Chronic kidney disease in diabetes

Contents lists available at
Canadian Journal of Diabetes
Clinical Practice Guidelines
Chronic Kidney Disease in Diabetes
Canadian Diabetes Association Clinical Practice Guidelines Expert Committee
The initial draft of this chapter was prepared by Philip McFarlane MD, FRCPC,Richard E. Gilbert MBBS, PhD, FACP, FRACP, FRCPC, Lori MacCallum BScPhm, PharmD,Peter Senior MBBS, PhD, MRCP
length and quality of life A variety of forms of kidney disease
can be seen in people with diabetes, including diabetic nephrop-athy, ischemic damage related to vascular disease and hyperten-
Identification of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in diabetes requires
screening for proteinuria, as well as an assessment of renal function.
sion, as well as other renal diseases that are unrelated to diabetes
All individuals with CKD should be considered at high risk for cardiovas-
(In this chapter, we will discuss how to screen for
cular events and should be treated to reduce these risks.
and diagnose chronic kidney disease (CKD) in people with diabetes,
The progression of renal damage in diabetes can be slowed through
how to treat them with an aim to slow progression of CKD and
intensive glycemic control and optimization of blood pressure. Progression
discuss the impact of CKD on other aspects of diabetes
of diabetic nephropathy can be slowed through the use of medications thatdisrupt the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
Diabetic Nephropathy
The classic description of diabetic nephropathy is of a progres-
Management of Potassium and Creatinine During the Use
sive increase in proteinuria in people with longstanding diabetes
of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitor or
followed by declining function that eventually can lead to end stage
Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker (ARB) or Direct Renin
renal disease (ESRD) ) . Key risk factors for diabetic
nephropathy include long duration of diabetes, poor glycemiccontrol, hypertension, male gender, obesity and cigarette smoking.
Check serum potassium and creatinine at baseline and within 1 to 2
Many of these factors are modifiable.
weeks of initiation or titration of therapy AND during times of acute illness.
The earliest stage of diabetic nephropathy is hyperfiltration,
If potassium becomes elevated or creatinine increases by more than 30%
where the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is significantly higher
from baseline, therapy should be reviewed and serum creatinine andpotassium levels should be rechecked.
than normal. Identification of hyperfiltration is not clinically useful,
Mild-to-moderate stable hyperkalemia:
as it is difficult to determine from routine testing. Persistent
Counsel on a low-potassium diet.
albuminuria is considered the earliest clinical sign of diabetic
If persistent, nonepotassium-sparing diuretics and/or oral sodium
nephropathy Initially, small amounts of albumin are
bicarbonate (in those with a metabolic acidosis) should beconsidered.
leaked, below the detection threshold of a urine dipstick. This stage
Consider temporarily holding renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
is referred to as "microalbuminuria." This can worsen so that the
(RAAS) blockade (i.e. ACE inhibitor, ARB or DRI).
urinary albumin excretion is sufficiently high to be detectable by
Severe hyperkalemia:
a urine dipstick, a stage known as "overt nephropathy." The rate of
In addition to emergency management strategies, RAAS blockade
progression from normoalbuminuria to microalbuminuria then to
should be held or discontinued.
overt nephropathy usually is slow, typically taking 5 years or longerto progress through each stage . During the early stages ofdiabetic nephropathy, the rate of loss of renal function is relativelyslow (1 to 2 mL/min/1.73 m2 per year) and not impressively higherthan what is seen in the general population (0.5 to 1 mL/min/
1.73 m2 per year). However, late in the overt nephropathy phase,the rate of decline of renal function can accelerate (5 to 10 mL/min/
Diseases of the kidney are a common finding in people with
1.73 m2 per year). Thus, significant renal dysfunction is not usually
diabetes, with up to half demonstrating signs of kidney damage in
seen until late in the course of diabetic nephropathy .
their lifetime eDiabetes is the leading cause of kidney disease
It is important to note that the rate of progression can vary
in Canada . Kidney disease can be a particularly devastating
between individuals, and that the clinical markers of the disease
complication, as it is associated with significant reductions in both
(i.e. estimated glomerular filtration rate [eGFR], urinary albumin
1499-2671/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Canadian Diabetes Association

P. McFarlane et al. / Can J Diabetes 37 (2013) S129eS136
Screening for Kidney Disease in People with Diabetes
Screening for kidney disease in people with diabetes involves
an assessment of urinary albumin excretion and a measurement ofthe overall level of kidney function through an estimation of theGFR. Persistent abnormalities of either urinary albumin excretionor GFR, or significant urinalysis abnormalities, lead to the diag-nosis of kidney disease in people with diabetes. People with type 1diabetes are not expected to have kidney disease at the time ofonset of diabetes, so screening can be delayed until the duration ofdiabetes exceeds 5 years. As the delay between onset and diag-nosis of type 2 diabetes can be many years and as nondiabetickidney disease is common, significant renal disease can be presentat the time of diagnosis of type 2 diabetes , so screeningshould be initiated immediately at the time of diagnosis in thisgroup.
Screening for Albuminuria
When screening for albuminuria, the test of choice is the
random urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (urinary ACR). The24-hour urine collection for protein/albumin remains the goldstandard; however, it is cumbersome to implement on a large scale
Figure 1. Causes of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in people with and without diabetes.
and is often performed incorrectly The random urine foralbumin is insufficient, as the urinary albumin concentration can
levels) do not always correlate well with the severity of renal
vary due to urine concentration A random urine ACR predicts
disease seen on biopsy . Additionally, aggressive control of
24-hour urinary albumin excretion sufficiently well and is the test
blood pressure (BP) and glycemia, and the use of renal protective
of choice for screening for albuminuria
drugs can slow or stop progression of diabetic nephropathy.
There is substantial day-to-day variability in albuminuria. In
addition, transient increases in albuminuria can be provoked bya number of factors () When such conditions arepresent, screening for kidney disease should be delayed to avoid
Other Kidney Diseases in People with Diabetes
false positives. Furthermore, diagnosing a person as havingalbuminuria requires the elevated urinary albumin level to be
People with diabetes (particularly type 2 diabetes) often
persistent. At least 2 of 3 urine samples over time exhibiting
develop kidney diseases other than diabetic nephropathy. Kidney
elevations in urinary albumin levels are required before it is
biopsy series in type 2 diabetes have found that nondiabetic
considered to be abnormal.
nephropathy, is as common as diabetic nephropathy in people with
Estimation of GFR
diabetes In addition, there can be significant overlap While these biopsy series are biased (biopsies are usually done in
The serum creatinine is the most common measurement of
people with diabetes when nondiabetic renal disease is suspected),
kidney function; however, it can inaccurately reflect renal function
other studies have suggested that half of everyone with diabetes
in many scenarios, particularly in extremes of patient age or size
and significant kidney function impairment do not have albumin-
. Indeed, in people with diabetes, the GFR usually will be less
uria . These studies suggest that testing for albuminuria may be
than half of normal before the serum creatinine exceeds the lab
insufficient in identifying all patients with diabetes who have renal
normal range .
disease. In addition to measurements of urinary albumin excretion,
As mentioned, the 24-hour urine collection can be difficult to
estimations of the level of kidney function and urinalyses are
perform accurately. For this reason, a variety of methods have been
required to identify patients with kidney disease other than dia-
developed to better estimate the level of glomerular filtration by
betic nephropathy. In most cases, the risk of ESRD in diabetes does
combining the patient's serum creatinine with factors such as age,
not appear to matter whether the renal diagnosis is one of diabetic
weight, and gender. The most common method of estimating renal
nephropathy or an alternative diagnosis as management is the
function in Canada currently is the eGFR, using the 4-variable
same . However, lists some concerning clinical and
MDRD ("Modification of Diet in Renal Disease") equation
laboratory features that would lead to suspicion of a kidney disease
This equation requires knowledge of the patient's age, sex, serum
unrelated to diabetes, requiring such a person to undergo addi-
creatinine and race and is automatically computed and reported by
tional testing or referral
many labs whenever a serum creatinine is ordered. The MDRDeGFR performs well when the GFR is <60 mL/min and despiteits flaws is generally a better estimate of glomerular filtration thanthe serum creatinine value. Kidney diseases of all forms can bestaged based on the degree of impairment of eGFR ().
The eGFR is useful for assessing chronic changes in renal func-
tion but should not be used in situations where kidney function ischanging rapidly. Dehydration and other conditions that lead tointravascular volume contraction can lead to a transient decline inrenal function. When such conditions are present, assessment of
Figure 2. Level of urinary albumin by various test methods and stage of diabeticnephropathy. ACR, albumin-to-creatinine ratio.
the level of kidney function may be clinically necessary but should

P. McFarlane et al. / Can J Diabetes 37 (2013) S129eS136
Table 1Stages of diabetic nephropathy by level of urinary albumin level
not be used to assess the stage of CKD. Because renal function can
suspected of having acute kidney injury or nondiabetic renal
be transiently depressed, a persistent reduction in eGFR is required
disease. Screening should be delayed in the presence of conditions
before it is considered to be abnormal.
that can cause transient albuminuria or a transient fall ineGFR.
Other Clinical Features and Urinary Abnormalities: When to
Screening for CKD in people with diabetes should be performed
Consider Additional Testing or Referral
with a random urine ACR and a serum creatinine that is thenconverted into an eGFR (This can be delayed 5 years from
Urinalysis findings of red blood cell casts are not a common
the onset of type 1 diabetes but should begin immediately at the
finding in renal disease due to diabetes, and white blood cell casts
time of diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. An abnormal screening test
or heme-granular casts are not compatible with a diagnosis of
should be confirmed by repeat testing of the eGFR within 3 months,
kidney disease due to diabetes. Although persistent microscopic
and 2 more random urine ACRs ordered during that interval. If
hematuria can occur in about 20% of people with diabetic
either the eGFR remains low or at least 2 of the 3 random urine
nephropathy, its presence should lead to the consideration of other
ACRs are abnormal, then a diagnosis of CKD is confirmed. The
urological or nephrological conditions. lists other clinical
exception to this approach is when the random urine ACR indicates
clues that may point to a renal diagnosis other than kidney disease
albuminuria in the overt nephropathy range, as this level of
due to diabetes. Such patients should undergo an appropriate
proteinuria rarely resolves spontaneously, so confirmatory testing
assessment for the cause of their disease. A rapid decline in eGFR or
is usually unnecessary.
development of severe hypertension would suggest prompt referral
Once a diagnosis of CKD has been made, a urine sample for
to a specialist.
dipstick and microscopy should be ordered. In the absence of any
Although 24-hour collections are not needed for routine
significant abnormalities other than proteinuria, then a presump-
screening in diabetes, they can be useful when there is doubt about
tive diagnosis of kidney disease due to diabetes is made. The
the accuracy of an eGFR, when screening for nonalbumin urinary
presence of clinical or laboratory abnormalities suggesting nondi-
proteins (e.g. multiple myeloma) or when estimating daily sodium
abetic kidney disease indicates the need for appropriate workup or
intake in an individual with refractory edema or hypertension.
Individuals should be counseled to discard the first morning urineon the day of collection and then collect all subsequent urine
Prevention, Treatment and Follow Up
for a 24-hour period, including the first morning urine of the nextday.
Optimal glycemic control established as soon as possible after
diagnosis will reduce the risk of development of diabetic
nephropathy Optimal BP control also appears to beimportant in the prevention of diabetic nephropathy, although
People with diabetes should undergo annual screening for the
the results have been less consistent Blockade of the
presence of kidney disease when they are clinically stable and not
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) with either an
Table 2Factors favouring the diagnosis of classical diabetic nephropathy or alternative renal diagnoses

P. McFarlane et al. / Can J Diabetes 37 (2013) S129eS136
In CKD from causes other than diabetic nephropathy, ACE inhi-
Conditions that can cause transient albuminuria
bition has been shown to reduce proteinuria, slow progressive lossof glomerular filtration rate and delay the need for dialysis The issue of whether ARBs and ACE inhibitors are similarly effectivein CKD that is not caused by diabetic nephropathy remains contro-versial
A variety of strategies to more aggressively block the RAAS
have been studied in kidney disease, including combining RAASblockers or using very high doses of a single RAAS blocker. Thesestrategies reduce proteinuria but have not been proven toimprove patient outcomes in diabetic nephropathy eandcome at a risk of increased acute renal failure, typically whena
Aggressive RAAS blockade strategies should be restricted tospecialized clinics.
Treating Kidney Disease Safely
angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor or an angiotensinII receptor blocker (ARB) can reduce the risk of diabetic
The "sick day" medication list (see Appendix 7)
nephropathy independent of their effect on BP. This protectiveeffect has been demonstrated in people with diabetes and
Several classes of medications used commonly in people with
hypertension but not in normotensive people with diabetes
diabetes can reduce kidney function during periods of intercurrent
illness and should be discontinued when patients are unwell, in
All people with CKD are at risk for cardiovascular (CV) events
particular when they develop significant intravascular volume
and should be treated to reduce these risks (see Vascular Protection
contraction due to reduced oral intake or excessive losses due to
chapter, p. S100) e. The degree of risk of CV events or
vomiting or diarrhea. Diuretics can exacerbate intravascular
progression to ESRD increases as albuminuria levels rise, and as
volume contraction during periods of intercurrent illness. Blockers
eGFR falls, with the combination of albuminuria and low eGFR
of the RAAS interfere with the kidney's response to intravascular
predicting a very high level of risk ()
volume contraction, namely, the ability of angiotensin II to contract
The progression of renal damage in diabetes can be slowed
the efferent arteriole to support glomerular filtration during these
through intensive glycemic control and optimization of BP
periods. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs cause constriction
Progression of diabetic nephropathy can be slowed through
of the afferent arterioles, which can further reduce blood flow into
the use of an ACE inhibitor or ARB , independent of their effect
the glomerulus in patients who are volume contracted. For these
on BP, and these 2 medication classes appear to be equally effective
reasons, all of these drugs can reduce kidney function during times
for cardiorenal protection . In type 1 diabetes, ACE inhibitors
of intercurrent illness. Consideration should be given to providing
have been shown to decrease albuminuria and prevent worsening
patients with a "sick day" medication list, instructing the patient to
of nephropathy , and ARBs have been shown to reduce
hold these medications if they feel that they are becoming dehy-
proteinuria . In type 2 diabetes, ACE inhibitors and ARBs have
drated for any reason. A number of additional medications need to
been shown to decrease albuminuria and prevent worsening of
be dose adjusted in patients with renal dysfunction, so their usage
nephropathy, and ARBs have been shown to delay the time to
and dosage should be reevaluated during periods where kidney
dialysis in those with renal dysfunction at baseline . In type
function changes.
2 diabetes, ACE inhibitors have also been shown to reduce thechance of developing new nephropathy . These renal-protective effects also appear to be present in proteinuric indivi-
The safe use of RAAS blockers (ACE inhibitors, ARBs, and direct renin
duals with diabetes and normal or near-normal BP. ACE inhibitors
inhibitors [DRIs])
have been shown to reduce progression of diabetic nephropathy inalbuminuric normotensive individuals with both type 1
Drugs that block the RAAS reduce intraglomerular pressure,
and type 2 diabetes .
which, in turn, leads to a rise in serum creatinine of up to 30%, whichthen stabilizes Although these drugs can be used safely inpatients with renovascular disease, these patients may have an even
larger rise in serum creatinine when these drugs are used e. In
Stages of chronic kidney disease
the case of severe renovascular disease that is bilateral (or unilateralin a person with a single functioning kidney), RAAS blockade canprecipitate renal failure. In addition, RAAS blockade can lead tohyperkalemia. For these reasons, the serum creatinine and potas-sium should be checked between 1 and 2 weeks after initiation ortitration of a RAAS blocker In patients in whom a significantchange in creatinine or potassium is seen, further testing should beperformed to ensure that these results have stabilized.
Mild-to-moderate hyperkalemia can be managed through die-
tary counselling, Diuretics, in particular furosemide, can increaseurinary potassium excretion. Sodium bicarbonate (500 to 1300 mgorally twice a day) can also increase urinary potassium excretion,especially amongst individuals with a metabolic acidosis asdemonstrated by a low serum bicarbonate level. If hyperkalemia issevere, RAAS blockade would need to be held or discontinued
P. McFarlane et al. / Can J Diabetes 37 (2013) S129eS136
Figure 3. Screening for chronic kidney disease (CKD) in people with diabetes. ACR, albumin-to-creatinine ratio; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate.
P. McFarlane et al. / Can J Diabetes 37 (2013) S129eS136
medications wishes to become pregnant, consideration should begiven to their discontinuation prior to conception.
Medication selection and dosing in CKD
Many medications need to have their dose adjusted in the
presence of low kidney function, and some are contraindicated inpeople with significant disease. Appendix 6 lists some medicationscommonly used in people with diabetes and how they should beused if kidney dysfunction is present.
Referral to a specialized renal clinic
Figure 4. Relative risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Shading shows how adjusted
Most people with CKD and diabetes will not require referral to
relative risk is ranked for 5 outcomes from a meta-analysis of general population
a specialist in renal disease. However, specialist care may be
cohorts: all-cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality, kidney failure treated by dialysis
necessary when renal dysfunction is severe, when there are dif
and transplantation, acute kidney injury, and progression of kidney disease. GFR,
glomerular filtration rate.
culties implementing renal-protective strategies or when there areproblems managing the sequelae of renal disease .
As the use of RAAS blockers during pregnancy has been asso-
ciated with congenital malformations, women with diabetes of
Other Relevant Guidelines
childbearing age should avoid pregnancy if drugs from theseclasses are required If a woman with diabetes receiving such
Targets for Glycemic Control, p. S31Monitoring Glycemic Control, p. S35Pharmacotherapy in Type 1 Diabetes, p. S56
Pharmacologic Management of Type 2 Diabetes, p. S61Type 1 Diabetes in Children and Adolescents, p. S153
1. In adults, screening for CKD in diabetes should be conducted using
a random urine ACR and a serum creatinine converted into an eGFR [Grade
Type 2 Diabetes in Children and Adolescents, p. S163
D, Consensus]. Screening should commence at diagnosis of diabetes in
Diabetes and Pregnancy, p. S168
individuals with type 2 diabetes and 5 years after diagnosis in adults with
Diabetes in the Elderly, p. S184
type 1 diabetes and repeated yearly thereafter. A diagnosis of CKD shouldbe made in patients with a random urine ACR 2.0 mg/mmol and/or aneGFR<60 mL/min on at least 2 of 3 samples over a 3-month period [Grade
Relevant Appendices
D, Consensus].
Appendix 6: Therapeutic Considerations for Renal Impairment
2. All patients with diabetes and CKD should receive a comprehensive,
Appendix 7: Sick Day Medication List
multifaceted approach to reduce cardiovascular risk (see VascularProtection, p. S100) [Grade A, Level 1A ].
3. Adults with diabetes and CKD with either hypertension or albuminuria
should receive an ACE inhibitor or an ARB to delay progression of CKD
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International Journal of Cancer A mixture of amino acids and other small molecules presentin the serum suppresses the growth of murine and humantumors in vivo ´ kos Schulcz2 and Tamas Cz€omp€oly1 1 Immunal Ltd., Cancer Research and Product Development Laboratory, H-7630 Pecs, Finn u. 1/1., Hungary2 Department of Experimental Pharmacology, National Institute of Oncology, H-1122 Budapest, Rath Gy€orgy u. 7-9., Hungary
Performance comparison of benchtop high-throughput sequencing platforms Nicholas J Loman1, Raju V Misra2, Timothy J Dallman2, Chrystala Constantinidou1, Saheer E Gharbia2, John Wain2,3 & Mark J Pallen1 Three benchtop high-throughput sequencing instruments are The 454 GS Junior from Roche was released in early 2010 and is now available. The 454 GS Junior (Roche), MiSeq (Illumina)