PIDSP Journal, 2005 Vol. 9 No. 2
Copyright 2005
Ronald Allan N. Geraldez, MD*, Ma. Liza M. Gonzales, MD*
In UP-PGH pediatric wards and emergency
Background: Superficial phlebitis is a common
room, a proper and successful IV catheter insertion is
complication of venoclysis although its incidence
one of the most basic skill that interns and residents should
especially in pediatric hospital setting is not often known
learn. This can be made difficult by the fact that
and evaluated. A standard aseptic technique in IV line
peripheral veins of pediatric patients are small and often
insertion is observed to decrease its incidence but the
difficult to locate visually and by palpation. Formal IV
use of topical antibiotic is rarely used.
therapy training for hospital personnel has been shown
Study objectives: Our objective was to determine if
to decrease leakage, phlebitis and infiltration
topical application of antibiotic mupirocin will affect the
complications of IV cannulation.5 In PGH, however, most
incidence of superficial phlebitis as compared to using
medical interns learn the technique by practice while
alcohol alone in the preparation of the IV insertion site.
serving their rotation in the pediatrics department.
Setting: Pediatric department wards and emergency room
A proper and effective way of doing IV
of the University of the Philippines-Philippine General
catheterization entails an aseptic technique that every
health personnel performing the procedure should
Methodology: In a randomized control study, 69 pediatric
observe. However, the incidence of phlebitis may still
patients for intravenous catheter insertion were evaluated.
occur in the insertion site requiring the removal of the IV
Thirty-six patients were assigned in the control group
cannula and reinsertion of new cannula in another site.
whose IV insertion site were prepared with alcohol alone
Several factors may predispose to the
while 33 patients in the case group received topical
development of superficial phlebitis in IV cannulation site
mupirocin after application of alcohol in the IV insertion
foremost of which is the length of time the cannula is in
site. The IV insertion site were than evaluated daily by
place or the dwell time. The Center for Disease Control
the investigator for the development of superficial phlebitis
guidelines recommends replacement of IV catheter every
until the IV cannula were removed.
48 to 72 hours for adults but no such recommendation
Results: Eight out of the 36 patients (22%) in the control
for pediatric patients exists.6 Studies however has shown
group while 4 out of the 33 patients (12%) in the case
that there is no significant differences between phlebitis
group developed phlebitis.
rate of cannula with dwell time of 72 hour and 96 hour.7,1
Conclusion: The use of topical mupirocin in the IV
Thus, considering the difficulty of successful cannulation,
insertion site prior to cannulation can decrease the
the limited number of skin sites, and the cost of the devise,
incidence of superficial phlebitis.
the cannula may be left in place for longer than 48 hours.9Among neonates, catheter life is on the average lasts for
only 30 hours. Extravasation, erythema, accidental
Phlebitis in insertion site is not an uncommon
displacement, and worse, phlebitis may require the
complication of peripheral intravenous catheterization with
removal and reinsertion into another site of the cannula.
cases reported to range from a low 2.3% to as high as
Without these complications however, catheter can be
31%.1.2,3,4 It can manifest as an inflammation in the
safely maintained with adequate monitoring for up to 144
insertion site to cellulitis and suppuration in the contiguous
areas to a more severe catheter related sepsis.
It is advisable that IV cannula should be used
only once per attempt but this is not always the case in
*Department of Pediatrics, UP-PGH
PGH where the same cannula can be used several times
Key Words: intravenous cannulation, mupirocin, pediatrics, superficial phlebitis, topical antimicrobial
PIDSP Journal, 2005 Vol. 9 No. 2
Copyright 2005
in an attempt at successful cannulation. A transparent
IV cannulation site administered prior to IV cannulation
polyurethane cannula (Insyte) is the most commonly type
compared to applying alcohol alone decreases the
of used which compared to butterfly steel cannula is
incidence of phlebitis.
said to decrease the risk of phlebitis.10, 11, 12
A significant factor in the development of
Secondary objectives include:
phlebitis is the infusate or the type and frequency of
1. to determine and assess the factors that predisposes
medication or fluid infused and pushed. Drug irritation is
to the development of superficial phlebitis namely:
the most reliable predictor of phlebitis.13 Total parenteral
a. the length of time the IV cannula is in place
nutrition, blood products, potassium and sodium
b. the type of IV medications infused
bicarbonate drips are just some of the infusate commonly
c. the number of attempts before the cannula has been
implicated in phlebitis.
There are commercially available IV cannula
d. the type of personnel (i.e. intern, resident) who
dressings available in the market such as transparent
performed the cannulation
dressing and sterile gauze but these are more expensiveand thus has not been popularly used. The use of gauze
Type of Study
versus transparent dressing shows no relationship with
A randomized controlled trial in which mupirocin
IV complications such as bacterial colonization and
ointment topically applied prior to IV cannulation is
phlebitis although a study has shown less evidence of
compared with using alcohol alone.
phlebitis with adhesive bandage compared with gauze.14,3Bacterial colonization or the presence of positive culture
in the cannula tip is widely believed to be not correlated
Patients in the pediatric wards and emergency
with the development of phlebitis.15 There has been no
room requiring indwelling peripheral IV cannulation for
reported study comparing these commercially available
more than 24 hours.
dressing with adhesive tape (Leukoplast) which isgenerally what is being used in PGH.
The most practical way of preventing phlebitis is
Patients whom IV cannula was removed within
the employment of aseptic technique in the performance
24 hours from insertion.
of the peripheral IV cannulation procedure. The usualpractice in this institution is to topically clean the area in
the skin with alcohol and the secure the site with
The presence of signs of phlebitis in the area
leukoplast. Application of a topical antibiotic
where IV cannulation has been placed as assessed by
prophylactically in the insertion site such as mupirocin
the investigator.
ointment is not usually done except although occasionally,povidone iodine, a topical antiseptic is used. Some studies,
however has shown that the use of antimicrobial ointment
All patients in the emergency room and wards
has resulted in higher proportion of phlebitis.16
for intravenous catheter insertion that was referred for
Mupirocin, a topical antibiotic available in
inclusion in the study was randomly assigned to case
ointment form has been used in the treatment of
group or control group. For every patient enrolled in the
secondarily infected wounds. It is likewise often used in
study a card was drawn from a set of cards randomly
the care of indwelling central lines to prophylactically
marked with "B" and unmarked cards. Those assigned
prevent phlebitis or even treat secondarily infected central
with unmarked cards was put in the control group while
line site. It is effective against gram positive and gram
those with marked "B" was placed in the case group
negative organisms including methicillin resistant
The choice of IV site for each patient was at
Staphylococcus aureus. As to date, there is no local
the discretion of the physician and or intern as is the choice
study investigating the efficacy of the application of
of the IV catheter to be used. The insertion technique
mupirocin in the prevention of the development of
was done percutaneously without prior skin incision. The
superficial phlebitis in peripheral cannulation site.
skin was prepared with alcohol. All patients in the casegroup will have topical mupirocin applied to the area
covering at least 0.25 cm prior to IV insertion. The
The primary objective is to assess whether single
insertion site would then covered with an adhesive tape.
topical application of mupirocin ointment in the peripheral
PIDSP Journal, 2005 Vol. 9 No. 2
Copyright 2005
The catheters were subsequently handled ac-
A. Dwell time
cording to the normal practice of the attending medical
The average dwell time for subjects in the control
and nursing staff. Each patient was seen daily by the
group is 62.9 hours (SD 30.3 hours) as compared to the
investigator and the patient was questioned about pain in
case group with average dwell time of 62.8 hours (SD
the insertion site, or/and the IV site was inspected and
30.4). If subjects whom IV cannula were electively
palpated. The presence of phlebitis was defined as the
removed or those whom cannulation where removed
presence of a palpable cord or the presence of at least 2
because they were no longer need for were excluded,
of the following physical changes along the course of the
the average dwell time became 62.7 hours (SD 29.9) for
vein: warmth, erythema, tenderness and induration.
the control and 65 hours (SD 27.6) for the case group.
Of the total of 12 patients who had phlebitis, 5 had their
cannula in place for 24-48 hours, 3 of them for 49-72
Of the 92 patients enrolled in the study, only 36
hours, 2 for 73-96 hours while 2 had their cannula in place
in the control group and 33 in the case group were
for 145-168 hours.
included in the evaluation. Twelve patients in the controlgroup out of 48 (25%) and 11 out of the 44 (25%)
patients in the case group were excluded because their
IV cannula were removed in less than 24 hours or the
patients were discharged before the investigator was able
to assess the IV site. Subject characteristics for both
groups were similar with respect to sex although there in
terms of age, there were more subjects in the 1 to 12
months age group among the control. For both control
and case group, the locations of the IV insertions had
almost similar distribution and most were done in the hand.
Final result had shown that 8 out of the 36 (22%) subjectsin the control group developed phlebitis as compared to
B. Type of Infusate
the case group in whom 4 out of the 33 (12%) subjects
Of the 12 patients in the control group who
had phlebitis.
developed phlebitis, 8 were given IV fluids while 4 hadheparin lock. Eight were given IV antibiotics while 3
were given blood products.
Table 2. Subjects in the control group who developed phlebitis
and the type of infusate given
Age Group
Age Group
Type of infusate
IV Cannulation Site
IV Cannulation Site
PIDSP Journal, 2005 Vol. 9 No. 2
Copyright 2005
Table 2. Subjects in theMupirocin group who developed
phlebitis and the type of infusate given
Phlebitis is the most common complication of IV
therapy and several factors has been implicated in itspathogenesis. Chemical factors such as irritant drugs
Type of infusate
and physical factors such as duration of cannulation are
just few of the identified risk factors for the developmentof phlebitis.
Among the 69 subjects both in the control and
mupirocin group evaluated in this study, 12 developed
phlebitis thereby giving an incidence rate of 17%. This
is within range of the incidence of phlebitis reported in
other studies which is from a low of 2.3% to a high
31%.1,2,3,4 For those in the control group, 22% (8/36)developed phlebitis, a rate that is higher than in the case
C. Number of times the IV cannula were used
group with 12% (4/33). With using topical topical
There could be several attempts in IV insertion
mupirocin the absolute risk reduction is 10% and the
in a subject and a cannula could be used several times by
relative risk reduction of 46%. The results therefore
the intern or the residents before a successful cannulation.
suggests that applying topical mupirocin (Bactroban) in
Majority of IV insertion fortunately was successful on
the IV insertion site may the decrease the risk of phlebitis.
first attempt. Seven out of 51 of those who developed
However, using the statistical analysis Fisher's exact test
phlebitis had the IV cannula used only once in an attempt.
this finding is not statistically significant with a 2-tail p
There were 2 subjects whose cannula was used 4 times
but did not developed phlebitis.
The rationale for the use of topical antimicrobial
Table 4. No of times the cannulla has been used and the inci-
in the preparation of the skin for IV insertion can decrease
dence of phlebitis
the bacterial load of the skin thus decreasing thecolonization in the point of entry. Topical antimicrobial is
Times the
often employed in the care of central venous catheter
IV Cathwas
but its use in percutaneous IV cannulation is not by
Subjects + Phlebitis
standards observed. Some studies even discourage theuse of antimicrobial ointment because it can result in
higher incidence of phlebitis.
The length of time that the IV cannula is in place
is traditionally believed to be directly correlated with the
incidence of phlebitis. Two subjects however whosedwell time exceeds 144 hours did not developed phlebitis
D. Type of Personnel Performing the cannulation.
although 2 subjects with dwell time of 121-144 hours did.
In PGH pediatric wards and emergency room,
Five subjects in the control group with dwell time less
the interns were the first in line who should perform the
than 48 hours had phlebitis. The per day risk of phlebitis
IV insertion, thus 70% (36/53) of the IV insertion were
is not evident in this study and this supports the no longer
performed by the interns while the rest were done by the
acceptable practice of replacing IV cannula every three
residents. Seven out of the 36 insertions done by the
interns developed phlebitis while 4 out of the 18 insertions
In this study, the IV insertion performed by
done by the residents had phlebitis.
interns showed 16% (7/44) rate of phlebitis as compared
Table 5. The type of personnel performing the IV cannulation
with residents who had 19% (5/26). In PGH, it is usually
and the incidence of phlebitis
the interns who were first in line to do the IV insertionand the procedure would be referred to the residents in
cases of difficult insertion. The higher rate of phlebitis
among those done by residents can be probably explainedby their more difficult tasks of IV insertion especially
among chronic patients.
PIDSP Journal, 2005 Vol. 9 No. 2
Copyright 2005
Since IV cannula is sometimes used several times
drugs that has been infused and recognized to be often
in an insertion, the number of times the cannula has been
implicated in the development of phlebitis has been IV
used before a successful cannulation has been recorded
fluids with KCl and Ca gluconate incorporation and blood
and analyzed as a risk factor of phlebitis. Although
products packe RBC and platelet concentrate. There is
majority of the insertion has been successful on 1st
however particular classification of infusate as to their
attempt, 14% (7/51) has developed phlebitis while 23%,
abiltity and degree to irritate the veins and cause phlebitis.
(3/13), 50% (1/2) and 50%(1/2) has developed phlebitis
The application of topical mupirocin may not decrease
when the cannula has been reinserted twice, thrice and
the incidence of chemical phlebitis or those caused by
four times respectively. It is therefore recommended
irritant infusate in contrast to those with infectious etiology
that the IV cannula be used only once and be discarded
although both factors may co-exist in the development
if attempt is unsuccessful. The cost of IV cannula will
of phlebitis.
however make this suggestion impractical.
The potential of topical mupirocin in decreasing
These results lead to the question of whether
the incidence of phlebitis therefore needs further
there is a direct relationship between difficulty of insertion
confirmation. The amount of ointment used per
as evaluated subjectively by those performing the IV
cannulation is so small that it will not greatly increase the
cannulation and by the number of attempts before a
cost of IV therapy. The only problem however is the
successful cannulation has been made. A similar study
more tedious way of inserting the cannula since the skin
with such an objective is therefore recommended.
site can have more glare from the shiny ointment once
The type of infusate such as irritant IV medication
applied as reported by the residents and interns who
is a significant factor in the development of phlebitis.
participated in the study. However, if proven by further
Among subjects who developed phlebitis, some of the
studies and by evidenced based medicine, the decreasedcost of reinsertion and decreased pain for the patient canbe beneficial.
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Benefit Sharing in ABS:Options and Elaborations This report was written byMS Suneetha, Biodiplomacy Programme, United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies, and Balakrishna Pisupati, Division for Environmental Law and Conventions, United Nations Environment Programme AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank David Leary, Claudio Chiarol a, Geoff Burton, Sam Johnston and Hiroji Isozaki
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