Flour Treatment in Europe
We are doubtless coming
closer to a uniform European
The present necessity for oxidative treatment might be regarded as
definition and regulation of
a disadvantage of the fast and gentle processing of grain into flour.
chemical flour treatment, but
Natural ageing of the flour by exposure to the atmosphere alone is
nevertheless there is still a
no longer possible, and we now have to speed it up with oxidative
preparations. Oxidation primarily affects sulphur-containing amino
wide scope for the use of
acids that are constituents of the gluten. The oxidation of two adjacent
numerous generally approved
hydrogen sulphide (thiol) groups results in the formation of a disulphide
additives for this purpose.
bridge between different sections of the long gluten molecule or
between different gluten molecules. This causes a hardening of the
Examples of stricter provisions
are the regulations on white
bread enforced by France
1.1 Ascorbic acid
By far the most important substance for this purpose is ascorbic acid
which state, for example, that
(AA). Using a complex biochemical method it is produced in a very
pain de tradition may only
pure form from glucose (grape sugar, dextrose) and sold as a fine or
contain yeast, leaven, gluten,
crystalline powder in various concentrations to facilitate dosing. Less
soy or bean flour, maize flour
often, AA of purely biological origin is used. The most common product
and fungal amylases but not
is Acerola fruit powder, the dried juice of the Acerola (Barbados) cherry,
ascorbic acid or lecithin, and
with 17-19 % pure AA. Other substances on the market are AA obtained
also Denmarks stringent
from rose hips and mixed preparations, some of them containing AA
approval regulations for
of biochemical origin. In all cases this more natural variant is much
enzymes that rather suggest
more expensive than the synthetic product (up to 50 times the price).
Action of Ascorbic Acid in Dough
The following article aims to
provide an overview of the
flour improvers most
commonly used in Europe. It
does not go into details of the
differences between specific
countries, as these will change
in the coming years in any
Adapted from R. Kiefer, 1990
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At the mill, flour is treated with
1.3 Glucose oxidase
Although it has a very long-
about 0.5 - 3 g of pure AA per
lasting effect this effect starts
100 kg. Very soft glutens or flours
The enzyme glucose oxidase
later than that of AA and allows
for certain applications (mainly
(GOD) is usually derived from
better processing of the doughs,
frozen dough) require a larger
the mould Aspergillus (in a similar
for bromate clearly oxidizes
dose of 6-10 g.
manner to amylase). Honey is
glutathione only very slowly
AA does not act on the protein
also a rich source of GOD, but
without the addition of an enzyme
directly; it may be seen rather as
its suitability is greatly restricted
(cf. ascorbic acid). It results in
protecting against a loss of
by its taste. The enzyme enters
very good fermentation tolerance
protein stability by counteracting
the honey from the pharyngeal
and a high volume yield.
glutathione, that occurs in the
glands of the bees.
In the main, bromate acts directly
flour naturally and has the
One effect of GOD in the dough
on the gluten. Because of doubts
opposite effect. This is only
is to oxidize glucose into gluconic
about its effects on health it has
possible if AA is oxidized to
acid with the aid of atmospheric
gradually been replaced by AA
dehydro-ascorbic acid (DHAA)
oxygen (the slight souring that
since the 1950s. A further
at the beginning of the kneading
occurs in the process is
problem is that it accelerates fire
process with the aid of the flours
negligible); its other effect is to
and explosion (bromate is a
own enzymes (ascorbate
transform water into hydrogen
constituent of fireworks,
oxidase and glutathione
peroxide. This oxidizing agent
dehydrogenase). In this process
also acts on the thiol groups of
In countries that are now
glutathione is oxidized to
the gluten, causing them to
replacing bromate, combinations
glutathione disulphide, thus
tighten. The limiting factor in this
of AA and enzymes offer good
eliminating the gluten-softening
process is the availability of
alternative ways of achieving
effect of glutathione. (see figure
oxygen. Besides other chemical
satisfactory dough and baking
reactions that consume oxygen,
Proof of an adequate quantity
yeast also needs oxygen before
Because of the low doses
and homogeneous distribution
starting its actual fermenting
required (similar to AA or less)
of the product in the flour can
activity as it initially breathes
and its lower price, bromate can
easily be obtained with Taubers
instead of fermenting. This
hardly be replaced without
reagent in conjunction with a
means that the conditions for
intervention by public authorities.
Pekar test. A convenient and
GOD are really only good on the
Bromate is easily detected and
storable set with the two solutions
surface of the dough as plenty
required is available on the
of oxygen is always available
with a kit in a similar manner to
market. Titration with iodine,
there. The problem can only be
which is more accurate but less
solved by technical measures
convenient, is still common
during dough preparation, for
practice as well.
example overpressure or the
supply of extra oxygen.
A typical GOD preparation is
For the sake of completeness,
1.2 Enzyme-active soy flour
dosed in similar quantities to
azodicarbonamide should be
other enzymes, i.e. 10 - 50 g to
mentioned as well. This chemical
One enzyme from soy flour,
100 kg flour (about 1,500 to 7,500
foaming agent used in the
lipoxygenase, also has an
units of GOD), but this depends
manufacture of expanded
oxidative effect on the protein of
to a very great extent on the
plastics (not only does it have an
the gluten. During the oxidation
product and process.
oxidative effect, it also
of lipids by lipoxygenase,
decomposes into large-volume
peroxides are formed that have
gases upwards of 120 °C) has
a cross-linking effect on thiol
1.4 Bromate
been used as a temporary
groups. However, the gluten-
replacement for bromate and in
strengthening effect of soy flour
In Europe the powerful oxidizing
some cases still is. A great
is comparatively slight; its
agent bromate (more precisely:
disadvantage is its low dosing
bleaching effect (see below) is
potassium bromate) may now
tolerance; a slight overdose
more important.
only be used in flours for export.
causes the bread to split badly,
although the properties of the
that is a constituent of all proteins
dough are still good. The dosage
and produced either by
is approximately similar to that
1.8 Chlorine and chlorine
hydrolysis of extremely cysteine-
of AA or bromate. Detection is
rich proteins and complex
carried out by releasing the gas.
purification procedures or by
The product most often used
Except in the UK and Ireland,
synthetic means.
in a correspondingly larger dose
these oxidizing agents are no
As cysteine splits disulphide
is azodicarbonamide mixed
longer used in Europe because
bridges like other reducing
with calcium sulphate to reduce
of their possible harmful effects
agents one would expect it to
its inflammability, usually with
on health and the technical risks
counteract the effect of AA if used
23 % of the pure substance.
they involve. There is no doubt
at the same time. Initially it was
that with certain baked goods (for
only discovered empirically that
example cake with a high
this is not the case: AA and
1.6 Cystine
proportion of fat and sugar)
cysteine complement each other.
chlorination of the flour that can
One makes the gluten firmer
Cystine is the dimer of the amino
only be carried out at the mill
while the other ensures adequate
acid cysteine (see below) in
produces the best results. This
elasticity. This is possible as it
which two molecules of cysteine
is presumably the reason why
was proved later because the
are linked by a disulphide bridge.
the UK is using the enzymes
two substances act on different
This sulphur bridge gives the
almost as a pledge to achieve
constituents of the gluten and
molecule a certain oxidative
the authorization of chlorine and
attack it at different sites.
effect. But at low doses it is
chlorine dioxide in the coming
The use of these flour improvers
possible that the gluten may
regulation on flour improvers.
in frozen doughs, especially,
soften, as reducing cysteine is
makes it necessary to add very
released when cystine reacts
large doses of both substances,
with thiol groups of the protein.
for on the one hand good
Although this has yet to be
fermentation stability is required
thoroughly investigated, cystine
Gluten that is too short is difficult
(AA!) and on the other hand the
is used in spite of its high price
to process and results in a low
deep-freezing process shortens
as compared to AA because it
volume yield, since the gas
the gluten, a problem that can
is occasionally found to have a
formed by the yeast is not able
be solved at least in part by
positive effect on the properties
to expand the dough as it should.
cysteine. The amount of cysteine
of the dough.
The problem can be solved by
added is often two-thirds of the
using substances with reducing
quantity of AA. The cost of this
properties that break down
method is quite considerable, as
1.7 Dehydroascorbic acid
surplus disulphide bridges and
the prices of cysteine fluctuate
thus give the protein molecules
greatly and in some cases have
DHAA is the oxidized form of AA.
more room to move you might
even exceeded 100 DM.
This means that if DHAA were
say they release them from their
Cysteine is usually sold as
used instead of AA it would be
shackles. Short gluten properties
anhydrous L-cysteine
possible to dispense with the
may result from the varieties
hydrochloride or L-cysteine
initial step of oxidation. Tests
used, but they are sometimes
hydrochloride monohydrate, as
have shown that it is quite
caused by the storage and
it is more easily synthesized and
possible to use DHAA. One
processing of the grain
has better water-solubility in this
reason why it is so rarely used
(overheating) or the use to which
is its instability, but this could be
the flour is put (freezing shortens
Sodium nitrocyanoferrate /
improved by coating. A further
the gluten).
ammonium hydroxide can be
problem is that it is more difficult
used for detection, but this is an
and thus more expensive to
unreliable method as the blue
synthesize. Finally DHAA was
2.1 Cysteine
spots are sometimes difficult to
not included in the directives on
see and fade quickly.
additives in the European
A suspected opponent of AA is
cysteine, a simple amino acid
2.2 Reducing yeast
find their way into foods, the
European regulations become
enzymes do not in this case react
Yeast also produces reducing
at the place where they are
At least fungal amylases are
substances, but these are only
added (in the mill); they do not
generally approved in all the EU
released when the cells die.
take effect until the baker adds
countries except Denmark.
There are now preparations
water. This difference of time and
Where other enzymes such as
made of inactivated, killed yeast
place is a great challenge to the
hemicellulase or protease are
on the market that have a
flour treatment sector in general,
not yet expressly approved they
softening effect similar to that of
but in the case of enzymes it is
are at least tolerated as side
cysteine. But as the dose
an especially complex matter. On
activities. The UK does indeed
required is about 100 times as
the other hand enzymes are
recommend an analysis by the
high (100 - 1,000 g to 100 kg),
highly specific; that is, if they are
COT (Committee of Toxicity), but
even the lower price (about 1/10
pure enough they act on selected
it has not so far prohibited the
and above) cannot make up for
targets and only have to be
use of untested enzymes.
it. This is true even of so-called
added in small quantities.
Amylases and proteases are
glutathione yeast, a variant with
Moreover, they are entirely
generally approved in the UK
a very high reductive potential.
natural as they can only be
So one might say that the main
obtained from micro-organisms
advantages of inactivated yeast
by way of fermentation or from
are in the field of labelling.
vegetable or animal tissue and
3.1 Amylases
fluids by means of extraction.
Like all highly concentrated
Amylases split unbranched
2.3 Sodium metabisulphite and
natural substances enzymes
sections of the starch molecule
have a strong potential for
into smaller components. Like all
causing allergies.
enzymes, amylase only acts on
Both sodium metabisulphite
For this reason care must be
dissolved substrate, i.e. swollen,
(MBS) and sulphur dioxide are
taken during processing that as
damaged starch in the dough.
now approved in the UK and
little enzyme dust as possible is
This reduces the viscosity of the
Ireland only. However, MBS is
dough and improves its
still used occasionally in Spain.
In Germany, most enzymes are
processing characteristics. The
These powerful reducing agents
defined as technical aids with
short-chain dextrines formed by
are especially good at breaking
no significance in the end product
the action of a-amylase serve as
down the gluten fast and reliably,
and as such do not have to be
a substrate for b-amylase or
which greatly simplifies the
declared on the label. But clearly
amyloglucosidase; these in turn
production of biscuits, crackers
the time will come when enzymes
split off sugar (maltose, glucose)
and wafers. But as these
require declaration too as the
that can be used by the yeast.
substances are known to destroy
vitamin B1 (thiamin) their use
should be avoided. Alternatives
Sources of Industrial Enzymes
based on enzymes are now
available; they achieve the same
results but react rather more
slowly and require more
knowledge on the part of the
Pancreatin, chymosin
Enzymes have been in common
Amylase, hemicellulase
use in the food industry for many
Protease, amylase
years. In contrast to most other
applications in which enzymes
This chain of reactions increases
usually 400 DP, but occasionally
per gram, named after
fermenting power and thus
it is stated in SKB/g (see under
Sandstedt, Kneen and Blish who
volume yield, enhances flavour
fungal a-amylase) and is in the
developed the determination
and browning and prolongs shelf
range of 80 to 100.
method. Many manufacturers do
in fact use the units from their
own assays, but they can usually
3.1.2 Fungal amylase
express them in terms of SKB/g
3.1.1 Enzyme-active malt flour
if wished. A typical dose for a
Moulds of the genus Aspergillus
wheat flour that is neither sprout-
Like all other living material, grain
are often used in the production
damaged nor treated with malt
needs enzymes for its vital
of enzyme preparations for
flour is 250 - 500 SKB per kg of
functions. As it does not come
applications in foods as this
flour (i.e. 5 - 10 g of an amylase
back to life, so to speak, until
genus includes numerous well-
with 5,000 SKB/g to 100 kg of
germination, this is the phase
described strains that have no
flour). But even in the case of
when enzymes are produced in
detrimental effect on health. This
flours with a very low falling
large quantities. Bakers and
is important, for in addition to
number it is sometimes useful to
brewers have long put this
producing the desired enzyme
add small amounts of fungal
characteristic to use by
the moulds might otherwise give
amylase (1 - 2 g at 5,000 SKB/g)
germinating cereals before
off toxins that would then find
as this slightly improves the
processing them further.
their way into the finished
properties of the dough and the
Malt flour is the dried product
product. In large fermentation
results of the baking process
made from germinated barley or
equipment the moulds are made
without affecting the falling
wheat. Although the functions
to produce amylase and give it
are largely identical, approvals
off into their environment (the
for use in flour treatment differ
culture medium) as far as
from one country to another.
possible. A multi-stage
France, for example, only permits
purification process
malt flour made from wheat.
Amyloglucosidase (AMG) is a
Malt flour contains primarily a-
ultrafiltration) then results in a
natural side activity of many
and b-amylase, but it also
crude enzyme concentrate that
amylase preparations, but it can
contains protease, glucanase
is usually spray-dried to form a
also be obtained in a purer form
and many other enzymes. Some
powder with a good shelf life.
from specialized Aspergillus
of these may have a positive
Various carriers mainly
strains. AMG breaks down starch
effect on the baking process
maltodextrin, starch or flour are
into its smallest subunits, namely
(amylases, glucanases), but they
added to make the substance
glucose. And in contrast to a-
can also cause damage
more convenient to use at the
amylase it does not stop at
(proteases). Like the flours own
mill (dosing, flow properties).
branched molecules
amylases, the amylase of the
Fungal amylase is usually a-
(amylopectin). But it would take
malt flour has a pronounced
amylase. Most side activities can
a very long time to reduce
effect on the falling numbers. If
be eliminated in the production
viscosity through the effect of
the falling numbers are very high
process. In contrast to the cereal
AMG alone, as the enzyme only
(i.e. the flour's own enzymatic
amylase in malt flour it has only
acts on the starch from one end
activity is very low), anything up
a very slight effect on the falling
and only splits off a single
to 150 g of malt flour to 100 kg
numbers since it reacts more
glucose molecule at a time. This
of flour may be needed to bring
sensitively than cereal amylase
means that the main significance
the falling number into the range
to the high temperatures at which
of AMG lies in browning and in
of 250 - 300 s. With falling
the falling number is determined
maintaining the fermentation
numbers around 300 s, no more
and is inactivated before it can
process over an extended period
than 50 g should be added to
break down the starch gel.
(controlled fermentation). As it
prevent the doughs from
The dosage of a-amylase
always occurs in conjunction with
becoming too sticky. The activity
depends on its concentration, or
a-amylase, AMG is usually dosed
of malt flours is often expressed
more precisely its activity. The
in very small amounts (less than
in DP for diastatic power and is
usual international unit is SKB
0.1 g to100 kg).
3.1.4 Hemicellulase
considerably by adding
use of cysteine. But unlike the
amino acids, protease does not
Wheat flour contains about
have little effect on the falling
stop acting when the additive is
2.5 % pentosans (rye flour about
numbers, but their activity can
used up. As a result, its effects
7 %) that can bind up to ten times
sometimes be recognized very
increase with the fermentation
their weight of water. These
clearly in the amylogram (lower
time of the dough. This is why
pentosans belong to the category
T and AU) and in the
there is a considerable demand
of the hemicelluloses, relatives
extensogram where some
for enzyme preparations that do
of cellulose, and are made up of
hemicellulases cause a change
not contain even traces of
different sugar molecules
in the curve similar to that
protease. The use of protease is
(including glucose, xylose and
produced by cysteine but without
less of a problem with flours that
any breakdown of the protein.
are rich in gluten. Furthermore,
(synonyms: pentosanase,
Most of these enzymes are also
proteases are very useful in the
xylanase) break these
derived from Aspergillus strains,
production of biscuit or wafer
substances down. Initially this
but these are strains that have
flours. With these the elasticity
process leads to the formation
been selected for or specialized
of the gluten is undesirable;
of soluble molecules from
in the production of
sometimes even the complete
pentosan, which is suspended
suppression of gluten formation
in water but insoluble, and this
Hemicellulases are mostly sold
is necessary. Here protease also
increases the binding of water
in compounds with amylase. It is
makes it possible to use greatly
and thus viscosity. These
not possible to give a general
fluctuating raw materials as it
molecules are broken down still
dosage recommendation as
gives them uniform technical
further as the process continues;
there is no standard method of
water is released and the
viscosity reduced. It is assumed
activity. The available methods
that pentosans form a network
are usually based on determining
3.1.6 Other enzymes
with gluten; the more pentosans
the release of reducing sugars,
are involved, the firmer is the
the reduction of viscosity or the
Glucose oxidase is often
breakdown of synthetic or
mentioned, and has already been
This is why darker wheat flours
coloured molecules and are very
described above under
and mixtures containing rye flour
difficult to relate to each other.
oxidation. The literature also
have a lower volume yield. The
Moreover, even the use of a
contains frequent references to
volume yield can be increased
standard method for different
lipase. This enzyme splits fats
hemicellulases does not
into mono- and diglycerides.
necessarily permit conclusions
Theoretically this should lead to
in respect of baking properties.
the formation of in situ emulsifiers
Gluten and Hemicellulose
Presumably the points at which
with the well-known effects
hemicellulases of different origin
described below. But quite apart
attack the pentosan molecules
from the inconsistency of the
are too various.
information given in the literature
(it is disputed whether the doughs
have to contain additional fat,
and if so what kind of fat) there
is also the problem of a possible
Protease (also proteinase or
impairment of taste due to the
peptidase) splits the protein
release of fatty acids.
strands of the gluten molecule
and thus leads first to a softening
arabinofuranosidase and
and then to a complete collapse
transglutaminase have also been
of the structure. With short gluten
tested for their possible suitability
structures a slight softening may
as flour improvers, but they have
well be desirable; in this case it
not yet been used on a large
Adapted from Hoseney & Faubion, 1981
has a similar significance to the
scale. The development of
microbial lipoxygenase as an
The interaction of lecithin with
the dose required may be up to
alternative to the enzyme in soy
the starch and its ability to bind
1 % of the flour.
and bean flour is a further highly
water also prolong the shelf-life
interesting topic. Initial
of the crumb. Lecithin also has
approaches failed because of
a positive effect on volume yield,
4.3 Emulsifier complexes
the unsuitable pH optimum of
but in this respect it tends to fall
the microbial enzyme and
behind synthetic emulsifiers such
In many cases it is possible to
presumably the fact that it is not
as diacetyl tartaric esters of
enhance the properties of an
type II lipoxygenase. Only the
mono- and diglycerides
emulsifier by combining it with
latter is capable of oxidizing and
(DATEM). A trend towards
another emulsifier. An example
thus bleaching carotenoids in the
slightly lower volume yields
of this is the mono- and
observed in some parts of
diglycerides, that only achieve
Europe is likely to increase the
their optimum suitability for use
use of lecithin again. Moreover,
in flour treatment through
lecithin fractions are available
combination with lecithin. The
4.1 Lecithin
that offer the advantage of being
lecithin improves their flowability,
natural emulsifiers with properties
solubility and dispersion and
Bakers, especially, have been
specially adjusted to specific
clearly their interaction with
constituents of the flour as well.
The dosage of lecithin for flour
Well-known and widely used
treatment is in the range of 30 -
organic flour improvers fall into
150 g to 100 kg of flour. Such
this category. The combination
Lecithin Phospholipids
low doses mainly have the effect
makes it possible to reduce the
of improving the processing
dose necessary for optimum
characteristics of the dough,
effect to 100 - 300 g with 50 %
whereas a considerably larger
emulsifier in the complex.
dose increases the stability of
Diacetyl tartaric esters of mono-
the dough and fermentation
and diglycerides are also
receptive to enhancement with
lecithin: the addition of as little
as 10 % lecithin improves their
4.2 Mono- and diglycerides
emulsifying effect and also
R1 and R2 : fatty acids
Choline, serine,
reduces the vinegar smell.
ethanolamine or inositol
Mono- and diglycerides are
The above combinations are only
produced by splitting off two fatty
effective if the emulsifiers are
acids or a single fatty acid from
mixed before being converted
familiar with lecithin longer than
edible fats and oils. By selecting
into their powdered form.
with any other emulsifier. At first
the fatty acids left on the glycerol
Interestingly, it is not sufficient
it was mainly the effect of lecithin
backbone it is possible to
just to mix the individual
from egg yolk that was used to
produce emulsifiers with greatly
distribute large amounts of fat
differing properties. For flour
evenly in the product and achieve
treatment there is mainly a
a finer crumb and higher baked
demand for the mono- and
4.4 Diacetyl tartaric esters of
volume, but now concentrated
diglycerides with good anti-staling
mono- and diglycerides
lecithin from soybeans is
properties. These are most often
available for this purpose. In its
found with linear, saturated fatty
deoiled form it is also well suited
acids that interact well with starch
One very effective group of
for use in mills. The most obvious
and thus slow down the staling
emulsifiers in respect of volume
benefit of lecithin is probably the
process. In other respects, too,
yield is mono- and diglycerides
noticeably drier surface of the
these emulsifiers have similar
of edible fats esterified with
dough; bound up with this is
effects to lecithin, namely greater
mono- and diacetyl tartaric acid.
better machinability, that is also
volume yield and a finer crumb.
DATEM is one of the main
a result of greater smoothness.
With fat-rich products, especially,
constituents of most baking
improvers, especially when the
substances influence the swelling
6.1 Benzoyl peroxide
aim is to produce voluminous
of the flour constituents, and this
baked goods with a crisp crust.
helps to counteract the negative
For a long time benzoyl peroxide
In Europe, DATEM esters are
effects of excessive enzyme
was a familiar oxidative bleaching
not often used in flour treatment.
activity (e.g. water release). The
agent, and it is used to this day
The optimum dose is about 300
most suitable preparations are
in flours for export.
- 400 g to 100 kg.
those that stabilize the pH at the
In addition to its good bleaching
level to which it has been
effect it has a slight influence on
adjusted, i.e. so-called buffer
the structure of the gluten, but
4.5 Sodium and calcium
substances. Examples are
this is not apparent when other
mixtures of the salts of fruit acids.
flour improvers such as AA are
(SSL and CSL)
In most cases the dosage is in
Under the new Miscellaneous
the typically low range for flour
directive, these emulsifiers (made
treatment, that is about 50 to a
from the fatty acid stearic acid
maximum of 200 g to 100 kg of
esterified with a double ester of
(Dibenzoyl peroxide)
lactic acid) have now been
Nevertheless, with the inorganic
approved as food additives
phosphates and carbonates care
throughout Europe. The remarks
has to be taken not to exceed
concerning DATEM also apply
the limits of the flour grades, as
to these, but with the difference
these substances pass into the
that SSL and CSL are especially
ash. With sprouted grain it is in
suitable for baked goods with a
any case advisable, whatever
the treatment, to use a smaller
The dosage for benzoyl peroxide
proportion of the enzyme-rich
outer layers of the grain and
flour. It is usually sold as a 30 %
5. Acidulants and acidity
produce lighter-coloured flours
product, and the dose is then
that then tolerate the addition of
correspondingly higher. The
flour improvers containing ash.
effect of benzoyl peroxide on the
Sprouting in rye and wheat
flour is already visible after 24 to
results in a high level of amylase
72 hours of storage.
activity in the corn itself with the
6. Bleaching agents
usual effects on baking
properties. It is generally known
Although we are now aware of
6.2 Enzyme-active bean flour
that even flours with very low
the importance of roughage,
and soy flour
falling numbers produce good
minerals and vitamins there is
baking results if well acidified.
still a demand for a very light-
Only enzyme-active flour made
But for one thing acidity is not
coloured crumb in many wheat
from soy or faba (horse) beans
something every European likes,
products. This is true of a wide
may now be used throughout
and for another the bakeries
range of baked goods from
Europe to achieve a light-
have less and less time and
Arabian bread and baguettes to
coloured crumb. The quantity
available personnel. This means
toast slices. Even the German
that can be used is very much
that other ways and means had
language bears witness to the
limited by another enzyme
to be sought.
low opinion our travelling
urease that is present as a side
By adding fruit acids and the salts
neighbours once had of the dark
activity. This causes an
of these and also carbonates
bread made from rye flour that
undesirable, bitter taste. For this
and phosphates approved for
is so popular in our country.
reason the maximum quantities
use in foods it is possible to
Pumpernickel ( pain pour Nickel);
used are usually 0.5 % for soy
adjust the pH of the dough
apparently Nickel was the name
flour and 2.0 % for faba bean
slightly so that it moves out of
of the horse ridden by Napoleon,
flour. The classic application for
the range in which the enzymes
the first. The flavonoids
soy flour is doubtless baguettes,
of the grain have their strongest
responsible for the colour can be
in which it is increasingly
effect. Moreover, these
bleached with oxidizing agents.
replacing the less effective bean

flour. A typical dose of 0.5 %
are used has a physical cause:
already has a definite bleaching
the finer texture changes the
effect. It is used at about the
reflecting properties of the crumb
same concentration in flours for
and the colour appears lighter.
toast slices and flat bread.
On the other hand strong
oxidizing agents such as bromate
or chlorine really do remove the
6.3 Other agents with a
colour from the dark pigments,
although this is only a desirable
The brightening effect noticed
Dr.Lutz Popper
when ascorbic acid or emulsifiers
Newsletter Mühlenchemie GmbH Kornkamp 40 D-22926 Ahrensburg
Tel.: +49(0)4102-23 93-01 Fax: +49(0)4102-23 93-23 e-Mail: [email protected] homepage: www.muehlenchemie.de
Source: http://www.nutrifood.eu/database/muehlenchemie/mc-fltr-e.pdf
Unicor s.a. CETC - AV6416 www. unicorsa.com.ar AV6416 : Palm OTDR AV6416 palm OTDR is the newest instrument designed for testing FTTx network. It´s mainly used to measure the physical characteristics of optical fiber under test, such as the length,the transmission loss and the splice loss etc. It can also locate the faults or breaks of optical fiber. It´s widely applied in the manufacture, construction and maintenance in optical fiber communication system. AV6416 palm OTDR has the most advanced technology of double-color & material integrative mould,which is novel and beautiful in appearance.AV6416 offers three wavelengths and VLF in one handheld unit, especially for testing passive optical network (PON) in FTTx. In addition, it´s equipped with comfortable gallus for carrying conveniently.Mainly features: ο handheld,lightweight and convenience for carrying ο The most advanced technology of double-color & material integrative mould in trade ο Advanced anti-reflective TFT LCD,visible clearly in field ο 1.6m extra-short event dead zone ο Communication light check automatically ο 0.25m high resolution,65534 sampling points ο Fast auto measurement,one-button operating ο Double USB interfaces, supporting USB stick and direct cable download to PC via ActiveSync ο Supporting Bellcore GR196 file format in writing or reading ο Function of intelligent indicating of remaining capacity of battery and warning if the voltage of battery is low. ο WinCE operation system, double operating interface of Chinese and English ο Built-in lithium battery with high capacity for over 10 hours of operating life ο Visible fault locating (VFL) ο Universal FC/PC,FC/SC,FC/ST connector type, it´s convenient for surface cleaning ο Unique function of updating system on-line, returning to factory is unnecessaryο Extra-short event dead zone AV6416 palm OTDR has extra-short event dead zone, which is suitable for testing short optical fiber and pigtail optical fiber.
Statin Template GuidanceUse of statins in primary and secondary prevention of vascular disease Notes relating to this guidance This guidance serves as an aid to the implementation of NICE clinical guidelines on lipid modification (CG67) and type 2 diabetes (CG66). Please note that NICE CG67 is currently being updated and this guidance document will be subject to review upon publication.