Single-dose Metronidazole Clears Opalina sp. from Juvenile Bufo woodhousii
Author(s): Devin R. Nickol and Danielle M. TuftsSource: Journal of Parasitology, 99(3):573-575. 2013.
Published By: American Society of Parasitologists
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J. Parasitol., 99(3), 2013, pp. 573–575
Ó American Society of Parasitologists 2013
Single-dose Metronidazole Clears Opalina sp. from Juvenile Bufo woodhousii
Devin R. Nickol and Danielle M. Tufts*, University of Nebraska Medical Center, 985185 Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska 68198-5185;*University of Nebraska–Lincoln, 323 Manter Hall, Lincoln, Nebraska 68599. Correspondence should be sent to:
[email protected]
ABSTRACT: Protozoans of the family Opalinidae are intestinal commensals
may interfere with normal host behavior, growth, and development
in amphibians. To test the hypothesis that these organisms are susceptible
(Hegner, 1923; Nathan and James, 1972). Little is known about the role
to the antiprotozoal antibiotic metronidazole, we randomly assigned 60
opalinids play within fish hosts, but Foissner and colleagues (1979)
juvenile Woodhouse's toads (Bufo woodhousii) to receive a single oral dose
showed increased mortality of infected Symphysodon aequifasciata
of metronidazole or water. In pilot trials, the prevalence of opalinids in
individuals. Additionally, under certain experimental conditions, some
untreated members of this population was over 70%. One-third of the
protozoans may compete with their hosts for various resources (Nathan
study population was dissected at each of 3 time points: 18 hr, 1 wk, and 2
and James, 1972). For example, Hegner (1923) found that tadpoles heavily
wk post-treatment. An examiner blinded to the toad's treatment history
infected with a euglenoid flagellate did not reach the same body size as
determined the presence or absence of opalinids using a dissecting
non-infected tadpoles, and heavily infected tadpoles never completed
microscope. Opalinids were found in 3/10 toads in the treatment group
metamorphosis, implying that there may be some type of interspecific
and 9/10 in the control group after 18 hr (P , 0.02), in none of the
competition for food or resources between the anuran host and the
treatment group and 8/10 in the control group after 1 wk (P , 0.001), and
protozoan, especially in malnourished individuals. In settings where these
in none of the treatment group and 10/10 in the control group after 2 wk
types of interactions may confound experiments performed with infected
(P , 0.0001). These results suggest that a single-dose of metronidazole
individuals, a parasite-free population would be beneficial (Kessel, 1930;
quickly and reliably clears opalinids from juvenile Woodhouse's toads
Cairns, 1953).
with no evidence of short-term recurrence. The treatment was well
Metronidazole (Flagylt) is a commercially available antibiotic used to
tolerated, with no apparent morbidity and no mortality in either group.
eliminate anaerobic bacteria and protozoans from human and animal
Future exploration of opalinid-related host fitness consequences may be
hosts. We hypothesized that administration of metronidazole to an
facilitated by this simple method of developing a protozoan-free host
amphibian host would result in the clearance of its opalinid population.
The objectives of this study were to (1) determine if metronidazole couldclear all opalinid protozoans from B. woodhousii, (2) determine theapproximate amount of time needed for clearance, and (3) confirm the
Organisms of the genus Opalina are commensal protozoans of reptiles,
short-term durability of treatment. Although metronidazole has been used
amphibians, fish (marine and fresh water), mollusks, and termites;
to treat a variety of infections in livestock, companion animals, and
however, they are most commonly found in anurans and have a wide
captive reptiles and amphibians, to our knowledge this is the first
geographic distribution (Metcalf, 1929; Sandon, 1976). Opalinids are
evaluation of its effectiveness against opalinids.
multinucleated, mouth-less, and covered with rows of flagella (Wenrich,
In July 2010 we collected 60 juvenile B. woodhousii from the North
1935; Mignot, 1994; Mitchell, 2007). Opalinids were first discovered by
Platte River near Paxton, Nebraska (418100520 0N, 1018210560 0W). Toads
Leeuwenhoek in 1683; approximately 200 species of opalines comprising
were immediately transported to the laboratory in 5-gal plastic buckets
5 genera are currently recognized (Delvinquier and Patterson, 1993):
and randomized by coin flip into treatment and control groups of 30
Cepedea (Metcalf, 1920), Opalina (Purkinje and Valentin, 1835),
individuals each. Pilot studies supported the effectiveness of a single, 10-
Protoopalina (Metcalf, 1918), Protozelleriella (Delvinquier et al., 1991),
mg dose of metronidazole. We prepared a suspension by finely crushing
and Zelleriella (Metcalf, 1920). Most hosts harbor 2–5 different species
two 500-mg tablets of metronidazole (USP) and suspended the powder in
of these protozoans; however, specific combinations are more prevalent
40 ml of bottled spring water. Each toad in the treatment group received
(Nathan and James, 1972; Wilbert and Schmeier, 1982; Schorr et al.,
400 ll of the suspension orally by micropipette for an approximate dose of
1990). The opaline protozoans generally occur in the large intestine and
10 mg of metronidazole. The flask containing the suspension was stirred
cloaca of their hosts (Kudo, 1922; Wenrich, 1935; Schorr et al., 1990).
prior to each dosing because of the poor water solubility of the antibiotic.
Amphibians are known to host a wide variety of other micro- and
We attempted to inject the suspension orally by micropipette into each
macroparasites in addition to opalinids and have been model systems for
toad's posterior oropharynx to minimize the possibility of the suspension
field and laboratory research in the biomedical, teaching, animal
being regurgitated, but some variability in dosing almost certainly
behavior, life history, toxicology, physiology, evolutionary, and repro-
occurred. Toads in the control group received an equivalent oral volume
ductive fields (Goater and Goater, 2001; Mitchell, 2007). In amphibians
of spring water by micropipette.
infection occurs during the tadpole stage of development. In their
Throughout the experiment, all toads were housed in 10-gal aquaria
aquatic environment tadpoles ingest opaline cysts released into the water
lined with coconut fiber substrate (Zoo Med Eco Earth, San Luis Obispo,
with the feces from infected adults or other tadpoles (Brumpt, 1915;
California) and covered by a mesh screen. Treatment and control groups
Metcalf, 1928, 1940; Mofty and Smyth, 1960; Delvinquier and Freeland,
were housed separately. Each aquarium housed 10 toads, included rock
1988). The Woodhouse's toad (Bufo woodhousii) from North America is
and plant cover, and a clean, standard-size glass petri dish (100 mm 3 15
known to harbor many different types of parasites (Goldberg et al.,
mm) filled with bottled spring water each day. The aquaria were warmed
1996; Bolek and Janovy, 2007). Individuals from our study area were
during the day by incandescent light from a desk lamp. Ambient room
most commonly infected with protozoans (Opalina and Nyctotherus
temperatures ranged from 22 to 24 C. The toads were fed daily with a
cordiformis) and cestodes (Distoichometra bufonis) (D. Nickol and D.
variety of commercially raised crickets (Fluker Farms, Port Allen,
Tufts, pers. obs.; Hardin and Janovy, 1988).
Louisiana; Ghann's, Augusta, Georgia; Petco, San Diego, California).
Although opalinids are usually described as commensal protozoans that
One-third of the study population was dissected at each of 3 time
do not harm the host, some studies suggest that high infection intensity
points: 18 hr, 1 wk, and 2 wk post-treatment. At each time point, 10treatment and 10 control toads were selected in random order by coin flip.
DOI: 10.1645/12-76.1
After selection each toad was passed to the primary author, who remained
unaware of its treatment status. After the toad's length was measured it
TABLE I. Prevalence of opalinids in Bufo woodhousii, treatment efficacy,
was pithed, the abdomen was opened with scissors, and the gastrointes-
and number needed to treat (NNT) at each study time point.
tinal tract removed en bloc from just proximal to the stomach to justproximal to the anus. This section was subjected to blunt dissection with
forceps under the dissecting microscope. A small amount of water wasadded to the dissection dish, and the presence or absence of opalinids was
determined by microscopic examination. Incidental notice was also made
of the presence or absence of Nyctotherus cordiformis and adults or
proglottids of the cestode Distoichometra bufonis (Dickey, 1921). The
findings were relayed verbally to the investigator responsible for selectingthe toads who recorded the body length, dissection results, and treatment
* Two of these 3 toads had a small number (,10) of immobile, dead-
status for each toad.
We used Fisher's exact test (2-tailed) to calculate P-values for the
difference in opalinid prevalence (proportion of the population infected)between treatment and control groups at each time point. We used a
The treatment and control solutions were well tolerated by our study
Student's t-test (unpaired, 2-tailed) to calculate the P-value for the
population; however, some mortality had been observed during earlier
difference in toad body length between the groups. Treatment efficacy was
pilot trials. The observation that deaths occurred no sooner than 5–7 days
after treatment, and were evenly distributed between the treatment andcontrol groups, led us to suspect that some factor other than antibiotic
ðprevalence in controlsprevalence in treatedÞ :
toxicity was most likely responsible (i.e., water quality, temperature,
prevalence in controls
enclosure environment, etc.). This conclusion was reinforced by the lack of
The number needed to treat (NNT) to clear one toad of opalinids was
mortality once modifications were made to the study animal habitat,
including the change from plastic terraria to larger glass aquaria for theformal trial. Because no changes were made from pilot studies to the dose
or delivery of the treatment and control solutions, we concluded that earlier
ðprevalence in controlsprevalence in treatedÞ
observed mortality was unlikely to be a result of the study medication.
We were initially concerned that the poor water solubility of the
All toads in both study groups appeared healthy throughout the study
antibiotic and the challenges of oral administration would result in a lack
period, and there were no deaths prior to dissection. Average toad length
of dosing precision that might compromise treatment efficacy. Our results
at the time of dissection was 3.16 cm in the treatment group (2.4–4.2 cm)
suggest that, while some variability in dosing almost certainly occurred,
and 3.15 cm in the control group (2.4–4.0 cm) (df ¼ 58, P ¼ 0.95).
the overall effectiveness of the antibiotic was sufficient to overcome this
Opalinids were present in 3/10 toads in the treatment group and 9/10 in
variation and led to reliable clearance of the target organism.
the control group after 18 hr (P , 0.02), in none of the treatment group
The effectiveness of our intervention reached 100% by 1 wk and
and 8/10 in the control group after 1 wk (P , 0.001), and in none of the
remained 100% at 2 wk. The effectiveness at 18 hr would have been higher
treatment group and 10/10 in the control group after 2 wk (P , 0.0001).
(89%) had we included the 2 treated toads found to have only a few,
The NNT was 1.7 at 18 hr, 1.3 at 1 wk, and 1.0 at 2 wk (Table I). Unless
immobile opalinids into the ‘‘no opalinids'' group. The high opaline
otherwise noted, when opalinids were present they were motile and too
prevalence in our study population, combined with the high efficacy of our
numerous to count.
treatment, resulted in a low NNT of ,2 toads at all time points.
Significant differences in opalinid prevalence between the treatment and
Multiplying this low NNT by the low cost of metronidazole per treated
control groups were present at all time points measured. There was no
toad (approximately US$0.02) suggests that creation of sizable opalinid-
significant difference in average toad size between the treatment and
free research populations should be cost-effective.
control groups at the time of dissection. All toads in the trial survived to
The results of our study suggest several areas for further research. It
the time of dissection and appeared healthy. Nyctotherus cordiformis and
would be interesting to study this method of protozoan clearance in other
D. bufonis were incidentally noted in both treatment and control animals.
host species that harbor opalinids or other protozoan species. Within B.
Our findings indicate that treating juvenile B. woodhousii with a single
woodhousii, the effect of metronidazole on Nyctotherus cordiformis and D.
oral dose of metronidazole results in rapid, reliable, and well-tolerated
bufonis remains unclear, as our anecdotal observations did not suggest
clearance of opalinids from the gastrointestinal tract. Anecdotal
obvious reductions in prevalence. If these organisms are not susceptible to
observations at the time of dissection suggested that the prevalence and
metronidazole but are susceptible to other agents, selective manipulation
intensity of Nyctotherus cordiformis and D. bufonis were not obviously
to the various protozoan and cestode populations within the host might be
decreased in the treated toads as compared to the control population.
possible. The relative impact of each parasite on overall host fitness might
Future research could assess the effectiveness of agents other than
then be clarified.
metronidazole in the clearance of these organisms.
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encouragement with this project.
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Source: http://danielletufts.yolasite.com/resources/Single-dose%20Metronidazole%20clears%20Opalina%20sp.%20from%20Juvenile%20Bufo%20woodhousii.pdf
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