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AflAC CANCER CARE Policy Series A78000 CANCER INDEMNITY INsuRANCE Added Protection for You and Your Family
Chances are you know someone who's been affected, directly or indirectly, by
cancer. You also know the toll it's taken on them—physical y, emotional y, and
financial y. That's why we've developed the Aflac Cancer Care insurance policy.
The plan pays a cash benefit upon initial diagnosis of a covered cancer, with a
variety of other benefits payable throughout cancer treatment. You can use these
cash benefits to help pay out-of-pocket medical expenses, the rent or mortgage,
groceries, or utility bil s—the choice is yours.
And while you can't always predict the future, here at Aflac we believe it's good to be prepared. The Aflac Cancer Care plan is here to help you and your family better cope financial y—and emotional y—if a positive diagnosis of cancer ever occurs. That way you can worry less about what may be ahead. high fevers.
insurance policy The above example is based on a scenario for Aflac Cancer Care – Select that includes the following benefit conditions: Physician visit (Cancer Wellness Benefit) of $40, bone marrow biopsy (Surgical/Anesthesia Benefit) of $62.50, NCI Evaluation/Consultation Benefit of $500, Initial Diagnosis Benefit of $2,000, venous port (Surgical/Anesthesia Benefit) of $62.50, Injected Chemotherapy Benefit (10 weeks) of $3,000, Immunotherapy Benefit (3 months) of $525, Antinausea Benefit (3 months) of $150, Hospital Confinement Benefit (10-week hospitalization) of $7,000, Blood/Plasma Benefit (10 transfusions) of $850.
FACt No. 0 1
FACt No. 02
IN THE UNITED STATES, MEN HAvE SLIgHTLY LESS THAN A IN THE UNITED STATES, WOMEN HAvE SLIgHTLY MORE THAN A LIFETIME RISK OF DEvELOPINg CANCER.1 LIFETIME RISK OF DEvELOPINg CANCER.1 1Cancer Facts & Figures 2012, American Cancer Society. The policy has limitations and exclusions that may affect benefits payable. For costs and complete details of the coverage, contact your Aflac insurance agent/producer. This brochure is for il ustrative purposes only. Refer to the policy for benefit details, definitions, limitations, and exclusions.
Aflac herein means American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus.
Select Cancer Care Benefit Overview
Benefit name
Cancer Wel ness Benefit $40 per year, per Covered Person Cancer Diagnosis Benefits:
Initial Diagnosis Benefit Insured/Spouse*: $2,000; Dependent Child: $4,000; payable once per Covered Person Medical Imaging With Diagnosis Benefit $75; two payments per year, per Covered Person; no lifetime max NCI Evaluation/Consultation Benefit $500 payable only once per Covered Person Cancer Treatment Benefits:
Injected Chemotherapy Benefit $300 per week; no lifetime max Nonhormonal Oral Chemotherapy Benefit $135 per prescription, per month up to $405 max per month for Oral/Topical Benefit2 Hormonal Oral Chemotherapy Benefit $135 per prescription, per month up to 24 months; after 24 months $50 per month up to $405 max per month for Oral/Topical Benefit2 Topical Chemotherapy Benefit $100 per prescription, per month up to $405 max per month for Oral/Topical Benefit2 Radiation Therapy Benefit $175 per week; no lifetime max Experimental Treatment Benefit $175 per week outside a clinical trial; $75 per week as part of a clinical trial; no lifetime max Immunotherapy Benefit $175 once per month; $875 lifetime max per Covered Person Antinausea Benefit $50 per month; no lifetime max Stem Cell Transplantation Benefit $3,500; lifetime max $3,500 per Covered Person Bone Marrow Transplantation Benefit $3,500; $3,500 lifetime max per Covered Person; $500 to donor Blood and Plasma Benefit Inpatient: $85 times the number of days paid under the Hospital Confinement Benefit; Outpatient: $140 per day; no lifetime max $50–$1,700 (Anesthesia: additional 25% of Surgical Benefit); maximum daily benefit not to exceed $2,125; no lifetime max on number of operations Skin Cancer Surgery Benefit $20–$200; no lifetime max on number of operations Additional Surgical Opinion Benefit $100 per day; no lifetime max Hospital Confinement Benefit Insured/Spouse*: $100 per day; Dependent Child: $125 per day; no lifetime max Outpatient Surgical Benefit $100 (payable in addition to Surgical/Anesthesia Benefit); no lifetime max on number of operations Continuing Care Benefits:
Extended-Care Facility Benefit $75 a day, limited to 100 days per year, per Covered Person Home Health Care Benefit $50 per day; limited to 100 days per year, per Covered Person Hospice Care Benefit $1,000 for the 1st day; $50 per day thereafter; $12,000 lifetime max per Covered Person Nursing Services Benefit $50 per day; no lifetime max Surgical Prosthesis Benefit $1,000; lifetime max $2,000 per Covered Person Nonsurgical Prosthesis Benefit $90 per occurrence; lifetime max $180 per Covered Person Reconstructive Surgery Benefit $110–$1,000 (Anesthesia: 25% of Reconstructive Surgery Benefit); no lifetime max on number of operations Egg Harvesting and Storage (Cryopreservation) Benefit $500 to have oocytes extracted; $175 for storage; $675 lifetime max per Covered Person Ambulance, Transportation, Lodging, and Other Benefits:
Ambulance Benefit $250 ground or $2,000 air; no lifetime max Transportation Benefit $.35 per mile; max $1,000 per round trip; no lifetime max $50 per day; limited to 90 days per year Bone Marrow Donor Screening Benefit $40; limited to one benefit per Covered Person, per lifetime 1Cancer Facts & Figures 2012, American Cancer Society. The policy has limitations and exclusions that may affect benefits payable. For costs and complete details of the coverage, contact your Aflac insurance agent/producer. This brochure is for il ustrative purposes only. Refer to the policy for benefit details, definitions, limitations, and exclusions.
*The term "Spouse" includes parties to a civil union.
2Up to three different oral/topical chemotherapy medicines per calendar month. REFER TO THE FOLLOWINg OUTLINE OF COvERAgE FOR BENEFIT DETAILS, DEFINITIONS, LIMITATIONS, AND EXCLUSIONS.
american family Life assurance Company of Columbus
(herein referred to as aflac)
Worldwide Headquarters • 1932 Wynnton Road • Columbus, Georgia 31999
2011 Aflac All Rights Reserved This policy is an individual policy of insurance. This policy provides scans, transrectal ultrasounds, or abdominal ultrasounds. This specified disease coverage ONLY. This policy does NOT provide benefit is limited to two payments per Calendar Year, per Covered comprehensive medical or hospital insurance, Medicare supplement Person. No lifetime maximum. insurance, long-term care insurance, nursing home insurance only, 3. nationaL CanCeR inStitute eVaLuation/ConSuLtation
home health care insurance only, or nursing home and home care Benefit: Aflac will pay $500 when a Covered Person seeks
insurance. You may also contact your local Social Security office or evaluation or consultation at an NCI-Designated Cancer Center as Aflac and obtain a copy of the Guide to Health Insurance for People a result of receiving a diagnosis of Internal Cancer or an Associated with Medicare.
Cancerous Condition. The purpose of the evaluation/consultation 1. All treatments listed below must be NCI or Food and Drug
must be to determine the appropriate course of treatment. This Administration approved for the treatment of Cancer or an benefit is not payable the same day the Additional Surgical Opinion Associated Cancerous Condition, as applicable. Benefit is payable. This benefit is also payable at the Aflac Cancer Center & Blood Disorders Service of Children's Healthcare of a. CanCeR WeLLneSS BenefitS:
Atlanta. This benefit is payable only once per Covered Person.
1. CanCeR WeLLneSS: Aflac will pay $40 per Calendar Year when
a Covered Person receives one of the following: C. CanCeR tReatment BenefitS:
1. DiReCt nonSuRGiCaL tReatment BenefitS: all benefits
listed below are not payable based on the number,
• breast ultrasound • CEA (blood test for colon duration, or frequency of the medication(s), therapy, or
treatment received by the Covered Person (except as
• CA15-3 (blood test for breast • CA 125 (blood test for provided in Benefit C1b). Benefits will not be paid under the
experimental treatment Benefit or immunotherapy Benefit
• PSA (blood test for prostate for any medications or treatment paid under the injected
Chemotherapy Benefit, the oral/topical Chemotherapy
• testicular ultrasound Benefits, or the Radiation therapy Benefit.
• flexible sigmoidoscopy • thermography a. inJeCteD CHemotHeRaPY Benefit: Aflac will pay $300 once
• hemoccult stool specimen per Calendar Week during which a Covered Person receives • virtual colonoscopy Physician-prescribed Injected Chemotherapy. The Surgical/Anesthesia Benefit provides amounts payable for insertion and removal of a pump. Benefits will not be paid for each week of This benefit is limited to one payment per Calendar Year, per continuous infusion of medications dispensed by a pump, implant, Covered Person. These tests must be performed to determine or patch. This benefit is limited to the Calendar Week in which the whether Cancer or an Associated Cancerous Condition exists in medication(s) or treatment is received. No lifetime maximum.
a Covered Person and must be administered by licensed medical personnel. No lifetime maximum.
b. oRaL/toPiCaL CHemotHeRaPY BenefitS:
2. Bone maRRoW DonoR SCReeninG: Aflac will pay $40 when
(i.) nonHoRmonaL oRaL CHemotHeRaPY Benefit: Aflac
a Covered Person provides documentation of participation in a will pay $135 per Calendar Month during which a Covered screening test as a potential bone marrow donor. This benefit is Person is prescribed and receives Nonhormonal Oral limited to one benefit per Covered Person per lifetime.
Chemotherapy for the treatment of Cancer or an Associated Cancerous Condition. B. CanCeR DiaGnoSiS BenefitS:
(i .) HoRmonaL oRaL CHemotHeRaPY Benefit: Aflac
1. initiaL DiaGnoSiS Benefit: Aflac will pay the amount listed
will pay $135 per Calendar Month for up to 24 months below when a Covered Person is diagnosed as having Internal during which a Covered Person is prescribed and receives Cancer or an Associated Cancerous Condition while this policy is Hormonal Oral Chemotherapy for the treatment of Cancer in force, subject to Part 2, Limitations and Exclusions, Section C, or an Associated Cancerous Condition. After 24 months of the policy.
of paid benefits of Hormonal Oral Chemotherapy for a Named Insured or Spouse Covered Person, Aflac will pay $50 per Calendar Month during which a Covered Person is prescribed and receives Hormonal Oral Chemotherapy for the treatment of Cancer or This benefit is payable under the policy only once for each Covered an Associated Cancerous Condition. Examples of Hormonal Person. In addition to the Positive Medical Diagnosis, we may require Oral Chemotherapy treatments include but are not limited to additional information from the attending Physician and Hospital.
Nolvadex, Arimidex, Femara, and Lupron and their generic 2. meDiCaL imaGinG WitH DiaGnoSiS Benefit: Aflac will
versions, such as tamoxifen. pay $75 when a Covered Person receives an initial diagnosis (i i.) toPiCaL CHemotHeRaPY Benefit: Aflac will pay $100
or follow-up evaluation of Internal Cancer or an Associated per Calendar Month during which a Covered Person is Cancerous Condition, using one of the following medical imaging prescribed and receives a Topical Chemotherapy for the exams: CT scans, MRIs, bone scans, thyroid scans, multiple gated treatment of Cancer or an Associated Cancerous Condition. acquisition (MUGA) scans, positron emission tomography (PET) 2011 Aflac All Rights Reserved oral/topical Chemotherapy benefits are limited to the
Calendar Month in which the antinausea drugs are received. Calendar month in which the medication(s) or treatment
No lifetime maximum.
is received. if the prescription is for more than one month,
c. Stem CeLL tRanSPLantation Benefit: Aflac will pay
the benefit is limited to the Calendar month in which the
$3,500 when a Covered Person receives a peripheral Stem medication or treatment is first received. total benefits are
Cell Transplantation for the treatment of Internal Cancer or an payable for up to three different oral/topical Chemotherapy
Associated Cancerous Condition. This benefit is payable once per medicines per Calendar month, up to a maximum of $405
Covered Person. Lifetime maximum of $3,500 per Covered Person.
per Calendar month. Refills of the same prescription within
the same Calendar month are not considered a different

d. Bone maRRoW tRanSPLantation Benefit: (1) Aflac will
Chemotherapy medicine. no lifetime maximum.
pay $3,500 when a Covered Person receives a Bone Marrow Transplantation for the treatment of Internal Cancer or an c. RaDiation tHeRaPY Benefit: Aflac will pay $175 once
Associated Cancerous Condition. (2) Aflac will pay the Covered per Calendar Week during which a Covered Person receives Person's bone marrow donor an indemnity of $500 as a result Radiation Therapy for the treatment of Cancer or an Associated of the transplantation procedure. Lifetime maximum of $3,500 Cancerous Condition. This benefit will not be paid for each per Covered Person.
week a radium implant or radioisotope remains in the body. This benefit is limited to the Calendar Week in which the e. BLooD anD PLaSma Benefit: Aflac will pay $85 times
therapy is received. No lifetime maximum.
the number of days paid under the Hospital Confinement Benefit when a Covered Person receives blood and/or plasma d. eXPeRimentaL tReatment Benefit: Aflac will pay
transfusions during a covered Hospital confinement. Aflac will $175 once per Calendar Week during which a Covered pay $140 for each day a Covered Person receives blood and/ Person receives Physician-prescribed experimental Cancer or plasma transfusions for the treatment of Internal Cancer chemotherapy medications outside of a clinical trial. Aflac or an Associated Cancerous Condition as an outpatient in a will pay $75 once per Calendar Week during which a Covered Physician's office, clinic, Hospital, or Ambulatory Surgical Person receives Physician-prescribed experimental Cancer Center. This benefit does not pay for immunoglobulins, chemotherapy medications as part of a clinical trial.
Immunotherapy, antihemophilia factors, or colony-stimulating Chemotherapy medications must be approved by the NCI as a factors. No lifetime maximum.
viable experimental treatment for Cancer. This benefit does not 3. SuRGiCaL tReatment BenefitS:
pay for laboratory tests, diagnostic X-rays, immunoglobulins, Immunotherapy, colony-stimulating factors, and therapeutic a. SuRGiCaL/aneStHeSia Benefit: When a surgical operation
devices or other procedures related to these experimental is performed on a Covered Person for a diagnosed Internal treatments. Benefits will not be paid for each week of continuous Cancer or Associated Cancerous Condition, Aflac will pay the infusion of medications dispensed by a pump, implant, or indemnity listed in the Schedule of Operations for the specific patch. This benefit is limited to the Calendar Week in which the procedure. If any operation for the treatment of Internal Cancer chemotherapy medications are received. No lifetime maximum.
or an Associated Cancerous Condition is performed other than those listed, Aflac will pay an amount comparable to the Benefits will not be paid under the experimental treatment
amount shown in the Schedule of Operations for the operation Benefit for any medications paid under the immunotherapy
most nearly similar in severity and gravity. eXCePtionS: Surgery for Skin Cancer will be payable
2. inDiReCt/aDDitionaL tHeRaPY BenefitS: the following
under Benefit C3b. Reconstructive Surgery will be payable
benefits are not payable based on the number, duration, or
under Benefit e7.
frequency of immunotherapy or antinausea drugs received
by the Covered Person.

Two or more surgical procedures performed through the same incision will be considered one operation, and benefits will be a. immunotHeRaPY Benefit: Aflac will pay $175 per Calendar
paid based upon the highest eligible benefit. Month during which a Covered Person receives Physician-prescribed Immunotherapy as part of a treatment regimen for Aflac will pay an indemnity benefit equal to 25% of the amount Internal Cancer or an Associated Cancerous Condition. This shown in the Schedule of Operations for the administration of benefit is payable only once per Calendar Month. It is limited to anesthesia during a covered surgical operation.
the Calendar Month in which the immunotherapy is received. The maximum daily benefit will not exceed $2,125. No lifetime Lifetime maximum of $875 per Covered Person.
maximum on the number of operations.
Benefits will not be paid under the immunotherapy Benefit for
b. SKin CanCeR SuRGeRY Benefit: When a surgical operation
any medications paid under the experimental treatment Benefit.
is performed on a Covered Person for a diagnosed skin Cancer, b. antinauSea Benefit: Aflac will pay $50 per Calendar Month
including melanoma or Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer, Aflac will during which a Covered Person receives antinausea drugs that pay the indemnity listed below for the specific procedure. The are prescribed in conjunction with Radiation Therapy Benefits, indemnity amount listed below includes anesthesia services. Injected Chemotherapy Benefits, Oral/Topical Chemotherapy The maximum daily benefit will not exceed $200. No lifetime Benefits, or Experimental Treatment Benefits. This benefit is maximum on the number of operations.
payable only once per Calendar Month and is limited to the Laser or Cryosurgery 2011 Aflac All Rights Reserved Surgeries otHeR tHan Laser or Cryosurgery:
3. HoSPiCe CaRe Benefit: When a Covered Person is diagnosed
with Internal Cancer or an Associated Cancerous Condition and Excision of lesion of skin without flap or graft therapeutic intervention directed toward the cure of the disease Flap or graft without excision is medical y determined to be no longer appropriate, and if the Excision of lesion of skin with flap or graft Covered Person's medical prognosis is one in which there is c. aDDitionaL SuRGiCaL oPinion Benefit: Aflac will pay
a life expectancy of six months or less as the direct result of $100 per day for an additional surgical opinion, by a Physician, Internal Cancer or an Associated Cancerous Condition (hereinafter concerning surgery for a diagnosed Cancer or an Associated referred to as "Terminal y Il "), Aflac will pay a one-time benefit of Cancerous Condition. This benefit is not payable on the same $1,000 for the first day the Covered Person receives Hospice care day the NCI Evaluation/Consultation Benefit is payable. No and $50 per day thereafter for Hospice care. For this benefit to lifetime maximum.
be payable, Aflac must be furnished: (1) a written statement from the attending Physician that the Covered Person is Terminal y Il , D. HoSPitaLiZation BenefitS:
and (2) a written statement from the Hospice certifying the days HoSPitaL Confinement BenefitS: When a Covered Person
services were provided. This benefit is not payable the same day is confined to a Hospital for treatment of Cancer or an Associated the Home Health Care Benefit is payable. Lifetime maximum for Cancerous Condition, Aflac will pay the amount listed below per each Covered Person is $12,000.
day for each day a Covered Person is confined as an inpatient. No 4. nuRSinG SeRViCeS Benefit: While confined in a Hospital for
lifetime maximum.
the treatment of Cancer or an Associated Cancerous Condition, if Named Insured or Spouse a Covered Person requires private nurses and their services other than those regularly furnished by the Hospital, Aflac will pay $50 2. outPatient SuRGiCaL Benefit: When a surgical operation
per day for full-time private care and attendance provided by such is performed on a Covered Person for treatment of a diagnosed nurses (registered graduate nurses, licensed practical nurses, or Internal Cancer or Associated Cancerous Condition, Aflac will pay licensed vocational nurses). These services must be required and $100. For this benefit to be paid, surgeries must be performed authorized by the attending Physician. This benefit is not payable on an outpatient basis. This benefit is payable once per day and for private nurses who are members of your Immediate Family. is not payable on the same day the Hospital Confinement Benefit This benefit is payable for only the number of days the Hospital is payable. This benefit is payable in addition to the Surgical/ Confinement Benefit is payable. No lifetime maximum.
Anesthesia Benefit. The maximum daily benefit will not exceed 5. SuRGiCaL PRoStHeSiS Benefit: Aflac will pay $1,000 for
$100. No lifetime maximum on number of operations. surgical y implanted prosthetic devices that are prescribed this benefit is also payable for nonmelanoma Skin Cancer
as a direct result of surgery for Internal Cancer or Associated surgery involving a flap or graft.
Cancerous Condition treatment. Lifetime maximum of $2,000 per Covered Person. e. ContinuinG CaRe BenefitS:
the Surgical Prosthesis Benefit does not include coverage
1. eXtenDeD-CaRe faCiLitY Benefit: When a Covered Person
for tissue expanders or a Breast transverse Rectus
is hospitalized and receives benefits under Benefit D1 and is later abdominis myocutaneous (tRam) flap.
confined, within 30 days of the covered Hospital confinement, to 6. nonSuRGiCaL PRoStHeSiS Benefit: Aflac will pay $90 per
an extended-care facility, a skil ed nursing facility, a rehabilitation occurrence, per Covered Person for nonsurgical y implanted unit or facility, a transitional care unit or any bed designated as a prosthetic devices that are prescribed as a direct result of swing bed, or to a section of the Hospital used as such, (collectively treatment for Internal Cancer or an Associated Cancerous referred to as "Extended-Care Facility"), Aflac will pay $75 per Condition. Examples of nonsurgical y implanted prosthetic day for such continued confinement. For each day this benefit is devices include voice boxes, hair pieces, and removable breast payable, benefits under Benefit D1 are NOT payable. Benefits are prostheses. Lifetime maximum of $180 per Covered Person.
limited to 100 days in each Calendar Year per Covered Person. 7. ReConStRuCtiVe SuRGeRY Benefit: Aflac will pay the
If more than 30 days separates confinements in an Extended- specified indemnity listed below for a reconstructive surgical Care Facility, benefits are not payable for the second confinement operation that is performed on a Covered Person as a result of unless the Covered Person again receives benefits under Benefit treatment of Cancer or treatment of an Associated Cancerous D1 and is confined as an inpatient to the Extended-Care Facility Condition. The maximum daily benefit will not exceed $1,000. No within 30 days of that confinement.
lifetime maximum on number of operations.
2. Home HeaLtH CaRe Benefit: When a Covered Person is
Breast Tissue/Muscle Reconstruction Flap Procedures hospitalized for the treatment of Internal Cancer or an Associated Breast Reconstruction (occurring within five years of breast Cancerous Condition and receives benefits under Benefit D1 and cancer diagnosis) within 30 days of hospital confinement requires home health care, Breast Symmetry (on the nondiseased breast occurring Aflac will pay $50 per day. this benefit is limited to 100 days in
within five years of breast reconstruction) any Calendar Year for each Covered Person.
Facial Reconstruction this benefit is not payable the same day the Hospice Care
Benefit is payable.

2011 Aflac All Rights Reserved Aflac will pay an indemnity benefit equal to 25% of the amount from the Covered Person's residence. This benefit is not payable shown above for the administration of anesthesia during a for lodging occurring more than 24 hours prior to treatment or for covered reconstructive surgical operation.
lodging occurring more than 24 hours following treatment. This If any reconstructive surgery is performed other than those listed, benefit is limited to 90 days per Calendar Year.
Aflac will pay an amount comparable to the amount shown above for the operation most nearly similar in severity and gravity.
G. PRemium WaiVeR anD ReLateD BenefitS:
1. WaiVeR of PRemium Benefit: If you, due to having Cancer
8. eGG HaRVeStinG anD StoRaGe (CRYoPReSeRVation)
or an Associated Cancerous Condition, are completely unable to Benefit: Aflac will pay $500 for a Covered Person to have
perform all of the usual and customary duties of your occupation oocytes extracted and harvested. In addition, Aflac will pay, one for a period of 90 continuous days, Aflac will waive, from month to time per Covered Person, $175 for the storage of a Covered month, any premiums fal ing due during your continued inability. Person's oocyte(s) or sperm with a licensed reproductive tissue For premiums to be waived, Aflac will require an employer's bank or similarly licensed facility. Any such extraction, harvesting, statement and a Physician's statement of your inability to perform or storage must occur prior to chemotherapy or radiation said duties or activities, and may each month thereafter require a treatment that has been prescribed for the Covered Person's Physician's statement that total inability continues.
treatment of Cancer or an Associated Cancerous Condition. Lifetime maximum of $675 per Covered Person.
If you die and your Spouse becomes the new Named Insured, premiums will resume and be payable on the first premium due f. amBuLanCe, tRanSPoRtation, anD LoDGinG BenefitS:
date after the change. The new Named Insured will then be 1. amBuLanCe Benefit: Aflac will pay $250 for ambulance
eligible for this benefit if the need arises.
transportation of a Covered Person to or from a Hospital Aflac will also waive, from month to month, any premiums fal ing where the Covered Person receives treatment of Cancer or an due while you are receiving Hospice Benefits.
Associated Cancerous Condition. Aflac will pay $2,000 for air 2. Continuation of CoVeRaGe Benefit: Aflac will waive all
ambulance transportation of a Covered Person to or from a monthly premiums due for this policy and riders for up to two Hospital where the Covered Person receives treatment for Cancer months if you meet all of the following conditions: or an Associated Cancerous Condition. This benefit is limited to two trips per confinement. The ambulance service must be a. Your policy has been in force for at least six months;
performed by a licensed professional ambulance company. No b. We have received premiums for at least six consecutive
lifetime maximum.
2. tRanSPoRtation Benefit: Aflac will pay 35 cents per mile
c. Your premiums have been paid through payroll deduction, and
for transportation, up to a combined maximum of $1,000, if a you leave your employer for any reason; Covered Person requires treatment that has been prescribed by d. You or your employer notifies us in writing within 30 days of the
the attending Physician for Cancer or an Associated Cancerous date your premium payments ceased because of your leaving Condition. This benefit includes: a. Personal vehicle transportation of the Covered Person limited
e. You re-establish premium payments through:
to the distance of miles between the Hospital or medical (1) your new employer's payroll deduction process, or facility and the residence of the Covered Person. (2) direct payment to Aflac.
b. Commercial transportation (in a vehicle licensed to carry
You will again become eligible to receive this benefit after: passengers for a fee) of the Covered Person and no more than one additional adult to travel with the Covered Person. If the a. You re-establish your premium payments through payroll
treatment is for a covered Dependent Child and commercial deduction for a period of at least six months, and transportation is necessary, Aflac will pay for up to two adults b. We receive premiums for at least six consecutive months.
to travel with the covered Dependent Child. This benefit "Payroll deduction" means your premium is remitted to aflac
is limited to the distance of miles between the Hospital or for you by your employer through a payroll deduction process
medical facility and the residence of the Covered Person. or any other method agreed to by aflac and the employer.
This benefit is payable up to a maximum of $1,000 per round trip for al travelers and modes of transportation combined. No lifetime maximum.
optional Benefits:
tHiS Benefit iS not PaYaBLe foR tRanSPoRtation to anY
initiaL DiaGnoSiS BuiLDinG Benefit RiDeR: (Series a78050)
HoSPitaL/faCiLitY LoCateD WitHin a 50-miLe RaDiuS of tHe
applied for: Yes no
ReSiDenCe of tHe CoVeReD PeRSon oR foR tRanSPoRtation
initiaL DiaGnoSiS BuiLDinG Benefit: This benefit can be
BY amBuLanCe to oR fRom anY HoSPitaL.
purchased in units of $100 each, up to a maximum of five units or 3. LoDGinG Benefit: Aflac will pay $50 per day for lodging, in
$500. all amounts cited in this rider are for one unit of coverage.
a room in a motel, hotel, or other commercial accommodation, if more than one unit has been purchased, the amounts listed
for you or any one adult family member when a Covered Person must be multiplied by the number of units in force. The number
receives treatment for Cancer or an Associated Cancerous of units you purchased is shown in both the Policy Schedule and the Condition at a Hospital or medical facility more than 50 miles 2011 Aflac All Rights Reserved The initiaL DiaGnoSiS Benefit, as shown in the policy, will be
birthday or at the time of a Primary Specified Health Event, subject to increased by $100 for each unit purchased on each rider anniversary the Limitations and Exclusions of the rider, for that Covered Person, date while this rider remains in force. (The amount of the monthly whichever occurs first. However, regardless of the age of the Covered increase will be determined on a pro rata basis.) This benefit will Person on the Effective Date of this rider, this benefit will accrue for a be paid under the same terms as the Initial Diagnosis Benefit in period of at least five years unless a Primary Specified Health Event is the policy to which this rider is attached. This benefit will cease to diagnosed prior to the fifth year of coverage. build for each Covered Person on the anniversary date of this rider C. ReoCCuRRenCe Benefit: If benefits have been paid to a
following the Covered Person's 65th birthday or at the time Internal Covered Person under the First-Occurrence Benefit above, Aflac Cancer or an Associated Cancerous Condition is diagnosed for that will pay $2,500 if such Covered Person is later diagnosed as Covered Person, whichever occurs first. However, regardless of the having had a subsequent Primary Specified Health Event.
age of the Covered Person on the Effective Date of this rider, this benefit will accrue for a period of at least five years, unless Internal for the Reoccurrence Benefit to be payable, the Primary
Cancer or an Associated Cancerous Condition is diagnosed prior to Specified Health event must occur more than 180 days
the fifth year of coverage. after the date the first-occurrence Benefit or Reoccurrence
Benefit became payable. no lifetime maximum.

exceptions, Reductions, and Limitations of Rider a78050

D. HoSPitaL Confinement Benefit: When a Covered Person
requires Hospital Confinement for the treatment of a covered The Initial Diagnosis Building Benefit is not payable for the diagnosis Primary Specified Health Event, Aflac will pay $300 per day for of Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer.
each day a Covered Person is confined as an inpatient. this
DePenDent CHiLD RiDeR: (Series a78051)
benefit is limited to confinements for the treatment of a
applied for: Yes no
covered Primary Specified Health event that occur within
DePenDent CHiLD Benefit: Aflac will pay $10,000 when a
500 days following the occurrence of the most recent
covered Dependent Child is diagnosed as having Internal Cancer or covered Primary Specified Health event. No lifetime maximum.
an Associated Cancerous Condition while this rider is in force.
Hospital Confinement Benefits are payable for only one covered This benefit is payable under this rider only once for each covered Primary Specified Health Event at a time per Covered Person. Dependent Child. In addition to the Positive Medical Diagnosis, we may Benefits are not payable on the same day as the Continuing
require additional information from the attending Physician and Hospital.
Care Benefit. if the Hospital Confinement Benefit and the
exceptions, Reductions, and Limitations of Rider a78051
Continuing Care Benefit are payable on the same day, only
the highest eligible benefit will be paid.
The Dependent Child Benefit is not payable for the diagnosis of e. ContinuinG CaRe Benefit: If, as the result of a covered
Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer.
Primary Specified Health Event, a Covered Person receives any of the following treatments from a licensed Physician, Aflac will pay PRimaRY SPeCifieD HeaLtH eVent WitH fiRSt-oCCuRRenCe
BuiLDinG Benefit RiDeR: (Series a78055)
applied for: Yes no

1. rehabilitation therapy 2. physical therapy 9. hospice care While this coverage is in force, we will pay the following benefits 3. speech therapy 10. extended care to a Covered Person, as applicable, subject to the Pre-Existing 4. occupational therapy 11. Physician visits Conditions provision, Limitations and Exclusions, and all other policy 5. respiratory therapy 12. nursing home care and rider provisions: 6. dietary therapy/ 13. chemotherapy a. fiRSt-oCCuRRenCe Benefit: Aflac will pay the following
14. radiation therapy benefit amount for each Covered Person when he or she is first 7. home health care 15. out-patient surgery diagnosed as having had a Primary Specified Health Event: Treatment is limited to 365 days for continuing care received named insured/Spouse
within 365 days following the occurrence of the most recent $5,000 (Lifetime maximum $5,000 per Covered Person) covered Primary Specified Health Event. Daily maximum for this benefit is $150 regardless of the number of treatments received.
$7,500 (Lifetime maximum $7,500 per Covered Person) Benefits are not payable on the same day as the Hospital
This benefit is payable only once for each Covered Person and will Confinement Benefit. if the Hospital Confinement Benefit and
be paid in addition to any other benefit in this rider. the Continuing Care Benefit are payable on the same day, only
the highest eligible benefit will be paid. no lifetime maximum.

B. fiRSt-oCCuRRenCe BuiLDinG Benefit: The First-Occurrence
Benefit above will be increased by $500 on each rider anniversary The Ambulance Benefit, Transportation Benefit, and Lodging date while this rider remains in force. (The amount of the monthly Benefit will be paid for care received within 180 days following the increase will be determined on a pro rata basis.) This benefit wil occurrence of a covered Primary Specified Health Event. Benefits be paid under the same terms as the First-Occurrence Benefit. are payable for only one covered Primary Specified Health Event This benefit will cease to build for each Covered Person on the at a time per Covered Person. If a Covered Person is eligible to anniversary date of this rider following the Covered Person's 65th receive benefits for more than one covered Primary Specified 2011 Aflac All Rights Reserved Health Event, we will pay benefits only for care received within the J. WaiVeR of PRemium Benefit:
180 days following the occurrence of the most recent event.
employed: If you, due to a Primary Specified Health Event, are
f. amBuLanCe Benefit: If, due to a covered Primary Specified
completely unable to do all of the usual and customary duties Health Event or confinement in a Hospital Intensive Care Unit or of your occupation for a period of 90 continuous days, Aflac will Step-Down Intensive Care Unit for a covered Sickness or Injury, waive, from month to month, any premiums for this rider fal ing a Covered Person requires ground ambulance transportation due during your continued inability. For premiums to be waived, to or from a Hospital, Aflac will pay $250. If air ambulance Aflac will require an employer's statement and a Physician's transportation is required due to a covered Primary Specified statement of your inability to perform said duties, and may Health Event or confinement in a Hospital Intensive Care Unit or each month thereafter require a Physician's statement that total Step-Down Intensive Care Unit for a covered Sickness or Injury, we will pay $2,000. A licensed professional or licensed volunteer not employed: If you, due to a Primary Specified Health Event,
ambulance company must provide the ambulance service. This are completely unable to perform material and substantial duties benefit will not be paid for more than two times per occurrence of any job which you are or reasonably become qualified for by of a Primary Specified Health Event or confinement in a Hospital reason of education, training or experience for a period of 90 Intensive Care Unit or Step-Down Intensive Care Unit for a covered continuous days, Aflac will waive, from month to month, any Sickness or Injury. ambulance Benefits are not payable
premiums for this rider fal ing due during your continued inability. beyond the 180th day following the occurrence of a covered
For premiums to be waived, Aflac will require a Physician's Primary Specified Health event. No lifetime maximum.
statement of your inability to perform said duties. Aflac reserves G. tRanSPoRtation Benefit: If a Covered Person requires
the right to meet with you during the pendency of a claim or to special medical treatment that has been prescribed by the local use an independent consultant and Physician's statement to attending Physician for a covered Primary Specified Health Event, determine your inability to perform said duties.
Aflac will pay 50 cents per mile for transportation of a Covered If you die and your spouse becomes the new Named Insured, Person for the round-trip distance between the Hospital or premiums will start again and be due on the first premium due medical facility and the residence of the Covered Person. This date after the change. The new Named Insured will then be benefit is not payable for transportation by ambulance or air eligible for this benefit if the need arises.
ambulance to the Hospital. Reimbursement will be made only for the method of transportation actual y taken. This benefit will be PRimaRY SPeCifieD HeaLtH eVent WitH fiRSt-oCCuRRenCe
paid only for the Covered Person for whom the special treatment BuiLDinG Benefit anD PRimaRY SPeCifieD HeaLtH eVent
is prescribed. If the special treatment is for a covered Dependent ReCoVeRY Benefit RiDeR: (Series a78056)
Child and commercial travel is necessary, we will pay this benefit applied for: Yes no
for up to two adults to accompany the covered Dependent Child. While this coverage is in force, we will pay the following benefits The benefit amount payable is limited to $1,500 per occurrence to a Covered Person, as applicable, subject to the Pre-Existing of a covered Primary Specified Health Event. transportation
Conditions provision, Limitations and Exclusions, and all other policy Benefits are not payable beyond the 180th day following the
and rider provisions: occurrence of a covered Primary Specified Health event.
a. fiRSt-oCCuRRenCe Benefit: Aflac will pay the following
tHiS Benefit iS not PaYaBLe foR tRanSPoRtation to
benefit amount for each Covered Person when he or she is first anY HoSPitaL LoCateD WitHin a 50-miLe RaDiuS of tHe
diagnosed as having had a Primary Specified Health Event: ReSiDenCe of tHe CoVeReD PeRSon. No lifetime maximum.
H. LoDGinG Benefit: Aflac will pay $75 per day for lodging for you
$5,000 (Lifetime maximum $5,000 per Covered Person) or any one adult family member when a Covered Person receives special medical treatment for a covered Primary Specified $7,500 (Lifetime maximum $7,500 per Covered Person) Health Event at a Hospital or medical facility. The Hospital, medical facility, and lodging must be more than 50 miles from This benefit is payable only once for each Covered Person and the Covered Person's residence. This benefit is not payable for will be paid in addition to any other benefit in this rider. lodging occurring more than 24 hours prior to treatment or for B. fiRSt-oCCuRRenCe BuiLDinG Benefit: The First-Occurrence
lodging occurring more than 24 hours following treatment. This Benefit above will be increased by $500 on each rider anniversary benefit is limited to 15 days per occurrence of a covered Primary date while this rider remains in force. (The amount of the monthly Specified Health Event. Lodging Benefits are not payable
increase will be determined on a pro rata basis.) This benefit wil beyond the 180th day following the occurrence of a covered
be paid under the same terms as the First-Occurrence Benefit. Primary Specified Health event. No lifetime maximum.
This benefit will cease to build for each Covered Person on the i. SeConDaRY SPeCifieD HeaLtH eVent Benefit: Aflac will pay
anniversary date of this rider following the Covered Person's 65th $250 for each Covered Person under this rider when he or she has birthday or at the time of a Primary Specified Health Event, subject a Coronary Angioplasty, with or without stents. this benefit is
to the Limitations and Exclusions of the rider, for that Covered limited to one Coronary angioplasty per 30-day period.
Person, whichever occurs first. However, regardless of the age of the No lifetime maximum.
Covered Person on the Effective Date of this rider, this benefit wil 2011 Aflac All Rights Reserved accrue for a period of at least five years unless a Primary Specified f. amBuLanCe Benefit: If, due to a covered Primary Specified
Health Event is diagnosed prior to the fifth year of coverage.
Health Event or confinement in a Hospital Intensive Care Unit or C. ReoCCuRRenCe Benefit: If benefits have been paid to a
Step-Down Intensive Care Unit for a covered Sickness or Injury, Covered Person under the First-Occurrence Benefit above, Aflac a Covered Person requires ground ambulance transportation will pay $2,500 if such Covered Person is later diagnosed as to or from a Hospital, Aflac will pay $250. If air ambulance having had a subsequent Primary Specified Health Event.
transportation is required due to a covered Primary Specified Health Event or confinement in a Hospital Intensive Care Unit or for the Reoccurrence Benefit to be payable, the Primary
Step-Down Intensive Care Unit for a covered Sickness or Injury, Specified Health event must occur more than 180 days
we will pay $2,000. A licensed professional or licensed volunteer after the date the first-occurrence Benefit or Reoccurrence
ambulance company must provide the ambulance service. This Benefit became payable. no lifetime maximum.
benefit will not be paid for more than two times per occurrence D. HoSPitaL Confinement Benefit: When a Covered Person
of a Primary Specified Health Event or confinement in a Hospital requires Hospital Confinement for the treatment of a covered Intensive Care Unit or Step-Down Intensive Care Unit for a covered Primary Specified Health Event, Aflac will pay $300 per day Sickness or Injury. ambulance Benefits are not payable
for each day a Covered Person is confined as an inpatient. beyond the 180th day following the occurrence of a covered
this benefit is limited to confinements for the treatment
Primary Specified Health event. No lifetime maximum.
of a covered Primary Specified Health event that occur
G. tRanSPoRtation Benefit: If a Covered Person requires
within 500 days following the occurrence of the most
special medical treatment that has been prescribed by the local recent covered Primary Specified Health event. No lifetime
attending Physician for a covered Primary Specified Health Event, Aflac will pay 50 cents per mile for transportation of a Covered Hospital Confinement Benefits are payable for only one covered Person for the round-trip distance between the Hospital or Primary Specified Health Event at a time per Covered Person. medical facility and the residence of the Covered Person. This Benefits are not payable on the same day as the Continuing
benefit is not payable for transportation by ambulance or air Care Benefit. if the Hospital Confinement Benefit and the
ambulance to the Hospital. Reimbursement will be made only for Continuing Care Benefit are payable on the same day, only
the method of transportation actual y taken. This benefit will be the highest eligible benefit will be paid.
paid only for the Covered Person for whom the special treatment is prescribed. If the special treatment is for a covered Dependent e. ContinuinG CaRe Benefit: If, as the result of a covered Primary
Child and commercial travel is necessary, we will pay this benefit Specified Health Event, a Covered Person receives any of the following for up to two adults to accompany the covered Dependent Child. treatments from a licensed Physician, Aflac will pay $150 each day: The benefit amount payable is limited to $1,500 per occurrence 1. rehabilitation therapy of a covered Primary Specified Health Event. transportation
2. physical therapy 9. hospice care Benefits are not payable beyond the 180th day following the
3. speech therapy 10. extended care occurrence of a covered Primary Specified Health event.
4. occupational therapy 11. Physician visits tHiS Benefit iS not PaYaBLe foR tRanSPoRtation to
5. respiratory therapy 12. nursing home care anY HoSPitaL LoCateD WitHin a 50-miLe RaDiuS of tHe
6. dietary therapy/ 13. chemotherapy ReSiDenCe of tHe CoVeReD PeRSon. No lifetime maximum.
14. radiation therapy H. LoDGinG Benefit: Aflac will pay $75 per day for lodging for you
7. home health care 15. out-patient surgery or any one adult family member when a Covered Person receives Treatment is limited to 365 days for continuing care received special medical treatment for a covered Primary Specified within 365 days following the occurrence of the most recent Health Event at a Hospital or medical facility. The Hospital, covered Primary Specified Health Event. Daily maximum for this medical facility, and lodging must be more than 50 miles from benefit is $150 regardless of the number of treatments received.
the Covered Person's residence. This benefit is not payable for lodging occurring more than 24 hours prior to treatment or for Benefits are not payable on the same day as the Hospital
lodging occurring more than 24 hours following treatment. This Confinement Benefit. if the Hospital Confinement Benefit
benefit is limited to 15 days per occurrence of a covered Primary and the Continuing Care Benefit are payable on the same
Specified Health Event. Lodging Benefits are not payable
day, only the highest eligible benefit will be paid. no lifetime
beyond the 180th day following the occurrence of a covered
Primary Specified Health event. No lifetime maximum.
The Ambulance Benefit, Transportation Benefit, and Lodging i. PRimaRY SPeCifieD HeaLtH eVent ReCoVeRY Benefit:
Benefit will be paid for care received within 180 days following Aflac will pay $500 per month while a Covered Person remains in the occurrence of a covered Primary Specified Health Event. Primary Specified Health Event Recovery upon receipt of written Benefits are payable for only one covered Primary Specified proof of loss from that person's Physician.
Health Event at a time per Covered Person. If a Covered Person is eligible to receive benefits for more than one covered Primary For Periods of Primary Specified Health Event Recovery less than Specified Health Event, we will pay benefits only for care one month, we will pay a pro rata benefit. Lifetime maximum of received within the 180 days following the occurrence of the six months per Covered Person.
most recent event.
2011 Aflac All Rights Reserved J. SeConDaRY SPeCifieD HeaLtH eVent Benefit: Aflac will
as defined by the law of the jurisdiction in which the Injury or pay $250 for each Covered Person under this rider when he or cause of the loss occurred).
she has a Coronary Angioplasty, with or without stents. this
2. Intentional y self-inflicting bodily Injury or attempting suicide.
benefit is limited to one Coronary angioplasty per 30-day
No lifetime maximum.
3. Being involved in war or any act of war, declared or undeclared, or actively serving in any of the armed forces or units auxiliary thereto, K. WaiVeR of PRemium Benefit:
including the National Guard or Reserve. (We will return the premium employed: If you, due to a Primary Specified Health Event, are
paid for this rider during such service, and upon termination of completely unable to do all of the usual and customary duties military service, you have the right to renew coverage.) of your occupation for a period of 90 continuous days, Aflac wil PRe-eXiStinG ConDitionS foR tHe SPeCifieD HeaLtH eVent
waive, from month to month, any premiums for this rider fal ing due RiDeR SeRieS a78055 anD a78056
during your continued inability. For premiums to be waived, Aflac A "Pre-Existing Condition" is an il ness, disease, disorder, or Injury will require an employer's statement and a Physician's statement of for which, within the six-month period before the Effective Date of your inability to perform said duties, and may each month thereafter coverage, medical advice, consultation, or treatment was recommended require a Physician's statement that total inability continues.
or received from a Physician. Benefits for a Primary or Secondary not employed: If you, due to a Primary Specified Health Event, are
Specified Health Event that is caused by a Pre-Existing Condition will completely unable to perform material and substantial duties of any not be covered unless the Primary or Secondary Specified Health Event job which you are or reasonably become qualified for by reason occurs more than 30 days after the Effective Date. Any reoccurrence of of education, training or experience for a period of 90 continuous a Primary or Secondary Specified Health Event occurring more than 30 days, Aflac will waive, from month to month, any premiums for this days after the Effective Date will be covered.
rider fal ing due during your continued inability. For premiums to be 3. exceptions, Reductions, and Limitations of the Policy (this is
waived, Aflac will require a Physician's statement of your inability to not a daily hospital expense plan.):
perform said duties. Aflac reserves the right to meet with you during the pendency of a claim or to use an independent consultant and a. We pay only for treatment of Cancer and Associated Cancerous
Physician's statement to determine your inability to perform said duties.
Conditions, including direct extension, metastatic spread, or recurrence. Benefits are not provided for premalignant conditions or If you die and your spouse becomes the new Named Insured, conditions with malignant potential (unless specifical y covered) or premiums will start again and be due on the first premium due complications of any other disease, sickness, or incapacity. date after the change. The new Named Insured will then be eligible for this benefit if the need arises.
B. The Initial Diagnosis Benefit is not payable for the diagnosis of
Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer.
tHe LimitationS anD eXCLuSionS LiSteD in tHe PoLiCY
Do not aPPLY to tHe SPeCifieD HeaLtH eVent RiDeR

C. Aflac will not pay benefits whenever coverage provided by this
SeRieS a78055 anD a78056. onLY tHe LimitationS anD
policy is in violation of any U.S. economic or trade sanctions. If eXCLuSionS LiSteD BeLoW aPPLY to tHeSe RiDeRS.
the coverage violates U.S. economic or trade sanctions, such coverage shall be null and void.
a. Aflac will not pay benefits for a Primary or Secondary Specified Health
Event that is caused by a Pre-Existing Condition unless the Primary or D. Aflac will not pay benefits whenever fraud is committed in making
Secondary Specified Health Event occurs more than 30 days after the a claim under this coverage or any prior claim under any other Effective Date. Benefits are payable for only one covered Primary and Aflac coverage for which you received benefits that were not Secondary Specified Health Event at a time per Covered Person.
lawful y due and that fraudulently induced payment.
B. Aflac will not pay benefits whenever coverage provided by this
This outline of coverage is a very brief summary of your policy.
policy is in violation of any U.S. economic or trade sanctions. If The policy itself sets forth the rights and obligation of both you and the coverage violates U.S. economic or trade sanctions, such Aflac. It is therefore imperative that you READ YOUR POLICY careful y.
coverage shall be null and void.
The anticipated loss ratio is 60%. This ratio is the portion of future C. Aflac will not pay benefits whenever fraud is committed in making premiums which Aflac expects to return as benefits, when averaged
a claim under this coverage or any prior claim under any other over all people with this policy.
Aflac coverage for which you received benefits that were not lawful y due and that fraudulently induced payment.
Retain foR YouR ReCoRDS.
this rider does not cover losses or confinements caused by
or resulting from:
tHiS outLine of CoVeRaGe iS onLY a BRief SummaRY of tHe
1. Any loss sustained or contracted due, directly or indirectly, to a Covered Person's being intoxicated or under the influence tHe PoLiCY itSeLf SHouLD Be ConSuLteD to DeteRmine
of alcohol, drugs, or any narcotic unless administered on the GoVeRninG ContRaCtuaL PRoViSionS.
advice of a Physician and taken according to the Physician's instructions (the term "intoxicated" refers to that condition 2011 Aflac All Rights Reserved TERMS YOU NEED TO KNOW aSSoCiateD CanCeRouS ConDition: Myelodysplastic blood disorder,
effeCtiVe Date: the date that your coverage begins. We require
myeloproliferative blood disorder, or internal carcinoma in situ (in the evidence of insurability before coverage is provided. On our approval of natural or normal place, confined to the site of origin without having your application, coverage will begin on the Effective Date shown in the invaded neighboring tissue). An Associated Cancerous Condition must Policy Schedule.
receive a Positive Medical Diagnosis. Premalignant conditions or
enD-StaGe RenaL faiLuRe: Permanent and irreversible kidney
conditions with malignant potential, other than those specifically
failure, not of an acute nature, requiring dialysis or a kidney transplant named above, are not considered associated Cancerous Conditions.
to maintain life.
CanCeR: Disease manifested by the presence of a malignant tumor
HeaRt attaCK: A myocardial infarction, coronary thrombosis, or
and characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of malignant coronary occlusion that is diagnosed or treated after the Effective Date cel s, and the invasion of tissue. Cancer also includes but is not limited of this rider. The attack must be positively diagnosed by a Physician to leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, and melanoma. Cancer must receive a and must be evidenced by electrocardiographic findings or clinical Positive Medical Diagnosis.
findings together with blood enzyme findings. The definition of "Heart 1. inteRnaL CanCeR: Al Cancers other than Nonmelanoma Skin Attack" shall not be construed to mean congestive heart failure,
Cancer (see definition of "Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer").
atherosclerotic heart disease, angina, coronary artery disease, or any 2. nonmeLanoma SKin CanCeR: A Cancer other than a
other dysfunction of the cardiovascular system.
melanoma that begins in the outer part of the skin (epidermis).
maJoR Human oRGan tRanSPLant: A surgery in which a Covered
Associated Cancerous Conditions, premalignant conditions, or Person receives, as a result of a surgical transplant, one or more of the conditions with malignant potential will not be considered Cancer.
following human organs: kidney, liver, heart, lung, or pancreas. CoRonaRY anGioPLaStY: A medical procedure in which a balloon is
maJoR tHiRD-DeGRee BuRnS: An area of tissue damage in which
used to open narrowed or blocked blood vessels of the heart (coronary there is destruction of the entire epidermis and underlying dermis and arteries). A Coronary Angioplasty may be performed to treat persistent that covers more than 10 percent of total body surface. The damage chest pain (angina), blockage of one or more coronary arteries, or must be caused by heat, electricity, radiation, or chemicals. residual obstruction in a coronary artery during or after a Heart Attack. PHYSiCian: A person legal y qualified to practice medicine, other
These procedures may be performed with or without stents. than you or a member of your immediate family, who is licensed as a CoRonaRY aRteRY BYPaSS SuRGeRY: Open-heart surgery,
Physician by the state where treatment is received to treat the type of performed after the Effective Date of this rider, to correct narrowing condition for which a claim is made.
or blockage of one or more coronary arteries with bypass grafts, but PRimaRY SPeCifieD HeaLtH eVent: Heart Attack, Stroke, Coronary
excluding procedures such as but not limited to Coronary Angioplasty, Artery Bypass Surgery, End-Stage Renal Failure, Major Human Organ laser relief, or other nonsurgical procedures. This does not include valve Transplant, Major Third-Degree Burns or Sudden Cardiac Arrest occurring after the Effective Date of coverage.
CoVeReD PeRSon: Any person insured under the coverage type you
SeConDaRY SPeCifieD HeaLtH eVent: Coronary Angioplasty, with or
applied for: individual (named insured listed in the Policy Schedule), without stents, occurring after the Effective Date of coverage.
named insured/Spouse* only (named insured and Spouse*), one- StRoKe: Apoplexy due to rupture or acute occlusion of a cerebral artery
parent family (named insured and Dependent Children), or two-parent that is diagnosed or treated after the Effective Date of this rider. The family (named insured, Spouse*, and Dependent Children). "Spouse*" apoplexy must cause complete or partial loss of function involving the is defined as the person to whom you are legal y married and who is motion or sensation of a part of the body and must last more than 24 listed on your application. "Spouse*" includes parties to a civil union, hours. The Stroke must be positively diagnosed by a Physician based including those same sex relationships from other jurisdictions that upon documented neurological deficits and confirmatory neuroimaging most closely approximate a New Jersey civil union. Newborn children studies. "Stroke" does not mean head Injury, transient ischemic attack are automatical y insured from the moment of birth. If coverage is for (TIA), or cerebrovascular insufficiency.
individual or named insured/Spouse* only and you desire uninterrupted coverage for a newborn child, you must notify Aflac in writing within SuDDen CaRDiaC aRReSt: sudden, unexpected loss of heart function
31 days of the birth of your child, and Aflac will convert the policy to in which the heart abruptly and without warning stops working as a one-parent family or two-parent family coverage and advise you of the result of an internal electrical system malfunction of the heart. Any additional premium due. Coverage will include any other Dependent death where the sole cause of death as shown on the death certificate Child, regardless of age, who is incapable of self-sustaining employment is cardiovascular collapse, sudden cardiac arrest, cardiac arrest, or by reason of mental retardation or physical handicap and who became sudden cardiac death shall be deemed to be Sudden Cardiac Arrest for so incapacitated prior to age 26 and while covered under the policy. purposes of this rider. Sudden Cardiac Arrest is not a Heart Attack.
"Dependent Children" are your natural children, stepchildren, or legal y adopted children who are under age 26.
*The term "Spouse" includes parties to a civil union.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION An Ambulatory Surgical Center does not include a doctor's or dentist's A Major Human Organ Transplant does not include transplants involving office, clinic, or other such location.
mechanical or nonhuman organs.
The term "Hospital" does not include any institution or part thereof A Bone Marrow Transplantation does not include Stem Cell used as a rehabilitation unit; a hospice unit, including any bed designated as a hospice or a swing bed; a convalescent home; a A Stem Cell Transplantation does not include Bone Marrow rest or nursing facility; a psychiatric unit; an extended-care facility; a skil ed nursing facility; or a facility primarily affording custodial or educational care, care or treatment for persons suffering from mental If Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer is diagnosed during hospitalization, disease or disorders, care for the aged, or care for persons addicted benefits will be limited to the day(s) the Covered Person actual y to drugs or alcohol.
received treatment for Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer.
Underwritten by: American Family Life Assurance Company of ColumbusWorldwide Headquarters 1932 Wynnton Road Columbus, Georgia 31999


Novedades sobre el cannabis Puntos clave El sistema cannabinoide endógeno (SCE) interviene en el conclusiones basadas en evidencias y aplicables a la control de múltiples procesos biológicos en todos los práctica clínica. vertebrados (coordinación del movimiento corporal, regulación de funciones neurovegetativas, analgesia.) y

Microsoft word - allowaynotefinal.doc

ALLOWAYNOTEFINAL.DOC 12/20/2004 12:05 PM Inherently Difficult Analysis for Inherent and Accidental Biotechnology Inventions "Chaos is inherent in all compounded things. Strive on with diligence."1 Inherency is chaotic in all compounded things. Strive on with diligence.2 Congress, through the actions of the United States Patent and Trademark