Dienogest in the treatment of endometriosis
in the treatment ofendometriosis
Nicolo Bizzarri, Valentino Remorgida, Umberto Leone Roberti Maggiore,
Carolina Scala, Emanuela Tafi, Valentina Ghirardi, Stefano Salvatore,Massimo Candiani, Pier Luigi Venturini & Simone Ferrero†
†University of Genoa, IRCCS San Martino Hospital and National Institute for Cancer Research,
Pharmacokinetic of DNG
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Genoa, Italy
Pharmacodynamic of DNG
Introduction: (DNG) is an oral progestin, derivative of 19-nortestos-
Mechanism of activity in
terone, that has recently been introduced for the treatment of endometriosis.
Areas covered: This review examines the clinical efficacy, safety and tolerabil-
Clinical efficacy
ity of DNG in the treatment of endometriosis. The material included in the
Safety and tolerability
current manuscript was searched and obtained via Medline, Pubmed and
EMBASE, from inception until February 2014. The term ‘dienogest' was associ-ated with the following search terms: ‘endometriosis', ‘pharmacokinetics',
‘safety' and ‘efficacy'.
Expert opinion: Several trials demonstrated the clinical efficacy, safety andtolerability of DNG. However the use of DNG is associated with some limita-tions. So far, no study investigated the potential of contraceptive effect ofthis treatment and therefore, it should be recommended with other methodsof contraception (e.g., barrier methods). A further limitation of the use ofDNG as daily therapy in the long term is that the cost of the therapy is higherthan other progestins available on the market and combined oral contracep-tives. Therefore, future studies should be designed to compare the efficacyand safety of DNG with other progestins.
For personal use only.
Keywords: dienogest, efficacy, endometriosis, hormonal, pharmacokinetics, progestin, safety
(2014) 15(13):1889-1902
Endometriosis is a chronic estrogen-dependent gynecological condition character-ized by the presence of ectopic glands and stroma outside the uterine cavity. Itaffects at least 5 - 10% of women , and it often causes infertility and/or painsymptoms (dysmenorrhea, deep dyspareunia, chronic pelvic pain and dyschezia).
In some patients, pain symptoms are extremely severe and negatively affect qualityof life (QoL), work efficiency and sexual life . The definitive diagnosis is onlyhistological. The role of surgery is both diagnosis and treatment but often, espe-cially in patients with less extensive disease, the first therapeutic approach is med-
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ical treatment based on the suspicion of the presence of endometriosis achievedthrough a gynecological examination, transvaginal ultrasound and eventually pelvicMRI ].
Several hormonal therapies have been proposed for the treatment of
endometriosis-related pain, including oral contraceptive pill and other estropro-gestin formulations (such as the vaginal ring and the transdermal patch), proges-tins (including medroxyprogesterone acetate, norethisterone acetate, desogestreland the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device), gonadotrophin-releasinghormone (GnRH) agonists and hyperandrogenic compounds (such as danazoland gestrinone) . These traditional endocrine therapies for endometriosisinhibit estrogens production in the ovary. However, medical therapy is a purelysymptomatic treatment. In fact, the symptoms usually recur when discontinuing
10.1517/14656566.2014.943734 2014 Informa UK, Ltd. ISSN 1465-6566, e-ISSN 1744-7666
All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or in part not permitted
N. Bizzarri et al.
depot) and antiprogestogens (such as gestrinone). NETA
Box 1. Drug summary.
allows the achievement of amenorrhea in about two-thirds
of the cases , whereas the Lng-IUD causes amenorrhea in
one-third of cases reducing bleeding in another third of
cases . Therefore, these progestins are particularly useful in
patients suffering from mainly dysmenorrhea. Other proges-
tins have been used in clinical practice to treat endometriosis
Molecular formula
(chlormadinone acetate, promegestone and nomegestrol
acetate); however, their effectiveness is not supported by
scientific studies. Progestins are frequently used as first-line
therapy for the treatment of endometriosis. They exhibit anantigonadotropic effect, which inhibits ovarian function to
create a hypoestrogenic environment. By directly acting on
endometrial progesterone receptors, they induce decidualiza-
tion of endometriotic lesion. Lastly, they have been shown
to reduce peritoneal inflammation . Progestins have shownresults comparable to surgery in the treatment of dyspareunia
Pharmaprojects - copyright to Citeline Drug Intelligence (an Informa
associated with endometriosis , are effective in reducing
business). Readers are referred to Pipeline
pain in patients with intestinal endometriosis , are success-
) and Citeline (.
ful in eradicating symptoms and producing regression ofrecurrent endometriomas ] and have proven effective inthe treatment of rectovaginal endometriosis . However,
the therapy. As patients with endometriosis require long-
progestins have some adverse effects, including the acne,
term therapies, it is important to choose the agents
weight gain, headaches and irregular menstrual bleeding.
with the lowest effective dose and with minimal adverse
Over the last few years, new therapies have been developed
to target pathogenic molecular pathways involved in the
GnRH agonists (such as leuprorelin acetate, buserelin
process of endometriosis. Among these agents, there are
acetate (BA) and triptorelin) are currently considered the
aromatase inhibitors, antiangiogenic agents, selective estrogen
most effective drugs in relieving pelvic pain associated with
receptor modulators, anti-inflammatory agents (such as
For personal use only.
endometriosis , but they cause many adverse effects related
COX2 inhibitors or pentoxifylline) and statins .
to the hypoestrogenism (hot flushes, osteopenia, mood
Dienogest (DNG) is a derivative of 19-nortestosterone that
swings, vaginal dryness). These adverse effects may be buff-
has recently been introduced for the treatment of endometri-
ered by associating GnRH agonist with ‘add-back therapies'
osis (This review examines the clinical efficacy, safety
(e.g., tibolone or progestins). Hyperandrogenic compounds
and tolerability of DNG in the treatment of endometriosis.
cause adverse androgen-like effects (such as acne, seborrhea,
The material included in the current manuscript was searched
hirsutism, alopecia and weight gain); in addition, they may
and obtained via Medline, PubMed and EMBASE, from
cause unfavorable changes in the levels of cholesterol in the
inception until February 2014. The term ‘dienogest' was
blood (higher low density lipoprotein [LDL]-cholesterol and
associated with the following search terms: ‘endometriosis',
lower high density lipoprotein [HDL]-cholesterol) . The
‘pharmacokinetics', ‘safety' and ‘efficacy'. All pertinent manu-
combined oral estrogen-progestin pill (COCs) is currently
scripts were carefully evaluated and their reference lists were
one of the first choices among symptomatic medical therapies
examined in order to find other articles that could be included
available for the treatment of endometriosis-associated pain.
in the present manuscript.
Among the available pills, it is preferable to choose those
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with a lower content of estrogen in order to decrease the endo-
2. Chemistry of DNG
metrial stimulation . Even if COCs are very frequently pre-scribed to alleviate pain symptoms in endometriosis, there is a
lack of randomized controlled trials on the efficacy of this
is a derivative of 19-nortestosterone , but it differs from
treatment and, nowadays, they are not approved for treatment
other progestins of the same derivation for the presence of
of endometriosis-associated pelvic pain (EAPP) . Among
a cyanometilic group in place of an ethynyl group in position
progestins, the most widely used are norethindrone acetate
17a. Thus, DNG combines the advantages of 19-nortestos-
(NETA, 2.5 mg/day) and the levonorgestrel-medicated intra-
terone derivatives (such as the short plasma half-life, the
uterine device (Lng-IUD), which after insertion lasts for
powerful progestin effect on the endometrium and high
5 years. As we said for COCs, similarly, Lng-IUD is not
bioavailability) with the benefits of progesterone derivatives
approved for the treatment of endometriosis. Other proges-
(such as antiandrogenic activity and a moderate inhibition
tins are desogestrel, medroxyprogesterone acetate (oral or
of gonadotropin secretion) .
Table 1. Pharmacokinetic of dienogest .
After oral administration of a film-coated tablet of 2 mg dienogest:
Bioavailability: 90.5%AUC24 h: 441 ± 92 ng·h/ml;AUC¥: 535 ± 137 ng·h/ml;Cmax: 47.6 ± 8.7 ng/ml;T1/2: 9.4 ± 1.9 h;Tmax: 1.5 h
No influence of concomitant food intakeDose-dependent pharmacokinetics in the range of 1 - 8 mg
Albumin: 90%SHBG, CBG: 0%Free, unbound: 10%
Distribution volume after a single dose of 1 mg: 40 LSteady state: 6 daysNo accumulation of the drug
Hydroxylation of double bonds, hydrogenation and aromatization reactions that makes the dienogest to inactivemetabolites that are excreted quickly so DNG is the predominant fraction in plasmaMain enzyme involved: CYP3A4Metabolic sieric clearance (Cl/F): 64 ml/min
Urine (free steroids 20 - 30%; ‘glucuronide' fraction 25% and ‘sulfate' fraction 22%)Decrease in serum in two phasesTerminal half-life of distribution: approximately 9 - 10 hThe proportion of metabolites excreted in the urine compared with the fecal is 3:1 after oral administration of0.1 mg/kgHalf-life of urinary excretion of metabolites: 14 hAfter oral administration, 86% of the dose was excreted within 6 days, most within 24 h, primarily in the urine
DNG: Dienogest; SHBG: Sex hormone binding globulin.
For personal use only.
3. Pharmacokinetic of DNG
a study after administration of 10 mg of DNG transdermallyin healthy male volunteers .
When the DNG is administered orally at a dose of 2 mg, the
Ninety percent of DNG binds unspecifically to albumin,
bioavailability is high, amounting to 90.5% )
whereas only 10% is present in plasma in the free form
The absorption of DNG is fast. By administering a 2 mg tab-
DNG does not bind to the sex hormone binding globulin
let DNG under fasting, the C
(SHBG) or corticoid binding globulin; therefore, the admin-
max is about 40.9 ± 11.0 ng/ml
with an interval of about 1.75 h (T
istration of DNG does not alter the plasma levels of these
max) between intake and
maximum plasma peak. The half-life time (T
proteins. As testosterone is not displaced from the protein
1.7 h. The area under the plasma concentration time curve
that binds in plasma, DNG does not increase the levels of
(AUC) from time zero to infinity (AUC¥) is about 453 ±
serum testosterone and it does not have androgenic effects .
135 ng h/ml and from time zero to 48 h it is about
The apparent distribution volume of DNG is about 40 l
438 ± 123 ng h/ml .
after single oral dose of 1 mg . In repeated administrations
Pharmacokinetic parameters after oral administration of a
of oral tablets of DNG 1 mg, steady state is reached within
film-coated tablet of 2 mg DNG given as single dose and after
6 days and there is no accumulation of the drug .
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14 days of dosing are respectively as follows: AUC24 h 441 ±
A recent review compared the pharmacokinetic charac-
92 and 547 ± 129 ng·h/ml; AUC¥ 535 ± 137 and 682 ±
teristics of DNG with other progestins derivatives of C
19-nortestosterone (such as norethisterone, levonorgestrel,
max 47.6 ± 8.7 and 52.2 ± 8.3 ng/ml;
3-keto-desogestrel and gestodene). This comparison showed
1/2 9.4 ± 1.9 and 10.2 ± 1.8 h; Tmax 1.5 and 1.25 h .
In a study of female volunteers who received single oral doses
that DNG is the only progestin that does not bind SHBG,
of DNG in consecutive menstrual cycles, the mean peak of
has no influence on the kinetics of testosterone and has no
serum concentrations (Cmax) were 28, 54, 101 and 212 ng/
androgenic effects. Moreover, DNG has the highest free-
ml after 1, 2, 4 and 8 mg doses, respectively. The mean areas
unbounded fraction in the plasma (about 10%). The high
under the serum concentration curve (AUC¥) were 306, 577,
circulating levels of free DNG explain the wide penetration
1153 and 2292 ng·h/ml, respectively .
of the molecule in different tissues.
The influence of food on absorption is small . DNG is
The metabolic pathway of DNG is mainly composed of
poorly absorbed through the skin as has been highlighted in
hydroxylation of double bonds, but also hydrogenation and
N. Bizzarri et al.
aromatization reactions, which transforms DNG in at least
pharmacodynamic point of view of the derivatives of 19-nor-
nine inactive metabolites . The metabolites have lower
testosterone with those of progesterone.
affinity to progesterone receptor compared with DNG .
The strong activity of DNG on endometrial tissue has been
CYP 3A4 is the most widely used enzyme in the metabolic
demonstrated by investigations in both humans (Kaufmann
pathway of DNG . The excretion of DNG takes place
assay) and rabbits (McPhail test) . DNG shows strong
mainly through the urine after glicuronide and sulfate conju-
activity on the endometrium when compared with its activity
gation and most of the metabolites are eliminated in the first
of inhibiting ovulation. This feature results in a high ratio
24 h. As the metabolites are not hormonally active and are
between the dose inhibiting ovulation and the dose that
excreted very rapidly, DNG is the predominant fraction in
leads to the transformation of the endometrium (uterotropic
plasma. A fraction of 20 - 30% of the total excreted in the
index), which appears to be the highest among all progestins
urine is released as free steroid . The serum clearance of
DNG is 64 ml/min . The half-life for excretion of
When administered at the dose indicated for the treatment
urinary metabolites is 14 h .
of endometriosis (2 mg/day), DNG reduces serum levels of
As DNG is metabolized primarily by CYP3A4, coadminis-
progesterone to anovulatory levels. The action on the ovary is
tration of drugs inducers or inhibitors of this cytochrome alters
peripheral rather than central as the serum levels of gonadotro-
the concentration at steady state, particularly when DNG is
pins (follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone
administered in association with estradiol valerate. Inducing
[LH]) do not undergo significant variations. Studies assessing
drugs include rifampin, carbamazepine, phenobarbital and
the ultrasound characteristics of the ovaries of patients under
phenytoin, whereas erythromycin, ketoconazole, itraconazole,
treatment with DNG showed that follicles did not exceed the
nefazodone, ciprofloxacin, fluvoxamine and grapefruit juice
size of 10 mm maximum diameter . A randomized trial
are CYP3A4 inhibitors.
investigated the minimum dose of DNG inhibiting ovulation
DNG should not be administered to patients with hepatic
by randomizing 102 participants to receive 0.5, 1, 2 or 3 mg/
insufficiency; therefore, acute or chronic diseases of the liver
day of DNG; estradiol and progesterone serum levels and the
represent a contraindication to the administration of the
size of the follicles were evaluated every 3 days. The study
drug . Up to now, no study evaluated the pharmacokinetics
showed that the lowest dose of DNG capable of inhibiting ovu-
of DNG in patients with renal insufficiency . There is no
lation was 2 mg/day, both in short-term (1 - 36 days) and
difference in the pharmacokinetics of DNG in pre- and post-
long-term (36 - 72 days) observation. Another study suggested
menopausal women .
the lowest dose able to inhibit ovulation of healthy women offertile age between 20 and 39 years old is 0.6 mg/day when
For personal use only.
administered in a single dose during the follicular phase of
4. Pharmacodynamic of DNG
the menstrual cycle . The administration of 2 mg DNG2 days before the expected time of ovulation prevents ovulation
Synthetic progestins can be divided according to their molecular
itself. Whereas when DNG is administered 1 day before ovula-
structure and their functional characteristics into two categories:
tion (0.5 or 2 mg), ovulation occurs but the LH peak is lower
the derivatives of progesterone (such as medroxiprogesterone
without anyway alteration in the function of the corpus
acetate and megestrol acetate) have a progestogenic and andro-
luteum. Furthermore, ovulation and the corpus luteum func-
genic activity; the derivatives of 19-nortestosterone, which are
tion are not altered by the administration of DNG (both
not approved for the treatment of endometriosis, have strong
0.5 and 2 mg) during the peak of LH. The menstrual cycle
activity on the endometrium, with mild androgenic, estrogen
does not undergo alterations when DNG is administered after
and glucocorticoid activity ].
the occurrence of ovulation. These results demonstrate that
DNG has pronounced effects on the endometrium that is
DNG in a single-dose administration in midcycle can alter
the basis of its efficacy in the treatment of endometriosis.
pituitary and ovarian function depending on the time interval
Studies in vitro demonstrated that DNG has moderate affinity
between administration and the day of LH-surge . More-
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for progesterone receptors that is 10% of the affinity of
over, the anovulatory action ceases when the drug is discontin-
natural progesterone . DNG has strong antiandrogenic
ued. At a dose of 2 mg/day, the plasma levels of E2 are not
activity, whereas it has no glucocorticoid and mineral corti-
completely suppressed but remain comparable to those of the
coid effects. It also does not activate estrogen receptors, nei-
early follicular phase having an important implication from
ther a type nor b type .
the clinical point of view, that is, the absence of the occurrence
In vivo, DNG has important progestational effects; it
of secondary effects caused by hypoestrogenism (such as hot
inhibits gonadotropic release, but does not have glucocorti-
flushes and bone loss), where instead effects are observed dur-
coids, mineral corticoids or significant estrogen-like effects
ing treatment of endometriosis with GnRH analogs .
. Despite DNG having low affinity for progesterone
When DNG is compared with other progestins (such as
receptors, it has a pronounced progestin effect in vivo that
NETA, levonorgestrel, gestodene, desogestrel, norgestimate,
can be attributed to the high levels of plasma-free molecule
cyproterone acetate, chlormadinone acetate), it shows more
. Therefore, DNG combines the advantages from the
potent progestational effects on the endometrium and weaker
actions of suppression of gonadotropins release . DNG
2 mg, E2 levels remain within the ‘therapeutic window' in
causes an inhibition of ovulation 3.5 times greater than levo-
order to avoid stimulating effects on the lesions and hypoestro-
norgestrel in the rabbit and 7 times greater than levonorgestrel
genic side effects, such as bone mineral density (BMD)
in the rat .
No study evaluated the contraceptive effectiveness of
One study investigated the effects of DNG on experi-
DNG; therefore, women using this drug are advised to use
mental endometriosis. In rats, DNG (0.1, 0.3 or 1 mg/ kg)
nonhormonal contraception (such as barrier methods) to pre-
causes histological changes in endometriotic implants compa-
vent unwanted pregnancies. After cessation of therapy with
rable to those observed after danazol administration, but
DNG, normal ovarian activity and menstrual cycle recover
DNG is less marked than GnRH analog or ovariectomy. All
quickly; there have been reports of women conceiving shortly
treatments induce a reduction in the volume of the endometri-
after the end of treatment, including women with previous
otic implants when compared with placebo. On the other
history of infertility .
hand, DNG has a lesser effect on BMD when compared with
Few studies investigated the influence of DNG on the
danazol, buserelin or ovariectomy. Moreover, it was shown
breast. A small trial evaluated the ultrasonographic
that even the combination of DNG with buserelin had a lower
changes induced on the mammary gland by the use of
impact on BMD compared with buserelin alone. Furthermore,
DNG at high dose (10 mg twice a day [b.i.d.] for 24 weeks),
the same study showed that DNG normalizes the activity of
demonstrating a reduction of the size of the mammary gland
natural killer cells and decreases the release of interleukin-1b
and a reduction of the mastopathic lesions that were present
by macrophages .
before starting treatment. However, further studies are needed
Another recent study demonstrated the potent inhibi-
to evaluate the relationship between the use of DNG and
tory activity of ectopic endometrial tissue obtained by auto-
breast cancer and to compare the effects of DNG on the
transplantation of uterine tissue into peritoneal cavity of rats.
breast with other progestogens.
In these rats, DNG was administered at a dosage of 0.3 or
The use of DNG (up to 20 mg/day for 24 weeks) does not
1 mg/kg/day for 28 days. At laparotomy, DNG demonstrated
cause clinical changes in thyroid function, hemostatic param-
a significant reduction of the total endometrial lesion area, thus
eters, liver enzymes, metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids
confirming the effectiveness of the compound in decreasing
the size of endometrial lesions .
5. Mechanism of activity in endometriosis
6. Clinical efficacy
For personal use only.
DNG inhibits endometriotic lesions through different mecha-
Progestins have been used for many years as medical therapy
nisms. In rabbits, it exerts a moderate inhibition of the
of endometriosis, although there is limited evidence resulting
secretion of gonadotropins, which decreases the endogenous
from controlled studies (particularly those against placebo)
production of estradiol, thus limiting its trophic action on
that supports the effectiveness of many compounds in this
the eutopic and ectopic endometrium . It creates a hyper-
class. DNG is the only oral progestin that has been specifically
progestogenic and hypoestrogenic environment that initially
designed for the treatment of endometriosis and its efficacy
induces a secretory state and then a decidualization of the
has been investigated by several studies with a comprehensive
ectopic endometrium and finally its atrophy if the treatment
design including randomized, dose-ranging , double-blind
is not discontinued . Other studies showed in vitro and
comparison with placebo , comparison versus GnRH ago-
in vivo on rats an inhibitory action of DNG on the prolifera-
nists and finally studies of efficacy and tolerance in long
tion of endometrial cells mediated by modulation of the
expression of matrix metalloproteinases, which are involved
DNG is effective in reducing endometriosis-related pain
in the regulation of ectopic endometrial response to estro-
symptoms such as dysmenorrhea, premenstrual pelvic pain,
gen . Finally, other animal studies have hypothesized the
dyspareunia and chronic pelvic pain. Its efficacy is superior
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inhibition of angiogenesis by the DNG as a further mechanism
to placebo and equivalent to GnRH agonists, but with a
of action . Because DNG inhibits aromatase and COX-2
better tolerability profile. As pain relief is one of the main
expression as well as prostaglandin E2 production in endo-
goals of therapy in patients with endometriosis, it should be
metriotic stromal cells in experimental in vitro study, these
considered an indicator of treatment success .
pharmacological features might contribute to the therapeuticeffect of DNG on endometriosis, thus demonstrating the
6.1 Dosage comparison
important anti-inflammatory effect of DNG that is relevant
The optimal dose that guarantees the resolution of symptoms
in reducing the size of the endometriotic lesions . The
during treatment with DNG was assessed in a 24-week,
average serum concentrations of E2 remain in the range of
randomized, open-label study including 68 women with endo-
20 - 50 pg/ml when DNG is administered at a dose of 2 mg/
metriosis stages I, II and III accordingly to the revised American
day, thus showing only moderate estrogen suppression .
Fertility Society (rAFS) classification ]. Women were ran-
Therefore, when DNG is administered at the dose of
domized to receive DNG once daily at the doses of 1, 2 or
N. Bizzarri et al.
DNG 2 mg/day
VAS (mm, mean ± SEM) 10
Weeks of treatment
Figure 1. Superiority of DNG 2 mg/day versus placebo for 12 weeks (p < 0.0001).
Reproduced with permission from .
DNG: Dienogest; SEM: Standard error of the mean; VAS: Visual analog scale.
4 mg. Randomization in group with 1 mg was stopped due the
women with endometriosis . The patients had laparoscopi-
unsatisfactory control of the cycle, with irregular menstrual
cally confirmed endometriosis (stages I- IV according to
bleeding. DNG at the dose of 2 and 4 mg daily caused improve-
the classification rASRM), with laparoscopy performed within
ment of symptoms in a large number of women. The prevalence
12 months before the study and baseline EAPP score > 30 mm
of dyspareunia decreased from 51.7% (baseline) to 6.9% at
on the visual analog scale (VAS). Approximately 70% of
24 weeks in the 2 mg group and from 57.1 to 5.7% in the
the patients included in the study had endometriosis at stages
4 mg. Similar results were also achieved for other symptoms
III- IV. The average VAS scores decreased by 27.4 mm in the
such as diffuse pelvic pain. Regarding the pain reported by the
DNG group and 15.1 mm in the placebo group during
For personal use only.
woman during the clinical examination, this was reduced by
the 12 weeks of the study, resulting in a difference between
75.9% (baseline) to 44.8% in the 2 mg group and by 73.2%
the two groups of 12.3 mm, which was statistically significant
(baseline) to 21.4% in the group of 4 mg. Therefore, based on
in favor of DNG (IC 95%: 6.4 - 18.1, p < 0.0001)
the results of this study, the dosage of 2 mg/day of DNG was
A secondary efficacy end point in the placebo-controlled
chosen for the treatment of endometriosis.
study was the score Biberoglu and Behrman (B & B).
Another study of dosage comparison was made by a
This score confirmed the results of the primary end point,
Japanese group that compared DNG administered at a
demonstrating a greater reduction in signs and symptoms in
dose of 1, 2 and 4 mg/day for 24 weeks divided into two daily
the DNG group compared with the placebo group. The
doses. The study included 187 patients. The study concluded
scale ‘Clinical Global Impression' was used as parameter
that there was an improvement in symptoms with the three
of the improvement of the general state. The rate of
different dosages but the comparison between these dosages
‘improvement' was 52.9% for DNG and 22.9% for the
was not statistically significant. Instead, there was a statistically
placebo. The changes in QoL were assessed by using SF-36
significant difference (p < 0.001) in the comparison of dosage
Health Survey Questionnaire demonstrating a significant
as regards the level of plasmatic E2. Mean serum estradiol
improvement of pain in the DNG group compared with the
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concentrations at between 8 weeks and the end of treatment
placebo group. The sum of the scores related to mental and
in this study were 84.5, 37.4 and 26.2 pg/ml for DNG doses
psychological aspects improved in a similar manner with min-
of 1, 2 and 4 mg/day, respectively. On the basis of the reduc-
imal differences between the two groups. The study concluded
tion in plasma E2, the 2 mg/day dose was considered to be
that DNG was superior to placebo in the improvement of
the optimal dosage in Japan. A serum estradiol concentration
pain symptoms.
in the range of 30 - 50 pg/ml is considered sufficient to inhibit
Subsequently, the 168 women who had participated in the
endometriotic lesion growth and it is adequate to prevent
12-week placebo-controlled study by Strowitzki et al. were
hypoestrogenic side effects such as bone mineral loss .
recruited for a study of long-term extension for the evaluationof pain control while using DNG to 2 mg/day for 53 weeks,
6.2 Double-blind comparison with placebo
for a total of 65 weeks adding the two studies . The average
DNG (2 mg/day) was compared with placebo in a 12-week,
VAS score in this population decreased progressively through-
randomized, double-blind study including 188 premenopausal
out the treatment period, from 56.9 mm (baseline placebo-

Leuprolide acetate
VAS (mm, mean ± SEM) 10
Weeks of treatment
Figure 2. Noninferiority of DNG 2 mg/day versus leuprolide acetate for 24 weeks (p < 0.0001).
Reproduced with permission from .
DNG: Dienogest; SEM: Standard error of the mean; VAS: Visual analog scale.
controlled study) to 34.1 mm (baseline of the extension study
More recently, the same authors proposed a subsequent
long term), up to 11.5 mm at the end of treatment.
analysis of previous study to analyze the secondary efficacy
A 52-week, noncomparative, multicenter study was
and safety outcomes comparing DNG and LA in patients
performed in Japan to test the long-term efficacy of DNG
with endometriosis . Study methods were the same of the
(2 mg/day) to define the safety evaluation of drug adverse reac-
previous trial. This study evaluated QoL, safety and tolerabil-
tion as primary end point. The study included 135 women and
ity. This evaluation was made through study of pain relief
evaluated five subjective symptoms during nonmenstruation
seen as reduction in VAS scales, B & B scores, impairment
(lower abdominal pain, lumbago, dyschezia, dyspareunia and
in daily activities, incidence of hypoestrogenic effects, irregu-
pain on vaginal examination) and two objective findings (indu-
lar bleeding and impact on standard laboratory parameters.
ration involving the pouch of Douglas and limited uterine
The conclusion of the study was that DNG was as effective
For personal use only.
mobility). The incidence of drug adverse reactions in studied
as LA in treating the symptoms of endometriosis with QoL
population was 88.9% (120/135 cases). The primary reactions
benefits and a favorable safety profile.
consisted of metrorrhagia (71.9%), headaches (18.5%) and
A Japanese randomized, double-blind, double dummy,
constipation (10.4%). Metrorrhagia was the most frequently
multicenter, controlled study compared the administration
found symptom, but it is seen that with the continuation of
DNG (1 mg b.i.d., 128 women) and intranasal BA spray
therapy there was a decrease in the intensity of the bleeding
(300 mcg three times a day, 125 women) for 24 weeks .
and the number of days of bleeding. In all the women in the
The results of this study were a reduction of the symptoms
study, bleeding was resolved with the end of treatment. They
and signs in the two subgroups at baseline and after 24 weeks
concluded that the long-term effect on BMD was small,
of treatment. Symptoms evaluated were low abdominal pain,
whereas the effectiveness increased cumulatively .
lumbago, dyschezia, dyspareunia and pain on internal exami-nation. Objective findings evaluated were induration in the
6.3 Comparisons with GnRH-agonists
pouch of Douglas and limited uterine mobility. The differ-
DNG at a dose of 2 mg/day was compared with leuprolide ace-
ence between two groups was not statistically significant
tate (leuprolide acetate [LA], a GnRH analog administered at a
except for the reduction in the score for the induration of
Expert Opin. Pharmacother. Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by ACT Health (The Canberra Hospital) on 08/20/14
dose of 3.75 mg intramuscularly every 4 weeks) in a random-
the pouch of Douglas. Compared with BA, DNG was associ-
ized Phase III noninferiority trial. This study included
ated with irregular genital bleeding more frequently (95% in
252 women with endometriosis confirmed by laparoscopy .
DNG group vs 67% in BA group) and with fewer hot flushes
DNG and LA led to a continuous and comparable reduction of
(50% in DNG group vs 67% in BA group). The reduction in
pelvic pain as measured by VAS. However, at the end of the
BMD during DNG treatment was significantly lower than
24 weeks, the reduction in the average VAS score was
that during BA treatment (p = 0.0030).
47.5 mm for the DNG group and 46 mm for the LA group
A randomized, open-label, multicenter trial compared
(95% CI: - 9.26, 6.25). Therefore, the noninferiority of
DNG (1 mg b.i.d. for 16 weeks) with triptorelin (3.75 mg
DNG compared with LA was demonstrated (p < 0.0001)
intramuscularly every 4 weeks for 16 weeks) as consolidation
(A similar improvement was also achieved by using
therapy after laparoscopic surgery in 120 women with
the score B & B as a parameter for assessing the severity of
endometriosis . In this trial, patients underwent a fist lapa-
symptoms and signs.
roscopy, which had a diagnostic, staging and therapeutic
N. Bizzarri et al.
purpose. Endometriosis was staged according to the rAFS and
The observation of a reduction of the lesions after use of
FOATI classifications both before and after this first laparos-
DNG may suggest that this is not only a symptomatic drug.
copy. Subsequently, patients received DNG or triptorelin for
One of the first studies showed a reduction of the lesions
16 weeks and when medical therapies were discontinued they
observed with second laparoscopy in 57 patients diagnosed
underwent a second laparoscopy with the aim of scoring
with endometriosis who received DNG 1 mg b.i.d. for
endometriotic lesions according to rAFS and FOATI classifi-
24 weeks . The second laparoscopy showed the disappear-
cations. The difference between the changes in the implants
ance of endometriotic lesions in 66.7% of women. Among the
score observed at second laparoscopy between the two groups
patients who still had endometrial lesions despite the therapy,
after 4 months of treatment was not statistically significant
a marked improvement was seen in 80.4% of women and no
change in only 19.6%. Similar results were obtained in a sub-
A recent meta-analysis included two studies that
sequent study . The study ‘dose-finding' by Kohler et al.
compared the efficacy and safety profile of DNG and
also assessed the lesions reduction by the rAFS score.
GnRH analogs, one performed in Europe and the other in a
They showed that DNG at 2 mg and 4 mg/day results in a
Japanese population. The conclusion was that women in
reduction of lesions after 24 weeks of treatment. The average
Europe and Japan respond in a similar manner in terms of
rAFS score changed from 11.4 to 3.6 (p = 0.0003) in the 2 mg
pain relief after treatment with either DNG or GnRH ana-
group and from 9.7 to 3.9 (p < 0.0001) in the 4 mg group.
logs. DNG also showed equivalent effects on pain in both
The severity of endometriosis according to the rAFS score
populations. However, there was heterogeneity in the changes
decreased in both study groups. A multicenter, randomized
trial including 142 women with stage II to IV endometriosiscomparing DNG (1 mg b.i.d.) and triptorelin acetate(3.75 mg IM/month) for 16 weeks confirmed a reduction in
6.4 Use of DNG following GnRH-agonists
the extent of endometriotic lesions. The rAFS score was ini-
Regarding the use of DNG as maintenance therapy after
tially 38 in both groups at baseline and dropped to 4 in
GnRH agonist to treat pelvic pain associated with endometri-
both groups after 16 weeks . Subsequently, another multi-
osis, we found only one study in the literature carried out in
center randomized trial comparing doses of 1, 2 or 4 mg
2011 by Kitawaki et al. This prospective, nonrandomized
DNG per day in two doses in 187 women diagnosed with
clinical trial arises from the need to discontinue therapy with
endometriosis showed a decrease in the size of endometriotic
GnRH agonist because of the known side effects of prolonged
cysts (p < 0.05) .
treatment (maximum 6 months). Thus, the authors examined
A very recent study clarified the impact of DNG on local
whether long-term administration of DNG following GnRH
For personal use only.
histological events in humans that explain its therapeutic
agonist therapy would prolong the relief of pelvic pain while
effect on endometriosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate
reducing the amount of irregular uterine bleeding. Group G
the in vivo effect of DNG on endometriosis tissue. Endome-
(n = 38) received GnRH agonist (leuprolide acetate or BA
trioma tissues from patients treated with DNG (n = 7) or
for 4 - 6 months and then DNG (1 mg/day) for 12 months).
not treated (n = 11, controls) were collected. This study dem-
The dose of DNG was increased to 1.5 or 2 mg/day when the
onstrates that endometrioma taken from patients treated with
patient had uncontrollable uterine bleeding. Group D
DNG show remarkable histological features such as reduction
(n = 33) received only DNG (2 mg/day) for 12 months.
of proliferation measured with Ki67 (p < 0.05), aromatase
Pelvic pain was assessed using a VAS. Uterine bleeding was
expression (p < 0.05) and angiogenesis (p = 0.20), and
semiquantified using a pictorial blood loss assessment chart
increase of apoptosis (p < 0.05) .
(PBAC). There was no significant difference in pain reductionbetween group G and group D: dysmenorrhea (p < 0.001),
7. Safety and tolerability
nonmenstrual pelvic pain (p < 0.01) and dyspareunia(p < 0.05). The PBAC score during the first 6 months on
The most frequent adverse effects seen during long treatment
DNG was significantly smaller in group G than in group D
Expert Opin. Pharmacother. Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by ACT Health (The Canberra Hospital) on 08/20/14
(52 weeks) with DNG at 2 mg/day in 135 women were head-
(p < 0.01). Therefore, the authors concluded that DNG
ache (18.5%), constipation (10.4%), nausea (9.6%), hot flushes
long-term therapy maintains the relief of pelvic pain obtained
(8.9%), weight gain (8.1%), dizziness (5.9%) and breast tender-
with GnRH agonist and this regimen reduces the amount of
ness (5.9%) . In an analysis of four clinical trials that
irregular uterine bleeding that often occurs during the early
collected 332 cases, the most commonly reported adverse events
phase of DNG therapy.
in women treated with DNG 2 mg/day were headache (9.0%),breast discomfort (5.4%), depressed mood (5.1%) and acne
6.5 Efficacy in reduction of the lesions
Although pain relief is considered the primary efficacy mea-
The most common side effect is abnormal uterine bleeding,
sure in studies on endometriosis, some investigations assessed
which is more frequent during the first few weeks of DNG
the changes in the size of the endometriotic lesions at laparos-
use and decreases with continued treatment [,. In the
copy after treatment with DNG.
long-term use of DNG (52 weeks at 2 mg/day), 97/135 patients
For personal use only.
Expert Opin. Pharmacother. Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by ACT Health (The Canberra Hospital) on 08/20/14
N. Bizzarri et al.
Table 3. Bleeding patterns in women treated with DNG 2 mg/day .
Bleeding patterns
First 90 days of treatment
Fourth 90 days of treatment
(total number = 290).
(total number = 149).
Infrequent bleeding
Frequent bleeding
Irregular bleeding
Prolonged bleeding
Data are presented as number of patients and percentage.
Adapted from Visanne Product Monograph .
DNG: Dienogest.
(71.9%) reported metrorrhagia, but in 96 of these cases the
when compared with GnRH analogs. Twenty-four weeks of
symptom disappeared during treatment or 2 months after end
treatment with DNG (2 mg/day orally) decrease mean
of treatment with a median number of days of genital bleeding
E2 levels by only 6.4 pmol/l compared with 240.5 pmol/l in
per 28 days of treatment period of 21 days at 5 - 8 weeks, 9 days
patients treated with LA (3.75 mg, depot intramuscolar injec-
at 21 - 24 weeks and 2 days at 49 - 52 weeks of treatment, indi-
tion, every 4 weeks) at the end of treatment () . In a
cating a decrease in abnormal bleeding as the treatment period
12-week placebo-controlled study, E2 decreased by 70 ±
was extended. The abnormal bleeding during therapy with
282 pmol/l ; the mean E2 levels showed minimal changes
DNG is caused by endometrial regression (breakthrough bleed-
during continuous treatment with DNG for 53 weeks .
ing) due to a continuous duty, which results in different bleed-
In agreement with these observations, DNG does not cause
ing pattern ranging from spotting to irregular bleeding. In
significant hypoestrogenic adverse effects such as reduction
patients treated with 2 mg/day of DNG up to 52 weeks
of BMD, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, decreased libido and
(Phase III trials), in the first 90 days of therapy the bleeding pat-
sleep disturbances . In particular, in the patients treated
tern was prolonged bleeding (38%), irregular bleeding (35%)
with DNG, hot flushes occur with a mean of 0.89 days per
and infrequent bleeding (27%), frequent bleeding (13%) and
week of treatment, whereas in patients treated with LA they
For personal use only.
amenorrhea (2%). In the fourth 90-day therapy, the bleeding
occur for an average of 23.4 days per week. Furthermore,
pattern were changed as follows: amenorrhea (28%), infrequent
the frequency of this symptom remains low during treatment
bleeding (24%), frequent bleeding (3%), irregular bleeding
with DNG, whereas it tends to increase during treatment with
(22%) and prolonged bleeding (4%) (,].
LA. A further study comparing DNG (1 mg b.i.d.) and trip-
The period chosen was 90 days in accordance with the reference
torelin acetate (3.75 mg/month intramuscularly) for 16 weeks
range proposed by the WHO ].
showed a significantly lower incidence of hot flashes in the
As already shown in preclinical studies, DNG has low
DNG group (9.6 vs 61.2%) .
activity for androgen receptors and it has also some antiandro-
Twenty four weeks of treatment with DNG do not signif-
genic activity , which explains the limited androgen-like
icantly change BMD, whereas LA causes a significant reduc-
adverse effects like weight gain, acne, alopecia and hirsutism.
tion in BMD at the lumbar spine . This observation is
One of the features that makes DNG so effective in the
confirmed by the changes of bone reabsorption markers (mea-
treatment of endometriosis is the fact that it creates a hypoes-
sured with urine calcium levels and urinary Cross-Laps levels)
trogenic climate at the level of endometrial tissue without,
in patients treated with LA group versus no significant change
however, excessively decreasing plasma E2 concentration,
in those treated with DNG.
Expert Opin. Pharmacother. Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by ACT Health (The Canberra Hospital) on 08/20/14
which tends to stabilize at the lower limit of the normal range
DNG does not have adverse effects on lipid metabolism.
of concentration . Klipping et al. assessed the minimum
This was also confirmed by a study that analyzed the safety
dose of DNG inhibiting ovulation by randomizing 102 partic-
of DNG at high dose (20 mg/day) for 24 weeks . In the
ipants to receive 0.5, 1, 2 or 3 mg/day of DNG. The results of
study comparing DNG and placebo for 12 weeks, the levels
this study showed that complete ovulation inhibition was
of plasma lipids (such as LDL, HDL and triglyceride) showed
observed at DNG doses ‡ 2 mg/day and was rapidly reversed
little change in both groups . When compared with LA for
after treatment cessation. Besides they showed that 2 mg
a 24-week treatment, no clinically relevant change in lipids
DNG achieves a decrease in E2 concentration sufficient to
levels was observed in both treatment groups .
reduce estrogen-dependent disease, combined with a systemic
DNG does not appear to have significant effects on carbo-
E2 exposure that minimizes hypoestrogenic side effects and
hydrate metabolism. In the dose-finding study of 24 weeks,
likelihood of bone loss. This is an important advantage in
there was no significant change in blood glucose in any
terms of adverse effects from hypoestrogenism, especially
patient . The treatment with progestins may facilitate

Leuprolide acetate
Estradiol level (pmol/l)
Weeks of treatment
Figure 3. Sieric estradiol levels by using DNG 2 mg/day or leuprolide acetate for 24 weeks.
Reproduced with permission from .
DNG: Dienogest.
weight gain. No significant change in weight has been
due to adverse effects < 5%. The most common adverse effects
reported in patients treated with DNG 2 mg/day for 12 weeks
were abnormal uterine bleeding, headache, breast discomfort,
when compared with placebo . The long-term study
depressed mood and acne, while not going to significantly
showed that only a minimal change in body weight
change body weight, BMD and lipid profile in the blood of
(+0.58 kg) occurred after 1 year of treatment with DNG.
women. Abnormal bleeding, generally well tolerated bywomen, tends to decrease with continued treatment.
9. Expert opinion
DNG combines the advantages of 19-nortestosterone deriva-tives with the benefits of progesterone derivatives. DNG has
Although the European Society of Human Reproduction and
For personal use only.
a good pharmacokinetic profile with an absorption of
Embryology (ESHRE) explains that the cure of symptomatic
90.5% when taken by mouth, half-life that is suitable for
endometriosis can involve analgesics, hormones, surgery,
the dosage of one administration per day and a limited influ-
assisted reproduction or a combination of approaches,
ence from the food on the absorption. The marked tropism of
endometriosis treatment today is mostly made up of empiric
DNG in vivo against the endometrial tissue explains its effec-
therapy with analgesics and hormonal therapy based on a
tiveness in the treatment of endometriosis. The mechanism of
diagnosis of suspicion . The treatment should be effica-
action in endometriosis arises from the fact that the DNG
cious, but it should also be the least expensive and with
inhibits the secretion of gonadotropins with decrease in the
minimal risks. Hormonal therapies (GnRH agonists, danazol,
endogenous release of estradiol (which, however, stabilizes at
gestrinone, combined oral contraceptives and medroxyproges-
levels that do not induce adverse effects of estrogen defi-
terone) have similar efficacy, but differ in their adverse effects
ciency), thus creating a hypoestrogenic and hyperprogestinic
and costs. GnRH agonists (such as leuprorelin acetate, BA
endocrine environment that induces initial decidualization
and triptorelin) are currently considered the most effective
and subsequent atrophy of endometriotic lesions. In addition,
drugs in relieving pelvic pain associated with endometriosis ,
DNG has strong antiandrogenic activity, whereas it has no
but they cause many adverse effects related to the hypoestro-
Expert Opin. Pharmacother. Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by ACT Health (The Canberra Hospital) on 08/20/14
glucocorticoid and mineral corticoid effects. The efficacy of
genism (hot flushes, bone mineral depletion, mood swings,
DNG was also demonstrated by the clinical point of view
vaginal dryness). Therefore, GnRH agonists are not recom-
with a trial that has shown the superiority of DNG compared
mended for continuous use for a period of time that exceeds
with placebo in reducing the pain associated with endometri-
6 months of treatment because of the potential depletion of
osis. Furthermore, DNG was compared with the reference
the bone mass. The use of an add-back therapy, which adds
treatment for endometriosis represented by GnRH agonists
an estrogen, progestin or estrogen- progestin combination,
demonstrating noninferiority of DNG compared with these
allows to reduce the adverse effects of estrogen deficiency
compounds with a lower incidence of adverse effects (espe-
and to extend the duration of the treatment, but this leads
cially hypoestrogenic effects), both as regards the improve-
to an increase in costs. Hyperandrogenic compounds cause
ment of the symptom pain and as regards the reduction of
adverse androgen-like effects (acne, seborrhea, hirsutism,
endometriotic lesions diagnosed at laparoscopy. DNG is a
alopecia and weight gain) in addition to make an unfavorable
well-tolerated drug with a rate of treatment discontinuation
change in the levels of cholesterol in the blood (increased
N. Bizzarri et al.
LDL-cholesterol and decrease HDL-cholesterol) . System-
are needed to confirm its good clinical efficacy and tolerabil-
atic reviews of the literature have shown limited evidence in
ity. However, some issues remain unsolved. In fact, as DNG
favor of the efficacy of low-dose combined oral contraceptives
causes inhibition of ovulation, it does not solve the problem
in relation to the pelvic pain associated with endometri-
of infertility associated with endometriosis. Moreover, this is
osis , although some trials have demonstrated their
still an open issue as currently there are no hormonal therapies
superiority over placebo . They have also been shown to
ensuring an improvement in infertility associated with
be effective as GnRH analogs . However, hormonal contra-
endometriosis. On the other hand, no study investigated the
ceptives are widely used for their advantages, including some
potential of contraceptive effect of DNG; therefore, this ther-
contraceptive protection, long-term safety, low cost and
apy should be associated with other methods of contraception
control of menstrual cycle. Progestins are used today as one
(e.g., barrier methods). Finally, a further limitation of the use
of the options for treatment of endometriosis. Among these
of DNG as daily therapy in the long term is that the cost of
agents, the most widely used are NETA 2.5 - 5.0 mg/day
the therapy is higher than other progestins available on the
and the Lng-IUD. They allow a long-term treatment of endo-
market and combined oral contraceptives. Future studies
metriosis, although they may cause some adverse effects such
should compare the efficacy and safety of DNG with other
as headaches, weight gain, androgenic effects (especially for
derivatives of 19-nortestosterone) and reduced BMD.
Thanks to these features that combine excellent efficacy in
Declaration of interest
reducing pain and symptoms associated with endometriosisand in reducing the size of endometrial lesions with good tol-
S Stefano has had financial relationships (lecturer or member
erability of the product in the long term, the DNG has been
of advisory board) with Pfizer and Astellas. The authors have
proposed as the progestin in the reference treatment of
no other relevant affiliations or financial involvement with
endometriosis. In addition, DNG long-term therapy has
any organization or entity with a financial interest in or finan-
also proven effective in maintenance therapy after use of
cial conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed in
GnRH agonists . Further studies with large sample size
the manuscript apart from those disclosed.
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Author for correspondence
Schindler AE, Christensen B, Henkel A,
University of Genoa, IRCCS San Martino
Hospital and National Institute for Cancer
Research, Department of Obstetrics and
Gynecol Endocrinol
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol
Gynaecology, Largo R. Benzi 1, 16132 Genoa,
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Tel: +01139 010511525;
Kohler G, Goretzlehner G, Amon I.
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management of women with
Zentralbl Gynakol
endometriosis Hum Reprod.
2Vita-Salute San Raffaele University and IRRCS
San Raffaele Hospital, Via Olgettina 58-60,
Kohler G, Goretzlehner G,
Vercellini P, Trespidi L, Colombo A,
20132, Milan, Italy
Expert Opin. Pharmacother. Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by ACT Health (The Canberra Hospital) on 08/20/14
Source: http://wp-cdn3.endoactive.org.au/wp-content/uploads/sites/22/Dienogest-in-the-Treatment-of-Endometriosis-Bizzarri-et-al-2014.pdf
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