
International Journal of Current Medical And Applied Sciences, 2015, July, 7(2),97-101.
Prospective Randomized Trial Comparing Efficacy of
Tamsulosin and Deflazacort in the Expulsion of
Lower Ureteric Calculi less than 10 m.m.in size.
Brijesh Kumar Agarwal1 & Namita Agarwal2
1Associate Professor, Department of Surgery (Urology), 2Associate Professor, Department of obstructive &
Gynecology , Shri Ram Murti Smarak Institute of Medical Sciences, Ram Murti Puram,Bareilly [UP], India.
Ureteric stones are a commonly encountered problem in daily practice. Very small stones can pass easily with urine flow.
Sometimes these stones do not pass on their own. There are various possible causes of stone retention. They are ureteral
smooth muscle spasm and oedema. Long standing obstructed ureteral stones can give rise to infection and sometimes
deterioration of renal function.Surgical removal of stone by endoscope or open surgery (now a day is the only option. Now a
days to avoid surgery, medical expulsive therapy is an established treatment. Currently alpha adrenergic receptor
antagonists ( to relieve the muscle spasm) & steroids ( to reduce oedema) are being used as medical expulsive agents.
This study was carried out to study the efficacy of tamsulosin ( alpha blocker) & deflazacort (steroid) in the management of
lower ureteric stones.
A total of 90 patients with stone <10 mm in size and located in the lower ureter were taken up for the present study and
randomized in 3 equal groups. Group 1 patients (n=30) received 0.4mg of tamsulosin daily, group 2 patients(n=30) received
0.4 mg of tamsulosin and deflazacort 6 mg twice daily and group 3 patients(n=30) received placebo(control group). The
patients were given 75 mg of injection diclofenac intramuscularly on demand and followed up for 4 wks.
The average stone size for group 1,2&3 was comparable(6.2,6.8 & 6.4 mm respectively). Stone expulsion rate was 81.3% in
group 1,86.6% in group2 and 33.3% in group 3. The average stone expulsion time for group 1,2&3 was 13.20,11.95&22.6
days respectively. The results ofstudy in group 1 & Group 2 were superior to those of group 3 but did not show any
significant difference between group 1 & Group 2.
Key Words-Tamsulosin, Deflazacort, Stone Expulsion, Ureteric Stones.
Urinary stones is a disease that affects 12% population
smooth muscle of the ureter and give rise to relieve in
of the world. Symptomatic urinary stones represent the
ureteric spasm and pain (2). Resultant dilataion of
most common urological emergency (1). Of all the
ureter can cause movement of the stone with urine flow
urinary stones 70% are located in lower one third of
in spite of inhibition of peristalsis. Mucosal oedema can
the ureter. The transport of stone from kidney in to
be reduced by deflazocart. Spontaneous passage of
ureter and then in to bladder is based on two factors.
stone also depends upon stone size, stone configuration
They are spasm of smooth muscle of the ureter&
and passage distal to it. Medical expulsive therapy is an
mucosal oedema . Alfa one adrenergic receptors are
established treatment for lower ureteric stones by
present on the smooth muscles of the ureter and so alfa
facilitating its expulsion.
one adrenergic antagonist can inhibit the basal tone of Address for correspondence:
Dr. Brijesh Kumar Agarwal,
Associate Professor
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Department of Surgery [Urology], Shri Ram Murti Smarak Institute of Medical Sciences
Bareilly [UP],India. Emai
How to cite this article:
Brijesh Kumar Agarwal et al ; Prospective Randomized Trial
Comparing Efficacy of Tamsulosin and Deflazacort in the Expulsion
Medical Sciences
of Lower Ureteric Calculi less than 10 m.m.in size; International Journal of current Medical and Applied sciences; 2015, 7(2), 97-101.
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IJCMAAS,E-ISSN:2321-9335,P-ISSN:2321-9327. Page 97
Brijesh Kumar Agarwal & Namita Agarwal
Ureteric stones in pregnant ladies sometimes creates
All patients provided informed consent. They were
a problem regarding its treatment. Tamsulosin has
also informed about this study. The ethical committee
been approved by FDA as category B drug for use in
of institute was also informed and permission was
Watchful waiting approach can be used successfully in
All patients were divided in to three groups. Group 1
large number of patients (3). This approach can give
(30) received only tamsulosin, group 2 (30)
rise to urinary infection, hydronephrosis and renal
tamsulosin plus deflazacort and group 3 (30) were
function deterioration if not followed properly. Several
given only placebo.
clinical studies have shown good results with use of
In group 1 , 6 patients were pregnanat women who
alfa blockers and steroids (4). We conducted a
had small uretric stones in the ureter.
prospective randomized trial comparing efficacy of
Group one received only tamsulosin 0.4 mg orally
alfa blockers and deflazocart with the group of
daily. Group two received tamsulosin 0.4 mg and
patients who received placebo only.
deflazacort 6 mg twice daily. Group 3 received only
Material and methods:
This study included consecutive 90 patients in SRMS-
All patients were instructed to take three litres of fluid
IMS with symptoms suggestive of ureteric calculi
and were prescribed injection diclofenac 75 mg on
between March 2013 to April 2015. All patients were
demand in case of pain. The patients were advised to
evaluated on outpatient basis and underwent a
filter the urine and those who had passed stones were
standard evaluation. Only patients of ureteric stone of
asked to stop the medicines. All patients were
less than 10 mm in size in lower 1/3 or ureter were
followed for 4 wks.
included in this study.
The patients were followed at weekly interval with
All patients presented in our outpatient department
X-ray KUB and Sonography of KUB area. The stone
with flank pain on either side Plain x-ray KUB and
passage, stone expulsion time, number of pain
Abdominal Sonograhy was done to diagnose ureteic
episodes and total dose of analgesics was recorded.
stone . IVP was done in all cases( except in pregnant
Collected data was analysed statistically with students
women). All patients also had routine blood test like
test and chi-square test.
HB,TLC, DLC, Blood sugar and Serum creatinine,
Routine urine examination and urine culture were
done in all cases.
They were studied in patient's characteristics, stone
The exclusion criteria included urinary tract infection,
expulsion, stone expulsion time, pain episodes and
diabetes mellitus, hydronephrosis, multiple stones,
dose of diclofenac injection.
distal ureteric surgery and history of spontaneous
There is no significant difference in control and both
passage of stones per urethra.
study groups according to age incidence.
Table-1 : Distribution of patients according to Groups
Age (Yrs)
Group 1 (n=30)
Group 2 (n=30)
Group 3(n=30)
p value = 0.9020 (Non significant)
There is no significant difference in all three groups according to calculus size distribution.
Table-2: Patients according to Stone Size in mm
Stone Size (mm)
Group 1 (n=30)
Group 2 (n=30) Group 3 (n=30)
p value – 0.9046 (non significant)
Table-3: Patients according to Side
Group 1 (n=30)
Group 2 (n=30)
Group 3 (n=30)
p value = 0.689 (non significant)
Logic Publications @ 2015, IJCMAAS, E-ISSN: 2321-9335,P-ISSN:2321-9327. Page 98
Logic Publications @ 2015, IJCMAAS, E-ISSN: 2321-9335,P-ISSN:2321-9327.
Table : 4: Patients according to Gender
Group 1 (n=30)
Group 2 (n=30)
Group 3(n=30)
p value = 0.9030 (non significant)
Table : 5 showing stone expulsion rate.
Group 1 (n=30)
Group 2 (n=30)
Group 3 (n=30)
25 (83.3%)
26 (86.6%)
10 (33.3%)
5 (16.7%)
4 (13.4%)
20 (66.7%)
p-value between group 1 & 2 = 0.38 (insignificant), between group 1 & 3 = 0.005 (significant) and between group
2 & 3 = 0.006 (significant).
Graph 1: Stone Expulsion in Groups;
Stone Expulsion Group 1
Stone Expulsion Group 2
Stone Expulsion Group 3
Stone Expulsion Meantime to
No. of Pain Analgic Injection
There was no statistical significant difference in the
therapy in any patient. Patients in group 2 were given
age distribution, size of calculus, side of calculus and
some drugs for GIT upset caused by deflazacort.
sex distribution in all three groups. As shown in table
and bar diagram no 1,2,3,4.
The expulsion rate in tamsulosin alone Group 1 was
Various studies have been done to evaluate the
83.3% while it was 86.6% in tamsulosin plus
efficacy of various pharmacological drugs in stone
deflazocart Group 2 , as compared to expulsion rate
expulsion calculi specially lower one third ureteric
which was only 33.3% in control Group 3. Group 1 and
group 2 patients had a statistically significant stone
Ueno et al (5) reported on a series of 520 patients with
expulsion rate compared with group 3. The difference
ureteral stones and showed that for stones 4,4-6, and
in group 1 and group 2 was not statistically significant
>6 mm ,the rate of spontaneous passage was
80%,59% and 21% respectively.
The mean time to expulsion was 13.20 days in Group 1
Segura et al reported lower spontaneous passage rates
and 11.95 days in group 2 & 28.6 days in group 3.
in proximal and distal ureteric calculi more than 5 mm
Groups 1& 2 had a significantly shorter expulsion time
compared to group 3, but no significant difference in
Watchful waiting can result in urinary tract infection,
expulsion time between Group 1 & Group 2 (Graph 1)
hydronephrosis, and renal function deterioration.
(p-value between group 1 & 2 was 0.12, group 1 & 3
Signs of renal injury starts appearing in 3-4 weeks.
was 0.002 and group 2 & 3 was 0.003).
Therefore spontaneous passage of a stone can be
Number of pain episodes was 0.88 and 0.78 in Group 1
awaited for 4 weeks (7).
& 2 respectively was significantly less than that in
Intervention is needed in all patients who have
group 3(6.2 episodes). Also the mean requirement for
obstruction (8).
analgesic injections used was less in group 1(0.78
Various pharmacological drugs have been used to
injection) and 2(0.68 injections) than in Group 3 (6.8
facilitate spontaneous passage of ureteric stones. They
are steroids, glycerol trinitrate, calcium channel
The side effects encountered in study groups were
blockers, alfa adrenergic blockers and prostaglandin
generally mild and did not require cessation of
International Journal of Current Medical And Applied Sciences [IJCMAAS], Volume: 7, Issue: 2.
Brijesh Kumar Agarwal & Namita Agarwal
demonstrated the presence of alfa adrenergic
time was 13.20 days in group 1 and 11.95 days in
receptors in animal and human ureter (9).
group 2. It was 22.6 days in control group three.
Selective alfa blockers have been shown to increase
Number of pain episodes was 0.88 ,0 .78 & 6.2 in
the intra ureteral pressure gradient around the stone
group 1 ,2 & 3 respectively, the mean requirement for
impacted obstructed ureter by increasing the bolus of
analgesic injections used was less in group 1 (0.78
urine above the stone and decreasing the intraureteral
injection) and 2 (0.68 injections) than in group 3 (6.8
pressure below the stone (10).
Alfa adrenergic blockers limit analgesic use by
Our study is comparable to other studies as shown in
decreasing the frequency of phasic peristaltic
contraction in the obstructed ureteral tract (11).
Cervenkov et al [11]
Studies done by Ukhal et al (12) has shown significant
Dellabella et al [13]
difference in stone expulsion rate in tamsulosin verses
Autenno et al [5]
control group. Dellabella et al (13) reported that
Peepeglia et al [9]
tamsulosin resulted in an increased stone expulsion
Our study
83.3% in Group I
rate, decreased expulsion time, and decreased need for
86.6% in Group II
hospitalization and less endoscopic procedures.
Yelman et al (14) compared the efficacy of three
Alpha adrenergic blocker like tamsulosin is a drug of
different alfa blockers. A study done by Apporva et al
choice in medical expulsion of ureteric stones. Our
has compared tamsulosin and alfuzosin in stone
study did not show any advantage of adding
expulsion rate. They did not find any major difference
deflazecort in the treatment. Considering side effects
in both groups but side effect of retrograde ejaculation
of steroids and not much advantage, we don't
was very less in alfuzosin group.
recommend deflazecort in the management of medical
Porpiglia et al (15) has shown positive results in both
expulsive therapy of ureteric stones.
groups of nifedipine-deflazacort verses tamsulosin-
We did not find more study of using tamsulosin in
pregnant ladies to treat ureteric stones and to avoid
Management of urinary stones in pregnant women can
surgery in pregnant ladies. We need further studies in
be challenging because many of the imaging
this group of ladies.
technologies used to localize the stones and primary
therapies to remove them or ease symptoms may
carry risks and or side side effects for the pregnancy. A
The result of this study have shown a potentially
retrospective study 28 patients conducted by mayo
important role of tamsulosin for conservative
clinic researchers suggests that medical expulsive
expulsive therapy of ureteral stones, in lower one
therapy employing tamsulosin can benefit pregnant
third of ureter. Obviously further studies with larger
women with minimal risk to either mother or child, as
number of cases are necessary to validate these
reported at the AUA annual meeting in New Orleans.
promising and statistically significant results. The
one study suggests that tamsulosin as medical
comparison with minimally invasive procedures in
expulsive therapy for symptomatic stones in pregnant
terms of cost and efficacy was useful, highlighting a
patients is safe and may increase stone passage rates.
predominant role of first line pharmacological
(George bailey from Mayo Clinic In Urology Times).
treatment, which can be easily be provided in an
Larger cohorts will be helpful in further defining the
outpatient setting and not only at large,
role of tamsulosin for pregnant stone formers. The
technologically advanced, specialized centers. The
opinion on tamsulosin in medical expulsive therapy in
drug, tamsulosin proved to be safe and effective as
pregnant stone formers specially when symptoms are
demonstrated by the low incidence of side effects and
severe may be superior to and considering stenting,
the increased stone expulsion rate and reduced
URS or PCNL. As told by Dr. Bailey with Amy
expulsion time. Moreover, medical expulsive therapy
Krambeck and their colleagues.
with tamsulsoin and deflazacort considerably
Tamsulosin has been approved by FDA as categoty B
decreased the analgesic use thereby reducing
medicine in pregnancy i.e. study has been done in
additional need for pain relief and served as an
animals not in human. Tamsulosin does not cause any
effective bridge between watch-and-wait management
harm to animal fetus. Still tamsulosin has not been
and surgical intervention. Our study also shows that
approved by FDA in women.
deflazacort being a steroid with GIT side effect does
Our study did not show any significant difference in
not add further advantage as over tamsulosin only.
terms of patient age, sex distribution, stone size &
Use of tamsulin in pregnant ladies with ureteric stones
stone side. Spontaneous stone expulsion rate was
is a topic or further studies in human beings.
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