Athletic director's welcome

Morehouse College Student-Athlete Handbook
Academic Year 2014-15
Andre Pattillo Director of Athletics
Morehouse College Maroon Tigers
Athletic Director's Welcome
Athletic Department Mission Statement
Athletic Department Administration & Coaching Staff
Athletic Department Policies
Academic Resources
Morehouse College Student Code of Conduct 9 Athletic Academic Support 10-11 Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (S.A.A.C)
Awards and Scholarships
Annual Participation & Team Awards
Athletic Scholarships
Morehouse College Athletic Grant Policies
Outside Scholarships
Work Opportunities
Student-Athlete Employment Form
Student-Athlete Employment Agreement
Compliance & Eligibility NCAA Rules and Regulations
Recruiting: Student Host Responsibility
Strength and Conditioning
NCAA List of Banned Substances
Morehouse Athletics
Home of Champions
Department of Athletics Fall 2014
Dear Morehouse College Student-Athlete,
Morehouse College takes great pride in its ability to provide an atmosphere of unparalleled academic and athletic excellence, and seeks to improve upon this tradition each year. We appreciate the commitment it takes to be a successful student-athlete at Morehouse, and want to provide you with the best possible support to help you achieve your academic and athletic goals.
As a Morehouse student-athlete, you will be held to very high expectations. We are providing you with this Student-Athlete Handbook to help detail the programs, policies, rules and resources that you will need to be familiar with in order to have a successful collegiate experience. If you have any additional questions, please contact your coach or any member of the Athletics Department Staff.
Best of luck to you in all of your athletic and academic endeavors this year!
Andre' Pattillo Director of Athletics
Mission Statement/Philosophy
The primary educational mission of Morehouse College is to develop men with disciplined minds who will lead lives of leadership, service and self-realization. The College achieves this mission through a student development model that emphasizes both curricular and extra-curricular programs as vehicles for teaching, learning and participation.
The Athletics Program at Morehouse College is an extra-curricular activity that supplements the academic program and supports the institution's educational mission by providing opportunities for students to participate in intercollegiate sports activities that help them grow personally and socially. In particular, the Athletics Program enhances general life knowledge, skills and abilities, including physical fitness, self-confidence, leadership and teamwork.
The focus of the Athletics Program is the development of students- both those who participate directly in intercollegiate sports and those who, as spectators and fans, benefit from the camaraderie and community spirit that is created by a vibrant and competitive sports program on an all-male campus. As an integral part of the overall educational mission, the Athletics Program reflects the values of excellence and achievement to which all of the College's endeavors' aspire.
To this end, the Athletics Program measures its success by the extent to which its student-athletes develop as well-rounded men of intellect and character.
Athletics Program Goal:
To support the educational mission of Morehouse College through a competitive athletics program that develops students personally and socially.
Athletics Program Objectives:
- To foster student's understanding and development of physical fitness through active involvement in an intercollegiate sport; - To develop students' interpersonal skills, including teamwork and collaboration; - To develop students' appreciation for individual and team success; - To develop students' skills as leaders; - To develop students' competitive spirit.
Performance Measures:
- Number of students involved in athletic program. - Academic success of student-athletes. - Graduation rates of student-athletes. - Analysis of feedback from exit interviews with student-athletes, coaches, and staff - Monitor student-athletes participation in chartered student organizations. - Monitor attendance at athletic events.
Morehouse College Department of Athletics
Head Coach – Richard Freeman
Andre' Pattillo – Director of Athletics
Assistant Coaches: Adrian Billingslea, George
Dr. Claude Hutto - Faculty Athletics
Copeland, David Hart, Brandon Morgan, Leon
Representative 404-215-2692
Murray, Fred Sippial, Shepherd Skanes, Phillip
Dr. Ravenell DuPree – Academic
Compliance Officer 404-572-3642
Dianne Watkins – Special Assistant to
Head Coach – William Lewis
the Athletic Director 404-507-8614
404-681-2000 ext. 2341
Yusuf Davis – Sports Information
Director 404-222-2575
Rhonda Higgs – Office Manager
Head Coach - Terry Alexander
404-681-2800 ext.2083
Valerie Weems – Ticket Manager
404-681-2000 ext.3252
Richard Barkley – Facilities Manager
Athletic Trainers
Mia Welsh-Khabeer – Cheerleader
Adam Duis – Head Trainer
Coach 404-507-8614
Assistant Trainer: Craig A. Boyd
Coaching Staff
Head Coach – Robert Mitchell
Assistant Coach: John Hollins
Head Coach - Grady L. Brewer
Assistant Coaches: Douglas Whittler
Cross Country/Track
Head Coach - Willie H. Hill
Assistant Coaches: Troy Berry, Chris
Department Policies
Athletic Department Team Rules
While individual teams may establish additional "team
In competition you are an ambassador for Morehouse
rules" the Athletic Department has established the
College. Coaches and student-athletes should realize that
following guiding principles for all student-athletes:
it is not appropriate for any person to:
Student-athletes will conduct themselves in such a
Strike or physically abuse on official, opposing coach,
manner as to represent their team and the College with
player or spectator;
integrity and pride both while on campus and while away.
Intentionally incite participants or the crowd;
Student-athletes are expected to participate fully in all
Use profanity, vulgarity, taunts, ridicules, or make
practices and competitions that are required by their head
obscene gestures;
Publicly criticize any game official, conference
Student-athletes are expected to adhere to all
personnel another institution's or Morehouse personnel;
Morehouse College, state and Federal laws relating to use
Make statements which are unduly derogatory of
of alcohol and illegal drugs.
another institution or its personnel to a prospective
Student-athletes are expected to participate in their
student-athlete, parents or others involved in recruiting;
sport free and clear for all NCAA banned substances.
Enter into the competing area for an unsportsmanlike
Student-athletes are expected to treat their teammates,
coaches, staff, opponents and hosts with dignity and
Engage in any other act of unsportsmanlike conduct not
respect and without prejudice.
specifically described
Student-athletes are expected to report violations of any
NCAA or Morehouse College rules to their head coach or
Drugs and Alcohol
a member of the athletic department administration.
The College's policies on alcoholic beverages and
controlled substances are detailed within your Morehouse
Hazing and Team Initiation
College Student Handbook. In short, there is a no
Physical verbal and mental abuse of any kind is
tolerance policy concerning controlled substances. First
prohibited at Morehouse College and is considered
time offenders are automatically suspended from the
hazing. The College forbids all athletic teams from
College and a second violation results in permanent
arranging and participating in any hazing activities. The
expulsion from the College. For alcoholic beverages, the
College also uses the Official Code of Georgia Annotated,
College does not condone misuse or abuse of alcoholic
Section 16-5-61 as its guide. For more detailed
beverages. First time violators receive an automatic
information on hazing, refer to you Morehouse College
disciplinary probation, second time offenders are
Student Handbook.
automatically suspended from the College and a third
violation results in permanent expulsion from the College.
Academic Resources
Academic Resources
We are fortunate to have an academic professional
dedicated to meeting the academic needs of our student-athletes. Students may contact the athletic advisor by calling (404) 572-3642 or visiting the Academic Success Center in room 303 Archer Hall. Students can make an appointment or seek advising during walk-in hours from 9:00am-12:00pm in room 303A Archer Hall or during Student-Athlete Study Hall sessions in Douglass Hall.
Morehouse College Student-Athlete Code of
The Morehouse College has an expectation of excellence of excellence in the classroom, the athletic arena and off of the
campus. The goal of the department is to foster intellectual, social, emotional, and athletic growth as a result of their
experiences within the department of athletics. We hope that every student-athlete's experience culminates with a degree in his
chosen field of study. The department of athletics at Morehouse College promotes excellence in its support of student-athlete
activities with the ultimate goal of assisting student-athletes in obtaining and academic degree.
The Department of Athletics at Morehouse College encourages student-athletes to recognize that participation in intercollegiate
athletics is a privilege that carries considerable responsibility. The Department of Athletics at Morehouse College expects each
student-athlete to comply with all guidelines and policies of the National College Athletic Association (NCAA), the Southern
Intercollegiate Athletic Association (SIAC) and Morehouse College. In addition to NCAA and SIAC policies, Morehouse
College requires each student-athlete to maintain the following ethical standards of conduct:
1. Perform to the best of your ability academically and athletically
2. Contribute your best effort to the success of your team(s)
3. Conduct yourself on and off of the field in a manner that reflects credit to yourself, your family, your team and Morehouse
4. Willfully abide by the spirit and letter of Morehouse College, NCAA and SIAC rules and regulations
5. Be respectful and courteous at all times to all members of Morehouse College, the SIAC community, members of other
conferences and the community in which you live
6. Exhibit dignity in manner and dress when representing Morehouse College
7. The physical abuse of another person or property, both public and private, is absolutely forbidden
8. Use, possession, or distribution of narcotics or dangerous drugs, except as prescribed by a licensed physician, is prohibited.
Student-Athletes agree to follow all standards established by the NCAA and Morehouse College Code of Conduct by virtue of
their participation in NCAA and institutional athletic activities. Behavior that is not in accordance with the Morehouse College
may result in a letter of reprimand, probation, suspension, or dismissal.
Athletic Academic Support
We are fortunate to have an academic professional dedicated to meeting the academic needs of our student-athletes. Students
may contact the athletic advisor by calling (404) 572-3642 or visiting the Academic Success Center in room 303 Archer Hall.
Students can make an appointment or seek advising during walk-in hours from 9:00am-12:00pm in room 303A Archer Hall or
during Student-Athlete Study Hall sessions in Douglass Hall.
Academic Eligibility
To represent Morehouse College as a student-athlete, a student must:
1. Register and maintain 12 units of academic work per semester
2. Maintain good academic standing by maintaining a minimum 2.0 GPA at Morehouse College and overall
3. Make satisfactory progress toward an academic degree by passing 24 semester units per academic year. These units must apply
directly to satisfying the core and/or supporting requirements of a major course of study. At least 9 credit hours must be passed
during each Fall and Spring semester in order to stay in compliance with NCAA policy. No more than 6 credit hours of the
required 24 credit hours may be earned during the summer semester.
Study Hall Rules
1. All Freshmen, New Transfer Student-athletes and all student-athletes with a GPA under 2.4 must attend study hall
2. Student-athletes mandated to attend study hall must accumulate 8 hours of study hall per week
3. No student-athlete will be allowed to use social media during study hall
4. Student-Athletes must have academic materials present at study hall and must be working on academic assignments
Class Registration
Once students are admitted to Morehouse College, they must attend New Student Orientation to register for classes. Priority
registration is not available at Morehouse College for student-athletes. Class registration is made online via TigerNet on the
Morehouse College website. Students may enroll in a maximum of 19 credit hours per semester. Student-athletes who wish to
register for more than 19 credit hours must receive written approval from their major department chair and the registrar's office.
Registration is normally completed in the last month of the current semester for the subsequent semester. Many academic
departments require students to meet with a faculty academic advisor within the individual department prior to completing the
registration process. In addition, student-athletes must consult with the Athletic Advisor prior to initiating the registration
process to ensure they complete the appropriate coursework for maintaining student-athlete eligibility and are making progress
toward a degree as outlined in NCAA rules.
All student-athletes are responsible for understanding all institutional rules and regulations that are included in the general
catalog regarding degree completion for their chosen field of study. Student-athletes must become familiar with and adhere to
all Morehouse College degree policies as well as those of the NCAA.
All student-athletes are responsible for all requirements for their major. If a student drops below the minimum GPA, he will be
placed on probation for the subsequent semester(s). Probation prevents participation in intercollegiate athletics, some extra-
curricular activities, and restricts the number of courses that can be school be scheduled.
Adding or Dropping Classes
All student-athletes are responsible for enrolling in at least 12 credit hours per semester and maintaining an overall GPA of 2.0. Failure to
be appropriately enrolled while participating in athletics competition, will lead to loss of eligibility and forfeiture of games that the
student-athlete participated in while ineligible. In addition to maintaining a 2.0 GPA and being enrolled in 12 Credit hours per semester,
student-athletes must make sure they are making progress towards their degree as defined by their program of study.
Prior to the beginning of any semester, student-athletes may add or drop classes via the web registration with the consent of their athletic
academic advisor via the web registration system. Once the semester begins, classes may only be added after consulting with the athletic
academic advisor as well as the consent and signature on an add form by the faculty member teaching the class. Drop can be initiated and
completed in the same manner. Student-Athletes are reminded that they are not considered enrolled in the class until the student is
formally added to the class roster.
By utilizing the web registration system, the student-athlete may:
1. Receive immediate confirmation of enrollment in a given class
2. Obtain a list of classes in which they are enrolled
3. Identify any holds on their records (advising, health center & etc)
Student Record Holds
In the event a student-athlete does not comply with campus policy a hold may be placed on their records, certain services will be suspended until the hold is addressed. There are several ways in which a student-athlete can find out if a "hold" has been placed on their records including:
1. Financial –The hold will indicate the type of financial hold (housing, non-payment of fees, library fee non-payment)
2. Vaccinations – all students must provide proof of vaccinations or immunity to measles (rubeola) and rubella. In addition, if you
are 18 years of age or younger, you must also provide proof of vaccination or immunity to Hepatitis B. Proof of these requirements must be submitted to the student health center prior to your next registration period to avoid placement of a "hold".
3. Advising – many departments require the student-athlete to visit with their academic advisor each semester. If this is true, the
student-athlete must make an appointment with their advisor to be cleared by their academic department prior to registering.
4. Student Discipline – should a student-athlete find himself not following through regarding a disciplinary agreement or sanction,
a hold may be placed on their records.
5. Equipment – a hold may be placed on a student-athlete's record for not returning equipment. These holds may result in charges
by student accounts for failure to comply with athletic department policy. Equipment (i.e., uniform, practice gear, playbook, etc.) that was checked out at the beginning of the season must be returned at the end of the season to the appropriate coach or equipment manager. Equipment issued by the athletic-trainer (i.e., crutches, braces and etc.) must also be returned at the end of the season unless permission is given from the athletic trainer.
When a hold is placed on a student's records he will be restricted from receiving certain services until the hold is addressed. There are several ways in which a student can find out if a "hold" has been placed on their records including:
1. Utilizing the web registration system
2. Viewing their academic record
Faculty Athletics Representative
The Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) serves as the President's liaison with the athletics department and is responsible for assisting all student-athletes in conflicts with campus faculty members. The FAR is critical is a vital link in interpreting the rules of Morehouse College, the NCAA and the SIAC. The FAR assists the athletics department in assuring that all student-athletes make satisfactory progress toward their degree, comply with Morehouse College, NCAA and SIAC rules, and serves as an advocate for an advocate for the student-athlete in matters relating to the above.
The FAR is a regular, tenure-track faculty member of an academic department on campus and has regular office hours. Student-Athletes are encouraged to make an appointment and visit the FAR whenever they have questions or concerns regarding eligibility, compliance, or other issues concerning their academic and athletic careers.
Student-Athlete Advisory Committee
The goals of the Morehouse College Student-Athlete Advisory Committee are:
To streamline and promote efficient communication between the athletic department
and the student-athlete.
Give the student-athletes a voice in the governance structure of the NCAA
To provide the student-athlete with an opportunity to more effectively
communicate with the athletic department administration and provide suggestions on
programs designed to serve its needs.
To actively encourage more involvement of the student-athletes in campus and
community outreach projects.
To design and implement programs that will encourage academic achievement,
health promotion, social responsibility, and general life skills awareness.
An NCAA-wide SAAC was adopted at the 1989 NCAA Convention and was formed primarily to review and offer student-athlete input on NCAA activities and proposed legislation that affected student-athlete welfare, as well as give the athletes a voice in the NCAA governance structure. The initial national committee was comprised of student-athletes from all membership divisions for the purpose of ensuring that the student-athlete voice was one that accounted for the myriad of educational and athletics experiences of both female and male student-athletes at all NCAA member institutions. In August of 1997, the NCAA federated along divisional lines. The Morehouse College SAAC is comprised of representatives from each of the institution's intercollegiate sport teams and is chaired by the Faculty Athletics Representative (Dr. Claude P. Hutto). Monthly meetings of the SAAC are held during the academic year.
Criteria for SAAC Representatives
1. Representatives must be in good academic standing and possess a GPA of 2.5 or higher 2. Representatives must attend every meeting unless out of town for team travel, class attendance or other arrangements
made prior to the meeting
3. Student-Athlete representatives that miss a SAAC meeting without permission may be removed from SAAC by a vote
from the other members of the SAAC.
4. Newly assigned representatives should be a sophomore of junior 5. All representatives will sign a commitment letter stating their willingness and interest in participating and their
understanding of the SAAC's responsibilities.
Awards and Scholarships
Every Morehouse student-athlete should be aware
awarded a basic stipend of $21,500 to be used toward
that there are many national awards, honors and post-
graduate scholarships or internships that are
Criteria 3.5 minimum gpa, competing in final year of
available. This is a partial list of the awards and
scholarships that are available to you as a varsity
leadership, character and citizenship; must have
athlete, along with the criteria and deadline for each
applied to graduate school.
award. In some cases the Athletic Department staff is
Dr. Claude Hutto /Andre' Pattillo
candidates, but if you are interested in an award
please contact a staff member about the nomination
or application process.
Scholarship for Women and Ethnic Minorities
Rhodes and Marshall Scholarships
The NCAA awards a one-time grant of $6,000 each
The Rhodes and Marshall Scholarships are
year to 16 ethnic minorities and 16 women that plan to
internationally recognized, prestigious scholarships
enroll in a graduate program in sports administration or
which provide generous stipends for two years of
a related field.
study in Britain.
Must be accepted into an NCAA
member institution's sports administration or related
undergraduate academic and extracurricular records
field graduate program; display a distinguished record
are eligible to apply
application process begins during
Dr. Claude Hutto /Andre' Pattillo
the spring of your junior year, and applications are
due by the first week in October of your senior year.
The Freedom Forum-NCAA Sports-Journalism
Scholarship Program
The Freedom Forum, through a grant to the NCAA,
NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship
supports eight $3,000 scholarships to college juniors
The NCAA awards 174 scholarships to student-
who have career goals in sports journalism and major
athletes who have excelled both academically and
in journalism or have experience in campus sports
athletically. This award is a one-time grant of $7,500
journalism. This program is designed to foster
to be used toward graduate study within three years.
freedoms of speech and press while promoting quality
3.2 minimum gpa, competing in
sports journalism education at the collegiate level
final year of eligibility; performed with distinction on
Deserving full-time students in their
varsity team; be seriously graduate study; athletic
final year of study who have career goals in sports
and academic achievement weighted equally.
journalism and major in journalism or have experience
Fall sports – December
in campus sports journalism.
Winter sports – February
Applications for these scholarships
Spring sports – May
are available in late October from the institution's
Contact: Dr. Claude Hutto/Andre' Pattillo
NCAA faculty athletics representative, journalism
department or school newspaper office.
NCAA Walter Byers Scholarship
Dr. Claude Hutto
Given each year in honor of the former Executive Director of the NCAA, two student-athletes are
Ethnic Minority and Women's Internship Program
championships, education services, enforcement services,
The NCAA offers one-year internships at its national
governance, membership services, and men's and
office in Indianapolis, Indiana, providing on-the-job
women's basketball. Applicants are able to request their
learning experiences for ethnic minority and female
top three areas of interest in which they prefer to perform
college graduates who express an interest in pursuing a
Applications for the internships are
athletics. These are paid, twelve-month positions.
available from athletics departments of NCAA member
The areas of the NCAA that offer intern positions are
institutions, the NCAA national office and online in the
administrative services, branding and communications,
Dr. Claude Hutto/Andre' Pattillo
Awards and Scholarships
Division II Degree-Completion Award Program
The College Sports Information Directors of
America (CoSIDA) selects teams in twelve
approximately 139 applications and awarded 98
programs, on first-, second- and third-team levels,
applicants from 48 institutions. NCAA staff is in
in both the university Division I and I-AA and
the process of notifying awardees.
college Division II, III and NAIA. In addition to the
The NCAA established the Division II Degree-
national team, there are also district teams.
Completion Award Program in 2001. Thirty-
Selections are made in the following sports:
two recipients were awarded for 2001-02 and 33
football, volleyball, basketball (M/W), baseball,
were awarded for 2002-03. The graduation rate
softball and an at-large [M/W].
was 95 percent for the 2001 award period.
The student-athlete must be a
starter or an important reserve with a 3.2
* Applicant must be a student-athlete who has
cumulative grade-point average and must have
exhausted eligibility at an active NCAA Division II
completed one academic year at the institution.
member institution.
Nominations are handled through
* Awards are limited to student-athletes during
the Sports Information Director and are submitted
their first 10 semesters or 15 quarters of full-time
for football in September or October, basketball in
collegiate attendance.
December or January, baseball in March or April,
* Applicant shall not be participating in another
and at-large sport in April or May.
intercollegiate sport during the period of the award.
* Applicant must have received athletics-related
financial aid from the NCAA Division II member
* Applicant must be within 30 semester or 45
quarters hours of completion of his or her first
undergraduate degree at the completion of the
spring term.
* Applicant must have a 2.500 cumulative grade-
point average.
* Applicant shall not receive any athletics aid if
awarded a Division II Degree-Completion Award.
* Applicant shall use the grant to complete
undergraduate degree requirements from the
Division II institution where the applicant last
Dr. Claude Hutto/Andre' Pattillo
Annual Participation & Team Awards
Reference Sheet
This reference sheet is provided as a general guide to annual participation (letter & class) and team awards. This sheet should only be used as a guide. There are several awards which student-athletes are able to receive, however there are dollar values and guidelines associated with each award. There is not an "umbrella" rule regarding team, individual and annual participation awards and therefore individual questions regarding the regulation of these awards should be directed to the Compliance Officer or FAR
NCAA Bylaw Reference: 16.1.3 – Types of Awards, Awarding Agencies, Maximum Value and Numbers of Awards.
Award: An award is an item given in recognition of athletics participation or performance. Awards are subject to limitations set
forth by the NCAA in Bylaw 16.1. (16.02.1)
Annual Participation Award: Awards for recognition of intercollegiate athletics participation (e.g. letter awards) may be
presented each year by a member institution. (
Underclassman Participation Awards: The total value of a single participation award to a non-senior cannot exceed $150 in
each sport in which the student-athlete participates. Multiple awards may be presented only if the total value of all participation
awards received in a single sport during a particular academic year does not exceed $150. For example, an award can be given
to all freshmen if, when combined with the cost of the earned letter award, the total value does not exceed $150. (
Senior Participation Awards: Multiple awards may be presented only if the total value of all participation awards received
during a particular academic year by a senior student-athlete does not exceed $300 in each sport in which he/she participates.
For example, an award can be given to all seniors if, when combined with the cost of the earned letter award, the total value
does not exceed $300. (
Additional Awards (Team Awards): Additional awards in recognition of special contributions to a team's season (e.g. scholar-
athlete, most improved, most inspirational, most minutes played), with the value of each such award limited to $150.
Nonpermissible Awards: The following awards are prohibited unless received per (Prior to Enrollment) or
(Student-Athlete Not Regularly Enrolled), except that receipt of a cash award is not permitted under any circumstance.
* Cash or Equivalent (an item that is negotiable for cash or trade or other services, benefits or merchandise)
* Gift Certificates
* Country Club or Sports Club Membership
What Does This Mean?: At Morehouse College, student-athletes are entitled to receive a "Letter Jacket" after being a team
member of any varsity sport for three years. Student-athletes that transfer into Morehouse College are entitled to receive a
"Letter Jacket" upon exhausting their eligibility. These "Letter Jacket" awards must fit within a category identified on the
Awards Summary Chart (Figure 16-1, on following page). These "Letter Jackets" cannot exceed $150 for underclassmen or
$300 for seniors. In addition to the letter/annual participation awards, teams may recognize individuals for their special
contributions to season (e.g., scholar-athlete, most improved player, most inspirational, etc.). The value of each of these awards
is limited to $150 per award. A student-athlete may receive both the scholar-athlete award and the most improved player award
with each award valued at no more than $150. At no time may cash be given to a student-athlete as an award. Additionally, gift
certificates, cash equivalent items, country club or sports club memberships are prohibited.
Athletic Scholarships
NCAA regulations require that each student-athlete
Athletic Scholarships are classified as Talent Grants
receiving athletic scholarship aid be notified by July 1
at Morehouse College and, per NCAA regulations,
each year whether their aid will be renewed for the
are awarded on an annual basis. Talent Awards cover
following academic year, Decisions regarding the
various costs of students' educational expenses at
annual renewal or non-renewal of aid are at the
Morehouse; including tuition, room & board, and
discretion of each sport's head coach in consultation
student annual fees.
with the Athletics Director.
Talent Grants are awarded for a period of one-year
and are renewable subject to institutional criteria.
NOTE: NCAA rules require that student-athletes are
Institutional financial aid may be awarded for any
given the opportunity for a hearing if their aid is
term during which a student-athlete is in regular
reduced or cancelled.
attendance as an undergraduate with eligibility remaining (no more than four season of competition
in any one sport) or within six years after initial enrollment in a collegiate institution (provided the
student does not receive such aid for more than five years during that period), or as a graduate who is
eligible under NCAA Bylaw 14.1.8.
Recipients are required to meet certain obligations while receiving the Talent Grant.
requirements include: maintaining a satisfactory
grade point average for each semester during the
award period; observing recognized Morehouse
College standards of behavior, adhering to NCAA rules; and meeting established athletic performance
levels. If these requirements are met Talent awards will be renewed.
Athletic Grant Policies
Registration: You are expected to register for a normal program and pay full tuition, fees, laboratory expenses and all similar charges.
Expenses that are not covered: Morehouse College will not waive, pay in advance or guarantee payment of the following expenses for you: (1)
advance tuition or room deposit; (2) damage deposits for dormitory rooms; (3) post office box fees, (4) in-room connection fees or (5) health
Payment: Approximately one half of your total grant will be applied to your university bill each semester.
Additional Aid/Outside Awards: Should you receive any financial aid in addition to that listed on the front of this document, you must
notify the Office of Financial Aid and the Athletic Department. An adjustment may be made in your Morehouse grant to reflect the
improvement in your financial status and to keep within NCAA permissible aid limits.
Pell Grants: The federal Pell Grant program is designed to help students from low income families. If you feel that you may be eligible for
the additional funds provided through the Pell program, you should apply for these funds by completing a Free Application for Federal
Student Aid (FAFSA). See the Office of Financial Aid for the forms.
Tax Information: The Internal Revenue Code states that scholarships are taxable except for the amount used to cover tuition, fees, books,
supplies and equipment required for course study. Therefore, you should save documentation of all your financial awards and bills for tax
purposes. If you are a foreign student, you will be subject to withholding tax which will be deducted from your grant amount; you should plan
accordingly. Under certain circumstances you may file for a refund of the taxes withheld, if you submit the necessary forms to the Internal
Revenue Service.
NCAA Financial Aid Rule Excerpts
The following are excerpts from Bylaw 15 (Financial Aid) of the NCAA Manual:
15.01.2 Improper Financial Aid. Any student-athlete who receives financial aid other than that permitted by the Association shall not be
eligible for intercollegiate athletics.
15.3.1 Eligibility of Student-Athletes for Financial Aid. Institutional financial aid may be awarded for any term during which a student-
athlete is in regular attendance as an undergraduate with the eligibility remaining under 14.2, or within six years after initial enrollment in a
collegiate institution (provided the student does not receive such aid for more than five years during that period), or as a graduate eligible
under 14.1.8).
15.3.3 Period of Institutional Financial Aid Award One Year Limit. Where a student-athlete's athletic ability is taken into consideration in any degree in awarding financial aid, such
aid shall not be awarded in excess of one academic year.
15.3.4. Reduction and Cancellation during Period of Award Reduction or Cancellation Permitted. Institutional financial aid, based on athletics ability, may be gradated or cancelled during the
period of the award if the recipient: (a) Renders himself or herself ineligible for intercollegiate competition; or (b) Fraudulently misrepresents any information on an application, letter of intent or financial aid agreement (see; or (c) Engages in serious misconduct warranting substantial disciplinary penalty (see; or (d) Voluntarily withdraws from a sport for personal reasons, however, the recipient's financial aid may not be awarded to another student-athlete in the term in which the aid was gradated or cancelled. Hearing Opportunity Required. Any gradation or cancellation of aid per is permissible only if such action is taken for
proper cause by the regular disciplinary or financial aid authorities of the institution and the student-athlete has had an opportunity for a
hearing. Reduction or Cancellation Not Permitted. Institutional financial aid may not be gradated (increased or decreased) or cancelled
during the period of its award:
(a) On the basis of a student's athletic ability, performance or contribution to a team's success; or
(b) Because of an injury that prevents the recipient from participating in athletics; or
(c) For any other athletics reason.
These policies are to be sent to each student-athlete that receives a Talent Grant from
Morehouse College.
Outside Scholarships
Outside scholarships and awards are funds provided
Each year you will be required to fill out a Morehouse
to a student-athlete from various sources outside of
College Eligibility and Clearance Statement. On that
Morehouse College Talent Grants, Government
form you are requested to declare any outside
grants or loans or funds that are given to you from
scholarships or awards you expect to be or are receiving
someone that you are naturally or legally dependant.
for the current academic year. Additionally, you must
Whether you are a walk-on student-athlete or a
notify the Compliance Officer of during the year you
scholarship recipient, NCAA rules will affect the
will receive any additional awards. This list should
amount of financial aid you receive. The NCAA has
include both scholarships sent directly to Morehouse
structured the financial aid rules a student-athlete
and those that were given directly to you.
may receive and the amount that may be used by a
team. So that you can help us comply with those
rules, Morehouse must be notified of any financial
assistance from sources other than your parents or
legal guardians and Morehouse.
Work Opportunities
NCAA rules permit Division II student-athletes to
Student-athletes who wish to work must check
earn legitimate on and off campus employment
with their head coach and the Compliance Officer
income during the semester. Generally speaking,
before committing themselves to any type of
student-athlete earnings must be included in
determining whether his full grant-in-aid has been
Prior to obtaining any type of employment,
Student-athletes are required to notify the
Off Campus employment exception
Compliance Officer, who will explain the
Any employment earnings made off-campus that
appropriate NCAA rules, check their academic
would put a student-athletes financial aid status over
progress, notify interested parties and explain
a full grant-in-aid are exempt and are not to be
employment agreement forms to be completed by
counted. This exemption is only applicable when the
the student-athletes and employers.
student-athlete's legitimate employment earnings
would put them over a full grant-in-aid. If the
Student-athletes are to immediately report to the
Athletics Department (staff or boosters) were
Compliance Officer any offer or receipt of any
involved in arranging the employment, then this
benefit that is not made regularly available to
exception does not apply and the aid must be
other employees performing similar work in the
same locale. This includes but is not limited to
transportation, loans and cash advances.
Receiving no institutional Aid
Student-athletes who are not receiving institutional
aid may earn legitimate income from off-campus
employment in excess of a full grant-in-aid provided
that the Athletics Department (staff or boosters)
were involved in arranging for the employment.
Legitimate Employment Earnings
Legitimate earnings are those in which the student-
is compensated at a rate commensurate with the
going rate in the locality for similar services;
is compensated only for work actually performed;
does not receive any remuneration for the value or
utility that the student-athlete may have for the
employer because of the publicity, reputation, fame
or personal following he has obtained because of
athletics ability and participation.
Morehouse College Department of Athletics
This form is to be completed in full by both the student-athlete and employer and returned to the Compliance
Officer BERORE the student-athlete may begin his employment
Name of Student-Athlete:
Contact Name _ Email:
Athlete's job title: _
Brief job description:
_ Date employment starts: Date employment ends: _ Method of payment: _ Pay rate: $ Approximate hours of work per week: _ Will payment be made on a commission basis? _
Did the athletics interests of the institution intercede? _
If yes, fully describe:
STUDENT.ATHLETE EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT (to be completed by student-athlete)
As a student-athlete of Morehouse College desiring employment, I agree to comply with the following procedures as well as all NCAA rules and regulations which are provided to all student-athletes each year:
1. I am obligated to represent myself and my college by diligent work habits, honest communication and respectful conduct toward my employer at all times.
2. I understand that I will be paid only for actual hours worked and that my pay is based on a rate which is the same rate paid to other employees doing similar work in the area.
3. I will not accept any benefits or privileges that are not available to other employees doing similar work, including transportation provided or arranged by my employer to or from my place of employment.
4. I will immediately report to the Compliance Officer any improper privileges or benefits offered to me or received by me and any NCAA rules violations of which I am aware.
5. I understand that my work will be supervised and that if my work is not satisfactory or if I fail to appear on time and regularly, my job may be terminated.
6. By signing this employment agreement, I give my permission for my employer to release any and all employment records or documents to the College, the Conference and the NCAA. 7. If either I or my employer wish to end my employment, I will immediately communicate with Coach, Compliance Officer or Athletics Director that such action is being taken.
8. I have been provided with the information detailing the NCAA rules related to student-athlete employment and agree to strictly adhere to them.
9. I understand that failure to abide by the Employment Program procedures and NCAA rules and regulations could be contrary to NCAA ethical conduct legislation. Further, I understand any violation of NCAA rules could affect my athletic eligibility and financial aid. _
Student-athlete Signature
(to be completed by employer)
By signing this statement, the employer agrees that:
The student-athlete may not receive any remuneration for the value or utility that the student-athlete may have for the employer
because of the publicity, reputation, fame or personal following he or she has obtained because of athletics ability;
The student-athlete is to be compensated only for work actually performed;
The student-athlete is to be compensated at a rate commensurate with the going rate in that locality for similar services;
The student-athlete will not earn in excess of his or her limit during the academic year;
The employer and student-athlete will make available for review and inspection by any authorized representative at the NCAA
or SIAC or Morehouse College, copies of all documents, earnings statements and other records related to the
(to be completed by Compliance Officer)
Is the student-athlete receiving any type of financial aid from the institution?
(e.g. athletic or academic scholarship)
Was the student-athlete recruited by a member of the athletic department staff?
Is the student-athlete academically eligible to compete?
Has the student-athlete received employment assistance from athletics interests in the past? YES
Has the employer been provided notice of the rules?
Director of Compliance
Faculty Athletic Representative and Compliance
Detailed below are summaries of Various NCAA rules
that are important for you as a student-athlete to know
The president of all NCAA member institutions is
and be familiar with. Please review them and contact
you coach, Compliance Officer or other athletic
representative (FAR) and a University Compliance
administrator should you have any questions.
Officer. Claude Hutto, chairman of the Department of
Health and Physical Education is the institution's FAR
Ethical Conduct
and Hank Ford, is the institution's compliance
You must compete with honesty and sportsmanship at
coordinator. Together they are responsible for
all times so that you represent the honor and dignity of
certifying the eligibility of all athletes (along with the
fair play. [Bylaw 10.01.1]
Dean for Records and Registration) and ensuring that
You are not eligible to compete if you have shown
Morehouse College personnel and student-athletes are
dishonesty in evading or violating NCAA regulations.
in compliance with all NCAA and SIAC guidelines.
Adherence to NCAA, SIAC and Morehouse College
rules and regulations is of the utmost importance. Often
You are not eligible for participation in a sport if, you
violations of these rules are inadvertent in nature, yet it
responsibility to be
• taken pay, or the promise of pay, for competing in
knowledgeable of these regulations and report all
violations, no matter how small in nature, to the
• agreed to compete in professional athletics in any
College's Compliance Officer or FAR. Known
violations by a coach or athlete can lead to a team or
• played on any professional athletics team as defined
athlete's ineligibility or disqualification from
by the NCAA in any sport
participation in regular season competition and/or
• used your athletic skills for pay in any form in any
NCAA championships. The majority of the time these
violations are classified as secondary violations and the
athlete's eligibility is reinstated. Athletes should not try
You are not eligible in a sport if you have ever
to interpret NCAA and SIAC rules; questions should be
accepted money, transportation or other benefits from
directed to the Compliance Officer or the FAR.
an agent or agreed to have an agent market your
athletics ability or reputation in any sport. [Bylaw 12.3]
To be eligible to compete in intercollegiate athletics, a
student must meet the eligibility standards set by the
You are not eligible in a sport if, since you became a
College, SIAC and the NCAA. The College, the SIAC
student-athlete, you have accepted any pay for
and the NCAA require that an athlete be a full-time,
promoting a commercial product or service or allowed
matriculated student in a four-year baccalaureate
your name or picture to be used for promoting a
program. The athlete must be enrolled in courses
commercial product or service. [Bylaw 12.5.2]
yielding 12 credits per semester while competing in his
or her sport and be making normal progress toward
You are not eligible in any sport if, because of your
athletics ability, you were paid for work you did not
perform, paid at a rate higher than the going rate or
At the beginning of each academic year or sport
were paid for the value an employer placed on your
season, each student must meet with an institutional
reputation as an athlete. [Bylaw 12.4]
representative to review the rules and regulations
governing athletic participation. Each athlete must have
Financial Aid
on file in the Athletic Department a signed NCAA
You are not eligible if you receive financial aid other
student-athlete statement and Morehouse College
than the financial aid that your institution distributes.
Eligibility and Clearance Statement these forms certify
However, it is permissible to receive:
that you understand and have abided by all applicable
• money from anyone upon whom you are naturally or
NCAA and Institutional rules and regulations.
legally dependent
Additionally, you are required to sign the NCAA Drug
• outside financial aid that has been awarded to you and
Testing Consent Form in order to be eligible for
which has been reported to the financial aid office.
intercollegiate athletics. If you have any questions,
please contact the Compliance Officer.
after you enrolled at a member institution that recruited
To be eligible to compete, you must:
you to play on its intercollegiate basketball team.
• have been admitted as a regular student seeking a
Competing in the Olympic Games (tryouts and
competition), World Championships, U.S, National
requirements of your institution
teams, Pan American Games (tryouts and competition)
• be in good academic standing according to the
and High School Alumni Games are all exceptions to
standards of your institution
this rule. [Bylaw14.7.5.1].
• be enrolled in at least a minimum full-time program
and maintain satisfactory progress towards a bachelor's
It is permissible to play on a basketball team in a
degree at your institution.
summer basketball league that the NCAA has
If you are enrolled in a less than full-time program, you
are eligible to compete only if you are enrolled in the
last term of your degree program and are carrying
NCAA Drug Testing
credits necessary to finish your degree. [Bylaws
The NCAA conducts drug testing on a year-round
basis. All student-athletes are required to sign a drug
You are not eligible to participate in any organized
testing consent form in order to be eligible to
practice sessions in a sport unless you are enrolled in at
participate in a varsity intercollegiate sport.
least a minimum full-time program of studies.
Questions concerning the drug testing program should
First year students: All first year students must have
be directed to the FAR, Athletics Director, Compliance
their academic eligibility determined by the NCAA
Officer or Trainer.
independently of the institution.
If the NCAA tests you for the banned drugs listed in
Bylaw and you test positive (consistent with
Student-Athletes must complete 24 credit hours in an
NCAA drug-testing protocol) at a minimum, you will
academic year to be eligible to compete in the
be ineligible to participate in regular-season and
upcoming season. 18 of the 24 credit hours must be
postseason competition during the time period one
earned during the Fall and Spring semesters. Only 6
calendar year after your positive drug test, and you will
credit hours are allowed to be earned during summer
be charged with the loss of a minimum of one season
class sessions. Also, starting the 2013-14 academic
of competition in all sports if the season of competition
year student athletes must earn at least 9 credit hours
has not yet begun or a minimum of the equivalent of
per regular Fall or Spring semester in order to be
one full season of competition in all sports if you test
eligible to compete the upcoming semester.
positive during the season of competition (i.e., the
remainder of contests in the current season and contests
Other Regulations Concerning Eligibility
in the subsequent season up to the period of time in
You are not eligible to participate in more than four
which you were declared ineligible during the previous
seasons of intercollegiate competition [Bylaw 14.2].
year). You will remain eligible until you retest negative
These four years must be completed within five
and your eligibility has been restored by the NCAA
Eligibility Committee. [Bylaw]
You are not eligible in your sport for the remainder of
If you test positive, and then test positive again for the
the year and the next academic year if, during the
use of any drug, other than a "street drug" as defined in
academic year, you competed as a member of any, after your eligibility has been restored, you
will loose all remaining regular-season and postseason
competition. Competing in the Olympic Games
eligibility in all sports. If you test positive for the use of
(tryouts and competition), World Championships, U.S,
a "street drug" after being restored to eligibility, you
National teams, Pan American Games (tryouts and
shall be charged with the loss of one season of
competition) and High School Alumni Games are all
competition in all sports and also shall remain
exceptions to this rule. [Bylaw].
competition for at least through the next calendar year.
Basketball only:
You are not eligible if you have played in any
organized, outside basketball competition after you
became a candidate for an intercollegiate basketball
team at an institution that is a member of the NCAA, or
NCAA Regulations of Special Importance to
Amateurism: NCAA rules state that you are not
eligible to participate in intercollegiate athletics if you
There are several areas in which student-athletes
have ever taken pay or promise of pay for competing in
routinely have questions. Please consult your coach or
that sport, agreed to participate in professional athletics
the Compliance Officer prior to engaging in any
in that sport, played on any professional athletics team
activity where a question exists as to its impact on your
or used your athletics skill in any form for that sport.
Player Agents: On occasion, Morehouse athletes of
Extra Benefits: Student-athletes are not allowed to
high caliber may have the opportunity to continue their
receive "extra benefits" that are not generally available
athletic career on the professional level. Both Ivy and
to the institution's students or to a particular segment
NCAA rules prohibit student-athletes from agreeing to
of the student body (e.g., foreign students, minority
be represented by an agent. Students should consult
students) determined on a basis unrelated to athletics
their coach and/or Compliance Officer if they are ever
ability. An extra benefit is any special arrangement by
contacted by an agent.
an institutional employee or representative of the
institution's athletics interests to provide a student-
Tobacco Products: The use of tobacco products by
athlete or the student-athlete's relative or friend a
student-athletes, coaches, officials and game personnel
benefit not expressly authorized by NCAA legislation.
during practice and competition is prohibited.
Examples of non-permissible extra benefits are
discounts and credits, telephone calls, copy machine
Time Limits for Athletically Related Activities: A
use, entertainment services, loans, use of automobiles,
student-athlete's participation in countable athletically
athletic equipment, etc.
related activities (e.g., practice, competition, required
weight training, film or videotape reviews, required
Gambling: You are not eligible to compete if you
participation in camps, clinics or workshops, team
knowingly provide information to individuals involved
meetings) during the declared playing season shall be
limited to a maximum of four hours per day and 20
intercollegiate athletics competition; solicit a bet on
any intercollegiate team; accept a bet on any team
representing the institution or participate in any
Note: The day of competition counts as three hours
gambling activity that involves intercollegiate athletics
regardless of the length of the competition.
through a bookmaker, a parlay card or any other
Note: also that a round of golf may exceed the daily
method employed by organized gambling. [Bylaw
limit of four hours but all must be included in the
10.3] You are not eligible to compete if you knowingly
maximum of 20 hours per week.
participate in any gambling activity that involves
intercollegiate or professional athletics, through a
During the playing season, all countable athletically
related activities shall be prohibited during one
Outside Competition: Student-athletes are not
calendar day per week. No class time shall be missed
permitted to engage in any outside competition or any
for practice activities except when a team is traveling
non-collegiate, amateur competition during the
to an away contest.
academic year, while a member of an intercollegiate
team in that sport, except during published vacation
Outside of the playing season, only a student-athlete's
periods in sports other than basketball.
participation in the countable athletically related
activities specified in Bylaw 17.02.1(c) and (d)
Modeling and Commercial Endorsements: It is not
(required weight training and conditioning) shall be
permissible under NCAA rules to endorse a
permitted. A student-athlete's activities shall be limited
commercial product or service once enrolled at a
to a maximum of six (6) hours per week. On a
college. However, if you worked as a model prior to
voluntary basis and within these permissible six (6)
coming to Morehouse, you may continue to model if it
hours of activity, your coach is permitted to work with
does not relate in any way to your status as an athlete.
you on "individual skill-related instruction" for up to
two (2) hours per week.
Employment: While you are a student-athlete, any job
you perform must compensate you at a rate
Note: In the sport track, for field events, a coach may
commensurate with your skills and experience.
be present during voluntary workouts, and the coach
may spot, or provide safety instruction, but cannot conduct the individual's workout.
make statements which are unduly derogatory of another institution or its personnel to a
prospective student-athlete, parents/legal guardians, coaches or others involved in recruiting; and
The Athletics Department at Morehouse College recognizes that the abuse of drugs is a problem that mirrors contemporary
society. It is not possible to perform at the high level of athletic or academic standards set at Morehouse College if even
minimal exposure to abusive (or street) drugs is allowed. There are many problems that drug use combined with
intercollegiate sports participation may cause which the non-athlete user does not face. First, many drugs when used in
conjunction with athletics participation, poses serious risks to the health of the athlete. Symptoms of illness, temporary
injury, and even death can be caused by such drug use. Second, the use of certain drugs temporarily may improve some types
of athletics performance and thereby create an unfair competitive advantage for the person using them. Such uses of drugs
may imperil the long-term health of the user. Therefore, the Athletic Department has established a drug abuse prevention
program in order to allow its athletes to progress toward their athletics and academic goals in a drug-free environment. The
philosophy of this program is four-fold.
1. To educate athletes on the effects of abusive drugs upon their physical, psychological, and social selves.
2. To identify potential drug abusers and provide for them a mechanism for counseling and rehabilitation.
3. To remove the stigma of drug abuse from the vast majority of athletes, who are not abusers.
4. To reassure athletes, parents, alumni/alumnae, and community that the health and academic progress of each of its
athletes is the Department's primary goal.
Drug Education
Prior to participation in intercollegiate athletics at Morehouse, all athletes will be required to attend a meeting concerning
drug education. During the meeting, student-athletes will be advised of the Morehouse College alcoholic beverage and
controlled substances policies. Additionally, all student-athletes will be advised of the NCAA drug testing consent form,
policies and NCAA banned substances. All student-athletes will be required to sign the NCAA drug testing consent form
prior to athletics participation.
NCAA Banned Drug Classes
The following is the list of banned-drug classes (adopted from the NCAA banned-drug classes):
A. Psychomotor and central nervous system Stimulants
ephedrine & related compounds
chlophentermine ethylamphetamine
B. Anabolic steroids: Anabolic steroids dehydrochlormethyl-testosterone
norandrostenedione testosterone2 & related compounds
Androstenedione dromostanolone
C. Diuretics:
etharcrynic acid
trichlomethiazide & related compounds
D. Street drugs:
THC(tetrahydro-cannabinol) (3)
E. Peptide Hormones and Analogues
Chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG – human chorionic gonadotrophin)
Corticotrophin (ACTH)
Growth hormone (HGH, somatotrophin)
All the respective releasing factors of the above-mentioned substances also banned
Erythopoietin (EPO)
F. Definition of positive NCAA drug test depends on the following:
1. for caffeine - if the concentration in the urine exceeds 15 micrograms/ml
2. for testosterone - if the administration of testosterone or the use of any other manipulation has the result of increasing the
ratio of the total concentration of testosterone to that of epitestosterone in the urine to greater than 6:1, unless there is evidence that this ratio is due to a physiological or pathological condition.
3. for marijuana and THC - if the concentration in the urine of THC metabolite exceeds 15 nanograms/ml
Student Reinstatement
Students who have tested positively for an NCAA drug test and wish to be reinstated by the NCAA are required to provide all
funds for the reinstatement drug testing procedures.
NCAA and Morehouse College Sanctions
1. Student-athlete will be suspended from all athletics for one full calendar year from the date of the positive test. 2. A call to parents/guardian will be made by the student athlete in the presence of the Athletic Counselor. The Athletic
counselor will follow up with the parents.
3. A confidential meeting will be held with the Athletic Counselor, Dean of Students, Team Physician, Head Coach,
Athletic Trainer, Drug Testing Coordinator, and student athlete to set parameters.
4. Athletic trainer will provide counseling and arrange for drug abuse counseling for the student. 5. A copy of the positive drug results will be placed on file in the Dean of Students office. 6. The Dean of Students may bring charges against the student in accordance with the "Controlled Substances" policy
found in The Morehouse College Student Handbook.
NOTE: All coaches have the right to implement team policies in regards to drugs/alcohol. This
may include permanent suspension for 1st time offenses and/or loss of scholarships.
Available online at h International journal of Advanced Biological and Biomedical Research Volume 2, Issue 1, 2014: 110-116 Investigation on the using of linco-spectin solution for in ovo administration in chicken embryo Hadi Tavakkoli1*, Amin Derakhshanfar2, Sajedeh Salandari3 1*Department of Avian Medicine, School of Veterinary Medicine, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran 2 Department of Pathobiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran 3 School of Veterinary Medicine, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
Health and Fitness 1.1 Details: Please print in capital letters using black ink and tick the relevant box(es). Membership number Cell phone number ( ) 2.1 Family history: Do you have a family history (parents or siblings) of any of the following medical conditions? before or at the age of 50 High cholesterol before or at the age of 50 Insulin dependent diabetes