
Does Using Behavioural Prompts in
Pre-Populated Tax Forms Affect
Compliance? Results From an
Artefactual Field Experiment With Real
University of Exeter
University of Exeter
Discussion Paper: 015-15
Does using behavioural prompts in pre-populated tax forms affect compliance? Results from an artefactual field experiment with real taxpayers*
Miguel A. Fonseca and Shaun B. Grimshaw
Abstract (175 words)
We report on data from an artefactual field experiment on the effect of pre-populating tax
forms with third-party data, as well as using behavioural prompts designed to increase
compliance. We use sample of UK taxpayers as our subject pool. The main results of this
paper are that: (i) the correct pre-population of values in tax forms has no effect on
compliance; (ii) the incorrect pre-population of income values in the tax form reduces
compliance; (iii) the introduction of barriers to editing pre-populated fields may worsen non-
compliance if the pre-populated values are incorrect; (iv) behavioural prompts concerning
descriptive norms of compliance can mitigate the negative impact of incorrect pre-population
of tax returns only if they are responsive to behaviour in the filing process; finally (v) a
proportion of subjects overpaid taxes when the tax form was populated with a value above
the true income. These findings represent important considerations for policy makers.
Keywords: Field experiment; tax compliance; Pre-population of tax returns
*Fonseca: University of Exeter; em Grimshaw: University of Exeter; email: unding from the Tax Administration Research Centre, ESRC/HMRC/HMT grant ES/K005944/1 is gratefully acknowledged. We would like to thank Joe Scarlett-Smith, Rossy Bailey, Adrian Haldane, Soma Chaudhury and other HMRC researchers and staff for their feedback at various stages of development of this project. The views expressed in this manuscript are the authors' own and do not reflect HMRC policy or the opinions of any HMRC personnel.
1. Introduction
The objective of any national tax administration is to maximise the amount of tax revenues
collected. Doing so means minimising the degree of non-compliance by taxpayers, either due
to evasion or genuine error. To this end, the UK Budget in the spring of 2015 announced the
introduction of on-line digital tax accounts, which will remove the need to file a tax return.
The UK Government plans that by the end of 2016, five million businesses and one million
individuals will have switched to the new digital accounts, and that by 2020 every individual
and small business should be able to access their digital tax account (HMRC, 2015).
The proposed benefits of the new system include offering certainty and control over one's tax
position; the removal of duplicated data entry; quicker responses from the tax authority; and
the ability to share information with third parties. Other advertised benefits include
integration to wider government services and personalised taxpayer support. The less publicly
lauded benefits are reduced costs for the tax administration service through online interaction
with taxpayers, as well as due to potentially fewer filing errors from duplicate entry of data.
An important part of this proposal is the tax authority's use of third party data. Currently, UK
taxpayers may be required to enter data into their tax form that is obtainable from other
sources (e.g. employment income, income from the ownership of property, or interest on
bank accounts; tax-liable or tax-relieving expenses, such as medical insurance benefits or
private pension contributions). It is possible for the tax authority to source much of this
information from employers, banks or pension companies. Under the proposal for the new
digital tax accounts, the tax authority will use the information it already has in taxpayers'
accounts. Therefore taxpayers will not need to re-enter that data when filing their taxes. This
amounts to the tax authority pre-populating the taxpayer's tax form.1
There are, however, a number of concerns over the introduction of this policy. Chief among
them is the possibility that the tax authority will inadvertently pre-populate tax forms
incorrectly. On the one hand, taxpayers may simply accept the pre-populated values – a form
of status quo bias or behavioural inertia (Samuelson and Zeckhauser, 1988; Madrian and
Shea, 2001). This behavioural inertia could lead to unanticipated non-compliance if the tax
authority's information underestimates a taxpayer's tax liability, leaving the taxpayer open to
an audit and any associated penalties from their non-compliance.2 Potentially increased levels
of non-compliance arising from under pre-population would leave the tax authority with a
larger revenue shortfall. Increased over-compliance arising from over pre-population would
instead result in a public relations issue from the routine over-charging of taxpayers.3
On the other hand, pre-populating tax forms reveals what the tax agency knows (and
importantly, what it does not know) about taxpayers' affairs, thus extending the opportunity
for deliberate evasion.4 Such an opportunity for tax evasion would obviously apply to those
taxpayers considering evasion under the old tax return system, but, worse still, the incorrect
pre-population of the tax form could make those that would have been compliant without pre-
population now consider evasion.
1 Denmark introduced pre-population of tax forms in 1988 and is now performed to varying degrees in over ten European Union countries, Australia and the State of California (EC, 2012; OECD, 2006). Evidence suggests pre-population of tax forms reduces compliance costs for taxpayers (Vaillancourt, 2011; Klun, 2009). 2 Importantly, the pre-population of tax forms does not change the fact that the legal responsibility for the correct filing and payment of taxes remains with the taxpayer. 3 Over-estimating tax liabilities leads to the equally important problem (from the perspective of the duty of care of tax administrations) of taxpayers over-paying their taxes 4 Kleven et al. (2011) demonstrate in a randomized control trial with Danish taxpayers that opportunity forms an important mechanism in the evasion decision.
In this paper we report the results of an online experiment studying the impact of pre-
population of tax forms using UK taxpayers as experimental subjects. The experiment is
designed to answer the following questions:
Does pre-populating tax returns with correct values increase compliance?
Does pre-populating tax returns with incorrect values decrease non-compliance?
If the answer to the second question is affirmative, can that effect be mitigated by
behavioural prompts imbedded in the tax form?
To answer the first two questions, we implement a one-shot decision artefactual field
experiment with real UK taxpayers as our subject pool.5 In our experiment, subjects play the
role of a fictitious taxpayer, who has several income streams and tax-deductible expenses,
and have to file a tax return. Their payment depends on the actual income earned minus
whatever tax payments are due via their tax declaration (minus any fine if caught evading).
We assess the impact of various forms of pre-population against a baseline condition without
pre-population. We additionally combine pre-population of fields in the tax forms with on-
screen prompts intended to create barriers to non-compliance. These include the requirement
to click on a check box in order to unlock particular entries in the tax form; and warning
messages about the likelihood of being audited, which in some cases were responsive to the
values inputted by subjects.
We find that partially pre-populating forms with correct data improves compliance. However,
the use of inaccurate information significantly decreases compliance. This is due to the fact
that some individuals accept the pre-populated value, while others engage in additional non-
compliance. We find that the use of behavioural prompts can have both positive and negative
consequences. A lock on the pre-populated field with a prompt for honesty can worsen non-
5 Harrison and List (2004) provide a taxonomy for economics experiments. They define an artefactual field as being a laboratory experiment conducted with a non-student subject pool.
compliance if the pre-populated values are incorrect. A prompt reminding subjects that a
lower declaration of income would lead to a higher probability of audit along with a message
concerning a descriptive norm of compliance is much more effective in increasing
compliance, but only when it is responsive to the values inputted by the taxpayer; passively
displaying the same content on the form does not induce changes in compliance behaviour.
2. Literature Review
A fundamental issue around studying tax compliance is that it is a behaviour which, by its
very nature, people wish to conceal. A common approach has therefore been the use of
laboratory economics experiments (Alm, 2012). Tax compliance experiments have been
performed to examine the effects of a number of different policies. Direct investigations
include experiments assessing different forms of an amnesty (Alm, McKee, Beck, 1990), the
effectiveness of audit schemes (Collins and Plumlee, 1991; Alm, Cronshaw and McKee,
1993; Alm and McKee, 2004; Tan and Yim, 2014), the ownership of the tax revenue
spending process (Alm, Jackson and McKee, 1993), the impact of publicising information
about audits and those audited (Alm, Jackson and McKee, 2009; Coricelli et al, 2010; Fortin,
Lacroix and Villeval, 2007; Alm, Bloomquist and McKee, 2015), positive inducements to
encourage tax filing and compliance (Alm et al, 2012; Bazart and Pickhardt, 2011) and the
impact of information services provided by the tax authority (Alm et al, 2010; McKee,
Siladke and Vossler, 2011; Vossler and McKee, 2013).
The vast majority of experiments have been conducted with students, the typical sample used
in experimental economics. Some researchers (Harrison and List, 2004) criticise the use of
students as they lack the necessary expertise to give external validity to the experimental
findings. Others (Falk and Heckman, 2009) emphasise the importance of financial incentives,
and their dependence on actions as the relevant feature of experimental economics, over and
above contextual expertise. The evidence on subject pool differences with respect to tax
compliance experiments is very small. Gërxani and Schram (2006) study compliance
differences in Albania and the Netherlands, using students and faculty in high schools and
universities; Alm et al. (2015) compare the compliance behaviour of US undergraduate
students and university staff; Choo et al. (2015) compare UK undergraduates to a non-
representative sample of the UK taxpayer population. While there are level differences in
compliance between students and non-students in all studies, there is less consistency in the
responsiveness to treatment changes. Alm et al. (2015) report qualitatively similar results in
both samples, while Gërxani and Schram (2006) and Choo et al. (2015) find different
responses to parameter changes.
While the empirical literature on the determinants of tax compliance is vast, not a lot of it
concerns the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of pre-population of tax returns. The little
evidence there exists is very recent. Kotakorpi and Laamanen (2015) use data from a natural
experiment in the mid-1990s in Finland whereby a subset of Finnish taxpayers had their tax
forms partially pre-populated with employer data, while the other taxpayers had to fill a
standard non-pre-populated tax return. The authors find that partially pre-populating tax
returns led to a higher likelihood to report deductible expenses related to pre-populated fields
in the tax form, while reducing the likelihood of reporting both income and deductible
expenses that were not pre-populated. The authors argue this evidence is primarily consistent
with reduced complexity costs, rather than evasion opportunities.
Bruner et al. (2015) conduct a laboratory experiment studying the effect of pre-populating tax
returns using undergraduate students as subjects. In their experiment, subjects are allocated to
different income ‘types' and also differ on the unreported deductions that are declared by
third parties. Subjects in their experiment are asked to file multiple tax returns in a sequence
each of which corresponds to a different profile of deductible expenses; in some cases, it is
advantageous to file an itemized deduction, and some where it is not; they also consider a
number of audit rates. The authors find that subjects' under-reporting of their tax liabilities
increases when the tax form is pre-populated with data that supposes a lower tax liability than
the actual one. They also find that providing opportunities for under-reporting leads to higher
While the focus of our study is slightly different to that of Bruner et al. (2015), the two
studies complement each other in several dimensions. Our study looks at a one-shot decision
with one set of parameters, where we only vary the pre-populated value in one of the entries,
while Bruner et al. look at a wider set of parameters and a more complex type of filing
decision. Bruner et al. consider several audit rates, which are invariant to behaviour and
known with certainty, while we consider an unknown audit rate, which depends on filing
behaviour. Bruner et al. consider a more complex environment due to their focus on itemised
vs. non-itemised deductions, as well as matched vs. unmatched income; we focus on a
simpler environment, where we manipulate pre-population in multiple ways and we focus on
the effect of behavioural nudges. The fact that both studies find that pre-populating tax
returns with values that under-estimate taxpayers' liabilities leads to higher non-compliance,
lends greater robustness to both sets of results.
3. Materials and Method
The laboratory gives the researcher control over the various parameters that presumably
affect the decision under study, though it does so at the cost of using an artificial
environment. While there are numerous criticisms of attempts to generalise results from
experiments to real world settings (Levitt and List, 2007), for some policies experiments
serve as a guide where there would be insurmountable issues to conducting research in the
field. The case of pre-population discussed here is one such example, in that it would raise
serious legal and moral questions if the tax authority were to deliberately use incorrect values
in taxpayers' filings in order to conduct research.
3.1 The Experimental Task
The experimental task used in this study required participants to complete a tax form based
on a profile that they were given for a fictitious taxpayer. This profile detailed two sources of
income and two corresponding expenses which could be used to reduce tax liabilities. Table 1
outlines the profile used in the experiment.
[Insert Table 1 Here]
The experimental instructions (see the Appendix for a copy of the instructions) detailed that
participants would be paid according to the income in their profile minus any tax or fines due
from their tax declaration and any potential audit. The instructions also detailed that upon
filing their tax return the "experimental tax authority" could audit their tax return. If a
participant's tax return were audited, the computer would compare the values in the tax return
to the values in the profile. The probability with which the experimental tax authority did so
was a function of the actual declared tax liability on the return, but it could never exceed
10%.6 Participants were required to submit a tax return based on the following fixed (and
known) parameters: a tax rate of 40% and a penalty rate applied to unpaid tax of 50%. The
values for the probability of audit, the tax rate and the fine rate were set so as to meet the
evasion condition for a risk neutral agent (Allingham and Sandmo, 1972).
Although the instructions did not instruct them to do so, participants could increase their
financial payment by evading. They could do so by under-declaring income or by over-
declaring expenses. In either case, the most they could gain would be to declare a tax liability
6 The formula used to determine the probability of audit (which is not revealed to the subjects) was p=3.3% if the declared liability was greater than or equal to 45,200 ECU, p=6.6% if the declared liability was between 22,600 ECU and 45,199 ECU and p=10% if the declared liability was less than 22,600 ECU.
of zero. This translates into a possible gain relative to full compliance of £13.56 (at the time,
US$20.34) for a task which took on average 22 minutes.7
The majority of items in the tax return were verifiable if audited. Verifiability is essential for
income amounts, as these form a direct part of the participant's payoff; as such the
experimenter is required to know the value in order to be able to pay it. Expenses, however,
offer the experimenter the ability to set unverifiable items, in that the expenses act to reduce
the tax paid, so participants can increase their payoff by raising expenses, but the
experimenter does not need to know the true value. Unverifiable expenses potentially allow
subjects a greater opportunity to evade, a mechanism found to have an effect in empirical
studies (Kleven et al, 2011). We allocated the value of one of the expenses (i.e. Property
Expenses) to be equal to the roll of a six-sided die multiplied by 2000 Experimental Currency
Units (ECU). As a participant's dice roll is unverifiable, it is rational for them to declare the
maximum allowable value for the expenses field – that is, 12,000 ECU, equal to rolling a six.
While we can never verify whether an individual misreported that expense item, we can
detect non-compliance at the sample level, since the distribution of die rolls (and therefore of
declared values on that item in the tax return) should be uniform if subjects are compliant
(Fischbacher and Föllmi-Heusi, 2013).
3.2 Experimental Design
[Insert Table 2 Here]
The experiment consists of seven different treatments in a between-subjects design,
summarised in Table 2. In our baseline treatment, BASE, the tax form was not pre-populated.
In the CORR treatment, the tax form had the two values for self-employment income pre-
populated with the same total amount as in the profile, and the tax form displayed that the
7 Broken down as an average of seven minutes to read the instructions, two minutes to perform the practice round, three minutes to carry out the tax filing and 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire.
information held in the tax authority database was the two values corresponding to the two
self-employment income streams in the profile.8 In the UNDER treatment, the self-
employment income field was performed with an incorrect value equal to one of the two sub-
items of the self-employment income in the profile and the tax form displayed that the
information held in the tax authority database was that single income stream. This captures
the case where the tax authority has either incomplete access to third-party data (e.g. an
employer not providing this information), or the case where the tax authority is unaware of
that stream of income. This error in pre-population leads the tax authority to under-estimate
the tax liability of the subject. In the OVER treatment, the tax form displayed that the
information held in the tax authority database consisted of three values, where one of these
was a double-counted entry. Hence, the value used to pre-populate the self-employment field
of the tax form was greater than the actual income level in the subject's profile. This error in
pre-population leads the tax authority to over-estimate the tax liability of the subject.
The experiment contained no direct relationship between the level of pre-population and the
probability of audit. That is, the taxpayer is no less likely to be audited when accepting an
under pre-populated value than any other value in the appropriate liability range. At first
glance this appears to miss a potentially important feature: the probability of audit is reduced
for a taxpayer accepting a pre-populated value, albeit an incorrect one. The experimental
design does, however, reflect the operational approach of many tax authorities that base their
audit decision on the level of reported income compared to some benchmark for the particular
type of work or industry of the taxpayer. Simple acceptance of the under pre-populated value
therefore actually increases the audit probability relative to compliance, or very small non-
8 This corresponds to the case where the tax authority has access to quality third-party reporting and therefore can correctly pre-populate the taxpayer's income (Gale and Holtzblatt, 1997). In the UK, third party reporting forms the basis of the Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) system, such that the correct tax is paid at source and many employees are not required to submit a year-end tax return.
compliance, due to the level of the under-reporting relative to the benchmark and the form of
the audit rule being used.
We expected a large incidence of non-compliance in the UNDER treatment, either because
inertia leads subjects not to change their pre-populated entries, or because subjects learn of
the experimental tax authority's ignorance of the true profile values, and engage in active
non-compliance. To test whether behavioural prompts can mitigate the negative effects of
incorrect pre-population, we consider three additional versions of the UNDER treatment. The
first is UNDERGENERIC, which featured a checkbox which participants had to click to unlock
the pre-populated income field, and had to re-check in order to confirm the new value they
inputted before filing the tax return.
The second version was UNDERALWAYS, which featured the following message: "Most
people in your circumstances enter an income value of more than 40,000. Values below this
amount are more likely to be audited. Click the tickbox to confirm you wish to proceed."
This treatment was intended to trigger a descriptive norm of compliance and reminded
subjects of the nature of the audit rule.9 Finally, the third version was UNDERTRIGGER, in
which the same message as UNDERALWAYS was featured, but only if the participant inputted
a total self-employment income amount lower than 40,000.
Our choice of prompt in the UNDERALWAYS and UNDERTRIGGER treatments was based on
one of the mechanisms used by tax authorities to identify tax evaders which is to target
outliers from within a given group, for instance based on industry. For example the "DIF
score" of the IRS in the USA will produce "audit flags" for taxpayers deviate from the
average behaviour of their group (Alm and McKee, 2004). As the probability of audit is
9 Social psychologists have long argued for the effectiveness of descriptive norms as catalysts of behaviour change, e.g. Goldstein et al. (2008), Griskevicius et al. (2008). See Onu and Oates (2014) for a review of the evidence of norms applied to tax compliance.
endogenous with respect to the subject's declaration in the experiment, we can use a prompt
to inform subjects of the tax authority's operational process.10
3.3 Experimental Procedures
The experiment was conducted online between 9 February and 12 April 2015. Participants
from the UK taxpayer population were recruited by the market research agency ICM by
means of a pre-screening questionnaire. ICM were responsible for all contact with the
experimental participants, including the processing of payments. The recruitment materials
from ICM instructed that a six-sided die might be required, and gave a number of online links
for simulated dice roll web sites for those that did not have access to a physical die. ICM
recruited 755 people, and 559 (74%) completed the experiment.11
ICM provided each participant with a url to the experimental website, as well as a unique
login username and password. The researchers could not match username data to actual
participant data, and ICM did not have access to participant decisions, making this a double-
blind experimental design. This was made explicit to participants when they were first
recruited to participate.
Upon login each participant read an on-screen set of instructions that detailed the task they
were required to perform. The instructions told the participants that they would serve as a
taxpayer in the experiment, filing a tax report based on a number of income streams and
potential expenses in the given profile. The details of the actual income and expenses
applicable to them would be given at the appropriate stage in the experiment, at which point
would have to complete a tax return. The instructions detailed that the participant's payment
10 We opted for the value for income displayed in the prompt to be below the actual value given in the profile, reflecting the process whereby outlying declarations are subject to higher probability of audit. It was also chosen to be above the value used for the pre-population in order for the message to have some degree of saliency. 11 The drop-out rates of those who started the experiment but failed to complete it were consistent between the treatments. There was, however, some variation in the numbers completing the experiment for each treatment, detailed in Table A2 in the Appendix. The differences in the number of subjects arose from different proportions of those invited by ICM who accessed the experiment.
from the experiment would be based on the income items in the profile minus any tax or fines
they were required to pay within the experiment. Participants were also told they would be
paid a fixed £5 (US$ 7.50) for completion of the experiment. The instructions detailed a
number of examples of the potential outcomes from various declaration choices – the full set
of screenshots is in the Appendix.
After reading the instructions, participants were then asked to complete a practice tax form
based on a simple profile for which they were told they would not be paid. Upon completion
of the practice form, participants were informed of what payoffs their choices would have
produced to under both the condition if they had or had not been audited on their practice tax
Once participants had completed their tax form, they were shown their tax calculation. They
could then either repeat the process in order to change their details or submit their tax return.
After submission, the computer randomly determined if they were to be audited and the
participants were shown their payoff from the experiment.
Subjects then completed a questionnaire about the experiment and to determine a number of
their personal characteristics. They were informed that the questionnaire would not impact
their payoff and they were able to leave any question blank if they wished. Finally,
participants were told they had completed the experiment and given details of how to opt out
of having their responses included in the data set, had they wished to do so.
A participant's experimental balance was calculated at the end of the experiment as the total
of the two income streams in the profile minus the tax payable on their declared liability and
any fines occurred from the under-payment of tax due. It is important to note that over-
declaration of income could not raise participants' payoffs, and the experimental instructions
were clear about this. Participants' earnings in ECU were converted to cash at a rate of 50p
per 1,000 ECU; average earnings were £29.62 (US$ 44.43).
4. Results
Our analysis will centre around two measures: the first is the rate of compliance, which
equals the ratio of declared liability to actual liability. A fully compliant individual is one
with a rate of compliance equal to one. The second is the incidence of compliance, which is
the propensity of individuals to be fully compliant – i.e. those individuals with a compliance
ratio of 1. The key questions we consider are whether the correct or incorrect pre-population
of tax forms and the introduction of behavioural prompts lead to a reduction in the propensity
for compliance or in the rate of compliance. We will treat each individual decision as an
independent observation and make treatment comparisons using standard statistical tests. We
complement these with econometric analysis, which also incorporates individual
characteristics; it did not provide additional insights, so we relegate it to the Appendix.
[insert Figures 1 and 2 here]
4.1 The Effect of Pre-Population of Tax Returns
Figure 1 displays the average compliance ratio for each treatment; Figure 2 displays the
proportion of fully verifiable compliant subjects.12 We focus first on the effects of pre-
population. Our control condition in which there was no pre-population, BASE, reports a very
high compliance rate, close to 90%; however, only 70% of subjects were fully compliant in
that treatment, which suggests that many of those who evaded did so by relatively small
amounts (a qualitatively similar pattern applies to most other treatments).
12 The results only include participants who declared a verifiable compliance ratio less than or equal to one. Participants who declared a verifiable compliance ratio greater than 1 are classed as in error and excluded from this section of the analysis.
The CORR treatment, in which the pre-populated entry in the tax return correctly estimated
the subject's tax liability on the income entry, had a higher (though not significantly
different) average compliance rate than BASE (z = 1.262, p = 0.207; Mann-Whitney,
(henceforth MW) test), as well as a higher (though again non-significant) proportion of fully
compliant individuals (p = 0.362; Fisher's exact (henceforth FE) test). The OVER treatment,
in which the pre-populated entry in the tax return over-estimated the subject's tax liability,
had a small, non-significant negative difference in both the proportion of fully compliant
individuals (p = 0.690; FE test) and average compliance rate (z = 0.562, p = 0.574; MW test)
relative to BASE. In contrast, the UNDER treatment, in which the pre-populated entry in the tax
return under-estimated the subject's tax liability, led to a large and significant negative
difference in fully compliant participants (p = 0.017; FE test), as well as a significant drop in
average compliance (z = 3.650, p <0.001; MW test) compared to BASE.
[Insert Figure 3 Here]
Figure 3 unpacks the compliance behaviour described in Figure 2 by analysing compliance
on each of the verifiable fields in the tax form. In other words, we calculated the proportion
of subjects who truthfully declared a value equal to the profile value for each of the three
verifiable fields (i.e. self-employment income, property income an self-employment
expenses). Figure 3 uncovers several interesting behaviours. Starting with BASE, the
proportion of compliant subjects on all three categories is in the 80%-90% range, the highest
being Self-Employment Expenses (88%) and the lowest being Self-Employment Income
(78%). When Self-Employment Income is correctly pre-populated (CORR), the proportion of
compliant subjects on that item is close to 100% -- all but one participant in that treatment
accepted the pre-populated amount. The proportion of compliant subjects on Property
Income, however, remains roughly the same, 87%, as in BASE, 84%, while the compliance
rate on Self-Employment Expenses is slightly smaller. In the OVER treatment, we observe a
slightly higher though non-significant proportion of compliant individuals on Self-
Employment Income than in BASE (p = 0.828, FE test), but a significantly lower proportion
of compliant individuals with regards to Self-Employment Expenses (p = 0.018, FE test). In
other words, when the pre-population of income fields is done in a way that hurts subjects,
we observe a small shift in non-compliance to non-pre-populated fields.
In the UNDER condition, as expected, the incorrect pre-population of Self-Employment
Expenses) lead to a dramatic fall in the proportion of compliant individuals with respect to
that field (p=0.001, FE test), while the proportion of compliant individuals in the other two
verifiable fields was unchanged.
It is informative to look at the distribution of returned values in the Self-Employment Income
field. Figure 4 illustrates the proportions of each sample that reported particular ranges of
value for the Self-employment income field in each of the treatments. The buckets used in
Figure 4 reflect the values used in the profile and the treatments. The total value for self-
employment income in the profile was 52,300, arising from two separate income figures of
25,200 and 27,100. In the UNDER pre-population treatments, only the value of 25,200 was
used to pre-populate the self-employment field, and in the OVER treatment the figure of
25,200 was double counted to give a value of 77,500.
Consistent with the evidence in Figure 3, almost all subjects returned a value equal to that
pre-populated in CORR. In the UNDER treatment, around a third of subjects kept the original
pre-populated amount, and just over half of subjects corrected the pre-populated value with
the profile value; while the remaining 15% of subjects in that treatment replaced the pre-
populated value with a higher amount, although short of the profile value itself. Finally, in
OVER, only just over 10% of subjects kept the pre-populated value which over-estimated their
tax liabilities; 80% of subjects corrected that amount to be equal to the profile value, while
the remainder corrected it to be lower than the profile value. We summarise our results so far
Observation 1: Correctly pre-populating tax returns leads to small, non-significant increase
in compliance relative to no pre-population.
Observation 2: Pre-populating tax returns with too-low income values leads to a decrease in
compliance, driven by some individuals accepting the pre-populated values, and others
engaging in further non-compliance.
Observation 3: Pre-populating tax returns with too-high income values has no overall effect
on compliance. However, a non-trivial proportion of individuals accepted the pre-populated
values, which would lead to over-payment of taxes.
4.2 The Effect of Behavioural Prompts
We now turn to analysing the effect of behavioural prompts on compliance behaviour. As
such, we use the UNDER treatment as an additional baseline condition, and see whether
prompts can "recover" compliance levels back to those observed in the original BASE
treatment (or even higher).
Going back to Figures 1 and 2, we see that the effect of behavioural prompts on compliance
is rather mixed: in UNDERGENERIC (which had a checkbox which subjects had to un-tick
before altering the content of the pre-populated field), both the proportion of fully compliant
(p = 0.049, FE test) and the average compliance rate (z = 2.027, p = 0.043, MW test) are
significantly lower than in the UNDER treatment. The introduction of a descriptive norm
message plus a confirmation tick box (UNDERALWAYS) had only a slight positive effect on
both proportion of compliant individuals (p = 1.000, FE test) and average compliance rate (z
= 0.762, p = 0.446, MW test). In contrast, the same message when triggered by subject's
filing behaviour, was more effective at increasing the average compliance rate (z = 2.062, p =
0.039, MW test), although the proportion of fully compliant individuals was not significantly
different (p = 0.200, FE test).
Figure 3 breaks down the fraction of fully compliant individuals on an item-by-item basis.
While there is little effect of behavioural prompts on compliance behaviour in the non pre-
populated fields, there is a very large effect on the compliance behaviour in the Self-
Employment Income field. The introduction of a checkbox in the UNDERGENERIC field leads
to a 10 percentage points fall in the proportion of people who were fully compliant in that
field: this is likely due to either inertia, or due to reluctance on the part of subjects to
overcome the behavioural obstacle posed by the tick box. The distributional analysis of
compliance behaviour in the Self-Employment Income field displayed in Figure 4 bears this
conjecture out: the proportion of subjects who declared a value equal to that pre-populated in
the Under condition was just over 30%, while in the UNDERGENERIC treatment, it is equal to
The generic message about compliance norms had virtually no effect on compliance
behaviour in the Self-Employment Income field, when it appeared as a default in the
UNDERALWAYS treatment (p = 1.000, FE test). However, when it appeared as a response to
participant behaviour, it led to a 20-percentage points increase in the proportion of compliant
entries in the pre-populated field (p = 0.048, FE test)
Observation 4: The introduction of barriers to editing pre-populated values compounds the
non-compliance effect of incorrectly pre-populating tax forms.
Observation 5: Behavioural nudges incorporating messages about compliance norms and
information about audit rates are only effective in changing compliance behaviour when they
are responsive to filing behaviour.
The error rate, based on the percentage of tax reports with a verifiable liability ratio greater
than 1 among treatments excluding the OVER treatment, was 3.5%. The errors consisted of an
equal combination of over-reported income and of under-reported expenses. However the
error rate was found to be 10% when including the OVER treatment, due to a considerable
fraction of subjects (40%) that did not alter the pre-populated self-employment income value
in the OVER treatment and therefore over-declared their tax liability. In the following
discussion of the OVER treatment, we therefore consider all declarations.
The behaviour of subjects in the OVER treatment can be broken down into a number of
categories. The most common action was to alter the self-employment income field to be
compliant and to enter compliant values on the other fields. The second most common
behaviour was to accept the pre-populated self-employment income value and enter the other
values compliantly, thereby over-declaring liability, resulting in an excessive payment of tax
and a reduction in potential income from the experiment. Given the tax rate and the exchange
rate used for the experiment, this action resulted in a risk free loss of £4.50 (US$ 6.75) to
such subjects. A third type of behaviour was to reduce the level of self-employment income
while entering other values compliantly, but not so far as to correct it, leaving those subjects
also over-compliant. The fourth type of behaviour observed was to leave the pre-populated
value for self-employment but to enter highly non-compliant values in other fields, most
notably self-employment expenses. This form of behaviour suggests that for some subjects
there was a reluctance to alter the pre-populated values.
4.4 Unverifiable Item
We now turn our attention to examine the unverifiable item in the profile. The profile stated
that subjects should enter the value of a dice roll multiplied by 2,000 as their value for
property expenses. The value entered was unverifiable by the experimental tax authority,
which was explicitly noted in the instructions. Admissible values for the property expenses
field were 2,000, 4,000, 6,000, 8,000 10,000 and 12,000 ECU. Subjects entering the highest
value of 12,000 ECU gained tax relief on that value, such that the difference between
entering the lowest value and the highest value resulted in a risk-free increase in payoff of
£2.00 (US$ 3.00). The following section reviews the results of values reported for property
expenses in the experiment in terms of the dice rolls that the values entered represent. A
small number of tax reports were initially rejected by the software during the experiment
because of inadmissible values entered for the property expenses. The large majority of the
rejected values were 0s and were quickly corrected to admissible values.13
[Insert Figures 5 and 6 Here]
Figure 5 shows the distribution of the dice rolls reported by all subjects who completed the
experiment. A Pearson chi-squared test shows the difference of the distribution of observed
dice rolls to the theoretical uniform distribution to be non-significant. The results in Figure 5
show a moderately significant raised level of reporting of a dice roll of 3 and moderately
significantly decreased levels of reporting of 5 and 6 compared to the expected theoretical
values for a fair dice roll using binomial tests. This result is in contrast to the value predicted
that subjects should report from economic theory, which would be a 6 given that the tax
authority cannot verify the accuracy of the value. The pattern of results observed is also
different to previous results on subjects' behaviour of reporting of dice rolls in experiments
which was for significantly raised proportions of higher payoff values at the expense of the
lower ones (Fishbacher and Föllmi-Heusi, 2013).
13 A very small number of subjects (6) entered a series of inadmissible values and eventually failed to complete the experiment. We note that the proportion of the sample leaving the experiment at this point was much smaller than that who decided not to complete the experiment having read the instructions (49).
Figure 6 shows the dice rolls reported by subject grouped by those that were otherwise
compliant on the verifiable fields and those that were non-compliant on the verifiable fields.
Figure 6 reveals a difference in the pattern of values reported between these two portions of
the sample. Subjects who were otherwise compliant reported a significantly higher proportion
of 3s for the dice roll than would be predicted for a fair dice. Subjects who were non-
compliant on the verifiable fields reported a significantly higher proportion of 1s for the dice
roll than would be predicted.
Observation 6: The pattern of declarations on the unverifiable property expenses field
differs between compliant and non-compliant subjects in the verifiable fields.
4.5 Post-Experimental Survey
Subjects' responses to the post experiment questionnaire revealed a number of categories of
motivation for their actions in the experiment. In the BASE treatment, the main categories of
reported motivations were a desire to be honest, a desire to be correct and follow the process
and an acknowledgement of the decision to evade. A small number of responses were
ambiguous, in that they revealed no information or made a statement that was inconsistent
with the subject's actual actions. The proportions of the responses in each of these categories
were similar to the BASE treatment for the CORR and OVER treatments, but were different for
the "UNDER" treatments, where there was an increase in the proportion of subjects
acknowledging their evasion decision and a very marked increase in the number of
ambiguous reports. The increases in proportions of these two categories were largely at the
expense of the proportion of subjects reporting correctness and a desire to follow the process
compared to the baseline as their motivation. The increase in the proportion acknowledging
the evasion decision supports the conjecture that subjects were aware that the pre-populated
value was not equal to the value in the profile and were taking advantage of it. The increase
in ambiguous responses may arise from either subjects wishing to mask non-compliant
behaviour or from genuine mistakes. As such, we cannot rule out the alternative that some
subjects failed to notice that the pre-populated value was not that of the profile.
The questionnaire responses give some indication that a small portion of subjects failed to
understand that increasing expenses would reduce their tax liability and acted to increase
their tax liability. However, the majority of subjects who declared a value for the self-
employment expenses that was not the value given in the profile did so in their favour,
reducing their tax liability.14 A lack of understanding about the relationship between expenses
and tax liability by subjects potentially forms more of an issue for results associated with the
unverifiable item as there were restrictions on the values that could be entered. However, as
with the verifiable item, the truth was still an option, though in the unverifiable case the truth
was from a dice roll rather than a value detailed in the profile.
5. General Discussion
The experiment detailed in this paper reflects potential differences in the design of on-line tax
forms in the UK today and those that may be used in the near future under recent proposals
for change. The treatments used in the experiment were designed to reflect situations that
might arise under the new system relating to the nature and quality of third party reported
information used to pre-populate tax forms.
The main results of this paper are that: (i) the correct pre-population of values in tax forms
has no effect on compliance; (ii) the incorrect pre-population of income values in the tax
form reduces compliance; (iii) the introduction of barriers to editing pre-populated fields may
worsen non-compliance if the pre-populated values are incorrect; (iv) behavioural prompts
14 Error rates exist in real tax returns, with a figure of 7% quoted for US taxpayers in the literature (Andreoni, Erard, and Freinsein, 1998). While we should compare behaviour in the lab with behaviour in the field with great caution, the results for the majority of treatments presented here are well within this level.
concerning descriptive norms of compliance can mitigate the negative impact of incorrect
pre-population of tax returns only if they are responsive to behaviour in the filing process;
finally, (v) a proportion of subjects overpaid taxes when the tax form was populated with a
value above the true income. These findings represent important considerations for policy
The observation of low error rates relating to the over-reporting of income and under-
reporting of expenses on the majority of treatments indicates that most subjects understood
the experiment and were able to complete the tax return as required. Confusion aside, there
are three main possible reasons why the level of compliance in the pre-populated field is
lower in the UNDER treatment than in the BASE treatment. The first is that it is possible that
the observed result reflects a lack of care on behalf of participants in the experiment, who
simply failed to notice that the pre-populated value for income in their tax return was
different to the value in their profile. However, the similar level of compliance in the
UNDERALWAYS treatment, where subjects were prompted to accept the pre-populated level of
income, and the UNDER treatment lends evidence against this conjecture.
The second is that pre-population serves to prompt the subject to the possibility of evasion,
and in particular, to evasion at a given level. However, the lack of effectiveness with regards
to non-compliance of the UNDERALWAYS treatment (where subjects were reminded of the
risk-based audit rule in addition to being given information regarding a descriptive norm of
compliance) suggests this line of reasoning may be flawed.
Finally, subjects may have been reluctant to change the pre-populated value from the one
given to them by tax authority. This could be because subjects feared changing the pre-
populated field could trigger an audit, or perhaps because subjects trusted the tax authority to
compute the correct value for pre-population – even though the instructions detailed that
these values might not be accurate. The observation that 98% of subjects in the CORR
treatment did not alter the value, compared to 78% who entered the correct income value into
the blank form of the BASE treatment, suggests subjects were reluctant to edit the pre-
populated field. In addition, the higher proportion of subjects reporting the pre-populated
value for self-employment income in the UNDERGENERIC treatment, where the field must be
unlocked to be edited, compared to the UNDER treatment that featured no such lock, further
reveals there was a degree of reluctance to change the pre-populated field in this treatment.
A third piece of evidence supporting a reluctance of subjects to alter the pre-populated field is
the observation that where correction of the pre-populated was a riskless, payoff-improving
behaviour in the OVER treatment, some subjects preferred to greatly elevate their self-
employment expenses to make their tax liability compliant (or non-compliant in their favour).
Finally, the improved compliance in UNDERTRIGGER, where subjects received the same
information as in UNDERALWAYS but only if they completed their tax return with too low a
declared tax liability, suggests that the timely reminder of audit information plus others'
behaviour may have swayed some of the more reluctant individuals.
However the non-trivial proportion of subjects observed reporting too high an income value
pre-populated in the OVER treatment leaves a concern that some subjects simply did not
observe that the value used to pre-populate the self-employment field was higher than that in
the profile. These findings suggest that while one of the drivers for the primary result is a
status quo bias related to subjects' reluctance to change values in the pre-populated field, we
cannot rule out a lack of awareness of incorrectly pre-populated values among some subjects
as the cause of their non-compliance.
The most striking observation from the results for the unverifiable property expenses
declarations is that the majority of subjects did not optimise and take the risk free option of
putting the highest value available for the field. A second feature is that the observed result is
largely consistent with a random outcome. Subjects may have simply reported the true value
of the die roll out of an intrinsic desire to be honest (Kartik, 2009), or in order to follow the
rules of the experiment "correctly". The relative spike at "3" could also indicate that subjects
may have wished to report the average outcome of the die roll.
6. Conclusion
This paper presents experimental evidence on the impact of the pre-population of tax returns
and the use of behavioural prompts on tax compliance. Laboratory experiments provide a
valuable method for policy-makers to ascertain the behavioural impacts of proposed policy
changes in a low-risk, low-cost environment. Our experiment considers the behavioural
impacts different ways to pre-populate of tax returns may have and what that means in terms
of compliance behaviour. There are a number of policy implications arising from our results.
Firstly, and unsurprisingly, the use of accurate third party information nominally improves
compliance. Conversely, the use of inaccurate third party information reduces compliance.
This is due to two factors: some of the affected taxpayers will accept the default pre-
populated value, while other taxpayers who would otherwise be compliant if the pre-
populated information was correct or blank are non-compliant when the value is incorrect.
Secondly, there are methods that the tax authority can use to address the potentially increased
levels of non-compliance, but such measures need to be carefully considered. A lock on the
pre-populated field with a prompt for honesty actually causes compliance to fall further when
the pre-populated value is incorrect and below the true income. This possibly is due to some
additional degree of reluctance of some subjects to change the value. A dynamic prompt
reminding subjects that a lower declaration of income would lead to a higher probability of
audit is much more effective in increasing compliance, particularly in relation to the major
income item in the subject's profile. It should be noted that message used in this experiment
is highly specific to the profile used, and the creation of an equivalent message in a real tax
system would be non-trivial for the tax authority.
Our experimental design does not allow us to completely determine if the default bias is due
to less attention being paid or to an increase in deliberate evasion in the UNDER treatments,
however the similar level of non-compliance observed between the treatment with passive
non-compliance and another where non-compliance must be confirmed suggests that
participants are aware of their actions.
The increased non-compliance with the incorrect pre-population of a tax form forms a
potential issue for the tax authority. A further potential issue is the large degree of over-
declaration of the actual liability due where the tax form was pre-populated with an income
amount about the true value. Systematic behaviour of this form may well harm the reputation
of the tax authority if allowed to happen and then discovered.
Our experiment does not directly test the impact on compliance of income unknown by the
tax authority. Our subjects faced a decreasing probability of audit in liability; the exact
formulation of the audit rule was unknown to them in an attempt to replicate some degree of
the operational reality. However, this formulation was not directly linked to the subjects'
actual income streams, as would be the case with risk-based audit schemes. It should be noted
that failure to declare an income stream, such as done by acceptance of the pre-populated
value in the UNDER treatments, actually raised the subjects probability of audit (and
undeclared income would have been found for certain in the case of audit).
It is also important to point out that the great advantage of pre-populating tax forms lies in the
simplification of the process of filing a tax return, as illustrated by Kotakorpi and Laamanen
(2015). This aspect was absent from our experiment, which was designed to be much simpler
than a standard tax form. Future research should address whether the benefits of lower
complexity outweigh the risks from inaccurate third-party data. Tax administrations may face
varied challenges in an attempt to implement a zero-return (Gale and Holtzblatt, 1997) and
such research may help guide authorities to the appropriate policies.
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Value (in ECU)
Self Employment Income
Income from contract with 25,200
Self Employment Income
Income for work done for
Self Employment Expenses
Cost of Travel to Work
Revenue from letting a flat 20,000
Property Expenses
Cost of estate agent and
2000 times the roll of a 6-
legal fees for letting of flat sided die
Table 1: Contents of the taxpayer profile used in the experiment
No information reported and all four fields left blank
Correct self-employment income streams reported, correct self-
employment income pre-populated
Double counting of one income stream reported, incorrect (value too high)
self-employment income pre-populated
Omission of one income stream reported, incorrect (value too low) self-
employment income pre-populated
UNDERGENERIC Omission of one income stream reported, incorrect (value too low) self-
employment income pre-populated, click of checkbox required to edit pre-
populated field (and confirmation of edit)
UNDERALWAYS Omission of one income stream reported, incorrect (value too low) self-
employment income pre-populated.
Additional message on screen: "Most people in your circumstances enter
an income value of more than 40,000. Values below this amount are more
likely to be audited. Click the tickbox to confirm you wish to proceed."
UNDERTRIGGER Omission of one income stream reported, incorrect (value too low) self-
employment income pre-populated. Same message as UNDERALWAYS only
displayed if subject files self-employment income value less than 40,000.
Table 2: Treatments used in the experiment
Figure 1 Average verifiable compliance ratio by treatment
Figure 2: Propensity for verifiable compliance by treatment
Figure 3: Propensity for verifiable compliance by treatment for each of the verifiable fields in the taxpayer's tax form
Figure 4: Histogram of reported values for self-employment income by treatment
Figure 5: Proportions of sample and their implied dice rolls from the declared values for property expenses. Note: **, * indicate a significant difference at the 5%, 10% level from theoretical prediction of 1/6 using a binomial test.
Figure 6: Proportions of sample and their implied dice rolls from the declared values for property expenses separated by those who were verifiably compliant on the other fields in the tax form and those who were not. Note: ***, **, * indicate a significant difference at the 1%, 5%, 10% level respectively from theoretical prediction of 1/6 using a binomial test.
Table A1: Regression results determinants of compliance. Notes: VRatio is the ratio of verifiable liability declared to total verifiable liability given in the profile. VCompliant is a dummy variable which equals one if subject's VRatio = 1 and zero otherwise. Male = 1 if subject j reported being a male and 0 otherwise; Taxes = value from 1 to 10 in response to the question "Do you think cheating on taxes if you have a chance is justifiable? Please state 1 if it is never justifiable, 10 if it is always justifiable or a value in between"; Semp = 1 if subject stated being self-employed and 0 otherwise; Income equals subject j's stated annual income; Age is subject's self-reported age. Models T1 and L1 report results from regressions using only the treatments as dummy variables. Models T2 and L2 add a number of further variables for personal characteristics reported in the post experimental questionnaire.
Number Invited
Number Completed Number Valid
Table A2: Participant data. Notes: Number Invited is the number of subjects invited to take part. Number Completed gives the number of subjects completing the treatment. Number Valid gives the number of subjects who filed a tax return with a verifiable compliance ratio less than or equal to 1).
The following are screenshots of the instructions
Figure A1: Page 1 of experimental instructions
Figure A2: Page 2 of experimental instructions
Figure A3: Page 3 of experimental instructions
Experimental Screenshots
The following are screenshots of the various treatments
Figure A4: BASE treatment (no pre-population)
Figure A5: CORR treatment (correct pre-population)
Figure A6: UNDER treatment (pre-population with value below true value in profile)
Figure A7: UNDERGENERIC treatment (under pre-population with lock)
Figure A8: UNDERTRIGGER treatment (message only displayed after a self-employment
income value less than 40,000 entered)
Figure A9: Tax calculation page
Source: https://tarc.exeter.ac.uk/media/universityofexeter/businessschool/documents/centres/tarc/publications/discussionpapers/Fonseca_&_Grimshaw_Sept15.pdf
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