

New Poulard book, "The Champagne Cel ars of Mareuil,"
recounts French vil age's occupation during World War II
Political science instructor was born in Mareuil just weeks before the conflict's outbreak
Jean Poulard, Ph.D., professor of political science at Indiana Univer-
sity Northwest, was born in a small French village, Mareuil-sur-Aÿ, in
the weeks preceding the outbreak of World War II. His earliest mem-
ories are of the German occupation of his village and of its eventual
liberation by Gen. George S. Patton's Third Army.
In his new French-language book, "Les Caves du Mareuil: L'histoire
d'une famille et d'un village 1939-1948" ("The Champagne Cellars
of Mareuil: The Story of a Family and a Village 1939-1948"), Pou-
lard recounts the people and day-to-day life in Mareuil during that
tumultuous period. The book, recently published in France, is both
a memoir and a thoroughly detailed history of one village's wartime
occupation as experienced by its civilians.
"These events have left indelible images on my brain, which are like
pictures or video clips that I can see again vividly when my thoughts
return to this distant past," Poulard writes in the book's preface.
In March 2011, a few days before departing for France to attend a
salon du livre, a book fair, in Paris, where he would sign copies of
"The Champagne Cellars of Mareuil," Poulard reflected on his expe-
riences researching and writing the story of his hometown.
"It had been floating in my head for years," he said. "And then, as I
say in the preface of the book, Norbert Adam, an old friend of mine I, they were utilized as military hospitals. During
from my French high school published a little book, and it's mostly World War II, the cellars became a sanctuary for
about his first memories. So, after I read the book, I said, ‘Gee, I've residents of Mareuil. Air-raid sirens would send
got first memories also, and mine are better!'
residents fleeing underground, although Poulard
recalls that the village never sustained any seri-
"As I went along writing the first few pages, I said, ‘It's got to be more ous bombing damage.
than (just first memories),'" Poulard explained. "And what it turned
out to be was a history - to be sure, quite a bit about my family - but The year 1944 brought the young Poulard's first
also very much about the village where I was born, in the middle of reliable memories.
the champagne country, and full of champagne cellars underground."
"Almost five years old, I did not really understand
Grapes grown on the region's chalky hills yield one of the finest vin-
what was going on around me," he writes. "I
tages of champagne anywhere, but Mareuil's numerous cellars at don't think that I was ever fearful when the air-
times served other purposes. Poulard recounts that, in World War raid siren howled. I only remember that I was
afraid to be in the dark or to go in the water of the Marne River, even when my
sisters held me; and I had a real phobia about spiders! The German soldiers
who were quartered across the street from my house did not scare me, and I
did not ask myself what they were doing there. The notion of enemy was still
unknown to me. I could not comprehend what war and death were at such a
young age."
The portrait Poulard paints of the German occupiers is textured and, at times,
sympathetic. He recalls how some German soldiers helped his father, Victor
• Next Generation Technology
Poulard, a veteran of World War I, move some heavy railroad ties into the
Classroom unveiled
courtyard of his home. This, Poulard explains, is one of his first very sharp
• Photo prof Greenburg documents
He also recalls his mother's simple explanation to him about human nature.
1950s ‘Rockabillies' subculture
through photography
"With the war still fresh in her mind, my mother explained an interesting fact
of life to me: ‘There are good Germans and there are bad Germans.' I nev-
er forgot the lesson given in that phrase," he writes. "My mother had made
• Chancellor's Commission,
me understand that the stereotyping of people was not intelligent. This was
Community Engagement Web site
an excellent civic lesson containing advice that I have attempted to follow
highlight community committment
throughout the rest of my life."
To capture the facts and flavor of daily life in Mareuil, Poulard interviewed a
number of the village residents about their recollections of the period before,
• Health and Wellness
during and immediately after the war. Those conversations, combined with
additional historical research, helped Poulard to reconstruct some significant
events in the village that might otherwise have been lost to history.
• Notes of Distinction
Among these was the killing of a young man who was suspected of collabo-
rating with the Germans. Poulard reveals that he was thrown into the Marne
• IU Northwest in the News
to drown with a heavy rock tied around his abdomen. Another was the death
of a German soldier who was shot by a citizen of Mareuil as he was riding
through town on a motorcycle, just one day before American forces liberated
• Upcoming Events
Faculty & Staff Updates
"There were some (in Mareuil) who made remarks like, ‘Oh, why are you
bringing back all that stuff?'" Poulard said. "Especially about the guy who was
thrown into the Marne with a big rock around his belly. Especially that one,
they were not too sure about. But I said, ‘History is history, even when it's
SEND US YOUR been blurred. You've got to try to clear it up, so to speak.'"
Poulard's pursuit of Mareuil's history also brought long-awaited answers to
Have a story idea, event or
the German family of Stefan Kückmann, the soldier who was shot while riding
announcement you'd like featured
his motorcycle and who had lain buried in Mareuil's cemetery until he was
in an upcoming issue of
exhumed and reinterred elsewhere in France in the 1950s.
With the help of a German colleague, Poulard was able to confirm Kück-
mann's identity, inspect and photograph the bloodstained papers that were
on him at the time he was killed, and recount the facts of his death to Kück-
Email [email protected] and we
mann's family, including two of his brothers.
will do our best to consider your
submission for a future edition.
"That was quite an emotional thing," Poulard said. "Ultimately, the 82-year-old
brother stood up, left the table and went into the kitchen. But he came back,
Please list Northwest News in the
and his wife told him, ‘Well, you always wanted to know what had happened.
subject line of the email.
Thanks for reading!
Poulard found an Associated Press photo of American soldiers crossing the
Marne into Mareuil via a broken bridge on Aug. 28, 1944. He purchased the
Continued on page 8


Next Generation Technology Classroom unveiled
Tech-smart room immerses students in project-based learning, enables easy retrieval of notes, lectures
As technology becomes more embed-
ded into the fabric of our daily lives,
so does the way in which we commu-
nicate, learn and engage. With this in
mind, Indiana University Northwest re-
cently transformed a classroom into a
state-of-the-art, technology-rich collab-
orative learning environment.
The room, coined the ‘Next Genera-
tion Technology Classroom,' will help
to stimulate students' learning through
a specially designed flexible learning
space and technologically advanced
The School of Education, along with
Information Technology Services, is
giving its tech-smart classroom a test
run this semester. In a pilot project led page or printer. The capture process "The Next Generation Technology
by Professor of Education Paul Blohm, does not require a computer and is a Classroom provides an opportunity for
Ph.D. and Assistant Professor of In- simple button push on a small control faculty to work with advanced, flexible
structional Technology Ju Park, Ph.D. panel.
room design and technology that sup-
the faculty is encouraged to try out the
ports student-centered learning and
tools available to aid learning. Features SmartBoard - This interactive system teacher-to-student and student-to-stu-
include video conferencing, tables that allows an instructor to directly annotate dent interaction," said Beth Van Gor-
lend themselves to collaborative work, an image projected on a special screen. don, regional campus chief information
computer stations on wheels, and spe- Annotation is possible in four colors officer at IU Northwest.
cialized audio-visual tools that make it using special pens. The projected an-
easy to record, distribute and replay notated image can be captured and To view a video about the Next Genera-
entire lessons.
stored for future use and distribution. tion Classroom, visit http://bit.ly/Next-
Additionally, the pens can substitute for GenTechClassroom.
Components of the classroom include:
the computer mouse and control the
Flexible learning spaces - The space computer directly from the screen.
For more information, or to reserve the
is an innovative project-based learning
class, contact Paul Sharpe at (219)
(PBL) area, not a lecture hall, in which Classroom capture - With Echo360 981-4218 or [email protected]. n
tables can be moved around eas- software, the instructor's voice is re-
ily, lending themselves to collaborative corded at the lectern while screen-cap-
ture software records everything on the
projection screen. They are combined
Huddle board - This is a white board into one video file, enabling the student
that can be used to compile ideas and to later access computer-aided presen-
notes at group tables and then be tations like PowerPoint along with the
snapped onto a wheeled easel that can lecture itself. These are more effective
easily be moved around the room for than reviewing static slides, and the
student can essentially attend the class
again, catching up on anything they
CopyCam - This image-capturing may have missed.
system converts the classroom white
board into a digital copy board, en- For piloting purposes, these tools are
abling instant capture of notes and conveniently located in one classroom,
images. The CopyCam is able to digi- Hawthorn Hall 329, so faculty can de-
tally capture and save an image to an cide which tools are most relevant for
instructor's portable USB drive, a Web their purposes.


Photo prof Greenburg documents 1950s ‘Rockabil ies'
Faculty member's true-to-life depiction recently published through photography
For as long as she can remember,
Greenburg asked to be invited to the
Chicago native Jennifer Greenburg
homes of the people she had become
has been collecting vintage items.
involved with over the years. When
Enthralled with the quality craftsman-
she was, she left the high-tech digi-
ship and "bold, unapologetic colors"
tal equipment at home. Needless to
of the 1950s era, she loves to scour
say, her models were quite impressed
antique marketplaces and thrift stores
when she hauled out a sturdy old tri-
for beautiful, old treasures.
pod and a vintage 4- by 5-inch camera
invented around the turn of the 20th
At first, the Indiana University North-
west Assistant Professor of Fine Arts
assumed the people who shared her
The expense of working with the vin-
hobby were merely likeminded artis-
tage camera is one reason the project
tic collectors. In getting to know them,
took more than a decade to complete.
she uncovered an entire subculture,
Each frame cost Greenburg $10 to
typically people under the age of 40,
"I was just part of this $15, and her budget only allowed for
who live every aspect of their lives as
about 12 frames at each shoot.
‘thing' (Rockabilly
if it were the 1950s. Known as "Rock-
abillies," these retro-minded folks
Greenburg confesses that while she
subculture) and I had
are estimated to number more than
is deeply connected with the culture
15,000 and live all over the U.S.
to photograph it."
and enraptured by the aesthetic of
the time, she does not live the Rocka-
Greenburg, a documentary photogra-
- Jennifer Greenburg
billy lifestyle. They are a conservative
pher and artist, felt compelled to cap-
group of people and she is anything
ture their personality and artistry, and
but that. A self-described "liberal, femi-
the bold aesthetics of their lifestyle, on photos," she says. "It's a very imperi- nist, Democrat," Greenburg says she
film and set out over a decade ago to alistic thing to do to go into a culture is outside the culture as much as she
do just that. In 2010, a colorful, glossy, and judge it and give your uninformed is in it.
coffee-table-style book, "Rockabillies," opinion about it and come out with a
featuring more than 120 people in 55 series of images. I think a lot of the Greenburg's photographs are comple-
photographs, hit booksellers world- history of photography has revolved mented by the essays of Bruce Beren
around that tradition. That is some-
thing I was not interested in continu- son, a Rockabilly disc jockey on Sirius/
"I was just part of this ‘thing' (Rocka- ing."
Continued on page 8
billy subculture) and I had to photo-
graph it," Greenburg says. "No one
would ever believe it unless I showed
it to you. I could tell you about it but
unless you really see it, you don't re-
Those unaware of the Rockabillies
might assume these works of art that
grace the pages of Greenburg's book
were artfully orchestrated and color-
coordinated with expensive props
brought in to match a 50s theme. Far
from it. The photos, Greenburg prom-
ises, are a true-to-life depiction of how
the Rockabillies really live.
"I wasn't interested in making tourist
Chancel or's Commission, new Community Engagement
Web pages highlight commitment to Northwest Indiana
Outreach efforts coincide with IU Northwest's new strategic planning process
One of IU Northwest Chancellor Wil-
liam J. Lowe's top priorities when he
arrived on campus in 2010 was to
highlight and strengthen the univer-
sity's already-robust level of engage-
ment with the people, organizations
and communities that make North-
west Indiana such a dynamic region
In an effort to further grow and nur-
ture the Northwest campus's commu-
nity partnerships, Dr. Lowe initiated
the development of a series of Web
pages focused on Community-Based
Engagement and Outreach that pro-
vide community members with ready
access to information about the pro-
grams, resources and outreach op-
portunities that IU Northwest has to
offer. The Web pages are conve-
niently located on the IU Northwest
cess called "environmental scanning"
"What I am finding is that
homepage for quick access and ref-
allows the Northwest campus to sur-
erence by the campus and the great-
people in the community
vey internal and external constituents
er community.
seem to reciprocate the
to identify the trends and issues that
may impact how those decisions are
In addition to the user-friendly and in-
idea that we have about
made. IU Northwest sent environ-
teractive Web pages, Dr. Lowe also
ourselves here at IU
mental scanning surveys to external
established the Chancellor's Com-
Northwest, that we are a
and internal audiences over the win-
mission for Community Engagement,
a group of public officials, educators, very active and integral part
business people, alumni, and other
of this community."
Dr. Lowe shared a summary of the
regional influencers who will come
scanning results with the Chancel-
together periodically to share their - Chancellor William Lowe
lor's Commission, and Assistant
insights and expectations for how IU
Vice Chancellor for Institutional Ef-
Northwest may best fulfill its mission group of 60 or so commission partici- fectiveness and Research John No-
to advance education, create oppor- pants. "And also, that as members of vak discussed the findings in some
tunities, and improve the quality of the community, we have very high ex- detail. Trends that were considered
life in the City of Gary and throughout pectations for what we can do, what particularly relevant included: afford-
Northwest Indiana. The commission's we can contribute, and the ways that ability of higher education; the contin-
first meeting took place on March 16. we can participate in the life of this ued growth of ethnic, social, cultural,
and economic diversity in the re-
"What I am finding is that people in
gion; the need to prepare tomorrow's
the community seem to reciprocate Dr. Lowe explained that 2010-11 is workforce to replace retiring baby
the idea that we have about our- a planning year at IU Northwest, a boomers; and the need to improve
selves here at IU Northwest, that we time when the university maps out educational quality while adjusting to
are a very active and integral part its future goals and priorities and its reduced funding, increased competi-
of this community," Dr. Lowe told a strategies for achieving them. A pro- tion and other factors.

Continued from previous page
After Novak's presentation, com-
mission participants held smaller
Allergic Rhinitis
discussions amongst themselves
about how IU Northwest might best
(Hay Fever)
address the regional trends illus-
trated by the survey.
Gail Zacok, IU Northwest
Health and Wellness Center
The information collected at the
Commission's first meeting was
Spring is in the air, along with those
exactly the sort of input that Chan-
pesky allergen substances that cause
sneezing fits, runny noses, and itchy
cellor Lowe said he'd hoped to
eyes. Hay fever is generally caused by
glean from the gathering.
pollens that blow in the wind. Once we
breathe them in, the pollen starts a chain
"This is my way of trying to be sure
reaction of events. This leads to swell-
that, on a pretty regular basis, I get
ing and increased blood flow in our sinus
a sense of what you (commission
passages. The end result is nasal congestion, sinus pressure, watering
members) are thinking, and the
eyes, scratchy throat, runny nose, post-nasal drainage, cough, and sneez-
many shared concerns and inter-
ests that you have here in North-
west Indiana," he told the group.
Spring is tree pollen season in the Midwest. The most typical tree offend-
"We want not only to be aware of
ers include elder, alder, birch, oak, elm, maple and hickory. Overlapping
that, but also to be a part of the ini-
with the tree season is the season for grasses, which start to pollinate
in the summer. Examples of these are Bermuda, timothy, fescue, and
tiatives and activities that are tak-
orchard grass. Weeds that pollinate in the fall include pigweed, Russian
thistle, and lamb's quarter weed. The most prevalent weed, though, is
During the Commission gathering,
Dr. Lowe presented the universi-
Since hay fever usually follows a seasonal pattern, identifying your "bad"
ty's Community Engagement Web
seasons will help play a part in the prevention of symptoms that can lead
to illnesses, such as sinus infections, ear infections and bronchitis.
"The Community Engagement
There are several types of medication that help block the body's reaction
Web pages are a collaborative ef-
to allergens. The most widely used class of drug for allergies is anti-his-
fort and I encourage our current
tamines. These work by blocking the release of histamine, which causes
and potential community partners
many of the allergy-related symptoms. Over-the-counter (OTC) examples
of anti-histamines include loratadine (Claritin, Alavert), cetirizine (Zyrtec),
to review this information and share
fexofenadine (Allegra), chlorpheniramine (Chlor-Trimeton), and diphen-
it with other regional businesses or
hydramine (Benadryl). Anti-histamine eye drops help with itchy, watery
organizations that may be interest-
ed in developing a partnership with
Indiana University Northwest," the
Another excellent option is steroid nasal sprays. The steroid is locally ab-
Chancellor said.
sorbed into the sinus tissue which decreases swelling and cuts down on
mucus. It is not like taking steroid pills, which are absorbed through the
The Community Engagement Web
intestines. Singular, an allergy pill that works differently than an antihista-
pages are continuously evolving,
mine, is also available. Both of these require a prescription.
with new projects and information
included on the site as they be-
Pill and nose spray decongestants (pseudoephedrine, phenylephrine) will
come available. Anyone with ques-
help with symptom relief but should be used with caution. The pill form is
not recommended for persons with high blood pressure as it can cause
tions or comments about the Web
the heart to work harder (stimulant effect). Nasal decongestants like Afrin
pages may send an email to mar-
should only be used in the short term.
[email protected]. Please list "Com-
munity Engagement Web Pages"
If your experience with these types of symptoms is interfering with your
in the subject line of the email. n
daily routine, please follow up with your primary care provider. Together,
you can find a solution for symptom relief and illness prevention. n

• Ken Schoon, Ph.D., Professor of Education, for his book project
• entitled, "Dreams of Duneland"
Student Success Grant
• Michael LaPointe, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology, for
• his project entitled, "Improved Anatomy and Physiology
• Student Learning with the use of lecture rebroadcasts via • •
• ONCOURSE Podcasts"
2011 Summer Faculty Fellowship Recipients:
• Olatunde Abiona, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Computer
• Information Systems
• Nicole Anslover, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History
• Peter Avis, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology
• Anne Balay, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English
• Jonathyne Briggs, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History
• Frances Daniel, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology
• Jennifer Greenburg, M.F.A., Assistant Professor of Fine Arts
Bala Arshanapalli, Ph.D.
• Andrea Griffin, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Business
Arshanapalli Joins the Office of Academic Affairs
• Brian O'Camb, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English
Bala Arshanapalli, Ph.D., has joined the Office of Academic Affairs
• Harold Olivey, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology
for the spring and summer of 2011 as the Online Faculty Fellow.
• Axel Schulze-Halberg, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Arshanapalli, a Kenneth and Marjorie Gallagher-Mills
Endowed Chair in the School of Business and Economics,
has considerable expertise and commitment to online learning
• Andrea Tamburro, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Social Work
• Jie Wang, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Computer • Information Systems
He will be working with his IU Northwest colleagues in all schools
and colleges to revise the online learning strategic plan and en-
• Xiaofeng Wang, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics
hance training opportunities and other new and ongoing projects
related to online learning.
• Chris Young, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History
2011 IU Northwest Regional Research Grant Recipients:
2010-11 Academic Year Grants-in-Aid
Project Initiation Grants
for Research Recipients:
• Harold Olivey, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology, for his
• Anne Balay, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English
• project entitled FOG-2 Regulation of MiRNAs in the
• developing heart
• Frances Daniel, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology
• Marie Eisenstein, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Political Science
• Neil Goodman, M.F.A., Professor of Fine Arts, for his
sculpture project
• Jennifer Greenburg, M.F.A., Assistant Professor of Fine Arts
• Kevin McElmurry, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Sociology
• Raj Selladurai, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Business, for his
project entitled, "Entrepreneurial Orientation: Comparisons of
• Eva Mendieta, Ph.D., Professor of Modern Languages
• International Perceptions"
• Ju Park, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Education
Research Support Grants
• Michelle Stokely, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Anthropology
• Subir Bandyopadhyay, Ph.D., Professor of Business, for his
• project entitled, "Branding Non-profits thru Social Media Based
• Derek Walter, M.F.A., Assistant Professor of Fine Arts
• Communication"
• Jie Wang, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Computer Information
Recommendation to shrinking cities: Think small
News Article: http://bit.ly/IUNMarch3
Indiana University Northwest's name appears in the
news on a daily basis. Below is a recap of some of those
Morgan Stanley VC to speak at annual IUN event
news stories referencing IU Northwest faculty, staff,
Northwest Indiana Times
students, and academic programs.
News Article: http://bit.ly/IUNMarch4
Sole senior from IUN's dark days, helps RedHawks
Mandatory overtime not an issue for Northwest
return to national tourney
Indiana nurses, officials say
Northwest Indiana Times
Northwest Indiana Times
News Article: http://bit.ly/IUNMarch1
News Article: http://bit.ly/IUNMarch5
Group to Unveil Plan to Prevent Child Abuse
Business education evolves with new technology
Northwest Indiana Times
Northwest Indiana Times
News Article: http://bit.ly/IUNMarch2
News Article: http://bit.ly/IUNMarch6
Continued from page 2
Continued from page 4
image for inclusion in "The Champagne Cellars of Ma-
XM Radio, whom Greenburg sought out for his vast
reuil." As for his own memory of that day, the author offers
knowledge of Rockabilly music, and of Audrey Mi-
a simple recollection.
chelle Mast, who manages the collections at The Mu-
seum of Contemporary Photography, where Green-
"I see myself holding my mother's hand on the narrow
burg's work is displayed.
sidewalk close to the Philipponnat cellars, watching Ameri-
can infantrymen marching down the rue du Pont, one col-
"Rockabillies" is published by The Center for Ameri-
umn on each side of the street, their rifles slung over one
can Places at Columbia College, Chicago, and dis-
shoulder," he writes.
tributed by The University of Chicago Press. It is avail-
able worldwide at booksellers everywhere, including
Poulard said he was delighted to find a French publisher
Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Borders, and most
for "The Champagne Cellars of Mareuil" and to share the
museum gift shops.
story with his many family and friends in France. Last Oc-
tober, the professor was the guest of honor at a book fair
Greenburg's next photographic endeavor is one she
Poulard has completed his book's English translation and
"It is about people who find their happiness through
is currently looking for an English-language publisher. The
extreme individuality," she says. "People that can-
longtime IU Northwest faculty member expressed satisfac-
not be described in words because they are one of
tion with how his very personal book project turned out; his
only regret, Poulard admitted, was not having begun "The
Champagne Cellars of Mareuil" earlier.
Greenburg joined the IU Northwest faculty in Septem-
ber 2010 and teaches digital photography and basic
"I did a lot of interviewing, people I knew by name but had
printmaking. Previously, she taught at Columbia Col-
never met," he said. "I got in touch with this old doctor. I
lege, Loyola University and Harold Washington Col-
called him from America and interviewed him by phone,
and I finally met him one summer when I went back. But
he died recently. Several of those guys who gave me good
Greenburg earned her master's degree in fine arts
testimony are now dead. That's too bad. Sometimes I re-
from The University of Chicago and her bachelor's de-
ally wish I'd gotten started sooner on this." n
gree from The School of the Art Institute in Chicago. n
April 5-7:
April 16:
11 a.m., Savannah Lobby and Moraine Student Center
9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Moraine Student Center
The Muslim Student Association invites the campus com-
Student projects from the Afro-Academic, Cultural,
munity to learn about Islam and experience Muslim cul-
Technological and Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO) will
ture with food, music, education and more throughout all
be on display.
April 19:
9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Dunes Medical/Professional
11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Moraine Student Center
The alumni associations will schedule appointments for
Enjoy some refreshments while learning more about the
its April 13 blood drive.
healthcare services available on campus to students,
staff and faculty.
April 7, 12, 19:
9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Savannah Gymnasium
Area employers will be on hand to provide information,
7 p.m., Library Conference Center (105ABC)
take applications and interview candidates. Participants
Local speakers to discuss becoming a special agent,
should bring resumes and dress professionally for this
health disparities and environmental issues in recognition
of Public Affairs Month.
April 21:
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Savannah Lobby
11 a.m. Radisson Hotel Star Plaza, Merrillville, IN
Lunch is on the Wellness Team with a $1 donation. Diners
Morgan Stanley vice chairman and IU Trustee Bill Strong
must show a campus ID in order to enjoy the salad bar.
headlines this School of Business and Economics event.
Tickets are $40 or $350 per table. RSVPs required.
April 9-10:
April 26:
2:30 p.m., Bergland Auditorium
Theatre Northwest will present a children's production of
the Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale in which a prince
2:30 p.m., Bergland Auditorium
finds his princess in a peculiar way. Open to the public
With the objective of identifying sensitive topics for pro-
and campus community; tickets are $10.
vocative and intelligent discussion, a diverse group of
panelists will lead a discussion about the connotations of
April 13:
the word "diversity.
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Moraine Student Center
April 29:
The American Red Cross is reporting a significant short-
age. The alumni associations are urging participation
8 a.m., Bergland Auditorium, Savannah Center
to help restock. Appointments are being taken at www.
Community leaders, child advocates and concerned
citizens to gather for forum featuring speakers and
breakout sessions on important topics in child abuse
and neglect prevention. Online registration is required.
Please welcome the following individuals who recently joined the IU Northwest campus:
• Naja Davis, Senior Secretary (School of Public & Environmental Affairs)• Tuesdai Stout, Custodial Worker (Physical Plant)• Dorian Wilson, Custodial Worker (Physical Plant)
Source: http://iun.edu/news/northwest-news/docs/2011/nw-news-april-2011-final.pdf
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REDAKTION BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG E. V. www.pferdesport-bw.de Pressereferent Martin Stellberger Mühlbachweg 33, 88250 Weingarten Telefon 0751-59353 e-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.Stellberger.de 01. Mai 2013 PRESSEDIENST Pferdesportverband Baden-Württemberg e.V. Murrstraße 1, 70806 Kornwestheim