin caused by a mite whose penetration is visible as papules or vesicles or as tinylinear burrows containing mites and their eggs. It occurs worldwide and specifically in institutions where hygiene proceduresare suspect. It is also associated with overcrowding and poor hygiene. Scabies can be endemic.
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