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24-hour protection
from frequent heartburn
24h heartburn protection for less than £1 a day:
Frequent heartburn sufferers may need multiple daily doses to achieve long term relief, which can be costly.
With over 8 million adults in the UK experiencing heartburn How quickly will Nexium Heartburn medicines: a daily cost comparison
twice a week1 or more, their current medication might not Nexium Control® gets to work be meeting their needs.
in 1 hour and some people may experience protection from Did you know that 61% of people are dissatisfi ed with their current OTC heartburn treatment? heartburn that day or by the 1 Many frequent heartburn evening. Full effect may take sufferers rely on antacids and alginates1, however, while these treatments provide immediate relief, they do not deliver the Gaviscon peppermint tablets sustained relief that frequent sufferers require as they last only 2 - 4 hours.2 Gaviscon Double Action How long can I continuously Rennie peppermint tablets What is heartburn?
Nexium Control® is the only GSL medication to provide 24 hour relief
take Nexium Control® for? Heartburn is a painful condition caused Zantac 75 tablets Nexium Control® can be taken by stomach acid rising up (refl ux) into for up to 14 days consecutively.4 the oesophagus. Symptoms include Free CPD training: Managing Acid
a burning feeling behind the sternum Refl ux: The Pharmacist's Role
and an acidic taste in the back of the How often can I take throat (acid regurgitation).
The new PROTECT e-learning programme focuses Nexium Control®? on key aspects of the modern management of acid refl ux and heartburn in community pharmacies. What is frequent heartburn?
The dose is 1 tablet per day for Through in-depth learning, patient case studies up to 14 days.4 When your refl ux Frequent heartburn and/ or acid refl ux and practical downloadable tools, this educational Antacids:
H2 blockers:
PPIs (Nexium Control):
symptoms have completely gone means heartburn that happens twice platform provides pharmacists and their teams with Neutralises acid, Forms a protective Blocks one of the you should stop taking Nexium the knowledge, confi dence and practical guidance to up to 2 hours 3 signals that stimulate stomach contents, acid production, acid production, support customer interactions and make appropriate Control. If your refl ux symptoms up to 4 hours up to 12 hours up to 24 hours treatment recommendations. get worse or do not improve The programme takes around 30 minutes and can be after taking this medicine for completed online at
Which treatment to recommend?
14 days in a row, see your GP. Which treatment to recommend?
If symptoms return after 3 The appropriate treatment will depend on the FREQUENCY of your patient's heartburn.
Frequent heartburn is a common
months you may take Nexium The appropriate treatment will depend on the FREQUENCY of your patient's heartburn:
Control® again.7 Nexium Control® can be taken for up to 14 consecutive days and is available in 7 (RRP £6.99) or 14 (RRP £11.99) tablet packs. Visit for more details.
One in three adults in the UK suffer from Frequent heartburn
Occasional heartburn
heartburn and one in six from frequent (>2 times/ week)
(<2 times/ week)
heartburn, that is 8 million people.1 Name of product: Nexium Control 20 mg
liver disease. They are aged over 55 years with new or days to achieve improvement of symptoms. gastro-resistant tablets recently changed symptoms. Patients with long term The duration of treatment is up to 2 weeks. Atypical reflux symptoms:
Typical reflux symptoms
recurrent symptoms of indigestion or heartburn should Once complete relief of symptoms has occurred, (heartburn, acid regurgitation)
Active ingredient: Esomeprazole
see their doctor at regular intervals. Especially, patients treatment should be discontinued. If no symptom On demand antacids/
Product licence numbers: EU/1/13/860/001
over 55 years taking any non prescription indigestion relief is obtained within 2 weeks of continuous • Pain or problems swallowing and EU/1/13/860/002 or heartburn remedy on a daily basis should inform treatment, the patient should be instructed to • Stomach pain or signs of their pharmacist or doctor. Patients should not take consult a doctor. Dose adjustment is not required in indigestion such as nausea or Nexium treatment for up to 2 weeks
Name and address of the product licence holder:
Nexium Control as a long term preventive medicinal patients with impaired renal function. Due to limited bloating after food intake• Vomiting food or blood Pfi zer Consumer Healthcare Ltd, Ramsgate Road, product. Treatment with proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) experience in patients with severe renal insuffi ciency, • Over 55 and have new or recently Sandwich, Kent, CT13 9NJ, UK may lead to a slightly increased risk of gastrointestinal such patients should be treated with caution. Dose changed reflux symptoms infections such as Salmonella and Campylobacter adjustment is not required in patients with mild to Supply classifi cation: General Sales List (GSL)
and in hospitalised patients, also possibly Clostridium moderate liver impairment. However, patients with Nexium Control®
Stop Nexium
Indications: The short term treatment of refl ux
diffi cile. Patients should consult their doctor before severe liver impairment should be advised by a doctor taking this medicinal product if they are due to have before taking Nexium Control. Dose adjustment is For 24h heartburn protection4
symptoms (e.g. heartburn and acid regurgitation) an endoscopy or urea breath test. Co administration not required in elderly patients. There is no relevant of esomeprazole with atazanavir is not recommended use of NEXIUM Control in the paediatric population Symptoms return <3 months7
Side Effects: Common: headache, abdominal
(see section 4.5). If the combination of atazanavir with below 18 years of age in the indication: "short-term 3 months7
pain, constipation, diarrhoea, fl atulence, nausea/ a PPI is judged unavoidable, close clinical monitoring is treatment of refl ux symptoms (e.g., heartburn and vomiting. Uncommon: peripheral oedema, insomnia, recommended in combination with an increase in the acid regurgitation)". The tablets should be swallowed dizziness, paraesthesia, somnolence, vertigo, dry dose of atazanavir to 400 mg with 100 mg of ritonavir. whole with half a glass of water. The tablets must not mouth, increased liver enzymes, dermatitis, pruritus, Esomeprazole 20 mg should not be exceeded. be chewed or crushed. Alternatively, the tablet can rash urticaria. Rare: leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, Esomeprazole is a CYP2C19 inhibitor. When starting be dispersed in half a glass of non carbonated water. hypersensitivity reactions e.g. fever, angioedema and or ending treatment with esomeprazole, the potential No other liquids should be used as the enteric coating Feel confi dent recommending Nexium Control®
anaphylactic reaction/shock, hyponatraemia, agitation, for interactions with medicinal products metabolised may be dissolved. The water should be stirred until the confusion, depression, taste disturbance, blurred through CYP2C19 should be considered. An interaction tablet disintegrates. The liquid with the pellets should vision, bronchospasm, stomatitis, gastrointestinal is observed between clopidogrel and esomeprazole. be drunk immediately or within 30 minutes. Longest acting: only GSL Effective for nocturnal heartburn: candidiasis, hepatitis with or without jaundice, alopecia, The clinical relevance of this interaction is uncertain. The glass should be rinsed with half a glass of water medicine to offer sustained Up to 4 out of 5 nights were photosensitivity, arthralgia, myalgia, malaise, increased The use of esomeprazole with clopidogrel should be and the water drunk. The pellets should not be chewed • Nexium Control® is a proton pump 24 hour heartburn protection heartburn-free when taking sweating. Very rare: agranulocytosis, pancytopenia, discouraged. Patients should not take another PPI or inhibitor (PPI) containing 20mg aggression, hallucinations, hepatic failure, hepatic H2 antagonist concomitantly.This medicinal product from just one tablet a day.
Nexium Control for 14 days.4 Cost: Pack of 7 tablets RRP £6.99, pack of 14 tablets
encephalopathy in patients with pre-existing liver contains sugar spheres (sucrose). Patients with rare RRP £11.99.
disease, erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson hereditary problems of fructose intolerance, glucose • It works by reducing the production syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), muscular galactose malabsorption or sucrase isomaltase Targets the cause of heartburn, Date: January 2015
of acid in the stomach, providing Established and trusted: as weakness, interstitial nephritis, gynaecomastia. Not insuffi ciency should not take this medicine. The not the symptom: by stopping the 24 hour protection from heartburn.
the number 1 acid blocker brand known: hypomagnesaemia; severe hypomagnesaemia increased Chromogranin A (CgA) level may interfere worldwide, it has been used proton pump from releasing acid can correlate with hypocalcaemia; hypomagnesaemia with investigations for neuroendocrine tumours. To Forbes Consulting Groups Usage and Attitude Study 2013. • Unlike antacids and alginates that Based on market research January 2013 in 1001 frequent by millions of patients.5 into the stomach, Nexium Control may also result in hypokalaemia, microscopic colitis.
avoid this interference the esomeprazole treatment heartburn sufferers, divided into fi ve segments based on treat the symptoms of heartburn, protects from the 3 main signals should be temporarily stopped fi ve days before attitudes on heartburn and treatment. Data on fi le.
Nexium Control® tackles the cause by Precautions: Patients should be instructed to consult
CgA measurements.
Mandel KG et al. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2000;14:669-90.
that tell the body to make acid.
targeting acid directly at the source.
a doctor if: They have signifi cant unintentional weight High level of satisfaction: loss, recurrent vomiting, dysphagia, haematemesis Contra-indications: Hypersensitivity to esomeprazole,
Fennerty et al. J Fam Pract. 2009 Jul;58(7 Suppl Short):S1-12.
8 out of 10 sufferers experienced Nexium Control® Summary of Product Characteristics • Nexium Control® starts to work or melaena and when gastric ulcer is suspected or substituted benzimidazoles or to any of the excipients. IMS 2014 based on worldwide value sales data.
Recommended treatment - in 1 hour and some people may meaningful improvement in their present, malignancy should be excluded as treatment Esomeprazole must not be used concomitantly NICE guidelines recommend PPIs with esomeprazole may alleviate symptoms and delay with nelfi navir.
NICE Guidelines CG184 Sept 2014 experience protection from heartburn symptoms during as fi rst line prescription treatment diagnosis. They have had previous gastric ulcer or heartburn that day or by the evening. short term treatment.4 Dosage and Method of use:
gastrointestinal surgery. They have been on continuous The recommended dose Boardman H et al. Partnership in optimizing management of for undiagnosed heartburn.6 Full effect may take 2-3 days.
refl ux symptoms: a treatment algorithm for over-the-counter symptomatic treatment of indigestion or heartburn is 20 mg esomeprazole (one tablet) per day. It might proton-pump inhibitors, Current Medical Research & Opinion for 4 or more weeks. They have jaundice or severe be necessary to take the tablets for 2 3 consecutive Vol. 31, No. 7, 2015, 1309–1318 For further information about Nexium Control® please visit
Data of preparation: September 2015


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Pituitary 7: 83–87, 2004  2005 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc. Manufactured in The Netherlands. Pituitary Apoplexy During Therapy with Cabergoline in anAdolescent Male with Prolactin-Secreting Macroadenoma Mirta Knoepfelmacher, Miriam C. Gomes, Maria E.Melo, and Berenice B. MendoncaDepartment of Endocrinology, Hospital das Cl´ınicas, Universityof S ˜ao Paulo Medical School, S ˜ao Paulo, Brasil