
abUSe eDUcation
anD policieS
Your brain. Use it. Don't abuse it.
SUbStance abUSe eDUcation
anne arUnDel commUnitY college
miSSion . 2
DrUg anD alcohol policY .2-3
Educational Statement .2Guidelines For Discipline .3Procedures For Enforcement .3Legal Sanctions .3
health riSkS .4-6
Alcohol .4Amphetamines .4Anabolic Steroids .4Antidepressants .4Antipsychotics .4Barbiturates .5Caffeine .5Cannabis .5Cocaine.5Hallucinogens .5Inhalants .6Nicotine .6Opiates .6Tranquilizers .6
laYing Down the law . 7
DUI/DWI/Drugs .7Open Containers .7Fake IDs .7
alcohol-impaireD Driving DeStroYS liveS . 8
FinDing help in anne arUnDel coUntY .9-11
Alcohol and Drug Treatment Services . 9-11
aDDitional reSoUrceS .12-14
Hotlines and Other Resources .13Private Practice .13Self-Help Groups .13Substance Abuse Education Office at
Anne Arundel Community College .Back cover
Anne Arundel Community College's substance abuse education
program, through education of students and employees, works to prevent
alcohol and drug abuse by creating a campus environment where substance
abuse is not accepted. Sponsored programs foster awareness of the effects
and consequences of alcohol and drug use and/or abuse. The program also
coordinates support services for students and employees who choose to confront
an alcohol or drug problem.
Drug and Alcohol Policy
Anne Arundel Community College is committed to providing
and maintaining an environment for students, faculty and staff that is drug-free,
healthful, safe and secure. Faculty, staff and students are expected and required
to report each day in an appropriate mental and physical condition, free of any
illegal drugs and alcohol and capable of fulfilling their daily duties. The college
supports all local, state and federal laws related to drugs and alcohol abuse,
including, but not limited to, the Drug-free Workplace Act and the Drug-free
Schools and Campuses Act.
Although the college recognizes drug and alcohol dependency as an illness
and a major health problem affecting society, it also recognizes drug and
alcohol use as a potential health, safety and security problem. The college is
committed to the education of students, faculty and staff regarding substance
abuse prevention, detection and treatment and for this purpose has established a
substance abuse education program.
The unlawful possession, use, manufacture, distribution and/or solici ta tion of
a controlled substance is prohibited. The unauthorized possession, consumption
and distribution of alcoholic beverages on college-controlled property or as part
of any college-authorized activity is prohibited.
Faculty, staff and students who violate this policy shall be subject to
appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal in accordance with
college policies and procedures and may also be subject to criminal prosecution.
in keeping with its CentrAl mission of teAChing, AACC presents
a substance abuse education program aimed at preventing alcohol abuse
and illegal drug use. Educational efforts include lectures, presentations,
demonstrations and distribution of literature on substance abuse prevention.
The college encourages students, faculty and staff to participate. In general, the
program teaches participants about the incompatibility of the abuse of alcohol
or the use of illegal drugs with achieving a healthy and productive life within the
students, fACulty And stAff Are responsible as citizens for
knowing about and complying with the provisions of federal, state and local law
regarding illegal substances and alcohol. Any member of the college community
who violates the law may be subject to both criminal and civil prosecution and
punishment as well as college disciplinary proceedings.
The college will initiate disciplinary proceedings against students, faculty
or staff when conduct is deemed a violation of college policy. If appropriate,
the college will impose sanctions in accordance with established procedures
applicable to the accused. Penalties for the violation of the Drug and Alcohol
policy range from a written reprimand to dismissal from the college.
While the college recognizes a violation of its Drug and Alcohol policy as a
serious breach of college standards of conduct, it also recognizes drug and alcohol
dependency as an illness. The college encourages faculty, staff and students
requiring assistance to deal with drug or alcohol abuse or dependency to seek
professional assistance. The substance abuse education program will provide
confidential referrals to appropriate community-based treatment on request.
every member of the College Community has a responsibility to
enforce the Drug and Alcohol policy. When a student, faculty or staff member
is suspected of abusing alcohol or misusing drugs, encourage the employee or
student to seek assistance through the substance abuse education program.
A witness to a violation of this policy should take Immediate action to assure
the safety and security of the college community by filing charges of the violation
either with the employee's supervisor, or, in the case of a student, with the
Student Review Committee in accordance with the constituency procedures for
legAl sAnCtions for illegAl drug And AlCohol activity are severe.
Maryland law (Article 27, paragraphs 276-302 of the Annotated Code) states
felony conviction for manufacture, distribution, dispensing or possession of a
controlled dangerous substance (or a counterfeit if a narcotic drug) is punishable
by a prison sentence of up to 20 years or a fine up to $25,000 or both. Felony
conviction for bringing into Maryland an illegal controlled dangerous substance
(such as marijuana or cocaine) can bring a prison sentence of 25 years or a fine up
to $50,000 or both.
First conviction on a misdemeanor for illegal delivery, sale or possession
with intent to deliver or sell, or manufacture with intent to deliver or sell drug
paraphernalia is subject to a fine up to $500. Subsequent drug paraphernalia
conviction penalties are up to two years imprisonment or a fine up to $2,000
or both. Misdemeanor conviction for illegally smelling or inhaling any drugs,
other noxious substances or chemicals which cause intoxication, inebriation,
excitement, stupefaction or dulling of the brain or nervous system is subject to
imprisonment up to six months or a fine up to $500 or both.
Beer, Wine, Distilled Spirits
Short-term eFFectS: acts on mood and emotions, relaxation, confusion, disrupts
balance between reasoning and judgment, depression, anxiety, decreased alertness,
long-term eFFectS From exceSSive USe: tolerance, psychological dependence,
physical dependence, kidney and liver failure, weight gain, blackouts, impotence,
psychosis, ulcers, malnutrition, delirium, tremors, death.
Benzedrine, Dexedrine, Methedrine, Preludin, Speed, Ice, Crystal, Glass, Eskatrol,
Ritalin, Ecstacy
Short-term eFFectS: increased alertness, excitation, euphoria, decreased
appetite, restlessness, rapid speech, irritability, insomnia, paranoia, stomach disorders,
physically and psychologically addictive.
long-term eFFectS: tolerance, hardening of the arteries, mood swings, anxiety,
hallucinations, sleep deprivation, severe malnutrition.
Synthetic Testosterone, Roids
Short-term eFFectS: cellular development of body and muscle tissue, mood
elevation or depression, altered sex drive, increased aggressive behavior, may stunt
growth, retention of sodium and fluids, stroke, severe acne.
long-term eFFectS: jaundice, increased chance of heart disease, liver damage, high
blood pressure, endocrine imbalance. Males: can enlarge breasts, decrease testicular size
and function, decrease sperm production. Females: menstrual irregularities, masculinizing
effects, change in the genitals.
A. Tricyclics (Elavil, Tofranil, Sinequan, Norpramin, Pamelor, Amitril) and Serotonin
Uptake Inhibitors (Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft)
Short-term eFFectS: relieves anxiety and depression, temporary impotence,
nausea, slowed heart beat, decreased breathing rate, weight loss, headaches, apathy,
depressed emotions.
long-term eFFectS: appear to be depressed, apathy, lethargy, insomnia,
irregularities of heartbeat, sweating, dizziness, altered appetite, seizures, disturbed vision,
altered sexual desire, overdose can cause death.
B. Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors, MAO Inhibitors (Nardil, Parnate, Marplan, Phenazine)
Short-term eFFectS: hypertensive crisis, rapid pulse, headaches.
long-term eFFectS: glaucoma, weight gain, sleep disturbances, fatigue,
weakness, tremors, dry mouth, constipation.
C. Antimanic (Lithium)
eFFectS: lethargy, thirst, hand tremors, increased urination, weight gain.
Thorazine, Compazine, Stelazine, Mellaril, Haldol, Trilafon, Sparine, Vesprin, Prolixin
Short-term eFFectS: reduced anxiety, depression, restricted motor movement,
slowed processing and responses to stimulation.
long-term eFFectS: overdose can cause death.
Chloral Hydrate, Doriden, Nembutal, Phenobarbital, Seconal, Tuinal, Amytal, Pentothal
Short-term eFFectS: sedative-hypnotic effects, relaxation, euphoria, decreased
alertness, drowsiness, impaired coordination, slurred speech, stupor, hangover, high
doses depress breathing, heart rate, temperature and muscular coordination, increased
anxiety, depression, mood swings.
long-term eFFectS: physical and psychological dependence, excessive sleepiness,
confusion, irritability, severe withdrawal, convulsions, depressed breathing and body
functions, death.
Coffee, Cola, Tea, No-Doz, Vivarin, Cocoa Beans
Short-term eFFectS: increased alertness, accelerated heart rate, increased blood
pressure, upset stomach, restlessness, insomnia.
long-term eFFectS From exceSSive USe: nervousness, mental confusion,
irritability, muscle twitches, increased tolerance, increased heart rate, breast lumps in
Hashish, Marijuana, Hash Oil, Grass, Pot, Reefer, Hemp, THC, Delta 9THC, Sinsemilla
Short-term eFFectS: euphoria, mild hallucinogen, distortions in perception,
increased heartbeat, increased appetite, bloodshot eyes, may create a psychological
dependence, interferes with memory and intellectual performance, impaired
concentration, dry mouth, mild hypnotic, exaggerated mood and personality.
long-term eFFectS: irritation of respiratory tract leading to lung disease, fatigue,
hormonal changes, psychosis, antimotivational syndrome, impaired reproduction, birth
Coke, Crack, Snow, Rock, Blow, Toot
Short-term eFFectS: constriction of arteries, increased release of adrenalin,
increased blood pressure and heart rate, risk of seizures, disruption and overstimulation
of body's chemical balance, euphoric rush, paranoia, muscle tremors, memory lapses,
mental confusion, hallucinations, miscarriage, stroke, runny or stuffy nose if snorted,
feeling of things crawling under the skin, dilated pupils, chronic insomnia, irritability,
long-term eFFectS: insomnia, agitation, severe emotional depression, extreme
lethargy, inability to feel pleasure, lack of energy and motivation, feeling of impending
death, damage to nasal septum when snorting, extreme weight loss, damage to heart
and blood vessels, convulsions, respiratory arrest, death.
Psychedelics, LSD, PCP, Mescaline, Peyote Cactus, Scopolamine, Psilocybin, Mushrooms, STP,
Serenity, Peace Pill, MDA, MDMA Ecstasy, DMT, Businessman's Special, Belladonna, Nutmeg,
Mace, Special or Super K
Short-term eFFectS: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sweating, may exaggerate
unstable tendencies, intensifies or distorts visual stimuli, hallucinations.
long-term eFFectS: flashbacks, altered states of consciousness, suppressed judgment and
reason, stimulated visual perception and degree of euphoria.
Glue, Paint Thinner and Removers, Correction Fluid, Gasoline, Laughing Gas (Nitrous
Oxide), Formaldehyde, Aerosol Sprays, Anesthetics, Ether, Amyl Nitrate, Organic Nitrates,
Short-term eFFectS: relaxation, hypersensitivity, impaired judgment, violence,
reduced muscle reflex control, rapid heartbeat, impaired coordination, headache,
nausea, visual disturbance, euphoria, depression, slurred speech, unsteady gait,
drowsiness, irritability, excitement, impulsiveness.
long-term eFFectS: delirium with confusion, hallucinations, drowsiness, stupor,
brain damage, lung and kidney damage, blood and bone marrow alteration, death.
Cigarettes, Pipe, Cigars, Snuff, Chewing Tobacco, Nicotine Gum, Nicotine Patch
Short-term eFFectS: constricted blood vessels, raised heart rate and blood
pressure, decreased appetite, increased alertness, partially deadened senses of taste
and smell, irritated lungs, dry mouth, relaxation.
long-term eFFectS: lung damage, heart irregularities, cancer, hypertension,
nervousness, irritability, headaches, fatigue, insomnia, physiological and physical
Opium, Codeine, Morphine, Heroin, Dilaudid, Percodan, Methadone, Hycodan, Demerol,
Talwin, LAAM
Short-term eFFectS: stimulation, sense of detachment, depression, pin-point
pupils, vomiting, nausea, drowsiness, inability to concentrate, slowed breathing and
pulse, dry skin and itching, euphoria, mental clouding.
long-term eFFectS: tolerance, dependence, physical and/or psychological
addiction, chronic skin rash, itching, insensibility and unconsciousness, hepatitis, heart
and lung abnormalities, ulcers, abscesses, kidney failure, premature labor, stillbirth,
addiction of the fetus and baby, loss of sexual desire, death.
Synthetic Marijuana (K2 or Spice), Salvia, Bath Salts
Short-term eFFectS: severe agitation and anxiety, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia
(fast, racing heartbeat), elevated blood pressure, tremors and seizures, hallucinations,
dilated pupils.
long-term eFFectS: psychological and physical addiction, heart attacks,
panic attacks, suicidal and other harmful thoughts and/or actions.
Sedatives/hypnotics, Librium, Equinol, Miltown, Valium, Xanax, Ativan, Halcion, Klonopin,
Serax, Dalmane, Doriden, Placidyl, Noctec, Vistaril, Rohypnol*
Short-term eFFectS: calming, depressed emotions, relaxation, lowered
inhibitions, reduced intensity of physical sensations, drowsiness, loss of body heat,
reduced muscular coordination, sleep, blurred vision, dizziness, stupor, tolerance.
long-term eFFectS: age-dependent tolerance, blood-cell destruction, jaundice,
anxiety attacks, insomnia, agitation, abdominal cramps, seizures, delirium, uncontrolled
heartbeat, coma, death.
*Known as the "date rape drug," a tasteless sedative when slipped into drinks causes an
intense drunk-like effect lasting up to eight hours. Street name "Roofies."
Laying Down the Law
Anyone who drives A motor vehiCle in mArylAnd, whether
licensed here or by another state, must comply with the Maryland Motor
Vehicle Law and laws on mixing alcohol and other drugs with driving. The
law also prohibits the manufacture, use, possession and distribution of false
identification cards.
Fine, Jail/Prison, License Penalties
A. driving while under the
12 points on license or
influence of alcohol (bAC of .08 instant revocation
or higher)
(penalty doubles for second offense, triples for third offense)
b. driving while impaired
$500/60 days
(bAC of .04 to .07)
8 points on license
C. driving while impaired due $500/60 days
to alcohol and/or drugs
8 points on license
d. driving while impaired
12 points on license or
due to consumption of a
controlled dangerous sub-
subsequent offenses for b, C
$500/up to one year
and d
for those under 21 years, driv-
$500/potential license suspension
ing with any alcohol in the
body (bAC of .02 or higher)
in motor vehicle (driver and
$520/one point on license
anyone under 21)
on public property or on private up to $500 (first offense)
property used by the general
$1,000 (subsequent offense)
forging or falsely making an id
felony/10 years
selling/issuing id cards with a
$2,000/two years
false date of birth
for each separate offense
fraudulently obtaining a
12 points on license
misrepresenting age to obtain
Alcohol-impaired Driving Destroys Lives
A 12-ounce container of beer, a five ounce glass of wine or a 1.5 ounce shot
of 80 proof liquor contains the same amount of alcohol.
However, many mixed drinks contain more alcohol.
Estimate Your Blood Alcohol Level
100 lbs. .038 .075 .113 .150 .188 .225 .263 .300
120 lbs. .031 .063 .094 .125 .156 .186 .219 .250
140 lbs. .027 .054 .080 .107 .134 .161 .188 .214
160 lbs. .023 .047 .070 .094 .117 .141 .164 .188
180 lbs. .021 .042 .063 .083 .104 .125 .146 .167
200 lbs. .019 .038 .056 .075 .094 .113 .131 .150
220 lbs. .017 .034 .051 .068 .085 .102 .119 .136
240 lbs. .016 .031 .047 .063 .078 .094 .109 .126
for those who Are regulAr drinkers, the BAC is affected the same
as it is for persons who are not regular drinkers. Though tolerance may be a
factor for regular drinkers who may appear as if they can hold their liquor,
they become as intoxi cated in terms of BAC level as a person who drinks the
same amount of alcohol, weighs the same and is not a regular drinker.
think before you drink
Finding Help in Anne Arundel County
Anne Arundel County hAs A network of privAte substance abuse
treatment providers who work with the county Department of Health to offer
treatment services. There also are volunteer support groups.
The Anne Arundel County Substance Abuse Treatment Council provided the
following lists of treatment programs, private practices, organizations, hot
lines and self-help groups.
AACo-doh AddiCtions serviCes
122 North Langley Road, Suite A, Glen Burnie, MD 21060
Phone: 410-222-7428 • Fax: 410-222-0105
AACo pArtnership for Children youth And fAmilies
Drug free communities
1 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Suite 103, Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone: 410-222-7423 • Fax: 410-222-7674
A new wAy CliniC
Alcohol and drug free outpatient, DWI treatment, DWI education
2411 Crofton Lane, Crofton, MD 21114
Phone: 410-451-7323 • Fax: 410-541-8205
Alcohol and drug free outpatient, DWI education, DWI treatment
8028 Ritchie Highway, Suite 308, Pasadena, MD 21122
Opiate dependent group
Phone: 410-761-0725 • Fax: 410-761-2412
AdolesCent And fAmily serviCes
(Anne Arundel County depArtment of hmh & AddiCtions)
Adolescent program, alcohol and drug free outpatient
122 Langley Road North, Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Phone: 410-222-6725 • Fax: 410-222-6748
AlCohol And drug intervention, inC.
Alcohol and drug free outpatient
7458 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd., Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Phone: 410-787-2288 • Fax: 410-787-9479
AlCohol And drug progrAms mAnAgement, inC.
Alcohol and drug free outpatient, DWI treatment, DWI education
7495 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd., Suite 6, Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Phone: 410-768-3303 • Fax: 410-768-3305
AlCohol And drug reCovery
Alcohol and drug free outpatient, DWI education, DWI treatment
929 West Street, Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone: 410-268-6800 • Fax: 410-268-7598
AlCohol And drug reCovery
Alcohol and drug free outpatient, DWI treatment, DWI education
8 North Crain Highway, Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Phone: 410-768-3526 • Fax: 410-787-1942
AlCoholiCs Anonymous
169 Duke of Gloucester Street, Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone: 410-268-5441
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment
Phone: 1-800-HELP (4357)
www.health.org OR www.forreal.org
Anne Arundel Counseling, inC.
Alcohol and drug free outpatient, DWI treatment
Empire Towers: 7310 Ritchie Highway, Glen Burnie, MD 21061
College Parkway Center: 1298 Bay Dale Drive, Suite 216, Arnold, MD 21012
Phone: 410-768-5988 • Fax: 410-768-5989
bAsiCs, inC.
Alcohol and drug free outpatient, DWI treatment
621 Ridgley Avenue, Suite 400, Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone: 410-266-0777
C-stAr (College student treAtment And reCovery) network
Addiction treatment and recovery services for college students
Contact: Randy Haveson, MA – CEO, C-STAR Network
Phone: 949-215-5796
www.collegerecovery.com — website works as a portal for college students in recovery
to be able to connect with each other
ChrysAlis house
Long term care, outpatient services
1570 Crownsville Road, Crownsville, MD 21032
Phone: 410-974-6829 • Fax: 410-974-6350
Cornerstone pAstorAl CAre & Counseling
8 Carvel Circle, Edgewater, MD 21037
Phone: 410-266-8596 • Fax: 410-266-9740
dAmAsCus house
4203 Ritchie Highway, Baltimore, MD 21225
Phone: 410-789-7446 • Fax: 410-789-1987
e.J.A.l. heAlth serviCes, inC.
Medication assisted treatment
550 Crain Highway, Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Phone: 410-761-3686
ferry point inC. (treAtment serviCes)
Alcohol and drug free outpatient, DWI education, DWI treatment
8379 Piney Orchard Parkway, Suite F, Odenton, MD 21113
Phone: 410-674-8500
first step reCovery Center inC.
Substance abuse, alcohol and drug free outpatient
1419 Forest Drive, Suite 104, Annapolis, MD 21403
Phone: 410-280-2333 • Fax: 410-280-9866
hAwkes Counseling serviCes
Alcohol and drug free outpatient, DWI treatment, DWI education
4109 Ritchie Highway, Brooklyn, MD 21225
Phone: 410-298-8046 • Fax: 410-597-8773
hope house (adult)
26 Marbury Drive, Crownsville, MD 21032
Phone: 410-923-6700 • Baltimore Phone: 410-837-0209 • Fax: 410-923-6213
mCClAnAhAn & AssoCiAtes
Alcohol and drug free outpatient, DWI treatment
1454 Baltimore-Annapolis Blvd., Arnold, MD 21012
Phone: 410-626-7550 • Fax: 410-626-8805
new life AddiCtions Counseling serviCes, inC.
Alcohol and drug free outpatient, intensive outpatient, DWI treatment, adolescent
2528 Mountain Road, Pasadena, MD 21122
Phone: 410-255-6277 • Fax: 410-255-6277
omni house
P.O. Box 1270, 1419 Madison Park Drive, Building H, Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Phone: 410-768-2719 • Fax: 410-760-0963
open door of Anne Arundel County
Outpatient, individual, family and group counseling to adult and adolescent
122 North Langley Road, Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Phone: 410-222-0100 treatment referral • 410-222-0120 community treatment
410-222-6725 adolescent and family services
Residential drug free, alcohol and drug free outpatient, non-residential intermediate
2620 Riva Road, Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone: 410-573-5402 • 800-322-5858 • Fax: 410-573-5401
reCovery resourCes group, inC.
Alcohol and drug free outpatient, DWI treatment
2B Crain Highway, S.W., Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Phone: 410-787-0964 • Fax: 410-766-4210
sAmAritAn house
P.O. Box 6309, Annapolis, MD 21401
Physical Address: 2610 Green Briar Lane, Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone: 410-269-5605 • Fax: 410-268-6965
seCond genesis inC.
Residential drug free, alcohol and drug free outpatient
107 Circle Drive, Crownsville, MD 20814
Phone: 301-621-9013 • Fax: 301-621-0744
trAnsformAtion (adult)
407 South Crain Highway, Suite 101, Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Phone: 410-761-9998 • Fax: 410-761-9998
we CAre Arundel heAlth serviCes
Medication assisted treatment
13 Aquahart Road, Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Phone: 410-766-9668 • Fax: 410-766-9673
Center for substAnCe Abuse treAtment
Phone: 1-800-HELP (4357)
www.health.org • www.forreal.org
domestiC violenCe hot line
Anne Arundel County: 410-222-6800
foCus on reCovery
Addiction, abuse issues (24 hours): 800-222-0828
Alcohol abuse, crisis interventions: 800-234-0420
Chemical dependency help line, treatment (24 hours): 800-234-0420
Cocaine abuse assistance, treatment (24 hours): 800-234-0420
Narcotics abuse help line, treatment (24 hours): 800-234-0420
grAssroots Crisis intervention Center/suiCide prevention hot line
Main stress line (information): 800-243-7337
Phone: 410-531-6677
kolmAC CliniC — Dr. George Kolodner, medical director
1003 Spring Street, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: 301-589-0255 ext. 3014
Email: [email protected]
mArylAnd poison Center
Phone: 800-492-2414
mArylAnd youth Crisis hot line
Phone: 800-422-0009
mothers AgAinst drunk driving (mAdd)
Phone: 1-800-446-6233
mArylAnd Community serviCes loCAtor (free serviCe)
mArylAnd poison Center
mobile Crisis hot line (wArm line)
Phone: 410-768-5522
nAtionAl CleAringhouse for AlCohol And drug informAtion
Phone: 1-800-729-6686
nAtionAl suiCide prevention lifeline
Phone: 1-800-273-8255
we CAre And friends
Stanton Community Center
92 West Washington Street, Annapolis, MD 21401
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 410-263-2874
CArmAn m. klAssen, l.C.p.C., l.C.A.d.C., C.h.t.
505 Oakmont Court, Arnold, MD 21012
Phone: 443-274-2390
helAine f. betnum, l.C.s.w.-C.
700 Melvin Avenue, Suite 6, Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone: 410-263-1351 Fax: 410-263-7333
diAne A. Crowley, m.A., C.C.d.C.
P.O. Box 9702, Arnold, MD 21012
Phone: 410-349-2885
Adult Children of AlCoholiCs
Phone: 410-832-7094 • www.adultchildren.org
Al-Anon fAmily groups
Phone: 410-766-1984 • www.al-anon.org
169 Duke of Gloucester Street, Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone: 410-268-5441
Co-dependents Anonymous
Phone: 855-222-5542
nAr-Anon fAmily And friends
Phone: 301-534-8188 • 800-477-6291
nArCotiCs Anonymous
Phone: 410-761-1352
sex And love AddiCts Anonymous
Phone: 210-828-7900 • www.slaafws.org
suiCiders Anonymous
Phone: 410-426-4357

SUbStance abUSe eDUcation oFFice
lorettA l. lAwson-munsey
r.n., C.C.m., C.p.s. CoordinAtor
Student Union Room 209
(available fall and spring terms)
101 College Parkway, Arnold, MD 21012-1895
Phone: 410-777-2527
Fax: 410-777-7044
tobACCo prevention/CessAtion offiCe
Health Services
Student Union Room 120
Phone: 410-777-2480
notiCe of nondisCriminAtion: AACC is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, Title IX, ADA Title 504 compliant institution.
Call Disability Support Services, 410-777-2306 or Maryland Relay 711, 72 hours in advance to request most accommodations.
Requests for sign language interpreters, alternative format books or assistive technology require 30 days' notice. For information on
AACC's compliance and complaints concerning discrimination or harassment, contact Kelly Koermer, J.D., federal compliance officer, at
410-777-2607 or Maryland Relay 711. 11/13
Source: https://www.aacc.edu/substanceabuse/file/Substance%20Abuse%20Booklet.pdf
Fermentation Process Kinetics* Elmer L. Gaden, Jr. Department of Chemical Engineering, Columbia University,New York 27, N.Y. Abstract: Information on fermentation process kinetics is especially true for kinetics. Although the study of fermen- potentially valuable for the improvement of batch pro- tation rates is relatively new, it promises much for the fuller
Patent Attorneys Attorneys-at-Law München Basel Berlin 5th International VPM Days Prolongation of Patent Term ??? Dr. Jürgen Meier 2011 © Vossius & Partner 1. Claims in Medicine • Examples of claim structure• Scope of protection 1. Beer, comprising at least 20% EtOH. 2. Pharmaceutical composition comprising beer as