
19:30 – 22:00
Hazon Food Tour Begins
8:00 – 22:00
Treasures of the Galilee Day Trip
8:00 – 22:00
Hazon Food Tour Part 2
8:15 – 22:00
Encounter Pre-conference Program
King Solomon Grill (Lower Level)
8:30 – 17:30
Disability and Inclusion in Israel Site Visit Tour
Olive/Palm/Sycamore Room (Main Level)
14:00 – 17:00
Conference Registration Open
Hilton Lobby
8:00 – 17:00
Conference Registration Open
Overnight – 13:00
Encounter Pre-Conference Program
8:00 – 14:00
Hazon Food Tour Part 3
9:00 – 16:00
Impact Investing Conference:
Carlton Hotel, 10 Eliezer Peri Street
Doing Good While Doing Well
9:00 – 16:00
Educational Technology Funding Convening
Google Tel Aviv, 98 Yigal Alon Street
9:00 – 13:00
Global Giving Circle Convening
King Solomon C (Lower Level)
10:00 – 12:30
52 Frames Photowalk
Tel Aviv Central Bus Station
10:00 – 12:45
Breaking Out of the Bubbles
Olive/Palm/Sycamore (Main Level)
13:00 – 14:00
Hosted Lunch: Start-Up Nation Central:
King Solomon A/B (Lower Level)
High Tech Solutions to Global Problems
14:00 – 15:15
The Next Big Thing
Pomegranate Room (Main Level)
14:00 – 17:00
Global Jewish Service and International
Café Med (Lower Level)
15:30 – 16:30
First-Timers Welcome Reception
Olive/Palm/Sycamore Room (Main Level)
17:00 – 18:00
King Solomon Rooms (Lower Level)
19:30 – 22:00
Opening Networking Event
Tel Aviv Museum of Art
7:30 – 18:00
Conference Registration Open
8:30 – 18:00
Start-Up Nation Central Lounge Open
Ballroom Foyer
8:30 – 9:45
Ballroom A (Main Level)
1. Programs in Translation
Pomegranate (Main Level)
2. Nuts and Bolts of Giving in Israel
Olive/Palm/Sycamore (Main Level)
3. Giving Circles Go Global
King Solomon A (Lower Level)
4. Jewish Farming
King Solomon C (Lower Level)
5. Israel Experience Trips
10:00 – 11:00
Opening Plenary Session
Ballroom B/C (Main Level)
11:00 – 11:30
Start-Up Nation Central Lounge
11:30 – 12:45
King Solomon A (Lower Level)
1. Ethiopians in Israel
Olive/Palm/Sycamore (Main Level)
2. Syrian Refugee Crisis
King Solomon C (Lower Level)
3. Foundation Professionals Networking Seminar
Pomegranate (Lower Level)
4. Engaging the Baby Boom Generation
Ballroom A (Main Level)
5. Museums and Civic Institutions
12:45 – 14:15
Lunch & JFN President's Address
14:30 – 16:00
Ballroom A (Main Level)
1. Tools of Multigenerational Giving
Olive/Palm/Sycamore (Lower Level
2. Leadership Lessons
King Solomon C (Lower Level)
3. Jewish-Arab Relations in Israel
King Solomon A (Lower Level)
4. The Crowding Out Effect
King Solomon B (Lower Level)
5. Global Challenges, Local Responses
16:00 – 16:30
Start-Up Nation Central Lounge
16:00 – 16:30
PRI Community of Learning Meeting
Arava Room (Mezzanine Level)
16:30 – 17:45
Ballroom A (Main Level)
1. Philanthropy in the 21st Century
Ballroom B/C (Main Level)
King Solomon C (Lower Level)
3. Putting Talent at the Center
18:15 – 21:30
Home Hospitality Dinners
Dinner On Your Own
7:00 – 9:30
Conference Registration Open
8:00 – 9:00
Bus Loading for Site Visits
(See page 30 for individual tour departure times)
Site Visit Tours
8:00 – 12:30
Conference Registration Open
7:30 - 8:45
Strengthening the Cohesion of Israeli Society
King Solomon Grill (Lower Level)
8:00 – 9:00
Greenbook Salon: Environment in Israel
Arava Room (Mezzanine Level)
8:30 – 16:00
Start-Up Nation Central Lounge Open
Ballroom Foyer
9:00 – 10:30
King Solomon A/B (Lower Level)
1. Israel's Workforce Challenges
Olive/Palm/Sycamore (Main Level)
2. Young Adults At-Risk
King Solomon C (Lower Level)
3. Israel Advocacy Seminar (Part 1)
Pomegranate (Main Level)
4. Philanthropy and the City
10:30 – 11:00
Start-Up Nation Central Lounge
10:40 – 11:00
Vertigo Dance Company
Ballroom A (Main Level)
11:00 – 12:15
King Solomon A (Lower Level)
1. Technology and the Social Sector
Pomegranate (Main Level)
2. Exploring Opportunities in Africa
King Solomon C (Lower Level)
3. Israel Advocacy Seminar (Part 2)
King Solomon B (Lower Level)
4. Renewing Jewish Identity in Israel
Olive/Palm/Sycamore (Main Level)
5. Cross-Sector Partnerships
12:30 – 14:45
Lunch and Closing Plenary
15:00 – 17:00
JFN Board Meeting
King Solomon C (Lower Level)
15:00 – 17:00
TOM Closing Ceremony and Awards
Ballroom A (Main Level)
15:00 – 18:00
The Power of Collaborative Relationships
Olive/Palm/Sycamore (Main Level)
17:00 - 18:15
Making a Real Difference
King Solomon B (Lower Level)
Saturday, March 14
19:30 – 22:00
Hazon Food Tour Part 1
Meet in Hilton lobby
"Fresh Israel": Touring Israel Through Its Evolving Food Scene
Produced by Hazon and the Heschel Sustainability Center Sponsored by Leichtag Foundation
Join us for an action-packed (and well-fed) Israel Food Tour, led by the Heschel Center's Dr. Jeremy Benstein and Hazon's Nigel Savage, staffed by Limor Friedman & Gabi Scher.
Pre-registration and additional fee required. If you did not register before arriving to the conference, please inquire at the JFN Help Desk if any space is available.
Sunday, March 15
8:00 – 22:00
Treasures of the Galilee Day Tour
Meet in Hilton lobby
Hosted by Raya Strauss Bendror
Experience a full day of indoor and outdoor activities in the Western Galilee, one of the most fascinating regions in the world. The Galilee, called ‘The Tuscany of Israel', is a microcosm of the country, including millennia of history, astonishing sites and exciting laboratories of social innovation. It also offers a window to how Israel deals with many of its structural challenges: relations between different ethnic and religious groups, protection of the environment and economic development.
Including a jeep tour, a visit to the international dance village, and breakfast at a remarkable coffee shop/community center/arts workshop space for people with disabilities, this is an unforgettable day in a very special place.
Pre-registration and additional fee required. If you did not register before arriving to the conference, please inquire at the JFN Help Desk if any space is available.
8:00 – 22:00
Hazon Food Tour Part 2
Meet in Hilton Lobby
"Fresh Israel": Touring Israel Through Its Evolving Food Scene
Produced by Hazon and the Heschel Sustainability Center
Sponsored by Leichtag Foundation
See description abovePre-registration and additional fee required. If you did not register before arriving to the conference, please inquire at the JFN Help Desk if any space is available.
8:15 – 22:00
Encounter: A Day of Listening and Learning
Meet in King Solomon
in the Bethlehem Area
Grill (Lower Level)
Hosted by Oreg Foundation, Lear Family Foundation,
and one anonymous donor
Join Encounter for a rare opportunity to spend the day in the Bethlehem area exploring often-unheard perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Encounter has brought over 2,000 Jewish leaders from across our community's political spectrum—including top supporters of AIPAC and J Street, Americans Friends of Likud and Americans for Peace Now—and rabbis of every major denomination to travel and hear firsthand what those on the "other side" are saying and feeling about this enduring conflict. This trip explores what funders can do to transform the reality on the ground. The trip will be held in Areas B/C of the West Bank, to which citizens of all countries, including Israel, are able to travel.
Pre-registration and additional fee required.
8:30 – 17:30
Disability and Inclusion in Israel Site Visit Tour
Meet in Olive/Palm/ Sycamore Room (Main Level)
Join funders from the JFN peer network for funders of disabilities and special needs for an inspiring, educational, and exciting day visiting programs showing Israel's best practices of inclusion of people with disabilities. Whether you are just learning how to be more inclusive in your funding or are experienced in funding inclusive programs, this day will offer new and exciting ideas for you.
The tour will:• Explore early intervention programs for children with autism• Meet a doctor doing leading research in autism• Visit a private company that elected to hire a significant number of employees with disabilities
as a business decision
• See a program of healthy relationship building and training for people with disabilities• Visit an inclusive university program• Meet with several high-tech companies building products for people with disabilities
Pre-registration and additional fee required.
14:00 – 17:00
Conference Registration Open
Monday, March 16
8:00 – 17:00
Conference Registration Open
Overnight – 13:00
Encounter: A Day of Learning and
Listening in the Bethlehem Area
Hosted by Oreg Foundation, Lear Family
Foundation, and one anonymous donor
See description above.
8:00 – 14:00
Hazon Food Tour Part 3
Meet in Hilton Lobby
"Fresh Israel": Touring Israel Through Its
Evolving Food Scene
Produced by Hazon and the Heschel Sustainability Center
Sponsored by Leichtag Foundation
See description above.
Pre-registration and additional fee required. If you did not register before arriving to the conference, please inquire at the JFN Help Desk if any space is available.
9:00 – 16:00
Impact Investing Conference:
Doing Good While Doing Well
10 Eliezer Peri Street
Hosted by Impact Investing Israel
Note: The Carlton is a five-minute walk from the Hilton. Turn right outside the Hilton's front door and walk along the park or Eliezer Peri Boulevard. The Carlton is the next hotel down the beach.
Impact investing is a growing global market that creates opportunities for investors to make significant positive social and environmental changes while generating financial returns and profits. Over the last few years, Israel, the innovative start-up nation, has developed a fertile sector of business enterprises aimed at social and environmental solutions. This growing field can provide the global arena a variety of business opportunities, and offer the investment and philanthropic communities the potential to tap into the rapidly growing exciting investing ecosystem.
This daylong event explores Israel's unique, innovative approach towards environmental and social challenges. You'll obtain exclusive access to the latest case studies, research, global trends, investment strategies, international standards, ground-breaking innovation, and promising entrepreneurs who have proven that doing good and doing well can be integrated successfully.
Speakers include World Economic Forum's head of impact investing initiatives Abigail Noble, and investors Sir Ronald Cohen, Chemi Peres, Eytan Stibbe and Danny Almagor.
Additional fee required. Walk-up registration is available at the Carlton Hotel, next door to the Hilton.
9:00 – 16:00
Educational Technology Funding Convening
Google Tel Aviv, 98 Yigal Alon Street
Note: Meet at the Hilton entrance for transport to Google campus.
Technology offers new and exciting opportunities for the field of Jewish education. Funders interested in applying technology for Jewish education won't want to miss this fast-paced, exciting, interactive day on the campus of Google Tel Aviv. Experts in the secular ed-tech field, the Jewish ed-tech field, and leading funders will discuss the ways to bridge the gap between secular and Jewish ed-tech, and the role funders can play. The program will include experiential learning, discussion groups, and meetings with leaders in the field.
Pre-registration and additional fee required. If you did not register in advance, please inquire at the JFN Help Desk if space is available.
9:00 – 13:00
Give Better, Give Together:
A Global Giving Circle Convening
Hosted by Amplifier: The Jewish Giving Circle Movement
Giving circles, hailed as the "new face of collective giving," have enormous potential to enrich and transform philanthropy. This interactive, engaging, and inspiring half-day convening will connect members and supporters of giving circles from across North America, Israel, Europe and Australia, and beyond. The program is ideal for leaders, members, and funders of giving circles, venture funds, women's funds, teen foundations, and youth philanthropy programs from all over the world. Amplifier: The Jewish Giving Circle Movement is a new global initiative that catalyzes, counsels and connects giving circles—inspired by Jewish values. Powered by Natan, Amplifier's goal is to strengthen and expand the universe of Jewish giving circles, creating a pipeline for collaborative giving that stretches across all age demographics.
Pre-registration and additional fee required. If you did not register in advance, please inquire at the JFN Help Desk if space is available.
10:00 – 12:30
52 Frames Photowalk: Tel Aviv Central Bus Station
Meet at the Hilton entrance for transport to the station.
Take a walking and photograph tour with fellow JFN attendees through one of Tel Aviv's most unusual locations: the New Central Bus Station. Although reviled by the many thousands of visitors it receives each day, the seven-story station holds secrets and mysteries known only to a few, some of which are completely off-limits to the public. Guided by a member of the international photography community 52 Frames, an expert in the city and station's history will provide an exclusive peek into how the "Brutalist"-era bus station came to be, and the hidden worlds it contains. With exclusive permits from the operators of the bus station, we'll unlock a complex underground labyrinth, including a nuclear bomb shelter, a long-abandoned movie theater, and even glimpse an entire bat-cave ecosystem.
The tour will be geared towards those with an interest in photography but is open to anyone curious about the underside of an infamous Tel Aviv institution. Family members traveling with you are welcome to participate.
Pre-registration is required. If you did not register in advance, please inquire at the JFN Help Desk if there is space available.
10:00 - 12:45
Breaking Out of the Bubbles: Building a New Social
Partnership Across Israel's Communities
Hosted by Nathan Cummings Foundation
Israel often appears to be a society in crisis in which each group plays a zero-sum game that
threatens the possibility of a common future. Over the past three years, Shaharit has developed
an alternative that unites members of the very sociological "bubbles" that tear Israel apart. A
moment before Israelis head to the polls, join Dr. Eilon Schwartz of Shaharit and Israeli and US-
based funders for an intimate encounter with these new heralds of social change. The morning
begins with TED-style talks from Nazier Magally, an Arab journalist, and Estee Rieder-Indursky,
a haredi journalist and feminist, among others, whose perspectives pierce these bubbles. Then,
in small groups, we will engage with powerful alternative frameworks and will conclude with
participants from "120," Shaharit's groundbreaking leadership program.
13:00 – 14:00
Hosted Lunch: Start-Up Nation Central:
King Solomon A/B
High Tech Solutions to Global Problems
Hosted by the Paul E. Singer Foundation
Join the Paul E. Singer Foundation for lunch and discussion of cyber terrorism and how to defend against it–something that is top of mind for every individual, company, nonprofit, and government.
Dan Senor, author of Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle and a trustee of the
Paul E. Singer Foundation, moderates the discussion with Nadav Zafrir, one of Israel's world-class
entrepreneurs in the cyber security sector. He is the founder of the IDF Cyber Command and co-
founder of Team8, an Israeli platform building cyber security startups.
Pre-registration is required. If you did not register in advance, please inquire at the JFN Help Desk if there is space available.
14:00 – 15:15
The Next Big Thing: Getting the Positive Change
You Really Want In Your Philanthropy
(Main Level)
Hosted by Mizrahi Family Charitable Fund
Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi presents a case study of the organization RespectAbilityUSA's work in
taking a funding issue and driving positive change through political and social intervention.
Participants will learn how to create and use a performance-based "theory of change."
Speakers will also highlight how to quickly move an agenda, despite partisan gridlock, with
governors, future presidential candidates, the White House, Congress, and Jewish institutions,
leaders and activists alike.
14:00 – 17:00
Expanding the New Frontier:
Global Jewish Service and International Development
Hosted by Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation,
Pears Foundation, and Alliance for Global Good
Global citizens changing the world. Jews across the world are volunteering and sharing expertise in the developing world, living out their Jewish values, addressing global challenges, and making the world a better place. Together we can expand our impact. In collaboration with our partners in the field, please join us as we launch an exciting new initiative. Together, we will build on and strengthen the growing fields of global Jewish service, international development.
Be inspired. The initiative's new executive director, Dyonna Ginsburg, moderates an interactive
discussion with Tel Aviv University Pears Program for Global Innovation's Aliza Inbal, Liquidnet's
Seth Merrin, American Jewish World Service's Ruth Messinger, Tevel B'Tzedek's Micha
Odenheimer. These experts will share their experiences and help us explore ways to expand
Jewish engagement in addressing today's most pressing global issues. Recognized leaders
and participants from pioneering organizations and programs already working in the field will
facilitate roundtable discussions around the vision and opportunities of this new initiative. British
Ambassador to Israel His Excellency Matthew Gould CMG MBE will bring greetings, and we will
honor Anne Heyman (z"l) for her pioneering work in Rwanda and beyond.
Attendees will also receive a copy of Global Citizens Changing the World: An Overview of Jewish organizations in the Fields of Volunteering, International Development, and Advocacy.
Conference Program Begins
Monday, March 16
15:30 – 16:30
First-Timers Welcome Reception
Olive/Palm/Sycamore (Main Level)
First-time attendees of the conference are encouraged to attend this light reception to meet members of the JFN Welcoming Team, JFN leadership and other veterans, and learn how to maximize their experience over the next few days. Facilitated by Elyssa Moss Rabinowitz.
17:00 – 18:00
King Solomon Rooms
Hosted by Harold Grinspoon Foundation, Leichtag
Foundation and Jewish Leadership Pipelines Alliance
Start your conference experience with a glass of wine and some special delicacies in this reception hosted by three JFN members. Moving from room to room, you'll hear about some fascinating developments in the Jewish world via the following brief programs:
• One people, four languages, twelve million Jewish stories and counting: Join the Harold
Grinspoon Foundation to celebrate a new canon of Jewish children's literature across languages and countries, weaving together a diverse Jewish world through shared stories and values. Hear from Yael Molchadsky, a Russian Jewish immigrant rose to become a prominent children's book editor for a leading Israeli publisher. Through her own story, Yael speaks to the ways PJ Library is impacting the world of Jewish literature globally.
• Celebrate Jerusalem with the Leichtag Foundation! Thanks to a new cadre of funders, the
eternal capital of the Jewish People is tackling its many challenges while striving to create a vibrant life for all its inhabitants. All funders of programs in Jerusalem, participants in the Jerusalem Renewal Matching Grant Initiative and any who have an interest in the vitality and growth of the city are encouraged to join us and lift a glass.
• Solve the leadership puzzle. People are the most valuable asset of every organization. Yet,
most Jewish organizations are not successfully recruiting, developing and retaining top talent.
Changing this reality is a pressing need and a complex puzzle. Join the Jewish Leadership
Pipelines Alliance to learn about how we can work together to make strides on this issue. And
while you're enjoying a cocktail, solve some real puzzles on display from an Israeli entrepreneur
and artist.
19:30 – 22:00
Opening Networking Event
Tel Aviv Museum of Art
Amazing food, inspiring performances, meeting new and old friends, great art and a few surprises await you as we formally kick off the JFN conference in Israel's world-class art museum.
Tonight's event includes a special appearance by the Voca People.
Buses depart Hilton beginning at 19:00.
Tuesday, March 17
7:30 – 18:00
Conference Registration Open
8:30 – 18:00
Start-Up Nation Central Lounge Open
Join the Paul E. Singer Foundation and Start-Up Nation Central for cool drinks, coffee, snacks and conversation at the Start-Up Nation Central Lounge in the ballroom foyer. The private lounge for JFN attendees is configured to provide areas for quiet meetings as well as more lively conversation.
Start-Up Nation Central is an NGO based in Israel dedicated to amplifying Israel's leadership role in global innovation.
8:30 – 9:45
Ballroom A (Main Level) 1. Programs in Translation:
Adapting Ideas Across Borders and Cultures
Expanding a program's reach is a desirable but rarely simple goal, as growth brings with it additional needs in program design, staffing, management, and resource requirements. As audiences for strong Jewish programs exist across the globe, what elements of a program require adaptation as they cross borders and cultures, or find new markets at home? This session looks at how several funders successfully shepherded US-based programs to Israel and beyond, altering them as needed to suit different populations and contexts, while still retaining their own identity. The panel details their stories and discusses the hidden assumptions that need to be discovered and addressed when looking to have a global impact.
Don Futterman, Program Director, Israel, Moriah Fund
Boaz Raam
Tamar Remz, Director of Partnerships, Harold Grinspoon Foundation
Caren Yanis, President, Crown Family Philanthropies
2. The Nuts and Bolts of Giving in Israel
First-time funders in Israel — and even some with years of experience — may be perplexed by the terms and regulations that giving in Israel entails. This session is designed to help funders who wish to explore hands-on giving in Israel learn the basics of doing safe and strategic giving from overseas, and to encourage dialogue with local and international funders. You'll learn what "amutah", "46a" and "nihul takin" mean, how to vet potential Israeli grantees, how to give more effectively in Israel, and how to comply with IRS regulations for overseas donations.
Ofir Angel, Managing Partner, Angel & Angel CPA
Igal Jusidman, Director, Keren Daniel
Jonathan Shiff, Managing Partner, Reshef and Shiff, Associates
Offi Zisser, CEO, Azrieli Foundation
3. Giving Circles Go Global:
How Giving Circles Can Transform Philanthropy
Giving circles offer a unique ability to draw people into the art and practice of philanthropy,
often for the first time. By leveraging an individual's giving, tapping into the wisdom of the
group, and finding grant recipients through a proactive and strategic approach, giving circles are
powerful and attractive vehicles for empowering philanthropists of all ages and levels of giving.
This session explores how donors and foundations can support, create, and strengthen giving
circles to draw more donors and dollars into philanthropy inspired by Jewish values. Participants
will learn from experienced funders around the world who are currently supporting giving
circles in different ways, who will talk about the potential and the challenges of this innovative
philanthropic model.
Sandy Cardin, President, Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation
Felicia Herman, Executive Director, Natan Fund
Laura Lauder, San Francisco Jewish Teen Foundations/Jewish Teen Funders Network
Tracie Olcha, CEO, Australian Jewish Funders
Ilia Salita, CEO, Genesis Philanthropy Group
4. Jewish Farming: Planting the Seeds of Change
The agricultural cycle is woven into our calendar, our oldest traditions and our laws. For thousands of years, farming has had a role in our communities, and now, a number of popular funding interests, including next-gen Jewish engagement, education, health, sustainability and even supporting at-risk youth, come together on the farm. This session explores how this growing movement—how and where food is grown and how it moves from farm to table—offers a lens for funders to meet a wide variety of philanthropic goals, and express their values in both traditional and cutting-edge ways.
This session is introduced by Tzruya Chebach, co-author of JFN's new Greenbook on funding environmental causes in Israel.
Scott Berrie, Vice President, Russell Berrie Foundation
Daron "Farmer D" Jofee, Director of Agricultural Innovation, Leichtag Foundation
Jakir Manela, Executive Director, Pearlstone Center
Yoni Yefet Reich, Founding Director, Kaima Farm
Becca Weaver, Farm and Sustainability Director, Boulder Jewish Community Center
Charlene Seidle, CEO, Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego
5. Reimagining the Israel Experience Trip
Birthright's enormous success in building connections to Israel for young adults has spawned numerous new trips to build engagement for other groups of people. By increasing the relevance for participants through highlighting a variety of interests and forging authentic person-to-person connections, these trips have brought bloggers, artists, business leaders, married couples and more for an unforgettable experience. The results are positive in both the advocacy and Jewish identity development spheres. This panel looks at the elements that make for successful programs and the challenges along the way.
Joanna Landau, Founder and CEO, Vibe Israel
Rafi Musher, Chair, Israel & Co.
Zohar Raviv, International Vice President of Education, Taglit-Birthright Israel
Cindy Shapira, Vice President, David S. and Karen A. Shapira Foundation
David Shapira, President, David S. and Karen A. Shapira Foundation
Mike Wise, Co-CEO, Honeymoon Israel
10:00 – 11:00
Opening Plenary Session
Ballroom B/C (Main Level)
Judith Yovel Recanati, Chair, Gandyr Foundation
Georgette Bennett, Polonsky Foundation (UK)
Conference Co-Chairs
Jeremy Heimans
Jeremy Heimans co-founded and leads Purpose, a home for building 21st-century movements and ventures that use the power of participation to change the world. Since its launch in 2009, Purpose has built the world's first open-source global activism platform and advised institutions including the Gates Foundation and Google. He received the Ford Foundation's 75th Anniversary Visionary Award for his work as a movement pioneer and the World Economic Forum named him a Young Global Leader.
Along with Henry Timms, Jeremy co-created a new framework—"new power"—to explain the rapidly shifting power dynamics in the world today and the rise of new, participatory, grassroots or peer-driven models across the sectors. The opportunities that "new power" offers for those seeking to create systemic change or advance specific issues are enormous. However, most organizations are not fully utilizing the potential of this new dynamics. How can we create new participatory movements? How can we harness the power that an interconnected network of peers has to transform communities? How can we integrate social media and other tools in a systemic approach aimed at changing perceptions and realities? What is the promise—and the challenge—that "New Power" presents to philanthropists? How can emerging start-ups and legacy organizations thrive in the new reality?
11:00 – 11:30
Start-Up Nation Central Lounge (Ballroom Foyer)
Enjoy snacks and drinks in the Start-Up Nation Central Lounge, hosted by the Paul E. Singer Foundation.
11:30 – 12:45
1. Ethiopians in Israel: 25 Years Later
Explore the challenges and opportunities facing the Ethiopian community, almost 25 years after Operation Solomon. Speakers will look at key points to social mobility that occur over the lifecycle: literacy in grade school, IDF service, academic opportunities, and employment. Beyond numbers and statistics speakers will address issues relating to segregation, racism and separateness from broader Israeli society as major issues affecting inclusion and participation in Israel.
Sigal Kanotopsky, CEO, Olim Beyahad
Marc Polonsky, Polonsky Foundation (UK)
Mary Ann Stein, Moriah Fund
Miki Nevo, Senior Vice President, Research & Development, Rashi Foundation
2. The Syrian Refugee Crisis and Israeli Humanitarian Aid
Syria has for several years suffered a devastating civil war that has left over a third of its populace
displaced. More than a million refugees have fled to Jordan and another two million are now in
Lebanon and Turkey. The Jewish imperative calls us to act in the face of human suffering, and Israel
has embarked on number of above- and below-the-radar efforts to provide humanitarian aid. The
panel includes a Syrian refugee activist, in Israel to discuss his experiences; and others involved in
both the aid work and the opportunities it creates for Track II (citizen) diplomatic efforts.
Amin Ahmed, Activist and Syrian Refugee
Georgette Bennett, Polonsky Foundation (UK)
Yossi Kuperwasser
Gal Lusky, Founder, Israel Flying Aid
3. Foundation Professionals Networking Seminar
In a special program exclusively for foundation professionals, Israeli and overseas colleagues will come together for some structured networking. With a light-hearted but substantive approach, participants will get to know each other better with provocative and pithy questions that help us explore the cultural gaps. With laughter, we'll gain insight to deepen our understanding of each other's work styles, and the cross-cultural challenges in our communications techniques and other pitfalls to working together effectively.
No'a Gorlin, Associate Executive Director, ROI Community
Benji Lovitt, Comedian and Educator
4. Engaging the Baby Boom Generation
The Baby Boom generation is faced with unprecedented challenges and opportunities as they
near the end of their midlife careers, come home to empty nests, and try to figure out their path
forward. While traditional "golden age" retirement might appeal to some, many are looking for
new ideas, resources and opportunities to grow. This cohort has much to offer Jewish communal
life, and as such presents many interesting opportunities for Jewish funders and organizations.
What are Boomers' emerging needs and interests? As Boomers confront their aging, are they
increasingly interested in spiritual issues? What of encore careers — volunteer or paid positions
in public service or at NGOs? What challenges to the systems of both the U.S. and Israel will this
influx of Boomers with newly available time, resources, skills and interest present? Does Jewish
thought, practice and tradition offer any guidance or appeal? The panel explores opportunities
for addressing this underserved part of the lifecycle, both in Israel and overseas.
Amir Halevy
Stuart Himmelfarb, CEO, B3/The Jewish Boomer Platform
Michael Marcus, Program Director–Older Adults, Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation
Diana Shimoni, Director of Planning and Development, American Jewish Joint Distribution
5. Museums and Civic Institutions:
New Roles and Opportunities for Donors
Museums and major institutions have traditionally been a way for donors to leave a lasting legacy.
As museums work to renew their civic role and physical spaces to suit a 21st-century audience,
there are many new avenues for strategic funders to work with these institutions to meet their
goals. This session explores options for creative and collaborative partnerships between donors
and institutions, to increase relevancy, build an audience, and support funders' interests.
Reut Barnea, Arts and Culture Correspondent, Calcalist Newspaper
Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Chief Curator, POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Irina Nevzlin Kogan, President, NADAV Fund / Beit Hatfutsoth—The Museum of the Jewish People
Irith Rappaport, Rappaport Family Trust / Tel Aviv Museum of Art
Ariel Weiss, CEO, Yad Hanadiv
12:45 – 14:15
Lunch and JFN President's Address
Ballroom B/C (Main Level)
The annual JFN Membership lunch includes President Andrés Spokoiny's address to the membership, and the presentation of the 2015 JJ Greenberg Memorial Award, which honors foundation professionals 40 and under who have demonstrated extraordinary leadership in Jewish philanthropy.
14:30 – 16:00
Ballroom A (Main Level) 1. Families that Give Together:
Tools for Multigenerational Giving
Virginia Esposito, president of the National Center of Family Philanthropy, leads a dynamic, interactive workshop on the joys and challenges of multigenerational giving. Creating a culture of philanthropy within families helps ensure a commitment to giving and engagement for generations to come. This session explores the necessary pieces each generation brings to the table, the challenges to bridging gaps in visions and values, and the key elements of success to make giving truly multigenerational. You will come away with a deepened understanding of what truly engaged family giving looks like.
* Please note, this session is for funders only. Professional foundation staff and other participants are requested to attend a different session.
Virginia Esposito, Founder and President, National Center for Family Philanthropy
Georgette Bennett, Polonsky Foundation (UK)
Jason and Matthew Goldman, Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund
Noa Yovel Maoz, Gandyr Foundation
Judith Yovel Recanati, Gandyr Foundation
Josh Tanenbaum, Polonsky Foundation (UK)
2. Leadership Lessons: Leveraging Power and Influence
Dynamics Between Funders and Grantees
The three sources of power leaders believe will be most important to leverage in the next five years are the power of relationships, the power of information and the power to reward others. As foundations move towards more collaborative relationships with NGOs, the sharing of power and the acknowledgment of influence as vehicles for gaining commitment and ensuring results are gaining more traction. During this interactive session participants will learn tactics for sharing power, promoting the use of influencing skills, and leveraging what research says is the most important source of power—the power of relationships.
Karen Dyer, Group Director, Education/Nonprofit Sector, Center for Creative Leadership
Sue Simmons, Director, Advancement, Center for Creative Leadership
3. Moving Forward on Jewish-Arab Relations in Israel
This session addresses three major challenges and opportunities in Jewish-Arab relations within Israel: economic integration of the younger, educated Arab generation; identity, empowerment and leadership development within the Arab community: and strengthening pluralism, tolerance, and education toward a shared society. This interactive session will present promising new models for cooperation and integration and will allow participants to discuss these complex and important issues with the speakers.
Dalia Fadila, Provost, Al-Qasemi Academy
Ronit Heyd, Executive Director, Shatil –The New Israel Fund's Initiative for Social Change
Asaad Joubran, CEO, Albatross Power
Jeffrey R. Solomon, President, Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies
4. The 'Crowding Out' Effect: Philanthropists'
Roles Alongside Government Spending
While funders often hope that government, with its significantly greater resources, would provide incentives or increase spending on social issues, does that increased government spending replace or lessen private philanthropic funds? Does that in turn lessen innovation? This session presents research and case studies on how philanthropy and government interact, the roles each plays in making change in the social sector, and the policy levers and other incentives that can strengthen and grow giving. The session has been produced in conjunction with Committed to Give and Tel Aviv University Institute on Law and Philanthropy.
René Bekkers, Professor, VU Amsterdam
Yoram Margalioth, Academic Director, Tel Aviv University Institute for Law and Philanthropy
Avi Naor, Founder, Naor Foundation
5. Global Challenges, Local Responses
Jews were the first global tribe, and yet, we sometimes behave in an extremely parochial way. Today, faced with challenges and issues global in nature, the ways to confront them vary from community to community. We have much to learn from our colleagues in other countries and parts of the world. This panel takes three important global challenges for the Jewish people—anti-Semitism, young-adult engagement, and the community's religious and ideological polarization—and explores how they are expressed and addressed at various points on the globe outside the poles of North America and Israel.
Arié Flack, Shalom Flack Foundation
Oksana Galkevich, Ukraine External Relations and Government Affairs Director, JDC FSU
Alan Gill, Executive Vice President and CEO, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
Damian Mindlin, President, Fundación Tzedaká
Tracie Olcha, CEO, Australian Jewish Funders
16:00 – 16:30
Start-Up Nation Central Lounge (Ballroom Foyer)
16:00 – 16:30
Program-Related Investments
Arava Room
Community of Learning Meeting
(Mezzanine Level)Join this informal gathering to share your ideas for programming and meet other funders interested in learning together about program-related and mission-related investments. The Max M. & Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation is supporting an ongoing JFN community of learning on these vehicles to extend your philanthropic impact.
16:30 – 17:45
The 21st century confronts the world with profound changes and radical novelty. In the Jewish world, we are particularly affected by these changes, and yet we mostly use old tools to tackle the new challenges. The three forums this afternoon explore the need to ‘reinvent' key aspects of our work to be relevant and effective today—whether that means radical change, harnessing new tools and technologies, or finding new meanings in old and venerable traditions.
Ballroom A (Main Level) 1. Philanthropy for the 21st Century—
Understanding Big Data
The practice of philanthropy has professionalized and innovated in remarkable ways. This pace of this change has accelerated rapidly due to technological advancement allowing greater information flow and connectivity among multiple actors. Among the most promising and exciting innovations for philanthropy is the field of so-called Big Data, where massive sets of data collected by governments and other large players can be accessed, analyzed and utilized by funders, NGOs and activists to identify needs, find solutions that work, and coordinate action. This session gives a non-technical overview of the field, and brings practical examples from Israel and overseas.
Lisa Eisen, Vice President, Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation
Shevy Korzen, Executive Director, HaSadna—The Public Knowledge Workshop
Plum Lomax, Deputy Head of Funders Team, New Philanthropy Capital
Seema Shah, Director of Research for Special Projects, Foundation Center
Ballroom B/C (Main Level) 2. Jewish Values
What if reinventing our approach to Jewish values can help us face contemporary challenges and dilemmas? Can that enrich and make our philanthropic practice more meaningful? Choose from three dynamic conversations in applying Jewish values to contemporary situations, to examine how Israeli and overseas donors wrestle with the challenges differently. Each conversation is led by a pair of extraordinary teachers. The three discussions are: • Applying our values to our economic and environmental well-being (shmitta)• Applying our values to the Other (polarization within our families, coexistence/shared society
issues, religious/secular divides)
• Applying our values to the collective in Jewish life (Jewish community in a postmodern age)
Mordechai Bar-Or, Founder/Director, Kolot
Shoshana Boyd Gelfand, Director of JHub, Pears Foundation
Tamar Elad-Appelbaum, Founder, ZION: An Eretz Israeli Community
Ellen Flax, Director, Hadassah Foundation
Nigel Savage, Executive Director, Hazon
Gideon Sylvester, Senior Rabbinic Educator, T'ruah
King Solomon C (Lower Level)
3. Putting Talent at the Center: Investing in People
to Lead Effective and Vibrant Jewish Organizations
Strong leaders and top talent are at the heart of every successful organization. This session examines emerging trends in leadership development and evolving behaviors needed to successfully lead organizations. The speakers will explore strategies funders can deploy to seed best practices in organizations, and nurture and invest in talent. In addition, participants will review several case studies of Jewish NGOs that are beginning to employ these strategies.
Gali Cooks, Executive Director, Jewish Leadership Pipelines Alliance
Karen Dyer, Group Director, Education/Nonprofit Sector, Center for Creative Leadership
Sue Simmons, Director, Advancement, Center for Creative Leadership
18:15 – 21:30
Dinner On Your Own
If not attending one of the conference's home-hospitality dinners, please enjoy Tel Aviv's culinary scene on your own or with fellow funders.
Several members are hosting dinners with guest speakers in their homes. Meet your bus at 18:15 at the Hilton entrance.
Pre-registration required. If you not register in advance for a dinner, please inquire at the JFN Help Desk to see if space is still available.
Social Responsibility Yielding Change—A Look
at the World of Tomorrow
Hosted by Naor Foundation
Join the Naor Foundation in exploring interesting approaches towards making a difference in the globalized, interconnected 21st century. Through techniques and tools beyond traditional philanthropy—such as investing in social businesses where the profit goes to further a philanthropic goal, developing partnerships and collaborations with other foundations, pursuing inclusive capitalism, and creating movements to influence government policy—the foundation has many lessons to share with colleagues.
Dietary laws observed. (Dinner will be a meat meal.)
Achim Anachnu — Three Decades of Aliyah from Ethiopia
Hosted by The David Foundation
This special event features distinguished community leaders involved with the Israeli Ethiopian community. Over dinner you'll hear about the accomplishments and challenges in the absorption and integration process of the Ethiopian community, and be entertained by a folklore program with live Ethiopian music and dancing.
Dietary laws observed. (Dinner will be a meat meal.)
On the Shoulders of Giants:
Social Change and Arab Women Trailblazers
Hosted by the Naomi and Nehemiah Cohen Foundation,
Harvey and Joseph Meyerhoff Family Charitable Fund, and the
Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation
A growing number of Arab women have set new standards for what women can be in Israel's Arab society and what Arab citizens can do in Israel. These trailblazers overcame the barriers of being an Arab minority in Israel, as well as the expectations for women in a largely traditional society. Many of these successful women are using their experiences to empower the next generation and create lasting social change through community leadership and philanthropy. Rogette Hinawi is one of these leaders, a successful business owner and role model from the mixed city of Jaffa. This stimulating evening at her home will open a dialogue on the role of Arab women as community leaders, on Jewish-Arab relations in Jaffa, and on the possibilities and priorities for Arab women in Israel today.
Please note: Dinner will be kosher-style. (The meal will be vegetarian and fish, not supervised.
The meal is home-cooked by Rogette, chef-owner of Cafe Bistro Rogette.)
Eye to Eye, Shore to Shore: How Taglit-Birthright Israel
has changed the landscape of Israeli-Diaspora Relations
Hosted by Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies
Since 1999, Taglit-Birthright Israel has dramatically altered the landscape of Israel–Diaspora relations by bringing more than 400,000 young Jewish adults to Israel and engaging them with more than 70,000 of their Israeli peers through the Mifgash (encounter) program. The unique relationships formed by bringing together Diaspora and Israeli young adults to experience Israel side-by-side have had a profound, measurable effect on both groups, as well as on their networks and communities. Join us over dinner to hear more about these outcomes and how they have reframed Taglit-Birthright Israel's holistic and integrative educational approach.
Dietary laws observed. (Dinner will be a meat meal.)
Kids, Camp, Health and Peace: The Jordan River Village
Hosted by Claude Bernstein and Sara Lahat
An extravagant home, a delicious meal, an extraordinary art collection, and schmoozing with Chaim Topol await you as we celebrate life and introduce you to the Jordan River Village. The Village is the only free, safe, fun, and supportive camp experience for all Israeli children who live with serious and chronic illnesses. Regardless of background, religion, ethnicity, or physical limitations, children who come to the Village leave their illnesses at the door and for the first time are just kids! The support of many friends around the world including the late Paul Newman – the Village is the only member of his SeriousFun Children's Network in the entire Middle East – have helped this small dream grow. Join us to see how philanthropists big and small can have a huge impact on making Israel a better place.
Dietary laws observed. (Dinner will be a meat meal.)
PJ Goes Global: International Partnerships
Writing a New Chapter In Jewish Life
Hosted by Harold Grinspoon and Daniel Jusidman
Featured Guest: Daniel Gordis
Thanks to philanthropic collaborations, Jewish families and communities in Australia, Israel, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Canada and the U.S.–and soon to be others–are united by a shared experience. Through PJ Library, hundreds of thousands of Jewish families across the globe enjoy a meaningful experience each month, engaging with Jewish values through children's stories written in their native language. Join Harold Grinspoon and Daniel Jusidman to celebrate an exemplary partnership that has introduced a globally impactful program to Spanish-speaking Jewish communities. Through conversation with Harold and Daniel, we will reflect on the ways in which PJ Library is creating a shared, global experience and, at once, building intimate and distinctly local programs. Daniel Gordis will inspire us to consider what we can do to further Jewish identity and connection in communities around the world–through partnerships, relationships and meaningful programs. A festive and delicious evening will inspire us all to think how we can cross borders as partners in philanthropy.
Please note: Dinner will be kosher-style. (The meal will be dairy/fish, and is not supervised.)
Wednesday, March 18
7:00 – 9:30
Conference Registration Open
Site Visit Tours
Meet your bus at the Hilton entrance at the time indicated below.
Pre-registration required. If you not register in advance for a tour, please inquire at the JFN Help Desk to see if space is still available.
During your tour, please send photos of your experiences to [email protected].
Departure Times
8:00 - Negev 2020
8:30 - Revitalizing Jerusalem
8:30 - Lines in the Sand
8:30 - Israel's Resources: Towards Sustainability(Meet for breakfast at 8:30 in King Solomon Grill, Lower Level)
8:45 - Women as Agents of Change
8:45 - Social Start-Up Nation
Negev 2020
The tour introduces this vital region through locals' eyes, as participants grapple with the
opportunities and challenges the Negev faces. Stops include:
• Meet Mayor Michael Biton, and learn about the cross-sector collaborations that are changing
the face of Yeruham, and the launch of the Negev Council.
• Meet young adults in the Negev Young Adults Parliament, who see their futures living in the
Negev, and hear how they envision making change in the balance of power in Israel.
• Storage 52—A unique collaboration to create a center for young adults that provides social and
extra-curricular activities for residents.
Hura/Wadi Attir
• Lunch with Al-Sanabel Catering, a social business of 21 Bedouin women who produce over
7,000 healthy hot lunches for local Bedouin schools.
• Wadi Attir—A unique sustainable farm based on traditional Bedouin agriculture combined
with modern practices.
• Tor HaMidbar Association, the hub for young entrepreneurs, with representatives of seven
diverse young communities.
• Katif Israeli—A student project that combines academics and agricultural work to build bridges
among young adults from the Bedouin community and local Jewish students.
• The Hagar School, a space where Jewish and Arab children are educated together in an
atmosphere of equality, tolerance, bilingualism and multiculturalism.
• Rashi's National Cyber Program, which prepares high school students to enter the IDF's new,
elite cyber units.
Revitalizing Jerusalem
The tour explores Jerusalem today—both the numbers and statistics behind the city and
explores the tension between maintaining tradition and change, and the role of rising young
voices in the municipality. Stops include:
• Hand in Hand Bilingual School—Visit the Jewish-Arab school to meet with young families to
learn about their choices and decisions to be part of Jerusalem's pluralistic life.
• MEET (Middle East Education Through Technology)—An educational initiative aimed at
creating a common professional language among Jewish, Arab Israeli and Palestinian young leaders.
• Tour the new Polonsky Academy building on the Van Leer Institute campus, and enjoy lunch
and conversation with the Academy's young humanities scholars.
• Tze'irim baMerkaz (Young Adults in the Center)— Visit a municipal center for young adults
and meet the people changing the makeup of Jerusalem, from haredi to neighborhood leaders, techies, Jerusalemites of Ethiopian origin, formerly religious secularists, and graduates of youth movements.
• BeLiba Choma (A Wall in Its Midst)—A cooperative project to support haredi young adults'
efforts to enter the higher-education system and eventually the Israeli workforce.
• Jerusalem Season of Culture—Onat Hatarbut, or art as a social mirror, showcases the city's
contemporary cultural and artistic experiences, spanning the worlds of dance, music, poetry, philosophy, visual art, new media, and more.
Lines in the Sand
The past year has shown more than ever deep divisions and disputes among Israel's multifaceted
populations. Racism and intolerance and even violence became common. The interactions (or
lack thereof) between ethnic and racial groups, people with disabilities and the typical, and
the secular and the religious make for a complex society that needs to find paths to tolerance
and the ability to accept diversity within a shared society. The tour looks at how and where
these populations interact, and asks how philanthropy can support an atmosphere of shared
citizenship. Stops include:
• The City of Lod, a microcosm where these issues play out on a daily basis. We visit the city and
meet with residents who reflect its diversity; see a program that supports civil volunteerism,
and meet organizations such as Ma'ase, which supports youth movements committed to the
idea of a collective in a multicultural city.
• We will meet representatives from youth centers and student villages that work to enhance
cross-sector cooperation and volunteerism. Visits include Action Committees and prominent business leaders who adopt and support local schools and social ventures.
• Beit Issie Shapiro (BIS), an NGO that works to combat the stigmas associated with disabilities
across all sectors in Israeli society. We visit them in the Arab village of Qalansuwa, and focus on
people with disabilities in the Arab culture and how, through education and training programs,
they are integrated to participate as full members of society.
Towards Sustainability: Israel's Resources
How can philanthropy bridge sectors to create sustainable, creative solutions to pressing environmental challenges? In a shmitta year, considering our resources and the means of sustaining them is especially important. The tour explores urban
renewal and its challenges, including questions of public/private roles in determining green space, and how civil society can be effective creating environmental change. Stops include:
• Midron (The Slope) Park Jaffa—a former construction waste site from the 1950s that connects
Arab and Jewish communities and is now a beautiful green park.
• Explore urban renewal in the context of a mixed city, with Jindas—the Association for the
Urban Renewal of Lod. We will have a short tour of ancient city center, showcasing some of the
renewal projects, including a two-mile bicycle path along the Yarkon River, and the restoration
of an ancient inn as a cultural center.
• Kiryat Sefer, a green neighborhood in Southeast Tel Aviv, where we'll meet activists from
a group of civil society organizations who, despite wildly varying viewpoints and missions, collaborated to move this project forward.
• The Porter School of Environmental Studies, a model of sustainable building and a glittering
addition to Tel Aviv University campus. Following a tour, we'll look out on the foot, bike and car traffic that is today's Gush Dan, and discuss transportation for sustainable society. How can transportation be a solution for issues in urban life, rather than an environmental obstacle? The discussion features innovative programs covering a range of issues including promoting bicycle culture and supporting equal transportation access for all Israel's citizens.
Women As Agents of Change
The tour provides a mix of experiences, ranging from reviewing the current status of women in
Israel's public life, employment, and education; meeting strong, inspiring women who made a
difference in spite of their challenging environments and communities; and exploring women's
efforts in the social and geographic periphery. Stops include:
• Beit Hatfutsot–The Museum of the Jewish People tells the ongoing and extraordinary story of
the Jewish people. Exhibitions show Jewish contributions to culture and history around the globe. We'll learn with Prof. Hanna Herzog, who specializes in sociology, gender and politics in Israeli society, and discuss women's roles in Israel in 2015 with a panel of promising young women and men who hold a unique perspective on Israel's challenges today.
• Kol Israel Haverim's Cracking the Glass Ceiling, a unique program designed to provide young
at-risk women with potential in STEM the tools they need to reach a quality matriculation that opens doors to a variety of academic and career options.
• Hagag (The Roof)—A hub and hangout for young people, which operates Capsule, a
greenhouse for young entrepreneurs.
• E4E—Educating and empowering young women from Israel's periphery to academic
and personal excellence and creating an ecosystem to overcome social, economic and traditional gaps.
• Jisr az-Zarqa—Tour and conversation on the empowerment of local women in one of the
poorest Arab towns in Israel.
• Dinner at Han Zeronia in Binyamina, hosted by Shula Mozes.
Social Startup Nation
This tour examines Israel's social-entrepreneurial spirit, and the economic development and
advocacy efforts that attend it, and asks how funders can best seed and grow innovation? We'll
explore the nature of social startups and their business models, discuss how to encourage new
social ventures, meet with profitable startups, and visit the accelerators and incubators that make
Israel a unique environment in which innovators thrive. Stops include:
• Breakfast and framing at Start-Up Nation Central, on building bridges between Israel and
other countries, companies and entrepreneurs.
• Visit Mazeh9, a social start-up fair established by Tel Aviv-Jaffa to serve as a platform and
gathering place for the activities of the city's vast young adults. We'll meet with projects and
start-up accelerators, including 8200 EISP and Tech4Good.
• The FabLab, a community fabrication lab that's part of a global network, utilizing digital
technologies such as 3D printing to create tools accessible for wide and varied communities.
• PresenTense Israel, which catalyzes community-based entrepreneurship to grow local
economies, enrich community life and solve critical issues facing Israeli society.
Thursday, March 19
8:00 – 12:30
Conference Registration Open
7:30 – 8:45
Breakfast: Strengthening the Cohesion
King Solomon Grill
of Israeli Society
Hosted by the Ted Arison Family Foundation
The "Good-Deeds Day-Kulanana" Project–A Case Study of Designing Change and Measuring
Impact. Join us to consider some of the challenges and strategies for strengthening social
cohesion in our diverse societies, one of the great issues of our time and critical to Israel's future.
Professor Eran Halperin, Dean of the New School of Psychology at the Interdisciplinary
Center Herzliya–an internationally respected social psychologist committed to generating
and applying new knowledge to catalyze positive change–explores how "Good-Deeds Day-
Kulanana" aims to strengthen the cohesion of Israeli society. This session provides an opportunity
to gain insights into the challenges of shaping, applying and measuring the effectiveness
of strategies to improve intergroup relations and to consider what we, as funders, can do to
effectively address this challenge.
8:00 – 9:00
Greenbook Salon:
Funding Environmental Causes in Israel
(Mezzanine Level)
Participate in the first salon on JFN's recently released Greenbook on funding environmental causes in Israel. The Greenbook's co-researcher/writer, Amit Ashkenazy, leads a breakfast discussion on the ideas discussed in the book.
This program is open to both new and experienced funders in the field, and is an excellent opportunity to learn with and from other funders.
8:30 – 16:00
Start-Up Nation Central Lounge Open
9:00 – 10:30
King Solomon A/B
1. Israel's Workforce Challenges
(Lower Level)
Israel's diverse populations, with their extremely different needs, pose an immediate and long-
term challenge for the nation's workforce, social mobility, and economic security. Following
a keynote by Eugene Kandel, Head of Israel's National Economic Council, participants will
choose one of three conversations through which to explore issues in Israel's complex
workforce world; each conversation focuses on a particular population: Arab-Israelis, haredim,
and people with disabilities.
• Arab-Israelis: Speakers will analyze current employment success and equality opportunities,
based on the current workforce situation and after a decade of social investment, by both NGOs and the government. The conversation will also examine current demand for Arab employees by Israeli employers.
Panelists: Ilana Fahima, VP Israel Human Resources , Teva Pharmaceutical Industries
Yakir Lazarov, Vice President, Shaldor
Shai Levy, CEO, Amdocs
Sameer Kaseem, Director, Department of Internal Medicine, Carmel Hospital
Yifat Ovadia, Founder, Collective Impact—The Partnership for a Breakthrough
in Arab Employment
Inas Said, CEO, Alfanar
Zvi Ziv, Steering Committee Chair, Collective Impact—The Partnership for a
Breakthrough in Arab Employment
• Haredim: This conversation seeks to forecast a future in Israel's workforce for this vast and
growing population with some unique needs, based on both internal community influencers and external social and regulatory forces.
Panelists: Eli Paley, Chair, Haredi Institute for Public Affairs
Yael Simon, Philanthropic Advisor, Rachel Charitable Trust
• People with disabilities: The conversation reviews the market forces that have affected this
large population, including broad-based legislation and bottom-up field work.
Shira Ruderman, Israel Director, Ruderman Family Foundation
Sigal Shelach, Director, JDC-TEVET Employment Initiative
Esther Sivan, Executive Director, Bizchut
Michal Topaz, Founder & Executive Director, Shikum Acher;
Rehabilitation Manager, Gvanim
Olive/Palm/Sycamore (Main Level)
2. Young Adults At-Risk
It has now become apparent that risk factors and disadvantages don't end when teens become young adults. This transition presents new challenges, requiring youth to step outside the familiar, comfortable structures of home and school into the areas of employment, housing, finance, higher education and other social structures. Young adults with difficult backgrounds–those from immigrant families, those who grew up in residential homes or foster care, or young families at risk–are especially likely to struggle. This session explores this topic through personal stories and showing how new programs and initiatives are giving these young adults the skills to become part of Israel's burgeoning economy and the confidence to navigate the world independently.
Ronit Amit, Executive Director, Gandyr Foundation
Anat Penso, Depaty Director, JDC-Ashalim
Shula Mozes, Founder and Chair, Mozes Wolfowitz Foundation
King Solomon C (Lower Level)
3. Israel Advocacy Seminar (Part 1)
The Gaza war last summer brought the Israeli-Palestinian conflict again forward in the media,
raising a great deal of complexity for all sides of the debate. In addition, the spate of recent,
tragic anti-Semitic acts and growing support for BDS reinforces how serious the stakes are, and
how critical it is to advocate for Israel wisely and well. This two-part seminar examines major
issues in Israel advocacy – BDS, media, anti-Semitism, campus issues and regional challenges.
The program begins with a keynote from Matti Friedman, the former AP journalist whose
penetrating stories on the nature and realities of media coverage shed new light on why Israel
receives the coverage it does, and how that shapes perception. A panel follows, to look at the
issues and major efforts underway in the field, including working with journalists and tackling
BDS activism on campus.
Following the break, take a deep-dive into table conversations on the four issues highlighted above.
Matti Friedman, Journalist
David Becker, Managing Trustee & Executive Director, Newton and Rochelle Becker Charitable Trust
Josh Block, CEO and President, The Israel Project
Raanan Eliaz, Co-Founder and Director General, European Leadership Network
Carrie Filipetti, Director of Portfolio Management, Director of Portfolio Management
Yossi Kuperwasser
4. Philanthropy and the City:
Trends and Social Models in the City of Tomorrow
A majority of the world's population resides in cities. The focal point of our cultural, professional
and social lives, cities are undergoing an accelerated process of change thanks to technological,
social and architectural revolutions. In order to lead the most current and innovative
philanthropic efforts–those that bring about true impact and affect social development—
funders must think creatively about the future city, and take an active part in shaping it. This
session uncovers future trends that will impact urban living. Participants will hear from mayors in
Israel about their assessments and preparation for future development, and will also investigate
pioneering social models that will allow funders to lead philanthropic efforts one step forward
into the future.
Michael Biton, Mayor, Yeruham
Avi Naor, Founder, Naor Foundation
Efrat Oppenheimer, Director of Partnerships, Shahaf Foundation
Oren Zuckerman, Founder and Co-Director, Media Innovation Lab, School of Communication, IDC
10:30 – 11:00
Start-Up Nation Central Lounge (Ballroom Foyer)
10:40 – 11:00
Dance Break: Vertigo Dance Company
Ballroom A (Main Level)
Israel is known the world over for its extraordinary modern dance ensembles, and this brief performance offers a vision of Israeli art at its best. Founded by Noa Wertheim and Adi Sha'al in 1992, the name was inspired by Adi's first-hand experience with the sensation of vertigo during his years in training with the air force. Characterized by a strong sense of awareness for society and the community, the company offers a School of Dance in Jerusalem, a refreshing and vibrant local meeting place offering various training and workshops for dancers; an Eco-Art Village in the rural Elah Valley, a cultural center where the link between art and earth is explored and studied; an integrated dance program for able and disabled dancers; and much more. Learn more at www.vertigo.org.il.
11:00 – 12:15
King Solomon A
1. Technology and the Social Sector:
Expanding What We Can Achieve
Technology in the social sector should be about more than just appealing websites, social media, and apps. Sophisticated technology use, long a basic element of the business sector's infrastructure, can open the door for new paradigms such as crowdfunding, datamining, and business forecasting. This panel brings together three seasoned technology entrepreneurs and funders to explore the reasons for the social sector's deficiency in implementing technology, and presents two examples of how technology is being deployed to improve philanthropy and social services in Israel.
Amitay Korn, Managing Director, Kol Zchut (All Rights)
Jon Medved, CEO, OurCrowd
Orni Petruschka, Founder, Round Up
2. Funding Abroad:
Exploring Opportunities in Africa
Many funders are deeply involved in development work, repairing and improving the world, having recognized the triple benefit of these activities: serving the principle of tikkun olam, engaging unaffiliated Jews, and improving Israel's image in the world. Africa is a great case study, as it holds unprecedented new opportunities for financial ventures driving large-scale social change that affects the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. Home to numerous social ventures spearheaded by Israeli and American philanthropists, as well as local entrepreneurs, Africa is an exceptional place to make a difference. This session investigates Africa's unique social landscape, recent developments and new opportunities to create real social change from three perspectives—philanthropic, entrepreneurial and impact-investment.
Yossi Abramowitz, CEO, Energiya Global Capital
Sam Goldman, Founder, d.light
Rick Hodes, JDC Medical Director—Ethiopia
Renana Shvartzvald, Head of ESG & Impact, Vital Capital Fund
Eytan Stibbe, Founding Partner, Vital Capital Fund
3. Israel Advocacy Seminar (Part 2)
Note: registrants may attend this session without having gone to the first part earlier this morning.
The Gaza war last summer brought the Israeli-Palestinian conflict forward in the media, raising a great deal of complexity for all sides of the debate. In addition, the spate of recent, tragic anti-Semitic acts and growing support for BDS reinforces how serious the stakes are, and how critical it is to advocate for Israel wisely and well.
This part of the Israel Advocacy Seminar puts you in table conversations, to take a deep-dive into four issues: media, BDS / anti-Semitism, issues on campus and regional advocacy challenges. You'll hear about current trends and programs addressing these issues, and have an opportunity to share your own experiences, strategies, successes and difficulties.
BDS/Antisemitism: Carrie Filipetti, Director of Portfolio Management, The Paul E. Singer
Foundation; Carole Nuriel, Senior Middle Eastern Affairs Analyst, Anti-Defamation League
Media: Nir Boms, Israel Representative, Newton and Rochelle Becker Charitable Trust; Josh Block,
CEO and President, The Israel Project
Campus: Daniel Bonner, Program Officer, The Paul E. Singer Foundation; Uzi Rabi, Director,
Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, Tel Aviv University
Regional Challenges: Raanan Eliaz, Co-Founder and Director General, European Leadership
Network; Rafi Rone, Vice President, Joseph and Harvey Meyerhoff Charitable Funds; Leah Soibel,
Founder and Director, Fuente Latina; Ben Swartz, Founder/Chair, Milk & Honey Trust; Carice
Witte, Founder/Executive Director, SIGNAL—Sino-Israel Global Network & Academic Leadership
4. Renewing Jewish Identity In Israel
Israel is experiencing a renaissance of pluralistic Jewish activity that is challenging long-held assumptions regarding Israelis' relation to Judaism—that Judaism is only for the religious, that Jewish culture is merely quaint folklore and rituals, and that Jewish
identity is irrelevant to the security and strength of the State of Israel. Over the past two decades, an upsurge in programs offering a wide range of opportunities for Jewish study and experience has enabled secular Israelis to reclaim their Jewish roots, blurred the boundaries between secular and religious, and expanded the ways Israeli Jews can unite in their collective commitment to the Jewish State. This session brings together leaders of this uniquely Israeli phenomenon—with its secular yeshivot, city-wide holiday celebrations, social activism grounded in Jewish values, and more—to examine how young Israelis, families, and adults are finding new and exciting ways to explore, express, and strengthen their Jewish identity and commitment. The panel also explores philanthropy in this field—its successes, challenges, and prospects for the future.
MK Ruth Calderon
Donniel Hartman, President, Shalom Hartman Institute
Daniel Posen, Posen Foundation
Eli Silver, Executive Director, AVI CHAI Israel Foundation
Dorothy Tananbaum, Chair, Jewish Funders Network
5. Cross-Sector Partnerships
As funders, many of us have faced a challenge in successfully partnering with the Israeli government to create large-scale and long term social change. Partnering is an extraordinary opportunity to leverage funders' investments, further philanthropic goals, and address critical, current needs. This panel explores various kinds of partnering relationships with the government, from co-funding programs to the fascinating Cross-Sector Roundtable which brings together funders, NGOs, and representatives from government ministries who collaborate to assess needs and determine priorities for driving critical social change.
Ronit Amit, Executive Director, Gandyr Foundation
Inbar Hurvitz, Director of Collective Impact Initiatives, Sheatufim–Strategies for Social Impact
Winnie Sandler Grinspoon, President, Harold Grinspoon Foundation
Efrat Shaprut, CEO, Elem
12:15 – 14:45
Lunch and Closing Plenary
Amazing Stories: The Promise of the Next Generation
Following lunch, the conference concludes with an energetic, inspirational, and fast-paced mix of brief, personal talks and artistic performances, by and about young adults. Next-gen funders and young social entrepreneurs are uniquely positioned to make a large, positive impact on Israel, the Jewish people, and the world. Close your conference experience with a confident and inspiring look into our common future—you'll head home with renewed energy and a positive outlook for the year ahead.
Maya Elhalal, Host
Jason Franklin, Executive Director, Bolder Giving
Elad Peretz, Loop Artist
Itamar Sohar
Galit Barel, Gvanim
Sahar Amoun, Director, Civil Service Graduate Program, Mifalot Education and Society Enterprises
Ziv Bar, Director of Education Initiatives, Israel Innovation Institute
Michael Kabesa, CEO, Hazor Development Fund
Hadas Goldman, CEO, Tarbut Movement
Jenna Weinberg, Nathan and Lillian Weinberg Foundation
15:00 – 17:00
JFN Board Meeting (by invitation only)
King Solomon C (Lower Level)
15:00 - 17:00
Tikkun Olam Makeathon (TOM)
Ballroom A (Main Level) Closing Ceremony and Awards
After three days of activity, the Tikkun Olam Makeathon–a three-day hackathon where "Makers" use digital fabrication tools to create items requested by people with disabilities—concludes with presentation and judging of the Makers' completed prototypes.
15:00 – 18:00
The Power of Collaborative Relationships
Olive/Palm/Sycamore (Main Level)
An interactive session for foundation and social organization leaders Led by the Center for Creative Leadership Hosted by Sheatufim and the Forum of Foundations in Israel.
17:00 - 18:15
Post-Conference Session: Making a Real Difference
Hosted by Mizrahi Family Charitable Fund
With the elections over in Israel, how can you and the groups you fund make a difference? Whether you're fighting delegitimization, marginalization, or discrimination, this session is for you. You (and CEOs and communications officers of NGOs you fund if you want to bring them) will learn keys to make a positive difference. No matter If you care about women, at-risk youth, Israeli Arabs, haredi, Israel's image in the world, at-risk-youth, or people with disabilities, this session will give you hands on tips to succeed.
Source: https://www.jfunders.org/sites/default/files/docs/resources/merged.pdf
Original Research Oseltamivir resistance among infl uenza viruses: surveillance in northern Viet Nam, 2009–2012Hoang Vu Mai-Phuong,a Nguyen Co Thach,a Nguyen Le Khanh Hang,a Nguyen Thi Kim Phuongb and Le Quynh MaiaCorrespondence to Hoang Vu Mai-Phuong (e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]). Introduction: Antiviral resistance has been reported in seasonal influenza A viruses and avian influenza A(H5N1) viruses in Viet Nam, raising concerns about the efficacy of treatment.Methods: We analysed specimens from two sources during the period 2009–2012: influenza-positive samples from influenza-like illness patients at sentinel clinics in northern Viet Nam and isolates from patients with confirmed A(H5N1) infections. Pyrosequencing was used to detect mutations: H275Y [for A(H1N1) and A(H5N1)], E119V [for A(H3N2)] and I117V [for A(H5N1)]. A neuraminidase inhibition assay was used to determine the Inhibitory Concentration 50 (IC )
SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL REPORT Content 1. General Objectives 2. Objectives execution phase 3. Phase Summary 4. Scientific description 4.1. Gastric cancer. Morphological and genetic features. Experimental studies. Bibliography 4.2. Considerations on modeling and control of cancer cell populations Bibliography 4.3. Using independent component analysis to remove noise from images Bibliography 1. General Objectives Develop conceptual models and theories. 2. Objectives execution phase Developing conceptual models. Studies on their potential use in predicting the development of cancerous tumors. Using independent component analysis to eliminate the noise in images