
of the knee
of the knee
This booklet provides information
and answers to your questions
about this condition.
Arthritis Research UK produce and print our booklets entirely from charitable donations.
What is
of the knee?
Osteoarthritis is the most common form of joint disease, and the knee is one of the most commonly aff ected joints. In this booklet we'll explain how osteoarthritis of the knee develops, what causes it and how it can be treated. We'll also give some hints and tips to help you manage your arthritis and suggest where you can fi nd out more.
At the back of this booklet you'll fi nd a brief glossary of medical words – we've underlined these when they're fi rst used.
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What's inside?
This is an interactive table of contents. Simply click a title to go directly to the page.
– Dealing with stress
Osteoarthritis is a condition that
aff ects the joints, causing pain
and stiff ness. It's by far the most
common form of joint disease,
and the knee is one of the most
commonly aff ected joints.
At a glance
of the knee
aff ects
8 million people
in the UK.
What are the symptoms
The symptoms of osteoarthritis can include:
• stiff ness
• a grating or grinding sensation when
What can I do to help myself?
the joint moves (crepitus)
There are several ways you can help
• swelling (either hard or soft).
yourself, including:
Sometimes the knee may either lock
• losing weight if you're overweight
or give way when you put weight on it.
• exercising regularly (both
muscle-strengthening and
Who gets it?
general aerobic e
Almost anyone can get osteoarthritis,
• reducing stress on the aff ected
but it's most likely if:
joint (for example by pacing activities,
• you're in your late 40s or older
using a walking stick or wearing appropriate footwear)
• you're overweight
• using painkillers (analgesi
• you're a woman
anti-infl ammatory creams, gels
• your parents, brothers or sisters
and tablets.
have had osteoarthritis
• you've previously had a severe
What treatments are there?
• your joints have been damaged
If you still have pain after trying self-help
by another disease, for example
measures, your doctor may recommend
the following treatments:
• capsaicin cream
• stronger painkillers, for example tramadol
• steroid injections into the painful joint
• surgery, including joint replacement.
How does a normal
These are called menis
sci, which act a bit
joint work?
like shock absorbers to spread the load more evenly across the joint.
A joint is where two or more bones meet
Your knee joint is held in place by four
(see Figure 1). The joint allows the bones
ligamen s. These are thick, strong
to move freely but within limits. The knee
bands which run within or just outside the
is the largest joint in the body and also
joint capsule. Together with the capsule,
one of the most complicated. It needs to
the ligaments prevent the bones moving
be strong enough to take our weight and
in the wrong directions or dislocating.
must lock into position so we can stand
The thigh muscles also help to hold the
upright. But it also has to act as a hinge so
knee joint in place.
we can walk and must withstand extreme stresses, twists and turns, such as when
Your muscles are attached to your bones
we run or play sports.
by strong connecting tissues called tendons. These tendons run on either
The knee joint is where your thigh bone
side of the joint, which they also help
(femur) and shin bone (tibia) meet. The
to keep in place. When your muscles
end of each bone is covered with ca
contract they shorten, and this pulls on
which has a smooth, slippery surface
the tendon attached to the bone and
that allows the ends of the bones to
makes the joint move.
move against each other almost without friction. Your knees have two additional rings of cartilage between the bones.
A normal joint
(front view)
Arthritis Research UK
Osteoarthritis of the knee
Your kneecap (patella) is fi xed fi rmly in the
called arthrosis, osteoarthrosis,
middle of the large tendon that attaches
degenerative joint disease or wear
your thigh muscles (quadriceps) to the
bone just below your knee joint at the
When a joint develops osteoarthritis,
front of your shin bones. The underside of
some of the cartilage covering the ends
your kneecap is also covered with cartilage.
of the bones gradually roughens and
The joint is surrounded by a membrane
becomes thin. This can happen over the
vium) that produces a small
main surface of your knee joint and in the
amount of synovial fl uid, which helps to
cartilage underneath your kneecap. The
nourish the cartilage and lubricate the
bone underneath the cartilage reacts by
joint. The synovium has a tough outer
growing thicker and becoming broader.
layer called the capsule, which helps hold
All the tissues within the joint become
your knee in place.
more active than normal – as if your body is trying to repair the damage.
What is osteoarthritis?
• The bone at the edge of the joint grows
outwards, forming bony spurs called
Osteoarthritis is a disease that aff ects
t s. This can aff ect your thigh
your joints. The surfaces within your
bone, shin bone or kneecap.
joints become damaged so the joint doesn't move as smoothly as it should (see Figure 2). The condition is sometimes
with mild
(front view)
Mildy thickened,
• The synovium may swell and produce
It's unusual, but some people have
extra fl uid, which then causes the joint
pain that wakes them up at night. This
to swell. This is called an eff usion or
generally only happens with severe
sometimes water on the knee.
osteoarthritis. You'll probably fi nd that
• The capsule and ligaments slowly
your pain will vary and that you have
thicken and contract as if they were
good days and bad days, sometimes
trying to stabilise the joint.
depending on how active you've been but sometimes for no obvious reason.
These changes in and around the joint are partly the result of the infl ammatory
Your knee may feel stiff at certain times,
process and partly your body's attempt
often in the mornings or after a period of
to repair the damage. In many cases,
rest. Walking for a few minutes will usually
the repairs are quite successful and the
ease it. However, many people don't
changes inside the joint don't cause much
have any stiff ness at all, even with quite
pain or, if there is pain, it's mild and may
come and go. However, in other cases,
You may not be able to move your knee
the repair doesn't work as well and your
as freely or as far as normal, and it may
knee becomes damaged. This leads to
creak or crunch as you move. If your
instability and more weight being put
osteoarthritis is severe, your knee may
onto other parts of the joint, which can
become bent and bowed. Sometimes
cause symptoms to become gradually
the joint gives way, either because the
worse and more persistent over time.
muscles have become weak or because the joint structure has become less stable.
What are the symptoms
You may notice that your knee looks swollen. The swelling may be hard
(caused by osteophytes around the sides
The main symptoms of osteoarthritis are
of the joint) or soft (caused by extra fl uid
pain and sometimes stiff ness, which can
in the joint). The muscles at the front of
aff ect one or both knees. The pain tends
your thigh that help straighten your knee
to be worse when you move the joint or
may look thin and wasted.
at the end of the day. You may have pain all around your knee or just in a particular place, most likely at the front and sides, and it may be worse after a particular movement, such as going up or down stairs. The pain is usually better when you rest.
Arthritis Research UK
Osteoarthritis of the knee
What causes
that it's directly linked to the menopau
It's often associated with mild arthritis of
the joints at the ends of the fi ngers (nodal
There are many factors that can increase
osteoarthritis), which is also more common
the risk of osteoarthritis, and it's often a
combination of these that leads to the
Obesity – Being overweight is an
condition (see Figure 3).
important factor in causing osteoarthritis,
Age – Osteoarthritis usually starts from
especially in the knee. It also increases
the late 40s onwards. We don't fully
the chances of osteoarthritis becoming
understand why it's more common in older
people, but it might be due to factors like
Joint injury – Normal activity and exercise
weakening of the muscles, the body being
don't cause osteoarthritis, but very hard,
less able to heal itself or gradual wearing
repetitive activity or physically demanding
out of the joint with time.
jobs can increase the risk. Injuries to the
Gender – Osteoarthritis of the knee is
knee often lead to osteoarthritis in later
twice as common in women as in men. It's
life. A common cause is a torn meniscus
most common in women over the age of
or ligament, which can result from a
50, although there's no strong evidence
twisting injury.
Figure 3 Risk factors for osteoarthritis
Previous joint
injury or disease

A torn meniscus is a common injury in footballers, and an operation to remove the damaged cartilage (meniscectomy) or repair cruciate ligaments also increases the risk of osteoarthritis in later life.
Genetic factors – Genetic factors play a
major part in osteoarthritis of the knee.
If you have a parent, brother or sister with
knee osteoarthritis then you'll have a
greater chance of developing it yourself.
We don't know a lot about the genes that
cause the increased risk, but we do know
that a number of genes will have a small
eff ect rather than one particular gene
being responsible.
Other types of joint disease –
Sometimes osteoarthritis is a result of
damage from diff erent kinds of rarer joint
disease, such as gout, that occurred in
earlier years.
Although there's no evidence that
diff erent conditions such as cold or wet weather actually cause or worsen osteoarthritis, many people fi nd that their pain and stiff ness may vary with the weather. This may be because nerve fi bres in the capsule of aff ected joints are sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure.
What is the outlook?
It's impossible to predict how
osteoarthritis will develop for any one
person. It can sometimes develop over
just a year or two and cause a lot of
damage to a joint, which may cause
some deformity or disability.
Arthritis Research UK
Osteoarthritis of the knee
But more often osteoarthritis is a slow
What are the possible
process that develops over many years
complications of
and results in fairly small changes in just part of the joint. This doesn't mean
it won't be painful, but it's less likely to
There can sometimes be rarer
cause severe deformity or disability.
complications with osteoarthritis
In severe osteoarthritis the cartilage can
become so thin that it no longer covers
Osteoarthritis with crystals
the ends of the bones. The bones start to rub against each other and eventually
Osteoarthritis with crystals occurs when
wear away. The loss of cartilage, the
chalky deposits of calcium crystals form
wearing of bone and the bony spurs can
in the cartilage. This is called calcifi cation
alter the shape of the joint, forcing the
or chondrocalcinosis. It can happen in any
bones out of their normal alignment.
joint, with or without osteoarthritis, but it's most likely to occur in a knee that's already
In addition, the muscles that move the
aff ected by osteoarthritis, especially in
joint gradually weaken and become
older people. It can cause sudden pain
thin or wasted. This can make the joint
and noticeable swelling of the joint. The
unstable so that the knee gives way when
crystals may show up on x-rays and they
weight is put on it.
can also be seen under a microscope in
Changes in lifestyle can greatly reduce
samples of fl uid taken from the joint.
the risk of osteoarthritis of the knee
Osteoarthritis tends to become more
progressing. Regular exercise, protecting
severe more quickly when there are
the joint from further injury and keeping
crystals present. Sometimes the crystals
to a healthy weight will all help.
can shake loose from the cartilage, causing
Osteoarthritis doesn't lead to rheumatoid
a sudden attack of very painful swelling
arthritis or other types of joint disease
called acute calcium pyrophosphate
and won't spread through the body like
crystal arthritis (acute CPP crystal arthritis),
an infection might. However, deformity
which was sometimes previously
caused by osteoarthritis in one joint
may lead to uneven loading of other joints. This could result in osteoarthritis
See Arthritis Research UK booklet
in those joints. Because there's little, if
Calcium crystal diseases including acute
ammation in osteoarthritic joints,
CPP crystal arthritis (pseudogout) and
osteoarthritis doesn't make you feverish
acute calcifi c tendinitis.
or unwell. However, some people with osteoarthritis will develop other illnesses purely by chance.
Although there's
no cure for
osteoarthritis yet,
How is osteoarthritis
a lot can be done
to improve your
It's very important to get an accurate diagnosis if you think you might have
arthritis. There are many diff erent types of arthritis and some, such as rheumatoid arthritis, need very diff erent treatments.
Osteoarthritis is usually diagnosed based on your symptoms and the physical signs that your doctor fi nds when examining your joint, for example:
• tenderness over the joint
Baker's cysts (popliteal cysts)
• creaking or grating of the joint (crepitus)
Baker's cysts can form when extra
• bony swelling
synovial fl uid is produced and it becomes
• excess fl uid
trapped in a pouch (hernia) sticking out of the joint lining. They're often painless,
• restricted movement
but you may be able to feel a soft-to-fi rm
• joint instability
lump at the back of your knee. Sometimes
• weakness and thinning of your
a cyst can cause aching or tenderness
thigh muscle.
when you exercise.
Occasionally a cyst can press on a blood
What tests are there?
vessel, which can lead to swelling in your
There's no blood test for osteoarthritis,
leg, or the cyst may burst (rupture) and
although your doctor may suggest them
release joint fl uid into your calf muscle,
to help rule out other types of arthritis.
which can be very painful.
X-rays are taken to assess the severity of
A cyst may not need treatment, but if
the changes caused by osteoarthritis,
it does it can generally be treated by
although often they won't be needed. They
drawing off the extra fl uid from your knee
may show changes such as bony spurs
using a syringe (this is called aspiration)
or narrowing of the space between the
and injecting a steroid solution.
bones where the cartilage has worn thin. They may also show whether there are any calcium deposits within the joint. However, x-rays aren't a good indicator of how much pain or disability you're likely to have. Some

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Osteoarthritis of the knee
people have a lot of pain from fairly minor
joint damage, while others have little pain
There's a great deal of evidence that
from more severe damage.
being overweight increases the strain
Rarely, a magnetic resonance imaging
on your joints, especially your knees.
(MRI) scan of your knee can be helpful.
Research shows that being overweight
This will show the soft tissues
or obese not only increases your risk of
(for example cartilage, tendons, muscles)
developing osteoarthritis but also makes
and changes in the bone that can't be
it more likely that your arthritis will get
seen on a standard x-ray.
worse over time.
Because of the way the joints work, the force put through your knees when you
What can I do
walk, run or go up and down stairs can
to help myself?
be up to fi ve to six times your body
There's no cure for osteoarthritis as yet, but
weight. Losing even a small amount
there's a lot that you can do to improve
of weight can make a big diff erence to
your symptoms. Self-help measures play
the strain on weight-bearing joints
a very important part in relieving the pain
and stiff ness, and reducing the chances of your arthritis becoming worse.

No special diet has shown to help
There are two types of exercise
specifi cally with osteoarthritis, but if you
that you'll need to do:
need to lose some weight you should
Strengthening exercises will improve
follow a balanced, reduced-calorie diet
the strength and tone of the muscles that
combined with regular exercise.
control the aff ected joint. Osteoarthritis of the knee can weaken your thigh muscles
See Arthritis Research UK booklet
(quadriceps), so regular exercising of
Diet and arthritis.
the muscles, such as straight-leg raises, helps to stabilise and protect the joint.
It's also been shown to reduce pain and is particularly helpful in preventing your
Even if you don't need to lose weight it's
knee giving way, reducing the tendency
very important to keep moving if you have
to stumble or fall.
osteoarthritis of the knee. You'll need to fi nd the right balance between rest and
Aerobic exercise is any exercise that
exercise – most people with osteoarthritis
increases your pulse rate and makes you
fi nd that too much activity increases their
a bit short of breath. Regular aerobic
pain while too little makes their joints
exercise should help you sleep better, is
stiff en up. Little and often is usually the
good for your general health and well-
best approach to exercise if you have
being and can reduce pain by stimulating
the release of pain-relieving hormones called endorphins.

Arthritis Research UK
Osteoarthritis of the knee
iotherapi tt can advise you on the
Tablets and creams
best exercises to do, but you'll need to
There are a number of tablets and
build them into your daily routine to get
creams that can help the symptoms of
the most benefi t from them. The pull-out
osteoarthritis, and because they work in
section at the back of this booklet will
diff erent ways you can combine diff erent
give you some simple exercises to try at
treatments if you need to. Your chemist
home. You can also talk to your GP about
can advise you and supply paracetamol
the Exercise on Prescription scheme that's
and some low-dose tablets and creams
available in some areas.
without a prescription.
Swimming can be very good for
Painkillers (analgesics) and
osteoarthritis. Because the water supports
non-steroidal anti-infl ammatory
the weight of your body, you won't be
putting a lot of strain on your joints as
Painkillers often help with the pain and
you exercise. Your physiotherapist may
stiff ness, although they don't aff ect
also recommend special exercises in a
the arthritis itself and won't repair the
drotherapy pool. This can help get
damage to the joint. They're best used
muscles and joints working better and,
occasionally when the pain is very bad
because the water is warmer than in a
or when you're likely to be exercising.
typical swimming pool, it can be very
Paracetamol is usually the best and most
soothing and relaxing.
well tolerated painkiller to try fi rst, but
If you know you're going to be more
make sure you take the right dose as
active than usual, try taking a painkiller
most people take too little. You should try
before you start to avoid increased
taking 1 g (usually two tablets) three or
four times per day. It's best to take them before the pain becomes very bad but
See Arthritis Research UK booklets
you shouldn't take them more often than
Hydrotherapy and arthritis; Keep
every four hours.
moving; Physiotherapy and arthritis.
Combined painkillers (for example co-codamol) contain paracetamol and codeine and may be helpful for more severe pain. They're stronger than paracetamol on its own, but codeine can cause side-eff ects such as constipation or dizziness.
Over-the counter non
ibuprofen, can also help. You can use these for a short course of treatment (about 5–10
Anti-infl ammatory
gels and creams are
Anti-infl ammatory creams and gels
You can apply anti-infl ammatory creams
especially helpful
and gels directly onto painful joints three
for osteoarthritis
times a day. There's no need to rub them in – they absorb through the skin on
of the knee.
their own. They're especially helpful for osteoarthritis of the knee, and they're extremely well tolerated as very little is absorbed into the bloodstream. If you have trouble taking tablets then anti-infl ammatory creams are a particularly good option to try. You can decide if they help your pain within the fi rst few days of trying them.
days), but if they've not helped within this
If you're already taking NSAID tablets,
time then they're unlikely to. If the pain
speak to your doctor about non-NSAID
returns when you stop taking the tablets,
creams (for example capsaicin cream)
try another short course.
to avoid taking too much of one type of drug.
You shouldn't take ibuprofen or
aspirin if you're pregnant, or if you
Reducing the strain on your knees
have asthma, indigestion or a stomach
Apart from keeping an eye on your
(gastrointestinal) ulcer, until you've
weight, there are a number of other ways
spoken with your doctor
you can reduce the strain on your knees.
or pharmacist.
• Pace your activities through the day
– don't tackle all the physical jobs at
See Arthritis Research UK
once. Break the harder jobs up into
drug leafl ets Non-steroidal anti-
chunks and do something more gentle
infl ammatory drugs; Painkillers.
in between. Keep using your knee, but rest it when it becomes painful.
• Wear low-heeled shoes with soft, thick
soles (trainers are ideal). Thicker soles will act as shock absorbers. High heels will alter the angle of your hip, knee and big toe joints and put additional strain on them.
Arthritis Research UK
Osteoarthritis of the knee
• Use a walking stick to reduce the weight can help to stabilise the kneecap and
and stress on a painful knee. A therapist
make it move correctly. You can buy knee
or doctor can advise on the correct
braces from sports shops and chemists,
length and the best way to use the stick.
but you should speak to your doctor or
• Use the handrail for support when
physiotherapist fi rst. They may also be
going up or down stairs. Go up stairs
able to provide braces or recommend the
one at a time with your good leg fi rst.
best ones for you.
• Don't keep your knee still in a bent
position for too long as this will
There are many diff erent complementary
eventually aff ect the muscles.
and herbal remedies that claim to help
• Think about modifying your home,
with arthritis, and some people do feel
car or workplace to reduce unnecessary
better when they use them. However,
tional therapi tt can
on the whole these treatments aren't
advise you on special equipment that
recommended for use on the NHS
will make your daily tasks easier.
because there's no conclusive evidence that they're eff ective.
• Learn to relax your muscles and
get the tension out of your body.
Glucosamine and chondroitin
A physiotherapist can advise you on
Many people try glucosamine and
chondroitin tablets. These are compounds that are normally present in
See Arthritis Research UK booklets
joint cartilage, and some studies suggest
Feet, footwear and arthritis; Looking
that taking supplements may improve the
after your joints when you have arthritis;
health of damaged cartilage. Glucosamine
Occupational therapy and arthritis.
and chondroitin, which are similar to each other, are available from your chemist
Applying warmth to a painful knee
or health food store. You'll need to take
often relieves the pain and stiff ness of
a dose of 1.5 g of glucosamine sulphate
osteoarthritis. Heat lamps are popular, but
a day, possibly for several weeks before
a hot-water bottle or reheatable pad are
you can tell whether they're making a
just as eff ective. This can be helpful if you
diff erence. Glucosamine hydrochloride
have a fl are-up of pain when you've done
doesn't appear to be eff ective, so always
a bit too much. An ice pack can also help.
check that you're taking the sulphate.
Don't apply ice/heat packs or hot-water
Most brands of glucosamine are made
bottles directly to your skin.
from shellfi sh. If you're allergic to shellfi sh,
More evidence to support the use of knee
make sure you take a vegetarian or
braces for osteoarthritis is becoming
shellfi sh-free variety. Glucosamine can
available. There are several types that

aff ect the level of sugar in your blood, so
benefi ts, you may need to have regular
if you have diabetes you should keep an
sessions of acupuncture. There's also
eye on your blood sugar levels and see
some evidence that electro-acupuncture
your doctor if they increase. You should
may be eff ective for pain associated with
also see your doctor for regular blood
osteoarthritis of the knee. This technique
checks if you're taking the blood-thinning
is similar to conventional acupuncture
drug warfarin.
except that an electrical impulse is applied via the needles.
Many people are interested in
Chiropractic and osteopathy
homeopathic remedies, and a number are
Although manipulat
used for osteoarthritis. However, there's
th may be helpful for back or
no conclusive scientifi c evidence that
neck pain, the use of manipulation for
they're eff ective.
osteoarthritis in other joints is limited. If you do want to try it, make sure you
choose a practitioner who is registered
There's some research showing that
with the appropriate regulatory body.
ure can sometimes provide relief
Generally speaking complementary and
from arthritis pain, although the eff ect
alternative therapies are relatively well
may be short-lived. For longer-lasting
tolerated, although you should always discuss their use with your doctor before starting treatment. There are some risks associated with specifi c therapies.
In many cases the risks associated with complementary and alternative therapies are more to do with the therapist than the therapy. This is why it's important to go to a legally registered therapist, or one who has a set ethical code and is fully insured. If you decide to try therapies or supplements, you should be critical of what they're doing for you, and base your decision to continue on whether you notice any improvement.
Arthritis Research UK
Osteoarthritis of the knee
See Arthritis Research UK booklet
and special reports
Complementary and alternative
If you have severe pain, for example while
medicine for arthritis; Complementary
you're waiting for a knee replacement
and alternative medicines for the
operation, and other medications aren't
treatment of rheumatoid arthritis,
giving enough relief, your doctor may
osteoarthritis and fi bromyalgia;
recommend stronger painkillers (or
Practitioner-based complementary and
opioids) such as tramadol, nefopam or
alternative therapies for the treatment
meptazinol. Stronger painkillers are more likely to have side-eff ects – especially
of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis,
nausea, dizziness and confusion – so
fi bromyalgia and low back pain.
you'll need to see your doctor regularly and report any problems you have with
What treatments are there these drugs.
for osteoarthritis?
Some opioids can be given as a plaster patch that you wear on the skin. These
Many people fi nd that self-help
can give pain relief for a number of days.
measures, such as those listed above, are enough to help them manage their
Non-steroidal anti-infl ammatory
symptoms, but your healthcare team will
be able to suggest other treatments
tion in the joint is contributing
if you need them.
to your pain and stiff ness, a short course of NSAID tablets (for example ibuprofen,
naproxen) may be useful.
Capsaicin cream is made from the pepper plant (capsicum) and is an eff ective and
Like all drugs, NSAIDs can sometimes have
very well-tolerated painkiller. It's only
side-eff ects, but your doctor will take
available on prescription. It needs to be
precautions to reduce the risk of these
applied three times a day to be eff ective
– for example, by prescribing the lowest
and, like NSAID creams and gels, it's
eff ective dose for the shortest possible
particularly useful for osteoarthritis
period of time.
of the knee.
NSAIDs can cause digestive problems
Most people feel a warming or burning
(stomach upsets, indigestion or damage
sensation when they fi rst use capsaicin,
to the lining of the stomach) so in most
but this generally wears off after several
cases they'll be prescribed along with a
days. The pain-relieving eff ect starts
drug called a proto
prot n pump inhibito
on pump inhibit r (P
after several days of regular use and you
which will help to protect your stomach.
should try it for at least two weeks before deciding if it has helped.
Because a lot of drug
treatments for osteoarthritis
work in diff erent ways,
they can be combined to
help ease your symptoms.
Figure 7 An X-ray showing the fi nger of a
person with a nodal osteoarthritis
Self-help methods
like looking after
your joints will also
help to prevent
further damage.
Arthritis Research UK
Osteoarthritis of the knee
NSAIDs also carry an increased risk of heart
Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and
attack or stroke. Although the increased
isn't widely used because the evidence
risk is small, your doctor will be cautious
that it works isn't convincing.
about prescribing them if there are other factors that may increase your overall
Transcutaneous electrical nerve
risk – for example, smoking, circulation
problems, high blood pressure, high
Some people fi nd that tra
cholesterol or diabetes.
help to relieve pain, although research
If you have trouble opening childproof
evidence on its eff ectiveness is mixed. A
containers, your pharmacist will put
TENS machine is a small electronic device
them in a more suitable container for
that sends pulses to the nerve endings
you. Contact us for our special request
via pads placed on your skin. It produces
card which you can hand to your
a tingling sensation and is thought to
pharmacist with your prescription.
modify pain messages transmitted to your brain. TENS machines are available from
pharmacies and other major stores, but a
Steroid injections are sometimes given
physiotherapist may be able to loan you
directly into a particularly painful knee
one to try before you decide whether to
joint. The injection can start to work
within a day or so, and it may improve pain for several weeks or even months. This is
mainly used for very painful osteoarthritis
Surgery may be recommended if pain
where the knee is swollen, for sudden
is very severe or you have mobility
painful attacks caused by the shedding of
problems. Many thousands of knee
calcium pyrophosphate crystals or to help
replacements are performed each year
people through an important event (such
for osteoarthritis, and the operation can
as a holiday or family wedding). However,
give substantial pain relief in cases where
it's important to remember that steroid
other treatments haven't helped enough.
injections can't be given frequently or
Surgical techniques are improving all
indefi nitely. If you need repeated steroid
the time and replacements now last on
injections into an osteoarthritic knee then
average over 15 years.
you may need to consider surgery.
Sometimes keyhole surgery techniques may be used to wash out loose fragments
Hyaluronic acid injections
of bone and other tissue from your knee.
When steroid injections don't work, some
This is called arthroscopic lavage, and it's
doctors give injections of this lubricating
not recommended unless your knee locks.
substance into the knee joint, either as a single injection or as a course of several
See Arthritis Research UK booklet
injections. However, this form of treatment
Knee replacement surgery.
isn't approved by the National Institute for
Self-help and daily living
Dealing with stress
Living with a long-term condition like
osteoarthritis can lower your morale and
If pain is a problem at night, heat may
may aff ect your sleep. It's important to
help. Try a hot bath before going to bed,
tackle problems like these as they could
or use a hot-water bottle, wheat bag
lead to depression and will certainly make
(which you can heat in a microwave) or
the osteoarthritis itself more diffi
electric blanket. Taking a painkiller before
going to bed can ease night-time pain so
It often helps to talk about negative
you can get to sleep more easily. Placing a
feelings, so it could be useful to speak to
pillow between your knees can also help
your healthcare team, or your family and
to ease pain.
friends. Support groups are also available – your doctor may be able to tell you
See Arthritis Research UK booklet
about organisations in your area.
Sleep and arthritis.
See Arthritis Research UK booklets
and guide Fatigue and arthritis; Pain
Most people with osteoarthritis are able
and arthritis; Living with long-term pain:
to continue in their jobs, although you
a guide to self-management.
may need to make some alterations to your working environments, especially if you have a physically demanding job.
Research and new
Speak to your employer's occupational health service if they have one, or your
local Jobcentre Plus can put you in touch
Research has already shown the
with Disability Employment Advisors who
importance of exercise and weight
can arrange work assessments. They can
management in reducing the pain of
advise you on changing the way you work
osteoarthritis, particularly of the knee.
and on equipment that may help you to
There are many studies going on around
do your job more easily. If necessary, they
the world to fi nd and test new treatments
can also help with retraining for more
for osteoarthritis. These include studies
suitable work.
funded by Arthritis Research UK looking into the benefi ts of vitamin D (the VIDEO
See Arthritis Research UK booklet
study) and a large national study to
Work and arthritis.
fi nd the genes responsible for causing osteoarthritis (the arcOGEN study), which could lead to new therapies.

Arthritis Research UK
Osteoarthritis of the knee
Arthritis Research UK is also funding
Noisy knees
early trials of stem cell research, which
Researchers funded by Arthritis Research
aims to regenerate cartilage using the
UK have developed a prototype device
body's own cells.
that could help detect the onset of
Researchers are looking into ways
osteoarthritis in the knee by measuring
to help GPs make a quicker diagnosis
the sounds it makes, which could help
of osteoarthritis. A new technique,
GPs to make a quicker diagnosis of the
dGEMRIC (delayed gadolinium-
condition. It works by scanning the knees
enhanced MRI of cartilage), which
for sounds that indicate a deterioration
aims to diagnose osteoarthritis at
in the knee joint. The device is still being
an earlier stage, is currently being
developed and is undergoing extensive
investigated by Swedish scientists.
tests, so it's not widely available yet.
Arthritis Research UK researchers are also looking into improved methods of diagnosis, which could help to delay the condition's progression.
My doctor examined my knee and sent me for an x-ray. She told me I'd got
John is a 68-year-old
osteoarthritis, and I'd also got some
calcium crystals in the joint. She said it
When I was 25 I injured my knee playing
was probably because of my old injury
football. It locked and was very painful for
and the operations I'd had. She gave me
several weeks. My doctor sent me to see
some paracetamol for the pain and some
an orthopaedic surgeon, and he removed
NSAID cream to put on, which helped.
some damaged cartilage (meniscus) from
I've also had some physiotherapy to help
my knee. I was still in quite a lot of pain
strengthen my thigh muscles. The physio
and had to have another operation on
said these muscles often get weak when
the same knee a few years later, when I
you've got arthritis in your knee. The
was 30. After that, I didn't really have any
exercises certainly made walking and
problems for some years. My knee used to
climbing stairs a lot easier.
ache occasionally and it was sometimes
Now I'm retired I don't have to rush
stiff , but it didn't stop me doing the things
around so much, and I'm fi nding things
I wanted to.
easier. I like gardening and do some
Then, about 10 years ago, the discomfort
home decorating, which is fi ne as long
and stiff ness started getting worse. As
I take it gently. I use the tablets and the
time went by the knee got quite painful
cream most days, and I've kept on with
when I was exercising and it also started
the exercises I was shown. I get more pain
to swell a little. By the time I was 64, and
some days than others. It usually seems
coming up to retirement, it was getting
worse when the weather's damp. And my
cult to get up and down stairs, and if I
knee does tend to stiff en up if I sit still for
walked more than about half a mile I'd be
in a lot of pain afterwards.

Arthritis Research UK
Osteoarthritis of the knee
Hydrotherapy – exercises that take
place in water (usually a warm, shallow
Acupuncture – a method of obtaining
swimming pool or a special hydrotherapy
pain relief which originated in China.
bath) which can improve mobility, help
Very fi ne needles are inserted, virtually
relieve discomfort and promote recovery
painlessly, at a number of sites (called
from injury.
meridians) but not necessarily at the painful area. Pain relief is obtained by
Infl ammation – a normal reaction
interfering with pain signals to the brain
to injury or infection of living tissues.
and by causing the release of natural
The fl ow of blood increases, resulting in
painkillers (called endorphins).
heat and redness in the aff ected tissues, and fl uid and cells leak into the tissue,
Aerobic exercise – any exercise that
causing swelling.
increases your pulse rate and makes youa bit short of breath.
Ligaments – tough, fi brous bands
anchoring the bones on either side of a
Analgesics – painkillers. As well as dulling
joint and holding the joint together. In the
pain they lower raised body temperature,
spine they're attached to the vertebrae
and most of them reduce infl ammation.
and restrict spinal movements, therefore
Cartilage – a layer of tough, slippery
giving stability to the back.
tissue that covers the ends of the bones
Magnetic resonance imaging
in a joint. It acts as a shock absorber
(MRI) scan – a type of scan that uses
and allows smooth movement
high-frequency radio waves in a strong
between bones.
magnetic fi eld to build up pictures of the
Chiropractor – a specialist who
inside of the body. It works by detecting
treats mechanical disorders of the
water molecules in the body's tissue that
musculoskeletal system, often through
give out a characteristic signal in the
spine manipulation or adjustment. The
magnetic fi eld. An MRI scan can show up
General Chiropractic Council regulates
soft-tissue structures as well as bones.
the practice of chiropractic in the UK.
Manipulation – a type of manual
Gout – an infl ammatory arthritis caused
therapy used to adjust parts of the body,
by a reaction to the formation of urate
joints and muscles to treat stiff ness
crystals in the joint. Gout comes and
and deformity. It's commonly used in
goes in several fl are-ups at fi rst, but if
physiotherapy, chiropractic, osteopathy
not treated it can eventually lead to joint
and orthopaedics.
damage. It often aff ects the big toe.
Arthritis Research UK
Osteoarthritis of the knee
Menisci (singular meniscus) – rings
freely. The General Osteopathic Council
of cartilage, like washers, lying between
regulates the practice of osteopathy in
the cartilage-covered bones in the knee.
They act as shock absorbers and help the
Osteophytes – an overgrowth of new
movement of the joint. Each knee has
bone around the edges of osteoarthritic
an inside (medial) and an outside
joints. Spurs of new bone can alter the
(lateral) meniscus.
shape of the joint and may press on
Menopause – the time when
nearby nerves.
menstruation ends, usually when a
Physiotherapist – a trained specialist
woman is in her 50s. This means the
who helps to keep your joints and
ovaries stop releasing eggs every four
muscles moving, helps ease pain and
weeks, and it's no longer possible to have
keeps you mobile.
children. If this happens before the age of 45, it's known as premature menopause.
Proton pump inhibitor (PPI) – a drug
that acts on an enzyme in the cells of the
Non-steroidal anti-infl ammatory
stomach to reduce the secretion of gastric
drugs (NSAIDs) – a large family of drugs
acid. They're often prescribed along with
prescribed for diff erent kinds of arthritis
non-steroidal anti-infl ammatory drugs
that reduce infl ammation and control
(NSAIDs) to reduce the side-eff ects of
pain, swelling and stiff ness. Common
those drugs.
examples include ibuprofen, naproxen and diclofenac.
Rheumatoid arthritis – a common
infl ammatory disease aff ecting the joints,
Occupational therapist – a trained
particularly the lining of the joint. It most
specialist who uses a range of strategies
commonly starts in the smaller joints in a
and specialist equipment to help people
symmetrical pattern – that is, for example,
to reach their goals and maintain their
in both hands or both wrists at once.
independence by giving practical advice on equipment, adaptations or by
Synovium – the inner membrane of the
changing the way you do things (such
joint capsule that produces synovial fl uid.
as learning to dress using one handed
Transcutaneous electrical nerve
methods following hand surgery).
stimulation (TENS) – a small battery-
Osteopath – a trained specialist who
driven machine which can help to relieve
treats spinal and other joint problems
pain. Small pads are applied over the
by manipulating the muscles and joints
painful area and low-voltage electrical
in order to reduce tension and stiff ness,
stimulation produces a pleasant tingling
and so helps the spine to move more
sensation, which relieves pain by interfering with pain signals to the brain.
Where can I fi nd
• Pain and arthritis
out more?
• Practitioner-based complementary and
alternative therapies for the treatment
If you've found this information useful
of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis,
you might be interested in these other
fi bromyalgia and low back pain (66-page
titles from our range:
special report)
• Sex and arthritis
• Calcium crystal diseases including acute
• Sleep and arthritis
CPP crystal arthritis (pseudogout) and acute calcifi c tendinitis
• Work and arthritis
• Osteoarthritis
Drug leafl ets
• Local steroid injections
• Hydrotherapy and arthritis
• Non-steroidal anti-infl ammatory drugs
• Occupational therapy and arthritis
• Physiotherapy and arthritis
You can download all of our booklets and leafl ets from our website or order
them by contacting:
• Knee replacement surgery
Arthritis Research UK
Self-help and daily living
• Complementary and alternative medicine
for arthritis
• Complementary and alternative
medicines for the treatment of
Derbyshire S41 7TD.
rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and
Phone: 0300 790 0400
fi bromyalgia (63-page special report)
• Diet and arthritis
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) issued
• Fatigue and arthritis
guidelines to GPs in 2008 on how
• Gardening and arthritis
best to treat osteoarthritis based on
available evidence.
Keep moving
The NICE guidance is available at
Living with long-term pain: a guide to Printed copies
of the NICE osteoarthritis patient guide
• Looking after your joints when
you have arthritis
Arthritis Research UK
Osteoarthritis of the knee
can be ordered from 0845 003 7783 or at
Disabled Living Foundation
[email protected] quoting
380–384 Harrow Road
reference N1460.
London W9 2HUPhone: 020 7289 6111Helpline: 0845 130 9177
The following organisations may
be able to provide additional advice and information:
General Chiropractic Council
44 Wicklow Street
Floor 4, Linen Court
Phone: 020 7713 5155
General Osteopathic Council
Phone: 020 7380 6500
176 Tower Bridge Road
Helpline: 0808 800 4050
Phone: 020 7357 6655
DIAL Network (formerly
Disability Information and
Advice Line or Dial UK)
Links to sites and resources provided by third
Phone: 01302 310 123
parties are provided for your general information
only. We have no control over the contents of those sites or resources and we give no warranty about
An independent network of local
their accuracy or suitability. You should always
disability information and advice
consult with your GP or other medical professional.
services run by and for disabled people, part of Scope.
Get involved
You can help to take the pain away
from millions of people in the UK by:
• supporting our campaigns
• taking part in a fundraising event
• making a donation
• asking your company to support us
• buying products from our online and
high-street shops.
To get more actively involved, please
call us on 0300 790 0400, email us at
[email protected]
or go to
Exercises for
of the knee
This handy section contains exercises
that are designed to stretch, strengthen
and stabilise the structures that
support your knee.
The following exercises are designed
to stretch, strengthen and stabilise the
structures that support your knee.
Muscle stretch: Do this at least once a
day when lying down. Place a rol ed-up
towel under the ankle of the leg to be
exercised. Bend the other leg at the knee.
Use the muscles of your straight leg to
leg. This exercise helps to strengthen your
quadriceps and prevents your knee from
Straight-leg raise (sitting): Get into
becoming permanently bent.
the habit of doing this every time you sit down. Sit well back in the chair with a good posture. Straighten one leg, hold for a slow count to 10 and then slowly lower your leg. Repeat this at least 10 times
easily, straighten and raise one leg, before holding for a count of 10. As you improve, try the exercise with light weights on your ankles and with your toes pointing towards you.
Leg stretch:
stretched out in front. Keeping your foot
Straight-leg raise (lying): Get into the
you feel it being comfortably stretched.
habit of doing this in the morning and at night while lying in bed. Bend one leg at the knee. Hold your other leg straight
Repeat 10 times with each leg. If you can't
use a board or tea tray as a surface to slide your foot along.
and evening.
Step ups: Step onto the bottom step
Leg cross: Sit on the edge of a table
of stairs with your right foot. Bring up
or bed. Cross your ankles over. Push
your left foot, then step down with your
your front leg backwards and back leg
right foot, fol owed by your left foot.
forwards against each other until your
Repeat with each leg until you get short
thigh muscles become tense. Hold for
of breath. Hold on to the bannister if
10 seconds, then relax. Switch legs and
necessary. As you improve, try to increase
repeat. Do four sets with each leg.
the number of steps you can do in one minute and the height of the step.
Knee squats: Hold onto a chair or work
surface for support. Squat down until your
kneecap covers your big toe. Return to
standing. Repeat at least 10 times. As you
improve, try to squat a little further. Don't
Sit on a chair. Without using
bend your knees beyond a right angle.
your hands for support, stand up and then sit back down. Make sure each movement is slow and control ed. Repeat for one minute. If the chair is too low, start with rising from a cushion on the seat and remove when you don't need it any more. As you improve, try to increase the number of sit/stands you can do in one minute and try the exercise from lower chairs or the bottom two steps of a staircase.
Keeping active
It's important to keep active – you should
try to do the exercises that are suitable for
you every day. Try to repeat each exercise
exercises two to three times each day.
Start by exercising gradual y and build
up over time, and remember to carry on
if your symptoms ease to prevent them
returning. If you have any questions
about exercising, ask your doctor or
We're here to help
Arthritis Research UK is the charity
projects that we're funding and giving
leading the fi ght against arthritis.
insight into the latest treatment and
We're the UK's fourth largest medical
research charity and fund scientifi c and
We often feature case studies and
medical research into all types of arthritis
have regular columns for questions
and musculoskeletal conditions.
and answers, as well as readers' hints
We're working to take the pain away
and tips for managing arthritis.
for suff erers with all forms of arthritis and helping people to remain active. We'll do this by funding high-quality
Tell us what you think
research, providing information
Please send your views to:
Everything we do is underpinned
or write to us at:
Arthritis Research UK, Copeman
We publish over 60 information booklets
House, St Mary's Court, St Mary's Gate, Chesterfi eld, Derbyshire S41 7TD.
which help people aff ected by arthritis to understand more about the condition, its treatment, therapies and how
A team of people contributed to this
to help themselves.
booklet. The original text was written by
We also produce a range of separate
consultant rheumatologist Prof. Tim Spector
leafl ets on many of the drugs used
who has expertise in the subject. It was
for arthritis and related conditions.
assessed at draft stage by clinic champion
We recommend that you read the
for osteoarthritis Dr Mark Porcheret, GPwSI
relevant leafl et for more detailed
(MSK disorders) Dr Chandu Prasannan,
information about your medication.
physiotherapist Ros Teweleit. An Arthritis
Research UK editor revised the text to make
Please also let us know if you'd like
it easy to read, and a non-medical panel,
to receive our quarterly magazine,
including interested societies, checked it
Arthritis Today, which keeps you up
for understanding. An Arthritis Research
to date with current research and
UK medical advisor, Prof. Anisur Rahman, is
education news, highlighting key
responsible for the content overall.
Arthritis Research UK
Copeman House
St Mary's Court
St Mary's Gate, Chesterfi eld
Derbyshire S41 7TD
Tel 0300 790 0400
calls charged at standard rate
Registered Charity No 207711 Arthritis Research UK 2011 Published April 2013 2027/OAK/13-1
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