
INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH DAILYIANS Monday , October 12, 2015 , Mehr 20 , 1394 , Zil-Hijja 28 , 1436
University research hits breast cancer smart therapy Iran stores 65K umbilical cord blood samples
Managing Director of Royan Stem Cells Technologies Company has announced the storage of 65 thou- tive in vivo targeting of cancer cells in female rats.
Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers sand umbilical cord blood samples in the country deeming it as unparalleled in the region.
and cause of death of affected women. Despite differ- Addressing some managers of Royan Cord Blood Bank, Morteza Zarrabi said, "the bank owns 23 rep- ent treatment methods to fight the cancer, no single resentatives in the region the number of which will increase by the end of this Iranian year to carry out method had proved effective in killing cancer cells in the mammary gland, since all of these treatments had of the task of informing families who are on the verge of giving birth to a child in need of cold blood not been specific to cancer and are methods which have harmful impact on tissues surrounding the ma- "Our main goal is to increase the number of samples and to supply samples of stem cells required by lign tumors, thus killing healthy cells.
transplant centers to provide patients with the necessary stem cells." he added.
Mojtaba Salavati, who is a co-researcher in the study told reporters that they carried out the study to ulti- Zarrabi further maintained that, "we are also planning to provide facilities for transfer of technical Researchers in Zanjan Islamic Azad University and University of Guilan have developed gold nanorods mately develop a new nanodrug to curb the growth knowledge on stem cell storage to neighboring countries." with potential uses in treating breast cancer through and treat cancer cells through smart thermotherapy; Rich in hematopoietic stem cells, cord blood is used in treating various blood-based diseases and condi- "the method uses media which raise the temperature tions including thalassemia, leukemia, immune deficiency, congenital anemia, cerebral palsy and various Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council informed significantly in the tumor, bringing about death of the Mehr News that the method had been highly effec- malign tumor," he added.
types of transplantation. It is the blood that remains in the placenta after the baby is born.
Daesh disrupts Afghan polio Serbia expects arrival of nearly 7,000 refugees Daesh Takfiri terrorists have disrupted a national polio vaccination cam- paign in three districts of Afghanistan's eastern province of Nangarhar, lo- cal officials say.
Health officials in Nangarhar said Saturday that Daesh prevented some 46,000 children from receiving polio vaccines in the three districts.
"Our employees were not able to launch the campaign in Achin, Has- kamina and Mina Kot districts in the province due to Daesh presence," said Najibullah Kamawal, the head of the Nangarhar health department.
The nationwide anti-polio campaign was launched by the Afghan Minis- try of Public Health last week.
Kamawal added that Daesh terrorists have shut down 10 health care cen- ters in the districts, "and people there face a lot of issues." A number of religious leaders and civil society activists in Nangarhar have denounced the move by Daesh terrorists as "an act of oppression against the children." "We call on warring factions to cooperate with medical teams," said reli- Serbia expects the arrival of between 6,000 The Serbian authorities must reorient the For its part, the Dutch Prime Minister Mirk gious scholar, Maulavi Abbas.
and 7,000 refugees from neighboring Macedo- movement of immigrants to Croatia, after last Rutte, had to call for calm and to respect public War-torn Afghanistan is fighting a polio epidemic, which infects large nia, to place them in the new Admission center September 15 Budapest closed its southern bor- order, after residents of the town of Orange, in crowds of people every year.
of the southern town of Bujanovac.
der with this country, with the support of police the province of Drenthe, protested the arrival of Nangarhar has been witnessing a surge in the presence of Daesh terrorists Apart from the aforementioned facility in and military.
more foreigners to a shelter in that area.
in recent months.
southern Serbia there is the refugee reception From Germany, the government denied reports In Greece, the government announced that for The terrorists, mainly operating in Iraq and Syria, have reportedly been camp of Presevo, where transited many of the on the Suddeutsche Zeitung daily, under which the coming month will be opened, several regis- recruiting militants in Afghanistan over the past months in what is believed 172,000 undocumented immigrants who crossed this country and the European Commission ne- tration centers in the Greek cities of Lesbos, Kos to be aimed at establishing sanctuaries in areas traditionally seen as the this nation in 2015 towards rich European coun- gotiated a solidarity tax on oil prices and the and Leros, where they are recorded, identified strongholds of Taliban militants.
tries like Germany and Sweden.
Value Added Tax.
and taken fingerprints foreigners who come to On June 16, the Taliban warned Daesh ringleader, Ibrahim al-Samarrai, In Bujanovac, foreigners, mostly Syrians, Iraq- The money collected in this way supposedly aka Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, against "waging a parallel insurgency in Af- is and Afghans are registered, subject to medical would go to the EU coffers to provide financial At leas0t half a million people arrived on Euro- ghanistan," asking the Daesh leader to keep his men out of Afghanistan.
examination and receive food and feed, before assistance to countries like Spain, Italy, Greece pean shores this year to escape poverty or armed Afghanistan has been the scene of violence since the US and its allies in- being transferred by train or by bus to the border and Bulgaria, where the majority of immigrants conflicts in North Africa and the Middle East, vaded the country as part of Washington's so-called war on terror in 2001.
with Croatia, which borders with Hungary.
highlights the local press. Scientists digitally
Hajj Crush Deadliest Man divorces wife on WhatsApp
recreate rat brain
Ever At Pilgrimage
after four weeks of marriage
A group of international scientists have digitally recreated a part of a (Sky News) - The crush and pede killed 1,426 people.
A man has managed to not just marriage using an app - the man rat's brain using supercomputers.
stampede at the Hajj in Saudi Iran says 465 of its pilgrims dump his wife by text - but actu- in question divorced his wife un- The accomplishment can lead to infinite possibilities, including the re- Arabia last month was the deadli- were killed, while Egypt lost 148 ally DIVORCE her.
der Islamic law.
construction of the human brain.
est ever at the annual pilgrimage, and Indonesia 120, AP reports.
The 21-year-old man used free A ‘talaq' divorce means the man What the researchers achieved was the first draft of a functioning map of according to a report.
Others include India with 101, messaging service WhatsApp only has to pronounce ‘I divorce 30,000 brain cells connected to one another by 40 million synapses, said An Associated Press tally claims Nigeria with 99, Pakistan with to legally separate from his new you' in Arabic.
at least 1,453 people were killed 93, Mali with 70, Bangladesh wife - meaning he didn't even However, there is now some a scientist on the team.
on 24 September in Mina near with 63, Senegal with 54, Be- have to pay anything to end their uncertainty whether using the The achievement, said the same researcher, was not yet proof that scien- the holy city of Mecca, far higher nin with 51, Cameroon with 42, marriage.
phrase via WhatsApp makes the tists could indeed reconstruct the human brain, which contains 85 billion than the official figure that has Ethiopia with 31, Sudan with 30, He sent the text saying he was divorce valid.
or more neurons, but that it was a first step.
been given by authorities.
Morocco with 27, Algeria with divorcing his wife in India, and Islamic scholars are divided as Another researcher on the team said the "simulations are in their infan- The figure comes from state- 25, Ghana with 12, Chad with was moving to Dubai without to whether WhatsApp is actu- ments and official comments 11, Kenya with eight and Turkey her.
ally a legal document, with some cy," and therefore what this means for the larger goals of reconstructing a from 19 of the more than 180 with three.
J Prameela Devi, a member of stating that the divorce should be whole brain is unclear.
countries that sent citizens to the Around 20,000 Britons made the state women's commission carried out in person.
"They built a 747, and it's taxiing around the runway," said Cori Barg- five-day annual pilgrimage.
the pilgrimage, according to adalat, told the Times of India: B Sugathakumari, former chair- mann, the co-director of the new Kavli Neural Systems Institute at Rock- Saudi officials have said their Rashid Mogradia from the Coun- ‘He said she was like an apple person of the state women's com- efeller University. "I haven't seen it fly yet, but it's promising." figure of 769 killed and 934 in- cil of British Hajjis.
and he had already tasted it.
mission said: "I don't think a nor- The study is the first major achievement of the one-billion-dollar Blue jured remains accurate and an in- British Muslim leaders have "So he did not want her any mal youth can act in this manner.
called for those going to the pil- "The commission should pro- Brain Project, a 10-year European research program formed in 2005 with The previous deadliest-ever in- grimage in the future to be given Before anyone gets any bright vide protection and legal aid to a goal to build a virtual simulation of the human brain.
cident was in 1990, when a stam- compulsory safety training.
ideas that they can get out of a the girl and her mother."


Cyclodextrin and bile salt interactions using isothermal titration calorimetry

Cyclodextrin and Bile Salt Interactions Using Isothermal Titration Calorimetry Paula Melo Paulon Hansen Thomas Allan Rayner Supervisor: Peter Westh, Christian Schonbeck International Bachelor Studies in Natural Science Roskilde University, Fall 2009 Firstly, we would like to express our gratitude to Peter Westh and Christian Schönbeck for their assistance, guidance and advice as our supervisors and to Lundbeck for providing us with the different chemicals used in our experiments.

Was sind Parkinson-Syndrome?  Parkinson-Syndrome gehören zu den Bewegungsstörungen  Unter Parkinson-Syndrome fasst man Störungen des cholinergen und dopaminergen Systems in den Basalganglien zusammen  Die Störung dieser Neurotransmitter-Systeme führt zu den für Parkinson-Syndromen klassischen o Akinese o Rigor o Tremor o Posturale Instabilität