Treasure Your Health
Raffles Health Screening 2013
585 North Bridge Road Raffles Hospital Singapore 188770
Tel: 6311 1222 (24-Hour Appointment Hotline)

Treasure Your Health
Prevention. Detection. Enhancement.
Health screening is essential for the early detection of diseases and conditions that cause disability and death. The lifestyle and stress of modern living can have an adverse impact on our health by predisposing us to silent killers such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and cancers. Therefore, health screening is vital as it detects diseases, which do not produce early warning signs.
Raffles Enhanced Packages
With personalised attention from our dedicated team of healthcare
Raffles HealthScreeners - a dedicated health screening centre that
professionals, our aim is to enhance your well-being and help
offers holistic and personalised approach to your well-being. With
you better understand your state of health. Our health screening
over 30 years of experience, our professional team offers quality
services are suitable for both individuals and employees of
one-stop comprehensive health screening services, combined with
corporate organisations.
state-of-the-art technology.
You should take charge of your health through regular health
Enjoy a healthy breakfast buffet after your tests, attend to your
evaluations to prevent any potential health risks. Early detection
business needs or surf the web with free wifi within the hospital.
allows diagnosis and management of illnesses to be done
We aim to make your visit with us worthwhile and comfortable.
appropriately. When all that is taken care of, your health and wellness is then enhanced to achieve your lifestyle aspirations.
All 10 Raffles Enhanced health screening packages are available at Raffles HealthScreeners located at level 12 in Raffles Hospital.
You will receive a detailed individualised medical report. This will be reviewed during a private consultation with your doctor, who
For more information on any of our health screening packages
will explain and provide you with suitable recommendations based
presented in this brochure, please call us at 6311 1222 to make
on your health profile.
your appointment.

1 • Treasure Your Health
Raffles Enhanced Screening • 2
Raffles Deluxe 2013
Raffles Ladies Deluxe 2013
Raffles Deluxe is designed to maintain your health at the
prime of your life. It screens for lifestyle diseases as well
as the more common cancers such as colon and liver
cancers. For the ladies, cervical and pelvic cancers are
also screened.
Deluxe General S$428.00
• Bone Mineral Status:
Calcium & Phosphate
Choose 2 out of 7
• Consultation and Physical
• Immunology: Rheumatoid Factor
1. Tumour Marker - Liver (AFP)
Examination by Doctor
• Hepatitis A Screening
2. Tumour Marker - Colon (CEA)
• Body Fat Measurement
• Hepatitis B Screening
3. Tumour Marker - Pancreas (CA 19-9)
• Height/ Weight/ BMI
• HIV Screening
4. Tumour Marker - Ovary (CA 125) - For Ladies Only
• Visual Acuity
• Venereal Disease: VDRL/TPHA
5. Tumour Marker - Breast (CA 15.3) - For Ladies Only
• Medical Report
6. Tumour Marker - Prostate (PSA) - For Men Only
• Post Examination Review by Doctor
• Stool Occult Blood
7. Pap Smear - For Ladies Only
• Complete Haematological
Ladies Deluxe S$513.60
• Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
• 12 Leads Resting
Choose 2 out of 5
Choose 1 out of 3
• Liver Function Test
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
1. Tumour Marker - Liver (AFP)
1. Ultrasound Pelvis
• Kidney Function Test
2. Tumour Marker - Colon (CEA)
2. Ultrasound Breast
• Blood Glucose
3. Tumour Marker
• Lipid/ Cholesterol Profile
- Pancreas (CA 19-9)
• Gout: Uric Acid
4. Tumour Marker - Ovary (CA 125)
• Thyroid Screen: Free T4 & TSH
5. Tumour Marker - Breast (CA 15.3)
All prices are inclusive of GST and subject to changes without prior notice. Items in packages are non-refundable if declined.
3 • Treasure Your Health
Raffles Enhanced Screening • 4
Raffles Executive 2013
Raffles Ladies Executive 2013
Raffles Executive is recommended to ascertain the
health risks that may come with middle age. It screens for
cardiovascular diseases and some cancers like prostate
cancer in men, and ovarian and breast cancers for ladies.
Your health risks will be assessed and appropriate tests
advised for your specific needs.
Executive General S$802.50
• Immunology: Rheumatoid Factor
6. Tumour Marker - Prostate (PSA)
• Cardiac Risk: HS CRP
• Hormonal Profile:Estradiol (E2)
- For Men Only
• Consultation and Physical
• Anaemia Screen: B12
- For Ladies Only
7. Pap Smear - For Ladies Only
Examination by Doctor
• Anaemia Screen: Folate
• Hormonal Profile:Testosterone
• Body Fat Measurement
• Hepatitis A Screening
- For Men Only
• Height/ Weight/ BMI
• Hepatitis B Screening
Choose 1 out of 6
• Visual Acuity
• Hepatitis C Screening
Choose 3 out of 7
1. Ultrasound Abdomen
• Medical Report
• HIV Screening
1. Tumour Marker - Liver (AFP)
2. Ultrasound Pelvis
• Post Examination Review by Doctor
• Venereal Disease: VDRL/TPHA
2. Tumour Marker - Colon (CEA)
3. Ultrasound Breast
3. Tumour Marker
- For Ladies Only
• Urine Microalbumin:
- Pancreas (CA 19-9)
4. Mammogram - For Ladies Only
• Complete Haematological
4. Tumour Marker - Ovary (CA 125)
5. Bone Densitometry
• Stool Occult Blood
- For Ladies Only
6. Treadmill (Cardiac Assessment)
• Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
5. Tumour Marker - Breast (CA 15.3)
- For Ladies Only
• Liver Function Test
• Kidney Function Test
• Blood Glucose
Ladies Executive S$941.60
• 12 Leads Resting
• Lipid/ Cholesterol Profile
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
• Gout: Uric Acid
• Tonometry (Glaucoma Screen)
• Hormonal Profile:Estradiol (E2)
• Thyroid Screen: Free T4 & TSH
• Dental Oral Screening
• Hormonal Profile: Progesterone
• Bone Mineral Status:
Choose 2 out of 6
Calcium & Phosphate
Choose 4 out of 5
1. Ultrasound Abdomen
1. Tumour Marker - Liver (AFP)
2. Ultrasound Pelvis
2. Tumour Marker - Colon (CEA)
3. Ultrasound Breast
3. Tumour Marker
- Pancreas (CA 19-9)
5. Bone Densitometry
4. Tumour Marker - Ovary (CA 125)
6. Treadmill (Cardiac Assessment)
5. Tumour Marker - Breast (CA 15.3)
All prices are inclusive of GST and subject to changes without prior notice. Items in packages are non-refundable if declined.
5 • Treasure Your Health
Raffles Enhanced Screening • 6
Raffles Elite 2013
Raffles Ladies Elite 2013
Raffles Elite caters for those approaching the golden years
when early detection of risks and degenerative diseases
could enhance your quality of health and life. It assesses the
function and structure of all major organs in the body and
includes nasal, retinal and hearing evaluations. It also screens
for hormonal imbalances, and for the ladies, gynaecological
• Hepatitis B Screening
Elite General S$1,588.95
• Hepatitis C Screening
• Consultation and Physical
• HIV Screening
Examination by Doctor
• Venereal Disease (VDRL/TPHA)
• Hormonal Profile:Estradiol (E2) - For Ladies Only
• Body Fat Measurement
• Tumour Marker - Liver (AFP)
• Hormonal Profile:Testosterone - For Men Only
• Height/ Weight/ BMI
• Tumour Marker - Colon (CEA)
• Tumour Marker - Prostate (PSA) - For Men Only
• Visual Acuity
• Tumour Marker
• Medical Report
- Pancreas (CA 19-9)
Choose 1 out of 3
• Post Examination Review by Doctor
• Tumour Marker - Nose (EBV)
(For Ladies only)
• Tumour Marker - Lung (Cyfra)
1. Tumour Marker - Ovary (CA 125)
2. Tumour Marker - Breast (CA 15.3)
• Complete Haematological
• Urine Microalbumin:
• Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
• Stool Occult Blood
Ladies Elite S$1,861.80
• Liver Function Test
• Kidney Function Test
• Blood Glucose
• Ultrasound Pelvis
• Hormonal Profile: Estradiol (E2)
Choose 2 out of 3
• Ultrasound Abdomen
• Hormonal Profile: LH, FSH
1. Ultrasound Breast
• Lipid/ Cholesterol Profile
• Hormonal Profile: Progesterone
• Gout: Uric Acid
• Tumour Marker - Ovary (CA 125)
3. Bone Densitometry
• Thyroid Screen: Free T4 & TSH
• Tumour Marker - Breast (CA 15.3)
• Bone Mineral Status:
Calcium & Phosphate
• Immunology: Rheumatoid Factor
• Audiometry (Hearing Test)
• Nasoendoscopy
Anti-DS DNA Antibody
(Nose Cancer Screen)
• Retinophotography
Anti-Nuclear Antibody
(Diabetic Eye Test)
• Cardiac Risk: Homocysteine
• 12 Leads Resting
• Cardiac Risk: HS CRP
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
• Cardiac Risk: Lipoprotein A
• Anaemia Screen: B12
(Lung Function Assessment)
• Anaemia Screen: Folate
• Tonometry (Glaucoma Screen)
• Hepatitis A Screening
• Dental Oral Screening
All prices are inclusive of GST and subject to changes without prior notice. Items in packages are non-refundable if declined.
7 • Treasure Your Health
Raffles Enhanced Screening • 8
Raffles Premier 2013
Raffles Ladies Premier 2013
Raffles Premier builds on the Raffles Elite packages and
utilises state-of-the-art technologies including CT and MRI, to
conduct in-depth screening of your full body for early signs of
diseases and cancers. It includes the new anti-ageing health
screening which will evaluate your hormonal profile and
provide advice on ways to slow down the effects of ageing
for a healthier and more fulfilling life.
• Anaemia Screen: TIBC
• Ultrasound Abdomen
• Anaemia Screen: B12
• Bone Densitometry
• Consultation and Physical
• Anaemia Screen: Folate
Examination by Doctor
• Anaemia Screen: Ferritin
Choose 1 out of 3
• Body Fat Measurement
• Hepatitis A Screening
1. CT Coronary Angiogram
• Hormonal Profile: Estradiol (E2)
• Height/ Weight/ BMI
• Hepatitis B Screening
- For Ladies Only
• Visual Acuity
• Hepatitis C Screening
• Hormonal Profile: Testosterone
• Medical Report
• Blood Group (ABO)
- For Men Only
• Post Examination Review by Doctor
Choose 1 out of 4
• Tumour Marker - Prostate (PSA)
• HIV Screening
1. MRI Brain/ MRA Brain
- For Men Only
• Venereal Disease: VDRL/TPHA
2. MRI Lumbar Spine
• Complete Haematological
• Tumour Marker - Liver (AFP)
3. MRI Cervical Spine
Choose 1 out of 3
• Tumour Marker - Colon (CEA)
4a. MRI Prostate - For Men Only
(For Ladies only)
• Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
• Tumour Marker
4b. MRI Breast
1. Tumour Marker - Ovary (CA 125)
- Pancreas (CA 19-9)
- Option for Ladies Premier only
2. Tumour Marker - Breast (CA 15.3)
• Liver Function Test
• Tumour Marker - Nose (EBV)
• Kidney Function Test
• Tumour Marker - Lung (Cyfra)
• Blood Glucose
• Treadmill Stress Echo
Choose 1 out of 3
• Ankle Brachial Index (ABI)
• Lipid/ Cholesterol Profile
Food Allergy Screen*
• Gout: Uric Acid
1. Raffles Asian Panel
2. Raffles Food Allergen
• Thyroid Screen: Free T4 & TSH
• Audiometry (Hearing Test)
• Bone Mineral Status:
3. Raffles Inhalative and Food
• Nasoendoscopy
• Hormonal Profile: Estradiol (E2)
Calcium & Phosphate
(Nose Cancer Screen)
• Hormonal Profile: LH, FSH
• Bone Mineral Status:
• Retinophotography
• Hormonal Profile: Progesterone
(Diabetic Eye Test)
• Immunology: Rheumatoid Factor
• Urine Microalbumin:
• 12 Leads Resting
• Tumour Marker - Ovary (CA 125)
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
• Tumour Marker - Breast (CA 15.3)
Anti-DS DNA Antibody
• Urine Cytology
• Stool Occult Blood
(Lung Function Assessment)
Anti-Nuclear Antibody
• Tonometry (Glaucoma Screen)
• Cardiac Risk: Homocysteine
• Dental Oral Screening
• Ultrasound Breast
• Cardiac Risk: Apolipoprotein A & B
• Anti-Ageing Consultation
• Cardiac Risk: HS CRP
• Cardiac Risk: Lipoprotein A
• Ultrasound Pelvis
All prices are inclusive of GST and subject to changes without prior notice. Items in packages are non-refundable if declined.
* For details on Food Allergy Packages, please see Useful Information on pages 11 & 12.
9 • Treasure Your Health
Raffles Enhanced Screening • 10
Raffles Platinum 2013
Raffles Ladies Platinum 2013
Raffles Platinum is Raffles Premier plus more in-depth
and thorough assessments using more state-of-the-
art screening and scanning technologies. It includes
endoscopic procedures for the detection of signs of
stomach and colorectal cancers, and anti-ageing
health screening. Raffles Platinum 2013 is the ultimate
comprehensive package that will help enhance your
health and lifestyle aspirations.
• Anaemia Screen: TIBC
Platinum General
• Anaemia Screen: B12
• Consultation and Physical
• Anaemia Screen: Folate
• Ultrasound Pelvis
Examination by Doctor
• Anaemia Screen: Ferritin
• Ultrasound Abdomen
• Body Fat Measurement
• Hepatitis A Screening
• Bone Densitometry
• Hormonal Profile:Estradiol (E2)
• Height/ Weight/ BMI
• Hepatitis B Screening
- For Ladies Only
• Visual Acuity
• Hepatitis C Screening
Choose 1 out of 3
• Hormonal Profile:Testosterone
• Medical Report
• Blood Group (ABO)
1. CT Coronary Angiogram
- For Men Only
• Post Examination Review by Doctor
• Tumour Marker - Prostate (PSA)
• HIV Screening
- For Men Only
• Venereal Disease (VDRL/TPHA)
• Complete Haematological
• Tumour Marker - Liver (AFP)
Choose 1 out of 3
Choose 1 out of 3
• Tumour Marker - Colon (CEA)
1. MRI Brain/ MRA Brain
(For Ladies only)
• Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
• Tumour Marker
2. MRI Lumbar Spine
1. Tumour Marker - Ovary (CA 125)
- Pancreas (CA 19-9)
3. MRI Cervical Spine
2. Tumour Marker - Breast (CA 15.3)
• Liver Function Test
• Tumour Marker - Nose (EBV)
• Kidney Function Test
• Tumour Marker - Lung (Cyfra)
• Blood Glucose
• Treadmill Stress Echo
Choose 1 out of 3
• Ankle Brachial Index (ABI)
• MRI Prostate - For Men Only
• Lipid/ Cholesterol Profile
Food Allergy Screen*
• Gout: Uric Acid
1. Raffles Asian Panel
• Thyroid Screen: Free T4 & TSH
2. Raffles Food Allergen
• Audiometry (Hearing Test)
• Bone Mineral Status:
3. Raffles Inhalative and Food Allergen
• Nasoendoscopy
Calcium & Phosphate
(Nose Cancer Screen)
• Bone Mineral Status:
• Retinophotography
• Hormonal Profile: Estradiol (E2)
• Urine Microalbumin:
(Diabetic Eye Test)
• Hormonal Profile: LH, FSH
• Immunology: Rheumatoid Factor
• 12 Leads Resting
• Hormonal Profile: Progesterone
• Urine Cytology
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Anti-DS DNA Antibody
• Stool Occult Blood
• Tumour Marker - Ovary (CA 125)
(Lung Function Assessment)
• Tumour Marker - Breast (CA 15.3)
Anti-Nuclear Antibody
• Tonometry (Glaucoma Screen)
• Cardiac Risk: Homocysteine
• Dental Oral Screening
• Cardiac Risk: Apolipoprotein A & B
• Anti-Ageing Consultation
• Cardiac Risk: HS CRP
• Cardiac Risk: Lipoprotein A
All prices are inclusive of GST and subject to changes without prior notice. Items in packages are non-refundable if declined.
* For details on Food Allergy Packages, please see Useful Information on pages 11 & 12.
11 • Treasure Your Health
Other Information • 12
• Fasting is mandatory for patients who will be taking the ultrasound
abdomen test. While taking the test, you may feel some slight discomfort
and the conducting gel may feel cold and wet.
• Fast for at least eight hours. Please refrain from consuming food on the
night before your appointment. Drinking of plain water is permissible.
• Before undergoing a pelvic ultrasound, you will be required to drink
several glasses of water and to avoid urinating for about one hour prior
• Postpone your routine morning medication until your blood sample is taken.
to the examination time. When the bladder is full, it forms a convenient
path, known as the acoustic window, for the ultrasonic waves.
• For ladies - Pap smear, urine and stool tests should be done 5 days after
the last day of menstruation.
• Do not wear any deodorant, perfume, powder or cream under your arms
or chest area as it may interfere with the quality of the mammogram.
If you are menstruating on the day of your appointment, please
inform the nurses on arrival. You will not be able to do your urine,
• If you are taking the treadmill test, bring along an additional change of
stool and Pap smear tests because the presence of blood in these
clothes and appropriate footwear. Medications such as beta-blockers
tests would produce inaccurate results. The Pap smear test can be
(e.g. propranolol or atenolol) should preferably be stopped three days
arranged to be done on the day of your review.
before the test date.
Useful Information
Ultrasound Pelvis
Detects the size and shape of pelvic organs, such as the bladder and
Multiphasic Blood Tests
evaluate the cause of bladder dysfunction. Examines the uterus and
A series of blood tests to detect conditions such as gout, thyroid, anaemia,
ovaries for women and the prostate for men.
leukaemia, diabetes, hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases, rheumatoid
arthritis, liver and kidney disorders, as well as high cholesterol (lipid screen).
Breast Examination
• Ultrasound breast
• Mammogram - an X-ray of the breasts used to detect breast
A series of blood tests to detect cancer markers produced by some cancer
changes in women who show no signs or symptoms of breast
cells through simple blood tests. Screening tests are available for liver, colon,
cancer. It is recommended that women aged 40 - 49 should go for
pancreas, prostate, ovarian and nose cancers.
mammography screening once a year, and women above 50 should
go once every two years.
A test to infer the state of kidney function as well as of the urinary tract.
A test to assess the pressure of the eyeball and test for glaucoma.
Food Allergy Panels
A test to screen for gut disorders through the testing for stool occult
(microscopic) blood, a recognised manifestation of gut cancer.
Raffles Asian Panel
D pteronyssinus, D farinae, Blomia tropicalis, cat, dog, mouse, cockroach,
Pap Smear
mixed feathers (pigeon, goose, chicken, duck), hay dust, mould fungi, shrimp,
A test to screen for cervical cancer in women.
crab, cuttlefish, mackerel, sardines, tuna, beef, chicken, egg yolk, vegetables
(soya beans, onions, celery, mushrooms).
Raffles Food Allergen
Screenings through resting ECG and treadmill stress test to assess for
Hazelnut, walnut, almond, milk, egg white, egg yolk, casein, potato, celery,
physical fitness, heart condition and early detection of coronary heart
carrot, tomato, cod fish, crab, orange, apple, wheat flour, rye flour, sesame
seed, soya bean.
Raffles Inhalative and Food Allergen
Examines organs of the abdomen including the liver, gall bladder,
D pteronyssinus, D farinae, alder pollens, birch pollens, hazel pollens,
spleen, pancreas and kidneys.
grass pollens, rye pollens, mugwort, plantain, cat, horse, dog, Alternaria
alternata, egg white, milk, peanut, hazelnut, carrot, wheat flour, soya bean.
13 • Treasure Your Health
Other Information • 14
Find Your Place At
Raffles HealthScreeners
Receive personalise service from doctors and patient service officers at the designated waiting areas (‘Mind,' ‘Vacation', ‘Sports' and ‘Health'). ‘Radiology' provides a one-stop facility for chest X-ray, ultrasound and mammogram. Enjoy a hearty breakfast at ‘Diet ‘after all your screening tests are completed. With personalised attention from our dedicated team of healthcare professionals, you can be assured of a comfortable and efficient health screening process.
• Please bring along your company letter, authorisation letter or staff pass,
where applicable.
• Please bring along your most recent mammogram films (if available)
should you wish to have a comparison made between that and the latest
Please bring any of the following documents for verification and registration:
received result.
• Singapore NRIC/ Passport/ Employment Pass/ Work Permit.
• Letter of Guarantee from your Insurance Company, if applicable.
15 • Treasure Your Health
Other Information • 16
Packages Available at Our Medical Centres
All Enhanced Packages Only
Raffles Hospital 585 North Bridge Road, Level 12, Raffles HealthScreeners, Singapore 188770
Tel: 6311 1222 Email: [email protected] Passenger Terminal 3+
Singapore Changi Airport, #B2-01, 65 Airport Boulevard
Tel: 6241 8818 Fax: 6241 3498
(Shopping Centre)
50 Raffles Place, #01-02A, Singapore Land Tower
Singapore 048623
Tel: 6535 2222 Fax: 6533 7811
The Village Hotel
+Treadmill services available at clinics, Radiology services such as ultrasounds, CT scans and MRI
North Bridge Road
scans will be referred to Raffles Hospital.
From Changi Airport
To Changi Airport
Raffles Deluxe Package also available at the following centres
Raffles Medical@
Raffles Hospital
Blk 131 Jurong Gateway Road
Raffles Hospital is located in the heart of the city. It is just
585 North Bridge Road
#01-267, Singapore 600131
Level 1 Raffles Hospital
Tel: 6899 6688 Fax: 6569 6205
a 5-minute walk from Bugis MRT Station and a 15-minute
drive from Changi International Airport.
Tel: 6311 1130 Fax: 6311 1163
Blk 10 Tampines Central 1
#03-28 Tampines One
Blk 722 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 8
#01-2825, Singapore 560722
Tel: 6260 5116 Fax: 6787 2311
Tel: 6453 2288 Fax: 6455 3182
Taxi Stand (To Hospital's Main Lobby)
391B Orchard Road
1 Woodlands Square
#08-06 Ngee Ann City Tower B
North Bridge Road
7, 32, 51, 61, 63, 80, 145, 175, 197 & 851
2N, 48, 4N, 57 & 7N
#05-20 Causeway Point
2, 7, 12, 32, 33, 51, 61, 63, 80, 130, 133, 145, 175, 197,
Tel: 6734 7355 Fax: 6734 0201
851, 960, 980 & NR7
Tel: 6894 0777 Fax: 6894 2267
930 Yishun Avenue 2
#B1-54/55, Singapore 769098
Blk 431 Clementi Ave 3
Tel: 6755 0049 Fax: 6755 0062
#01-306, Singapore 120431
Tel: 6872 9043 Fax: 6872 9051
Ang Mo Kio Techplace*
5012 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5
Techplace II #01-01
Tel: 6556 2318 Fax: 6556 4637
*X-ray facilities are not in-house. They are at a short distance from the clinic.
Note: Timings available for check-ups are subjected to change without prior notice.
ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATISM Vol. 44, No. 11, November 2001, pp 2531–2538 © 2001, American College of Rheumatology Published by Wiley-Liss, Inc. Effects of a Ginger Extract on Knee Pain in Patients With Osteoarthritis R. D. Altman1 and K. C. Marcussen2 Objective. To evaluate the efficacy and safety of a the 2 groups. Patients receiving ginger extract experi-
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