FRED BARALL, Secretary
JOHN D BODINE, SR., Chairman
FRED BARALL, Secretary
JOHN D. BODINE , SR. , Chairman
MICHAEL W. JACOBSON, Administrator
To All Participants in the NASI Welfare Fund
From the Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees of the National Automatic
More than 500,000 tobacco users have already been
Sprinkler Industry Welfare Fund is pleased to report
helped using the Quit For Life® Program. It works.
that benefit changes that have been in effect since Jan-
Hundreds of NASI Welfare Fund participants and de-
uary 1, 2011, along with the additional changes that
pendents have used this program and are now tobacco
were effective January 1, 2012, have resulted in favor-
able financial experience for the NASI Welfare Fund.
Also contributing to this positive result was the Janu-
Call today for FREE coaching at 1.866.QUIT.4.LIFE
ary 1, 2012, hourly contribution increase and excellent
(866.784.8454) or visit
investment returns on the reserves of the Fund.
If you choose to participate, the fact of your participa-
Unfortunately, part of the reason the NASI Welfare
tion will not be shared with anyone except for Fund
Fund is in a better-than-expected financial position is
staff and professionals (and, if necessary, Medco) as
that there are fewer participants eligible for benefits
necessary to follow up on long-term cost benefits of the
than in previous years. It is expected that this trend
program, in keeping with federal privacy law.
will reverse itself once construction picks up.
Medco bought by Express Scripts
At this time, the Trustees have decided that there will
be no change to the deductibles, co-insurance levels or
During this past year, our "pharmacy benefit manager",
out-of-pocket maximums for 2013.
Medco, was purchased by a firm in that same business,
Express Scripts. As a result of the purchase, the two
Quit for Life® Program
companies are now one company and will do business
under the name of Express Scripts. The Trustees have
Tobacco use remains the single largest preventable
been advised that there will be no disruption experi-
cause of disease and premature death in the United
enced by participants of the NASI Welfare Fund. You
States. For those who smoke or otherwise use tobacco
do not need to take any action; your prescriptions will
products, the Fund continues to pay for an opportunity
continue to be handled by the merged and now larger
for you to "Quit for Life®".
company. You should treat contact and information
from Express Scripts as you would treat contact and
The Quit For Life® Program has resources to help you
information from Medco; they are now the same com-
The NASI Welfare Fund will pick up the en-
pany. The telephone number and address for Medco
tire cost of your participation including the cost of
will continue to be used. There is no plan to reissue
certain prescription drugs, like Chantix or Zyban.
NASI or Blue Cross ID cards to reflect this name
With their counseling, your chances of quitting for life
are 8 times greater than trying to quit on your own.
Pensioner Medical Coverage
Some years ago, a goal was announced that pensioners
Retiree Benefits and Medicare
and beneficiaries would be asked to pay an increasing
Medicare is the primary coverage for retirees, depend-
portion of the cost of their coverage eventually reach-
ents of retirees and beneficiaries. The NASI Welfare
ing the goal of retirees paying 50% of the cost of retir-
Plan requires that individuals who are eligible for
Medicare Part B benefits sign up for those benefits.
Additionally, if an individual is not entitled to cost-
In keeping with this goal, the Trustees have made
free Medicare Part A, that individual must also pur-
changes to the monthly self-payment amounts required
chase Part A coverage from Medicare when they be-
for retiree medical coverage as described below.
come eligible to do so at age 65.
Pensioners and beneficiaries who do NOT have
Notification Requirement upon Divorce
Notice of your divorce must be provided to the Fund
The monthly self-payment for pensioners or benefi-
office within 60 days of your divorce.
ciaries who are not yet eligible for Medicare will
If notice of your divorce is not provided to the Fund
crease from $790 per month to $755 per month begin-
Office in this time frame, and as a result, benefits are
ning January 1, 2013.
paid to an ineligible dependent, the Fund can recover
those benefits by treating such benefits as an advance
Pensioners and beneficiaries whose Local Union has a
to you, and deducting such amounts from benefits
Retired Employee Subsidy Account (RESA) and who
which become due to you until the entire amount of
are eligible for their local union's RESA will continue
benefits erroneously paid is recovered.
to benefit from their Local Union's subsidy of the cost
of their coverage. If your Local Union plans to change
Make Sure Your Beneficiary is Up-to-Date
the amount of the subsidy, you will be advised in a
separate announcement.
Be aware that your divorce does not invalidate your
beneficiary designation. Forms to designate a benefi-
Pensioners and beneficiaries WITH Medicare
ciary for your NASI Welfare Fund life insurance bene-
In keeping with the policy as stated above, the month-
fit as well as for your NASI Pension Fund death bene-
ly self-payment for pensioners or beneficiaries who
fit (for active participants) and for your SIS Pension
became eligible for Medicare before 2002 will
Fund death benefit are available on the Funds' web-
crease from $260 per month to $250 per month effec-
site, or by calling the Fund office.
tive January 1, 2013. For those pensioners or benefi-
ciaries who become eligible for Medicare after 2001,
If You Become Entitled to Social Security Dis-
the monthly self-payment cost for coverage will
ability Benefits
crease from $310 per month $300 per month effective
you have to provide the Fund Office with a copy of
January 1, 2013.
your award within nine months of your receipt in or-
der to fully benefit from Plan provisions that can re-
Medicare-eligible Pensioners and beneficiaries whose
store or continue eligibility for benefits.
Local Union has a Retired Employee Subsidy Account
(RESA) and who are eligible for their local union's
Annual Reminder regarding Women's Health
RESA will continue to benefit from their Local Un-
and Cancer Rights Act of 1998
ion's subsidy of the cost of their coverage. If your Lo-
cal Union plans to change the amount of the subsidy,
The NASI Welfare Plan, as required by the Women's
you will be advised in a separate announcement.
Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998, provides bene-
Participation Agreement Monthly Cost
fits for mastectomy related services, including all stag-
es of reconstruction and surgery to achieve symmetry
The premium for the NASI Welfare Fund for those
between the breasts, prostheses, and complications
participating in the Fund through participation agree-
resulting from a mastectomy, including lymphedema.
ments (e.g. owner members) will remain $1,347.20
Call the Fund Office at 1-800-638-2603 for more in-
Supplementary Appendix This appendix has been provided by the authors to give readers additional information about their work. Supplement to: Turner EH, Matthews AM, Linardatos E, et al. Selective publication of antidepressant trials and its influence on apparent efficacy. N Engl J Med 2008;358:252-60. SELECTIVE PUBLICATION OF ANTIDEPRESSANT TRIALS AND ITS INFLUENCE ON APPARENT EFFICACY
Document downloaded from, day 07/10/2016. This copy is for personal use. Any transmission of this document by any media or format is strictly prohibited. Rosuvastatin and Metformin Decrease Inflammation andOxidative Stress in Patients With Hypertension and DyslipidemiaAnel Gómez-García,a Gloria Martínez Torres,b Luz E. Ortega-Pierres,c Ernesto Rodríguez-Ayala,band Cleto Álvarez-Aguilard