Microsoft word - nta_mis_16.doc

IV Year Issue
Ashwin, 2064 (October, 2007)
Nepal Telecommunications Authority
Management Information System
(Baisakh 2064 - Asadh 2064)
(14 April 2007 - 16 July 2007)
Ashwin 2064 (October 2007)
P.O. Box No. 9754
Bluestar Office Complex
Tripureshwore, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel.: +977-1-43101030-38
Fax: +977-1-4101034
E-mail: [email protected]
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
Telecom Statistics at a glance
Comparison between adjacent quarters
Basic Core ICT Indicators
Performance of Service Providers
Performance of Fixed service
Performance of Cellular Mobile service
Performance of Rural Telecom service
Performance of Internet service
Performance of GMPCS service
Telecom Network of the Country
NTA activities during the past three months
Rural Telecom Development Fund deposited by Different
operators for the fiscal year 062/063
Relevant Acts and Regulations
Members of NTA
Total no. of Licenses issued in the different types of
Telecommunication Services
Glimpse of Licensing Activities
13. Useful
List of operators who did not submit data
Telephone Nos. of NTA
Details of performance of Internet Service Providers
Details of performance of Internet Service Providers
Details of performance of Internet Service Providers
Details of performance of GMPCS service Providers
Details of performance of Cellular Mobile service Providers
Details of performance of Fixed service Providers
Details of performance of Rural Telecom service Providers
Details of performance of VSAT NSP
Details of Licensees of different services
Its one year that we have refurbished the outlook of MIS and consequent
changes after that. We have received compliments from you and that has always encouraged us doing much better every time we issue the new volume of MIS. However we have felt that the name MIS is not suitably matching the content it carries. It carries itself with the NTA activities, Quality of service of operators, their performance in the quarter etc. So it is felt that the current issue of MIS should be separated into two parts viz. the current name "MIS" which focuses solely on the Management Information System of NTA so the activity of NTA is highlighted and the other is "Performance Indicator Report", that deals primarily with the Quality of Service Parameters of different services, Performance of the operators, the Telecom market of the country etc. so that the customers can look into it before they avail any kind of Telecom Services.
We are hoping this will happen in the next issue at the soonest. Furthermore,
we always aspire to get the feedback from you for its improvement.
This MIS report is published every three months and is available in the website It is to be noted that all the analysis presented in this report is based on the data provided by the operators themselves and no survey being carried out by NTA.
Please feel free to send any comments, suggestions, modifications,
improvements, additions etc. addressed to MIS committee, NTA. Tel: +977-1-4101030-38 Fax: +977-1-4101034 Email: [email protected] P.O. Box No. 9754 Bluestar Office Complex, Tripureshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal.
1. Introduction:
Using liberalization policy and involving the private sector in a competitive
environment for the development and expansion of telecommunication sector in
Nepal, then His Majesty's Government of Nepal's decision dated December 25,
1995 has initiated the involvement of the private sector in the development of the
telecommunication services. Nepal Telecommunications Authority as an
autonomous regulatory body has been established on March 4, 1998 as stipulated
within the framework of the Telecommunication Act 1997 A.D. and
Telecommunication Regulation 1997 A.D. to make this work more systematic and
As per the section 13 of the Telecommunications Act 2053 B.S. (1997 A.D.) the
functions and duties of the Authority are as follows:
(a) To provide suggestions to Government of Nepal on the policy, plan and
program to be adopted by Government of Nepal for the development of the
Telecommunications Service.
(b) To make the Telecommunications Service reliable and easily available to the
(c) To make necessary arrangement to avail basic Telecommunications Service
and facilities in all rural and urban areas throughout Nepal.
(d) To involve the national and foreign private sector investors in the operation of
the Telecommunications Service.
(e) To make arrangement for the coordination and healthy competition among the
persons providing Telecommunications Service and facilities, so as to provide
such service and facilities to all public in general.
(f) To prescribe, fix and approve the standard and quality standard of the plant and
equipment relating to the Telecommunications and the Telecommunications
(g) To regularize and systematize Telecommunications Service
(h) To grant License to operate the Telecommunications service.
(i) To approve and regularize the fees to be collected by a person having obtained
License for providing the Telecommunications Service.
(j) To perform the functions relating to the frequency in accordance with the
policy determined by the Radio Frequency Policy Determination Committee.
(k) To carry out or cause to carry out the research about the development and use
of new technology in the field of Telecommunications.
(l) To cause to develop the skilled manpower for the Telecommunications Sector.
(m) To develop and extend or cause to develop and extended the
Telecommunications Service in such a way that it protects the rights and interests
of the consumers.
(n) To develop or cause to develops Nepal as an International Transit for
(o) To carry out necessary and appropriate functions for the development and
promotion of the Telecommunications Service.
2. Telecom Statistics at a glance (as of 16 July, 2007): (Details in Annex)
Subscriber base:
Service Subscribers
Fixed line telephone (PSTN+VSAT+MARTS+VHF)
Mobile Telephone (NDCL + SNPL)
8,68,046 + 7,02,975 = 15,71,021
Post-paid mobile (NDCL + SNPL)
1,17,050 + 4,927 = 1,21,977
Pre-paid mobile (NDCL + SNPL)
7,50,996 + 6,98,048 = 14,49,044
Wireless in Local Loop (NDCL + UTL)
1,61,155 + 89,856 = 2,51,011
(including Limited Mobility + FWT)
GMPCS (Constellation + AVCO + I4 Tech.)
877 + 261 + 24 = 1162
Internet (with E-mail)
Limited Mobility (UTL + NDCL)
34,725 + 1,18,094= 1,52,819
NDCL: Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited; SNPL: Spice Nepal Private Limited, UTL: United Telecom Limited
Average Revenue Per User (ARPU):
(Wireline + WLL + Limited Mobility)
Cellular Service (Prepaid + Postpaid)
Rural Telecom Service
1824.01 (STM only) per PCO
Service Penetration (1 in 100 population):
Penetration Rate (in %) *
Internet (subscribers only)
* Population is expected to be 2,64,27,399 (source: Central Bureau of Statistics,
3. Comparison between adjacent quarters
% change over % change over
Poush ‘63
Chaitra ‘63
Asadh ‘64
Poush ‘63
Chaitra ‘63
(Jan '07)
(April '07)
(July '07)
(6 months)
(3 months)
1) Subscriber's Base
i) Fixed Line (including
7,06,918 7,64,363 20.31%
WiLL, Limited Mobility)
ii) Mobile (GSM)
10,41,819 13,61,390 15,71,021 50.79%
iii) Internet
25.48% 22.64%
2) Average Revenue Per User
i) Fixed Line
ii) Mobile (GSM)
370.143 396.55
iii) Internet
3) Teledensity
i) Fixed Line
2.46 2.73
ii) Mobile (GSM)
4.03 5.26
iii) Internet
0.19 0.20
Total (Fixed + Mobile)
6.49 7.99
QE - Quarter Ending
4. Basic Core ICT Indicators
Fixed telephone lines refer to telephone lines connecting a customer's terminal
equipment (e.g. telephone set, facsimile machine) to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) and which have a dedicated port on a telephone
exchange. Fixed telephone lines per 100 inhabitants is obtained by dividing the
number of fixed telephone lines by the population and multiplying by 100.
Mobile cellular subscribers refer to users of portable telephones subscribing to
an automatic public mobile telephone service using cellular technology, which provides access to the PSTN. Users of both post-paid subscriptions and pre-paid
accounts are included. Mobile cellular subscribers per100 inhabitants is
obtained by dividing the number of mobile cellular subscribers by the population
and multiplying by 100.
Computers measures the number of computers installed in a country. The statistic
includes PCs, laptops, notebooks etc, but excludes terminals connected to
Computers per mainframe and mini-computers that are primarily intended for shared use, and
devices such as smart-phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs) that have
only some, but not all, of the components of a PC (e.g. they may lack a full-sized
keyboard, a large screen, an Internet connection, drives etc.). Computers per 100
t Available
inhabitants is obtained by dividing the estimated number computers in use by the
population and multiplying by 100.
An Internet subscriber is someone who pays for access to the public internet (a
subscribers per TCP/IP connection). The statistic is measured irrespective of the type or speed of
access, the type of device used to access the Internet, or the method of payment.
Internet subscribers per 100 inhabitants is obtained by dividing the number of
Internet subscribers by the population and multiplying by 100.
A Broadband Internet subscriber is someone who pays for high-speed access to
the public Internet (a TCP/IP connection). High speed access is defined as being
equal to or greater than 256 kbit/s, as the sum of the capacity in both directions.
subscribers per The statistic is measured irrespective of the type of access, or the type of device
used to access the Internet, or the method of payment. Broadband Internet
subscribers per 100 inhabitants is obtained by dividing the number of
Broadband Internet subscribers by the population and multiplying by 100.
International Internet bandwidth refers to the capacity which backbone
operators provision to carry Internet traffic measured in bits per second.
International Internet bandwidth per inhabitant is obtained by dividing the
Bandwidth per amount of bandwidth by the population.
Percentage of population covered by mobile cellular telephony refers to the
percentage of a country's inhabitants that live within areas served by a mobile
cellular signal, irrespective of whether or not they choose to use it. This should
not be confused with the percentage of the land area covered by a mobile cellular
mobile cellular signal or the percentage of the population that subscribe to mobile cellular
service. Note that this measures the theoretical ability to use mobile cellular
services if one has a cellular telephone and a subscription.
The Internet access tariff includes the tariff components of monthly line rental,
line usage charge and Internet access charge, plus any tax that may be levied (as
this is a service used by both residential and business consumers). The tariff
Internet access chosen for a particular country would be the package for 20 hours per month that
is taken as
tariff (20 hours is the cheapest, that is widely available (or, in the case of regional service
per month), in providers, is available in the capital city) and is available to the general public
without restriction (e.g. excluding in-company or limited time offers, and
excluding offers that are bundled with some other service). The price comparison
is expressed in a commonly used currency (such as US$), which could be
converted either at the average exchange rate, or at purchasing power parity
(PPP) rates. The indicator should be compared, as far as possible, for the same
date between countries. As a percentage of per capita income involves dividing
ed this tim
the Internet access tariff by the average monthly gross national income per capita
US$10.57, cin revis
of the country.
The Mobile cellular tariff includes the tariff components of monthly service
rental (if relevant), 50 minutes of local peak time calling and 50 minutes of local
off-peak calling, plus tax. Differences in the distance of calls, which may be applicable in some countries, are not taken into account, nor are international
cellular tariffs calls or SMS messages. The possible one-time charge for connection is not taken
into account, except where this is bundled into the costs of a pre-paid account.
Countries should calculate the tariff either on a post-paid or a prepaid service,
whichever one is more popularly used. If more than 50% of the mobile cellular
US$, and as a subscribers use pre-paid, then the tariff should also be based on the pre-paid
service, and vice versa. The price comparison is expressed in a commonly used currency (such as US$), which could be converted either at the average an
US$7.17, 2.66%
exchange rate, or at purchasing power parity (PPP) rates. The indicator should be
compared, as far as possible, for the same date between countries. As a
percentage of per capita income involves dividing the mobile cellular tariff by
the average monthly gross national income per capita of the country.
Percentage of A public Internet access centre (PIAC) is a site, location, or centre of instruction
at which Internet access is made available to the public, on a full-time or part-
localities with time basis. This may include digital community centers, Internet cafés, libraries,
education centers and other similar establishments, whenever they offer Internet
access centers access to the general public. All such centers should have at least one public
computer for Internet access. Localities refer to a country's villages, towns and
cities. The percentage of localities with public Internet access centers (PIACs) is computed by dividing the number of localities with at least one PIAC by the total
Not avail
number of the country's localities and multiplying by 100. The indicator should
be broken down by range of inhabitants.
5. Performance of Service Providers:
Performance of Fixed Service:
The fixed line penetration has reached 2.89%. The Average Revenue per
User (ARPU) has slightly increased to 989.39. This time the market share of NDCL and UTL is steady at 88% and and 12% respectively.
Growth of Subscriber Base of Fixed Telecom Service
NDCL is providing service in all the districts of Nepal through wire-line as
well as wireless service. UTL has now extended its service outside Kathmandu valley to Parsa, Makwanpur and Rupandehi. Altogether 5,770 person are being employed in Fixed Telecommunication sector.
Market share of Fixed Service providers as of 16 July 2007
Both operators have obtained license to operate limited mobility service in
addition to their fixed service license. The subscriber base of NDCL is 48619 whereas that of UTL is 34725 in Limited Mobility Service. The detailed performance of fixed service providers is illustrated in Annex F.
Performance of Cellular Mobile Service:
The subscriber base of incumbent NDCL has reached 8,68,046 whereas that
of Spice Nepal is 7,02,975 hence a total of 15,71,021 subscribers. The number of Postpaid subscribers has gone down by 1644. NDCL distributed 2,629 new lines in the last quarter whereas SNPL distributed 2,12,260 lines in the same period. SNPL now holds 44.75% of the market share, 8.75% more than the previous quarter whereas that of NDCL continued to decrease in this quarter as well, going down to 55.25%. The mobile customer base is growing basically due to prepaid mobile scheme, which has crossed the 1.5 million mark at the end of this quarter. Apart from Kathmandu Valley, NDCL is providing mobile service in 43 districts and Spice Nepal Pvt. Ltd. too has extended its service in 25 districts. The mobile network of NDCL has now 395 (previous data) Base Transceiver Stations (BTSs) whereas SNPL has 315 BTS in 900 and 1800 MHz band. Hence the Number of subscriber to Base Transceiver Station (BTS) ratio of NDCL is 2198 in comparison to 2232 of SNPL. The mobile penetration is increasing steadily to reach 5.95 in this quarter. Total manpower involved in providing this service stands at 566. Comparison between subscriber base of GSM mobile service is shown below.

Subscriber of Cellular Service as of 16 July, 2007
Market share of SNPL and NDCL as of 16 July, 2007 is as shown below
and detailed performance of operators is shown in Annex E.
Market Share of Cellular Mobile Operators as of 16
July 2007
Performance of Rural Telecom Service:
Rural service was expanded in Nepal under the Fifth Phase Telecom Project,
through Japanese (JICA) and IDA (World Bank) fund. Country's 75 district centres have automatic telecommunications service, including STD and ISD. This access is usually provided by NDCL or a privately operated public call office (PCO) or a phone shop. Sixty-eight district centers have communications services to some neighbouring VDCs by means of 2 Mbps microwave links, MARTS, single channel VHF/UHF or Very Small
Aperture Terminal (VSAT) services. The following table summarizes the types of technology used to provide telecommunications services to the VDCs of Nepal as of 16 July, 2007 (32 Asadh, 2064).
Technology used by NDCL to serve VDCs
Digital C-DOT (wire line) exchanges 25/4,644
158/2,014 (Marts Terminals/
Telephone Subscribers)
730 (Telephone Subscribers)
Digital microwave (JICA project)
4/56 (Rural Station/Subscriber)
(Terminals/Telephone lines)
VDCs served with at least one PCO
256/70 (Capacity/Distribution)
STM has now installed a total of 1793 PCOs in 599 VDCs of Nepal as of 16
July, 2007 through 809 VSAT terminals.
NDCL and STM have achieved the following rural service penetration
levels as of 16 July, 2007 (32 Asadh, 2064). Percentages identified in the table refer to the percentage of VDCs with at least one PCO in the specified region.
VDCs Served with at
least one PCO
By STM* By
Eastern Development Region
Central Development Region
Western Development Region
Mid-Western Development Region
Far-Western Development Region
* - some of the VDCs are overlapped
Performance of Internet Service:
There are currently 32 ISPs in Nepalese market. The penetration has
increased by 0.04% in this quarter which is still not very encouraging. Growth of Internet subscriber in the last quarter is 11,552 which is quite satisfactory, thanks to the growth achieved by NDCL. Total International Bandwidth used is in the ratio of 1:2.15 with 44.03 and 94.52 Mbps for uplink and downlink respectively; hence a total of 138.8 Mbps. Number of E1 links and telephone lines used for dialup internet is 122 and 483 respectively. The number of websites hosted has gone up to 1102. Only 199 subscribers have subscribed from ISPs as cybercafés.
Market Share of ISPs as of 16 July, 2007
Health Net Nepal,
Subisu Cablenet Pvt.
Communications Pvt.
Communications Pvt.
Ltd., 963, 1.54% Ltd, 17776, 28.40%
Ltd, 9710, 15.51%
Everest Net Pvt. Ltd.,
Services Pvt. Ltd.,
Himal Technologies
Broadlink Network &
Pvt. Ltd., 636, 1.02%
Commn. Pvt. Ltd., 4,
Infocom Pvt. Ltd.,
Digital Link Pvt. Ltd.,
Information Tech. Pvt.
Commn. Sys. Pvt.
Ltd., 1635, 2.61%
Communications Pvt.
Communications Pvt.
Ltd., 1063, 1.70%
Himalayan Online
Service Pvt. Ltd.,
Nepal DoorSanchar
Company Limited,
Pvt. Ltd., 13, 0.02%
Netplus Technology
Online Pvt. Ltd., 378,
Pvt. Ltd., 135, 0.22%
Market Share of ISPs providing service trough dialup
Health Net Nepal, 150, 0.33%
Mercantile Communications
Pvt. Ltd, 9500, 21.07%
Worldlink Communications Pvt.
Ltd, 14102, 31.27%
Computer Click Online Pvt. Ltd.,
Everest Net Pvt. Ltd., 2342,
Global Internet Services Pvt.
Japan Nepal Information Tech.
Himalayan Online Service Pvt.
Pvt. Ltd., 450, 1.00%
Ltd., 1760, 3.90%
Infocom Pvt. Ltd., 2924, 6.48%
Himal Technologies Pvt. Ltd.,
Via Net Communications Pvt.
Nepal DoorSanchar Company
Limited, 11825, 26.22%
Average Revenue per User (ARPU) has come down to Rs. 3317.07,
decreasing by minimal amount of Rs. 279.12 from the last quarter. A total of 775 personnel are engaged in this sector.
Market Share of ISPs providing service through cable as of 16 July, 2007
Radius Communications Pvt. Health Net Nepal, 50, 1.00%
Netplus Technology Pvt.
Mercantile Communications
Pvt. Ltd, 65, 1.30%
Subisu Cablenet Pvt. Ltd.,
Himal Technologies Pvt.
Digital Link Pvt. Ltd., 15,
Via Net Communications
Pvt. Ltd., 12, 0.24%
Nepal DoorSanchar
Company Limited, 57,
Infocom Pvt. Ltd., 9 , 0.18%
Global Internet Services
Pvt. Ltd., 10, 0.20%
Worldlink Communications
Pvt. Ltd, 3485, 69.91%
Everest Net Pvt. Ltd., 137,
Details are elaborated in Annex A, B and C.
Performance of GMPCS Service:
The total subscriber base of GMPCS service has now reached 1049.
Average Revenue per user for this service stands at Rs. 2174.374.
Subscriber Base of GMPCS operator as of 16 July, 2007
The comparative chart is shown below. The detailed performance of
GMPCS operators is illustrated in Annex D.
Market Share of GMPCS Operator as of 16 July, 2007
6. Telecom Network of the Country:
6.1. The Nepal Telecom (NDCL), Nepal's incumbent telecommunications
operator, has made significant progress in the growth and development of the national public switched telecommunications network (PSTN) in the last decade, particularly during Nepal's Fifth Phase Telecom Project (1992-97).
6.2. With the introduction of new Telecom Operators, the same tempo of
growth continues in the ongoing Seventh Phase, with the number of distributed lines increasing from approximately 65,000 in 1992 to over 7,64,363 (PSTN + WLL), Post-paid Mobile Subscribers 1,21,977 and Pre-paid Mobile Subscribers 14,49,044 till 16 July, 2007 (32 Asadh , 2064). The fully digital network offers full national and international direct dialling services.
6.3. The national trunk network is equipped with 9202 Mbps, out of which
8434 Mbps link is being used to link Kathmandu with the rest of the country whereas 768 Mbps link is used within Kathmandu Valley. (based on NDCL MIS)
6.4. Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited, the only wireline operator in Nepal
has 231 Telephone exchanges in operation at 221 different locations in 72 districts of Nepal. (based on NDCL MIS)
6.5. There are a total of 3423 International telephone circuits in operation
including Microwave circuits. (based on NDCL MIS)
6.6. Total capacity of E1 links installed is 4,601 out of which 3,994 are
equipped, 2,273 are currently used and 1,721 is spare. (based on NDCL MIS)
7. NTA activities during the past three months:
7.1. Limited Mobility Service License has been issued to United Telecom
Limited for Kaski and Rupandehi district.
7.2. VSAT user license has been issued to SNV Nepal, Kumari Bank Ltd. and
Namche Networks Pvt. Ltd.
7.3. Internet Serviced Provider license has been issued to Mitra Network Pvt.
8. Rural Telecom Development Fund deposited by different operators
for the fiscal year 2062/63
Name of Operator
RTDF Fee (in Rs.)
United Telecom Limited
Fixed/Limited Mobility 61,65,370/-
Spice Nepal Pvt. Ltd. (Mobile)
Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.
Mercantile Communications Pvt. Ltd.
Subisu Cablenet Pvt. Ltd.
(Local Data Network)
Websurfer Nepal Communications Pvt. Ltd. (ISP)
Vianet Communications Pvt. Ltd.
Infocom Pvt. Ltd.
Constellation Pvt. Ltd.
Namche Networks Pvt. Ltd.
AVCO International Pvt. Ltd.
Netplus Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Global Internet Services Pvt. Ltd.
Himal Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Sailung Dot Com Pvt. Ltd.
Total 1,58,64,759/33
Note: The remaining operators have not yet deposited the due.
9. Relevant Acts and Regulations:
Telecommunications Act, 1997 A.D. (2053 B.S.)
Radio Act, 1958 A.D. (2014 B.S.)
Telecommunications Regulations, 1998 A.D. (2054 B.S.)
Radio License Regulation, 1992 A.D. (2049 B.S.)
Telecommunications Policy, 2004 A.D. (2060 B.S.)
Cyber Law, 2004 A.D. (2061 B.S.)
10. Members of NTA:
Name Designation
Prof. Dr. Dinesh Kumar Sharma
Mr. Mahesh Prasad Adhikari
Mr. Balaram Pradhananga
Mr. Bheshraj Kanel
Mr. Tulsi Bhatta
11. Total no. of Licenses issued in different types of Telecommunications
Services : (till 16 July, 2007)
Cellular Mobile Telephone
Internet (with e-mail)
VSAT Network Providers
VSAT Service Users
Video Conferencing
Rural Telecom Service
Local Data Network
Limited Mobility Service
12. Glimpse of Licensing Activities:
Fiscal Year
Telephone -
Network 2 4 1 3 -
Service 1 15 8 11 15 20 6 41 7 124 14 110
17 30 16 17 20 28 13 50 17 208 43 165
Yearwise Issuance of License
Fiscal year in B.S.
13. Useful Information:
License Fee and Renewal Fee for different Value Added Services for a period of 5 years
Services License
Renewal Fee
Internet (with e-mail)
200,000.00 180,000.00
200,000.00 180,000.00
200,000.00 180,000.00
200,000.00 180,000.00
a) VSAT Network Providers
b) VSAT Service Users
Local Data Network (Business Use)
Radio Paging Services
b) Eastern and Central Development Region (without Kathmandu Valley)
5,00,000.00 4,50,000.00
d) Western Development Region
e) Mid-western Development Region and Far-western Development Region
f) Selected VDCs Only
Trunk Mobile Radio
500,000.00 450,000.00
b) Pokhara, Biratnagar, Birgunj, Bhairahawa, Bharatpur or Nepalgunj
250,000.00 225,000.00
c) Rest of the Places
150,000.00 135,000.00
Limited Mobility Service based on wireless telecommunication to be
operated in specified area
a) For Area under Kathmandu, Lalitpur, and Bhaktapur area code
b) For each district (inside own area code) of Morang, Sunsari, Dhanusha,
3,00,000 2,70,000
Chitwan, Parsa, Rupandehi, Banke, Kaski, and Kailali
c) Other district (inside own area code) except those in a) and b)
14. List of operators who did not submit data
Name of Operator
License Category
Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.
Communications and Communicate Pvt. Ltd.
Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.
Global Internet Services Pvt. Ltd.
Sailung Dot Com Pvt. Ltd.
Cyber Space Pvt. Ltd.
Spacetime Internet Pvt. Ltd.
Service Not started
Pokhara I-net Pvt. Ltd.
Japan Nepal Information Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Personal Broadband Nepal Pvt. Ltd.
Service Not started
IP Communications Pvt. Ltd.
Service Not started
Global Plus Networks Pvt. Ltd.
Buddha Net Pvt. Ltd.
Stupanet Pvt. Ltd.
Spice Nepal Pvt. Ltd.
Service Not started
Broadlink Network and Communications Pvt. Ltd.
Computer Clickonline Pvt. Ltd.
ISP: Internet Service Provider; VSAT NSP: VSAT Network Service Provider
NB: Operators who submitted data once before, their data has been retained in this issue as well for analysis
15. Telephone Nos. of NTA:
Phone No.
Extension No.
4. Administration
License and Rural Telecom 2046004
10. Registration/Operator
+977 -1- 410103030-38
16. MIS Committee:
16.1. Mr. Arjun Ghimire
16.2. Mr. Udaya Raj Regmi
16.3. Ms. Pratima Ghimire
Annex A - Details of performance of Internet Service Providers
Number of
Number of
(Point of
er (CAT 5)
er (Fiber)
Mercantile Communications Pvt. Ltd
Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd
Everest Net Pvt. Ltd.
Global Internet Services Pvt. Ltd.
Himalayan Online Service Pvt. Ltd.
Infocom Pvt. Ltd.
Nepal DoorSanchar Company Limited
21907 11825 (CDMA/GPRS) 57
Via Net Communications Pvt. Ltd.
Websurfer Nepal Commn. Sys. Pvt. Ltd.
Digital Link Pvt. Ltd.
Himal Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Subisu Cablenet Pvt. Ltd.
Japan Nepal Information Tech. Pvt. Ltd.
Computer Click Online Pvt. Ltd.
Netplus Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Health Net Nepal
Namche Networks Pvt. Ltd.
Broadlink Network & Commn. Pvt. Ltd.
Radius Communications Pvt. Ltd.
Annex B - Details of performance of Internet Service Providers
Minutes of
Links Number of
lines (for
per month
Time (for
(for dialup
(Directly or
Mercantile Communications Pvt. Ltd
Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd
Everest Net Pvt. Ltd.
Global Internet Services Pvt. Ltd.
Himalayan Online Service Pvt. Ltd.
- 1815 - Instantly
Infocom Pvt. Ltd.
Nepal DoorSanchar Company Limited
Via Net Communications Pvt. Ltd.
Websurfer Nepal Commn. Sys. Pvt. Ltd.
Digital Link Pvt. Ltd.
Himal Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Subisu Cablenet Pvt. Ltd.
N/A N/A <1hr Directly
Japan Nepal Information Tech. Pvt. Ltd.
Computer Click Online Pvt. Ltd.
3 30 1 270 800 10mins
Netplus Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Health Net Nepal
1 7 50 500 900 24hrs - 4hrs
Namche Networks Pvt. Ltd.
Broadlink Network & Commn. Pvt. Ltd.
Radius Communications Pvt. Ltd.
2500 - 2hrs - 1hr
Annex C - Details of performance of Internet Service Providers
working Tec
Mercantile Communications Pvt. Ltd
Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd
Everest Net Pvt. Ltd.
Global Internet Services Pvt. Ltd.
Himalayan Online Service Pvt. Ltd.
Infocom Pvt. Ltd.
Nepal DoorSanchar Company Limited
Via Net Communications Pvt. Ltd.
Websurfer Nepal Commn. Sys. Pvt. Ltd.
Digital Link Pvt. Ltd.
Himal Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Subisu Cablenet Pvt. Ltd.
Japan Nepal Information Tech. Pvt. Ltd.
Computer Click Online Pvt. Ltd.
Netplus Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Health Net Nepal
Namche Networks Pvt. Ltd.
Broadlink Network & Commn. Pvt. Ltd.
Radius Communications Pvt. Ltd.
Annex D - Details of performance of GMPCS Service Providers
Constellation I4Technologies
Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) in Rs.
Traffic (Minutes of Use)/line/month
143.64 MB (Data) + 4.51 Min (Voice)
0.703 minutes of use/line/month
Quality of Service
GMPCS/GMPCS call completion ratio
GMPCS/Other Network call completion ratio
Customer reported service complaints/subscriber/month
4.5 Faults/100subscribers/month
Bills issued/Month
15 (for postpaid subscriber per month)
Clearance on billing complaints/Month
% customer reported service complaints/100 DEL/month
Faults per 1000 DELs/Month
Total Revenue (FY063/064)
Total Annual Investment in Fixed Telecom (FY063/064)
Number of Currently Working Staffs
8.1. Administrative
Name of the Organisation:
Constellation Pvt. Ltd
I4 Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
AVCO International Pvt. Ltd.
Name of the Contact Person:
Er. Om Prajapati
5548836/5549252/9851039689 00977-9841257666
[email protected]
Annex E - Details of performance of Cellular Mobile Service Providers
Name of the Cellular Operator
Number of Subscribers (Postpaid)
Number of Subscribers (Prepaid)
Service areas in terms of district (No. of district):
Average Revenue per user (ARPU in Rs.)
Traffic Mou (Minutes of Use/Subscriber/Month)
Traffic (in Minutes)
Domestic Long Distance (To PSTN or WiLL)
International Long Distance
Quality of Service
Cellular to Cellular Call Completion Ratio
PSTN to Cellular Call Completion Ratio
Cellular to PSTN Call Completion Ratio
% of Telephone Faults cleared by next working day
End to End delivery time for Short Message Service:
Completion Rate for SMS:
Total Capacity of Mobile Exchange
Number of Local Telephone Calls (within network) (FY063/064)
Local Telephone call in minutes (within network) (FY063/064)
Total Annual Investment in Mobile Telephony (FY063/064)
No. of bills issued per month (postpaid)
No. of complaints on billing per month (postpaid)
% of clearance on billing complaints per month (postpaid)
No. of complaints on billing per month (prepaid)
% of clearance on billing complaints per month(prepaid)
Total Revenue of the Fiscal Year 063/064 (06/07)
Local (Within own Mobile Network)
National Long Distance (another mobile network + PSTN)
International Long Distance
Number of Base Transceiver Station (BTS):
Number of currently working staffs
Name of the Organisation:
Nepal Telecom Spice Nepal Pvt. Ltd
Name of the Contact Person:
Web Content in Nepali Language available or not
Annex F - Details of Performance of Fixed Telephone Service Providers
Number of subscribers (Districtwise) (Attach extra sheet)
Service areas in terms of district (No. of district)
Average Revenue per user (ARPU in Rs.)
Traffic MoU (Minutes of Use/Subscriber/Month)
Total Traffic (in Minutes)
5.3. International
Call Completion Ratio (%)
6.1.3. International
PSTN to Cellular Call Completion Ratio
Cellular to PSTN Call Completion Ratio
% call to operator answered in less than 30 seconds
% call attempts not receiving connection
Call Drop Rate (%)
% customer reported service complaints/100 DEL/month
Faults per 1000 DELs/Month
% of Telephone Faults cleared by next working day
Total Capacity of Local Public Switching exchanges
Total National Circuits Available
Total International Circuits Available
Number of Local Telephone Calls (FY063/064)
Local Telephone call in minutes (FY063/064)
No. of National Long Distance Telephone calls (including to Mobile) FY063/064)
National Long Distance Telephone in minutes (including to Mobile) (FY063/064)
Total International Incoming Telephone Calls (FY063/064)
Total International Incoming Telephone minutes (FY063/064)
Total International Outgoing Telephone Calls (FY063/064)
Total International Outgoing Telephone Minutes (FY063/064)
3217904060 218872390.00
1668444712 95628417.00
17.3. International
1401212990 60529266.00
Total Annual Investment in Fixed Telecom (FY063/064)
Complaints on billing/Month
Clearance on billing complaints/Month
Number of Subscribers(Limited Mobility)
Service areas in terms of district (LM) (No. of district)
Number of Currently Working Staffs
22.1. Administrative
Annex G - Details of Performance of Rural Telecom Service Providers
Number of Terminals (Total):
Number of Terminals (Districtwise)
Number of Telephone Lines (Total):
Number of VDCs Covered (Attach extra sheet for VDC list)
Number of Telephone Lines (Districtwise):
Average Revenue Per User (ARPU): (Rs.)
Traffic MoU (Minutes of Use/Subscriber/month):
Quality of Service:
Call Completion Ratio:
Local (STM's Network)
Local (Other Licensee's Network)
Domestic (STM's Network)
Domestic (Other Licensee's Network)
Call Setup Time:
Maximum all-inclusive transmission delay for a single hop
270 ms to 290 ms in one
satellite call (in each direction):
Percentage customer reported service complaints (per 100
RTS Lines) per month:
Faults per 100 RTS lines per month:
Fault Clearance Rate (in days)
% of Telephone Faults cleared by next working day
Total Capacity of Local Public Switching exchanges
Telephone circuits available
Number of Local Telephone Calls (FY063/064)
Local Telephone call in minutes (FY063/064)
No. of National Long Distance Telephone calls (including to
Mobile) (FY063/064)
National Long Distance Telephone in minutes (including to
Mobile) (FY063/064)
Total Revenue (FY063/064)
National Long Distance
International Long Distance
Total Annual Investment (FY063/064)
No. of bills issued per month:
No. of complaints on billing per month:
No of clearance on billing complaints per month:
Total Traffic (in minutes)
Domestic Long Distance
International Long Distance
Number of Currently Working Staffs
Annex H - Details of Performance of VSAT Network Service Providers
Name of the Licensee
Websurfer InfoCom
Singapore Telecom Ltd., Global Access (HK) Ltd., Digital Network
Name of VSAT Bandwidth Provider
BtN Access HK Ltd
Loral Skynet Network svcs.
Number of VSAT Users (Total)
Average Revenue Per User (ARPU)
Service Activation Time (for dialup only)
International Bandwidth used by VSAT Users
Provision of Redundancy or not
Total working Manpower
8.2. Administrative
Number of bills issued per month
Number of complaints on billing per month
Number of cleared billing complaints per month
Annex J - Details of Licensees of different services
Name Address
E-mail URL
Basic Telecom Operators
1. Nepal
4210202 4221202 [email protected]
Company Limited
United Telecom Limited
2001880 2499999 utlnepal@wlin
Cellular Mobile Operator
Nepal Doorsanchar
5536791 5515291 [email protected]
Company Limited,
Spice Nepal Pvt. Ltd.
Mero Mobile
Rural Telecom Operators
STM Telecom Sanchar
Pvt. Ltd.
Limited Mobility Service based on wireless telecommunication to be operated in
specified area
United Telecom Limited
2001880 2499999 utlnepal@wlin
4210202 4221202 [email protected]
Company Limited
Internet Service Providers
1. Mercantile
Durbar Marg,
4220773 4256761 [email protected]
Communications Pvt. Ltd
2. Worldlink
5523050 5529403 [email protected]
Communications Pvt. Ltd
Everest Net Pvt. Ltd.
4. Global
Ward No-3,
5543647 4225407 [email protected]
Pvt. Ltd.
Bihar Area,
Himalayan Online Service
Durbar Marg,
4244952 4224524 [email protected]
Pvt. Ltd.
6. Infocom
Hattisar, 4436458
5544132 5545878 bimlesh.jha@n
Company Limited
8. Vianet
5546410 5537318 sudhir@vianet.
Pvt. Ltd.
I MAX Pvt. Ltd.
Galli, New
Sailung Dot Com Pvt. Ltd.
526528 526528 amrit@sailung.
Fewa Net Pvt. Ltd.
Cyber Space Pvt. Ltd.
, Birgunj
Web Surfer Nepal
4440304 4492703 info@websurfe
Communications Pvt. Ltd.
Naxal, Kathmandu
Digital Link Pvt. Ltd.
Himal Technologies Pvt.
Subisu Cablenet Pvt. Ltd.
Spacetime Internet Pvt.
Pokhara I-net Pvt. Ltd.
Pokhara, PO
19. Japan
Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Computer Click Online
Pvt. Ltd.
21. Personal
Nepal Pvt. Ltd.
IP Communications Pvt.
4247535 6613666 [email protected]
Netplus Technology Pvt.
Health Net Nepal
Global Plus Networks Pvt.
Buddha Net Pvt. Ltd.
Stupa Net Pvt. Ltd.
Namche Networks Pvt.
Spice Nepal Pvt. Ltd.
Mero Mobile
30. Broadlink
and Baneshwore,
Communication Pvt. Ltd.
31. Radius
Communications Putalisadak,
4241158 4241039 [email protected]
Pvt. Ltd.
Swift Link Pvt. Ltd.
Nepal Net Sanchar Pvt.
VSAT Network Service Provider
1. Mercantile
Durbar Marg,
4240920 4225407 [email protected]
Communications Pvt. Ltd.
2. Worldlink
5523050 5529403 [email protected]
Communications Pvt. Ltd. Lalitpur
3. Communications
and Siddhi
4269348 4243726 [email protected]
Communicate Nepal Pvt.
4. Infocom
Web solution & Network
GMPCS Service Provider
Constellation Pvt. Ltd.
5548836 5588879 admin@constel
4229886 4229882 [email protected]
I4 Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Video Conferencing Service
World Bank, Country
Yak and Yeti
Office Nepal
Durbar Marg
Local Data Network Service
1. Shivahari
4229252 4228314
(Representative SITA)
Calcium hydroxylapatite associated softtissue necrosis: A case report and treatmentguideline Lauren Tracy , James Ridgway , J. Stuart Nelson Nelson Lowe , Brian Wong a Department of Otolaryngology e Head and Neck Surgery, University of California Irvine, 101 The CityDrive, Bldg. 56, Suite 500, Orange, CA 92868, USAb Larrabee Center for Plastic Surgery, 600 Broadway, Suite 280, Seattle, WA 98122, USAc Beckman Laser Institute and Medical Clinic, University of California Irvine, 1002 Health Sciences RoadEast, Irvine, CA 92612, USAd 999 North Tustin Avenue, Suite 117, Santa Ana, CA 92705, USA
Ysgol Gyfun Garth Olwg Adroddiad Blynyddol Y Corff Llywodraethol i Rieni Governing Body's Annual Report to Parents Gair gan y Cadeirydd / Word from the Chair July 2013 Gorffennaf, 2013 Pleser yw medru cyflwyno adroddiad sy'n It gives me great pleasure to present this adlewyrchu blwyddyn lwyddiannus yn hanes