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IJBC 2009; 4: 151-157
Studies of Methemoglobin Concentrations of
Three Human Erythrocyte Genotypes (Hb AA, Hb
AS, and Hb SS) in the Presence of Five Anti-
malarial Drugs
Paul C. Chikezie1, Comfort C. Monago2, Augustine Uwakwe2
1. Department of Biochemistry, Imo State University, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria.
2. Department of Biochemistry, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
Corresponding author: Augustine Uwakwe, Department of Biochemistry, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. (Phone: +23408055404143, E-mail: [email protected])
Background: Malaria remains the world's most devastating human parasitic infection. Our goal was to assess the
capacity of increasing concentrations of five antimalarial drugs (FansidarTM, HalfanTM, Quinine, CoartemTM and
Chloroquine phosphate) to elicit the generation of methemoglobin in three human erythrocyte genotypes (Hb AA,
Hb AS and Hb SS).
Materials and Methods: Spectrophotometric method was used for determination of plasma methaemoglobin
concentration in the presence of 0.2 g%, 0.4 g%, 0.6 g% and 0.8 g% (w/v) of the five antimalarial drugs.
Results: The five antimalarial drugs showed a concentration dependent variability to cause the elevation of plasma
methemoglobin concentration in the three genotypes. Specifically, CoartemTM, exhibited the highest propensity to
elevate plasma methemoglobin concentration. However, the other four antimalarial drugs showed a statistically
significant (P<0.05) but minimal effect to cause elevation of plasma methemoglobin concentration. For instance,
with Hb AS blood sample and at drug concentration of 0.8g%, methaemoglobin concentrations (percentage) 0f
3.03±1.82, 2.65±0.45, 6.41±1.21, and 3.02±0.98 were obtained for halfan, quinine, coartem and chloroquine
phosphate, respectively. The control value was 2.17±1.82% of methemoglobin.
Conclusion: The oxidative potentials of these four antimalarial drugs and their metabolites in the red cells did not
overwhelm the erythrocyte methemoglobin reducing capacity that could elicit the presentation
in vitro toxic
Keywords: Chloroquine, Coartem, Erythrocyte, Fansidar, Genotype, Halfan, Quinine, Methemoglobin.
chloroquine.3 This drug combination effectively
Malaria remains the world's most devastating
blocks two enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of
human parasitic infection, affecting more than 500
folinic acid within the parasite.4 Artemether
million people and causing 1.7 to 2.5 million deaths
represents a major advance for the treatment of
each year.1 Nearly all human malaria is caused by
severe, multi-drug resistant falciparum malaria.2
four species of obligate intracellular protozoa of the
The drug is a more potent derivative of artemisinin,
genus Plasmodium.2 Antimalarial drugs are administered in the form of artemisinin categorized by the stage of parasite they affect and
combination therapy (ACT), artemether–
the clinical indications for their use.
lumefantrine combination drug therapy
FansidarTM is a combination of pyrimethamine
(CoartemTM). Other regimens for malarial
(250mg) and sulphadoxine (50mg) commonly used
chemoprophylaxis are the aminoquinolines such as
for prophylaxis and treatment of certain strains of
chloroquine phosphate and its analogs. Quinoline
Plasmodium falciparum that are resistant to blood schizontocides behave as weak bases
Chikezie et al. concentrated in food vacuoles of susceptible genotype were collected from patients attending Plasmodia
where they increase pH, inhibit the
clinic at the Federal Medical Centre (FMC), Owerri
peroxidase activity of haem and disrupt its and Imo State University Teaching Hospital nonenzymatic polymerization to hemozoin. The
(IMSUTH), Orlu, Imo State, Nigeria. All Blood
failure to inactivate haem then kills the parasite via
samples were obtained by venipunture and stored
oxidative damage to membranes, digestive in EDTA anti-coagulant test tube. proteases, and possibly other critical biomolecules
Anti-malarial Drugs
of the parasite.5,6
Five antimalarial drugs were used in this study:
Concisely, methemoglobin is formed when FansidarTM (Swiss (Swipha) Pharmaceuticals Nigeria
ferrous iron (Fe2+) of deoxyhemoglobin is converted
Ltd), CoartemTM, (Beijing Norvatis Pharmaceutical
to the ferric iron (Fe3+) state on exposure of
Company, Beijing, China) Chloroquine phosphate
erythrocytes to oxidizing agents and oxygen free
(May and Baker, Pharmaceutical Company, Nigeria
radicals.7,8 Ferric iron (Fe3+) state hemoglobin does
Plc), HalfanTM (Smithkline Beecham Laboratories
not bind reversibly with oxygen. Studies have
Pharmaceutical Company, France) and Quinine
shown that methemoglobin is formed continuously
in plasma but rarely exceeds 1.5% of total plasma
Five percent (5.0 g%, w/v) stock solution of the
hemoglobin.8,9 Basically two enzymes, Diaphorase I
five antimalarial drugs were prepared by dissolving
and diaphorase II, in synergy with red blood cell
2.5 grams of each drug in 50 ml of distilled water.
non–enzymatiic antioxidants, ascorbic acid, Serial dilutions were made to obtain corresponding
glutathione, and other sulfydryl derivatives serve to
concentrations in the order; 0.8 g%, 0.6 g%, 0.4 g%
minimize erythrocyte methemoglobin level.10-14
and 0.2 g% (w/v).
Cyanotic presentation is typically observed at methemoglobin concentration greater than 15%
Determination of Plasma Methaemoglobin
and is often one of the earliest clinical evident
features of methemoglobinemia.7
The analysis of plasma methemoglobin
Ali and Kadaru15 (2005) described in vitro
concentration was carried out using the
processing of donor blood with
spectrophotometric method described by Tietz
sulphadoxine/pyrimethamine drugs combination (1976).9 The analysis was done within 60 minutes of for the eradication and prevention of transfusion-
collecting the blood samples. The principle of this
induced malaria. In furtherance of their reports, our
determination is based on the fact that hemoglobin
present study seeks to ascertain methemoglobin
and methemoglobin absorb light at different
concentration of three human erythrocyte wavelengths, at 540 nm and 630 nm as their genotypes, Hb AA, Hb AS, and Hb SS in the presence
respective peak absorbance.9 The approach
of five commonly prescribed antimalarial drugs. The
employed the establishment procedure of lysing
present research findings will provide an insight
whole blood in distilled water.
into the capacity of these five antimalarial drugs to
interfere and alter the redox status of hemoglobin
In a test tube containing 5.0 ml of distilled water,
molecule. Therefore, our results may provide a
0.02 ml of whole blood was added. The mixture was
subset of preliminary data for effective, successful,
allowed to stand for 60 mintues at room
and safe utilization of these antimalarial drugs for in
temperature, and the absorbance was read at two
vitro blood processing exercise.
different wavelength maximums (λmax), 540 nm
Materials and Methods
and 630 nm, using a spectrophotometer (Model 6400, Jenway).
Collection of Blood Samples
Five milliliters (ml) of confirmed human red
The effect of each of the five antimalarial drugs
blood cell genotypes, Hb AA and Hb AS were
on plasma methemoglobin concentration was
obtained from subjects/volunteers within the age
carried out by introducing 0.02 ml of the specified
bracket of 18-35 years old. Blood samples of Hb SS
concentrations (0.2-0.8 g% w/v) of each drug
Table 1. The percentage of plasma methemoglobin of total hemoglobin concentration in the presence of increasing experimental concentrations of
the five antimalarial drugs in three human erythrocyte genotypes.
Drugs (g %)
Genotype AA* AS SS AA
3.48±0.75b* 3.31±2.45b 4.98±3.72d 2.18±0.88c
2.20±2.10C 3.72±2.18d 2.17±0.21d 2.25±0.97c
3.83±2.11d 3.81±0.74d
3.32±2.41d 4.01±2.11d 2.63±0.69d 2.61±1.84d 4.81±2.61d
5.63±2.51c 2.35±1.10b 2.30±1.31c
3.81±3.22b 2.48±0.58c 2.50±1.61b
4.78±3.21a 4.98±0.89c 4.62±2.33c 5.63±1.88c 2.65±0.35c 2.89±1.44b 4.82±1.66c
2.55±0.61d 3.76±2.01a,b 5.66±3.12b 2.30±0.55b 2.41±2.01b 3.75±1.52c
2.62±0.29b 2.71±1.54a 4.13±1.08C 5.31±0.42b
*Means in the column with the same letter are not significantly different at P< 0.05 according to LSD. AA, AS, and SS are the different blood hemoglobin genotypes
Chikezie et al.
solution into separate test tubes. This was followed
sample. Although this value represented an
by the addition of 5 ml of distilled water and 0.02
increase in methemoglobin concentration in the
ml of whole blood sample. The mixture was allowed
genotype (Hb AS), it was not significantly different
to stand for 60 mintues at room temperature, after
(P<0.05) from the control samples.
which, the absorbance was read at 540 nm and 630
An overview of the results presented in table 1
nm using a spectrophotometer (Model 6400, shows a general tendency of the five antimalarial Jenway). The percentage plasma methemoglobin
drugs to elevate plasma methemoglobin
was obtained with the formula:
concentration in all three human erythrocyte genotypes in a concentration dependant manner. It
Percentage Methaemoglobin (Fe3+) =
is worthwhile to note that CoartemTM amongst the
540 2 + (
five antimalarial drugs showed the highest propensity to elicit increased plasma
where A540 and A630 are absorbance at λmax of
methemoglobin concentration in the three
540 nm and 630 nm, respectively (Tietz, 1976).
genotypes. Specifically, at 0.8% concentration of
Statistical Analysis
CoartemTM, plasma methemoglobin concentrations
The experiment was designed in a completely
in the three human erythrocyte genotypes were
randomized method and data collected were significantly different (P< 0.05) when statistically analyzed by the analysis of variance procedure
compared with the control sample of the three
while treatment means were separated by the Least
Significance Difference (LSD) incorporated in the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) package of 9.1
The pattern of variability of basal plasma
methemoglobin concentrations of the control
samples amongst the three human genotypes,
The percentage of plasma methemoglobin of
which was in the order: HbSS> HbAS > HbAA
total hemoglobin concentration in the presence of
(table1), was in concordance with earlier reports.16
increasing experimental concentrations of the five
They noted that the primary reason for the
antimalarial drugs is presented in table 1. In the
relatively raised concentration of oxidized
absence of the five antimalarial drugs (control
hemoglobin (methemoglobin) in Hb SS erythrocytes
sample) the mean ± S.D of plasma methemoglobin
was the higher production of superoxide ion by
concentration (%) showed a genotype dependent
these erythrocytes compared to those of Hb AA and
variability. However, there was no statistically
Hb AS erythrocytes. Furthermore, Orjih et al17
significant difference (P<0.05) in plasma (1985) and Uwakwe18 (1991) reported higher than methemoglobin concentration between Hb AA and
normal level of erythrocyte endogenous oxidant
Hb AS genotypes.
(haemin) in Hb SS genotype. Haemin has a profound
Quinine at 0.2% concentration exhibited the
capacity to activate certain erythrocyte redox
lowest capacity to generate methemoglobin in
enzymes e.g NADH methemoglobin reductase,18
human Hb AA enthrocyte genotype with value at
and its presence at high concentration is
2.17 ± 0.21 percent, which however was not
attributable to the high level of haemolytic
significantly different (P<0.05) from the control
phenomenon peculiar to this hemoglobin variant
sample of the same genotype. Observation showed
cells.17 There is also the case of certain
that 0.2% of another quinoline derivative, HalfanTM
methemoglobinopathies found in association with
generated 3.72 ± 2.48 percent of methemoglobin in
Hb SS erythrocytes.
Hb SS erythrocyte, being the lowest methemoglobin
These are Hb MBoston, Hb MIwate, HbMHydepark, and
concentration in this class of human erythrocyte
HbMHammersmith which are noted to have tendency
genotype in the presence of the antimalarial drug.
towards spontaneous oxidation in vivo. Basically,
In a similar way, the heterozygous genotype Hb AS
these structurally and functionally defective
presented 2.20 ± 2.10 percent methemoglobin
hemoglobins are resistant to enzymatic reduction
when 0.2% of HalfanTM was added to the blood
and exhibit high molecular stability.19 Therefore,
Studies of Methemoglobin Concentrations of Three Human Erythrocyte Genotypes …
their presence could as well result to the generation
Although the introduction of quinine in the three
of significantly higher concentration of human red blood cell genotypes caused moderate methemoglobin than what is observed in normal
but significant increase in plasma methemoglobin
hemoglobin erythrocyte.20
concentration, the data presented in table 1 did not
Early studies have noted that certain xenobiotics
indicate quinine to be capable of inducing toxic or
are capable to elicit the formation and elevation of
drug–induced methemoglobinemia in vitro. This
erythrocyte methemoglobin concentration, thereby
observation, by implication, was in concordance
distorting the normal plasma hemoglobin (Fe2+)/
with the reports of Laurence et al (1997).22 They
methemoglobin (Fe3+) ratio. Callister (2003) noted that quinine antimalarial action was more reported the nitrates and anilines as the most
specific upon plasmodia parasites than on the
common causes of methemoglobin toxicity in
elements of blood. Furthermore, amongst all the 4-
humans.8 This physiologic dysfunctional state aminoquinoline derivatives, Ursula (1998) through (methemoglobinemia) is presented as clinical in vivo
investigations, established primaquinine and cyanosis when plasma methemoglobin chloroquinine but not quinine as two antimalarial concentration exceeds 15%.7
agents that can induce toxic methemoglobinemia.7
Our present findings showed that at the four
The clinical presentation is exacerbated in
increasing experimental concentrations of individuals with impaired activity or deficiency of FansidarTM, plasma methemoglobin concentration
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.24 However,
was significantly elevated in a concentration reports from in vivo studies showed that the dependent manner in the three human erythrocyte
administration of quinine above a critical dose
genotypes (table 1). However, the oxidative resulted in the diffusion of substantial quantity of potential of FansidarTM at the four increasing
the drug into the interior of the erythrocyte and
experimental concentrations (0.2% - 0.8%) were not
predisposed the red cells to hemolysis elicited by
high enough to engender the oxidation of a
tissue lytic factor.23
significant quantity of ferrous state hemoglobin
The antimalarial activity of HalfanTM
(Fe2+) to ferric state hemoglobin (Fe3+) that is
(halofantrine) is similar to that of the quinolines,
diagnostic of toxic methemoglobinemia. These
since it forms a complex with ferritoporphyrin IX
results agreed with the reports of Ursula (1998) and
which is toxic to the malarial parasites.24 In a similar
Callister (2003).7,8 They noted that sulfonamide, a
way, the results of our present study (table 1)
component of the drug FansidarTM, was capable of
showed that HalfanTM like the quinolines does not
elevating plasma methemoglobin concentration.
possess the capacity to profoundly elevate plasma
This property is probably related to the chemical
methemoglobin in the three human erythrocyte
characteristics of sulfadoxine. Sulfadoxine is acidic
genotypes that is diagnostic of methemoglobinemia
in nature and present in plasma in anionic form
and presented as clinical cyanosis.
which gives it high oxidative potentials.4 It is
The relative high concentration of plasma
worthwhile to note that for the test experiment,
methemoglobin in the three human erythrocyte
values of plasma methemoglobin concentrations of
genotypes in the presence of increasing
the three human erythrocyte genotypes when
experimental concentrations of CoartemTM
related to the blood volume and the experimental
(artemether) when compared to the other four
concentration of FansidarTM administered, seem to
antimalarial drugs may not be unconnected with
suggest a safe drug combination to minimize in
the generation of free radicals which is associated
drug-induced methemoglobinemia.
with the metabolism of this drug in the red blood
Furthermore, the fact that pyrimethamine is cells. The interaction of artemether with haem iron present at a relatively higher concentration in the
caused the cleavage of the drug endoperoxide
drug combination may also suggest pyrimethamine
bridge which engendered the formation of
was not profoundly associated with methemoglobin
metabolites (free radicals) of high oxidative
generation as earlier described. However, animal
potentials.2 The red blood cells methemoglobin
experiment studies have shown pyrimethamine can
reduction systems may have been overwhelmed by
interfere with hematopoiesis.21
these metabolically generated oxidizing species. In
Volume 1 Number 4 Summer 2009
Chikezie et al. contrast, toxicity of the artemether endoperoxide is
these drugs may reveal paradoxical results and
well tolerated and safe in human subjects when
observation with respect to the capacity of these
administered up to seven days at therapeutic
antimalarials to distort and elevate plasma
methemoglobin concentrations.
This paradoxical presentation obviously implied
that the red blood cells antioxidant/reduction
capacity was relatively not commensurate to the
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